September 2014 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hasbrouck Heights, NJ TRINITY TIDINGS Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one! God will reign, and we’ll walk with each other as sisters and brothers united in love. David Haas, ELW Hymn 720, verse 3 The Light has returned as it came once before, the Song of the Lord is our own song once more, so let us all sing with one heart and one voice the Song of the Singer in whom we rejoice. Herbert F. Brokering, ELW Hymn 861, Verse 5 As long as I can remember, I have loved to sing. Many of my cherished memories of childhood, school and church involve singing. One of my earliest memories is of learning a Chinese prayer-song, taught to me by my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Mar, so I could sing it at a Mother-Daughter Dinner at my family’s church. Mrs. Mar even sent for a traditional Chinese jacket for me to wear for the performance. When I think about my childhood church, it is full of memories of singing—in the children’s choir and later in the adult choir. But also memories of singing in Sunday school and vacation bible school and especially of singing alongside my grandparents or my father in worship. It is not surprising really that singing is such a feature of my memories of church especially. After all, I did grow up Lutheran and Lutherans sing their faith. Recently, I gained some fine insight into my love of singing when our Minister of Music, George Moser, forwarded a link to a TED talk (an international conference of ideas on Technology, Entertainment and Design) by Stacy Horn* on the science of the benefits to mind, body and spirit of singing. In her presentation, Stacy shares that her life was in a shambles in her early 20s—she was an alcoholic and abuser of drugs. But one day, while sitting in her living room—not entirely sober—she had an idea that was the beginning of her recovery. She remembered how she loved to sing in high school and so she decided she needed to join a choir. She found a community choir at a local church. She made an appointment to audition and though she admits she doesn’t have a “good voice,” she can sing on pitch and the choir director issued the invitation: “Welcome to the choir!” Since then, she said, she has made many mistakes and had other set-backs in her life, but singing in the choir every Tuesday evening was not one of them. In her presentation, Stacy Horn stated that studies reveal that performing (singing) music is more beneficial to a person than just listening. When a person sings or plays an instrument, there are chemical changes that increase our alertness and sense of pleasure. Also, the stress hormone, Cortisol, is reduced. Singing together increases feelings of trust and understanding that, in turn, strengthens community. Stacy observes, “A masterpiece like the Bach B Minor Mass can only be achieved by working and learning and performing together.” In singing, she goes on to say, you become that piece of music; the masterpiece becomes a part of you. Little black notes on an inert page come alive when they are sung and played. Singing, Stacy says, is best done with others and so she concludes her talk by telling her listeners to go find a choir or any place where people regularly sing together—it’s good for your mind, body and spirit. Now that is excellent advice! Here at Holy Trinity we sing regularly together—old and new songs alike—every Sunday morning and sometimes in between times. You don’t have to have an especially strong or good voice or even have to sing in tune. We sing together and let the words of faith and the masterpiece of God’s song become a part of our lives. We sing hymns and psalms that bring balm for our sorrows, and expression and enhancement of joyful thanksgiving and praise to God. As we do, we find that our life together is strengthened, our hearts and minds and spirits are lifted and nourished. So, welcome to choir everyone! No audition necessary! Just sing altogether with one heart and one voice! *To view Stacy’s presentation go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBbj2wtjLpE. —Pastor Susan

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Page 1: TRINITY TIDINGS - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/holytrinitylutheranchurch... · 2014-09-15 · in the name of Christ, assured that he is present among us with gifts of peace

September 2014

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Hasbrouck Heights, NJ


Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one! God will reign, and we’ll walk with each other as sisters and brothers united in love. David Haas, ELW Hymn 720, verse 3

The Light has returned as it came once before, the Song of the Lord is our own song once more, so let us all sing with one heart and one voice the Song of the Singer in whom we rejoice. Herbert F. Brokering, ELW Hymn 861, Verse 5

As long as I can remember, I have loved to sing. Many of my cherished memories of childhood, school and church involve singing. One of my earliest memories is of learning a Chinese prayer-song, taught to me by my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Mar, so I could sing it at a Mother-Daughter Dinner at my family’s church. Mrs. Mar even sent for a traditional Chinese jacket for me to wear for the performance. When I think about my childhood church, it is full of memories of singing—in the children’s choir and later in the adult choir. But also memories of singing in Sunday school and vacation bible school and especially of singing alongside my grandparents or my father in worship. It is not surprising really that singing is such a feature of my memories of church especially. After all, I did grow up Lutheran and Lutherans sing their faith.

Recently, I gained some fine insight into my love of singing when our Minister of Music, George Moser, forwarded a link to a TED talk (an international conference of ideas on Technology, Entertainment and Design) by Stacy Horn* on the science of the benefits to mind, body and spirit of singing. In her presentation, Stacy shares that her life was in a shambles in her early 20s—she was an alcoholic and abuser of drugs. But one day, while sitting in her living room—not entirely sober—she had an idea that was the beginning of her recovery. She remembered how she loved to sing in high school and so she decided she needed to join a choir. She found a community choir at a local church. She made an appointment to audition and though she admits she doesn’t have a “good voice,” she can sing on pitch and the choir director issued the invitation: “Welcome to the choir!” Since then, she said, she has made many mistakes and had other set-backs in her life, but singing in the choir every Tuesday evening was not one of them.

In her presentation, Stacy Horn stated that studies reveal that performing (singing) music is more beneficial to a person than just listening. When a person sings or plays an instrument, there are chemical changes that increase our alertness and sense of pleasure. Also, the stress hormone, Cortisol, is reduced. Singing together increases feelings of trust and understanding that, in turn, strengthens community. Stacy observes, “A masterpiece like the Bach B Minor Mass can only be achieved by working and learning and performing together.” In singing, she goes on to say, you become that piece of music; the masterpiece becomes a part of you. Little black notes on an inert page come alive when they are sung and played. Singing, Stacy says, is best done with others and so she concludes her talk by telling her listeners to go find a choir or any place where people regularly sing together—it’s good for your mind, body and spirit. Now that is excellent advice!

Here at Holy Trinity we sing regularly together—old and new songs alike—every Sunday morning and sometimes in between times. You don’t have to have an especially strong or good voice or even have to sing in tune. We sing together and let the words of faith and the masterpiece of God’s song become a part of our lives. We sing hymns and psalms that bring balm for our sorrows, and expression and enhancement of joyful thanksgiving and praise to God. As we do, we find that our life together is strengthened, our hearts and minds and spirits are lifted and nourished.

So, welcome to choir everyone! No audition necessary! Just sing altogether with one heart and one voice!

*To view Stacy’s presentation go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBbj2wtjLpE.

—Pastor Susan

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Page 2 September 2014

— HOLY TRINITY — Living faithfully ┼ Renewing hope ┼ Sharing God’s love

Comedy, Tragedy, and the Gospel

Dear Friends,

I remember an interview with the late comedian Nipsey Russell who was known as the “Poet

Laureate of Television” because so much of his humor was captured in verse. Like:

To slow down this recession and make our economy thrive, give us our Social Security now.

We’ll work when we’re 65!

It was a captivating interview. The questioner asked something like: “You find great humor in life. It seems to come so naturally. Was it always this way for you? Didn’t you ever suffer in life?”

There was a long pause. With a serious look on his face, an expression just short of tears, Nipsey

spoke of the greatest comedians frequently being sensitive people who suffer deeply, who know the emptiness of life, who understand the losses that life so often includes. Comedy and tragedy are linked.

As I prepared this letter I learned of the death of Robin Williams, one of the great comedians of our time. I feel like I grew up with his humor, remembering his days on the television show Mork and Mindy, which kicked-off his career, his many films, and his fantastic stage presence. Robin

had an ability to think quickly. His improvisations seemed unfathomable. Yet, he was a man who struggled with depression and addiction. “Behind every exquisite thing that existed,” Oscar Wilde once wrote, “there was something tragic.” That seems to be the case in the life of Robin Williams,

for his comedy was exquisite, masking a sadness that must have haunted him.

Each week we attend church with a sense of hope. But, make no mistake, we also attend because we feel hopeless. Some among us share in the struggle with depression. Some among us have contemplated harming themselves. Please know that you are not alone. Share your struggle with

a friend, your pastor, or your physician. Know also that suicide is the worst thing you can do to your kids, your family members, and your friends. We don’t have all the answers, but we know that God is the Creator of life. We trust in his promises. We see the life, death and resurrection

of Jesus as God’s reassurance of abundant life. It causes us to say Yes to life, even with its hard-ships and difficulties.

Thankful for your Partnership in the Gospel,

Pastor Wayne Dreyman


Our new schedule continues . . .

9:15 AM — Sunday Church School

10:30 AM — Holy Communion

Holy Cross Sunday September 14

+Wear your favorite cross and/or bring in your favorite cross from home to display during coffee fellowship.

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September 2014 Page 3


The Sundays of

Pentecost 14, Sunday, September 7—RALLY DAY—God’s work. Our hands.* Worship at 10:30 AM with block party immediately following the service.

*ELCA dedicated day of service: We will assemble sustainable lunches for distribution by Bridges Outreach to the homeless in NJ.

Petting zoo and pony rides for children! Themes of reconciliation are prominent in the readings for the day. The prophet Ezekiel calls for us to be sentinels, those assigned to watch from the city walls not only to look for approaching dangers but also to welcome visitors. The apostle Paul calls us to wake up; the day has come; get dressed and put on Christ. In the gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that the responsibility for correction, discipline, and forgiveness belongs to the community. We gather in the name of Christ, assured that he is present among us with gifts of peace and reconciliation.

Holy Cross Day+, Sunday, September 14 Lift high the cross! The love of Christ proclaim!

This festival, which originated in the fourth century, celebrates the triumph of the cross. Paul reminds us that Christ crucified is the power and wisdom of God. As Moses put a serpent on a pole to be a source of healing for the Israelites, we lift high the cross as the sign of our health and salvation. Each time we make the sign of the cross we remember our baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ.

+Wear your favorite cross and/or bring in your favorite cross

from home to display during coffee fellowship.

Pentecost 16, September 21–The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Matthew narrates one of Jesus’ controversial parables, in which Jesus says the reign of God is like workers who get paid the same no matter when they start. When God changes his mind about punishing Nineveh for their evil ways, Jonah is angry. Yet God is gracious and merciful, abounding in steadfast love. In baptism, we receive the grace of God that is freely given to all. As Luther wrote, in the presence of God’s mercy, we are all beggars.

Pentecost 17, September 28 —Stewards of God’s Love, Week I: God Comes to Us Our practice of stewardship begins with looking at how God has come down to us in love; this is the “downward” dimension of Stewardship. Stewardship begins with God and how God has shown love for us. We are first receivers. We belong to God and all that we have belongs to God. Out of this receiving, we are freed in Christ to love, give and serve. As stewards of all God’s blessings, we are first receivers of what God has already done. Then in trust and faith, we accompany the active work of God in the world throughout giving.

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Page 4 September 2014

The Sundays of 2014 Pentecost 18, October 5—Stewards of God’s Love, Week II: Entrusted to Us

Presentation of Study Bibles to Confirmation class. This Sunday we look in to discover all of the resources that God has entrusted to our care. This is the “inward” dimension of Stewardship. God loved us so much that God gave each of us varying talents, time, money and stuff. We each have resources that we can use to love God and our neighbor. We need only to look in to discover the abundance that God has entrusted to us. We each have unique gifts and talents that we can use. God has also blessed us with time. What are the gifts that God has entrusted to your care?

Pentecost 19, October 12—Stewards of God’s Love, Week III: Giving and Sharing

We continue with the third dimension of stewardship—the “outward” dimension of looking out to see the many ways God is calling us to love our neighbors both near and far. Throughout the Bible, we hear God’s commandment to love God and our neighbor, not just with our words but also with our actions. When we share the abundance that God has entrusted to our care with our neighbor, we not only love our neighbor, but God as well.

Pentecost 20, October 19—Stewards of God’s Love, Week IV: Praise & Thanksgiving

Commitment Sunday As first receivers, we are called to be first-responders to God’s love and grace. In today’s first reading, God uses the Gentile ruler Cyrus to accomplish divine purposes. When the Pharisees try to trap Jesus, he tells them to give the emperor what belongs to him and to God what belongs to God. To gather for worship reminds us that our ultimate allegiance is to God rather than to any earthly authority. Created in the image of God, we offer our entire selves in the service of God and for the sake of the world.

REFORMATION SUNDAY, October 26—Presentation of Confirmands On this day we celebrate the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ—the good news—that makes us free! We pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to unite the church today in its proclamation and witness to the world. In the waters of baptism, we are made one body; we pray for the day that all Christians will also be one at the Lord’s table. God’s truth sets us free—young and old together!


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September 2014 Page 5

God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday*

Rally Day Celebration SEPTEMBER 7

WORSHIP at 10:30 AM (indoors) followed by a BLOCK PARTY

with Hamburgers and Hot Dogs**


on the front lawn of Holy Trinity

**Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet on the desk in the lobby or by calling the church office at 201-288-6889

so we know how many hamburgers and hot dogs to purchase. Let us know, also, if you can provide a salad or a


with the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry . . .

*“God’s work. Our hands” Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. Nearly 10,000

congregations of this church gather to serve communities in ways that share the love of God with all of

God’s people. We will be assembling “sustainable lunches” to be distributed by Bridges Outreach to

homeless street people in Elizabeth and Newark, NJ. We are hoping to provide at least 60 sustainable lunches. Donations of the following items are needed:

Tuna or chicken salad packs with crackers

Fruit cup or applesauce

Savory pre-packaged snack: pretzels, nuts, trail mix

Sweet pre-packaged snack: granola bar, cereal bars

Juice box or small water bottles (6-8 oz)

Please drop off your donations in the basket in the church lobby or bring them with you on September 7. Or, make a monetary donation made out to Holy Trinity with “Bridges Lunches” in the memo line and we’ll do the shopping for you!

See new Tidings insert page

in this issue!

PLEASE NOTE . . . we’ve changed our e-mail addresses!

Pastor Susan

[email protected]

Church Secretary, Terry Mills

[email protected]


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Men's Breakfast

with Pastor Dreyman

Saturday, September 13 A Field Trip

9:00 AM - 12 noon

Visiting the Palisades Interstate Park Guided by Arnie Ulrich

of the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association

Please note the time change. We will meet at Holy Trinity and leave promptly at 9 AM.

Please call the church office to register.

Visitors and friends welcome!

Page 6 September 2014


Rev. John Collins & Edie Jansen


(Air/land tour price is $2681 plus $698 government taxes/airline fuel surcharges)

TOUR INCLUDES: Roundtrip air from Newark, $698 govt. taxes/

airline fuel surcharges, First Class hotels, Breakfast & Dinner daily,

Comprehensive Sightseeing, Porterage & Entrance Fees.

Walk where Jesus walked…Cruise the Sea of Galilee…Visit Nazareth…Climb the

Mt. of Olives & view the Old City of Jerusalem…Walk the Via Dolorosa to the

Church of the Holy Sepulchre…Visit Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.

For a detailed brochure contact Edie Jansen at:

Tel: (732) 793-8138

Email: [email protected]


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September 2014 Page 7

will be held from

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM* beginning

September 14

*Please note change in time

Coming in October 2014 . . . an additional Sunday morning worship service on the second Sunday of each month at 9:15 AM

A new Family Worship Service will be added on the second Sunday of each month from October to May at 9:15 AM. While it is a family-friendly service that will be reverent yet informal, it is a service intended for anyone of any age who desires an earlier worship time and a laid-back style of worship. The service will include a blend of kid-friendly songs with old favorite hymns and will include Holy Communion. Sunday school students will attend this service with their teachers; parents are invited to join them.

If you are interested in serving as a reader or worship assistant for this service, please contact Pastor Susan at 201-288-6889 or e-mail her at [email protected].


9:15 AM—10:00 AM


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Page 8 September 2014


A New Confirmation Class Begins on Monday, October 6 Confirmation studies for students in the 7th to 9th grades will begin on Monday evening, October 6, with an orientation for parents and students at 7:00 PM. Students will begin the two-year program with a year-long study of the Bible. They will receive their Study Bibles during the worship service on Sun-day morning, October 5.

Classes are held every Monday evening from 7:00 PM—8:15 PM. The class schedule is posted on the website: http://www.holytrinityhasbrouckheights.com/#/education/confirmation-schedule. For more information about our Confirmation ministry, please contact Pastor Susan at 201-288-6889 or by e-mail at [email protected].


The ELCA Youth Gathering, a unique community by size and scope, exists to accompany young people in their faith journey to claim their baptismal identity and articulate their faith in Jesus Christ.

The 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering will help young people understand that to know Jesus through his death is to know Jesus as the fullness of God’s love, and that they are called, through their baptism, to follow Jesus’ way of the cross. They will return to their home communities, in all of their varied forms, with a renewed commitment to serve Christ crucified by living out their baptismal promises: living among God’s faithful people, hearing the word of God and sharing in the Lord’s supper, proclaiming the good news of God in Christ through words and deeds, serving all people following the example of Jesus, and striving for justice and peace in all the earth.

Youth and their chaperones will worship each day and participate in three learning days to learn to proclaim their unique witness as part of God’s story, engage others’ stories with respect and love, and live boldly in the face of injustice, crisis and suffering, especially engaging in Detroit’s unique story of tenacity and hopefulness.

Youth from 9th grade to 12th grade are invited to attend a pre-registration meeting on Monday, September 29 at 7:00 PM.

For more information about the ELCA 2015 Youth Gathering, please contact Pastor Susan at 201-288-6889 or e-mail her at [email protected].

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Women, Wine and the Word FIRST FRIDAY EVENING OF EACH MONTH at 7:00 PM

First Meeting: Friday, October 3 Sofia’s Mediterranean Grill 220 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

This is an opportunity for women to come together to build relationships, share in fellowship and explore God’s word. Pastor Susan will bring the wine!

RSVP by September 25th to Pastor Susan at 201-288-6889 or e-mail her at [email protected].

Blessing of the Animals and Commemoration of St. Francis Sunday, October 5 Noon—Front Lawn Burton Avenue BRING YOUR PETS!

St. Francis of Assisi is remembered not only as a friend of animals, but primarily as a renewer of the church, urging the church to be faithful to the Gospel. Francis, the son of a wealthy cloth merchant, renounced his wealth and future inheritance and devoted himself to the poor. He said that all followers of Christ had the task to preach the Gospel and to “use words if necessary.”

In commemoration of St. Francis, please join us on Sunday, October 5, on the front lawn at noon and

bring your pets for a brief, but maybe raucous, special Blessing of the Animals Service.

Rebecca Wright invites you to help her care for God’s creatures!

During the month of September, Rebecca is collecting donations of towels, blankets, dish

detergent, laundry detergent, bleach and cat toys. These items will be blessed on Sunday, October 5, the day the church recognizes St. Francis of Assisi. Rebecca will then be

delivering the items to the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge in Oakland where she volunteers in the cat kennel. A collection box has been set up in the lobby. If you have any questions,

please call the church office to leave a message for Rebecca.

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Page 10 September 2014

Death, Sex and Money— A Bible Study Series Part 1: Heart Matters—Faith and Money Thursday Evenings at 7:00 PM—8:30 PM October 2, 9, 16, 23, November 6, 13

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted,” observed Albert Einstein. The Bible would certainly agree and affirm him. The subject of money seems to be one of the most emotional issues of our times. For many of us, money rules like a despot over our attitudes, our time, our decisions, and our politics. Money determines what we buy, the things we possess, the lifestyle we can attain and maintain; it may even determine who we are friends with and who we marry. Yet, money is more than a measure of one’s well-being, the supposed security of one’s future, or the means for bettering ourselves. The way we handle money and how we relate to it gives us insight into our relationship with God. Money and possessions are a matter of the heart. They show where our true affections lie. No wonder Jesus spoke so much about money and possessions and our relationship with them.

This six-week Bible study will explore what we need to know about what God has to say about money, where it comes from, how we are to handle it and what our accountability may be in respect to whatever we have. This study will help you to ask big questions, struggle with difficult choices, liberate you and help you to gain new insights to cultivate contentment and enjoyment of an abundant life regardless of your financial circumstances. For more information, contact Pastor Susan at [email protected] or at 201-288-6889.


We’re having another


3 PM - 6 PM

We’re doing it again so, if you’re interested in knitting and/or crocheting,

no matter what level you’re at, you’re invited to attend our “Knit and

Crochet-In” on Sunday, October 12, from 3 PM – 6 PM. Come, relax,

meet new people and experience an afternoon of fellowship and fun!

Bring a project you’ve been working on or want to start. Simple instruc-

tions for knitting and crocheting will be available.

We’ll share news of Holy Trinity’s Prayer Shawl Ministry, Warm Up America! Foundation, and other

programs that will welcome our handmade shawls, hats, blankets and scarves. Along with coffee and

desserts, patterns, ideas and other giveaways will be available.

Please call Dianna Mammone at 201-843-5769 to let her know you will attend. The event is open

to the community; it will take place in the multi-purpose room; and we look forward to seeing

you there.

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Over and Over Again

God's forgiveness and our forgiving others . . .

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18:21-22

Just look at all of these pencils! There are short pencils, long pencils, skinny

pencils, and fat pencils. There are yellow, red, black, and white pencils. There

are many different shapes, sizes, and colors of pencils but there is one thing

that all of these pencils have in common. The eraser is worn off of every one

of them. Do you know what that tells me? It tells me that I make a lot of

mistakes. When I make a mistake, I erase it and start over, and over again,

until I get it right! I don't know why I keep these pencils, because as many

mistakes as I make, a pencil without an eraser is pretty useless.

These pencils remind me of people. People come in all different sizes, shapes, and colors too, but we

all have one thing in common, we all make mistakes! We make a lot of mistakes. That is why God sent

Jesus to die on the cross -- to erase our mistakes. When we do something wrong, we can ask God to

forgive us and because of Jesus, He will erase our mistakes and we can start over again, and again,

and again. Unlike these pencils, God's eraser never wears out!

Just as God forgives us over and over again, Jesus taught us that we should forgive other people

over and over again.

One day, Peter asked Jesus, "How many times should I forgive someone who sins against me? Should

I forgive him seven times?" I imagine that Peter was pretty proud of himself for being willing to

forgive someone seven times.

Jesus answered, "Not seven times, but seventy-seven times!"

I think Jesus knew that if he said we should forgive seventy-seven times, we would never be able to

keep count and we would forgive over, and over again, just as he forgives us.

It doesn't matter if we are short or tall, skinny or fat, red, white, yellow, or black, we all need

God's forgiveness. We also need to remember that Jesus taught that we are to forgive others just

as God forgives us.

Let’s pray: Dear Jesus, we all make mistakes, thank you for coming to erase those mistakes. Help

us to forgive others the same way you forgive us — over, and over, and over again.


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All Rights Reserved

September 2014 Page 11


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Q. What is gray, has four legs, a tail, and a trunk?


A mouse on vacation!

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PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL with the Spirit’s gifts, empower us for the work of ministry . . .

September 2014 Page 13



Thanks to all who have contributed to our recent “From the Porch” project, donating linens for both the

Veteran’s Home in Garfield and the Jersey City Homeless Shelter.

During the months of September and October, we are again asking you to help us bring a little joy to

seafarers who will not be home with their families for Christmas. In cooperation with Seafarers and

International House, a Lutheran mission serving seafarers, we will be filling satchels that will be

delivered to ships by port chaplains. On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day when a ship is in the middle

of the ocean, the captain will hold a celebration and all the crew will open their satchels.

Each satchel must contain the following items: One sweatshirt (hooded or unhooded size L-XL), three

pairs of socks (thermal or white gym), one casual pullover T-shirt (size M-L), one knit winter cap, one

can of nuts or a bar of chocolate and a personal Christmas card. You can contribute all the items for a

satchel or just a few. The boxes on the porch and in the lobby are ready for your donations. If you

have questions, please call Sharon Ramsaier at 201-939-4156. We hope to provide 25 satchels,

enough for an entire ship and they will have to be ready by Thanksgiving.

We invite you to participate with us in turning what might otherwise be a lonely night at sea into a

joyous occasion because strangers ashore have taken the time to share the spirit of Christmas with

these seafarers. Together, in large and small ways, we can always make a difference.

Thank you for helping us to be a blessing to others — to make a difference!

Sponsored by

The Children’s Dyslexia Centers of NJ Hasbrouck Heights

The 9th annual Hasbrouck Heights walk for the

benefit of children with Dyslexia will be held on

Saturday, October 11, 10 AM, at the Depken

Athletic Field. Monies raised will be used to

support The Children’s Dyslexia Centers of New

Jersey in Hasbrouck Heights where children with

Dyslexia are being taught to read. The Orton-

Gillingham approach, a one-on-one educational

experience, is the program used. It is free of

charge to participants. Bert Heeren will be

walking and will be accepting sponsors for the

walkathon any Sunday prior to October 11.

Please see Bert if you would like to be a sponsor

and/or if you would like to walk for this cause.


Holy Trinity will again host a table at Town

Day in Woodland Park on September 27. In the event of rain, it will be held on October 4. Information about our congrega-

tion, its upcoming events and small gifts for those who stop by will be distributed. We are in need of people to sit at our table. If

you can give an hour or two of your time to this outreach ministry, please call Judy Danilchick at 201-935-2195 or e-mail her at

[email protected].


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Page 14 September 2014


WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) will be participating in Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child, aka "The Shoe Box Project," again this year. During the months of September and

October, we will be collecting items to fill shoe boxes for children all around the world. You may pick up a decorated shoe box at Holy Trinity or you may choose to use and decorate your own shoe box (please wrap the top and bottom separately so it can be easily

opened). Boxes should be filled with any of the suggested items listed in the brochure found either in the box or on the table in the lobby; or, simply just donate any of the appropriate items and let WELCA do the rest. If you decide to fill a box, please be sure to indicate whether the box

is for a BOY or a GIRL and the age category, 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14 years of age, using the available labels. All boxes and/or items must be turned in by November 2.

So, be creative, think outside the box — put the items in a shoe box (or give to WELCA) and make a child smile! It is hoped that. . .

“Your gift of love may be the door God uses to open a child’s heart to Jesus. . .”

Update: Shoebox gifts collected in 2013 will reach almost 10 million children in 112 countries. In just the last four years, over 1.1 million children have prayed to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through Operation Christmas Child’s follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest

Journey. Since 1993, over 113 million gifts have been distributed.

Interesting trivia fact: If all those 113 million boxes were laid end to end, they would extend over 23,000. miles, almost encircling the earth.


Joyful Noise Ringers

Wednesdays — beginning September 24 — at 7 PM

The Joyful Noise Ringers will begin rehearsals for the new season on Wednesday, September 24,

at 7 PM in the balcony. We have been ringing with 7 members for the past two years and would

really like to expand the group by at least one additional ringer. Music reading is helpful, but not

required . . . we will teach you! Ringing with the choir is a wonderful way to be involved in Holy

Trinity's worship life. You can contact our Minister of Music, George Moser, or speak with another

choir member for more information.

There is a place for YOU in the handbell choir!

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September 2014 Page 15





JULY 22, 2014

Average Sunday attendance for June 2014 was 55, compared with 38 in

June 2013.

Holy Trinity has welcomed a total of 30

new members in 2014 to date.

A meeting was held to kick off planning for for the 2015 Youth Gathering in Detroit; a

group of 8 to 12 youth is expected to attend.

The fall Stewardship Campaign will focus on

the cross and on the different dimensions of


The Property Committee has been tending the

garden, adding mulch and a decorative border.

Rally Day plans are underway.

A new iMac for the office and a MacBook Pro

for the Treasurer was purchased to help our

organization to run more efficiently.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday,

September 9, at 7:15 PM.


Readers’ summer meeting was

held on August 28 (after the

mailing of this issue of The Tidings). Each

reader had an opportunity to share comments

about a book that they read and to hear about

books that others chose. As of the mailing of

this newsletter, a date, book selection and

meeting place are yet to be determined.

Please watch for information about the next

meeting in the weekly Tidings or contact Rita

Krieger at 201-288-9256 or Dianna Mammone

at 201-843-5769.

Readers’ meeting at Sofia’s in Hasbrouck Heights.

Fundraising Update: Malaria Campaign Hits $12 Million (June 17, 2014)

Thanks to the generosity of ELCA members and

congregations, the ELCA Malaria Campaign has hit

a significant fundraising milestone: we've raised

more than $12 million toward our $15 million

fundraising goal! If you are among the thousands

of donors who've helped us to get this far: THANK

YOU! If you haven't had a chance to give yet,

there is still time. If you're inspired to give to

the ELCA Malaria Campaign, please visit elca.org

and click on Malaria Campaign and then on Ways

to Give.

Malaria programs supported by the ELCA Malaria

Campaign are making tremendous impact in

communities in 13 countries in Africa. Lutherans

have contributed to a tidal wave of anti-malaria

work resulting in this amazing statistic: since

2000, deaths from malaria have been cut

in half in sub-Saharan Africa. Your gifts to the

ELCA Malaria Campaign have touched more than

2 million lives.

Thank you for your life-changing generosity!

Together with friends all across the globe,

Lutherans are standing together to make malaria


Northeastern NJ Chapter Fall Workshops

September 28, 1-3 PM: SCRAP BOOK workshop at Redeemer Lutheran, 55 Wyckoff Avenue, Ramsey

October 26, 1-3 PM: GREETING CARD DESIGN workshop at Our Savior Lutheran, 22-15 Broadway, Fair Lawn

November 16, 1-3 PM: LOOM KNITTING — Learn to make a knitted hat at Our Savior Lutheran, 22-15 Broadway, Fair Lawn (bring all of your finished hats/scarves to donate)

Note: Space for each workshop is limited to 25 people.

RSVP to Kristin or Dena Hertel [email protected] or 201-337-4949.


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Page 16 September 2014



With joy and thanksgiving, we welcome Jocelyn Jessica Sadanelli, Sean Michael Morrison, Kathryn Rogers Morrison and Michael and Ger-aldine Rogers into the Lord’s family at Holy Trinity. Please remember to keep them and their families in your prayers. Pray that their relationship to God will continue to deepen and grow as they participate with us in the life of our congregation.


really, please take a note!

The note cards are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary with the Sunday morning

prayer requests. They are there for you to take, sign and send to the person you have asked us

to pray for to let him/her know that we are, in fact, doing just that. It is hoped that the cards will

bring a smile to their faces and some measure of comfort in knowing that prayers are being offered

for them.

Thanks to Martha Cambeis and her sister, Barbara Uehlein, in Arizona, for sharing the new design

idea with us. And, whether you are a budding or even a more seasoned photographer and if you

have an inspirational photo that would bring a smile to someone in need, you are invited to submit

your photo to be used on the front of the card at the next printing. If you do have a photo, please

see Judy Danilchick and/or e-mail it to her at [email protected].

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September 2014 Page 17

Meet Ray and Karen Bulin . . .

Ray was born and raised in New York City. He moved to New Jersey

when he was 15 years old. He was baptized and confirmed in the

Episcopal Church. He worked as a longshoreman in New Jersey until

he was 23 years old and then became a Real Estate salesman in

1966 and a Real Estate Broker in 1973. He opened his own

Brokerage in 1983. Ray has two children from a former marriage,

Tara, age 36, and Adam, age 33. Though he left high school in his

sophomore year, he has continued his education by taking courses and seminars at NYU and FDU along

with continuous education for the Real Estate Brokerage and Appraisal Business. Ray attended Trinity

Lutheran Church in Bogota from 1984 to 2003. He served as a President, a Vice President, and a

member of both Church and School Boards. He also taught Sunday School, was an Assisting Minister,

and visited Nursing homes and homebound members of the congregation. He assisted and adminis-

tered the homeless feeding program for Trinity for several years. Ray met and fell in love with Karen

while a member at Trinity. He truly believes God brought Karen into his life when he most needed

help. Ray enjoys being with Karen, traveling, fishing, reading and playing Spider Solitaire. He enjoys

working with people and learning. He still journeys along the road developing his faith in God.

Ray played softball for many years. He managed and coached Adult and Little League baseball for 10

years and loved every minute of it. He also served as a board member with “Digs”, a regionally based

high school girls’ volleyball team for 5 years.

Karen was born and raised in New Jersey. She lived most of her life in Saddle Brook where she

attended the public schools. Since she was in the sixth grade, she wanted to be a teacher. She

eventually went to Valparaiso University where she majored in Elementary Education. After gradua-

tion, she returned to Saddle Brook where she taught in the fourth grade for 25 years. She attended

William Paterson College and achieved her Master’s Degree in Student Personal Services. She then

became a Guidance Counselor for 11 years. It was one of her joys to be involved with the children of

Saddle Brook. Karen has been a Lutheran all her life. She was baptized and confirmed at Zion

Lutheran Church in Maywood. She later attended Trinity Lutheran in Bogota and Redeemer Lutheran in

Maywood. She has been quite active in all the churches she attended. She has been a Sunday School

teacher and superintendent, Vacation Bible School teacher and director, a Lay Minister, and a choir

member. Since retiring in 2007, Karen has been busy helping Ray in the Real Estate business and

being involved with the Church. Other than that, Karen enjoys traveling, reading, and doing needle-

work. In addition, Karen and Ray enjoy spending time in their second home in Cape Cod.

Karen and Ray have been organizing and running a Christmas Party for St. Joseph‘s School for the

Blind in Jersey City since 1984. Karen and Ray “dress up” as Santa and Mrs. Claus each year. It is tru-

ly a joy for them to be with these wonderful, gifted children each year.

Karen and Ray became members of Redeemer Lutheran Church in 2003. They served in various

ministries and were Board members. As members of Holy Trinity, they continue to serve as lectors,

worship assistants and ushers and Karen plays with the Joyful Noise Ringers. They find that in these

later years that God has blessed them greatly. They enjoy life and being with others. We are happy to

have Karen and Ray as members of Holy Trinity. We thank them for all that they do and pray with

them that God will continue to bless them throughout their lives.


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Emergency Phone Chain

The new phone chain will help us keep in touch

with every member, but particularly with those who

do not have e-mail and the few who might not

receive newspapers.

Please let Judy Danilchick know if you do not have e

-mail and if you wish to receive a call from the

phone chain when emergency type events do occur.

Judy can be reached at 201-935-2195. If the office

has a working e-mail address for you, you will not

receive a call unless you request that one be made

to you. Otherwise, you will be notified by e-mail.

As always, if any changes need to be made to your

entry in the directory, please call or e-mail the

church office.

Page 18 September 2014


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16

Cut here and place on your refrigerator as a reminder.

Ladies of WELCA on June 1 at the Blessing of the Quilts. Pictured from left to right are Helen Reichert, Marie Nurge, Ruth Bunge, Karen Niestempski, Lois Nitus, Charlotte Schlindwein, Susan Clayton Barnas, Martha Cambeis, Sharon Ramsaier, Marge Heeren and Debbie Stelzle. Missing from the picture are Chris Burniston,

Ann Feltrin, Rita Krieger and Marie Mohry.

Father’s Day — June

Blessing of All Men

Readers at Memorial Service for Pastor Yoder — left to right: Marge Heeren, Sharon Ramsaier, Karen and Ray Bulin, Alice Wright, Rebecca Wright and Pastor Susan. Missing from the picture is Karen Niestempski.

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September 2014 Page 19

September 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




2 3 4

10:30 am




5 6

7 Pentecost XIII

10:30 am-1:30 pm

Rally Day

Block Party

Reception of

New Members


7 -8 pm



7:15 pm

Church Council


11-11:30 am

Wellington Hall

Holy Communion

7 pm

Worship & Music

11 12 13

Men’s Breakfast and Field Trip

Palisades Interstate Park 9 am-12 noon

14 Holy Cross


9:15 am

Sunday School

10:30 am

Holy Communion

11:30 am

Coffee Hour


16 17

18 19 20

21 Pentecost XV

9:15 am

Sunday School

10:30 am

Holy Communion

11:30 am

Coffee Hour



6:30 pm

Contemporary Club

70th Anniversary

Dinner Meeting


11-11:30 am

Wellington Hall

Holy Communion

7-8 pm

Joyful Noise Ringers

25 26 27

10:30 am-3:30 pm

Hasbrouck Heights

Town Day

(Rain Date


28 Pentecost XVI

9:15 am

Sunday School

10:30 am

Holy Communion

11:30 am

Coffee Hour


7 pm

ELCA Youth

Gathering 2015



30 October 1

7-8 pm

Joyful Noise Ringers

2 3

7 pm Wine, Women and

the Word Sofia’s

Mediterranean Grill


Rain Date 10:30 am-3:30 pm Hasbrouck Heights

Town Day

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Page 20 September 2014


9/7 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/5




Sara Kuzmenka Karen Niestempski

Judy Danilchick Anthony Gugliotti Alice Wright Karen Bulin

LECTOR Vinnie De Cicco Gail Gugliotti Sharon Ramsaier Marge Heeren Jennifer Varga


TORCHBEARERS Owen De Cicco James Frazee Laura Hickey Rebecca Wright James Varga


Charlie Davis Gail Gugliotti

Anthony Palkowitz James Smith

Karen Bulin Ray Bulin

Ruth Bunge Richard Fanslau

Gene Danilchick Judy Danilchick

Bert Heeren Marge Heeren

Charlie Davis Anthony Gugliotti Melissa Vaughn

Arnie Ulrich

Richard Fanslau Gail Gugliotti

Judy Danilchick James Smith


Charlie Davis Angela Kuzmenka

Dottie Heflich Debbie Stelzle

David Mammone Eleanor Altomare

Sharon Ramsaier Ruth Bunge

Michele Hickey Karen Niestempski


Jamie De Cicco Dianna Mammone Rita Krieger Ruth Bunge

Judy Danilchick


FLOWERS Eleanor Altomare Anne Heck Dottie Heflich Ruth Bunge Eleanor Altomare


GUILD Chris Burniston

Ruth Bunge Rita Krieger Cindy Vicari

Dottie Heflich Sharon Ramsaier Michele Hickey


MINISTER Sharon Ramsaier Debbie Stelzle Marge Heeren Gail Gugliotti Sharon Ramsaier




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Anne Heck

Rebecca Wright

Ed Manning

Marge Heeren

Deborah Stelzle

Lia Kunnapas

David Gugliotti

Michael O’Malley

John Heflich

Ricky Otazu

Eleanor Altomare

Enn Kunnapas

September 2014 Page 21


In Memory of Given By

Ben Amoroso Terry Mills



Vinny and Rita Krieger

Ed and Elaine Manning

Charlie and Karen Niestempski

Bert and Marge Heeren


Please let Judy D. know . . .

If you haven’t seen your name(s) on our birthday and/or anniversary lists, please contact Judy

Danilchick at 201-935-2195 or at [email protected] to let her know so we can be sure

to include them the next time around.

Please remember our Shut-ins

with visits, cards and prayers!

Marion Lawler

Ruth Miller

Doris Schwarz

Wolfgang A. Steinhauff

Thanks to all who helped with the dinner for the

homeless on August 6. 105 dinners were

served. Helpers included Chris Burniston,

Ruth Bunge, Charlie Davis, Marge Heeren,

Dottie Heflich, Marie Mohry, Karen and

Charlie Niestempski, Charlotte Schlindwein.

A special thanks to Bert Heeren for helping with

the shopping and to Pete Hickey for filling in at

the last minute to help serve. And, a special

thanks to all who provided desserts for the


Continued thanks to John Heflich and Charlie

Davis for watering and tending the gardens.

Many thanks to Vinnie De Cicco, David

Mammone, and Karen Niestempski for their

help in researching and implementing upgrades

to the church's computing technology.

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Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Permit No. 340 Hackensack, N.J.

The following is a list of urgently needed

items in our food pantry. There is a bin in the

narthex for your donations.

Supermarket Gift Cards Rice

Canned Hearty Soups Instant Potatoes

Canned Meat 100% Fruit Juices

(tuna, chicken, etc.) Baby Formula

Canned Vegetables Diapers (Sizes 4,5, & 6)

Peanut Butter & Jelly Paper Products Macaroni & Cheese Toothpaste

Cereal Toothbrushes

(low sugar kids cereal) Shampoo

Dry Milk or boxed Parmalat Bar Soap

Canned Fruits

If you are reading this newsletter of the

people of Holy Trinity in Hasbrouck Heights

and are either looking for a church home or

are just interested in finding out more about

what goes on at Holy Trinity, we invite you

to come and worship with us or to call the

church office at 201-288-6889. Our Pastor,

The Rev. Susan Nelson-Colaneri, can also be

reached on her cell phone at 973-980-2367

or at [email protected].

If you should call the church office and get

an answering machine, please be assured

that your call will be returned at our first

available moment.


92 Burton Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 201-288-6889 Fax: 201-288-0645

[email protected]


Sundays 10:30 AM – Service of Holy Communion

Coffee Fellowship After the Service

Sunday Church School 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM (beginning September 14)


The Ministers . . . . . . . . .The People of Holy Trinity Pastor . . . . . . . . .The Rev. Susan Nelson-Colaneri [email protected] 201-288-6889 Pastoral Associate.The Rev. Dr. E. Wayne Dreyman

[email protected] Minister of Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . George W. Moser [email protected] Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Mills Newsletter Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Danilchick


Mailed August 20, 2014