Twinning Agreements, a decentralized international cooperation tool towards the strengthening of the south-south cooperation

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    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 71 - 82


    The consistent social behavior in the media conglomerate: The Cases of Walt Disney Company, TimeWarner, News Corporaon, Viacom and Prisa Group

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2011. El discurso de la RSC en los medios

    de comunicacin social 2009. hp://

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    Viacom, 2011.Corporate Responsibility.hp://

    corpresponsibility/Pages /default.aspx. Accessed 28/10/11.

    Viars A, Mnica, 2009. El discurso de la rsc en los medios de comunicacin

    social. Revista de Comunicacin Vivat Academia. hp://

    vivataca/inicio_va.htm. Accessedon 31/10/11.

    Walt Disney Company, 2011. Cizenship hp://

    cizenship/ awards.html Accessed on 29/10/11.

    Revista de NegociosInternacionales

    2012Vol. 5 N 1

    DEPARTAMENTO DE Negocios Internacionales

    Juliana Aldana Diaz

    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengthening of the south-sou

    cooperaon: The current case of Anoquia (Colombia) and the provinces of Jalisco (Mexico) and Minas Gerais (B

    Revista de Negocios Internacionales. Vol. 5 N 1 - Enero - Junio de 2012 - Pp. 83 - 101

    ISSN: 2027-2340

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon


    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101



    FECHADERECIBIDO: 30/11/2011

    FECHADEACEPTADO: 20/01/2012

    Twinning Agreements, adecentralized internationalcooperation tool towardsthe strengthening of thesouth-south cooperation:The current case of Antioquia(Colombia) and the provinces of Jalisco(Mexico) and Minas Gerais (Brazil).1


    Transformation of the approaches to international cooperation, variations in

    local traditional management and different process of internationalization of

    cities and regions have given rise to the concept of twinning agreements or

    sister cities. These accessible mechanisms of local entities for international

    participation and engagement have modified the structure of global relations

    between regions leaving as a consequence, the addressing of local challenges

    from its international dimension. This study considers the perspective of

    twinning agreements as elements responding of current trends of decentralized

    cooperation. Indeed, the present research is based on the analysis of three

    provinces Antioquia (Colombia), Minas Gerais (Brazil) and Jalisco (Mexico)

    1 For the selecon of the provinces, the criteria were based primarily on the current situ-

    aon at Direccin de Internacionalizacin (Direcon of Internaonalizaon) where the processes re-

    garding internaonal cooperaon are run within the Government of Anoquia. Thus, the provinces of

    Jalisco and Minas Gerais were selected according to their formal expression of interest on the estab-

    lishment of cooperaon agreements with Departamento de Anoquia since 2010, as well as on the

    future benet results for Anoquia, aer previous meengs held with representaves of both regions.

    2 Maria Juliana Aldana Daz trabaja desde Octubre 2011 en Telefnica Movistar en Mxico.

    Anterior a esto fue consultora en el Centro para la Innovacin, Consultora y Empresarismo (CICE) de

    la Universidad EAFIT, y durante el ao 2010 fue praccante en la Direccin de Internacionalizacin de

    la Secretara de Producvidad y Compevidad de la Gobernacin de Anoquia. Correo electrnico:

    [email protected]

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    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon

    regarding the existing awareness of the Brazilian and the Mexican province to

    establish cooperation ties with Medelln (and Antioquia).

    ResumenLa transformacin de los enfoques de la cooperacin internacional, y las variaciones

    en el manejo tradicional del proceso de internacionalizacin de ciudades y regiones

    han dado origen al concepto de acuerdos de hermanamiento o de ciudades

    gemelas. Estos mecanismos permiten acceso a endades locales a la parcipacin

    internacional, y a raz de este compromiso han modicado la estructura de las

    relaciones globales entre las regiones. Esto supone un direccionamiento de los

    problemas locales y su dimensin internacional. En este estudio se considera el

    punto de vista de los acuerdos de hermanamiento, como elementos que responden

    a las tendencias actuales de la cooperacin descentralizada. En efecto, la presente

    invesgacin se basa en el anlisis de las tres provincias de Anoquia (Colombia),

    Minas Gerais (Brasil) y Jalisco (Mxico) .

    Key words:

    Internaonalizaon of cies, Twinning agreements, Sister cies, Colombia,

    Medellin, Anoquia, Mina Gerais, Jalisco.

    Palabras clave

    Internacionalizacin de ciudades, acuerdos de ciudades gemelas, hermanamiento

    de ciudades, Medelln, Anoquia, Jalisco, Mina Gerais


    Internaonal interacons, in where States and mulnaonal corporaons used

    to take the most relevant roles, have been deeply pressured and modied by the

    acons taken by regions and territories within a globalizaon framework that

    have seen the importance of having direct internaonal connecons with their

    similar enes worldwide.

    Certainly, the phenomenon of globalization emphasized the importance of in-

    ternational linkages and raised new relations between international and do-

    mestic processes.

    Therefore the cies, a major nodes of relaons, exchanges and producon, be -

    come the places where the globalized and developed economies are seled(Jordan

    &Simioni, 1998) (Huerto Romero, 2004:231). Thus, global scenarios facilitang

    cooperaon networks between sub-naonal enes are becoming the perfect

    spaces for the promoon of regional development.

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    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon

    inserted into global economic networks, due to two main facts; rst the necessity

    to ensure compeveness and producvity, and second, their obligaon to address

    serious problems of socio-economic polarizaon and environmental sustainability.

    Moreover, nowadays it is not only an internaonal exchange what modies states

    interacons, the increased complexity of internaonal relaons has led to the

    emergence of new and more plural actors, to the widespread of democrac and

    decentralizaon processes around the world, to the revival of polical and social

    dynamics at the territorial level, and to the development of new insights regarding

    development. The laer, Huerto Romero (2004) states, permied the redenion

    of the classic approach to internaonal cooperaon, and in consequence,

    decentralized cooperaon started to be taken as the new way to manifest this

    changed in cooperaon and transference of knowledge trend. These regional or

    cross-border exchanges, oen, are powerful vectors for cultural dialogue, stability

    and peace and for regional integraon at local levels.

    This scenario of decentralized resources coming into the sub-naonal territories,

    municipalies and other instuons and local and internaonal organizaons play

    a signicant and more independent role, in fact as Beltrn (2007) assumes the

    rst thing that maers is that large cies (at least the main cies of a country) are

    actors in the global economy.Hence, a specic category of horizontal decentralized

    cooperaon is formed in which sub-naonal units interact with each other. In that

    sense, it is vital for local development, to give to those municipalies and territorial

    enes the capability to assume the role of managing the scopes and means for

    its development through internaonal cooperaon. Meaning, it is necessary that

    naonal governments and instuons promote the empowerment of local units

    of their single processes of development and growth. As stated by Accion Social

    (2010), the Colombian Agency for Internaonal Cooperaon, it is imperave to

    word towards the strengthening of the capacies of local and naonal actors to

    organize the demand of the territories and implement aterritorial approach to

    achieve the principles of eecve cooperaon.

    Within this perspecve of decentralized cooperaon, twinning agreements

    emerge as a tool of supporng and enhancing municipal necessies and engaging

    internaonal sub-units. The laer as twinning agreements foster internaonal

    interacons through direct mechanisms that, although do not involve transference

    of capital resources, it paves the path to the creaon of networks of strong cies

    making clear local common necessies at a naonal and internaonal.

    In the other hand, however, according to the European Think Tank FRIDE 2008,

    decentralized internaonal cooperaon has its own limitaons, such as dispersion

    in the form of mulplicaon of small eorts, the proliferaon of small projects,

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    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon


    The processes of democrazaon, decentralizaon and structural reform within

    countries, coupled with the phenomenon of globalizaon, have generated an

    increment in the internaonal interacon moving towards to a phenomenon in

    which sub-naonal units have acquired their own parcipaon in the internaonal

    arena with their peers in other countries, and they are building new scenarios for

    naonal and local development (Ruiz Alans, 2009). As in the present analyzed

    case, regional provinces now are willing to take advantage of internaonal

    possibilies and want to learn and be beneted by internaonal good case

    pracces and resources. In that sense, interacons are growing as necessies

    become even more complex and the resources more scarcely. Decentralized

    cooperaon, in turn, is only a mechanism available for those provinces and

    territories that, from a public strategy, dened an internaonalizaon process

    coherent with their situaon and specic requirements.

    Decentralized cooperaon began in the aerwards of World War II mainly in

    the form of twinning agreements. As the situaon demanded, the main issues

    involved on the agreements were aimed at building bridges of understanding

    and condence between peoples of naons which had been at war (UNPAD,

    2008), based on the primarily necessity of avoiding a new global confrontaon.

    It was only unl the rst African Conference on Global Intercommunal,

    Cooperaon held in Senegal, in 1964, that twinning agreements were actually

    recognized as instruments for fostering internaonal decentralized cooperaon.

    Since then, decentralized ocial cooperaon was dened as a form of local

    interests and expectaons projecon, which may have a polical, economic

    or social background, regarding parcular situaons of a given sub-naonal

    territory (Ruz Alanis, 2009).

    Currently the objecves of decentralized cooperaon are broader than

    the tradional twinning agreements for avoiding conicts. Issues such as

    community development - with a focus on meeng basic needs, municipal

    capacity development, and social awareness- and educaon for development,

    are on the current agenda for most of the developing naons of Lan America.

    As a result, decentralized cooperaon became a modern vehicle (or even, in

    some cases, an extra tool) for regional governments to achieve internaonal

    compeveness as it allows the territories to address specic needs for the

    improvement of the welfare of the populaon and the promoon of economic

    and social development.

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon


    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Moreover, decentralized cooperaon is nowadays considered as one of the key

    strategies for achieving the Millennium Development Goals3, thus, it is seen as a

    tool for creang mutually rewarding cooperaon es that can foster sustainable

    development not only as a North-South relaon, but also south-south cooperaon

    links between developing countries worldwide. The laer is conrmed by the

    Internaonal Cooperaon and Investment Agency of Medellin (ACI), which recognizes

    that decentralized Cooperaon is set on two basic lines of acon: promong the

    best and increased ecient human and sustainable local development, and applying

    the most creave forms of parcipave and direct local democracy.

    Twinning Agreements: A decentralized

    cooperation tool

    The XXVI General Assembly of the United Naons in 1971 addressed the subject

    of The Twining of cies as a means of internaonal cooperaon on the

    Resoluon 2861. This resoluon stated that twinning cooperaon mechanism

    represented exceponal value, because it put in contact between countries, not

    just local leaders, but enre populaons. Besides, the document stressed that

    internaonal cooperaon of local communies can play an important role in the

    union of peoples. As a result it considered world inter-municipal cooperaon as

    regular complement to the cooperaon between states (Secretary of Mexican

    External Relaons).

    According to the exisng literature, twinning agreements are not precisely

    documents but situaons in which sub-naonal units, either region, provinces or

    cies, interact at the internaonal level in order to exchange experiences that

    improve their internaonal inseron and their access to dierent sources of

    global resources. Twinning is basically a tool used by regions in order to address

    their specic and unique necessies through internaonal mechanisms.

    As twining agreements are derived of specic local interests, it remarkable to note

    that above that twinning also responds to dierent movaons speaking of the

    desirable region to have a twinning with. According to Luna and Ballesteros (2005)

    research on twinning agreements of Mexican regional units, there are four (4)

    main movaons that produce the constuon of twinning agreements, however

    as these categories included comprehensive reasons to establish this internaonal

    3 The Millennium Development goals are the main focus on the internaonal cooperaon

    funds and projects worldwide. Among other targets, the Millennium Development Goals aims at pro-

    mong commitment to good governance, development, and poverty reducon through partnerships

    and collaboraon.

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    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon

    agreement, they are taken into account for the present research. In that way,

    historical movaons arise when twinning regions have past bonding es, as in the

    case of many agreements between Lan American regions with Spanish regions.

    Social movaons appear when regions have a common community phenomenon

    they prefer to address together in order to prove some benet for both territories,

    as the case of the cooperaon of Colombian regions and Mexican States to address

    violence and conict consequences. Addionally, economic movaons are those

    that come when regions engage twinning to have commercial networks that are

    necessary to improve the territories, like the case of Minas Gerais and its twinning

    agreements with provinces of Argenna that allow it to improve commercial es.

    And nally, convenience strategic movaons are those that arise when regions

    or cies are twinned as a need to establish cooperaon mechanisms of various

    kinds, as a clear example are the twinning agreements of both Jalisco and Minas

    Gerais with Asian regions and developed countries from which they have access

    to up-to-date technology and to a potenal market.

    The importance of these movaons for the present research is basically of

    its strategic linkage with its use, as these are reasons to establish a twinning

    agreement that can strengthen and facilitate the process of interacon with other

    region. Moreover, as the following descripon noce, both Jalisco and Minas

    Gerais, have clearly dened the objecves of their twinning agreements and

    although it is not clear that they have established a specic set of movaons, it is

    clear that they select the twin region not by chance but aer a process of analysis

    and strategy set up.

    Twinning Agreements in the selected provinces

    Due to the nature of Gobernacion de Anoquia in Colombia as a public enty and

    also the counterpares of Jalisco and Minas Gerais, the main concept regarding

    internaonal cooperaon will be Public Decentralized Cooperaon, which is

    dened by the Decentralized Cooperaon Observatory for European Union

    and Lan America, the set of internaonal cooperaon acons that perform

    or promote local and regional governments. In fact, as the present research

    involves the analysis of the three provinces, then be submied a descripon of

    the situaon of twinning agreements in Anoquia, Jalisco and Minas Gerais in

    order to get the general view of each province.

    Antioquia (Colombia)

    For over a decade, polical, economic and social issues have allowed Medellin

    and Anoquia to move forward within the context of internaonal cooperaon

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon


    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    and, according to the ACI, to be an acve region within the Naonal System of

    Cooperaon4. Indeed, the historical condions of armed conict and violence

    in the region have pushed the entering ows of resources that have allow to

    develop parallel projects of educaon and poverty migaon in the territory. Yet,

    as the necessies of the region become more complex, eecve coordinaon,

    guidance, monitoring of the actors and intervenon strategies are required to be

    modernized and adjusted more frequently.

    According to an interview made to the current Director of Internaonalizaon and

    the literature review, Anoquia does not have any twinning agreement with a similar

    hierarchy internaonal territory. Nonetheless, some municipalies of Anoquia

    have established internaonal cooperaon es with their internaonal pairs.

    Table 1 shows some of the current internaonal agreements signed

    by municipalies of Anoquia.





    MedellinThe DominicanRepublic

    Transparencyin municipalmanagement, socialplanning, tourism andenvironment.


    BelloSan Nicols de losGarza, Mexico

    Promoon of trade,

    investment, industrydevelopment andtourism.




    Santa Fe deAnoquia

    Trujillo, SpainPromoon of cultural


    Medellin Bilbao, Spain Strategic urban planning. June 1998

    Santa Fe deAnoquia

    Cadiz, Spain Promoon of cultureNotavailable

    Guatape San Juan delPuerto,Spain

    Promoon of tourism, localmanagement


    MedellinFort Lauderdale,United States

    Not available 1961

    4 The system aims to provide a comprehensive and permanent dialogue among government

    enes at the naonal and local sources of cooperaon and social organizaons, promong decentral-

    izaon and the development of informaon channels of double track.

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    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon

    In fact, the informaon regarding twinning agreements of the dierent

    municipalies in Anoquia is neither organized nor complete on any of the

    governmental web sources (at the regional or local level). Hence, the gathered

    informaon was not easy to compile and in comparison to the other provinces

    involved, this is an enormous disadvantage not having a clear awareness

    of internaonal cooperaon acvies related to twinning agreements over

    the whole territory; not only for technical purposes of accountability for the

    key performance indicators5 (KPIs) but also for taking advantage of all the

    opportunies coming from twinning agreements such as exchange of good

    pracces, increase of investment, internaonal recognion, among others.

    Nevertheless, it is important to have clear that this situaon does not mean

    Gobernacin de Anoquia has any relaon with internaonal counterparts,

    because also as an outcome of the present research, there are a considerable

    number of projects within the territory that are executed with internaonal

    cooperaon resources coming mainly from mullateral organizaons, such as

    United Naons, World Bank and Interamerican Development Bank in elds like

    poverty alleviaon, food safety, childhood, among others.

    On the other hand, aer the vericaon of the current twinning agreements of

    Gobernacion de Anoquia, another issue is revealed: Medellin is the municipality

    that has the highest number of twinning agreements in the region. Hence, the

    capital city of Anoquia is evidently more posioned at the internaonal level and

    even more recognized on the internaonal cooperaon eld than Anoquia; the

    laer is shown in the number of internaonal events held in Medellin, the number

    of internaonal commiees coming to the city, the number of internaonal

    networks that the city belongs and likewise the naonal recognion of Medellins

    acvies and instuons (ACI) for the promoon of the internaonal cooperaon6.

    Jalisco (Mexico)

    The State of Jalisco has strengthened its internaonal posion through eleven

    twinning agreements and three cooperaon agreements with various key states,

    provinces, regions or countries for the development of the Jaliscos society.

    5 Key performance indicators help an organizaon dene and measure progress toward or-

    ganizaonal goals, in the case of Departamento de Anoquia, KPIs are seled on the Development

    Plan of each 4-year governmental period and must be accomplished and registered on the integrated

    quality system for public access OMEGA.

    6 As a clear example, Medellin will be the home of the IV Meeng of Decentralized Coopera-

    on of Accion Social, from 14 to 15 April 2010.

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon


    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Addionally an important fact to be noced is that Jalisco is the Mexican State

    which has the highest number of internaonal cooperaon agreements.

    According to ocial informaon gather from the Government of Jalisco webpage,

    there are four main categories in which Jaliscos twinning agreements are based:

    Economy - Environment - Culture - Urban Planning Health.

    Research and Training in IT - Informaon Technology - Rural Development.

    Business Cooperaon - Regional Development - Educaon Tourism.

    Family Development and Women - Historical Heritage -

    municipal Development.

    Jalisco, in turn has established twinning agreements for historical, economic and

    convenience movaons as the laer categories evidence. In that sense, Jalisco

    has strategically used this decentralized cooperaon tool as a means of strengthen

    its internaonal visibility and its internal development.

    Certainly, the level of internaonal posioning of the Mexican province of Jalisco is

    remarkable, not only by the fact of spreading its internaonal connecons around

    the world (only 34% of the total twinning agreements are seled with Lan

    American countries) but also the informaon is clearly idened and classied,

    which permits a higher level of accountability and control.

    Table 2 describes the type of agreements signed by the Province of


    Source: Secretary of External Relaons of Mexico 2010.

    Jalisco, between the three selected provinces, is the region that has the highest

    number of twinning agreements. Certainly, this fact responds not only to an

    internaonalizaon regional strategy but to a public policy regarding twinning

    in Mexico which is executed through the Mexican Program of Sister Cies and

    Decentralized Internaonal Cooperaon. This naonal strategy under the

    umbrella of the Law on Treaes Celebraons, aims to frame the inter-instuonal

    agreements of Mexican provinces with other internaonal provinces or agencies.


    HermanamientosConvenios que no son


    Estatal 8 54 62

    Municipal 24 4 28

    Totales 32 58 90

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon

    Minas Gerais (Brazil)

    For the government of Minas Gerais, Sister Provinces are considered those that

    establish agreements with the State of Minas Geraisdetermining the common

    desire to expand and develop fraternal cooperaon. Those agreements are

    based on the principles of quality and mutual benet, both should promote

    friendly exchanges and trade contacts between their respecve peoples, and

    develop cooperaon in the areas of science and technology, sports, culture,

    public health and educaon (Secretary of Economic Development of Minas Gerais


    Table 3 describes the main components of the twinning agree-

    ments of Minas Gerais

    Source: Government of Minas Gerais, Secretary of Economic Development, Internaonal Relaons.

    From the gathered informaon, it is relevant to bear in mind that Minas Gerais has

    established twinning agreements with key countries around the world, responding

    to economic and convenience movaons and also with neighbor partner as the

    province of Cordoba in Argenna that could be related to strategic movaons as

    it are located in one of the most important trading partners for Brazilian products.

    Finally, subsequently of reviewing the gathered informaon, two main facts were

    acknowledged that exercise a direct inuence over the impact of internaonal

    cooperaon within the region. First, it is necessary to promote a culture of



    Jiangsu, ChinaScience, technology, electronics industry, biotechnology, agro-business.



    JapanElectricity, agro-food industry, environment, mining, computer

    science, training.1973

    Quebec, CanadaEconomic, scienc, technological and training, internaonal

    compeveness, industrial cooperaon projects, technology.1996


    Environmental sectors and foreign trade, management of water

    resources, mining sector and trade in iron ore and derivaves.2003


    Environmental sectors and foreign trade, management of waterresources, mining sector and trade in iron ore and derivaves.


    Piedmont, Italy Strengthening internaonal compeveness. 1993

    Daegu, SouthKorea

    Strengthening es with acvies and iniaves in the planning



    GermanyStrengthening es with acvies and iniaves in the planning


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    internaonal cooperaon that fosters a sense of responsibility in local development,

    consistently responding to global changes and to the basic element of sustainable

    development within the region. And second, management of cooperaon of local

    governments and instuons shall be strengthen, understanding the cooperaon

    as an integral and parcipatory process and not as an isolated instuonal eort,

    in order to assure an outcome with a greater impact, more ecient and with a

    higher level of compliance with common regional goals.


    Having in mind that the new trends aroused from internaonal organizaons

    pung decentralizaon of local governments as the main responsible for

    generang development, as the municipal level represents the basic cell because

    it is the polical and administrave eld closest to the demands of the community

    (Ruz, 2009), the approximaon of the new role of cies in the juridical naonal

    and internaonal scenario is seled and modied according to the trends of

    cooperaon and integraon networks, creang triangular relaons between

    the world, the States and the Cies (Beltrn, 2007). However, Departamento de

    Anoquia is not currently a complete engaged unit to the internaonal system

    as the eorts made to achieve this objecve have not been strong enough to

    guarantee an internaonal addressing of local needs. This is contrasted to the

    situaon in Jalisco, which is the Mexican state with the highest number of twinning

    agreements, and in Minas Gerais that has twinning agreements with important

    and developed cies around the world.

    One important issue regarding the present research was the fact that the

    evaluated twinning agreements were proposed by the foreign provinces,

    Jalisco and Minas Gerais, showing a clear lack of interest from Gobernacin de

    Anoquia to strengthen its internaonalizaon process through the promoon

    of the process of twinning regions. Moreover, it is relevant to bear in mind that

    the Direcon of Internaonalizaon of Gobernacin de Anoquia was also

    created unl 2008, meaning that it has only two years of working me that have

    not been enough for the delimitaon of the priories of Anoquia regarding

    internaonalizaon or cooperaon.

    In order to address beer the local concerns, it is imperave to establish Country

    Direcves to develop twinning agreements within the subnaonal units; this

    allow each province to have guides and direcons when iniang internaonal

    relaons. Owing to the number and quality of twinning agreements of Minas

    Gerais and Jalisco, we can state that decentralized cooperaon has become a

    state-province policy rather than a governmental policy, the laer is not present

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon

    at Gobernacin de Anoquia in which the reality decentralized cooperaon has

    not acquire the level of importance for development that it embraces.

    Professionalizaon as one of the main requirements for an adequate process of

    internaonalizaon through decentralized cooperaon iniaves has emerged

    aer the analysis of the cases of Minas Gerais and Jalisco, where there are specic

    units and people in charge of development cooperaon strategies for the territorys

    development. In the case of Anoquia, there is not such enty at the regional

    level; nevertheless, Medellin, the capital city, does count on the ACI, which is the

    agency that has promoted since a decade ago cooperaon, internaonalizaon

    and investment for the city.

    Addionally, although not explicit present in the literature review, the conformaon of

    networks for the applicaon, promoon and disseminaon of pracces of decentralized

    cooperaon is a key element regarding the internaonal posioning of the involved

    enes. In Anoquia, the case of la Red Anoquea de CooperacinInternacional

    (created in 2000), has been used to this purpose acng as a regional strategy of

    networking of public, private and academic instuons inuenced radically by the

    recognion of various civil society stakeholders as partners in policy formaon at local,

    naonal, regional and global level and aimed at the strengthening of local capacies

    for decentralized cooperaon. Nonetheless, the role of Gobernacin de Anoquia

    within this network has not been pernent as the guidance has been taken by the ACI,

    the laer reects, once again, the leadership of decentralized cooperaon has not

    been in hand of the regional authority but the local.

    Currently there are three main dicules of the process internaonal cooperaon

    instuonalizaon in the region: the poor coordinaon among the diverse actors

    managing internaonal cooperaon within the territory, the lack of denion

    of the key priories of the regionand the lack informaon and apprehension of

    the contents associated to instuonal requirements, policies and process of

    cooperaon have let an outcome of disarculaon and mulplicaon of the same

    acvies towards dierent objecves. This is translated into ineciency in the use

    of capital and human resources.

    However, and although it is not an iniave under the leadership of Gobernacion

    de Anoquia, it is relevant to menon that currently Medellin, headed by the ACI,

    is in charge of the design of the Public Regional Internaonal Cooperaon Policy

    for Anoquia. Under this approach, the construcon of agendas of cooperaon

    with joint and share visions has been jused. Nevertheless, as a public policy

    from Medellin with a Regional Approach it should integrate and strengthen

    partnerships and inclusion of new local actors capable of meeng the challenge of

    globalizaon through eecve mechanisms.

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon


    Vol. 5 N 1. Pp. 83 - 101


    Regarding the research queson the main impact for Gobernacin de Anoquia,

    aer the process of informaon compilaon and analysis, it is not precisely

    reected in the future outcome arising from these agreements but in the

    possibility of establishing mature and strong internaonal relaons for the rst

    me and to posion Anoquia as a regional core for decentralized cooperaon.

    The laer, due to the fact that Gobernacin de Anoquia has established

    dierent internaonal connecons and associaons to the implementaon of

    projects and iniaves, however, it has not yet established concrete relaons

    with an internaonal peer. Therefore, the impact is basically the beginning of a

    coherent and serious progression of internaonalizaon with two provinces that

    belong to the biggest countries of Lan America. Meaning that it is the perfect

    scenario for Anoquia regarding internaonalizaon through decentralized

    cooperaon as it would start with two relevant partners and would be based on

    strategic issues for the 3 regions.


    The success of twinning agreements iniaves have not been a sporadic

    phenomenon: they have become an instrument of cohesion and internaonal

    exchange which keeps demonstrang enormous advantage through decades.

    Aer the realizaon of the present research it was clear the necessity of an

    increase of internaonal networking for Anoquia if development is a core goal.

    In fact, the current trends of internaonal cooperaon, reducon of cooperaon

    resources, new actors and modalies, focus of the eecveness of aid, increasing

    role of the private sector and the civil society, search for coherence between

    commerce, investment, cooperaon and debt (Accion Social), demand a more

    proper approach from the coming Governor of Anoquia7that tackles not only

    the specic necessies of the territory but also that build capabilies in order that

    those necessies are beer addressed. Indeed, the next approach shall be dened

    working closely with the enes in charge of the territorial development such as

    the IDEA (Instuto para el Desarrollo de Anoquia) and ADRA (Agencia para el

    Desarrollo Regional de Anoquia) in order to dene key sectors and priories and

    to arculate eorts towards the same objecves.

    Moreover, recognizing internaonal decentralized cooperaon as an eecve

    means of capacity building, sustainable alleviaon of poverty and human

    development, one of the challenges of Gobernacin de Anoquia is to contribute

    7 This year ends the current governmental period of the Governor Luis Alfredo Ramos

    Botero. Next period will be from 2012 to 2015.

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    Twinning Agreements, a decentralized internaonal cooperaon tool towards the strengtheningof the south-south cooperaon

    to the strengthening of local structures in areas such as local management,

    urban governance, cizen parcipaon, among others, in order to get a broader

    experience regarding decentralized cooperaon apprehension and to take

    advantage of internaonal opportunies for local realies.

    For the improvement of the access to internaonal resources through decentralized

    cooperaon and twinning agreements, Gobernacin de Anoquia must strengthen

    the strategic and normave aspect regarding internaonal cooperaon, meaning

    the necessity of establishing a framework for acon and development of

    cooperaon mechanisms. Furthermore, it is essenal to arculate polical and

    social will in order to coordinate social concerns with polical capacies on the

    design of a clear a coherent cooperaon policy.

    The present research permits the recognion of decentralised cooperaon as a

    means of allowing local actors to gain internaonal or cross-border experience on

    the basis of exchanges between individuals and same-level authories. Indeed,

    it makes a clear point in the fact that training of local sta, parcularly in project

    management, is crucial. Moreover, it also makes evident that decentralized

    cooperaon enables a more parcipatory development policy, taking into account

    the needs and iniaves of people and facilitang the enhancement of cizen

    parcipaon in policies that aect them. Consequently, the strengthening of

    local capacies, parcularly that of local authories, must be conceived as a

    democrazing process promong the acve involvement of civil society and local

    populaons and consolidaon of the accountability processes and recepveness

    of local authories concerned,

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