Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report Prepared By: Barry Williams Date: 1 December 2015 Issue Date Recipient Organisation Draft 5 November 2015 Mr Peter Tinning Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Draft 9 November 2015 Mr Damien Blackwell Environment Protection Authority Final 26 November 2015 Mr Damien Blackwell Environment Protection Authority Final revised 1 December 2015 Mr Damien Blackwell Environment Protection Authority

Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry ... Earthmoving Pty Ltd, Forcett... · Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd ACN 154 212 638 Address 88 Lewisham Road LEWISHAM Tasmania 7173

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Page 1: Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry ... Earthmoving Pty Ltd, Forcett... · Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd ACN 154 212 638 Address 88 Lewisham Road LEWISHAM Tasmania 7173

Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report

Prepared By: Barry Williams

Date: 1 December 2015

Issue Date Recipient Organisation

Draft 5 November 2015 Mr Peter Tinning Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd

Draft 9 November 2015 Mr Damien Blackwell Environment Protection Authority

Final 26 November 2015 Mr Damien Blackwell Environment Protection Authority

Final revised 1 December 2015 Mr Damien Blackwell Environment Protection Authority

Page 2: Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry ... Earthmoving Pty Ltd, Forcett... · Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd ACN 154 212 638 Address 88 Lewisham Road LEWISHAM Tasmania 7173

Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Table of Contents 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 2

Figures ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Tables ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Plates ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Part A - Proponent Details ...................................................................................................................... 3

Part B – Project Description .................................................................................................................... 4

1 Description of project ..................................................................................................................... 4

2 Project area ..................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Map and site plan ........................................................................................................................... 7

4 Rationale and alternatives .............................................................................................................. 9

Part C Potential environmental effects ................................................................................................... 9

1 Flora and Fauna ............................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Flora values ............................................................................................................................. 9

1.2 Fauna values ......................................................................................................................... 10

1.3 Weeds ................................................................................................................................... 10

2 Rivers creeks wetlands and estuaries ........................................................................................... 10

2.1 Pitt Water – Orielton Lagoon ................................................................................................ 10

3 Significant areas ............................................................................................................................ 12

3.1 Visual impact ......................................................................................................................... 12

4 Coastal zone .................................................................................................................................. 13

5 Marine areas ................................................................................................................................. 14

6 Air emissions ................................................................................................................................. 14

7 Liquid effluent ............................................................................................................................... 14

8 Solid waste .................................................................................................................................... 15

9 Noise emissions ............................................................................................................................. 15

10 Transport impacts ..................................................................................................................... 15

11 Other off-site impacts ............................................................................................................... 17

12 Hazardous substances and chemicals ....................................................................................... 17

13 Site contamination .................................................................................................................... 17

14 Sustainability and climate change ............................................................................................ 17

15 Cultural heritage ....................................................................................................................... 17

16 Sites of high public interest ....................................................................................................... 17

17 Rehabilitation ............................................................................................................................ 19

Part D – Management commitments ................................................................................................... 19

Part E – Public Consultation .................................................................................................................. 20

References ............................................................................................................................................ 20

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Figures 3

FIGURES Figure 1: locality plan .............................................................................................................................. 7

Figure 2: Site Plan showing existing and ultimate operations area, Cross Section at A-A ..................... 8

TABLES Table 1: Proponent details ...................................................................................................................... 3

Table 2: Proposed operation details ....................................................................................................... 4

Table 3: Main items of equipment .......................................................................................................... 4

Table 4: Property details ......................................................................................................................... 5

Table 5: Other uses in close proximity .................................................................................................... 6

Table 6: Climate Data .............................................................................................................................. 6

Table 7: Biophysical data (Land Tasmania, 2015) ................................................................................... 6

PLATES Plate 1: Looking SW with Reservoir and Lagoon in background ........................................................... 11

Plate 2: Vantage point on Arthur Highway looking SW towards quarry .............................................. 13

Plate 3: Quarry access junction looking south ...................................................................................... 16

Plate 4: Quarry access junction looking north ...................................................................................... 16


Business Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd

ACN 154 212 638

Address 88 Lewisham Road LEWISHAM Tasmania 7173

Email [email protected]

Contact Mr Peter Tinning

Mobile 0400 932 121

Page 4: Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry ... Earthmoving Pty Ltd, Forcett... · Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd ACN 154 212 638 Address 88 Lewisham Road LEWISHAM Tasmania 7173

Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Part B – Project Description 4


1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Proponent currently operates a quarry on private land at Lewisham under mining lease 1805P/M. A second pit has been established in an alternative location on the same title (166029/1). The Proponent is seeking a planning permit to operate the second pit as a Level 2 Activity.


Project Name Forcett House Quarry

Mining Lease 1998P/M

Maximum Annual Production Not exceeding 5 000 cubic metres

Production & processing area 4.0 hectares

Total area of un-rehabilitated land required for this proposal 4.0 hectares

Hours of Operation (weekdays) 7.00 am to 7.00 pm

Saturdays 8.00 am to 4.00 pm

Sundays, public holidays: No work

Product will be won by direct ripping the source rock to produce the raw product. This product will be run through a crusher / screener to produce aggregates and gravels. The equipment listed below in Table 3 will be used to conduct the operation.

Works and quarry operations will be carried out generally in accordance with the provisions of the Quarry Code of Practice 1999 (DPIWE, 1999).


Operation Equipment Power

Ripping / pushing Komatsu D85 dozer 220 hp

Loading / stockpiling Komatsu WA320 wheel loader 160 hp

Crushing ESBA horizontal impactor 260 hp

Screening Precision Screen Contractor 30 hp

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Project area 5

2 PROJECT AREA The proposed quarry operation will occur on land owned by the Proponent’s family at 88 Lewisham Road. An application for a mining lease (1998P/M) was submitted to Mineral Resources Tasmania on 26 March 2015 and is under consideration.


Address 88 Lewisham Road, Lewisham

Property Owner D + L Nominees Pty. Ltd.

Property ID 3250419

Certificate of Title 166029/1

Mining Lease 1998P/M

Lessee D + L Nominees Pty. Ltd.

Operator Tinning Earthmoving Pty. Ltd.

Tenure Private Land

Land Capability 4 Land well suited to grazing but which is limited to occasional or a very restricted range of crops.

Mining Lease Area 7 hectares

The site is surrounded by the Proponent’s family farm, which is predominantly grazing land, although the recent installation of an irrigation pipeline will allow for more crop based agriculture on surrounding land in the future.

The quarry is located directly adjacent to a major water impoundment, Gordon’s Reservoir. The land is very low lying with a maximum elevation above sea level of 15 metres. The following types of activities currently occur in the vicinity of the quarry site:




Burnie Smithton


100 0

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Forcett House Quarry – Environment Effects Report 26 Nov. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Project area 6


Use Address Ownership Distance

Forcett Lakes Golf Club 88 Lewisham Rd Proponent’s family 375 metres

Forcett House / Residential 120 Lewisham Rd Other ownership 675 metres

Wastewater Treatment Systems Commercial / residential

490 Arthur highway Other ownership 775 metres

Residential 12 Blackwood Drive Other ownership 1 250 metres


Climate Data Hobart Airport (094008) 8.7 kilometres away

Mean Annual Rainfall 498.8 mm

Mean maximum temperature 17.50

Mean minimum temperature 8.10

Strongest and predominant wind during the mornings

Up to 40 km/hr from the northwest

Strongest and predominant wind during the afternoon

Up to 40 km/hr from the southeast, wind data is affected by strong sea breezes during the summer months.


Soils Moderately to imperfectly drained black cracking soils developed on Tertiary basalt bedrock and colluvium. Dermosol.

Coastal acid sulphate soils Soils directly adjacent to the reservoir are mapped as between low and extremely low probability of occurrence.

Geology The quarry exposes an area of tertiary basalt through a thin basaltic topsoil. The rock is highly fractured and easily won by ripping. The integrity of the rock at depth is not relevant as excavation much below the reservoir water surface level will not be possible.

Vegetation FAG – Agricultural land

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Forcett House Quarry – Environment Effects Report 26 Nov. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Map and site plan 7




675 m separation between crusher and nearest residence in other ownership 1805P/M

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 December 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Map and site plan 8

Figure 2: Site Plan showing existing and ultimate operations area, Cross Section at A-A




Crusher / screener

Mining Lease 1998P/M boundary




Gordons Reservoir

Forcett Lakes Golf Club owned by Proponent

Pitt Water – Orielton Lagoon

90 metres

Sediment Retention Basin Ultimate footprint

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160








Direction of quarrying

Overburden Stockpiles

Swale drain



Cross Section at A-A (note exaggerated vertical scale)

Gordons Reservoir

Product stockpiles

Existing footprint

Final rehabilitated surface

Page 9: Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry ... Earthmoving Pty Ltd, Forcett... · Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd ACN 154 212 638 Address 88 Lewisham Road LEWISHAM Tasmania 7173

Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Rationale and alternatives 9

4 RATIONALE AND ALTERNATIVES The Proponent currently operates a quarry to source products to use for agricultural works associated with the family’s farm and some civil works associated with the Family’s civil construction business, Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd. These works have been mainly associated with subdivision development on the Family’s land.

A substantial investment is required in order to operate a quarry and produce suitable materials for driveways, shoulders and site filling. It made sound business sense to recover some of the investment required to establish the previous quarry and keep the earthworks business competitive by commercialising the quarry business at a very modest rate.

A quarry (1670 P/M) is located on the opposite side of the Arthur Highway not far from the Forcett House Quarry. This quarry targets a sedimentary rock deposit and produces mudstone / sandstone derived gravels and aggregates, which have substantially different properties to the igneous rock products derived from Forcett House Quarry.


1 FLORA AND FAUNA The proposed upgrade of the Forcett House Quarry will require some clearing and stripping of the natural surface to the northeast, east and southeast of the existing pit. There are old records of threatened flora species within the vicinity of the quarry operation. The Proponent commissioned a flora and fauna habitat assessment (North Barker, Nov 2015) in order to confirm the quarry development as proposed in the mining plan will not impact on significant natural values. The flora and fauna assessment report is included as Appendix 1 to this report.

1.1 FLORA VALUES The flora and fauna assessment report found the TasVeg 3.0 classification of the land within the mining lease area and surrounding the existing quarry the vegetation should be labelled as Extra-urban Miscellaneous (FUM). The site investigation informing the assessment found the communities surrounding the quarry are exotic pasture with a narrow fringe of native wetland herbland occupying the receding margins of the Gordons Reservoir impoundment. The freshwater aquatic herbland community is included in the Wetland classification of the Nature Conservation Act 2000. The example on this site however has colonised an entirely artificial reservoir and has low diversity for this community and is therefore not representative.

A single plant of a species (gentle rush) listed as rare under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 was observed on the far western corner of the site. The status of this species is under review. Further afield and outside the mining lease boundary other important plant including two species of spear grass, narrowleaf new-holland daisy and pale flaxlily were recorded. These plants and communities will not be affected by any aspect of the proposed quarry works.

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Rivers creeks wetlands and estuaries 10

The report concluded it is advisable to define the location of the individual flora species within the mining lease boundary to protect it from inadvertent damage by quarry operations.

1.2 FAUNA VALUES The study found no evidence of threatened fauna species within the area under consideration and no communities with habitat potential. The aquatic herbland would have had potential as habitat for the green and gold frog but the species has not been recorded anywhere in southern Tasmania for a number of years.

The report concluded it is highly unlikely the proposed works would impact on a threatened fauna species.

1.3 WEEDS The flora and fauna assessment report also investigated the prevalence of weed species on the site. African boxthorn was found to have established in various locations within the mining lease boundary. Isolated occurrences of creeping thistle were also recorded in close proximity to the quarry workings.

The report concluded the existing weeds presenting on the perimeter of the quarry site should be the focus of a targeted weed control program.

Commitment Description when Responsibility

1 The single threatened gentle rush plant location within the boundary of mining lease 1998P/M will be preserved until the status of the species is resolved.

At all times Proponent

2 A broader weed control effort will also target the existing weeds presenting within mining lease 1998P/M.

Ongoing Proponent


2.1 PITT WATER – ORIELTON LAGOON The proposed Forcett House Quarry is located around 90 metres away from the Pitt Water - Orielton Lagoon Ramsar Site. Ramsar Wetlands are internationally important sites that provide vital foraging and resting areas for migratory bird species. The birds escape the northern winter at their breeding grounds by flying a 25 000 kilometre round trip to wetlands in Australia before returning to their breeding grounds in the Artic in the northern spring.

Wetlands are vulnerable to any activities that threaten water quality as the fragile ecosystem is dependent on a healthy estuarine habitat to provide foraging for fish and bird species. Uncontrolled stormwater discharge can carry silt and contaminants which can smother or degrade the marine flora and invertebrates.

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Rivers creeks wetlands and estuaries 11

Marine wetlands are usually surrounded by saltmarshes that provide shelter and cover for resting birds as well as help to filter runoff from neighbouring hard ground. Removal of fringing vegetation can reduce the beneficial effects as well as provide ready access to predators (dogs / cats).

Recreational activities including walking especially with dogs can cause the migratory birds to abandon the site and either leave early or choose a less satisfactory site to rest.

The eastern edge of the Pitt Water site is directly north west and approximately 90 metres from the edge of the extent of the proposed quarry footprint. The land on which the quarry is located slopes to the south and east towards Gordons Reservoir, see Figure 2 Site Plan.

The product stockpiling area will include a swale drain around the perimeter to intercept runoff from the stockpile area and direct it towards the quarry floor. The quarry has been developed retaining a bund wall creating a substantial sediment retention basin adjacent to Gordons Reservoir. Any runoff from the quarry site will first enter the sediment retention basin where a detention period will allow the sediment to settle out. The discharge from the sediment retention basin will flow into and mix with Gordons Reservoir a water body with an approximate volume of 400 mega litres. During periods of intense and persistent rainfall Gordons Reservoir will discharge into the eastern extremity of the Pitt Water Lagoon.


The proposal will not disturb any natural vegetation fringing the Pitt Water Lagoon. Only pasture species immediately adjacent to the quarry footprint will be disturbed.

The proposal will not involve any filling or excavating of a river creek wetland or estuary. The expansion of the footprint will ultimately enlarge the Gordons Reservoir but no works will take place in the existing reservoir.

Gordons Reservoir Pitt Water Lagoon

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Significant areas 12

No impoundment will be created in a natural watercourse. The existing artificial impoundment Gordons Reservoir will ultimately be enlarged into the quarry footprint as a consequence of the works.

Commitment Description when Responsibility

3 A swale drain will be constructed on the perimeter of the quarry stockpile area to intercept and direct runoff to the sediment retention basin.

Upon expansion


3 SIGNIFICANT AREAS The Forcett House Quarry is located close to the Pitt Water – Orielton Lagoon Ramsar Wetlands which is likely to be a popular location for watching and the study of migratory birds. The proposal will not impact on the wetlands.

The site is on the opposite side of Gordons Reservoir from the Forcett House Golf Club. This golf club is owned by the Proponent’s family and the quarry operation will not affect the golf course operation.

3.1 VISUAL IMPACT The application for the development permit was lodged before the Sorell Interim Planning Scheme 2015 was declared and therefore assessment will be conducted against the Sorell Planning Scheme 1993. The development falls into the area mapped as Landscape Protection under the old scheme. An application for planning approval in an area so mapped must include a report addressing issues including:

• Protection of scenic and recreation values (see this section). • Screening of buildings or works (no buildings are proposed). • Conservation of native flora and fauna (see Section 1). • Soil losses and protection of water quality (see Section 2).

The Forcett House Quarry is located within the area mapped by the Sorell Interim Planning Scheme 2015 as included in an overlay area of Scenic Landscape Area. If the development were to be assessed against the new planning scheme there are provisions; P2 of E14.7 Development Standards within the Scenic Landscape Code to allow ‘works’ visible from public spaces as long as surfaces are finished with a natural appearance. (Sorell Council, 2015)

The site is located in the view field from the Arthur Highway between Sorell and Forcett. This highway is popular with tourists travelling to Port Arthur on day trips from Hobart and surrounds. The land on which the quarry is situated has low relief and the quarry will have a low relief with the most obvious elements of the quarry infrastructure being stockpiles and the crusher / screener unit.

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Coastal zone 13


The Proponent will construct the topsoil and overburden stockpiles on the northern side of the quarry footprint as part of the quarry expansion. Grass will be encouraged to grow on these stockpiles and they will take on the appearance on the surrounding grazing land. These stockpiles will be low but will be located on the highest ground and hence will serve to screen the rest of the workings and equipment from the Arthur Highway direction.

Commitment Description when Responsibility

4 Topsoil and overburden stockpiles will be established as low windrows on the northeast boundary of mining lease 1998P/M to visually screen the workings from the Arthur Highway

Upon expansion


4 COASTAL ZONE The Owners of the land on which the Forcett House Quarry is situated have title to the water’s edge. The Owners already develop much of this land for various purposes including agriculture. These activities and the existing quarry are all within 300 metres of the ‘coast’.

The development application will be assessed against the criteria of the old Sorell Planning Scheme 1993.

If however, the development were assessed against the Sorell Interim Planning Scheme 2015, the corners of the mining lease boundary capture the following overlays as mapped by the Sorell Planning Scheme 2015 Overlay Maps:

• Waterway and Coastal Protection Areas. • Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas.

If the current planning scheme applied the development as proposed would not trigger these new overlay areas because the actual works will not intrude into the overlay areas.

Existing quarry

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Marine areas 14

The fact the mining lease boundary encroaches on these areas is simply due to the rectangular shape of the mining lease preferred by the Regulator. The ultimate quarry footprint is likely to be as denoted in Figure 2 and will not disturb these areas.

The development proposed as the Forcett House Quarry will not be threatened with inundation through sea level rise or storm surge according to the current mapping (Land Tasmania, 2015).

5 MARINE AREAS There are numerous marine leases in the Pit Water Lagoon area. The leases support a commercial aquaculture industry growing oysters for local markets and for export. Oyster farms are susceptible to water quality and especially toxins in waters emanating from land based industry and development.

The features discussed in Section 2 to ensure runoff from the quarry development area does not go directly into Pitt Water Lagoon but rather is intercepted by a major sediment retention basin and then Gordons Reservoir will provide protection to this industry’s assets.

6 AIR EMISSIONS The operations required to extract, process and cart the product from Forcett House Quarry can produce dust under certain conditions. The mining lease provided for this operation is small at 7 hectares but the land on which the lease is situated is in the ownership of the Proponent’s family and is substantial at 258 hectares providing a substantial buffer around the quarry.

It is unlikely dust emissions will become a nuisance for any neighbouring properties. A possible impact from dust emissions would be visual impact from vantage points on the Arthur Highway. In order to keep dust emissions to a minimum the Proponent will introduce the following measures when required:

• Low drop distances for loading hoppers and creating stockpiles. • Slow vehicle speeds (30 km/hr) within the quarry and on the unsealed access road. • Trucks loaded to below the full height of the tray sides or dampen or a cover over the load. • Ensure road and quarry floor surfaces are well drained with minimal mud that can dry to

dust. • In extreme conditions use a water cart to dampen trafficked surface and stockpiles.

Commitment Description when Responsibility

5 Dust suppression measures will be introduced if a visual dust plume becomes obvious from the Arthur Highway

As required


7 LIQUID EFFLUENT There will be no need to have an amenities building erected on the Forcett House Quarry site. The quarry operators are the Proponents and they live close by. There will be no liquid effluent produced by the equipment used in the quarry operation.

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Solid waste 15

8 SOLID WASTE Mobile equipment will not be serviced on the quarry site and there will be no lunch room or amenities. Workers will have crib off site or in their utes and take any rubbish off site at the end of the day. Mobile equipment servicing will be performed at the Proponent’s equipment sheds, located closer to Forcett House.

The mobile crusher will be serviced onsite but all trade wastes associated with spares and lubricants will be taken off site at the end of servicing activities.

Commitment Description when Responsibility

6 Trade wastes and spares associated with servicing the mobile crusher will be taken off site at the end of servicing activities.

Routine maintenance


9 NOISE EMISSIONS The Proponent engaged a professional noise consultant to undertake a noise study to determine whether the proposed operation is likely cause a significant impact on any of the neighbouring properties. The desktop noise report is included as Appendix 2.

The Noise Study (Pitt & Sherry, Oct 2015) found the worst case scenario with all the quarry equipment operating simultaneously will cause an estimated 3.8 dB(A) increase in noise above the noise from the existing 1805P/M operation, which is substantially less than what is considered to be a threshold change. The calculated noise level at the nearest residence in the worst case is 49 dB(A) which does not exceed the 50 dB(A) maximum specified in the project specific guidelines (EPA, 2015) and hence noise mitigation measures are not warranted. The project specific guidelines are included as Appendix 3.

The operation utilises a rip and push extraction method and no blasting will be required. The Proponent is not required to consider air-blast overpressure and ground vibration associated with blasting.

10 TRANSPORT IMPACTS The maximum annual production is 5 000 cubic metres which translates to around 8 000 tonnes at a bulk density of 1.6 tonnes per cubic metre. It is most likely the cartage task will be undertaken by a mixture of light combination trucks (32 tonnes) and heavy rigid trucks (18 tonnes). The total production will take 320 loads on average or 640 movements.

Over the course of one year the cartage task is likely to be spread over 240 days, which equates to 3 movements per day. There will be occasions when the Proponent is supplying to a contract and the traffic movements will increase for a short period to around 8 per day.

Most traffic from the quarry will leave the site along the access road onto Lewisham Road indicated by ‘Gate’ on Figure 2 Site Plan. The junction onto Lewisham Road is well sited, well-constructed with good sight distance in both directions. For contracts in Sorell and road maintenance contracts the quarry traffic will turn left onto Lewisham Road and travel to the Arthur Highway intersection. For

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Transport impacts 16

local contracts the trucks will most likely turn right onto Lewisham Road travel to Quarry Road then travel through to Old Forcett Road.



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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Other off-site impacts 17

11 OTHER OFF-SITE IMPACTS Forcett House Quarry will be self-contained requiring little input from other services apart from access to the road network. There will be no requirement for electrical power or water supply. It is not expected the quarry will cause any off-site impacts other than those described in this document.

12 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND CHEMICALS There will be no blasting associated with this quarry. There will be no requirement for explosives to be used on the site. Apart from a small quantity of lubricants and fuel to energise the crusher / screener there is unlikely to be a need to bring hazardous substances or chemicals onto the site. Fuel will be supplied using a ute mounted refuelling tank with a maximum capacity of 1 200 litres. Spills will only occur during refuelling from over-filing or blow back and hence will be a small volume less than 10 litres. A hydrocarbon spill kit will be available in the ute for immediate deployment in the event of a spill.

13 SITE CONTAMINATION Apart from recent stripping and a small amount of excavation the site has previously been used as grazing pasture for sheep. There are no known activities that may have introduced soil contamination to the site.

14 SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Forcett House Quarry will generate a very small amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the mobile and semi-mobile equipment energised by diesel engines. If the quarry supplies road construction products to construction and maintenance works in the region it will offer an alternative with a reduced cartage task and hence offset some GHG emissions.

15 CULTURAL HERITAGE Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania has considered the site and the proposed disturbance and found the disturbance of sites or items with Aboriginal heritage significance is unlikely and has not requested a site specific survey.

The Proponent will follow an unanticipated discovery plan if during the course of the works items suspected of Aboriginal heritage significance are uncovered.

16 SITES OF HIGH PUBLIC INTEREST The Forcett House Quarry is located close to the Pitt Water – Orielton Lagoon estuary. This is an important water body for native flora, fauna and for oyster farms. The estuary is shallow and not used extensively for boating. The land opposite to the proposed quarry operation is farm land zoned Rural Resource under the 2015 interim planning scheme which will preclude residential development.

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Integrated Land Management and Planning | Sites of high public interest 18

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Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Rehabilitation 19

17 REHABILITATION The final use for the Forcett House Quarry will be to extend the capacity of Gordons Reservoir. The ultimate quarry floor will be slightly above the reservoir water surface level and the final extraction process will be to use an excavator to rip up and pull the last remaining 2 metres depth of product out of the quarry floor leaving an oversized sediment retention basin. Once the suspended sediments have settled out of the water column and no further excavation is required the bund separating the sediment retention basin from the rest of the reservoir will be removed and the water will be allowed to mix.

The excavated faces will be lowered to a 1 in 3 slope using the stockpiled overburden along the northern boundary of the mining lease. The topsoil will be spread over this final surface and the entire area sown to pasture to revert back to grazing land.

The rehabilitation effort will be carried out generally in accordance with the Quarry Code of Practice 1999 (DPIWE, 1999).

Commitment Description when Responsibility

7 Quarry operations and rehabilitation will be carried out generally in accordance with the prescriptions of the Quarry Code of Practice 1999.

At all times Proponent

PART D – MANAGEMENT COMMITMENTS Commitment Description when Responsibility

1 The single threatened gentle rush plant location within the boundary of mining lease 1998P/M will be preserved until the status of the species is resolved.

At all times Proponent

2 A broader weed control effort will also target the existing weeds presenting within mining lease 1998P/M.

Ongoing Proponent

3 A swale drain will be constructed on the perimeter of the quarry stockpile area to intercept and direct runoff to the sediment retention basin.

Upon expansion


4 Topsoil and overburden stockpiles will be established as low windrows on the northeast mining lease boundary to visually screen the workings from the Arthur Highway

Upon expansion


5 Dust suppression measures will be introduced if a visual dust plume becomes obvious from the Arthur Highway

As required Proponent

6 Trade wastes and spares associated with servicing the mobile crusher will be taken off site at the end of the work day

Routine maintenance


7 Quarry operations and rehabilitation will be carried out generally in accordance with the prescriptions of the Quarry Code of Practice 1999.

At all times Proponent

Page 20: Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd Forcett House Quarry ... Earthmoving Pty Ltd, Forcett... · Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd ACN 154 212 638 Address 88 Lewisham Road LEWISHAM Tasmania 7173

Forcett House Quarry – Environmental Effects Report 1 Dec. 2015

Integrated Land Management and Planning | Part E – Public Consultation 20

PART E – PUBLIC CONSULTATION The application to commercialise the Forcett House Quarry operation has included discussions and consultation with the following agencies:

• Sorell Council • Environment Protection Authority (EPA) • DPIPWE – Policy and Conservation Advice Branch • Department of State Growth – Mineral Resources Tasmania

The Proponent and Operator is a local business owner and resident and informal discussions have taken place with neighbours and residents close to the operation.

This application is for a Level 2 Activity which is ‘discretionary’ in the Rural Resource Zone and as such the application will be advertised to the public. The EPA and the Sorell Council will take into account all comments and representations received through the public consultation period in the assessment of this proposal.

REFERENCES DPIWE. (1999). Quarry Code of Practice. Hobart: Department of Primary Industries, Water and


EPA. (2015). Environmental Effects Report Guidelines for Tinning Earthmoving Pty Ltd - Forcett House Quarry, Lewisham Rd Forcett - Sorell Council. Hobart: unpublished.

Land Tasmania. (2015, May 13). LISTmap. Retrieved Oct 21, 2015, from Land Information System Tasmania: https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/home

North Barker. (Nov 2015). Forcett House Quarry Lewisham Road Forcett - Flora and Fauna Habitat Assessment. Hobart: unpublished.

Pitt & Sherry. (Oct 2015). Desktop Noise Assessment - Forcett House Quarry. Hobart: unpublished.

Sorell Council. (2015). Sorell Interim Planning Scheme 2015. Sorell: Sorell Council.