FRIDAY NovKMUKn 25 loot Cloudy and warmer snow inland VOL UIXNO 91 NEW YORK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 1901 CafVrliM BOI 1V ITMtn ad t ubttMn0 Auction PRICE TWO CENTS 41- H ID I i e Th f 1 t- 2b Sun > > < < BLOCK AND A HALF OF FIRE IVMIIEII AD KAIIITIIA W4K- JFiEiicE itnrinsiut ULATK- IBOooo namsge and a Large Gai PRint Worth Million In Peril Twenty Kn and All theHrehoati Out to Keep Flames Front Exploding the Contoll dated rompwijs Oas Tanki Bt- lloun of Ntcrn Flghtlne for Flremo Narrow Eicapoi From lulling Walls A Ore which at midnight had cormurrxx in fix hours property estimated by ChIef CroVer to have ben worth I7SOOOO t 8 lost night In the lumber of tlliara Uptcgrovo 4 Bros t 40 Fat Tenth street and laid n block and half In ruin after making one of the mol- irillUnt riverfront ipectocle seen in this rlty In recent years It destroyed entirely the lumber yards or the George Hagomeyti- A Sons Uimbor Company and James M giulpaughs Sons at the foot of Eos- Kleventh utrent In the early part of the flre the falling vail of the Uptegrove yardt big building crnhed Into tho Standard Oil Companys offlco on Eleventh stroet and rwleawd ildeof naphtha which when touched by park tatted In n fl ry stream down the itreet and was Inntrumental In cau lni of the damago This drove tho flre men to a distance for a time causing thorn to cut away the flntboata and engines In hurry leaving behind thousands of feet ol- hoon The big plant of the Consolidated Gas Company which runs along the riverfront rom Eleventh htrwt to Sixteenth street WM In the dangerous one all through the fir Extraordinary precautions were t k n to prevent flames from reaching It The pa was tranKferml by the pipe underground from thn tank In danger to thoHo remote from the blaze and st mid- night Chief Croker Mid the valuable pit of the plant was out of danger Chief Crcker raid that It had been A very bad Ere Ml second wlltlon sold the Chief was thoiil the worat to handle we have over hnd It drove us all to rover The flrelxwits led to rot away all their how and most rf th engln too to encapn tho naphtha We lost SoriO reeL of how mot of It worth from MM to 173 a foot and some of It wiirth WJO a foot The property damage altogether will l o I think about 17MOOO At I oclock thl morning a Mliocnrr which had been moored at the Klewrth strwt pier was reported afire ChNnTr who hAd niocpeded In reaching ihn riuT front arseited that she sank a few mlnutrs later She was loaded U WB wvld with lumber Of the only wooden at foot of tho- mwt th charred remained More than three hundred trucks and pod lent wagons hAd been sUjrod there The lire at 8 oclock In a room wont of tho main wven buldlng In the I1jl building numhnred 40i and TVntli strr The drying room was a low Mn let urn with a ni coiin H l with the main building IV a large flue At the oit t the fire didnt look wicked but soon after the engine Mimmoned the fln t alarm the fame swept through the big flue Into the main and in a neconnUi they ftn eating at lick every t of flm underdry conUnta HV ilird and fourth were quickly sent n to the tire more and companies and with them Chief Itoker the two I thrw fireboats Boody Van Wyok New Yorker and 2 the reenforoements had arrived the main building wna well on flre A few imnutv later it burst Into a spectacular Un top of the big building as well as on il iouU of several tie structures in tint yard were stored stacks of lumber to IA iwa d When the fire reached tlm tAlk on the building the rUunm l pnd many yards high In air were cwxpt Into a flare the Mrone nortli t wind It was so bright the windows of building over la Irn crimson Kvcrtliliif In the main building went- HI fiut tluil the flrenxin limd no of sving it at any and they ronfliMd ix efforts to front rpirodliiR 11m water tower fed by l uinp of Ui on whU iklu on every fn h flame that r- On tlrf the In the rear i iM r dryuig loom to that Iu which i dir luinlwr houv lint tUvioro w i- Ulloru l In IxilUllwji At T M pUk UM sear all of th hit lHjJln and urcllun of k 4 t U nsJ u i unUrr- i fWoa lxi ami with aning of only t M 4wU duration II MN lli frs ariiMKl U Vail on lot ul lumlrfliis li t nuiitia itf tor that tiir HI H kduokwl lIst IU KIUUI- MtM IUMM iu4 ul J Ugly gt Jj- b rr MM M- MI k lw MKI B Ml M Jv- n fMM It J A rID started yard a t a a moM a the the drying 4n East t earth t truCk I and tim Iii hint the ilK b time the Ino fona tWIt and trn fireboat a at II a A nllila lumber tJoua and a 11 i 1 IIrI 1 at 11 eelo 11hllkn llc I s till I I J J 1 ill a I JII I t I T j b t t t J I 1 O I 4 1 o J- J J f J- I 1 1- Mo t e f o w clock three maoted rick con torts lines the streawe4 fit tow stable the axtzeoU- Nblfl large the a Vs sad a gusii oR of l4igism Its who wet- s i1 stahl III East EuaILI4- a4Il1 ilJV 5st 11i 44 uM Iii I fall o Sal tin 4 54 h4- p E4 145117 CVP gu1Im 54 sns- w tIgsaa M4i ailsisa 54 i paajsta sill elq M4 54si 4iieg ew but alas S lie 14 said agee It s 4JH 115 jrib4- as4 14 flp4 iI I J5elp la la4 I4i siIsi 5 5O i ee4lsd tJ14Sr d 4 I sdb he tta Jlea3- 3Ies J I tied Itt lLsi- me 1 4Jii 1 a ij NmIi t I isa- I J d lad I 4 d idw i lJ as- d 5 5- I jL- s I a LJl- lU alS5e a 4 l 4sssee 5 1 S see4fi- aa 0 I- a A 4- VI a i ii- s hI- e b 5 4- b 5 54 5 a q 5 ¬ < > < < < > > > < < and on the upper floor the beginning of the a fin always creates In such a dUtriot the gang of men In the of the oil and the Consolidated Gas Company plant run from Mreet street and contains many tanks set to work pumping combustible and gas tanks nearest tho to In remote places In tho The oil almost emptied when the wall fell and even would have been no danger but tor an unfortunate act of one the firemen From the ruins he yanked out a blazing window utah and In the street Probably things were si hot there that chance to think At any hn threw it with the wind and a shower- of sparks Into a harmless looking puddle- in Nobody bad but naphtha had come nut of some of the Standard Oil Companys office and had been lowing for everol minutes The mlnuto a struck the naphtha In this puddle It and In a moment there was a running down the rtreot to the river As soon aa the lire men found out what was the matter they turned stream on the puddle to try to drive the flames back In rtrcet In a few every window In the office on north side of tho street cracked with the Intense heat The naphtha down grove yard was In a blaze moment FAst of this yard and right on the river- front was M Sons lumber containing IJOUOOOO of lumber The tire got that the firemen had to In answer to a got up on the Eleventh street wnll of tho property and began throwing of the street to tho burning naphtha They wore not able to do much In naphtha drifting down the street got into and sheds of the on the river front on the north side of Eleventh street buildings extended from the river front back the block about 200 fret They Included coal pockets the carpenter and stable were wholly built of fire and in a short of time burned to the On the outskirts of these buildings were the holler works and what were aa rooms that of the in which the IN made The firemen succeeded In saving from total destruction the boiler rooms Moored at the foot of Eleventh were right canalhoAtn filled with noel bo longing to the pin company Three were towed out of harms a cAnalboitH loaded for some time In being destroyed became it was Impossible to get to pull them out stream Finally some dock hands rut the and they drifted out Into and which wore attracted to the the Joseph a watchman who turn the did he work that alter three boats loose ho fell Into the river Ills shouts brought and he for The works Include three tanks the largest of which has a opacity of 8000000 works estimated at midnight that the damago the gas sustain amount to about 110000 The was Mlrt to be one of the most valuable of Its kind In the By means of tRw machinery owned firm a single was recently realized Chaplains Smith and remained upon the time were actively fighting the fire All the the were also on presence in such numbers was due to a recent issued Chief Crokor Instructing every depart- ment to n pond more than The which run to the foot of Tenth street shortly after C V M as the firs blocked streets so effectively that nobody could get to or after midnight the walls of the and the burning structure collapsed fireman nt r and one or two lini narrow man Kchrolbur of Truck 3 fell through the roof of a shod unit broke Ida lie wan taken to Ilcllcvue Ilu Crowds of sight thronged to th fins there not than lUM approach- ing UM burning bit w r two blocks away Two hundred r r i from cts trial htaliMMl lbs sri The four nUrms brought out twmity engine td awl InoldiM tin slrtly meiilluii l tint bath J the was at IU STVDKNT IHHHKIli tllOT AI luii llm ArrMnil A Kr li wr llrt ls- IvIlrglaU llmrrti la tfJ- dlKCjuoK K J K v i I U yrator lay ftrntouii i llurrllc f lUnagu- III s K dt rtiMji Ml ltinvtou auiilMilallyl- lwr fruitt lluifcll Ui o ui M i- riilili rU 4iuU tt I l rsf r of Hut fuid Iwt ItuiitUig iu fcs o i ilt Ju sliMUl IHW tuUtm IttU plate i l MM MMM t r- MKfl nJrf M ity tt 111 CH M- k hhf stM III i Hi u J M f M4- Mu n i MUM- MuTU u ittSSTt i rf HM V l 1 H4 M If- i4iJ 4 M- W n TW- hi i r K IH- X c M Ml Tj 3 At whO fwd rat blVd but only In widening the ad Into on the Ruth and of the I let net bur r T pint hop Un were the doze wit lum hot taO helP atc w- are ou Sale Into thin strip for WAlly door door to I r I tully ali I OnO the Ill low hlu oat a all lof th ta l I Ilu1 UI 6 I 1 I 1 tri i4t f lU f u I I u I J t e 111 e l t l j N i I I t 7- t been this was with succoeded the flood otrest lumber- yard side east a Meanwhile tRw gas employees call volunteers wood roofed with they cssught street were secured some towboats lumber craft afloat cut veneer Rev were aria this Pub lines saver till firs blna Us slhI lig a Luets a leI aas iIi < win II isJ p1444 let 1oI Wl Iii Ui ras- 114Iigl 14 544 Ca Lu ih les 4 last ii II 4g1I 14t sosias- 541a1144 gust issiiI tiff La rteige- I Ma4l II ll si iltolahe lst tWIt p555- Saftld idIe lb jiar- Isa 1sf S 15111w lji 1iiS sisiS JII4 I Ia liStlSui4IY itisuisI- MiS 4 I 4ta sI 41vt4i- el II a iioSadWet lIsa 55 s Uses II1I41d IpI JSIs- 4Mai s Is i4i stit IJ ir idji he Sal IJ4Io I- Ipatld la Idi it I hail jss- l a4 1 is4 s il 141 54 aea Las I edS allot f i 5 I4V I I 4Il 11 p 110544 I Hf Mist I MiNg eei l- p01 0 Ss Ss4 ae m 4 as a JdsNsP 1- easee f 4 05 a sdI 1 fl i 44 I is a LIflt1- I I p Se Jii d t5W k es4 4 ot- a I bs i S 4m 1I71 iSiS Asa p4 eq- a sNq s 4J4sis 4 j5 d- S 5 ca ps HSi- kSts4 em Pt PS- Pss s 45 a i 54 II1bf I- f s4 140 w t 4a s S s5- a < tsfs ¬ ° ¬ > > < > > < > > < < > > + TO SURRENDER THEY LOSE TKK josmov- f70r AT Their Oilefi anti American IUiglltn and French Captalni eelde Upon the Harrrader of All Liberal Forces Be- tween Colon and Itohlo the Govern to Guarantee Ufe and Uberty of Tbo o Who Give THemtelves tp- AprrtoJ Call Dttpaitlt lo Till SUN COLON Colombia Nov n In tho fight at Buenavlsta today the Liberate lost their position Capt Perry of the American battleship Iowa and Oen Albon leader of tho Govern merit troops have arrived hero In an armored train They with the captains of itho Ameri- can English and French warships and the Liberal chiefs held a conference at tho railroad office Subsequently tho conferees adjourned to the gunboat Marietta where It was agreed that tho Liberal forces between Colon and Bohlo should surrender with their arms their life and liberty being guaranteed by tho Government- The foreign warships will land a large force of men tonight or tomorrow to preserve order In the town- A railroad train was stopped on the line lost evening In order that tho killed and wounded might bo removed from the track Tho American marines as stated in carrying tho bodies The Colombian gunboat General Pinion returned to Colon today towing a prize laden schooner of the name of Maria Chris tiana- It Is reported that Portobnllo was much damaged by the bombardment The American gunboats here the Mnchlns and Marietta wilt land a large hem whon the town Is In danger cruiser Tribune will land 100 men nt tho same tlmo to prevent pillaging WASHINGTON Nov 23 Tho Secretary of the Navy this morning received the follow- ing despatch from Capt of the Iowa Panama Nov yesterday near DuenA vista Stopped firing whim passfltiRor tram pawexl Decisive engagement ex- pected today near wimp placo United Consul Gudgor today cabled the Department the following Fighting continues on line of railroad Alter Tuesdays defeat tho Insurgents to Buenavista which lies Frljolls and Bohlo Thorn mad their stand and there was fighting on the two following days Wednesday and Thursday The first report of Wednesdays engagement had It that the Government force was repulsed But the action wits not decisive and In yesterdays engage- ment the rebels were driven from their position their chiefs later agreeing to a surrender of all the Liberal forces between Colon and Bohlo a distance of about twelve UNITED OV fiKV REYES HITerts to Secure for Him the Presidency of Colombia Nov 2 Dr Silva the Colombian Minister to tie United States who U also the Minister of Foreign Affairs of his Government has notified the Colombian legation here that 1m U on isis way to Washington from Mcxloo where he has been attending the MW PanAmerican Congn HU de- porturw from Mexico U due to MTOU Ixthinu of Puuanu The Colombian legation hu also Gen Heyt anothir ilelcgatM to tlm American Cotigrtf to tmi to Washing tnn G n lUywi U the one titan on whom nil factions In Colombia a t r to IK untud ansi It U Imllnwd Hat tie rTuM now llng nuuln in Mcurn him 11 Prenlilonry- ar nuonntwful h j tllllb H brought to un end HU pnvmn lwr U- il ir Hl MJ hat IMI Pion- lilnit HuoM velt slid H HT4Hiy IU Mini t sUn thnlr kMUtuiKw in bringing S In hU country- Kffntr Ilitriiui i rAffulnw of Ci lobule liniv luw MHnlvml il ttn flull- l m iniunuiMling lh loynl IKNIM lilii ll buck In wliHi liiniiiiiMint fi n M- MrriKirUHl to hue lir7ernl llrf t IkH- lAli4ii iay Tin rxUU itficr l n fi t t Kiii rini iiMunml Hun Pablo I am lowly mmulin IM II- MM lUuililrr anti I rlrwl llKwun lr m- I rl r lilies soil lnii r l bulPUr uf I H WIH SIMJU llr uk lyn wish ilrtvuif f liwfMi MI llw Mlr- titofli Ml MliUNkliiHit kHW Wfeb- liiui in Un rirus Mu Ms r Al lti M t l Ifk- k MD l- I VM4 M k i i l l- M I met for Pry dale Slat toy I W ely on tlso url f rlI Is AIn I CIII 1111 A y ll q w I tcu I 1- l 0- fI 111- U t fiYlII 1- Itw I- tM MIl Jr i UA6t s- nu No tilt I II- f i L toe f BULNA VISTA retreated between miles the the ituat Ion use mite C II shout a i4 a d ka lisa and 4Illt1I uani a a Ill CbrheuiIer Mcii dl es l a Ne 4 sid a MIe4 Ja5 Wigujs- afIiiiuoit pis Ijileeli 1wis ItS icMw stat sets lii 4i41s4r sail bos4s 44 I IIaty asisto s- vf llsssits eel and seaais etassd- lIsi J1 154 1as4i I44tb 4ststIss- ssJati4 aiii aria 5d4wk54 bets Iis L1sa4r JaJslsCP4 Mssmt Mfll 551 i1 I 0 efr4 1 4i J- 4lltta Sadstls4 uI It Is 4M 4 s4 lb tela Mw p- 4isisil ass5 4 UI 1 a 4si faa 4 HIINL thi4- e4 sips La st4- a i Sma Ik 1a4 atsJ re Ill h1W 41 I- r at Nasl 4 41st baalp- I lj jb5SsI4- Msesastsl Af lIaeidi- pla ISSI55 a54N aee- tp se4 les- ai i Ia I 4- i Ad tt d 15 4 44 bt 1m ess- ii I 4 les e5 ldsi- lb atlSSd lss sid Sq flcw- l I 4s a 4t- 1 0- l a I4 eq aiae- mj a 4 Mw9p 4ed a s I asd a ssaal a4S isI l I Vs 4- su J41si4g4i4Is1l- tps laM es- rt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > > > > > < < < > < < < < < < > > AD TIll 1MEI1S Oar Would Like to See UlfTerrncM With 1jiflanil Arbitrated fptclat CaNt Vtipatch It Tea SUN TilE HAGUE Nov 28 Count da Btruve the Russian Minister to Holland has ro plied as follows to the Door appeal for In- tervention by the Court of Arbitration I am of opinion thai the Coun- cil of the Court of Arbitration Is not com- petent to give effect to tho request ad dressed to It by the representatives of the South African republics but I believe 1 can declare that my Government finds It very regrettable that the difference bo Great Britain and the 8outli African republics cannot be submitted to the Court of Arbitration The French Chnrgd dAfToires declared that he adopted the same words as the Russian Minister Ho offered the services of tho Itepublio of Franco to the belligerents LONDON Nov 29 Tho Daily Nell this morning says There have been very persistent rumors In London for the last two days of foreign Intervention In the Door war The form the rumors take points to German action with Russia and Franco aarentlng This would Imply a serious reversal of the earlier policy of tho Powers wherefore wo are Inclined to disregard tho rumors LONDON Nov 29 There Is a disposition- In some quarters to give sensational Im portanco to an utterance by the Right Hon C T Ritchie Hom Secretary In a at Croydon In reference to a settlement of the South African war Mr Ritchie sold that Lord Salisbury declaration that no shred of Independ- ence would bn left to the South African republics had been distorted What Lord Salisbury and the Jovemment meant was the republics would have no separate existence as rn publics Them had never linen any In- tention not to give those countries event- ually representative government Referring to the allegation that the Mln- i Uir required unconditional surrender Mr sold It was true In one sense and untrue In smother It was clear that 5r at Britain ooulil not again off r the terms which had been ro- Jeoted but If any Cirneral representing tho HoorH under erie should make a lo Kltchnner on the line that the coursn of time they with the other Inhahltnnta uf the republics should have a rrprcwnMtivo Government ho was satis lUxl tluit the projxxOtion would be referred to the homo government by lan Kitchener and hn believed that It would form a bosk for the conclusion of SSGOOO FOR A IIOOK Mr 1 P Morgan SaUl In He the Purchaser of Rare Volume Sprrlo CaW DtifUelt la Tat Sr- IXISDON Nov 28Mrwir8 Quaritch the wellknown collectors have just ro- cclved the highest turn ever paid for a slnglo volume Tiiey have sold a ropy of the runlmorum Codex printed by Fut A Schoeffer In UJO for 28000 The purchaser Is said to be Mr J Plerpont Morgan liMP an Imlentandlnc In Event letter U tikeil to Take IoU Morph Place Col John N Partridge wild yesterday that he mal talked with Goy Ouch about tho pohrlbillty of his appointment as Pol CommissIoner by Mr l ow I have had n talk with Governor ho soul and we have A thorough under Htanding on the mustIer In the event of iTrtaln arising Would you ray what the understanding wo T I prefer not to was the reply MOSS Hut DEIEHYS VLACKT- rrlenni v Ihe Illc Ililrfu Old Ioe Would Uhr Iu Ken Him Apimlnlnl Every on thought last iiight tint titer WOe no doubt nloitit appointment of Col John N Purlrlil of to be- mmiM l user of Potim by Mayir I iw- uini thiiM HUM iiiucli M Milatlim iu to the litftiilliiH c il Partrlilic and Mayor Iiw III wiUnt to h lp ill tho IUIII M- Huf lbs departmont Msyor IAIW has wild tRial hn would l rll hU tlritM to- Kinftr with him what u mum Iu tlu el o lusts uf iltit IIIKH lm mil to aid Ilifiii in mi th lr ilcfisriiiifiii SIM no inn Uit I il PmlrldK Mill k any ni ii iw dwpuiy wi0out first vun- IIHK Mr l li i wit I Uj1 il lMMjr- K si uuil l r MIIHK wlni nuiih- lf fP SiMI I llitll time IxlMIt IIMU u Ui U lf Illll lUlM I wf K I i i i 4 t i f rf l H n j l HM MlN M i U- II u lw4 if II IH f ui iM- M Mtoli liy TikMlwiltl M- ul II tttf VJ- MHI MMi4 U f iu I HIHIIttUlim llU SIt Executive speech lUtchlo pro- position In peace book I o01lnon PUlTRIlHiF I tim I I i II I I j sliT Ilk I yl it III II 1111111 I f ts1f441M114 loll sit bill W t I If I of 1101 iiytis lit oJ It tin its A wi II I I lil I I M Iff I wi fill It of I r WI WS a II t till czrrt StIll MIA oi1I aw- I I- f I oi1I ffI- N a- s s Itll r I a 1- 1It E II S Ie toM f n Kai IIL oft T r l I w wren len AI COI 5 carry ybsg It lila a Mayor itidil 01 1st wl lls4isei jsshs has ai a I es a y- iatsI 5 a a ih 4Ir I Is y tial544IsiIsrs- eel Isk flsh4 ate is sassnr hr 150 ilgss galmnula Iiiws- I st iLsassl Mmut It1g isM aka lb lies idiHb- ittfs1se II as 1u4mt1 lsseii ilat- htysir ifsw was isMIII uahewssi Ilai- sasag mis aih4 llaA4tistgiflia4s9Ii Sssl II ig1i sP1siI- Mr h- iIjwy Uoais a44W4I f sd Slat a h Me4r l a Ie4 itt Vaji 4 kas4yip M- uis 444511 I Si Mar J ist 5 5 aed Se dN4id S- a u l s ii 4K4- I 4s Sd M41 aqt las a S4r il II s eda i ca as b i lIi 415 I5O s 14 Ps r0l- g 5 411411 1 Itis N lta 141 has bIl- gita tit lassM Ass 4tst 4w 4l s gt 1 adds a ia s 4 l4 fSt a asd Jff tipI s I I- Sd Sla- Ut psr s a 04 ii as a1 fa 5 t 1 H ases- I 4a aa 0 I aa- s l- 4a S Ia 14 M si is- pd4 I rn n- a Iwse a- w a es a S4 5 b daa a- uaa 5 si aa I- gta a m aw aseea- sM 1 05111 s- I t1 I a- sisa4 5444a54 aS 5 44 bes asS S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > < < < < > > JIOlfVfYO nKDDIXd AT CliniS- 1iiKMi rrittAX cniiwn Henry C1 t Jr Told lilt Xurprlieti Father a fortnight Ago That lie Uai Going to Ue Married on Thankfgtvlns Mar riagn Agreeable to Ilolh Iamllln Mrs Louise Morris lebhard who divorce from Frederick dcbhard In la kota on Oct 20 was married yesterday to Henry Clews Jr There had boon gos sip to the effect that tho marriage was to be hut that it was at hand became known only on Wednesday night when Alderman Herbert Parsons brotherinlaw of young Clews was look Ing upamlnlsUr to perform the ceremony More than one minister was approached before an arrangement won made will tho Rev James M Parr Jr an as- sistant pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church to marry tho couple yesterday morning In Christ Church a branch ol the Brick Church Christ Church at 228 East Thirtyflfth street and Is a sort of missionary adjunct to the parent church The wedding party arrived at the church In a body about 10 oclock ywterday morning and attracted little notice The ceremony was brief Mr Clewn and his bride wno was dreMedln a travelling costume drove away directly to the Grand Central Station when they took- a train for Newport the Martlngpolnt of a two weeks trip through the Eastern States At the rnd of tho fortnight they will return- to New York and will go at once to Europe to paw the winter Payne Whitney whoso engoRemont to the daughter of Secretary of State Hay has just been announced attended Mr Clews as b t man The bridesmaid was MUs Morris of Baltimore a sister of Mrs leb hard At the house of Mr Clew s father It was raid list night that Mm Ocbhards mother had promised to bo present at the wedding hut WM unable to undertake thn journey to thU city in couwKyionco of indisposition Tho bridegrooms fattier and mother were at the church on were also Mr and Mrs Herbert Parsons tho latter a of the bridegroom nail Mi- lton Burger a Mm of Samuel BURr of the New York Contra Kollroad Several others were thorn Henry Clown paid last night that the marriage of isis on had tho sanction of hU wife son however dill not trll m until about two weeks Mr Ow added that lu Will going to be married told mo then that he had becorno tliRiRisl to Mrs Oubhard and that IIP having hU wedding on Day I was of course surprised At this hut no oblation whatever to make sons of a wife was entirely satisfactory to me Mr Clews son a for a considerable sum of money before the wedding said that there had been no when Mr Parsons was for a clergy man lie said that Mrs Oelihard de- sired to be married by the Hov Dr van- Dyke who was until some time ego time pea tor tha Brick Prerbyterian Umrch who Is a cousin of hem Dr van Dyko was not avallabln and it beonmo necessary to obtain WIllie other clergyman Wiero young ilr niul isis wife will llvn return to Slits country lies not horn Prior to lh divorce ror Mr icbhnnl wMitcil to Mrs Icbliard the IIOUM In which they lived at 0 East ntrtct This lOUse IK now let to a tenant and Mm- Cfbhard isis l wn living with tier mother in lltltiiiioto Kim csjne fo lists city only two or thrvo days ago NBWTOIIT Nov 28 Mr and Mr hoary Clvws Jr arrived hfie tonight IWTlElt IlsAYEH Till IWKS- Al till Luck fluctuated Kn Dill HIM ilorn Nlork uf Mlltrrwirr Arrolnlh- xiwsnl II Thoinv the Unker of 17 W t nth clnH runted Fn l rick HtHlirflcil iKlirhnuin s a butler Jun nut IlKtught l e liail n- inolol Mrvnnl hut iditt uf lv n are UK tare ojilim t Knn m diw p tir Vlie IPso liutl r wr il ii l H UI mlr hilt rtllrt wi uM Hiy lull iM uUI for item llnn oitlrlcn ukl- rvspfxiir In a ds ir IMOUI iii r tiling ouU iilMiiiM r Mr lltfiiu muli- pirxlrd OVIT 1x niMcnMi ait l n- imvirr of prux r y till iilM iv rni1 m tmtlor was i JViiig IUMM M link fluctiittl i- AUtul iiw iilh ft Diif f fn in Him tir nirfl In i iitiu VIe il lHM i- ilimiMxl pin valm l HI M6 mash sh- inwitiiy in ma M i rt Mi i4l4tlii wi ry Kiul MMif i l w JM iwi tM tUfii fcnl H1 liUinr IXMl MIIH JiM liMlh kfl llUiik 4 i m i nJlw- M i M I IU ul 1 ti x ito niiMni I l IIHI IIIHtM- M4U Ml M K tllf- lMSjMU K fc- 4 UllHfc MMMl T MRS GEBHARD NOW MRSICLEWS got- a ell eclro Is sister 11 no InlII lIoe 111 to have the on Wtdnltl IU woe mistakenly reported I III an I last I I ls 11 toOk II Ill I list II II isnt 1111 II u I I Loo ti 11 f hook I II II lii In II 1 I I K tot I t Si A 1151 All Iflissi 101 1 h11 A Moot I I ill o6wr 11 III II f oIItW- aI WI tie ew- j l III j J to- of 1 aIJ It Jt fe I to h 11- MIta t t t at- IIL dote Thanksgiving purpose Flu yst is isss 1 wisist rs I a lamar It h lit I a- lit 4Mi lot- S it I lou sussi 41 Ia isis situ ssicistl its i4 its w- fotsn iatM jo I ssHslsg ii Lsalv- osb4iiid saspI s It teatss aia4 ajuafi aso surns- isaii tsr lit h I IMII flu 4tl s assi u- sis i- he hIs his Sas e4 i- siaI1fr1144 sit i 4 141 Mi tiiaise J tisi lsEs pss ust I1514V U liutlat l usa I I 1Ielj- p slst M4 I I4 bed la UI 11P1 iS II sisal I hISV lIe 4lia sal list Il ietstst 155115 I I j1tdist a M is- ad id HISISI4I a dusd pee4 1 bet Ps d- Is pa aMd Ide iss4 s4s last l Ia adam se is- S 44 a a s4 did e 1 i- ma we Is S sdi ses issd odiW l- Itat k i- li t fr rni ussa is kiSdd4SakIsa4a- d 4 7 4 as sI4N lIP dis d 4- t iid ai us d 5 a SM S so srn ss 4 I d a s sid al- l a a 4 aa said 4 s 4 daq sS 5- 411h 4 law as C 4 W is I si as a st N aa asa is 4 5S 5 IiI is 5 4si b4 PSS- P 54 sI es sits S5 5 I i Ss ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < <> < < < > < < < < < < + > CHIXESE TO HftXOU MKISLKV Grateful Native Jlerohant Uulldi Wll Erect a llonument In Shanghai WASHINGTON D C Nov 28 Accordlni to n report to the State Department front John looduow United States General at Shanghai subscriptions a monument to the memory of President MoKlnloy ate being collected thoro The movement has been started by the silk tea and cotton goods guilds nod tho monu mcnt is to ho erected In Shanghai lists unprecedented honor to an American President by native ChineeIs a iwul of Mr McKlnleyH attitude In the Chim troubles of last year To him IF attributei the failure of certain Powers to the dUmumbermcnt of China niMEMnEiiEi HIS oin rntExns Healthy Man Gives Karh a Home an Thanksgiving Present SoiKnviiLK N J Nov 28 Abra Suydarn and Charles Holcomb are residents of Somerset county who feel that they have more than the average citizen to be thankful for today Both men who ere of very moderato means recently met an old frlrnd In person of A R Peacock a wealthy manufarturor of Pltuburg Pa ot a dinner here Suydam suggested that Mr Via cock like Andrew Carnegie would soon go around giving away public libraries Mr Peacock replied 1 Intend to loot after my old friends first If there are two nice houncfl In thin town that you tw boys would like to possess an your homes pick thorn out and I will buy thorn fur you Suydam and Holcomb worn ot lot In- clined to treat the matter ru a jest but their old friend insisted that they bhould accept hU proposition Suydam selected tho residence of Joorpe L In High street and olcomlt the Olldernloovn resi- dence In the Hitno thoroughfare Mr Peacock purchased both houses amid turned them over to his friends on Thanksgiving prownls Ho paid about 110000 for theme Suydam was formerly a country at folIo Mead but Is now an in- valid and unable to work Holcomb was a mall carrier at Clover Hill and Is now old and past hard work Mr Peacock says that hn wilt spend money In gladdening the hearts of his old friends and worthy people instead of giving o public FEVti JlEYOXn DEATH Decker HeqiietteU That Famll Should See 1II ItemalniR- rnACUBE N Y Nov 2S Policeman Philip Decker whose death ojxurred yeMcr liar b for death pledged his wife not to allow his three sisters Mrs Caroline oiler Mrs Ellrabctli Muse and Mrs Phili plna King and hiss brother August Decker also a policeman to hU remains ll on naming that his brother had but a short time to llvo August went to the house to extend a forgiving hand to isis brother and to be forgiven but he wan Informed that Philip WRIt too 111 to be seen In carrying out her husbands Mrs sent the following note to Isis brother and Outers Vordi4 that wore repented time without number by my were that ofur ho had JXIHHM away you should not be allowed lo view Please comply with this Decker wild tonight This Is a- very unfortunate occurrenoi I my regret It sincerely I shall reopect brothers memory Iho same remaining rff after the ni t rs will mourn his doath llkewlw- Diffeivncen between tho brothers BiMeirt have Hxluted for several year and ar the of their fathers will other troubles DOGS DELWHT IV limitS suit Collie tIt It Slit and imrr Urdu Iollfrnisn Ijirti It A fight In front of thn Hturteinnt lat vfiiliia caJid a cximnvollon and blocked traffic fur mlnultM or rimri slugs WITH In tow of two men nil walking up Krnsd ay ono r n u bilndlml lush IIIM thin other a Konirli- i llu Tit bulling wax ninf l lisa nolllw siN iir Hi to tale niMen il IIUf to- Iho bulldoi aril JUIIHM fur him luring llllllMlf tlM kil 111 Ill hU IMOcIlT Hl i tilHM- IK liulltiuKn iMKk Th owilor uf the lumP hli l it the miirli and the two mulling iivir i vi r mid yelping gruwliiiu HioUKli f r fifty I IK lirl M ktml linlii tljwy MI M lists i ulll i didiltnl lu inlt and ran r Jlilh Ilitu H lliulttoaiIMi Ixliliy Inllio- M 4 si HdV s bulkligH- 1IMJI I lllflf ll I Mil duUlO t lll4l UMI UIX H they Ii4l wl l III nil Iota Ida llt dug IHMWIM II lltfbl- Whntt Psllulliuil mllMi 10 li uf I llul tail I MMV IHIOHtil tint Iwurlrrti IrliiMkrrt li lbs llirrlurixl- ll trf l ltllHl I KtMIIIII- SVIMUHU II I N r iM K Un l KMi M M H i4 ljr ij4- MiMtii M l ul IU Miit4K 4 UMIIllI WliM OMUMlxl Mttf lllll l UlM IS- lAII 4l U l llllH lttU- ftM M tm- A st t I M 3- J CJ t l H- l M for a two steel Abbott his CtRltI1 Ills ot ker mis tuners IJlWUIUII oil dow Inn a slog smimsal an I iJu II 1 lIrla AtUo Ill I 111 It I s tAft II II II I I id ig ttrjo 11- 1oJ II I- MI4 liaMiai I r A a I It 10- 1f tt S r rric w III o- ff a aJ I 1 Ie 14 J LAo secure RIte store- keeper Insti- tutions hIss see Mv result I louis ten TIme wits Lit SIp its sill ad gist uer ileit iinj kMs sad lk si IAI s said its iloIesals sad aials4 I- tUllIIlSl p is New us day 5 ass ls1 lno4 t4s4 tissi Rb O4alss4- id 1 bus PS Is allah I iwiii4ip- II sssd 4 hl sst I its ti ha inals t i4 isi u- sAISlsSglJI Ibl41ll alit hilis IaisiItl Mi lbs thy lt I ss 4 l J 4 0a abed I ij bssusses sis sfl1ag a lIJdwp a451a5 s ai3sd 4 i N p rn4 a siai4 1I b4ia a a I Idi- Ia S s 4 a tS555 1555 N- us laaa 4 bIN aid- A f s sa duii q- sd aMtas s em v 1J5i 4- esa 5 Ma r d p- s 4 51- 4t Mijijot m a d- k4 this m a apasv Ill 5 aoi 1os 44555 550 La it 4- r54mpt s I s MSsSsf is tbs 5 54 S- SM as s s 0 iS s- a b 4 55 < ¬ ¬ > < < > > < > > > < < > > < > < > < < MGOYERN IS KNOCKED OUT 1OCVO COHIIKTT tTHS HIM l Tin SECOND HOUU Denser PuKlllit Who li Now the Feather- weight Champion of the World WRits Ihe 111 light kt hartford With Odds of 4 to 1 Acilnit Him Monorero Not lIlt anil Overronndent Flmli AntaaonUt u a Tartar In the Ftnt Hound then in the Heeond Round rorliett aRches Terry applng lid llron Him With a ItlchMlanrl tpprr cut on time Jan Tlie Urooklnll RASPS Und nnd flushes In for Hrreo III p In Wlileh lleth IJrojcy llirn a Hl litllanrtpr Fin l he the Cente t Four ThomaiKl- ICiithiMlaitlo Sport at thn lllngtld- HAnrronD Nov 28 Terry jrcGovrrn put to flocpl The champion feather wiilght pugIlist of time world who won his title from George Dixon of tJoMon two years ago at Broadway Athletic Club Now York beaten down anti out In two round Tho men of America reo lTd this Information lIsle afternoon with what may haw been a slight that all was not ilcht with the glove fights at the Nutmeg Athletic Club today be- tween till hitherto iiivlncibln Brooklynlta and a comparatively newcomer In pu l Willlnni H Ilothwcll rvnver known more popularly as Young Corlwtt But to the 400 fpoctator who wiw the mill thorn was no doubt ntxnit the fairness of McGovcrnV totnlly downfall Bnforc going Into details it U necessary to my tlmt McGiiveni met a boy who In time OMIt plioii was not annul of him Thnii Bgain McClowri found In an tagonitt a ci jiiira k d strong quick end slilfty boxer who had a rrrvndiAM punch especially with tho right hand Holding Young Corl u tin cheaply aunt possibly allowing his wrnonM pride- to get away with lila l ft judgment McOov rn put up a flcht when rrilical Wilt came that undo his friondn nod backers throw up their hands In Mtrprlm In th opinion of downs of NVw York and Boston sporting mOil who sow the mill MnTiovern fought as an amateur Instead of a cham- pion That 1m completely hU and rnttlml linyond maixiire when under Corlieltn hotlent fire In the middle of the nncoml round there was not a shadow of doubt In tilt timntlon of the experts Unobln to frighten IsIs man or boat him down in the first round and nt the same limn rrcplvinR punishment that showed Denver tighter to 1m a formidable opponent Mcdovern conHndnd to throw science to the winds In tIme second round and simply slug hU advemary to defoat In 10 dung McOovern nilie In wide open ready to Indulge In give and fighting Corbett nothing daunted met him In kind e It was a slugging match of ruch nwlftneM and HO much danger for either man that the crowd was nlmply crazy Suddenly Corl ett saw an opening and quick as A flash he whipped a terrific right hand upper cut that caught McGovern the of the Jaw It was a punch that would knock out an ordinary boxer lacking proper phyl ua to withstand it but In Terrys cswi It merely dropx him to the floor It was a clean knockdown and McOovern for tho fIt time In isis life was groK y Ho struggled imlckly- to Isle feet nft rarount of IIH liliiiwlf a motiiiiit by hanging onto the ropes iii brain and iditht were tem- porarily clouded und hh power won for tho moment conn Hut thn fighting In Mlnct nnd limo pridn nt the McCloverni- MS too much for tie fudilled chainplun and ho rurhiMl Into tie fray again fighting ana wild lijiim- Hn nhould have tukon Ihn dofonslvit by iiflnc hit anil Iliiiching ut vtiry op- portunity until isis furiiltiM ansi MreiiKth lath ifturnrd Hut lmtind of that hn- Uititl In vlth an onslaught Hint In pllo- of hlii wax wiiiiKlhlrig nnftil Though C iib tt fxnilleailn rnlculating and ai niwiirful on u li ii mH Terry blow for blow hn wn NKIII In irmibU himself l ith RuiKiry In iiviiwiii IM It MIU- BiilK lyii light tin iiin IMIIIK whlffli- Muiikl Und tlm llrM Mow Flrrt It w iw l- MM II lt nxilil i mi Maml ui under llm- Mllll i laillilei Tln i CiillxMI Kt a Ul t irvM fiil dmlMV fKllliK frsrdll- Ml fur hr ul II innuilil terry mi tli ear MI mad bun ntl r rtnHl in Mkidly alias wlih I H I I ouii sinl 4 l tiinitlli W i s nitlrt IU I lk Ihn tf k lM luimmnf MMilmJ i by- i MyUui4r IW mnxumi f fcM Mtflkr f t Mfil slat MSw4 IM- f M Uh IWW- l M ttf k- IrM 4 Mx ll QlllS- lufMM 4 M J is- is s m v iMt- I tttttt It ftf lk fttl M III a Are sporting 1I r don hum of 3 I I Iii head till lit tale In II llIar ly- on point 1iUIII and tClld I 1IIlAdkll tiets It to I sip I I Hit 10IIt- ut s S illi1Cl- uIIwr a 1M- 4IM4 IJ- fn i I I I I I a I 1 r i Uo4J6 161a s IIIIw IIfdlOlrf slid h II- J eMf fI- W J nlll f4- II u r I l- II II I 11 54k I 1 t oJ I It Wool ft I ii I r1f1 oJ t J r IRIS j 4 I the his S I t lost i 4s 4 is feat sondlt Rots sue a list isjotsisi all the a the siam Sates a imsie1t Is iaulawI Us tI Ilost us iIhwfwr 1144 fsil us issk a as Us Ie astul WS44S 05 I uNiwi4 USI I Te tiM 7ws uses Isates sad joel usa n fa4ld a itg5 a44sd 15 s 14 us 54 1 I a SI Iad dod s4 45 14I14I54a 51 dsa is usa 54441 a i4 its lds fithts- aMMIlii Mada4s Nmss Pa- I I ls Pd eaIs a d5 ti I Iaem l 4 osdi mu al- Sm 4sr4a Ma 4 seas 11 > Sl t 1- LIsaI a be4a s1tdttW 4m I l 44 s 44us- pb Mda affitaM- a w 4 PM aid Sis p d tl is 4s44 5 jd j4- a P is S tad hi e sus 4 W 4 oil rta Adid Ie a wi- 1imd Sal add 4 5 4 a jjilr Nd- N lid aes d a is C 4 5a 4 aa- I lid Ia p a 4- I 5 4 445- hs 1 is e i 4 uses Iek 4- A Mu t 4 44a 1 4 5 5 5 tag I 4 5 1sd- S 4ma 4 a Wa p5 a44 SS aP sati Sa4 1 lad S P 5 4 SEst 4iIa 4d Sss5 as I- Isui I i C i aas- aletaIC c mr > > ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > > > < > > > > > > > < < >

tile.loc.gov · FRIDAY NovKMUKn 25 loot Cloudy and warmer snow inland VOL UIXNO 91 NEW YORK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 1901 CafVrliM BOI 1V ITMtn ad t ubttMn0 Auction PRICE TWO CENTS 41-H

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Page 1: tile.loc.gov · FRIDAY NovKMUKn 25 loot Cloudy and warmer snow inland VOL UIXNO 91 NEW YORK FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 1901 CafVrliM BOI 1V ITMtn ad t ubttMn0 Auction PRICE TWO CENTS 41-H

FRIDAY NovKMUKn 25 lootCloudy and warmer snow inland






f 1



Sun >

> <




IBOooo namsge and a Large Gai PRintWorth Million In Peril Twenty Kn

and All theHrehoati Out to KeepFlames Front Exploding the Contolldated rompwijs Oas Tanki Bt-

lloun of Ntcrn Flghtlne for FlremoNarrow Eicapoi From lulling Walls

A Ore which at midnight had cormurrxxin fix hours property estimated by ChIefCroVer to have ben worth I7SOOOO

t 8 lost night In the lumberof tlliara Uptcgrovo 4 Bros t 40

Fat Tenth street and laid n block andhalf In ruin after making one of the mol-

irillUnt riverfront ipectocle seen in thisrlty In recent years It destroyed entirelythe lumber yards or the George Hagomeyti-A Sons Uimbor Company and James M

giulpaughs Sons at the foot of Eos-

Kleventh utrentIn the early part of the flre the falling

vail of the Uptegrove yardt big buildingcrnhed Into tho Standard Oil Companysofflco on Eleventh stroet and rwleawdildeof naphtha which when touched bypark tatted In n fl ry stream down theitreet and was Inntrumental In cau lni

of the damago This drove tho flremen to a distance for a time causing thornto cut away the flntboata and engines Inhurry leaving behind thousands of feet ol-


The big plant of the Consolidated GasCompany which runs along the riverfrontrom Eleventh htrwt to Sixteenth street

WM In the dangerous one all through thefir Extraordinary precautions weret k n to prevent flames from reachingIt The pa was tranKferml by the pipeunderground from thn tank In dangerto thoHo remote from the blaze and st mid-

night Chief Croker Mid the valuable pitof the plant was out of danger ChiefCrcker raid that It had been A very badEre

Ml second wlltlon sold the Chief wasthoiil the worat to handle we have overhnd It drove us all to rover The flrelxwitsled to rot away all their how and mostrf th engln too to encapn tho naphthaWe lost SoriO reeL of how mot of It worthfrom MM to 173 a foot and some of Itwiirth WJO a foot The property damagealtogether will l o I think about 17MOOO

At I oclock thl morning aMliocnrr which had been moored at theKlewrth strwt pier was reported afireChNnTr who hAd niocpeded In reachingihn riuT front arseited that she sanka few mlnutrs later She was loadedU WB wvld with lumber Ofthe only wooden at foot of tho-mwt th charred remainedMore than three hundred trucks and podlent wagons hAd been sUjrod there

The lire at 8 oclock In aroom wont of tho main wven

buldlng In theI1jl building numhnred 40i andTVntli strr The drying room was alow Mn let urn with a

ni coiin H l with the main buildingIV a large flue

At the oit t the fire didnt lookwicked but soon after the engine

Mimmoned the fln t alarm thefame swept through the big flue Into themain and in a neconnUi theyftn eating at lick every

t of flm underdry conUnta HV

ilird and fourth were quickly sentn to the tire more and

companies and with them ChiefItoker the two

I thrw fireboats Boody Van WyokNew Yorker and 2 the

reenforoements had arrived themain building wna well on flre A fewimnutv later it burst Into a spectacular

Un top of the big building as well as onil iouU of several tie structuresin tint yard were stored stacks of lumberto IA iwa d When the fire reachedtlm tAlk on the building therUunm l pnd many yards high In air

were cwxpt Into a flare theMrone nortli t wind It was so bright

the windows of building over laIrn crimson

Kvcrtliliif In the main building went-HI fiut tluil the flrenxin limd no ofsving it at any and they ronfliMd

ix efforts to frontrpirodliiR 11m water tower fed byl uinp of Ui on


iklu on every fn h flame that r-

On tlrf the In the reari iM r dryuig loom to that Iu which

idir luinlwr houv lint tUvioro w i-

Ulloru l In IxilUllwjiAt T M pUk UM sear all of th hit

lHjJln and urcllun ofk 4 t U nsJ u


i fWoa lxi ami with aning of onlyt M 4wU duration II MN

lli frs ariiMKl U Vail on

lot ul lumlrfliisli t nuiitia itf tor thattiir HI H kduokwl lIst IU KIUUI-MtM IUMM iu4 ul J Ugly gt Jj-

b rr MM M-

MI k lw MKI


Ml M














4n East





tim Iii


theilK b



fona tWItand trn fireboat a

atII a

A nllila lumber tJoua and a11


IIrI1 at

11 eelo 11hllknllc I

s tillI I


J 1



I tI

Tj b tt tJ

I 1O I

4 1oJ-

J J fJ-



Mo te f

o w


three maoted



torts linesthe streawe4

fit tow stable the axtzeoU-Nblfl

large the


sada gusii oR of l4igism Its who wet-s i1 stahl III East EuaILI4-


5st 11i 44 uM IiiI fall o


4 54 h4-p E4 145117 CVP gu1Im 54 sns-

w tIgsaa M4i ailsisa54 i paajsta sill

elq M4 54si 4iieg ew but alasS lie 14said agee It

s 4JH 115 jrib4-as4 14

flp4 iI I J5elp la la4I4i siIsi 5

5O i ee4lsd tJ14Srd 4 I sdb he tta Jlea3-3Ies


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b 5

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<> >




and on the upper floorthe beginning of the a fin alwayscreates In such adUtriot the gang of men In theof the oil and the ConsolidatedGas Company plant run from

Mreet street andcontains many tanks set to workpumping combustible and gas

tanks nearest tho toIn remote places In tho

The oil almost emptiedwhen the wall fell and evenwould have been no danger but tor anunfortunate act of one the firemenFrom the ruins he yankedout a blazing window utah andIn the street Probably things were sihot there that chanceto think At any hn threw it withthe wind and a shower-of sparks Into a harmless looking puddle-in Nobody bad

but naphtha had come nut of some of theStandard Oil Companys

office and had been lowingfor everol minutes

The mlnuto a struck the naphthaIn this puddle It and In a momentthere was a running down thertreot to the river As soon aa the liremen found out what was the matter theyturned stream on the puddle to tryto drive the flames back

In rtrcet In a few everywindow In the office onnorth side of tho street cracked with theIntense heat The naphtha down

grove yard was In a blazemoment

FAst of this yard and right on the river-front was M Sonslumber containing IJOUOOOO

of lumber The tire got thatthe firemen had to

In answer to a got upon the Eleventh street wnll of tho propertyand began throwing ofthe street to tho burning naphthaThey wore not able to do much In

naphtha drifting down the streetgot into and sheds of the

on the river front on the northside of Eleventh street buildingsextended from the river front backthe block about 200 fret They Included

coal pockets the carpenter andstable

were wholly built of

fire and in a short of timeburned to the On the outskirtsof these buildings were the holler worksand what were aa roomsthat of the in which the IN

made The firemen succeeded In savingfrom total destruction the boiler rooms

Moored at the foot of Eleventhwere right canalhoAtn filled with noel bolonging to the pin company Three weretowed out of harms acAnalboitH loaded forsome time In being destroyedbecame it was Impossible to get topull them out stream Finallysome dock hands rut theand they drifted out Into and

which wore attracted to the theJoseph a watchman

who turn the

did he work that alter three boatsloose ho fell Into the river Illsshouts brought and he


The works Include three tanks thelargest of which has a opacity of 8000000

worksestimated at midnight that the damagothe gas sustainamount to about 110000

The was Mlrt to be oneof the most valuable of Its kind In theBy means of tRw machinery ownedfirm a single was recently

realizedChaplains Smith and remained

upon the timewere actively fighting the fire

All the the were alsoon presence in such numberswas due to a recent issuedChief Crokor Instructing every depart-ment to n pond morethan

The which runto the foot of Tenth street shortlyafter C V M as the firs blockedstreets so effectively that nobody couldget to or

after midnight the walls of theand the

burning structure collapsedfireman nt r

and one or two lini narrowman Kchrolbur of Truck 3 fell through theroof of a shod unit broke Ida liewan taken to Ilcllcvue Ilu

Crowds of sight thronged to thfins there not than lUM

approach-ing UM burning bit w rtwo blocks away Two hundred

r r i from ctstrial htaliMMl lbs sri

The four nUrms brought out twmityengine td awl InoldiM

tin slrtly meiilluii l tint bathJ the was at



A I luii llm ArrMnil A Kr li wr llrt ls-

IvIlrglaU llmrrti la tfJ-dlKCjuoK K J K v i I U yrator

lay ftrntouii i llurrllc f lUnagu-

III s K dt rtiMji Ml ltinvtou auiilMilallyl-

lwr fruitt lluifcll Ui o ui M i-

riilili rU 4iuU tt I l rsf r of Hutfuid Iwt ItuiitUig iu fcs o iilt Ju sliMUl IHW tuUtm IttU plate

i l MM MMM t r-

MKfl nJrf M ity tt 111 CH M-

k hhf stM III i Hi u J M f M4-Mu n i MUM-

MuTU u ittSSTt i rfHM V l 1 H4 M If-

i4iJ 4 M-

W nTW-

hi i r K IH-

X c M Ml Tj 3






but only In widening

the ad Intoon the Ruth and of the




pint hopUn



dozewit lum


taO helP

atc w-are


Into thin strip for



door to



tullyali I



Illlow hluoat


alllof th ta

lI Ilu1UI 6 I

1I 1 trii4tf lUf u


I uI

Jt e111 e



ljN iI

I t 7-



this was with

succoeded the flood

otrest lumber-yard side east


Meanwhile tRw gas employeescall volunteers

wood roofed with they cssught


were secured some towboats

lumber craft afloat

cut veneer







blna Us slhI lig a Luets

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THEY LOSE TKK josmov-f70r AT

Their Oilefi anti American IUiglltn andFrench Captalni eelde Upon theHarrrader of All Liberal Forces Be-

tween Colon and Itohlo the Governto Guarantee Ufe and Uberty

of Tbo o Who Give THemtelves tp-

AprrtoJ Call Dttpaitlt lo Till SUN

COLON Colombia Nov n In tho fight

at Buenavlsta today the Liberate losttheir position

Capt Perry of the American battleshipIowa and Oen Albon leader of tho Governmerit troops have arrived hero In anarmored train

They with the captains of itho Ameri-

can English and French warships and theLiberal chiefs held a conference at thorailroad office

Subsequently tho conferees adjournedto the gunboat Marietta where It wasagreed that tho Liberal forces betweenColon and Bohlo should surrender withtheir arms their life and liberty beingguaranteed by tho Government-

The foreign warships will land a largeforce of men tonight or tomorrow topreserve order In the town-

A railroad train was stopped on theline lost evening In order that tho killed

and wounded might bo removed fromthe track Tho American marines as

stated in carrying tho bodiesThe Colombian gunboat General Pinion

returned to Colon today towing a prize

laden schooner of the name of Maria Christiana-

It Is reported that Portobnllo was muchdamaged by the bombardment

The American gunboats here the Mnchlnsand Marietta wilt land a large hemwhon the town Is In dangercruiser Tribune will land 100 men nt thosame tlmo to prevent pillaging

WASHINGTON Nov 23 Tho Secretary ofthe Navy this morning received the follow-ing despatch from Capt of theIowa Panama Nov

yesterday near DuenA

vista Stopped firing whim passfltiRortram pawexl Decisive engagement ex-

pected today near wimp placoUnited Consul Gudgor today

cabled the Department the followingFighting continues on line of railroad

Alter Tuesdays defeat tho Insurgentsto Buenavista which lies

Frljolls and Bohlo Thorn mad theirstand and there was fighting onthe two following days Wednesday andThursday The first report of Wednesdaysengagement had It that the Governmentforce was repulsed But the action witsnot decisive and In yesterdays engage-ment the rebels were driven from theirposition their chiefs later agreeing to asurrender of all the Liberal forces betweenColon and Bohlo a distance of about twelve


HITerts to Secure for Him the Presidencyof Colombia

Nov 2 Dr Silva theColombian Minister to tie United Stateswho U also the Minister of Foreign Affairsof his Government has notified theColombian legation here that 1m U on isisway to Washington from Mcxloowhere he has been attending the MW

PanAmerican Congn HU de-

porturw from Mexico U due to MTOUIxthinu of Puuanu

The Colombian legation hu alsoGen Heyt anothir ilelcgatM to tlmAmerican Cotigrtf to tmi to Washingtnn G n lUywi U the one titan on whomnil factions In Colombia a t r to IK untudansi It U Imllnwd Hat tie rTuM nowllng nuuln in Mcurn him 11 Prenlilonry-ar nuonntwful h j tllllb H

brought to un end HU pnvmn lwr U-

il ir Hl MJ hat IMI Pion-lilnit HuoM velt slid H HT4Hiy IU Mini t

sUn thnlr kMUtuiKw in bringingS In hU country-

Kffntr Ilitriiui i rAffulnw of Ci

lobule liniv luw MHnlvml il ttn flull-l m iniunuiMling lh loynl IKNIM

lilii llbuck In wliHi liiniiiiiMint fi n M-MrriKirUHl to hue lir7ernl llrf t IkH-lAli4ii iay Tin rxUU itficr l n

fi t t Kiii rini iiMunml HunPablo I am lowly mmulin IM II-

MM lUuililrr anti I rlrwl llKwun lr m-

I rl r lilies soil lnii r l

bulPUr uf I H WIH SIMJU llr uklyn wish ilrtvuif f liwfMi MI llw Mlr-

titofli Ml MliUNkliiHit kHW Wfeb-

liiui in Un rirus Mu Ms r

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Oar Would Like to See UlfTerrncM With1jiflanil Arbitrated

fptclat CaNt Vtipatch It Tea SUN

TilE HAGUE Nov 28 Count da Btruvethe Russian Minister to Holland has roplied as follows to the Door appeal for In-

tervention by the Court of ArbitrationI am of opinion thai the Coun-

cil of the Court of Arbitration Is not com-

petent to give effect to tho request addressed to It by the representatives of theSouth African republics but I believe 1

can declare that my Government finds Itvery regrettable that the difference bo

Great Britain and the 8outli Africanrepublics cannot be submitted to the Courtof Arbitration

The French Chnrgd dAfToires declaredthat he adopted the same words as theRussian Minister Ho offered the servicesof tho Itepublio of Franco to the belligerents

LONDON Nov 29 Tho Daily Nell thismorning says There have been verypersistent rumors In London for the lasttwo days of foreign Intervention In theDoor war The form the rumors takepoints to German action with Russia andFranco aarentlng This would Imply aserious reversal of the earlier policy oftho Powers wherefore wo are Inclined todisregard tho rumors

LONDON Nov 29 There Is a disposition-In some quarters to give sensational Importanco to an utterance by the Right HonC T Ritchie Hom Secretary In aat Croydon In reference to a settlementof the South African war

Mr Ritchie sold that Lord Salisburydeclaration that no shred of Independ-ence would bn left to the SouthAfrican republics had been distortedWhat Lord Salisbury and theJovemment meant was the republicswould have no separate existence as rnpublics Them had never linen any In-

tention not to give those countries event-ually representative government

Referring to the allegation that the Mln-

i Uir required unconditional surrenderMr sold It was true In one senseand untrue In smother

It was clear that 5r at Britain ooulil notagain off r the terms which had been ro-

Jeoted but If any Cirneral representingtho HoorH under erie should make a

lo Kltchnner on the line thatthe coursn of time they with the other

Inhahltnnta uf the republics should havea rrprcwnMtivo Government ho was satislUxl tluit the projxxOtion would be referredto the homo government by lan Kitchenerand hn believed that It would form a boskfor the conclusion of


Mr 1 P Morgan SaUl In He the Purchaserof Rare Volume

Sprrlo CaW DtifUelt la Tat Sr-

IXISDON Nov 28Mrwir8 Quaritch thewellknown collectors have just ro-

cclved the highest turn ever paid for aslnglo volume

Tiiey have sold a ropy of the runlmorumCodex printed by Fut A Schoeffer In UJO

for 28000 The purchaser Is said to beMr J Plerpont Morgan

liMP an Imlentandlnc In Event letterU tikeil to Take IoU Morph PlaceCol John N Partridge wild yesterday

that he mal talked with Goy Ouch abouttho pohrlbillty of his appointment as PolCommissIoner by Mr l ow

I have had n talk with Governorho soul and we have A thorough underHtanding on the mustIer In the event ofiTrtaln arising

Would you ray what the understandingwo T

I prefer not to was the reply


rrlenni v Ihe Illc Ililrfu Old Ioe WouldUhr Iu Ken Him Apimlnlnl

Every on thought last iiight tint titerWOe no doubt nloitit appointment ofCol John N Purlrlil of to be-

mmiM l user of Potim by Mayir I iw-

uini thiiM HUM iiiucli M Milatlim iu to thelitftiilliiH c il Partrlilic and Mayor Iiw

III wiUnt to h lp ill tho IUIII M-Huf lbs departmont Msyor IAIW has wildtRial hn would l rll hU tlritM to-

Kinftr with him what u mum Iu tlu el o

lusts uf iltit IIIKH lm mil to aid Ilifiii inmi th lr ilcfisriiiifiii SIM no inn

Uit I il PmlrldK Mill k anyni ii iw dwpuiy wi0out first vun-

IIHK Mr lli i wit I Uj1 il lMMjr-

K si uuil l r MIIHK wlni nuiih-lf fP SiMI I llitll time IxlMIt IIMU

u Ui Ulf Illll lUlM

I wf K I

i i i

4 t i f rf l H nj l HM MlN M i U-

II u lw4 if II IH f ui iM-

M Mtoli liy TikMlwiltl M-

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JIOlfVfYO nKDDIXd AT CliniS-1iiKMi rrittAX cniiwn

Henry C1 t Jr Told lilt Xurprlieti Fathera fortnight Ago That lie Uai Goingto Ue Married on Thankfgtvlns Marriagn Agreeable to Ilolh Iamllln

Mrs Louise Morris lebhard whodivorce from Frederick dcbhard In la

kota on Oct 20 was married yesterdayto Henry Clews Jr There had boon gossip to the effect that tho marriage wasto be hut that it was athand became known only on Wednesdaynight when Alderman Herbert Parsonsbrotherinlaw of young Clews was lookIng upamlnlsUr to perform the ceremonyMore than one minister was approachedbefore an arrangement won made willtho Rev James M Parr Jr an as-

sistant pastor of the Brick PresbyterianChurch to marry tho couple yesterdaymorning In Christ Church a branch olthe Brick Church

Christ Church at 228 East Thirtyflfthstreet and Is a sort of missionary adjunctto the parent church The wedding partyarrived at the church In a body about 10

oclock ywterday morning and attractedlittle notice The ceremony was briefMr Clewn and his bride wno was dreMedlna travelling costume drove away directly tothe Grand Central Station when they took-a train for Newport the Martlngpolnt of atwo weeks trip through the Eastern StatesAt the rnd of tho fortnight they will return-to New York and will go at once to Europeto paw the winter

Payne Whitney whoso engoRemont to thedaughter of Secretary of State Hay hasjust been announced attended Mr Clewsas b t man The bridesmaid was MUsMorris of Baltimore a sister of Mrs lebhard

At the house of Mr Clew s father Itwas raid list night that Mm Ocbhardsmother had promised to bo present at thewedding hut WM unable to undertakethn journey to thU city in couwKyioncoof indisposition Tho bridegrooms fattierand mother were at the church on werealso Mr and Mrs Herbert Parsons tholatter a of the bridegroom nail Mi-lton Burger a Mm of Samuel BURr of theNew York Contra Kollroad Several otherswere thorn

Henry Clown paid last night that themarriage of isis on had tho sanction of

hU wifeson however dill not trll m until

about two weeks Mr Ow addedthat lu Will going to be married

told mo then that he had becorno tliRiRislto Mrs Oubhard and that IIPhaving hU wedding on DayI was of course surprised Atthis hut no oblationwhatever to make sonsof a wife was entirely satisfactory to me

Mr Clews son a for aconsiderable sum of money before thewedding

said that there had been no

when Mr Parsons was for a clergyman lie said that Mrs Oelihard de-

sired to be married by the Hov Dr van-Dyke who was until some time ego time peator tha Brick Prerbyterian Umrchwho Is a cousin of hem Dr van Dykowas not avallabln and it beonmo necessaryto obtain WIllie other clergyman

Wiero young ilr niul isis wifewill llvn return to Slits countrylies not horn Prior to lhdivorce ror Mr icbhnnlwMitcil to Mrs Icbliard the IIOUM In whichthey lived at 0 East ntrtctThis lOUse IK now let to a tenant and Mm-

Cfbhard isis l wn living with tier motherin lltltiiiioto Kim csjne fo lists city onlytwo or thrvo days ago

NBWTOIIT Nov 28 Mr and Mrhoary Clvws Jr arrived hfie tonight


Al till Luck fluctuated Kn Dill HIM

ilorn Nlork uf Mlltrrwirr Arrolnlh-xiwsnl II Thoinv the Unker of 17

W t nth clnH runted Fn l

rick HtHlirflcil iKlirhnuin s a

butler Jun nut IlKtught l e liail n-

inolol Mrvnnl hut iditt uf lv n areUK tare ojilim t Knn m diw p tir VlieIPso liutl r wr il ii l H UI mlrhilt rtllrt wi uM Hiy lull iM uUI

for item llnn oitlrlcn ukl-

rvspfxiir In a ds ir IMOUI iii r tilingouU iilMiiiM r Mr lltfiiu muli-

pirxlrd OVIT 1x niMcnMi ait l n-

imvirr of prux r y till iilM iv rni1m tmtlor was i JViiig IUMM M

link fluctiittl i-

AUtul iiw iilh ft Diif f fnin Him tir nirflIn i iitiu VIe il lHM i-

ilimiMxl pin valm l HI M6 mash sh-inwitiiy in ma M i rt Mi

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Grateful Native Jlerohant Uulldi WllErect a llonument In Shanghai

WASHINGTON D C Nov 28 Accordlnito n report to the State Department frontJohn looduow United StatesGeneral at Shanghai subscriptionsa monument to the memory of PresidentMoKlnloy ate being collected thoro Themovement has been started by the silktea and cotton goods guilds nod tho monumcnt is to ho erected In Shanghai listsunprecedented honor to an AmericanPresident by native ChineeIs a iwulof Mr McKlnleyH attitude In the Chimtroubles of last year To him IF attributeithe failure of certain Powers tothe dUmumbermcnt of China

niMEMnEiiEi HIS oin rntExnsHealthy Man Gives Karh a Home an

Thanksgiving PresentSoiKnviiLK N J Nov 28 Abra

Suydarn and Charles Holcomb areresidents of Somerset county who feelthat they have more than the averagecitizen to be thankful for today

Both men who ere of very moderatomeans recently met an old frlrnd Inperson of A R Peacock a wealthymanufarturor of Pltuburg Pa ot a dinnerhere Suydam suggested that Mr Viacock like Andrew Carnegie would soongo around giving away public librariesMr Peacock replied 1 Intend to lootafter my old friends first If there aretwo nice houncfl In thin town that you twboys would like to possess an your homespick thorn out and I will buy thorn fur you

Suydam and Holcomb worn ot lot In-

clined to treat the matter ru a jest buttheir old friend insisted that they bhouldaccept hU proposition Suydam selectedtho residence of Joorpe L In Highstreet and olcomlt the Olldernloovn resi-dence In the Hitno thoroughfare MrPeacock purchased both houses amid turnedthem over to his friends on Thanksgivingprownls Ho paid about 110000 for theme

Suydam was formerly a countryat folIo Mead but Is now an in-

valid and unable to work Holcomb wasa mall carrier at Clover Hill and Is now oldand past hard work Mr Peacock saysthat hn wilt spend money In gladdeningthe hearts of his old friends and worthypeople instead of giving o public


Decker HeqiietteU That Famll ShouldSee 1II ItemalniR-

rnACUBE N Y Nov 2S PolicemanPhilip Decker whose death ojxurred yeMcrliar b for death pledged his wife notto allow his three sisters Mrs Carolineoiler Mrs Ellrabctli Muse and Mrs Philiplna King and hiss brother August Deckeralso a policeman to hU remains

ll on naming that his brother had but ashort time to llvo August went to the houseto extend a forgiving hand to isis brotherand to be forgiven but he wan Informed thatPhilip WRIt too 111 to be seen

In carrying out her husbandsMrs sent the following noteto Isis brother and Outers

Vordi4 that wore repented time withoutnumber by my were that ofur hohad JXIHHM away you should not be allowedlo view Please comply withthis

Decker wild tonight This Is a-

very unfortunate occurrenoi I myregret It sincerely I shall reopect

brothers memory Iho sameremaining rff after the

ni t rs will mourn his doath llkewlw-Diffeivncen between tho brothers

BiMeirt have Hxluted for several year andar the of their fathers will othertroubles


limitS suit Collie tIt It Slit and imrrUrdu Iollfrnisn Ijirti It

A fight In front of thn Hturteinntlat vfiiliia caJid a cximnvollon

and blocked traffic fur mlnultM or rimrislugs WITH In tow of two men nil

walking up Krnsd ay ono r nu bilndlml lush IIIM thin other a Konirli-

i llu Tit bulling wax ninf l lisanolllw siN iir Hi to tale niMen il IIUf to-

Iho bulldoi aril JUIIHM fur him luringllllllMlf tlM kil 111 Ill hU IMOcIlT Hl i tilHM-

IK liulltiuKn iMKk Th owilor uf the lumPhli l it the miirli and the two

mulling iivir i vi r mid yelpinggruwliiiu HioUKli f r fifty I IK

lirl M ktml linlii tljwy MI M

lists i ulll i didiltnl lu inlt and ranr Jlilh Ilitu H lliulttoaiIMi Ixliliy Inllio-M 4 si HdV s bulkligH-

1IMJI I lllflf ll I Mil duUlO t lll4lUMI UIX H they Ii4l wl l III nil

Iota Ida llt dug IHMWIM II lltfbl-Whntt Psllulliuil mllMi 10 li

uf I llul tail I

MMV IHIOHtiltint Iwurlrrti IrliiMkrrt li lbs llirrlurixl-

ll trf l ltllHl I KtMIIIII-SVIMUHU II I N r iM K Un

l KMi M M H i4 ljr ij4-

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< >










Denser PuKlllit Who li Now the Feather-weight Champion of the World WRits

Ihe 111 light kt hartford With Odds

of 4 to 1 Acilnit Him MonoreroNot lIlt anil Overronndent FlmliAntaaonUt u a Tartar In the FtntHound then in the Heeond Roundrorliett aRches Terry applng lidllron Him With a ItlchMlanrl tpprrcut on time Jan Tlie UrooklnllRASPS Und nnd flushes In forHrreo III p In Wlileh llethIJrojcy llirn a Hl litllanrtpr Finl he the Cente t Four ThomaiKl-ICiithiMlaitlo Sport at thn lllngtld-

HAnrronD Nov 28 Terry jrcGovrrnput to flocpl The champion featherwiilght pugIlist of time world who won histitle from George Dixon of tJoMon twoyears ago at Broadway Athletic ClubNow York beaten down anti out In tworound Tho men of Americareo lTd this Information lIsle afternoonwith what may haw been a slightthat all was not ilcht with the glove fightsat the Nutmeg Athletic Club today be-

tween till hitherto iiivlncibln Brooklynltaand a comparatively newcomer In pu l

Willlnni H Ilothwcll rvnver knownmore popularly as Young Corlwtt Butto the 400 fpoctator who wiw the millthorn was no doubt ntxnit the fairness ofMcGovcrnV totnlly downfallBnforc going Into details it U necessaryto my tlmt McGiiveni met a boy who Intime OMIt plioii was not annul of him

Thnii Bgain McClowri found In antagonitt a ci jiiira k d strong quickend slilfty boxer who had a rrrvndiAMpunch especially with tho right handHolding Young Corl u tin cheaplyaunt possibly allowing his wrnonM pride-to get away with lila l ft judgment McOovrn put up a flcht when rrilical Wilt

came that undo his friondn nod backersthrow up their hands In Mtrprlm In thopinion of downs of NVw York and Bostonsporting mOil who sow the mill MnTiovernfought as an amateur Instead of a cham-pion That 1m completely hUand rnttlml linyond maixiire whenunder Corlieltn hotlent fire In the middleof the nncoml round there was not a shadowof doubt In tilt timntlon of the expertsUnobln to frighten IsIs man or boat himdown in the first round and nt the samelimn rrcplvinR punishment that showed

Denver tighter to 1m a formidableopponent Mcdovern conHndnd to throwscience to the winds In tIme second roundand simply slug hU advemary to defoatIn 10 dung McOovern nilie In wideopen ready to Indulge In give andfighting Corbett nothing daunted methim In kind e

It was a slugging match of ruch nwlftneMand HO much danger for either man thatthe crowd was nlmply crazy SuddenlyCorl ett saw an opening and quick as A

flash he whipped a terrific right handupper cut that caught McGovern

the of the Jaw It was a punchthat would knock out an ordinary boxerlacking proper phyl ua to withstand itbut In Terrys cswi It merely dropx himto the floor It was a clean knockdownand McOovern for tho fIt time In isislife was groK y Ho struggled imlckly-

to Isle feet nft rarount ofIIH liliiiwlf a motiiiiit by hanging ontothe ropes iii brain and iditht were tem-

porarily clouded und hh power won fortho moment conn Hut thn fighting In

Mlnct nnd limo pridn nt the McCloverni-

MS too much for tie fudilled chainplunand ho rurhiMl Into tie fray again fightingana wild lijiim-

Hn nhould have tukon Ihn dofonslvit byiiflnc hit anil Iliiiching ut vtiry op-

portunity until isis furiiltiM ansi MreiiKthlath ifturnrd Hut lmtind of that hn-

Uititl In vlth an onslaught Hint In pllo-

of hlii wax wiiiiKlhlrig nnftilThough C iib tt fxnilleailn rnlculatingand ai niwiirful on u li ii mH Terry blow

for blow hn wn NKIII In irmibU himselfl ith RuiKiry In iiviiwiii IM It MIU-

BiilK lyii light tin iiin IMIIIK whlffli-

Muiikl Und tlm llrM Mow Flrrt It w iw l-

MM II lt nxilil i mi Maml ui under llm-

Mllll i laillilei Tln i CiillxMI Kt aUl t irvM fiil dmlMV fKllliK frsrdll-Ml fur hr ul II innuilil terry mi tliear MI mad bun ntl r rtnHl inMkidly alias wlih I H I I ouii sinl4 l tiinitlli W i s nitlrt IU I lk

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