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  • 8/9/2019 UKIPManifesto2010


    UKIP Manifesto

    Empowering the people

    0800 587 6 587

    Straight talking. Vote UKIP

    April 2010

  • 8/9/2019 UKIPManifesto2010


    ForewordIn June 2009, the UK Independence Party(UKIP) beat the ruling Labour Government aswell as the Liberal Democrats in the Europeanelections, the most recent major national vote.UKIP achieved 2.4 million votes and 16.5% othe national vote. The message was clear: UKIPis here to stay.

    UKIP has 12 MEPs, two Lords, and more than100 local councillors spread across the country.Now we are asking the British people to vote inour rst directly elected Westminster MPs.

    While withdrawal rom the European Union

    (EU) political superstate is central to UKIPsmessage, the party has a ull range o policiesthat have helped it grow to become Britainsourth largest political party.

    This maniesto illustrates how withdrawal romthe EU can benet the UK right across thespectrum, rom immigration to crime, tax, jobsand the economy, pensions, public services,and even through to animal welare and PostOces. Few realise just how much the EU nowcontrols and intereres with our day-to-daylives, despite never having obtained permissionto do so rom the British people.

    Europhile propagandists say that 60% o ourtrade and three million British jobs depend onour EU membership. This is untrue. Europeancompanies sell us more than we sell them; weare their largest client. So our trade and jobswould continue i we let the European Union,and we would benet by escaping rom its crip-pling over-regulation.

    Today, a large majority o our national lawis imposed by Brussels (or example, 72% obusiness regulation). All told, there are morethan 120,000 EU directives and regulations in

    orce in the UK. In addition, European Court oJustice verdicts, the EU Arrest Warrant, Europoland the EUs body o law, Corpus Juris, allact to undermine our legal and constitutionalsystem.

    As one o the two largest contributors to theEU budget, Britain now gives 16.4bn grossp.a in cash to Brussels (45m a day). Our net

    contribution amounts to 6.4bn p.a., which willrise to more than 10bn with the loss o our re-bate. Including indirect costs such as red tape,the true cost o the EU to the UK is estimated atup to 120 billion a year.

    The current political elite - the LibLabCon-sensus - need to hide this massive surrendero power rom the voters. They employ tacticssuch as introducing EU laws as obscure statu-tory instruments and regularly deny the realityo who actually runs our country. Some nowroutinely serve EU interests beore those o theirown country.

    Yet the British people are not ooled, and aconsistent majority want to leave the EU. A BBCPolitics Show poll in 2009 showed 55% wantout o the EU. In 2008 an ITV Luton reeren-dum showed 54% wanting to leave. Yet nobodyaged under 54 has had a chance to vote onthis issue. We need a new reerendum on EUmembership. Only UKIP represents the major-ity view.

    Labour and the Liberal Democrats shameullycontrived to break their last maniesto commit-ments and deny the British people a reeren-

    dum on the appalling Lisbon Treaty (in realityan EU constitution), showing utter contempt ordemocracy. The Conservatives were little bet-ter, with their EU Cast Iron Guarantee beingshown to be brittle and worthless.

    UKIP is the only party determined to bringpower and control back to Westminster andthe British people. Only UKIP will enable us togovern in the best interests o the UK.

    It is time or straight talking.

    Lord Pearson o Rannoch

    Party LeaderNigel Farage MEPChie Party Spokesman

    David Campbell Bannerman MEPDeputy Leader and Head o Policy

    Straight talking.2 0800 587 6 587

    IndexIntroduction..................................................The Economy: Tax, Budget & Regulation.........The Economy: Jobs, Enterprise & Skills...........Immigration & Asylum...................................Law & Order/Crime......................................

    Deence........................................................Healthcare & the NHS...................................Education & Training.....................................Pensions.......................................................

    Welare & Social Security..............................Foreign Aairs & International Trade...........Energy & the Environment...........................Transport...................................................Housing & Planning....................................The Constitution & How We Are Governed...Culture & Restoring Britishness....................Food, Farming & the Countryside................Fishing.......................................................Other Specic Policies.................................




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    Time or CommonSense BritainUKIP believes that by leaving the EuropeanUnion Britain will regain three essentialFreedoms.

    Freedom o ActionNo longer will our country have to grovel tothe EU or permission to spend our own moneyto save our Post Oces, car plants or powerstations, or to negotiate our trade deals anddetermine our destiny.

    While we ace serious challenges, the UKsportolio o power is still considerable. Britainis the worlds sixth largest economy, with Lon-don the worlds largest nancial centre. Britainis also a member o the G8 and G20 groupso wealthy nations, the International MonetaryFund, World Bank, World Trade Organisa-tion, the Commonwealth, and NATO as wellas being a nuclear power and one o only vepermanent members o the UN Security Coun-cil. However, many o these global advantagesare threatened by the conficting demands obeing a member o the EU, where the UK now

    has only 9% o deciding votes.

    Freedom o ResourcesThe UK will save an extra 6.4 billion a year innet cash - already raised rom existing UKtaxes - to spend how we wish. Even moremoney will be saved by scrapping EU red tapeon business, which cost 106 billion in 2008and will cost 356 billion by 2018 (accordingto a 2009 estimate rom Open Europe). Wesimply cannot aord to remain in the EU.

    Freedom o the People

    We will no longer be governed by an undemo-cratic and autocratic European Union or ruledby its unelected bureaucrats, commissioners,multiple presidents and judges.

    UKIP will give power back to Westminster andto the people through binding national andlocal reerenda and more eective, locally-elected representatives.

    Britain will be ree to choose a new positivevision or her uture, ree rom the EU straight-jacket.

    The only way to bring about true change andmake a radical, positive, and dramaticdierence to the lives o the British people is or

    voters to support UKIP at this election.These are the common sense policies that willhelp to deliver that true change.

    1 The Economy:Tax, Budget &RegulationBritains economy is being suocated by hightaxation, excessive EU regulation, overgener-ous welare and punitive bureaucracy.

    Meanwhile, the recession has seen theeconomy shrink sizeably. The current tax codeis more than 10,000 pages long and requiresdramatic simplication. There are nearlyeight million people - or one in every our UKworkers - employed in Education, Health andPublic Administration - two million more thanin 1997. Radical reorm is essential. UKIP will:

    Take all minimum wage earners out o tax byraising the tax threshold to 11,500; encour-aging many to work, in tandem with UKIPswelare reorms

    Introduce a fat tax which will make alltaxpayers better o and take a urther4.5 million lower paid workers out o incometax altogether. The fat tax will merge existingincome tax bands and Employees NationalInsurance contributions into a single rate o31%, starting at that 11,500 threshold.Pension income below the higher-rate taxthreshold will stay at 20%

    Stimulate job creation by phasing outEmployers National Insurance (the tax onjobs) over a ve-year period (20% reduction

    p.a.). The revenue will be recouped either asPAYE tax, corporation tax, sales tax revenue, orby the reduced need or State welare Recognise the dangerous levels o nationaldebt and accept there is no alternative tomajor cuts in government spending. We donot accept that service improvements requireever-increasing government expenditure, andbelieve there is substantial waste andineciency that can be eliminated while vitalront line services remain ully protected. UKIP Straight talking. 3

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    also believes profigate government spendingis killing o the productive activity that providestax unds, and that easing the burden will bethe route to revitalising the economy

    Aim to reduce the public sector to the size itwas in 1997, cutting many unnecessaryquangos and non-jobs over ve years. Thegoal is to exchange two million public sectorjobs or one million new skilled jobs in manu-acturing and related services and at least onemillion additional jobs created as a result lowerpersonal taxes and reduced business taxationand regulation

    Cut council tax by scrapping EU laws like thelandll tax that costs every district council anaverage o 3 million p.a., as well as cullingnon-jobs and political correctness

    Replace the EUs Value Added Tax (VAT) witha Local Sales Tax (LST), collected in the sameway, but with a proportion going direct tocouncils so that local authorities raise at leasthal their income rom local taxes

    Normally allow a standard 50% o UniormBusiness Rate (UBR) collected in a local area tobe paid direct to the appropriate local council,with the remaining 50% to be paid centrally

    Abolish Inheritance Tax at the earliest oppor-tunity (once economic conditions allow) as thisis a small tax with major implications or all butthe relatively wealthy

    Stop the tax and welare system penalisingmarried and unmarried couples

    Scrap up to 120,000 EU directives andregulations that impact on the UK economy. In

    particular, UKIP would repeal the orthcomingAIFM Directive that threatens hedge unds inthe City o London, and the Temporary WorkersDirective that threatens Britains fexible econo-my. UKIP would also scrap the EUs proposeddirect taxes and make sure nancial regulationis returned to UK control

    Restore responsibility or overseeing the UKbanking system to the Bank o England (BoE),which must remain independent. Banks willhave to increase minimal capital ratios romthe current 4% to at least 8% o total assets

    Require the BoE to enorce a rigid divisionbetween retail banks and investment banks(where much instability has occurred) based on

    the US Glass-Steagall legislation.Retail banks will be allowed only to takedeposits rom private and commercial custom-ers and advance loans to the same customersup to the limit o their deposits, guaranteed bythe BoE. Investment banks will be ree to raisemoney by bonds and shares, but will not beallowed to be deposit-takers

    Reinstate the banking corset. We will requirebanks and other authorised lenders to makenon-interest bearing deposits at the BoE whenlending beyond approved limits

    Download the ull Tax, Budget & Regulationpolicy rom the Policiessection o

    2 The Economy:Jobs, Enterprise &SkillsThe overarching goal o UKIPs policies onjobs, enterprise and skills is to promote a newvibrant culture o producing goods and theservices related to them. Our policies willcreate more skilled jobs and more innovationwhile eliminating the current massive tradedecit which threatens to cripple our economyand uture prosperity. UKIP will:

    Stimulate private and public investment inBritains manuacturing base. UKIP willgenerate approximately one million new skilledjobs - 500,000 in manuacturing itsel and asimilar number in the supply o materials andservices. The ve planned long-termprogrammes are:

    1) A 10-year enhanced deence equipment

    programme with an additional 4 billion p.a.on top o the currently-budgeted 8 billion p.a.

    2) A 25-year programme o building nuclearpower stations that will provide Britain with50% o its uture electricity demand. This willcost on average o 3.5 billion p.a.

    3) A comprehensive programme o food pro-tection and coastal deences to cost 30 billionover 10 years. Some 25% o this money wouldbe spent on highly-exportable pump valvesand control equipment

    4) A transport investment programme centredon high-speed rail lines, reopened railways,new bypasses, road improvements and port

    The current

    tax code is

    more than10,000 pages

    long and



    Straight talking.4 0800 587 6 587

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    and airport links. The lions share o this invest-ment would go to British-based rms

    5) A prison building programme with aparticular emphasis on modern o-sitemanuacture. This programme will be struc-tured so that British manuacturing rms arewell placed to win a substantial share o thesystems and components work

    Introduce Production Enterprise Centres(PECs) across the UK to support companies inresearch, design, prototyping and marketing.These would provide small and medium-sized

    enterprises with the skills they need to enterdomestic and export markets rom which theyare currently excluded

    Denationalise universities and urthereducation (FE) colleges by replacing thepresent complex systems o grants and loanswith Student Vouchers and Training Vouchersto be issued to every citizen at the age o 18.These vouchers will be paid by the student tothe college or university and equal Basic CashBenet (See Welare & Social Security, below).Individuals will be able to use the vouchers atany time in their adult lie. Universities and FEcolleges will unction as independent charities,responsible only or their curricula and peror-mance, and accountable only to their students

    Abolish costly EU hindrances on businessessuch as carbon cap schemes, emissionstrading, landll taxes and renewable subsidies

    Bring Britain in line with our majorcompetitors by amending the UK TakeoverCode to prevent oreign interests rom gainingcontrol o strategic British companies in sectorssuch as deence and energy

    Download the ull Jobs, Enterprise and Skillspolicy rom the Policies section o

    3 Immigration& AsylumAs a member o the EU, Britain has lost controlo her borders. Some 2.5 million immigrantshave arrived since 1997 and up to one millioneconomic migrants live here illegally. FormerNew Labour sta maintain that this policy hasbeen a deliberate attempt to water down theBritish identity and buy votes. EU and humanrights legislation means we cannot even expel

    oreign criminals i they come rom another EUcountry. This is why immigration control is soessential and overdue. UKIP will:

    End mass, uncontrolled immigration. UKIPcalls or an immediate ve-year reeze onimmigration or permanent settlement. Weaspire to ensuring any uture immigration doesnot exceed 50,000 people p.a.

    Regain control o UK borders. This can onlybe done by leaving the European Union. Entryor work will be on a time-limited work permitonly. Entry or non-work related purposes (e.g.

    holiday or study) will be on a temporary visa.Overstaying will be a criminal oence

    Ensure all EU citizens who came to Britainater 1 January 2004 are treated in the sameway as citizens rom other countries (unlessentitled to Permanent Leave to Remain). Non-UK citizens travelling to or rom the UK willhave their entry and exit recorded. To enorcethis, the number o UK Borders Agency staengaged in controlling immigration will betripled to 30,000

    Ensure that ater the ve-year reeze, anyuture immigration or permanent settlement willbe on a strictly controlled, points-based systemsimilar to Australia, Canada and New Zealand

    Return people ound to be living illegally inthe UK to their country o origin. There canbe no question o an amnesty or illegal im-migrants. Such amnesties merely encourageurther illegal immigration

    Require those living in the UK underPermanent Leave to Remain to abide by alegally binding Undertaking o Residence

    ensuring they respect our laws or acedeportation. Such citizens will not be eligible orbenets. People applying or British citizenshipwill have to have completed a period o notless then ve years as a resident on PermanentLeave to Remain. New citizens should pass acitizenship test and sign a Declaration o BritishCitizenship promising to uphold Britainsdemocratic and tolerant way o lie

    Enorce the existing terms o the 1951 UNConvention on Reugees until Britain replaces itwith an Asylum Act. To avoid disappearances,asylum seekers will be held in secure andhumane centres until applications areprocessed, with limited right to appeal. Thoseseeking asylum must do so in the rst desig-

    As a

    member o

    the EU,Britain has

    lost control o

    her borders Straight talking. 5

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    nated sae country they enter. Existing asylumseekers who have had their application reusedwill be required to leave the country, along withany dependants

    Require all travellers to the UK to obtain avisa rom a British Embassy or High Commis-sion, except where visa waivers have beenagreed with other countries. All non-workpermit visa entrants to the UK will be requiredto take out adequate health insurance (exceptwhere reciprocal arrangements exist). Thosewithout insurance will be reused entry. Certainvisas, such as student visas, will require ace-

    to-ace interviews, and UKIP will crack down onbogus educational establishments

    Repeal the 1998 Human Rights Act andwithdraw rom the European Convention onHuman Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Inuture the British courts will not be allowed toappeal to any international treaty or conven-tion that overrides or sets aside the provisionso any statue passed by the UK Parliament

    Reintroduce The Primary Purpose Rule(abolished by the Labour Government),whereby those marrying or seeking to marry aBritish citizen will have to convince the admit-ting ocer that marriage, not residence, is theirprimary purpose in seeking to enter the UK

    End the active promotion o the doctrine omulticulturalism by local and national govern-ment and all publicly unded bodies

    Download the ull Immigration and Asylumpolicy rom the Policies section o

    4 Law & Order/CrimeUKIP will ensure the British people have agovernment with the will to punish those whothreaten and harm them. We believe victimsrights are more important than the rights andcomort o criminals. It is time to implementorthright law and order policies and to adoptzero tolerance on crime. UKIP will:

    Make the police democratically accountable,by introducing directly-elected County PoliceBoards who can appoint and dismiss ChieConstables. These Boards will ensure the police

    listen to local people when setting policingpriorities rather than blindly ollowing politicallycorrect Home Oce diktats. UKIP demands aserious return to beat policing

    Scrap the misconceived Human Rights Act.This will make Britain saer by removing ob-stacles that prevent the deportation o danger-ous Imams, terror suspects and criminals tocountries where they are wanted or trial. Thispolicy is in line with the UKs current prisonerexchange and extradition treaties. UKIP will alsohalt European moves to give prisoners the vote

    Ensure sentences mean what they say: liemust mean lie

    Double prison places through better use oexisting prisons and a substantial programme

    o new prison building. UKIP will also end thescandal o early releases and weak sentenc-ing. This will cost approximately 2bn p.a. incontrast to the cost o crime, estimated by theHome Oce at 45bn p.a.

    Rebalance the law to protect residents whoseek to deend their own homes, amilies orproperty against intruders

    Introduce a three strikes and youre outpolicy to deal with persistent oenders andmake our streets saer or the public

    Withdraw rom the European Arrest Warrantscheme which allows innocent British citizens tobe summarily extradited, even on oences thatdo not exist in the UK. We will reintroduce theneed to prove the case or extradition beoreBritish judges based on prima acie evidence.UKIP strongly opposes plans or a newEuropean Public Prosecutor

    Allow binding national reerenda on contro-versial public law and order issues that areoutside party politics. The public must have thenal say

    Introduce Boot Camps or young oendersto stop them spiralling into a lie o crime

    Abolish the politically correct and under-per-orming Crown Prosecution Service, returningto local police prosecutions

    Download the ull Law and Order/Crime policyrom the Policies section o

    The rights o


    matter morethan the rights

    and comort

    o criminals

    Straight talking.6 0800 587 6 587

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    5 DeenceOver the years, successive governments havestarved the British armed orces o money.This has meant insucient equipment, over-stretched resources and excessive tours o duty,which can badly damage the abric oamily lie. UKIP has huge regard or ourArmed Forces and the work they do. We areprepared to provide proper deence resourcesand bring an end to devastating cuts. UKIP will:

    Spend an extra 40% on deence annually,

    another 1% o GDP Expand the Army by 25% to 125,000 person-nel and double the size o the Territorial Army

    Restore the Royal Navy to its 2001 strengthwith three new aircrat carriers and nearly 70other ships, at the same time guaranteeing theuture o the Plymouth, Portsmouth and Rosythbases

    Increase RAF capability by buying moreessential helicopters, transport aircrat and 50extra JSF Lightning aircrat

    Restore historic regiments, such as theHighland regiments, which are being sub-sumed into planned European battle groups

    Strengthen our commitment to NATO, whilewithdrawing rom all EU operations

    Reappraise our operations in Aghanistanto create a single, clear and achievablemission or seek to negotiate a withdrawal withour NATO partners

    Maintain Britains independent nucleardeterrent with existing Trident submarines andthen replace them with our British-builtsubmarines armed with US missiles

    Cut MOD bureaucracy, which has one civilservant or every two military personnel

    Introduce better pay, conditions and medicalcare or the British Armed Forces personneland their amilies

    Download the ull Deence policy rom thePolicies section o

    6 Healthcare &the NHSUKIP believes strongly in the principles o theNHS, which should continue to deliver careree at the point o delivery on the basis oneed, not ability to pay. However, we believeNHS management is bureaucratic and waste-ul, and that major reorm is vital to retain andimprove NHS healthcare services. UKIP will:

    Make no cuts in NHS rontline health ser-vices but substantially reduce NHS waste and


    Make the NHS directly and democratically ac-countable. We will introduce new elected CountyHealth Boards. These Boards will be made upprimarily o healthcare proessionals who will beelected by the countys voters every our years inthe manner o local council elections

    Improve NHS management and account-ability, and use NHS unds better, by abolishingoverlapping layers o bureaucracy such as EU-inspired Strategic Health Authorities and Primary

    Care Trusts. Over time, UKIP will replace Hos-pital, Foundation, NHS Care and AmbulanceService Trusts with equivalent ranchises

    Encourage County Health Boards to put outto tender key NHS services ranging rom LongTerm Care to local hospitals and GP surgeries.This will be done by ranchising key services- run on a xed budget - to charitable associa-tions, not-or-prot and prot-making privatecompanies, partnerships and individuals. Thiswill bring in private sector eciency and in-novation, while xed assets, responsibility anddirection remain rmly in public hands

    Improve patient choice by introducing HealthCredit Vouchers, which will enable people toopt out o the NHS public healthcare systementirely i they so wish. UK citizens will apply totheir GP or vouchers that can be paid to theprivate health insurer o their choice

    Put medical sta back at the heart o the NHS,replacing bureaucrats and managers. Franchis-es will require clinically-trained Matrons to runhospitals, taking a dominant role on wards andprimary responsibility or hospital cleanliness

    and the ght against MRSA. On-the-job nursetraining and hospital-based colleges will replacemost university courses

    Major reorm

    is vital to

    retain andimprove NHS


    services Straight talking. 7

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    Re-examine community care and supportcongregate communities or people with learningdisabilities

    Restore ree eye tests and dental check-ups orall UK citizens

    Download the ull Healthcare & the NHS policyrom the Policies section o

    7 Education & TrainingUKIP believes it is the responsibility o the State

    to ensure a quality education is provided or all- regardless o income, age, aptitudes or ability.UKIP recognises that state education simply isntworking, with alling standards, watered down ex-ams, undermining o merit, shortages o skills anddevaluation o graduate qualications. UKIP will:

    Increase parental choice in school educationand make schools more answerable to parentsby oering all parents School Vouchers. Thevouchers will be equivalent to the average cost oState schooling and ollow the child to the schoolo the amilys choice, transerable to State,private or aith schools

    Insist schools teach the three Rs eectively andintroduce simple reading tests at age 7. The threeRs provide young children with the proper oun-dation or their whole school and work careers

    Retain all existing grammar schools andencourage the creation o new grammar schoolsand specialist schools, which will be calledproessional schools. UKIP will not return to apass/ail 11-plus test but introduce a Compre-hensive Test to assess merit across a wide rangeo academic and non-academic abilities includ-

    ing vocational skills, crats and sport. There willbe no return to the stigma o ailing 11-plus

    Replace current teacher training with moreon-the-job training, and insist on higher quali-cations or aspiring teachers

    Scrap the nonsensical target o making 50% oschool leavers go to university, and allow univer-sities to choose their students based on academicability and merit alone. We will abolish socialengineering and the Oce o Fair Access. UKIPwill change a number o universities back intoskills and vocational colleges

    Return to a student grant system, as opposedto student loans which leave many graduates in

    heavy debt. We will oer all students StudentVouchers or a proportion o their costs equiva-lent to Basic Cash Benet (see Welare andSocial Security, below) and allow them to top upthe vouchers by working or taking out commer-cial student loans

    Introduce directly elected County EducationBoards made up o educational proessionalsand councillors. These will replace LocalEducation Authorities and ensure an adequatenumber o schools are provided

    Introduce ranchising o schools, colleges and

    educational institutions across Britain so that chari-table associations, parental co-operatives, not-or-prot and prot-making private companies,partnerships or individuals bid to run institutionson a budget set by the elected County Educa-tion Boards. This will inject the ethos o successulprivate and State schools, raising standards whileimproving eciency and innovation. Meanwhilexed assets, accountability and decision makingwill remain rmly in public hands

    Replace the current school unding policy -which avours specialist schools - with a policy

    where unds are shared equally regardless o thedegree o specialisation

    Allow schools to select pupils based on theirsuitability or the education provided - puttingvocational skills, crat skills and sporting abilityon a par with academic ability

    Allow teachers to do their jobs with minimalgovernment intererence. Osted will be abolishedand its powers transerred to school governingbodies and a new independent EducationalInspectorate made up o experienced teachers.The National Curriculum will become less pre-

    scriptive and schools will have a greater say oversubjects taught, although key subjects will be re-tained. We will allow parents to trigger a govern-ment inspection o a school i 10% o the parentsat that school initiate this in a reerendum

    Pass legislation that establishes beyond doubtthe right or schools and teachers to imposeproper discipline on pupils without ear oscurrilous legal actions destroying their careers

    Re-examine the policy o inclusion and supportspecial schools or children with learning disabilities

    Look avourably on home education, andoppose current plans to regulate it



    simply isntworking.

    Standards are


    Straight talking.8 0800 587 6 587

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    engthen and enhance Entry to Employmentgrammes or those not in education, employ-nt or training, to overcome anti-work attitudes

    wnload the ull Education & Training policym the Policies section o

    Pensionsains pensioners deserve better. They areering not just rom complexity in benetsd EU-driven energy price rises but also rom

    great indignity o means testing. MeanwhileUK is staring into a pensions black hole cre-d by Labours huge expansion o the publictor and that partys vicious removal o divi-

    nd tax credits or private pensions. Withoutent redress, Britain will be bankrupted by a

    mmitment it cannot hope to honour. UKIP will:

    mpliy pensions and remove unnecessaryd degrading means testing or our seniorzens. We will roll existing state pensions,nsions Credit and the Winter Fuel Allowanceo a fat-rate, non-means tested, non-contrib-ry and non-taxable Citizens Pension worth

    east 130 a week or all pensioners aged 65d over. There will be no reductions or thoseh personal savings or a private pension.ople whose existing entitlement to state orblic sector pension is more than 130 a week

    continue to receive the higher amount. Thezens Pension will be payable to all UK citi-s, including those who have worked abroad

    arget pension contributions tax relie at low andrage earners, reducing the annual limit or-relievable pension contributions to 10,000ss rom the current 255,000 (compensating

    higher earners fat tax advantages)

    einstate the dividend tax credit at 20%

    ring generous ununded public sector nalary pensions back into line with typical privatension provision. Calculations show a und ound 1,000 billion is required to cover the

    ure liabilities o public sector schemes. Thisimply unsustainable. UKIP will reeze publictor pensions, refecting todays challenging

    onomic conditions

    crap the costly and counter-productive

    tutory Pension Protection Fund and Nationalnsions Savings Scheme

    Save the UK rom a potentially ruinouspensions burden by leaving the EU and itsenorced common pensions pot. While the UKhas 74% o its GDP invested in UK private pen-sions, Germany has a mere 5.8% and France5.6%. Further integration o the UK into the EU,through Euro membership or example, wouldturn this into a pensions tax time bomb

    Download the ull Pensions policy rom thePolicies section o

    9 Welare &Social SecurityThe UKs current welare system is ridiculouslycomplicated and requires an army o bureaucratsto administer. There are more than 70 separatebenets, each requiring masses o orms andhelping to entrench dependency. UKIPs propos-als will humanise the system and help people tohelp themselves out o the poverty trap. UKIP will:

    Roll the mass o existing benets into simplercategories, while ensuring every UK citizen

    receives a simple, non-means tested Basic CashBenet (BCB)

    Roll key benets - such as Jobseekers Allow-ance, Incapacity Benet and Student Mainte-nance Grant - into a single, fat-rate BCB set atthe same weekly rate as Jobseekers Allowanceor Income Support. For students, the BCB will betermed Student Vouchers or Training Vouchers

    Allow part-time and temporary workers tocontinue claiming BCB until their wages reachUKIPs proposed 11,500 personal allowance sothey can take jobs without being heavilypenalised by the system

    Merge Child Benet, the Child Trust Fund, ChildTax Credits and the Education MaintenanceAllowance into an enhanced Child Benet, pay-able or each o the rst three children in a amily

    Merge Early Years Funding, Sure Start, thechildcare element o Working Tax Credit and thetax relie on Employer Nursery Vouchers into afat-rate, non-means tested Nursery Voucher tocover approximately hal the cost o a ull-timenursery place

    Ensure British benets are only available to UKcitizens or those who have lived here or at least

    The British


    system hasbecome


    complicated Straight talking. 9

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    ve years. Currently, British benets can be

    claimed by EU citizens in their arrival year

    Require those on benets - starting with Hous-ing and Council Tax Benet recipients in privaterented homes - to take part in council-run localcommunity projects called Workare schemes.The schemes will be in addition to council jobs

    Download the full Welfare to Workfare policyfrom the Policies section of

    10 Foreign Aairs &

    International TradeWhile UKIP is realistic about the diculteconomic and political challenges Britainaces, we take a positive view o Britains placein the world - a stark contrast to the deeatistand apologetic stance taken by other parties.UKIP recognises Britain as a global player witha global destiny and not a regional state withina United States o Europe. UKIP will:

    Withdraw rom the political EU Superstate,and maintain a trade-based relationship with

    our European neighbours using a Swiss-styleree trade agreement as the EUs largest singletrading partner. This is the deal the Britishpeople signed up to in the 1970s. We do notwant or need to become a province in aEuropean Superstate but instead want riendlyand mutually benecial trade and culturalcooperation with our EU neighbours

    Improve the British economy by leaving theEU. Europhile propagandists say 60% o ourtrade and three million British jobs depend onour EU membership. This is untrue. Europeancompanies sell us more than we sell them; weare their largest client. So our trade and jobswould continue i we let the EU, and we wouldbenet by escaping rom its crippling over-regulation

    Regain Britains dormant seat at the WorldTrade Organisation. From here, a UKIPgovernment will be ree to pursue Britainsnational interests. The current situation leavesBritain unable directly to negotiate its owntrade deals because vital national interests aresubsumed in a common EU position thatrequently refects the interests o France

    and Germany

    Be the Party o the Commonwealth. UKIP will

    seek to establish a Commonwealth Free TradeArea (CFTA) with the 53 other Commonwealthcountries. The Commonwealth Business Coun-cil estimates that a CFTA would account ormore than 20% o all international trade andinvestment, acilitating annual trade exchangesworth more than $1.8 trillion and direct oreigninvestment worth about $100 billion. Yet theCommonwealth has been shameully betrayedand neglected by previous governments. Com-monwealth nations share a common language,legal and democratic systems, account or athird o the worlds population and a quarter oits trade, with the average age o a citizen just

    25 years. India, or example, will soon becomethe second largest world economy and Britainshould not be tied to the dead political weighto the European Union, but retain its ownriendly trading and cultural links

    Actively pursue trade deals with trade blocssuch as the countries in the North AmericanFree Trade Agreement and the Association oSoutheast Asian Nations. This will secure tradebenets or all countries concerned

    Promote democracy, genuine human rights,

    and ree determination around the world, sup-porting, or example, a ree Tibet, a democraticBurma and an independent Taiwan

    Download the ull Foreign Aairs & Interna-tional Trade policy rom the Policies section

    11 Energy & theEnvironmentUKIP accepts that the worlds climate changes,

    but we are the rst party to take a scepticalstance on man-made global warming claims.We called or a rational, balanced approach tothe climate debate in 2008, beore the exten-sive manipulation o scientic data rst becameclear. Polls now show a majority o the Britishpeople share this scepticism despite protestsrom another LibLabCon-sensus. UKIP now callsor an immediate halt to unjustied spendingon renewable sources that has led to massiveenergy price hikes and uel poverty. UKIP will:

    Increase nuclear power generation to provide

    up to 50% o our electricity needs. BecauseBritains domestic energy plants are ageingand renewable energy sources have been

    UKIP was the

    rst party to

    be scepticalabout global



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    shown to be unreliable, UKIP will pass hybrid

    Acts o Parliament to accelerate the planningprocess and allow old reactors to be replaced

    Support the ecient extraction o indigenouscoal or use in cleaner, coal-red electricitygeneration plants

    Oppose wind arms in general and requirelarge new wind power schemes to be undedby the market. Most current schemes haveproved uneconomic, oten operating at lessthan a third o capacity - sometimes less thana tenth - thereby producing a derisory amounto power

    Ensure any large new wind arms are con-structed oshore. UKIP regards onshore windturbines and the accompanying power lines aseyesores in beautiul countryside

    Repeal the UKs Climate Change Act andreturn to a Department o Energy

    Immediately repeal disastrous EU Directivessuch as the Large Combustion Plant Directive.The Directive threatens to put the lights out byclosing a quarter o the UKs domestic coal

    and energy plants by 2015 without providingany realistic, working alternatives. UKIP willpull out o EU Carbon Trading Schemes, theproposed EU Carbon Tax and binding targetson renewable and bio uels

    Stop unding the UNs International Panelon Climate Change and the UN FrameworkConvention, and und the Met Oce accordingto orecast accuracy

    Establish a Royal Commission under a HighCourt Judge that will allow scientists to reacha conclusion about the acts and economic

    implications o global warming

    Ban schools rom using global warmingpropaganda such as Al Gores lm An Incon-venient Truth

    Divert billions o pounds o unding romwasteul global warming-related spending to-ward environmental improvements o real value

    Encourage the reduction o waste andpromote eective methods o recycling

    Incentivise and support electric road vehicles,the comprehensive electrication o rail linesand accompanying inrastructure

    Reduce environmental bureaucracy to a

    minimum - consistent with good practice andinternational standards - while ensuringnecessary legislation is eectively enorced

    Protect the environment by controlling immi-gration and the associated building demand

    Invest in more food and coastal deences

    Download the ull Energy & Environment policyrom the Policies section o

    12 TransportUKIP believes the British people have a right toa reliable public and private transport systemat an acceptable cost. UKIP will invest in atransport network that meets the needs o theBritish people and Britains economy. UKIP will:

    Invest an extra 3 billion p.a. in the UKstransport inrastructure, using money madeavailable by leaving the EU and saving the6.4 billion net Britain pays every year in EUmembership contributions

    Invest in an enhanced and saer road net-work, building new bypasses and wideningmajor roads

    Oer a Windall Return on uel duty abovea set world dollar oil price. When this level isreached, government receipts rom oil dutieswill be returned to motorists as uel tax cuts

    Be air to motorists by subjecting parkingcharges and revenue-raising devices, includingspeed cameras, to greater democratic control

    Repeal EU-generated road directives thatimpose unnecessary and expensive burdens,such as the new Road Transport Directive

    Introduce a Britdisc which oreign lorries willhave to pay or using major British roads.Currently, many o these lorries pay nothing orthe wear and tear they cause

    Veto EU attempts to orce the UK into accept-ing EU lorries that are a third longer and athird heavier than currently allowed - up to anunacceptable 60 tonnes

    Invest in three new 200mph plus high-speedrail lines including a new line between London

    We have a

    right to a

    reliable publicand private


    system Straight talking. 11

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    and Newcastle with a spur to Manchester, aLondon-Bristol-Exeter line and a linking routevia Birmingham

    Expand the rail network by re-opening raillines where there is a proven need

    Improve passenger rail ranchises by de-manding higher standards o customer satis-action, and by extending standard ranchiseterms to up to 20 years to encourage greaterinvestment and stability

    Encourage a major transer o reight away

    rom road and onto rail and canal

    Invest in better rail and road links to ports

    Oppose a sixth Heathrow Airport terminaland third runway and the expansion oGatwick and Stansted in avour o a major newHong Kong-style Thames Estuary airport withmotorway connections and a high-speed railservice to London, the UK and the Continent

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    13 Housing &PlanningUKIP believes there is a lack o democraticdecision making in current planning. Localconcerns are too easily overridden by remote,unaccountable and undemocratic planningbodies and by major developers with large le-gal chequebooks, such as supermarkets. Majorplanning schemes should not be overseen bya remote inspector, Government Minister orquango. Nor should major decisions on newhousing and development be made by EU bu-reaucrats and their regional agents. UKIP will:

    Infuence housing demand, not justsupply. Only by leaving the EU can Britain re-gain control o its borders and control immigra-tion. Migrationwatch gures show that 86% onew UK housing - or approximately 260 homesa day - is needed or immigrants. By controllingimmigration, large areas o British countrysidewill not need to be destroyed by house building

    Incentivise the use o approximately 800,000

    empty homes

    Abolish EU-inspired Regional Spacial Strate-gies and regional government bodies such as

    unelected Regional Development Agencies andAssemblies

    Abolish the new Inrastructure PlanningCommission, which will have the power tooverride serious local democratic objections toplanning proposals, including wind arms

    Introduce binding local reerenda or majorlocal schemes such as the building o new su-permarkets or the Chelsea Barracks regenera-tion. Remote planning appeals will not be ableto override the local vote

    Return to county and district plans, and en-courage major public participation

    Introduce management o Green Belt land byelected Green Belt Conservators, like NationalPark managers, to vigorously conserve the envi-ronment while allowing appropriate economicactivity, amenities and housing supply

    Scrap hidden development taxes such as Sec-tion 106 community bribes and requirementsor social housing in bigger developments. Alldevelopment proposals should stand or all on

    their own merits Complement the national listing scheme witha ormal local listing scheme, at council level,that will protect buildings that are o valuelocally, but not necessarily nationally

    Ensure reurbishment o listed buildings, andbuildings in conservation areas, is exempt romUKIPs Local Sales Tax, which will replace VAT.(See Tax, Budget & Regulation, above)

    Scrap the unnecessary and wasteulEU-inspired Home Inormation Packs (HIPs)

    Encourage local councils to build more socialhousing by designating areas or such housingand allowing bond issues to und construction

    Stop charging business rates on empty prem-ises. This will help prevent wasteul demolitionor deliberate property damage to avoid rates

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    democracy atevery level,

    rom Brussels

    to town hall

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    14 The Constitution &How We Are GovernedThe MP expenses scandal has shown that theBritish system o government is in serious disar-ray. Bureaucracy overrules democracy at everylevel, rom Brussels to Whitehall to the townhall. UKIP will give meaningul power back tothe British people and not just talk o localism.UKIP will:

    Introduce Direct Democracy whereby 5% othe national or local electorate can demand abinding reerendum on any issue. At nationallevel, people will have to sign up or the reer-endum within six months, at local level, withinthree months

    Introduce an element o proportional repre-sentation in national and local elections. UKIPavours an electoral system based on Alterna-tive Vote Plus so that constituency MPs haveto earn at least 50% o the vote (as in ScottishParliament and Welsh Assembly elections). Forillustration, 450 MPs might be elected on asingle member constituency basis (with each

    constituency increased to 100,000 voters) and200 MPs on a party list basis. A second ballotapproach may be preerable

    Extend direct elections and real democracy byinstituting directly elected County Police Boards,Education Boards and Health Boards, and sup-porting directly elected Mayors

    Retain devolved national assemblies butreplace the representatives with WestminsterMPs rom the same nation. The 129 ScottishMSPs, 60 Welsh AMs and (in time) 108Northern Irish MLAs would be replaced withtheir Westminster MPs. These MPs would thenspend one week a month on devolvedbusiness and the rest o their time atWestminster. English MPs would meet inWestminster or English-only days as anEnglish Parliament

    Introduce a right o recall whereby electorscan challenge an errant MP and orce a by-election in exceptional circumstances, such asabuse o expenses

    Abolish Regional Government - including the

    nine Regional Ministers, Regional DevelopmentAgencies and Assemblies - and return theirpowers to local government. The county willbecome the prime local government unit

    Fully support the monarchy, opposedisestablishment o the Church o England,and consider transerring part o the CrownEstate back to the Royal amily in return orending their State support

    Give Parliament powers such as treatyratication and consent or declaring war Start by retrieving our democracy romBrussels, then revitalise the House o Commonsand local government (as above) and, at theend o that process, decide whether we need asecond chamber and how it is to be constituted

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    15 Culture &Restoring BritishnessUKIP believes in civic nationalism, which isopen and inclusive to anyone who wishes toidentiy with Britain, regardless o ethnic or re-ligious background. We reject the blood andsoil ethnic nationalism o extremist parties.

    UKIP opposes multiculturalism and politicalcorrectness, and promotes uniculturalism -aiming to create a single British culture em-bracing all races and religions. UKIP will:

    Recognise the numerous threats to Britishidentity and culture

    Restore British values, scrap quotas andpolitical correctness and return to meritocraticprinciples

    Create a British Register o important UKcompanies, products and brands and amendthe UK Takeover Code to saeguard theseusing set criteria, parliamentary approvalsand/or conditions where necessary

    Saeguard British weights and measures (thepint, the mile, etc) which have been under-mined by the EU. UKIP will also provide propersupport to the Royal Mail and the Post Oceas a key British institution

    Require UK schools to teach Britainscontribution to the world, including Britishinventions and Britains role in ghting

    slavery and Nazism. All cultures, languagesand traditions rom around the British Isles willbe celebrated

    We promote

    a single

    British culture,embracing

    all races and

    religions Straight talking. 13

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    Tackle extremist Islam by banning the burqaor veiled niqab in public buildings andcertain private buildings. UKIP will deportradical preachers calling or violence or theoverthrow o democracy and reintroduce aproper Treason Act to prosecute British Citizensound guilty o attacks on the British people orarmed orces. Religious school materials mustnot teach hatred o the western world and mustbe congruent with British values. Sharia courtsmust not override UK law

    Create a new Commonwealth Day publicholiday and a new Commonwealth Centre atthe Royal Naval College, Greenwich

    Be air to England by introducing an EnglishParliament and ending the discriminatoryBarnett ormula which disadvantages Englishresidents

    Make St Georges Day a public holiday inEngland

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    16 Food, Farming &the CountrysideFor too long, the EU and the UKs major politi-cal parties have ridden roughshod over theconcerns o armers and rural people. UKIP willimplement policies to ease key worries, breathenew lie into the rural economy and enhancethe countryside. UKIP will:

    Withdraw rom the EU and retain Britainsseat at the World Trade Organisation so the UKcan pursue agricultural trade policies that are

    directly in the national interest

    Ensure there is no sudden loss o CommonAgricultural Policy arming subsidies such assingle arm payments (already paid or byBritish consumers and taxpayers). Over time,UKIP will use labelling and advertising cam-paigns to promote British produce and airerood prices. This will replace the need or manysubsidies

    Support GM oods research and require allimported produce to be labelled so consumers

    can make inormed choices. In the meantime,we will continue to oppose production o GMoods and be open to evolving scientic advice

    Introduce labels that dierentiate betweenethically-produced and non ethically-producedood products, backed by signicant consumeradvertising. This will empower the consumerand demonstrate the high quality o Britishproduce and UK animal welare standards

    Review all EU imposed rules, directives,regulations, quotas, targets and requirements,and repeal or reorm them as necessary underBritish law. This will, or example, ease thepresent unrealistic EU Nitrate Directive thresh-old and abolish it i necessary

    Change legislation to allow the ormation o

    a greater number o producer co-operatives,putting ood producers on a more equal oot-ing with supermarket buyers

    Support the new Supermarket Ombudsmanto ensure producers receive a air share oretail prices

    Allow county reerendums to reverse the hunt-ing ban at the local level

    Download the ull Food, Farming & theCountryside policy rom the Policies sectiono

    17 FishingUKIP deplores the decision to sign over controlo British shing grounds - which contain near-ly 70% o Europes sh - to the EUs CommonFisheries Policy (CFP). The CFP has driven theBritish shing industry and many sh speciesto the edge o extinction while non-EU nationssuch as Norway benet rom a healthy shingindustry. UKIP will:

    Immediately withdraw rom the CommonFisheries Policy

    Reassert our territorial rights, reclaim our sh-ing grounds, restore our shing feet and sup-port our shing industry or uture generations

    Return 2.5 billion a year in sh sales to theUK economy

    Establish an Exclusive Economic Zoneextending 200 nautical miles rom the UKscoastline over which the UK exerts total control

    Abandon all EU quotas and strictly orbid theshameul discarding o dead sh - sometimesup to 70% o catches or 800,000 tons p.a.

    Major parties

    have ridden

    roughshodover the

    concerns o

    rural people

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    Require all commercial species o sh caught,regardless o size or species, to be landed andrecorded. This will allow the Government todetermine how best to manage the recoveryo UK shing grounds. To preserve sh stocks,UKIP will establish a system o moveable NoTake Zones allowing sh to spawn and assist-ing recovery in overshed areas

    Ban all orms o industrial shing and pairtrawling or bass. Industrial trawlers havehelped cause a catastrophic decline in key shspecies Strengthen the UKs Fishery Protectionresources to guard British shing grounds

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    18 Other SpecifcPolicies

    Animal WelareUKIP believes all animals that share our planetdeserve to be treated compassionately by

    humans and should be spared unnecessarysuering.

    Download the ull Animal Welare policy romthe Policies section o

    The Post Ofce & the Royal MailUKIP regards the Royal Mail and our Post O-ce network as an essential part o the abric oBritish lie, and will ully support, improve andretain these services.

    Download the ull Post Ofce & the Royal Mailpolicy rom the Policies section o

    Pubs & SmokingUKIP realises that the local pub is a unique parto British community lie, but it is under seriousthreat rom supermarket price undercutting,brewery company indierence and the smok-ing ban. UKIP supports designated smokingrooms in pubs, clubs and public buildings.

    Download the ull Pubs & Smoking policy romthe Policies section o

    Small BusinessUKIP knows that small and medium-sizedcompanies are the lieblood o the UK econo-my and essential to new job creation, but areoten overburdened by the State.

    Download the ull Small Business policy romthe Policies section o



    are thelieblood

    o the UK

    economy Straight talking. 15

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