H e wasn’ t t he proverbial 98- pound weakling who had sand kicked in his f ace by a musclebound bully. But Tye Babb admi ts he did take his f air share of name-call- inginj unio r high s choo l for being somewhat of a nerd. I was a brainy ki d I got good grades, the 34-year-old Edmon- tonian recalls, adding it didn’ t hel p matters t hat he was also shy and prone to teary outbursts. I was quieter.  And  I’m an emotional person. So if  t he t ears start flowing, then its an easy target.” Bab b, a little reluctant to dis- cuss inany great detail  t he v erbal cruelty he sufferedmore t han 20 years ago, expl ains t hat his peers turned on him af ter elementary school. For them to fit in and look cooler (i n junior high) , they ended up pi ckin g onme,he says. My name’ s Tye.  You can make anything rhyme with Tye.” However, that all  changed once  Babb adopted a  more  ac- tive lifestyle. In grades 8 and 9, at t he ur ging of a f riend, he took up volleyball and basketball , whi ch he s ays put himin with t he cool crowd” and spurred his s ocial development. And a  f unny t hing happened along the way – he fell in love with sports and fitness. While in college, Babb would go on to compete in the discus and javeli n events at t he1997 na- tional track and fiel d champion- ships. These days, the six-foot-two 210-pounder, who credi ts hi s high school basketball coach with in- troducinghim t o weight t raining, works f ull-time  as a  personal trainer. In f act,  his company  Target Your Energy is the exclusive provide r ofpersonal t raining ser- vices at YMCA locations across Edmonton. With up t o four other personal trainers working under his su- pervision, Bab b keeps u p a hectic schedule. A graduate of  t he University of Alberta with degrees in psychol- ogy and physical education,  he also off ers a  12-week fitness course through Metro  Continu- ing Education. A couple of  years ago, Babb evenlent hi s expert ise t o t he Life Channe l for a few epi- sodes of Taking it O  ff  , a reality TV show that followed t heget-fi t ex- ploits of  several hu- man guinea pigs. But with  all the time he spends inside the gym training c li- ents, Babb prefers to pursue activities out- side the gym for the lion’s s hareofhis own physical regimen. I don’t necessarily enjoy running on  a treadmil l or spending my time on  a cross- trainer or in t he gym doing traditional weights,he  a dmits, explaining he has a psychological need to get away f rom work whenhe’ s not working. Babb,a lso abig f an of Pilates, says heonly works out in t he gym f rom one to three times a week, usually about an hour each ses- sion. The rest of  the time he keeps active through a variety of pur- suits,  including squash, soccer, cycling, ultimate Frisbee, beach volleyball andindoo r v olleyball. I really try to st ay as active as I can,” he s ays.“You don’t have t o go t o a gym t o get in shape or st ay in shape. There’ s a lot of  things you can do otherwise.” Thats honest advice f rom someone who makes his living in the gym. Babb, who bases his balanced diet on C anadas Food  Guide, takes a level-headed approach to keeping fit. Fitness,  he explains,  is about feeling good, rather than attain- ing washboard abs and bulging biceps. For me,  i ts not about body beautif ul or looking like a super model,  its really about the per- soninside,he says ofhis attain- able fitness lifestyle. Anybody can  accomplish whatever they want to do if  they put t hei r mind t o it and maintain thei r focus for a period of  time. And because sport and being active  changed my life, I think that it can changeother people’s lives, too.” If only those bullies who ver- bally harassed Babb more than two decades ago could see him now.   D o  y o u h a v e  a n in s pi r a t ion a l  st o ry fo r K eeping  F  i t ?  E - Ma il  Ca ry Ca st a  gn a a t cca st a  gn a@ edm su n.c om EDITOR:  S a ll y J o h n s t o n  PHONE:  4 6 8 - 0 115  FAX:  4 6 8 - 0 1 3 9  E - MAIL: s john s t o n @e dm s u n. c o m T H E E D M O N T O N S U N •  T hur s da y , J une  2 2,  2006  lifes ty l e  7 3 CARY CASTAGNA  T h e  y s h o u l d  s ee him no w O ne- t ime  t a r ge t of  s c hool y a r d  t e a s ing i s no w a  fi t ne ss p r o Personal fitness trainer Tye Babb does a cable pressout, above, and works with an exercise ball,  lef t, at the south-side YMCA at 1975 111 St.  Getting into sports and fitness totally changed his life.  RYAN JACKSON, Special to the Sun

Tye Babb, Keeping Fit, Sun Media (June 22, 2006)

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He wasn’t the proverbial 98-pound weakling who hadsand kicked in his f ace by

a musclebound bully.But Tye  Babb admits he did

take his f air share of name-call-inginjunior high school for beingsomewhat of a nerd.

“I was a brainy kid … I got goodgrades,” the 34-year-old Edmon-tonian  recalls, adding it didn’thelp matters that he was also shy

and prone to teary outbursts.“I  was quieter.  A nd   I’m   anemotional person. So if  the tearsstart flowing,  then it’s an easytarget.”

Babb, a little reluctant to dis-cuss in any great detail the verbalcruelty he sufferedmore than 20years ago, explains that his peersturned on him af ter elementaryschool.

“For them  to fit in  and lookcooler (in junior high),  theyended up picking onme,” he says.“My name’s Tye. You can makeanything rhyme with Tye.”

However,  that all   changed

once   Babb adopted  a  more  ac-tive lifestyle.In grades 8 and 9, at the urging

of a f riend, he took up volleyballand basketball, which he saysputhimin with the “cool crowd” andspurred his social development.

And  a  f unny thing happenedalong  the  way – he fell in lovewith sports and fitness.

While in college, Babb wouldgo on  to  compete in  the discusand javelin events at the1997 na-tional track and field champion-ships.

These days,  the  six-foot-two210-pounder, who creditshis high

school basketball coach with in-troducinghim to weight training,works f ull-time   as a   personaltrainer.

In f act,  his company –  TargetYour Energy – is the exclusiveprovider ofpersonal training ser-vices at YMCA  locations acrossEdmonton.

With up to four other personaltrainers working  under his su-pervision, Babb keeps up a hecticschedule.

A graduate of  the Universityof Alberta with degrees in psychol-ogy and physical education,  healso offers a   12-week fitness

course  through  Metro  Continu-

ing Education.A couple of   years ago, Babb

evenlent his expertise to the LifeChannel for a few epi-sodes of Taking itO ff  ,a

reality TV  show thatfollowed theget-fit ex-ploits of   several hu-man guinea pigs.

But with   all  thetime he spends insidethe gym  training  c li-ents, Babb  prefers topursue  activities out-side  the gym for thelion’s shareofhis ownphysical regimen.

“I don’t necessarilyenjoy running on   atreadmill or spendingmy time on   a cross-trainer or in the gym

doing  traditionalweights,” he  a dmits,explaining he has apsychological need toget away f rom  workwhenhe’s not working.

Babb,a lso a big f an of Pilates,saysheonly works out in the gymf rom one to three times a week,usually about an hour each ses-sion.

The rest of  the time he keepsactive through  a variety of pur-suits,  including  squash,  soccer,cycling, ultimate Frisbee, beachvolleyball andindoor volleyball.

“I really try to stay as active as

I can,” he says. “You don’t have togo to a gym to get in shape or stayin shape. There’s a lot of  thingsyou can do otherwise.”

That’s honest advice f romsomeone who makes his living inthe gym.

Babb, who bases his balanceddiet on  C anada’s Food  G uide,takes a  level-headed  approachto keeping fit.

Fitness, he explains, is aboutfeeling good, rather than attain-ing washboard  abs and  bulgingbiceps.

“For me,  it’s not about bodybeautif ul or looking like a super

model, it’s really about the per-soninside,” he says ofhis attain-able fitness lifestyle.

“Anybody can   accomplishwhatever they want to do if  theyput their mind to it and maintaintheir focus for a period of  time.

“And because sport and beingactive  changed my life, I  thinkthat it can change other people’slives, too.”

If only those bullies who ver-bally harassed Babb  more thantwo decades ago  could see himnow.

–  D o  y o u h a v e  a n in s pi r a t ion a l  st o ry fo r 

K eeping  F  i t ?  E - Ma il  Ca ry Ca st a  gn a a t 

cca st a  gn a@ edm su n.c om 

E D I T O R :   S a l l y J o h n s t o n   P H O N E :   4 6 8 - 0 1 1 5   F A X :   4 6 8 -0 1 3 9   E -M A I L : s j o h n s t on @ e dm su n . c om

T H E E D M O N T O N S U N •  T hur sday , June  2 2,  2006   l i fes ty le   73


 The y should see him nowO ne- t ime  t a r ge t of  s c hool y a r d  t e a s ing i s no w a  fi t ne ss p r o 

Personal fitness trainer Tye  Babb  does a cable pressout, above, and works with an exercise  ball,  lef t,

at the south-side YMCA at 1975 111 St.  Getting into sports and fitness totally changed his life.

–  RYAN JACKSON, Special to the Sun