fMMHBflHHffimaPM pcjr : k; ,; ' vc&i.tm Wffl' WKMBMWB 8Mff?.&'Mfi." 3HP9!innERlHBBfn2MF9li?',MM!7aP'' iJHll At .' flmAK..-M WWrOMSWlB'. JKm ' JR. ,wWIHKSWnfIWLri " nffill, ' - "TSSB",Wni'W i ' ? v SIMP. sj Jr t T9. .? t V thw , ifc'.'mv "ir Tpr:,r wse r - x,' jhj &j i TMr"irij'"i - "fwic.iyM .1. " tn i vr , r-..- : 'i i- - : , 1 " 1 m Pailtt l.' .?. . & ' . ' & . IV, ' T- - VOL. V. NO. 670. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY, MA11C1I !, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. i y , ? THE DAILY BULLETIN MINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY tlT THIS Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., I'd., AT the orrtcE, Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUUSOniPTION Six Doi.lam a Yeah. Delivered in Honolulu at Fifty Gents a Month, In advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED HIVEH-S- T TXJI!3SI3A."X- - At Fouii Dom.aiw a Year to Domestic, und Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DON.E IN 8UFEIUOR STYLE. 250 - BOTH TELEPHONES 4W 260 P. O. BOX 83. - Address letters lor the paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters "Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay in at- tention. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager. Business Cards. LEWERS & COOKE, ImrORTERS AND DEALERS IN LtlMMSK AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Furt and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers and Commission Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO., y Genrral Commission Agents. , Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFAKLANE & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and General Business Agent, Mahukona, Koliala, Hawaii. WENNEB & CO., Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers. 92 Fort Street, Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch- maker. Kiikul Jewelry a specialty. Durticnlar attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mclnerny Block, Fort Street. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. H. "W. Schmidt & Sons, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU IIION WORKS, Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Ikon, Brass, and Lead Castings, Machinery of Every Description Made to iti,. Vw.'tonlnr attention paid to BhlpV Short NtIB' Work oxecutea ttt O. B. RIPLEY, AROHITBOT, Complete plans mid for every description of lmlldlnK. Co ?tii TX I,,,wf,,, ."iwrliitwfli.iii-- of con" k veil remi red. 1 examine plans. Nmv .lenlgns Mod"" buildings, 'oillce. Hoom ft, BprVokeU' JMook Muluul Tel, WU. WM. 6. IRWIN & CO. (Limited.) OFFEU FOH BALE FERTILIZERS ALEX. CROSS A EONS Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. Wo are also prepared to take orders for Messrs. 1ST. Oh.la.xicU. 8c Co.'a fertilizers, SPf Insuring prompt dollvery. BOILEIs LUCOL ! BXB1 This Is o superior Paint Oil, con- suming less plgmont than Linseed Oil, and giving a lasting brilliancy to colors. Used with drier it gives a splendid iloor surface . . Lime, Oexxierrt, UEFINED SUGAKS, SALMON. Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef i, PARAFFIKE PAINT CO.'S Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Reed's.Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever- lasting Faint Especially designed for Vacuum Pans. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE NSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, 86,219,458.98. London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, 54,317,052. Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, 56,124,057. New Tork Life Ins. Co., Assets, $125,947,290.81. C. 0. BERGER? General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU. Wm. G. Irwin & Co! (LIMITED) Win. G. Irwin. - President and Manager w"i? teok?'8' - " " nt A"i;or,,i Secretary and Treasurer rheo. 0. Porter -- ...'.. Auditor S-u.ga- ,r Factors AND Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THE Oceanic Steamship Company, OF SAN FltANOIBCO, QAL. C. BREWER & CO. (LIMITED) General Mercantile Commission Agents J. O. Cartor Pmsldent and .Manager (I. H. ItobertbUii TreiiMirur E. 1'. Illxhoi Kecretary W.K. Allen. Auditor jioii. u. ii, jimnoii . . .) H.O.Allen Directors iii uuicrjimuo TOE-HAWAI- I UOLOMUA DAILY AND WEEKLY Hawaiian Newspapers ARK TIIK - Loading Journals in tlio Kingdom, The "Daily Hawaii Holomua," Has tlio Ijirgost Cirpulntlon on tho Islands nnd Is tho Dest Medium for Advertising. Mr. Tiios. K. Nathanikl will receive nil advertisements and tranbact all business matters. OrriCF.: "Ilronic Bloek." romnr Nuuanu and Queen Btreet (upstairs). M(tf FOR SALE. 2-Hor- se Fower UPRIGHT Baxter Eusrine I Boiler ! IN GOOD WORKING OltDER. C& For particulars or terms apply to the BULLETIN OFFICE. Onion Gas Engine Co. (Incorporated May 10, 1892.) MANUFACTURERS OF THE Regan Vapor Engines AND PACIFIC GAS ENGINES. Horizontal it Upright, Stationary & Marine, Gas & Gasoline Engines, Pumps & Launches. JOS. TI3STICE1I2,, 548-t- f Solo Agent for Hawaiian Islands. CHAS. T. GULICK, Notary Public for the Island of Oahu. Agent to tako Acknowledgements to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono- lulu, Oahu. Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt & Scott's Freight and Parcel Express. Agent for tho Burlington Route. REAL ESTATE BROKER and GENERAL AGENT. Bell 348 TELEPHONE -- Mutual 133 P. O. Box 415 38 Merchant st. Honolulu, H. I. BEAVER SALOON, riie Best Lunch in Town. b Tea. and Coffee AT ALL HOURS. THE FINEST BRANDS OP Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS ON HAND, HE: JiNOIPE, Fro;p. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., Err-z-n 81 KING ST, IsSM Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. G. J. "Wallor, . . . Manager. For Local Xeww Filly prcscmled a'ako tho Hulk'tin Every time. TJU DMLYBELETIICO . . Arc Receiving New Invoices of BOOK AND 1J0B STOCK BY EVERY STEAMER AT THKlIt miiw ivy MERCHANT STKEET. Where they nro fully prepared to do nil kinds of work in the lutust styles, at the shortest upticc and at the most Reasonable Rates. Fine Job Work In Colors a Specialty ! POSTER PRINTING Executed In the Most Attractive .Manner. BILLHEADS, LETTERHEADS, STATEMENTS, NOTEHEADS, MEMORANDUMS, ETC. Read the following paitial list of spec- ialties and get thoBuLLETiN's prices be- fore placing your orders. By so doing you will save both time and money. Letter Heads, Noto Heads, Bill Heads, Memorandums, Bills of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, Agreements, Shipping Contracts, Check Books, Logul Blanks, O'ulcndarfl, Wedding Cards, Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Funeral Cards, Admission Cards, Fraternal Cards, 1'"no Cards, Milk Tickets, Meal Tickets, Thoatro Tickets, Scholarship Certificates, Corporation Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Receipts of all kinds, 1 Imitation Orders, Promissory Notes, I'aiuphloth, Catalogues, . Programmes, Labels of every variety, Petitions in uny language, Envelopes & hotter Circulars, Sporting Scores it Records, Perpotual Washing Lists, General Book Work, Flo.. Etc., Etc., Efo., l'l luted and llloekcd when duslrcd. COT No Job Ih allowed to leuvo llie, of-ll- cu until it gives fcatuftuiliuu. H. S. Mnoni:, Nipt. V. II. Tayi.hi:, I'res. Risdon iii Work San Francisco, - Cal. -- BUILDERS OF Improved Sugar Machinery BOILERS & ENGINES. Pumping Machinery KorluIgnthiB nnd AVatcr Works puriwo1) of any capacity. Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Pluming DAVIDSON FtnwlFS, MATHKSON LOOK-JOIN- T l'U'i:, HEINE SAFETY BOILER, Etc., Etc., Ktc, Ktc. HP"Kor further paiticidars and cata- logues, address H-isdo- n Iron. Works, Snn Francisco, California. Bum 411 TELEPHONES Mutual 41-- Vc JrtL. Lj At McKinley Prices ! Departure Bay Coal AT- - L3 JL. TOIsTI i ajf" Dclivou'd to any part of Honolulu r ltBL. HUSTACE & CO. JS?- - RiiiR up No. Ill on Both Tele- phones. 6&(i-l- HUSTACE & CO., DE.VLKKS IN WOOD and COAL. ALSO White and Black Sand Which we will bell at the Very Lowest Market Rates. 414 - - TELEPHONE - Mutual 414 HORSE CLIPPING By A. M. BETTENCOURP, Veterinary Surgeon and Dealer in Hor.se, corner llcretaui.i and 1'unrhbowl hK Mutual Meluphone :t77. ff)l-t- f Honolnlu. Cari'iage Co. BOTH TEL. No. 3T. Stand: Corner Fori & Merchant Sis. Hacks can he hnd at any hour of the day up to Vi o'clock at nlKht, on terms to suit the times. Hacks Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 97, 196 EDWIN A. JONES Has oprnri! nit oilice for transuding all laisinehH in conniction with Trusts, Purchaso and Sale oi Bonds, Stock and Real Estate, And is prepared to Audit Accounts. Oillce: No, VI Merchant street, olllcu lately occupied by thu Into Juiiu. Austin, P. 0. Box 03. W. II. STONE, .A.C OOXJ2SrT-A.3ST- T. P. 0. Hox 17. TO LET T AWN MOWKItH TO LKT II Y Till; .!; dnj, week or im.iitlt ItotKiirliiK, (JlriiuliiK and Miiirponinj,' ilonuj DuiiIumIh I'ici'csfiinilhi.nil whenicijiilied. .M,U'hini callid for and roiurui'il, AUo, Republic (latdi'li ilo-- i' in fuel, can do uimliliii; iiccoKMiiy around the honto or btalilc, RliiK up Mutual Telephone Ut, Wl-l- l S.h BHItdEhrl. The Dully llulMIn U ttvUvnal by currier fur 50 cent pet month. -- i PaciflcMailS.S.Co. -- AND THE- - Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. SteTiiers of the above Companies will call at Jloiioluhi on their wav to tho above ports on or about the following dates: Stin r "OAELIC" . .April 11, 1MI3 'BELtUt'" ..Jliivll, 18' l'l Srinr "CHINA" . . .. JulvU, ltll.) Stmr "OCEANIC". . Aii. 7, 1H' Stmr "CHINA" .. Sept. 18, 18 M Stmr "OCEANIC" . .Oct. Ill, 18'U Stmr "CHINA". . . Nov. '27, inh Stmr "OCEANIC". Dec. '2.1, 1NU Stmr "CHINA" . Fob. 5, 18'll Stmr "OCEANIC" . March fl, IS") I Stmr "CHINA" .. .April 10, 1WII For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Companies will cull at Honolulu on their wav from Hong- kong and Yokohama to the above port on or nbout the followlni: dates: " Stmr "CHINA" .., April 11, 1803 Stmr "OCEANIC" .May 7, lS'.l.f Stmr "OAELKJ" Mav LHJ. lSUt Stmr "CITY OF l'EKl NO" .. . .. .luncG, 18!3 fctnir "CHINA" .. . .June 1!), 18U.1 Stmr "BELOIC".. .. .1 line 27, IS!) I btmr "PERU" .. ... JulvT, lb!3 Stmr "OCEANIC" .Inl 17. IMU Stmr "OlTYOFliJOD E.IANEIIIO" ....Inlv2, ib'M Stmr "OAKLIC". . Aug. 0, 1WM btmr "CITY OF l'EKl NC." . .. .Ali(. 15, Ijs'l.l Stinr "OCEAXlO"!.".'.' .. Sep'. 2.5, it;:; Stmr "CHINA" .. .. .. Nov. 0,1 N Stmr "OCEANIC" ... .. Dee. I, lri)J Stmr "CITY OF l'EKl NU" .. . . ... .1:111.2, lb!) I Stmr 'OCEANic".'."' IMi. U. 1M)I Stmr "CHINA" . . .March '.'(I, 'XII btmr "GAELIC".. .. . May 11, 1M)I RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: To YOKO-1I- TO IIOM,-KO- u. Cabin '. $l.-,- i) 00 ?I7., 00 Cabin, round trip 1 month .. .. 22) (K) 2l iJ ) Cabin, round tiip 12 month 2I1J '0 311! 2.1 Euiopcan Steeiago... si DO i0 00 f.Sf Passenger paying full faio .ill'i,o alloweil 10 ieiueiit oil return faro if lelurn-in- g within twelve month-.- . iZf For Freiidit and J'.ii'-ar- apply to II. BACKFEED '& CO.; 207 tf Agents. Baldwin Locomotives. .1 . 9i:rrr .ir"jH' :.i.;zi. gf,vt. -- i The undursigiied having been appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands FOIl Till: I'KI.I.IIHATKII Baldwin Locomctivos FltOM THE WOUKfe OF Burham, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Penu., Are now prepared to give Estimates and leceivn Oi dill's for iIicm- - Engines, of any mIc and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Woiks AKE NOW MANUFACriTltlNG A STYLE OF LOCOMOTIVE 1'AKTIOULAKLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A number of which have recentlv been received at the-- e Islands, and n wifl have pleasuio in fiiruMiliig plantation agents anil managers with particulars of muiic. The Siiperloilty of iIipmi Locomotives over all other makes In known not only hiMylmt is acknowledged throughout tlie United btntoi. WM. G. IRVIN & CO., Ltd., Sole Auonts for tho Hawaiian Islands. TO PLANT LOVERS ! Sato flHE I'NDEIthKINKli DESIEES TO J., noilfj thu public i lint he K prepared !'.' 1!"'PK"I any kind .i 1'iee, hhiulmr Hush l., (ir.jlifui?, lliuld.ng, Uiiiuiug, or other mctliiidh. u ,.i iiicutH will In. until ihe iiir w. II ioute.1. which will take limn -- ) irl,- - in l uihiiiIi, to Now In the hiim' for limit's m mill.i prc-eli- ti. tthelher or iiiiihc, to her filumU. 1 will iiImi under-- I take to eiadli'iiti' all iiicecti. Iliut pre) upon III' bltt'k tllil h.lli frillll fli'iiy nil, I ..tin,,- - ...,... tabh', whliili nm hcuxpullcii from ,"i0 tol!o liour, mi cure uu .ii,. gtJ Tim I nlleii 'and Oranue fuiully a kuuliilly. AddroM OW'liu Uuuuti'k 6'illce, NOT AMBITION BUT DUTY. Judgo Grosham's Reasons for Entor-in- g Clovoland's Cnbinot. Chioaoo, Fobruary 17. Judgo Qroslmm will resign from tho bench in timo to bo presont at Cleveland's inauguration. Speaking of his ap- pointment as Secretary of State, tho .Judge said to-da- "It was purely duty that prompted mo to accept so onerous a placo. 1 have had all that I caro for in politics. I know its shallowness and its intrigues, and Mirely it was neither tho glamour nor tlio prospects for elevation that prompted mo to accopt tho post. Look at mo! I have got to that time of life, (K) years, when I need tranquilly. Politics in both parties has got down to a scramblo for spoils, so that political lifo has no attractions for me. I am beyond ambitious. I am satisfied. "To talk about elevation a man can bo a man and retain his in any position in life. Tho trouble is with public men that thuy forget that it is tlio office and uot the man. They feel elevated at popular recognition and believe it is themselves iustead of tho otlico. Heads are turned ami they forget that they are htill of tho people. I look with apprehension to going to Washington, for 1 certainly had no desire to return there to live. What- ever may bo said, 1 can say that I have accepted it bimply because it was urged upon me by my friends as a duty that 1 owe to tho American people. No other reason could htivo induced me to leave tho bench." ADVERTISING NOTES. Eoot Boer on draught at Benson, Smith & Co.'s. After shaving use Cucumber Skin Tonic. Benson, Smith A; Co., Agents. Native Fans and Curios in great variety at tho "Elite Ico Cream Tar-lord- ." Sunburn relieved at onco by Cu- cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith A; (Jo., Agents. Dr. AleLonnan, 131 Fort street, abovo Hotel. Chronic and Sugieal cases. Mutual Telephone U32. Mechanics' Homo, 59 and Gl Hotel street. Lodging by day, week or month 23c. and fUe. a night; $1 and $1.25 a week. Prof. F. Lombard, A. B., will con- tinue giving instruction in private and in clashes; French, Spanish, ahd Latin. Itesidouco, Alakoa street, near Y. M. C. A. Seventh Day Adventists. Battle Cruek, Mich., February 17. -- Tlio Thirtieth International Con- ference of tho Seventh Day Advou-tist- b opened in tho big Tabernacle to-da- There wore devotional sor-vico- f., commencing as early as (5 o'clock. It ib a notable gathering, representing tho 'Mo organizations in this country, and tho foreign mis- sions. The conference will continue in session for three weeks. The dolegates present represent India, Australia, France, Germany, tlio Scandinavian countries, South Africa aud England. This city is tlio headquarters of tho faith, and from hero all the books, papers, tracts and other reading matter of tho church is issued in all languages. A Hygienic Teapot. Tho hygienic teapot, invented by the Princess May of Teck, tho be- trothed of tho late Duke of Clarence, and now betrothed to tho Duke of York, was shipped from London to Chicago on Feb. 18 for exhibition hi the nursery section of tho World's Fair. Tho principle of tho cofi'oo machiuo has boon adapted in this in- vention til tliu innl.-iii.- r ,,f I.,- - K.... a prettily fluted electro pot is placed .. . uuuuii io iuibo contain lea for one person. Tho hot water is poured upon tho leaves in this and penetrates to tho pot below, when the upper vessel is removed aud a Ud put in its placo. Tho Princess mvontross says that this is tho only wholesome method of making tea. . Four Generations of Twins. Dona Sofia Lovito Poralta-Itdavi- s, wife of .J. A. Poralta-Heavi- s, gave birth to two bouncing boys' this morning. Tlio lady is tho heiress of the Poralta grant in Arizona aud is of Spanish parontago. Those are the bocond twins to whom the lady has given birth. Sho horsolf is one of twins, as was also her grandmother. Tho latter was tho mothor of twins. Tlioro have boon, therefore, in her family four succes- sive generations of twin-bearin- g women, showing tho strong iniluonco of heredity. .S". ;'. Itcport. Persons who aro subject to attacks of bilious colic can almost invariably tell by their feelings, whon tooxpoot mi attack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluua Uomody is taken as soon as these symptoms ap-nea- r, tlioy ecu ward oil tho disease. .Such persons should always keep the Ifemi'dy at hand, ready for im- mediate uho when needed. Two or three do.-o- s of it at tho right timo will cao (hum much Buffering. For mu by all dealers. Benson, Smith iV Co., agents for tho Hawaiian I Frit. Now mid his sinter, of .Springfield, Ohio, mo hoirtf to tho Kuiiihardt fortune of 17,tXX),(HK) giiildoiri, ai'cuitiulated in India. Tho holm know but llttlo of ami had paid but littlu nttoutlou to family trtidl-tluti- s. i 3 a J am m "X1 M -- ?l M & M ns 1

TMririj'i Pailttevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7233/1/... · Stmr "CHINA"... Nov. '27, inh Stmr "OCEANIC". Dec. '2.1, 1NU Stmr "CHINA". Fob. 5, 18'll Stmr "OCEANIC"

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Page 1: TMririj'i Pailttevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7233/1/... · Stmr "CHINA"... Nov. '27, inh Stmr "OCEANIC". Dec. '2.1, 1NU Stmr "CHINA". Fob. 5, 18'll Stmr "OCEANIC"

fMMHBflHHffimaPM pcjr : k; ,; ' vc&i.tm Wffl' WKMBMWB 8Mff?.&'Mfi." 3HP9!innERlHBBfn2MF9li?',MM!7aP''iJHll At .' flmAK..-M WWrOMSWlB'. JKm ' JR. ,wWIHKSWnfIWLri " nffill, ' - "TSSB",Wni'W i ' ? v SIMP. sjJr t T9. .? t V thw , ifc'.'mv "ir Tpr:,r wse r - x,' jhj

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, 1 " 1 m Pailtt l.'.?.

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' T--









Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., I'd.,

AT the orrtcE,

Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SUUSOniPTION Six Doi.lam a Yeah.Delivered in Honolulu at Fifty Gents aMonth, In advance.




At Fouii Dom.aiw a Year to Domestic,und Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers.



P. O. BOX 83. -

Address letters lor the paper "EditorBulletin," and business letters "ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may cause delay in at-tention.DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager.

Business Cards.




Fort Street, Honolulu.


Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt and Building Materials

of every kind.

Corner Furt and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Fort Street, Honolulu.


y Genrral Commission Agents.

, Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.


Auctioneer and General Business Agent,

Mahukona, Koliala, Hawaii.


Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers.

92 Fort Street, Honolulu.


Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch-


Kiikul Jewelry a specialty. Durticnlarattention paid to all kinds of repairs.

Mclnerny Block, Fort Street.



H. "W. Schmidt & Sons,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers. Ikon, Brass, and Lead


Machinery of Every Description Made toiti,. Vw.'tonlnr attention paid to BhlpV

Short NtIB' Work oxecutea ttt


AROHITBOT,Complete plans mid forevery description of lmlldlnK. Co?tii TX I,,,wf,,, ."iwrliitwfli.iii-- of con"

k veil remi red. 1

examine plans. Nmv .lenlgns Mod""buildings, 'oillce. Hoom ft, BprVokeU' JMook

Muluul Tel, WU.

WM. 6. IRWIN & CO.




Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

Wo are also prepared to take orders for

Messrs. 1ST. Oh.la.xicU. 8c Co.'afertilizers,

SPfInsuring prompt dollvery.


BXB1 This Is o superior Paint Oil, con-suming less plgmont than Linseed Oil, andgiving a lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with drier it gives a splendid iloorsurface . .

Lime, Oexxierrt,UEFINED SUGAKS,


Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's.Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Faint

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans.


LIFE and



Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, 86,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, 54,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 56,124,057.

New Tork Life Ins. Co.,Assets, $125,947,290.81.

C. 0. BERGER?General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Wm. G. Irwin & Co!


Win. G. Irwin. - President and Managerw"i? teok?'8' - " " nt

A"i;or,,i Secretary and Treasurerrheo. 0. Porter -- ...'.. Auditor

S-u.ga- ,r FactorsAND

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile

Commission Agents

J. O. Cartor Pmsldent and .Manager(I. H. ItobertbUii TreiiMirurE. 1'. Illxhoi KecretaryW.K. Allen. Auditorjioii. u. ii, jimnoii . . .)H.O.Allen Directorsiii uuicrjimuo




Hawaiian Newspapers


Loading Journals in tlio Kingdom,

The "Daily Hawaii Holomua,"

Has tlio Ijirgost Cirpulntlon on tho Islandsnnd Is tho Dest Medium for


Mr. Tiios. K. Nathanikl will receive niladvertisements and tranbact all businessmatters.

OrriCF.: "Ilronic Bloek." romnrNuuanu and Queen Btreet (upstairs).



2-Hor- se FowerUPRIGHT

Baxter Eusrine I Boiler !


C& For particulars or terms apply tothe


Onion Gas Engine Co.

(Incorporated May 10, 1892.)


Regan Vapor EnginesAND

PACIFIC GAS ENGINES.Horizontal it Upright,

Stationary & Marine,Gas & Gasoline Engines,

Pumps & Launches.

JOS. TI3STICE1I2,,548-t- f Solo Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Notary Public for the Island of Oahu.

Agent to tako Acknowledgements to La-bor Contracts.

Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-lulu, Oahu.

Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt &Scott's Freight and Parcel Express.

Agent for tho Burlington Route.


Bell 348 TELEPHONE --Mutual 133P. O. Box 415

38 Merchant st. Honolulu, H. I.


riie Best Lunch in Town.

bTea. and Coffee



Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND,


Err-z-n81 KING ST, IsSM

Wholesale and Retail Butchers



G. J. "Wallor, . . . Manager.

For Local Xeww

Filly prcscmled

a'ako tho


Every time.




Arc Receiving New Invoices of






Where they nro fully prepared to do nilkinds of work in the lutust styles, at

the shortest upticc and at themost Reasonable Rates.

Fine Job Work In Colors a Specialty !


Executed In the Most Attractive.Manner.



Read the following paitial list of spec-ialties and get thoBuLLETiN's prices be-fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Noto Heads,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Logul Blanks,

O'ulcndarfl,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal Cards,1'"no Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Thoatro Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of all kinds,1 Imitation Orders,

Promissory Notes,I'aiuphloth,

Catalogues, .

Programmes,Labels of every variety,

Petitions in uny language,Envelopes & hotter Circulars,

Sporting Scores it Records,Perpotual Washing Lists,

General Book Work,Flo.. Etc., Etc., Efo.,

l'l luted and llloekcd when duslrcd.

COT No Job Ih allowed to leuvo llie, of-ll- cu

until it gives fcatuftuiliuu.

H. S. Mnoni:, Nipt. V. II. Tayi.hi:, I'res.

Risdon iii Work

San Francisco, - Cal.


Improved Sugar Machinery


Pumping Machinery

KorluIgnthiB nnd AVatcr Works puriwo1)of any capacity.

Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Pluming




HP"Kor further paiticidars and cata-logues, address

H-isdo-n Iron. Works,

Snn Francisco, California.

Bum 411 TELEPHONES Mutual 41--

Vc JrtL. LjAt McKinley Prices !

Departure Bay Coal

AT- -


ajf" Dclivou'd to any part of Honolulur ltBL.


JS?-- RiiiR up No. Ill on Both Tele-phones. 6&(i-l-




White and Black Sand

Which we will bell at the Very LowestMarket Rates.

414 - - TELEPHONE - Mutual 414


Veterinary Surgeon and Dealer in Hor.se,corner llcretaui.i and 1'unrhbowl hK

Mutual Meluphone :t77. ff)l-t- f

Honolnlu. Cari'iage Co.


Stand: Corner Fori & Merchant Sis.

Hacks can he hnd at any hour of the dayup to Vi o'clock at nlKht, on terms

to suit the times.

Hacks Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 97, 196


Has oprnri! nit oilice for transuding alllaisinehH in conniction with

Trusts, Purchaso and Sale oi Bonds,Stock and Real Estate,

And is prepared to Audit Accounts.

Oillce: No, VI Merchant street, olllcu latelyoccupied by thu Into Juiiu. Austin,

P. 0. Box 03.



P. 0. Hox 17.


T AWN MOWKItH TO LKT II Y Till;.!; dnj, week or im.iitlt ItotKiirliiK,(JlriiuliiK and Miiirponinj,' ilonuj DuiiIumIhI'ici'csfiinilhi.nil whenicijiilied. .M,U'hinicallid for and roiurui'il, AUo, Republic(latdi'li ilo-- i' in fuel, can do uimliliii;iiccoKMiiy around the honto or btalilc,RliiK up Mutual Telephone Ut,

Wl-l- l S.h BHItdEhrl.The Dully llulMIn U ttvUvnal by

currier fur 50 cent pet month.


PaciflcMailS.S.Co.--AND THE--

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.


SteTiiers of the above Companies willcall at Jloiioluhi on their wav to tho aboveports on or about the following dates:

Stin r "OAELIC" . .April 11, 1MI3'BELtUt'" ..Jliivll, 18' l'l

Srinr "CHINA" . . .. JulvU, ltll.)Stmr "OCEANIC". . Aii. 7, 1H'Stmr "CHINA" .. Sept. 18, 18 MStmr "OCEANIC" . .Oct. Ill, 18'UStmr "CHINA". . . Nov. '27, inhStmr "OCEANIC". Dec. '2.1, 1NUStmr "CHINA" . Fob. 5, 18'llStmr "OCEANIC" . March fl, IS") IStmr "CHINA" .. .April 10, 1WII


Steamers of the above Companies willcull at Honolulu on their wav from Hong-kong and Yokohama to the above port onor nbout the followlni: dates: "

Stmr "CHINA" .., April 11, 1803Stmr "OCEANIC" .May 7, lS'.l.fStmr "OAELKJ" Mav LHJ. lSUtStmr "CITY OF l'EKl NO" .. .

.. .luncG, 18!3fctnir "CHINA" .. . .June 1!), 18U.1Stmr "BELOIC".. .. .1 line 27, IS!) I

btmr "PERU" .. ... JulvT, lb!3Stmr "OCEANIC" .Inl 17. IMUStmr "OlTYOFliJOD E.IANEIIIO"

....Inlv2, ib'MStmr "OAKLIC". . Aug. 0, 1WM

btmr "CITY OF l'EKl NC." .

.. .Ali(. 15, Ijs'l.lStinr "OCEAXlO"!.".'.' . . Sep'. 2.5, it;:;Stmr "CHINA" .. .. .. Nov. 0,1 NStmr "OCEANIC" ... .. Dee. I, lri)JStmr "CITY OF l'EKl NU" .. .

. ... .1:111.2, lb!) I

Stmr 'OCEANic".'."' IMi. U. 1M)IStmr "CHINA" . . .March '.'(I, 'XIIbtmr "GAELIC".. .. . May 11, 1M)I



Cabin '. $l.-,-i)

00 ?I7., 00Cabin, round trip 1

month .. .. 22) (K) 2l iJ )

Cabin, round tiip 12month 2I1J '0 311! 2.1

Euiopcan Steeiago... si DO i0 00

f.Sf Passenger paying full faio .ill'i,oalloweil 10 ieiueiit oil return faro if lelurn-in- g

within twelve month-.- .

iZf For Freiidit and J'.ii'-ar- apply to

II. BACKFEED '& CO.;207 tf Agents.

Baldwin Locomotives.

.1. 9i:rrr.ir"jH' :.i.;zi. gf,vt.


The undursigiied having been appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomctivos


Burham, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penu.,

Are now prepared to give Estimates andleceivn Oi dill's for iIicm- - Engines,

of any mIc and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Woiks



Adapted for Plantation Purposes

A number of which have recentlv beenreceived at the-- e Islands, and n wifl havepleasuio in fiiruMiliig plantation agentsanil managers with particulars of muiic.

The Siiperloilty of iIipmi Locomotivesover all other makes In known not onlyhiMylmt is acknowledged throughout tlieUnited btntoi.

WM. G. IRVIN & CO., Ltd.,

Sole Auonts for tho Hawaiian Islands.


SatoflHE I'NDEIthKINKli DESIEES TOJ., noilfj thu public i lint he K prepared!'.' 1!"'PK"I any kind .i 1'iee, hhiulmrHush l., (ir.jlifui?, lliuld.ng, Uiiiuiug, orother mctliiidh. u ,.i iiicutH will In.

until ihe iiir w. II ioute.1. whichwill take limn -- ) irl,- - in l uihiiiIi,

to Now In the hiim' forlimit's m mill.i prc-eli- ti. tthelher oriiiiihc, to her filumU. 1 will iiImi under-- Itake to eiadli'iiti' all iiicecti. Iliut pre) uponIII' bltt'k tllil h.lli frillll fli'iiy nil, I ..tin,,- - ...,...tabh', whliili nm hcuxpullcii from ,"i0 tol!oliour, mi cure uu .ii,.gtJ Tim I nlleii 'and Oranue fuiully akuuliilly. AddroM

OW'liu Uuuuti'k 6'illce,


Judgo Grosham's Reasons for Entor-in- g

Clovoland's Cnbinot.

Chioaoo, Fobruary 17. JudgoQroslmm will resign from tho benchin timo to bo presont at Cleveland'sinauguration. Speaking of his ap-pointment as Secretary of State, tho.Judge said to-da- "It was purelyduty that prompted mo to accept soonerous a placo. 1 have had all thatI caro for in politics. I know itsshallowness and its intrigues, andMirely it was neither tho glamournor tlio prospects for elevation thatprompted mo to accopt tho post.Look at mo! I have got to thattime of life, (K) years, when I needtranquilly. Politics in both partieshas got down to a scramblo forspoils, so that political lifo has noattractions for me. I am beyondambitious. I am satisfied.

"To talk about elevation a mancan bo a man and retain his

in any position in life. Thotrouble is with public men that thuyforget that it is tlio office and uotthe man. They feel elevated atpopular recognition and believe it isthemselves iustead of tho otlico.Heads are turned ami they forgetthat they are htill of tho people. Ilook with apprehension to going toWashington, for 1 certainly had nodesire to return there to live. What-ever may bo said, 1 can say that Ihave accepted it bimply because itwas urged upon me by my friends asa duty that 1 owe to tho Americanpeople. No other reason could htivoinduced me to leave tho bench."


Eoot Boer on draught at Benson,Smith & Co.'s.

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith A; Co., Agents.

Native Fans and Curios in greatvariety at tho "Elite Ico Cream Tar-lord- ."

Sunburn relieved at onco by Cu-cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith A; (Jo.,Agents.

Dr. AleLonnan, 131 Fort street,abovo Hotel. Chronic and Sugiealcases. Mutual Telephone U32.

Mechanics' Homo, 59 and Gl Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, week ormonth 23c. and fUe. a night; $1and $1.25 a week.

Prof. F. Lombard, A. B., will con-tinue giving instruction in privateand in clashes; French, Spanish,ahd Latin. Itesidouco, Alakoa street,near Y. M. C. A.

Seventh Day Adventists.Battle Cruek, Mich., February 17.

-- Tlio Thirtieth International Con-ference of tho Seventh Day Advou-tist- b

opened in tho big Tabernacleto-da- There wore devotional sor-vico- f.,

commencing as early as (5

o'clock. It ib a notable gathering,representing tho 'Mo organizationsin this country, and tho foreign mis-sions. The conference will continuein session for three weeks.

The dolegates present representIndia, Australia, France, Germany,tlio Scandinavian countries, SouthAfrica aud England. This city istlio headquarters of tho faith, andfrom hero all the books, papers,tracts and other reading matter oftho church is issued in all languages.

A Hygienic Teapot.Tho hygienic teapot, invented by

the Princess May of Teck, tho be-trothed of tho late Duke of Clarence,and now betrothed to tho Duke ofYork, was shipped from London toChicago on Feb. 18 for exhibition hithe nursery section of tho World'sFair. Tho principle of tho cofi'oomachiuo has boon adapted in this in-vention til tliu innl.-iii.- r ,,f I.,- - K....a prettily fluted electro pot is placed.. . uuuuii ioiuibo contain leafor one person. Tho hot water ispoured upon tho leaves in this andpenetrates to tho pot below, whenthe upper vessel is removed aud aUd put in its placo. Tho Princessmvontross says that this is tho onlywholesome method of making tea.


Four Generations of Twins.

Dona Sofia Lovito Poralta-Itdavi- s,

wife of .J. A. Poralta-Heavi- s, gavebirth to two bouncing boys' thismorning. Tlio lady is tho heiress ofthe Poralta grant in Arizona aud isof Spanish parontago.

Those are the bocond twins towhom the lady has given birth. Shohorsolf is one of twins, as was alsoher grandmother. Tho latter was thomothor of twins. Tlioro have boon,therefore, in her family four succes-sive generations of twin-bearin- g

women, showing tho strong iniluoncoof heredity. .S". ;'. Itcport.

Persons who aro subject to attacksof bilious colic can almost invariablytell by their feelings, whon tooxpootmi attack. If Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrluua Uomody istaken as soon as these symptoms ap-nea- r,

tlioy ecu ward oil tho disease..Such persons should always keepthe Ifemi'dy at hand, ready for im-mediate uho when needed. Two orthree do.-o-s of it at tho right timowill cao (hum much Buffering. Formu by all dealers. Benson, SmithiV Co., agents for tho Hawaiian I

Frit. Now mid his sinter, of.Springfield, Ohio, mo hoirtf to thoKuiiihardt fortune of 17,tXX),(HK)giiildoiri, ai'cuitiulated in India. Thoholm know but llttlo of ami had paidbut littlu nttoutlou to family trtidl-tluti- s.







M-- ?l






Page 2: TMririj'i Pailttevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7233/1/... · Stmr "CHINA"... Nov. '27, inh Stmr "OCEANIC". Dec. '2.1, 1NU Stmr "CHINA". Fob. 5, 18'll Stmr "OCEANIC"


m? vr wfmr ws.a twst "thprr V - Tr



;&nk? '

411. ,'







Govornmont Lands in Kunin andKnhoahuna, N. Hilo, Hawaii.

On THURSDAY, March 30, 18IU, nt 12o'clock noon, nt the front cntrnncu of Alll-ola- n!

Hole, will bo sold nt Public AuctionFour (4) Sections of Land hi Kuala andKahoahnnu, N. Hilo, Hawaii, ns follows:

Section 1 Containing an nrea of 39.2Acros. Upset price fllKJ.

Section 2 Containing nn area of 37.7Acres. Upset price $18!).

Bcctlon 3 Containing an nrea of 40.43Acre. Upset price ?20I!.

Section 4 Containing nn nrea of 9.05Acres. Upset price $l.r.

It Is conditioned that the purchaser ofthe nbovo Lots shnll pay the cost of surveynnd plotting of saino. Full Information intills regard can bo obtained upon applica-tion to the Land Otlleo, Interior Depart-won- t.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ofllcc, Fob. 22, 1MU.(7-4-t


Throo Tracts of Govornmont Landsin North Hilo.

On THURSDAY, March 30, 1893, nt 12o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alii-ola- ni

Hale, will bo sold at Public Auction,Three Tracts of Government Lands in

North Hilo, Hawaii, viz.:Tract 1 Containing an area of 21 07-1-

Aeres. Upset price $108.Tract 2 Containing an area of 18 0

Acres. Upset price $91.60.Tract 3 Containing an area of 13 0

Acres. Upset price G9.93.

It is conditioned that the purchaser ofthe abovo Lots shnll pay the cost of surveyand plotting of same. Full information inthis regard can bo obtained npou applica-tion to the Land Ofllco, Interior Depart-ment. ,T. A. KING,

Minister of the Intorior.Interior Office, Feb. 21, lbfO.

(J59-- 4t


Government Land in North Hilo,Hawaii.

On THURSDAY, March 30, 1S93, at 12

o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alii-ola- ni

Hale, will be sold at Public Auction,310 2-- Acres of Bus.h and Woodland aboutlyi miles above main road in the Districtof North Hilo, Hawaii.

The Government reserves the Right-of-Wa- y

for a road through this Land.It is conditioned that the purchasor of

tho above land shall pay cost of stirvej andplotting of same. Full information in tinsregard can be obtained upon application tothe Land Office, Interior Department.

Upset price $310.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Feb. 25, 1893.

(W0-- 4t


Of a Government Land in Hilo,Hawaii.

On MONDAY, April 3, 1893, at 12 o'clocknoon, at the front entrance of AliiolaniHale, will be sold at Public Auction, theLease of a portion of the Government Landof Kaapoko, makai of the Governmentroad in Hilo, Hawaii, containing an nreaof 15 Acres a little more or less.

Term Lease for 15 years.Upset prico $80 per annum, payable

semi-annuall- y in advance.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, March 3, 1893.

(Mi-I- t


The Lease of tho Government Landof Kepuhi, Falolo, Oahu.

On MONDAY, April 3, 1893, at 12 o'clocknoon, at tho front entrance of AliiolaniHale, will be sold at Public Auction, theLease of the Government Land of Kepuhi,Falolo, Oahu, containing an area of 11

25-1- Acres a little more or less.Term Lease for 15 years.Upset price $70 per annum, payable

semi-annual- in advance.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, March 3, 1S93.



Government Lot at Kaluaopalona,Kalihi, Oahu.

On WEDNESDAY, March 15, lb93, at 12

o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alii-olani Halo, will bo sold at Public Auction,Govornmont Building Lot No. 10 at Kalua-opalen- a,

Kalihi, Oahu, containing an areaof one 01-1- acres, a little more or loss.

Upset price $2u0.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Feb. 13, 18i.



All Brands must, by law, boprior to July I, 1893, orthoy will be

forfeited, and can thereafter bo appro-priated by any ouo.

Registration on Oahu shall be made utthe Interior Office.

On the othor Islands It shall be dono atthe Ofllc n of tho Heveral Sherill's.

G.N.WILCOX,Minister of tho Intorior.

Interior Office, Dec. 2, 1892. ObO-- tf


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying Water Rates, are hereby notifiedthat the Hours for using water for irriga-tion purposes are from 0 to 8 o'clock a. m.,and 4 to 0 o'clock r. m,, until further notice.

JOHN 0. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

a. N. Wilcox,Milliner of the Interior.

Honolulu, H, I., Jan, 8, 1603.


. Fr,'( - T If" ,iFrijp if --,jtejiiiaiiMa''Mi111 . . . ,, ..

y?& f " fvwwir r &mmi!jiavmiF v r-.- 1 -r- - .YniJiiiiiiMB " ' mumwi wi m h i i ii in i i iwh mi ?gmw.iBRHHiiKHMH9MS P&?tyf ?.''- "' . iinnB TEtv vui. a'v v ?nn " w rrinmnnwmianrik v iftiwaHrirMvr'n'rr ft' pjwv.- - STTaafiWHiwi- ! jwvtmaK wmiPFmi F":r-- - "-- i rgjrrmBiLVmrfsmaMnwaLm&gna

Finance- Dopnrtmont.

Burkvu of Customs, )

Honolulu, II. I., Mnrcli 4, 1893.)

Scaled Tenders will bo received nt tlioOfllco of the Collector-Gener- al of Customstill FRIDAY, the 10th of Mnrcli, nt 12

o'clock noon, for tho Printing nnd Bindingoftho Collector's Annual Report for 1892.

A specimen of the work to bedono can boseen nttlio Custom House.

The Collector of Customs does nol bindhimself to nccept tho lowest or nny bid.

A. S. CLEG HORN,Colloi'tor-Oonora- l.

inoo7-- it

Finance Department.

IliniKU' ok Customs.Honolulu, H. 1., March 7, 1893.)

J-- .1. KELLY has this day been appoint-ed to tho position of Assistant Guard forthe Port of Honolulu, vice C. II. Clark, re-

signed. A. S. OLKOHORN,Collector-Genera- l. '

Approveu :

P. C. Jones,Minister of Finance.


Financo Dopartmont.

HunnAU of Customs, )

Honolulu, H. I., March 1, 1893.)

0. J. FALK has been appointed to bePilot for the Port and Collection Districtof Mahukona, Hawaii. Commission todate from February 24, 1893.

A. S. CLEG HORN,Collector-Genera- l.

Approved :

P. 0. JONF.S,

Minister of Finance.007-- 3t

Government Bhimuno,Honolulu, March 7, 1893.)

By virtue of the authority vested in moby Act No. 1, enacted by the Executiveand jdvi-or- y Councils of the ProvisionalGovernment of tho Hawaiian Islands," lelating to the Powers and Duties of thoP esident and Executive Council," I havethis day, by and with the advice and con-sent of said Executive Council appointed


us Second Judge of tho Circuit Court of

the First Circuit of tho Hawaiian Islands.(Signed) SANFORD B. DOLE,

President of the Provisional Governmentof the Hawaiian Islands.

(H)7 3t-- ll It

FRANK HUSTACE has this day been

appointed Chief Engineer of tho Honolulu

Fire Department.


Chairman Board of Fire Commissioners.

Honolulu, March 1, 1893.



Pledged to neither Sect nor Party, .But Established for the Benefit of All.


Frank Leslie's Weekly has asso-

ciated to itself the "black flag" ofHawaii, according to tho Advertiser'sway of looking at equal rights. Thoarticle from that powerful organ ofHarrison's administration, republish-ed in this issue, may, however, besafely taken as conveying tho realjust and sober sentiment of theAmerican nation.

If groat ideas well expressed makea great man of their uttorer, Mr.Gresham who has descended fromtho bench to enter President Cleve-

land's Cabinet is a groat man. Hisexplanations of his step republishedin this paper have matter in them,especially relating to tho office andtho man, which might bo useful tosome people around hero who havebeen pitchforked into places of analtitude that is liable to produce"big head" in tho inexperienced.


Since tho arrival of tho latest newsfrom Washington, indicating a pro-

bable postponement of annexationand continuation of the ProvisionalGovernment under the United Statesprotectorate, tho fovor to make hayvhilo tho sun shines seems to havebroken out afresh amongst tho "bonoand sinew" that created tho Provi-sional Govornmont. They have bo-co-

quito noisy and dictatorial intheir demands for practical recogni-tion. In tho filling of now oilicos orvacancies mado for cause, if therehavo boon any such, tho publiowill not tako much stock in thoquarrel except to stand in akicking attitude toward imposi-tions on its interests in bad appoint-luuiit- s

always possible if not proba-ble. But when tho wrath of thodisappointed ones is dirocted to thodisturbance of tho oxisting civil ser-

vice, whorovor it is and lias boonfaithfully filled, tho community hasa right to protest in no uncertainmaimer. Any hustling out of Gov-

ernment officials, for no othor crimethan that thoy did not rise againsttheir superiors at the revolution,would bo a brunch of a tacit engage-ment mado by I lie Provisional Gov-ernment at its inception. There wasa good dual heard -- much of it ima-

ginations and lies against certainofficials of tho old regime, who, itwas claimed, should havo been turn-ed out incidentally with tho over-tur- n

of the old order. Nothing was

said oponly however, nbout find-ing plncos for any or all of thosowho joined in tho fnrco of protond-iu-g

to effect tho purposo that wasaccomplished, as was intended fromaway back, by tho United States navaltroops from tho ship Boston. ThoProvisional Govornmont qnito form-ally invited all ofiicials, oxcopt thosoproclaimed out of oflico, to lceop theirplaces. Only ono test wni oxactod,that of taking the oath of allegiance. as

For tho bare suggestion that thocapturing of oilicos was any motive

tho revolution, tho Bulletin andothor papers wore charged with un-

fairness and an intont to subvort thoonly govornmont of tho day. Thisoffonso was, indood, part of tho

"attempts to discredit thoGovornmont" forming tho avowednecessity for soliciting a UnitedStates protectorate. Tho Bulletinretorted to tho chargo that thoreal reason was to bo found,partly at least, in tho internaldissensions over claimed rowardsbrowing in tho ranks of tho Govern-ment's forces. Events aro now prov-ing that, as usual, tho Bulletin wasright. Rather than havo a pottylocal military tyranny ostablishoduudor the prosout temporary ar-

rangements, most people would pre-fer to havo tho Govornmont invitotho United States to assume tho fullresponsibility that hor forces havoearuod. Lot tho United Statos takechargo of tho wholo town and isl-

ands at onco, ponding tho conclu-sions of negotiations at Washington.As there aro not officos enough togo round a hundredth part of thosowho think they havo earned them,thou tho Govornmont may as welltry to bail out the Pacific as tosatisfy tho wholo number. What apity for tho alleged main object oftho revolution annexation that,while tho question will probablystill bo ponding, tho news of thisoutbreak among its valiant sup-porters will reach Washington I

Then, what will become of tho alle-

gations of the Commission, to theeffect that practically the wholeforeign population wore at tho backof their offer of tho islands? Whatmost of the foreigners wore after isonly discovered in tho aftermath.


From Frank Leslie's Weekly, Feb. 16.)

The revolution in tho HawaiianIslands, and tho doinaud for theirannexation to tho United Statesformally presented by tho commis-sioners of tho provisional govern-ment now in Washington, raises aquestion of sorious gravity and con-cern. It is ono that cannot bo de-

termined precipitately. It involvesoxterual interests of great import-ance both political and commercial,no loss than the rights of a pooplowho aro comparatively defenselessagainst stronger nations, and it muston evorj' account receive careful con-sideration. Wo must have all thofacts in the caso before determiningupon a definite and final policy.

In tho first place, wo must knowwhotner tho revolution was a spon-taneous and natural expression ofpopular opinion in the islands. Womust know whether tho provisionalgovernment, which was hastilyformed, actually represents tho peo-ple As to this point there sooinsto bo some reason for doubt. It isstated, upon what appears to be in-

telligent authority, that while someof the "bettor class" favorannexation to the United States, thonatives of tho islands aro for themost part in sympathy with the deposed Queen. Exact information onthis point must bo had. We must,in the next place, know whother theprovisional government will be ableto maintain itsolf in the exorcise oftho functions of a distinct politicalsovereignty. Obviously there mustbe such a govornmont at Honoluluas will bo capable of maintainingorder and affording ample protec-tion and security to personal rightsand to commercial interests. Wocannot afford to surrender these isl-ands to anarchy and misrule, anymoro than we could afford, in com-mon with Germany and Groat Bri-tain, to surrender Samoa to interne-cine disorder.

When all the facts in tho casebearing upon these vital points havebeen ascertained, what then oughttho govornmont of tho United Statesto do? Is the annexation of theseislands in any sense desirable? Forour own part wo cannot boo that itis. Tho population of tho islauds,according to tho latest statistics,amounts to about ninety thousandsouls. This aggregate includes fif-teen thousand Chinese, twelve thous-and Japanose and nearly nine thousand i'ortuguose. Tho natives gen-erally aro ignorant, and wholly un-fitted for tho responsibility of ropro-bontntiv- o

constitutional Kovornmont.Most of tiio Chinese are coolies oftho vory lowest typo, who havo boonbrought to tho islands under cou- -

tract; and aro altogether unpreparedfor citizousliip. Aro wo prepared toswallow at ono gulp this mass ofignorance? Obviously it would boimpossible to assimilato this pooploto American ideas and institutions.Tho question of tho control of immi-gration alroady taxes all tho re-

sources of our statesmanship. Wea io protesting against tho admissionof immigrants representing tho ef-

fete civilizations of Europe. Wo arobarring out tho Chinosoby nationalstatute. How can wo with any con-sistency, with our laws as thoy nowaro, or with any regard for tho public saloly, justify ourselves m ab-sorbing a population which is inevery aspect of tho caso loss fittedfor assimilation than any class ofiiniiiigiautH who now come to usfrom abroad?

It is not found wise to annex thosoisluuds, what tliunl Tho suggestion

is that wo might establish a protec-torate But this assumes our rightto tho oxoroiso of a controlling au-thority, and that seoms to us to bowholly inadmiBsiblo. Evorylhing intho practico of our country is againstsuch a procodont. It is wholly for-

eign to tho traditions of Americandiplomacy, and, if it should boadopted, would provo an innovationmost difficult of application and un-certain in results. Tho suggestionthat tho islands might bo governed

a torritory by commissioners ap-pointed at Washington is equallyinadmissible. Wo would involve our-solv-

by oithor courso in immenseporploxities nt tho cost of surren-dering a policy which has boon justi-fies by long oxporionco.

Tho only argument which so farhas boon advanced ns a justificationfor tho annexing of tho islands ortho establishment of somo positivogovornmont authority over them isthat thoir possession is necessary totho national defense. It is said thatwo cannot maintain our commorcoin tho Pacific unless wo aro ablo tocontrol the Hawaiian Islands. ThoStatos and Territories which haveoutlets on tho Pacific will, withintwo or throo doendos, havo a popula-tion of many millions. Tho agricul-ture, luinbor, fishorios, and mineralwealth will supply constantly en-larging streams of commorco, makingit, in tho opinion of thoso who favorannexation, imperative that woshould havo such possessions in thePacific as will onablo us to maintainour supremacy against all competi-tors in tho commercial world. As avital stop to this end wo must have,it is argued, naval, and supply sta-tions for our merchant marine, aswell as for our ships of war. Thereis somo iorco in tins argument, iiutit is to bo remembered that as toHonolulu wo already havo a treatywhich gives ns the exclusive right toa naval station in Pearl River harbor.As yet, it is true, tho government hasnot availed itsolf of this exclusivoright, but if it is of such vital im-portance, as alleged, wo can do soboforo tho expiration of tho treatynext year. It is not at all necessaryto annex tho islauds, or to establisha protectorate in order to possessourselves of a station at that point.And it is to bo remembered on thisgeneral point that when it was pro-posed, years ago, to acquire San Do-mingo, ou tho ground that it was animportant ko3T to any adequato S3s-to- m

of national defense, tho propo-sition was rejected by tho Senatewith the approval of the country.As to tho suggestion that wo shouldabsorb the islands bocauso thoirpossession is greatly desired byGreat Britain, we fail to see its force.As a matter of fact, tho British gov-ornmont has dono nothing to justifya belief that it has any inordinatolonging for this island group. State-ments mado in the British House ofCommons go to show that it doesnot proposo to interforo iji any waywith the existing situation with aviow to acquiring predominance.

It is undoubtedly true that conditions havo enormously' chancedsince tho original adoption of ourpolicy concerning colonial expan-sion. Then our commorco was in-

considerable; now it reaches everysea and is a. supreme factor of thonational prosperity. Then the terri-torial domain did not include, as itdoes now, vast possessions on thePacific coast. We were not then ed

in that quarter, as now, toporil from hostile Powers. But it isalso truo that this policy has beenlargely justified by tho ovouts ofhistory, and that, on broad grounds,the same reasons which operated toprocure its adoption exist to-da- j- asground for its continuance. Wo failto soo, upon a review of tho wholocase, how wo can, with any propriety,intorfore with tho autonomy of theHawaiian Islands. Wo aro not boundto accede to their request, even if itshould bo unanimously mado, forannexation. We aro under no obli-gation to supply them a form ofgovornmont, or to make ourselvesresponsible for tho maintenancethere of ono form or another of localadministration. Our utmost dutyin tho promises is to socuro adoquatoprotection for our own interests, andso far as may bo, in tho ordin-ary course of diplomacy, to pre-vent tho establishment in thoislands of any supremacy that wouldbe avowedly hostile to us. What woneed foe tho present is intelligent,careful, and considerate regard forjustice and fair play, based upon thoactual facts and conditions of thocaso.

Job Printing neatly and romptlyexecuted at the Bulletin Office.

mom.Three days is a vory short timo in

which to cure a bad caso of rheu-matism; but it can bo dono, if thoproper (roatmont is adopted, as willbo soon I)- - tho followitigfrom JamosLambort, of Now Brunswick, Ills:"I was badly afllictod with rheuma-tism iti tho hips and logs, when Ibought a. bottle of Chamborlain'sPain Balm. It cured me in threedays. I am all right to-da- y: andwould insist on every ono who isafllictod with that torriblo disoaso touse Chamborlain's Pain Balm and getwell at onco." 50 cont bottles forsalo by all dealers. Benson, Smith& Co., agents for tho Hawaiian Isl-auds.

Subscribe for the Daily Bulletin, 50cents per month.

A cycloratna of Pike's Peak, to cost$10,000, will bo ono of Colorado's ex-

hibits at tho World's Fair. Thoobserver will stand on tho top of thopeak and all about him will bo itsfamous sconio onvirons.

c. j. McCarthy,

Real Estate & Collection Agency


Cincinnati Safe & Lock Co.

28 Merchant St,, : Cummins Block.


For tho Readers of tho Dally Bulletin,

aAs a needed diversion In.tho midst ofpolitical anxieties, an o.xcrclso in mentalingenuity or lltorary research, and nn op-portunity for mutual profit between thispaper and its brightest readers, the Btll.Mt-ti- n

now opens a in!s!ng word contest.Tho Bcntonco from which tho last word

is missing In tho following voting ticket isfrom a volume of standard litoraturc.Every person Is entitled to givo tho missingword on each ticket sent with a feo of toncents. At tho close of the competition,witli ten days added for votes from thoother islands, tho entlro ncgrcgato of vot-ing foes will bo divided in cqunl sharesamong all who have correctly named thomissing word.

For Missing Word Contest No. 1 theticket will appear in six successive issuesof tho Daily Bum.ktin. The division ofrccoiiits will be mado on Thursday, March'23. following is tho voting tlckot:

Missing Word Contest, No. 1.


" I ought to say besidesi that thatportion of the army so imprudentlysent to the aid of the English Col-

onies struggling against their mother

country, was imbued in the Xeiv

World with the doctrines of.


Signature" .... f.

A ddress ".

Fee 10c. enclosed.

The voter has simply to cut out the abovetickot, urito in the blank what ho believesis the missing word, sign his name withaddress on the lines for that purpose, thencncloso tho ticket with ten cents in an en-velope, and .end it to this oflico, addressedas below. Tho ten cents may bo sent innostace stamiis. A cood wav for voters intho country would be for soveral to send alist of their names and a P. O. O. to covertho apgrcgato of their fees, each, however,sending his vote separately. Voters inHonolulu may hand their votes into thoBui.lktin Office.

To attest the fairness of tiio contest, thename and page of tho book, from which istaken tho passage containing tho missingword, will be published along with the listof thoso who fiavu given tho correct wordand are entitled to tiio dividend.

One person may have as many votes asho pleases, but only one vole is allowed oneach ticket. Ho may vote dillcront wordsor ropeat the same oho on separate tickets.

9"Address votes:

MisMNii AVoun Contest Xo. 1,Bui.i,i:tin OHice,





Beretania Street Armory


Saturday Evening, March J8


tJtf-- Teams desiring to enter, ereto do M) with Jill. C. J. MCCAR-

THY, at No. 35 Merchant street.

fBf Entries will close at 12 o'cVicknoon, KItlDAY March 17th.

St A Platform will be completed andopen for practice at the Armory aboutMarch 15th. UtiU--

Mulberry Trees

Pnrctaers of FIFTY TREES

V111 bo Presented with u

Card of Silk Worm EggsIfOK SALE BY

Lewis J. Levey, l

lWw Corner Koit it Queen sts.


A JAl'ANKSi: IN A BMAMiBT.family, where ho would havo timeto Htudy. Addrota

"Y. 11.,"001-l- V. O. llox 20!).


rpiilO UKCUJLAlt ANN'WAh MRKTINdJ. ot tliu ritiiekholderi ut the luter-ItOiui- d

Btcam Navigation Company, (1d),will lie licld at thu Olllce of tho Companyon TUKBDAY, March 'iM, at. 10 o'clocka. m. w. H. mVi.kan,

VM'-- Hccretary,


rpiIHUK HAWAIIAN UIIK1)A. Miiln. Ciiii lui scnin at uoil;iHitiwouthoKiiiiinlmimihutiuhnoluand the Masonic Temple any duy.

Apply to K. II. TllOMAB.ii.n-i-

Daily Bulletin, CO cents a month,' delivered free.

Hawaiian Harflware Co., L'tt

Salttrday, March Jf, 1893.

The annexation hurrah pro-mises to bring such a rush ofAmericans to Hawaii that it is

question where they will beaccommodated with land. Lotsof land here will be madeready for planting whateverthe new arrivals think will paythe best. If they will acceptthe advice of experienced menthey will procure "HendryBreakers" as the best meansof accomplishing what isnecessary in making it readyfor cultivation. That they aresuperior to any other plow-'o-n

the market is shown in thenumber of testimonials wehave received irom personswho are using them. Mr; H,Lidgate, manager of HamakuaPlantation, says regarding it:"We are so well pleased withyour 14 inch Breaker that weare, by this mail, sendingthrough our agents for twomore, one 14 inch and one 12-inc- h.

The piece of ground weare using this one on is full ofstone and soon uses our otherplows up, but yours stands therough work well and turns thesod where the others onlyroot." When a conservativeman like Mr. Lidgate puts hisname to a testimonial asstrong as this the public mayrest assured that he believesthe plow to be a good thing.

Another article that increas-ed immigration will create alarger demand for is the SteelAermotor. Wherever rainsare uncertain the Aermotor isan absolute necessity onceerected the cost of maintainingit is practically nothing. Weknow of people on the islandsusing our mill who tell us thattheir savings by this meanshave paid for the investmentthe first three months afterpurchase. One back-numbe- r

Chinaman saw his taro goingto waste for lack of water andto get some money out of itleased his patches to a neigh-bor who owns an Aermotor.Look at the result: the manwith the windmill saved thetaro and drives a double team,while the misguided Chinamansits on the fence and marvelsat his lack of savez. We havetestimonials enough on theAermotor to fill . the columnsof this paper, but it wouldcrowd out "late dispatches," sowe don't publish them. If youwant water buy an Aermotor,damp weather won't last for-

ever.Late news from the United

states continues to keep onthe fence some people who areanxious to get down on oneside or the other. Betweenannexation and monarchy withsome of them it's a case of"How hapov I could be witheither were t'other dear char-mer away." This plan maywork, but it's doubtful; a mancan't expect to continue forever sliding down a slipperyboard without getting a splinter in some part ot his anatomy.

What about wire? Thereare from four to a dozen, re-

ports vary, war ships, cominghere during the next thirtydays and they will average300 men each. Let us calculate that eight will arrive;that's 2400 men; add this num-

ber to the sailors already hereand we will have an additionto our floating populationsay 4000 souls and each oneof them will average twopounds of meat per day, that's8000 pounds. There's millionsin it! Beef, not wire, Withthis large increase in the de-

mand for beef will come a de-

mand for fence wire and youwill find it to your advantageand ours, to buy from us. Wehave the largest stock and thebest quality of wire in Hono-lulu and we're shipping it toranches and plantations allover the islands by nearlyevery steamer leaving thisport. People who came tosee it bought it and you willprobably do the same if youare interested in cattle orwant to keep them off yourcrops.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'dOpposite Bpreoltulb1 lllook,

yort, Street.

Draco & A. J. Cartwright.

To Let or Lease

At Prices to Suit the Times.

JO. 1.

rpHAT Vr.llY DKS1II- -JL ablo Ilesidonco at pre-sent occupied by Jameshovo as a homoatend. sitn- -ato on Kinir street onno-dt- tho residoncoof Dr. G. I. Andrews. Ilouco containsLargo Parlor,. DlnltiK-roon- t, U Largo lled-roou- is,

Kitchen, etc. lloomy Stables andServant's Quarters In rear; onlv 10 min-utes' walk to tho Post Olllcc. Possessionglvon In March, lsu.'J. MW-- tf


Two-stor- y Itriek nuildlng ffl.- -

formerly tho rcsidonco of tho late H. J.Hart, situalo on Nuunnu Avenue belowSchool street. Tcrmi easy. G23-- tf

NOTE Bo. u coking or closing bar-gains olscwhere, will pay yon to scan ourcolumn, and to at onco consult the undor-siinie- d

at their olllce. .

J6""We keep property in first-clas- s con-dition. Our terms aro moderato and aslandlords wo will always bo found reason-able in our doalings.

ES Apply in each caso to


'Cartwright llnilding," Merchant street.frl'J-- tf

Xo Lot or Lease.


ANIOELY near town.Enquire nt Bulletin Olllco.

014-- tf


rpWO NIC13LY FUlt-J- L 1 JWl- - V- -

nished Rooms, cen-trally located, lncpitrc atBulletin Oilicc. 353-- tf

T'" LET.

HOUSE OP FIVErooms, on Mnirazine MSiZh

street, with Bathroom, pat-ent ggwiISSEgL..W. O.. etc. Commandsono of the ilnest views in Honolulu. ApplyIU J. Al. VI VAC



ly occupied by P. P.Kauoa on King stiect. Ithas a Laigo Yard and theHouse is very convenient. For termsapply to

Go3-2- JOHN F. COhBUItN.


NICE COTTAG-- ONA Beretania street, near M&Sl'iikoi streot, containingParlor, '1 Bedrooms, Bath- -room, Diningroom, Pantry and Kitchen,Servant's room, Carriage House, Stable, etc.Tramcais pass every 20 minutes. ipply atotlice of tins papor. 458-- tf


COTTAGE AT NO.THE King street, lately fX:rtecLocciinicu ov Mr. Hi, o. uavy. i ICrCllAHTnmitofiiitif. 1 tlmlK.iniiiD Tn w KjLuCLtjUiiKiiiiuig iti'cuiuuiiin x ui- - tilifllor, Dining-roo- Kitchen and Bathroom ;

Stable in yard; Artesian Water laid on.I'or particulars and terms, apply to

AUR. FERNANBEZ.013-t- f atE, O. Hall & Sons'.

For SstleOn Account of Departure.

A T11AC Oi .AND, NEARXi. Beretauli. . ireet. nf ulinnfrH Acres, favoralilv located fordivision into Building Lots;at present cultivated fur itpito.tables, rico anil bananas; water from two

"SI. A.,"P.O. Box 112, Honolulu.

NEWLY BUILT COT-tag-oA 21x:i(i, contain-ing 4 Booms, Kitchen andBathroom, on a Lot 50 feotfrontage on Beckwith street ncarPunahouarea about 9000 square feet; 5 minutes'walk from the trauicars; Artesian water,Prico $1000. Apply to

"M. A.,C40-2- P. O. Box 442, Honolulu.



4 Guidon Ijuio, very rea-sonable. MW-2-



street cars, aOuol nnd Convenient Cot-tim- e

of Six Rooms. LariroLot, Stable and Chicken House. Apply to

E. R. HENDRY,at Hawaiian Hardware Co.'h store.

(W7-- tf


nANCELLED HAWAIIAN STAMPS,J Envelopes and Cards bonuht for

cash at Sun 1' ranclsco prices.IAS. STEINKK.

at "The Elite Ice Cream Parlors."(i(Xl-:- it


T Alton OR SMALL QUANTITIES OFXj Hawaiian used Postage Stampsbought for cash nt Bun FrancUco prices.

Per hundred1 Cent, green lUc.2 Cunt, rose (Kulukana) 25c,2 Cunt, violet (LIHunkalaiil) . . .ftOc.5 CVnt, blue (Vic.

Others in pioporliou. Address"B. M.,"

miS-l- w Bum.ktin Oillce.


I LL ACCOUNTS OWINd THE FA8II-1- .ion btubh'H Co., (L'd), of over three

monthh' bliindlui!, if not puld by tho 31stof March, INU, will bo placed In tho lunulaof ii collector.

J. J. HU 1,1,1 VAN.l'runldciit Fashion Ktublvs Co., (L'd),


Page 3: TMririj'i Pailttevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7233/1/... · Stmr "CHINA"... Nov. '27, inh Stmr "OCEANIC". Dec. '2.1, 1NU Stmr "CHINA". Fob. 5, 18'll Stmr "OCEANIC"


" " -. .1 II " " " ''" " '


Time Table



Leavo Honolulu. ..Osl& 8:45 1:45 4:3otArrive Honoullnll.7:S 0:57 2:57 G:35tLeavo Honoullull..7:30 10:13 3:43 5:42tArrive Honolulu. .8:35 11:55 4:55 0:50t

Prari. City Local.

Leave Honolulu 5:10!) ....Arrlvo l'corl City 5:185 ....Leave Pcnrl City..U:55Arrivo Honolulu.7:30

Sundays excepted, t Saturdays only.Saturdays excepted.



Tidos, Sun and Moon.

nv c. J. LTOHS.

H B, P P

IS SIh'I al saIP SF Sire P. P &


p.m.(1607D 10

in in10111 20llill 63




U3010 30113012 0


0 10030


2 454 104 30

A.M. P.M. P.M.


2 303 0330G 0G 407 308 0

0 10G IS0 11G 14It 13G 120 11

7 0 657 10 477 11 408 ....8 0 338 1 27&' 2 21

Lust quarter of the moon on tlie lotli at Oh.42m. iu in.

Time Whistle blows nt lh. 28m. 343. p.m. ofHonolulu time, which Is the sumo us l'ili. Om.0s. of Urccnwlch time.



3E.K.I3STE NEWS.Arrivals.

Tiiurspay, liar. 0.II M S S Alameda, Morse, from ColoniesU S S Alliance, Whiting, from a cruiseStmr J A Cummins from Koolau

Departures.Thursday, Mar. 9.

It M S S Alameda, Morse, for Sap Fran-cisco

Am bk Matilda, Swcnson, for Portlandcisco

Stmr Lehua for HamakuaSchr Moi Wuhino for Pnauilo at 4 p m

Vessels LeavingAm bk O D Bryant, Jacobsen, for San

FranciscoAm ship Eclipse, Peterson, for San Fran-


Passengers.From the Colonies, per EMS6 Ala-

meda, March 0 For Honolulu: Col EDJudd, J E Andre, John llellingham, Esq,M McGregor, Mr Hamniorsley, and 4steerage. In transit: Major Calhoun, KevDr Lucas, Mr and Mrs Gr Fortescao, Mr"id Mrs Grevsmuhl, Mr and Mrs MarcoHermann, Mr and Mrs W Lindsay, Mrand Mia'Cu Lippett and 3 children, Mrand Mrs Jaiilw Martin and 2 children, Mrand Mrs E Mark, Mr and Mrs F Sinclair,Madame A Link, Mrs Paul, Miss T Ander-son, Miss Uowden, Miss Bowden, Miss Jes-sie Fortescue, Miss Hannah Lindsay, MissEthel Martin, Miss Massey, MissD Iloid,Miss Paul, Miss Paul, H P Barber, MrBeaumont, Peter Campbell, H O Cabtle, EM Farrington, Chas Featherstone, JosephGill, LSTHobbs, E Honey, F fault. ItRimstruan, J Kittle, Mrs D 8 McLeod, EMorgan iuun.ni, W u M Newman, Airnercomoo, It S Smythe, J Stanhury, H

Stringer, A E Watson, II It Wood-1- ,E J V.angenheim, Col A Sivinton,


Dr Ph Hagberg, Gov E F Annsbee, U SLand Com Samoa, and 00 steerage.

Foreign Vessels Expected.USB Run go r, from San FrauciscoUSB Adams, from San FranciscoAm schr Lyman D Foster, Dryer,

from Newcastle, NSWAm schr Puritan, Warner, from

Newcastle. N S WAm schr Alice Cooke, Penhallow,

from Newcastle. NSWMis bkt Morning Star from Micronesia,

due May 23Br ship Honolulu from Newcastle, NSW


Vessels in Port.

IJ1IB Kon-c- o, Tashiro, from SanFrancisco

HUMS Naniwa, Togo, from JapanH B M S Qarnet from AlcapulcoU S S Alliance, Whiting, from SamoaUSl'S Mohican from San FranciscoUSB Boston. Wiltse, from HiloS S Miike Mam from Yokohama, duo

March 0Am bk Hcsner, Sodergren. from Newcas-

tle, NsSvAm schr Itobt Searles, Peltz,

from Newcastle, NSWAm lilt Mfitlliln. RvmiHOn. from Port

BlakolylAm bk Albort, Winding, from San Fran- -

cibCOAm bk Ooylon, Calhoun, from San Fran- -

U1BUUAm schr Alico Cooke, from Nowcastlo,

.N S W. March 25-- 30

Am n schr Olga, from Newcastle, NSW,March 25- -:

Ani4-i- n schr Puritan, from Newcastle, N SW, March 25-- 30

Am 4-- in King Cyrus, from Newcastle, N SW, Aprirr-1- 0

Br bk Gainsborough, from Nowcastlo. N SW, April 25--

Am m bktno W It Humo. from Newcastle, N S W, April 25--

Am m schr Svmau 1) Foster, from Now-castlo, N S W, April 25-3- 0

Bk Lupiorna, fioin Newcastle, N 8 W,April 25-- 30

Br schr Taeora, Thornton, fromLiverpool

Qcr bk H ilackfeld, llilgorloh, from Liver-pool,

Porsons who are subject to attacksof bilious colic can almost invariubhtoll by their feelings, whou to expectan attuck. If Chamberlain's Colic,Oholora and Diarrhata IJoinody istakon as soon as those symptoms ap-jioa- r,

thoy can ward olf tho disoaso.Such persons should always kooptho Romody at hand, ready for im-mediate use when needed. Two ortliroo doses of it at tho right timovill brvo thoni much suffering. Forfelo by all doalors. Benson, Smith

Co., ugonts for tho Huwuiiuu ltd-Jid- a,


Six war vessels aro at prosont inport.

Nearly all tho bontboya hnvo takenout liconsos.

Tho Parndiso of tho Pacific forFebruary has boon rocoived.

Tho S. S. Alamoda has 149 pas-sengers in transit for San Fraucisco.

Tho U. S. S. Allianco arrivod thismorning from a cruiso to Hilo, Ha-waii.

Chaplain It. It. Hoes will loavo ontho S. S. Alameda this evening forWashington.

Col. Judd, U. S. Army, was a pas-song- or

by tho S. S. Alamoda to-da- y

for this port.A gold badgo of ofllco will bo pre-

sented by citizens to Marshal W. G.Ashley this ovoning.

Tho bod' of Coruolius Crowlywlio died at soa was lauded from thoS. S. Alamoda to-da- y for burial horo.

Thoro will bo a band coucort attho Hotol this evening. It will be-

gin at. 7 o'clock, as tho Alamoda sailsat y.

Tho U. S. S. Allianco left Hiloafter tho Kongo, but tho latterpassed tho Allianco at Lahaiua yes-terday.

.A desortor from tho bark Matildawas caught last night and returnedto that vessel by Liioutonant lvoaia-ka- i

this morning.

While tho U. S. S. Alliance was atHawaii the officers gathered a col-

lection of ferns, which they broughtto the city in boxes.

Thoro aro a largo number ofthrouch passengers on tho S. S. Alamoda, not few being on bill has readingto tho World's Fair.

Diamond Head, 8 p. m. Weathercloudy,wind fresh northeast. WhalersWilliam Bayliss, Huntor and Hora-tio lying off and on.

Tho S. S. Alamoda will loavo forSan Francisco at 9 o'clock this evening, the mail closing at tho JfostOllico an hour oarlior.

Tho shell in which J. Stansburywill an exhibition this after-noon was cracked by a clumsy sailorwho wanted to test it with hisknuckles.

Tho volunteer Honolulu Firo De-partment will moot this evening attho Boll Tower to consider plans fortho disposition of funds of tho olddepartment;

Tho new Belgian instruments forthe old Hawaiian bandboys are ex-

pected on tho steamship Monowai.Tho music will also arrivo by thesame

C. J. McCarthy has hisreal estate and collection agency at28 Merchant street, Cummins block.Ho is agent for the Cincinnati Safeand Lock Co.

James Staubury, champion scullerof the world, brought two shellswith him from Sydney. Thoy attract-ed no littlo attention on board thoS. S. Alameda to-da-

James Stansbury, tho championsculler, and a few other Australiansporting mon took in tho sightsaround the city shortly after tho ar-rival of the Alamoda to-da- y.

Tho pleasant (?) odorvof Japanesesoi greets one's nostrils around townnow, more especially when passingJapanese hotels and stores. Theeflluriurn amounts to a commonnuisance.

The Japanese training ship Kongoreturned from a cruiso to Hilo, Ha-waii, and way ports yesterday after-noon. While at Hilo sonio of thoofficers of tho ship and guests fromtho Nauiva visited tho Volcano.

Tho followinc shipments of Japanese immigrants wore made to-da- y

on the steamer Lehua: 50 mon and13 women for the Hilo Sugar Co.; 50mon, 13 women, Kukaiau SugarPlantation; 30 mon, 8 Wai-ako- a

Plantation.A Chinaman was arrested yester-

day afternoon for playing cho fa.Ho was brought up iu tho DistrictCourt this morning and his cas, re-manded. His trial will be had un-der tho now law passod by tho coun-cils prohibiting gambling and g&m- -ing.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Fortoscuo andMiss Jonnio Fortoscuo aro throughpassougors on the S. S. Alamoda.Mr. Fortoscuo, who weighs iu thoneighborhood of throo hundredpouuds, sang "Littlo Lord Fauntlo- -roy in the Upora on a pre-vious visit some months ago.

Thoro was a report around townto-da- y after the arrival of the S. S.Alamoda, that a telegram was re-ceived in Auckland stating that thoUnited States intended to loavo thomatter of tho annexation of Hawaiito a vote by tho pooplo of tho islands.Tno report coulu not uo coniirmoci.Some pooplo by tho steamer, how-ovo- r,

say a report was current iuAuckland that tho annexation treatywas deferred to tho noxt session ofCongress.


Root Boor on draught at Benson,Smith & Co.'s.

After shaving uso Cucumber SkinTonic. Bonson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Nativo Fans and Curios in groatvariety at tho "Elite Ico Cream Par-lors."

Sunburn relieved at onco by Cu-cumber Tonic. Bonson, Smith & Co.,Agents.

Dr. McLennan, liU Fort stroot,above Hotol. Chronic and Sugicalcases. Mutual Telephone (582.

Mechanics' Homo, fii) and 01 Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, ormouth 25c. and 50c a night; $1and $1.25 a woolc.

Prof. F. Lombard, A. B., will con-tiiiu- u

giving instruction iu privateand iu classes; Fruuch, Spanish,niwl f.fiiin. I?nuiili4iwn. Aliilmn kI rixut.near Y. M. & A,


Items by tho S. S. Alamoda fromtho Colonios.

Enormous destruction of propertyby floods has occurred in Australia.From Brisbane, Queensland, it issaid that much of tho sugar crop inBundaborg district has boon destroy-ed. In Now South Walos it is esti-mated that one million bushols ofmaizo and BO porcont of tho sugarcrop havo boon destroyed in thoClaronco district. Tho damago bytho floods in tho Mnclonu district isestimated at $100,000. Many farmers havo boon ruined, and aro ask-

ing for employment on relief works.Brisbane, tho. capital of Quoonslond,was entirely submerged, Tho watorcovered tho lowor part of tho city60 foot. Tho loss is in tho millions.Many pooplo perished. Hundredsof houses floated down tho rivor.

A Washington despatch says:"Residents of Hawaii report thattho English and Germans nnvo boonplanning for yoars to possess theislands, and that the Consulateshavo armed tho nativos and incitedthem to oppose the Amoricans."

Alio lugin xion. lvooort wmiumDuff, M. P. for Banffshire, has boonappointed to succeed Lord Jorsoyas uovornor oi jnow oouiu. waios.

Owing to tho polltax imposed bytho Russian Government, fifty thou-sand Jews havo abandoned theirhomes atid will loavo tho country.

A quartor of a million pooplo aro.starving in Finland.

Emperor William, addressing amooting of farmers, urged them tosupport tho military as essential topoaco.

A further battcrj' of artillery hasbeou ordered from England toEgypt.

Tho railway servants' eight-hour- s'

a their way',' passod socoud






tho House of Commons.Terrific snow blizzards exceed-

ing iu sovority tho groat ono of 1880havo been experienced iu tho Eas-

tern and Middle States. Many por-so- ns

woro frozen to death.Cholera is raging in tho Russian

provinces, near tho Austrian fron-tier, and a thousand cases aro undertreatment. Four hundred deathsworo recorded for tho month endingFebruary.

Tho election for tho vacant seat ofStockport in tho House of Com-mons resulted as follows: Whitley(Conservative), 526M; Hume (HomoRuler), 4799.

Tho result of tho North Moathelection was: Gibuoy (McCarthyite),2635; Mahonoy (i'arnellito), 27o.

Dr. Ribeiro has uudortakon toform a now Cabinet iu Portugal.

Canada and tho United States aroresponding freely to Mr. Justin Mc-

Carthy's appeal for monetary assis-tance to tho Irish party.

A fire at Hastings (Hawko's Bay).Now Zealand, caused damago of$200,000.

One Day Earlier.

Messrs. Wm. G. Irwin & Co., L'd.,tho Genoral Agents of tho OceanicS. S. Co. and Union S. S. Co., havoreceived an official communicationfrom tho managing Director of tholatter Company that, "From Aprilnext tho mails from London for thoColonies via San Francisco will bocarried across tho Atlantic either bytho Etruria or tho Campania.

As those aro very fast vossols it isanticipated that the mails will roachSan Francisco on Thursday in placeof Friday as at prosont. Tho mailsteamers will therefore bo time-tabled to leavo San Francisco onThursdays, beginning with tho Mariposa on April 27th, so that thereafterthey will bo duo in Honolulu onoday oarlior than at present, viz., onThursday instead of Friday.

Corrected timo tables can bo hadupon application at tho Company'souico, Fort street.


A Dull Day at Chambers- - Tho BigSuit Next Monday.

Judgo Coopor presides at cham-bers this week.

Only ono case was hoard this fore-noon. Geo. Koch, assignee of Akana,bankrupt, presented his accountsand appliod for discharge. The ac-

counts wore approved and tho as-

signee ordered discharged on filingreceipts.

C. Sprockels vs. Goo. W. Maofar-lan-e

will como up for hearing beforeJudgo Whitiug noxt Monday.


Wilson's Case.

Goorcro Wilson was probably hitrather hard by tho heading to thonarrative of his grievanco yostorday.Ho is scarcely in tho samo categoryas many of tlie other kickers. Wil-

son luid down a Government billotto take up a gun, under promisothat when ho laid down the gun hocould take up a billot again. He hasshown a good doal of spunk in- de-

clining to take a billot, uudor thocondition of saying "by your loavo"to an official whom lie had denounc-ed bb having laid down nothing andshouldered no gun to cam a place.'Alio lioaumg ot tUo report in ques-tion, howovor, was intended to des-cribe tho row in tho camp in gonoral.

Black Flojr Team.

Tho following entry for tho inter-national tug-of-w- ar tournaniont tocommence on Marcli 18th was madeat tho office of C. J. McCarthy to-

day:C, Oroighton, D. II. Lewis, stroke;

W. Lishman, A. P. Peterson, Wm. F.Love, J. G. Rothwoll, substitute; Dr.Potorson, anchor. C. M. While,Captain.

1 enter theso follows for tho firsttime Blnck Flag League Team.

"The pooplo of this vicinity insiston having Chamberlain's CoughRemedy and do not want ouv other,"says John V. Bishop, of PortlandMills, Indiana. That is right. Thoyknow it to be superior to any otherfor colds, and as a preventive andeuro for croup, and why uliould thoynot insist upon Having it. u centbottles for sale by all dealers. Bon-

bon, Smith Co., agents for tho Ha-waiian Islands.

Job J'finUwj u the Bulletin OJficc,


Dolay Owing to Bough WoathorDoatli at Soa.

Tho S. S. Alamoda, Captain Mbrsp,arrived off port at 10 o'clock thismorning, 17 days, 10 hours and 20minutos from Syduoy, ami 12 days,8 hours and 80 minutes froui Auckland. Discharged Sydnoy pilot onFob. 20th at 5:10 p.m. Arrivod atAuckland on tho 26th at G p.m., andloft at 1:30 a.m. Arrived off ApiaMarch 2d at 1:30 a.m., and left at10:20 a.m. Died March lth, of heartdisoaso, Cornelius Urowiy, stooragopassenger. Tho body was embalmed.

Tho Alameda oxpori m-e- headgalos from Syduoy to Auckland.Sinco leaving Apia had'strong N. ID.

and oast winds with head soas. Showill leavo again at 0 o'clock thisdVoning.

An Athloto in Town.

Dan S. McLeod, champion middle-weight wrostlor of tho world, is athrough passongor by tho Alameda.His homo is in San Fraucisco. Howont to tho Colonios this way lastApril. Tho first man ho met wasJack Porrvman of Melbourne whomno boat in two straight laiis. Auonoxt was Ned Pickup of Nowcastlo,who was dofoatod in tho samo way.Then ho entered iu a hammor throw-ing contest with Dugald Cameron ofMelbourne, and McLeod won withtho following scores: 221b. hammer,80ft. 6in.; Nilb. hammor, 99ft. 2in-.- ;

121b. hammor, 118ft. 7in. all stand-ing throws. Noxt came a wrestlingbout at Nowcastlo with J. McDor-mot- t,

who was thrown two straightfalls. McLood met all comers inNow Zealand, boating everybodyboth at hammor throwing and wrest-ling. At Highland games in Dunodin,N.Z., ho throw tho 161b. hammer103ft. 7iu. If tho Alameda stayedlonger, Mr. McLeod might try hismusclo on some Japanese athletes.

The strongest recommendationthat any article-- can havo is tho en-

dorsement of tho mothors of thotown. Whon tho mothors recom-mend it you may know that thatarticle has moro than ordinary merit.Hero is what tho Coutervillo, SouthDakota, Citizen says oditorially ofan article sold in their town: "Frompersonal experience wo can say thatChamberlain's Cough Remedy hasbroken up bad colds for our chil-dren. We aro acquainted with manymothors in Coutorvillo who wouldnot be without it in tho house for agood many times its cost, and arorecommending it ovory day." 50 centbottles for sale by all dealers. Ben- -son, bmitn & uo.;waiiau Islands.


All kinds of Commercial Printingpromptly executed at low rates at the

Bulletin Office.

WEEKLY BULLETIN 28THE of Interesting Heading MatterIslands. $4: mailed to foreign countries. Sft.


ForThroat and Lungs"I have been ill for

Hemorrhage "about five years,"have had best

Fhe Years, ''medical advice,"and I took first

" dlose in some doubt. This resul-ted in a few hours easy sleep. There' ' was no further hemorrhage next"day, when I bad a slight attack" which stopped almost iinmediate-"ly- .

By third day all trace of" blood had disappeared and I had"recovered much strength. The"fourth day I sat up in bed and ate"ray dinner, first solid food for"two months. Since that time I"have gradually gotten better and" am able to move about"house. My death daily

and recovery has been" a great surprise to my friends and" doctor. There can be no doubt"about effect of German.Syrup,"as I had an attack just previous to"its use. The only relief was after' ' first dose. " J R. Loug h h aAdelaide, Australia.


Oliia ki Eoa Firewood

(3LI2031D)At $8 Per Cord-CA- SH





J mil



(Xl'J-2- w


KlmrcH Mat

& CO.

KOH TWENTYTelephone Btock,

stundliii! in tho imimi of W. M. .AllisonwllTransfer has stopped.

iiVntn til J. B. WALKUlt.ifi4ii


ON, KOKMEltLY KBl'OHTKHLAM and Colluutor of t'Tho UhinodoTimei," 'ma ronlgned, of which ull purnoiiHhaving IiiihIiiuhi paper willpleiiMJ notice. Leo Chu is this

tho authorized (.'olleutor to traimactall tho bunini'bH of tho bald paper. Theolllcu of tho Tillies has removed to :I7

KingHtroot.TJK 1.K01.mBTBi

Honolulu, Maroli 2, U-l-


r AWN MOWEH8 TO LKT THEmonth Iteiialrlng,J wriiK or

for the Ha- -






now thewas



the ad,

beenri'tlirn Altltil.j

with thattake from



day.Cleaning and Sharpening doner I)up leatoriwei furnished when required, Mimliliiosculled for mill returned. Also, Uepairlng

Hose In fact, can do anythingliivimsiirv around thu lioitku or stable.King up' Mutual Telephone IW.

M-t- l N. lf. 1IUUOKH8.

Daily Bulletin,delivered free,

imiiii - .v. 'T FiYw HHMIKVHriaiaroli'l HUM JHMSIIHIHnHniMHCSi





JII "'






CO vents u month,



w V If .

C3 & 1ft

Ig J!

Patent Elastic Seam Drawers!

"We want to call tho attentionof our patrons to a novelty which,

from tho favor it has been re-

ceived with, wo believe has come

to stay and become an indispen-sibl- o

article'of gent's furnishing.A glanco at the cut above will

show at once the superiority of

goods made in this manner overthose heretofore in vogue.

Sckiven's Patent Elastic--

Seam Dkaweks aro providedwith an improvement consistingof an Elastic Inseution at the

inner and outer seams, whichgives elasticity in movement andcomfort in fit. Tho drawers arecut in fiimre outlines and afford

tho wearer all the advantages of

knit goods, while retaining thesuperior comfort of woven fabric.The Patent Elastic Sham,which contains no HumiEK, re-

tains its springiness and wearslongor than the other portion oftho garment. It makes thodrawers conform to tho positionof tlie wearer and avoids anystrain, no matter what attitudetho body assumes.

It will also be found that thesePatent Elastic Seam Dkaweksare equally well adapted to allathletic positions and allow thogreatest freedom and ease ofmotion. In the position as-

sumed in the cut, not the leasttension is produced on tho mainportion of the goods, while theclastic seams allow the transfor-mation of the figure as soon intho position, which would bo impossible in others without pro-

ducing groat strain on tho goodsand friction upon the porson.

Wo havo now a complete stockof these uoods in all sizes, andcan recommend those made oftho mutorial known as "Jean"to be the coolest and best adapt-ed for those persons who do notcare to wear woolen fabrics.

They say that there is "noth-ing now under the sun," but thefollow who said that was allwrong, lie forgot "Gent's Furnishings," they're- always mak-

ing something new in that lino.Tho latest yet, wo havo just

received samples of, from themanufacturers. It consists ofGauzo, Ualbriggan, or Silk TJn-d- or

Garments with WOOL skill-

fully woven into tho breast andhack to protect tho most vitalparts of tho body from cold orchill. To the many pooplo whocannot wear ull wool goods onaccount of tho irritation some-

times felt, theso goods will bo agreat boon, as, while thoy willhavo tho advantage of wearingcotton fabric, tho lungs andback will havo a nice warm covering of wool. From tho manysontiments of approval wo haveheard regarding theso goods wo

heliovo thom to bo n good thingfor our climato, and havo placedour orders for it full stock,which will ho on sale in abouttwo months.

To any porbou desiring to soo

tho sinnnlos which wo have wo

will bo jileasod to show them.

TEMPLE OF FASHIONCorner Fort 8c Hotol Streets.

C3-- IR, .A. ItsT ID

Opening of Spring Goods !


117 Cases of New GoodsPersonally


selected whichof

are now out


A Line of New inFANCY SHADBO


Great Specialties!Handsome DozensSATBEN8.





S. EHRLICH,Fort and Hotel Sts., .... Honolulu, H. I.

Pacific Hardau.Kim.iris' Blook, Port Street.




Sand Cloth

Qiant Nail Fullers, Lariat Swivels,Turner's and Shears,

Awl3 and Tools, Garden Trowels,

Egg Cork Can

Scrub Brushes, Paints, Putty, Etc., Etc.


50 Cents.Tfrom Senior Sarireoii

to tho Central London Throat andEar Hospital, Xjonaon, -- i pro- -

ilflArihn C!uqhmanB


Aienuioi inimierto tlie extent oi nunareas


is invited.


From 8. . Misiion, cm- -caifo, III. i "I am constantly us-

ing and prescribing your MentholInhaler."From Dr. W. Galewood,

Del Rio, Texas : "I am enthuslastlooyer your Inhaler, and shall recom-mend It to all my friends."

From Knstera ninnatccrRegistered Pharmacist: "I haveused your Menthol Inhaler for thopost tnree years ana lounu it inval-uable for catarrh and colds."

From C. B. Rogers, otthe firm of Rogers Bros., mfrs. ofSilverware, nienaen, uonn. : --irecommend Cushman'H Menthol In-haler to all my friends as itfaaa donemo so much pood."

Cushmans Menthol inhalerIs neat, clean, convenient tocarry, pleasant to use, costs 50cents, ana lasts one year. a.trial will convince you. Atdruggists-o-r by mail for 50 cents.

H. D. CB8HMAN,Three Rivera, Mich.

and an



tm At

ware Co, Mi


Lace Leather


Paper, Emery Sacks,

Beaters, Screws, Openers,



Tried aMenthol





25 cts.and50 cts.

20c. Yard

15c. Yard

20c. Yard




109 Fort Street, - - - Honoloolu., EC. I.



Curtains in White, Cream and Colored !

At liulf tlio former cost.

Velvet c& S:nayr:n.a, :R.-u.g- S

III nil slzt'h greutly reduced.

Wooleu Goods in Plain, Striped & Plaids, Below Cost!Mr-I- n fuel wo oiler Immense Hurilns In ull DuvMrtincntH.

Vtr Drossmakluo Under U10 Mauagomont oi MISS E. OLAIUJ. &?

M.MoiNEiiNYlDaily Bulletin, 50c. pr him

vr ,'

- .



- ..







.. '



Page 4: TMririj'i Pailttevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7233/1/... · Stmr "CHINA"... Nov. '27, inh Stmr "OCEANIC". Dec. '2.1, 1NU Stmr "CHINA". Fob. 5, 18'll Stmr "OCEANIC"

ml -


i j






Steel & Iron Ranlll "1 l II ""'"'-Sh- -

3)lvl6u fr I'ipS IJ9BKrTjiwwii


Stoves cSs FisztTj-re- s


Agate Ware in Large Variety,



Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, "Water and Soil Pipes.





Fresh California Roll


New Goods Received by Every

EOF- - All Orders faithfully attended to.solicited and packed with care.






Provision Dealers Naval SuppliesSteamer

Orders Solicited.



All tho



POll ItY

THEO. H. &OH-- tl


nussthe gate, arrannemunts can bomade fur and Evmilni;

. . 3--U



BSHPB"FW,$IPtf , -




Butter and Island Butter


Steamer from San Francisco

guaranteed. Island Orders

Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.

--P. O. 372.

-- P. 0. J10X ai- -


d Retail wocers

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

-- P. O. HOX 115.


The Nippon Yimou Kaisha's Al btcanier


Will he due at this port on or about tho:!Mli jiint. and will leave for


On SATURDAY, Maroh 11th,

IS-- For iiitiiriiiiitlon regardlliB FreightHlnl Pasnage, ajiply to

VM. G. IRWIN & CO.,Cinwrii Ai'tnit Vimtrui Yiium Iviiihhil.

I lllll-'l.- u


Fresh Goods by Every Cala.




Groceries, a.nci Peed.Now (ioods Itecoiveil Every 1'auket from the Eastern State,-- and Europe.


Orders faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of City free.

Island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Blast Corner Iort & Kline Streets,


Fishbrand Oil ClothingSALE


HATIIJNOJlesort nt Wniktlci. 'i'mincnra

BpcclalFamily Picnics

-- WiitUliig I'artlos,

''nrlll lMTi-i- i






WMer's Steamship Co.


v.'. o. Vimikii, Pies. S. H. Him:, sec.Cai'T. .1, A. lvtsii, 1'oit Supt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Coutiuandor,

Will lrnvo Honolulu at '2 i m., touching ntI.aliaina, Mualacii Uuy ami .lnkenii thesame day; Muhukona, Knwaihao and

tho following iliiy, ai riving ntlllto nt midnight.


Friday Mar. IT

llctuiuing leaves lltlo, touclilm; ntsame ilny; Kuwailme a. m.j

10 a. M.; Maltena I r. m.; .MaulaeuHay (lv. m.; l.nhtiltm s i m. the followingday; arriving at Honolulu li a. m. Wodnes-daysnn- d



Saturday Mar. l!o

B& No Freight will be received after12 noon on d'lj of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES. Commautlor,

Will leave Honolulu evciy Tuesday nt 5r. i., toiehiuj; at Kalmlui, Jluelo, liana,llniuoa and kipalmlu.

l!cturning will an ive at Honolulu everySunday morning.

tSf-N- o Freight will he i met veil after1 v. m. on uay of ailiii).

Consignees mut bo at the landings toreceive their Fieiuht. i we will not holdourselves responsible after sucli Freightlins hi en landed.

While tho Company will use due dili-gence in handling Live Hock, we dieiineto assume any responsibility in eae of tholoss of

The Company will not be ieponsiblo for.Money or Jewelry unless liiaciu in me caiool I'ur-ei- s,

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco :

The Now and Fine Al Steel Stiamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sjdnoy and Auck-land on or about

March 9tli,And will leave for tho above port withMails and PascngorMn orabout that date.

For Sydney and Auckland :

The New and Pine Al .Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, fiom San Francisco,on or about

March 10th,And will havo prompt dc patch withMails and Passengers for the a love ports..

Tho undersigned are now prepare I to icsiie



E& Por further particulars regardingFreight or Pasagu apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

General Agents.

Oceanic Steamshio Go.

Time TstTole.LOCAL LINE.


Anivo Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom S. P. fork. V.

Mar. 12:2 ... .Msr.Apr. 1!) .Apr.

THROUGH LINE.Prom Ban 1'ianciseo From Sydney for

for Hydney. Han Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. I.rme Honolulu,

.MONOWAI, Mar. 10 Ar.AMI.DA, Jlar. ilAI.AMKDA, Aiuil7 MAltlPOhA.AiinIOMAltlPOrfA, Jlay !5 MOXOWAI. Jlav I

Veterinary:. Infirmary,KING bTI!h':T.

W. T. MONSAKRAT,Vetor-inar- y -- : Surgeon,

Government Yeteiinary Surgeon. Inspectorof Stock, Port of Honolulu,

Excellent Accommodation for Patients. Ho

IUsk in Throwing Horses.

Improved Veterinary Operating Table.


f.tif-- Orders for Plantation and ItimuhStock will teceivu piompt intention,

Mutual 183 TELEPHONES Ball 00.(117-- w

H. L MINER, D. V. S.,

Veterinary Surgeon, Phyfjicir.il and



in ni i: nouns;

8 to in m.j i:..o to a.:;o v. m,

l&-- ltiKiiiiM'K With Dr. 1'. h. .Miner,liumtuuia Htrcct.

All Calls Will Ilecelve Prompt Attention.


1,1. WHO WISH 'JO (O.M.Ml'NlOATj;A with nil' l titlt'iilioiiu In liuninoi-- s

lloiirH. nli'UMi rini! iiii Hull No. 17. and allwho wlli to telephone nut of imillllkMbours, pluai.0 ring up Hull No. M.

UJl-l- w T. W. ItAWblNB.


Tho Iitttast Acquisition to tho 1m-pori- al

Navy Oapablo of Twonty-..Thro- o


Thoro was I.iiiiioIkhI on Fob. 20front tho Elswick Shim-ari- l of Messrs.Armstrong, Mik'holl & Co., Now-cal- 3l

1, t lm powerful iirolwtttl cruiserVohino, built for tho Imprint .Jap-anese navy. Tho Yoshuto has nlength of HlUlft., a breadth of KUft.,a mean draught of 17fl., and a nt

ol JIW) totm. Sho is eon-ilrtic't-

of steel throughout. Overthe inaehinory, boilers, magazines,ami steering gear (here is a strongsteel protective ileeh, l.'iiii. tliioh onits sloping sides ami 1:jin. thiek onits horizontal portions. The hull issubdivided throughout, into Humorous water-tig- ht compartments, mostof these between the protective dftekand the deck iminediafelv above itbeing ip-u- d a eoal bunkers. Thetotal supply of eoal which can boerrricd by the -- hip is just 1000 tons,which will unable her to hao a largeami exceptional radius of notion atcruising speeds. It is confidentlyexpected that with tho boilers work-ing under forced draught tho enor-mous power of nearly li,0U0 horseswill bo obtained. With this realizedpower tho speed of tho ship will notfall tar short ol JXi knots, and showill thus be tho fastest cruiser afloat.

Tho Yoshino will bo armed solelywith quick-firin- g guns of tho latestand moit approved pattern suppliedby tho ENwick linn. It will havefour I5iii. jiiiek-firin- g guns and eightI.Tin, qu gnus, and thorowill bo l sides an auxiliary arma-ment of 22.3-pound- quick-firin- g

gnus. Five tot pedo tubes will alsobo carried. A conning tower ofsteel armor stands on tho forecastle,and within it are placed all the ry

appliances for workiug andconning the vessel in action. 31 rs.Watts launched tho ship, and Mr.X. Okoshi, Consul Uenoial of Japanin London, was among thoo pro-sen- t.

Captain Noble, of tho Els-wic- k

firm, said that in the depart-ment of naval science, as well as inall other departments of science, thoJapanese had not only hhown them-selves to bo original investigators,but had been ready to appiopriatoeverything novel and useful thatthey could copy from this continent.'In one department, not of science,but of art, ho was informed that acompetent committee of their owncountry had reported that they hadJittJo or nothing to learn from Eu-rope. The Yoshino was a vessel ofwhich Elfrwick had some reason tobo pi.otid, In tho first place, thotypo of .ships that she representedoriginated at Elswiek. 13y the mic-ces?i-

improvements of mora thanone eminent man the Yoshino hadbi.en brought to her present state ofperfect ion. Sho was an embodimentof all that was new, both in ship de-sign and armament. Lomhm nmlChina Kiproii.

Changes Hade hi the City of NowYork.

Nr.w York, February 17. Xo soon-er did the City of N.jw Yoik rew-l- i

her pior yesteida' than a couple of.stages were fastened to hor andworkmen began to remove the woids"City ol"' on her natneboard. Infuture- sho will be known as tho NewYork. After February '2d she willlly tho Amerieau Hag and will becommanded by American oilieers.

The 2s'ew ork made no attempt,her oliieors said, to keep up witli tho.Majestic. One of her passengerssaid that on Saturday tho Majesticpassed tho Now Yoik"''lil;o a streakof lightning." Tho Now York madethe trip in sewm davs aud forty-tw- o

'liintite.-.- . Shu averaged sivteen knotsa.i hour. She was delayed two hoursand a half by a .slight derangementof the inaehinory.

Chief Engineer Walls said thatthe speed of the vessel was ted needin older to get tin now screws ingood wot king order. The screwshave a diameter oT 1!) feet (i inchesand tiro threo-blade- The engineersays t hat the facilities for makinglepairs aio not as good at Southamp-ton, from which English port theNow York will sail hereafter, as atLiverpool. The .ship'.--, ollicer.s thoie-foi- o

decided not to take the slightestrisks.

jaiunet'.os Increasing.Tho brunette- lype is becoming

more, numerous in lingland aud onthe Continent generally. Mr. Glad-stone, who observes, "most things,said some yeai-ag- o that light-haire- d

people were far less numerous thanin his youth. Thin ftateiuent wasborne out ywlh the results of (hostatistical iujui.y undertaken byDr. JJeddoe, v 'j ominod T2( wo-men and found thnt'uOi) wero bi miot-ics and J157 blondes. Carrying thisiii(iiir) a step fait her D: Ueddoolearned thai 78.5 percent of thobrunettes had husbands, while- onlyIW peicout of tho blondes wore mar-ried. From this it appears that inEngland a bru'nette hits ten chancesof being vvoddod to tho nine chancesof tho blondo; and Dr. Ueddoo wenton to argue that "tho English arebecoming dailter because tho menlersi.-,-t in selecting the datk-haire- d

women as whos. The same thing isnappeningin Uin-many-

,in Prance,

in ttviitzi'iland and elsowheio on theContinent.

rl liree dda is ti very short time inwlueh to euro a bad ca-- o of rheu-matism; but it can be done, if theproper treat men t is adopted, as willbe seen by the following from .lamesl.ambnrl, ol Now "Brunswick, Jib,:''I was badly alllicted with rheuma-tism in tho hips aud legs, when 1bought a bottle of Chamberlain'sJ'ain Jl'iliii. It cured mo in 'threedays, j am all rij'ht to day: amiwould insist on every one who isnlllieled with (hat teniblo disease touse Chamberlain's Fain lialm aud getwell at once." W cent bottles fortitle by all dealer.-- .. JJciisou, Smith& Co., au'cuts for the Hawaiian Isl- -auds.

A leading banker of New Yorksaid latnlyt "Wo nru going to seelighter money here mk.ii. The ship-luent- h

of eutieney to tho Wtwt audfar Witel are heavier now than forlive yearn jiiut."



A. L. Johnson Shirt Co. vs. Tho Poo--plo ox rol.

Summons with Notice.)

Tun SitniTMVKKR, attorney for plalntl!!',cornrr King and Alakea streets.

Hanii-mi.-Uow- .n Hmnr, defendant's attor-ney for all the stores.


1oh arc hereby summoned and com-manded to appear, all other businessexcuses, notwithstanding that, A. L.Johnson makes tho best nnd cheap-est lino of all kinds of Shirts at hisfactory, corner King and Alakeastreet in tho City of Honolulu, Coun-ty of Good Government, State ofOahu, between tho hours of 8 a. m.and ft p. in., on and after tho (5th dayof October, 1802, and then and thoroshow cause why you should not bopunished for not patronizing tholong est ablished shirtmakor and totestify to (ho best of your kuowledgoas to tho quality and mako of John-sou'- s

Shirts with all tho latest andbest improvements mado to order,and for sale by tho above plaintiff intho above said promises. Shouldyou fail to put in an appoarauco intho above said place you will bo.adjudged guilty of contempt, for-feit a gootl shirt aud bo sontoncodfor life eating Poi.

A. L. JOHNSON,Plaintiffs Attorney, corner King and

Alakea streets.N. B. Orders received bj' mail.

Prove all things, and hold fast tcthat which is good.

Aro shyster collectors need appear.

Golden !nrani )

e UttAtUt


Just Received Ex "Australia"

.a?H Tennis Rackets, $3.50 to $6.Nets, full court.

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SewingJUaclimesThe following choice bit of word painting

occurs in Ilawthorno'h Jtarble Paun:" Women be they of what earthly rank

they may, however gifted with intellect orgenius, or endowed with awful beauty, havealways home little handiwork ready to tillthe tmy gap of every vacant moment. Ano'dlo is familiar to tho lingers of them all.Aijueen, no doubt, plies it on occasion; thowoman poet can use it as adroitly as herpen; tho woman's eye, that has discovereda new star, turns from its glory to send thepolished little instrument gleaming alongthe hum of her kerchief, or to darn a casualfiay in her dies". And they havo greatlytbe advantage of us in this respect. Theslender thie.id of silk or cotton keeps themunited with the hiuall, familiar, genMe

life, the continually operat ngof which do so much furthe .ealth

of tho character, and eairy oil' what wouldotherwise be a dangerous accumulation ofmorbid sensibility. A vast deal of humansympathy runs along this electric line,stietcbing fiom tlio throne to tho wickerchair of tho humblest seamstress, andkeeping high and low in n species of com-munion with their kindred beings."

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I AM ON. FOUMKItLY UKPOll'iT.ltli and ( olleotiir of 'Till! CIllllCM)i linns," has resigned, of which all puionshaving business with Unit puper williciimi till, ci notice, Leo Chit In from this

dull! tho iiullimied ( ol lector to tiam-ac- tall tho s of the wild paper. Thuolllcu of the Times luiH been removed to 117

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