Trust Nobody: Trilogy Of The Great Exchange

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When is the last time you had a mounting of perpetual circumstances thrown in your face at such a rate that you oftentimes felt you couldn’t surface long enough to take a deep breath? The feeling of suffocation, in my opinion, is one of the worst kinds of suffering. Several years ago, when I first contracted an infection in my heart that ultimately led to heart failure, I had severe problems with my breathing.

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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New American Revised Standard (NASB),

1960, 1962, 1963, 1971, 1973 by the Lockman Foundation, are used by permission.

Trust Nobody but Him

ISBN: In application process

Printed in the United States of America

Copyright 2012 by Dr. Stephen R. Phinney

IOM America

P.O. Box 71

Sterling, Kansas 67579

(602) 292-2985

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Phinney, Stephen Ray

Trust Nobody but Him/by Dr. Stephen R. Phinney.

In application process.


IOM America

Sterling Kansas


Stephen R. Phinney

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Trust nobody

But Him!


Trusting nobody

My wife has said for many years, “I am certain that the older I get – the less I know.” I cannot

tell you how many times those words have rung my bell! I have been a born-again indwelt

Christian since I was 16 years of age. I have fought my way through the jungle of deception

and worldly fables for over 50 years and I still ask questions like:

How could a righteous God allow such an evil world?

How could a loving God allow the enemy to torture His children with despair and emotional


Why do righteous people suffer, when they diligently worked to seek His divine will?

Why does God allow the ungodly to prosper?

My utmost favorite is: are adversity and affliction a sign that a suffering Christian has

unconfessed sin?

After discipling others in the message of the Exchanged Life for 30+ years, I have discovered

something rather simple, but profound. The Exchanged Life does not rid us of suffering, but

rather invites it all the more.

Like many (if not most) Christians, I have suffered my own measurement of troubles – the type

of troubles that bring heartache, physical challenges, and emotional ramifications. The most

difficult of all suffering has been the constant unmerciful criticizing from fellow Body members.

When fronted with a near terminal ailment, some Christians had the audacity to conclude that

there must be some kind of sin in my life. They pushed and peddled the worldly thought that all

suffering is always the result of sin; therefore, simplistically teaching that if I (we) simply repent

of this “unknown sin,” that the momentary light affliction would somehow disappear. Even

though we know the error of this dogmatism, we fall into this dark place of treating repentance


like “a pill” – “a pill” that will somehow deliver us from our moments of despair and emotional


When is the last time you had a mounting of perpetual circumstances thrown in your face at

such a rate that you oftentimes felt you couldn’t surface long enough to take a deep breath?

The feeling of suffocation, in my opinion, is one of the worst kinds of suffering. Several years

ago, when I first contracted an infection in my heart that ultimately led to heart failure, I had

severe problems with my breathing. At first, we thought it was from a head cold. The doctor

gave me medication to fight the viral infection. It only made things worst. Next in line was the

thought my “childhood asthma” was returning. Treatment was applied, which of course made it

worse. In fact, it was adding to the liquid building up in my lungs. Then it got to the point that I

was only able to lay back, forget laying down, for several minutes at a time. Due to only getting

15 minutes of sleep a day, they thought I was developing sleep apnea. In reality, I was

suffocating. By the time I was admitted to the ER, one lung was completely filled and the

second was at its “half full” mark. I cannot tell you the horrid feelings this suffocation brought

on. In fact, at one point in the ER, they were frantically working to “bring me back.”

Once arresting the crisis, I was placed in a care unit to begin my healing process. While there, I

was visited by an array of “friends” and family. Some visitors came to confess their sins of

offense against me, they left, and I never heard from them again. Others came to visit to offer

true and respectable comfort. Then, there were some who came as representatives of a “group

of friends” to confront me about the “sin” in my life. One “old friend” in particular asked if I

thought that God was putting this on me due to some type of sin in my life.

Now, I am a firm believer in declaring that afflictions sometimes do come from God in order to

purify us and that this, in no way, indicates that God is unloving. It is only His way of leading us

back to a dependent “talk and walk” relationship to Himself - kind of like a father would discipline

a child. Even though I know that suffering instructs us in righteousness and prevents us from

sinning, it doesn’t make the journey any easier. It certainly puts us in the position of determining

if we are going to question God’s sovereignty or accuse Him of hurting His children. This all

leads to the biggest question of all: Will we humbly submit ourselves to God’s will?

I don’t know about you, but I find God’s will at times to be quite painful. I am NOT saying He

doesn’t provide comfort, healing, and guidance; but I am saying that the walk, for the most part,


is retentively daunting. To be straightforward, I find that God does not choose to answer most

of my penetrating questions. Instead, He overwhelms me with a panoramic view of His creative

power and perfect Divine wisdom. In fact, I usually get reprimanded for attempting to figure out

the reason for my pain and suffering. This is the sin that gets me in trouble the most. I can’t tell

you how many times I have walked away from a conversation with God where I felt humbled

and a bit foolish for implying that God owes me some type of explanation. Since I will never be

big enough to canvas my own world, how would I ever presume to tell God how to run His


I think most indwelt Christians have embraced the fact that Jesus shed His blood to deliver us

from our sins, but how many of us have really embraced the full Exchanged Life? Now, think

about it – if we actually exchange our lives for His, doesn’t it mean that in the exchange comes

all of what comes with His life – like suffering?

“Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:3).

“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also,

heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be

glorified with Him” (Romans 8:16-17).

“For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for

His sake” (Philippians 1:29).

If you are like most of us fair weathered Christians, you don’t mind the positive attributes of

Christ in the great Exchange; but elements that are not so positive, like the “fellowship of His

sufferings, well – that is a different story.

“More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ

Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so

that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived

from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God

on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship


of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection

from the dead” (Philippians 3:8-11, emphasis mine).

In this Exchanged Life Series, I will be sharing the profound but difficult Truths associated with

our exchange with the Life of Christ – with a particular emphasis on permissible suffering. I

hope you join me in counting all things to be loss in view of the surpassing Truths of knowing

our great Exchange in Christ Jesus, our Lord. This might be a difficult path to explore, but if you

hang on the cross long enough, I think you will experience the great reward with doing so.

Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971,

1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Exchanging suffering for pain

Was there ever a time in your Christian life when you could really say that you were righteous in

most of your ways, while at the same time experiencing little affliction? I have many fond

memories of those days…then came God’s “permissible affliction.” Even though I have

wrestled with the “theology” of the purpose of “bad things happening to good people,” in my

older years I have come to understand that Satan is the force behind all the calamities that

come upon us. Keep in mind that I didn’t say “reason,” but the “force.” Personally, I believe this

is one of THE most important elements for Christians to understand and believe.

When I prayed the Selfer’s Prayer (see below), back in 1979, I thought Exchanging my life for

His would minimally reduce my pain and suffering; but little did I expect that it would actually

offer me more. Right around that same time, I asked God to grant me half the measurement of

wisdom and understanding He gave Solomon, primarily because I “felt” so stupid. After several

years of exchanging suffering for more pain, the Lord led me to this passage:

“Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing

pain” (Ecclesiastes 1:18).


At first, this passage raised more questions than it answered. From what I have learned from

the Holy Scriptures, Satan actually needs permission from the Father in order to do his


“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and

Satan also came among them. The LORD said to Satan, ‘From where do you come?’ Then

Satan answered the LORD and said, ‘From roaming about on the earth and walking around on

it.’ The LORD said to Satan, ‘Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him

on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil.’ Then Satan

answered the LORD, ‘Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge about him

and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and

his possessions have increased in the land. But put forth Your hand now and touch all that he

has; he will surely curse You to Your face.’ Then the LORD said to Satan, ‘Behold, all that he

has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him.’ So Satan departed from the

presence of the LORD” (Job 1:6-12).

There are many theological elements contained within this passage. One that tends to glare at

me the most is “permissible affliction.” This passage reveals that Satan works to trap and

ensnare God’s people, with the deception that it is God’s fault and He is “out to get us.”

Several other significant doctrinal issues present themselves here. First, we find that Satan had

to approach God and get in line with the rest of the “sons of God” – angels. Once Satan was at

the bench of God, the two of them had this unique dialogue. God first asked Satan where he

came from. This suggests that God didn’t know where he was or what he was doing. The truth

of the matter is that God knew exactly who he was and what he was up to. God, by proof of

most of His dialogues, reveals the prerogative of being the One who asks the questions – not

man or spiritual beings. Next, we see God bringing up the opportunity to persecute Job before

Satan could open his mouth to suggest it (v. 8). It’s almost like God set the stage of

prospering Job in order to offer Satan this opportunity. Did God desire to bring hurt and

destruction upon His beloved servant? Did God have this hidden curiosity to test Job to see if

he would be attacked, tempted, drawn into sin, or become ensnared by the devil? No – He was

confident in the investment He had made in Job up to this point in His Divine design. God

clearly knew there was none like him on the face of the earth. Since God knows and watches


every thought and footprint of man, He knew that no man has been able to withstand a full-on

attack of Satan since the days of Noah. He had confidence in this!

Personally, I believe Satan completely understood the level of character Job radiated. He

obviously knew that he couldn’t charge Job with any sin, because he (Satan) was the author of

it. Just as God knew He was confident in Job’s obedience to the Word, Satan knew of Job’s

confidence of disobedience to Satan’s words. What we have is the great standoff, duel per se,

between the confidence of God versus the confidence of Satan.

What is up with this satanic statement of “Does Job fear God for nothing?” (v. 9). The

implication here is that Satan thinks Job “fears” God, NOT because of love, but because of the

perception that God spoils him with riches, healthy children, and the prosperity assigned. He is

under direct belief that Job would “curse God” and be done with Him if he had these “blessings”

or luxuries taken away from him – thus proving that Job’s fear was simply outward and

hypocritical. Satan clearly knows how man’s flesh functions – he does to get. After all, Satan

developed the demonic reward system of “doing to get.” The bottom line: Satan was convinced

that Job was afraid of being punished by God if he didn’t “jump through the hoops” that God set

before him.

The second and less primal issue Satan throws God’s way is the issue of protection. Satan now

tempts God with the twisted truth that Job is righteous because he lives in a bubble, a

protection, a shield of sorts that God formed around him. The truth of the matter is we can’t

function righteously without the almighty protection of God; but Satan is hinging Job’s life upon

this one principle. Yes, God did border Job’s life and all that was entrusted to him with angels

(hedge) to encamp about him. This passage reveals clear evidence that Satan is a pouty big

bully who likes picking on the little guy. He basically is saying that if Job didn’t have a big

brother protecting him, Job would lose the fight. Well, duh! Satan never picks on someone his

own size, although a day is coming when he picks a fight with SOMEONE who is truly going to

“clean his clock.” Typical bully – always thinking he is “the man,” all the while suffering with

“little man syndrome.” Hmm – maybe that is what this is all about.

Allow me to do some immediacy here. Satan believes that Job breaths freely because he is in

the protective bubble that God provided for him. Satan is suggesting having God remove this


bubble and allowing him to suffocate Job by way hellish and demonic circumstances; then, Job

is surely to curse God to His face. The second point of immediacy is that Satan knows he can’t

do a blasted thing without God “putting forth His hand and touching all that he has.” It is what

we call in counseling a covert confession of impotence. Satan NEVER comes out and openly

admits he is impotent, but manipulates in such a way that a covert confession spills out. This is

a classic way of confession for bullies.

The Lord’s response to this not so clever form of manipulation appeared to be in Satan’s favor.

With God saying, “Behold, all that he has (externally) is in your power (strength), only do not put

forth your hand on him” (v. 12, parentheses mine), sends him off most assuredly living out his

deception. It always amazes me how God will not dialogue, prove, or interact with Satan (or

man) over their manipulative and stupid ways. He gives man, and beast, the appearance of

“having their own way” in order for them to learn from the consequences of those ways. What a

loving and respectful God we have.

The “Godological” statement here is rather critical for believers to see and embrace. God is not

angry and displeased with Job, nor does He want to get some kind of thrill out of hurting him,

nor is He gratifying Satan; but he does want Satan to face the doom of his own deception once

again, while He (God) ultimately enjoys more glory. The truest form of stupidity is picking a fight

with someone who has full and complete control over the universe. This passage shows us

how stupid Satan really is. Secondly, it shows us that when “bad things” happen to good

people, it does not mean that God is angry, disappointed, or “out to get us.” God just has a

thing about purifying the Bride of Christ for His Son and rubbing Satan’s face in his own

confusion. These are the two primary reasons for the existence of God’s creation – to gain a

Bride for His beloved Son and provide a place of torment and punishment for Satan. Humans

can deluge their minds with other reasons, but these are the simple facts.

“Then the LORD said to Satan, ‘Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth

your hand on him.’ So Satan departed from the presence of the LORD” (Job 1:12).

With this, the Lord sends a restrained Satan off to accomplish the mission of God, with Satan

thinking it is all about his own mission. That is the beauty of this story; God proves the stupidity

that deception forms when mixed with pride. Satan is nothing but a tool God uses to advance


His Kingdom. Why doesn’t Satan figure this out? Simply, because sin makes us stupid.

Satan’s limited authority isn’t even his – it belongs to God. All authority is owned by the One

who imparts it.

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except

from God, and those which exist are established by God” (Rom 13:1).

Any human or spiritual being who stretches their imagination to think they have ownership of

anything, particularly authority, is suffering with the same deception of Satan himself. Any

authority managed is authority assigned. Therefore, God is in sovereign charge of all things,

including those who think they are in charge of anything.

The believer’s emotions are in need of being exchanged just as our mind and will. God has

blessed us with the positive emotions of Christ Himself; love, joy, cheerfulness, excitement,

kindness, peace, and many others. What many of us don’t realize is that when we make this

great Exchange, we also inherit His not so positive emotions: sorrow, grief, misery, moaning,

dejection, confusion – for God only knows how long this list is. It is in the back side of Christ’s

emotions that Satan feeds into. If He, our Lord and Savior, suffered such affliction – then in our

Exchange, we should also be willing to fellowship in those same sufferings. We should be

willing to exchange our sufferings for more of His pain. Ouch – now that hurts!

The Selfer’s Prayer

I hereby surrender everything that I am, and have, and ever will be. I take my hands off of

my life and release every relationship to You: every habit, every goal, my health, my

wealth, and everything that means anything. I surrender it ALL to You. By faith I take my

place at the Cross, believing that when the Lord Jesus was crucified, according to Your

Word, I was crucified with Him; when He was buried, I was buried; when He was raised

from the dead, I was raised with Him. I deny myself the right to rule and reign in my own

life and I take up the Cross believing that I was raised from the dead and seated at Your

right hand.

I thank You for saving me from my sins and myself. From this moment on I am trusting

You to live Your life in me and through me, instead of me, to do what I can't do, quit what


I can't quit, start what I can't start, and--most of all--to be what I can't be. I am trusting

you to renew my mind and heal damaged emotions in Your time. I thank You now by faith

for accepting me in the Lord Jesus, for giving me Your grace, Your freedom, Your joy,

Your victory and Your righteousness as my inheritance. Even if I don't feel anything, I

know that Your Word is true; I am counting on Your Spirit to do what Your Word says-- to

set me free from myself, that Your resurrection life may be lived out through me, and that

You may receive all the glory.

I thank You and praise You for victory right now in Jesus' name, Amen.

Exchanging me for nobody

Have you ever had rapid succession of affliction to the point of not being able to catch your

breath between afflictions? This is a classic technique used by the enemy. It is a way of

wearing us down to the point of cursing something or someone. This is the very technique

Satan used on Job and his wife as they were reclining one particular evening. The first wave

arrives: the Sabeans attack and Job loses his oxen, donkeys, and first group of servants. Then

while the servant was delivering this horrid news, wave two comes in: a fire broke out and

consumed the sheep and servants on another part of their ranch. While listening to the pathetic

news of the second servant, wave three arrives: the Chaldeans attack another part of the ranch,

take the camels, and kill more servants. Before this servant could finish, the worst news is

delivered: Job’s sons and daughters were reclining at the eldest brother’s house, a great wind

came, destroyed the house, and all died – every man, woman, and beast dead - except for Job,

his wife, and four messengers (see Job 1:13-19).

Can you imagine the amount of pain and suffering the two of them must have gone through?

Usually when one has succession affliction, the overwhelming feeling of suffocation usually

follows. In many cases, if literally affects the breathing. Some faint, some have panic attacks,

and others just sink into despair. What did Job do? It says in Job 1:20 that Job shaved his

head/beard (a sign of mourning), tore his robe (symbolizing the death of a loved one), fell to the

ground, and began worshiping God, saying:


“Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the

LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD” (Job 1:21).

Since the day of my Salvation 40 years ago, for the most part, I have embraced affliction as God

has allowed it – until these past few years. I am not saying the afflictions He assigned to me

throughout my days were easy or lighthearted. But I am saying that I have never experienced

this level of suffering - the type of suffering that produced physical, emotional, and spiritual

suffocation – the kind that would stretch my Exchanged life with Christ like never before. In fact,

read what my wife wrote in her journal after one of my many moments of permissible


I had never seen him in this state in 34 years of knowing him. My earthly “rock” had been

broken physically and now soulically (i.e. mind, will, and emotions). Help him Lord, to embrace

your love fully and completely. Let him feel your compassion and kindness. He feels so

misunderstood, so kicked in the teeth, so alone, so wanting to die. He is so pessimistic about

people’s intentions because of hurt. No trust – but suspicious and expectant of betrayal. He

has been beaten down by too many, for too long and he is without hope, joy, and strength.

Here is a poem that touched me deeply during one of my many times of suffering:

Hopeless – by Jane Phinney

Completely numb

I cannot feel

Pain shreds my heart

I doubt what’s REAL

The things I know

Have failed the test

I grieve my life

I yearn for REST

The people I love

Have turned on me


Lies bind my mind

My eyes cannot SEE

I pour myself out

But what’s it all for?

Self-serving takers

Come back for MORE

You told me up front

This new life held dread

Now battle wounding

Has rendered me DEAD

Shattered dreams

Ooze from my heart

My life blood gone

Time to DEPART

I am undone

Woe is me!

In hopeless despair

I’ll never be FREE

“Redeemed” You call me

Your promise wane

Doubt and unbelief


“I’m Yours, Lord save me!”

My gut rending cry

Devoid of Your hope

I’m asking “WHY?”


Over the past several years, Job’s prayer of desperation and great Exchange has found new

meaning in my heart of hearts. Looking back, I literally came into this world naked, dependent,

and very sick – living in an oxygen tent the first five years of my life. I grew up shamed,

embarrassed, and incompetent in almost everything I said and did. My entire childhood was

filled with being hated, despised, and made fun of by family and “friends” - all for the sake of

accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at 16 years of age. Then shortly after learning to

read at the age of 22, God graced me with one of my favorite passages in the Bible:

“Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from

exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--

to keep me from exalting myself! Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might

leave me. And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in

weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of

Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with

distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am

strong. I have become foolish; you yourselves compelled me. Actually I should have been

commended by you, for in no respect was I inferior to the most eminent apostles, even though I

am a nobody” (2 Cor. 12:7-11).

Thanks to God, I learned to journal my thoughts in prayer early on. Please keep in mind that

these entries are not replacing the Word of God – not one bit. They are personal writings of

thoughts that I believe God put in my mind to help me understand the Word. Here is what I

recorded shortly after being blessed with this passage:

Stephen, because of your willingness to embrace My Truth and speak it as I reveal it to you, I

will be granting you affliction throughout your life in order for you to NOT exalt yourself. You will

often cry out to Me for relief and I shall grant you comfort, but not necessarily circumstantial

deliverance. Stephen, it is through your afflictions and weaknesses that you will discover the

power of My grace. As you take this new journey, you will struggle with pride, arrogance, and

boasting. I am calling you to boast only in this – that you came into this world weak and

dependent and you will leave it in the same manner. When you were born, you were dependent

on man and independent of Me. When you depart from this wicked world, you will be

independent of man and completely dependent on Me. When I am finished with you, you will be


able to embrace your weaknesses and handle insults, stress, and imparted hatred with the

power of Grace. In the end, you will shine for your acute ability to hear Me, understand the

deeper Life, and lead others into like-minded Truth – even though in the world’s eyes, you will

be a nobody. Stephen, do you have ears to listen?

Well – when the Lord revealed this to me, I had no clue as to how much suffering was ahead of

me. For 40 years, my life has been filled with many external hardships, but I must say the

toughest has been the rejection from so-called “Christians.” The portion of the passage that I

didn’t give a second thought to at the time - became my worst struggle in life.

“I have become foolish; you yourselves compelled me. Actually I should have been

commended by you, for in no respect was I inferior to the most eminent apostles…” (Job 1:11).

I totally expect the unbelieving world to hate me because of Christ. What surprised me was the

level of backstabbing, kissing on the cheek, and rejection from the “body of Christ.” For most of

my adult Christian life I fought this and was compellingly confused by it. In my naive way of

living out my Christian life, I thought the body of Christ would be the first to build me up, patch

up my wounds, and send me back into battle. It was a bit shocking to discover this was not the

case. This soul shaking reality was what God used to open the door to my final days of ministry

– ministering to a broken church that is neither hot, nor cold, but rather lukewarm - like the

church of Laodicea. It became evident to me that this so-called “body of Christ” that I was so

repelled by, was filled with members who were not true Body members of Christ. These non-

members act like real Christians, but in actuality are as fake as a bowl of plastic fruit – looks real

but is filled with the hollowness of self-deception. It also became evident to me that this “group”

was to be my “thorn in the flesh” – personally assigned to me by God. Little did I realize that

their grievous ways were not by chance, but were by Divine appointment. These “ways” were

designed to rid me of the pride of men and to assist me in making the true and full Exchanged

Life with Christ Jesus, even with Satan’s hand being at the root of these afflictions.

I have come to realize that the power of the Cross has a significant impact on my emotions.

The hard and sobering lesson here for me is that after the Cross made this impact, Christ’s life

in me expects the emotions to no longer be an obstruction, but rather to be cooperative with the

Spirit of Life that indwells my mortal body – for the purpose of embracing the full exchange. You


see, the fact that I died with Christ on His Cross gives me the freedom to claim the death of my

emotional reactions as to why I am hanging on it. Once I can experientially digest this, then my

emotions can be renewed along with my mind and thus, provide a pathway for the Spirit to

express the emotions of Christ through me.

Dr. Stephen Phinney's Bio:

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