THE WASHINGTON TillER WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12 1906 4 IN CIRCLE OF SOCIETY I THE Miss Barnes Is Married To Lieut M Brooke U S A Groom Stationed in Cuba Where He Will Take His Bride- St Church wa the scene today at noun of ihe mrriHge of Mine Marie Fauntleroy Barnes daughter of Mrs Gunnell wife of Dr F M Gunaelt U S N to Lleut Mark Brooke U S A The church was tastefully decorated with palms and rtd bloasoflu presenting an attractive background for the brlliiant military xniforms of the men and the pretty white gowns of the women of the 1rJdal party Miss Barnes entered the church with her stepfather Z r Gunnel who gave her in Her sown was of heavy white duchess satin made prin- CfSB with the entire treat panel of cloth of the bodice trimmed with old family lace Her long veil of tulle and fell to the hem of the train and she carried shower bouquet- of Bride roses and lilies of the valley MIsS Florence Conrad attended the bride as maid of honor and wore a handsome empire gown of white lace over a foundation of chiffon tulle and llk with large white felt picture hat effectively trimmed with long white plumes falling gracefully over the side find caught with one large white rose Her bouquet as were the bridemaids was a huge shower of red roeee Mrs Eugene Hondloy MrS Andrew Y Bradley Miss Louise Chase Miss Hester Shepard Miss Marie Brooke cousin of the bridegroom and Miss Evelyn Chew were the brides other attendants They each wore a dainty qf white radium silk with large picture hats of felt trimmed with wreaths of white roses and long streamers of white znallne tied in pretty bows at the left side and each carried showers of red roses lieutenant Brooke met the bride and her party at the altar with his best man Lieut Elliott Dent and the was performed by the Rev Ro- land Cotton Smith reeto of St Johns The ushers who seated the guests and preceded the bride and her attendants to the chancel were Lieut Henry W Tor ney LJeut Thomas Robins Lieut Theo aore Dillon Lieut Henry Robert Lieut McArthur and Paymaster MacGowan After the ceremony at the church a reception and breakfast were held in the home of the brides parents in Twen tieth street for the bridal party and a few personal friends Mrs Gunnell re- ceived the gutwta in a handsome toilette of black crepe de chine over violet silk John marriage was a a white cere- mony Eco stver > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Miss Elinot Motion Bzide of Philip Hichbozn Hot Miss Ettnor Morton Hoyt daughter of Solicitor General and Mr Henry M Hoyt and Philip Hlchborn mar- ried today by Rev Henry Yates Satterlee bishop of Washington in the home of the bridex parents The entire lower floor of the house prettily decorated with white chrysanthemums anti and palms Mr Hoyt his daughter In mar ridge Her sown wa of white satin elaborately trimmed with real old tam I lace and worn with a loam veil of reil lace Her bouquet was an immense hower of llllea of the valley Miss Con tance Hoyt the brides sis- ter was her maid of honor and wore a dainty frock of yellow chiffon with a whIte lace hat trimmed nith tiny rose buds and carried a bouquet of violets H nry M Hoyt Jr the brides brother was the best man for Mr Hichborn Mrs Hoyt the brides mother wore a rich empire gown of blue brocaded satin with touches of palm velvet and old family lace on the bodice An informal reception was held after the weddinG and later in the day Mr and Mrs Hlchborn left Washington for were the was roses gave ¬ > ¬ ¬ and a violet velvet toque At th house the decorations were in the same color a those of the church red rome palms and ferns Lieutenant and Mrs Brooke left Washington later In the afternoon ror the bridal trip Mrs Brooko wearing a becoming tailored suit of brown a brown hat and sable furs lieu- tenant Brooke will take his bride to Cuba where he is now stationed The bride of today made her debut In Washington society two nd has since been an acknowledged leader in her st and an especially prominent figure in the sixty couple cotillons each winter Since the announcement of her en- gagement Miss names has been one of the most extensively entertained brides elect of season Almost every day of the week preceding tne wedding bridal party were the guests of honor at one or more functions which were sup- plemented by the brides to the bridesmaids at which she each of them with a handsome gold set with a ruby Yesterday Lieutenant Brookes last supper took place at the Wil lard Mrs Elliott wife of Brigadier Gen eral Elliott U S M C entertained at luncheon today in compliment to Mrs Bonaparte wife of the of the who is spending the remainder- of tie week in Washington To meet Mrs Bonaparte were Mrs Tuft wife of the of War Mrs M tcalf wife of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor Mrs Galltnger Mrs Martin wife of Senator Martin of Virginia Mrs Weeks wife of Representative Weeks of Massachusetts Mrs Mc wife of Major McCawley Mrs Magruder Mrs Simpson Mrs Carr Chester and Miss Woodhuil Mrs was hostess yesterday afternoon at tea in her home Calumet olace in honor of Lawton And Mrs Liscum who are spending a few days In Washington The house was decorated with white and yellow chrysanthemums and Mrs Logan wore a handsome uwn of blnck satin with effective touches of laven- der OR the bodice Mrs Tucker who assisted her mother in receiving wore a gown of white chiffon trimmed In black and wore pearl ornaments Mrs Lawtons gown wa i of white chlfton and Mrs Liscum wore a crepe de chine gown of white Mrs Hatneld Miss HatHeld Mrs Humphrey Miss Humphrey Mrs F Elliott Mrs Gheen and MISS Gheen Mrs Dodge and Miss Juliette Williams assisted in doing the honors of the afternoon Mrs Logans home has been closed for some time on account of mourning and yesterday was the first opportunity- a number of Mrs I gans friends of representative army and navy circles have had to avail themselves of her hospitality The Vice President and Mrs Fair- banks were the guests of honor of Mr and Mrs John W Foster last night at dinner Miss Katherine Riggs entertained at luncheon today Covers were laid for ten tars tilt e8tfUdR SttCretar Irs ago avv Mrs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ORCHESTRA DIVIDES HONORS WITH ALEX PETSCHNIKOFF The Philadelphia Orchestra under the leadership of Fritz Scheel Alexander Pttschnikoff the Russian violinist as soloist exercised an attraction which even so powerful a magnet as Mme BchumannHeink as counterattraction could not overcome So It was that the Belasco Theater yesterday afternoon was filled with a most attentive and critical audience The organisation un der Mr Scheel is justly accounted among the leading organizations of its kind in this country It yields the palm to none IP masterly execution or cialy intelligence Its work bears the unmistakable stamp of profound study and inspired leadership The program yesterday was interest- ing throughout Devoted entirely to the exploitation of modern composers it proved thoroughly engaging by reason of the temperamental distinction that characterized its numbers Of the three purely orcheatil selections the nrst one Dvoraks New World symphony was the most Important The symphony was followed by the apptarance of an artist jounj though he is who is easily the l ter of great modern masters of the violin He has chosen for his offering the immensely concerto of Tchalkowsky in D major and played- it with masterful virtuosity Ills tone is full and round his execution brilliant- to a degree and his entire performance tears the stamp of The other numbers for the orchestra were Cesar Frarcks symphonic poem Redemption and Griegs Dance Pupils Presented At Piano RecitalT- he first recital of the pupils of the Virgil Clavier Piano School of Wash- ington Miss Georgia B Miller director was given Monday evening tit the studio of Miss Miller on F street recital was postponed several times owing to the I I i i I tu This must ¬ ¬ > ¬ their bridal journey Mrs Hiohborns traveling gown was of dark gray with a large black velvet hat trimmed with plumes and white roeee After their re turn from their wedding trip Mr and Hichborn will reside in Another wedding of interest will be that tonight ef Saidee VIne Lut trell the youngest daughter of the late Captain Luttrell of Washington to Al bert Howard Cousins of Boston The wedding will take place In St Johns Miss Luttrell will be her slaters maid of honor and the other attendants wilt be Miss Davis Miss Sue Young Miss Hammond Miss Draper Miss Strause St Louis Ernest B Ryerson of Boston will be best man and the ushers will be An drew B Duvall Charles A Barnard Francis Hawes H H Hibbard Howell i of New York After the cere- mony a reception for the bridal party and relatives wilt be held Mitts Jessie Steele niece of Mr and Mrs Arthur Addison of Q street will make her debut tonight at a dance in her honor at Rauachera Mrs of Washington and M 8S Harlow ot Boyle of Phnadethl and Cat Norris I j Washing- ton Miss ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ unfinished condition of the building after the fire of last month The pupils were Miss Jessie Sams formerly of Spokane Wash now of this city and Miss Kath- arine May Brooks Mrs Sallie Bradley McDuffle soprano resisted Miss Sams a gifted young players gave a group of McDowells piano numbers including Ungarisch Shadow Dance and Valclk by J Mokrejs Miss Sams plays with brilliance and a perfect sense of rhythm Her technique and phras- ing for a young student are both re- markable She ha swift supple fingers loose wrists and an assured warm tone and made an emphatic success Miss Brooks numbers were Beeth Eccosaise Valse in C sharp minor Dvoraks Humoreke and Schu manns Varum and Grlllen a group of numbers which would test an older and more experienced artist She show- ed much versatility In style although her work was more artistic than the brilliant numbers Her legato was delightful and her interpretations show much temperament and artistic finish FQr a very pronounced encore she an exquisite rendering of Chopins lit tie Prelude No 7 Mrs McDtiffle sang Schuberts Who is Sylvia Mrs Beachs Spring and several other songs at the close of the program She has even clean tones phrases delightfully and has good enunciation is excellent She was induced to sing by special re quest La Paloma a song of much prominence seme years ago and which she sang with much piquance playing her own accompaniment Her other songs were accompanied by Miss Norma with skill and sympathy Delightful Recital Madame Ernestine SchumannHelnk the great operatic contralto was heard in song recital yesterday afternoon In the National Theater for the first time in several seasons here The enterpris ing Mount Vernon Seminary Society Rondo In C major Chopins tt It breath- e ntrol Schumann H eink s ovens ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 15 TO SAIL Many Notable Affairs Being Given to Ambassador and Wife The British Ambassador and Lady Purand with their daughter Miss rand will leave Washington on Decem- ber S3 and will sail the following day for England Almost every day now holds some notable affair given in their honor Mr and Mrs H A Grant of the British embassy staff who make their home at 1809 Twentysecond street entertained last night at dinner with the Minister from The Netherlands and Mme van Swinderen the Naval Attache- of the French Embassy and Mme de Blanpre Miss Thomas of Baltimore Miss Norris Miss Durand M de Sle bert Mr Higgins and Viscount de Chombrun as their guests Herr Rsdowltz the newly appointed secretary of the German embassy ar- rived in Washington yesterday after- noon Herr Radowitz is the son of the German ambseador to Spain and was formerly an attache of the embassy there Mrs Bonaparte wife of the Secretary of the Navy arrived in Washington yes- terday from country place near Baltimore to attend Mrs Roosevelts cabinet meeting at the White House Mrs Bonaparte will remain at her apartment in the Portland until Satur- day Miss Marguretta Symons daughter of Col and Mrs Thomas W Symons of Lafayette Square was hostess last a delightful informal dinner party for young people Miss Symona guests were Miss Frederica Morgan Miss Katherine Jennings Miss Barry Miss Esther Denny Frank Poe Dan Dun can Mr Wilson Mr Reyburn Captain Cosby and Lieutenant MacArthur- Mr and Mrs L S Sehoenthal will be at home at W Westminster street Sun- day from S to 10 p m in honor of the fifth anniversary of their wedding Young son of Mr and Mrs S Young gave a delightful dance and banquet last night at Dyers The dancing hall was d palms and roses and dancing was on entered the dining hall where colors of brown and white After par taking of dinner at the table tastefully decorated in roses and silver and can- delabra with pink shades Phil Herman who acted as toastmaster presented the host with a handsome diamond in the name of the Phoenix Club The young ladies gift to Mr Young was a shaving stand The host made a speech of thanks Those present were Miss Maude Biter Miss Camille Herman Mis Irene Somers Miss Leona Young Miss Flora Bernhelmer Miss Miss Natallie Mayer Miss Flora Gans Hilda Frank Miss Meryl Gold smith Miss Leona Stern Miss Sadie ICiseman Miss Mae Hirsh Miss Estella Hand Miss Selma Greenapple Miss Mae Julia Ott Miss Freda Well Miss Eleanor Loeb Miss Hortense Sond helmer and Abram L Newmyer Milton Kronhelmer Phil Herman Sydney Pretxfelder Myer Loeb Herbert Gug- Kenhelm Milford Stern Leo Fishel Syd- ney Bellinger Clarence Greener Bert Cohen Percy Hirsh Nathan Frank of Baltimore Phil Kronhelmer Behrend Nathan Well Irvin Sondheim er Maury Herman and Howard Sig mund to Secure Funds for Establishing a Central Directory Washington nurses who are directly Interested in the Graduate Nurses As- sociation held a bazaar yesterday In the Victoria apartment house when more than aw was added to the fund for the establishment of the central directory Attractive booths filled with Christmas novelties were arranged In one of the parlors and from early in the after- noon until 10 oclock in the evening the sales continued Miss Warner was In charge of tho bazaar and her principal assistants were Miss Taylor of Homeopathic Hos- pital Miss Pudseway of Providence ranquary ot the Children Hospital Each of these graduate nurses had a number of assistants Miss Griffith and Miss Jacho as Mrs WIggs and Lovey Mary respectively did much to bring generous patronage to the attractive Cabbage Patch which supports the free kindergarten- was responsible for bringing this treat to the music lovers of Washington Madame SchumannHalnk was In splen- did voice and has not been heard to such an advantage for some time It would be difficult to distinguish in which of the songs the great singer was at her best for all were given their proper interpretation and the most artistic finish with groat warmth of temperament and tone color The organlike tones of Madame Schu mannHelnks voice are well suited to the majestic music of Beethoven and her rendition of the Neue Liebe Neues Leben was most beautiful Schu manns song cycle of eight songs Frauenliebe und Leben was another masterpiece of Interpretation and artis tic finish The audience was enthusiastic to a degree Miss Helen Schaul who accom- panied on the piano did splendid work and showed herself to be an artist equal In her line to the star The concert was for tho benefit of the free kindergarten In South Wash ington for which the young ladles real ized a handsome sum HUNTING FOR A BUYER for anything a pretty hard task if you have to do it in person and a pret- ty easy if you do it by want ad DURAN AT END OF MONTH Du- rnt lon her night- at Hall In honor or his reaching Ida Joyed from SIQ oolock when the the decorations were In the Phoonlx Club Goldie Simon Edgar raufman Nathan Lovi Ed GRADUATE NURSES BAZAAR A SUCCESS- Held Gardiner ot Garfield and It whateverIs major- Ity until 11 guest Miss Foley Miss Gug- genheim Frank Miss Miss one A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sir Thomas Reported En- gaged to Miss Morgan- of Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA Dec IS Sir Thom as Lipton is to wed Miss Jane Philadelphia heiress who is known as tho girl skipper according to Insist- ent joclety report Sir Thomas spent much of his time while lere visiting at the home of of the United Gas Improvement Company The Irish paid constant court to Miss Morgan society says Morgan has a skippers license and oftentimes manages her fathers yacht the Wauturus Leader Leaves Home With Roller Skating Instructor NEW YORK Dee Private and the police have made a vain search for Mrs Annette Basactt a society leader of Brooklyn who has disappeared from her home On the day Mrs Basaatt left home Edward Walters instructor in roller skating also leaving a wife and two small children The story of the roller sKate romance became known Unlay Mrs Bassett left her after a stormy scene with her husband in which- It is the name of Walters was frequently mentioned Mrs Basett was a devotee of roller skating and spent many hours at the rink where was an instructor any trace of either Mrs Bassett or Wal- ters LOCAL MENTION- Hotel Johnson Cafes Oysters New York meats We stand to back rp every dish Satis- faction given or no money taken Our specialty is the Cherrystone and Service a la carte Noon lunch and table dhote dinner Get Best Fruit Cake No better cake for the holidays than fruit cake and theres no better fruit cake to be had than Holmes genuine homemade Fruit Cake It is delight fully delictoua and contains an abun dance of the cleanest and finest fruit Only JSc pound Best homemade mine pumpkin and other Bakery 1st A E its phones E 1440 and 1441 Books Books Books Christmas gift books 3c to IK Hymn- books books and C Pursell Bookseller and Stationer 418 Ninth st nw Red Immortelles 25 Cents Per Bunch Christmas Wreaths from M cents up at Kramers 9IC F st nw Best Potatas 6gc Ba GraB Sugar 21 Ibs 1 Johnstons 711 7th st nw Santa Claus Outfits Tree Ornaments Punch A Judy Marionettes Gundlachs 813 7th st nw Chiropodists ef Reputation We relieve aching feet J J Georges Son Inc 1211 Pa ave Georgetown Medicos Dance The Chi Chapter of the Phi Beta Pi Fraternity of Georgetown medical school will entertain friends at the sec- ond of the season Friday evening Carroll Institute Hall The commit tee of arrangements consists of Frank Un Camalier George Barrett and Jos- eph Burke No Beer Like Royal Pilsen- Is the verdict of all who try this superb light brew you tried it On draught at bars AbnerDrury Brewing Found Delicious Neapolitan Ice Cream 5 lOc Bricks for 25c Lacey M7 New York ave nw Santa Claus Headquarters Ask for anything in toys or Xmas gifts The Fair has It 1 to 9 less than others The Fair Sit 7th st Useful Ornamental Fancy Drop Lights Lamps Andirons Bent for Christmas 61 12 st C A Muddlman Co 1304 G at Tree Toys Tinsel Scrap Pictures Favors Toys Fancy Paper Etc Goulds Coal Coal COld Best coal and wood Lowest prices R J M C Grace 4th Phone E 23a 850 Dozen for 12 Cabinet Fotos i otter for 30 days Faber S02 7th St formerly 430 7th st Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra at Park Hotel Winter Garden Rathskeller N Y ave and nth st F Endrees Prop- U GivemmcAt Inspection Why Not Have for breakfast tomorrow morning Not the ordinary sausage but the pure delicious inviting kind made by the N Auth Provision Co JETtr S Government Inspectors supervise the manufacture of nIl oar products No AutK Provision Company PO fl IV in Oi3 dl i All Markets LIPTON WILL WED GIRL SKIPPER I j I Morgan I Morgan vice I i ELOPEMENT ENDS i RINK ROMANCE- Social I i an I home The police have been unable to find jI game and York the i r I I I dance at I P I I I s Foe I S I Sausage I I i f Randal president detec- tives beau- tiful dis- appeared Gc ft He ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = = = it r 4 dam i Piis A LISNER IJJIl d the building tomorrow are to be on an outof theway tab I eJ way back of first tloor Worth hunting like finding a gold mine Look for sign that says and for the- M Thousands of articles suitable for Christmas presentsooly thirteen are pictured here Note that the p ri c e42c for choiceis only for tomorrows m o r n i n g hrsfiom 8 a m to I PALMS ROYAL G Street A Lisner 11th Street w The Royal Where fhe best treasures iii Where that says Here 42 s I car si 1pm- i L- 5he PIANOS For Sale fair and r e a a o n abl prices and on a c commodat Ing Special its count for- tuned paired raovec John F Ellis Co I 937 Pa Ave J Buy the Hardware Gifts at a Hard- ware Store and get reliable guar- anteed qualities Tool Chests Empty Tool I Gillettes Safe Chests 1 to 16 ty Razors 5OO 2 pc Carving Sets 6 White Han- dle Table Knives 9175 Tool Chests filled with guar- anteed tools 93 20 3 pc Carving Sets in case 250 Pocket Knives guaranteed 25c SOc 75c and 100 Razors 100 JOHN B ESPEY The Original Carver Man Hardware 1010 Pa Ave Todays the Day j COME TO OUR DISSOLUTION SALE THE GLOBE 803 Penna Avenue N W i CERES Four makes more bread whiter brwid better bread than any other mllled flowers f Imitations of the brand CERES FOR SALE BY ALL GROCEU3 i I i- t f- at I t IT caah Pianos f re T t i packed t- f I i Xmas Gifts i I 100 I Guaranteed- to 1 10 i f- f t I t- t I Fe L terms N c I S S S S I t CERisI flour ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Excursions GREAT pAiJis or THE POTOMAC atagT Scenery Great rolls and Old Dominion sy 36th and M sts Transfer both with Capital T EDW CLARK BUILDERS SUPPLIESA- nd Headquarters for Secondhand Building Material Buildings of All Kinds Bought and Wrecked Quickly and Expertly 1305 New Jersey Av NW Phone 279 The recognition which is accorded Electric Light a a successful advertis ing medium Is becoming so gen- eral that the merchant who does not make use of it is looked upon as being behind the times Potomac Electric Power Co Contract Dept 213 14th SL N W COOK WITH COKEGr- eater satisfaction is assured and a substantial saving effected when Coke instead of Coal is used for Cooking Well supply you Coke 25 Bushels Large Coke del 220 40 Bushels Large Coke 60 Bushels Large Coke del 530 25 Bushels Crushed Coke del 800 40 Bushels Crushed Coke 60 Bushels Crushed Coke del 650 Washington Gaslight CaM 413 lOtla bt N w Printing as Ordered When Ordered Phone Main4U GLOBE PRINTING CO Printers Bookbinders 14t and E Streets H W TIMES WANT ADC BRING cent Traction Co N I r t- t I 1 t t I I J Engravers j t RESUL ways C del 4370 del 1430 S I I I- I ¬ ¬ + Amusements COLUMBIA B Tonight at 8il5 Mats Daniel V Arthur Pre MU In Augustus Thomas Big Comedy Atccoii The Education of Hr PippT- he Charles Dana Gibson Play NEXT WEEK NAT C Tu GENIUS irhfta When We Were Twentyone Fri Sat and Sat Mat WHAT WOULD A GENTLEMAN DO The o y tflfate n ttjutingt n offer log exclusively AnarKin ai fireJr or th nmt rank Charles Dillingham Presents FRITZI IN THE BEST AMERICAN OPERA NEXT WEEK ANNIE RUSSELL Colored Views and Motion Picture ELiViEFJDGRF EXTRA LECTURE THURSDAY DEC 20 430 P M PALESTINE Ji HOLY LAND Prices Jl 0o 75r an l SOc Gallery Sc SEATS NOW SELLXXO TONIGHT PRICES 25otoSI5O Independent cf the Theatrical Trust The Biggest Hit in Town HENRY WOODRUFF 5 Brown of Harvard saS Original Curt and Production SLXDAY NIGHT Famous TO Foreign and American Motion SIOO Pictures Monday Dec 17 THB KICXilAN PLAYERS NIGHTS Lafayette Anjue me t Matioeei 25c I NIGHT IBATURrrT ALL THIS WEEK ONE OF AMERICAS BRIGHTEST STARS KATHRYN PURNELL Next Week lt Half EAST LYNN M CAMILLE deIO t- j fFSjy Dally Matinees 25c E enlnga 26 and lOc EMIr HOCK com A2rr Presenting Their jjictsMi e of Cuul LOVES YOUNG DREAM 2 Heal New York K t MLLE ORA CECIL THE QUEEN With Her Trainee Leopards Far thers and Cougars ALF GRANT ETHEL HOAO JOHN BIRCH Redford nnd Winchester Bellong Brothers Leonard Kane Honeymoon Trip to Niagara Falls Motion Pictures Next Van AlMjrn and Louise Henry Mr and Mrs Mark Murphy Brothers Kremka c Seats on sale now TUesdAy Thursday Saturday ALL THIS WEEK THE ORIGINAL NEW YORK PRODUCTION Bedfords Hope 200 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK ISO NIGHTS IX CHICAGO SEE THE BIG At TO KACii Next Week YOTTNG BUFFALO KING OF THE WILD WEST I Popular I with ths People j W MATINEE DAILY ALL THIS WBEK CHERRY BLOSSOMS Presenting One of the Most Spectacular and Sensational Novelties the SERPENTINE SHOWER DREAMLAND BURLESQUERS LAST WEEK HALL 50 10c nt packageS of EgeoS this afternoon to first 258 MO full loaves of W Berena Sons Bread Kiv n free tonight to nrat ladies purchasing A JSW Probey Carriage and a JK3 veb e clven Saturday sight vae lag Compound given this Admission He Partly paid given free by all grocers KNEISEL QUARTET- Pirat Concert Thursday l ec 13 813 EaR of the New Wlllard Single tickets JL50 with T A Smith 1827 F Street Sale begins Wednesday December 5 CALL 2X 4392 Bansons Academy Cxi WO and Residence 719 Sixth St ST W Thorough and Reltabie years of Experience CU Tuesday Thursday B- Danclnff Receptions 830 Private lessons given any hour with music Teaoners Mr and Mrs Davlson Ball Boom for rent i Every Saturday Evening Dancing S3u 10 li KROTES oselblumchen A celebrated MOSBLLB WINE of the finest vin- tage Bottled expressly for us SOcqt Stopt Christian Xander Quality nnn 7fh St Phon Main 274 You will get the knack of finding chances and oppo- rtunities through reading the want ads and then you will not worry about It even If your friends Insist that you are simply lucky I I It i 0 I I THE I Ma1iItee 1 TONIGHT NIEWNJdL sa1f 111 It- 0tIIy i SOHtFF I I I I J I I t ay I 25c LOWER FLOOR WildESTI 0 600 MONDAY SOUVENIR SAPHO Halt n LEOP AnD an WeekEgbert ACADEMY Matinees lk FOOD SHOW CONVENTION Doors open to 630 and to ieso pm given ladles 1I e Piano tree next now Fivecent ot Ii1KtrlC Wesh I tree to all ladles at- tending I B SON S DAN t ASSEMBLY DAUCDS IUFLES A1rUOBY 1 M I I I case qts I BELL GOOD WIN tats tPLLE MODISTE I IN Cos MOtDAY WED ft LYOEUM 130 7ss sic SOS packages t sit stA Roust = = ° > ¬ ¬ ¬ =

TillER I IN THE CIRCLE OF SOCIETY The Piis Royal Ichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-12... · 4 THE WASHINGTON TillER WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12 1906 I IN THE CIRCLE OF SOCIETY

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Page 1: TillER I IN THE CIRCLE OF SOCIETY The Piis Royal Ichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-12... · 4 THE WASHINGTON TillER WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12 1906 I IN THE CIRCLE OF SOCIETY


IN CIRCLE OF SOCIETYI THEMiss Barnes Is MarriedTo Lieut M Brooke U S A

Groom Stationed inCuba Where He Will

Take His Bride-

St Church wa thescene today at noun of ihe mrriHgeof Mine Marie Fauntleroy Barnesdaughter of Mrs Gunnell wife of DrF M Gunaelt U S N to Lleut MarkBrooke U S A The church wastastefully decorated with palms andrtd bloasoflu presenting an attractivebackground for the brlliiant militaryxniforms of the men and the prettywhite gowns of the women of the1rJdal party

Miss Barnes entered the church withher stepfather Z r Gunnel who gaveher in Her sown was ofheavy white duchess satin made prin-CfSB with the entire treat panel ofcloth of the bodice trimmed withold family lace Her long veilof tulle and fell to the hem of thetrain and she carried shower bouquet-

of Bride roses and lilies of the valleyMIsS Florence Conrad attended the

bride as maid of honor and wore ahandsome empire gown of white laceover a foundation of chiffon tulle andllk with large white felt picture hat

effectively trimmed with long whiteplumes falling gracefully over the sidefind caught with one large white roseHer bouquet as were the bridemaidswas a huge shower of red roeee

Mrs Eugene Hondloy MrS Andrew YBradley Miss Louise Chase Miss HesterShepard Miss Marie Brooke cousin ofthe bridegroom and Miss Evelyn Chewwere the brides other attendants Theyeach wore a dainty qf whiteradium silk with large picturehats of felt trimmed with wreaths ofwhite roses and long streamers of whiteznallne tied in pretty bows at the leftside and each carried showers of redroses

lieutenant Brooke met the bride andher party at the altar with his bestman Lieut Elliott Dent and the

was performed by the Rev Ro-

land Cotton Smith reeto of St JohnsThe ushers who seated the guests and

preceded the bride and her attendants tothe chancel were Lieut Henry W Torney LJeut Thomas Robins Lieut Theoaore Dillon Lieut Henry Robert LieutMcArthur and Paymaster MacGowan

After the ceremony at the church areception and breakfast were held in thehome of the brides parents in Twentieth street for the bridal party and afew personal friends Mrs Gunnell re-ceived the gutwta in a handsome toiletteof black crepe de chine over violet silk















Miss Elinot MotionBzide of Philip Hichbozn


Miss Ettnor Morton Hoyt daughterof Solicitor General and Mr Henry MHoyt and Philip Hlchborn mar-

ried today by Rev Henry YatesSatterlee bishop of Washington in thehome of the bridex parents The entirelower floor of the house prettilydecorated with white chrysanthemumsanti and palms

Mr Hoyt his daughter In marridge Her sown wa of white satinelaborately trimmed with real old tam

I lace and worn with a loam veil ofreil lace Her bouquet was an immensehower of llllea of the valley

Miss Con tance Hoyt the brides sis-

ter was her maid of honor and worea dainty frock of yellow chiffon with awhIte lace hat trimmed nith tiny rosebuds and carried a bouquet of violetsH nry M Hoyt Jr the brides brotherwas the best man for Mr Hichborn

Mrs Hoyt the brides mother wore arich empire gown of blue brocaded satinwith touches of palm velvet and oldfamily lace on the bodice

An informal reception was held afterthe weddinG and later in the day Mrand Mrs Hlchborn left Washington for








and a violet velvet toque At th housethe decorations were in the same colora those of the church red rome palmsand ferns

Lieutenant and Mrs Brooke leftWashington later In the afternoon rorthe bridal trip Mrs Brooko wearing abecoming tailored suit of brown a

brown hat and sable furs lieu-tenant Brooke will take his bride toCuba where he is now stationed

The bride of today made her debut InWashington society two ndhas since been an acknowledgedleader in her s t and an especiallyprominent figure in the sixty couplecotillons each winter

Since the announcement of her en-gagement Miss names has been one ofthe most extensively entertained brideselect of season Almost every dayof the week preceding tne weddingbridal party were the guests of honor atone or more functions which were sup-plemented by the brides

to the bridesmaids at whichshe each of them with ahandsome gold set with a rubyYesterday Lieutenant Brookes lastsupper took place at the Willard

Mrs Elliott wife of Brigadier General Elliott U S M C entertained atluncheon today in compliment to MrsBonaparte wife of the of the

who is spending the remainder-of tie week in Washington To meetMrs Bonaparte were Mrs Tuft wife ofthe of War Mrs M tcalfwife of the Secretary of Commerce andLabor Mrs Galltnger Mrs Martinwife of Senator Martin of VirginiaMrs Weeks wife of RepresentativeWeeks of Massachusetts Mrs Mc

wife of Major McCawley MrsMagruder Mrs Simpson Mrs Carr

Chester and Miss WoodhuilMrs was hostess yesterday

afternoon at tea in her home Calumetolace in honor of Lawton AndMrs Liscum who are spending a fewdays In Washington

The house was decorated with whiteand yellow chrysanthemums and MrsLogan wore a handsome uwn of blncksatin with effective touches of laven-der OR the bodice Mrs Tucker whoassisted her mother in receiving worea gown of white chiffon trimmed Inblack and wore pearl ornaments MrsLawtons gown wa i of white chlftonand Mrs Liscum wore a crepe de chinegown of white

Mrs Hatneld Miss HatHeld MrsHumphrey Miss Humphrey Mrs

F Elliott Mrs Gheen and MISSGheen Mrs Dodge and Miss JulietteWilliams assisted in doing the honorsof the afternoon

Mrs Logans home has been closedfor some time on account of mourningand yesterday was the first opportunity-a number of Mrs I gans friends ofrepresentative army and navy circleshave had to avail themselves of herhospitality

The Vice President and Mrs Fair-banks were the guests of honor of Mrand Mrs John W Foster last night atdinner

Miss Katherine Riggs entertained atluncheon today Covers were laid forten

















The Philadelphia Orchestra under theleadership of Fritz Scheel AlexanderPttschnikoff the Russian violinist assoloist exercised an attraction whicheven so powerful a magnet as MmeBchumannHeink as counterattractioncould not overcome So It was that theBelasco Theater yesterday afternoonwas filled with a most attentive andcritical audience The organisation under Mr Scheel is justly accountedamong the leading organizations of itskind in this country It yields the palmto none IP masterly execution orcialy intelligence Its work bears theunmistakable stamp of profound studyand inspired leadership

The program yesterday was interest-ing throughout Devoted entirely to theexploitation of modern composers itproved thoroughly engaging by reasonof the temperamental distinction thatcharacterized its numbers Of the threepurely orcheatil selections the nrst oneDvoraks New World symphony wasthe most Important

The symphony was followed by theapptarance of an artistjounj though he is who is easily thel ter of great modern masters of theviolin He has chosen for his offeringthe immensely concerto ofTchalkowsky in D major and played-it with masterful virtuosity Ills toneis full and round his execution brilliant-to a degree and his entire performancetears the stamp of

The other numbers for the orchestrawere Cesar Frarcks symphonic poemRedemption and GriegsDance

Pupils PresentedAt Piano RecitalT-

he first recital of the pupils of theVirgil Clavier Piano School of Wash-ington Miss Georgia B Miller directorwas given Monday evening tit the studioof Miss Miller on F street recitalwas postponed several times owing to the













their bridal journey Mrs Hiohbornstraveling gown was of dark gray witha large black velvet hat trimmed withplumes and white roeee After their return from their wedding trip Mr and

Hichborn will reside in

Another wedding of interest will bethat tonight ef Saidee VIne Luttrell the youngest daughter of the lateCaptain Luttrell of Washington to Albert Howard Cousins of Boston Thewedding will take place In St Johns

Miss Luttrell will be her slaters maidof honor and the other attendants wiltbe Miss Davis Miss Sue Young MissHammond Miss Draper Miss StrauseSt Louis

Ernest B Ryerson of Boston will bebest man and the ushers will be Andrew B Duvall Charles A BarnardFrancis Hawes H H Hibbard Howell

i of New York After the cere-mony a reception for the bridal partyand relatives wilt be held

Mitts Jessie Steele niece of Mr andMrs Arthur Addison of Q street willmake her debut tonight at a dance inher honor at Rauachera


of Washington and M 8S Harlow ot

Boyle of Phnadethl and Cat Norris










unfinished condition of the building afterthe fire of last month The pupils wereMiss Jessie Sams formerly of SpokaneWash now of this city and Miss Kath-arine May Brooks Mrs Sallie BradleyMcDuffle soprano resisted Miss Samsa gifted young players gave a group ofMcDowells piano numbers including

Ungarisch Shadow Dance andValclk by J Mokrejs Miss Sams

plays with brilliance and a perfect senseof rhythm Her technique and phras-ing for a young student are both re-markable She ha swift supple fingersloose wrists and an assured warm toneand made an emphatic success

Miss Brooks numbers were Beeth

Eccosaise Valse in C sharp minorDvoraks Humoreke and Schumanns Varum and Grlllen a groupof numbers which would test an olderand more experienced artist She show-ed much versatility In style althoughher work was more artistic thanthe brilliant numbers Her legato wasdelightful and her interpretations showmuch temperament and artistic finishFQr a very pronounced encore shean exquisite rendering of Chopins littie Prelude No 7

Mrs McDtiffle sang Schuberts Whois Sylvia Mrs Beachs Spring andseveral other songs at the close of theprogram She has even clean tonesphrases delightfully and has good

enunciation is excellentShe was induced to sing by special request La Paloma a song of muchprominence seme years ago and whichshe sang with much piquance playingher own accompaniment Her othersongs were accompanied by Miss Normawith skill and sympathy

Delightful RecitalMadame Ernestine SchumannHelnk

the great operatic contralto was heardin song recital yesterday afternoon Inthe National Theater for the first timein several seasons here The enterprising Mount Vernon Seminary Society

Rondo In C major Chopins



breath-e ntrol

Schumann Heink s











Many Notable Affairs BeingGiven to Ambassador

and Wife

The British Ambassador and LadyPurand with their daughter Missrand will leave Washington on Decem-ber S3 and will sail the following dayfor England Almost every day nowholds some notable affair given in theirhonor

Mr and Mrs H A Grant ofthe British embassy staff who maketheir home at 1809 Twentysecond streetentertained last night at dinner withthe Minister from The Netherlands andMme van Swinderen the Naval Attache-of the French Embassy and Mme deBlanpre Miss Thomas of BaltimoreMiss Norris Miss Durand M de Slebert Mr Higgins and Viscount deChombrun as their guests

Herr Rsdowltz the newly appointedsecretary of the German embassy ar-

rived in Washington yesterday after-noon Herr Radowitz is the son of theGerman ambseador to Spain and wasformerly an attache of the embassythere

Mrs Bonaparte wife of the Secretaryof the Navy arrived in Washington yes-

terday from country place nearBaltimore to attend Mrs Roosevelts

cabinet meeting at the White HouseMrs Bonaparte will remain at herapartment in the Portland until Satur-day

Miss Marguretta Symons daughter ofCol and Mrs Thomas W Symons ofLafayette Square was hostess last

a delightful informal dinner partyfor young people Miss Symona guestswere Miss Frederica Morgan MissKatherine Jennings Miss Barry MissEsther Denny Frank Poe Dan Duncan Mr Wilson Mr Reyburn CaptainCosby and Lieutenant MacArthur-

Mr and Mrs L S Sehoenthal will beat home at W Westminster street Sun-day from S to 10 p m in honor of thefifth anniversary of their wedding

Young son of Mr and MrsS Young gave a delightful danceand banquet last night at Dyers

The dancing hall was dpalms and roses and dancing was on

entered the dining hall where

colors of brown and white After partaking of dinner at the table tastefullydecorated in roses and silver and can-delabra with pink shades Phil Hermanwho acted as toastmaster presented thehost with a handsome diamond inthe name of the Phoenix Club Theyoung ladies gift to Mr Young was ashaving stand The host made a speechof thanks Those present were MissMaude Biter Miss Camille Herman MisIrene Somers Miss Leona Young MissFlora Bernhelmer MissMiss Natallie Mayer Miss Flora Gans

Hilda Frank Miss Meryl Goldsmith Miss Leona Stern Miss SadieICiseman Miss Mae Hirsh Miss EstellaHand Miss Selma Greenapple Miss Mae

Julia Ott Miss Freda WellMiss Eleanor Loeb Miss Hortense Sondhelmer and Abram L Newmyer MiltonKronhelmer Phil Herman Sydney

Pretxfelder Myer Loeb Herbert Gug-Kenhelm Milford Stern Leo Fishel Syd-ney Bellinger Clarence Greener BertCohen Percy Hirsh Nathan Frank ofBaltimore Phil KronhelmerBehrend Nathan Well Irvin Sondheimer Maury Herman and Howard Sigmund

to Secure Funds forEstablishing a Central


Washington nurses who are directlyInterested in the Graduate Nurses As-sociation held a bazaar yesterday In theVictoria apartment house when morethan aw was added to the fund for theestablishment of the central directoryAttractive booths filled with Christmasnovelties were arranged In one of theparlors and from early in the after-noon until 10 oclock in the evening thesales continued

Miss Warner was In charge of thobazaar and her principal assistantswere Miss Taylor of Homeopathic Hos-pital Miss Pudseway of Providenceranquary ot the Children HospitalEach of these graduate nurses had anumber of assistants Miss Griffith andMiss Jacho as Mrs WIggs and LoveyMary respectively did much to bringgenerous patronage to the attractiveCabbage Patch

which supports the free kindergarten-was responsible for bringing this treatto the music lovers of WashingtonMadame SchumannHalnk was In splen-did voice and has not been heard tosuch an advantage for some time

It would be difficult to distinguish inwhich of the songs the great singer wasat her best for all were given theirproper interpretation and the mostartistic finish with groat warmth oftemperament and tone color

The organlike tones of Madame SchumannHelnks voice are well suited tothe majestic music of Beethoven andher rendition of the Neue Liebe NeuesLeben was most beautiful Schumanns song cycle of eight songsFrauenliebe und Leben was anothermasterpiece of Interpretation and artis

tic finishThe audience was enthusiastic to a

degree Miss Helen Schaul who accom-panied on the piano did splendid workand showed herself to be an artist equalIn her line to the star

The concert was for tho benefitof the free kindergarten In South Washington for which the young ladles realized a handsome sum

HUNTING FOR A BUYERfor anything apretty hard task if you have

to do it in person and a pret-ty easy if you do it bywant ad




rnt lon




Hall In honor or his reaching Ida

Joyed from SIQ oolock when the

the decorations were In the Phoonlx Club

Goldie SimonEdgar raufman Nathan Lovi





Gardiner ot Garfield and




until 11



Foley Miss



Miss Miss






















Sir Thomas Reported En-

gaged to Miss Morgan-

of Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA Dec IS Sir Thomas Lipton is to wed Miss JanePhiladelphia heiress who is known astho girl skipper according to Insist-ent joclety report

Sir Thomas spent much of his timewhile lere visiting at the home of

of theUnited Gas Improvement Company TheIrish paid constant court to MissMorgan society says

Morgan has a skippers licenseand oftentimes manages her fathersyacht the Wauturus

Leader Leaves HomeWith Roller Skating


NEW YORK Dee Privateand the police have made a vain

search for Mrs Annette Basactt asociety leader of Brooklyn who has

disappeared from her home On the dayMrs Basaatt left home Edward Walters

instructor in roller skating alsoleaving a wife and two small

children The story of the roller sKateromance became known Unlay

Mrs Bassett left her after astormy scene with her husband in which-It is the name of Walters wasfrequently mentioned Mrs Basett wasa devotee of roller skating and spentmany hours at the rink wherewas an instructorany trace of either Mrs Bassett or Wal-ters


Hotel Johnson Cafes

Oysters New York meatsWe stand to back rp every dish Satis-faction given or no money taken Ourspecialty is the Cherrystone and

Service a la carte Noonlunch and table dhote dinner

Get Best Fruit Cake

No better cake for the holidays thanfruit cake and theres no better fruitcake to be had than Holmes genuinehomemade Fruit Cake It is delightfully delictoua and contains an abundance of the cleanest and finest fruitOnly JSc pound Best homemade minepumpkin and otherBakery 1st A E its phones E 1440and 1441

Books Books BooksChristmas gift books 3c to IK Hymn-

books books and CPursell Bookseller and Stationer 418Ninth st nw

Red Immortelles 25 Cents Per BunchChristmas Wreaths from M cents up atKramers 9IC F st nw

Best Potatas 6gc Ba GraB Sugar21 Ibs 1 Johnstons 711 7th st nw

Santa Claus Outfits Tree OrnamentsPunch A Judy Marionettes Gundlachs813 7th st nw

Chiropodists ef ReputationWe relieve aching feet J J GeorgesSon Inc 1211 Pa ave

Georgetown Medicos DanceThe Chi Chapter of the Phi Beta Pi

Fraternity of Georgetown medicalschool will entertain friends at the sec-ond of the season Friday evening

Carroll Institute Hall The committee of arrangements consists of FrankUn Camalier George Barrett and Jos-eph Burke

No Beer Like Royal Pilsen-Is the verdict of all who try this superblight brew you tried it Ondraught at bars AbnerDrury Brewing

Found Delicious Neapolitan Ice Cream5 lOc Bricks for 25c Lacey M7 NewYork ave nw

Santa Claus HeadquartersAsk for anything in toys or Xmas

gifts The Fair has It 1 to 9 less thanothers The Fair Sit 7th st

Useful OrnamentalFancy Drop Lights Lamps Andirons

Bent for Christmas61 12 st C A Muddlman Co 1304 G at

Tree Toys Tinsel Scrap PicturesFavors Toys Fancy Paper Etc Goulds

Coal Coal COld

Best coal and wood Lowest prices R JM C Grace 4th Phone E 23a

850 Dozen for 12 Cabinet Fotos i

otter for 30 days Faber S02 7thSt formerly 430 7th st

Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra atPark Hotel Winter Garden RathskellerN Y ave and nth st F Endrees Prop-

U GivemmcAt Inspection

Why Not Have

for breakfast tomorrowmorning Not the ordinarysausage but the pure deliciousinviting kind made by the NAuth Provision Co

JETtr S Government Inspectorssupervise the manufacture of nIloar products

No AutK ProvisionCompany

PO fl IV inOi3 dl i All Markets







Morgan vice











The police have been unable to find


game and























Randal president


















it r 4dam i



d the building tomorrow

are to be on an outoftheway tab I eJ way

back of first tloor

Worth hunting like

finding a gold mine

Look for sign that says

and for the-


Thousands of articles

suitable for Christmas

presentsooly thirteen

are pictured here Note

that the p ri c e42cfor choiceis only fortomorrows m o r n i n g

hrsfiom 8 a m to


PALMS ROYALG Street A Lisner 11th Street


The Royal

Wherefhe best treasures iii


that says Here



car si


i L-



fair andr e a a o n ablprices and ona c commodatIngSpecial itscount for-

tunedpaired raovec

John F Ellis Co I

937 Pa Ave J

Buy the Hardware Gifts at a Hard-ware Store and get reliable guar-

anteed qualities

Tool ChestsEmpty Tool I Gillettes Safe

Chests 1 to 16 ty Razors 5OO

2 pc CarvingSets

6 White Han-dle Table Knives9175

Tool Chestsfilled with guar-anteed tools 93


3 pc CarvingSets in case250Pocket Knivesguaranteed

25c SOc 75c and100

Razors 100

JOHN B ESPEYThe Original Carver Man

Hardware 1010 Pa Ave

Todays the Day j



THE GLOBE803 Penna Avenue N W i

CERES Four makes more bread whiterbrwid better bread than any othermllled flowers f Imitations of the brand





t f-

at I


caah Pianos fre T

ti packed t-




Xmas Gifts









f tI t-










t CERisI






ExcursionsGREAT pAiJis or THE POTOMAC

atagT Scenery Great rolls andOld Dominion sy 36th and M stsTransfer both with Capital



nd Headquarters for SecondhandBuilding Material

Buildings of All Kinds Bought andWrecked Quickly and Expertly

1305 New Jersey Av NWPhone 279

The recognition whichis accorded Electric Lighta a successful advertising medium Is becoming so gen-

eral that the merchant who doesnot make use of it is lookedupon as being behind the times

Potomac Electric Power Co

Contract Dept 213 14th SL N W

COOK WITHCOKEGr-eater satisfaction is assured

and a substantial saving effectedwhen Coke instead of Coal is usedfor Cooking Well supply youCoke25 Bushels Large Coke del 22040 Bushels Large Coke60 Bushels Large Coke del 53025 Bushels Crushed Coke del 80040 Bushels Crushed Coke60 Bushels Crushed Coke del 650

Washington Gaslight CaM413 lOtla bt N w

Printing as Ordered

When Ordered


Printers Bookbinders14t and E Streets H W




Traction Co



r t-

t I

1 tt I



Engravers jt




del 4370

del 1430



I I-






COLUMBIA BTonight at 8il5 Mats

Daniel V Arthur Pre MU

In Augustus Thomas Big Comedy Atccoii

The Education of Hr PippT-

he Charles Dana Gibson PlayNEXT WEEKNAT C

Tu GENIUSirhfta When We Were Twentyone


The o y tflfate n ttjutingt n offerlog exclusively AnarKin a i fireJror th nmt rankCharles Dillingham PresentsFRITZI



Colored Views and Motion Picture



PALESTINE Ji HOLY LANDPrices Jl 0o 75r an l SOc Gallery Sc



25otoSI5OIndependent cf the Theatrical Trust

The Biggest Hit in Town

HENRY WOODRUFF 5Brown of Harvard saS

Original Curt and ProductionSLXDAY NIGHT Famous TO

Foreign and American Motion SIOOPicturesMonday Dec 17 THB KICXilAN PLAYERS

NIGHTS Lafayette Anjue me t Matioeei




Next Week lt Half EAST LYNN MCAMILLE deIO t-

j fFSjy

Dally Matinees 25c E enlnga 26 and lOc

EMIr HOCK com A2rrPresenting Their jjictsMi e of Cuul


QUEEN With Her Trainee Leopards Farthers and Cougars ALF GRANTETHEL HOAO JOHN BIRCH Redford nndWinchester Bellong Brothers LeonardKane Honeymoon Trip to Niagara FallsMotion Pictures

Next Van AlMjrn and LouiseHenry Mr and Mrs Mark Murphy BrothersKremka c Seats on sale now

TUesdAyThursday Saturday


Bedfords Hope200 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK



IPopular I


Presenting One of the Most Spectacular andSensational Novelties the




50 10c nt packageS of EgeoS thisafternoon to first 258 MO fullloaves of W Berena Sons Bread Kiv nfree tonight to nrat ladies purchasing

A JSW Probey Carriage and a JK3 veb e

clven Saturday sight vae

lag Compound giventhis Admission He Partly

paid given free by all grocers

KNEISEL QUARTET-Pirat Concert Thursday l ec 13 813

EaR of the New WlllardSingle tickets JL50 with T A Smith

1827 F Street Sale begins WednesdayDecember 5


2X 4392

Bansons AcademyCxi WO and Residence719 Sixth St ST W

Thorough and Reltabie years of ExperienceCU Tuesday Thursday B-

Danclnff Receptions 830 Private lessonsgiven any hour with music Teaoners Mrand Mrs Davlson Ball Boom for rent

iEvery Saturday Evening Dancing S3u 10 li


A celebrated MOSBLLBWINE of the finest vin-tage Bottled expresslyfor us

SOcqt Stopt

Christian XanderQuality nnn 7fh St Phon

Main 274

You will get the knack offinding chances and oppo-

rtunities through reading thewant ads and then you willnot worry about It even Ifyour friends Insist that youare simply lucky




i 0







NIEWNJdL sa1f111 It-0tIIy















ACADEMY Matinees


FOOD SHOWCONVENTIONDoors open to 630 and to ieso pm


1I e

Piano tree nextnow Fivecent ot Ii1KtrlC Wesh

Itree to all ladles at-tending










case qts












130 7sssic










