To understand and protect our home planet · Procurement Clerk Management Assistant Accounting Clerk Data Entry Clerk Secretary Planner/ Scheduler. Machinist Carpenter Marine Mechanic

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To understand and protect our home planetTo explore the universe and search for lifeTo inspire the next generation of explorers

…as only NASA can.

The NASA Mission


To improve life here,

To extend life to there,

To find life beyond.

The NASA Vision

NASA needs people with interests in:

l Sciencel Technology l Engineeringl Mathematicsl And more…

Salaries l Scientist (Astrophysics, Physicist,

Chemist, biologist) l $96,000 to $146,000

l Astronautsl $66,000 to $200,000+

l Internsl High School: $6,000-$7,000l Undergraduate $7,000+l Graduate Master $9,000+l Graduate Doctorate $9,000+


Internships now openl


3.0 GPA on a 4.0 Scale

16 years old

Summer term 10 wks

Look at all NASA centers

$600-650 a week

Do not leave questions blank!

IV. Complete Internship Applicationü General Informationü Educational Historyü Work/Volunteer Historyü Letter of Recommendationü Skills, Awards, and Educational Activitiesü Terms of Acceptance

V. Add unique opportunitiesü Save opportunities for future referenceü Select up to 15 individual opportunities

NIFS Internship Application

Completed Student Application• Application, Terms of Acceptance, Letter of

Recommendation(s), Selection of opportunities

NASA application review, interview, and selection

NASA internship award offer extendedStudent receives official award notification from

[email protected] accepts/declines offer through NASA OSSI account Offer expires after 5 business days

Award package / Request for documentation• Logistics (stipend, housing, start and end dates)• Award packet, required documentation

I applied, now what?

What are Mentors looking for?

• Technical experience

• Relevant coursework

• Research• Awards/Recognition

s• Strong Letters of


Campus involvementCommunication Initiative/LeadershipWork-Ethic Management/Organizatio


SoftSkills•Updated profile•Session terms•Academic record (GPA)•Experience•Letters of Recommendation































Administrative and Management










Clerical and Administrative Support












Trades and LaborElectrician

Engineer l Related job titles

l Electrical engineerl Design engineerl Instrument engineerl Component engineer, etc.

l Job descriptionl Designs, develops and tests products,

systems, machinery, factories and buildingsl Designs systems such as robots, instruments,

airplanes, motors, equipment and more

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (algebra, trig, geometry, calculus)l Science (physics, biology, chemistry)l English (writing)l Social Studies (history)l Computer programmingl Engineering


l Educationl Minimum of bachelor’s degree, usually in areas

such as electrical, mechanical, aerospace or civil engineering

Aerospace Engineerl Related job titles

l Mechanical engineerl Fluid dynamicist

l Job descriptionl Designs, develops, tests and oversees the

building of aircraft, spacecraft, propulsion systems and space flight mission paths

l Figures out what the product needs to do, then designs and tests parts to see if it works, writes reports

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (trigonometry, calculus)l Science (physics, chemistry)l Computer programmingl Engineering (fluid dynamics, aerodynamics,

thermodynamics, propulsion dynamics, mechanical)

l Educationl Requires minimum of bachelor’s degree such as

aerospace engineering

Chemical Engineerl Related job titles

l Materials engineer, organic chemist, polymer chemist, fluid dynamicist, etc.

l Job descriptionl Uses chemistry, engineering and physics to

develop products such as propulsion gases l Figures out what a product needs to do, then

designs and tests the product and writes reports

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry,

pre-calculus, calculus)l Science (physics, biology, chemistry)l Computer programmingl Engineering (fluid mechanics, thermodynamics)l Social studies (history)l English (writing)

l Educationl Requires minimum of bachelor’s degree in

field such as chemical engineering

Electronics Engineerl Related job titles

l Electrical engineer, computer engineer, computer scientist

l Job descriptionl Designs, develops, tests and leads

production of electrical and electronic equipment such as scientific instruments, motors, wiring in buildings, aircraft, radar, computers, robots and video equipment

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (algebra, geometry,

trigonometry, calculus)l Science (physics, biology, chemistry)l Computersl Engineering (thermodynamics, fluid

dynamics, mechanical, electronic)

l Educationl Minimum of bachelor’s degree in field such

as electrical engineering

Mechanical Engineerl Related job titles

l Mechanical systems engineer, aerospace engineer, materials engineer

l Job descriptionl Plans and designs engines, machines and

other equipmentl Figures out what a product needs to do, then

designs and tests the parts, fits the parts together and writes reports

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (algebra, geometry,

trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus), science (physics, biology, chemistry), computer programming, engineering (thermodynamics, fluid mechanics), social studies (history), English (writing)

l Educationl Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering

Computer Engineerl Related job titles

l Computer hardware engineer, electronics engineer, computer scientist

l Job descriptionl Designs and develops computers or robotsl Figures out what a product needs to do, then

designs and tests the parts and writes reports

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics l Science (physics)l Computer programmingl Engineering (computer electronics, electrical)l Social studies (history)l English (writing)

l Educationl Requires minimum of bachelor’s degree in

field such as computer engineering

Astrobiologistl Related job titles

l Astrobiologist, life scientist, space scientist

l Job descriptionl Studies how life in the universe began, where

it is and how it has evolvedl Understands how sciences work togetherl Works in labs with microscopes and


l Suggested school subjectsl Science (physics, biology, chemistry,

astronomy, planetary science with research)l Mathematics

l Educationl Minimum of bachelor’s degree in biology,

astronomy, space science, chemistry, etc.l Minimum of 20 semester hours of physical

science or engineering, or experience that leads to the understanding of equipment used for manned aerospace flights

Astrophysicist l Related job titles

l Space scientistl Astronomerl Research scientistl Physicist

l Job descriptionl Studies the universe, galaxies and starsl Interprets information gathered by telescopes

sensors and probes

l Suggested school subjectsl Physicsl Chemistryl Electronicsl Mathematics

l Educationl Minimum of a bachelor’s degree related to

math, physics, astrophysics, or astronomy l For research jobs, a Ph.D. is desired

Biologistl Related job titles

l Life scientist, medical scientist, biomedical engineer, biological scientist, psychologist

l Job descriptionl Studies living things and their relationship to the

environmentl Works in research and developmentl Researches how space environments affect living

things and how to support life in space

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematicsl Physicsl Biologyl Chemistryl Biochemistry (with lab research and fieldwork)

l Educationl Bachelor’s or Ph.D. degree in field such as

biology. Must have 20+ hours of physical science or engineering, or experience that leads to understanding of equipment used for manned aerospace flights.

Human FactorsResearcherl Related jobs

l Research psychologist, research associate, human performance researcher, human physiology researcher

l Job descriptionl Works in aviation areas studying pilots from in

the cockpit to studying sleep physiology in flight to improve pilot safety

l Uses scientific method to develop hypotheses, set up experiments and test theories

l Makes keen observations and writes reportsl Suggested school subjects

l Mathematics (algebra and statistics), psychology, sociology, physiology, kinesiology, biology

l Education / Training / Licensel Bachelor’s, master’s or Ph.D. degreel License may be required

Mathematicianl Related job titles

l Computer scientist or computer programmer

l Job descriptionl Theoretical mathematicians come up with new

math rules and processesl Applied mathematicians use math rules and

processes to solve scientific, engineering and business problems such as designing computer models that help create faster and higher aerospace vehicles and systems

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (algebra, geometry, statistics,

calculus), computer science (programming), engineering, science

l Educationl Bachelor’s or Ph.D. degree in biology field l Studies must contain 20+ hours of physical

science or engineering, or experience that leads to understanding of equipment used for manned aerospace flights

Meteorologistl Related job titles

l Weather officer, weather forecaster, meteorology researcher, meteorological modeling specialist, atmospheric scientist, atmospheric chemist

l Job descriptionl Collects weather data, surveys weather

indicators and makes weather predicationsl Advises air traffic control and others about

weather hazards and issues advisories

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (algebra, trigonometry, calculus),

physics, meteorology, statistics, computer modeling, geography

l Educationl Bachelor’s, master’s or Ph.D. degree in field

such as meteorology or atmospheric sciences

Component Technicianl Related job titles

l Mechanic, quality technician, equipment technician, engineering technician

l Job descriptionl Disassembles, reassembles and tests valves

at NASA test complex facilities

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematicsl Mechanical drawing

l Education/Trainingl High school graduate or certificate programl On-the-job trainingl Mechanic experience is helpful

Computer Specialistl Related job titles

l Systems programmer, applications programmer, computer programmer, systems administrator

l Job descriptionl Writes, tests and manages computer programs

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathl Science (physics)l Computer programming

l Educationl Minimum education is a bachelor’s degree in or

related to computer science, information science, mathematics, engineering or physical science

Engineering Technicianl Related job titles

l Physical science technician, data technician, engineering aid, aerospace engineering technician, architecture technician, biomedical technician, chemical engineering technician, civil engineering technician, electrical engineering technician, materials engineering technician

l Job descriptionl Assists engineers and scientists by setting up or

installing, testing, maintaining and repairing equipment, conducting experiments, etc.

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics (algebra, trigonometry), science,

computers, technical drawing/drafting

l Education / Trainingl Two years training or associate’s degree, or

experience in computer or engineering technology

Physical ScienceTechnicianl Related jobs

l Biological, chemical, environmental or engineering technician

l Job descriptionl Helps scientists and engineers with their

products and experimentsl Sets up and runs lab instrumentsl Gathers data and report errors

l Suggested school subjectsl Science (lab), mathematics, computer courses

l Education / Training l Two years of training or associate’s degree in

science or science-related technologyl Laboratory experience is helpful

Technical Managerl Related jobs

l Engineer, mathematician, scientist

l Job descriptionl Serves as project manager for engineering

projectsl Performs engineering project planning duties

and engineering studiesl Provides technical advice and guidancel Manages, develops and evaluates grants and


l Suggested school subjectsl Engineering, mathematics, science

l Educationl Minimum of a bachelor’s degree l Strong technical knowledgel Engineering and management experience

Tugboat Captainl Related jobs

l Tugboat pilot, fisherman, fishing vessel operator

l Job descriptionl Commands tugboat to tow barges and

ships into and out of harbors, estuaries, straits, and sounds, and on rivers, lakes, and bays

l Signals workers on deck to rig towlines to barges or ship to be towed

l Determines course and towing speed l Steers tugboat to push or pull barges

l Suggested school subjectsl Global positioning systems training

l Education / Training / Licensel Maintains a Coast Guard licensel Accumulates sea time

Accountantl Related jobs

l Budget analyst, cost estimator, loan officer, financial analyst, tax examiner

l Job descriptionl Ensures that taxes are paid properly and on

timel Keeps accurate public recordsl Prepares, analyzes and verifies financial


l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics

l Educationl Bachelor’s degree with 24 hours of study in

financial management, two years of government experience

Astronautl Related jobs

l Payload specialist (not a NASA astronaut but is a crew member on the shuttle that performs specialized duties onboard)

l Job descriptionl Pilot astronauts are space commanders and

pilots responsible for the vehicle, crew, mission success and safety of the flight

l Mission specialist astronauts perform space walks responsible for coordinating operations-systems, crew activity planning, consumables usage and experiment/payload operations

l Suggested school subjectsl Math, science, engineering, foreign language

l Educationl Minimum of bachelor’s degree in field of

engineering, biological science, physical science or math

Lawyerl Related jobs

l Paralegal, legal assistant, law clerk, judge

l Job descriptionl Provides legal counsel to NASA centersl Serves as congressional liaison for NASA

centersl Serves as labor relations officerl Serves as Freedom of Information Act officerl Manages ethics programs

l Suggested school subjectsl English, public speaking, government,

philosophy, history, economics, courses related to law specialty

l Education /Trainingl Professional law degree (LL.B. or J.D.)l Must have admission to the Bar

Medical Doctorl Related jobs

l Physicians assistant, nurse practitioner, registered nurse

l Job descriptionl Monitors and analyzes health of astronauts

during training and in flightl Provides medical treatment to personnel at

NASA centers

l Suggested school subjectsl Aerospace medicine, anatomy, biochemistry,


l Education / Training / Licensel Doctor of medicinel Must have completed internship and

residency in appropriate specialization (aerospace preferred)

l Must have Board Certification License

Surveyor; Cartographerl Related job titles

l Photogrammetrist, surveying technician, civil engineer, architect, environmental scientist, geoscientist, urban and rural planner

l Job descriptionl Land surveyors establish official land, air space

and water boundariesl Cartographers compile geographic and political

information and prepare mapsl Photogrammetrists measure and analyze aerial

photographs used to prepare mapsl Surveying technicians assist land surveyors

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics , drafting, mechanical drawing,

computer science, engineering, forestry, geography, physical science

l Education / Trainingl Minimum associate’s degree; most jobs require

bachelor’s degree and on-the-job experience

Psychologistl Related job titles

l Cognitive psychologist

l Job descriptionl Studies the mind and human behaviorl NASA psychologists usually research and

explain how people behave and function in space

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics ( statistics)l Science (biology, psychology)l Research methods

l Educationl Bachelor’s, master’s or Ph.D. degree in field

such as behavioral sciencel Studies must contain 20+ hours of physiology

experimental physiological psychology or experience in biotechnology, hardware or related field

Computer Support Specialistl Related jobs

l Computer programmers, computer software engineers, computer scientists

l Job descriptionl Provides technical assistance, support and

advice to customers and other users l Interprets problems and provides technical

support for hardware, software and systemsl Answers telephone calls, analyzes problems

using automated diagnostic programs and resolves difficulties

l Suggested school subjectsl English, computer courses

l Education / Trainingl Associate or bachelor’s degree in computer

science or information systems

Construction Managerl Related jobs

l Architect, civil engineer, cost estimator, landscape architect, engineering and natural sciences manager

l Job descriptionl Plans and coordinates construction projectsl Schedules and coordinates all design and

construction processesl Obtains all necessary permits and licenses l Monitors compliance with building and safety


l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics, business and management,

engineering and computer courses

l Education / Trainingl Two- or four-year degree in construction

science, construction management or civil engineering; on-the-job experience

Executive Managerl Related job titles

l Director, administrator, deputy, chief

l Job descriptionl Top leaders of a business or organizationl Sets center or program goals and makes an

action plan to lead activities, research, programs and missions

l Suggested school subjectsl Managementl Public speakingl Engineeringl Science

l Minimum Educationl Bachelor’s degree. Most begin as scientists or

engineers and are promoted due to leadership and their broad understanding of science.

Project Managerl Related job titles

l Project lead, technical lead, principal investigator

l Job descriptionl Plans, organizes and leads research,

development, design and computer activities

l Suggested school subjectsl Science, engineering or computer sciencel Mathl Speechl Leadership

l Minimum Educationl Bachelor’s degree, management skills,

experience as an engineer, mathematician, scientist or computer professional related to the type of work managed. NASA knowledge.

Public Affairs Specialistl Related jobs

l Advertising, marketing, reporter

l Job descriptionl Handles organizational functions such as

media and community relations l Informs the general public about NASA

policies, activities and accomplishments

l Suggested school subjectsl Englishl Journalisml Public speaking

l Education l Bachelor’s degree in journalism, public

relations or related field

Weather StationManagerl Related job titles

l Meteorologist, weather officer, weather forecaster, meteorology researcher, meteorological modeling specialist

l Job descriptionl Supervises employees, other meteorologists,

who collect weather data, make weather predictions, and advise air traffic controllers on weather hazards

l Suggested school subjectsl Algebra, trigonometry, physics, meteorology,

statistics, computer modeling, psychology, interpersonal communication

l Education / Trainingl Bachelor’s and master’s of science degree in

meteorology and management training courses

Accounting Clerk

l Related jobsl Bookkeeping clerk, auditing clerk

l Job descriptionl Updates and maintain financial l Makes numerous computations

l Suggested school subjectsl Computer coursesl Mathematics

l Education / Certificationl Bookkeeper or accounting certification

Data Entry Clerkl Related jobs

l Court reporters, secretaries and administrative assistants, medical records and health information technicians

l Job descriptionl Enters data into a computerl Operates a variety of office machinesl Performs various clerical duties

l Suggested school subjectsl English (grammar skills)l Keyboarding and computer coursesl Business courses

l Education / Trainingl High school graduatel Knowledge of word processing and database

management software

Management Assistantl Related jobs

l Secretary, typist, data entry clerk

l Job descriptionl Delegates authorityl Supports multiple bosses and teamsl Handles general management challenges

l Suggested school subjectsl Business technologyl Computerl English (grammar)

l Education / Trainingl High school diploma or college educationl On-the-job training and experience

Planner / Schedulerl Related jobs

l Secretary, management assistant, data entry clerk

l Job descriptionl Coordinates work orders with personnel

who will carry out the work and closes out the account when the work is finished

l Completes status reports on projects

l Suggested school subjectsl Business technologyl Computer course (database knowledge)

l Education / Trainingl High school graduatel On-the-job trainingl Good computer skills

Procurement Clerkl Related jobs

l Secretaryl Data entry clerkl Administrative assistant

l Job descriptionl Compiles requests for materials, prepares

purchase orders, keeps track of purchases and supplies, and handles inquiries about orders

l Orders goods and supplies

l Suggested school subjectsl Computer coursesl Mathematics

l Education / Trainingl High school graduate

Secretaryl Related jobs

l Bookkeeping and accounting clerks, receptionists, human resources assistants, data entry

l Job descriptionl Performs and coordinates an office’s

administrative activitiesl Plans and schedules meetings and

appointments; organizes and maintains filesl Manages projects and conducts researchl Provides training and orientation for new staff

l Suggested school subjectsl Businesses coursesl Keyboarding and computer coursesl English (grammar)

l Education / Trainingl High school graduatel Business school or vocational training

Carpenterl Related jobs

l Brickmason, blockmason, stonemason, plasterer and stucco mason, electrician, plumber

l Job descriptionl Cuts, fits and assembles wood and other

materials for the construction of buildings, highways, bridges, docks, industrial plants, boats and many other structures

l Suggested school subjectsl Carpentryl Shopl Mechanical drawingl Mathematics

l Education /Trainingl High school graduatel Apprenticeship

Electricianl Related jobs

l Line installers and repairers, electrical and electronics installers and repairers

l Job descriptionl Installs, connects, tests and maintains

electrical systems l Installs and maintains electronic controls

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics, electronics, mechanical

drawing, science, shop

l Education / Trainingl High school diplomal Apprenticeship programs that include

classroom and on-the-job training l On-the-job training as an electrician’s


Machinistl Related jobs

l Tool and die makersl Machine settersl Welders

l Job descriptionl Uses machine tools to produce precision

metal parts

l Suggested school subjectsl Trigonometry and other mathematics

courses, drafting, metalworking, physics

l Education /Trainingl Formal apprenticeship programsl Informal on-the-job training l High school, vocational school, community

or technical colleges

Marine Mechanicl Related jobs

l Marine draftsman, riveters, ship fitters

l Job descriptionl Adjusts, tests and repairs engines, transmission,

fuel systems, hydraulic steering systems, cooling systems, electrical systems, propellers and boat trailers

l Dismantles faulty assemblies, repairs or replaces worn or damaged parts and reassembles, adjusts and tests the repaired mechanism

l Performs scheduled maintenance services such as oil changes, lubrications and tune-ups

l Suggested school subjectsl Vocational courses about boat engines, fuel

systems, electrical systems, steering systems, GPS navigation systems

l Education / Trainingl Apprenticeship program or on-the-job training

Painterl Related jobs

l Carpenterl Carpet, floor and tile installers, and finishersl Drywall installersl Plasterers and stucco masons

l Job descriptionl Applies paint, stain, varnish and other

finishes to buildings and other structures

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics

l Education / Trainingl High school graduatel Apprenticeship or informal, on-the-job


Welderl Related jobs

l Machinists, sheet metal workers, assemblers and fabricators

l Job descriptionl Uses machine tools to produce precision

metal partsl Works with computerized robots

l Suggested school subjectsl Mathematics, physics, chemistry,

mechanical drawing, computers, metallurgy, welding, soldering

l Education / Trainingl Formal apprenticeship programsl Informal on-the-job training l High school, vocational school, community

or technical colleges