JULY 7, 2012 1  THE TRUMPET WEEKLY JU L Y 7 , 201 2 How to sell a radical Islamist to America 3 The world’s second most powerful man 4 Rewriting a shameful history 7 Nuking the Bank of England 8 Massive harvest failur e coming? 9  Will Germany Expl oit Britain’s Banking Scandal? BY BRAD MACDONALD I live outside Britain, you may not be ollowing the colossal scandal that is rocking the British bank Barclays and speedily rippling through other banks and nancial institutions on its way to the national government. Y ou probably should, because this could have enormous consequences. Te details a re complex and somewhat tedious. Es- sentially, it was recently discovered that Barclays had been deliberately contributing to the alsication o the L ondon Interbank Oered Rate () , the world’s most impor- tant benchmark interest rate. Te interest rates on roughly in nancial transactions, on everything rom mortgages, to credit cards, to car loans, to savings accounts—as well as in securities and swaps—are calculated using the benchmark. Basically, since Ba rclays bankers (among others ) have been meddling (albeit indirectly) with the personal nanc- es o tens o millions individuals, countless companies and corporations, and ulti mately, entire national economies. All in the pursuit o bigger salaries and bonuses. Since the story broke last week it has shown no signs o slowing. In the last seven d ays Barclays has been ned million (almost hal a billion dollars), watched the price o its stock plummet, and witnessed the axing o its . Worse yet, nea rly all o London’ s bank ing giants, including Lloyds, the Royal Bank o Scotland and , have been sucked into the vortex. At least other major banks are currently under investigation, and it appears ma nipulat- ing interest rates had become standard prac tice among Britain’s major banks. It gets worse still. Yesterday, evidence (e-mails) sur- aced hinting that “senior” authorities at the Bank o England were not only aware o the nancial skull- duggery, but may have even encouraged  Barclays and others to alsiy their gures. Te details wi ll be dredged in time, but it looks as i personali- ties within the highest echelons o Britain’s national gov ernment will be incriminated. Many experts ear this is the death knell or Britain’s banking and nance industry. ruth is, there is much more at stake than that. Britain’s banking and nance industry is the only healthy organ in a body that is quickly shutting down. Te sector comprises about percent o Britai n’ s entire economy, con- tributes more than see SCANDAL page 12

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