TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY Offer the sacrifices of ...TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY The episode of the ten lepers follows from the par-able of humble service read last Sunday. It again invites us

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    The episode of the ten lepers follows from the par-able of humble service read last Sunday. It again invites us to wonder at the gracious gifts of God. On his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus meets leprosy, an illness which cuts the sufferer off from worship and the presence of others. Like those poor in the psalms who call on the loving tenderness of God of the covenant, the lepers cry out to the one whom they discern a savior. In sending them first to those who are qualified to verify a cure, Jesus only makes them a promise, he also puts their faith to the test. For, at that moment, they are not yet cured. They are healed “on the way”, by obeying Jesus’ word. Then, filled with joy, but for-getful of the giver, they scatter. There is one exception, a Samaritan, a for-eigner! For him alone the journey of faith is not complete until he returns to the giver of the gift. Jesus continues the dialogue by sending him forth once more, this time as a disciple. FREE OF FEAR In both the Old Testament and the Gospel read-ing today lepers are cured: one through the prophet Elisha and ten by Jesus. These readings are less about physical healing and much more about faith and gratitude. In biblical times lepers were total outcasts. Few, if any, would come near them for fear of catching the disease themselves. In fact, for centuries, anyone with skin problems of any kind was likely to be labeled a leper and compelled to leave the local community to live apart with other sufferers. There was no cure until the 1930s and even now this disease lingers in poorer countries. Unlike plague victims, death did not come quickly to lepers, and loneliness and hunger were often worse than the disease itself. Cut off from family and friends for the rest of their lives, lepers relied for survival on begging and handouts. Before approaching any human settle-ment they had to cry out loudly or ring a bell to warn people of their approach. Imagine then, the joy of these sufferers who find themselves sud-denly made well. Now they can slip back into the blessed ordinariness of day-to-day life. Only two lepers pause after their cure and offer thanks: Naaman the Aramite commander, cured through the prophet Elisha, and one unnamed Samaritan cured by Jesus.


    Neither of them were “sons of Israel.” Naaman at first tried to give the prophet Elisha a gift to show his gratitude, which Elisha refused. Both Naaman and the Samaritan in the Gospel realized that the power of the God of Israel had freed them, not only from their physical suffering, but also from the isolation and fear that went along with it. For that they were truly grateful and said so. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved LIBRE DE TEMORES

    Tanto en la lectura de hoy del Antiguo Testamento como en la del evangelio los leprosos quedan curados: uno por medio del profeta Eliseo y diez por Jesús. Estas lecturas tienen mucho más que ver con la fe y la gratitud que con la curación física. En la antigüedad los leprosos eran parias de la sociedad y totalmente marginados. Casi nadie se acer-caba a ellos por miedo de contraer la enfermedad. De hecho, durante siglos cualquiera que tuviera alguna enfer-medad de la piel probablemente fuera considerado como leproso y obligado a dejar su comunidad para vivir aparte con los otros que sufrían la misma enfermedad. No hubo cura hasta la década de 1930 y aún hoy esta enfermedad persiste en los países más pobres. A diferencia de las vícti-mas de plagas, la muerte no era inminente para los lepro-sos; por eso la soledad y el hambre eran peor que la misma enfermedad. Aislados de familiares y amigos para el resto de sus días, los leprosos dependían de la dádiva y de mendi-gar para sobrevivir. Antes de acercarse a cualquier po-blación tenían que gritar o sonar una campana a fin de ad-vertirle a la gente que ellos estaban en camino. Imagínate entonces la alegría de estos leprosos al verse limpios. Ahora pueden regresar a todo lo ordinario y bendito de la vida diaria. Sólo dos de los leprosos al verse curados se detienen a dar gracias: Naamán, general del ejército de Siria, curado por medio del profeta Eliseo y un samaritano, de quien no conocemos el nombre, curado por Jesús. Nin-guno de los dos era “hijo de Israel”. Naamán trató primero de hacerle un regalo al profeta Eliseo como muestra de agradecimiento, lo cual rechazó Eliseo. Tanto Naamán como el samaritano del evangelio se dieron cuenta de que el poder del Dios de Israel los había librado no sólo del sufrimiento físico, sino también de la soledad y del temor que traen consigo tal enfermedad. Por eso estaban tan agradecidos y así lo expresaron. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

    Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD.

    10/2/2016 Regular Sunday Collection $6535.35 St. Vincent de Paul $ 54.00 School Support $1296.44 Utilities $ 117.00 Building Fund $ 467.00 Seminary $ .00 Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc.


    Ramona Ramirez , Helena Baca, Joan Turrieta, Carmen Lueras, Olga Va-roz, Sarah Gonzales, Angie Tachias, Ray Rodarte, Mary Chavez, Ashley Lopez, Damian Garcia, Virginia Sando, Josephine Chavez, Mary Vigil, Armijo, Sena & Chavez family, Joseph Berg, Gerald Rodriguez, George Lucero, Eloisa Padilla, Ann Shoemaker, Alphonse Gallion, Andrew Cleland, Louisa Garcia, Mike Garcia, Angel Villezcas, Marie Maestas and for those in hospitals or their home and can’t attend church


    CANOSSIAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER 5625 Isleta Blvd. SW, Alb. Nm 87105

    Joy, Inspiration and Hope Facilitated By:

    Sr. Paula Gallagher, IHM October 15, 2016

    9:00 A.M.—3:00 P.M. Come, pray and examine JOY! Look past, present and future to revive sources of your joy. Embrace hope in place of the anxiety of our times. Be inspired by what Spirit can yet do you in your life. This joy, inspiration and hope will move us beyond ourselves toward others, sharing the Good News of God’s presence.

    Bereavement Retreat: Hope Chest, Building Our Faith in Everlasting Life

    Facilitated By: Sr. Paula Gallagher, IHM

    November 12,2016 9:00 A.M.– 3:00 P.M.

    The bereavement Retreat Day puts our experience of loss deeply within the context of faith, helping us to deepen

    and make that faith more core in our beings. To register, please call 452-9402, or register online at: www.canossianspiritualitycenter.org

    Deadline: 1 week prior to retreat date.

    FIESTA RAFFLE WINNERS Congratulations to the winner’s of our Fiesta Rafle: $1000 Caden Murphy $500 William Calderon $250 Shannon Eades $100 Sandra Chavez $50 Maria Gonzales

    Queens’ Raffle Winner Our Lady of Guadalupe Wall Hanging

    Marla Gonzales Thanks to everyone involved in making our Fiestas such a success. To the dedicated and hardworking volunteers, members of the Fiesta Council who coor-dinated set up, operated and worked in booths, the activities, shopping, and those who obtained per-mits. For the cooking, maintenance, and security of the grounds at night, cleanup during and after, & the tear down. To those who counted thousands of fiesta tokens, operated the bank, organized enter-tainment, for the entertainers who volunteered their talents. And for all fiesta goers who enjoyed the weekend with family, friends and fellow parishion-ers. To the family of Queen Liana Padilla who worked so hard in raising funds for the parish. Thank you all!!! A full financial report will be forthcoming. God’s peace and blessings to you all and may our wonder-ful patron, Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus continue to bless all of us with her powerful intercession on our behalf before the throne of the Most Holy One. Peace and good things, Father Vincent

    Join Us! From September 28 through November 6, you are invited to join other Christians for 40

    Days of Life—4– days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40 day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Pa-renthood. 701 San Mateo NE,and also to help spread the Word about this impor-tant community outreach. If you’d like more inform-

    tion and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help contact: Project Defending Life at 505-266-4100 or see www.defendinglife.org. Thank you


    The episode of the ten lepers follows from the par-able of humble service read last Sunday. It again invites us to wonder at the gracious gifts of God. On his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus meets leprosy, an illness which cuts the sufferer off from worship and the presence of others. Like those poor in the psalms who call on the loving tenderness of God of the covenant, the lepers cry out to the one whom they discern a savior. In sending them first to those who are qualified to verify a cure, Jesus only makes them a promise, he also puts their faith to the test. For, at that moment, they are not yet cured. They are healed “on the way”, by obeying Jesus’ word. Then, filled with joy, but for-getful of the giver, they scatter. There is one exception, a Samaritan, a for-eigner! For him alone the journey of faith is not complete until he returns to the giver of the gift. Jesus continues the dialogue by sending him forth once more, this time as a disciple. FREE OF FEAR In both the Old Testament and the Gospel read-ing today lepers are cured: one through the prophet Elisha and ten by Jesus. These readings are less about physical healing and much more about faith and gratitude. In biblical times lepers were total outcasts. Few, if any, would come near them for fear of catching the disease themselves. In fact, for centuries, anyone with skin problems of any kind was likely to be labeled a leper and compelled to leave the local community to live apart with other sufferers. There was no cure until the 1930s and even now this disease lingers in poorer countries. Unlike plague victims, death did not come quickly to lepers, and loneliness and hunger were often worse than the disease itself. Cut off from family and friends for the rest of their lives, lepers relied for survival on begging and handouts. Before approaching any human settle-ment they had to cry out loudly or ring a bell to warn people of their approach. Imagine then, the joy of these sufferers who find themselves sud-denly made well. Now they can slip back into the blessed ordinariness of day-to-day life. Only two lepers pause after their cure and offer thanks: Naaman the Aramite commander, cured through the prophet Elisha, and one unnamed Samaritan cured by Jesus.


    Neither of them were “sons of Israel.” Naaman at first tried to give the prophet Elisha a gift to show his gratitude, which Elisha refused. Both Naaman and the Samaritan in the Gospel realized that the power of the God of Israel had freed them, not only from their physical suffering, but also from the isolation and fear that went along with it. For that they were truly grateful and said so. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved LIBRE DE TEMORES

    Tanto en la lectura de hoy del Antiguo Testamento como en la del evangelio los leprosos quedan curados: uno por medio del profeta Eliseo y diez por Jesús. Estas lecturas tienen mucho más que ver con la fe y la gratitud que con la curación física. En la antigüedad los leprosos eran parias de la sociedad y totalmente marginados. Casi nadie se acer-caba a ellos por miedo de contraer la enfermedad. De hecho, durante siglos cualquiera que tuviera alguna enfer-medad de la piel probablemente fuera considerado como leproso y obligado a dejar su comunidad para vivir aparte con los otros que sufrían la misma enfermedad. No hubo cura hasta la década de 1930 y aún hoy esta enfermedad persiste en los países más pobres. A diferencia de las vícti-mas de plagas, la muerte no era inminente para los lepro-sos; por eso la soledad y el hambre eran peor que la misma enfermedad. Aislados de familiares y amigos para el resto de sus días, los leprosos dependían de la dádiva y de mendi-gar para sobrevivir. Antes de acercarse a cualquier po-blación tenían que gritar o sonar una campana a fin de ad-vertirle a la gente que ellos estaban en camino. Imagínate entonces la alegría de estos leprosos al verse limpios. Ahora pueden regresar a todo lo ordinario y bendito de la vida diaria. Sólo dos de los leprosos al verse curados se detienen a dar gracias: Naamán, general del ejército de Siria, curado por medio del profeta Eliseo y un samaritano, de quien no conocemos el nombre, curado por Jesús. Nin-guno de los dos era “hijo de Israel”. Naamán trató primero de hacerle un regalo al profeta Eliseo como muestra de agradecimiento, lo cual rechazó Eliseo. Tanto Naamán como el samaritano del evangelio se dieron cuenta de que el poder del Dios de Israel los había librado no sólo del sufrimiento físico, sino también de la soledad y del temor que traen consigo tal enfermedad. Por eso estaban tan agradecidos y así lo expresaron. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

    Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD.

    10/2/2016 Regular Sunday Collection $6535.35 St. Vincent de Paul $ 54.00 School Support $1296.44 Utilities $ 117.00 Building Fund $ 467.00 Seminary $ .00 Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc.


    Ramona Ramirez , Helena Baca, Joan Turrieta, Carmen Lueras, Olga Va-roz, Sarah Gonzales, Angie Tachias, Ray Rodarte, Mary Chavez, Ashley Lopez, Damian Garcia, Virginia Sando, Josephine Chavez, Mary Vigil, Armijo, Sena & Chavez family, Joseph Berg, Gerald Rodriguez, George Lucero, Eloisa Padilla, Ann Shoemaker, Alphonse Gallion, Andrew Cleland, Louisa Garcia, Mike Garcia, Angel Villezcas, Marie Maestas and for those in hospitals or their home and can’t attend church


    CANOSSIAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER 5625 Isleta Blvd. SW, Alb. Nm 87105

    Joy, Inspiration and Hope Facilitated By:

    Sr. Paula Gallagher, IHM October 15, 2016

    9:00 A.M.—3:00 P.M. Come, pray and examine JOY! Look past, present and future to revive sources of your joy. Embrace hope in place of the anxiety of our times. Be inspired by what Spirit can yet do you in your life. This joy, inspiration and hope will move us beyond ourselves toward others, sharing the Good News of God’s presence.

    Bereavement Retreat: Hope Chest, Building Our Faith in Everlasting Life

    Facilitated By: Sr. Paula Gallagher, IHM

    November 12,2016 9:00 A.M.– 3:00 P.M.

    The bereavement Retreat Day puts our experience of loss deeply within the context of faith, helping us to deepen

    and make that faith more core in our beings. To register, please call 452-9402, or register online at: www.canossianspiritualitycenter.org

    Deadline: 1 week prior to retreat date.

    FIESTA RAFFLE WINNERS Congratulations to the winner’s of our Fiesta Rafle: $1000 Caden Murphy $500 William Calderon $250 Shannon Eades $100 Sandra Chavez $50 Maria Gonzales

    Queens’ Raffle Winner Our Lady of Guadalupe Wall Hanging

    Marla Gonzales Thanks to everyone involved in making our Fiestas such a success. To the dedicated and hardworking volunteers, members of the Fiesta Council who coor-dinated set up, operated and worked in booths, the activities, shopping, and those who obtained per-mits. For the cooking, maintenance, and security of the grounds at night, cleanup during and after, & the tear down. To those who counted thousands of fiesta tokens, operated the bank, organized enter-tainment, for the entertainers who volunteered their talents. And for all fiesta goers who enjoyed the weekend with family, friends and fellow parishion-ers. To the family of Queen Liana Padilla who worked so hard in raising funds for the parish. Thank you all!!! A full financial report will be forthcoming. God’s peace and blessings to you all and may our wonder-ful patron, Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus continue to bless all of us with her powerful intercession on our behalf before the throne of the Most Holy One. Peace and good things, Father Vincent

    Join Us! From September 28 through November 6, you are invited to join other Christians for 40

    Days of Life—4– days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40 day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Pa-renthood. 701 San Mateo NE,and also to help spread the Word about this impor-tant community outreach. If you’d like more inform-

    tion and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help contact: Project Defending Life at 505-266-4100 or see www.defendinglife.org. Thank you


    *A privately owned business licensed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Published by JCPress • [email protected] • 505-856-0333

    catholic communicatorTheSunday • October 9, 2016

    Church Authority, Apostolic Succession, Papal Infallibility • Wednesday, October 12, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Albuquerque, Community Room, 6:30-8:00pm. Speaker Dr. Jim Schwank, a research scientist by profession and a recent convert to the Catholic faith, had to overcome several major differences in doctrine between his former Protestant faith and the Catholic faith. In this presentation, Jim will discuss the evidence that convinced him that his Holiness Pope Francis is the true heir to the “Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven,” the teaching authority of the Church, and the doctrine of infallibility. For more information, please contact Jim Schwank at (505) 401-7722.

    Catholics’ Divorce Survival Class at the Shrine of St. Bernadette, NE Heights, Albuquerque. Starts Wednesday, October 19, 6:30-7:30pm, room C5. Discover anew His desire for our lasting happiness. This is a 12 week program by Rose Sweet. The fee is $20 and includes a “Personal Survival Guide.” Call 298-7557 to register. Call Jane

    688-8663 for more information.

    The Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning will be taught at Our Lady of the Annunciation beginning October 9 from 1-3:30pm. The Theology of the Body is used as the basis for the instruction, using NFP in treating each other as persons, not objects. Register for the class at www.ccli.org. Contact the Parish Office at 298-7553.

    Do you want to express your ideas more clearly, become a better listener and learn to resolve conflict in a healthy way? Dating, engaged and married couples are invited to the Healthy Relationships 101 interactive, free program “Nurture Your Love” at the Catholic Center. The six-week interactive program will be on Monday Oct. 24-Nov. 28 from 6-8:30pm. To register, call Family Life Office, 831-8117.

    St. Felix Pantry’s Annual International Festival is an Al-buquerque area tradition featuring local restaurants, lo-cal vendors, live entertainment, dancing, kids area, and a silent auction. Support your community and experience the local flavor! October 23 • 11am-3pm • St. Pius High School • For information, call Manuel Casias, VP Develop-ment, 505-270-1366, or email: [email protected].

    Catholic Charities has a new location for the In-Kind Donation Center:3600 Osuna NE #622, Albuquerque 87109 (in the Osuna Business Park). The current hours are: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:30 am to noon (longer hours to come soon). Donation items needed: Kitchen tables & chairs • Lamps • Dressers • Working Computers. To volun-teer, contact Kathy Freeze at 505-724-4694. To learn more about Catholic Charities visit www.ccasfnm.org.

    Pilgrimage AdvertisementsIt’s a visit that every Christian should do at least once in his life. The sooner he comes to the Holy Land, the sooner his life will change forever and the Bible will come more alive… Come, change your life. Visit the Holy Land with the Friars this January. [email protected] / 800-842-4842 - www.FunCatholicTravel.com

    Holy Land & Jordan Pilgrimage: Join Fr John Trambley on a Holy Land Pilgrimage from March 6 – 17, 2017. $2999 from Albuquerque. Including Nazareth, Tiberias, Jerusa-lem, Bethlehem, Mt. Tabor, Cana, Mt. Carmel, Dead Sea, Bethany, Jericho & more! Jordan: Petra, Mt Nebo, Amman and more! For more information please call (505) 217-9460.

    The Family Life Of-

    fice invites Mothers and their Daugh-

    ters, ages 10 -12, to an afternoon tea to celebrate the beauty & vocation of women,• $15/person • Novem-

    ber 5 • 12:30-4pmSt. Magdalene Hall, Our Lady of the An-

    nunciation Parish (Albuq).

    Make reserva-tions by Oct. 28.

    Contact 831-8117 or yduran@archdiosf.


    Be You Tea Ful

    HawaiiQueen of Heaven School Fund-raiser

    Mauna Lani Hotel & Resort,

    4 Nights plus $1,500 Cash


    2nd prize: Tickets for the New Year’s Day Game In Den-ver, $600 in Travel CardsDenver Broncos Vs Oakland Raiders3rd prize: Lady’s gold and diamond ring4th prize: $500 Cash

    • $10/Ticket • Some Restric-tions apply to prizes • Drawing during Oktoberfest at the Parish Gym • Saturday, October 29, 8:00pm• Tickets: purchase at the school office, 5303 Phoenix NE, Albuquerque • Call 505-881-2484

    Take A Bite Out Of Local Hunger!

    Learn of God’s healing power and peace for divorced or separated


    Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque,

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Gal 5: 1-6; Lk 11: 37-41 8:00 AM †Francisco “Frank” Luna (Birthday)

    By: Lorraine Luna †Valerie Cordova By: Julian Montoya

    Wednesday, October 12, 2016 Gal 5: 18-25; Lk 11: 42-46 8:00 AM †Patrick Fortier

    By: Paul & Christina Murtagh Thursday, October 13, 2016 Eph 1: 1-10; Lk 11: 47-54 8:00 AM †Ann Brennan

    By: Grace Alonzo & Jan Hans For the health of Pablo Montanez By: Family

    Friday, Octonber 14, 2016 Eph 1: 11-14; Lk 12: 1-7 8:00 AM †Solomon “Sal” Fresques By: Family

    In honor of the Beloved Virgin Mary By: Maclovia Drake

    Saturday, October 15, 2016 Eph 1: 15-23; Lk 12: 8-12 8:00 AM In thanksgiving to St. Anthony

    By: Jim & Frances Meek †Daphne & Daniel Garcia (4th Anniversary) By: Family †Eduardo Sandoval By: Becky Sandoval

    4:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Sunday, October 16, 2016 Ex 17: 8-13; 2 Tim 3: 14—4:2; Lk 18: 1-8 8:00 AM †Gertrude Tules Griego

    By: Marie Lujan †Martha Harrison By: Jim & Frances Meek

    10:00 AM †Mary Lou (2nd Anniversay) & Eugene Duran By: Robert Duran †Albert & Aaron Cortez By: Family †Albert Vallejos By: Dolores Vallejos Special intention to St. Jude By: Evelyn Garcia

    12:00 PM †Fermin Sena & Albert Armijo By: Graciel Armijo & family †Rose Alderete By: Leina Dinkel †Barbara Berg By: Sadie Serrano

    SPIRITUAL DIRECTIONAre you looking for someone to accompany you on your spiritual journey? Sister Geneal is available for Spiri-tual Direction at St. Therese on Thursday mornings and at other times at her home. Phone her at 505-615-3637 for an appointment.

    Saturday, October 8, 2016 Gal 3: 22-29; Lk 11: 27-28 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 4:00 PM †Frank Concini By: Family

    †Leo Sandoval By: Mr. & Mrs. Benny Sandoval †Gianna Suzanne Frongillo By: Margaret Staehlin

    Sunday, October 9, 2016 2Kgs 5: 14-17; 2 Tim 2: 8-13; Lk 17: 11-19 8:00 AM †Sipriano Dominguez By: Camila Molina

    Special intentions to St. Anthony By: George Lucero †Filiberto Martinez (11th Anniversary) By: Wife Priscilla & family †Martha Harrison By: Arthur Harrison

    10:00 AM †Antonio & Annie (Birthday) Perea & family By: Lorraine Luna †Dora Gallegos (Anniversary) By: Simon & Nancy Nunez †Doloritas Baca (Anniversary) By: Lena & Dee Serbin †Maurice Landavazo By: Denman family

    12:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Monday, October 10, 2016 Gal 4: 22-24, 26-27, 34-5:1; Lk 11: 29-32 8:00 AM Communion Service

    Mass Intentions Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    “Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers! The advertisements pay for our bulletins.

    ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK French Funerals & Cremations 843-6333

    St. Callistus October 14

    God of mercy, hear the prayers of your people

    that we may be helped by St Callistus,

    whose martyrdom we celebrate with joy.

    Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

    who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

    one God, for ever and ever. Amen.