Kullanici Kilavuzu TMS Office Surveying for tunnelling professionals 01/01/2007 (Uygulama sürümü 1.6)

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Kullanici KilavuzuTMS OfficeSurveying for tunnelling professionals01/01/2007 (Uygulama sürümü 1.6)

Page 2: TMS Office Kullanıcı Kitabı

TMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu© Amberg Technologies 2007

01/01/2007 (Uygulama versiyonu 1.6)

Trockenloostrasse 21PO Box 27

8105 Regensdorf-WattSwitzerland

Phone: +41 44 870 92 02Fax: +41 44 870 06 18

[email protected], www.amberg.ch/at

Art.No. 10315

TMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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IçerikGiris ........................................................................................................................ 5

1. Desteklenmis cihaz ................................................................................. 52. Yazilim lisans sözlesmesi ........................................................................... 63. Kurulum / De-installation ......................................................................... 64. Mevcut yazilim modülleri ............................................................................. 85. Baslarken .................................................................................................. 11

1. TMS Office konsepti........................................................................................... 151.1. Projelerle birlikte çalisma ........................................................................ 151.2. Proje elementleri ..................................................................................... 171.3. Proje verisi transferi ................................................................................ 301.4. TMS Office'de isletim ............................................................................. 36

2. TMS Office kullanimi ......................................................................................... 392.1. Genel fonksiyonlar .................................................................................. 392.2. Proje verisi düzenleme ........................................................................... 402.3. Hesaplamalar ......................................................................................... 432.4. TMS Office'de menü kullanimi ................................................................ 46

3. TMS ProFit ........................................................................................................ 533.1. ProFit'e giris ........................................................................................... 533.2. Cihaz Pozisyonlama .............................................................................. 563.3. Data proses ............................................................................................ 653.4. ProFit'te menü fonksiyonlari ................................................................... 71

4. TMS SetOut ...................................................................................................... 754.1. SetOut'a baslama ................................................................................... 754.2. Görevleri belirlemek için prosedür ........................................................... 754.3. SetOut'ta menü fonksiyonlari ................................................................. 804.4. SetOut'ta dialoglar ................................................................................... 814.5. Görev tanimi (örnekler) ............................................................................ 87

8. Teknik bilgi ...................................................................................................... 1358.1. Data organizasyonu ............................................................................. 1358.2.Ölçümlerin impoert etmek için ASCII dosyasi ........................................ 1358.3. THEODAT: PROFILER cihazlar için prizma metodu harici pozisyon ................................................................................................................. 137

9. Sorun ve hatalari isleme ................................................................................. 1419.1.Dongle ile ilgili problemler .................................................................... 141

Sözlük .............................................................................................................. 143


TMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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GirisTMS Office'i satin aldiginiz için tesekkürler.

TMS Office sayesinde; TMSProFit, TMSSetOut, TMSScanRex, TMSScanCloud,TMSScanSurf,ve TMSScanControl program modüllerine temel olarak kullanabilcegimizprojeleri tanimlayabilirsiniz. Böyle bir proje; durum profil, boyuna profil, yanal egim, teo-rik profiller ve teorik profillerin bölümlerini olusturur.

TMS ProFit modülü profil ölçümlerinin (örn. tünel, magara, dikey çukur v.b) prosesineyardimci olmaktadir. PROFILER4000 veya TPS1100 (TCRA,TCRM) veya TPS1200serisi (TCRP,TCRA,TCRM) cihazlari ile ölçülmüs profiller degerlendirilebilirler.TPS1100 veya TPS1200 ile ölçüm için yerlesik TMSProScan(plus) yazilimi mevcuttur.

TMS SetOut modülü tünel yapiminda haritalandirma tanimi hizmeti sunmaktadir.Define individual tasks (positioning of arches, announcements of outbreak profiles,drilling hole patterns, radial rock bolts and mapping of tube umbrellas), which youcan afterwards set out automatically in the field with TMS SetOut plus.

With the module TMS ScanRex (HDS4500, Amberg Profiler 5003) scans can bepositioned and cross-sections can be extracted from raw scan data to the moduleTMS ProFit.

Modül TMS ScanCloud (PTS, HDS4500, Amberg Profiler 5003) scans ile eksiksiz tünelölçümü gerçeklestirmek için farkli parametreler ile isleme tabi tutulabilir. Resultsare for example grey scale images or under / over profiles.

Modül TMS ScanSurf iki farkli hesaplama algoritmalarina bagli yüzey dalgalanmala-rin prosesini saglar. Veri, modül TMSScanCloud ile önceden isleme tabi tutulmalidir.

Modül TMS ScanControl tünelde tarayiciyi çalistirmak için (HDS4500, Amberg Profiler5003) kullanilir. Tünel için optimize edilmis kullanici arayüzü vardir ve uzmanlasmis pozisyonlama metodunu destekler.

TMS Office tünel ölçümünde is gereksinimlerine uyarlanir.

1. Desteklenen cihazTMS Office asagidaki cihazlari desteklemektedir.

Tablo 1. TMS ProFit Modülü

Verinin arayüz ile veya veri dosyasindan import edilm.PROFILER4000TCRP, TCRA ve TCRM modelleri ile otomatik ölçüm ve TMS ProScan yazilimi veri dosyasindan import edilebilir.

TPS1100 serisi

TCRP, TCRA ve TCRM modelleri ile otomatik ölçüm veTMS ProScan yazilimi veri dosyasindan import edilebilir.

TPS1200 serisi


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Tablo 2. Modül TMS SetOut

Otomatik set out TCRA veTCRM model cihazlar ile yapilabilir.

TPS1100 serisi

Otomatik setout TCRA veTCRM model cihazlar ile yapilabilir.

TPS1200 serisi

Tablo 3. Modül TMSScanControl, ScanRex, ScanCloud, ScanSurf

TMSScanControl ile tünel uygulamasi için HDS4500 isleti-mi. ScanRex ve ScanCloud ile profil çikarma ve veri isleme


TMSScanControl ile tünel uygulamasi için AmbergProfiler5003 isletimi. ScanRex ve ScanCloud ile profilçikarma ve veri isleme.

Amberg Profiler 5003

PTS data import 'una bagli ScanCloud ile veri isleme. Diger tarama cihazlari

2. Yazilim lisans sözlesmesiYazilim sözlesmesini bu linkte bulabilirsiniz: http://www.am-berg.ch/at/index.php?id=192

3. Yükleme / De-installation3.1. Sistem Gereklilikleri

Tablo 4. Sistem gereklilikleri

Windows XPIsletim sistemi256 MB ( ScanCloud modülü için 1GB)RAM50MBHard disk kapasitePentium 1GHz (3GHz ScanCloud modülü için)IslemciWindows yazici sürücüsü ile herhangi yaziciYazici / Plotter

3.2. Yazilimi yüklemek3.2.1. En son yazilim sürümü

TMS Office'in en son yazilim sürümünü ana sayfamizdan indirebilirsiniz. ht-tp://www.amberg.ch/at

3.2.2. YüklemeThe TMS Office program is supplied on installation media in compressed form.Program yüklendikten sonra sadece hard-disk'te kullanilabilir.

Prosedür asagidaki gibidir:


2.Yazilim lisans sözlesmesiTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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1. CD-ROM'u takin

2. Menü otomatik olarak yüklenir ve görüntülenir. "Install TMSOffice"'den seçiniz.

3. Eger menü otomatik olarak yüklenmezse, CD-ROM'daki Autorun.exedosyasine çift tiklayin.

4. Eger programi Internetten indirmisseniz, dosyayi bos bir dizine açin veSetup.exe dosyasina çift tiklayin.

5. Yükleme sirasinda talimatlari takip edin.

Yazilim lisansina sahip oldugunu, ek olarak dongle'i ve sürücülerini yüklemeniz ge-rekmektedir.

3.3. Dongle'in yüklenmesiTMSOffice Programi, asagida "dongle" olarak deginilen yazilim kiliti ile donatilmistir.Bu dongle TMS ile markalandirilir ve üzerinde seri numarasi ile basilir.Seri numarasi, Help » About TMS Office programinda bulabilirsiniz.

Dongle düzgün bir sekilde yüklenmezse sadece demo modunda çalisir.

Yazilim modülleri lisanslari dongle'da programlandirilir veya ilgili lisans kodunu gire-rek lisanslanabilir.

Mevcut yazilim modülleri ve yazilim opsiyonlari Help » AboutTMSOffice 'debulunmakatdir. Çesitli yazilim modülleri ve opsiyonlari uygun dongle ile kullanilabi-lir.

3.3.1. Dongle'in yüklenmesiUSB dongle USB port'larindan birine baglanmalidir. Bir seferlik dongle'i bag-lamadan önce dongle sürücülerini yükleyin.

Dongle yüklemesinde karsilasilacak problemlere karsi, yardim için "sorun giderme"bölümüne bakiniz.


Lütfen dongle'i sadece bilgisayari kapali oldugu zaman yükleyin ve çikarin.Aksi takdirde, dongle zarar görebilir.

3.3.2. Sürücüleri yüklemeDongle'in basarili tanimi için, bir sürücü yüklenmesi gerekmektedir.

Lütfen, windows baslangiç menüsünden TMS »HardlockDriverInstallation - daki programi sürücünün yüklenmesi için kullanin.

Eger program için lisansiniz yoksa (demo modu), sürücü yüklemenize gerekyoktur.


3.3.Dongle'in yüklenmesiTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Isletim sisteminize bagli olarak, sürücünün yüklenmesi için bilgisayarinizda yöneticihaklari olmalidir.

3.4. Yazilim güncellemeHer ne zaman yeni bir TMSOffice yazilimi çikarsa, talimatlara göre onu yükleyiniz.

Bkz Bölüm 3.3.2, sayfa 7 “Sürücüleri yükleme”.

3.5. De-InstallationLütfen isletim sisteminizden yazilimi çikarmak için "De-Installation" fonksiyonunu kaldirin.

Yüklemede sadece degistirilmemis dosyalar kaldirilabilir. Bu yüzden demo veri dosyalari neticede otomatik olarak kaldirilamaz. Manuel olarak silinmesi gerekir(örnExplorer ile).

3.6. TMS PROwin 7.0'dan upgradeProFit modüllü TMS Office, TMS PROwin 7.0'in ardil ürünüdür . Yeni yazilimi etkin-lestirmek için AmbergTechnologiesAG'den aldiginiz lisans kodunu giriniz.Bkz. Lisanslama.

TMS PROwin 7.0 ile tanimlanan bir proje, TMS Office ile direk olarak yüklenebilir.

4. Mevcut yazilim modülleri4.1. Modül TMS ProFit

Bu modül profil ölçümlerinin degerlendirilmesine yardimci olmaktadir. Profiles can be evaluatedof tunnels, caverns, vertical pits or other underground constructions. ProFit profil kiyaslama-lari, hacim hesaplamlari, profil üzeri jeolojik hesaplama ve daha fazlasi gerçeklestirilebilir.

Asagidaki ilave opsiyonlar lisanslama:

• Theodat (PROFILER 4000)

• Direk degerlendirme (PROFILER 4000)

Yazilim modülleri aktivasyonu ve opsiyonlari ile ilgili ek bilgiler için lisanslama bölümüne bakiniz.

4.1.1. TeodatOpsiyonel TEODAT yazilim modülü; TMS Office degerlendirme programina direk olarakimport edilmek için elektronik teodolit ile saklanmis ve ölçülmüs pozisyon verisini saglar.


3.4. Yazilim GüncellemeTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Prizma pozisyonlama metodu ile PROFILER 4000 serisi birlikte çalistirir.

Pozisyonlama degerleri teodolit yazilimini kullanarak teodolit'te günlük modülündesaklanir ve, veri daha sonra degerlendirme PC'ine aktarilir ve bir ASCII dosyasindasaklanir.

TMSOffice degerlendirme programi bu dosyayi okuyabilir (Eger dosya desteklenmis for-matta saklanirsa) profil verisi ile baglayabilir. Böylece teodolit pozisyonlama verisi manuel girilmesi gerekmemektedir.

Asagidaki dosya formatlari desteklenmektedir:

• GSI: Total station ile PROFILER pozisyonu ölçüldügünde veri GSI formatindasaklanabilir. Daha fazla detayli bilgi için GSI dosya formatina bakiniz.

• AMT Standart Format: Çesitli teodolitler için birçok veri formatlari oldugundan , özel aktarim formati Amberg Technologies AG tarafindan tasarlanmistir.Belirlenmis teodolitten veri; aktarim formatina dönüstürülmelidir.Detayli bilgi için AMT standart formata bakiniz.

4.1.2. Direk degerlendirmeDirek degerlendirme PROFILER 4000 için opsiyonel yazilim modülüdür . Ölçülmüsprofilin ve teorik profilin arazi bilgisayarinda sema ile gösterilmesini saglar.Bu durumda, ilginç noktalar, ölçüm yaparken hizli ve direk olarak gösterilebilir.

Portatif bilgisayarda direk degerlendirme için, tüm proje verisi ilk olarakTMS Office'de tanimlanmali ve akabinde portatif bilgisayara yüklenmelidir.

4.2. Modül TMS SetOutBu modülde TMSSetOutplus'taki yerlesik yazilimda yerine getirilen tüm görevler tanim-lanir.

Yazilim modülleri ve opsiyonlari aktivasyonu ile ilgili ek bilgi için lisanslamaya bakiniz.

Asagidaki görev türleri bulunmaktadir:

• Setting out of installation arches

• Announcements of excavation profiles

• Mapping and carriages setting-up of tubing umbrellas

• Mapping of radial rock bolts

• Marking out blast pattern


4.2. Modül TMS SetOutTMS Office Kullanici Klavuzu


Mevcut görevlerle ilgili daha fazla açiklama için, lütfen TMS Uygulamalari kilavuzunu okuyunuz.

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5.Baslama5.1. TMS Office'i baslatma

Hard disk'e yüklemeden sonra TMS Office; uygun sembole çift tiklatilarak baslatila-bilir.

Programi baslatma sirasinda, bir hardlock'in is istasyonunuzun paralel arayüzüne bag-lanip baglanmadigi kontrol edilecektir. Ayrica hardlock için dogru sürücülerin yüklenip yük-lenilmedigi kontrol edilir. Eger bu kosullardan biri yerine getirilmezse, asagidaki durum-larla karsilasabilirsiniz:

• Programi demo modunda baslatim. Bu modda veri saklamak mümkün degildir.

• Hardlock ve/veya dongle sürücülerinin yüklenmesi.

Eger sürücüler yüklenir ve hardlock takilirsa, program standart mod'da baslatilir.Lisanslara bagli olarak farkli program modülleri emrinizdedir.

5.2. Demo moduEger TMS Office dongle'siz baslatilirsa, sadece demo modunda çalistirilabilir.

Bu modda veri saklamak mümkün degildir. Sadece yazilim ile yüklenen demo pro-jelerini açmak mümkündür.

Demomodu gösteri amaçli kullanilabilir. Demo modunda ticari uygulamalar yapmakyasaktir.

5.3. Bir proje yükleyin5.3.1. Mevcut projeyi yükleyin

1. File » Open Project... ile mevcut proje dosyasi açilabilir.

2. Üzerinde çalismak istediginiz Projeyi seçin (*.PJD).

3. Bu projeye ait tüm dosyalar ve ayarlamalar yüklenir.

5.3.2. Yeni bir proje olusturmakFile » New Project... ile yeni bir proje olusturulur.

Istenilen yolu seçin ve projenin ismini girin (name.PJD). Asagidaki dialogda projeyedaha fazla veri eklemek mümkündür.

Dialogun en alt bölümünde, biresysel proje dosyalarini seçebilirsiniz. Bagimsiz bir pro-je saglamak için burada degisiklik yapilmamasi önerilmektedir. Projeye gerekli dosyalardaha sonra seçilen listede temin edlir.


5. BaslamaTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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5.4. Is akisiTMS Office programi modüler bir konsepti kullandigi için, özgün bir akisi yoktur.Asagidaki isletimsel sira tavsiye edilmektedir.

5.4.1. Proje tanimiTüm gerekli proje elementleri tanimlayin:

• Situation of the axis

• Boyuna profil

• Yanal egim

• Block Tanimlari

• Teorik profiller

• Teorik profillerin bölümleri

• Ölçüm kontrol noktalari

Her projenin tüm elementleri içermesi mecburi degildir. Depending on theapplication, sadece seçilen elementler tanimlanmalidir.

5.4.2. TMS ProFit Is akisi• TMS ProScan plus'da kullanmak için proje verisinin export'u

Eger TMS ProScan plus'in genisletilmis fonksiyonlari ile ölçmek isterseniz, projeverisini PCMCIA kartina export etmelisiniz (dizin \TMS). Sadece TMSProScanile ölçüm için proje verisi cihazda gerekli degildir.

• Ölçümler

Cihaziniz ile ölçümlerinizi yapin. TMSProScan(plus) ile ölçümleri detayli bilgisiiçin lütfen uygun kilavuzu okuyunuz.

• Ölçüm importu

Ölçümlerinizi TMS Office'e import eder.

• Pozisyonlama

Ölçülmüs profilleri isleme tabi tutmadan önce, TMS Office'de pozisyonlanmalidir.

• Proses

Profil degerlendirmesi yapar. Örn. Ölçülmüs ve teorik profil karsilastirmasi.


5.4. Is akisiTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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5.4.3. TMS SetOut Is akisi• Görev Tanimi

TMS SetOut plus' i arazide kullanmadan önce TMSOffice'de haritalandirmatanimlamalidir.

• Veri exportu

Tanimlanmis SetOut verisi dosyalara export edilmeli ve daha sonra TPS'in ha-fiza kartinda saklanir.

• Arazide Set out

Önceden tanimlanmis haritalandirmalar ölçüm yapan kisi veya operatörden (ölçümbilgisi olmayan kullanici) gerçeklestirilir.

5.4.4. Is akisi TMS ScanRex ve ScanCloud (ScanSurf op-siyonel)

• Veri yönetimi

Is akisina baslamadan önce, veri bilgisayariniza kopyalanmalidir. Daha sonra"Measurements Setup"'daki tarama dizinini uygun bir dosyaya yerlestirin.

• Scan data'nin pozisyonlamasi

Scan data ileri islemler için kullanilmadan önce, scans pozisyonlanmali.To procedure for positioning the data is to import the GSI file of the TPSmeasurement and do the fine orientation by detecting the sphere center in theimage. After positioning of the scans each scanned point has got easting, northingand elevation information.

• Profilleri çikarma (ham data'dan)

Pozisyonlanmis veriye dayanarak, geriden kestirmeler ham veriden çikarilabilir.Bu profiller daha sonra TMS ProFit içinde isleme tabi tutulur.

• scan data

Profilleri çikarmak yerine, tüm veri tünel yüzeyinde eksiksiz sonuçlar elde etmekiçin islenebilir. Islem sonrasi asagidaki sonuçlar görülebilir:

• Grey scale image

• Under / over profile

• Layer thickness

• Cross-sections at any position in the data

• Processing of undulation


5.4.Is akisiTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Based on processed data an additional layer called "Undulation" can be processed(if corresponding module is licensed).

• Export / Raporlama

export ve raporlama fonksiyonlari mevcuttur:

• Hacim hesaplama

• Grafik raporlari

• Profillerin ProFit'e export edilmesi

• Nokta bulutu export'u

• Tek nokta bilgisinin ASCII'a export'u


5.4. Is akisiTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Bölüm 1. TMS Office konsepti1.1. Projelerle çalisma1.1.1.Proje nedir?

TMS Office'de her zaman proje ile çalisilmaktadir. Proje'de tüm farkli veri çesitleritanimlanir. Ayrica bu veriler proses ve set out için kullanilabilir. Bir proje asagidakiproje elementlerini içerir:

• Proje basliklari

• Situation

• Boyuna profil

• Yanal egim

• Teorik profiller

• Teorik profiller'in bölümleri

• Ölçüm kontrol noktalari

• Ölçüm kontrol noktasi tanimi

• Heading definitions

• Block tanimi (sadece ScanCloud için)

Herbir proje elementi ayri bir dosyada saklanir ( standart dosya adi uzantasi ile).Hangi elementlerin projeye ait oldugunun tanimi, Proje Tanim dosyasinda ".PJD"uzantisi ile bulunur. Yeni bir proje olustururken, tüm ilgili element dosyalari aynidosya adi ve daha önce tanimlanmis dosya adi uzantisi ile otomatik olarak olustu-rulur. Proje kurulum dialoguProje elementleri Project Setup dialogunda tanimlanir. Dialog 3 bölüme ayrilir:

• Isimler

Bu dialoga proje isimlerini girin.

• Dosyalar

Alt bölümlerdeki mevcut proje için kullanilacak bireysel dosyalari tanimlayin.TMS Office automatically defaultsthe filenames of the assigned elements to theproject name, but with different file extensions. Feel free to modify the assignedelements, however, this operation requires the good knowledge about the indi-vidual project organization.


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• Renkler

Proje elementleri kullanilan renkleri seçin.

1.1.2. Projelerle çalismaBir proje tam olarak; bir eksen tanimi, bir teorik profil veritabani, bir ölçüm kontrolnoktasi veritabani v.s içermektedir. Belirli durumlarda çesitli projeler için bazi tanim-larin paylasilmasi önerilebilir. Optimal proje organizasyonu için asagida bazi ipuçla-rini bulabilirsiniz.


Ölçüm kontrol noktalari için ortak veritabani: Eger insaat alaniniz birden fazlaeksen içeriyorsa (örn. Çift tüplü tünel, hidroelektrik projesi, magara projesi)birçok durumda farkli TMSOffice projeleri için ayni ölçüm kontrol veritabanikullanilmasi gerekmektedir.


Teorik profiller için ortak veritabani: Eger insaat alaniniz birden fazla tüneliçeriyor,fakat herbir tünel ayni çesit teorik profili kullaniyorsa, daha küçükparçalara ayirmaktan baska (herbir proje için bir ayri eksen tanimi) ayni teorikprofillerin kullanimi önerilmektedir.


Eksenin tekrar aliynmani: Eger (örn. profil ölçümlerinin prosesinden sonra)proje ekseni düzeltilirse (tekrar aliynman), yeni proje elementleri saptayabilir(durum, boyuna profil, yanal egim) ve bu dosyalara yeni eksen tanimi yapabi-lirsiniz. Bu durumda tüm profil ölçümleri (modül TMS ProFit) otomatik olarakyeni eksen tanimina referanslanir.

1.1.3. Yeni proje olusturma (Egitim) Bu egitim, eksiksiz bir projeyi tanimlayacak basamaklari açiklamaktadir. Detayli tanimilgili bölümlerde verilmektedir.

1. File ve New Project....'i seçiniz sonraki dialog'da, dizini seçin ve proje adinigirin. Projenin yeni bos bir dizinde olusturulmasi tavsiye edilmektedir.

2. Proje tanimlari dialogunu .

3. Proje eksenini tanimlayin (durum, boyuna profil ve yanal egim). Görece koor-dinatlar ile pozisyonlama yapiyorsaniz (XY metod), bir proje ekseni tanimigerekmemektedir(Modül TMS ProFit sadece).

4. Tüm gerekli teorik profillleri girin.

5. Teorik profillerin bölümlerini tanimlayin (sadece modül TMS ProFit ).SetOut modellerini tanimlayin(sadece modül TMS SetOut için).


1.1.2.Projelerle çalismaTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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6. Cihazin pozisyonlanmasi için kullanilan tüm ölçüm kontrol noktalarini girin veyanoktalari GSI veya ASCII formatlanmis dosyaya import edin.

7. Eger gerekirse tunnel headings tanimlayin.

1.2.Proje elementleriBu bölümde bireysel proje elementleri. TMSOffice'de neyin projeiçerdigini anlamak için bu bölümü tam olarak okuyun. Proje verisi düzenlemesi "Proje Düzenleme" bölümünde açiklanmaktadir.

1.2.1. Proje ekseniCihaz mutlak bit metodla her ne zaman konumlandirilmis veya konumlandirilacaksa,proje ekseni tanimlamak gerekmektedir. Proje ekseni; ölçülmüs noktalarin alt bilginokta hesaplamasi için tüm gerekli tanimlari içermektedir. Genellikle durum, boyuna . It is usuallyprofil ve yanal egim ile tanimlanmaktadir. Düsey safti tanimlarken proje eksenisadece element Situation ile tanimlanir. Bu durumda, boyuna profil ve yanal egimtanimi gerekmemektedir. Situation (Durum)Situation (durum) yanal ofset ve proje eksenine görece olan ölçülmüs noktalarinstationing'i hesaplamak için kullanilir. Bu tip noktalar örn. TMSProScan'in ölçülmüsprofil noktalari veya TMS SetOut ile aplikasyon için noktalari izleme. SadeceXYmetodu (TMSProScan) ile pozisyonlama durumunda situation (durum) tanimi ge-rekmemektedir. Situation'in (durum) tanimi için tamamen iki farkli konsept vardir:

• Tünelde

In a tunnel the axis is defined typically as a sequence of segments of differentgeometry types.


Define the segments always in the sequence of the increasing stationingfor at least the complete length of the tunnel.

• Düsey saftta

Cihazi düsey saffta kullanirsaniz, ekseni tek nokta olarak tanimlamaniz gerek-mektedir. Bu durumda hiçbir geometri belirlenmez. Durum tek bir nokta olaraktanimlanirsa, yazilim otomatik olarak düsey saftin proses moduna (Modül TMSProfit) geçis yapar. Bu durumda, yükseklik stationing degeri olarak kullanilir.Boyuna profil ve yanal egim tanimi gerekmemektedir.

Her bölümün kendi geometrisi vardir. Asagidaki geometriler desteklenmektedir:

• Straight line (Düz hat)

• Circle (Daire)


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• Clothoid

• Kübik parabol

• Half-sin spiral

• Açik (iki eksen noktasi arasinda baglanti yok)


Kübik parabol ve clothoid biribirine karistirilamaz.

TMS ProFit pozisyonlama sirasinda XY metodu kullanilmadikça, cihazin pozisyonlama veri-si ilk olarak ölçülmüs noktalarin mutlak koordinatlarini hesaplamak için kullanilir ve daha sonra proje ekseninde alt bilgi noktasini hesaplamak için kullanilir.Herbir bireysel bölüm için, bölümün basindaki stationing, hesaplama için referans degeriolarak kullanilir.Verilen proje degeri içerisinde pozitif stationing denklemleri göz önünde bulundurulabilir.Lütfen; bölüm bilgi girdisi için birim ayarlarini inceleyiniz.

Sekil 1.1. Proje ekseni


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Sekil 1.2. Düz hat

Düz bir hat için programda; baslangiç ve son nokta koordinatlarinin (Dogu, Kuzey) yani sira, stationing girdisi de gerekmektedir.


1.2.1. Proje ekseniTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Sekil 1.3. Circle (Daire)

Bir daire; baslangiç dogusu ve kuzeyi, son nokta, yariçap ve stationing tarafindantanimlanir. Lütfen yariçap tanimindaki sign'a iliskin kurallari not edin:

• Dairenin merkezi eksenin sagindaysa yariçapi pozitif deger olarak girin.

• Dairenin merkezi eksenin solundaysa yariçapi negatif deger olarak girin.


1.2.1. Proje ekseniTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Sekil 1.4. Clothoid

A clothoid (or spiral) segment is defined by the Easting and Northing of the start andend point and by the parameter (generally indicated with a letter A) and the connectingradius. The parameter describes the relationship between the radius at the end ofthe clothoid and the length from the origin of the clothoid.

Bu formül ile hesaplanabilir: A^2=R*L

Please note the rules regarding the sign when entering the connecting radius. If theorigin of the clothoid is on the axis, a connecting radius of 0 is defined. This parameteris entered without sign. Kübik parabol

A segment of a cubic parabola is defined by the Easting and Northing of the startand end point, the connecting radius and by the azimuth of the baseline. Please notethe rules regarding the sign when entering the connecting radius (explained underthe geometry for the circle).

Kübik parabol bu formül ile hesaplanir: y=x^3/(6RL)


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A cubic parabola can only connect a straight line with a circle (and vice-versa)! Half-sin spiral

A segment of a half sine spiral is defined by the Easting and Northing of the start andend point and by the radius of either the previous or the subsequent arc.


A half sine spiral always connects a straight line with an arc (or vice versa).

Sekil 1.5. Half-sin spiral formülü Açik

"Open" olarak tanimlanan bölüm pozsiyonlama sirasinda hesaba katilmaz."Open" geometri is used for jumps in the axis or similar. Boyuna profilÖlçülen nokta ve proje ekseni arasindaki yükseklik hesaplamasini gerçeklestirmek için, boyuna profil tanimlamasi yapilmalidir. Boyuna profil tanjant kesisimler(TS) ile veri tabaninda tanimlar.

Boyuna profilin herbir bölümünün kendine ait geometrisi vardir. Asagidaki geometrilerdesteklenmektedir:

• Kink

• Round-off

Lütfen; bölüm bilgi girdisi için birim ayarlarini inceleyiniz.


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Boyuna profilde ani bir degisiklik olursa bu geometriyi seçin. Hiçbir roundoff yariçapi uygulanmaz . Round-off

Sekil 1.6. Round-off

Round-off yariçapi her tanjant kesisim noktasinda tanimlanabilir (TS). Iki tanjantadayanarak, program kullanici tarafindan tanimlanan formül ile uyumlu tanjantlar . The possible formulasarasinda bulunan geometriyi hesaplar. Formüller:

• Arc(Yay)

• Parabol

Yariçap için bir sign girmeniz gerekmemektedir (baglanti egimine bagli olarak, program kavis yönünü hesaplar).


"Arc"(yay) ve "parabol" geometrileri ayni projede birbirine karistirilmamalidir.

Yay ve parabol kavisi arasindaki fark


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Eger yay (arc) kullanilirsa, 2 bagli tanjantlar verilen yariçapli yay ile baglanir.Kubik parabol ile, bir parabol tanjantlar arasina yerlestirilir.Bu durumda kavisi hesaplamak için (parametre p) kullanilir.

Su formul kullanilmaktadir: p=L/(Gout - Gin)

• Gout: The slope of the vertical alignment at the end of the vertical curve, as adecimal fraction (not percent)

• Gin: The slope of the vertical alignment at the beginning of the vertical curve asa decimal fraction (not percent)

• L: Dikey kavisin baslangicindan sonuna kadarki düsey mesafe.

1.2.2. Yanal egim(Transverse Slope)Yanal egim tanimi; proje alani ekseni çevresindeki tüm teorik profil rotasyonu içinkullanilir. Eger sadece teorik profilin bir bölümü (örn. temel) döndürülmesi gereki-yorsa, teorik profillerin bölümleriyle iki teorik profil arasinda ara deger hesabini kul-lanin. Dogru yanal egim, ölçülmüs dikey profil stationing'den hesaplanir. Eger farklibir egim bir bölümün basinda ve sonunda tanimlanirsa, bölüm içinde yanal egimlineer interpolasyona baglidir.

Sign kurallari

• Eger teorik profil sola dönerse (sol kavis) yanal egim negatif (-) olarak girilir.(yön: artan stationing).

• Eger teorik profil saga dönerse(sag kavis) pozitif (+) olarak girilir.(yön: artan stationing).

Lütfen yanal egim bilgi girdisi için birim ayarlarini inceleyiniz.


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Sekil 1.7. Sign Kurallari

1.2.3. Teorik profillerTeorik profiller; ölçülmüs profiller ile (TMSProFit) karsilastirma hesaplari yapmakveya haritalandirmalari teorik profillere görece olarak (TMSSetOut) tanimlamakiçin kullanilir. Her bir proje için istenildigi kadar teorik profil tanimlanabilir.Herbir profil için kendi dosyasi eklenir. Veritabaninda seçilebilecek profiller saklanir.Bu saklama metodu; bireysel teorik profilleri veya birçok proje için tüm veritabaninikullanmayi saglar. Profil özellikleri• Herbir teorik profil ayri bölüm dizisi ile tanimlanir. Bu bölümler

proje eksenine görece olarak tanimlanmasi gerekmektedir.

• Her teorik profilde bölümlerin sayisi limitsizdir.

• Teorik profili tanimlamak için isim verilir.

Teorik profilleri tanimlamak için iki farkli geometri bulunmaktadir:

• Düz hat

• Arc


1.2.3. Teorik profillerTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Lütfen asagidaki kurallari yerine getiriniz:

• Teorik profiller saat yönünün tersinde tanimlanmalidir. Tanim "topmiddle" dakinokta ile baslamasi tercih edilir.

• Eger sonraki alan hesaplamasi ProFit'te yapilmasi gerekiyorsa, teorik profilinkapatilmasi gerekmektedir.

• Eger teorik profil dairesel segment'ten büyük yarim daireye sahipse bu segmentbir kez daha bölünmeli; yoksa degerlendirme mümkün olmaz veya hatali olabi-lir.

• Hiçbir bölüm 0 uzunluga sahip degildir (baslangiç ve bitis noktasi benzer).

Lütfen teorik profil girdisi için birim ayarlarini inceleyeniz. Straight line(Düz hat)

Sekil 1.8. Profil taniminda düz çizgi

Bir teorik profilin düz hat bölümü; proje eksenine baslangiç ve son noktasininyatay ve dikey offseti tarafindan tanimlanir.


1.2.3. Teorik profillerTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Sekil 1.9. Profil taniminda Arc(Yay)

Teorik profilin arc(yay) bölümü; proje eksenine ve yariçapa baslangiçve son noktanin yatay ve dikey offseti tarafindan tanimlanir.

Sign kurallari:

• Eger merkez noktasi sol taraftaysa, yariçap negatiftir.

• Eger merkez noktasi sag taraftaysa, yariçap positiftir.


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1.2.4.Teorik profiller bölümüSekil 1.10. Teorik profiller bölümü

Proje ekseni için, hangi stationing'de hangi teorik profilin geçerli oldugunu tanimla-mak mümkündür. ProFit'te degerlendirme sirasinda, program otomatik olarak ölçül-müs profilin stationing'e göre dogru teorik profili yükler. Listenin çiktisini almadanve bölümleri tanimlamadan önce tüm teorik profillerin tanimlanmasi tavsiye edilmek-tedir. Iki farkli teorik profil arasinda degisim için 2 farkli metod vardir:

• Belirli stationing'de degisim

• Interpolation

Stationing'de degisim

Belirli stationing'de teorik profilin sekli/boyutundaki degisiklik için kullanilir. Iki farkliteorik profil türleri arasinda interpolasyon yoktur ve bu yüzden teorik profillerin segmentsayisi ve geometrisi için kisitlama yoktur.



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Son stationing için tanimlanan teorik profil, önceki segment'te lineer interpolasyona baglidir. Interpolasyonun dogru bir sekilde yapilip yapilmadigindan emin olmak içinasagidaki kosullar uygulanir:

• Teorik profil tanimi ayni noktada baslatilmalidir.

• Ara degeri hesaplanacak teorik profiller ayni bölüm sayisina sahip olmalidir.

• Teorik profillerin segment türleri (düz hat/daire) ayni sirada meydana gelmelidir.

• Ayni segment numarali iki teorik profil segmentleri her zaman interpole edilir.


Farkli interpolasyon prensipleri oldugundan, sonuç profili projeden belirlenen-le uymayabilir. Interpolasyon türü veya fonksiyonu için garanti veremeyiz.

1.2.5. Ölçüm kontrol noktalariCihaz pozisyonlamada kullanilan ölçüm kontrol noktalari (profil ölçüm için hedef nok-tasi veya istasyon olarak), veri tabaninda saklanir. Her nokta asagidaki simgeler ilesaklanir:

• Nokta tanimlama: Alfanumerik deger (maksm. 10 karakter)

• Easting: Sayisal deger

• Northing: Sayisal deger

• Elevation: Sayisal deger

• Tanimlama kodu: Tanim metninin kodunu gösteren sayisal deger

Nokta tanimlari bir metni farkli ölçüm kontrol noktalarina ayrilmasini saglar.Metin, tanimi kolaylastirmak için ölçüm kontrol listeleri ile yazdirilir.The description text could be a description such as: stone, hole, pipe, pillar etc. Atotal of 100 possible definitions are available.

1.2.6. Tunnel HeadingsSince in the tunnel construction in place of stationing tunnel meter is often used(tunnel meter zero at the beginning of the tunnel and increasing towards the excav-ation), the relationship between tunnel meter and stationing has to be defined. Throughdouble-click on Headings in the tree a new window will be opened. You have nowthe possibility to define several headings (with different starting points and in differentdirections). Press the right mouse button in the window and select Add. Now entera stationing and the appropriate tunnel meter. Select additionally whether the station-ing and the tunnel meter have the same direction or are in the opposite directions.Please enter additionally a description, which simplifies the later identification. Since


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this stationing equation takes influence only when exporting the data, you can selectthe heading during the export.

Eger arazide tünel ölçer ayari KM modu olarak seçilirse, tüm stationing'ler stationingdenklemi ile otomatik olarak tünel ölçere dönüstürülür. Ayrica "TMS Uygulamalari"referans kilavuzuna bakiniz.


Stationing denklemi sadece TMS SetOut (plus) için kullanilir.

1.2.7. Blok TanimiBlok tanimi; modül ScanCloud'da hacim hesaplamasi için kullanilir. Herbir tek blogubaslangiç ve son stationing ve bir isim ile tanimlayabilirsiniz. Bu da ASCII importile direk veya manuel olarak yapilabilir. ASCII dosyasi asagidaki formatta olmalidir:"Start stationing" "End stationing" "Block Name", herbiri en az bir aralikla ayrilir.

Örnek 1.1. Dosya formati örnegi

1200.500 1220.000 Block11220.000 1240.500 Block2 ...

Bloklar birbirlerinin üstüne gelebilir. Hacim hesabi için, hacim herbir blok uzunluguüzerinden ayri ayri hesaplanir.

1.3. Data transfer of project dataTMS Office'de farkli dosya formatlarinda proje verisini import veya export etmek mümkündür.

Veri Import'u

The following possibilities exist for the import of project data:

• ASCII dosyasindan import

• DXF dosyasindan import

• GSI dosyasindan import

• Leica DBX dosyasindan import

• LandXML dosyasindan import

Data exportu

Veri export'u için asagidakiler yapilir:

• ASCII dosyasina export

• DXF dosyasina export

• GSI dosyasina export


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• Leica DBX dosyasina export

• LandXML dosyasina export

• XML dosyasina export

• Portatif bilgisayara export

• TMS ProScan plus için export

1.3.1. ASCII dosyasindan exportBir ASCII dosyasindan farkli proje elementleri import edilebilir. Elementler:

• Situation

• Boyuna profil

• Yanal egim

• Teorik profiller

• Ölçüm kontrol noktalari

Eger bir proje elementi (örn. Situation), mevcut verilerin üstüne yazilir. Veri üstüneyazilmasini önlemek için, yeni bir dosya proje taniminda import'tan önce temin edil-melidir. ASCII formatina örnek dosyayi export etmeyi ve import edilmesi için dosya-nizi formatlamanizi öneriyoruz.

1.3.2. DXF dosyasindan importFarkli proje elementleri DXF dosyasindan import edilebilir. Bunlar:

• Situation

• Teorik profiller

Eger situation bir DXF dosyasindan import edilirse, bu durumda dosyadan polinomhatti situation olarak devralinir. Polinom hattinin dogru tanimlandigindan emin olun.


AutoCAD12 formatinda DXF-dosyasi olusturmalisiniz.

1.3.3. GSI dosyasindan importGSI dosyasindan direkt olarak ölçüm kontrol noktasi import edin.

• Ayni ID'li ölçüm kontrol noktasi TMS Office projesinde farkli koordinatlarla bulunursa, bir dialog iki sürümü gösterir. Veri tabaninda saklanacak ikinoktayi buradan seçiniz.


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• Ayni ID'li ölçüm kontrol noktasi ve ayni koordinatlar TMS Office projesinde varsaGSI- dosyasindan yeni nokta göz ardi edilir.

Dosya formati GSI hakkinda daha fazla bilgi için uygun kilavuza basvurunuz.

1.3.4. Leica DBX dosyasindan importBir DBX veritbanindan direkt olarak ölçüm noktalarini import edin.

• Ayni ID ile ölçüm kontrol noktasi TMS Office projesinde farkli koordinatlarla bu-lunursa, bir dialog iki sürümü gösterir. Veritabaninda saklanacak iki noktayiburadan seçiniz.

• Ayni ID'li ölçüm kontrol noktasi ve ayni koordinatlar TMS Office projesi'nde varsa,DBX-dosyasindan yeni nokta yok sayilir.

Dosya formati DBX ile ilgili bilgi için, ilgili klavuza bakin.

1.3.5. LandXML dosyasindan importSituation ve Boyuna Profil LandXML dosyasindan import edilir.Eger proje elementi mevcut ise, yenisi ile degistirilir.

1.3.6. ASCII dosyasina exportTMS Office'de proje verisi ASCII dosyalarina export etmek mümkündür. Proje elementleri:

• Situation

• Boyuna profil

• Yanal egim

• Teorik profiller

• Ölçüm kontrol noktalari

Bu ASCII dosyalari daha sonra diger programlara export edilebilir.

1.3.7. DXF dosyasina exportIn TMS Office the possibility exists to export project elements into DXF files:

• Situation(Durum)

• Teorik profiller

Bu dosyalar daha sonra diger programlara import edilebilir.


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1.3.8. GSI dosyasina exportÖlçüm kontrol noktalarini direkt olarakGSI dosyasina export edin. GSI dosya formati ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi için, uygun kilavuzlari okuyunuz.

1.3.9. Leica DBX dosyasina exportÖlçüm kontrol noktalari DBX veritabanina export edilir. Export sirasinda, programotomatik olarak birçok dosya olusturur (filename for all files as assigned bythe user, file extension X??). Lütfen; DBX konsept ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi için TPSsystem kilavuzlarini okuyunuz.

1.3.10. LandXML dosyasina exportTMS Office'de LandXML dosyasina Situation ve Boyuna Profil'i export edebilirsiniz.

1.3.11. XMLdosyasina exportTMSOffice'de tüm proje verisini XML dosyasina export etmeniz mümkündür. Tüm projeböylece bir dosyada özetlenecektir.

1.3.12. Export to handheldPROFILER 4000 "Direkt Degerlendirme" yazilim opsiyonu için bilgisayaraproje verisi ve ölçüm kontrol noktalarini export etmek gerekir. Bu veri arayüz üzerinden bilgisayara yüklenir.

Kullanilmis ölçülen kontrol noktalarin yaninda tam eksen mutlak metodlu degerlendir-me için bilgisayara yüklenmesi gerektigini dikkate alin. En azindan bir teorik profilinolmasi gerekmektedir.

1.3.13. TMS ProScan plus için exportProje verisini export ettinizde, TMS ProScan'in cihaz türünü tanimlamaniz gerekmek-tedir. TPS1100 ve TPS1200 export'u ileride açiklanacagi gibi biraz farklidir.


1.3.8. GSI dosyasina exportTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

Page 33: TMS Office Kullanıcı Kitabı TPS1200 için exportTPS1200'de TMS ProScan plus yazilim modülü ile direkt degerlendirme yapmakiçin Compact-Flash hafiza kartinda \TMS dizinine TMS Office'den proje verisiniexport etmelisiniz.

TMS ProScan plus için export

Aktarim TPS1100'de oldugu gibi ayni sekilde yapilir. asagidaki farkliliklar görülmek-tedir:

• TPS1200'de daha fazla hafiza limiti yoktur, bu yüzden geometri segmentleriseçimi burada gerekmemektedir.

• Job-ID string uzunlugunun limiti yoktur. TPS1200'de kolay okuma için 20 karak-terden fazla kullanilmamasi önerilmektedir.

• Ölçüm kontrol noktalari export'u DBX-dosyasina yapilir. Daha sonra proje verisiexport'u baslar ( XML-dosyasina).

• Projeyi yükledikten sonra TPS1200'de hangi teorik profilin kullanilacagini tanim-lamaniz gerekmektedir.


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1.4. TMS Office'de Isletim1.4.1. Çalisma Ekrani

TMS Office is developed in such a way that you can furnish the arrangement of thewindows like it is pleasant for you. The windows are variable both in the size, as wellas in the position. The attitudes are stored when leaving the program. In this way,when opening an existing project again in each case the appropriate representationsare loaded. Çalisma EkraniÇalisma ekrani asagidaki bölümlere ayrilir:

Menü listesi

Hangi program modülünün seçildigine bagli olarak, farkli menüler mevcuttur.

Fonksiyon tuslari

Tuslar araciligi ile mevcut fonksiyonlara ulasabilirsiniz. Program durumuna göre,fonksiyonlar aktif veya etkisizdir. Farkli bloklar istenilen sekilde düzenlenebilir.

Tree in the Workspace

In the tree the respective hierarchy of the individual program modules (base, TMSProFit, TMS SetOut, etc.) is represented. The tree serves as basis for all projectdefinitions.

Other windows

Bu bölümde seçilmis pencere yavas yavas görünür. Several windows can be indicated atthe same time, whereas in each case just one can be active. MesajlarÇikis penceresinde "genel mesajlar", "hata mesajlari" ve "proses mesajlari" arasinda ge-çis yapabilirsiniz. Program basladigindan tüm mesajlara bakabilirsiniz. Durum ÇubuguDurum çubugunda programin mevcut durumu belirtilmektedir.

1.4.2. Call of functionsThe call of a function in TMS Office can be made by the following kinds:

• over menu functions

• over function buttons


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• over Pop-up menu (right mouse button)

• over Short-cuts (combinations of keys)

The available functions depend on the programmodule you are in and on the windowwhich is active in the moment.


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Bölüm 2. TMS Office baseThis section explains all functions and dialogues, which are available in the basefunctionality of TMS Office.

2.1. Genel fonksiyonlarMevcut pencere ve/veya fonksiyona bagli olarak asagidaki fonksiyonlar mevcuttur.Tipik olarak bu ana fonksiyonlar; tuslar, pop up menü veya normal menü araciligi ilekullanilabilir.



Yeni bir element ekler(örn. Bölüm, teorik profil, görevler, v.b.).


Mevcut elementi siler.


Eger bir element grid'de editlenemezse, editlemek için bu tus kullanilarak açilabilir.


Mevcut elementi kopyalar (örn. teorik profil).


Mevcut elementin özelliklerini gösterir.


Mevcut grafigi Zoom in / Zoom out yapar.

• Zoom in: Grafikte mouse'u oynatirken mouse'un sol tusuna basili tutun.Kare görüntülenecek grafigin yeni bölümünü gösterir.

• Zoom out: Grafikte basamak vasamak zoom out yapmak için sagi tuslayin (using the samesteps as were used during the zoom in process).

Adjust column width

Adjust the column width while pressing the left mouse button on the header rowcolumn separator and move it to the desired width. Double-clicking with the left mousebutton to the separator in the header row automatically adjusts the width of the columnto the width of the longest entry in the grid.


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Tabloda navigasyon

TAB tusu ile tabloda alandan alana atlayabilirsiniz.ENTER tusu ile alana girebilir ve degeri edit'leyebilirsiniz.TAB,ile son alana ilerlerseniz, yeni bir element otomatik olarak ortaya çikar.

Seçim fonksiyonlari

Seçim yapabildiginiz yerde, asagidaki fonksiyonlari kullanabilirsiniz:

• Tümünü seçin

• Reset Seçimi

• Inverse (ters) Seçimi

2.2. Proje verisi düzenlemeBu bölüm tüm proje tüm proje verisi düzenlemesi ve girisini gösterir. Bu uygulamaya,bagli olarak tüm proje elementlerinin tanimlanmasi gerekmemektedir. Daha fazla bilgiiçin "Proje elementleri"ne bakiniz. Sayisal girdi sirasinda, grafik hemen mevcut geomet-riyi gösterir.


Lütfen girdi sirasinda birim ayarlarini yapiniz (bkz. "Birim Ayarlari").

Yeni nokta / bölüm / ekleme

Geometriye yeni bir nokta veya bölüm eklemek için asagidaki maddeleri yerinegetiriniz (bkz. Genel fonksiyonlar):

• Mouse imleci editwindow üzerindeyken mouse'un sag tusuna basin ve pop upmenüden Add tusunu seçiniz.

• Ilgili menüden Add tusunu seçiniz.

• Add tusuna basiniz.

Ayrica mouse'un sag tusuyla mevcut seçilmis noktadan önce bir nokta ekleyebilirInsert fonksiyonunu seçiniz.

2.2.1. Proje EkseniProje ekseni Situation ve Boyuna Profil tarafindan tanimlanir. Ilgili edit penceresiniaçmak için çift tiklatin. SituationHerbir geometri noktasi için asagidaki degerleri tanimlayin:

• Stationing

• Dogu-koordinat


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• Kuzey- koordinat

Geometri tipini tanimlayin. Seçilen türe bagli olarak, ek parametrelerin veril-mesi gerekmektedir ( Clothoid vs. için yariçap, parametre). Boyuna ProfilHerbir tanjant kesisim noktasi için stationing ve yüksekligi tanimlayin. Gerekirseround-off'u aktive edin ve yariçapi tanimlayin (resp. parabol için parametre). Sagtiklatin ve pop up menü'den round-off geometri tipini tanimlamak için Properties'iseçin (arc veya parabol).


Arc ve cubic parabol geometrileri ayni projede birbirine karistirilmamalidir.

Mevcut geometrinin ilk ve son noktasi için hiçbir round-off tanimlanamaz.

2.2.2. Yanal EgimProje için yanal egim degerlerini burada belirleyin. Eger hiçbir tanimlama yapilmazsaprogram tüm proje ekseni için egimi 0 olarak kabul eder. Edit penceresini açmak içinTransverse Slope'a çift tiklatiniz.

Herbir stationing için ilgili yanal egim degeri tanimlayin. Yanal egim tanimlanmisnoktalar arasinda dogrusal olarak interpole edilir.

2.2.3. Teorik Profillerin bölümleriProses profil ölçümünde (Modül TMS ProFit), program can assignthe theoretical profile to the measured profile according to the measured stationingautomatically. Edit penceresini açmak için Theoretical Sections'a çift tiklatin.


Lütfen teorik bölümleri tanimlamadan önce teorik profilleri tanimlayin.

Ilk sütünda teorik profilin uygulanmasi gerektigi stationing'i tanimlayin ve combo-box'tadogru teorik profili seçin. 3.sütunda geometri tipini seçin:

• Interpolasyon: Lineer interpolasyonu seçerseniz, program ölçülmüs profilinstationing'e göre yeni bir teorik profil hesaplar (önceki ve sonraki profile istinaden).(See "Interpolation" for the condition ofthe interpolation algorithm).

• Interpolasyon yok: Seçilmis teorik profil is used from the previous sta-tioning up to the given stationing.


2.2.2. Yanal EgimTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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2.2.4. Blok TanimiInput or import the start and end stationing and block names for each block. UseAdd, Insert and Delete for manual input or Blocks » Import... to import an ASCIIfile.

2.2.5. Teorik ProfillerTeorik profiller 2 amaç için kullanilir:

• for the profile processing in the module TMS ProFit or ScanCloud

• as auxiliary shapes for the generation of the points in the module TMS SetOut.

Teorik profillerin yönetimi

Double-click on the node Theoretical Profiles in the tree to open the edit windowwith an overview about all defined theoretical profiles.

Teorik profil listesinde sagi tuslayin ve pop-up menü'den seçim yapin:

• Add: Yeni bir teorik profil ekleyin. Profil ismini serbestçe tanimlayabilirsiniz.Profil sayisi ve dosya adi otomatik olarak atanir. Eger gerekirse,path+dosya adi degistirilebilir.

• Copy: Mevcut profili kopyalar.

• Delete:Mevcut profili siler.

• Edit: Editörde teorik profili açar.

Teorik profili düzenleyin

Teorik profil için geometri noktalarini tanimlayin (Sag- ve Yukari-koordinat). Ark ve düzçizgiden geometri türünü tanimlayin. Geometri türü arkini seçtiginizde yariçapi tanimla-malisiniz (incl. Sign).

2.2.6. Ölçüm kontrol noktalariÖlçüm kontrol noktalari iki basamakta gerçeklestirilir:

• Definition of point descriptions (opsiyonel)

• Nokta koordinatlari girdisi

Double-click on the node Point list or Descriptions under Survey points in the treeto open the corresponding edit window.

Nokta tanimi girdisi

Herbir maksimum 100 koda nokta tanimini girin (örn. Bolt, marker,paint, etc).

Nokta koordinatlari girdisi


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Herbir kontrol noktasi için asagidaki degerleri giriniz:

• Nokta-ID

• Dogu koordinati

• Kuzey koordinati

• Elevation(yükseklik)

• Kalite kodu

• Tanim (from combo box)

Noktalari silme

Eger sadece bir noktayi silmek istiyorsaniz, nokta üzerinde mouse'un sag tusuna tiklatarak Delete'i seçin. SHIFT ve CTRL ile birçok nokta seçebilirve daha sonra menüde Delete selected'a basarak tüm seçilmis noktalari siliniz.

2.3. HesaplamalarHesaplamalarda asagidaki 3 metod seçilebilir:

• Eksende aralik noktalari

• Eksene dönüsüm

• Lazer offset listesi

All calculations relate to the current project definition. To accomplish a calculationdouble-click on Calculations in the tree. Subsequently, the calculation window isopened. The calculation can be started now over the menu Calculator.


Hiçbir hesaplama kaydedilmez. Hesaplama penceresini kapatirsaniz, sonuçlarkullanilamaz. Yeni bir hesaplama için hesaplama parametrelerinin tekrar giril-mesi gerekmektedir.

2.3.1. Eksen üzerinde aralik noktalariBu fonksiyon yardimiyla eksendeki aralik noktalari hesaplanabilir. Aralik noktalaribelirli mesafedeki eksen boyuncaki noktalaridir(interval). They serve for dissolvinga constantly defined axis (consisting of geometry elements) into discrete points. Thecall of the function is made by Calculator » Interval points on axis » Calculate....

Asagidaki parametreler bunun için belirlenmelidir.

Tunnel Heading

Select a heading in the list. If no heading is selected, the tunnel meter correspondsto the stationing.


2.3.HesaplamalarTMS Office Kullanici Klavuzu

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Tunelölçere Baslamak

Enter the start tunnel meter, from where you would like to compute interval points.

End Tunnelmeter

Enter the end tunnel meter, to where you would like to compute interval points.


Bireysel aralik noktalari arasindaki nokta mesafesini belirler.


Nokta hesaplamasi için sabit yanal offset'i belirleyebilirsiniz. Yanal offset daima situation'a dik olarak uygulanir.


Nokta hesaplamasi için sabit yükseklik offset'i belirler. Yükseklik offset'i asagidaki ayar-lamalara bagli olarak boyuna profil dik olarak uygular.

Normalize Etmek

If this is active, then the height offset is applied perpendicularly to the longitudinalprofile. Otherwise the offset is computed vertically.

XEgimi Uygulama

Choose this if you want to apply the transverse slope for the interval points calculation.This has only an influence, if one of the offsets is not equal to zero.

Stationings from Measure

If this is active, only the profiles that are in the ProFit Measurement Browser aretaken.

Top Noktayi Kullanin

If this is active, the result of the calculation of the top points (ProFit Measurements» Utilities » Calculate Top Points of selected profiles) will be shown.

The result of the computation is indicated afterwards. In order to export the computeddata, press the right mouse button and select one of the three following formats:


• DXF 2D

• DXF 3D

With the export to ASCII the result file is indicated. Press the right mouse buttonagain and select Save as... to store the file.


2.3.1. Eksende aralik noktalariTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Subsequently, the computed list can be printed into a report byCalculator » Intervalpoints on axis » Print list... .

2.3.2. Transformation to axisWith this function you can transform points given in absolute coordinates on to theaxis.

The following operational sequence must be kept for the computation:

• Choose a tunnel heading

• Add points (manually or from file)

• Print list

The single steps are called over the menu Calculator » Transformation to axis.

Specify Tunnel heading..

Select a defined tunnel heading from the list. If no heading is selected, the tunnelmeter corresponds to the stationing.

Add Point (manually)

In the grid a new line is provided . Enter the point ID and the absolute coordinatesthere. The computation on the axis takes place in real time.

Add Points from file...

Select an ASCII file, in which the points are stored. All points in the file are read inand transformed in real time. The file must have the format point ID, easting, northing,elevation. Per point a line of the file must be present.

Print List...

With this function a list report is provided.

2.3.3. Lazer offset listesiWith the help of this function laser offset lists can be provided. Two points for thedefinition of the laser line have to be defined. On this line interval points in a certaindistance are computed. If for example points for a TBM have to be computed, whichhas an eccentric target plate, this offset can be entered. The offsets are then referringto the target plate. The function is called over Calculations » Laser offset list »Calculate....

The following parameters must be specified for the computation:

Title: Enter a title for the list.

Laser specification


2.3.2. Transformation to axisTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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First point: Select the first point of the laser. Only defined survey points can be se-lected.

Second point: Select the second point of the laser. Only defined survey points canbe selected.

Target relative to axis

XOff: Enter the horizontal offset of the target plate to the axis.

YOff: Enter the vertical offset of the target plate to the axis.

Range: Enter the range, where the laser offsets have to be computed.

Tunnel Heading: Select the tunnel heading out of the list.

Begin Tunnelmeter: Enter the tunnel meter where you want to start the computation.

End Tunnelmeter: Enter the tunnel meter where you want to finish the computation.

Interval: Indicate the distance between the individual points, for which the offsetshave to be computed.

After the computation two different types of reports can be provided:

• Production list

• Extended list

In the production list only data are contained, which are needed during the productionprocedure. Additional information is contained in the extended list, which should behelpful for further analyses by the surveyor. Start the report preparation throughCalculator » Laser offset list » Print production list... or Print extended list....

2.4. Menu functions in TMS Office base2.4.1. Menü Dosyasi

Yeni Proje...

Yeni bir proje olusturur. Kullanicidan yeni bir proje adi ve dizin girmesi veya seçmesi istenir (uzantisiz dosya adi). Yeni bir proje olusturdugunuzda yeni, bos bir dizindeolusturmaniz tavsiye edilir.

Proje Açma...

Mevcut projeyi açmak için bu fonksiyonu kullanin. Select the project definition file (extension.PJD) of the project, which has to be loaded in the dialogue box. All project elementsare then loaded.


Mevcut penceredeki tüm fonksiyonlar saklanir.


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Save all

All elements, which are opened for modification are stored to the file.


In the sub-menu Options, you must specify some configuration values. These con-figuration values are stored and used until you change them again for all the differentprojects.

Options » Units

The program can be adapted to a number of different common user units. All thevalues are stored internally by the computer in terms of meters and radiant.

Transverse slope Units

The transverse slopes can be input in any of the following units:

• Angle units: The value is input in the unit used for the angle (see below).

• Percent: The value is input as a percentage value. Thus for example, an inputof 5 signifies a slope of 5 percent (5 units over a length of 100 units).

• Base distance: This is used, for example, for inputting the superelevation for raillines. Example: If you define the track width as the base distance (e.g. 1435 [mm]),the slope value is then entered in terms of [mm].

Angle Units

There are four units available for angles. An angle is input in the manner shown inthe table. The conversion between the different units is made according to the follow-ing table:

Table 2.1. Angle unit conversion

Value for 1 Rad (radiant)Unit setting63.6620 gon400 gon57.2958 deg360.dddd deg57°17'45"360.mmss deg1018.596400 Promille

V-Angle Display

The vertical angle can be displayed in two different systems:

• Elevation: The 0-position for the vertical angle is horizontally and the angle isincreasing from this position towards the Zenith.

• Zenith: The 0-position for the vertical angle is vertical above the instrument (zenith)and the angle is increasing from this position towards the horizontal position (InFace I).

Distance Units


2.4.1. Menü DosyasiTMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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Apply the following formula to convert from feet to meters: 1m = 1ft * 3937 / 1200

Options » Data transfer

The Data transfer settings define how the communication to the handheld measuringcomputer (of PROFILER instruments) is done. This setting is not relevant if you areusing a TPS 1100 or TPS1200 series instrument (Model TCRM and TCRA) for themeasurement.

• Com Port: The computer can have four serial interfaces. Select the interface forthe data transfer.

• Baud Rate: The baud rate defines the speed at which the data is transferred.The greater the value, the quicker data is transferred between the field computerand the evaluation PC. First of all attempt to transfer data at the maximum value(19200); if problems arise, move down a speed and try that.

• Parity: The parity test permits a crude check of the reliability of the transfer. Ifyou see that the program transfers data in Z-modem, there is generally no needto perform a parity check.

• Data Bits: You are advised to transfer with 8 data bits.

• Stop Bits: You are advised to transfer with 1 stop bit.

• Meas. Program: You can read data from versions 5.0 or 6.0 of the measurementprogram. Version 5.0 of the measurement program operates with the PROFILER2000 or PROFILER 3000 models; version 6.0 only operates with the PROFILER4000.

• Instrument type: If you have selected the version 5.0 measurement program,you need to define the type of instrument being used. This selection influencesthe instrument constants which are used for computations.

The field computer and the evaluation PC must be set at the same baud rate, parity,data bit and stop bit settings.

Options » Labels

There are 6 lines available altogether for inputting your firm's details. We recommendthat you enter the name of your firm, together with the address, telephone numberand fax number. This information is labeled onto drawings on the plotter and lists onthe printer.

Options » Plotter / Printer

Please note, that TMS Office can handle two different devices for output:

• Plotter: for graphical output

• Printer: for alphanumeric output

Since the "Windows"- common dialog box is called from which you can do the spe-cific settings for the plotter/printer driver, the available settings may vary dependingon the printer driver.


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Options » DXF Layers

In a DXF-File, the various elements can be stored in different layers. This enablesto separate in a CAD software the elements more easily.

Options » Settings

Specify here some general settings:

• Longitudinal Profile Height Exaggeration

The longitudinal profile height exaggeration is displayed in the graphics with thevalue input here. If 10 is input for example, this means that if the horizontal axisis attributed a scale of 1:1000, the vertical axis is given a scale of 1:100.

• Maximum Segment Length

Themaximum segment length is used as graphics and as a DXF-file for outputtingthe "clothoid" and "cubic parabola" geometry types. A geometry segment is dividedinto the value defined here. For example: A clothoid is 143 meters long. If youdefine a value of 10 [m], the clothoid is drawn in 15 straight segments of equallength (9.53 m to be precise) or is written into the DXF-file.

• Theodolite File

Define the format of the file when positioning with the optional program moduleTHEODAT.

• Quick Start

If the Quick start option is not activated, this means that all the files and measureddata are always read in and the normalization procedure performers anewwhenever a project is loaded. If you are working on a slow computer or if youhave a great amount of measured data stored in a directory, this procedure maytake some time. If you activate the Quick start option, an index file is createdwhich is the only file read in; this serves to shorten the overall loading processsignificantly. One drawback that you have to allow for is that, under certain circum-stances, this index file does not correspond precisely to the measured data. Thishappens, for example, if you delete the measurement files (.MPR) using a programother than TMS Office (using the Windows file manager, for example).

• Sort Method For Parallel Profiles

Define the sorting method for the parallel profiles. All the measured points areselected on the basis of the method selected. The following methods are at yourdisposal:

• Vertical angle relative to Instrument position

All the measured points are sorted relative to the location of the PROFILER4000. In order to achieve this effect, the coordinates are used as if the instru-ment was sited on the same plane as the measured points. The measuredpoints are sorted in terms of increasing angles between the instrument andthe measurement point. This method may result in problems if the constructionsite axis has a relative large longitudinal slope.


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• Vertical angle relative to Least square center point

The center point is calculated from the coordinates of the measured points byapplying the least square deviation method. The measured points are sortedin terms of increasing angles between the center point and the measurementpoint. This method may result in problems if the measured points describe acomplex geometry.

• Nearest point

The distances are calculated between the measured points. The measuredpoints are interconnected by the shortest possible lines. This method mayresult in problems if there are very large or varying spaces between themeasured points.

• No sort

The measured points are not sorted. They are joined together by a line in theorder in which they are measured. This method may result in problems if themeasured points have not been measured in the correct order. The geometryof the profile is used for area computations in the manner in which the meas-ured points are joined together on the diagram. If the lines describe an irregularspecimen, a different method must be selected.

Options » Language

• Language used for Printing and Plotting: Select the output language forprinter and plotter output.

• Language used for User Interface: Select the program interface language fromthe list. After the selection of a language, the program needs to be restarted.

Options » License

Enter here the license code in order to enable software modules and options or inorder to enable a purchased software upgrade. This license code is stored directlyon the dongle. After a correct license code has been entered, the software option,module or upgrade is activated. The software options, which are licensed are shownin the dialog boxHelp »About TMSOffice Please contact your dealer for purchasingan additional software option.

Print / Plot

The active element (window) will be printed in numerical form or plotted in graphicalform. Different formats are supported for the output.


Closes the program.

2.4.2. Menu ProjectSetup


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Opens the dialogue for the project setup.


This function is only available, if all the edit windows are closed. Import the projectdata from one of the following formats (available formats are subject to type of projectelement):





• LandXML


This function is only available, if all the edit windows are closed. When exporting thedata, you must select the export format, the element(s) and the path+filename. Thefollowing formats are available:




• Leica DBX

• LandXML

• TMS ProScan plus

• Handheld

2.4.3. Menu ViewDefine here, which of the screen elements shall be displayed:

• Status Bar

• Workspace

• Output Window

Activate / deactivate the element in the menu or by pressing the corresponding button.

2.4.4. Menu WindowThis menu is only available, if a window is displayed. Re-arrange the open windowswith one of the following options:


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• Tile

• Cascade

You can furthermore select, which of the open edit windows elements you want toactivate for editing.

2.4.5. Menu HelpContents: Opens the help system.

Index: Search for keywords with the help of an index.

Search: Search for help themes with the help of expressions.

About TMS Office...: Information about the release and build number, the availableoptions / modules and serial number of the dongle is shown together with a Copyrightnotice.


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Chapter 3. TMS ProFitThe module TMS ProFit allows to process profile measurements and compare themwith theoretical profiles. This sections explains the operation and the functions of themodule TMS ProFit. These functions are only available, if the module TMS ProFit islicensed.


TMS ProFit has been designed mainly to fully process vertical and horizontal profiles,which are referenced to a project axis or to a visible axis. During processing, acomparison is made between

• a measured and a theoretical or

• between two measured profiles.

Before the processing can be started, the following must be completed:

• Definition of the project data

• Measurement and import of profiles

• Positioning of the measured profiles

• Define the processing and drawing parameters (mode, colors, layout etc.)

3.1. Introduction in ProFitThis section explains the possibilities and work flows of the module TMS ProFit.

Please use typically the following sequence:

1. Open an existing project or create a new project

2. Import the measurements.

3. Do the positioning of the measurements.

4. Start the processing of the measurements.

Work flow "Import measurements"

1. Select ProFit Measurements » Import

2. Decide from which source you want to import the measurements to the project:

a. From File (Different formats supported)

b. From Serial Interface (PROFILER - Instrument)

c. From Database

3. Select from the subsequent list the files / profiles, you want to import


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A description about the file formats can be found in the section "ASCII formats forimporting measurements".

Work flow "Positioning of the measurements"

1. Double-click on ProFit Measurement Browser in the tree. The MeasurementBrowser with the list of measurements opens.

2. Select the measurements from the list for which you want to do the positioning.Use Control+left mouse click to select single profiles or use Shift+left mouseclick to select a range of measurements. Please note: The sort order can bechanged by left-clicking on the respective title of the column.

3. Start the positioning sequence from themenuProFit Measurement » Position-ing

4. Define the source of the positioning information.

5. Press the button to start the positioning for all selected measurements and togo to the next measurement. For each measurement, a dialog is displayed inwhich you can enter or modify the positioning values. If you want to positionautomatically all the selected measurements, press the button .

Work flow "Processing of data"

1. Double-click on ProFit Measurement Browser in the tree. The MeasurementBrowser with the list of measurements opens.

2. Select ProFit Measurements » Properties

3. In the opened dialogue all properties for the processing, drawing and labeling,results, mode and colors can be made.

4. Switch the view mode (pop-up menu in Tool bar) to Process (2D).

5. The results of the computations are now visible for each profile.

Work flow "Process reports"

1. Select the measurements in the list, for which you want to start the processing.In order to mark ranges of profiles, press Shift + left mouse button. To thememory: The sort sequence can be adjusted by left-clicks to the appropriatecolumn heading.

2. Start the processing of the reports in the menu ProFit Measurements » Pro-cessing Reports. Select All or Selected.

3. Select in the following dialogue the report types (list / graphical) and contentsof the reports.

4. You have now the possibility to look at the reports (preview), to print or to exportthe reports into different file formats.


3.1. Introduction in ProFitTMS Office User guide

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3.1.1. Measuring dataConcept

Whenmeasuring automatic profiles and/or surfaces, the measuring software recordsfor each point the polar coordinates (vertical angle, horizontal angle and slope dis-tance). From this information, TMS Office computes (together with the positioninginformation) the coordinates for each measured point. For absolute positioningmethods, TMS Office first calculates the absolute coordinates (easting, northing andelevation) and from this subsequently the relative coordinates (relative to the projectaxis). For the relative positioning method (XY), it directly computes the relative co-ordinates to the visible axis. TMS Office allows to edit the measured data graphicallyand numerically. Double-click on a measured profile in the grid. A new window withthe measured profile will be opened.

Numerical editing of the measurements

During measurement, individual measured points cannot be edited or deleted. In thecase of automatic, unsupervised measurements, errors may arise because ofobstacles. Such errors generally have an adverse effect on graphic representationsand calculations. Numerical editing allows to delete, add or modify measurementswith a numerical edit. These numerical modifications are immediately visible on agraphic window. The original measurement always remains in the file and can berestored at any time (press right mouse button and select restore).

Graphical editing of the measurements

The following edit possibilities are supported:

• Delete points: Choose the mouse type Select . Select with the mouse indi-vidual points in the graphic through click (single points) or pull a window (severalpoints). Use the appropriate selection buttons, in order to cancel the selection,to select all or invert the selection. Select ProFit Measurements » Delete Selec-ted Points or press the Delete key, in order to delete the selected points. Youcan also right-click on a point to do this.

• Move points: The selection of the points is as described above. Select the mouse

type Move . By holding the left mouse button pressed, you are able to movethe selected points in the graphic window. Note: Moving points over a large dis-tance can lead to special effects because of point re-order.

• Add points: Select the mouse type Add . When clicking into the graphicwindow, points can be added to the measured profile.

Delete measured profiles

It is possible to delete measured profiles with the right mouse button. You can selectmultiple profiles and delete them with the function ProFit Measurements » DeleteSelected.

Correction values of measured profiles


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If a profile is measured by TMS ProScan and correction values (prism disk, pole)were used, two additional columns with this information are shown in the view ofmeasured profiles. If necessary these values may be edited.

3.1.2. Profile ProcessingAfter having defined the project data, measured profiles and imported them to theproject, the processing can be started. The evaluation is represented in each casein real time on the screen according to your settings. In order to switch into the pro-cessing representation, select Process (2D) in the menu of the ProFit tool bar.

3.1.3. View of measurementsWithin ProFit measured data can be shown in different ways. The view can be selectedby the menu. The following view options are available:

• Front (2D)

• Top (2D)

• Process (2D)

• Numeric

• Position

3.2. Positioning of instrumentLearn in this section the basics about the positioning of the instrument.

3.2.1. Concept of the positioningIn order to allow the comparison of measurements with design data (theoretical pro-file), it is necessary to know, where the instrument has been setup for the measure-ment. Before a measurement can be processed, the positioning has to be made al-ways. TMS Office has two main categories of positioning: Relative and absolute po-sitioning.

Relative Positioning

With relative positioning, it is not required to define any elements of the project axis.The program even doesn't use any definition in case one has been made for thecurrent project. Relative positioning always means, that an axis (reference point)must be visible during the measurement. The instrument is directly measured to thisvisible axis with two offset values (X and Y). During the processing of such measure-ments, no three-dimensional output (coordinates Easting, Northing and Elevation)can be generated. The relative positioning method is called XY method.

Absolute Positioning

When the project axis is not visible, it is required to define the position of the instru-ment during the measurement with absolute coordinates. In this case you need to


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define survey control points and a project axis in TMS Office. This method is calledabsolute positioning. The following absolute positioning methods are supported:

• Free station method

• On-point method

• Prism method

Please have a look at the comparison between absolute and relative positioningmethods.

3.2.2. Comparison between relative and absoluteMethod

Relative positioning:

• requires a visible project axis (rails, laser guide, edge of carriage way or similar)

• the instrument is preferably set up near the axis

• no axis definition (situation, longitudinal profile and transverse gradients) is re-quired

• does not need survey control points

• measurement is possible with the instrument inclined

• no reduction of distances is possible as a result of instrument twisting relative toproject axis

• no reference if the axis is missing or shifted (e.g. New rails)

Absolute positioning:

• the project axis need not be visible

• the instrument can be set up anywhere

• exact project axis definition is required (situation, longitudinal profile and transverseslopes)

• requires survey control points

• the instrument always needs to be leveled

• distances are reduced as a result of twisting relative to the construction site axis

• evaluation is possible with different project axes

Decide the best positioning method depending on your requirements.


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3.2.3. Choosing the best positioning methodThe following information may assist you, in the determination of the best suitablemethod for the positioning of the instrument:

XY method

The XY method is particularly suitable in the following cases:

• You are taking profile measurements on your own.

• There is no numerical definition of a project axis given.

• There are no survey control points.

• There is a visible reference axis or point for a relative measurement of the offset.


• Easy to use

• Can even work with two different reference points for the theoretical profile (fordouble track railway lines)


• The project axis must be visible


• Processing results are only in a relative system. No three-dimensional output canbe generated.

• In case, the visible axis is shifted or removed, the reference can not be redefined.

Free station method

The free station method is particularly suitable in the following cases:

• You are taking profile measurements on your own.

• There is no survey control point exactly at the required location.

• There are survey control points available, which allow to measure/calculate theinstrument position with enough accuracy.


• Instrument can be setup at almost any location


• The project axis must be available in numerical format.

• At least two survey control points must be visible from the instrument.


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• When using this method with the PROFILER 4000, the survey control pointsmustn't be too far away from the instrument and they must be located in suchaway, that the resulting intersection calculation can be made with sophisticatedaccuracy.

If the basic rules are observed by the user, this method is sufficiently accurate.However, this may not be the case if measurements are poorly aligned.

On-point method

The on-point method is particularly suitable in the following cases:

• You are taking profile measurements on your own.

• There is a survey control point exactly at the required location.


• Easy to use


• The project axis must be available in numerical format.

• At least one survey control point must be visible from the instrument.


• None

Prism method

The prism method is particularly suitable in the following cases:

• You are a team of two operators/surveyors.

• Your instrument is a PROFILER 2000, PROFILER 3000 or PROFILER 4000.


• Very high production of profile measurements, specially when measuring 2D-vertical profiles


• The project axis must be available in numerical format.

• You need to have a second total-station for the positioning.

• There must be at least two survey control points for the setup of the total-station.


• This method is not supported with TMS ProScan on TPS1100/TPS1200 (ModelTCRM and TCRA) instruments.


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3.2.4. Computation during the positioningDuring the positioning sequence, various computations are employed depending onthe positioning method.

Relative positioning

• Swapping of left and right, if the instrument has been setup "against the increasingstationing" during the measurement

• Sorting of the measured points in terms of increasing vertical angles

Absolute positioning

• Calculation of the coordinates (Easting, Northing, Elevation) and the orientationof the instrument.

• Computation of the coordinates (Easting, Northing, Elevation) of the measuredpoints.

• Computation of the stationing and offset (Delta X and Delta Y) of the measuredpoints relative to the project axis.

3.2.5. Source of positioning informationThe positioning data for the instrument can be entered at different times or can beloaded from different sources.

From the keyboard of this computer

Enter the positioning information manually before processing the data. This methodis mainly used for the methods XY and prism. But of course this requires, that youwrite down all the values during the measurement.

From File

For the positioning with the free station method or with the on-point method, somemeasurements have to be taken anyway with the instrument and it is therefore re-commended to complete all the positioning measurements during the profile meas-urements. All the readings are in this case already stored to the file with the measuredpoints.

From a separate positioning file

When using the prismmethod, the positioning of the PROFILER instrument is determ-ined with a second total-station. This function reads the positioning information directlyfrom a file. If you position the PROFILER using the "prism method" and have savedthe positioning data using an electronic, self-registering theodolite, this data can bedirectly linked from the theodolite file to the measured points. Proceed as follows:

• Upload the file containing the positioning values onto the PC and note the directoryand file name. This should be done before starting up TMS Office using the pro-gram which comes complete with the theodolite.


3.2.4. Computation during the position-ing

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• Check the file format settings in File » Options » Settings.

• Select the file and define the code under which the positioning data is stored.

In order to have this function available, the software option THEODAT must be li-censed and installed.

3.2.6. Positioning statusBasically there are two different status possible for any measurements.

Not positioned

• After downloading or importing measurements to TMS Office, all measurementshave the status not positioned. Before an evaluation can be carried out, you mustexecute the positioning for these measurements.

• Whenever during the positioning sequence, an error occurs (computation relativeto project axis not possible), the measurements automatically get the status "Notpositioned".


• any instrument stations for which a positioning has been made successfully getthe status "positioned"

• these measurements are available for the processing


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3.2.7. XY method (relative)Figure 3.1. XY method

The XY method for positioning can be used if a visible project axis is available. Theoffset values from the instrument to this project axis are directly measured and usedfor processing. When working with this method, it is not necessary to enter a projectaxis and survey control points.


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3.2.8. Free station method (absolute)Figure 3.2. Free station method

The free station method is particularly suitable if you are taking profile measurementson your own, and if the coordinates of the project axis are defined. In TMS Office thesame term "Free station" is used for the procedures with

• 2 Target point measurements (usually called resection)

• 3 or 4 target point measurements (usually called free station).

The free station method is used for the positioning relative to a project axis, whichis not visible. It is particularly suitable if you are taking profile measurements on yourown, and if the project axis is defined with coordinates. During the measurement,the operator of the instrument has marked at least 2 and at maximum 4 fixed surveypoints with a prism. He has set up the instrument at any position desired. From thisposition he has done a precise reading of the horizontal angle, horizontal distanceand vertical angle to the prism.

With this positioning method, it is most important that the survey control points aredistributed as well as possible. Unfavorable alignment may lead to inaccuracies.

• Avoid glancing intersections when determining the position by means of three ormore fixed survey points.


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• When determining the position by means of two fixed survey points, the ordinateshould be as small as possible.

• Aim as good as possible to the center of the target point.

• When using the PROFILER 4000 the prismmethod is advisable if a higher degreeof accuracy is required for determining the survey point.

3.2.9. On-point method (absolute)Figure 3.3. On-point method

The On-point method is used for the positioning relative to a project axis, which isnot visible. This method is particularly suitable if the coordinates of the instrumentposition have already been determined and stored into the data base of surveycontrol points. One or two back-sight measurements have to bemade with the instru-ment in order to compute the orientation.


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3.2.10. Prism method (absolute)Figure 3.4. Prism method

The Prism method is used for the positioning relative to a project site axis, which isnot visible. It can be used only with the instruments from the PROFILER series. It isnot available with the TPS 1100/TPS1200 (Model TCRM and TCRA) series. Atheodolite is setup on a fixed survey point and oriented using a second fixed surveypoint. The PROFILER is setup at any randomly chosen point. Its position is measuredwith the theodolite. The positioning values for the PROFILER may be entered eitherin the field computer or back in the Office.

3.3. Data processingLearn in this section the basics about the processing of profile measurements.

3.3.1. Concept of the processingTMSOffice has been designed mainly to fully process vertical and horizontal profiles,which are referenced to a project axis or to a visible axis.

During processing, a comparison is made between

• a measured and a theoretical or


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• between two measured profiles.

Before the processing can be started, the following must be completed:

• Definition of the project data

• Import of measured profiles

• Positioning of the measured profiles

• Define the properties for the measurements

3.3.2. ProcessingNormalization

This setting influences the height of a vertical or tilted profile. We recommend thatyou always select Yes.

• Active: The Y-coordinate of a profile point computed perpendicular to the longit-udinal slope.

• Not active: The height offset of each measured point is computed in a verticalplane.

Single Points as Profile Points

• Active: All the measured points (regardless of whether they have been measuredas individual measurements or in automatic mode) in a profile section are joinedtogether in sequence in a line. The individual measurements are taken into accountin computations.

• Not active: Individual measurements are not joined in a line with the measuredpoints recorded from the automatic measurement process. They are marked witha small circle. They are not taken into account in computations.

Base line settings

Base lines define a section for which computations and graphics outputs are beingperformed. Both the profile section and the comparative profile are only taken intoconsideration between the defined base lines. The same principle applies whensearching for points of intersection in either the lower or upper base lines. Only everuse the first and last points of intersection with the base line (i.e. only the two outerpoints of intersection). The base lines can be defined as follows:

• No base line: The entire profile section and the entire comparative profile areused for the computation.

• Horizontal: A horizontal base line is used for calculations.

• Tilted: An inclined base line is used for computations. The gradient correspondsto the transverse gradient of the theoretical profile.

• Height: When selecting Horizontal or Tilted, you must enter the height of the baseline. The height is measured from the construction site axis. The value for the


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height of the "lower" base line must be lower than the value for the height of the"upper" base line.

3.3.3. Drawing and LabellingSingle Point Remarks

• Active: Single point remarks will be shown.

• Not active: Single point remarks will not be shown.

Show Instrument Position

• Active: The instrument position will be shown in the profile view.

• Not active: The instrument position will not be shown in the profile view.

Show Coordinate Grid

• Active: Coordinate grid is shown.

• Not active: Coordinate grid is not shown.

Point ticks

• None: The individual support points of the profile section are not specially ticked.

• Inside: The individual support points of the profile section are ticked inwards (inthe direction of the instrument). Also define the interval at which the support pointsshould be labeled. If you enter 5 for example, this means that the followingmeasured points are labeled with their point numbers: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc.In addition, the first and last measured points are always labeled.

• Outside: The individual support points of the profile section are ticked outward(away from the instrument).

• Pt. No Interval: When having selected Inside or Outside, you must specify theinterval of the point number labels on the graphic output.

Drawing options

• Close Measured Data Always: All the measured points are joined together bystraight lines. Thus they always form an enclosed polygon.

• Specify differences: Define the limit values for the distance and angle. If theselimit values are exceeded between any two adjacent measured points, the pointsin question will not be joined by a line.

• Angle: If the angle between two measured points exceeds the limit value (forexample, 5.000°), the two points will not be joined.

• Distance: If the difference in the distance from the reference point to twomeasured points exceeds the limit value (for example, 0.500 m), the two pointswill not be joined.


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The definition of limit values does not have any meaning to computations. It isonly used for graphics outputs. If you input limit values which are too small, noneof the measured points may be joined.

• End To Begin not connected: All the points are joined together by straight lines,but they don't form an enclosed polygon as the last point is not connected withthe first point. Please note: This applies for parallel profiles to the current sortingsetting of the points.

3.3.4. ResultsDistances

During the distance computation, the shortest distance between each measuredpoint and the comparative profile is measured. The distances are shown as dashesrunning between the measured point and the comparative profile in graphics.

• Show: Specify the interval of the inscription of the distances. Exclude certainpoints.

• General: Indicate, how many decimal places after the comma are to be repres-ented and with which increased height the deviations are to be indicated.

• Alignment: Select between horizontal or radial inscription of the distances. Specifywhether the distances are to be drawn in a bounding box.


During the area computation, the points of intersection are sought between the profilesection and the comparative profile. Part areas of the measured profile which lieoutside the comparative profile are computed as over profile. Part areas of themeasured profile which lie within the comparative profile are computed as underprofile. Choose if the areas are shown colored in the profile view.

Least Square Point

This computation is used for calculating the center point from the measured pointsof the profile section on the basis of the least square deviation method. The coordin-ates of the center point relative to the construction site axis enable the user to re-compute an optimized construction site axis.

Geological Over profile Areas

The geological over profile is computed between the measured profile and theoreticalprofiles A and B.

3.3.5. ModeComputation mode

• Measured vs. Theoretical: A measured profile is compiled with a theoreticalprofile.


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• Measured vs. Measured: A measured profile is compiled with another measuredprofile.

• Only Measured: The evaluation is only performed with the measured profile.

Link measured data

Define here how the comparative profile should be selected if it is compared with aprofile section.

• Interactively: Before evaluating a profile section, you are asked to select thecomparative profile. This takes the form of the standard dialog for the profile se-lection.

• Closest station: The program automatically searches for the profile section whichis closest to the profile being evaluated; it is used as the comparative profile.

The Link measured data field is only activated if a profile section is required to serveas a comparative profile for the evaluation.

Theoretical Profiles

The "Theoretical Profile" field is only activated if a theoretical profile is required forthe evaluation. Define the theoretical profiles here which are being used in the eval-uation. Activate each of the profiles by ticking the appropriate control boxes. Pleasenote the following:

• Theoretical profile A: Theoretical profile A is used as a comparative profile forall the computations.

• Theoretical profile B + C: Theoretical profile B and C are not used for computa-tions (except geological over profile calculation). They only serve to visualize thegraphics output.

• Transverse slope: You may define a transverse slope for any theoretical profile.The entire theoretical profile is rotated around the construction site axis to theappropriate transverse slope. The transverse slope can be defined as follows.

• Automatic: The program uses the previous value for the transverse slope.The value is read in, depending on whichever positioning method is employed.In X/Y positioning: When the user enters the positioning data, he also inputsthe transverse slope for each profile. In all other positioning methods: Thetransverse slope of the theoretical profile is computed according to the definitionin the project axis for the transverse slopes.

• Manual input: The program asks you to manually input the transverse slopeof the theoretical profile before each measured profile.

• No slope: The theoretical profile is used horizontally (without any transverseslope).

The transverse slope method can only be activated if the theoretical profile inquestion has been activated.


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3.3.6. ColoursSpecify the desired colors for the profile processing.

3.3.7. Processing ReportsIn order to provide reports, the function "Processing Reports" from the menu "ProFitMeasurements" must be selected. Select either all profiles or select previous a certainnumber of profiles, for which reports have to be provided. In the following dialogueyou have to specify, which types (list / graphical) of reports are required and whichcontents of the reports you want (only for list reports).The graphical reports will beprocessed with the same setting you have chosen for processing view (measurementsproperties).

Sheet layout

Select the sheet format and layout for the graphics display. You can choose fromthe following 4 landscape formats:

• Text on the right

• Text on the left

• Text at the top

• Text at the bottom

You can choose from the following 2 portrait formats:

• Text at the top

• Text at the bottom

Plot scale

Define the plot scale.

• Auto scale: Depending on the size of the drawings and the size of the sheet, theprogram calculates the largest suitable scale and draws the diagram in the calcu-lated scale.

• User defined: Input the scale required in the appropriate box. An input of 33.333will produce a scale of 1:33.333.

Regardless of the scale selected, the diagram is always centered on the sheet. Theoutermost measured points or the points of the theoretical profile are taken as thelimits for the diagram. If you have defined base lines, all the parts of the diagram lyingoutside the base line do not have any bearing on the calculation of the scale. However,they are drawn if there is space on the sheet.

It is open to you, whether you want to print directly, to have a preview (recommended)or whether you would like to export the reports in one of the numerous export formats.If you export the reports into the List&Label format it is possible to look at these in


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the LLView. This software is in the TMS Office directory and can be installed on asmany work stations as desired.

3.3.8. Geological overprofileThe software option geological over profile allows the computation between the profilesection and theoretical profiles A and B in accordance with the following principle:

• Firstly, the part areas of the over profile are calculated between the profile sectionand theoretical profile A.

• The base points on theoretical profile B ((c) and (d)) are sought from the pointsof intersection (a) and (b).

• The part areas between theoretical profiles A and B are added to the over profilearea.

• Settlement between the employer and the contractor is frequently carried out onthe basis of this computation.

Figure 3.5. Geological overprofile

3.4. Menu functions in ProFitLearn in this section the menu functions, which are part of the module TMS ProFit.


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3.4.1. Menu MeasurementsSetup

Select the directory, fromwhich the program reads and to which it stores themeasuredprofiles.

3.4.2. Menu ProFit MeasurementsProperties

All properties for the profile evaluation are set.

Processing Reports

Use this function, in order to spend your computations in the form of reports.


The actually selected measured profile is opened for editing.


Select the profiles for an action (positioning or processing) with the mouse. Selectthe measurements from the list for which you want to do the action. Use Ctrl+leftmouse button to select single profiles or the Shift+left mouse click to select a rangeof measurements. Please note: The sort order can be changed by left-clicking onthe respective title of the column. The profiles in the current selection are marked asfollows: the row indicator on the left is shown in blue color.

• Reset Selection: Resets any selection. Subsequently no more profiles are selec-ted.

• Inverse Selection: Inverts the current selection. All profiles, which are selectedare deselected. All profiles, which are not selected are selected with this action.

• Select All: Selects all the profiles.


Starts the sequence Positioning.

• Selected: Positioning for all the selected profiles.

• Non-positioned: Positioning for all profiles, which are not yet positioned.

• All: Positioning for all the profiles.


Control the sequence with these navigation commands.

• Forward :Go to the next profile in the sequence.


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• Backward : Go to the previous profile in the sequence.

• Stop : Stop the sequence.

• Automatic : Activate the automatic sequence. Each selected profile is positionedautomatically. This function is only active, after having specified the sequenceparameters.


• From File: Import the profile measurements from different file formats. Pleasesee section ASCII-File for importing measurements for information about thesupported formats.

• From Serial Interface...: Import the measurements from the PROFILER instru-ments directly from the serial interface. Please observe the settings for the serialinterface.

• From Database...: Import the profile measurements directly from a Database.


• ASCII: Export the measured data into ASCII-files in different formats.

• DXF: Create from the measured data one or multiple DXF-file(s). Each DXF-filecontains the geometry of the measured profile as a 3D poly line.


• Tunnel Map...: TMS ProFit creates a report file (in DXF format) which containscalculated values. The report file is typically not used directly as a final result. Itis more a temporary file, which is imported later in another (external) software forfurther processing. See Tunnel Map. The following dialog will be shown.


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• Output File: Define here the drive, path and file name, where the report filewill be generated.

• Theoretical Profile: By default, the theoretical profile (which has been definedin the processing mode dialog) is shown in the combo-list. You may chooseanother theoretical profile here (or activate "from section").

• Sign for Over profile: Define here, in which direction (in the tunnel map file)the over profile is pointing

• Positive: Over profile points have an "elevation" above zero.

• Negative: Over profile points have an "elevation" below zero.

• Intersection with Theoretical Profile: The (vertical) line, which is used tocompute the intersection with the crown of the theoretical profile can be posi-tioned at three different locations:

• At axis: The program is using the vertical line with the coordinate 0.000.This is the line relative to which the theoretical profile has been defined.

• Center: The program calculates the width of the theoretical profiles and isusing the middle vertical line to calculate the intersection with the theoret-ical profile.

• Specify X-Value: The user can input the offset (from the tunnel axis) of theline, which is used for the intersection calculation.

After exporting the selected measurements, the DXF-File must be imported to aCAD System for the generation of a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). This generationof the DTM is not possible with TMSOffice. Please contact Amberg TechnologiesAG for information about such additional software packages.

• Calculate Top Points of selected profiles: Choose this function to calculatethe distance from the axis to the top point of the profile. The top point is thenmarked by a cross. The numerical result can only be seen in the calculator.


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Chapter 4. TMS SetOutThis sections explains the operation and the functions of the module TMS SetOut.These functions are only available, if the module TMS SetOut is licensed.

4.1. Introduction in SetOutThe module TMS SetOut is used to define setting out patterns. Such definitions ofSetOut points are called "Tasks". Each task consists of a number of individual points,which are predefined relative to the project axis or the theoretical profile for theSetOut-process. After the definition of the tasks, they are exported together with theproject data to GSI-files for the future use in the tunnel on-board of theTPS1100/TPS1200 total station. Please read as well the manual "TMS Applications"for detailed information about the use in the tunnel and the different tasks.

The following task types are available:

• Arch

• Contour

• Jet grouting

• Blast drill pattern

• Rock bolts

Additionally the following functions are available in TMS SetOut (plus):

• Alignment laser

• Direct setting out

• Profile control (if ProScan plus is licensed)

The above three functions do not require the any task definition in the Office. Onlythe project data need to be defined.

4.2. Procedure for defining tasksThe following procedure explains the definition of a task in TMS Office, moduleSetOut. It is the same for all mapping types:

1. Add the configuration for the setting out

2. Add a new task, assign a name to the task, select the task type and assign aconfiguration

3. Define one or several groups to be used later in this task type. In order to addgroups, you must select Existing Groups in the tree for the current task andthen right-click and use the function Add.


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4. Add a new type (right-click to Types in the tree below the current task). Assigna name to the type.

5. Add a new group to the type (right-click on the type name in the tree below thecurrent task and select Add...).

6. Select the theoretical profile and select the group name.

7. Select the group (Double click to the created group in the tree). A new viewopens which shows the theoretical profile. A new menu entry Track points isshown (Please note: This menu entry is only available, if the focus is on thecross-section view with the group).

8. Create the new track points with the track points wizard. Add manually definedpoints if required.

9. Define the group offset and the individual offset to the points

10. Define which points shall later be exported.

11. Define the sections for the types (Double click to Sections in the tree below thecurrent task).

12. Export the definitions to the files using the Export Wizard.

13. Copy the files to the memory card (PCMCIA-card for TPS1100 / Flash-Memorycard for TPS1200).

The individual steps for the successful creation of the task are explained in the sub-sequent sections.

4.2.1. Add configurationBefore you can create a new task, you must create at least one configuration for theinstrument TPS1100/TPS1200. The configuration stores the parameters for the settingout process in the tunnel with the software TMS SetOut plus. You can modify theconfiguration on the instrument later. You can define as many configurations as re-quired. For each task only one configuration can be assigned.


A configuration can be used for different tasks.

Work flow

• Select SetOut » New configuration or right-click in the tree to Configurationnode and select Add.

• Double-click to the new configuration *New Config* to edit the configuration inthe dialog Configuration.

• Define the settings and assign a name to the configuration.

For editing an existing configuration, simply double-click to the configuration in thetree.


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4.2.2. Add taskSelect SetOut » Add task... or right-click in the tree to the node SetOut Tasks andselect Add.... Define in the dialog New task the name, select a configuration anddefine the task type. The tree automatically is expanded by the new task.

4.2.3. Define new type to the taskRight-click to the node Types and select Add.... Define in the subsequent dialog thename for the current type (for instance Arch A). This name is used on-board in TMSSetOut plus to select the task from the screen menu. The tree automatically is expan-ded by the new type.

4.2.4. Define groupsFor each defined type, several groups can be defined. This allows to separate pointgroups in one cross-section. Right-click to the desired type and select Add.... Selectthe base geometry (theoretical profile) for the automatic creation of the points. Assigna name for the group or select a name from the list.


It is advised to use the same groups for the different types of a task (for in-stance use always "Arch A", "Arch B", etc.).

The tree automatically is expanded by the new group.

4.2.5. Define track pointsDouble-click to the group in the tree to open the edit window for the definition of thepoints of the group. The window shows in the upper part the graphic and in the lowerpart the numerical information about the defined points. The table can contain differentinformation for the different task types. The graphic shows the base profile and allthe defined points. You have two possibilities to define the track points:

• Manual definition

• Automatic creation with the help of a wizard.

Manual definition of track points

In order to manually add a track point you must first define it with the function inthe graphic (on any position),. Subsequently edit the co-ordinates and other inform-ation with in the table.

Automatic creation of track points with the wizard

Select Trackpoints »New TrackpointsWizard. Follow the instruction of the wizard.You have the possibility to create the new points in an interval along the profile lineand to include additionally the vertex points (end/beginning of segments). The wizard


4.2.2. Add taskTMS Office User guide

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can be started several times for the same type. You may always choose to deletepreviously created track points.


The track points are used in the tunnel in the same sequence as they aredefined and numbered in the Office. Adjust the sequence according to yourneeds with the functions Trackpoints » Track points order:

• Revert: Reverts the sequence. The last point (highest number) will becomethe first / the first point will become the last point in the sequence.

• New start point: Sets the currently selected point as the start point for thesequence. This function is only available if a point is selected in the

graphic. Select the points with the function mode .

You may as well adjust the sequence by modifying the Point-Id in the numer-ical list. You may create too many points with the wizard in certain areas.Simply deactivate points, which are not needed for setting out in the columnExport or delete such points.

Edit interval points

You may manually edit points in the numerical list. Observe, that points which havebeen created using the wizard do not have the status "from wizard" after the manualedit. The following functions are available to edit the points in the graphic:

• Modify the radial vector for the selected point(s)

•Move the selected point(s)

•Select point(s). Select single points be clicking on it. Select several points by

drawing a window (keep pressing left mouse button while defining the windowsize)

•Add a new track point at current mouse location

4.2.6. Define group offset and track point offsetGroup offset

A group offset is used for all the selected points of a group. It is defined from themenu Track points » Group offset.


The group offset is an internal value and is not visible during the setting outin the tunnel.

Select Track points » Group offset and define in the subsequent dialog the offsettype (none, horizontal, vertical, horizontal&vertical or radial) and offset value. Thegroup offset is applied for all the points which have set the flag "group". If you wish


4.2.6. Define group offset and trackpoint offset

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to apply the group offset to all the groups of a type, you can use the group offsetwizard.

Track point offset

Each individual track point can have its own offset. The track point offset is visibleduring the setting out in the tunnel. Offsets can be defined directly in the table. Selectthe type of the track point offset (none, horizontal, vertical, horizontal&vertical or ra-dial) and input the correct values for the selected offset type. If you wish to apply thetrack point offset to all points of the current groups or to all the groups, you can usethe group offset wizard.

4.2.7. Define the sectionsAfter the definition of the tasks and the task types, you must define the assignmentof the types to the stationing. This is made with the same principles as for the sectionsof the theoretical profiles. Double-click to the node Sections in the tree. A new editwindow is opened. Enter the stationing values, where a change between two differenttypes takes place. Assign the correct type for the section between the start and endstationing. For jet grouting task the definition is not a section but only an exact sta-tioning, where theoretically the tube umbrella starts. Subject to the task type, youmay additionally choose if there shall be an interpolation between two differentdefinitions.


Please observe, that only points, which were created with theWizard are usedfor the computation of the interpolation. Points, which have been addedmanually are not usable for the interpolation.


Always review and check in the graphic and in the numerical list, if the resultis as expected. Any wrong definition can have serious impact to the tunnelconstruction and result in errors and extra cost.

4.2.8. Reporting in SetOutPer group a report can be provided in list or graphic form. These reports serve fordocumentation of the defined work tasks, as well as for support of the operators inthe tunnel. There are two possibilities for graphic view:

• Design-View

• Production-View

In the production view only the relevant information for th operator is shown (no groupoffsets and only exported points) and all the point offsets are indicated as well. Inorder to print out a report of a group, open the window of the appropriate groupthrough double click in the tree. Afterwards you can start the function File » Print /Plot for a reporting. Subsequently, a preview of the report is indicated. Now you canprint or store the report.


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4.2.9. Export of the dataAfter the definition of all project elements (project data, survey control points, tasksfor the setting out), you can export the same to the future use on-board of your TPSinstrument with the application TMS SetOut plus. When exporting the data, you mustdecide for which instrument you want to export the data.

• TPS1100: Select SetOut » Export Wizard for TPS1100 (GSI).

• TPS1200: Select SetOut » Export Wizard for TPS1200 (XML).

The Export Wizard creates subsequently the necessary files.

4.3. Menu functions in SetOutLearn in this section the menu functions, which are part of the module TMS SetOut.

A function, which opens a dialog is explained in detail in Section 4.4, “Dialogs inSetOut” on page 81.

4.3.1. Menu SetOutAdd Task...

Opens the dialog new task

Add Configuration...

Adds a new configuration. Double click to the node in the tree to edit the configuration.


Adds a new element (see General functions").


Deletes the current element.


Shows the properties of the current element (see General functions).

Export Wizard for TPS1100... / Export Wizard for TPS1200...

Opens the GSI-Export Wizard

4.3.2. Menu TrackpointsOffset wizard...

Opens the dialog offset wizard.

New track point wizard...


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Opens the dialog new track point wizard.

Group offset

Opens the dialog track points offsets.

Delete trackpoints

Deletes the currently selected track point(s).

Track point order

• Revert: Reverts the sequence of the interval points (The first Track point becomesthe last, etc.).

• New start point: Sets the currently selected track point as the new start point forthe sequence of track points.

Radial vectors

• Inverse: Inverses the direction of the radial vectors. When generating the trackpoints, the radial vector is applied from the point to the inside of the theoreticalprofile. Track points which are generated manually, have a radial vector verticalup.

• Show: Display the radial vectors in the graphic.

4.4. Dialogs in SetOutLearn in this section the dialogs, which are part of the module TMS SetOut.

Please read as well Section 4.2, “Procedure for defining tasks” on page 75 to learnmore about the sequence for the definition of a task.

4.4.1. Dialog ConfigurationsA configuration in TMS SetOut contains the following definitions.


Define the name for the current configuration. This name is later used to assign theconfiguration to the different tasks.


• Control

• Passive: No distance measurement is made to the surface where to point isset out. This means that no iteration is made to consider the effective stationingon the surface (for instance to set out the arches). The iteration can be mademanually (Manual measurement - Correction to stationing - etc.)

• Active: The instrument automatically measures the distance to the surfaceand like this has the information to iterate the laser spot to the correct position,


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considering the effective stationing (for instance when setting out the excava-tion contour).

• Distance

• Infrared: The distance measurement is made with the infrared laser (needsa prism or a reflective target).

• Reflectorless: The distance measurement is made using the reflectorlessmode with the red-laser to any natural surface.

• Auto-Tolerance: The specified value is used to determine the accuracy of theset out point. The iteration is stopped as soon as the measured point is within thetolerance relative to the desired location. This value is only relevant for the activecontrol mode.

• Max. Number of Iterations: Defines the max. number of iterations to find thecorrect point (within the specified tolerance). If the point can not be found withinthe specified number, the iteration is aborted and the point is not set out. Thisvalue is only relevant for the active control mode.

• Operation

• Manual: The user must press a button on the instrument to start the settingout for the next point.

• Automatic: The instrument automatically sets out the next point after thespecified wait time.

• Wait-Time: This value (in seconds) specifies the wait time in the automatic oper-ation before the next point is set out. This value is only relevant for the automaticoperation.

• Loop

• None: All the points are only set out once. No repetition is made.

• Reverse: After the first sequence of setting out all the points, the instrumentcontinues in the reverse order (backwards from the last point).

• Standard: After the first sequence of setting out all the points, the instrumentcontinues in the same direction (starting with the first point again).

This value is only relevant for the automatic operation.


• Height-Offset

• Vertical: The vertical co-ordinates (Y-Offset) are computed vertically to theproject axis (longitudinal profile).

• Perpendicular: The vertical co-ordinates (Y-Offset) are computed perpendicularto the project axis (longitudinal profile).

• Transverse slope


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• From Project: All points of the task are rotate with the transverse slopedefinition from the project (see Transverse slope).

• Manual: The defined value (in %) for "Manual slope" is applied.

• None: No transverse slope is considered. The points are not rotated.

• Manual Slope (%): The specified value is used if the transverse slope mode isset to "Manual".

4.4.2. Dialog New taskThis dialog is shown after selecting the function "Add task". Define the following:

Task Name Id

Define the name of the task. The defined name is shown in TMS SetOut plus on theTPS1100. The name can have a maximum of 16 characters (no special characters).


Select the desired configuration from the previously defined configurations.

Task Type

Define which task type you are going to define.

4.4.3. Dialog New track points wizardThis wizard is used to create new track points automatically along a previously definedline (theoretical profile)

Page 1

Use vertex points as source for new track points

The start-/end points of the segments of the theoretical profile are used as trackpoints.

Create evenly spaced track points

The wizard creates track points along the theoretical line with the specified spacing.


Define the spacing between two subsequent track points.

Apply spacing backwards

• Not checked: The first point is located at the beginning of the definition of thetheoretical profile. The direction of the track points is identical with the directionas the theoretical profile is defined.


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• Checked: The first point is located at the end of the definition of the theoreticalprofile. The direction of the track points is in the opposite direction as the theoret-ical profile is defined.

If you wish to change the sequence or the start point later, select from Track points» Track point order.

Page 2

Remove existing track points prior to track point creation

All the track points, which have been created (automatically or manually) previously,are removed prior to the creation of new track points.

Remove track points with identical position

If two track points are created from the wizard with identical co-ordinates, one ofthem is removed.

Remove track points which are closer than

The specified value is used to check if two track points are almost at the same position.If two points are closer than the specified value, one of them is removed.

Assign offset configuration of currently selected track point, where applicable

Create new track points not only for the currently selected...

4.4.4. Dialog Offset wizardThe offset wizard is used to define offsets for single points (track points) or a groupof points. This wizard is very helpful, if you wish to apply the same offset to a numberof points (for instance to correct / enlarge the excavation profile).

Apply offset of selected group to all available groups

The offset value of the current group is applied to all other groups of the same type.

Apply currently selected offset to all track points in the group

The offset of the currently selected track point is applied to all other track points ofthe same group.

Apply currently selected offset also the all available groups

Activate this option, if you want to apply the offset to the points of all other groups ofthe same type.

4.4.5. Dialog Export wizardAfter the complete definition of the project elements, the export wizard writes thedefinitions to files for the later use on-board of the total station. The export forTPS1100 and TPS1200 uses the same principles, however, the resulting files are isslightly different.


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• TPS1100

• the SetOut data is written to a GSI-file

• the project data is written to a different GSI-files

• the survey control points are exported to a GSI-file

• the task file ID can have a maximum of 5 characters

• TPS1200

• the SetOut data is written to a XML-file

• the project data is written to the same XML-file

• the survey control points are exported to a database file DBX

• the task file ID can have more characters

Page 1

Select the tasks to export. All the types and groups of the selected tasks are exportedcompletely. The program verifies, if all the tasks are defined correctly. In case ofproblematic definitions, a corresponding warning message is shown.

Page 2

Intersection with Theoretical Profile

The (vertical line), which is used to compute the intersection with the crown of thetheoretical profile can be positioned at three different locations:

• At axis: The program is using the vertical line with the coordinate 0.000. This isthe line relative to which the theoretical profile has been defined.

• Center: The program calculates the width of the theoretical profiles and is usingthe middle vertical line to calculate the intersection with the theoretical profile.

• Specify X-Value: The user can input the offset (from the tunnel axis) of the line,which is used for the intersection calculation.

Heading (for TM <-> Stationing relation)

Select the correct heading definition for the current export.

Segments to export

As the number of segments to export is restricted to 40, you have to specify thesegments to export. Use the arrows next to the 'First Seg.' edit box of every elementto choose the first element to export.

Page 3

Export survey points


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Activate this function to export as well all the survey points as stored in the currentTMS Office project data base.

GSI Directory (only for TPS1100)

Choose the directory where to export the files. You can browse for an existing folderusing the button to the right of the edit box, or you can specify a directory manually.If the given folder does not exists, it is created by the program.

Page 4

Task file ID

The Job ID helps to identify the files in TMS ProScan plus and TMS SetOut (plus).It must be 1 to 5 characters long and cannot contain special characters. The job IDalso is automatically the first character(s) of the file names.

For the TPS1100, the filenames are created as follows:

• Situation: *****sit.gsi

• Longitudinal Profile: *****lpr.gsi

• Transverse Slope: *****xsl.gsi

• Theoretical Section: *****tsc.gsi

• Task definitions: *****tsk.gsi

For the TPS1200, the filename is created as follows:

• All information: *****.xml

The program creates these names accordingly (***** representing the Job ID), pleasedo not rename the files manually.

TMS directory

Choose the directory where to export the TMS project files. You can browse for anexisting folder using the button to the right of the edit box, or you can specify a direct-ory manually. If the given folder does not exists, it is created by the program.

Export to DBX (only for TPS1200)

Select the target directory and the filenames for the DBX-files.

After the export

Copy the generated files to the memory card as follows:


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• The survey point files must be copied to the directory \DBX on the Compact FlashMemory Card.

• The project specific XML-files must be copied to the directory \TMS on the Com-pact Flash Memory Card.

4.4.6. Dialog Group offsetDefine here the group offset. This offset can be applied for all the track points whichhave the group check box active. The group offset is an internal offset (not visibleon the instrument TPS1100/TPS1200 in the application TMS SetOut plus). You maycorrect with this offset the theoretical profile (for instance to enlarge the size slightlyto have some spare space for the excavation). Enter the values for

• vertical offset

• horizontal offset

• radial offset

See as well offset wizard.

4.5. Definition of tasks (examples)In this section the procedure for the definition is described by points of interval foreach type by work procedures. Typical examples are to be demonstrated, in orderto point to the user out the possibilities of TMS SetOut plus.


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4.5.1. Outbreak profileFigure 4.1. Outbreak profile


To set out an outbreak line on the basis of a theoretical profile, individual points mustbe defined in a constant distance along the profile.


Use a configuration with active control mode and an automatic operation mode.


UseNew track pointsWizard for providing the points. Define a reasonable distancebetween the points (e.g. 0.5m). If desired the vertex points of the theoretical profilecan be defined additionally as track points (e.g. in order to set out the corners of atheoretical profile). After defining the points automatically, they have a radial directionperpendicularly on the theoretical profile. Because the points which are accuratelyon the theoretical profile are often not "visible" in the field, additionally a group offsetin radial direction inward has to be defined. Use for this the function Group offsetand select a radial offset of e.g. 0.3m inward. All points are then shifted by 0.3m in-ward. In order to determine the correct sign before the definition of the group offset,you can use the function Show radial vectors, in order to see, into which directionthe radial vectors are defined. If the offset is to be used in the same direction, then


4.5.1. Outbreak profileTMS Office User guide

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the sign is positive. Single point offsets are used rarely for this type of work procedure.


For a task of this type no manually defined points are necessary. Also single pointoffsets are used rarely. The definition takes place exclusively automatically withNewtrack points Wizard.

4.5.2. Arch positioningFigure 4.2. Arch positioning


For an installation of a steel arch, individual (in the field clearly identifiable) trackpoints on the arch geometry must be defined.


Use a configuration with passive control mode and a manual operation mode.


Define with the help of New track points Wizard points on the arch geometry. Nor-mally the vertex points are used in each case as track points, since also the connec-tions of the arch elements are there. If points are defined only over a fixed length on


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the curve from the roof ridge, use the function Track points in a certain distancein the New track points Wizard, in order to define these. If you work in such a way,the redundantly provided points must be deleted again according to each definitionstep. If the horizontal and vertical deviation of the points to the tunnel axis is known,these points can be entered manually. Use for this the function Add point and clickto the approximate position in the graphic. Subsequently, the accurate values of thepoint can be entered in the table. Since in such a way defined points are partly not"visible" in the field, these must be provided with an offset. Here individual point offsetsare used for each individual. These offsets can be defined in the table underneaththe graphic.


Manually defined points have a radial direction upward and not perpendicularlyon the theoretical profile.


A group offset is used rarely, since this would lead implicitly to a change of the archgeometry or a shift of the entire geometry. For positioning templates are used, whichare put on the installation arch. These in such a way given taps must be defined inTMS Office for each point.


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4.5.3. Radial boltsFigure 4.3. Radial bolts


A regular pattern of rock bolts is to be marked out. The points are defined in a regulardistance on the theoretical profile.


Use a configuration with active control mode and a manual operation mode.


Make sure that the theoretical profile contains the highest point of the definition asstarting point. Define now with the help of New track points wizard the points in aconstant distance. Define first the one side and delete then the surplus providedpoints. Subsequently, the other side can be defined. The radial vectors are definedso automatically perpendicularly on the theoretical profile. If you liked to have another"drilling direction", then you can enter it manually in the table.



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At radial bolts in principle never have offsets. During the setting out, the differencebetween theoretical starting point and marked out point along the radial vector is in-dicated on the display.

4.5.4. JettingFigure 4.4. Jetting


A tube umbrella is to be marked out. In a first phase the starting point of each drillhole is to be marked out in each case. In the next step the end of the drilling carriageis to be aligned with the help of a target plate.


Use for the setting out of the starting points a configuration with active control modeand a manual operation mode. For aligning the drilling carriage you should select aconfiguration with a passive control mode and a manual operation mode.


When defining a new type bore hole length and carriage length are asked. The borehole length together with the pair of points determines the angle of incidence of thebore hole . The bore hole length is defined along the bore hole (and not as stationing


4.5.4. JettingTMS Office User guide

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difference). The points of tube umbrella and/or vectors can be defined in differentway.

• Variant 1: Import the points as txt File with the following format: Per point a linewith the following format: Point number XStart YStart XEnd YEnd

• Variant 2: Define the starting points with New track points Wizard automatically.The vectors are then defined perpendicularly on the theoretical profile with thelength 1m. Change now the length of the individual vectors (in the projection). Ifall pipes have the same angle of incidence, you can change the lengths of allvectors also over the menu Track points. With this length and the bore holelength the angle of incidence is defined.



The tubing screen is always defined regarding the starting level (see sketch).The jetting pipes are always set out vertically. There is no consideration of thelongitudinal slope of the design axis.

Figure 4.5. Orientation of Jetting object


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4.5.5. Blast patternFigure 4.6. Blast pattern


A drilling pattern is to be marked out on the tunnel wall. The pattern is enteredmanually or read in by file.


Use a configuration with active control mode and an automatic operation mode.


Enter points manually. In order to add one point, you can choose Add or click withthe Arrow plus button into the graphic. Enter afterwards the exact XY coordinatesin the table. As radial vector according to standard a vector is defined upward. If youwork without radial offsets, this has no influence on the setting out. If you liked toimport the points as file, this can be made also over Track points » Import drillpattern... . The file name.tun must have the following format:

[TUNNPLAN]-125000 2500025000 2676025000 26440


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25000 2660024800 26600

Whereby the two values are X and Y coordinate of the point in mm. After the first linea blank line must be present.


For drill patterns, normally no offsets are used, since the risk of a wrong setting outby the operator is too large.


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Chapter 8. Technical information8.1. Organisation of the data8.1.1. File extensions

The different project elements are saved in separate files. The file extension definesthe file type. The following extensions are allocated by the program:

File extensionProject elementPJDProject definitionSITSituationLPRLongitudinal profileXSLTransverse slopeTSCSections of theoretical profilesTPDTable of theoretical profileTPRTheoretical profilesSDBSurvey control pointsSDCDescriptions of survey control points

Please do not modify any of the file extensions manually.

8.1.2. File formatsMost data files are saved as compressed binary files. Please use only TMS Officeto edit these files.

Users are strongly advised not to edit these files manually or with an editor directly.TMS Office may no longer be able to read data which has been altered manually.

8.2. ASCII file for importingmeasurementsThe module TMS ProFit of the application TMS Office supports different file formatsfor the import of profile measurements. Please read in the following sections the de-scription to the different file formats.

Measurements, which are made using the soft-ware TMS ProScan / TMS ProScan plus, are

TMS ProScan GSI Format

stored in a formatted GSI-file. this format is op-timally supported for the import.User of a Leica total station, which are not usingthe application TMS ProScan / TMS ProScan

GSI File in Profile format

plus, can write their measurements to a GSI-filein a special format. See GSI-File in profile format.See offset file formatOffset File (X/Y)


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The PROFILER Version 5 format is used fromother suppliers to store the measured profiles.

PROFILER Version 5

Measurements, which were made with GRPwinand GRP 3000 are exported from GRPwin tothis format for the further processing in TMS Of-fice.Use this function to add measurements, whichare already stored in the MPR-format, to thecurrent project.

PRO-WIN 6.0, TMS PROwin 7.0


8.2.1. GSI file in profile formatThe following text describes the structure of a GSI file with profile points.

• The lines beginning with a // are only comments about the content of the nextline. They are not required in the file.

• The GSI file can be in the 8 or 16 character format.










Station of instrument information (Station no. 1 / tripod height 1.666)1. lineDisc diameter (0.122m)2. lineCode line for target point measurement for orientation of instrument3. lineReadings to target point no. 24. lineCode line for profile points (Code 99)5. lineto 8. line: Beginning of profile 5 with a total of 3 points6. line

8.2.2. Offset file formatThe following assumptions are made for the file format of the ASCII-File:

• The information for each measured point is written on one line in the file.


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• The file can contain one or several profiles. In case there are several profiles, theprogram assumes, all the points in a sequence, which have the same date andtime, belong to the same profile.

• The stationing (tunnel meter) for each profile is read from the first line of a newprofile.

• The units in the file can be meters or feet. Depending on the unit-setting in TMSOffice, the corresponding unit is assumed for the ASCII-File.

• The file must contain the following entries for each point:

Column 1: Date in format dd.mm.yyyy

Column 2: Time in format hh:mm:ss

Column 3: Stationing

Column 4: RIGHT-coordinate

Column 5: UP-coordinate

• If the column 3, 4 and 5 have the value -9999.999, the point is considered as notmeasured.

Please consider:

• The UP-coordinate is called the Y-coordinate, the RIGHT-coordinate is called theX-coordinate.

Example of an offset file


8.3. THEODAT: External positionwith prismmethod for PROFILER instruments

For instruments of the PROFILER family the software option THEODAT allows tomerge the positioning information from the prim method with the measured profileon a file level.

There are two formats supported:

• GSI format

• AMT format


8.3. THEODAT: External position withprism method for PROFILER instru-


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8.3.1. GSI File formatPlease find below the necessary information for the GSI file format.

The following points must be considered during measurement:

• For each positioning of the PROFILER, two measurement blocks are used. Thepositioning values (both blocks) must be logged under the same number underwhich the current profile is stored on the field computer.

• Positioning data must be stored in standard format as follows:

Word 1: Profile number

Word 2: Horizontal angle (5 decimal places)

Word 3: Vertical angle (5 decimal places)

Word 4: Slope distance (3 decimal places)

• Every positioning must comprise at least 4 values:

horizontal prism angle, vertical prism angle, prism slope distance, target markhorizontal angle (possibly also vertical angle and slope distance for target mark).

The three values relating to the prism should be measured and stored first. Theadditional horizontal angle to the LED should then bemeasured and stored underthe same point number. This will always ensure two measurement blocks withthe same number for each measured profile.

• A uniform code should be used for all records. The field computer stores themeasured profiles with a serial number for each directory. If the profiles are storedin different directories, a different code is required for each directory. We recom-mend the use of the code 91 for the first directory, 92 for the second and so on.

After taking the measurements, transfer the positioning data file to the PC using theseparate program. Make a note of the file name and directory in which the file isstored. If possible, a list of measurements (station sheet) should be printed out im-mediately.

If the function "Read from theodolite file" is selected during positioning of themeasureddata, it is possible to produce a list of positioning data on screen or via printer.

During positioning, the software reads the positioning data from the theodolite fileand displays them on screen. The point number of the station point and target point,and the heights of the theodolite and prism must be entered manually.

Sample File






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The file above contains positioning information for the positioning with the prismmethod. If you have the software option THEODAT, you may combine the abovepositioning information with the measured profiles.

Explanations to the file format:

Code 99 was used here for measurements to the PROFILERLine 1 Code line:Measurement to the prism on the PROFILER (Measured with ALL)for station 3

Line 2 Meas line:

Measurement to the target mark on the PROFILER (Measuredwith REC) for station 3

Line 3 Meas line:

Measurement to the prism on the PROFILER (Measured with ALL)for station 4

Line 4 Meas line:

Measurement to the target mark on the PROFILER (Measuredwith REC) for station 4

Line 5 Meas line:

Measurement to the prism on the PROFILER (Measured with ALL)for station 5

Line 6 Meas line:

Measurement to the target mark on the PROFILER (Measuredwith REC) for station 5

Line 7 Meas line:

8.3.2. AMT File formatPlease find below the necessary information for the AMT standard format.

When using the standard format, all measurements required can automatically betransferred. Amberg Technologies AG would be glad to assist in such conversions.

The file is an ASCII file with fixed position fields in the following raster: (Italic text isnot contained in the file)

Raster: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


REM Remark

STA1 ########## FIELD A

STA2 ######### FIELD B

STA3 ####.#### FIELD C

STA4 ####.#### FIELD D

STA5 ####.#### FIELD E


PRF0001 #### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.####

PRF0002 #### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.####

PRF0003 #### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.####

PRF0004 #### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.#### ####.####


8.3.2. AMT File formatTMS Office User guide

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Raster: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


DataFieldTheodolite station nameField ATarget point nameField BMeasured horizontal angle to target pointField CTripod height of theodoliteField DPrism height of PROFILERField EProfile numberField 1CodeField 2Horizontal angle to prismField 3Horizontal distance to prismField 4Height difference to prismField 5Horizontal angle to target LEDField 6Horizontal distance to target LEDField 7


8.3.2. AMT File formatTMS Office User guide

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Bölüm9. Trouble and error handling9.1. Problems with the dongle

When the program is started, without having the dongle and its drivers properly in-stalled, a corresponding message is shown. With dongle the program is executed inthe demo mode.

See Installation of Dongle for details.

Sometimes, the dongle is not properly handled. The following instructions may assistyou to resolve the problems:

The hardkey is not recognized

If the hardkey is not recognized by the program, the program will show a correspond-ing message from which you can start the program in demonstration mode. Indemonstration mode, some functions are not available and only the sample projectsprovided on the installation disks can be used.

The hardkey may not be recognized for the following reasons:

• The drivers for the detection are not properly installed. Please re-install the driversHLDRV32.EXE.

• The hardkey has not been correctly plugged into the parallel interface.

• A printer is connected, but has not been switched on.

• The parallel interface is faulty.

• The hardkey has been destroyed.

• The interface is not compatible with the standard requirements. This may arisewith notebooks and laptops.

• Other hard keys are connected at the same parallel interface.


• Remove all other hard keys and printer cables from the computer and re-start theprogram.

• Some parallel interfaces (e.g. with the Winbond Chip) are not 100 % compatiblewith the interface standard and may cause problems. Try the hardkey in anotherparallel port. It may be necessary to install another parallel port.

It is not possible to print through the dongle

Whenever one of the hardware components (printer interface, computer parallel portor others) is not 100% compatible or when some drivers are installed which affectthe parallel-port of the computer, it might be not possible to use the printer behindthe hardkey.


TMS Office Kullanici Kilavuzu

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• Eger birkaç yazici arayüzü varsa, farkli arayüze hardkey takin.

• Paralel port ayarini degistiren herhangi bir sürücüyü çikarin .

• Baska bir yazici kullanin.


9.1. Dongle problemiTMSOf fice Userguide

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GlossaryThe key terms defined in the following sub-sections are used at various points throughout themanual.

Comparative profile During evaluation, the profile sections are compared either withother profile sections or with theoretical profiles.

Conversion Data which have been measured and evaluated with an olderversion are converted into the new data base format of Version6.0 via a special conversion function.

Descriptions of surveypoints

Standard descriptions of survey points can be optionally definedin a separate data base. They can then be linked with the surveypoints as required.

Directories and sub-direct-ories

Thousands of files can be stored on a hard-disk; the hard-diskcould be compared to a large filing cabinet. In order to collatefiles in groups, they are stored in directories and sub-directories,rather like documents which are placed into folders in a filingcabinet.

Download Measured data are normally read-in from the field computer viaRS-232 serial interface and stored in a data base. With thisfunction, it is also possible to read-in data from a diskette, PCM-CIA card or from another project.

Export Certain theoretical data are exported via this function from thecurrent project.

Evaluation After the project data have been defined and measurementshave been taken, these are evaluated. As an option, graphicrepresentations can be produced on screen or via plotter, andthe results of surface, distance, volume and other calculationscan be displayed numerically.

Files On the computer, data are kept on a storage medium (hard-diskor diskette). The data is grouped in such amanner that associateddata is stored together in files.

Filename extensions The filename extension is used to indicate different types of fileand file formats. For example, from the extension .PJD, the fileSAMPLE.PJD can be identified as a project definition file of thePROFILER evaluation program TMS Office.

IMPORTANT: Filename extensions for all project elements arespecified by the program TMSOffice. Filename extensions shouldnever be entered by the user.

Import Certain theoretical data are imported via this function into thecurrent project.


TMS Office User guide

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Interpolated theoreticalprofile

In widening or narrowing areas, theoretical profiles are definedat the beginning and end of the area. For calculations within thisarea, the two theoretical profiles are interpolated.

Longitudinal profile As in the case of the situation, the geometry of the longitudinalprofile is defined in segments to enable a mathematical relation-ship to be produced during positioning. In terms of geometry,straight lines and rounding are provided; under rounding, a furtherselection between circle and parabola is also available.

Measured profile During measurement, measured points are frequently measuredin one plane. Several measured points which represent one plainare described as a "measured profile".

Paths and filenames The path of a file is composed of a letter relating to the drive andnormally at least one directory in which the file is stored. In thefilename C:\PROFILER\DATA\SAMPLE.PJD the path isC:\PROFILER\DATA. C: is the letter of the drive (the parent dir-ectory) and the PROFILER directory contains the sub-directoryDATA in which the file SAMPLE.PJD is stored.

Positioning The position of the PROFILER 4000 is normally determined rel-ative to a construction site axis. Calculation of this position is re-ferred to as positioning.

Profile section For two-dimensional evaluations and for calculations, either"measured profiles" or "extracted profiles" are used. These aredescribed with the overall term "profile section".

Project The method of operation of the evaluation program TMS Officeis project-specific. Data are organized in such a manner that theyare unambiguously allocated to a given project. This preventsconfusion between data from different projects. The total definitionof a project comprises project data, survey points and measureddata. These data are also sometimes referred to as project ele-ments.

Project axis The project axis defines the position of the theoretical profile forthe project. A distinction is made between two different types ofdefinition:

• Visible project axis

The construction site axis is directly visible. For example, itmay be marked by a laser guide, defined by a line of rails ormade visible by pegging-out marking points. In this case, itis not necessary to define the construction site axis via co-ordinates because the PROFILER 4000 can be positioneddirectly on the axis.

• Non-visible project axis

During measurement, the construction site axis is not visible.It is numerically defined in the computer via situation, longit-


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udinal profile and transverse gradient. In this case, it is neces-sary to operate using survey points and the relevant position-ing methods provided.

Project elements Various project elements define the appearance of a project.They determine the title to be used for the project, the appearanceof the construction site axis, the location of the survey points, theappearance of the theoretical profiles and where these are to beused. The project elements also define where the measured dataare to be stored.

Situation If the construction site axis is not visible, it is defined in a coordin-ate system (normally in state plane coordinates). The definitionis made in segments, whereby segments with different geometriccharacteristics (straight line, curve, clothoid, cubic parabola) areconnected in sequence. The relationship between the construc-tion site axis and the site of the PROFILER 4000 during themeasurement is therefore implemented mathematically duringpositioning.

Survey points The survey points (also referred to as polygon points) are storedin a data base. During positioning, these are re-read from thisdata base with point identification.

Theoretical data The theoretical data comprise: project title, situation, longitudinalprofile, transverse gradients, theoretical profiles, areas of thetheoretical profiles, survey points and descriptions of the surveypoints. They are also sometimes referred to as project data.

Theoretical profile The theoretical profile is specified by the project data. This isdefined on the basis of project plans. In the program, the theor-etical profile A is used for calculations and graphics; theoreticalprofiles B and C are used only for graphics.

Transverse slope Especially in the context of road and railway tunnels, the entiretheoretical profile can be inclined in curves. This enables theadvantage of a smaller excavation cross-section. If permitted bythe project plans, this gradient can be defined along the construc-tion site axis. During the evaluation, the theoretical profiles areautomatically inclined; calculations and output are also implemen-ted in this manner.

Upload To carry out a direct evaluation on the field computer, the theor-etical data must be available on this computer. With the Uploadfunction, these data can be transferred via the interface onto thefield computer.


TMS Office User guide