Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.1 TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS Sr. No. Statement Option (a) Option (b) Option (c) Option (d) Ans 1 "Management is getting the things done by others"- is said by Henry Gantt Drucker Mary Parker Henry Fayol c 2 Management is not… An economic resource A system of authority A class or elite All are wrong d 3 Management is not…. Methodology Team activity Social science All are wrong d 4 Getting the things done from others is called as Management Adjustment Organization Direction a 5 According to ___________________, "Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups". Harold Koontz Henry Fayol George Terry Mary Follet a 6 ________________ writes, "Management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business, manages managers and manages workers and work". Harold Koontz Henry Fayol George Terry Peter Drucker d 7 Management is not directly visible instead; its presence is observed in the form of results. Rather than feeling the presence of managers (good or bad), it focuses more on the results which is measured in terms of higher productivity, higher efficiency, disciplined work force, etc. Hence management is ___________________. Tangible Intangible Concrete None of above b 8 Which are the important features of management? It is process It is Art as well as Science It follows Professional Approach All of above d 9 Which of the following is the duty of management: (1) Facilitates Optimum Utilization of Resources (2) Generates Efficiency (3) Motivates Personnel (4) Encourages Initiative (5) Development of Team Spirit (6) Facilitates Innovation (1), (2), (3) (4), (5), (6) (1), (3), (5) All of above d

TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

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Page 1: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.1


Sr. No.

Statement Option (a) Option (b) Option (c) Option (d) Ans

1 "Management is getting the things done by others"- is said by

Henry Gantt Drucker Mary Parker Henry Fayol c

2 Management is not… An economic resource A system of authority

A class or elite All are wrong d

3 Management is not…. Methodology Team activity Social science All are wrong d

4 Getting the things done from others is called as Management Adjustment Organization Direction a

5 According to ___________________, "Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups".

Harold Koontz Henry Fayol George Terry Mary Follet a

6 ________________ writes, "Management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business, manages managers and manages workers and work".

Harold Koontz Henry Fayol George Terry Peter Drucker d


Management is not directly visible instead; its presence is observed in the form of results. Rather than feeling the presence of managers (good or bad), it focuses more on the results which is measured in terms of higher productivity, higher efficiency, disciplined work force, etc. Hence management is ___________________.

Tangible Intangible Concrete None of above b

8 Which are the important features of management? It is process It is Art as well as Science

It follows Professional Approach

All of above d


Which of the following is the duty of management: (1) Facilitates Optimum Utilization of Resources (2) Generates Efficiency (3) Motivates Personnel (4) Encourages Initiative (5) Development of Team Spirit (6) Facilitates Innovation

(1), (2), (3) (4), (5), (6) (1), (3), (5) All of above d

Page 2: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.2


As the manager’s uses systematic knowledge of principles and laws along with his judgment, skills and efforts in order to accomplish the goals of the organization, hence management has characteristics of ______ as well as ______________.

good, bad right, wrong art, science commerce, science c

11 Top level management includes Managing Directors (MD)

Chief Executive Officers (CEO)

President All of above d

12 Levels of management are Strategical Level Tactical level Operational level All of above d

13 The functions of top level management are Defining goal of an organization or business

Defining mission and vision

Making different long term policies for an organization

All of above d

14 Defining goals, mission and vision of organization and making different long term policies for an organization is the function of __________ level of management.

top middle lower None of above a


__________ Level management is concerned with (1) determination of company goals (2) framing of corporate policy (3) mobilization of resources (4) monitoring performance and (5) shouldering financial responsibilities.

Top Middle Lower None of above a

16 The top level management plans and views the company business for ___________ years from present.

5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 None of above b

17 The functions of middle level management are Giving recommendations to top management

Interpretation of policies framed by top management

Framing rules and regulations to be followed by lower level management

All of above d


Monitoring and controlling the operations, cooperation with other departments and to select, train and motivate employees is the function of __________ level of management.

top middle lower None of above b


__________ Level management is concerned with (1) giving recommendations (2) interpreting policy (3) framing rules and regulations

Top Middle Lower None of above c

Page 3: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.3

(d) monitoring and controlling operations and (e) selecting, training and motivating employees.

20 The middle level management plans and views the company from the period of ____ years from present.

2 3 4 5 a

21 To conduct day to day activities, monitor daily progress and reporting to middle level management is the function of __________ level of management.

top middle lower None of above c


__________ Level management is concerned with (1) guiding, directing and motivating the employees (2) developing moral (3) supervision of workers and (4) acting as link between management & employees

Top Middle Lower None of above c

23 The lower level management plans for daily activities for a period of ___________.

day month year None of above b

24 The number of people working on lower level are larger than _________

Strategical Level Tactical level Operational level All of above b

25 On ______ only few people work as middle level managers.

Strategical Level Tactical level Operational level All of above b

26 Top level is known as _______ because all important decision related to whole organization is taken by top management

Strategical Level Tactical level Operational level All of above a

27 Middle level of management includes people who are designated as

Senior Managers Junior Managers Supervisors All of above d

28 Middle level is known as ________ of management. Strategical Level Tactical level Operational level All of above b

29 The managers working at the middle level _________ manages the whole organization and reach to the goal defined by top management

Strategically Tactically Operationally All of above b

30 Lower level known as __________ Strategical level Tactical level Operational level All of above c

31 Lower level includes people like ______________________ Clerks Supervisors Data entry operators All of above d

32 The lower level operations could be day to day Production Payments Purchase All of above d

Page 4: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.4


"Administration is concerned with the determination or planning of corporate policy whereas management is concerned with the execution or implementation of policy within the limits set" is stated by _____________________.

Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a


____________________ stated that "Administration is used for executive functions in government departments while Management is used for executive functions in business organizations"

Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker b

35 Which duties come under Administration? Formulation of broad objectives, plans and policies

Decision making function as to what is to be done and when

Supervise and manage all day to day activities

All of above d

36 Administration functions or duties are decision making policy making making necessary adjustments

All of above d

37 F.W Taylor has given his highest contribution in Scientific management

Principles of management

Functions of management

Economics and management



Scientific management involves: (1) use of scientific methods to accomplish each and every element of work (2) scientific selection of workers (3) harmonious cooperation between workers and management

(1), (2) (2), (3) (1), (2), (3) None of above c

39 The theory of Scientific management revolves round the __________ fundamentals principles of F. W. Taylor.

two three four five c

40 To promote equity and justice and to create atmosphere of amity and mutual cooperation is the objectives of _____________________ management

Traditional Classical Scientific Modern c

41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol Mary Parker F.W. Taylor c

42 Henry Fayol has given ____ principles of management 14 12 16 13 a

43 Following is not the principle of management Initiative Scalar chain Staffing Responsibility c

Page 5: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.5

44 Following is not the principle of management Team Work Organizing Division of work Remuneration b

45 Following is not the principle of management Centralization Authority Decentralization Esprit de corps c

46 Following is not the principle of management Authority Discipline Equity Planning d

47 In which principle of management an employee receive orders and report to only one superior rather than multiple bosses.

Unity of Direction Unity of Command Discipline Division of Work b

48 If there is single manager and single plan for activities having the same objectives, then there will be __________________________.

Unity of Command Discipline Division of Work Unity of Direction d

49 Scalar chain is the ______________________________, which runs from top level to the lower level in the organization.

line of authority plane of authority path of authority authority a

50 Espirit de Corps means ________________. Team Work Team activity Team spirit No Team c

51 Henry Fayol is called as "Father of _______________________ Management.

Traditional Classical Scientific Modern d

52 Position, designation, seniority defines Centralization Initiative Authority Scalar chain c

53 Meaning of ____________ is right to command Stability Authority Scalar chain Initiative b

54 What is the second side of coin of authority? position Power Responsibility Remuneration c

55 Discipline starts from Top to Bottom Bottom to Top From middle All are wrong a

56 When many functions are controlled by a central authority, it is called as

Authority Management Discipline Centralization d

57 ________________ gives power in hands of centre. Discipline Centralization Authority Responsibility b

58 According to ______________"Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it."

Harold Koontz Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor David Ewing a

59 To start with enthusiasm is called ______________________ Initiative Dynamism Leadership Management a

Page 6: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.6

60 Out of the following which is not the function of management

Decision making Coordinating Reporting None of above d

61 Which is the appropriate reason of failure of good plan?

Insufficient data Lack of knowledge Over confidence All of above d

62 Out of the following reasons given below, which does not imply to equity?

Equal wages Dignity Fair Good work culture a

63 What was the abbreviation given by Luther Gullick while defining the function of management?


64 Which is next step after planning? Controlling Directing Organizing Coordinating c

65 Assigning each group according to the similar activities to be performed, to manager with the necessary authority to supervise them is called ____________.

Planning Organizing Controlling Decision making b

66 Remuneration of personnel is the principle based on _____________________________ principles.

F.W. Taylor Henry Fayol Peter Drucker Mary Follet b

67 Due to unity of direction, Work is divided Authority is delegated

Teams are formed Deviation from plans


68 The objectives of planning is To increase productivity

To decrease overload of work

To maintain standards

All of above d

69 ____________________ is a function of management which defines the steps of how and when work will be done effectively and efficiently.

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling a

70 ___________________ ensures that actual performance should be at par with the standard defined and should not deviate from it.

Planning Organizing Controlling Budgeting c

71 Middle level management includes people who are designated as:

Senior Managers Junior Managers Supervisors All of above d

72 Lower level management includes: Clerks Supervisors Data entry operators All of above d


_______________________ major contribution to the management theory in his 14 principles of management that are based on his thoughts and experiences.

HenryFayol HenryGantt F. W. Taylor Lillian Gilbreth a

74 _________________________ is the principle of management that allows everyone to do their job as per their skills or specialization.

Division of work Authority and responsibility

Discipline All of above a

Page 7: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.7

75 Good ________________________ or salaries motivate people to work efficiently and satisfies them to be loyal to the organization.

Unity of Direction Remuneration Discipline Unity of Command b

76 According to ___________________, "Planning is to a large extent, is the job of making things happen that would not otherwise occur."

David Ewing Mary Follet Henry Fayol Harold Koontz a

77 In the words of ________________ “planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it.”

Oliver Sheldon Mary Follet Henry Fayol Harold Koontz d

78 Analyzing internal environment is __________ step in the process of planning.

first second third last a

79 Review of plan is the __________step in the process of planning.

first second third last d


The steps involved in Planning are given below. Choose the steps in order of process of planning: (1) analyze internal environment (2) analyze external environment (3) define and set objectives (4) determine plan (5) frame alternative plan (6) selection of appropriate plan (7) implement of suitable plan (8) review of plan

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 1,2,4,3,5,6,7,8 7,8,6,5,3,4,2,1 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 a

81 ________________ is the preparation for action that gives sense of direction to business activities.

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling a

82 Which one of the following is the advantage of effective decision making?

Quick actions No delays No confusion All of above d

83 SMART stand for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely

specific, measurable, accountable, realistic, timely

specific, moveable, achievable, realistic, timely

specific, moveable, accountable, realistic, timely


84 Organizing ensures ______________________________ coordination optimum utilization of resources

(A) and (B) None of above c

85 Organizing facilitates __________________________________ effective management delegation of authority

performance of employees

All of above d

Page 8: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.8


In the words of ________________ “Organization is a process of combining the work which individual or groups have to perform with the facilities necessary for its execution, that the duties so performed provide the best channels for the efficient, systematic, positive and coordinated application of the available effort.”

Oliver Sheldon Mary Follet Henry Fayol Claude George Jr a

87 Determine objectives and goals are __________ step in the process of organizing.

first second third last a

88 Provision of coordination is the __________step in the process of organizing.

first second third last d


Organizing process follows the steps in which order from the following: (1) determine objectives and goals (2) identify activities to achieve goals (3) creation of department (4) arrangement of resources (5) assignment of duties (6) granting of authority (7) develop superior subordinate relationship (8) provision of coordination

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 1,2,4,3,5,6,7,8 7,8,6,5,3,4,2,1 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 a

90 ________________ is the process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals.

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling c

91 Comparing actual performance with the standard is ________ steps in process of directing.

first second third last c

92 Finding out deviations come after ___________________________________ in the process of directing.

Establishment of standard

fixation of standard comparing actual performance with standard

correcting the deviation



In the process of directing, after establishing different standard for activities, individuals and departments, the managers need to identify the standard and ____ them as per the requirement or on the basis of task to be performed.

fix hold use undertake a

94 Directing process follows the steps in which order from the following: (1) establishing standard

1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,4,3,5,6 6,5,3,4,2,1 6,5,4,3,2,1 a

Page 9: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.9

(2) fixation of standard (3) comparing actual performance with standard (4) finding out deviation (5) correcting the deviation (6) follow-up


Managers can easily measure the performance of supervisors and subordinates as per the standard plan and provide them necessary feedback for appraisal. Thus, proper ________________________ facilitates employee’s appraisal.

coordinating directing cooperating controlling d


______________ defines “Controlling is determining what is being accomplished, that is, evaluating the performance, and if necessary, applying corrective measures so that the performance takes place according to the plans.”

George Terry Oliver Sheldon James Stoner Henry Fayol a

97 In the words of _________________ “Controlling is the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to the planned activities.”

Oliver Sheldon James Stoner Henry Fayol F.W. Taylor b


Controlling process follows the steps in which order from the following steps: (1) setting of standards (2) implementation of tasks (3) measurement of actual performance (4) compare actual performance with plans (5) finding out deviations (6) list out various corrective measures (7) select appropriate corrective measures (8) follow-up

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 1,2,4,3,5,6,7,8 8,7,6,5,3,4,2,1 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 a

99 Measuring actual performance is the __________________ steps involved in the process of controlling.

first second third last c

100 Which steps in controlling process implement tasks? first second third last b

101 Decision making is not linked with _____________________ function of management.

planning organizing staffing reporting d

Page 10: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.10

102 Evaluation of alternative is done in which step of decision making process.

first second third last c

103 Which steps in decision making process develops alternative solutions

first second third last b

104 Effective ____________________ helps employees to eliminate wastages and achieve better results.

coordination decision making planning directing a

105 Managers must develop a team spirit among the subordinates by __________________ the activities of everyone to achieve the team objectives.

organizing cooperating coordinating planning c

106 Coordination refers to the integration of activities or actions and is called ______________ of management

presence interaction essence absence c

107 ________________ defines Decision making as "The process of identifying and selecting a course of action to solve a specific problem."

James Stoner George Terry Oliver Sheldon Claude George Jr a

108 ______________________ is the process of identifying a set of feasible alternatives and from these selected alternatives the best course of action.

Planning Organizing Controlling Decision making d

109 Which is the first step in the process of decision making?

recognition of problem

evaluation of alternative solutions

implementation of chosen alternative

follow-up a

110 Which is the last step in the process of decision making?

recognition of problem

evaluation of alternative solutions

implementation of chosen alternative

follow-up d


Decision making process follows the steps in which order from the following steps (1) Follow-up (2) implementation of chosen alternative (3) selection of alternatives (4) evaluation of alternatives (5) development of alternatives (6) recognition of problems

1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,4,3,5,6 6,5,3,4,2,1 6,5,4,3,2,1 d

112 Management theories are interpretive and evolve with organizational changes because ________________________

it is scientific it helps decision making

both a and b None of these c

113 Planning means __________________________________________ thinking before doing thinking after doing thinking during doing

no thinking only doing


Page 11: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.11

114 Policy making in an industry is role of ___________________ Management Administration Workers Public b


From the figure below, select the proper order of functions of management:

1-4-3-2 1-2-3-4 4-3-2-1 1-3-4-2 a


In an education institute, the people who belongs to the three different levels of management are:

(1) Board of Trustees (2) Principal of college (3) Teachers

(1) Board of Trustees (2) HOD (3) Teachers

(1) Board of Trustees (2) Principals, HOD's (3) Teachers

(1) Principal (2) HOD's (3) Teachers



Identify the levels of management with respect to the position held by the different persons in organization.

1- Top management, 2- Middle management, 3- Lower management

1- Vertical management, 2- Middle management, 3- Horizontal management

1- High management, 2- Centre management, 3- Low management

1- Up management, 2- Centre management, 3- Down management


Page 12: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.12


Identify the type of organization?

Line organization Line and Staff organization

Functional organization

Project organization


119 Which of the following is true concerning technical and managerial skills?

Human skills and technical skills remain equally important as manager’s move to higher levels

Technical-skill needs remain necessary and human skills decrease as manager’s move to higher levels

Human skills remain necessary and technical-skill needs decrease as manager’s move to higher levels

Both human-skill and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher


120 Which is not the principle of management, according to Henry Fayol?

Team work Organizing Division of work Remuneration B

121 Which of the following best described by F. W. Taylor principles?

Concern for workplace efficiency

Concern for control over the workforce

Concern for work life balance

Concern for working condition


122 In the figure of decision making process, identify the six steps

1- Define the opportunity or problem 2- Develop satisfying criteria 3- Generate a few alternatives 4- Select the first suitable alternative 5- Repeat if none are suitable 6- Monitor progress

1- Develop satisfying criteria 2- Repeat if none are suitable 3- Generate a few alternatives 4- Select the first suitable alternative 5- Define the opportunity or problem 6- Monitor progress

1- Generate a few alternatives 2- Repeat if none are suitable 3- Define the opportunity or problem 4- Develop satisfying criteria 5- Select the first suitable alternative 6- Monitor progress

1- Select the first suitable alternative 2- Repeat if none are suitable 3- Define the opportunity or problem 4- Develop satisfying criteria 5- Generate a few alternatives 6- Monitor progress


Page 13: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.13


Proper _______________, facilitates employees appraisal, as managers can easily measure the performance of supervisors as per the standard and provide them necessary feedback for appraisal.

coordination direction cooperation control d

124 Directing function of management embraces activities of:

issuing orders to subordinates

supervising subordinates

guiding and teaching the subordinates

none of above D


A supervisor who organizes the plant by separating engineering, accounting, manufacturing, personnel and purchasing into departments is practicing functional departmentation and the supervisor who carry out this function is called _______________

team leaders middle managers first-line managers top managers c


Suresh has been hired by a consultant to provide training to the workers of a firm where he needs to monitor, compare and correct the tasks or activities performed by the workers. So what is the actual line of function of management he is concentrating on?

Controlling Coordinating Reporting Organizing a

127 Position, designation, seniority defines __________ centralization directing organizing coordinating c

128 Which of the following pair is true for management triangle

Top level – strategic decision – CEO

Middle level – Tactical decision – Manager

Lower level – Operational decision – Foreman

All of these D

Page 14: TOPIC 2: MANAGEMENT PROCESS · 2016-01-15 · Oliver Sheldon Henry Fayol F. W. Taylor Peter Drucker a 34 ... 41 Principles of management is the contribution of Adam Smith Henry Fayol

Sixth Semester Management MCQ’s Management Process

Designed & Developed by – S. K. Rawat 2.14