Okullarda Şiddet Violence in Schools Meclis okullardaki şiddet olaylarının sona ermesi ya da azaltılması için harekete geçti. AKP, CHP ve Anavatan Partisinin okullardaki şiddet olayları ile ilgili meclis araştırması açılmasına ilişkin verdikleri önergeler birleştirilerek görüşüldü. The National Grand Assembly has taken steps toward ending or reducing the number of violent incidents in schools. The proposals made by the AKP, CHP, and Anavatan parties for initiating a parliament investigation of these violent incidents in schools were combined and then were debated during the same session. Görüşmeler sırasında Milli Eğitim Bakanı Hüseyin Çelik şiddet olaylarının hem okullarda hem de evde yaşandığını, fiziksel şiddetin yanı sıra psikolojik şiddetin de bulunduğunu söyledi.Okullarda yaşanan ilk şiddet olaylarının ardından bir araştırma yaptırdıklarını belirten Çelik şiddetin nedenlerine ulaşmaya çalıştıklarını ifade etti. Şiddet olaylarının daha çok orta öğretim okullarında görüldüğünü söyleyen bakan Çelik dünyada on üç on dokuz yaş arasındaki gençlerin itaatsizlik, başkaldırı ve kendini kanıtlamak için şiddete başvurduklarının belirlendiğini anlattı. During the negotiations, Minister of Education Hüseyin Çelik said that violent incidents occur both in school and at home, and in addition to physical violence, there is also psychological violence. Çelik explained that an investigation was conducted after the initial violent incidents at schools and said they are trying to determine the causes of such violence. The minister said the violent incidents occur most often in middle and high schools and that it has been determined world-wide that youth between the ages of 13 and 19 resort to violence for reasons such as disobedience, rebellion, and proving one’s self. Hüseyin Çelik "Çocuk küçükken annesinden, okula gidince öğretmeninden, gençliğinde bir gösteride polisten, askere gidince de komutanından dayak yiyor. Ömür boyu dayak atan ve yiyen ülke insanı olmamalıyız. Bunları sosyal hayatımızdan bir ur gibi atmalıyız" dedi. "A child is beaten by his mother when he is young, by his teacher when he starts school, by a policeman during a demonstration when he is an adolescent, and by his commander when he is doing his military service. We should not be the people of a country that hit or are hit all their lives. We should remove violence from our society like we remove a tumor from a body," Çelik said. CHP’li Hasan Fehmi Güneş’te şiddetin toplumun bütün kesimlerini ve günlük yaşantıyı derinden tehtid eden boyuta Hasan Fehmi Güneş, from CHP, maintained that violence has reached a threatening level in all aspects of society


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  • Okullarda iddet

    Violence in Schools

    Meclis okullardaki iddet olaylarnn sona ermesi ya da azaltlmas iin harekete geti. AKP, CHP ve Anavatan Partisinin okullardaki iddet olaylar ile ilgili meclis aratrmas almasna ilikin verdikleri nergeler birletirilerek grld.

    The National Grand Assembly has taken steps toward ending or reducing the number of violent incidents in schools. The proposals made by the AKP, CHP, and Anavatan parties for initiating a parliament investigation of these violent incidents in schools were combined and then were debated during the same session.

    Grmeler srasnda Milli Eitim Bakan Hseyin elik iddet olaylarnn hem okullarda hem de evde yaandn, fiziksel iddetin yan sra psikolojik iddetin de bulunduunu syledi.Okullarda yaanan ilk iddet olaylarnn ardndan bir aratrma yaptrdklarn belirten elik iddetin nedenlerine ulamaya altklarn ifade etti. iddet olaylarnn daha ok orta retim okullarnda grldn syleyen bakan elik dnyada on on dokuz ya arasndaki genlerin itaatsizlik, bakaldr ve kendini kantlamak iin iddete bavurduklarnn belirlendiini anlatt.

    During the negotiations, Minister of Education Hseyin elik said that violent incidents occur both in school and at home, and in addition to physical violence, there is also psychological violence. elik explained that an investigation was conducted after the initial violent incidents at schools and said they are trying to determine the causes of such violence. The minister said the violent incidents occur most often in middle and high schools and that it has been determined world-wide that youth between the ages of 13 and 19 resort to violence for reasons such as disobedience, rebellion, and proving ones self.

    Hseyin elik "ocuk kkken annesinden, okula gidince retmeninden, genliinde bir gsteride polisten, askere gidince de komutanndan dayak yiyor. mr boyu dayak atan ve yiyen lke insan olmamalyz. Bunlar sosyal hayatmzdan bir ur gibi atmalyz" dedi.

    "A child is beaten by his mother when he is young, by his teacher when he starts school, by a policeman during a demonstration when he is an adolescent, and by his commander when he is doing his military service. We should not be the people of a country that hit or are hit all their lives. We should remove violence from our society like we remove a tumor from a body," elik said.

    CHPli Hasan Fehmi Gnete iddetin toplumun btn kesimlerini ve gnlk yaanty derinden tehtid eden boyuta

    Hasan Fehmi Gne, from CHP, maintained that violence has reached a threatening level in all aspects of society

  • ulatn savundu. Gne bir su salgn var. Korku ortam yaygnlamakta dedi.

    and daily life. There is an outbreak of crime, and an atmosphere of fear is becoming increasingly common.

    Anavatan Partisi adna konuan Muzaffer Kurtulmuoluysa ekonomik ve eitimdeki sorunlar zlmedike aile ve okuldaki iddetin nlenemeyeceini savundu.

    Muzaffer Kurtulmuolu, who spoke on behalf of Anavatan, argued that it would be impossible to prevent violence at home or in schools unless economic and educational problems have been resolved.

    iddeti beeri bir hastalk olarak nitelendiren AKPli nerengen ise bunun tedavi edilmesi gerektiini syledi.

    And, nerengen, from AKP, defined violence as a social disease and said that it should be treated.

    Grmelerin ardndan 3 parti milletvekillerinin oylar ile okullardaki iddet olaylarnn aratrlmas iin bir meclis aratrma komisyonunun kurulmas kabul edildi.

    After the negotiations, the deputies representing the three parties voted, and it was agreed that a cabinet investigation commission should be set up to investigate the violent incidents in schools.