THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1934. TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, California. Edited by Roxie E. Sleeth Telephone, Torrance 283 Mrs. Leland Atherton Irish At Woman's Club Torrance Woman's Club in their clubhouse yesterday. Per- haps it was the beautifully appointed tables, suggesting the 12 months of the year, or it may have been the ladies in their bright Spring toggery, but all seemed to sense the genial spirit of good fellowship which prevailed. Flowers of every HUP decorated tile clubhouse from stage to entrance, nnd the lunch- eon served by members ot this utlv rd wa eliclo Mrs. Julia Neelands, club presl. dent, introduced the guests. Spec- ial guests Included Mrs. Thomas Cowan, president of the Keystone Woman's Club, and .Mrs. May Howe, vice president of Pacific Klectrlc Cheerio Club. . The after- noon program was presented by Mrs. O. \V. Hudson, program chairman. Mrs. Leland Atherton Irish, district motion picture chair- man, was the .afternoon speaker. She told of the work this particu- lar division is doing, the -manner In which they are putting good pictures In the theatres and creat- ing box sales for such pictures. She told ' of. attending . Marie Drossler'n birthday party In such u delightful manner that each per- son felt they too had seen the tree, of orchids and tasted the orchid food. ' Members of the Pacific Electric Cheerio Club presented'a playlet, "Grandmother's Qullt,!i play.-jWhlch was -delfghtfUHy-riiaxter- talnlng, had In Its cast, Mi Scallen, 'Mesdames. Mae P.npple. M. J. Edwards, V.. \tleUc-_ nave, Dan Barnard, Eric CiiaplhT and Frank Carr. Quilts displayed at the meeting were most beauti- ful and were owned by Mrs. Jack Murray, Mrs. Luqy' Reeve, Mrs. Cora King, Mrs. lla Gilbert, Mrs. M. J. Edwards, Mrs. V. Vlcllenave, JMr:i. \Villl3 Hrooks and Mrs. -L. Brown. C5ES3JE: WHATS ON IN -K K K TORRANCE K •K Friday, May 4.— TJiyal Or. K der of Moose, Masons Dinner, Torrance Relief, Y. L. and K Y. M. Mutual Improvement * Ass'n., L. D. S. K Sunday, May 6. Services In K all the churches. ' K Monday, May •?. N. R P. K W., KlwanlH at G:IT, p. m., K American Legion Auxiliary, K Scclut Mothers' Auxiliary to K Troop No. 4. K Tuesday, May 8. Mission- ary and Council Christian K Church, Odd Fellows, City Council, lioy Scout Trnop No. 1 at 7:30 p. m. •+ Wednesd K bekahs, C. K Scout Troop May 9. Re- Uiiild, Hoy .. 3 ' at 7:30 p. in. Thursday, May 10.—Modern -K Woodmen, A. O. U. W., O. R. Boy Sooiit Troop No. 4 at * 7:30 p. in. Runyo The result of the club election was announced at the close of th meeting. Mrs. Alda Hudson, pres Ident; Mrs. Juliette Johnson, firs vice president; Mrs. A. A. Strain third vice president; Mrs. Ray mond Rogers,-secretary: Mrs. Julia Neelands, Federation secretary Mrs. Lillian Barrtngton, director. ATTEND CONVENTION IN MONJEBELLO . Rev. and Mrs. George, lildoi MriJ Hurley Halnes, Mrs. MJnnli Korernan, Mrs. Wm. Gascolgnc Mra.' E. G. Rowell,' attended district Christian churches eon' tlon In Montebello Monday. -K -»< »< HOSPITAL AUXILIARY CARD PARTY Thursday, May 10, Is the. chosen for the evening card part> to- be given by the Hospital A Illary in Torrance Woman's Club clubhouse, 1422 Engracla avenue. Mr;;. Lon Ralston, .chairman, an- nounces that there will be prize. 1- for auction and contract bridge, pinochle und f>00. Reservations may be niado by calling Mrs, Ralston, Phone 325-J. * * * A. L. A. COTTON- -CORD DANCE "Cotton and Cord Dance." this affair under the auspices of the American Legion Auxiliary in the Woman's Club clubhouse. Satur- day evening, May 5, promises to be one of the gayest events of the slx-plfcci plenty ornhcstra vlll fu if peppy miiHl clock. Tickets from may be al > chi th krlull Is i! affair. -K * * Henzcl, LUNCHEON HONORS MRS. BENZEL Ilonorliur MI-H. Uzzli who will leave shortly to visit for several months with friends- and relatives in SI. Louis, Mrs. Nettie Ooninan entertained with a luncheon and shower at the Den- man hoina on Portola avenue. Wednesday afternoon. Members of Torranco Camp, Iloyul Nelghhors, of which MI-H. Henzel Is an active member, comprised the guest list. -K * * BIRTHDAY PARTY A blrtlulny party was given to V. M. Harris by his family anrl a few friends lust Hunduy. Tlu-y motored to Banning I'ark where a luncheon was served and a very enjoyable time followed. They then returned home to lie- joined by others and lifht liim-h lit tu fd imuln ubiirch In BRIDE-ELECT IS GIVEN SHOWER Spring flowers graced the sur- prise shower given at the home of Mrs. Dan McCormick, 1928 An- dreo avenue, Thursday evening, for Miss Rose Hlsglns. bride-elect of Mei-tln Gilbert. Rose is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Higglns, 1328. r-ortola avenue. Mer- nnd Mi-3. «*3SS3ffl33KtI."«c»« nue. In the guest group were" hostess, .Mrs.- Dan ^IcCormlck; iftide-elect. Miss Rose HigginB MesdameB Bet-nice Ltndenbui-g, \ H. Gilbert, T. «. Hlggins, Miss: Norma McCormlck,' Elsie 1'rlc May Guy. Pearl Gilbert. Catherin Fritz, Blanche Dlethers, H McMasters, . Georgoanna Tin i and I-a Preal Harris. "K -K -K WEEK-END . VISITOR-TO NORTH . Mr. Gene Cooper, 1117 Cota nue, was a business visitor San Francisco over tlm week-end X * * SCOUT MOTHERS MEETING ANNOUNCED Scout Mothers' .Auxlllr .Troop No. 4, Hoy Scouts of Amer- ica, will hold their regular i Ing at the home of MrsOA. D 1012 Cedar avenue, Monday Ding, May 7. -K * * MOTHER-DAUGHTER BANQUET One of the charming affai Friday evening, May I'l. wl ic mother and daughter bamiuc hlch ladles of thu Method! lurch will hold in the churcl parlors at 0:30 o'clock. The affair, .sponsored by Clrcl< o. 1, MetlHjdlst Woman's Al. iiciety, witli Mrs. Reed Mod-ay BILLINI PUPIL IS SOLOIST Miss Vivian Van Hellon. pnpl of Madame Teala Illlllnl, was th soloist with the Miinrovln. Com munlty Chorus, In a concert: givei Tuesday evening at the hlgl school In Monrovia, and dellghtc. the large audience with her play Ing. Miss Van Hellon played tw. groups, "Sefruldllla" by Albenli: "Snrabande" by Debussy; "Impromptu In C-sharp Minor' Helnholt; .as the first group, and "Concerto In (r Minor, First Move ment" by Mendelssohn, as the sec ond. Madnme Teala Bllllnl playei nei'.ond pin no In the second num ber. Miss Van Hellon was given an ovation alter concluding In ond number, but Instead spending to the demands core. Introduced Madame Bllllnl asking her to play Instead, so tha the audience might know the high ability of her teacher, ot sho said, she . was very Madame UlJIIni played a Krencl waltz, and "Malagucno." Miss Van J-fcllon is the dalighte of. Chester H. Van Hellon, whi trained the chorus and conducted the program. Mr. Van Hellon wa formerly very active in muslct work in Torrance several year ago prior to the family's rcmova to Monrovia. •K + -K PLAY TO BE GIVEN The local M. I. A. of the.-I.att Day-Kaints church will hold a 80- mlnute class .period 'a Woman's clubhouse, Friday eve- ning. May 4, owing to the fact that the l.os Angeles Stak( A. wilt come to Tprranee to pre- sent their .annual play on that rlnto. The play will start at .8 o'clock und lasts until 9. Dancing from irdii and Mr. chairmen ' Guy - Mowry EN ROUTE TO RELAND Rev. Thomas it the Catholic Nativity, loft Su Church of th lonthi atio RETURN FROM DENVER VISIT rs. K. U 1'altersoii, 1318 Acacli avenue, returned liomu Sunday r visiting for the past His with her sister in Den rado. Her sister. Miss Alice lardson, accompanied her homo will spend tho summer here. •K -K -K BERNICE GILBERT ENTERTAINS le home of Mr. anil Mn-.-Wal- A. Gilbert, lulli Aiilapolu uvo- furnished the., setting for n y Thursday evening when iernlce entertained for her school latua. Dancing und s furnishe nieiit: n-frusbment Guests Incliutod etta Hint', Marl ice Sherwln, Don Kiln-1 l-'luyd. I'hyllis Ki; icl Cii- illil STEAM-0-LET WAVE 100% Steam For Beautifying Milady , '• SPECIAL PRICES ' Permanent Wave, $2.50, $3.00, $5.00 Rojuvcnutinrj Scalp Treatment. Rejuvenating Facials That Improve Contour Wat Fingar Wave :.................................. .....25o npoo and Wove (dry)..60e . , Arch .................... ......................25o na Pack ....'.......................76o •"• Brow ond Laoh Dye............50o Blair Health Facial Treatment! For Blackhoada, Enlarged Por«a and Acno—Try and Be Convinced HIGGINS BEAUTY SHOPPE Torrance Blvd. Phone 649. 9 to 11:30 will follow. invitation Is- extended to all meni- *. * + . MOTHER AND -' DAUGHTER BANQUET Miss Betty Jane Rous will be by the ladiss of the 'Christian church at the church parlors nex' Monday evening," May 7. I31nnoi .will be served at 6:30,'and ticket! may bo' obtained from Mrs. Bert Dye or MrH. Uepi-({c G. Elder, Reservations must be made not later than Sunday, May 6. then Th< "Mother sether." me for -the program Is ind Daughter Pulling TO- Toasts by four daughter: will bo responded to by fou mothers. Community singing lead by the .daughters will follow. Other numbers on tho program, an inbtherV tuinsa sung by a choru of daughters, lullabies sung "by i quartet of mothers, reading by a daughter. Mrs. Cassclberry o I ;onf,'.*S3each, dean of glrla at tin 1-Jclison school, and- also connected 'with Y. \V. C. A. work in that city, will be the speaker. ' * -X * M. E. AID TO ELECT OFFICERS The General Aid Society of the Methodist church will hold Its reg- ular nioetlfiK: In the church parlors Tuesday at '2 p. m. Officers for the ensuing your will, be elected at this meeting. :' and 3 of tho ^society circle No. 1 at luncheon In the church parlors as n rewarrj for- having the largest attendance during "the year. First Annual Inter<-Club Dinner Social Success The National Business and Professional Women of Torrance"'lreld4kejr first annual inter-club relations dinner In the Woman's Club clubhouse, 1422 Engracia avenue, Thursday evening. Included In the 114 persons attending the dinner were city officials and representatives from every lodge and servlc« club city. their bright toggery, women attended the affair vied with colorfully appointed tables In suggesting the brightness of the spring season. Tables attractively irrangcd had centerpieces, oval In ihape, made of larkspur and roses vlth borders of pink sweet peas. They were made by Mrs. Ruth Haggard of the Poppy Flower Shop. Favors were corsages of tiny colored gum drops fastened to lollies with dainty ribbon for the ladles and bouton- nieres of candy beans wrapped In celoplmne of various color combi- nations for tlie men. These were made by MIsu Beatrice Hughes of the Consolidated Lumber Co. Miss Lute Frasor, chairman, and >mmlttco members. Miss Kdna ^chmidt arid Mrs. Hazel McBrlde, arranged' the program which lii- luded an address by H. V. Adami if the Security First Natlona Bank of Los Angeles. Mr. Adami chose as Ills' subject, "Tho Great In it he stressed the honesty of the American pec and made everyone present quite hat as time passes on we bigger and better, play by pupils of G. Takeno Jap- School of Fencing, Torrance, both thrilling and entertain- Mrs. Gertrude Huth Murphy gave two humorous readings. M PACIFIC ELECTRIC LADIES' MAY DAY PARTY Ninety members of Pacific Elec- tric Club of Los Angeles, attended the'annual Muy Day luncheon In Torrance Womnn's Club rlubhouse, 1422 Kngracia avenue, Tuesday afternoon. The affair was arranged hy members of the Cheerio Club with Mrs. Cora King, club president, aa toast-mistress. Solos by Mr. DII- lon, accompanied, at the piano by Ml.ss Mary Hcallen, featured the entertainment. Cards furnished further nmuHe- PARENT TEACHERS CONVENTION NEWS Mii.-h litti-ntlrm In lielnic focu on lli.> IMI i onvi-ntlun of O Ilia I'.- lit Tr ill AH Lo till' iventlrin '.V.-r-l... Di-li-Kitll-s to left l.ns Anjiclcs by Hpeclnl train Mmidiiy mnrniiiK at 7 o'clock. Th.- oiicnlntr r«:i-f.inony wnn held Tnomliiy at 9 a. 111. In the Mem- orial nmlljorlnm r>f Sacramento, tlir- tlii-ine rvf which was, "A Time Like This Demanrls Strong Mlndn. Clrent Hcnrtn, Tr nlth Ready Hands." Addresses were made by Dr. ^Kay l,yman Wllbur, Dr. Anthony Hlanks. William (Jlv- ens and Vierllng Kersey. Klectlon of officers will be held today. Dolomites from Torranco were favoring Mrs. J. K. l.ytle of San I'edro for the state presi- dency.. Leaving by special train'Mon- day morning were Mrs. J. O. Bishop, president Elementary Par- ent Teachers Association; Mrs. Leonard Austin and Mrs. O. K. president-elcc.t of Kern Ai Parent T(.-ai:lnjrn Association". SALT LAKE CITY VISITORS ' Mr. and Mi R. A. A. Slrnm, 171(1 Martlnn .ivennc, bnrl HH tliolr hoiisr' f-tii-stH Siinilay, Mr. mid MI-H. William Murdoch, Sr., .if Siirt l-ukn City, Utiib. Mr. '(,n,i Mrs. Murdoch left Monday inornlni; abouril the1 California for New York. They will then nail for Knglantl to visit with their non, William Murdoch, Jr.. who Is In charge of the I/ntter Day Saints Mission In Hrittnny. DRAKES RETURN FROM EAST tlv.-s ill Phllinlt<l|ilil:r. Sa Mr. Hiiikc, whii Is working Metropolitan Water prc.ji-r * •»• * ADDITIONAL SOCIETY Pane B Supe Quality Should Ba Your Fint Consideration As many curls as necessary. Only expert licensed spec ialists to serve you, with tho. finest materials. with One Shampoo and Finger Wave Dried Absolutely Guranteed Croquignole forDried,£<V Hennaed, Bleached, Gray and Dyed Hair»!p«af « MObERN BEAUTY SALON, 1314 Sartori . Torr. Ph. 405 PIGGLV WIGGL Muts Homma -appeared In Jap- anese character dances. "The Sea- gull" and "Cherry 'Blossom; laintlness arid simplicity won fo ler the admiration of all. Savin flit; best till last, Miss Fraser thei lenteU Miss Bunola Kay, Lo I numbers and. responded to a number of requests from the audl !. -Everyone present . regrettei that so. marvelous a personallt could" not ue sufficiently apprecl .ted on the air. She sang on lumber, "Just a Little Corner In Your Heart," and announce! had been written by Mrs. Jessl Bartlett .of Torrance. Miss Frasei hen Introduced Mrs. Bartlett, wlfr of A. H. Bartlett, ctly clerk. All who attended the dlnnei >ralsed the sponsors and hopi .hat the future holds many such nter-club affairs. VETERANS RELIEF ENTERTAINMENT The. Veterans Co-'operatlve R< ief Association IB planning ai >ther of their interesting- enter- almnents for the evening of 7 at the Woman's clubhouse. De- alls of the program will bo given lext week. + * * MRS. McKINLEY HOSTESS AT DINNER s. May McKinley, 1117 Cota avenue, entertained with a dinni ittrty at her home Sunday. Her uest.t included Mr. and Mrs. Fi V. Itywen/ Mrs. Frank Zuvor. 'w " : Janes and Mrs. .Mabel Mc- ild, all of Los Angeles, YOUR EYES and Your Glasses Weekly Questions and Answers-of Interest to Everyone _____By Dr. C. L. Ingold, Local Optometrist_____ (This question commonly asked by the younger, indiy- uals who wear single vision lenses.) Question: How often should I change my lenses? Answer: This question can best be answered 'direct to he individual where the doctor has an1 opportunity to lion the patient than in this.1 ' general way. I do feel that no should attempt to give advlco uch character unless he is in Hltlon to analyze that' partlcu- hospital ejcperienc vhk-h v Impi would require the eye. tcnt|on as frequently at the body changes were noticeable. Enviro ment and mental influences Im a direct' bearing upon tut; «'y< Therefore to be fair to" your.si and your docto umlned fi should ha equently. GRUBBS MARKET CHOICE MEATS PHONE 773-roRRANCE IN SAFEWAY STORF 19E9 CARSON ST. DEPENDABLE MEATS At prices that are always ONLY the belt—thoi nt with quality. We handle ell YOU only tha belt. Pure Lard or Shortening. 2 Ibs. 15c Fresh Ground O | r Hamburger.... ft Ibs. 1JC POT ROAST ; / PCHUCKflC ROUND 1"jC i PERLB.Jl BONE IB. \/ SHOULDER CUT LB. Yj^ir nearest Safeway or Piggly Wiggly market of- fers you only one quality" of meat the finest. Ask the market manager to show some of the fine beef he has on-sale this week end. It's guaranteed to please you let your fam- ily he the judge. STEAK 19 jui ey 8ttak, to order from fancy steer, fMID baby betf. Note low price. pep |n Prime Wb%£« Ground :Beef Chopped Steak J lb.lSc Ib, 9c Ib. ISc ib. ISc HONEY 5-lb. Pall... CERTO " rult Poetln, 8-oz.Bottle. 37c 24c COFFEE 1QC Vlrway Per Pound__...._ afc * » ^ >£• ISc ^ 15c Pint 17c Plate Rib B C?S ib. 4c . 'Wieners Sj-SS 2ibs.2Sc- Beef Stew n Snc e y 83 ib. 12c Pure Lard ^ Tl$? B 7c Ham SSfifi'Sl} 'b- l'7c Bacon *"&*-&£" ib. 16c Swordfish ftSJf ' ib. 27c Halibyt *%£ ^' rc£d b. 17c Bacon "?i^| l Sausage p L ° ln l Planada Figa Welch's ?u? c p o e arape Juice rell-0 SSU 33c kg. 6c - 12c BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE rom fresh eiwa. pure oils and spices double-whipped \ Pint Pint Quart RELISH SPREAD 3-oz. Jj-plnt Pint lOc 14c 24c SALAD DRESSING HOME STYLE Mudo the way you would top qtuillty IngrcdiciitB. pt.i7cot.29c Horseradish"^ IGc French ?;;»J5f 14c Nucoa yj, ib. 12c II Cream Jack Cheese Tall Cani MILK Mui-I-muM FLOUR Golden Heart. No. 10 En ib. 17c ib. I7c 17c n Dor by Apple Butter L 3£o£8 21c Pork & Beans Yo?^ca pnB 6c Tunaetts "ct'J* ISc :ax-l-muM Del Monte 12-oz ildqn Bantam Can :heck'r Oats 2 & 0 B ' >hredded Wheat'^ l-lb. Tin 24-oE. Pkg. 4-oz. .Pltg. «%-o». fkg. 8c Quaker iewhey )hoe & r 3Oc 24c lOc 13c 2Sc i Sc BABY WEEK SPECIALS Stokely's Food for Baby 4 '£;nz lie Corner's Baby Food 4 1 Ic Graham Crackers NM.C".F^ rl%. 17c SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SALE TEN DAYS MAY 3rd—12th Bean Soup Pea Soup" nJ Rice Bgffia, Noodles ^!Kn Pen Jelp'^V Fruit Cocktail rnilt jj-sinnd Sauce U ^X?J° Cake GS1 p n 0 d nn 1|S1,' Max'i-muM Syrup ^JJuVr HeinZ yfne^r Vinegar °tV 0' WhiteKii Waldorf 2Sc 'feSf ISc 8-O*. C«n 4c Each lOc e 40-oz 1 ef Vkg. J-OC S" 19c tug 33c Pint lOc 1 Pint Sc - C0 a i 2 Roll BUHER 23 La France choice quality creamery butter packed in l-lb. carlanj. Quartered. PER POUND EGGS 21' LUCERNE LARGE FRESH EXTRAS DOZEN 10.POUND CLOTH BAQ SUGAR 45 PURE CANE IO-LBS. GRANULATED IN MATURED THIS WEEK-END AT SAFEWAY & PICCLY WIGGLY OPERATED STANDS CANTALOUPES 10C Thick mealed, vine- Ipened, tweet meloni rom Imperial Valley. Excellent for breakfast. JUMBO EACH New, Potatoes^ 0 * 2c Cucumbers ^wn '£[$; 4c Asparagus arocn. lb- lOc Egg Plant Squash B° E«h Sc tfi" Sc ASPARAGUS 2-15 Holland brand, freshly cut, choice quality, tender green ipeari with compact tip>. EVERY FRIDAY IS 'AMILY CIRCLE DAY-OET YOUR COPY-ITS FREE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 4, 5, IN LOS ANGELES METROPOLITAN AREA ONLY itbout notice. reicrve the right to limit. None to deals SAFEWAY,*"" ubject to change ' Z. . Maat and produce v.luc* at Safoway and Piggly* Wiggly operated dapurUnanU only. ..p.>. |MONIWBn9»9'l* I FRIDAYS B*»To9 AIRWAY COFFEE * o f K«0 KFI-KfiW-KOMOl

to order from fancy steer, fMID 19 baby betf. Note low ... April... · if peppy miiHl clock. Tickets from may be al > chi th krlull Is i! affair.-K * * ... waltz, and "Malagucno."

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Page 1: to order from fancy steer, fMID 19 baby betf. Note low ... April... · if peppy miiHl clock. Tickets from may be al > chi th krlull Is i! affair.-K * * ... waltz, and "Malagucno."

THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1934. TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, California.

Edited by Roxie E. Sleeth

Telephone, Torrance 283

Mrs. Leland Atherton Irish At Woman's Club

Torrance Woman's Club in their clubhouse yesterday. Per­ haps it was the beautifully appointed tables, suggesting the 12 months of the year, or it may have been the ladies in their bright Spring toggery, but all seemed to sense thegenial spirit of good fellowship which prevailed. Flowers of every HUP decorated tile clubhouse from stage to entrance, nnd the lunch­ eon served by members ot this

utlv rd wa elicloMrs. Julia Neelands, club presl.

dent, introduced the guests. Spec­ ial guests Included Mrs. Thomas Cowan, president of the Keystone Woman's Club, and .Mrs. May Howe, vice president of Pacific Klectrlc Cheerio Club. . The after­ noon program was presented by Mrs. O. \V. Hudson, program chairman. Mrs. Leland Atherton Irish, district motion picture chair­ man, was the .afternoon speaker. She told of the work this particu­ lar division is doing, the -manner In which they are putting good pictures In the theatres and creat­ ing box sales for such pictures. She told ' of. attending . Marie Drossler'n birthday party In such u delightful manner that each per­ son felt they too had seen the tree, of orchids and tasted the orchid food. ' Members of the Pacific Electric Cheerio Club presented'a playlet, "Grandmother's Qullt,!i play.-jWhlch was -delfghtfUHy-riiaxter- talnlng, had In Its cast, Mi Scallen, 'Mesdames. Mae P.npple. M. J. Edwards, V.. \tleUc-_ nave, Dan Barnard, Eric CiiaplhT and Frank Carr. Quilts displayed at the meeting were most beauti­ ful and were owned by Mrs. Jack Murray, Mrs. Luqy' Reeve, Mrs. Cora King, Mrs. lla Gilbert, Mrs. M. J. Edwards, Mrs. V. Vlcllenave, JMr:i. \Villl3 Hrooks and Mrs. -L. Brown.


WHATS ON IN -K K K• TORRANCE K •K Friday, May 4.— TJiyal Or. K der of Moose, Masons Dinner, Torrance Relief, Y. L. and K Y. M. Mutual Improvement * Ass'n., L. D. S. K Sunday, May 6. Services In K all the churches. ' K Monday, May •?.— N. R P. K W., KlwanlH at G:IT, p. m., K American Legion Auxiliary, K Scclut Mothers' Auxiliary to K Troop No. 4. K Tuesday, May 8. Mission- ary and Council Christian K Church, Odd Fellows, City Council, lioy Scout Trnop No. 1 at 7:30 p. m.•+ Wednesd K bekahs, C. K Scout Troop

May 9. Re- Uiiild, Hoy

.. 3 ' at 7:30p. in.

Thursday, May 10.—Modern-K Woodmen, A. O. U. W., O. R.

Boy Sooiit Troop No. 4 at* 7:30 p. in.

RunyoThe result of the club election

was announced at the close of th meeting. Mrs. Alda Hudson, pres Ident; Mrs. Juliette Johnson, firs vice president; Mrs. A. A. Strain third vice president; Mrs. Ray mond Rogers,-secretary: Mrs. Julia Neelands, Federation secretary Mrs. Lillian Barrtngton, director.


Rev. and Mrs. George, lildoi MriJ Hurley Halnes, Mrs. MJnnli Korernan, Mrs. Wm. Gascolgnc Mra.' E. G. Rowell,' attended district Christian churches eon' tlon In Montebello Monday.


Thursday, May 10, Is the. chosen for the evening card part> to- be given by the Hospital A Illary in Torrance Woman's Club clubhouse, 1422 Engracla avenue.

Mr;;. Lon Ralston, .chairman, an­ nounces that there will be prize.1- for auction and contract bridge, pinochle und f>00. Reservations may be niado by calling Mrs, Ralston, Phone 325-J.

* * *A. L. A. COTTON-

-CORD DANCE"Cotton and Cord Dance." this

affair under the auspices of the American Legion Auxiliary in the Woman's Club clubhouse. Satur­ day evening, May 5, promises to be one of the gayest events ofthe

slx-plfcci plenty

ornhcstra vlll fuif peppy miiHl

clock. Ticketsfrom

may be

al > chi thkrlull Is

i! affair.-K * *



Ilonorliur MI-H. Uzzli who will leave shortly to visit for several months with friends- and relatives in SI. Louis, Mrs. Nettie Ooninan entertained with a luncheon and shower at the Den- man hoina on Portola avenue. Wednesday afternoon. Members of Torranco Camp, Iloyul Nelghhors, of which MI-H. Henzel Is an active member, comprised the guest list.


A blrtlulny party was given to V. M. Harris by his family anrl a few friends lust Hunduy. Tlu-y motored to Banning I'ark where a luncheon was served and a very enjoyable time followed.

They then returned home to lie- joined by others and lifht liim-h

lit tu fd imuln ubiirch In


Spring flowers graced the sur­ prise shower given at the home of Mrs. Dan McCormick, 1928 An- dreo avenue, Thursday evening, for Miss Rose Hlsglns. bride-elect of Mei-tln Gilbert. Rose is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Higglns, 1328. r-ortola avenue. Mer-

nnd Mi-3.«*3SS3ffl33KtI."«c»«

nue.In the guest group were"

hostess, .Mrs.- Dan ^IcCormlck; iftide-elect. Miss Rose HigginB MesdameB Bet-nice Ltndenbui-g, \ H. Gilbert, T. «. Hlggins, Miss: Norma McCormlck,' Elsie 1'rlc May Guy. Pearl Gilbert. Catherin Fritz, Blanche Dlethers, H McMasters, . Georgoanna Tin i and I-a Preal Harris.

"K -K -K


Mr. Gene Cooper, 1117 Cota nue, was a business visitor San Francisco over tlm week-end


Scout Mothers' .Auxlllr .Troop No. 4, Hoy Scouts of Amer­ ica, will hold their regular i Ing at the home of MrsOA. D 1012 Cedar avenue, Monday Ding, May 7.


One of the charming affaiFriday evening, May I'l. wl

ic mother and daughter bamiuc hlch ladles of thu Method! lurch will hold in the churcl

parlors at 0:30 o'clock. The affair, .sponsored by Clrcl< o. 1, MetlHjdlst Woman's Al. iiciety, witli Mrs. Reed Mod-ay


Miss Vivian Van Hellon. pnpl of Madame Teala Illlllnl, was th soloist with the Miinrovln. Com munlty Chorus, In a concert: givei Tuesday evening at the hlgl school In Monrovia, and dellghtc. the large audience with her play Ing. Miss Van Hellon played tw. groups, "Sefruldllla" by Albenli: "Snrabande" by Debussy; "Impromptu In C-sharp Minor' Helnholt; .as the first group, and "Concerto In (r Minor, First Move ment" by Mendelssohn, as the sec ond. Madnme Teala Bllllnl playei nei'.ond pin no In the second num ber.

Miss Van Hellon was given an ovation alter concluding In ond number, but Instead spending to the demands core. Introduced Madame Bllllnl asking her to play Instead, so tha the audience might know the high ability of her teacher, ot sho said, she . was very Madame UlJIIni played a Krencl waltz, and "Malagucno."

Miss Van J-fcllon is the dalighte of. Chester H. Van Hellon, whi trained the chorus and conducted the program. Mr. Van Hellon wa formerly very active in muslct work in Torrance several year ago prior to the family's rcmova to Monrovia.


The local M. I. A. of the.-I.att Day-Kaints church will hold a 80- mlnute class .period 'a Woman's clubhouse, Friday eve­ ning. May 4, owing to the fact that the l.os Angeles Stak( A. wilt come to Tprranee to pre­ sent their .annual play on thatrlnto.

The play will start at .8 o'clock und lasts until 9. Dancing from


and Mr. chairmen

' Guy - Mowry


it the Catholic Nativity, loft Su

Church of th

lonthi atio


rs. K. U 1'altersoii, 1318 Acacli avenue, returned liomu Sunday

r visiting for the past His with her sister in Den rado. Her sister. Miss Alice lardson, accompanied her homo will spend tho summer here.


le home of Mr. anil Mn-.-Wal- A. Gilbert, lulli Aiilapolu uvo- furnished the., setting for n

y Thursday evening when iernlce entertained for her school latua. Dancing und s furnishe

nieiit: n-frusbment Guests Incliutod

etta Hint', Marl ice Sherwln, Don Kiln-1 l-'luyd. I'hyllis

Ki; icl Cii- illil

STEAM-0-LET WAVE100% Steam

For Beautifying Milady , '• SPECIAL PRICES '

Permanent Wave, $2.50, $3.00, $5.00Rojuvcnutinrj Scalp Treatment.

Rejuvenating Facials That Improve Contour Wat Fingar Wave :.................................. .....25o

npoo and Wove (dry)..60e . , Arch .................... ......................25ona Pack ....'.......................76o •"• Brow ond Laoh Dye............50oBlair Health Facial Treatment! For Blackhoada, Enlarged

Por«a and Acno—Try and Be Convinced

HIGGINS BEAUTY SHOPPETorrance Blvd. Phone 649.

9 to 11:30 will follow.invitation Is- extended to all meni-


Miss Betty Jane Rous will be

by the ladiss of the 'Christian church at the church parlors nex' Monday evening," May 7. I31nnoi .will be served at 6:30,'and ticket! may bo' obtained from Mrs. Bert Dye or MrH. Uepi-({c G. Elder, Reservations must be made not later than Sunday, May 6.

thenTh< "Mother sether."

me for -the program Is ind Daughter Pulling TO- Toasts by four daughter:

will bo responded to by fou mothers. Community singing lead by the .daughters will follow. Other numbers on tho program, an inbtherV tuinsa sung by a choru of daughters, lullabies sung "by i quartet of mothers, reading by a daughter. Mrs. Cassclberry o I ;onf,'.*S3each, dean of glrla at tin 1-Jclison school, and- also connected 'with Y. \V. C. A. work in that city, will be the speaker.


The General Aid Society of the Methodist church will hold Its reg­ ular nioetlfiK: In the church parlors Tuesday at '2 p. m. Officers for the ensuing your will, be elected at this meeting.

:' and 3 of tho ^society circle No. 1 at luncheon

In the church parlors as n rewarrj for- having the largest attendance during "the year.

First Annual Inter<-Club Dinner Social Success

The National Business and Professional Women of Torrance"'lreld4kejr first annual inter-club relations dinner In the Woman's Club clubhouse, 1422 Engracia avenue, Thursday evening. Included In the 114 persons attending the dinner were city officials and representatives fromevery lodge and servlc« club

city.their bright toggery, women attended the affair vied withcolorfully appointed tables In

suggesting the brightness of the spring season. Tables attractively irrangcd had centerpieces, oval In ihape, made of larkspur and roses vlth borders of pink sweet peas. They were made by Mrs. Ruth Haggard of the Poppy Flower Shop. Favors were corsages of tiny colored gum drops fastened to

lollies with dainty ribbon for the ladles and bouton-

nieres of candy beans wrapped In celoplmne of various color combi­ nations for tlie men. These were made by MIsu Beatrice Hughes of the Consolidated Lumber Co.

Miss Lute Frasor, chairman, and >mmlttco members. Miss Kdna

^chmidt arid Mrs. Hazel McBrlde, arranged' the program which lii-

luded an address by H. V. Adami if the Security First Natlona

Bank of Los Angeles. Mr. Adami chose as Ills' subject, "Tho Great

In it he stressed the honesty of the American pec and made everyone present quite

hat as time passes on we bigger and better,

play by pupils of G. Takeno Jap- School of Fencing, Torrance,

both thrilling and entertain- Mrs. Gertrude Huth Murphy

gave two humorous readings. M


Ninety members of Pacific Elec­ tric Club of Los Angeles, attended the'annual Muy Day luncheon In Torrance Womnn's Club rlubhouse, 1422 Kngracia avenue, Tuesday afternoon.

The affair was arranged hy members of the Cheerio Club with Mrs. Cora King, club president, aa toast-mistress. Solos by Mr. DII- lon, accompanied, at the piano by Ml.ss Mary Hcallen, featured the entertainment.

Cards furnished further nmuHe-


Mii.-h litti-ntlrm In lielnic focu on lli.> IMI i onvi-ntlun of O

Ilia I'.- lit Tr­ ill

AHLo till' iventlrin'.V.-r-l... Di-li-Kitll-s to

left l.ns Anjiclcs by Hpeclnl train Mmidiiy mnrniiiK at 7 o'clock.

Th.- oiicnlntr r«:i-f.inony wnn held Tnomliiy at 9 a. 111. In the Mem­ orial nmlljorlnm r>f Sacramento, tlir- tlii-ine rvf which was, "A Time Like This Demanrls Strong Mlndn.Clrent Hcnrtn, Tr nlthReady Hands." Addresses were made by Dr. ^Kay l,yman Wllbur, Dr. Anthony Hlanks. William (Jlv- ens and Vierllng Kersey.

Klectlon of officers will be held today. Dolomites from Torranco were favoring Mrs. J. K. l.ytle of San I'edro for the state presi­ dency..

Leaving by special train'Mon­ day morning were Mrs. J. O. Bishop, president Elementary Par­ ent Teachers Association; Mrs. Leonard Austin and Mrs. O. K.

president-elcc.t of Kern Ai Parent T(.-ai:lnjrn Association".

SALT LAKE CITY VISITORS' Mr. and Mi R. A. A. Slrnm, 171(1 Martlnn .ivennc, bnrl HH tliolr hoiisr' f-tii-stH Siinilay, Mr. mid MI-H. William Murdoch, Sr., .if Siirt l-ukn City, Utiib. Mr. '(,n,i Mrs. Murdoch left Monday inornlni; abouril the1 California for New York. They will then nail for Knglantl to visit with their non, William Murdoch, Jr.. who Is In charge of the I/ntter Day Saints Mission In Hrittnny.


tlv.-s ill Phllinlt<l|ilil:r. Sa Mr. Hiiikc, whii Is working Metropolitan Water prc.ji-r


Pane B

Supe Quality Should Ba Your Fint Consideration

As many curls as necessary. Only expert licensed spec­ ialists to serve you, with tho. finest materials.

with OneShampoo andFinger Wave


Absolutely Guranteed Croquignole forDried,£<V Hennaed, Bleached, Gray and Dyed Hair»!p«af « MObERN BEAUTY SALON, 1314 Sartori . Torr. Ph. 405


Muts Homma -appeared In Jap­anese character dances. "The Sea­ gull" and "Cherry 'Blossom; laintlness arid simplicity won fo ler the admiration of all. Savin

flit; best till last, Miss Fraser thei lenteU Miss Bunola Kay, Lo


numbers and. responded to a number of requests from the audl

!. -Everyone present . regrettei that so. marvelous a personallt could" not ue sufficiently apprecl .ted on the air. She sang on lumber, "Just a Little Corner In

Your Heart," and announce! had been written by Mrs. Jessl Bartlett .of Torrance. Miss Frasei hen Introduced Mrs. Bartlett, wlfr

of A. H. Bartlett, ctly clerk.All who attended the dlnnei

>ralsed the sponsors and hopi .hat the future holds many such nter-club affairs.


The. Veterans Co-'operatlve R< ief Association IB planning ai >ther of their interesting- enter- almnents for the evening of 7 at the Woman's clubhouse. De- alls of the program will bo given lext week.


s. May McKinley, 1117 Cota avenue, entertained with a dinni ittrty at her home Sunday. Her uest.t included Mr. and Mrs. Fi V. Itywen/ Mrs. Frank Zuvor. 'w " : Janes and Mrs. .Mabel Mc-

ild, all of Los Angeles,

YOUR EYESand Your Glasses

Weekly Questions and Answers-of Interest to Everyone _____By Dr. C. L. Ingold, Local Optometrist_____

(This question commonly asked by the younger, indiy- uals who wear single vision lenses.)

Question: How often should I change my lenses?Answer: This question can best be answered 'direct to

he individual where the doctor has an1 opportunity tolion the patient than in this.1 '

general way. I do feel that no should attempt to give advlco uch character unless he is in Hltlon to analyze that' partlcu-

hospital ejcperiencvhk-h v


would require the eye. tcnt|on as frequently

atthe body

changes were noticeable. Enviro ment and mental influences Im a direct' bearing upon tut; «'y< Therefore to be fair to" your.siand your docto

umlned fishould ha equently.



DEPENDABLE MEATSAt prices that are always

ONLY the belt—thoint with quality. We handle ell YOU only tha belt.

Pure Lard or Shortening. 2 Ibs. 15cFresh Ground O | r Hamburger.... ft Ibs. 1JC



Yj^ir nearest Safeway or Piggly Wiggly market of­ fers you only one quality" of meat the finest. Ask the market manager to show some of the fine beef he has on-sale this week end. It's guaranteed to please you let your fam­ ily he the judge.

STEAK19juiey 8ttak,

to order from fancy steer, fMID

baby betf. Note low price. pep |n

Prime Wb%£« Ground :Beef Chopped Steak

J lb.lScIb, 9c

Ib. ISc


5-lb. Pall...

CERTO" rult Poetln, 8-oz.Bottle.

37c 24c

COFFEE 1QCVlrway Per Pound__...._ afc * » ^

>£• ISc ^ 15c Pint 17c

Plate Rib BC?S ib. 4c . 'Wieners Sj-SS 2ibs.2Sc- Beef Stew nSncey83 ib. 12c Pure Lard ^Tl$?B 7c Ham SSfifi'Sl} 'b- l'7c Bacon *"&*-&£" ib. 16c Swordfish ftSJf ' ib. 27c Halibyt „*%£„ ^'rc£db. 17c

Bacon "?i^|l Sausage pL°lnl

Planada Figa Welch's ?u?cpoe arape Juice rell-0 SSU

33ckg. 6c

- 12c


rom fresh eiwa. pure oils and spices double-whipped

\ Pint Pint Quart

RELISH SPREAD3-oz. Jj-plnt Pint

lOc 14c 24c


Mudo the way you would

top qtuillty IngrcdiciitB.

pt.i7cot.29cHorseradish"^ IGc French ?;;»J5f 14c Nucoa yj, ib. 12c

II Cream

Jack CheeseTall CaniMILK


FLOURGolden Heart. No. 10 En

ib. 17c ib. I7c


n Dor by

Apple Butter L3£o£8 21c Pork & Beans Yo?^capnB 6c Tunaetts "ct'J* ISc

:ax-l-muM Del Monte 12-oz ildqn Bantam Can

:heck'r Oats 2&0B' >hredded Wheat'^

l-lb. Tin


.Pltg. «%-o».fkg.



iewhey )hoe &r

3Oc 24c lOc 13c 2Sc i Sc

BABY WEEK SPECIALSStokely's Food for Baby 4 '£;nz lie Corner's Baby Food 4&« 1 Ic Graham Crackers NM.C".F^ rl%. 17c


Bean Soup Pea Soup" nJ

Rice Bgffia, Noodles ^!Kn Pen Jelp'^VFruit Cocktail rnilt jj-sinnd

Sauce U X?J°Cake GS1pn0dnn1|S1,'

Max'i-muM Syrup ^JJuVrHeinZ yfne^r

Vinegar °tV0'WhiteKiiWaldorf

2Sc'feSf ISc

8-O*. C«n 4c Each lOc

e 40-oz 1 ef Vkg. J-OCS" 19ctug 33c

Pint lOc

1 Pint Sc-C0ai 2Roll


La France choice quality creamery butter packed in l-lb. carlanj. Quartered.







CANTALOUPES 10CThick mealed, vine- Ipened, tweet meloni rom Imperial Valley.

Excellent for breakfast.


New, Potatoes 0 * 2c Cucumbers wn '£[$; 4c Asparagus arocn. lb- lOc

Egg Plant Squash B°

E«h Sc tfi" Sc

ASPARAGUS 2-15Holland brand, freshly

cut, choice quality, tender green ipeari with compact tip>.



THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 4, 5, IN LOS ANGELES METROPOLITAN AREA ONLYitbout notice.reicrve the right to limit. None to deals

SAFEWAY,*"" ubject to change '

Z. . Maat and produce v.luc* at Safoway and Piggly* Wiggly operated dapurUnanU only. ..p.>.


* o f K«0 KFI-KfiW-KOMOl