TWI . VOLlWtE 7, NU.\;BHK ]1:I. FINAL COI INTWH . . Johnson Gets Credit Game of Series; Goi -Holds -Giants; -Rice^j Prisch fro'm. Making THE SCOW -------------- . - Giftnta----------------000- Senator* ........... 000 1 Batteries: Bam --------- ----------- Bentley and - Gowd Marberry, Johnson « OiftlFPITH, STADnJM, T? magnlfiunt display of coumf camo tbo buobdll obampions --------------------in tbe Mvcnth -gwmo of tho s ---30,000 maninca. - Tbo joy of Washington w world's ohampionahip was ti --------------- - •' - JohflioirTron-a ^g^unc-o^fa^«-fi in os a relief pitobw. with thc tho victory. TODAY’S * ^ : PLAY BY PLAY ................. OiantB—MndBtroin TiitiKril. t'rIsR w*IVcir YpunK lip. Ok'leii wiw lal' en out ot tho l>ot and MoB'ridse cam In. OS<ten made notnn moilonn lo lh umpire (bat ho had hurt his arm 1>u the crowd,tbouKht It wa». nnr^|i alralen]' tp hrat Iho Icfl hand hailcr ' of Ihe OUdti. VouDK fanned nn wldo ourvc. Kelly out, Taylor t • JudRo. No rtvm. no Iills. no.orrnrn, Scnalors—Mc.N'culy (lui, I.IAdiilrm lo Terry. I.IndMrom mndo n hlc JumplnR Hop. Hurrl* fanned (in low curvc. Rice oul. Uarncs lo Toi ry, on a ilow roller. No ruM. no hilt ho errors. ‘ second ftnlnj QIanti—Terry out, Harris tn Jedsi WlUon out, Blui'se lo JudKe. Jackau beat oUl a hlch bounder to Taylo who made a nenuitJonal ntop but hi ____ _________ Uirow.4iutlcdiJudss_olt.tbfij!ft£.&ii it was an error for Taylor. *. Oo'kd -------- Blnslea over •i'oylor-B (inaa, jacmio stooplos at soconil. Barrien fannci No run*, .one hit. onn. error. Senator*—CoBltn tann«l on- a wld curve! Judge lined to Frlscb wh made a marvcloui juiniilns catcl .' Qlucso oul, JacktwR lo Terry.' No ■run^ no hlta. no errors. - Third InnloB Qliwl*—Mndstrom'out. Tnylor .1 Judjw.: -Frisch rcachcd first on a l>ui ' to Taylor fho fumWed thu tial Yoiuir'popped to Judge. Kolly Ion od- KrUch-at aecond,-DIuoRe to Ha) rl«. — -— —^----- ------- No-naa.-one-hHr'w^roniH -------- Senators—Taylor fanned, on a lo curvc. Ruel out. Bamei to Terry c an eaay bounder.' MogrldRo atruc out No run*, no hiui, no errors. ------------- -------------------— PoSflKTnoEg Qianta—Terry out Tin atrlhca. Wl ' wm out. Bluege lo Judee.. Uluc< -mado' * tnwl apeclacular atop. Jacl ;aoirouC5lttafe"lo Judges Harr htt-«'‘hoa'e'nin Into^the len fie' ' »jiaBdf7.‘V ll«n ,lcaplii« hlnh .tor U -uil the. r«M». Prealdei ............ WUK)iL;'^br:'«JOT«'=M»''hls'-Okco-■« isftio:lM ;'c^>)!:',aoailn uv.-Goal out. Tortr uaasaUled. V " ' -r<aa.rmoh«hlt.noeiTOra._. _____ ____ ___-J:aiM &^e^it»nad_to w baak . ' - c « t e r : a r a 5 ^ e * l a h r ‘. B r t T i i r ‘^ ^ . _ — -aiuefoffij^f.-oniM other, «p«u ........... .. t a o s t s ^ l K - ^ U ' v a a ^ M l ^ ' aa;^ ,v-. , J- m .FJ ON TAKES t o 4-3 m INNING! [it for Winning Decidinj lOes in Late in Game and e^S: Fine- Pie.lding Prevents ng Home Run. REBYIWNINGS: 6-^.Q ^O O O —3 8 i ___ ) 100 020. 001- t4 10 4 : ,mcs, Nehf, 'McQuiHan, vdy; Ogden, -Mogridge,- -------- ^ n and Rucl. WASHINQTOF. Ool. lO.-W itb a mgo tbo Washington Senators bo> •ns boro this aTtomMn wb'ui they 0 - world's series beforeia-orowT tif . was snprcmo hot only bcauBO the theirs but tbo grand old Walter rfirst-wOTidVscriosr-Johiatm-wcnt- hc score tied and was orodited with —~ riniQC Karl 3lr\(H lv, n m lilr -T— -.from CnlUornln ,nliu >1bcU Uib trnm only a shurl time lic.o. nuu. ' ' ' tlie m m p by cnsliLnK s double ovrr Ihlrd iHinr nnd-nrorrd llltle Y Undily Ituri wlUi tho itlaninK mn, Mhlle il iTitx Ihc,ranch lr*ni Me- Kret)‘s M t (hat »tmrk th.>. kill. • :• iBff Wow sfaliuit It: w in 'th e MMili ul Hnnil (><>ndy , Ihnt derided tb«> nmall loHiior la Bonrj.- ............. ................... Allcr Miller hail been r»llrc«l In ll: ; .K« ISth- H“ »" WutlJy Iluol-IKtOd ft‘hl* foul on tho. third I.mo lln* ii« r ,lli plaie. Oovdy-dropped hli m**k an m II Btaried for the catch. HoiloppcdU ' - 10 tho mank. got all tannlHl ilp ar “ prolunkod Uiicl'# life at UC^by drbt ” Dlnit tho ball. Kud then smashc<l <l<niblfl down Uu' third Iinxe lino, Joht 11 ,m como np tg^thc Uat ln'» plnth an ; n-nchud first whim' JackiuA fuinMc ' bln isroimder. Jack IJonllry. ilm lm ' “ of A iiirInK of pltchern wbo tud pai ndcd lo tho box. cave Mc.Scely i hiK rail hall and thu Collfonilan met- BQUomly. and ro<lt» li on s h i^ h .lii drive and'over Lindstrom'i head., sdsni There was^kjmoat a rlol on tb« flol kaun when Rucl dashed over lli« plalo wU ylor, Ihu wlnnini; run. ThojiiitDdH ilartc 1 hlH on l.ho flold and a nlorm or nent ciial .anrt joou’ .-OBW_uul.a£_lhu_flUiadii.jicarl >wd^ JtowllnR ovvf tbo fans tlial were h Eii3sr vnoi~nigir-oii'Tng tioiii.- 'in<s frow mod. tnllleil around the firld and rrfuae to leave, wldo ------ ----------: ------- Identification of Prisoner Shatters Fond Mother’s Hopi A T r^ T A . Ga., Ocl. lO-A molhdr hope was llaslixl today when war di parlment rocord# rovealed th a t Bo* ert K. Clair, a prlnnner la Allani federal penltenliary; l» not her (Oi Urban John DorgeVaon. . --------- Mr»:"P:"W. T lg g crao ^ & IaSiSni loi* Wisconsin, arrived hero socrftl woek T' aso and Identified'St. aU r as h< son, who bad bcon otficlilly reporte killed In action durhiR ilio worl ____ _ wnr. __________ _______ u n til today wUen {lnKfn»«*lni r<n -WIU orris arrived (ram Waahltulon, Mr lucfio DerKOmon was posliive thp prlsohi lack* here waa hor boy, and usdortook t ' Secure hla release. arris transporiins autotfiobltea. Ho Is in I field health. r tho . -------------------- tdent . HOLD OUT NOJIQL'E. J but _jODHa; Priaceroet. 11—"1 kno e1»P* death anil don’t fear It, *ut why. T tiig*n.r-fcy lam - i if ..ctiaim.'^ r m ifl » heT-rtseo,.*ald-pla|nllTely in hU b« to chambar here today. Tbi odndltic 2?^ ofth®rfi»BUi nimiU«.;wlio-|il» tw '9 * ^ I'J'for several dayi, wa* ••nntban; ' eiT'^i* 'jhyW dans' .: 6sll«Un \' —^ apea-5al4.-47>-»-»by*l.toH. ■liil ha ' o a l'BO hope for Recovery. •» propflitBrou* « .*21 w,‘?*^a7««uar-irnAit~^ws« ieaw :lii-:«s*^to.iitoJh«i*s^ A'- U Jink* ;BuTr<Hrtiat-;wiiWl • i.. _ Wtt* 'p r o M c n lo r , ' '. .x iLLS . TWIN FALLS, II mM HAIL IS >ing .nd nts .I'ann. meet the n«tw worid cliampUii "dHirsrarllua. Ziichary, Jolinnnii. G< Boiiotii row. ZAlinlzcr, H|iroc<>, linr L eaders A ssure l - ^ i H . e a r r y S t AIIOARD IXrOI-I.l.TTi: SriJCIAI ho KN IIOUTK TO TI.NCINNATI. 0.. 0<'> ^ 10~W ltli nHHinani'cn of .MIcIi Ikiiu Id mt'"~ '‘”‘l”‘ndvf>«-lni<lcrn-tlinl-hp-wmilrf-«ir lh ry IlH- iiinfc- In .S'rtvinUn-i-. Hrnni” , Iji Fi.iri.lto l.'fl I)4-lrnit icMliiy lo viirn hi« flKlit for llu- |>ri-»ldi-licry In Olili: '.J' • Ijj Kollnicr's camimlKn liun lus’i nuu I'foSfenKlnK with n' ntiih Iti .Mlchlcm .. ■ nmt If It routlnilM nt tlir prmnit rftt' ... Ihe nennlor wnn nimiin-d Hint h would tarry 'Iliu «lnli-. Tlic. fiery ludiuieiideiil initlvr niil illl. lodny UiU he r<-ll ih n t lu- Imcl nii H. i)i:cn mlfilul tiy empty iiromimti. Tli* ifjj. ■ 'i-aeer, litionilvV eriiwd of tilx llmunBU . Iq whicli puld adinlMKlfiu ici ili<i Ari-n .iJsrdcmtJaoi'jiitbtOo hear him flu In Ihn I*'" two^'nld pnrllrH leniin hitii to Ik ,‘hlKh llO'’*’ l‘l" canijmlKii will b« niii r,lh« CMSfui. t and L* l-'ollette indicated ho hnd a "wir cd in- nInE complux." P and TIio Krealcnt. ovation Kivcn him h drop- tho enUnmliwiIe cniw.l cumo when h hwl a wild, "I ^-xpi^ci to ho eircU-d pnnldeii John- on NovcuiIh. t ■i,'^ h and Thi< crow«i n»c nnd riierrcd uti' mbletl Kiuiiipi>d for live mrniilm. n lonl ''you’ro ek-cU'd now." hlmutcd i I par- man In Ihit rear of thu holl. ■ . hiKh "t feel ll in,my l«»ncn." «lwl tiav! act il tho senator. 1. line vso do nc." Oift SMvrd hurled hocli • "Down wllh the Injunction." ycltc I flo ld u o t h o r . ‘ ' I wllh "When I become president." said L larted — ------ : ----------- -------------- siHEELER-ROASTS = SUPREME COURI F f rrevERDia op® iliir*^ Party Candidate Go^ *Mr‘. for Addce.fc trdo- This Evening;'Condemn ed Yer^ct of Tribuna:!,. ' «"» OAKIoA.VD, C a l Oci; lO .^ e n a to i afert*a-K.-WI»«l»rV indepaiTdent^ lf\ Cnllfornla brouuht him l< I her ‘"'*''5' uddrea* li )orted ^'e I* cspvclcd tu conilnm world »t"to Buproni' coun doclsion which konl LaPoiletli fTcfr eieciora otf tba Cftlllornta. l»allot. Mra. Mrs. Wbeoler and Rudolph flpfec Iwhor kica will nddrosa an nudlonco her «k to (ills aftornoon.- Wheelvr. apeaka .to ' night nnd then :goes to Son Fran I in ill icavlnc for Lds j\nReIoa ixnmedintet oflor tho meeting. ■Wheolor urscd his . Sacrament . hearers Uu.nls)i,t_U>.-,vo^ the «o know claiiat ticket in Cnltfomiii “wtthou 'hr-1« pwitttHon.", •'. ••• ' '■ . ®nm - "The-real-VuAe tn-t&la campawi I bed j«.not .|h«-urK r.nor carrencr.Tflll dltlon loglalaUon.'. corruption .In hlx' I twin piftes, norrddjn^Uo-^ltelOa^^b ibaoK- Jn^pondettt vice.prealdonUal «adl ' '<*laslo_d*eUr«di.- . J- ^-w t - r r nu fBBv.uwyrtr - wBwwr - m psr cent ot Uie-populatloD. tho pn dSl^Ty-lin*rtitor5ttrf5ri“t5e“ cbM tEr t g r m r ^ u t - at tw ttwrra V* on tloa shalL.raa'It for'lh» bMtUrrt ies^at —r bMler ' *OTt.TON. :OkIi! OcrtD^yTJiree bitt iJm rtlu hihlfl-w^thn'nilhmliguiit hanlritt :hyti« bildop l»ccnrr«d '.]iut )ts tbo bb ' f(^. j?)^d«y‘r i n i i l a y ^ r* - r 1 3 Am ID .A H O , F R I D A Y , 6 C T 0 THE m ploiiB, younR Uucky linrrlH and Ulx iu'IIki Ootlm; Shirley, U'ttier, Taylor. .Mlddli- 1 linrKrave, l.ieboid. Mujicnl GriffUh, Hcbncl. ■e L a F o lle tte He ita te r< rfrM ie Jiig a n IAI. I'dllulk-. "the uiiuy V.IH .never In- U'.'ciJ Oi'i. lo iibooi down iitrllu-rf-." Ill- Aiiolher (UinoimirntUiii ' followrtj nl'ii' " ijt KnllfltlR WU.I In ftin- roini. Ili lin y r<toiii‘'-il forward. icHikliii; lila'iiudli iii i )liUi. In Iho fiico. .. iHs.ti . Tlmu and nfuiii diiilii« l.l'i i.iicirli lean >-a l^l.lotto (iii|iliuraz<Hl ilmi "il;i Kovcrauicnt will ucivor Iio ovcrilirowi 1„, li'j;' vlolfcn'co," but ri-lti-rnlH Hint I tt^iis in dangor i>f “HurciimliliiK «> cnr iiulii tt'at In Knuwlni; at liii vIIuIk.’ not '"'••'''Of I’fiick III ClinMeii 0 The I***''", republlottu vlco iirinliliiKlu enndidair, for hiD enntiocHiiii wllli lln ' t.nvlwer bimW faUutv-. Uc tliarKii fluy *"** “invoivi'd in n frtiuliilen I I,p. l'-a'i''H‘:1l'm InvolvlMK $l,:rio,imo nhlel nuc- I*) thoiinuiid lunoconl d<- piniliiirn In l.brliurr'11 hunk Iwliii Ihelr riavlnKi.’' win- , Jp dcniinK with tbu nlirccd repub llran Blush fund nf tii.liou.ooo to "bn; II hy llio election for Preslitcnl CooiHtro li It he diiublful-slalifl," Iji l''oLclti. broiich deni In the Newberry rnni'. Ncwlx-rry'. tiaini- wnit iircctcd wliii Jilmtcft- iind •Thoiie whi. arn hnek of the t-cniioin ie synicni lliat in nitunMlnn' to rou 1 a Irol till- cuviTDmcnt nro ubIhk kUuii lit: .siunh fiiudsjto eii-ct thdr favor :iavH H e" ho *nW. ' U Pjlleiir'a endnnietnt-nl of Sena lack. tor Caiuonn.uT MielUsan as a "rea tiled progresHlvu who,I* jcrbwiOE more pro Rroaslvo mcry'ttay,'' drewi prolonsci J U applauae.. , . ■ . ' ‘ MARREL-LEADS- IT TOSIKMMIGOF 1 YOUNG B R lH f OM illlinots-Wdmi^ 'l8'>Fatall] WoundejJ.'Wtile HunHij on- W iOiUer Husband Ft>! I.’ lo\nng Efittw'^Dispute;'^ awr 8PIUNaFU:iio. His.; Oct. 10-'l>o. lice loday BmisHn'Die oilier woman' ’ j“ ior-a moilvo la ^tho aiirder of Mm inno Kahl. 21^ hrldn of thrco wcokn oni'i by her huHband.- Tho kllllni; occur- letlo re<i two wcekH a^o. bill wna not db. It- , MvtttnljttaHl lato yealerdoy. , ‘‘*®* Mrs. Khhl wt« shot jo death whiti here bunUnR with her huBhand. • Kail'wol artcstM-hy bU'own father asd con ran*, tessed ^to the, murder. ' “TTiSTtfescrlbia'how hb plannMTw '‘•"J eaeeutM'Ibo inurdor. Ho,lold how hi aaked bla brlile to KO down tbe hedm ento row and acaro out turtle dovw. . Aj .s*'’- Bhn paaiftd ftinltfMkJio pourcd'ft-toai l'o«t of'btfefcihot .Into. ter. body. She fel own K ^M ldT. ho i^oaded hls*puU»ni rnll? saotfTier'-ttaltt^Mloidujr^i^balloii hl*h BciVo^and buHe^ tho liody. -«ib* iJskwiydA b& ud tilt wll« tiwrtV indl- ed. !8^/i6cnaA htoC«f join* to,. V- danM tilUrulSUtor^lrir M'Hbtf Cal ■rror Vah| ffKbnr i w a y ^ l ' » TTBt —, -• — - V •... rrt; eoT«r^uSI^.itf.bis:sli^--vUftK :tfi« nUBOUaU&^;I6^t0.s«iLr b ^ p^ol.talir-je#elB,' Tilti^ at,100,00 ^ frafldL.:l:,> . Jl ..... LY T ^OBER 10, 1924. ^RL FW CH/iy L'limllonnl Sennlnrn. The iihnln,.1« tl l-i ik Up row. lliinKi'll. lllileKe, I’crklnimiU'li. Iliti :icl. .MeNrrly. Altroelt. Kni-i nnd MuMln. ^ TH[OLDMASTER~SHi «rH1H)E€lSiVi-60f wed w.'d , III' m-------- ^ -------------------------- = = 'irll. . y' own /y.' >the ................ . " ^ ^^■■sssgsofl nub* /' "buy lm ^'JEr' iichi im ii- I 'oim ^^—r -------- ------------------- ' Arkansas' Wife ..Kills_ P,a ren t s Mnt. of Her Husband ?ekii ______ X* J-lTTl'K HOCK. Afk.. Oct. 10,- ----- \ tU»r ‘M ~buUcn' bt I tUHttB 'Sy'“g5irg5 aulhurlties hero. Mrs. ' WlnooB wn* Qroen;.-23, Tueblo. Colo.. •oiifohsoO con- kllUns hoth tier, husband's lurcnis; James A. Pllcock, head' ot the clly ■anH rele«IV5Tor;cor~nhnbUlfeifl*TTJ<Uyr~' he J. n. oreen. Mrs. Orein’i fuilier- e<lKe in-iaw. wa* found dead in tho l>nck •A* yard of M* homo in Uttle Rock, fo**! Ha had-'been shot-whOji'-ralamlng '*’! Irom work.- Mra. J. B-Oroeri dl*- JSKJ-io’S l -!1 1.eroy Oreen. aon of the murderoil couple and hnshand ot the conleas- , Ta ,;hurder«V >^a«'"wni'«»y*‘‘^-- >« Ci,“ Pueblo At. Ui«;-Umo-bf;hl»-parftni*' di« t h . - . r _:— 7-— 7-^— ;;------------ t'81. laK to death ahorUy sn^r>n>ottlthl . 'f iM}iAu8««t iJ. w r irj4 r«^,‘^ B-d-Por*. Okla^ «L8epUiaber 26 5y-; aoconUttf -to-'Wr^tat»m«ts.'*r~r~r^ •lt*» «bidac»a*«d «,000 b o im ^ ( M a ber:vUhMt4)i«lnoirF FIME^ E l l 1 lluhl, ImcU r«i»' Miuli iTv, Mlll' iVOi:. 'lluipln. Jinli:-. flir'i-. 'I'.Ki'. .Mnnlnl;,.', ~ w ' / 1 ' ' I ......... u',1 1,7i:n IOHNSOS Mob Law Rules s TowninJBritish id India; 9 Killec 10,- «:AU;inTA. IndlO; «>CI- io--Mol nnn> '■*'■>'08'' uod'oiitrBKCB. prevaliii a l Al lahabad. Hritish India, as rteull o '^oed Ua- Illudu-.Mo*irm riot* contiouin enlB; slate Tucadaj-. ' ' T . ' . heen killed nnrt at leant 70 injured, her- Police u d trcwpn Jiavo heett «a1Ie< i>nck tu nuppreti* lbe flHhlini;. Panlo pm lock., vailn amonc'the ijaUrca and msny ar ninif. takinc.refute liL.i^rroiUfdlDK<ll*lficli dl*- The rloljos bejican after ceJelratlo; ;Uu& oUfcyJtiM ltiat.nt thft Mflna; ... . ma.uhaodi,jndi«an9a-.fooMnunai -£ -r iMMlei-AwUo-stirti? lowl fOf; 81 day a» a penanco for.previous' rloUm ' j" b«li<s«u lUndua.iaa Uoal«n».-' 0“ “ ' • ltANOobNr-4aiUa.--Oct.;l»r:Mr.-»n' t rof ineiaanea.ti'ere.todtf. .; . Lite r~.jiBfeAms~tt*ife¥ijgC l' Boar .-l^NDON, O e L -l« ^ ;m i|« ta b ^ *6. PeWn.ik :Ut6fpiWJy.'Eiprcwj :4w4 Jn w -,d B nof IKImpf lowr* d t ii v e n r r i a :^ ^ « y d > ^ > « i ^ ^ S IDAHO WEATHER. I'-air ixMtli iH.rtion, un- • r»(il.ii, iPK.I.Hi.ly rain in - -.... lilr, H.ilunlny-fulr?''----- - - ........ . oj ; d vol . x iii . no . bb U S MiOAH NLMST f COftSI lODM I Giant Dirigible to Reach Patific Coast Some Time Today After a Thrilling Night ■ Flight; Maintains Good Speed Throughout. AIKIAUI.I 1-, S. .V. 'I)Iilir.lIlt.K - iilli:.\.V.\L»OAll.—ii«—ltomu-..l*>-Suu----- ui-u<>. i-u l. (lol. 'ill (li-y Riai U>7 tr.om |lnltc'(l |-rer.'i f^irre:tpan>ti’n i T i l l ) ‘ ' ;=liriMiulh:ili ilri'w iii'iir Han IJIeco ------ :,„„1 ll,,.. I’a.-Jl. I.MlaV i.ll.,.' !. ----- •flirltHnc rilrfir fKcftr .■:rrn.tT-tIi'''con.- -' .. ;ilii(.iii;il .livi.li. ilir.iiich unctiaricil iiVl.-,. I V,'.' ru i'i-l lo r.Mi-li llli- (•.illfornia .ity .liiriiin IIk- ilii)' uud will tuho ' , i>ir tor l.iili'.'vii’» \ iH'iir .Tfltum.-i, a l.. ._ ,10 11. m. S.’iliiriliiy, i-oiiiiikiliiR Ui# lotilwar.l half of oiii' -erill-K-. . I Hear Admiral Motfcll. iblct.of the ||jp;uav;il Inirrnil ot aeniiiantloii. wun ou '*‘'^:ini: iilKlii tllrJii- i •'il 1:I nliiii'ly trenii'Udou>i." ho 'hal.l, ilurliiB tiomr i'f thc mont ox- — iritin«:-mmnr-n«i<.--"'riie-<lir(ieuil<rn-of I navlKatUii: un iiirnliip over unclmrt- ^.'<1 li.iii|,i, wllh III.- royi|ilIralious ot 'limiyaury un- Krt'ulcr lhau IhiiHO ot llillollni: 11 .wamlilii ;il nea." I K.-W v.lyaK'-H hiivo (urnUliod moro illirlllti In HH nhorl u Umo nn tho iiuvlKallim of Ihn flrnl- pnirn** of tUo llocliy tuountnlna lonl nlsht, ' llrlvinic nheud-nt u npeM ot 7» I mI'.eM fln hmir wllh a wind'thit - roitml like the ImomlnK of n cannon,- -— wc rtiHo nriKltmlly timll boiwrtn llie • hlsheni p«-<iks,wp were at an allitude of CKoa foou .folia»lu« a new. and unrl'rtr'icd cour’s#' wllh only a«wlad*‘ tnr wlillo ribbon of hinhwoy and KllnleiiInK blnck rail,way d* liocer- inin cnlden. TwJiulnK. lurnlnK and riitng like un Ininieiiso bird.-Uio Shenandoatt left th.i inoutilains bohind aii the »ii»,‘ Very Ilnu ot Iho torturous Rin (Iriinde bcciimo vinlbln ahead, and hi<r none lurni'd towurd Ki Paso. We emiiRwi lbo Pi-co* and left'thd Tei>«» jilalnH behind ul 7:B0 p. m.. uniorhiR ilyj foothiUn o fih e Rockle*. in a,few mlnniCT we mounted from . . 2500 foot to 0200. < Wllh cvrry ridditional rise the air • pressure dtminiuhed , and some ex- pandlnic Roa was released to pre- vent burslinK the has*. To slop the «»nnn»1on tho last half ton of water ------ hnllnn "wn* dropped ■fin'a^liplorapS; uparkllnn through the moonlight lo ' tliu' hleUV -while ;hiUa^ below............. ......... nebr S ahears CHARLES DAWES Republican NominM Turns . ,Back Into 5 . on CampwgfM ' lh. - _ Awra;^^ , O.MAHA. Neh.. Oct. l » - r - T u m t o f S c e P r i into Nebrasto after a day xpoit' tol f / '; f^certaln thal'VyomlngTr’iUMr In’* . .... the republlatn fott ' ^ •- . The republican caqdldals tw tIcO- .. .... «>• month will be i p « t 1# th.o ailed ,nd caal. ' ' " 'y SS y;!: S

TWIm.FJiLLS LY T - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lucfio DerKOmon was posliive thp prlsohi lack* here waa hor boy, and usdortook t

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  • TWI. VOLlWtE 7, NU.\;BHK ]1:I. •


    ■ . . Johnson Gets Credit Game of Series; Goi

    -Holds -Giants; -Rice ĵ Prisch fro'm. Making

    T H E S C O W

    -------------- . - G iftn ta----------------0 0 0 -S e n a to r* ...........0 0 0 1

    B a t te r ie s : B a m--------- ----------- B e n tle y a n d - G o w d

    M a rb e r ry , J o h n s o n «

    OiftlFPITH, STADnJM, T? m agn lfiun t display of coumf camo tbo buobdll obampions

    --------------------in tbe Mvcnth -gwmo of tho s---30,000 maninca. -

    • Tbo joy of W ashington w world 's ohampionahip was ti

    ---------------- • ' - Jo h flio irT ro n - a ̂ ĝ un c -o ^ fa ^« -fiin os a relief pitobw . w ith th c tho victory. •


    .................OiantB—MndBtroin TiitiKril. t'rIsR

    w *IV cir YpunK lip. Ok'leii wiw lal' en out o t tho l>ot and MoB'ridse cam In. OSu the crowd,tbouKht I t w a» . nnr^|i alralen]' tp h rat Iho Icfl hand hailcr

    ' o f Ihe OUdti. VouDK fanned nnwldo ourvc. Kelly out, Taylor t

    • JudRo.No rtvm. no Iills. no.orrnrn, Scnalors—Mc.N'culy (lui, I.IAdiilrm

    lo Terry. I.IndMrom mndo n hlc JumplnR Hop. Hurrl* fanned (in low curvc. Rice oul. Uarncs lo Toi ry, on a ilow roller.

    No ruM. no h i l t ho errors .‘ second f tn ln j

    Q Ianti—T erry out, H arris tn Jedsi WlUon out, Blui'se lo JudKe. Jackau beat oUl a hlch bounder to Taylo who made a nenuitJonal ntop but hi

    ____ _________ U irow .4iutlcdiJudss_olt.tbfij!ft£.& iiit was an e rror for Taylor. *. Oo'kd

    --------Blnslea over •i'oylor-B (inaa, jacmiostooplos a t soconil. Barrien fannci

    No run*, .one hit. onn . error. Senator*—CoBltn tann« l on- a wld

    curve! Judge lined to F rlscb wh made a marvcloui juiniilns catcl

    . ' Qlucso oul, JacktwR lo Terry.'No ■run^ no hlta. no errors.

    - Third InnloB Qliwl*—M ndstrom 'out. Tnylor .1

    Judjw .: -Frisch rcachcd f irs t on a l>ui ' to T ay lo r f h o fumWed thu tial

    Y oiuir'popped to Judge. Kolly Ion od- KrUch-at aecond,-DIuoRe to Ha) rl«.

    — -— —̂ ----- -------N o -n a a .-o n e -h H r 'w ^ ro n iH --------Senators—Taylor fanned, on a lo

    curvc. Ruel ou t. B am ei to T erry c an eaay bounder.' MogrldRo atruc o u t

    No run*, no hiui, no errors .------------- -------------------— PoSflKTnoEg ”

    Qianta—Terry out Tin atrlhca. Wl ' wm out. Bluege lo Ju d e e .. Uluc<

    -mado' * tnw l apeclacular atop. Jacl■ ;a o iro u C 5 lttafe" lo Judges

    H arrh t t - « '‘h o a 'e 'n in In to^the le n fie'

    ' »jiaBdf7.‘V ll« n ,lcaplii« hlnh .to r U - u i l the. r«M». Prealdei

    ............ •WUK)iL;'^br:'«JOT«'=M»''hls'-Okco-■«is f tio : lM ;'c ^ > )! : ',a o a iln uv .-G oal ou t. T o r tr uaasaUled. V " '

    - r< a a .r m o h « h l t .n o e iT O r a ._ .

    _____ ____ ___- J : a i M & ^ e ^ i t » n a d _ t o w

    baak .■ • ' - c « t e r : a r a 5 ^ e * l a h r ‘.B r tT i i r ‘^^

    . _ — - a iu e f o f f i j^ f . - o n iM o t h e r , « p « u........... ..

    ■ t a o s t s ^ l K - ^ U 'v a a ^ M l ^ ' aa;^

    ,v - . , J-

    m.FJON TAKES t o 4-3 m INNING![it for Winning Decidinj lOes in Late in Game and ê S: Fine- Pie.lding Prevents ng Home Run.

    R E B Y I W N I N G S :

    6 - ^ . Q ^ O O O — 3 8 i ___) 1 0 0 020 . 0 0 1 - t4 10 4 : ,m c s , N e h f , 'M cQ uiH an ,v d y ; O g d e n , - M o g r i d g e , - -------- ^n a n d R u c l.

    W ASHINQTOF. Ool. lO .-W itb a m go tbo W ashington Senators bo> •ns boro th is aTtomMn wb'ui they

    0 - w orld's series b e fo re ia -o row T tif

    . was snprcmo h o t only bcauBO the theirs b u t tbo grand old W alte r

    rfirst-w O T idV scriosr-Johiatm -w cnt- hc score tied and w as orodited with

    — ~ riniQC Karl 3lr\(H lv, n m l i l r -T— -.from CnlUornln ,nliu >1bcU Uib

    trnm only a sh u r l time lic.o. nuu. ' ' ' tlie m m p by cnsliLnK s double

    ov rr Ihlrd iHinr nnd-nrorrd llltle

    Y Undily Itu ri wlUi tho itlaninK m n, Mhlle il iTitx Ihc ,ranch lr*n i Me- K ret)‘s M t (h a t »tm rk th.>. kill.• :• iBff Wow sfa liu it It:

    w in 'th e MMili ul Hnnil (>ndy , Ihnt derided tb«> nmall loHiior la

    B o n r j . - ............. ...................A llcr Miller hail been r»llrc«l In ll:

    ; .K« ISth- H“ »" WutlJy Iluol-IKtOd ft‘hl* ‘ foul on tho. third I.mo lln* i i « r ,lli

    plaie. Oovdy-dropped hli m**k an m I I Btaried fo r the catch. H oiloppcdU ' - 10 tho mank. got all tannlHl ilp ar

    “ prolunkod Uiicl'# life a t UC^by drbt ” Dlnit tho ball. K u d then smashc-» -» by*l.toH. ■l iil ha ' o a l 'BO hope fo r Recovery.

    •» propflitBrou* «

    .* 2 1 w , ‘? * ^ a 7 « « u a r - i r n A i t ~ ^ w s « ie a w : l i i - : « s * ^ t o . i i t o J h « i * s ^ A'- U Jink* ;BuTr.-,vo^ the «o know claiiat ticket in Cnltfom iii “wtthou

    'hr-1« pw itttH on.", • ' . ••• ' '■ .® n m - "T he-real-V uA e tn - t& la campawi I bed j« .n o t . |h « - u rK r .n o r carrencr.T flll dltlon loglalaUon.'. corruption .In hlx'I tw in piftes, n o r rd d jn ^ U o -^ l te lO a ^ ^ b ibaoK- Jn^pondettt vice.prealdonU al « a d l ' '< * la s lo _ d * eU r« d i.- . J-^ - w t - r r nu fB B v .uw yr t r - wBw w r - m

    p s r cen t o t Uie-populatloD. tho p n d S l^ T y - lin * r tito r5 tt r f5 r i“ t5e“ cbMtEr t g r m r ^ u t - a t t w t tw r r a

    V* on tlo a s h a lL .ra a 'I t f o r ' l h » bM tU rrt

    ie s^ a t — rbM ler ' *OTt.TON. :OkIi! O crtD ^yT Jiree bitt i J m r tlu hihlfl-w ^thn'nilhm liguiit hanlritt

    :h y ti« b ild o p l»ccnrr«d '.] iu t ) t s tbo b b ' f(^. j?)^d«y‘r i n i i l a y ^

    r* - r

    1 3 A mI D . A H O , F R I D A Y , 6 C T 0

    THE m

    ploiiB, younR Uucky linrrlH and Ulx iu'IIki O otlm ; Shirley, U 'ttier, Taylor. .Mlddli- 1

    linrKrave, l.ieboid. Mujicnl GriffUh, Hcbncl.

    ■e L a F o l l e t t e H e

    i t a t e r < r f r M i e J i i g a n

    IAI. I'dllulk-. " the uiiuy V.IH .never In- U'.'ciJ Oi'i. lo iibooi down iitrllu-rf-."

    Ill- Aiiolher (UinoimirntUiii ' followrtj

    nl'ii' " i j t KnllfltlR WU.I In ftin- roini. Ili liny r! I . ’ ■ l o \ n n g E f i t t w '^ D i s p u t e ; ' ^

    a w r 8PIU N aFU :iio . His.; Oct. 10-'l>o.lice loday BmisHn'Die oilier woman'

    ’ j “ io r-a moilvo la ^tho a iird e r of Mm inno Kahl. 21 ̂ hrldn of thrco wcoknoni'i by her huHband.- Tho kllllni; occur- letlo re .

    Jl ■ .....

    LY T^ O B E R 1 0 , 1 9 2 4 .

    ^R LFW CH/iy

    L'limllonnl Sennlnrn. The iihnln,.1« tl l-i i k Up row. lliinKi'll. lllileKe, I’crklnimiU'li. Iliti :icl. .MeNrrly. Altroelt. Kni-i nnd MuMln.

    ^ TH[OLDMASTER~SHi «rH1H)E€lSiVi-60fwed

    w.'d • ■ ,

    III' m--------^ --------------------------

    ■ = ='irll. . y'

    own / y . '

    > the ................

    . " ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ s s s g s o f l

    nub* / '"buy lm

    ^ 'JE r 'iichi i m i i -

    I 'oim

    ^ ^ — r-------- -------------------

    ' Arkansas' Wife ..Kills_ P,a re n t s

    Mnt. of Her Husband?ekii ______

    X * J-lTTl'K HOCK. Afk.. Oct. 1 0 ,------ •\ tU»r ‘M ~buUcn' bt I tUHttB 'Sy'“g5irg5

    aulhurlties hero. Mrs. ' WlnooB wn* Q ro e n ;.-23, Tueblo. Colo.. •oiifohsoO con- kllUns hoth tier, husband's lu rcn is;

    Jam es A. Pllcock, head ' o t the clly ■anH rele«IV5Tor;cor~nhnbUlfeifl*TTJ^a«'"wni'«»y*‘‘ -̂- >«Ci,“ Pueblo At. Ui«;-U m o-bf;hl»-parftni*'

    di« t h . - . r _:— 7 - — 7-^— ;;------------

    t ' 81. laK to death ahorUy sn^r>n> ottlthl. 'f iM}iAu8««t iJ . w r i r j 4 r « ^ , ‘ ^

    B -d -P o r* . Okla^ «L 8 ep U ia b e r 26 5 y - ; aoconUttf - to - 'W r^ ta t» m « ts .'* r~ r~ r^

    •lt*» «bidac»a*«d«,000 b o i m ^ ( M a be r:vU hM t4)i« lno irF

    F I M E ^

    E l l

    1 lluhl, ImcU r«i»' Miuli iTv, Mlll' iVOi:. 'l lu ip ln . Jinli:-. flir'i-. 'I'.Ki'. .Mnnlnl;,.',

    — ~

    w ■ ' /

    1 ' ' I ’ .........

    u ' , 1 1 ,7 i : n I O H N S O S •

    Mob Law Rules s TowninJBritish id India; 9 Killec1 0 ,- «:A U ;inTA . IndlO; «>CI- io--Mol

    nnn> '■*'■>'08'' uod'oiitrBKCB. prevaliii a l Al lahabad. Hritish India, as rteu ll o

    '^oed Ua- Illudu-.Mo*irm riot* contiouin enlB; s la te Tucadaj-. ' ' T . ' .

    heen killed nnrt a t leant 70 injured, her- Police u d trcwpn Jiavo heett «a1Ie< i>nck tu nuppreti* lbe flHhlini;. Panlo pm lock., vailn am onc'the ijaUrca and msny ar ninif. tak inc .re fu te liL.i^rroiUfdlDK


    .....i ^ s I ■ fi t*

    .CftU ilrs . n . B. Dcba,

    ' .«‘«innnV ('.mimcI I 'it.-rl-.-'l-Iit W.im- ' nf tli____aii'ji-CuuiicU.ur_Uii:_eiirlk>iaii_,< liiii,di

    IHPI ttt Hic liniiii' nt Mrs. W. S, fn t-.. Inll *riiunnlnv ttllnlioiiii. I’lanii wrK'; '■

    croiiiiilcltil fur riiiimmK"' n;iU- iiim'■ liiiu'li nml (lliihef to ln-liolil Suimcla)-,;

    OctobiT !«.• .Ml". A. I.. Unlijrhlrllu; luul cliarKU dt llm tnorriiin. i;. Whlt« nttllM. ••(im»l IJyc .‘̂ vvi'vf Un} • jiji/l "A Car>l.i) i,t A i'}'1li ̂ .S»ny iIIvIhIoii mini- IxTii'■■■ I.rf-3.* ■ ' ,i.D-

    • • • . llllOllAid Jlci—Mrti. UnlliiN wait Iio»trt| onii.-

    ■ to lll l''ljii lli-« p t llioI'liiircli Aill Wnlm.iMlny nfti'nioiiH, O i-j ■'''

    ■ tiit)iT,8. witli H int-iuI'iTa mill oii-J.n .Bm'Bl iircBoul, W mk \ of Me. anil Mru. J. Chnniuan. In llu:

    ' (inueliier, M ary 'O livia. ln 'Cuiii'S 'ntir-^-^^ Jirldc nt MnhucI A. Mariihull of dim-

    „tino. CatUornla. WIili lln< n-liitlvi-.t |-----------.anit-a-fo»i'-.fJoBo .ffjfnd/i nnncmbkil. , ■

    cerpjnony'took |>lBi;i-uf3 o’clm k w tth tlio Uev. Kalhcr Itm il S. K iji.- r ' , rcadltiK tho hraullftil l lni: in-rvlt..-, •Tlio hrldo wan a tiitid .'d by lu-r cuu-

    iUM Jillsahclb-U upr Walker u l i . r " , -•.Lot AOKVI.-H, a t id .l t . I-'Nui«iini >.t|

    GiKlinu, brolliLTrln-Iow of llii’ KnMui, w an bent nihn. The UrlilciV kowii wim' ■

    , nn I'xatiliille ffck of wIilic inoiiN-'M-i . Ini' do'HolD nml jiolnl lao ' ovit u lidi' "• ■■.ltn nnd wflg »^iirn b y ^ c - .c u u a m .

    k Mr». Diicr Wulhi-r iw rn ty-th rm ynir.i _ano. . Sho woru a 'lulU- veil wlili a

    ,..WXfiBlh„9t, PJTWKft l.lo»Myiin:ftiul cur- _• •rlud ijih o w u r bnuiitJi'l ot.brld.-’o W ' And Hilt'* of lho vall.')-- I 'o llnxliin H

    -------L-..lHo. coroiwiny u,4lalnl>’- tw o—tourai; ^)tmc}]»on florvrd lu ilic ojiai t-

    • in rn l of, Mr. nnd WrT. W. O rr Chaii- -* man. T h r brido tn a Kraduiito of ih.-

    tJiilvprslty of Cntlforntu anO n moni. bcr o f 'tho Oninma Mil llola »nrnrity,Tho ynunc coiipic led on tlu; »(i.t - Tioon tralit for a vtull lo iiovcral rtttc:i o t tho nortliw cil ttftpr wlilrh tbf.ywni ^tx '.'a t lionio In Ouhlavc. whi*ru lln- jjroom In onsuKciI In buKlnrjin. TlHifw , p'roiient wo'ri llm fttlhor nnd tnn'tlipr '

    We Ask MenT o . p r o t e c t t h e i r h a i r ny V.dua >V«n«c« H opper.

    - _____l.aDcaJiJQr_all.,womca..wlieiiJ w u, th a t w o'w a^t tnon 10 k«’(p Iliclr tooltu. P

    And abovn a ll. ibclr hair.................. Tbo .w(uuan-ilb-Uua--.You-,.iU)Ulil

    iir rc r forRlvu'UR If wo did not. Wo th i boB ygu lo follow our oxampl.'. rid

    S ' My wlioto cnrter on yoi lbo itaap h»»‘ d.iH’fitl- ed la rc r ly o n mj h«lr- 8o many yenni »b-n who HIT u h a l 1 «r.e an- ntialiHni:■ Ilke-ieHUlli.. “ j■ I am offorln t to woin.'n tho In-nt 1 j S mt Imv.* foitnd. I'lid uieii nro iilfO |K ■ com c . My Hftlr Y.iuth onmblnr* iIm- 1*

    --------- i.ti tn i.w i- lliat- moduru M laauo—to u u * . - K--------- ,[ |-j.-*aw *uru_ihat.no.oucJ;j'i'« :i? J.'U}';__ -

    V thlnB f.ir lli.‘ h a ir whl. b dues " liiii — I thin ooinbluailini do.-n. r^ I «PJ>)y 11 viiili un .->T-.lrnpprr dl- » a r ic t ly .to iho »c*l|>, AjiplyinK tout.-,.." 10 llic ha ir m rldlmlnnn. T ho wlioli k thlUR'-nofi In Ibc licalp, in ibc rodtn.

    ----------* ' ulu» tHM't ’ltm f a t r YlillUl-rn rT --------- - -m , I t c6mbntH tlio tiardi-UL'il n i l 'n n d

    • • dandriitt w hld i KtiTli' tlie Imlr rixiin

    I ' l l a l r tlirlvi'n on,«lieb.n. wdl ua now -l ^ om tlirlvc by tiKo nirlh'odn. j■ : iH'llevp Uiat tny lln lr Vi.iilb n W rllo mo fo r m r.H eaiily Ilwit, nudi _

    _ r ~ - * S l l - > w d ,i r l th U _ » o m rih tM - ''r^ .J i; _ Z r p l i t o 'T « » ^ f l n O ^ » > > " ‘* ■ I.'"!-!'- V.

    , ■ U S U ko .g h o ro

    E T Y ' s -:btt, I’liuiio I ..,111:

    SrnJnlI'-fr;>intraji-r.fttl-,Vr.-:iT:'l.-Air> i------, i„ .Mi.;.iu, k 'uiifui.iu . It.

    I Im ii.» i:, Tm. l und Mi„- uli,:-1 n-.ll

    I.li;.. lUislvii u r i l i i i i rv T '/^ - : " ami nioii ni.-Jumi-« 11, IU,lli'.v..ll, .̂ ’ |•, itn.l f a i l rn. S. 1*. Newman nn-l .l..iii:ln.T, j Mr. iitli.ilm- uu.l M:uy Vun Atli..|i •il'oi; llliiikfiMl, n-,_ IjU .' in

    rllcl.mu two r.nin'i- liiiuti.xu.

    'II»Hlinii»r^ .Siir).'!)—Thuniiluy nft- ^ rmioii tlio Woiuun'r Hnnu* .MIkkI.iu- ry tn.e|..l}' of ibo .Melhulllul eburmn-„,t i)ju!.ujiuiiillU;i;:t J u t .. ... Iio Ililnl anniiiil oiinvi'uKoii of tlie o rlr ly lo bo lirfd-In-^l’wln Kiilbt oil I'liiiriiilay nn-l IVI.Iay. Oetolior 2;i iiml > I, ^ lri>i fi. cAusu a ll your nerves nro fed by your bl»od. T hcym ean freedom forever from plniPle#, from blackhcail I>e*t, from UiIIb. from ectcm a and nkln e rup tions; from th a t tire d exhausted , nin-ilown feellnp. ReiJ- Mood^ccllii aro thu m ost iin p o ru n t tJiJnc In ihe world to cach n t as. S.S.S. w in nid Naturi> In buildinc

    -th«m -Jot-youJ_a.S .S..haa.btta.luiotrn. (ilnco lfl2n oa ouo of Dio irreatcnt lilood.buiMcra. Maod-cloanBcra nnd oytlcm alrcnjrthenora ovob produced. S U r t takllW S.S-S. loday. IU mo. d id n a l Ingredients nre pu re ly veco- tnlile,

    1 ! uT^ w. T t. r**!\^i7i*

    C C ^ c W o r f d - S B e s t l ^ i j A ^ ^ l o o d M e d i d t i e ^


    \ StbECV uEAi),VoO“ Ij’ VAWL MX) MOtfTA BSE.'J A y j u t 1 Ut> L4TE LA'S' ^ L V rU NVSHT

    . ■_____________ 'TW^^I.- h i - M ...I .... I Ulil ii - ti.- l- l^h n l.^.Vjiuimiur j.;.il,.-al tliV- Illrtii't lnillil, Iniutier Hi; i'jl'liiy .'\> lllll , D. Inlii'l' 17. lit n n.n.r—rill--A ,,i,.„..;i,„ ,„„Ki;.iji.la b’dim i,r.alil

    '.hll li lAllI ll ' nil . vi.li.u'rillnli nl .

    1 mh:Ii.'i llillll w'lll f..lli)\^

    ____________________ itl,li'rIt.-liiriis llnine-M niV Vr:inirH,'iTril j hin w

    r.-.iirncd ypMrnisy fnim I*.'-. .M»1im'«.1.iii»'i«- l.iWH, wb.'re i.lii- 1i:i« i.ii.'nl iievenil!vii.it liloiltllM \>Mll bi'i' blisbmi'l \vliii'l» a|1ii':ijlii pall.'iil In one cif lli.' boniillnln Iliei'.',.Mr. Ill'll I'l rii'in .'riiit; fi.im n .r .e rn l n « . iipoialloii iiii'l I'Miui-lii III i.'Hiru ' “ '" ‘''j

    Warehousje r to o r . . . 1 .1 and Roof Crash

    with Bean Crop!K.rlillm: ot il.t.icmcreU* pi'ib'M«l.|

    ili in 'l i. tlio uelKlit of iKiunn on It.-I vaUKeil till) ran lait c»onlnH ,o f Ui.' ‘ '‘•'j*' ne.-i.ii.l tloor of ilift aouthein lUuho^ - 'j |“

    TH* OLE' GROUCHTU ’' GOM VJMO OOMf' H \6 hW' KE^P HA , liiroB>/A.UO CVSAU BB A. yj,-W\Ci6 PELL6R, PeHftOM’W. nni 1

    .. BOV v ^ r i i c t 60>Ag m \v f ii'oniiV.E&RH 'a o w T B E W n i

    I I A. Q o o o . c m x e w ... J . :

    s> ' W

    - T O N S l L m s Z Z rI Appty thickly over thfo«i—I ' covgr will) bot iluinel— nX/ICHS ^y^JS gg tig J—S a ve a i

    a Tion COAL and eat yout

    home with you:We are not in the tuiTce

    _We,at'e-HQt..iii_thej-estav We are in.,the

    B u itc^erve the public to the and to deliver good coa consistent with quality.

    150 tom to be sold'at fi si

    Peerle.ss, R o y a l , ---------- — ^ n d R o e k li

    Tlic b e s l c oals m ined in S p r in g B o c k S p r in g s

    — W a r b e r g (" PHOire .1


    'W ofW M tW O •WN'TTO IF VtHT^tV'JU t UPAS L A te •’ CN v o u a .A 'i t v j o x ' V . "U C A D i o ? ^ ;]

    -1 K o h f h u w i J . • \ I

    ------------- -------------------------------

    IN FALLS DAILY TIME.ll.r ill.' cinnijaiiyu new warn, .wpro

    -iriilni; .liiwii « - b.rK'*-BO-'iloii »ur. .lon'r.' and .jr.iiipfiiR |{inun;>mln n t t''- A:li,-li. Ilf. (bo 3U21 crnp, w lltiur. Hco■aklm: :i. iiULk;_..T!iis, trii.-di ..emuu .!>n>lK'irily iif;.-r 7. irdocU y.-iiiordny " ‘"I':I ;in iirnnii'11)' did the onmiiany* '

    In MarLlui: repiilrii. Ibal iliO r.iofI. iilmthU icu'K In ldnirinto sImlKoj m u y «c. IHifher iiu J Ite . reive hnoHtitnri'*. •

    The mont court ot honnr m ot lit .KUlar-tiUinihly tionnlo.n 'Ini'l evonlnK < coiiHl'Irr jiroinolIottB und luvcnll-

    t:nKlP Bcnutii a rc Trod Vnrnoy.nich* r.l llobortiion, T lm Unbertnon, Qyron ' onitohl on^I Robert Doi«.i, % . ''Tlic'iiieiilbcirB .it tlir’ rn iiH 'on iO tior : r '

    B rizee M e ta l W or k s

    _ . M e-Install Keal ” . _- Heating Plants

    M ueilerJBipelessF u rn acesB r i z e e M e t a l .W o r k s ;.... Telephone iO

    Dblliitr'onur. turkey dinner a t 5ur family.key raising business. aiu-anU)usiness..................

    i s i n e s s 7 ~ ^he best of our ability D « - i s r /W ? o . . .• u v T IUL ‘rv j w f e ' . J) # —

    m T ;i . 'K '0 'c u o c v : 're y i iw ’ f P J illl s , ln TOTUMS iM ' . , ^ r ' ■I j 'j '\^ p w a 'y o 6 t jy ^ h ,

    ■ :

    tES ■pro II. W. Gardnur., D r. W. K. Vnn- bird i jr . Jnm ca.iJeitHlan..'^ '.-1 'U .'U oa.and D tina

    A. 6’cKJdykonfr. , T«m . Kcohtn whu - (luallfiody for merit ner. , uIroii woro'H arold Hoovnr. flrpinan- public lilfiT'nrirrrcn"RalcIirf.‘ Buroiy"’ flriH, inBtwl


    A w e s “ “ i n s t i t W i ^

    G U p - O f -V

    ________ M atc h in g ' the W• w hoie.souicd fiospii

    as thc hom e of " p e r fee.” F rom .hom es pcrccption, this trad to-day . it embraces em pire .

    ---------- — U phold ing 'thc-trjla rge ly contributed Cah'C offeo—largcsi

    • • w o rld a n d kno\VD •-RcCogriized,Standai

    ■Whtn you break . release that ifitrigui

    th e flavor to comc is 'And it iV S caled faintest>vhiff can C8 — days, weeks, year

    .....................b lend, pcrfcctly, pre

    W ith .a ll its h ig t Coffee is not h igh-i ical to buy— and ecc

    ____ B£os.^_San F raacisc

    — ------- H l J b b S

    . O l924.1»IUBre«.' _ ___

    as Bad

    • © Jr 'E M 'rD O ,A a cifttfrT) ~~ t^ 'couC t;«^M E A g''A ^l /—

    ■■ BLAMBOTWHS K R T M A r^^ j SCT-OP OLSEMS AlBfT } >o o o a -T H ’- i u w u M A N 'M ciBcorr .t SQOEAUKfWf —-----f I ECATryESOMEnllN*'U^n?Cv S


    Ird ntndy.ttnd electrlcliy: Alfn-i! 8ci'Unil...aubtuublUUK-ntlll JllnV.ntndy; li ig j«m Ayest*9 reputation fo r_______ _

    sp ita lity is its fra'dinon ~~ perjeclly 'w onderful cof- ‘Ties o |jw c a lth ^ d ’n ic c . ' [gSS rad ition has spr^cad until ' " ^ £ ces thc 'Whole western . H B

    i-tr'adrtiontolwhicliat-SQ____ted is H ills Bros. R ed /’«»» gcst-^lU ng b r a n ia n th?".:. ” * ,YD everyw here as T hcd a r d . : :----------------- —

    ;ak the vacuum seal and guing arom a,-you kn o v c is more -wonderful still; led in' vacuum , not thc [J escape un til ybu decjdc ears la ter I T h c perfectprotected! .............. ............ _

    jigh quality , H ills Broa. ;h-priccd.. I t is cconom- econooiical to use. xHills

    : i s c ^ _ .,

    y S B R G S C G f ' l

    ̂ r~ ~~ -T Z:\ _ K I , SIM6UE.C1RC'

    Trye SET J • : A'W jiz

    .^^5Pjp0$S.___ _̂_

    :T0MKR 10, 1921. ^

    Scouln adrtinted, to firnt cla:« rat- lit; woro Uowftrd MnnHdn. Slowart ^irc»»r^'>’d '\ \ ‘«lii!r D b ip :'- ". ..........5i;punil cla;

  • J U I D A Y , O CTO D ER 10, 1924,

    . -N e w s o

    l i i i N - S i M l

    : f B i i iB r a v e r y A l o n e P u l l e d S e m

    • - t o r s T h r o u g h . t o V i c t o iY e s t e r d a y ; C a p i t a l C il F a n s H a v e C o n f i d e n c e : S e n a t o r s t o t h e ' L a f t '


    Inc from llio Blraln ami prinmiri!■ a Kzmio where bravery nlono qiiII

    them throiiKh. thn ra llan i W uihlnst' Senalorn fBccd. anoliior crJila when they ]lnes atop by tba t s r tn d ^ ld l 'o c k In U n ln tlt Innlnx lo caleulntlo: o f a ll tho wbo to 'fo rco very conaldcrablu paVt o t WMblnRK to atAT up all nlxhi in thu tick

    _ .. . . ----------- ltai»-D r-Tn-tliclli!»-/)rriiilel.raUdnTf - Pock'n e rcal etop'ttud throw In tl

    s ln t li Inalnir on Meiiiern'.bld for ' a lnslo o rer aecond forerd Soiiihwor a t second u d uv cd tbo sam o lh« b u t It m a r olRo proro to 4iaTo lo

    -------toaay-aHalMoT-------------------------------I t w as doubtful tbln tnbrnlns, Bu<

    lU r r la saJd. tha t I’eck would bo ab• ta play, b u t Waablniiton fiftur«d,' wr

    a cbaoplonahlp of the world banglt o a one Jtaxno aod a v lc tbrr meantt a dU fertnce of about vROOO each tho w lnnlns players, tha l tho old b< woHid 1)0 baclt'ln Ibo'cnm c.

    Both lbe ClanlB and Senatora.a I'D a bad way tor p lichen a t' iho tin wbati ono good (tutf pllcbcr.mlKbl.wtb e cbiraplonahlp. . . .' iCurly O lden I t ready to vfork, f WaahlDftOD today, llo has had a ao a r ia aod baan 'l dono anyUiinx f< w eeka. H arrla aald today bo fell Ib O fden could bo (rusted as ho waa

    1 ____ f® fil-S2adJU «rupn4.heJitttt_ft.., uwstyle to pu t u ra tn it tho O lanu . Ocdi is a curve ball pllchor /uid haa

    ____ ' _______floater. T h* fhat ball .pltcbinK" ■' S V Q te r'j^ n ao n and MarCc

    17 waa ihurderM by tho Olonta oi I t bos been abown convlnclDSlr th tb e NaUonal leasue chainplona ba s dlslM t* for slow, c u rrea ..

    TIio b est w ay'to mind jo u r own bu ' ' tBMS Is to te tl oUsers about K

    11̂ ^ ’ Uielr newiM peb

    S a y s A l l e n r h u

    _ _ _ _

    K h e u ^ I MH u-A U O ’ P rb ie ir b n u t a b l f ' . 8 p


    , \ ium;;'

    I . , ' ,

    of t h e Spo;

    Coast LeagwAl Vornon: ” It. tl.

    ' S a lt U h o .............................. 12 1CI . - - Vurnon — ^ ___________ ____ 6 10

    J ■ 'B n iirr lo a rp ic C ab i ', IV rry and !• I ■ er*. C«>nki ifcnncr, i.udoliiU.'SwauB I and .M iirp liy S r

    ■ H ' A t'O aU land:,- n . l l . ’I i n Sacram ento’.... ...... ................ lo ni l f l I^((o''_____ JimLjlJcen'lagn:an,il-»»«MiklniiaHBli-■QuUi. 'Vnalrinctoin- w ith -.iosm n 'ncrtflon i

    Hurl. Si'natun. who oul of 16 t r to Uiu lilatu liaji falli-d lo h ll nafc

    •‘rank N"w Y ork.'w lih an ivi-H- 0* '®5C nf« the wcaVenl allrh'.,,.1 o f'thum i wlio havn ulnVvd'in »'Vi

    namo. .I t h a l _______________ '

    tw n i C'oran'lMloniT Olio Albi r i o t On ^ ^ | d y couniy. Iowa, who lii horo Iookl

    Payuttc, In m uch Inierealii i liya- •Ic'^elopmonl of KOod roads, tick- COU''')' tbo raodum roada now

    uao artf paid to r by Boflolhio IM.

    . ’ POK? DIKS , MOSCOW,'Oct. 10—V alery, Bruim<

    ,1m Uuaalaii leadlnf; contcjjinorary pt h jm . died of-pnoum onla h e fe ycntord n Uio Druasotf founded the-In* iltu lo of i itlons u ta m iu re . •

    iRton advertisement w orth. Iookl ticket oever overlooked—la tl

    newepapef.- — ••------- : ---------------

    Of 4 Ttmos W ant O oi Hesmt*.T la o s W ant Ads .Q eU .IU jum

    intna - •.h In (WmWlf4 tjr f0U*J,r*»«14 n il Mk. for \m . .NiE'.v voaK->iaa.lio ro ' ' ' ' t.'aldurl Uscwa uitlincra.i»or« . traturrr.

    )8don>s a v o n ' NKn:.-»—1*3.

    irbci-* 1 I NLI . HUMI A' I . VWIl'lil:l a n d .• tha t 5--: - r li \ f l i ^ r u 'j ! 5 ' .u 1

    ,. finij-'HK'-rniA-TW.' l- fJ •

    .b u s- . •• j,It-^ . : , Vt'“ >.'T„r„V.; ;■.« Ull .Jn-I

    l i f i?«2t » l l. I'illtAUKIJill*—S03.

    • ; I- V « 'k'iJiii{5." )

    « i i f i a e - 'i'ii:;if ~ r • iiM y ,**

    W r j l ^ ^ pn of aUi be . ’ I- ■'mttc.-wMiiiUi ’a is.

    f W I N F .

    3 f t W o r ld

    ueAlBlON NORMAL ■ ;: = OPPOSES BRUIN - TEAM SATURDAYI. U.K. . ') 12 0 Lacking, a ' , samo wlih a MIk I 7 J achool the lotal Brulna w in vIkIi Al

    llofli- blon lom.orrow to Iry tbe lr liur BRHlnal liio HtrniiK nurmni oIcvdi Ciincbllatlcin uf iM Uuiwrt nml lliir loy RD’mv* fobcdnleil. for tmluy un

    ; 1* ‘ hoxt » ld a y loil lo I’bs nrrung«‘m. ii ' ̂ lor.-UlO . Albion. vimiIuhi, imd Ov.i.'

    H[i« n- jijanilno, "Jwln Kalla niunliir, bcllovf the leuKlo Wllh the older uml licuvlo col'oKif iHuyera-wMl' ilo hU i.’li:irxvli

    ooklns seek lo ruin her cbaracler.' DamaBi } 'Ib is o t $M0,000 aKalnat Mra. OedrsI-------- Cburcbi-U-floltby-cluh. w om an-arc . dl

    manded In a ault on rile hero lodo a. liocautO'.Mlaa Normand waa namsd I lUlts. ...JU ra. .Chur«li.’s-aiv6rcp lu lt.

    • Dl l '-I® '*■ >1.—Truvfl kcii>r»-.» I-. U.-IUI>b.» * K>U TlitfiI.f llm*.me.) ' tvKDiL auc.iO o—aio.t I-. M.-OtciHiirn >■>

    ■ 5 v s " , ; „ '; 7 s s -

    ir.'.lr«.' KNp. MR. 'I—-j---------.;-i;.-iL-=Jll»Knirl-rujiHt-Or.,i t-.trjl- . _: HOAW. OU.tn.\—JktA.

    ‘.Mwi——. '—L. X .-l‘'*li«-r iwaui c«l>.,ir;i-

    ̂ ^cnv—m .

    _ - • ,• » I-. U .-.i-rul—i'*,r;r.. ;*v\ir. MCMriKib—cos> u>II«l. t:j«'1VU.-.tIfMi|4ila . ('.•Irviii »irliloimid. ..^l.•,l,l..l fll,.,I (0 lilcr younK ncorlii:; aft.T the , ciiich nn.

    m u* jiuiij „„ i-ffmlo se t Youn;r M the plnlc. Wllao

    ovfii MiiKlcd over MnrbiTry'n beud to cell ivlor ler, Kelly hIIiUiik . Inlo Ililn l. Tb irxr=THi,.-jr ruiiie'd io- n ii.-rw h '7 ' ' ' ' fell over Uu’ wull nn a fan In Ih

    b|..r. |,|,.|„.l,l diiubliMl ;il lln>

    ------ IUl,'l rem-b.',l tlr .l niiil'l.li'hobl kIo|.-l)iil nl ibiid >*lii'n Kril) fiimbl.'.l

    lu' .Kui’rH bard lill uroiind.'i.' Ii u u ' ilOK'- "-e uln..... imlb'ii j,i,|;:..irn .II lbe buK wilb u pooi' llirnw, third l‘f . Hi> err.ii,,hniw Kenatnin- Ooullu tml. rrli.eb i.i K. l-

    ly. JnilKe iilmiled In cenliT nn u lUir drlv... Ulneue wnu nute unil, JinU t

    (Irl,I reaclitd iliird when Jacki.ui, (iio|,i.,>(i ly lo 15''IIy‘“ thrn'u ' for nn .nileni]ni i1 mrr.'

    out, out nl iiei'ond. ' K wuA nn .•rn.i- f.n ..onu Jltcktm u^N i'lif wan lukeii uhl'oC ill. kind -MrynDlau Wj;,.,.,I„K Miller h it liilo u double iiluy. Jaelim.n ,|. ll, lo VrlH.'li to K.'IDT ■

    Nn nimi. om- bll. nn.. errnr.Teiilh Innlnk*

    . Wllnon walke-. Jobnion fll.-.l 'lo Wlbim, in tr.,iu of llie blruehcrn. M.'.V..ely fiinue-l.

    ' 'i ;ie»eiilh InnlmrRInnin—firoh bnil.'.l for M.-ynlllan,

    Oroh NlnKled pant llan ln . Suntliworlb

    *' Ju d re to Harrln wbo envered firm, a Koiiihworib iil.ipplni; ut n.’i'ond

    l-'rlMcb fanned, Yonni: wim. |inH>.ei! ■ I)iirp.me1y. for the nerond Him-, KelJ)

    fanned for Uio Kooond llm .\.-N o runn.' onr hil. no errora.. Renalorn—Hendey went lo Uie b.ii fo r Ihe aiant*. ffarrlit filed (n Vnuni; l ik e filed lo Wllnon, tioalln duiible

    ,i,|..,. 'V.'l.' I.a'lly arr.'.'l..1 i... ».')l i.-. ii,ir" nii.>, bi'iiliby ^4»i|.l.i. »i.'ii

    laiowii I.l ,:rL 'u ln'iillinll i.all:, ̂ i.aiiiiil,:. (»hl.'l

    ..,1l-c “‘1'''“' » ' d.-tillii.) Ib.r.«».. . . i i . ^ n i „ - ...... . .•..ik . huu

    ■„rr,, U.n. in. Ul., u aJ.,.tiy ...1 il,.- ft..|.l . wbU'li vv.r.- 'blli:lii.'a uuncvpUblu lban.ulbera..Tbc Ur

    nnlll- Mexlean wan lbe nioiil reHlnlanl. Ib , („ G reat .Nnrlb.-rn lii.^l, lbe (iolilen Wn

    varletleii Irani renlniaiil. • 'Tbu p lanilm r-nf dl*en*o renlHUi

    variutlcs. Uiu bulldln;; u|i of ruiliitai riKhl. "iralnn l|i nny ono vurl.-iy by aeleeiln Moil* I’lanin which wllbnlood III■ nil,I dinenne In dliiean.-d firldn. nnd cre ;d to w*al/on a n ’ »iwrrB(rti as priiU'ctl^

    inoaiiuren. nhould nihvr neanonn bn ft

    Kel-1 fly wllhtlvhl .* • .

    ■ '» ; A p e n n V s w o r * d with can spoil a dollars



    t Z ' - G o e s f e r d i e r -pa«y P u re -rD e t^ dosure ‘ r

    ■tt- • 8 A L B 8 a V a T I M B S X B Mwsa

    ' .tlie . . '6M

  • , P X o E r o T O r '■


    T ie 'liiDei hna moro rcmlcr« i«'• - -■ ....... - -________• piiblicati

    ..PebU sbid E>T»r7 £r«aloB E scerv 8m ' . Compnny. Twin t

    L E . KABTERS ----------------------------

    'V . . . -

    t tU r * d « t lh« Tw in KallB PontotMcc . Sally I’ubllcalloD, j

    ■ .......................... ..........s u D s c n iT T io ;D afly , ono y e a r — _____ ...............D a ily , s ix luonlliB ...... .............:—D aily , ono m o u th ___:__________ _


    'T rim t tnarljitii- n ili f i i 'i i l l t in s itt li________ m u y - l)i‘ Hfcu itl till- iic tiim k iji ru-il J .

    m U iru U y HturU-d i ii - i i M utU i'rii t'o iii nmnnilmriit. nvliii'li fiifrntn-rtispH itir iHovo to s lii^ t'ii{tiri‘s .slmu’t i . l'n in m n n y Ktntr*s. W h c tli i 'r S n u i tu r He Hlufiii fiitiilK th n t lie (lill in - lii s pfi'- in rcpi)l)li(tiiiiH o r n o t th e rrsu llH o f ih fpn t. . f ioF o tii'trc \ tiii> {firiitv vote- ir»

    ~ som e ja h n r unicniM niiil ]>y I 'r i'liiin rn liv e ly siim ll DnviH K lniu' v ..ii ' is iioi o f citiJ’.eilfi \v lio n-ill ciihI th i 'l r b iillol-

    J T Initcd atnt«*s,-tlio n -al jiVoKri'ssivi- fi nrrTTvnim'‘iriif>r'hi-e' iic iln n rv w tt^ n rjrn n liackinK of o iie Kidc, n i it l 'i lu - fiin a iji

    Thc ri'{iiibliuait iiiai-liiii

    Flr»t N«llomil ll*nk of Twin Knlln, m. [ Idftho. J'lttlnilffi • '

    v».Oood Bf*m nnd Emma Ili-ani, Dcfiml- < i'

    •nta,Under anil t.y vlrliio ot au Onlor of nl

    Sato ■ml D«>crro Of riin ‘clo»iiru !»• sued Olil of lli«.Dliiirlri t 'o iiri of On: in

    ------ i--------K U vm thJudic ia l ni»Crlia of ,lb c .a ta l‘: -Juof Jdiho, ltt nnd for tli«-C ouniy oT jn Tw la r«U*. dated tho im day ot Oc- in tober,- 1S24; w herein ilin r ia ln tlf f nr

    - j i W d n i i l

    “ “7 p " O ^ j ^ O u n c e !

    ̂ why p a y w /■ - • Finer Texture and

    ' ' ‘ ' to Your I

    &====■ 'T l M i l U o n s W F i

    ^ *>y

    DAI LY TI MES i, ___________) P T W IN FALLS O O U N T 7 • I

    in thia city thnu ftDy* otbcr \ atioDi - • “''j

    Suaaay by llw TlBca PnblUhlng i' Idaho. 0>'

    -------------------------- Edlior-Publlaber--------------------------------------------------- ! ty

    i wlla g i i t o ] Sa

    ___________________________ l'>>'Mco aa Hecood CIrm M a lttr u a I, Aiirll 11, 1918.

    [ON R A T E S !\['_____:_________ tc.oo- ....................................................3 .00

    ____ :______ _________ 1— GO.

    ~ ■■ ■ - ........ ...........- • MNDMENT AND THE lACHINE

    W M K l.A S .) In.

    It lii-linlf Ilf fill' r(.'|iilblii>aii pliH y

    ! 0.

    ,'ili..,il zi-al of ih.- olhi-r.' • Tt'I am p lo ffiiulH is n livnys on tin- ""

    1)1IS nn oxnKifc*ilirally fo r i,i i-ati-h tin; ham hva^'r.n rom- y .'i irs «'f lin io fo r llir.H- y .-nrs a n d I'itflU ,y '11 h a s tily orKaiiizo, W lu 'ii tii>v,v loy w in ,, b u t Ihoy .a 1 \\a y s . 'a r ry n ; . .(1 tho rn ffiT s cif lho t r u s ts a i i d . _.liU iiiauH_wi.Jlio_ji>b J i l l I ’lmo. 1 _

    to K‘'i I 'Jirly ........d i^ rs t o L ,a iH fforonl talo . _ p

    iiii.nllnn.'^l n1ilnln.il a il.i ri'i’ ftKnlniil ll>c l)i'f.-mlniii« lior.'la on Hi" :!fiili clny of Sp|iii-ni1irr. I^i2l. wlilrli Hnld derrvr wan nn Uic nnld ;;Glli .layj of So|il. nilHT. l!i;». rc«-or'd Iti Jnds-j IH.-1U Hook tfn on' iini;.' m : o f i.a litj t)l«lrlc;t fo n ii. I ain.roininundtnl tlioreSf, oo fib'In tlie offlco of llio Conuty Uwor.lur nf nnld County, wlilcli pnlnl In 102 fori

    rAS'PRICl̂ ?d t a r g ^ V o l u n i e

    ' Bakings " ' •

    P B t i n a s 'U s e d - f= ► V e rn im e n t ^

    . . ‘ T.W1

    I l™ "on"': “™ ,V™ :"',|“ ,',,” ' '.™ 'l " ,S p; nliinr snld norm Itn.- i>r i>-ilit (.ol (Ini', l l '7:l fi'iM; lli.'iK'.i III ll rl::ht nii.;lo xoiuti

    l:Xi-cInl lit (I a b.vikei.

    I ...— -̂-------—

    : H .T ^ a m u e l s•j Can1Iv.r-« Ilhirk and.W liifr Miiiiltal * Jack

    .'.tin; cly'ri-hii.-, ni|.ntctl to hr ono'uu- If tl.- lr-̂ 1 lr...i)..-«--on;lho-r,Hi.I,-wHi;. ... ii: .n l llm Idulii. nll nmC'.wtmk,' T 'h'-r.- ari' a ncirrn- ji. iTuno.irii nncl Ici )

    .^oe-K S a y s ;A fJcdflil wriin.iii itrlven » follou-

    (Irivprt ■ r.'m rrniy.*—t^h ^ tn k n '- liln Ilk.! n tla riitJ ii. a ji;i|ow do:'« ml K.'t owny (roni ihviu tlic inuru .ho 1



    BIG ^ S I O A L COMI



    AdiillH . . ^ . M c • PRIO]

    P U B L lC r" I B P 5 h6 * ^

    NoUco iB.hereby ‘j H y c f t ^ ^ ’gon throo . days coouaenclng' ^ u ^ a ;

    ^n icn l o f tb« 6rphflnm ituKUro, Twin Falls, in th e O o'uhly 'of T^ I^aliO t-w ill-not be TOponsibla f o r dfttBflje to 010111105, o r tor fhc ter causcti by tho’ m otioniplctiire.l

    - S f t f D ie." Kor -oan -it andortoko.the distH ct for tholO'iB of btnint

    _ cu rc i tha t wfJl ba c/fccted.durJng

    . J ^ t l a c o F«c_10tf,j\i}i.20c^_______ •

    MfeS^ v .

    TA N LA C , FEC T H E A LTH ^

    - TnnlBC-V.'Hviol.lo.rilla-for- conall-. . [intlon;'mftdr ancl'.rcf.iiniucn.Ud hy ilir innntifnciurors or TnnU r. . s

    iisny. chiKi.)’ iiItci'K ;n»lt/d, friim thn . •

    •T lif rn tlro jirnRrn^‘j>»'lil (.O'Chnni:- (, /d -w llll ench- - c b ^ * 'e of -pld tirpn i liii'h . ' m i l " Iw Mminiiy.- ■ w .i in'etidcnM— « in1k iiUn ol■Wi>|cmpanr"(« '-Thrr Il«ih- ' * nn, (jlrln," Kor .Mon.lay nnd Tuctr-lay tli.i i.irtn r.’ pnrl n(-tliti proiimni ' -vlll c-oniiI»t I.t "l-iiiiiiy llnmlK." « ‘j:,Hin.llnn wll.I.-rnc-M niory f.-aturlm; ^luck Iiott, n nm -rcul oumo.ly uml ^hr Inlcirnadonul -Ni'WS. ‘ •„

    Twill Knlln will nri>w ui iii.iporilcin, lc ycur .o-.iprrntioii.

    ........................... ■ ....................... - fl1I

    lo w fo lirinU. lllll 11 n.iriilii;: ««o ,Illn fanH n'flnd-H lr# llu -m - lo -n i iu - i.---- 1

    lull nnd III.- linr.Ior ]i.< runa lu «11- heaM uf tlioin. e

    — r......... PRICES:

    }• ■JIatliicr.................i'lc linil SHc . ,I Kvi-nlnif..,...........lOr niid 30eI J.n(fn .Srnt.. lOp HxIra t

    E O W .J IA T D IE E .O m Y , . . J

    1 ;yt»fHifV..,Y.':m neymililSt. 1 ] n

    Ittnirdo I'urtc*, Jilllii Vnjr. Tlic. , ■oclcrc Ki.slnff, K obril Kdrnon, - I

    smi, Victor YnrmtiU ; ■' NKW— nniKPY i |

    he Idabo Orchcatra, • ‘

    of K'.ich n (uilll)iT th a l ll w’lll hu ’ | jtrrow (Baiur'diiy) nmlln.-o nnly, ’’ 1 ,hc Hhnwn, - Mnklni;. n his dcnililo ;- ,in, ‘ 1 I

    NIGHT ONLY—,--------- 1....................... ■-■ — — .....I

    D HOfXTON !

    KIOUIiWAV A - I M -O O L C ~ - X g g f c r f ------j- •: orxcsscRmouttlffliiiirv, |tT ; . 'W E E S ''‘'̂ ’ i'- '~ 1'

    . .

    VHITE REVUE -iMEDY 's h o w AND________ ^ ___



    IC E S AdulU .......... :..... iOc

    N Q T i e E ^I«neralT>iiblic, -that d o r in g '^ o sdny, thia w oek^'tho .oumage-

    ' kit t i a ie d u i ' l e îg m n A vfluc B r - - 7

    Tw in FalU imd Xbf S to te 'a f 'J f o r 'th o l o 9 8 'o f : t ^ - b t t t t o n * . .__tho effoots of ^ t ^ ^ i a u ^ - ' © .■DdoglasM ivbLwn.ln-•Never- — ko .to -rcim bufi8 ;-th* :dw ton .te ,_ jincn -o ridn ff from the stiddoB •Jnff-tbc.jald.period. «

    ___Eveniog_10c a n d 'SlKT'

    ‘ mmAT,'on

    %i S ^ M lia ir f lm iw t t to n

    g ^ S E A TIxynATA ELSi

    8Y N 0P5I9 - ' ■ U' ' f5[>m

    S ir O lher Trei*ilian U bilroth- R‘nre J ro /^o»ainnmf CodolpMn. bxl ih f •'>' >!i/i.jm ope if opjiotnl 6v lU tam uud's *>fd'firai/irr. I'eter. tn d her puardian, n*rSI.' ./(ifta KHffr/rno.' 1KA«u OHver’i «havvunp half-brother, Lionel. MIU ™»dI’cter in a fa lls I 'h ”on 0(it>cr. A irail of 6(oo& two roxM ot i l l ilaYM tb a l i»or» ■mannlne eat* of ibenu - .£ •“ *

    hlikalDO followed him and, the iiosrooa catae laiL '.Tbay wero itj ll ir lr td a oC the bul«arbi'«b*D B i l^ pt-'Batir'BnTu ibo 'w ordrtJptlio 'iB ld ' dlo Rani;wiy r in n b^'aaii and two ^ of bla i d a u cracktns Ihelr loaf whlpa Of blitlock-bldo. D own'w eat tbe o a n , thera waa-^ hea*e. aod

  • rniDAT, OCTOBEn jrt,

    l l '^ U ' l 1! THK CH U nCil OF THK ASCIJN

    „Kri8.C01'Al,~.llev. Couls !•. NlKiipn. Rcrtoi

    Tho Si'Vcniti'DlJi SunJny ufitirItr.--...;— ------- ̂ -

    8:00 a. m.—Holy comnmnton. porato 'communion; of the Yoims plo o( the p a rlih :'

    9i'4S a. ,m ^C liijrch ncbool. 11:0 0 , «i m.—UorolnR prajrpr

    fcrinoa. T lio scniioti subject In Eaucnllal TUlnit."

    7 :3Q ,p ;.n i.—Conflrmailon Im Hon.

    Th«ro will 1)0 ft inouUnK t iM chors o f tlio 'c liu rcir nclioul tlay ovcntnR., ' •

    T tio Q ulld rnccu on Tliuniclax noon. .Saturday In H(. I.ukon Thoru will 1)0 a ci'U’lirallon nt Holy joihm unlon In tho church'' a, m. Octol)vr 18ib.

    ll'T IH iU A N CHl'KCH Tlilrd Avenuo Woat and Fifth f

    John Olhrinjf. Panlnr.T cl. 733 On Sunilay, Odobor 12, lliii

    . . coBKrcKatlon In Invlled to atti-n,• Mliml(in .Kcailval of llio • I.m

    chtircli a t Kdun. 'Our churuh w cloowl in tUo inornUm. ,

    .Kvcnlnjc sorvlccn wlll hv ron< a t 7!?C>"o’clock. ti'X t: Mallh, ■ Topic, .'^What- Slionld’ Inrtucr n i tian to . l ’r a y r

    - -* — ------------ - .aam rJay -nd ioo l. 1:30 p . mi _On Sunday, OcioliKr 111. roHiivi

    • •_ . vJctB jn .J lip JiU m T i j»f miiiRlonhu held Id uur church. Two Hpo

    . ' Iho llov. W. Jannm-n o t Yu Wanh.. p rosldtiil nf tho Oroioij U'aohlnKtun Dlntrlci »( (h / Il*cc.” ..Bub;ecC.of.oyoiilnB_',)««. . > "WUat Aro Wo Uolnrc W llh Ou

    c n n ? “Bible ncbool, 10 o'ct^ctc. Col

    Ion, 11:00. Mornlnm-MrnipTJ, C h rlitian ICmlraTor.-0:30, K m iti

    • • “ M co''7.30. You a ro .c o rd la llv Jtn a i r D(.

    ■ Ellloli Blimp, Pa

    MKTliOllliJT CHIJRCK KIHH C harles 'S i. ile ld iM '.' Mlaini

    Sunday- school a t lO a. i»;- Taylor, aiiturloicodcot. .Mias

    Supt. rrlt^arj^ 'departn irn l..MoralDX ^ J n b lp a t I I a . n

    mon by thft poaior., l^Rworth .UBKUo a t C:30.

    Tho Mlaiilph'Sludy'cIaita will eanM d. .MUs Jewlo S tare wll charKO. • • ' - ,

    CvonlBB 'M rrleb.al 7:80. Dr. W hite, ou r . (J |» irlel' auperlnl' will prqach lo ii#. A fter pro ou r f lra l quarterly tonfercnce ' Kra. t ̂ ”

    T boE pw orth LcaKUo will Rlv clal on W d a y niaht a l tho <

    ....... ........... T h« or lh« nubile a^ ĥcl>o honored suoata.

    A cordial Invliatlon to 'eve ry l w orship w ith u i.

    • ^KAZABBRB^aiUKCII. ̂ ' U b o r lia tb tt'H alJ. Snd ,81.

    BevIirBl 0 ) ^ 1 1 ^ ( re ry (ivoi 7:4B “« ^ lc ,'.i> e « ln n lo » ,.? u ad a

    ' t o b e r . , . aolo. and• “ ' M i f l r t t ' w i m w

    . . b e '.w o rth , yonr freatea t, offo' cwn«,.nvr'.. -

    _ ̂ Tb«. * « o ra H ftf are p ro h ^ aalDgm~~o^~-16n« e x p e r ia u e ^

    ■ preaen t * fn ll loapel a h d ooim T lciorlota h a ttn n e ld i Id , O r

    JvVA/VVViU/ ̂ tV a n iW n lU t*

    ■ • .............—

    -- ' .......

    Irt, ■■

    r .H NP\Ag’liNSION mid Ki-iitucky where ihcy hiivi

    ROUll nUCOKK. r to r. -. ,llir T rln- VIHST H.VIM IST ( 'lU IHMI, K , — ir rO .'F ln lry . I’ai.h.r. •tn. Cor- lllble Biiidy, 10 tu in., i:. I>. . m s I'co- Hiipcrlntcmlpnl.

    I’n.-nthlnK, Jl:00’• ;

    nntl. |ir

    ' '• Ihor.-oii, lojicihor win. nil rnin«.ili1.->-i -A “ccriu'd '-or mny h AKrU'U

    III iirBrlln- of (Jcn iinn j. rriii.io ,Kt L-Vftwn mark nud Hclulu.n. nml ral«i- nu>. «lich fnrm i. i .h1,u-1.. tlmi .In iii.l•nr *'“■ """• ',,, ' wheat, cant auil o lh rr rm im ibii; ‘.,. n !. I""' I" Crlc. ̂ nud «ro Iiiit.l..>ii «ull

    'v illlly."*'nn*’ '*nd^ f"’' ' ' ' ”roro llio

    Ion Imvi' * » -dpploiion ^ ^ ■ ■ronntoni I -

    l-r ■ ■ ■cno criii.i.

    ■ A N D

    \ 4 l

    ^ ^

    A M istr One day threw oJ

    , The Misi ' m anner <

    f l ' But his 1' Jw may bc- f f . ________L __ m onkexjW have doi

    .N o v i’ac}aj\s,

    : ,. t h e h o u s e,j ' d o l la r s w e n

    , ' ’ ' ' “ • .b u t ' iS ’y o u r’ • ir vmrh'û f

    T h e w a y tom m S S i ) ' ■ p i s t o I N V E i

    r ' _ t o t h e h u m

    Never •>horo Is -

    7" ̂ '7 ? ijat, fnU . • '

    K * :s r r £ r i r : r r - '- r - t -f: : ' . •■. |- ':- ro A H 8 7 iiD ^ ly ro

    S ? ® ' l-S H T S S S S


    I voBt ofj llir iiiiriit.li; lAiilaliic'cl lli.it t.ii,ti

    nl. 'uikv-n! r ' I'!i' 'lii’u'k "iriiiloiinH liii|‘l ^

    .••■I 1.L tlir : ll',I I.f ,uii:;ir, it.-:. n-i :t vr.- itnli, i h;.\.

    ).AltJllJ‘>l- „ .

    SwSKi , » ; « « « w w ' ■ic.-, Jlj ^

    “" " ‘■‘■-i .MI >,i...|,.,.Oj.-i,.....: mi;.:,;i. '

    I E M 0 1 ^ ) T I I K


    JiiP- ......> * i s

    ler oncG kept a M onkey lay >vhen the Miser was all the silver and gold o

    liser raved and tore his h cr 6£ threats against the Iis neighbors said to him, bc foolish to throw awi BX didt bu t it is worse to 1< lone.”iy» , .p c o p le .a s jw .ru lc d o j i o t . , k c e i i , ISC ( a h h o u g h w e d o - k n o w o f c v e r c b u r i e d i n t h c c o l l a r f l o o r o r «

    o u r i n o n c y . l b L E ? I s i t e a r n i n g ! / ? - f o r y o u ?

    f t o m a k e y o u r m o n e y w o r k p n d ea; t ^ E S T .y d u r s a v in g s . . W e s c n d frion< lu n d r c d s o f p e o p le w h o b a v c in v c

    : E F E R R E DIt’sSAFEand

    W N ' W f e R - li I j a S o n l y ^ p s l i u e s o f t h

    tttl^-ttrT fecelve-di-vMeni ^ . t h s t . w o i d d - ’a i d i o i m t t o - -

    ' rJGB I’’iVH.t.il,.. Iit.;lj IMKJS ,\ltV,lN'CK IX PUIOK.

    Iiti.-r IS' I (-,nii-A



    .• boj" by itlrlue of lil»‘iipi'i'i.irii!nr riiXniT tho Peflillilon-KoTinil-Up. H c/pllrrt u (IrcD ■ iiumicsilon of the KihMi'vcII Iruj

    — — —— —M tlee-O H y.-M onfcT-nnd-liT lrii'h-cirar- thrlUliiK rlilo on u Kprviiiil(t» fo r I’AiliJr.


    1 U |0 S T k ltten i borp In A itorla,•*:------- -̂----------iT l_ L o n r -u iu )^ - b ty « -a f < i t t r g e

    number a t TtcooL lota to rambla o ro r and Dumerbuii ocUvu soata to

    , (rodfo.'b lit ib ln ono Vfjs dlflorunt.Ho WM (lilTurunt lu thu nm t placa

    ’ . -bucamtt ho wa« whUi-'ail ovor andhnU a curlonii wny nt trylni; lo tind out about orcryOilriB.• f io be .bnsaii liro Iiy. raiidLrln*

    In to tba bnck dunr o f t in K aaom PUyertfcljmky J.Isbtn ,worotoo brlehl for hln^jouUR. 6yoi

    ____________ IJLofl-UlB-flalu- ttfuira. lbcy-.w ora^ftlc-la c ptcturui, uo hu kept oo walk*

    Very Rich

    ■--------------------F ra iicc»^A nn"-''V iiD nafi^M 8.^ dtW teW t^ .rti tlii Tex.. lo«t « mllUon

    ..............ilolUra In the lottlom ent .of th'o iiod. - , - i u w bo«nd«rr ■ dlipote. D ul ahoB-

    - -■■■■ « * l((n it'T J« n ty ''n u i™ . jn o a e r . - U nr.— ------------ © ll- 't a n ir 'h ra woHh i»T«rBl'millionT " • .— -TH ht - B o y - --------- -----------------------------


    ' ' '

    rillran.jbnll^d aa tiM worlA«'1>aiit row* Inif ftl^tlif I’Jicytnno fV oD tkr Daya oart I u|i riiuuili poliitM nl iheA w d to bo, Irujihy fur o yonr.' Tniiily bnlln from ^nr rtiroiiRh' to ” hli*” ninTty *frpi*l(lm.' •K~~' rviiu:uli>r liift.'klnR linuicljo, rltit-hcd thn


    a, la c ondl ha found a lo f l cutbloo tt, in -lrC lurta- -Bw »a»bnV -dr«M iaff - ,:o room. ■tp That fc wboro bla carocr aa a ,j_ p«t bofran. M lu aw w iion bad

    boea cbokInK buck tcara all mpnj- iiiK whllo working In icenoi of lle t now I’aram ount picture. "H fr Lovu Biory." ^ le r prli* Bnxtlah Rbecp doK had died 'tho day b ^

    '» foM. Kow. ;eanconuud Jn a ploco oC bonor In a curtain fnnn a t Oro-

    ro ton. N. Y.. la a fluffy illtla thing »* th a t haa a way of rmnbUn* tato

    U »«-ho* rU -o f-»U -U io -6w ana© a ------It- buuHhoU.

    Keeps Secret

    ' - ______ ..

    }n K llppan t'n an hat-M li) tb a t w^mau i i can’t keep Vecrrtar-BU l-M f**.’a llitsonberc 1< von fld iw iU l-aw rsiary nr. lo r . 'lb 'm se r "MacDonald, .p rem ier of jn i:ii(slnml.“ ' T lir'oa«h-her-r4ja»de will — -tiBM*- lht-jiM‘reln-of-lli« -«n ip lr*r--------

    ■ - TV


    t J 'v


    _ i i i a ^ •3(100 .pciTpje^ milled . f iju lja ii ,llnn M e .o t ih e ’ tv in k u 'b o u n ib ia turni

    Iflcbar/t l.ocb at»} -.VnlJian./.copolij.. TJj

    — ; ^ ̂ ;

    nil. . ■ _ _

    ” --------------- rSOME-OF-T-ih(i . •

    ■ V . r ’f *


    { , • • • I A lornadu swcuiiUir ncrnmi ^Vlsco:

    Otiiero w«ri- n^rloualy Injiir''’!. P ropi'ri view of tbo ilcnolftllon II wrought heur



    A thpuifind feel Iri lho air. IJu\ plane. . He U'urIw a t . deiflh, a a ' herjckii

    ^ MlU#r of "camonT Q., ’ a n tu o T fly tr.- U ' ylll be wait prrpiH uK lo calrh a rope . Ou Ihln furm, Hoie Qrall



    w alcb 'b lm «fui;X lier.ln_B.hu(islU iLJIiorftjioffwl


    R f mtANKS HOME ■

    V /w iW > t bhl'^BSo 'i^ a l te ^ 'i t l iB auc* )V o''tK e-lnV 'do7orj^V aom w h ich '

    rud UTu n)i>vlt)9 uway. ' .• ,. . . . . . .

    ■ J" til

    DO WROUGHT^^------------

    ' E■ ‘ • '•■ ■. f,';' Si

    10 lives p f ac leaat SQ p e n o a i. Bcores o t ^d '/ o n b 6 u u n d r o r . 'd a t lB r £ '‘}lere la o . iralkowakl. ic'. w as killed. '

    TEN! , ' '— .......... ̂ • -*«■,

    -------------------■■ ■ ■ - 1I ] i« a d : ilo o it 4 t h lo r ie tB iA r olxmt tb'o o Ufc • r()nc•^MO freef^W bW . ̂ -^ * r H otaer e

    ^ t c . a f l e r - t h l i ' j l t r a r j p ^ jr-hls-'lan(i^-wa* punciured by ibe wing ■(< •w Pr^loCT -^ayjw jT H L tPJtover.l______; _ j

    .... -.r-^


    I ' ''■ ” '.Wlolilio. KiiiV, nenl n tlylnR boaui

    linylou, p ., onrly in O clbstr.' 'Sli'o' Ib JiidRud tliu proltlcnl Klrl In l l i c clly I nun. 8ho wan ii iiiin»uiii;i.'r |n u plaiiii

    . . . . . . . . 3H g'S W fRRiN

    ........... H h

    ....•" M B iw K ilin

    - p ' *,

    %fore Iflviwloa o f m en's .domiOa.■ Eraduote. of a Japaneae avlailon aqhi

    servaUon. erork by Cbang T|io>l#tD, M Uie Chinese dprlilntf. T liu , g irl's ra lo

    ° ' NOW “MIDGE”


    ■ •'Midge" pasper.' 17, « u '. f o r ie a U 'j

    " • M r f e ly ib r o n ^ l jo r 'p ld y J B j r T l i r ' f r I'o ^ e to p i i i ln c ’ou irtlJO leS i^^ lllle^ t; kr 'e llg lb in iy ;' 'S b o 'wtki' playing o b i ' o t i l i ■ 6RBrcb-te*nr-wot :i)islciy>: U tlp jin ii^ v l i -team la '^ b m ir ih o -c h u rc k lilv e 'r ib tlir i : - J j lU e J l .w a » _ .w .M d s < l . - . - - , - ^ ^ ^ _ ,^

    _ ... - ~ —p

    RIUXY/OCTOBER 10, 192-J.

    H 'LYING BEAUtY, ' '

    lauiy to tl)0 IntarnutluM l . a ir races n ti'a Mlaa Q la il^ ' Marfln^ « i ib wBB nil- ..............

    ly Iiy llio Wlrlilin Aeronautic njnocla- mill plloied by ^Vlllter Beech.

    ING AVi ATRIX _______

    •r'j.i'rij^B PW ^jrol

    lOa ..by., womoa— IUuti.*ehlsea6 J|Klbe, aqhool, who Ima engaged (or ob*, MnkUea war lo rd ,'w l* bla arnilea'lo 'aicd.aa a tl^t-claif.{ly;.qiiln\et p n ( ^otTier-ot

  • PICID A Y , 0CT015K U in,

    ^ B n s m e i ^ D i r e c t o r f -

    . 'A t t o r n e y s - .

    PORTER — W rnUM /LAW TM *. Ovor 'a o > Boole s m f o . ,_________•

    p« 0- HAU/~OTr-Mot- r :-M irnnlH >cr.-iadPi,-Pettr-and-FO T;

    / ' , SiK^FLACB. '.New and V Mcond band c lo th ta i

    ____________b o B ih tin ^ « a d . . lQ f i ,^ U i RbaihnBH■ tw et * ■

    • • BUCB9fitl B T A T lb t^ , mMala'SovUb’T w U rn iU . Phone 1618.

    Wo. 18 6 .. T;M a . m.

    No. » ---------D epart I rW .p . m .No. 156 ■ . ‘. .S »■. “ ■

    , ' N a 140 ' •■-••I ' • > r r t w 4 t M p . m.

    • '■ •____________» tn.

    L O U f t- " ~

    v " 7

    l i l r -g 'r S I Q ■

    ^ f . ____ _

    jPor Sale-Miacellaneous I«* I'OU S A U :-A Rmnl liaiijii chfni). y j rail ut.i:i3 :'tnn_rg.i Ht. i; P a ln i aaa ~ kaisomine Rl(f|for palBiinx anil.kal^m lnl& ii.' Pbone :IVQ 6. Moon'a Sbop.310 ----------------------- TTT—-------- ----------------

    — • F o r ; ^ n t '

    • -FOT^lTNT—Tw6-Tilct:t;*^fnnjliihcd 1®®' 'ronmB'clos’o lii. • Addri-Mi A. carc ot^ ---------L J 1 - .

    FOU »t:^■•r-•^3a^nKO._3^i Clhiava. ___ niic norlh.. riion'u 8C3W.

    FOH HiONT—Room. Bflrago if dc- filrcd, would klvo /L'VitnliiK meal, mar

    JJ, prcft-rrcd,, COI Sth ttvcnuo omt.

    KOR UKNT-A parim ont for llKhi— boiini'kvcplnir.- AUo-KaraKO.-CID Sii'l

    ' nortb or 1‘lioiic CI52J. ____________ :liio. TOR ili;N T~80 acr«n .on hljjhway----- II. C. CuUcrt. 114 Main north* Pbone

    ,2^23. . . . . . .

    and FU R N iaucD u'OUSE. modem. H. C lar- ■0'cl(ert; i14;H nln N. T hono 2M; * •

    FOU \tENT—7 room hoUao moderj; cxccpt hcai;. Dcalrnblo lo'cailon. lO' qiiiro 'Maild Sfati H unt. 1B04 Poplai

    — avonuo. Phono 1301).

    ^ —EQlLJlE.y r -B i^ t> ln g roomjl| ^ g 2 i— I Clh avcnuo p«Vi a i nifiht room hoiuo for~ rcnt— osa. jiiittp j., --------------—

    — FOU BENT — r o o ^ f n r a t a ^ SS4 a p a ^ e n t . . .(n w n a b le . Buasalow 518. Avts. EUt i t i « e t - u d Seeoad aTonu>al* ; ■

    . ' , r O R . R m - ^ a r a « t ' « U 3rd avo l it t f narth.- : , v • .

    t s ' POR’ n0N T^H ou*«lteepfH r ro im i(i, above Model ^ho»:'8 lo r« \Ia « W w Or-

    pbeum .’r a p t t r r . . - j.-i

    .• TO 3lENT~frw*,ia«eiy''^jW ipUhc^ “ b»S‘ roomii (Jonneciod \iirW i' 'prlvaU-----inn!ir«tft>ih1e-«lrU

    hoal In ’rooniB, Phono 776J, 636 2ndaveotio jw t . • / _ ______’

    D . . FO ft BENT—B otukeep las apart- m m ta. nonpU te lr to m lab M .fo r lifh t

    m &eoMk»eplat. ono. two -and throe m. rooma cloa* In. a n d -lo w r a ^ b j

    ___ w o n op_mhnth. Tbo O tfofd . « llm. Manto N. • > . . .______________

    ’ ll ' aaUaffcd cu ito raer to in « « e t— n . io t an ndvertnbig. mottlufa; - .

    • ’• ' ■" \ PiO-n*i -wnVKT • . ' 0 0 6 6 0 N E . ftUiTO ' ) f r t tb lV e i

    ' . TWIN

    118 For Sale-Real Estate |ni>. FOU SA I.K -N Irn u r l l liiiimivrd H>|

    ncrcSi iilcf .lioirto |>lni'(', on jiravd lr - r t -o w n ’^ -n iiion-'frnm — niKn—m hw ii;

    ' lar;:*' liniiKi\ linrn, dri'ii Well, nil fi'Mr*_ _ f'l. nitulfft, J«\v- [irlcK rnsy irrnm.nrd Sci> nny roal fi'ln lo njiohl or J. t ’.llic Siinni r. nwoftr.'S'J' !'lll nvuuiii' nortli. nnr Twiu I’nilil. ,

    _ Foir̂ S.VLli—jr.00 win' .hnndiu 8-•ail. lonin liloiltrt»‘ lioU"0.''Ill(llllro 41!) Elli


    F0U -8A l.f:—On.^ K,% ncro truck rnncU on uavcd road. PUnnu SOHli;!.

    _ • KOU S A l.U -O n riT ro o m modern Ono (Of Dll' f iijw t itou.ieii

    In Twin Fiillti.,Ono r> room tiiotli-rii liuiiriitow, Iiard-

    , n wood floom. slpcplng porch niid i:nr-

    ___10 ftcrp farm wltli 7 room liouito':I.lnr ono ot tlm ticnt 4ii« on the trac t. 'Clli Ownl'f. Jolm a , KImcfl, .

    1316 l].|h avcnuo (-anti Phn’iio 29IN‘\V.

    llm /^o|{ gAl-l'I—Uy owiH'r,,G room tuod- prn hnusc o t 703 Main w ont Slwailni:

    lon-l l ' '’fc>>-‘ furnaco hoal. paraKC. i ’rjc^d , T iB bt.ia> liV P*t0r»0u ,'I l. No. 2, UnJil.• ' Itlaho., ••• - .

    ,7j“ I'OU T w cirr f/iaOTanrf arr«5.railc f a r trn illtfn -northwcdt— n f m tlln in i;I In- .Moniana. 'noflf Hrnndvlow. Fnrniints im r, ond ■oil Trroiipoctlnt; In vlclnlly. IM-___ wnrri Corlolt. Jo ltal. ill.

    oyal F o ii SAUTv—A 10 ncro iKimo 1 niilo from Twin FnlJn on llluo Ijikcs boul-

    "KC. 4!vnril norili, (deal (ocniion and pood Improvrmp.ntn. _ Phono C15JG. I.en Johnaon. R. 3.‘ Hox 13fj.

    •~TTDn-SAnirB'roT\7JTni=A’ nr- ' W A ^E I> —̂ t> oM 4i.Ior ,caaltr-uMA — ^ F o r d ^ . ' Phone 147W. J . B. WTilto

    C o .- ^ 3 Main g . ...

    — Situation-SVantad—dc- •man \ v,\k t i :D -1*o»IiIou na houw’kvoi.cr____or waltrc*#. .Inqulro Cnldonlnn llolol.llKht Room -S>. •

    \Vi\>TED—Janito r work'auU houru ck-nnlng." 243 3rd avenuo catii.

    bonu !/Ost and Found '------ I/)at—Irish Bcllor pii[i, whllo spotH. C. on brcaat. Phono 1328.. ._________

    !___ l.OST—Idabo D cparimont of Asrl*dem culture rccelpt hookU Finder please

    In- notify U 0 . Jiuwlcy, Porrlnc H old.

    FOUND—D row n 'ica thor band Krlp.j contalnlne conlracls and Inllul ar*i

    ^ 3 2 llcios. 216 Third avenuo Bou t l u ____ |

    rc . For Sale—AutomobilesFnrd alio hallerlM , t^.CS a t thcl

    ^ow Prosto Llto D atterr Station. 32S Sho- j anno nt]bnQ Soulb. Fhone C9. . - 1

    ------ 'FOR' SALE-rV>rd lourlBC car, 20'avo- mo^ol. F ilte r Plant. Phono S1GR2. 1

    ------ , FOR 8ALB—5 poaaensor Reo aedanIn ffrat claaa shape. Johu

    ■Or- 1316 11th gvotiua eaat. Phone 204NW.^

    ------ FOR BA L B -A uto wlndshlolds. doorshed RlaaHM, hoadHshl Braaa and WinOoir

    Blass. Moon'a P a in t Bbop. ■ .

    Snd For rPep* ae« *8(ep," tL« C>UDd«t ___ O riodsr, 247, S«coad a ra au a no rtiL '

    SS . : To Trade , :by FOR SALE) OK T IU S B to r aer*>

    i U ace, m r rM ldm ca. m Bth east.____ The beat w ar to mind ro o t own but-i«(— lnct» iM o th e n abciit ,lt-^

    / ' V--

    ? f e o - « iT rtm o : w a w v jfw , r ^ - v •;


    — I T t h e0|

    M AN'^ HSVM S U P P o f J i’ Id , ■ , U H P E P i . T H E W A t - t

    ~ Help -Wanted .,*

    UAtlN MONnYiw.Tl!ly, i-par.* llmo. ~ ndilroRHlni:, mallhiiT iniiiilc. clVciilAni.

    Srnil UK: for .‘kiiunlr. Intormndon. _ Ami'rlciiu Miuilft-r.i., IfiSK llnmdway.— I(o|il. Y-MC. Now York..

    il! W ANTi:i)-‘M vj man wllb F.ir.l car— t n llf ll- t>liu'ulu Orni-aHftnr-W t - K E f S .B A N N E tg .-________ ■ o '»«»

    . Livestock and Poultry” .. FOU S.VLU—Uliod« lalnad.iltU.JJUl- .

    ii.|n, ll.-LfiT to frpnlii-n ixHMi. KdUcui.jin>- and llea flllnl..|!ii.- I.ir llui luHt war year con- fnltiiril -Il'd.MHi I’cimrnli' lli-mi. lnvo}v- lOK inllllont of tlilTik’i and liUlii'iin t vului'ii. Oliu of llii'su wns ciKoniit .slioih., • . . •

    CoomiiiK ui-ro nrlcinnllr uiod for fiioj l>y uiillvVn of iropli-al cminfrlrii. nnd by iiinnUryn to liiirl ot unwar.r

    ' vl«lK>r», l.iiL-r n li'iindr.'d million ' I'Kiiitil* yrtirly riini» to liii lmi>'>r1‘'‘l'Into tUr Unllod 8lal>-*, for u lialt diiron f


    __ B e a n C r c A s s e r t

    I National Production- -

    _„_^--Show-Shrinkage-in -t and Saved in t h c N a

    ' OJy 11. .1,. , -W itli liiniilrriiH of i-iirlomls

    it JH not hii|'jjrj^l:ij: tlml lhr tlioutaiiilii or arn-x or In-unn -in lllrl iRaa ami New York RrowliiR cm 1«.i ro»c«r ,tlnie. If ii,li««vy t^iini ur w rt iipell nets In llio nliortuKu' I Uieso alolcfl will lie aliirinln^ nn will udil Rreatty 'lu ,lhc vnluo ot ou local bfan*.

    Now Vork In the Itilril iurKcsl lieu produclmc n{)ctluu In the cnuutrj

    • Tho WfBther thU Bi.rljiK wun vor wot and tho cron wnn' plaiitvd iw

    ------------ . weofcii-late.- Tin? "UMiiiii-i' win* ro<nml wet anti the handlcan Inrn-im ecl. U wm *lmpo«»lbio nl tlnicn t

    ............... .......... '.cî iItbU biicI jh o WiiflnB 'locik iniin'> 'u?iln‘r Troubfe camo wltl

    thc apDcaranco, of MiRht iidO nn thracDoso cuiUnK Uic yic'cl In *om

    r - -- :c a i« a - to .6 0 - per ccnt. ThousanO or acrca aro not yet rcaclj- to cu

    ' . and wltb two wo«ks nvccannry I-------------------- liarvc.t” it~ 'i6~ 'anny " t o - Keo~wtia

    tulRht luppcn la New York;In Coloradcj a much Inrrmiic

    __________ ncrcaRo woa. planted t n hpana bii■’” ̂ lho weaihVr” tliero. InOi 'liocii vrr.

    mucli t l« aninc n» iiorc. W llh u IjI; dry rarm lhg accllun tho cru|> Mhrciti! tr*9>ot>‘ln»*lK2 *!> - J i . ’(loubUul ir tlioro I# nioro itKin^Ti J por cant crop of whiil wan rxprelccl

    Sllchlsan. wllll 11" Gon.oon iicrc» Tcally conlrbU Ihc prlco of bcum

    - ......... ThO ' w ealhor there ha i hccn ver. . . »imil*r. lo Now y o rk ..and_a aUilnk

    a se over la it year o( two mllllii ;>u»h*U- »Mma certain . OiUy tl thrtiblDK macblnea will te ll th • to ry and ll will l>« a l lea .l 30 iniiiunil

    c)f I’caiiN is 11 liv i' i|itrstic>ii. k'ttiiniil t;ov('n is Ilii''i>i'iciiir rtt w hit

    nink (j„u. 11 w„» ikIvIkuI.Iu lo iiinkii I . ri.jiu l;alou..Jor_ua>uoui)-^uL _uiiiiu ' 5" cundllloiiii arc* d iffcn 'iil itlncwbci clc'd.lfrcim w hiii'tbc)' nro In ihU cllntrlc

    1 Ik aul true now. I.niit yuur w 'iiiin. lull] (lovcrnor Mobre'i flrnl i»: ''f fy imliilfc, who UIIU,an old lliai’ pol ink', lliilaii for doiiuly'RUHio warUun-ttu lllon wlutcjvur uUo bv wua. wau. curtalti:

    ni an i.i|.crU'nci-d KciniP wiirilcn. lakcn aniri- iWiii' n isK'on book ur

    T>' a Kulury of } l7r> n nioalli to ninke n h®!)' no»pcrlcnccd taiin Inlo nn i-xpor WUtlt ^Pe,t-CTntf-w nrden: Wc bcBECd Ii

    Ihl' niiiiiilnlnn-nt, o f . dc^inilli-n to pn tcct Iho nab und i:utnc.- bu l ^Ini

    hau iiir-po lliT then nppi-nrcit"10 -lil7—iwnrii niiike u ^llcvvla|; of I'cuiininy llji- r'Hiir-. inn.iiw olati-d, and iny info iii»llun III Ilml nonrly a ll of the

    lllllo know a Krciit deal al>oiit iiolllli: • c r - whak'Tcr llicy may know ur n

    In knuw about ibv duilvi to a Kmc yf:vr wiirclcn, W hui thii rcaimn for lhl» I well the pfoiilo can JudRo tor thciiinclvt Kuat. If .(■(ivvrnnr Mooro ninclv nuch a , l i ichl' mivlne In tho'nrtnicnt. il iu .n )t In fnrinonie Ihnt he did nnt aprnd mo :oul.e,Joj cnra ,iry mn-M."rk. ------------------------

    and . -

    ^ ¥QtySi^h iin

    itrceU ci TcnnU onr -------------------------------— rrS H B ^ r i iM T r i iK a t w w

    ' IW^IWMI K it 1‘iill'K S - Unit: - } I B n m i l SfcueN I.usijnKr.

    ^[„n,'t : t K j i i i ' “ o'b-r- Kxrti'antrt-TTrilT: ■hono Viocpot »-‘(i. S

    '• J i 9 * '

    iaters!H eating Stoves, All Sizes nd Prices

    ipe and Installing Free

    F u r n i t u r e C o .Home O utfitters

    JBlfl-GIVES-'"ENCOUMGn a l ,

    - - S E i f i l lB oise lv iinU t« r S o u n d s O plim ist!'

    iii iiy Notatl«nal MN>loni {'onfi-rrnrr •trlcl. ] i„ „ , |„ n n l l>|l>Ir .lu d y t “ I'lirM ̂ nnd llnninn Itrlalluiis,'’ IIoi.

    “ »• 11. llobcrLn.Joint incfllnir . »Hh « ‘iinn-u'i

    Sjiiudlcul MN.Ionnry Sorioly • to dinrn-ca Ihc Kva i'm lif I 'a r.

    *! l»n ,MrniorliiL t anil >;ifrlliin of Hjncidlriil Kuiirrla- »e nil load rn l of nnlionnl inU^luni

    nnd aHs|.lanls.“ ' K lr tllrn hf member* o f Tdiilio

    . UuUQ-JIUnlutLt .I'ouucIL / i i ' “ - . Artcltr>i>ci - T l i e - f u l l u t A'liiti'-

    h'li." lto». l-nni li. .Slru'n>.10 ro- __ ___

    ______ 1___ ili» -..i lu lrd V Scrjuua.______9:ctit poniilhlc cdui-n i ' n U ' ■̂“hal MilvaalaKon for thc boy_ j _ . .a nd . c lr ln. , , — ...

    I hollovii lhal I lo monl Im piiriant iiliink In lho plutfori

    " ^ “ i of niy Jinny Is 011* ono demand . InK lha t lho i,II. . — -

    I:11|;N. Oc.l. / u - ’Uu: clcmocrallo mi' '- ly-Tinii-iicioi a;^ c ''tiiiiK ' 'wTin i;rg :n )

    . niiondccl. Jo-i II, Duy prcntdcd. am .laliculuci'd llio ap