Trustee Newsletter #2

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2013 - 14

Page 2: Trustee Newsletter #2

KEY CLUB NEWS: #2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Florida ∙ Rocky-Mountain ∙ Caribbean-Atlantic

Servant Leaders!

It is a season of giving. I hope that you are all doing well and

enjoying this holiday season with your families and friends.

We have already been working together for five months and

I am beyond excited to finish my remaining district visit and

begin celebrating a year of service with each and every

one of you at your District Convention. Until then, work

hard and keep your Key Club spirit high!

Have fun flipping through this winter-themed

newsletter featuring many passionate Key Clubbers and

their stories. See what your sister-districts are up to and

even other districts in “Passion for Service” page. Let me

know if you have any questions or suggestions. Also, leave

me a message if you want to be featured in my next issue.

Happy Holidays!

Yours Truly,

KCI Trustee

Eric Yoon

Hey Caribbean-Atlantic, Florida, & Rocky Mountain Key

Clubbers, Rachel and I would like to wish a joyous holiday

season and a happy New Year to each and every one of

you. As we begin to countdown the end of 2013, and the

beginning of 2014 we are able to reflect upon our last year of

service and the countless individuals who we have positively

impacted and how we have grown as individuals. As you are

making your New Year resolutions, don’t forget to think about

how you can improve your homes, schools, and communities

in new and exciting ways! From. R & R

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Table of Contents Page #1: Trustee’s Greetings

Page #2: Table of Contents

Page #3: Governors’ Greetings - Trina Sessions, Zac Fangman, Shari Bovell

Page #4: The Path of Service - K-Family Commitment: Danae Hollweg

Page #5: Learn and Apply - Webmaster: Nick Azcarate

- Secretary-Treasurer: Angeline Catling

Page #6: Learn and Apply

- Lieutenant Governor: Dillon Perez

Page #7: Passion for Service - Kristy Wakulinski, Erik Lim

Page #8: Passion for Service - Rip Livingston, Sandra Luo

Page #9: The Eliminate Project - Ben Scranage, Gary Cheng

Page #10: International Convention - Victoria Lai

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Governor’s Greetings

“What is your favorite Key Club memory in the past three months?”

Hey Sister-Districts! I hope you are all enjoying your winter

break. Take time to enjoy your family and downtime. I would like

to share my recent experience at an Aktion Club convention. I got

to play games, meet Aktion club members, and talk about their

favorite service projects. Talking to Aktion Clubber is probably the

most rewarding thing I have ever experienced. I have never met

anyone more enthusiastic about service than Aktion Clubbers. If

you ever have the chance to work with Aktion club, or charter a

new club, the rewards are unimaginable. Happy Holidays!

Trina Sessions : Florida

Hello Key Clubbers! The holiday season is always

an especially joyous time of year, particularly in the

name of service. It is always said that the holidays are

a season of giving, and as Key Clubbers, we have the

greatest gift of all: an organization that allows us to

give back to our communities. We have been hard at

work raising money and giving gifts to make the season

bright for those who are not as lucky as us. From

donating Christmas decorations to the flood victims to giving support for the students

and staff involved in the Arapahoe High School shooting, the Rocky Mountain District

is not only excited for the holiday season, we are prepared to make it the best

season of service ever. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Zac Fangman : Rocky Mountain

One of my favorite memories so far was when Eric

visited Caribbean-Atlantic District during the Key Club

week. We were at the beach and tried to write a

message on the sand for ten minutes while struggling with

the waves coming in. But in the end, we managed to

write “Love CAD.”

I would just like to wish everyone out there a very

merry Christmas and a truly exciting New Year to come.

Remember this is the season of giving which is what we do

best! Shari Bovell: Caribbean-Atlantic

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The Path of Service K-Family Commitment

Throughout life I believe we are blessed to experience a variety of passions

before you find the one that wakes you up in the morning, puts a smile on your

face, and reminds you why you are meant to be here every day. The opportunity

to volunteer and serve others wakes me up in the morning. Being able to give

others hope and inspiration puts a smile on my face. And building a stronger

community reminds me why I am meant to be here every day and the type of

world I want to be a part of.

My passion begins with service. The sheer idea that on Thursdays I get to go

to a Key Club meeting and sign up for several different service events in my

community, an act as simple as this fills me with joy. However, somewhere along

the way, I developed a vision of wanting to inspire a younger generation of

leaders. I think that service and volunteering should start at a younger age

because young adults are sometimes very oblivious as to what is going on in the

world or even in their own communities. Opportunities to serve provide them with

the chance to open their eyes and discover what is truly around them and what

they can do to help. Service can also improve self-esteem, self-awareness, and an

appreciation for our world, making these young adults stronger servant leaders. As

the Lt.G of Division 16 for the Rocky Mountain District, I was able to extend my

passion to middle schoolers. Watching them find the light in service truly makes me


Service will always be a part of me and it will continue to be what wakes me

up with a smile. I will share it with whomever, and I will carry it wherever I go. When

I walk the campus of Arizona State University, I will be able to bring this idea of

community and apply it. I love bringing people to together, to work for and serve

something greater. For our future, how better to inspire change in the world than

to plant the seed in the mind of a student who can change it, a student who may

be a lawyer or doctor, an advisor or a mentor, a Lt. Governor or Builders Club

President. I plan to continue my journey in the K-Family, ready to

inspire a change in the world and plant seeds in the minds of

those who can walk the path of service as I will.

Danae Hollweg

Lt.G of Divison16


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Learn & Apply A good Webmaster should know how to create and update webpages and

design graphics. He/she should also be proficient in the Microsoft Office for PC/Mac

and iWork for Mac, in the case that any district board member needs technological

help. It would be beneficial to know how to use the Adobe Suite.

As far as the Florida District's website, it is edited on WordPress, which is a

blogging software that allows us to quickly edit pages and create a high-quality

website, overall. I really recommend that districts/clubs use WordPress as it is

reasonably priced and very easy to learn. Committees (such as DCON or The

Eliminate Project) are constantly coming out with new forms and edits for their page,

so I have them put their requests in a Microsoft Word document and email them to

me so that I can edit the pages. I also manage our @floridakeyclub.com email

system, which goes through Google Mail. This side is fairly simple; I reset passwords, fix

account problems, etc. I definitely recommend using Gmail for a district email


Nick Azcarate

District Webmaster


Over these last few months, I have been really busy with Key

Club work – planning socials, selling district pins, assisting district

treasurers/secretaries, and sharing the updates from our Trustee

Eric to my home club. The most important task I believe was advocating the

importance of dues and what it truly means to be a Key Clubber. In addition,

I have been working with my District Administrator who offers her much needed

assistance even when we don’t ask.

Being in an island district poses a number of problems – communicating

with Key Clubs in other islands, language barriers, and much more.

Nevertheless, our DA and the district board always work together diligently

to resolve any risingissues, addressing them in a timely manner.

Angeline Catling

District Assistant Secretary-Treasurer


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To all of the Lieutenant Governors who are here looking for some pieces of advice, please know

that I feel your pain. What are reasons for me even being considered to write an article like this? Well,

my division has raised $5,000 this year alone for Major Emphasis programs, every officer in all of my 11

clubs has been individually trained, we have record numbers of participation in DCMs and Kiwanis

events, we have had 100% of our PRIDE Reports every month, we have 100% of our OIFs in, we have set

up a divisional website for the first time (ww.division24b.weebly.com), and we have made a tradition of

cake at every DCM (this was vitally important to me). However, I feel that I can write this article more

than anything because, after all of the aforementioned improvements, I know exactly the kind of work

being Lieutenant Governor demands from each of us, and I have had to learn slowly but surely how to

lessen the load. Trust me, this job has been rough, the service projects have been plenty, and the

meetings have been long, but if done right, being Lieutenant Governor does not just bring you amazing

fulfillment and satisfaction, it gives you a legacy of lasting Key Club success and respect.

So, what to do? First of all, you have to develop a personal relationship with EVERYONE in

your division. When you set up DCMs and visit clubs, do not just communicate with the presidents

or the people on your mailing lists, the Key Clubbers who will be the keys to your success are more

so the members who will got to your DCMs, the parents that will bring them there, and the club

officers who need to love their organization. Second of all, keep in constant contact with your

district and your clubs in an organized way. I personally use a system of “Weekly Updates” to

keep my division in check; these are expansive weekly emails covering all of the news and

updates I need my presidents to know. You have to find an email and meeting schedule that

works for you and just stick with it; remember that organization is vital to the success of any

organization. Third of all, make everything you do, from your DCMs to the clothes that you wear,

fun and full of spirit (I am Santa). Your clubs are looking to you to be their ideal image of a Key

Clubber, and all Key Clubbers should be nothing but kind, personable, well-set, and charismatic;

find these qualities within yourself and be that person everyone in the division wants to meet!

Finally, and this cannot be stressed enough, it is a huge part of your job to find the issues in your

clubs and offer help to fix them; the whole point of having a district board is that every Key Club

has an organization behind them that can give assistance and help them expand. Familiarize

yourself with the best resolutions to common Key Club issues, and when these issues arise, be

prepared to send struggling clubs an email with the subject, “Let me help you out.”

This last point, my fellow Lieutenant Governors, is the

one I think will be the most beneficial to keep in mind. I can

totally relate to the frustration many of us experience with not

doing as much actual service and facing a multitude of club

problems, but you have to realize that you are in indirectly

doing the best kind of community service possible by building

up your Key Clubs. You should never be the bullying leader,

the one whose main motivation point is ultimatums and

threats. You should instead be the servant leader, the one

who puts his or her complaints behind a drive to simply help

others. With all of that said, happy holidays, and I cannot

wait to think of those we have helped this holiday season!

Dillon Pérez

Lt.G of Div. 24B


Learn & Apply

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Passion for Service They’ll tell you that you go to high school to learn, build

a future and follow your dreams, that you don’t go to high

school to meet the love of your life; however, I am one of the

few. I met the love of my life during my freshman year of high

school – Key Club International. My second family of Key

Clubbers and Kiwanians have been there through it all: the good

and the bad, the late nights followed early mornings, the victories

and the defeats, the laughter and the tears. Thanks to Key Club,

I will be confidently making an 1800 mile journey from Arizona to Tennessee for

college next fall and I will not feel alone; I will cross the Tennessee state-line knowing

that the Kentucky-Tennessee district welcomes me with open arms. And now, as my

fourth and final year in Key Club quickly comes to an end, I know that wherever I

end up in life, I’ll always be able to find a place to call home and a person to call a


Kristy Wakulinski

Lt.G Liaison & DCON Chair


Do you remember seeing that shy little boy over there? No one would really

notice him and he never made an effort to make himself known. But that Key

Clubber noticed him, and pushed him into the first meeting of the year. Since then,

that boy has served a countless number of community service, he’s created lasting

friendships within and outside of the club due to his involvement in club activity and

the opportunities of District Convention and International Convention would have

this boy go farther. That shy person was me before and the Key Clubber that

noticed him is me now. Before I would always keep to myself and avoided

everything and everyone if possible. Now I go out and reach out to everyone I see

even if they aren’t a Key Clubber. Key Club was ironically a key to unlocking who I

am today and without Key Club I would have been locked up for who knows how


Erik Lim

Lieutenant Governor

New Jersey

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Passion for Service As much as I do love Key Club, Key Club has loved me more. This past year, I

have made friends with some of the best people I've ever met, traveled to cool

places to see cool people doing even cooler things for others, and had the

pleasure of leading a few hundred Key Clubbers in my own division. The lasting and

collaborative service performed by this organization continues to impress me and

everyone who I educate. The first year and a half of my KCI experience are

amazing- but I can't wait for another three.

Rip Livingston

Lieutenant Governor


While I could go on for hours about this

organization, there aren’t enough words to describe

the love I have for my second family. When I joined

Builder’s Club in middle school, I had no idea that it

would have such a rippling effect! I got

to experience a little of what the K-family had to offer

before I even started high school. I love Key Club

because I learned how to hone the leadership skills

I never knew I had, build friendships I never knew

would last a lifetime, and volunteer in ways I never

knew was possible. As I have one semester left of high

school, I face the reality of leaving Key Club. While this

thought saddens me, I’m comforted by the endless

memories I have created these past few years. What

I love most about Key Club is that you can graduate

and move on, but you’ll always have something to

look back on. By joining Key Club, you’ve laid down

one of the many stepping stones in your high school

career. I hope that you’ll seize the opportunities Key

Club presents you and create your own path!

Sandra Luo

DCON Chair


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Eliminating MNT Hello Key Clubbers!

Thank you for all of your help with The Eliminate Project! With all of your hard work we

have collectively raised over US$1.7 million dollars to eliminate MNT. Having said this, it is

important to remember that we are not done yet. The Key Club International board with

the help of The Eliminate Project Campaign office has set a goal of raising US$1.5 million

dollars this year. To best contribute to this goal, please send in all of the money you have

raised for Trick or Treat for UNICEF as soon as possible to The Eliminate Project Campaign

office. The sooner donations are sent in, the sooner MNT will be eliminated. More

information is available at: http://goo.gl/Z3V2Mb

With the Trick or Treat season coming to an end, our next major campaign,

holiday gift giving, is already upon us. Anyone can give the gift of life as a present to

The Eliminate Project. Any donation of over $10 will be accepted, and a thank you

card will be given back in return. Feel free to give the thank you card to an advisor

or club member that has contributed greatly to the campaign. Give at:


Many times a high school can get over run by fundraisers done and

often this leads to a lack of donations. A few new spicy ideas may include

a Miracle Minute or Skate 2 Eliminate. The Miracle Minute can easily be

done at events from as small as a divisional council meeting to as large as

district convention. All you need are a few hats and a timer. Have volunteers

run around with the hats and collect as much money as you can in one minute.

The second idea, Skate 2 Eliminate can be done in association with

your local skating rink. This event is super important to get lots and lots

of publicity for. The more people in attendance means more people

dedicated to the cause. Get local clubs to organize it and they can

bring even more friends!

We, as individuals, may not be the next Ghandi or Lincoln, but

together, as one unit, we will surely make a difference by eliminating

MNT. Through our combined efforts, we will change the world.

On doing what you are doing! Happy Holidays!

With Love and Service,

Ben Scranage & Gary Cheng

Key Club Representatives

Eliminate Project SLP Subcommittee

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International Convention Picture this. Thousands of Key Clubbers from all around the world joined

together in caring spirit in the sunny state of California. We are celebrating the end

to a successful year of service and leadership with a service fair, recognition, and

some groovy dances, and ushering in a new one with educational workshops, voting

on amendments to our Key Club Bylaws, and the election of our 2014-2015 Key Club

International Board. International Convention is an opportunity to travel to a new

destination, build relationships with people from different places in the world, learn

more about Key Club, and expand your horizons.

The California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Key Club International is looking

forward to having you join us for International Convention 2014 in Anaheim,

California—home to the worldly known amusements of Disneyland and Disney’s

California Adventure parks. It will BEE an experience you surely will not want to

miss. See you this summer, Key Clubbers!

With great care,

Victoria Lai

CNH Key Club District Governor

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THANK YOU I hope you enjoyed my newsletter.

Should you have any questions, please

feel free to contact me! I will try my best

to assist you in your Key Club journey.

Phone: (571) 346-0745

Email: [email protected]

Merry Christmas & a

Happy New Year!