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LEARNING OBJECTIVES.Definition of effective communicationsThe basic communication Theory Communicating as an art Interpersonal Communications The most important part of interpersonal communication Personality Inconsistency is the problem… Words, Tone and Language Why it is important to always look your best Four basic forms of communications The barriers to effective communication Listening Communication in an organization

What is Effective Communication?

•Effective communications can be defined as the process of sharing thoughts, ideas and Knowledge so that the message is understood.

The Basic Communications Theory

Identify the components of the communication process:

•The sender has a thought in mind•The sender translates the thoughts into words, text or behavior. This become the massage•The receiver translates the message into thoughts •Receiver provide feedback to the sender

Communicating as an ArtThe Art of Communicating emphasizes the development of interpersonal skills during persuasive communications.

•Some people seems to be born with natural energy and confidence. Other must work at it.• If you have the ability to communicate well, you will have a better chance of becoming more successful•If you feel that you are good already, you can always make yourself better. if you feel you are not good, you can always learn and improve!

Interpersonal Communications

Where do we apply interpersonal communications?

• Within an organization:Interviews,meetings,breaks,teleph

oning, etc.

• To the Guest or Public: Guest service, Selling, Reception Desk, Telephoning, Promoting etc.

What do you think is the most important part of interpersonal


What really counts in interpersonal


The key ingredient to interpersonal communication is BELIEVABILITY!

*The believability of a person is critical to any interpersonal success

*No Matter what is said, it is not going to make much difference in mind of listener unless the person is credible and believed

*Most of the time there can be “no effective action” where there is not much belief and agreement.


•Personality is character•Personality plays a major role in the effectiveness of an individual’s interpersonal relationships•Despite what you think, what you have read and what others have told you, your personality can be altered your interpersonal skills• Positive connection is most often made on “likeability”. This quality comes through factors such as being: Personal, open, friendly, caring, interested, concerned, comfortable, confident, unselfish and fun.

Inconsistency Is The Problem…•We know that it is important, but often we are inconsistent !•Some days we deliver the massage correctly, some days we do not…•Sometimes it is during the days where we don’t deliver when it really counts !•In business, a lot of people have detailed, wonderful ideas and productive things to say – technical and financial- but the communication system is blocked by inconsistency in how we communicate using words, tone & body language•This inconsistency is probably the biggest barrier to effective interpersonal communication.

Words, Tone & Body Language•We communicate via:Words-Tone-Body Language-

Which is most important? Why?




WordsToneBody Language

Body Language Is an action that communicates all the time – 24 hours a day !

Reading Body Language

What do these means?

Looking Your Best…•The way that you look and the way that you act determines what people think about you. If you smile- people think that you are pleasant, if you wear wrinkled clothing people think that you do not care.

•How you feel about yourself on the inside should show on the other side. Some of us know this, some of us do not, if we want the outside world to respond to us in a positive way, we must look and act positively.

•People judge us from our appearance•We Judge other people too…•Our Guests will see us as gracious hosts if we look and act like gracious hosts•Personal and social values are related to appearance•Appearance and first impressions can build relationships•Grooming can improve confidence•Grooming shows that you are Positive.

First Impressions •You only have one chance to make a good first impression !

1. A person will judge you in a matter of 15 seconds. what you wear says a whole lot about who you are, or at least how you are presenting yourself

2. Having correct appearance can be your competitive advantage over someone else.

3. With first impressions, there is no erase button so make certain that the first impression is positive one. People judge you base on how you look and how you carry yourself.

The 4 Basic Forms of Communication


• The ability to communicate well is absolutely curial to its effectiveness !

Barriers to Effective Communications

•There are many factor that influence the communication process.•Even if the message is presented clearly and with best intentions, the message may still come across as insensitive•The result maybe is that the message itself is not heard or understood. I.e. :o Distractions- loud telephone…o Fatigueo Boredomo Uninterestedo listener not concentrating etc.

How to tell if a Person wants to be left Alone (Does not want to talk)

*Eating*Reading or writing *Avoids eye contract*Change Topic*Checking Watch several timesHow to tell if a Person wants to Talk/Continue Talking

•Open body language•Good eye contract•Alone looking around •Asks questions•Follow the topic… etc.


What does listening means?

Listening Is an Action !•Listening means to pay attention to what someone else is saying or to what you can hear.

Listen ! There is a strange noise out there!Have you listened to those CD’s yet?I told him not to do it, but he wouldn’t listen.

Listening is the Heart of Communication

•Do you interrupt? How much do you talk? A lot? Not enough? Do you always need to have the last word? How well do you listen?•Most of us think that we are good listeners. However listening is just as complicated as reading, Writing or speaking•Listening requires mental and physical activity•Listening is a frequently used communication skill – yet we often think it requires no effort on our part.

Listening To Body Language

Body Language is often very clear….

•Focus attention on : facial expressions, posture, gestures and actions•Read “ nonverbal” in context of the conversation•Note differences between what people say and how they act I.e. if someone says they are happy, do they look and act happy?•Be aware of your feelings and physical reactions

Communicating Within an Organization

•An organization requires effective communication on all levels•Communication links everyone !•Without communication there can be no organization•Links can be strengthened or weakened simply by our communication skills Department heads must communicate effectively upward to the Manager and downward to their supervisors. Supervisors must communicate effectively upward to the department Head and downward to their staff Most importantly, all staff must communicate effectively laterally (or across)

Upward Communication Effective upward communication requires care and planning.

Some tips:•Be sure your message is important•Be sure the information is accurate and complete•Be brief•Communicate both Good and Bad news•Communicate regularly•Be prepared•Be sure your timing is right

Downward CommunicationEffective downward communication is vital if tasks are to be completed. It gains commitment and gathers information for making Decisions.

Some Tips:

•Present information clearly and accurately•Listen attentively to peoples concerns and suggestions•Don’t react emotionally or critically when someone brings you bad news. Becoming angry could cut off further communication•Be sure people know that you care about feelings, Give suggestions whether you agree or not with them – Specially your employees !

Lateral Communication Communicating effectively between departments help to ensure that information will continue to flow. It is important that all people in organization receive the relevant information that concerns them. Every one should understand each other’s work towards achieving the same goals.

Some Tips:•Try to establish good working relationships with other departments•Share information•Look at the overall picture as well as your own department •Give sincere and positive feedback when asked•Don’t look only negative•Offer your help when appropriate•Use proper body language when communicating•Use cross training opportunities to better understanding the operations of other departments.