TOMORROW, FOR ONLY $1 You can have one of these new Hoosier Cabinets delivered to your home and pay the balance of the low cash price in weekly dues of sl?provided you enroll before our limited allotment is taken. (SSmml You may choose any of the new Hoosiers | -r? |||m^ I\u25a0\u25a0 B- ji- HH%I siightl 1* Beauty," or "Oak Interior" at \u25a0 V-2 p flllpjffi P u Hoosier in your home at once. , 3. The low cash price fixed by the factory r is under the direct supervision of fHRe sale strictly limited to our small ' rT .^ : Your money back if you are not delighted The Woman Who Owns a Hoosier Beauty" to a ' most nothing. The Hoosier cuts the cords Adtrtifj in uajimt Magai.nm s^tlo that bind you to your kitchen. Take this oppor- " WHITE BEAUTY"?THE tunity?enroll to-morrow. NEW HOOSIER CABINET e pj ace on sa j e tomorrow 40 LABOR-SAVING FEATURES a limited number of Pure Aluminum Sauce- -17 ENTIRELY NEW pans, to women only. Full quart size This is the cabinet which contains Mrs. Fred- 1 erick's Food Guide ,answering the eterrtal ques- » tion, "What shall 1 cook for dinner?" It has the Hl| \ lljl ijl ml «f J k /7^ remarkable shaker flour sifter which cannot wear \ V " 'Wjjf This is the cabinet which reached a sale of over $1,000,000 immediately after it was placed before ># American women. The Hoosier factory has Aluminum Pans of this size sell regularly never caught up with orders since this new from 350 to 50^*. Iloosier appealed. ??it You do not need to buy anything else to 1 he opportunity to own it on the Hoosier dol- lar plan is one you should seize at once. Other get one of these pans, but you must come women are making up their minds now and the early for these wont last long, sale is strictly limited. FURNITURE, w T ?* O ° ur Liberal Te rms CARPETS, ff ? I I I I 50c weekly on $20.00 STOVES m M. SI.OO weekly on $50.00 BID COLD. HUDACHY OR BILIOUS? REGULATE YOUR BOWELS! ID CENTS Break a bad cold? Yes! Surest cleansing with Cascarets and you will *ay in the world is to take two Cas- wonder in the morning what became of your misery-making cold. Carets to-night ana vou will wake up Carcarets is the surest cold breaker xvith a clear head and the cold gone, known ?a 10-cent box will prove it. Try this! If headachy, stuffed up and Mothers should cure children's colds sore all over from a cold or grippe this way?no harm no dangerous give your liver and bowels a thorough drugs. CANDY CATHARTIC^ vHnD jhhbl Ik WBm :gLp \u25a0Hi H MSf - £3mKS&MHF . H Mr* -*> JB ;v D. L. SPOONER Stough Party Member Who Will Lead 1,500-Volce Choir. office in the city and county. Speaking of the Harrisburg cam- paign Mr. Spangler said: "The neigh- borhood meetings, the mass meetings, the splendid organization and the ris- ing tide of Interest and enthusiasm, such as the city has never witnessed, with many conversions already to the credit of the campaign, with evidences of God's hand on many sides. Investing lives with a new spirit and overcom- ing difficulties attest the value of this modern movement. "A single life. 'Big Dick' Branaton of London and Berwick, born in a nonchrlstian home, his own master as to morals and religion, a thug in his teens, a gambler and race track gam- bler in England, prize lighter and trainer of prize fighters, and second at prize lights, a licentiate and libertine, guilty of every crime In the catalog except murder, a scoffer at religion, profane in his family, a bully toward his wife and with an ambition to train his baby boy of three and a half years for the prize ring, a tough knocker and mocker In the Berwick campaign, just a social plague and contemptible fiend. Yet a Christian to-day as a re- sult of this campaign, with a splendid record in Christian service, and get- ting ready to enter the Moody Bible Institute at Chicago to train for evan- gelism. "These are the considerations that compel respect for this amazing move- ment and lor the campaign in Harris- burg." The chorus for the tabernacle meetings Includes: Soprano?Mrs. Frank Smiley, Miss Katharine Kllpg. Miss Nellie Foulke, Mrs. William Harder, Miss Eleanor Shouff, Miss Hazel Fralm, Mrs. Clias. Kirk, Miss Amy Seibert, Mrs. Joseph Ibach, Mrs. Chas. Dewalt Mrs. Arthur Stoner, Miss Anna Wil- kinson, Mrs. Olle Wagner, Miss Ruth Stoner, Mrs. Isaac Matchett, Mrs. W. Burris, Miss Olive Hall, Mrs. Austin Lightner, Miss Mary Markley, Miss Laura Crane. Miss Mae Patterson, Mrs. Bert Lightner, Miss Uuth Conkling, Miss Mary Turner, Miss Bessie Bennett, Mrs. C. B. Miller, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Chas. Hartzell. Mrs. E. J. FlsseL Mrs. J. W. Flnton. Mrs. Kobert Sterringer, Miss Marian Hart, Mrs. J. Mencer, Mrs. Chas. Shaf- fer, Mrs. George Collier, Mrs. Frank Eby, Miss Katherine Jamison, Miss Jane Roth, Miss Esther Shade, Mrs. Amy Saylor. Miss Margaret Crane, Miss Minerva Blessing, Mrs. Yost, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs. T. Sears, Mrs. Kleippeter, Mrs. David Wise, Mrs. I. J. Dean, Mrs. Kalph Sellmyer, Mrs. Chas. Pee. Miss Tillie Wagner, Mrs. C. A. Martz, Mrs. Chas. Leiby, Miss Evelin Burg, Miss Alice Wert, Miss Violet Helm, Miss Mabel Winn, Miss Kath- erine Mauh, Mrs. Robert Bratten, Miss Emma Gault. Mrs. Jacob Maxwell, Miss Helen Yo- cum, Mrs. Sebourn, Mrs. Amos Mor- rison, Miss Irese Rohrer, Miss Jennie Pry, Mrs. William W. Byrem, Miss Alva Shoop, Mrs. B. F. McClellan, Mrs. J. W. Bitterman. Miss Esther Wilson. Miss Mollie Perry, Miss Mabel Hoffsommer, Miss Lucile Smucker, Miss Alabel Wilson, Miss Winifred Wilson, Miss Mariam Brown, Mrs. Mary B. Geary, Mrs. C. C. Gastrock, Miss Gertrude Copland. Miss Gertrude Forsythe, Miss Kath- erine Barnhart, Miss Eva Steigelman, Miss Ida Sourbeer, Miss Dora Sour- beer, Mrs. Llllie Kinch, Miss Helen McClure, Miss Grace Lutz, Miss Mary McAllister, Miss Sarah Cresswell. Mrs. J. H. ICase, Mrs. J. H. Gitt, Miss Lillie Compton, Mrs. W. D. Pindar, Miss Julia Washburn, Mrs. George W. Sweigert, Mrs. Charles Curtis, Miss Jean Allen, Mrs. W. F. Steever, Mrs. T. M. Scehler. Mrs. Carl Heefner, Miss Catherine Keene, Miss Myrtle Schell, Mrs. H. A. Boyer, Mrs. H. G. Pedlow, Miss Rae Willis, Mrs. James Evans, Miss Anna Harris, Mrs. Anna Elder, Miss Sara C. Grimm. TO USE 2 CARLOADS OF SAWDUST LAYING TABERNACLE 'TRAIL' [Continued From First I'agc] meet. More than forty members ar«j in each of these committees. To-morrow night bands of six or eight workers will go out to prayer meetings to be held in the following co-operating churches: First Baptist, Covenant Presbyterian, l/emoyneUnited Evangelical, Summerdale Methodist, Steelton Methodist, Steelton United Evangelical ind the Steelton United Brethren. The Christ Lutheran Bible class will hold a rally to-night at 7.30 o'clock. "Billy" Shannon will be leader at the prayer meeting to bo held in the Allison Hill Fire Com- pany's building this evening at 7.45. Every day more persons are enroll- ing In the choir and orchestra which will furnish the music for the Stough tabernacle. Professor D. L. Spooner. Girlish Complexion Now Easily Acquired "A skin of blended snow, cream and rose" is the way an Ohio correspon- describes her newly acquired < oin- Wlexlon. She is one who lias adopted "mercollzed wax in place "f cosmetics, manage, steaming and other methods. Many who have tried tills marvelous wax report that Its effects are quite different from those of any other treat- ment. It produces a complexion of ex- quisite girlish naturalness, rather than one bearing evidence of having been artificially "made over." One that is Indeed "Nature's own." the result of gradually absorbing dead particles of surface skin, permitting the younger, healthier skin beneath to show itself and giving its pores a chanCe to breathe. Mercollzod wax, procurable at any drug store in original one ounce package, is put on at night like cold cream and washed eff In the morning. I have also had many favorable let- ters from those who have tried the wrinkle-removing face bath which I recommended recently. If any have mislaid the formula, here it Is: 1 ox. powdered noxolite, dissolved in pt. witch hazel.?"Natalie" In the Woman Militant Miss Olive Huver, Miss Mary Heeser, Miss Margaret Templar, Miss Lila Sourbeer, Mrs. C. A. Smucker, Mrs. Chas. SinKer, Miss Susan Dunkle, Mrs. J, C. Filson, Miss Margaret Fil- son, Mrs. William Shaffer. Miss Maud Shaffer, Miss Maud Watts, Miss Alice Foltz, Miss Elsie M. Theal, Miss Lola Prince, Miss Maria Elder, Miss Naomi Machael, Miss Pearl Weist, Mrs. Ed. Syler, Mrs. Laura Grannison. Miss Hannah Scott, Mrs. Margaret Jones, Mrs. Bosa Jones, Mrs. Mary Scott, Miss Alice Graydon, Mrs. James Taggert, Mrs. W. H. Bricker, Miss Minerva Boyer, Miss Helen Broomal, Miss Reah Miller. Mrs. Chas. Lackey, Mrs. A. S. Wil- liams, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. F. B. Fink, Miss Ida Keel, Miss Bessie Bixler, Miss Millie Llngle, Mrs. J. A. Haas, Miss Mary Taylor, Miss Elizabeth Sykes. Miss Blanche Ennis, Miss Fern Grose, Miss Margaret Burgoon, Miss Sarah Burgoon, Miss Maude Parker, Miss Lydia Kutz, Miss Ruth Lappley, Miss Ines Miller, Mrs. John A. Swartz, Mrs. C. W. Batdorf. Mrs. J. H. Smith, Miss Gertrude Seitz, Miss Katherine First, Mrs. Anna Moyer, Mrs. 0. B. Fisher, Mrs. Nora Oren. Mrs. H. H. Hilbush, Miss Eliza- beth Pefter, Mrs. J. F. Conrad, Miss Ada Kreider. Mrs. Adaline Graffles, Miss Lillian Goodyear, Mrs. Emma Fisher, Miss Francis Gill, Mrs. E. S. Troup, Miss M. Mayer, Mrs. Harry Frank, Miss Gertrude Eaton, Miss Clara Eaton, Miss Edith Fischler. Miss Pearl Nicely, Miss Francis Ramsey, Miss Elizabeth Newcomer, Miss Anna Fessler, Miss Mossle Mil- ler, Mrs. W. H. Young, Miss Alice S. Lewis, Miss Esther Webb, Miss Kath- erine Leas, Miss Lillian Speakman. Miss Evelyn Speakman. Miss Es- ther Heagey, Miss Gertrude Ruber, Mrs. J. H. Holsberger, Mrs. E. C. Rerr. Mr#. Frant Ltnig, Mrs, Oscar Wertz, TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 20, 1914. Mrs. Robert Koons, Mrs. Clarence Grlffee, Mrs. Susie Ewell, Mrs. Irene Taylor. Mrs. A. M. Taylor, Miss Grace Balsbaugh, Miss Evangeline Balsbaugh, Miss Ida An- derson, Miss Helen Stephens, Miss Es- ther Stouffer, Miss Emma Lleb, Miss Kelly, Miss Minerva Hepford, Mrs. J. G. Harvey, Mrs. W. W. Stewart, Miss Mae Ewing, Miss Helen Bratten, Miss Alice Wright, Mrs. Wilmer Crow, Miss Verna Miller. Miss Alary Evans, Miss Eleanor DeSllvery, Mrs. Don Manahan, Mrs. Grace Watson, Miss Lenora Gard- ner. Mrs. Charles William, Mrs. Edna Mann, Miss Mary Garland, Miss Dor- othy Teats, Miss Margaret Tyson, Mrs. Shimmeliing. Miss Mary Weller, Mrs, Beryl Kawel, Miss Margaretta Reed, Mrs. R. Shoemaker, Miss Hallio Mathews, Mrs. Etta Mackey, Miss Es- ther Maekey, Mrs. R. K. Mathias, Misa Lila Greenawalt. Miss Wynne Cassel, Miss Anna Wen- gert, Mrs. William N. Yates. Mrs. Frank L. Meek. Mrs. W. C. Zeiders, Mrs. C. L. Smith. Miss Beulali Hover- ter. Miss Ethel Waid, Mrs. William F. Scliell. Miss Dora Dyer. Miss Sellers, Miss Anna Hammelbaugli, Miss Mar- tha C'resswell, Miss Nellie Jones; Mrs. A. J. Lightner. Mrs. J." H. Snyder. Miss Villa Baker, Miss Emma Stoner, Miss Ethel Hall, Mrs. George Miller, Miss Susie Spahr, Miss Ruth Ster- ringer, Mrs. George Reed, Miss Mil- dred Conltling, Mrs. P. A. Deckard. Mrs. Setli 11. Barnhart, Miss Meda Woods. Mrs. John Beam, Miss Mary Crane, Mrs. George Reed, Miss Irene L>omis, Miss Margaret Turner. Miss Margaret Shoaff, Mrs. Charles Kochinov, Mrs. William Yo- cum, Miss Maudalen Shoaff, Mrs. Wes- ley Weaver, Mrs. Worcester. Miss Ida Dimm. Miss Annie Dimm. Miss Grace Sparver, Mrs. N. H. Miller. Mrs. Mary Mark. Miss Sara Speck. Miss Esther Nelbel, Mrs. Harry Beck, Mrs. Ira Engle, Mrs. I. M. Nisley, Miss Erma, Henry, Miss Alice Rollison, Miss Es- ther ilarnel, Miss Ida Long, Misa Eliz- abeth Shunk. Miss Edna Kurtz. Mrs. Ida Behney, Miss Margaret Haas, Miss Ruth Sauders, Miss Ida Plough and Mrs. Walmer. Tenor ?Charles M. Storey, Robert Storey, George W. Sweigert, H. A. Boyer, W. S. Schell, William Meek, R. K. Bergstresser, W. E. Detrich, Ralph E. Parthemore. Earl Caton, Charles F. Clipplnger. Charles McCoy, Robert Anderson, Joseph Wolf, Elmer Keim. A. B. Stouffer. F. H. Hartman, F. A. Lutz, Harvey Batdorf, Arthur Eby, Harrv Hover, A. G. Bachman, L. H. Zarker, H. O. Miller. S. R. Harris, .T. A. Clark. A. T. Sides, David Mohn, Mr. McDonald. Samuel S. Fackler, Harry M. Bretz, Professor Ellenberger.Tliomas E. My- ers, Professor Elmore Smith, Wesley F. W. Townsend, Frank L. Hutter, Charles H. Rur > .J. C. A. Hoover. W. IL Myers. H. R. Botdorf, S. A. Wen- gert. A. H. Ritter, Walter Greenfield, Elmer Moyer, Benjamin Woltz, Sam- uel Garman, Stephen Gruber, John Bluster, Russell Smith, Paul Bard, Charles Fisher, Clarence Kirk, Robert Michael, Edward Stoner. J. A. Shettel, Richard S. Chellew, Oeorgo G. Young, H. F. Sheesley, Edward Harrison, Harry Weirich, E. L. B. Vogel, Charles R. Bartley, Thomas Smith, J. A. Mil- lard. Evan Evans, Ira Behney, D. S. Loe. A. D. Pa*ne, H. P. Kiins. O. M. Bowers, Wallace Smedly, J. Frank Palmer, W. C. E. Yoder. John F. Holbert, E. A. Heffel- flnger. W. Walter Whitman, George L. Ebersole, Wilson Ebersole, Harry Sacks, Millard Hess, Emos Wenrlck, C. A. Hollenbaugh, A. F. Sides. J. K. Stevens. Walter Majiley, F. W. Thomas, F. H. Shaull. R. C. Krenger, Jacob E. Watson. A. R. Calder. C. E. Whitman, L. Miller, A. Fink, D. Heisey, W. D. Reed. D. Sollenberger, R. Ward, Roy Stetler. Wldney Peffer, William L. High, Martin Miller, William Scherfley, Richard Roebuck, Oris Oren, Merrin Oren. Samuel Mahaffey, Delroy White, Edward Book, D. W. Cotterel, J. W. Frank, Paul Daugherty, Guy Kinch, Louis Sebotirn, Thomas Spofford, Carl Swope, Roy IContinued on Pa ere 81 CROSS, FEVERISH GUILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If tongue is coated give "California Syrup of Figs" Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this is their ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with- out griping. When cross, irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative,' and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, aour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system ts full of cold, throat sore, has stomach- ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic ? remember, a good "Inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they 'know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-eent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be , fooled. Get the genuine, made by i "California Fig Syrup Company. "?- , Advertisement. who will direct the music and train the two organizations, will be here on October 31 to take charge. Mr. Spooner is a graduate of the 'O6 class of Lafayette College. He has been in evangelistic work for three years in Kansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ala- bama, Tennessee and Massachusetts. Stough executive committee mem- bers say there is absolutely no truth In the rumor that Dr. Stough will re- ceive SIO,OOO for his evangelistic work In this city. Dr. Stough will receive what people voluntarily give him on the last day of his campaign in this city. The only contract that ho has made with the executive committee Is that they shall pay all the current ex- penses, such as the erection of the tabernacle, publllcty. and so on. He will receive no definite amount for his work while he is here. Dr. Spangler Tells of Effects in Other Cities At a meeting of the United Breth- ren Ministerial Association yesterday the Rev. J. T. Spangler, pastor of the First United Brethren Church, Boas and Myrtle streets, spoke on "The Modern Evangelical Movement." Mr. Spangier's observations were based on personal investigations conducted in cities where campaigns have already been held. Mr. Spangler said In part: "At McKeesport: After nearly three years since the Sunday campaign con- ditions remain the same, I have been informed that this city IB still a dif- ferent city from what It was before and that ninety per cent, of the con- verts are still to be found. "At Johnstown: After almost a year, the conditions are as In the city of McKeesport. Four hundred and thirty members were received Into the First United Brethren Church, four hundred of whom are still 'on their feet.' And the pastor told me that they are more reliable people j than those of his congregation who ; professed a reawakening. i "Elmlra: In a single week, and even |after the scheduled campaign had come to an end. Dr..Stough and his splendid party cleaned political house so thoroughly that the brewer woman boss of Elmlra and Shenning county was put out of business and to this day not a single gangster has gotten Into HOW THE STOVGH TABERNACLE Mrs. Rosa Kelley, Mrs. David Dively, Mrs. George Lego. Miss Nellie Liddick, Miss Mahel O'Neal, Miss Pauline O'Neal. Miss Jeanette Hoover, Miss Helen Erdley, Mrs. Isaac Boyer, Mrs. Chas. Urcich, Miss Grace McKelvy, Miss Francis Edds, Miss Leah Hoppes. Miss Laura Bricker, Miss Jane Kin- zer, Miss Mary A. Laverty. Miss Ruth Laverty, Miss Carrie M. Miller, Mrs. Raymond Eckert, Miss B. Hess, Miss Mae Patterson, Miss Hazel Seibert, Miss Carrie Gable. Miss Florence I. Brown, Miss Mabel Winn, Miss Annie Carter, Miss Har- riet Harrison, Mrs. Lucy Arrington, Mrs. Fannio Walker, Miss Elizabeth Reel, Mrs. Annie Green, Mrs. G. W. Young, Mrs. Harvey Eberly. Miss Mutzabaugh, Miss Maude Peace, Mrs. Oswald Hogentogler, Miss Alma Yost, Mrs. W. W. Clippinger, Mrs. Wm. Lebo, Mrs. Kreitzer, Miss Ella Shambaugh, Mrs. Wingert, Mrs. E. 11. Curry. Mrs. S. F. Roundsley, Mrs. Chas. Miller, Mrs. George W. Shuey, Mrs. Jennie Riegle, Mrs. Margarite Foff, Mrs. Elizabeth Hickey, Mrs. J. H. Eichle, Mrs. William Murphy, Mrs. J. Westbrook, Miss Verne Scliafer. Miss Viola Redman, Miss Elizabeth Hutter, Miss Clara Bennett, Miss O. J. Cassel, Mrs. Joseph Troup. Miss Buelah Parks, Miss Margarite Hossler, Miss Martha Shearer, Mrs. Clara Shuster, Mrs. Zephaniah Rogers. Miss Carrie Reichkert, Miss Elise Rineer, Mrs. George Miller, Miss Car- rie Snavely, Mrs. Robert Runyan, airs. Fannie E. Runyan, Miss Carrie M. Snavely, Miss Sarah Mardorf, Miss Catherine Piek, Miss Margarette Tighlman. Miss Helen Tighlman, Miss Mildred Graham, Miss Martha Graham, Miss Margapet Glaiss, Miss Thelma Glaiss, Miss Agnes Sparrow, Miss Bertha Rohrer, Miss Nan Krabcr, Miss Mar- garet Fry, Mrs. Daniel Graham. Miss Gertrude Kell, Miss Dorothy Stoner, Mrs. Tamsen F. Drinkwater, Miss Edna Pettlt, Miss Dortha Wild- ers, Miss Sarah McCormick, Miss Alma McCurdy, Mrs. Chas. Raine, Miss Leah Fisher, Miss Viola Fisher. Miss Nellie Spangler, Mrs. Flora Sparrow. Mrs. W. P. Widenhammer, Miss Rachel Thomas, Miss Ruth Ba- ker, Miss Emma Guger, Miss Annie Herre, Mrs. Clyde Lynch, Miss Nora Lerew, Mrs. Levi Sheaffer. Miss Martha Miller, Mrs. Margaret Edmondson, Miss Fay Remm, Miss Hope Remm, Miss Gertrude Hoover, Miss Carrie Walker, Mrs. David Cooper, Mrs. McClanigan, Mrs. N. A. Spidle, Mrs. E. A. Bossier. Miss Mabel Potteiger, Miss Rachel Nissley, Mrs. C. H. Runkle, Mrs. C. Y. Stamm, Mrs. H. R. Batdorf. Mrs. J. K. Runkle, Miss Ruth Spangler, Miss Edna I. Row. Miss Esther Bowman, Mrs. Agnes Shultz. Mrs. J. H. Clark, Mrs. M. Alice Boose. Mrs. J. E. Row, Miss May Ad- ams, Miss Daisy Mateer, Miss Ethyl Disslnger, Miss Anna M. Arment, Miss Minnie E. Bailey, Mrs. W. K. Bum- baugh, Miss Emily Carr. Mrs. Clyde M. McKelvey, Mrs. Harry W. Miller, Mrs. J. C. Peet, Miss Mary J. Ross, Miss Laura M. Bulick, Mrs. Chas. Dubbs. Miss Emily E. Miller, Miss Carrie Reinoehl, Mrs. D. S. Seitz. Mrs. S. G. Stauffer, Miss Rena B. Baish, Miss Helen Bright, Miss Stella Ulrich, Miss Anna Bowder, Mrs. J. A. Lyter, Mrs. Bomgardner, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. Bruhel. Mrs. O. M. Bowers, Mrs. Jennie Colin, Mrs. Fellers. Miss Vera liar- man, Miss Mary Heneh, Miss Grace Koowell. Mies Edna Lahdis, Miss Syl- via Mathias, Mrs. H. O. Miller, Miss Mary Shupp, Miss Violet Stauffer, Miss Elva Stauffer. Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. H. Rupp. Miss Jessie Williamson. Miss Mary Walmor, Mrs. John E. Wlsley, Miss Catherine Edwards, Miss Mar- garet Cook. Mrs. Samuel Weidemyer, Mrs. W. E. Dietrich, Miss Ruth Doyle, Mrs. Claude R. Engle, Miss Blanche Yowler. Miss Mary S. Smith, Miss Mildred Attick, Miss Alice Batdorf, Mrs. D. J. Bennett, Miss O. Dorothv Duncan, Mrs. D. A. Fry, Miss ICatherine Gettys. Miss Laura Hall, Miss Frank Lehman. Mrs. Harry Lid- dick, Mrs. H. B. Lutz, Miss Ruth McCormick. Miss Lillian Potter, Miss Ethel Smith. Mrs. Spahr, Miss Alice Straub, Mrs. Thomas Meek, Miss Miriam Wyble, Mrs. H. Russell Rupp. Mrs. William Hitlow, Mrs. Bert Fet- terhofT. Miss Ruth Sheaffer. Miss Irene Souders, Miss Anna Winkleman, Mrs. William Goldworth. Miss Edith Gold- sorth. Miss Viola Pelrce. Miss Augusta Mathias. Miss Annie Deigle, Miss Daisy Marks, Miss Mary Fisher, Miss Laura Frantz. Mrs A. M. Lind ? sav, Mrs. Hilton. Miss Baker. Miss Walker. Miss Edna Kimmel, Mrs. A. M. Hardv. Mrs. Wilbur Harris, Mrs. Cora E. Harr, Miss Sarah*Harr, Mrs. Chester Bvler, Mrs. Guy Kuich, Miss Mary Neeter, Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs. Louis Sebourn, Miss Mary Brat- tcri, Miss Maud Sites, Mrs. Lila John- son, Mrs. David Fisher, Mrs. L. P. Noaker, Miss Mildred Harvey, Miss Ida Conner. Miss Belle Pancake, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Roy WaJborn, Mrs. Harrv Jordon, Mrs. Frank Haw- thorne. Mrs. Arthur Stoner, Miss Kath- erine Rohrer, Mrs. Oeofge Hamer, Mrs. Lawrence Harvey. Miss Helen Bowers, Mrs. M. K. Conrad, Mrs. E. I J. Fields, Miss Grace Stoner. Miss Ida Beck, Mrs. Charles Cornelius. Mrs. George Eck- ert. Miss Emily Mell, Mrs. J. A. Ger- lock. Miss Grace Snyder, Miss Eleanor Snyder. Miss Elizabeth Hinkle, Mrs. Christ Germer. Miss Blanche Bower, Miss Jessie Bowers. Miss Edna Bow- ers, Mrs. Watson. M'ss Mary Towsen, Mrs. Frank B. Kann, Miss Emma Sun- day, Miss Floy Sunday, Miss May Hoover. Miss May Enders, Miss Violet Enders. Miss Marion Dean, Miss Ruth Fisher, Mrs. Theo. Stouf- fer. Miss Tda Knouse Miss Martha Reck. MIBS Rattle Weidenhamer. Miss Anna Dugan, Miss Sarah Shireman, Miss Margaret Shoop, Miss Cora Dti- can, Miss Pearl Yahn, Miss Alice My- ers, Mrs. E. S. Selple. Mrs. C. A. Shel- ley, Miss Anna Mary DeVerter, Miss Francis Weidenhamer, Miss Marion Pressler, Miss Mary Siple, Mrs. Fran- cis Booser, Miss Anna Miller, Mrs. W. N. Shetter, Mrs. C. Bomgardner. Miss Mildred Carman, Miss Ella R. Wilson, MISS Katherine Germer. Miss Anna Bookus, Miss Pearl Raysor, Miss Bes- sie Haysor, Mrs. W. F. Raysor, Miss Mary E. Swindells, Miss Josephine Hubler, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. L. Cols- Kate, Mrs. J. H. Duncan, Mrs. Lottie McCahn, Mrs. J. E. Horner, Mrs. W. B. Rockwell, Miss D. B. Bowman, Miss Margarette Balthaser, Miss Sara J. Wiestling. Miss Esther Paul, Miss Marguerite L. Glrvin, Mrs. O. P. Glrvin, Miss Viola Black, Miss Mar- garet Velder, Miss Alberta Smith, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Esther Worden, Miss Helen Hampton, Miss Esther Kaufman, Mrs. S. R. Harris, Miss Adelia Kilgore, Miss Anna Gamber, Miss Katherine Dunkle, Mrs. Harvey Klear, Miss Olive Frey, Miss Mildred YVisliart. Miss Lenore Prlchard, Miss Margaret Kline, Mrs. C. C. Holland, Miss Carrie Wcller, Miss Helen Liv- ingston, Miss Myra Eby, Miss Mary Oehring, Miss Kathryn Hughes, Miss I Ruth Atkinson, Miss Mabel Hall, Mfcjs Edith Hall. Miss Bessie Hall. Mrs. Beatrice Criswell. Miss Mar- guerita Wiidman, Mrs. M. Urich, Miss Ruth A. Weeber, Mrs. P. Arnold, Mrs. F. Weber, Miss Susan Kawel, Miss Mae Jeinklns, Mrs. N. Watts, Miss Emma Sliaffner, Miss Mary E. Swartz, Miss Roberta E. Swartz, Miss Helen Mulli- gan. Mrs. W. Elder, Mrs. W. H. Rail- man, Miss Florence Nulter, Mrs. I). S. Loo, Mrs. IT. E. Dallman, Mrs. J. T. Holbert. Mrs. A. E. Tomlinson, Miss Ora Miller, Mrs. E. F. Weaver, Mrs. Gettis, Mrs. Thomas Hess. Mrs. Em- mons Hess, Mrs. Sidney Keith, Miss Edna Forrer, Mrs. EfTle Ellis. Miss Lillian McClain, Mrs. J. Frank Palmer. Miss Annie Free. Mrs. H. D. Sollenberger, Miss M. J. Sollenberger, Mrs. Phoebe Turner, Miss Minnie Bai- ley, Mrs. James Bates, Miss Emma Sauders, Miss Stickley, Miss Man' E. Selders. Miss Martha Selders. Miss Martha Rose, Mrs. Jennie Shelly, Mrs. Karl D. FORK, Mrs. Edmunds, Miss Carrie A. Roe. Miss Ruth Harris, Miss Carrie Weiser, Miss Catherine Speck, Miss Luella Speck, Mrs. Hamson, Miss Florence Speck, Miss Edith Stauffer, Mrs. W. A. Hamm, Miss Minnie Burt- ner. Miss Stella Arnold, Miss Elsie Harmnn, Miss Alice Wil- son, Mrs. Harry Ulrich, Mrs. F. S. Xllrlch, Mrs. Lawrence Sliepley, Mrs. L. G. Monn. Mrs. James Shultz, Mrs. E. 1-andis, Miss C. Monn, Miss Anna Brenneman, Mrs. H. O. Miller, Mrs. George Young. Mrs. E. H. Sidel, Mrs. W. Swope. Mrs. J. Sowers, Mrs. W. G. Starry, Mrs. Edward Strlckley, Mrs. G. D. Pentz. Mrs. Edwin Knisely, Mrs. Ella Rnsli, Miss E. Gertrude Heffel, finger. Miss Ruth Heffelfinger, Miss Ella Fenlcal, Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, J Irs. Mary Wertz. Miss Susan Long, Mrs. Mary Rolllson, Mrs. William Lynne, Miss Marguerite Smith, Miss Elizabeth Swilkey, Mrs. Thomas Reish, Miss Josephine Ebersole, Miss Villa Zerbe, Miss Helen Lynne, Miss Nora Plough. Miss Susan Rhoades, Miss Ma- rie Nell. Miss Esther Nell, Mrs. Millard Hess. Miss Isabel Saul, Miss May Benner, Miss Marian Bach- man, Miss Mary Mumma, Miss Flor- ence Stoyer, Miss Mary Lescure, Miss Martha Knisely, Miss Marguerite Fleagle, Mrs. C. M. Spahr, Mrs. N. Y. Parthemore. Miss Eleanor Crain, Miss Mary Beachler, Mrs. Florence E. Calder. Mrs. F. Lawrence, Mrs. John Rolbert, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. H. S. Swartz. Miss Jennie Sellers, Mrs. W. Mailey, Mrs. John Ray, Mrs. W. S. Booth. Miss Amy Bird, Miss Mary- Crawford, Miss Rlioeda Kautz, Miss Kutliryn Dubbs, Mrs. Lizzie Page. Alto?Miss Helen Roher, Miss Edith Hartman, Miss Sara Powell, Miss Helen Oilman. Miss Gertrude Edwards, Mrs. Ralph Wolf, Miss Olive Sweigert, Miss Sara Sheesley, Mrs. Elizabeth Watkins, Mrs. William Meek, Mrs. Frank Hay, -Mrs. E. B. Luigard, Mrs. Harry Motter, Miss Viola Smith. Mrs. E. McElhoes, Mrs. Emma Lehman, Miss Gertrude Bolton, Miss Elsie Da- | vis, Miss Miriam Carl, Mrs. E. K. Mountz, Mrs. J. E. Gip- ple. Miss Mabel Bright, Mrs. Edna F. Mann, Miss Carrie Reiley, Miss Edna Balsbaugh, Mrs. Cora Free, Mrs. Ella Banks, Miss Goldie Otstof, Mrs. Ella Otstof, Miss Gertrude Stouffer. Miss Margaret Gause, Mrs. S. K. Mackamer, Miss Ethel Early, Mrs. Charles Early, Miss Edna Mozingo, Miss Dessle Mo- zlngo, Mrs. Frank Conrad. Miss Mar- garetta Brownawell, Mrs. Frank Mac- Donald. Mrs. A. R. Jerauld, Miss Caro- line Gebhardt, Miss Maude Eppley, Mrs. C. Samson, Miss Florence Flnper, Mrs. Stella Macey, Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mrs. Ida Wright, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. E. S. Schilling, Miss Ethel Batdorf. Mrs. Bess Lambert, Mrs. John Lapplcy, Sr., Miss Emma Lorenz, Mrs. Edward Book, Miss S. E. Butler, Miss Emma Hollinger, Miss Lulu Beard, Miss Ruth Taylor, Miss Dorothy Gibbons, Miss Carrie MeCahan, Miss Blanche Ging- erich, Miss Dorothy Hoke, Miss Edith McCann. Mrs. Clyde Nelss. Miss Jose- phine Rineer, Mrs. Ed. Drinkwater, Miss Anna Spangler, Mrs. Levi Shep.ffer. Miss Anna Black, Mrs. Maley, Miss Irene Little, Mrs. S. V. Sheoffer. Miss Ethel Sheaffer, Miss Margaret Edmondson. Mrs. Harry Baurn, Mrs. Robert Wlnegardner, Mrs. U. F. Swengel, Miss Carrie Zlegler, Miss Gertrude Ziegler, Mrs. F. Marion Sourbeer, Miss Stella Metagar, Miss Anna Sdurbeer, Miss Maud Duey, Mrs. F. C. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Harry Steele, Miss Nancy E. Canan, Miss Mary Huber, Miss Grace Welsh, Mrs. W. I. Shreiner. Mrs. W. L. Troup, Mr*. John McMeln, Mrs. Joseph Troup, Miss Margaret Reel, Mrs. Bertha Fen- stiinaker, Mrs. Bertha Moust, Mrs. Harry Devore. Mrs. Andrew Robinson, Mrs. Ross Hoyer. Mrs. Robert Geesey, Miss Anna Souders, Miss Opal Pelrce, Miss Gay Beard, Miss Ruth Spangler, Mrs. F. T. Spangler, Miss Mildred Burke. Miss Minerva Early, Mrs. pie. Miss Mary E. Dietrich, Mrs. J. L. Barr. Miss Luella Lehman, Miss Lil- lian Quigley, Miss Helen Stephens, Miss Margaret Sullenberger. Miss Grace Linhart, Miss Emma Murray, 9

TOMORROW, FOR ONLY - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038411/1914-10-20/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · TOMORROW, FOR ONLY $1 You can have one of these new Hoosier Cabinets

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TOMORROW, FOR ONLY $1You can have one of these new Hoosier Cabinets delivered toyour home and pay the balance of the low cash price in weeklydues of sl?provided you enroll before our limited allotment is taken.

(SSmml You may choose any of the new Hoosiers| -r? |||m^ I\u25a0\u25a0 B- ji-HH%I siightl 1* Beauty," or "Oak Interior" at

\u25a0 V-2 p flllpjffi P u Hoosier inyour home at once.

, 3. The low cash price fixed by the factory

r is under the direct supervision of

fHRe sale strictly limited to our small

'rT .^ : Your money back if you are not delighted

The Woman Who Owns a Hoosier

Beauty" to a 'most nothing. The Hoosier cuts the cordsAdtrtifjin uajimt Magai.nm s^tlo that bind you to your kitchen. Take this oppor-

"WHITE BEAUTY"?THE tunity?enroll to-morrow.

NEW HOOSIER CABINET e pj ace on sa je tomorrow40 LABOR-SAVING FEATURES a limited number of Pure Aluminum Sauce-

-17 ENTIRELY NEW pans, to women only. Full quart size

This is the cabinet which contains Mrs. Fred- 1erick's Food Guide ,answering the eterrtal ques- »

tion, "What shall 1 cook for dinner?" It has the Hl| \ lljl ijl ml «f Jk /7^remarkable shaker flour sifter which cannot wear \ V " 'Wjjf

This is the cabinet which reached a sale of over$1,000,000 immediately after it was placed before


American women. The Hoosier factory has Aluminum Pans of this size sell regularlynever caught up with orders since this new from 350 to 50^*.Iloosier appealed.

??it You do not need to buy anything else to1 he opportunity to own it on the Hoosier dol-

lar plan is one you should seize at once. Other get one of these pans, but you must come

women are making up their minds now and the early for these wont last long,sale is strictly limited.

FURNITURE, w T?* O °ur Liberal Te rmsCARPETS, ff ? I I I I 50c weekly on $20.00

STOVES m M. SI.OO weekly on $50.00


Break a bad cold? Yes! Surest cleansing with Cascarets and you will*ay in the world is to take two Cas- wonder in the morning what became

of your misery-making cold.Carets to-night ana vou will wake up

Carcarets is the surest cold breakerxvith a clear head and the cold gone, known ?a 10-cent box will prove it.Try this! If headachy, stuffed up and Mothers should cure children's coldssore all over from a cold or grippe this way?no harm no dangerousgive your liver and bowels a thorough drugs.



Ik WBm:gLp

\u25a0Hi HMSf


£3mKS&MHF . HMr* -*> JB;v


Stough Party Member Who Will Lead1,500-Volce Choir.

office in the city and county.Speaking of the Harrisburg cam-

paign Mr. Spangler said: "The neigh-borhood meetings, the mass meetings,the splendid organization and the ris-ing tide of Interest and enthusiasm,such as the city has never witnessed,with many conversions already to thecredit of the campaign, with evidencesof God's hand on many sides. Investinglives with a new spirit and overcom-ing difficulties attest the value of thismodern movement.

"A single life. 'Big Dick' Branatonof London and Berwick, born in anonchrlstian home, his own master asto morals and religion, a thug in histeens, a gambler and race track gam-bler in England, prize lighter andtrainer of prize fighters, and second atprize lights, a licentiate and libertine,guilty of every crime In the catalogexcept murder, a scoffer at religion,profane in his family, a bully towardhis wife and with an ambition to trainhis baby boy of three and a half yearsfor the prize ring, a tough knockerand mocker In the Berwick campaign,just a social plague and contemptiblefiend. Yet a Christian to-day as a re-sult of this campaign, with a splendidrecord in Christian service, and get-ting ready to enter the Moody BibleInstitute at Chicago to train for evan-gelism.

"These are the considerations thatcompel respect for this amazing move-ment and lor the campaign in Harris-burg."

The chorus for the tabernaclemeetings Includes:

Soprano?Mrs. Frank Smiley, MissKatharine Kllpg. Miss Nellie Foulke,Mrs. William Harder, Miss EleanorShouff, Miss Hazel Fralm, Mrs. Clias.Kirk, Miss Amy Seibert, Mrs. JosephIbach, Mrs. Chas. Dewalt

Mrs. Arthur Stoner, Miss Anna Wil-kinson, Mrs. Olle Wagner, Miss RuthStoner, Mrs. Isaac Matchett, Mrs. W.Burris, Miss Olive Hall, Mrs. AustinLightner, Miss Mary Markley, MissLaura Crane.

Miss Mae Patterson, Mrs. BertLightner, Miss Uuth Conkling, MissMary Turner, Miss Bessie Bennett,Mrs. C. B. Miller, Mrs. John Smith,Mrs. Chas. Hartzell. Mrs. E. J. FlsseLMrs. J. W. Flnton.

Mrs. Kobert Sterringer, Miss Marian

Hart, Mrs. J. Mencer, Mrs. Chas. Shaf-fer, Mrs. George Collier, Mrs. FrankEby, Miss Katherine Jamison, MissJane Roth, Miss Esther Shade, Mrs.Amy Saylor.

Miss Margaret Crane, Miss MinervaBlessing, Mrs. Yost, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs.T. Sears, Mrs. Kleippeter, Mrs. DavidWise, Mrs. I. J. Dean, Mrs. KalphSellmyer, Mrs. Chas. Pee.

Miss Tillie Wagner, Mrs. C. A.Martz, Mrs. Chas. Leiby, Miss EvelinBurg, Miss Alice Wert, Miss VioletHelm, Miss Mabel Winn, Miss Kath-erine Mauh, Mrs. Robert Bratten,Miss Emma Gault.

Mrs. Jacob Maxwell, Miss Helen Yo-cum, Mrs. Sebourn, Mrs. Amos Mor-rison, Miss Irese Rohrer, Miss JenniePry, Mrs. William W. Byrem, MissAlva Shoop, Mrs. B. F. McClellan,Mrs. J. W. Bitterman.

Miss Esther Wilson. Miss MolliePerry, Miss Mabel Hoffsommer, MissLucile Smucker, Miss Alabel Wilson,Miss Winifred Wilson, Miss MariamBrown, Mrs. Mary B. Geary, Mrs. C.C. Gastrock, Miss Gertrude Copland.

Miss Gertrude Forsythe, Miss Kath-erine Barnhart, Miss Eva Steigelman,Miss Ida Sourbeer, Miss Dora Sour-beer, Mrs. Llllie Kinch, Miss HelenMcClure, Miss Grace Lutz, Miss MaryMcAllister, Miss Sarah Cresswell.

Mrs. J. H. ICase, Mrs. J. H. Gitt,Miss Lillie Compton, Mrs. W. D.Pindar, Miss Julia Washburn, Mrs.George W. Sweigert, Mrs. CharlesCurtis, Miss Jean Allen, Mrs. W. F.Steever, Mrs. T. M. Scehler.

Mrs. Carl Heefner, Miss CatherineKeene, Miss Myrtle Schell, Mrs. H. A.Boyer, Mrs. H. G. Pedlow, Miss RaeWillis, Mrs. James Evans, Miss AnnaHarris, Mrs. Anna Elder, Miss SaraC. Grimm.


TABERNACLE 'TRAIL'[Continued From First I'agc]

meet. More than forty members ar«jin each of these committees.

To-morrow night bands of six oreight workers will go out to prayermeetings to be held in the followingco-operating churches: First Baptist,Covenant Presbyterian, l/emoyneUnitedEvangelical, Summerdale Methodist,Steelton Methodist, Steelton UnitedEvangelical ind the Steelton UnitedBrethren. The Christ Lutheran Bibleclass will hold a rally to-night at 7.30o'clock. "Billy" Shannon will beleader at the prayer meeting to boheld in the Allison Hill Fire Com-pany's building this evening at 7.45.

Every day more persons are enroll-ing In the choir and orchestra which

will furnish the music for the Stoughtabernacle. Professor D. L. Spooner.

Girlish ComplexionNow Easily Acquired

"A skin of blended snow, cream androse" is the way an Ohio correspon-

describes her newly acquired < oin-Wlexlon. She is one who lias adopted"mercollzed wax in place "f cosmetics,manage, steaming and other methods.Many who have tried tills marvelouswax report that Its effects are quitedifferent from those of any other treat-ment. It produces a complexion of ex-quisite girlish naturalness, rather thanone bearing evidence of having beenartificially "made over." One that isIndeed "Nature's own." the result ofgradually absorbing dead particles ofsurface skin, permitting the younger,healthier skin beneath to show itselfand giving its pores a chanCe tobreathe. Mercollzod wax, procurable atany drug store in original one ouncepackage, is put on at night like coldcream and washed eff In the morning.

I have also had many favorable let-ters from those who have tried thewrinkle-removing face bath which Irecommended recently. If any havemislaid the formula, here it Is: 1 ox.powdered noxolite, dissolved in pt.witch hazel.?"Natalie" In the WomanMilitant

Miss Olive Huver, Miss MaryHeeser, Miss Margaret Templar, MissLila Sourbeer, Mrs. C. A. Smucker,Mrs. Chas. SinKer, Miss Susan Dunkle,Mrs. J, C. Filson, Miss Margaret Fil-son, Mrs. William Shaffer.

Miss Maud Shaffer, Miss MaudWatts, Miss Alice Foltz, Miss Elsie M.Theal, Miss Lola Prince, Miss MariaElder, Miss Naomi Machael, MissPearl Weist, Mrs. Ed. Syler, Mrs.Laura Grannison.

Miss Hannah Scott, Mrs. MargaretJones, Mrs. Bosa Jones, Mrs. MaryScott, Miss Alice Graydon, Mrs. JamesTaggert, Mrs. W. H. Bricker, MissMinerva Boyer, Miss Helen Broomal,Miss Reah Miller.

Mrs. Chas. Lackey, Mrs. A. S. Wil-liams, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. F. B. Fink,Miss Ida Keel, Miss Bessie Bixler,Miss Millie Llngle, Mrs. J. A. Haas,Miss Mary Taylor, Miss ElizabethSykes.

Miss Blanche Ennis, Miss FernGrose, Miss Margaret Burgoon, MissSarah Burgoon, Miss Maude Parker,Miss Lydia Kutz, Miss Ruth Lappley,Miss Ines Miller, Mrs. John A.Swartz, Mrs. C. W. Batdorf.

Mrs. J. H. Smith, Miss GertrudeSeitz, Miss Katherine First, Mrs. AnnaMoyer, Mrs. 0. B. Fisher, Mrs. NoraOren. Mrs. H. H. Hilbush, Miss Eliza-beth Pefter, Mrs. J. F. Conrad, MissAda Kreider.

Mrs. Adaline Graffles, Miss LillianGoodyear, Mrs. Emma Fisher, MissFrancis Gill, Mrs. E. S. Troup, MissM. Mayer, Mrs. Harry Frank, MissGertrude Eaton, Miss Clara Eaton,Miss Edith Fischler.

Miss Pearl Nicely, Miss FrancisRamsey, Miss Elizabeth Newcomer,Miss Anna Fessler, Miss Mossle Mil-ler, Mrs. W. H. Young, Miss Alice S.Lewis, Miss Esther Webb, Miss Kath-erine Leas, Miss Lillian Speakman.

Miss Evelyn Speakman. Miss Es-ther Heagey, Miss Gertrude Ruber,Mrs. J. H. Holsberger, Mrs. E. C. Rerr.Mr#. Frant Ltnig, Mrs, Oscar Wertz,


Mrs. Robert Koons,Mrs. Clarence Grlffee, Mrs. Susie

Ewell, Mrs. Irene Taylor. Mrs. A. M.Taylor, Miss Grace Balsbaugh, MissEvangeline Balsbaugh, Miss Ida An-derson, Miss Helen Stephens, Miss Es-ther Stouffer, Miss Emma Lleb, MissKelly, Miss Minerva Hepford, Mrs. J.G. Harvey, Mrs. W. W. Stewart, MissMae Ewing, Miss Helen Bratten, MissAlice Wright, Mrs. Wilmer Crow, MissVerna Miller. Miss Alary Evans, MissEleanor DeSllvery, Mrs. Don Manahan,Mrs. Grace Watson, Miss Lenora Gard-

ner. Mrs. Charles William, Mrs. EdnaMann, Miss Mary Garland, Miss Dor-othy Teats, Miss Margaret Tyson, Mrs.Shimmeliing. Miss Mary Weller, Mrs,Beryl Kawel, Miss Margaretta Reed,Mrs. R. Shoemaker, Miss HallioMathews, Mrs. Etta Mackey, Miss Es-ther Maekey, Mrs. R. K. Mathias, MisaLila Greenawalt.

Miss Wynne Cassel, Miss Anna Wen-gert, Mrs. William N. Yates. Mrs.Frank L. Meek. Mrs. W. C. Zeiders,Mrs. C. L. Smith. Miss Beulali Hover-

ter. Miss Ethel Waid, Mrs. William F.Scliell. Miss Dora Dyer. Miss Sellers,Miss Anna Hammelbaugli, Miss Mar-tha C'resswell, Miss Nellie Jones; Mrs.A. J. Lightner. Mrs. J." H. Snyder.Miss Villa Baker, Miss Emma Stoner,Miss Ethel Hall, Mrs. George Miller,Miss Susie Spahr, Miss Ruth Ster-ringer, Mrs. George Reed, Miss Mil-dred Conltling, Mrs. P. A. Deckard.Mrs. Setli 11. Barnhart, Miss Meda

Woods. Mrs. John Beam, Miss MaryCrane, Mrs. George Reed,

Miss Irene L>omis, Miss Margaret

Turner. Miss Margaret Shoaff, Mrs.Charles Kochinov, Mrs. William Yo-cum, Miss Maudalen Shoaff, Mrs. Wes-ley Weaver, Mrs. Worcester. Miss Ida

Dimm. Miss Annie Dimm. Miss GraceSparver, Mrs. N. H. Miller. Mrs. MaryMark. Miss Sara Speck. Miss EstherNelbel, Mrs. Harry Beck, Mrs. IraEngle, Mrs. I. M. Nisley, Miss Erma,Henry, Miss Alice Rollison, Miss Es-

ther ilarnel, Miss Ida Long, Misa Eliz-abeth Shunk. Miss Edna Kurtz. Mrs.Ida Behney, Miss Margaret Haas, MissRuth Sauders, Miss Ida Plough andMrs. Walmer.

Tenor ?Charles M. Storey, RobertStorey, George W. Sweigert, H. A.Boyer, W. S. Schell, William Meek,R. K. Bergstresser, W. E. Detrich,Ralph E. Parthemore. Earl Caton,Charles F. Clipplnger. Charles McCoy,Robert Anderson, Joseph Wolf, ElmerKeim. A. B. Stouffer. F. H. Hartman,F. A. Lutz, Harvey Batdorf, Arthur Eby,

Harrv Hover, A. G. Bachman, L. H.Zarker, H. O. Miller. S. R. Harris, .T.A. Clark. A. T. Sides, David Mohn,Mr. McDonald. Samuel S. Fackler,Harry M. Bretz,

Professor Ellenberger.Tliomas E. My-ers, Professor Elmore Smith, WesleyF. W. Townsend, Frank L. Hutter,Charles H. Rur > .J. C. A. Hoover. W.IL Myers. H. R. Botdorf, S. A. Wen-gert. A. H. Ritter, Walter Greenfield,Elmer Moyer, Benjamin Woltz, Sam-uel Garman, Stephen Gruber, JohnBluster, Russell Smith, Paul Bard,Charles Fisher, Clarence Kirk, RobertMichael, Edward Stoner. J. A. Shettel,Richard S. Chellew, Oeorgo G. Young,H. F. Sheesley, Edward Harrison,Harry Weirich, E. L. B. Vogel, CharlesR. Bartley, Thomas Smith, J. A. Mil-lard. Evan Evans,

Ira Behney, D. S. Loe. A. D. Pa*ne,H. P. Kiins. O. M. Bowers, WallaceSmedly, J. Frank Palmer, W. C. E.

Yoder. John F. Holbert, E. A. Heffel-flnger. W. Walter Whitman, George L.Ebersole, Wilson Ebersole, HarrySacks, Millard Hess, Emos Wenrlck,C. A. Hollenbaugh, A. F. Sides. J. K.Stevens. Walter Majiley, F. W. Thomas,F. H. Shaull. R. C. Krenger, Jacob E.Watson. A. R. Calder. C. E. Whitman,L. Miller, A. Fink, D. Heisey, W. D.Reed. D. Sollenberger, R. Ward, RoyStetler. Wldney Peffer, William L.High, Martin Miller, William Scherfley,Richard Roebuck,

Oris Oren, Merrin Oren. SamuelMahaffey, Delroy White, Edward Book,D. W. Cotterel, J. W. Frank, PaulDaugherty, Guy Kinch, Louis Sebotirn,Thomas Spofford, Carl Swope, Roy

IContinued on Pa ere 81


OR CONSTIPATEDLook, Mother! If tongue is coated

give "California Syrupof Figs"

Every mother realizes, after givingher children "California Syrup ofFigs," that this is their ideal laxative,because they love its pleasant tasteand it thoroughly cleanses the tenderlittle stomach, liver and bowels with-out griping.

When cross, irritable, feverish orbreath is bad, stomach sour, look atthe tongue mother! If coated, give ateaspoonful of this harmless "fruitlaxative,' and in a few hours all thefoul, constipated waste, aour bile andundigested food passes out of thebowels, and you have a well, playfulchild again. When its little system tsfull of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic ?

remember, a good "Inside cleansing"should always be the first treatmentgiven

Millions of mothers keep "CaliforniaSyrup of Figs" handy; they 'know ateaspoonful to-day saves a sick childto-morrow. Ask your druggist for a50-eent bottle of "California Syrup ofFigs." which has directions for babies,children of all ages and grown-upsprinted on the bottle. Beware ofcounterfeits sold here, so don't be

, fooled. Get the genuine, made byi "California Fig Syrup Company. "?-

, Advertisement.

who will direct the music and trainthe two organizations, will be here on

October 31 to take charge. Mr.Spooner is a graduate of the 'O6 class

of Lafayette College. He has been inevangelistic work for three years inKansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ala-bama, Tennessee and Massachusetts.

Stough executive committee mem-bers say there is absolutely no truthIn the rumor that Dr. Stough will re-ceive SIO,OOO for his evangelistic workIn this city. Dr. Stough will receivewhat people voluntarily give him onthe last day of his campaign in thiscity. The only contract that ho hasmade with the executive committee Isthat they shall pay all the current ex-penses, such as the erection of thetabernacle, publllcty. and so on. Hewillreceive no definite amount for hiswork while he is here.

Dr. Spangler Tells ofEffects in Other Cities

At a meeting of the United Breth-ren Ministerial Association yesterdaythe Rev. J. T. Spangler, pastor of theFirst United Brethren Church, Boasand Myrtle streets, spoke on "TheModern Evangelical Movement." Mr.Spangier's observations were based onpersonal investigations conducted incities where campaigns have alreadybeen held. Mr. Spangler said In part:

"At McKeesport: After nearly threeyears since the Sunday campaign con-ditions remain the same, I have beeninformed that this city IB still a dif-ferent city from what It was beforeand that ninety per cent, of the con-verts are still to be found.

"At Johnstown: After almost ayear, the conditions are as In the cityof McKeesport. Four hundred andthirty members were received Intothe First United Brethren Church,four hundred of whom are still 'ontheir feet.' And the pastor told me

that they are more reliable peoplejthan those of his congregation who

; professed a reawakening.i "Elmlra: In a single week, and even|after the scheduled campaign hadcome to an end. Dr..Stough and hissplendid party cleaned political houseso thoroughly that the brewer womanboss of Elmlra and Shenning county

was put out of business and to this daynot a single gangster has gotten Into


Mrs. Rosa Kelley, Mrs. David Dively,Mrs. George Lego.

Miss Nellie Liddick, Miss MahelO'Neal, Miss Pauline O'Neal. MissJeanette Hoover, Miss Helen Erdley,Mrs. Isaac Boyer, Mrs. Chas. Urcich,Miss Grace McKelvy, Miss FrancisEdds, Miss Leah Hoppes.

Miss Laura Bricker, Miss Jane Kin-zer, Miss Mary A. Laverty. Miss RuthLaverty, Miss Carrie M. Miller, Mrs.Raymond Eckert, Miss B. Hess, MissMae Patterson, Miss Hazel Seibert,Miss Carrie Gable.

Miss Florence I. Brown, Miss MabelWinn, Miss Annie Carter, Miss Har-riet Harrison, Mrs. Lucy Arrington,Mrs. Fannio Walker, Miss ElizabethReel, Mrs. Annie Green, Mrs. G. W.Young, Mrs. Harvey Eberly.

Miss Mutzabaugh, Miss MaudePeace, Mrs. Oswald Hogentogler, Miss

Alma Yost, Mrs. W. W. Clippinger,Mrs. Wm. Lebo, Mrs. Kreitzer, MissElla Shambaugh, Mrs. Wingert, Mrs.E. 11. Curry.

Mrs. S. F. Roundsley, Mrs. Chas.Miller, Mrs. George W. Shuey, Mrs.Jennie Riegle, Mrs. Margarite Foff,Mrs. Elizabeth Hickey, Mrs. J. H.Eichle, Mrs. William Murphy, Mrs. J.Westbrook, Miss Verne Scliafer.

Miss Viola Redman, Miss ElizabethHutter, Miss Clara Bennett, Miss O. J.Cassel, Mrs. Joseph Troup. MissBuelah Parks, Miss Margarite Hossler,Miss Martha Shearer, Mrs. ClaraShuster, Mrs. Zephaniah Rogers.

Miss Carrie Reichkert, Miss EliseRineer, Mrs. George Miller, Miss Car-rie Snavely, Mrs. Robert Runyan, airs.Fannie E. Runyan, Miss Carrie M.Snavely, Miss Sarah Mardorf, MissCatherine Piek, Miss MargaretteTighlman.

Miss Helen Tighlman, Miss MildredGraham, Miss Martha Graham, MissMargapet Glaiss, Miss Thelma Glaiss,Miss Agnes Sparrow, Miss BerthaRohrer, Miss Nan Krabcr, Miss Mar-garet Fry, Mrs. Daniel Graham.

Miss Gertrude Kell, Miss DorothyStoner, Mrs. Tamsen F. Drinkwater,Miss Edna Pettlt, Miss Dortha Wild-ers, Miss Sarah McCormick, Miss AlmaMcCurdy, Mrs. Chas. Raine, MissLeah Fisher, Miss Viola Fisher.

Miss Nellie Spangler, Mrs. FloraSparrow. Mrs. W. P. Widenhammer,Miss Rachel Thomas, Miss Ruth Ba-ker, Miss Emma Guger, Miss AnnieHerre, Mrs. Clyde Lynch, Miss NoraLerew, Mrs. Levi Sheaffer.

Miss Martha Miller, Mrs. MargaretEdmondson, Miss Fay Remm, MissHope Remm, Miss Gertrude Hoover,Miss Carrie Walker, Mrs. DavidCooper, Mrs. McClanigan, Mrs. N. A.Spidle, Mrs. E. A. Bossier.

Miss Mabel Potteiger, Miss RachelNissley, Mrs. C. H. Runkle, Mrs. C. Y.Stamm, Mrs. H. R. Batdorf. Mrs. J.

K. Runkle, Miss Ruth Spangler, Miss

Edna I. Row. Miss Esther Bowman,Mrs. Agnes Shultz.

Mrs. J. H. Clark, Mrs. M. Alice

Boose. Mrs. J. E. Row, Miss May Ad-

ams, Miss Daisy Mateer, Miss EthylDisslnger, Miss Anna M. Arment, MissMinnie E. Bailey, Mrs. W. K. Bum-baugh, Miss Emily Carr.

Mrs. Clyde M. McKelvey, Mrs. Harry

W. Miller, Mrs. J. C. Peet, Miss MaryJ. Ross, Miss Laura M. Bulick, Mrs.Chas. Dubbs. Miss Emily E. Miller,Miss Carrie Reinoehl, Mrs. D. S. Seitz.

Mrs. S. G. Stauffer, Miss Rena B.Baish, Miss Helen Bright, Miss StellaUlrich, Miss Anna Bowder, Mrs. J. A.Lyter, Mrs. Bomgardner, Mrs. J.Robinson, Mrs. Bruhel.

Mrs. O. M. Bowers, Mrs. JennieColin, Mrs. Fellers. Miss Vera liar-man, Miss Mary Heneh, Miss GraceKoowell. Mies Edna Lahdis, Miss Syl-

via Mathias, Mrs. H. O. Miller, Miss

Mary Shupp, Miss Violet Stauffer, MissElva Stauffer. Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. H.Rupp. Miss Jessie Williamson. Miss

Mary Walmor, Mrs. John E. Wlsley,Miss Catherine Edwards, Miss Mar-

garet Cook. Mrs. Samuel Weidemyer,Mrs. W. E. Dietrich, Miss Ruth Doyle,

Mrs. Claude R. Engle,Miss Blanche Yowler. Miss Mary S.

Smith, Miss Mildred Attick, Miss AliceBatdorf, Mrs. D. J. Bennett, Miss O.Dorothv Duncan, Mrs. D. A. Fry, Miss

ICatherine Gettys. Miss Laura Hall,Miss Frank Lehman. Mrs. Harry Lid-dick, Mrs. H. B. Lutz, Miss RuthMcCormick. Miss Lillian Potter, Miss

Ethel Smith. Mrs. Spahr, Miss AliceStraub, Mrs. Thomas Meek, Miss

Miriam Wyble, Mrs. H. Russell Rupp.

Mrs. William Hitlow, Mrs. Bert Fet-terhofT. Miss Ruth Sheaffer. Miss IreneSouders, Miss Anna Winkleman, Mrs.

William Goldworth. Miss Edith Gold-

sorth. Miss Viola Pelrce. Miss Augusta

Mathias. Miss Annie Deigle,Miss Daisy Marks, Miss Mary Fisher,

Miss Laura Frantz. Mrs A. M. Lind ?sav, Mrs. Hilton. Miss Baker. Miss

Walker. Miss Edna Kimmel, Mrs. A.M. Hardv. Mrs. Wilbur Harris, Mrs.Cora E. Harr, Miss Sarah*Harr, Mrs.

Chester Bvler, Mrs. Guy Kuich, MissMary Neeter, Mrs. Charles Adams,

Mrs. Louis Sebourn, Miss Mary Brat-

tcri, Miss Maud Sites, Mrs. Lila John-son, Mrs. David Fisher, Mrs. L. P.Noaker, Miss Mildred Harvey, Miss

Ida Conner. Miss Belle Pancake, Mrs.Charles Smith, Mrs. Roy WaJborn,Mrs. Harrv Jordon, Mrs. Frank Haw-

thorne. Mrs. Arthur Stoner, Miss Kath-erine Rohrer,

Mrs. Oeofge Hamer, Mrs. LawrenceHarvey. Miss Helen Bowers, Mrs. M.

K. Conrad, Mrs. E. IJ. Fields, MissGrace Stoner. Miss Ida Beck, Mrs.

Charles Cornelius. Mrs. George Eck-ert. Miss Emily Mell, Mrs. J. A. Ger-

lock. Miss Grace Snyder, Miss EleanorSnyder. Miss Elizabeth Hinkle, Mrs.

Christ Germer. Miss Blanche Bower,Miss Jessie Bowers. Miss Edna Bow-ers, Mrs. Watson. M'ss Mary Towsen,

Mrs. Frank B. Kann, Miss Emma Sun-

day, Miss Floy Sunday, Miss MayHoover. Miss May Enders, Miss VioletEnders. Miss Marion Dean,

Miss Ruth Fisher, Mrs. Theo. Stouf-fer. Miss Tda Knouse Miss MarthaReck. MIBS Rattle Weidenhamer. MissAnna Dugan, Miss Sarah Shireman,Miss Margaret Shoop, Miss Cora Dti-can, Miss Pearl Yahn, Miss Alice My-ers, Mrs. E. S. Selple. Mrs. C. A. Shel-ley, Miss Anna Mary DeVerter, Miss

Francis Weidenhamer, Miss MarionPressler, Miss Mary Siple, Mrs. Fran-cis Booser, Miss Anna Miller, Mrs. W.N. Shetter, Mrs. C. Bomgardner. MissMildred Carman, Miss Ella R. Wilson,MISS Katherine Germer. Miss AnnaBookus, Miss Pearl Raysor, Miss Bes-sie Haysor, Mrs. W. F. Raysor, MissMary E. Swindells, Miss JosephineHubler, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. L. Cols-Kate, Mrs. J. H. Duncan, Mrs. LottieMcCahn, Mrs. J. E. Horner, Mrs. W.B. Rockwell, Miss D. B. Bowman, MissMargarette Balthaser, Miss Sara J.Wiestling. Miss Esther Paul,

Miss Marguerite L. Glrvin, Mrs. O.P. Glrvin, Miss Viola Black, Miss Mar-garet Velder, Miss Alberta Smith, MissMargaret Smith, Miss Esther Worden,Miss Helen Hampton, Miss EstherKaufman, Mrs. S. R. Harris, MissAdelia Kilgore, Miss Anna Gamber,Miss Katherine Dunkle, Mrs. HarveyKlear, Miss Olive Frey, Miss MildredYVisliart. Miss Lenore Prlchard, MissMargaret Kline, Mrs. C. C. Holland,Miss Carrie Wcller, Miss Helen Liv-ingston, Miss Myra Eby, Miss MaryOehring, Miss Kathryn Hughes, Miss

I Ruth Atkinson, Miss Mabel Hall, MfcjsEdith Hall. Miss Bessie Hall.

Mrs. Beatrice Criswell. Miss Mar-guerita Wiidman, Mrs. M. Urich, MissRuth A. Weeber, Mrs. P. Arnold, Mrs.F. Weber, Miss Susan Kawel, Miss MaeJeinklns, Mrs. N. Watts, Miss EmmaSliaffner, Miss Mary E. Swartz, MissRoberta E. Swartz, Miss Helen Mulli-gan. Mrs. W. Elder, Mrs. W. H. Rail-man, Miss Florence Nulter, Mrs. I). S.Loo, Mrs. IT. E. Dallman, Mrs. J. T.Holbert. Mrs. A. E. Tomlinson, MissOra Miller, Mrs. E. F. Weaver, Mrs.Gettis, Mrs. Thomas Hess. Mrs. Em-mons Hess, Mrs. Sidney Keith, MissEdna Forrer, Mrs. EfTle Ellis.

Miss Lillian McClain, Mrs. J. FrankPalmer. Miss Annie Free. Mrs. H. D.Sollenberger, Miss M. J. Sollenberger,Mrs. Phoebe Turner, Miss Minnie Bai-ley, Mrs. James Bates, Miss EmmaSauders, Miss Stickley, Miss Man' E.Selders. Miss Martha Selders. MissMartha Rose, Mrs. Jennie Shelly, Mrs.Karl D. FORK, Mrs. Edmunds, MissCarrie A. Roe. Miss Ruth Harris, MissCarrie Weiser, Miss Catherine Speck,Miss Luella Speck, Mrs. Hamson, MissFlorence Speck, Miss Edith Stauffer,Mrs. W. A. Hamm, Miss Minnie Burt-ner. Miss Stella Arnold,

Miss Elsie Harmnn, Miss Alice Wil-son, Mrs. Harry Ulrich, Mrs. F. S.Xllrlch, Mrs. Lawrence Sliepley, Mrs.L. G. Monn. Mrs. James Shultz, Mrs.E. 1-andis, Miss C. Monn, Miss AnnaBrenneman, Mrs. H. O. Miller, Mrs.George Young. Mrs. E. H. Sidel, Mrs.W. Swope. Mrs. J. Sowers, Mrs. W. G.Starry, Mrs. Edward Strlckley, Mrs. G.D. Pentz. Mrs. Edwin Knisely, Mrs.Ella Rnsli, Miss E. Gertrude Heffel,finger. Miss Ruth Heffelfinger, MissElla Fenlcal, Miss Ruth Fitzgerald,J Irs. Mary Wertz. Miss Susan Long,Mrs. Mary Rolllson, Mrs. WilliamLynne, Miss Marguerite Smith, MissElizabeth Swilkey, Mrs. Thomas Reish,Miss Josephine Ebersole, Miss VillaZerbe, Miss Helen Lynne, Miss NoraPlough. Miss Susan Rhoades, Miss Ma-rie Nell. Miss Esther Nell,

Mrs. Millard Hess. Miss Isabel Saul,Miss May Benner, Miss Marian Bach-man, Miss Mary Mumma, Miss Flor-ence Stoyer, Miss Mary Lescure, MissMartha Knisely, Miss MargueriteFleagle, Mrs. C. M. Spahr, Mrs. N. Y.Parthemore. Miss Eleanor Crain, MissMary Beachler, Mrs. Florence E.Calder. Mrs. F. Lawrence, Mrs. JohnRolbert, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. H. S.Swartz. Miss Jennie Sellers, Mrs. W.Mailey, Mrs. John Ray, Mrs. W. S.Booth. Miss Amy Bird, Miss Mary-Crawford, Miss Rlioeda Kautz, MissKutliryn Dubbs, Mrs. Lizzie Page.

Alto?Miss Helen Roher, Miss EdithHartman, Miss Sara Powell, MissHelen Oilman. Miss Gertrude Edwards,Mrs. Ralph Wolf, Miss Olive Sweigert,Miss Sara Sheesley, Mrs. ElizabethWatkins, Mrs. William Meek, Mrs.Frank Hay, -Mrs. E. B. Luigard, Mrs.Harry Motter, Miss Viola Smith. Mrs.E. McElhoes, Mrs. Emma Lehman,Miss Gertrude Bolton, Miss Elsie Da-

| vis, Miss Miriam Carl,

Mrs. E. K. Mountz, Mrs. J. E. Gip-ple. Miss Mabel Bright, Mrs. Edna F.Mann, Miss Carrie Reiley, Miss EdnaBalsbaugh, Mrs. Cora Free, Mrs. EllaBanks, Miss Goldie Otstof, Mrs. EllaOtstof, Miss Gertrude Stouffer. MissMargaret Gause, Mrs. S. K. Mackamer,Miss Ethel Early, Mrs. Charles Early,Miss Edna Mozingo, Miss Dessle Mo-zlngo, Mrs. Frank Conrad. Miss Mar-garetta Brownawell, Mrs. Frank Mac-Donald. Mrs. A. R. Jerauld, Miss Caro-line Gebhardt, Miss Maude Eppley,Mrs. C. Samson,

Miss Florence Flnper, Mrs. StellaMacey, Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mrs. Ida

Wright, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. E. S.Schilling, Miss Ethel Batdorf. Mrs.Bess Lambert, Mrs. John Lapplcy, Sr.,Miss Emma Lorenz, Mrs. EdwardBook, Miss S. E. Butler, Miss EmmaHollinger, Miss Lulu Beard, Miss RuthTaylor, Miss Dorothy Gibbons, MissCarrie MeCahan, Miss Blanche Ging-erich, Miss Dorothy Hoke, Miss EdithMcCann. Mrs. Clyde Nelss. Miss Jose-phine Rineer, Mrs. Ed. Drinkwater,Miss Anna Spangler,

Mrs. Levi Shep.ffer. Miss Anna Black,Mrs. Maley, Miss Irene Little, Mrs. S.V. Sheoffer. Miss Ethel Sheaffer, MissMargaret Edmondson. Mrs. HarryBaurn, Mrs. Robert Wlnegardner, Mrs.U. F. Swengel, Miss Carrie Zlegler,Miss Gertrude Ziegler, Mrs. F. MarionSourbeer, Miss Stella Metagar, MissAnna Sdurbeer, Miss Maud Duey, Mrs.F. C. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Harry Steele,Miss Nancy E. Canan, Miss MaryHuber, Miss Grace Welsh, Mrs. W. I.Shreiner. Mrs. W. L. Troup,

Mr*.John McMeln, Mrs. Joseph Troup,Miss Margaret Reel, Mrs. Bertha Fen-stiinaker, Mrs. Bertha Moust, Mrs.Harry Devore. Mrs. Andrew Robinson,Mrs. Ross Hoyer. Mrs. Robert Geesey,Miss Anna Souders, Miss Opal Pelrce,Miss Gay Beard, Miss Ruth Spangler,Mrs. F. T. Spangler, Miss MildredBurke. Miss Minerva Early, Mrs.pie. Miss Mary E. Dietrich, Mrs. J. L.Barr. Miss Luella Lehman, Miss Lil-lian Quigley, Miss Helen Stephens,Miss Margaret Sullenberger. MissGrace Linhart, Miss Emma Murray,