a iW Former. Food Administrator’s f MOTWr pPH®*** CaHfoml- ciandldate HOOVER IS SURPRISED AT SIZE OF 0\NH VOTE , Cknoral 'Wood OonttouM to jfake Sliglit Oaiiu u Tabnla- « o n o l H ootfer B ta ta Bohmu proceed SAIT PBANOIBOO, - ' from <,282 prwlnoU of tho 5,724 in tho ' BtBto Aowod Boantor Hlnun W. John- *,ft icadlnff Horbert 0. Hoovor br l « r 761 rot«i M tho pwfoTttd pTe«Wcntlal eudiaaU on tho ropnbliewi tlekot. The tiU U irei* We,l«7 «or John«n « a 169J76 for HooW. W iti boi thrt« '«n*U ooaatle* t<* bo leard from Hoovor woi lotdtog te ^ t ct li. fmr-i«bt If, •Uto. thow bolng Kinga and Vonto^ -HooTor's lead irhich h* BuiatiOnod dorlag tl* •Wo* ovortoreod ^7 TOirtW rrtnm * frottX oi Ang«)e» eotmjy & ing JohnMn 82,064 w d Hoovor 47,- ^ ^ ^ a to r Hir.m W. Johown itood lo; 4oy M tho proforred p m ld e n ^ «"■ ■djate on tho rflpubli<^ •voter* of OalUomlo, b ii n»tWo ■t»t«, «n tho face of yoiterday'a T^rii^ry rotoms from approrimatdr T JS a . of tho 5720,F«la.^ •IJcrbort 0. Hoover, 6«natof. Johnson • inly opponont, alao haa hl» homo In ' tS™ m.™ ~..i Ift ■polU cloaod lait night. Ralph Ivtt, C*Mfonilfc n**"/? -nl». Hoovor, concedod Sonator John«n ■ tfV/°ito'ovor’a home S r‘A pl.r.Ut7, howovor. _____ _ Sobs Vote wJProteat at League Opposition ■MTtw YOBK. MV-Hcrbort Hoovor J . ««^r my frlonda, In entoi^ my ■wm M m . 1 lU d .o f tho ?arly protcslcd affjUnat ?i I. Ultor view should itrcngthcn the oSlfport of 1[ho ropubhean mnjori.y -in tU eenate.'! , Wood Holds Lead in. Indiana Over Jonnson Ki •' .''V cf«™ V tam ” KO ™ t 01 iM I W Indian, (or Ibo P ''” laintial prrftronco in yr>terilay < pri '" S u K lJi pr«lnS ont o^ h 14,M2. ___ _ PREDICTS GENERAL DROP OF ALL TEXTILES PRICES cHioXpo, In tbe prloe o( colion, wooUn^m ni siiJruV' i o X .^ ^ ,6id i,m ,m ”1 ; ; 'r y” .“ Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^» •-Tho’^iaTo. l«.lua.d ."u to ., o t« » « faclorod allka. .. ^ money would forco atoroa * turcri, In many c a w ovor-itookod, i * •‘' S SX tii d«p in the t« .IU, & i .wonld-bo faUo’^ tiona to food ?»!«*. “ marko^a n ^aew hat tigothof. V-FAI Cana^Oan Wheat Board PI Offeia Growera Bomu {j| WINWIPBO, M aa, ' B peg farmera will got aot len thoa I 40 oent# a .buhel oa tbe puiial'- ' I nation eertifleaUa ianod by tho U 1 QaaadUaw1iaatboua<m wheat ao14 - through that agency, Moordiag to ' . «Bttoaaeement iodayL'.by^^ Jamaa- ' . Stewart, lehairmatt'of the board. . Thla, -iritli tho 1848 a buahel al- -> MBdy goaraat^ will briag the 5 price tS $2M .^ - Se; ArgentUuei Wheti Supply Running Low , • BDENoe AIBES, Tb. Ar. .gentine government does not .con. PI . template Italtisg, w^tohibltlhg , C the ozporUtion of wluat at tho' preaent time, Alfrodo de Uarehl,' miniater of, wlcaltoro, declared n„ ® todny whon hU attenUou wa» call- . ^ to the heavy « ^ rt- morement •, which threatens to.exhanst the ex- S portable nrplos boforo the now crop la ready. The priee of wheat baa rison to 27 peaoa a toa, a new reeord fl^ ^MSiMFOSETO ; HEED HUN WS REQUEST I Dony Demand fot PlBbtadte and Oonllrsn Boxmiariea Kxei , ' ‘I ' by Treaty S ^ PAB2S, yPf—Tbe reply ot the cob- naf firenco of ambassadors to'the Hungn- ■J riaa objoctions. to the .term* of lho P. j_ propoaed peace treaty was doHvered today to the soerotary' of tho Hunga- 1°, ' rian delegntloa at Verssilles. Xt is tw ned that the reply denies tho demaad for. a plebiseit,o in the t«r- . , rltorics which the projoctod treaty de- taches from Hungary. Tho ambsssa- L“ ^ dors also rofns«d lo make changes in tho now boundarios of Hungary as os- ? I in the troaty. ^ ii HEARS STRIKING BOATMEN 2" --------- of ^ BalZrasd taiw r Boanl O tu ta Atidl«&M »"•; IJ’ Ovar One Uember's Objection \KASHINOXOI^1 !^-O vcr the pro- tost of-E. I. Vhiter, ehtim aa of the P,^ railroad exocutR-cs' conferen5tt> com* a* mlttee, the railroad labor boSrd to d v }fJ, aa pormitted John H. Pruott,-^f tho Mas- f? tia tors, Mates and Pilots association, to Li or present tho wa^e demands of striking -f ;y, tug and ferrymen at Now Tork. gf Mr. Whiter arRued thnt since tho men bii had quit work tholr demands eonld not be entertained by the boan] under (ts rulings. Jl Prnott asked the board to grant dock wl officers In AUantJc eoost harbors aa io eight hour day and wages ranging from <le cl, *126 to $100 a month. be j)p RcpresontatlvcB of non-recognired tei lid yardmen ’j associations at a conference ty he hero todny dlscuued plans for another aMcmpt to obtain consideration of thoir ny demands by tho railroad labor board. lot Dofinito steps would not be tt ro- was said, until njter the arrival hore ?J ;p* of yardmofl 'a representatives from Port- fi, rar limj, Orej^n; Snn Francisco, XiOS Ange* („ Pacific coast cities. . IDAHO WEATHEB _ Tonight and Thursday fair, lia — ------- --------- IP World Ne^ LONDON, (/P)h&s beej nat well inforaed sooroe in Oobstai Jn.. agent8_are endeavoitog and wit indnoe the Armenian Baflbnakis Erivan government, to accepts foreign relationa of A rm enia, ea ffl Times froiif^onBtantinople dat jor CONSTAimKOPLE, (JP}^ Abrahim, has been arrested af' op. the mnrder ot Jam es P e n y a&d tj^ ican Y. M. 0. A. men, near Alnti " PANAMA, (/P)— M ajor Oc of commander of the Panama oane od tbe restrictions prohibiting mingling with Panaman offidia . EUE60A, Spain, (0=)— T i lin^ Oraus were broken into bj nnio ras: of the gepdarmerie were killed lov- 20,- . s ---------- ■— -:-jg SOUTHERN REPUBLICANS ' ( NAME i;iVAL DELEGATIONS CC LoolaUuu knd Uiatnlppi Opposing 1 Factioiu to be B*presented at the Ohleago Oonvaatlon Won NEW 0BLEAN8, La., (flV-Looi«l- ^ ana and Mississippi will send rival del- I fgatloDS fo tho repDblJcaa national con- J . vention. ( i t* ''^hon tho “ regular republicans" of i teec. named uninstmeted delegates ' to ChlcaRo two months ago, it waa an- ' nfluncod that party differeneea had beea < burled, but it became known today that ' ^ fil the so-called ‘Mlly w hite" faetloa met ! ifae* yesterday at Alexandria and oamed a i 1 , t9 new w t of doiegales. : ''Regular republicans'* of M lssi^p- te«. pi met today ««t Vicksburg to elect a •dne- set- of delcgaUs to contest with those. iua ehosen oit April 1 'a t' a ea>nvontlon of ''Mississippi republieaas" at JaekMa. L i - i i : " : Twnt TA ixa, miao, mnaai mmm COEBCESENIITE Senator Knox Criticises Admin- istration Tactics in Connee- Cp tion with. Ratification of the , ’ Treaty of Versailles CLAIMS NO EXCUSE FOR PROLONGATION OF WAR OpoM Debate on Seeolntibn to Declare State of War with Oermany at End with a Lengthy Diaonssion ___ _ t WASHINOTOir. (ff) _ Opoalon d.. ' 1 bate on his r<\solutloa, lo declare tho f sUto of war with Qermaay a a i Aus- tria nt an end, Benator Knox, republi- r can, Pentftylvanla, declared in tho sen. ... •ate today that President Wilson was arbitrarily maintaining that the na. tO I tion technlcaly was at war in order to coerce the senate Into ratifying the ^ i treaty of Ven&illos. "Thore was no excnse whatsoever v_ fpr greatly prolonging tho wnr beyond *Z tbe signature of the armistice," Bena. !? tor Knox said, "and the only erpla- IT I- nation for so doing wn* tho dellberato aim to retain all thoso autoeratle com- , pulsory powers with whieh the exeeo- .S . tive had boen endowed for tho prase- cntlon of tho war ia order that' thoy might be nse<J for other purposes. « Walfaxo Daaanda ?eac« tloai [] “ Tho welfare and safety of the na- tion imperatively demands that wo ^bs know wo have peaco. Tho wholo world » necths witb revolution. Our own nation Mfti is In ferment and toll. Fbrco and J jtrlfe are rampant nnd threaten tho * j destruction not only of. our property, I but of onr free institntlons and even ^ of our lives. And yot we stand, and _ 4 bave sioo<I for months, as a rudderless OOl ship.” 4 "Tlie eourse of tho president ovor J. slneo ho cruised to Europe to portlcl- nato ,ln tho peace eoaference," con- - tlnued the former secretary of stato, N let^ves no chance for doubt that he will nb i V fontltiuo hereafter as heretofore, to ^ thwart, so far as ho is able, evory at- ® tempt • • • to tako any action • • • derc ‘E affecting thc provialons of tho treaty who of Versailles as it came to us fresh from in his signature. • • • Jt Uni Uae* All Domostle P o w "H e has conjurcd up every power K •k wlt|jln his domestie domain In h ^ of- PIu: la fort to compel this senato to sorron- iala n der Its will and judgment to> him, and lonr become tho mere aOtomatons to rogls- try ter his mandate—to approve this trea- fujl (Q ty in its last mlnuto of detail as ho ftp sent It to us." r j_ Launching into a 80,000 word dis- ? ' < eussion of his resolution, tho *eenator f , u wild congross bad tho power to "un- mako" any of its aets and consequently i J hnd. tho power to repeal the resolu- 1’®* ^ tlons declaring a'stnto ol wnr with the _ , ** ifflporial OeraiRa governmcst and with Ilf - the Austro-Hungarian empire. Ifl Pointing out that the war dcclara- ' " (Continued on Page Fopr) !ws Events ' been learned from an unnsnally astantinople that Bnssian soviet I with some hopes of success, to Joh akist party, which is behind the jept the soviet's control of the troj a, says a dispatch to tho London trit dated Monday. (JF^A bandit ohielTtain named I m 1 at'Elep^, Byria, charged with . and Prank Johnson, two Amer- i<V Aintab on Febrnary 4. _________ / lin r Oeneral Ohase W. Kennedy, canal dopartment. Tuesday rais- '{>»' ting Amerioan officers and men fidiala of the republic. ' ----- sai —The gendarmerie'batracks at upi unknown persons'today and five— - illed-and..eight wooded. in ^CONVICT CHARGED WITH j, VS MURDER OF COMPANION ______ _________________ini lng Uunato of IiXilio Pnutontlary Ueeta e DeatU at Haads of Follow In ' ? Coaftttamaat j; dsl- BOI0E, Ida., WV-Wnilam WUd, an del' inmate of the Idaho state ponlteotlary ,i, !on- here, is doad, and J. C. McDonald, aa* _ other convict, Is In solitary confinement t of awaiting trial for murder .Wild died Ue* Tuesday after bolng hll on tho head w an- Monday by McDonald daring an alter- j leea ration In ;the prison barber shop. Tbo ;hat wespon McDonaldtised was-a piece of met 2 by 4 plonking. Both mea wer* serv- tj d a ing Indeterminate sentences from ono N ^ . to 14 years, Wild for4ion>e.stei^ng aad Ir iflp- McDonald for breaking Into a drug at It a store to steal eoCaine. , Notblag la ei liose. known of McDonald’s antecedents; bat tl I of Wild 1s snrrlvod by hia 73 year old ai oa. mother, who llves at Albany, Oregon. o: .'DAYLBASEpwiRni DAIL UMPAX>uy,i;m o , Secretary of Navy C Battlecraft to Key > ble Duty in Mex VOMMANDER CARRIES FOR POLICY IE Sl NEW YOUK. (fP)—Six des the tender Black Hawk, left thel lantio fleet la the Hizdsoa river at for Key West for posaible duty in WASHINOTON, (/P)— Secretar livision of destroyers, aow at Kew ’ to sail immediately for Key West ) possible daty ln Mexican waters. Tha destreym a n oommaadod tho by Oapeala Byron Z,ong on tit* ' Tl t«ad«r BUckhawk. wWeh will ao- Wes cowpoay tit« flottlia. Captain Long Tl WM la conf*i«ac« with Secrstary dlstt DanW* ben last algbt and left rea«: taaaedUtoly aftnwards for Now ists •Tork to g«t hla *hlpa xeadr to tall Al today. The secretary satd today that Cap- not L^n Long hnd been given full Instruc Ame lloM as to tho policy to be pursued In anr tho event It bocomos noiiessary to Knd rovo Immigration Riding n Bara Armenian Girl H Refugee from Harem ' Countrymen to Appeal Oase- of Anna Sherbbtjian, Ordered Back to Turkey - Oo NEW YOBK, —^Becnuse she could nb read, Anna Bhorbetjlan, a young Ar- menian wpmaa at Ellls island was or- dered deported back to Turkey today V whoro sho may fnco death for hor es- the capo from n harem there to eomo to tbe yea United Btatca to an unseen prospective Oo\ bridegroom. . , , a<,n Tetoklylan, a wealthy vqu I liiladelphid merchant, appeared nt tho island to claim her ns his bride, only to lenrn that sho eould not'cntcr the coun- of I try. Harri'YoMainojlon, a-proaporous ser rug dealer of Cambridge, Mass., has or- ranged to have Anna eoae bero to nsor- ry Terokelyian, Hnrrl's wife bad come from the same harem from whieh Anna ^ had escaped, bo said. lUch Armenians aro planning to ap- *Kn I»«r the COM. * III PUCKER CHEEO W ITH ? UiUE PflOFITSmG "'i to Federal Oommissioner at Bos- ton Issues Warrant for Ar. rou rest of Armour Im ager BOOTOK (^profiteering In meat J™ was charged today against Armour & Co. nnd its New England manaecr. John E. WiJson. Thf Jntter was or- *hn rested on n warrant iwiiod by United tlie States Commls-iloner Hnyes on evidence; 1 tranimitted by the United Btates dis- int. trict nttomeys offieo that lamb" bought wr tor }oan than 10 rents a pound, wjui jjjij freiglrf clmrgoN of nbout four eenti n wa pound, had heOli-^Jd-here for 25 1-2 nta cents. ( WllBon wan arraigned and released the HoatlonJ l)«Hd« for a hearing on May lm: 12. Tlie corporntion wns sumnioijcd to nu' «n»wor to A slttiilor ehargo nt the samo It is alleged that Armour & Co. on SfJ May ;i Hold ot 25 1-2 eenta a pound l', part of a eousignment of 100,000 cnr- ' rases nf'lamb brought here from Now Zealand. Afler arraignmrnt Manager Wilson said Armour 4 Co. always sold ifs pro‘l- ucts nt market prices, whether for gain »,|’i ___________________ eo ITEW YOBE JEWS CBLBBBATE !«' SAM- BBUO OONTCBSNOE AOT i*( NEW YOBK, {^PH-Thousands of gj Jews, headed by two of the oldc*t or- thodox rabbis in New York city, eorry- ing the "scrolls of tho Jow," will march down Fifth avcnno next Tuesdny hi in n porado Cclebrritlng the decree of cr tho Ban Brmo conference makings Pal- ai ostinn the Juwlsh liomeland. tb The Zionist . organUation In announc- ^ lng tho plons for tho dcnronstrntlon to- “ dsy said that noro than 40,000 Jews / ‘ would be in tho proccsalon, which will J ho followed-by a nnas meeting. ^ NOBTH DAKOTA BSPUBU0A278 HOLDnra cqainrr ooNVBNTtoNs f ‘FABOd, N. D., (;p)—Qcpubllcan epun- o: • ty conventions nro beini; held today In B North Dakota for tho purpose of olect- ,, S (ng-doicgates to tho slate ennvsntlon g at Minot, May 12 and 13. The state * convention will endorse cjindidates for t tfio republican nominations for state r d nnd congressional tlekeU, to be voted o on in the party primary June 30. 1 Report of the asso y NE iiin * Fi IBICeIE X Advlci Orders American ’ West for Possl- «dl jxlcan Waters 80RI SmSTRVCTIONS SENT ON FARTHER Lik lestroTers, aoeompanled by leir anchorage with the At- at 2 p. m. today and saUed el in Mexican waters. state oi tary Daniels today ordered a "Ivrf w york with the .Atlantic fleet, hnt&r It where they will be held for army e Cuen ha doilrojor. lo Uoiioaa poru. Tho vessels should roport at Koy advlsad Vest by tomorrow aight or Prida^. tW T ^ u s far.no reporU of any serious tioaed llstiw^oe* in the Mexicaa poru have jS# re eached the goverameat, but revelation- v«ra' c It* are neUve not far from tlx* plaees. hav* « At the atate department today It waa ««,« aid that reporta thn* far received ha* maadar lot ladieated that the live* of anvi„»^2" Lmerleaa cltlxen* had been endaagered V laywbote la Mexico aa a r ts ^ o f thel-' ^441 ■evoluUon. . A lESEEBOmiD f : ttSOENSE- , , —— oJ Coi Oovemor Harding BepUes- >^> Pu in Oriticism in Testimony Be. . y*, *' fore Investigators Bov —T ----- all th. WASHINGTON, (ff) ~ Earnings ojf ences the federa] reserve system this fiscal year were estimated at *100,000,000 by Oovornor Hording of the fedoml re- servo board. In testifying today at the tion 1 houso rale# committee hoaring on tho roKlutloBt proposing oa investigation of the administration of the federal re- servo act. These earning*, ho said, points would exeeod by *1,000,000 those of last « year, which he aold represented a re- ^«ir turn of 120 per oent on capital stock JWtwo Without explaining hi* stotoment, ' Governor Harding told the commUtee that Mrions problems conifronted the eouritry'ln tho noxt alx montha Com- plaints ol eountry baakera agaiBat tho *>T universal pnr clearance order of the resolve ioard' ho said, were to the board TJst like ‘fleas to a dog who must hove fleas to know bo Is a dog." Mr. Harding said he had no objection to nny investigation ot the board’s WA methods. . Alexander-W. Smith of Atlanta, tho mlUta rounscl of the stato and .notional bonks tlonls prntoftlvo association, submitted affi- ualng davits of Nebraskn farmors that cheeks towns drawn ngalnst them hnd been returned «*a i to tho porsons receiving them with tho revoh notation ."payment refused" although caplti the chocks had not been presented by same the reserve banka for paytnonL havo IleprosenlnUvcB of.the state bankers ports Inter nppeared before tho federal re- offJci Sfrve Irfinrd with a protest against tho Gonu pnr cloaraaeo o^cr which thoy taid of Cn w»a working a decided hardship on tlie nt th Btate banks in more thnn thirty states lng f Governor Harding Informed them fhat In thi the board eouM not considor any tovis- Fur j inu of the j-eg^lations and sold that tho ia to Inumber of Aon-rese^vo banks not observ- tcndl ing the rCKulations was gradually de- port rreosing. This, ho declnrcd, was suf- hod flclent renson for a continuation of tho week regulntiona _______ ^ stnte BISHOP OOOEE BESIQNS mnrr tifs MOINES, la, W>_BUho|. E, O'*"" A. Cooke, of Holpnn, M ont, lcn.ien>d hix r<-»}gnr»tlon to the Mothodist eopal general confcronco today, m health woa givon as tho reason. Ho APP h 0.\year9 old, and started la tVio mJn- WB l8tr>* 47 years ago. ^ OHZGAOO MAgTtwiia DEOZDB ^ < AQAINBT PBIOB INOBBAflB OmOAOO, W^-Chieaso' ba,b.r.|?^ havo docided to keep the prlu of hair-' cnta ond ahave* at the present stand-i nnti ard. Soffio barber* eoasidorod niising;08t} their prieo for halrcuta to 75 cents. [ d a y . I AMERICAN FAMILY FO{ EXACTLY.DOVBLEl WASmKaTON. D. C., (AV-Tlio oom family 'food budget in February waa of S - oxactly twlee the sum expended for ‘ tho aame articles of food in February, jqqq ‘ 101.1, according to department of labor befo , statistics. | 2S{ r During approximately tlio same po- . ^ s riod In Greot Britain, the Increase waa fg . J only 130 per cent whllo in Ttaly It tnU t*p' 1S7 per cent. Oormany outranked all[crei lOCtATEB rijoB rm aum .' i.',';'■■ i.'t oiossim 3 yiilflii I'ices to Brother of General Calles Tell of Additions to the Forces Opposing Carranm Admlnistratfon RLY REVOLt ToF THREE ORDER STATES FORECAST ahnila, Nenvo Leon and Ta- manlipasi Soene of Aotlvitiea Like Those which le d to De- fection of Jsarez :L PASO. Tora., catlta te of Morelo* Is In the hnnd* of the olutlonisls, aceordlo^ to adWces re- fti hero today by Arturo Ella*, ther of General P. Elio* Calle., com! idcMn-chlcf of tho revolutionary IV of thq northwest. ^scraa^ft^ the capital, aad Ouanlla, > In Morelo*, have been bomb*rd^ •Sd” ““ ^ Vo battalions of federal troop* *U- ied along the lntor^)ceanio rkllway ), .running from Morelo* to Antigua, ra Crux, on tho bay of Campeehp,' ;e rovolted.f It waa reported, lenoral Maauol M. Dlegues, com- ' nder of the federal snafe* In fh« - th, 1* oa bla way to Ohlhnahna Cltr m Irapuato. Gnaanjuato. k^aaUlonnl followera of Oeae'rol Joa* a Anaro, former eommaader of the franta force* at Ojinaga, opposito »*iaio, Taxa*, have jr^olted, acwrd- ; to report* reeeived by Beaor isurgenta Active ' in Border Statea AoriA PMETA, Soaotai o® ' "*’.)o®tlon Of tb» border:ftato* Coaliulla, Nuevo Leoa aad-TanimU. * U a matur of-iov a-'faw d«y*,'it I* annonaeed a t artlllary headqoarter* the revolutloniati here today. ■ Bovojutloaary force* are aoti« In I the states, It wa* *ald, and confer, ees ore under way llko those condnet- which led to the revolt of Juare*. In Monterey, Nnevo Leon, Carranxa rees were deelarod concentrating ia nr of nttock, and the same coacentra- )n waa reported at Saa Ltil* TolotL ,Tth« *ontb ia the atate ©f th® aauo ime. Monterey and Saa Lola^ Potosl are '^ared the two moet importaat »laU la Borthera Mexieo for ^ reb. s now lo, t ^ With the*e cHle* la •ir pouessioa tU raU eoaunaiiieaiioa •tween tte Halted SUte* and Mexico ^ *»« «»• oU field* 9iJd ^ iaoUted, exeept by water. aeUaa *li03>« aad other f*eilltle* need- L07 «n laea Airplanea to Harrasa Insurgents ■wismsavm, (ffj-Appar.mir«ii. )Ie to get oador way aay offon*lve ' iU t^ sedition agaiast the revoJu- onUt*, President Carraat* has Begaa dng olrplanea to harms* rebel-held iwa* la the neighborhood of the Mexl. la capital, according to advUea \o >volotloaary agoaf hero. Ooom«va«a. ipital of Morelos, ond Guantla in the Une .state, aro two of the points that avo beon smartly bombarded, the to- orts etated. Tho information tbrongh fflclal ohonnels yesterday that Pablo pntales, formerly an ardent'inpporter f Cnrranta, had pntered the revoJntlon t thc head of a detachment of revolt- «g federal troops, also was contained 1 tho rebel ndvieca Further Indication that Torreon agaia I to bocomo tJio objentivo of the con* ending forcos was contained in the re- ort that General Dicguce* foreo that ad been trying for more than three recks to make |ts way through the- tatc of Jahsrtj northward into Noy. rit to cheek the Sonoroas oa tholr 'Jiir/'h to tbo south had boen tamed ibout and ia on Its way to Iropnato, rom whcro it may movo northword to- rords the stato of Clilhuohuo. APPLIES FOB CinZBNBHIP WHEN DBPOETATION XS. HALTED ...HAW rEANOlSOO. ..-_PaUowlag Oto dodalon of tho department of labor Mtbdravlng .:d«p^t{an .procoedlAss Mpdnrt h J^ Wllhdm Ton ronner mlutary attacho of. ttie (Hrnuui =^te tlSS ittitaiiee for sn tn jltr rtolaUoon ttwk mt hu flrtt dtlaonahlD p a a a hm ^ Uy _________ _________________________ OOD BUDGET IS ED IN SEVEN YEARS Iaereaso la priees of elothinE In Ger- *w y. the su^t^c# *liowe<l7we*dS WOO p e r e o n t A nxaa'a ntlt, which- ^fw the war eo*t ttO / now ^ for : Doriaf the year ending l**t IVbmiry te thla eoBBtry m ar laer«*ed in-pSi 70 per eent Potatou weat over th* t«p to tko tone of a wTpor erea*o *inc« February, 191^ ^

UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

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Page 1: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

a iWFormer. Food Administrator’s f MOTWr pPH®*** CaHfoml-


AT SIZE OF 0\NH VOTE, C k n o r a l 'W o o d O o n t to u M t o

j f a k e S l i g l i t O a i i u u T a b n la -« o n o l H o o t f e r B t a t a B o h m u


SAIT PBANOIBOO, - ' from <,282 p rw lnoU o f tho 5,724 in tho ' BtBto Aow od Boantor H lnun W. John-

*,ft icadlnff H orbert 0 . Hoovor b r l « r 761 ro t« i M tho pw foT ttd pTe«Wcntlal e u d ia a U on tho ropnbliewi tlekot. The t iU U ire i* W e,l«7 «or Jo h n « n « a 169J76 fo r H o o W .

W iti b o i th r t« '«n*U ooaatle* t<* bo l e a rd from Hoovor w oi lo td tog t e ^ t

ct l i . f m r - i « b t I f ,•U to . thow bolng K inga and V o n to ^

-H ooTor's leadirh ich h* BuiatiOnod dorlag t l*•Wo* ovortoreod ^7TOirtW r r tn m * f r o t tX o i Ang«)e» eotmjy & i n g JohnM n 82,064 w d Hoovor 47,-

^ ^ ^ a t o r H ir .m W . Johow n itood lo; 4oy M tho proforred p m l d e n ^ «"■ ■djate on tho rflpubli<^•voter* o f OalUomlo, b i i n»tWo ■t»t«, «n tho face of y o ite rday 'a T ^rii^ry ro tom s from app ro rim a td r T J S a . o f tho 5 7 2 0 , F « l a .^•IJcrbort 0 . Hoover, 6«natof. Johnson • i n ly opponont, alao haa hl» homo In

' t S ™ m .™ ~ . . i Ift■polU cloaod la i t n igh t. RalphIv tt , C*Mfonilfc n**"/? -n l» .Hoovor, concedod Sonator Jo h n « n ■

tfV /°ito 'ovor’a home ■

S r ‘A p l . r .U t7 ,howovor. _____ _

Sobs Vote wJProteat a t League Opposition

■MTtw YOBK. M V -H crbort HoovorJ .

« « ^ r m y frlonda, In e n t o i ^ m y

■ w m M m .1 l U d . o f tho ? a r ly protcslcd affjUnat ?i I . U lto r view should itrcngthcn the oSlfport o f 1[ho ropubhean m njori.y -in t U een a te .'! , ■

Wood Holds Lead in.Indiana Over Jonnson

K i •'. ' 'V c f « ™ V ta m ” KO ™ t 01

i M I W I n d i a n , ( o r Ibo P ' ' ”l a in t ia l p r r f t r o n c o in y r> terilay < p r i

' " S u K l J i p r « l n S o n t o ^ h

14,M2. ■ ___ _


c H io X p o ,In tb e p r lo e o ( c o l io n , w o o U n ^ m n i

siiJruV '” i o X . ^ ^

,6 id i ,m ,m ”1

; ; ' r y”. “ J n " f t " S . . ' p S , 5 ! L . r ^ »• -T h o ’^iaTo. l « . l u a . d ."u t o . , o t « » «faclorod allka. . . ^

money would forco atoroa *tu rcri, In m any c a w ovor-itookod, i

* •‘' S S X t i i d « p in the t« .IU , & i .wonld-bo faUo’ tiona to food ?»!«*. “ marko^a n ^ a e w h a t tigo thof.

V-FAICana^Oan Wheat Board P I

Off eia Growera Bomu {j|W INW IPBO, M a a , ' B

peg farm era w ill got a o t l e n th o a I40 oent# a .b u h e l o a tb e p u i ia l '- ' Ination eertifleaU a ia n o d b y tho U

1Q aaadU aw 1ia a tb o u a < m w h ea t ao14- th rough th a t agency, M oordiag to '

. «Bttoaaeem ent iodayL'.by^^ Jam aa- '. S tew art, lehairm att'o f th e board.

. Thla, -iritli tho 1848 a buahel al- -> MBdy g o a r a a t ^ w ill b r ia g th e

5 p r ice tS $ 2 M .^ - S e ;

■ ArgentUuei W hetiSupply Running Low ,

• B D E N o e AIBES, T b . A r. .gentine government does n o t .con. P I

. tem p la te I t a l t i s g , w ^ to h ib l t l h g ,C th e ozporU tion of w lu a t a t th o '

p reaent tim e, A lfrodo de U areh l,' m in iater o f , w lc a l to ro , declared n „

® todny whon hU attenU ou wa» call- . ^ to th e heavy « ^ r t - m orem ent •,

w hich threatens to .exhanst th e ex- S po rtab le n rp lo s boforo th e now

crop la ready.The priee o f wheat baa rison to

27 peaoa a toa , a new reeord f l ^


Dony Demand fot PlBbtadte and >« Oonllrsn Boxmiariea Kxei , ' ‘I ' by Treaty S^ PAB2S, yPf—Tbe rep ly ot the cob- naf

firenco o f ambassadors to 'th e Hungn- ■J r ia a objoctions. to the .term * o f lho P. j_ propoaed peace tre a ty w as doHvered

today to the soerotary' o f tho Hunga- 1°,' rian delegntloa a t Verssilles.

Xt is tw n e d th a t th e rep ly denies■ tho dem aad for. a plebiseit,o in the t«r- .

, rlto ric s which the projoctod t re a ty de-taches from Hungary. Tho am bsssa- L “

^ dors also rofns«d lo m ake changes in ” tho now boundarios of H ungary as os- ?

I in the troaty. ^

i i H E A R S S T R IK IN G B O A T M E N 2 "--------- of

^ BalZrasd ta iw r Boanl O t u t a Atidl«&M »"•; IJ’ O var One U em ber's O bjection

\KASHINOXOI^1 ! ^ - O v c r th e pro- tost o f - E . I . V h ite r , e h t im a a of th e P, railroad exocutR-cs' conferen5tt> com*

a* m lttee , th e railroad labor boSrd t o d v }fJ, aa porm itted John H. P ru o tt,-^ f tho Mas- f ? tia to rs, M ates and Pilots association, to L i o r presen t tho wa^e demands of strik ing - f ;y, tug and ferrym en a t Now T o rk . gf

M r. W hiter arRued th n t since tho men bii had qu it work tholr demands eonld not be en te rta ined by the boan] under (ts rulings.

J l P rn o tt asked the board to g ra n t dock wl o fficers In AUantJc eoost harbo rs a a ioe ig h t hour day and wages rang ing from <le

cl, *126 to $100 a month. bej)p RcpresontatlvcB of non-recognired tei lid yardm en ’j associations a t a conference ty h e hero todny dlscuued plans fo r another

aMcmpt to obtain consideration o f tho ir ny dem ands b y tho railroad lab o r board. lot Dofinito steps would n o t be t tro- was said , un til n jte r the a rriv a l hore ?J ;p* o f yardmofl 'a representatives from P ort- fi, rar lim j, O re j^n ; Snn Francisco, XiOS Ange* („

P acific coast c ities. .

IDAHO W EATHEB _T onight and Thursday fair,

l i a — ------- ---------

I P W o r ld N e ^• L O N D O N , (/P)— h & s b e e j

nat w e l l i n f o r a e d s o o r o e i n O o b s ta i J n . . a g e n t 8_ a r e e n d e a v o i t o g a n d w i t

i n d n o e t h e A r m e n i a n B a f lb n a k i s E r i v a n g o v e r n m e n t , t o a c c e p ts f o r e i g n r e l a t i o n a o f A r m e n i a , e a

ffl T i m e s f r o i i f ^ o n B t a n t i n o p l e d a t

jo r C O N S T A im K O P L E , (JP}^A b r a h i m , h a s b e e n a r r e s t e d a f '

op. t h e m n r d e r o t J a m e s P e n y a& d t j ^ i c a n Y . M. 0 . A . m e n , n e a r A ln ti

" P A N A M A , (/P )— M a j o r Ocof c o m m a n d e r o f t h e P a n a m a o a n e

o d t b e r e s t r i c t i o n s p r o h i b i t i n g m i n g l i n g w i th P a n a m a n o f f id i a

. E U E 6 0 A , S p a i n , (0=)— T i lin^ O r a u s w e r e b r o k e n i n t o b j n n io ras: o f t h e g e p d a r m e r i e w e r e k i l l e dlov-20,- . s ---------- — ■— -:-jg

S O U T H E R N R E P U B L IC A N S ' (

N A M E i ; iV A L D E L E G A T IO N S

C C LoolaU uu knd U ia tn lp p i Opposing 1 F a c tio iu to be B*presented a t the

Ohleago OonvaatlonWon •

N E W 0BLEA N 8, La., (flV-Looi«l- ^ an a and Mississippi w ill send r iva l del- I

fgatloDS fo tho repDblJcaa national con- J . vention. (

i t* ''^hon tho “ regular rep u b lican s" o f i teec. named uninstm eted delegates '

to ChlcaRo two months ago, i t waa an- ' nfluncod th a t p arty differeneea had beea < burled, b u t i t became known today th a t '

^ fil th e so-called ‘Mlly w h ite " fae tlo a m et ! ifae* yeste rday a t A lexandria and oam ed a i 1, t 9 new w t of doiegales. :

''R e g u la r republicans'* o f M ls s i^ p - te« . pi m et today ««t V icksburg to elect a

•dne- set- o f delcgaUs to contest w ith those. iua ehosen oit April 1 ' a t ' a ea>nvontlon o f

''M ississipp i rep ub lieaas" a t JaekM a.

L i - i i : " :Twnt TAixa, miao, mnaai


Senator Knox Criticises Admin­istration Tactics in Connee- Cp tion with. Ratification of the ,

’ Treaty of Versailles •CLAIMS NO EXCUSE FOR

PROLONGATION OF WAROpoM Debate on Seeolntibn to

Declare S tate of W ar w ith Oermany a t End with a Lengthy Diaonssion

___ _ tWASHINOTOir. (ff) _ Opoalon d . . ' 1

bate on his r<\solutloa, lo declare tho f sU to o f w ar w ith Qermaay aa i A us­t r ia nt an end, Benator Knox, republi-

rcan, Pentftylvanla, declared in tho sen. . . . •ate today th a t President Wilson was a rb itra rily m ain tain ing th a t th e n a . tO I tion technlcaly was a t w ar in o rder to coerce th e senate Into ra tify in g th e ^

i trea ty o f Ven&illos."T h o re was no excnse w hatsoever v_

fp r g reatly prolonging tho wnr beyond *Z tbe signature of th e a rm istice ," Bena. ! ? to r Knox said, " a n d th e only erp la- IT

I- nation fo r so do ing wn* tho dellberato aim to re ta in a ll thoso autoeratle com- , pulsory powers w ith whieh the exeeo- . S

. tive had boen endowed fo r tho prase- cntlon of tho w ar ia order th a t ' thoy m ight be nse<J fo r o ther purposes.

« Walfaxo D aaanda ?eac« tloai[] “ Tho w elfare and safe ty of the na-

tion im peratively demands th a t wo ^ b s know wo have peaco. Tho wholo world » necths w itb revolution. Our own nation Mfti is In ferm ent and toll. Fbrco and J j t r l f e a re ram pant nnd threaten tho *

j destruction not only of. our property,I b u t o f onr free institn tlons and even

of our lives. A nd yot we stand, and _4 bave sioo<I for m onths, a s a rudderless OOl

sh ip .” 4"T lie eourse of tho president ovor

J. slneo ho cruised to Europe to portlcl- nato ,ln tho peace eoaference ," con-

- tlnued the fo rm er secretary o f sta to , N let^ves no chance fo r doubt th a t he w ill nb i

V fontltiuo h ereafte r as heretofore, to ^ thw art, so f a r as ho is able, evory a t- ®

tem pt • • • to tako any action • • • derc ‘E a ffecting thc provialons of tho tre a ty who

of Versailles as i t came to us fresh from in his signature. • • • •Jt Uni

Uae* A ll Domostle P o w " H e has conjurcd up every power K

•k w lt|jln his domestie domain In h ^ of- PIu: la fo r t to compel th is senato to sorron- ia la n der Its will and judgm ent to> him, and lonr

become tho mere aOtomatons to rogls- try te r his m andate—to approve th is trea - fujl

(Q ty in i ts la s t m lnuto of detail as ho ftp sen t It to u s ." rj_ Launching in to a 80,000 w ord dis- ? ' < eussion of his resolution, tho *eenator f , u wild congross bad tho power to " u n - „

m ako" any of i ts ae ts and consequently i J hnd. tho power to repeal the resolu- 1’®* ^ tlons declaring a 's tn to o l w nr w ith th e _ , ** ifflporial OeraiRa governm cst and w ith I l f- the A ustro-Hungarian empire. I f l

Pointing out th a t the w ar dcclara- ' "

(Continued on Page Fopr)

!ws Events 'b e e n l e a r n e d f r o m a n u n n s n a l ly a s t a n t i n o p l e t h a t B n s s i a n s o v i e t I w i t h s o m e h o p e s o f s u c c e s s , t o Joh a k i s t p a r t y , w h ic h i s b e h in d t h e j e p t t h e s o v i e t 's c o n t r o l o f t h e troj a , s a y s a d i s p a t c h t o t h o L o n d o n trit

d a t e d M o n d a y .

( J F ^ A b a n d i t o h ie lT ta in n a m e d Im 1 a t ' E l e p ^ , B y r i a , c h a r g e d w i t h .

a n d P r a n k J o h n s o n , t w o A m e r - i<V A in ta b o n F e b r n a r y 4 .

■_________ / lin

r O e n e r a l O h a s e W . K e n n e d y , c a n a l d o p a r t m e n t . T u e s d a y r a i s - '{>»' t i n g A m e r io a n o f f i c e r s a n d m e n f id ia la o f t h e r e p u b l i c . '■ ----- sa i— T h e g e n d a r m e r i e 'b a t r a c k s a t upi u n k n o w n p e r s o n s ' t o d a y a n d f i v e — - i l l e d - a n d . . e ig h t w o o d e d . i n

^ C O N V I C T C H A R G E D W IT H j ,

VS M U R D E R O F C O M P A N IO N______ _________________ini

lng U unato of IiXilio P n u to n tla ry U ee tae DeatU a t H aad s of Follow In ' ?

Coaftttam a a t j ;

dsl- BOI0E, Ida., W V -W nilam WUd, ande l' inm ate o f th e Idaho s ta te pon lteo tlary ,i,!on- here, is doad, and J . C. McDonald, aa* _

other convict, Is In solitary confinem ent t o f awaiting tr ia l fo r m urder .Wild died

Ue* Tuesday a f te r bolng h ll on tho head wan- Monday b y M cDonald daring an a lte r- j

leea ration In ;the prison barber shop. Tbo ;hat wespon M cD onaldtised w as-a piece o fm et 2 by 4 plonking. Both m ea wer* serv- t jd a ing Indeterm inate sentences from ono N . to 14 years, W ild for4ion>e.stei^ng aad Ir

iflp- McDonald fo r b reak ing Into a d ru g atIt a store to steal eoCaine. , N otb lag la eiliose. known of M cDonald’s antecedents; b a t tlI o f Wild 1s snrrlvod by hia 73 y ea r old aioa. mother, who llves a t Albany, Oregon. o:

. 'D A Y L B A S E p w iR n i

DAILUMPAX>uy,i;m o ,

Secretary of Navy C Battlecraft to Key >

ble Duty in Mex


NEW YOUK. (fP)—Six des the tender Black Hawk, left thel lantio fleet la th e Hizdsoa river at for Key W est fo r posaible duty in

WASHINOTON, (/P)— Secretar livision of destroyers, aow a t Kew ’ to sail immediately for Key W est ) possible da ty ln Mexican waters.

Tha d e s tre y m a n oommaadod tho b y Oapeala B yron Z,ong on tit* ' Tl t«ad«r BUckhawk. wWeh w ill ao- Wes cowpoay tit« f lo ttlia . C aptain Long T l WM la conf*i«ac« w ith Secrstary dlstt DanW* b e n la s t a lg b t and le ft rea«: taaaedU toly a f tn w a rd s fo r Now ists

•Tork to g«t hla *hlpa xeadr to ta ll Al today.T he secretary satd today th a t Cap- not

L^n Long hnd been given full In stru c Ame lloM as to tho policy to be pursued In a n r tho event It bocomos noiiessary to K nd rovo

Immigration Riding n Bara Armenian Girl H Refugee from Harem '

Countrymen to Appeal Oase- of Anna Sherbbtjian, Ordered

Back to Turkey■ - ■ Oo

NEW YOBK, —^Becnuse she could nb read, Anna Bhorbetjlan, a young A r­m enian wpmaa a t E llls island was or­dered deported b ack to Turkey today V whoro sho m ay fnco death fo r hor es- the capo from n harem th e re to eomo to tb e yea U nited Btatca to an unseen prospective Oo\ bridegroom. . , , a<,n

T etoklylan, a w ealthy vqu I liiladelphid m erchant, appeared n t tho island to claim her ns his bride, only to lenrn tha t sho eould n o t'c n tc r the coun- of I try . H arri'Y oM ainojlon , a-proaporous s e r rug dealer o f Cam bridge, Mass., has or- ranged to h ave A n n a e o a e bero to nsor- ry Terokelyian, H n rr l 's wife bad come from the same harem from whieh A nna ^ had escaped, bo said.

lUch Armenians a ro planning to ap- *Kn I» « r the COM. * I II


— to

Federal Oommissioner a t Bos- ton Issues W arrant for Ar. rou

res t of Armour Im a g e rBOOTOK ( ^ p r o f i t e e r i n g In m eat J™

was charged today aga inst Armour &Co. nnd its New England manaecr. John E . WiJson. T h f Jn tter was o r- *hn rested on n w arran t iwiiod by United tlie S tates Commls-iloner Hnyes on evidence; 1 tran im itted b y the United B tates dis- int. tr ic t nttom eys offieo tha t lamb" bought w r tor }oan than 10 rents a pound, wjui jjjij freiglrf clmrgoN of nbout four eenti n wa pound, had heO li-^Jd-here fo r 25 1-2 nta cents. (

WllBon wan a rraigned and released the HoatlonJ l)«Hd« fo r a hearing on May lm: 12. Tlie corporntion wns sumnioijcd to nu' «n»wor to A slttiilor ehargo n t the samo

I t is alleged th a t Armour & Co. on SfJ M ay ;i Hold o t 25 1-2 eenta a pound l ', pa rt o f a eousignm ent of 100,000 cnr- ' rases nf'lam b brough t here from Now Zealand.

Afler a rraignm rnt M anager Wilson said Armour 4 Co. a lw ays sold ifs pro‘l- ucts n t m arket prices, whether for gain »,|’i

___________________ eo


NEW YOBK, {^PH-Thousands o f gj Jews, headed by tw o o f the oldc*t o r­thodox rabbis in N ew York city , eorry- ing the " sc ro lls o f tho Jo w ," w ill march down F if th avcnno nex t Tuesdny hi in n porado Cclebrritlng the decree o f cr tho Ban Brmo conference makings Pal- ai ostinn the Juwlsh liomeland. tb

The Zionist . organU ation In announc- lng tho plons for tho dcnronstrntlon to- “

d sy said th a t n o ro than 40,000 Je w s / ‘ would be in tho proccsalon, which w ill J ho followed-by a n n a s meeting.

NOBTH DAKOTA BSPUBU0A278■ H O L D n ra c q a i n r r o o N V B N T to N s

f ‘FABOd, N . D., (;p)— Qcpubllcan epun- o:• ty conventions nro beini; held today InB North D akota fo r tho purpose of olect- ,,S (ng-doicgates to th o slate ennvsntlon g a t Minot, May 12 and 13. The s ta te* convention w ill endorse cjindidates fo rt tfio republican nominations for s ta te r d nnd congressional tlekeU , to be voted o

on in the p arty prim ary June 30. 1

Re p o r t o f t h e a s s o

y NEi i i n *Fi IBICe IEX AdvlciOrders American

’ W est for Possl- «dl jxlcan W aters

8 0 R I


LiklestroTers, aoeompanled by le ir anchorage with the A t­a t 2 p. m. today and saUed e l in Mexican waters. s ta te oi

tary Daniels today ordered a "Ivrf w york with the .Atlantic fleet, hnt&r It where they will be held for arm y e

C uen

ha d o ilro jo r. lo U o iio aa po ru .Tho vessels should roport a t Koy advlsad

Vest by tomorrow a ig h t o r P rida^. ■ tW T ^ u s f a r .n o reporU o f any serious tioaed

lls t iw ^ o e * in the M exicaa p o ru have jS # re eached the goverameat, b u t revelation- v « ra ' c It* are neUve not fa r from tlx* plaees. hav* «

A t the atate departm ent today I t waa « « ,« aid th a t reporta thn* fa r received ha* maadar lot ladieated th a t the live* of a n v i„ » ^ 2" Lmerleaa cltlxen* had been endaagered V laywbote la Mexico aa a r t s ^ o f thel-' ^441 ■evoluUon. . A

lESEEBOmiD f : t t S O E N S E -

, , — — oJ CoiOovemor Harding BepUes- > > Pu in

Oriticism in Testimony Be. . y*, *' fore Investigators Bov

—T----- all th.WASHINGTON, (ff) ~ Earnings ojf ences

the federa] reserve system th is fiscal year were estim ated a t *100,000,000 by Oovornor Hording of th e fedom l re- servo board. In tes tify in g today a t the tion 1 houso rale# committee hoaring on tho roKlutloBt proposing o a investigation of the adm inistration o f th e federal re- servo act. These earning*, ho said, points would exeeod by *1,000,000 those of la s t « year, which he aold represented a re- ^ « i r tu rn o f 120 per o en t on cap ita l s to c k JWtwo

W ithout explaining hi* stotoment, ' Governor H arding told th e commUtee th a t M rions problems conifronted the eouritry 'ln tho noxt alx m ontha Com- plain ts o l eountry baakera agaiBat tho *>T universal pn r clearance o rder o f the resolve io a r d ' ho said, w ere to the board T Js t like ‘fleas to a dog who m ust hove fleas to know bo Is a d o g ."

Mr. Harding said he had no objection to nny investigation ot the board’s WA methods. .

Alexander-W . Smith o f A tlan ta , tho mlUta rounscl of the sta to and .notional bonks tlonls prntoftlvo association, subm itted affi- ualng davits o f Nebraskn farm ors th a t cheeks towns drawn ngalnst them hnd been returned « * a i to tho porsons receiving them w ith tho revoh notation ."paym en t re fu se d " although caplti the chocks had n o t been presented by sam e the reserve banka for paytnonL havo

IleprosenlnUvcB o f .th e s ta te bankers ports Inter nppeared before tho federal re- offJci Sfrve Irfinrd with a p ro test against tho Gonu pnr cloaraaeo o ^ c r which thoy taid o f Cn w»a working a decided hardship on tlie n t th Btate banks in more thnn th irty sta tes lng f

Governor Harding Informed them fhat In thi the board eouM not considor any tovis- F ur

j inu of the j-eg^lations and sold th a t tho ia to I number of Aon-rese^vo banks n ot observ- tcndl ing the rCKulations was gradually de- port rreosing. This, ho declnrcd, was suf- hod flc len t renson fo r a continuation of tho week regulntiona _______ ^ stn te

BISHOP OOOEE BESIQ N S mnrrt i f s MOINES, l a , W >_BU ho|. E , O'*""

A. Cooke, o f Holpnn, M o n t, lcn.ien>d hix r<-»}gnr»tlon to th e M othodist eopal general confcronco today, m health woa givon as tho reason. Ho A PP h 0. \y e a r9 old, and s ta rted la tVio mJn- WB l8tr>* 47 years ago. ^


OmOAOO, W ^ -C h ie a so ' b a , b . r . | ? ^ havo docided to keep the p r lu of h a ir- ' cnta ond ahave* a t the present stand-i n n t i a rd . Soffio barber* eoasidorod n iis in g ;08t } the ir prieo for halrcuta to 75 cents. [ day .


W A Sm K aT O N . D. C., (AV-Tlio oom fam ily 'food budget in F ebruary waa o f S

- oxactly twlee the sum expended for ‘ tho aame articles o f food in February, jqqq ‘ 101.1, according to departm ent of labor befo , sta tistics. | 2S{r During approximately tlio same po- . ^ s riod In Greot B rita in , th e Increase waa fg . J only 130 per cent whllo in Ttaly I t tnU t*p '

1S7 per cent. Oormany outranked a ll[c re i


rijoB rm aum ■.' i.','; '■■i.'t

o i o s s i m 3

yiilfliiI'ices to Brother of General Calles Tell of Additions to theForces Opposing Carranm AdmlnistratfonRLY REVOLtToF THREE ORDER STATES FORECASTahnila, Nenvo Leon and Ta- manlipasi Soene of Aotlvitiea Like Those which le d to De­fection of Jsarez

:L PASO. T o ra ., c a tl tate o f Morelo* Is In the hnnd* of the olutlonisls, aceordlo^ to adWces re- f ti hero today by A rturo Ella*, th e r o f General P . Elio* Calle., com! idcM n-chlcf o f tho revolutionary IV o f thq northwest.^ sc ra a ^ f t^ th e capital, aad Ouanlla,> In Morelo*, have been bom b * rd ^

• S d ” “ “ ^ ■V o batta lions of federal troop* *U- ied along the lntor^)ceanio rkllway ), .running from Morelo* to A ntigua, ra Crux, on tho bay o f Campeehp,';e rovolted.f I t waa reported, lenoral Maauol M. Dlegues, com- ' nder o f the federal snafe* In fh« - th , 1* oa bla way to Ohlhnahna C ltr m Irapua to . Gnaanjuato. k^aaUlonnl followera of Oeae'rol Joa* a A n a ro , form er eommaader of th e f ra n ta force* a t Ojinaga, opposito »*iaio, Taxa*, have jr^ o lted , acw rd- ; to report* reeeived b y Beaor

isurgenta Active ' in Border Statea

A oriA PM E T A , Soaotai o ® ' " * ’.)o®tlon Of tb » border:fta to* Coaliulla, Nuevo Leoa aad-T anim U .

* U a m a tu r o f - io v a-'faw d « y * ,'it I* annonaeed a t artlllary headqoarter*

the revolutloniati here today. ■ B ovojutloaary force* a re a o t i « In I the sta tes, I t wa* *ald, and confer, ees ore under w ay llko those condnet-

which led to the revolt o f Juare*.In M onterey, Nnevo Leon, Carranxa rees were deelarod concentrating ia n r o f nttock, and the same coacentra- )n w aa reported a t S aa Ltil* TolotL ,T th« *ontb i a the ata te ©f th® aauo ime.M onterey and Saa Lola^ Potosl a re ' ^ a r e d the two moet im portaat »laU la B orthera Mexieo fo r ^ reb . s now lo, t ^ W ith the*e cHle* la • i r p o u essio a tU raU eoaunaiiieaiioa •tween t t e H alted SUte* and Mexico

^ *»« «»• oU field*9iJd ^ iaoUted, exeept b y w ater.

a eU aa *li03>« aad o ther f*eilltle* need- L 07 «n

laea Airplanea to H arrasa Insurgents

■ w ism sav m , ( f f j-A p p a r .m ir« i i .)Ie to ge t oador way aay offon*lve ' i U t ^ s e d i t i o n ag a ia st th e revoJu- onUt*, P resident C arraa t* has Begaa dng olrplanea to harms* rebel-held iwa* l a th e neighborhood of th e Mexl. l a cap ita l, according to advUea \o >volotloaary agoaf hero. Ooom«va«a. ip ita l o f Morelos, ond G uantla in th e Une .state, aro two of th e points th a t avo beon sm artly bombarded, the to- orts etated. Tho inform ation tbrongh fflc la l ohonnels yesterday th a t Pablo pn tales, formerly an a rden t'inppo rte r f C nrran ta , had pntered th e revoJntlon t thc head o f a detachment o f revolt- «g federal troops, also was contained 1 tho rebel ndvieca F u rth e r Indication th a t Torreon agaia I to bocomo tJio objentivo o f the con* ending forcos was contained in the re- o rt th a t General Dicguce* foreo th a t ad been try ing for more than three recks to make |ts way through the- ta tc o f Jahsrtj northward in to Noy. r i t to cheek the Sonoroas oa tho lr 'Jiir/'h to tbo south had boen tam ed ibout and ia on Its way to Iropnato, rom whcro it may movo northword to- rords the stato of Clilhuohuo.


...HAW rEANOlSOO. ..-_PaU ow lag Oto dodalon o f tho departm ent o f labor M tbdrav lng . : d « p ^ t{ a n .procoedlAss Mpdnrt h J ^ W llhdm Ton ronner mlu ta ry attacho of. t tie (Hrnuui= ^ t e t l S Sittitaiiee fo r s n t n j l t r rto laU oon ttw k m t hu f l r t t dtlaonahlD p a a a hm ^U y _________ _________________________


Iaereaso la priees of elothinE In Ger- * w y . th e s u ^ t^ c # * lio w e< l7 w e* d S ■ WOO p e r e o n t A nxaa'a n tlt , which- ^ f w the w ar eo*t t tO / now ^ fo r :

D o ria f the yea r ending l**t IV bm iry te thla eoBBtry m a r lae r« * ed i n - p S i70 p e r e e n t P o ta to u w eat over th*t« p to tko tone o f a w T p o rerea*o *inc« February, 1 9 1 ^ ^

Page 2: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

S S c l S fm m m & i

Conflicting Ciaims are UrgeC . with Respec to Boundaries

Set by Peace Conference ir Central Europe

-OPEOTUBO; Oflrman W ert H un jarj (/P)-~Bed, w hlto an a gr««o poatcn w itt l ^ n d a o f pro teR agalnat tb« Mpara Uon of th ia pro-Hungarlan d ty fron H nngary, and I ts aeeesaion by AuBtrii a^^jBOn aa the poace la 'ra tified , appeal in nearly every house and ihop win dow.

' Two A nalrlaa .commlMlonera, sen'here to make prelim inary arrangetoent Xor tak in g o v o r ' th e adm lnUtration ol

' the town, upon tbe lr arrival were hoot ed and jeered by a g rea t crowd, vego tab le! wer« throw n a t tho lr cairiag* u d b laek flags hung from moat ol the p n b lie 'an d oth«r DUildlaga l l ie j aeem poworleaa, i t la said, and a n now V irtoally , interned in their offleoi here.

' ' Thia littlo e ity , whieb the Hungart ana call Sopron, is the iaetfopolla ol th a t i tr ip o i ’territory-w hich tbe peaci eonferenee took from Hongory an<

f gave to A u itria on eeonomie, othsologle and atrategio grounds.

Ita loaa haa oauaod tho Budapest gov ornment to m ake v a rb u s proiwsala t< Auatrin in an e ffo rt ' to retain U, nl

' - - . ^ f wbieb have beon refused. Mean while tho n o n horo very gonemlly wea the Hungarian eolora In tholr coat la pela and the women on thoir hata o aa hair ribbons. Tho Auatriana ehargi th a t tho demonatnition ngalnat thei mission woa a govem m entally organ iu d alfaU .

Th9 H uagarian goveram ent haa oa deavored, i t ia charged, to create th< impreaslon t^ a t thla region ia prepon derantly HuoRarian In race, tongue and by predelletlon. Tho V ienna gov ernment, on the other hand, haa re alated thia w ith counter elaima tha tho people aro dom inantly Oormaali by blooa, language and deaire.

Of lato weeka there haa h ew eon aiderable publicity given aeml-offieia Auatrian atatem enU th a t, ponding th< w ithdraw al, tho H ungadana wero op p f ^ n g the A ustrian population, re qnfaltionlng m aterial of all kinda an<

.generally wreaking tbe lr revenge h mheh tbo aame w ay the Komanlana dU to them. I t oven atated in hlgl VTeiUia quarte'ra th a t fan n e rs’ horaei were bolng taken away.

Theao reporU- w ere ao persistent ai to lead the correspondent fo r the Asso elated Preaa to a ttem pt a firs^han( inveatigatioa. Tbla haa covered tei typical vlllagea; Ozelualve of thia lit tie capital, w ith talka here and then with peaaanUi in tbe fielda or alon( tho roada.

I t ia fa ir to aay th a t in the regioi visited no ovldeneo in support o f tb< alleged Hungarian, opiiraaaion or re quiiutioning waa to -b e had. The ne impression gained waa th a l tho major ity of tho population In tho localUie covered aro in favo r of union will Anitrio. Ono roaaon aaaigned by thi peasants waa because the Magyars they aoid, had never given them prop or schools. Tholr children wero poor ly taught, if U ugh t a t all, and the: a t loaat know tho Auatriana had goo< achoola. Then, V ienna waa their mai ket. Budapeat waa a long w ay ofl The H ungarian official e l ^ a wer

' “ unaympathetie w ith the fa rm e r" ao so on. Thia waa oehood In other towaJ Naturally, there w as diaaent. t& r and there moa talked, o f th«-.Vlea« commuDist govorm aent, w ith whlc thoy w anted nothing to do.

Hero- In Odenburg n t present an a! Jied eommiaalon ia sitting , eompoaed o Britiah, Frcnch and Ita lian o fficer watching"»over a ffa ira until tho Am triana tako hold.

Thla la a vine country. I t haa a waya looked to H ungary for lla gral aupply and fo ar exlata th a t thia ma bo cut off. Thoa tho economic pro! Iem asBumea a very v ita l phaae fo Auatria whieh muat aupply n t least a mueb m l n aa thia region haa reeclvo herotoforo.' While tho te rrito ry Involved ia ama and tbo population only about 300.00 tho atralegie aspect o r th is aroa proi ably is ita moat im portaftt one. Aut tr ia 'a prosent fron tier la regarded a

.dangerous In th a t V ienna and Wienei Nooatadt, as well as many other Indui tria l centcra lying along the main lln of the rnilwny, are b u t a HtUo diatane from H ungary, eaaily open to attnc from thnt more powerful ncighboi The acqulaitlon of Qerman Weal Hut l ^ y is thua a defensive terrain fo Austria.


NKW YORK. (/P)—Charles Downe Ilnicn, author and professor of liiator in Columbia university , has hern grant rd leave of ubaencc for tho academi year bcifinnlng Ju ly 1, to Iccturo a lho U niversity o f Strasbourg. Trol llAzcn in thu f irs t A m crlrau acholar t

. lie callcd to Strasbourg sineo th e .h ii toric A lsatian Institution reverted t French control as an incident o f alllo< victory. Ho will begin hia work ther In 80]itomber.

The student o f tho ada knowa pricei commodilies. values. And surh uow ! edge may alwaya be “ caahed in>”

D . H . P E C K C O M P A N Y


i t i tloMli AveniM E»l Pboiw 12265


Hunliic tha Ohaiimbl

[ I j ^ H


» t - S t t K s o a Gcjve>*a.I

[^1 General Porahing and M iss J o lia 8 t!a» photographed a t the laanebing o f th s Oba

art. ^ 0 vesael waa named a f te r General Perahl o ; in g along^do Uiaa Btinaon u aho craahej

loce th e Oeneiai w aa doused b y tb e lr« tb in g cbi and the workmen, 2,000 t if whom aro form er i oIo-< Doughboy p u t It, " t ie k le d p in k ” by tho


irge -------- •>>«ir Agreement on ^ e c u tio n of the

. Treaty Reparations Olanaes ' ifl £xpeoted

wn- PABIS, ( f l ^ - i ^ m f e r MUlerand if . r“®> going to London no*t wook to confer “

w ith David Lloyd Oeorge, tho BritUh primo miniator, regarding finnacinl quoatlona. I t ia expeetod an agree- mont will be reached w ith regard to le

- oxMution o f the reparationa elansea of tbo trea ty of Veraaillea ’ k

Tho premlera will alao agroo on tho F baaia of the dlacuaalona to beld w ith

’’P* the Oerman repreaentativea a t tho SpA q ” * m eeting oo M ay 25. <>■

Tho French viewpoint ia th a t- th e y i ,}° will not diaenaa the p rin ^ p le o f any a id clnuao of the trea ty aod wUl take sp ’ ^8 * w ith tho.Germ ana only tho m anner of

applying tho t re a ty 's term s. \w h a t praetieally amounta to a modi-

“ fication of the reparationa clause w ill i be diacuaaed in the form o f propoaed minimum lind mailm nm to ta la o f rep- , ,

^ nrationa. . vlit- Th^ French probably w ill not accept *, ‘O'® a lower minimum th a n ' 100 billion

m arka'go ld . b u t are Ukely to eonaent ^ to fixing tho maslmum reparation pay-

rlon ,b lo by Germany a t 160,000,000,000 ni tbo tnnrks, which was tho lim it tho Ameri-

can experta reported they found Oer* n®* maoy ablo to pay, T'

The minimum aum mny be divided Into annultiea of 3,000,000,000 marka,

rtlh os diacuaaed a t Ban Bemo. J


• H undreds o f people aro tak in g ad- “ ’ Od vantago o f tho LOW OOST on PU BN I-

TUBK a t th e oImo o u t aale o t tb a OoT' iM tt Furn iture Store. Th« store wasoverwhelmed w ith purehaaors from tho •tim e tho doora opened, and a il wera «am atod to aeo the draatls eoU tb a t were tmado on ovory article. I t is a ease o f •

Itlch prieea indicated tevery word of I t People eame from tbe ifou r eoriiers o f the eonnty w hieh apeaka ]

J Qf well fo r tho modlom of advu tia in g .— |

ina- “ “ •K«Hy Pmp^ MaMne. a

al- PapjTtia, from wblcb Ibo w era o * ' h rain p«r ta derived, la oot paper a t a ll. and E

tb a beglDolDga o f tbo paper todtiftry - a re not traced back ta - tt . b o t to tb e .

t u Obtoeae. -froia wboiD it apread to o tb e r racea aod tbeo to B arope to tb e tw elfth

mall eeotnry. ,Aboot th e year 1160 • papar .000 cDlU waa a tarted a t Fabarano . Italy, rob- wblcb becaotf tbe p rto d p a l een te r to r

paper making. ecotloaU ii to tb e p re » “ en t day. From lU iy n b e a r t epread dua- ^ ^ n c e and Oermany and aomewhat

la te r to Bngland. mce .^ k You may leam aomothing of valne bor. to you about valuoa and pricea of mer- Iun- chandiae by devoting a few minntea fo r to reading the ad a

Claaaified Ada - are cneap->«ffoetlTe.

[T 7


“ S ll ' Eai

The Guarantee on

TWIN F A U ^ DAILimbiit «t H ot i h l ^ n | '

. I

t r 0



of c pres cona

tanc of I tude inve

S tbuoa, fonper bead nurae o f th e A. XI F . expt e Ohaomont a t Hog la la a d , Philadelphia. gatl< Perahing'a headquarters in France. S ^ d - aeml raahed the bottlo orf tho bow of tbe ahip, repr lg cbunpagne. 'A e n lie waa-aurronnded b y tor ta e r aerviee men. Ho waa, aa one farm er of ■ tho ovation. like

» ■ .1 ■ ■ .11 • . a BI that

Real Estate Transfers

•!| F g n u d U B]f «M x i l a n i k » I "

- ---------------- - - ----------- . Also

- Bnhl Townallo Co. to F rank Craig, onji lot 13, bloek 66, B uhl, #180. ,

, , H. M. M ylar to W. M ontooth, »5C0, drai ” lot lt>, block 2, Olden Add., Twin FalU. plai

[fh Alphua Greene to B. & Oit»no,. iJ,, $2200, lot 1, aoc. 7-10-17. ee- John Fenn to Thom as m aher, $3100, to lot 10, Tolberts Snb. D iv„ T w ia IWI*. o f 0 . H. Sm ith to EHixa D. Stoll. *1,

■ lot 3, NW 1-8 lo t 4 . bIo«* 83, Twiothe

M. 0 . Stephenson A dok E a t of E. K. Il Cmdcr to M. A. M oore, lo t S, block mal

_ 37. Twio Falla, $h oaljV Filer Townaite Co. to FUer Soed Co., tow

11400, lota 9, 10, 11, 18, bloek I , Filer, mei ’‘P Sllelha H a rm in n to L. L. Wood, Alb

tlO , loU 30, 37, blook S, Northview thal Add., Twin I ^ I U feel

0 . D. V andenbark to Same, 11, same prei

**1 B. O. Brown to E . R. W altx, p a r t lot’P‘ 10, block 1. T w in Falla. froi

, Joaeph Buasell to A. D. Griswold, diff MSO, lot S. bloek H I , Twin FUla.

Paten t: U. B. lo A. C. H ardy, B 1-2 .N E 1-4, E 1-2 SB 1 ^ 22-14-17; A

, P. 0 . Probaaco to B. B. Sloe, *1, lota will T 20 and 27, block «9, B u h l

Poc. Sec. T roat Co. to W. E. Aaron. « n»2100, lota 6, 7 and 8, block 5, Bluo for

, , U k ea Add.. Twin F a lla tooM artha A. Hayee to Cora M. P a trick Woi

* • ' *1700, lota 1 a n d ^ bloek 7, Terraco thePlaee, Tw in Valla. thei

T. H. Auatin to Cora M, Patrick, cry »1000. lot 10, bloek 140, Twin E U la

Mrs. J . Poaraoo to 0 . L Noble, #1, iftlota 1 to 6, block 32. Kimberly. “ d

S '. ^ Diarft Work.I t waa tb e o lgh t b e f ^ Chrlefmaa

the mother w aa bav log a g ea deri - f i era of trooble getting l i t t le B eleo to go t» ber are t>«d. and flnally eald. *8a n ta Q (a « one o f eent word he la com ing toolgbt. so yoo g a t

ted B oat get to bed a n d ^o aleep,* wbeo tioi the m other^ aagel cbUd anew ered: "Don't tka TOO flnk we'd b e tte r a tay op u d 'eelre

t l m r —

The informed C o p p e r wiD find inat aa a ttrac tive o ffe rings in a period of

DA* high prieea aa w hen pricea a re low. ind For priee, a f te r all, l a a re lative thing try —value U a fnndM nantal thing, tbe -• e . ------------------------------

“ BBiL EBTATB:^ Why r e n ti Bny home on aaayST

LOANS:^ Farm and C ity.J 5 n rsT O A H o a :

P ro o p t aorvice. F ife pre- *■* vention.

BONDS:N ational S u re ty Co. “ The

lue L a rg e a t"


O rer O oldan 'B ole Store .

I t is a Riguificant fact tha t the iiCHt cars in America aro equ’p- e d w i t h K ELLY - SPRING- iv j.ji TIEBS.





Kelly-Springfield Barney Oldfield

and Diamond Tires

pn Our Line Is Cood

I L I I U I s l l l l l l l i >11 to o nirn e T m w iii] i iJ L . U I I I l l l U l l k l l . V ." LeadJ

M P P I OF §PCjfttiiSTS.

tlation Convention oif- ' Red ^ Caicrlers to Be Heid In ^

Kew Yorlt for Naniing of Uie Party St 'dard Bearers ==

NBW TTQBK; WieUlirt p « fty of America; wQl e ^ n the f l n t na- lional politieal eoavention o f 1020 whea £00 delegatea from variooe aoc* tlona o f 'th e eonntry aaaemble here next Batnrday, M ay 8. They will eoaiinoe | thoir deUboraUona for a .week. Ac­cording to party offleera nomioation of candidatea fo r p w id e a t aod Tiee* presldeot o f the TTnlted' SU tea . a ad >< eonstrnetion of a, platfonn w ill be the chief buslneas before the delegatea.

8oeiaUste-ft*tach*.partioiilar-=*iqiqf — tance to th is year'a eonvention, beeaoae of a ttack s made on the p a r ty 'a a tti- * tude during the w a r 'a n d during the investigation in A lbany whieh led to expoUlos o f -the entire aoelalist dele* 1 gation o f fiv e from tha New Y ork .aa- \ aembly. tTnaeaUng by the hooae of ‘ reproK ntativea o f Bepreaeatativo Vie* to r l i . 'B e rg e r of Wlaconaia, eonvietod of v io latiog the en ioaage aet, alao ia likoly to eomo op for dlaeoaaloo.

O etta ln Debata Toplea.Bepreaentative aoeiaUata also declare

th a t righ ta o f free speeeh, freo press and free aaaemblage, whieh pairty offi- d a is asaert have bMn endangered by “ gag leg ialation" paaaed during the war, aro eertain. to raoeivo attention.Tho othica o f application now of w ar measurea deolgned to prevent atrikea ■ ■ also U achednW fo r debate.

A com nittM o f wMeh Mo’tr ia H ill- r = s qnit, oaeo eandidato fo r tho Now York i m ayoralty, ia ohainnaa, U sow a t work d ra ftin g rocommendatlona fo r th e partjr platform . Adoption of a new p la t­form U eonaidered of prime importanco thia year, beeauao of efforia by federal aod atate offlelala to ally the p a rty w ith iU ' “ U f t Wing.'^—InduatrU l Workors of the World, communiata, boi- aheviala and other elementa—w hieh iU lead en aaaert haa beea dropped dnring the paa t y ea r or ao.

I t ia believed th a t the p latform rnay m ake elear th e p a rty ’a a tt i ta d e ao t oaly tow ard theae "ex-coD uadea" but tow ard the preaeat Bnsalan govern­m en t D uring the soeialUt tr ia l a t Albany, p a rty leaders made i t plain th a t w hile they held a aympathetio foeUng fo r aoviet 'Phm<is beeanse it p resented a field fo r a g rea t social experiment, thoy did not consider them- aelvoa aUled w ith the commnnUt party , from whoae phUoaophy they aaid they differed.

Deba W idely F aV o r^According to preaent plana, tbe p a rty

will nominate only two candidatea for national office. Eugene V. Deba, now aorving a term in A llanta penitentiary fo r violation of tho espionage ae t, haa beon repeatedly advocated for the prea- ideney by prominent party leaders. A l the sociaUat investigation of Albany, theae leadera on the aland raised the cry o f “ from prison to W hite H ouso" asserted th a t Deba had been convicted for word, aod n o t deed daring the war and compared him to Jeana of N azar­eth.. The eonvenUon wiU be lim ited to SOO delegate^ i t haa been announeod. apportioned to the varioua s ta te s ia confoq&ity w ith thetr socialist mem­bership. • £ a ^ atate wiU bave a t leaat one d dega te . New York, w ith 37 dele­gates, is aaid to bo tbe largeat deloga- tion.' Ponnaylvania 'with 21 ia aaid to bo seeond. . . |

.O tto B rana te tte r o f Chicago,


Biscurri ynat do-light this word sug­

gests. So tender they £airly melt in the mouth, and of

8 sach glorious. flavor that the appetite is never satis­fied. Inese are the kind of biscuits anyone can make with Royal Baking Powder and these unnsnd redpes.

BlK»ttS I

s% e w m ^ ^ ^ tu O I mUk aoa

Sift to n tb e r floor, ^ak ioa peir- der and salt, add sho rtm laf and rub la very llfhUri addUquId slowly: roU or pa t. on floured boara to about one inch tn m thlcknOM (handU aa U ttle^aa 1 p o ^ b te ): cut with blaeult cottM>. ■ b Z u la bot ovea IS to > ml»< J ulas. • ■

Royal Paw

Q PowderS tablespooas abortaalBk

s if t S tahUaipoona e t meafored au ra r with floor, salt and bak* la s powderi n b sbortaninf la UtSttlr: add beaten e f t tei w ater aad «dd alowly. RoU out H ladH

*‘Bake wii

order in the aailtoiiom of the Fin- A W9r](m^Ml>utlettal aaaodatloa. ^ ladiag aeelaUetaiftem Atlaatle to Pa> f i T i ^ b e pi«eMt,inelQdlagMr. Bm - ' lit, who i f e a n a a e L a k e : 8ey ^ o v 6tedm«a, 'a ieac 6 lawyer, u defended naiQrpromineKt aoeiftUtta " loght In the nteah ef war legialatioa: i ^ r U 'Berfer, itf ';iCiI«wEM wiQ qi iayor Boaa.'oJ tae:aaBe ei:^. . preparei

W M * w t m l O e . h M u » f l l 1» O M ' lU la U . n u U i Bill, Ibidbon ■ ooft l u n g iL ^ '■ m Ix tlii nen>,of > o n a i

iayor Hoan are aeWided to qieak. A


P o t a t o C o iS R A S n - K T OTi<:

At all Loading Statiolu hW e a i a p r e p u a d t o o o n t r a o t i

th e • t a n i l a i i l r a r le t lM o f t h l i y e i prices; with liberal cash adTWoes.

Por farther Information oftll o

W M . K EAt Centrai Coal Yard,

A O E i r r r o i Wm. D. Ebberi

ID A H O F A L L S - - -

The First N a i


aCapital and Si


a1 . r . Jo h M o n , P re« . W . U.

J . H . I te x w e l l , O asb . V . E ;

B . L . M ax w ell, i a i i e t i

A. S o n n a n J o h n a o n , Aul

Member of Federal Ri

p o t h e r R o y a l S u g g e s t i a n

5, BUNS a n d I1 t h e N e w R o y a l C o o k B o o k

Sf,s r

s soveafrom

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A b a a l u t m t y P u r m ^

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6 tl» : W > r ^ f | r < t , boainge I the delegatee aad aeeptdite . to ty offieew, wboorer he m a jr - ^ ba - •d e ak imiBatraeted and -withoBt .>ared reeonjaendatknau. •

Jay»9t Uft. 'm 'Jor» t t m h 't iM a a m . ,

nodal b ea t. b « t t e dlMOTvry;. a t I eeal .ttf boOttas laatHlal asa ttft poaltlbs ^ tb* e c o t r a ^ ti» o a »

-aad-'tbii^ fa llov ^Of ,t^e» a o t et 'tta^iy.iway


i n t r a c t s :i P . 1 9 2 0

I in Southern Idaho.Ot any siunber of saoks of 7«ar*s orop a t attraotivQ oos.II OIL or t^ephone

E .R Rrd , P lw n e 2 2 4 roBert, Ine.-----------IDAHO

ional Bank


Surplua '9M

n. Eiaridge, Vloe-Prea.E; Blzon, Asst.'Oash. dstant Oashier ^Issistant Oashier

Reaerve Syatem ^


R 0L U 5 ^K )K

near, ejaaanen aad lalalaaL toU aa for iaOy nUt «ot tsta M indl plaoes: pUee wttb eot

ivea n to K Bimitae: remove rom paa a t osea.

P a ita r B o o k i B oda

.aft floor, aait aad baktav pev» tsr togetW. Add xaeitad s b ^ rnlnff to milk aad add atowlr to try Incredleota atlntn« until nwotb. Kaead UHiUy on flourM ward aad rt4i oot U laeb thick.>it .wttb btsoult ouher. Creaae' lecb d rd e wttb back of knife >na elde. of.oaatar. Butter tb* men eeetlod aad fold larcer >art^weU over the aman. Plaea.. _____>M tach apart tn freased pan.UIow to staad l i ml mites taneited butSr end bake la mod*.■ate o^en u to » m tetea.


■bow yen bow to add Inter-

aoriz, auEDKi Knam CO.XUrMMiMMS««T«kCiV

B Sure**_______ *________

Page 3: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

I P m i l

b ^ Mn AQ Asalnit Bniun Qolag Orer tran Second—'

Placer* Fan to r i j^ e" > B y 't V t a i b a i a ' .

Oae of tbe most effeetWe u d Mirieal «ff«utT« pUy» ia b«Mb«U' U tm« oi the mott dlffienlt for modern b«l

. ploTort to mMtert; aoeordins (o the ,.»*4oTity of a u a n r a . Ik U tba «t«k Jbom aeeond to u ird bon.

:1 r Wbot tbo fan n ay tUnk U an at tempt to fteal tU n 'u iiaa llx la a bl and ran 0107 , nowaday^ frequentl; i t attended .with m en dlNUtrona re n i u than woold be the eaw If mor a tn igh t iteala were attempted,

j f '' Tbe Taloe of tbe plajriU tmqoettlon 'Cod. : Wben a 'nuuior roaebea ioeoB<

baae wltb onlr ono'bnt bis ebaaeea o ee o riu are donbled If be oan aegotlati Iblrd base beforo two men. are ooi. Ttt'

............ -nm ner on - tblrd-wllh_leaa_lban^twiout eon eome In on almost aajrthlni not bit d lra tiy at an Inflelder, exeep

* a short fly. In a close *ame tbe lnfJi*V natsrolljr bas to p l v eloso, increosliij the cbonees thot tbe batsman will bi

. safely.F an n * of F la r Ooitlr.

Tbo chief- objection., made by ti> players to stealing tblrd is tbo cost 0

. foUuriv Tbe Hinoer on first knows h cannot reaeb bome on a slnele, to i willing to try to pot bimself witbl strlkSne distanee of the plate, ovon 1 the risk of beins throwa ont at se< ond, on tbe tbeorv tbat ho wos no poi tlculor good on f « t , anyway. But fh runner on second, eonfldent of seorln on a cleaa bii* hesitates to risk throv ing away that advantage.'

The ployer does not bave os for t steal aa in going from first to secoai Tbe aetoai distance between tho sael il tbe same, of course, but, tho shor stop cannot luld tbe runner as eloi to his eomer of tho diamond. Th pitcher cannot throw to second 1 quickly or unepcctedly ns ho con t first base, because he muit turn fartbi to do It. Consequently, the runner cs sof eir* take «t feast, tbrco steps rtoi away from the keystone bag tban froi

.. tbe iBitiol sack., Sbott Tbxov Ko Baal Holp.

Tbo argument that this advontof is offset by the shorter distanee tl catcher hos to throw to stop a runni a t third 1s not truo. I t Is sometbii like 37 foet noarei tbo plate thaa se ond bose, but tbot docs not bolonce tl ndvontogo the mnner hoa if ho taki

. a good’lead off second. Tb^ dlfferem in tho time required for a throw 1 travel from coU^er to aeeond ood fro «otohec to third cannot be measured I I h e ^ s t stop watch invente<L I t r quirM a vory dcUcote Kientifio apps titua to~meosure tbot dltforence.

But tM advantage of even thr atops in uealing a base is a sufficle: intervol ot,tlmo to be registered by 01 good ipllt-second'wotdi. The percet ago is all in favor of the runner, y thore ore a dosen or twenty attemp to stool second for every effort to pv loin third.

ym»«Tw«n Aid ' to Bonaar.Wltb tho old of a crafty batimon

runner can steol third with greot ease than if left to hla own efforts. J olert mon at hot can readily see t tW bose runner starl from second, pt

• ticularly If tho iiwot«man Is lefthamu Bv moking a bluff to bnnt tho boll enn draw the third baseman in J stinctlvely, unless it is a wiso iniieid Kho has anticipated ■^ch a play trme to resist t^o Impnlso' to rush aftor a bunt. And If the wise infield or bocks up to third baso on the pl the w ili batsman cna swi tcb and bu tho balL

Bven a foul bunt protects the n ner a t the slight coit of a strike, wh « fnir bunt in luch cireum s^eos likely to upset a team unless the pU. «r is a very quick and good • field The worst that can happen if the ba man bunts the ball on tho ground till ow,n demise nt first bnw, in wh

' eoae tno boso runner will bo on tnl with two out, and will be able to sc< on anything thot would dHve him ho from second.

• ■Wby Not Trlod Oftsnw.I f the ploy Is 10 good tho fon n

want to know why tho monoRcr of team docs not pull U oftener. 1 onswor is thot tho playcra and not ' oanagers, poll tho steals. The popu ImpressioQ tbat tho eoocher givea

. runner a algnal.juit when to iteal erroneous. Thc runner Is simply t to steal if ho gets the chance, and in up to him to make that chance hlmnclf ond take odvontago of it.

The ottompt to steal must not confoundo.l with the hit.ond run pl which is much more eommon. In

^ latter ease the Imtiman almost alwdecides whon to try it, whllo In fonnor the decision is left to tho 1

• _s t a b t b a q a h t

d ’aBTMOTITH. England,2.T metre yacht Bhamroek, which ,li bo used by 8 iT Thomas l^lpton In I lng up races for tbe Shamrock IV, challonKor for the America s cup, t ,d “ i K for N.W York. M .m . bailed the Iattor part o f April i.Dartmouth for Now York but mot 1unfavorable weather off the Eng coast and had to put baek into pot

' I. E, STANBELL349 E. Main Pboaa 79



lest . ' -............ ' BoTwta »aIto-,Hl»h Bchool Bmoth- g

tlia r a * W r i t i n g Ban Playcw; ' fii BMre ai-1 ■

f f : In «aotlier w i ld - u d m o l r aoBteat a t L iaeola p a rk , looal-bigb sehool base- ball men y w tsrd ay ^ fea t*d -.lbo .W #a- c i

^ dell sebobatie aggrogatioa b y a :a i te Oi 1 aeore. D e a a u a ’a m«« bad no d lf-

, flen lty la iiaO ing tbe visitors’ plteh* re ers, and tro tto d aronad the basoa w itb eaae. Qwiag Ut -dlaagneable w oatber

! ^ th e gatno- w aa ealled a t tbe tep lraH oa o f fonr and a ha lf laalaga.

P * Pntxior burled a ll five staaaas aad I? ' completely bafflod tbe Weadellitos,]' wbo garaared. b u t two h its o ff bls

•ep* p lU h b g . Tbo v isito rs fouad I t BNea- •» saty to je rk tw o monndmen and install a th ird U fo re tbe fraeas ended. Twin FalU h it aafely l i tim es, b n t amaaaedlP* 10 acorea on w alks and errors. Cap-

' ta la K ing ahowod up boat wbea I t eame the to clouting, fo r tbe lengthy f ir s t sack*

t of or made four b its i a a a eqnah anm ber l he of times a t b a t - Putaler eamo noxt I i<i w ith throe onb of fonr. Yoehem w as C thin b it on tbo side of the head ia tbe th ird ^ 1 a t Inning while on tho side lines, and w as|,C ■ee- forced to go o u t o f the game. Jamoaon ’'V por- reploced him a t th c keystone aaek. ] N fho Scoring began in tbo f irs t in a ia g is

ring whon Yochem, Krengol, K ing. Thometx p row* and .F ix worked around ths c ircu it Blx^D

mo>o tallies were recorded ia the aee* r to ond and IQ in tbe th ird . The b}g stlek ond. was laid aside in the fourth when it icks 'Was n o t aeeded. - rClort- WendoU’s lono acore was made in 8 Jose tbe fonrth fram e. Sanceloy poled a fly The to rigb t, wbere i t w as lost in tbo dnst, u [ os and came In on tw o stolen bases anaI to 4 paased ball.ther - Bupert, tho atrongest team y e t m U V can ^ the loca ls-tb ls .year,. will be Twin s

Aore E w ls ' gnest Thursday afteraoon. F ix Irom will probably b n rl this-gam e. Tho lo- E

cals* p ast reeord ahowa th a t Boise Is ‘ tbe only' team w hich caa show the home bunch a n y com pstltioa, and there r

tago is little donbt b n t th a t tbe Capital r the C ity mon will meet defeat wheii they

nner come bero n ex t woek. ^biair Tbe seoro:« o . W endan

r the , AB. B. H. PO. A. R Iakos Van Doran, ss-p. 2 0 0 2 1 4 > eneo 0. Saneeley, Sb. S 0 1 0 0 1

to BrijKS, 2b p. . . 2 0 1 ' 0 1 0 j from Biinkhorn, cf. . 2 0 0 0 0 0 . d by A. Saucoley, lb . 2 1 0 6 0 0 ' ; ro- Elliot, e. . . . 1 0 0 1 1 1 jpar- Ford, p-2b sa. . 2 0 0 2 1 0 ,

L elaad, If. . . . 2 0 0 2 I 0 ihree G riffith , r f . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 * clent — _ «any Totals . . .17 1 2 12 5 0 1

cent- _ T w l a FaUs «, yet ^ AB. B. H. PO. A. E. tmpts Yochem, 2b. . . 3 . 3 2 0 2 0 : pur* Krengel, as. . 3 2 1 0 1 0

F ix, c f................ 5 3 0 0 0 0Thometx, If. . . 5 3 1 0 0 0 K ing, lb . . . . 4 3 4 7 0 0 ,

an a Tucker, c. . . . 4 1 1 2 1 0 i uaUr Phipps, rf . . . 1 2 1 ,0 O i l I. An W atson, 3b. . . 3 2 1 1 I 1 1 t tbe Putaler, p. . . 4 2 3 5 1 , 0- par- Jomeson, 2b. . . 0 0 0 0 0 1

iiied. — _ — __ __ __II ho Totals . . .32 21 14 15 6 3 I in- Scoro by Innings:elder Wcndoll . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0— 1y jn .Twin P a l l s ............... 6 e 10 0 x—21»h in Summary—T w a bnso h its: Yochem, elder 'K rengol, K ing, W otson; threo base bita play Yochom. K ing (2 ) ; bose on balls: o ff : bunt iFord 3 in 2 Inn ings o ff Briggs 3 In I

one inning, o f f Von Doron 2 in one in- run- alngs, o ff P u ttie r, S; atruck out: by

while Pord 2 in 2 innigs, by Briggs none, oa Is bv Van Doron 1 In I Inning, bv P u t- 1 ^Itch- sier. 5; .h its : o ff Ford 8 in 2 iniogs, tlder. o ff Brigga 3 in 1 ioning, o ff Von S o n n bats- 8- in 1 nnings, o ff Pulzlur 2; passed ad Is bolls; EHot 2, Tucker; umpire: H^Ddffes:< irhich time of gam e: 1:25. \ 1third

home p y ™ —

The Possessim)pulor s the oai ll

entails the respoi ' « g u a r d i n g t h e m .

o t be S

n Sfl Ii W ' s t o c k s , b o n d s , r e c o i

? r‘i ° e n d l e s s v a r i e t y o f o

t h e h o m e o r p l a c e c

g o u n a s s u r e d o f t hhYTboj °

» T h i s i n s t i t u t i o n , o r

i t s s u p e r i o r s a f e d e

T o 'm a b l e t o p o s i t i v e l y g

‘nS iiS t e c t i o n a n d p r e s e rport. I

■ = A n d a t a c o s t w i t h i

I Twin falls BaiTWIN FAI

7W Member Federa,

■■ ■' ................ ' ' " ' I ■' * Portiy ^ 'Salt

f BASEBALL ^ S f l u t n u u L L x & c n m A t

. i B t a n ^ ^ O ^Wov. L b« t P e t Vern

C toelnnatl _________ 10 6 .625 Bs‘ro ilade lph la ..JL...-__ 9 8 .eOO and

» Brooklyn 8 - 8 .871■ P l t t s b u ig b __________7 8 J» 8 „ At

Boston _______ ---- -- 8 6 .500, Cbieago 7 10 .412

S t..L o u is 8 8 .420 8« t' ^(ew York _______4 8 408

TBSSBBOAT'B Q A M m lat K attoiva liaacoa . Aw- A t Cincinnati— B. E . B. Scot» C h ic a g o __________________ 4 » 1 Losto C indnnati ______ 8 » 0 San

Batteries: Garter, M artin aad O 'P a r. B rell; Blng, Luqne, Boi)thor aad Wiago. Con

0*1 A t PblUdelpbia— B. H. a ^" K ew York ___________ 5 13 0na 'Philadelphia _______________4 14 1 i

( B atteriei: Toney, Douglas, Benton,,1. and B. Bmlth, Snyder; Oausoy, W olnert n M. and Whoat, WItberow. <i,‘.2 i Bla in *•■la A t Boitoit—Brooklyn-Boston gamo - „jlpoiti>oii«a;»p*' ' ___ dayn e A M E B IO A K L S& O T JX

w r Standing of Olnbs>xt Won. Loat. P n t .V.t;ras C h ic a io ______:______ 10 3 .760Ird ^ a t o n ______________ 11 - 5 .088 'ras CTeveland ___________10 5 .687 ,ton W a sh in g to n _________ 7 ' 8 .467

New York __________ 7 8 .487 P“ “ixglBt. Louis __________ _ 0 7 . .482Btx PhUadelphla ________ 8 » j357 P®”3lx Dotroit ........................ 2 13 .133 «•c- ' f =Lek 'TB STB B PA T'B QAMB8 .

i t A t Bl. L o u is - u. H . E. .Chicago ______ i ----------- :— 4 6 2

in 8 L Louis _________________ 12 18 -0fly Battorios: K err, Ifeoth, Lowder- ist^ ond Schalk; W ellman and .BUIlngs.

A t New York— B. H . B.oM Now Y ork — -------------------- 1 4 ' )rin B o s to n ___________________ 8 10 8Pi* B atteries: Hbyt, K a rr, W alters and lo- DoviDo: Quinn and Buel.is * ----------

A t Detroit— B. H . E.‘f « C lo v iflaad------------------------- 1 4 2^ D e t r o i t___________________ 2 3 6

.Batteries: Mjrers and O ’N eill; Danss - and Btonsge.

A t W ashington B. H . E.E. Philadelphia ----------------- 0. 10 1* W ash ln g to a ------------------------4 0 01 Batterlea: Perry a a d Perkins; Zach- 0 ory ond Gharrity.0 ■i-'-,0 OUBAH TWIBLBB. DBOFPEO1 ST. LOUIS, (ff) — M anager Branch 0 Rickey of the St. Loula N atlonol league

. 0 toam la s t night annonneed the release _ of Oscar Tuero, the Cuban pitcher who

0 bas been with tbe locals fo r the Iw t three years to the K ansas C ity Ami-ri-

, 'E . can ossoclation elnb.0 ' '-

I ' .i .~ — ^^ ■

IS Nibley-Channel>se<l' LtTUBSB 0 0 M F A N 7ffOSJ[ l | |L



i p o n s i b i l i t y f o r s a f e -

r r e a t p a i n s t o h i d e h i s

i c o r d s , r e c e i p t s — o r a n

) f o t h e r t h i n g s — a b o u t

c e o f b u s i n e s s , a n d y e t

E t h e i r s a f e ' t y -

, o n t h e c o n t r a r y , w i t h ■

} d e p o s i t e q u i p m e n t , i s .

y g u a r a n t e e t h e i r p r o - .

s e r v a t i o n .

i t h i n t h e m e a n s o f a l l !

Bank li Trust Co.^ALLS, IDAHO eral Reserve System”


iaa "Praaciaeo IT V * * 5 ^ oppoilakland • — 11 .893 of JiV e rn o n ___________ - I S 13 • .838 have‘ortlaad ______ _— , 11 11 .500\Ht L a k e ______ _____18 IS JJOOjOS Aagelea -------- 11 14 .440 .laeramento ..... ............ 10 .15 .400 ?,,®‘{eattle ___________ _ 9 . 10 J 4 0

k o ra i B. H . B. _)ak laad __________ -------- - 4 1* «iT ernoa_________i_________ 5 11 0 » ia ’t

Batteries: B. A rlett and M itM ; Dell _ lad Dovormer. ^

A t 'B e a tU i^ ., • ^Seore:. - . i • B. H . » .Portlaad ■ ^ 0 .Soattlo 0 3 0

Batteries: . Sntherland a a d B aker; Koehler'; Qardnbr, B elnhart and Bobror, Tobin.

A t Saa rraaels«o—Score: B. H . E.Los Angeles --------------------5 10 0S aa P ra n c is c o ________ _ 2 8 2

B atteries: Aldridge aad B assler; Coneb, Lewis and Yelle.

A t Salt Lake—Sacramento, 0 ; BaU Lake, 5. __________________

Brief BUt of Sport.Dickie K err Just c a n 't ge t 'em go­

ing. ______

The atar o f tbe Box in the last world series was licked by S t. Louis yeste r­day: _____ \

Tennyson should ought to have knew W alt Jobneon and Ty Cobb. The p o e t’s Uttlo old babbling brooklet was nothing to those two guys. .

John Peiok is a Nebraskan and some punklns in tbe grapple game down bia way. But they won’t etand fo r bls porfom ances in Omaha.

3Of Special Interes

lots of Silk Dresses we low prices.

Lot One comprises combined with Print) Georgette beautifully Blue Georgette Crept others, all of which ai priced greatly under \

Lot Two includes ' ette Crepe embroidere Georgette Crene over bead trimmed; Blaci Crepe Combination, t All new stock and oi prices will save you n


TheS (Look for the Yei




N o o t h e r m e c o n v c n i o n t ^ i u o r b r i n g s s t r e n g t h , l a b o r e r i t b r in g i b r i n g s c l e a n , in v : o f l i f e .

‘ ‘ c a r t y B S H A P L E I G H I CYCO.-

S p l e n d i d T i

A r r a n g e t p 1 T r i c y c l e s t h i s W

10% E

Reynolds E


a II

Ob, 'bo; those O inabaaa: Just- riiop lr leagno 1 »B?t le t h l m 'g m i ^ oa. tbe lr sol), the Wh n a o te rs ! bave soggtstod Jo h n a« the u a in s t ' ipoaea t.o f E a ilO a d d o e k fo r a 4th : J n ly s ^ w w d b y th ta suggesting

—: i ^ u t IB u t then, th e 'fo U ts . ln Omaha are b i t flan iky m u z tb e lr wrestling

lUs. They d o n 't even w an t Strangler ewla or W ladek Z b y n k o . Steeber Id Caddock is abont aU they wUl g ^ ^ ^ r “ d iot. y j j

T hats :one wise U ttlo burg, aow, . i a 't i t l . t

T be biggest aeoro ia a a j oi^Jor . (Q

A l l O v e r 'e v a i y b o d y w a n t e I I t m a k m m o s t p a l • w a a t M t o f f o o d a .

Y o u s a v a w b a n y o u s a w * w h a n y o u u a a l i

C a t a m a t B a k i n s P o ' p a r l a c t i y m a d a — a o

k a a p l n g . q u a l l f i a a - t l i M l u r a a a r a a b a o l u i a l U a b B a s t b y t a a t

C a l l f a r C a l u m a t B a k

S37.50•est This Week are the two ye are offering a t these very

ses Dresses of Navy Taffeta ited Georgette Crepe, Rose ly embroidered in silk, Delfi :pe embroidered, and manj are of the best in style anc r value.es Dresses of Browp Georg red with gold and silk, Nav; er Blue Foulard Messaline icTc Taffeta and Georgetti beaded; .Navy Charmeuse

of splendid fabrics. Thes( money.

W9.50D STORESStores of Ronest Values.

^ellow Front—Opposite Pei

: / w Iff

mode of tranKportation is more healt joro ftm—more ecoiiomieal. To ti th. To the tired i t brings recreatio Dgs economy and independence. Ai nvigoratiug e x e rc ^ and a bigger lov(

B large stock of Bicycles—the O’’ : SPECIAL, WONDER, MARSW

Tricycles for the Kiddies.

tip take advanta{;o of our discount on 1 weok.

D isco ijn t T h is 'W

Brothers CompC. V. H IN K LE . M aM gor

no 'gasio laat ' s c ^ a . w ia. IT w au - Sox' .m aU jit th*- blg^^ttiu*

a s t ; W aahiagtoa X .11;, V _ '! ^ \ X

b M V lafonniijlo i; t o t t) i . . A jte us a a aaoaym ons. letteri aaklagm It. ; ■ , ,

lanialas Zbyssko is i s &Muaa City - ng. He w aata to. g e t a mat«b u d . edy wUl tako bim on. .Be 'ssya iber, Ijewio and Caddock are avoid-bW . . , ,

vn’t blame 'em, cither..

. (O ofttiaoad. on 'Pago- Nias)

' T o w n

■ n—b o o a u a a p a l a t a b l a a n d

BU b u y I t . Y o u « l t .

P o w d w l a a o a o p a r f a c t I n - t h a t b a k a . d a y > l u t a l y l l n p o a - a t

l a k l n g P o w d a r .


sta,ose /Wilft Winy HV. IJ

r ^ H 'ine, . ff [I Sitte Jise ' B ■ ese ^

^ Twin Falls Idaho

i’errine Hotel).



ealthful—move the weak it

ation. To thc And to all i t

love of the zc.st


>n Bicycles and

V eek

ipany. Inc. j

Page 4: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at


> ■ •■■' I I ill-. tlAgreement on Massaohusetts o

Senator as Temporary diali^ rman Reached at Conferenoe I . of te ^ re and Chairman ,,

W ijra o n M b K , a a , (flV W - 5Vtdo n o f hoBon « f p n iid to g o T e r ^

• t aucat9, bStwM a tlw n c n U n ^t a d th e pVOfTMllTW, AppMZVd pro- 1.

m o l t e f nerM Otlotts g e la c b n ted& r be tvoeo promlneBt / BMmb«n p f bo th wlQ«B. Infonn»- #; t lo n r n m p a r ty totiroM. w u th a t * «& a<r*am«at v lm a i i7 bad b m ^ r u d w d to h&T* se n a to r Xodge o f lCam <±U M tt4 a i a n p to M ita tlT e ” o f tbo Tegulan, chOMn tM nponxy

«2td a prOglMSlVS M pOT- ^m anan t ehai m an. j

. Senator Borah, o f Idaho, promi- s e n t In tbo progreulTo ootm dli . aod ona o f S n a to r Johnson 's p dn - - ^ d p a l fopporten . annonneod today t h a t h* favored fonnor Bonator Al- iM it 3. B oretldgo o f U u U ^ fo r .

' poim anent chairman, w ith tha on- , ;d s i(taad ln s th a t Bonator Lodgo i r a i to b« tBOiporary chifrm an ao d j,

' i ^ e tho koynot* apooch. . j

- -WASHINGTON, (ff)—Senator 1^38* to* M ouaebosotts !• to b« temporary ebalnnao of the ropubllciin national I convontion a t Ohieoiro and will deliver | tho keynote ■peecb, aeeordlng to ro­pabllean loaders In eon(rre«i who have conforrod reeently w ith Cbainnon Haya ot the ropnbltcan national committee. .

Bepnblieani In conffrew ore said to J havo beon vlrtnally unanlmons In nrg-

• la g the selee tioh 'o f Benator Lodge by lho committee oa arningem ente which w in m eet a t Chleago M ay 10. No con­te s t ovor the ohalnnaaship Is antlel- patod, although some frienda of Sona- . to r Hirnm Johnson have been urging [ substitotion of Senator Bortth o f Idobo, a^d reports have reaehed here th a t for> m er Senator Beveridge o f Ind iana also aspUed to th e ehalm anship . I' Bepubliean platform prooonneemeBts .

w ill be considered bere 28 by th e general platform eommUtee appointed ‘ by Chairman H ays. M any qneitlon- - ilaire* on param osnt Issuea bave been ( tu rned la by tho p la tfo n n eommittee and others. A t tbe eonfereneea bere i t Is expected to outline some o f the gen- «ral. principles, a t least, to bo reeoa* mended to the Chicago eommittee on resolutions. <

Although M ay S3 also bas been set fo r a m eeting of the republican nation- a l committee a t Chicago to take np th e j '«onteits of delegates from a numbor of sta tes, Chairman Hays w as nrged while . h e re tb is week to postpone the meet- , ing.' P rom inent' republicaas here n i d , th ey f e l t eonfldent th a t th e m eeting j would be p o t over n n til about Juno 1. , In urging postponement, tho republlaan , leaders told Mr. Haya th a t several sen- , a to rs on the national' committee and , others who deaire to a ttend probably i would bo held bere during the week of M ay £3 b y th e peace teaoluklon and Im- i po rtan t legislation. i

WATSON RETURNS TO CELL ;Alleged Bigam ist and M d rd a m Bx- .

haosted A fte r B ^M U n g Body.

LOe A N G E I^s T w —Walter An- drew* W atson, alleged confessed blga* , m ist and murderer, was returned to his priaon w ard ia the coutity hospital tnday a f te r hia tr ip to E l Centro d s r- lo g which ho aided offleera to loeate , tho body of N ina Lee Delonoy and tea- , tlflod a t an inquest th h t bo had killed , her.

Wataon was weak from the exertion ; and ezcitcm cnt and had to bo almoat ; carrlcd from tho tra in to an ambu­lance. I t waa announced th a t on in- ;

- dletm ent charglog murdor would be re- ; turned, and th a t bo would be takon to court to plead to tho charge as aoon as the neeesaary steps could be taken- According to W atson 'a previoua atate- ments, he will plead gu ilty in tbe hope th a t bo m ay eacape eap ita l punishment.

Tho body of N ina Lee Deloney prob- ■ ol)ly will be ahipped to her former home in K entucky. Instructlona aro being aw aited from her brother, C. A. Koyea, o f LoultviUe. i

BAKU FALL PROFITS REDSO reat QnantlUes o7OU FaU Into Hand* ;

o f B o n ta a Bolaheviki

' LONDON, (ffW -Great quaiiUtleB of bll foil into tho hands of the Suasion Bolahevlk forcca when thoy captured • Baku, the im portant potroteum ccntor on the w estern coast o f the Cniplnn sea, on April 28, according to an o ff i­cial Btntement under Tuesday'a dat<^ ' recoivod today from Moscow. The red troopa, the aU tem ent aaya, captured300.000 nooda of bcnzino (a pood equala ; 30.07 pounda); S3,000,000 poods of ker- ‘ osene, 2,000,000 poods o f gasoline,1.250.000 pooda of lubricating oil; 115,- 000,000 pooda of m atout and eighty poda of erude oil. ,

' ‘ Work in tbe oil wella ewntlnuea a t fu ll apecd ," the a tatem ent eoneludes.


NEW YOBK, (ffV-Bedoction of a l­m ost *CO,000,000 in to U l reeeipU is shown by the Anaconda Copper M ining company tor 1010 In tho annual report isauod today. Total reeeipU aggregated *100,713,400 « g a lss t 1147,018,902 In 1018. N et recelpU declined from $24,- 710,073 to *7,415,230 and to tal income amounted to *0,308,024 ngoinat 87,683,- 68S. Balance appUeable to dividends equaled *2.14 por shore ngaisat 18.03 in

« 1018. ^

.• You c a n 't gueaa your woy fo ecou' «m y and tB r if t S tudy tho ads.

CONTESTINlCillGllli ', '.■'0•• ___: ■ . . a tn

I n t e r e s t i n C o n v e n t io n O e n t e r i o n T o n e o f E x p r e s s i o n o n .

P r i m a r y ooabOB

KALAMAZOO, Mieb., (A>>-Ohi*f ia- and terest in- the ropnbllean s ta te conven- ‘ tion here today centered in prospeeU *be o f a lively contest over the tone o f tbe »b« endorsement expected to bo given 6ea- c«n a to r H iram W. Johnson a s M ichigan 's to i prlmafry eh'olM fo r the presideatia t mci nomination. / d ij

F o a r delegates a t large to the' na­tional eonventioB--wara to- be seleeted n | l and tw o distzieU wera t« name tb e ir PM i dolegatos a t eaneus' dnring tha day. l n t T h e 'o th e r eleven dIstrieU l ia d prevl* | oualy held eonvenUons.

O f the elevea dlstrleU wbieb a lready I have named delegatea to tb e national eonvention, six feftM beIr representa- p . . , tivea unpledged, fon r f la tly Insthieted _ fo r Senator Johnson,s while one quail- fiod i u ondoraemoi)t o f th e California senator w ith Inatm etions th a t tbe dele- g a te s -‘'ab id e by tho zesnlt o f tbe pri- c i mary " ~

By rcaaon h li U /in p lo n JU y 1» “ >'1 the prim ary early in A pril, Benator d ay 1 Johnaon’a aupportera woro prepared to Isaae aak fo r u n q t^ f lo d Inatructlona on h li Pal^n behalf o f the delegates a t largo, but to ec M a jo r: General Leonard W ood’s back- to ai cra coutendod th a t inasmuch aa th e ir aale candidate won eight o f tho 13 eongrea- urda; alonal diatrlcts I n tho prim ary, the pany way ahould be le ft, open for a n ex- was prcaalon fo r him' a fte r the delegaUa p n ^ had discharged their obligation to 22.73 Johnaon on tho f l n t . b a llo t . Mi

S enator Johnson 'waa unablo to 'a t- amin tond tho convenm n aa he had planned, eauw

r . .................. .(Nl - I . -n'COl

iBiLSHEiiLflone ; ONEVEOFMHTIOr-. ~ PAIi F o lia (ti M i l i t a r y A n t h p r i t l e s P l a n

t o .O o o n p y U k r a i n e C a p i t a l [ T h i s W e e k ^ Meti

■ II OoWABSAW, (ff>:-Busslan= Bolabovik ‘

. soldiers a re reported to ^ e lotftlng, housos and stores a t K iev, p ro p a ra to rr DI to abandoning th e city. Adviees Indl- favo

’ «ato g rea t eonfnslon there. . ’ islaoPolish m ilitary anthorities plan to Stall

occupy K iev la te thla week, It la be- o f tblloved. Tbe Ameriean Bed Crosa has wnaeh&rtcred a special tra in to t ^ o sup- a l cc

piles tbere. 'pjU <


I ... . and. B tate O onrention Denoftaoet ^3*pabU- tlvoiI c aa Taetlca aa it B adortes WUaon

Adminlateatlan la Tote pm<( _____ oonf

IXJUISVILLB, Ky., (/P)—Only Kon- Inve; , tu ck y 's dologntos from tho s ta to a t Into largo wero inatrueted lost n igh t b y the lege<

g demoeratio a tate convention to voto for Chin Govornor Jam ea M. Cox, Ohio, “ as fore;

. long a s his name remains before the olutl* national convention,” no montlon bo-* ing m ade ot tbo S2 diatrie t delegatea. & aI ;• Governor Cox, however, w ill havo 20 ]* of tho atates SO votoa, 10 of tho dele-: gntoa having boon ordorod by the ir W » distric ts to do so. The o ther six aro ra te f uninatrueted. • omi F o r tho f ira t Umo in hb to ry , Kon- om- tucky women attended n democratic Un«'

atato convention, Threo of thom and “ta t fivo men, all w ith a b a lf vote eaeh, aoeli were elected delegaUa a f large to the ''V

■ national eonvcntion. catiiThe report o f tb e resolutions commit- was

^ tee waa unanimously adopted. I t de- nouncod w hat It termed obstructive tac- tics uaed by republicans in congreaa ^

>' tow ard coustructlve legialatioa; in­i' dorsod w ithout reaerve th e adm lnistra-0 tlon of Preaident Wilaon and callod at- d ten llon to his “ w ar achlevom ents.” As ^ reg a rd s tho poaco treatv , the repo rt in- 4 dorsod the adm iniatration 'a aland aod

approved placing the iaaue bofore the <1 country.

Joseph T. G riffith of Owensboro, a B member of tho uninstruetod delegationII from tho accond d istrict, annouocod he '• would voto fo r Governor Co*. Tho to u t

fo r Cox In the K entucky delegation is >• now 21.D _____________________n ________________________________'

: Q l a s s l i i e dr (TOO L 4T B rO B 0LAB8I7I0AXZ0N)

- FO B BEN T — Bleeping room* for men. 22g Cth Ave. B. Phone 782-B.

! : FO B 8ALB>-All o f oor Idaho prop­erties, large and small. W e bave eome splendid stock propositions, and alao

* some amall trac ts . M w in Damman, 205 7th Ave. N,

f FOB BALE—E x tra good m ilk eow. a Phono 50W 4.

Q LOBT—Buneh .of keys on April 28th. i. R eturn to News office and receive re- ^ ward.

d FO B SA LB-<:abbage p laaU ; froat- a proof garden planU fo r 1020. Olty ^ Towor Greenhouses, Twin P a lla

TOR RENT—Fumiahod room, cloao y In; gentlemen preferred. Phone 720W.

.t ------ ----- I

'■ u o n o B iW ill the p a rty who picked np the

° paekago, on the road east of Bnhl , last Saturday, containing a lad le s ', blu<) poplin euit eoat no tify Box 700,1 Twin i'alla, and roeeive *10.00 re- ^ w ardf—odv.

d '-------------------------------------------------------- J


• 'oa i«A Q b; (ff).— still M oiim ':'atrika waa threatened here today < . t o r wben the te legraph messengers de-livMT- union presented tbe West- named-

- em tra lo n and Postal Telegraph* • eoapoalss a demand fo r an e i ^ t ■ ' ' boM day, $25 a w eek fo r day w ork finpp

- and for. n ig h t work,.Bo t Johnson, -bnslness agent of

the ottien, haid th« managera were ^ abont to rw lneo tro ia tb ree te two esnle a m essage th e am onnt p d d to moasengeraTjohnson said a strike m eetiag had been ealled fo r Satnr-


nonHnioBtiiFn E I S Q I S H I H |=

Prosecution to ToQow Unless Examination Shows Advance

JustificationSA LT L A K E (HTY, U tab, y P h-A

telegraxB w u received hero lato Tues- d ay by Unitod S U tes IMatrlet Attorney vtrtttn Isaac B . ^ a n s from A itom ey Qeneral i i io P a lm er. a t W ashlngtoa d iroc lbg him i l ’ to eondoet nn immediate in v ea ll^ tlo n fo,* . lo aaeertaln i f the Increase in-w holo- s v vir sale p r ic e i 'o f beet sugar doclarod Sat- <<0 . urday bv th e U tah-Idaho Sugar eora- <1, . <, pany, vrith headquarters in Ball Lako, was w arrsn lcd .' On Baturday the com- pany luinouneed Ineroases from 18 to .«»»! 22./3 conta per pound. _

Mr. E vans declarod ho plana to oz- amino the com pany’s books and says if cause fo r tho merease^ cannot bo shown m u m n ecfnplaint ebargln'g tlicm with profi- leering probably w ill bo issued. Sat- S T ^ urday, w ith the announcing of the in- croaiod wholesale prices, sugar in ro- to ll atorea hero jnippod from 10 to 28 ,oniod cents p e r ponnd.



M ethodist G taieral Oonferenoe Beqoests Oovommeht to B xtend Operation of < < 7 ]

tb e D ry , Imw w ar i

BES M OINES, la ., rwoloUon w h lSfavoring prohibition in tho Philippine amend ialanda and calling upon the United . “ F« S u te s govonunenl to oxtend operation w ar p o f tbe federal prohibition to the la l a n ^ give wna unanimonaly adopted a l the gener- l«ga^ al conforonco o f the Mothodlat Eplaeo- oondui pa l ehurch today.

The reaolutlon w as iproaented by a . ^ dol«eatlon from the Phiiipirfnea bo oi<

Copies woro orderod sen t to tho pros- *®ffS| ident, p residing officer o f the senate and fpoaker of the house of representa- lives. '

A m em ber o f tho Chlneae delegation noUhe prcaentcd a resolution asking th a t the ^azm, conforonce request tho United BUtes no ea Investigate alloged smuggling of opium save < la to China b y Japanese and olher al- ors w leged aets o f Japanese to whieh th e to au Chlneao objeeted. Tho committee on dnly ; foreign miasions w ill consider the res- ~ oluUoa.

----------- ----------------- “ ItHAIL S X E O U n V B S FBOPOSB


WASHINOTON, D. O , ( A V - ^ l g b l nnd ! ra te Inerenaes o f 30.4 per eont fo r east- powei om mUroade, ao.o por cool for south- iujstil em roada a a d 23.0 per cont for western alroac Uaea, have beon proposed to the intor- and c sU te commerce eommisaion by tbo Aa- ae t b aoeialion o f Railw ay ExoeuUvoa. tiv o 1

>Vilh tho prosenU tion of tho appli­cation yeatorday, the fre ig h t ra te ' caso Buj woa form ally oponed. vertii


CookiFrom the time that our f over open fireplaces, imi methods of cooking have progress has been consta have perfected the electrCooking has been work- work, attended by inco tainty, loss of time, um and risk.But those conditions hav in thousands of homes by and easy way of cookini electric range.

An(i—but wo win wait imtil aro many tbin^ you'll want splendid ranges. And remcii full line of electrical applian*

Ask About Our Portia

ELECTRIC Idaho Power

r ......' 1 3

M d ’to ex ist iwA .w iA I t the eaeaiy I?®" «rt- b]T oon«n» ........ ..........

; i x t u a , u ' r w - ■ ;in p u tt in g ,*Ua contM itiaa' th a i in* on bet n a m a a ll7 s t h e . na tlp a ::MtaaIl7 a n ^ tiona.' a lly ia a t p e a ^ the aeaato r dlsonss- aharea. t b e . t e h a s a s d e f f e c t .o f tb e a r a i t t iM . i l a r i ^ ' t b a t :by thla d e e o a a a t Ger- 'otMttin a y h ad ooaeaded lla oabitelatioa. E e itaaded alfo th a t n t i f iM tlo a o f tho • t y o f Vwaallles^by- O enaaay aad t alliea made peace fo r t h r a l l e d

aoltermtlng opposltioa' to th e t r o a ^ Veraaillea. Benalor E n o x aaid i t

a a l m s t universally d la e r ^ te d aad It senate reservatlena d id n o t A n er- alxe th e league of nations b u t mere- m ade i t s j e r fo r Amerie* to jo in . tn ]^ \

itead o f tbe leagne, he nrged ^ ‘an than a ■angement fo r the eodiflealloa o f in- waa r« n a tio n a l law , the esUbUshment o f a fles, g i r t o f ia tenaU onal jnstlee an d tb e Oils Uawry o f w ar.” In the

Soma Ulp A x g n m n ta Bumming up h'la argumenU lh a t .th e XFnltec t waa a l an end.'SenaU r S ^ o x sa id : t ‘P irs t—^ h e -w a r U a t an end by '

■tue o f the armistice of November , 1018, and of amendmdnta a a d re- - wals thereof, sueh arm istlee being In L ibert : t a capitulation ending hoslilftles

v ir tu a l surrender o f the enemy, ^ “ Bocond—Tho w ar ia a t a h ond by 4M ,a. B ‘s ilen t cessation’ of hostillties, v in ta i lich conluded th e 'w ar in faeU a<Mru“ T hird—T b e w ar la a t a n end be-uae tho govemment agalnat which ___I specifically deelared w ar has ceas- CHI

to e x is t preasu“ F o u rth —The war ia a t 'a n ' end be- led tc use, wo togothor w ith onr associates, 1 gotia tod w ith th e peoplo whom wo g j a I d beon figh ting a tre a ty o f peace lich provided th a t the w ar should lor- inato an d diplomatic re lationa be ro- mod w hen the tre a ty came in lo « » • ' ' Cline

. OlTOe Legal A i^ecta. i.flSonntor Knox summed up th e l e ^ l.oi, poets o f tho question a s fo llow s:' back ' ’ ‘F irs t—W ar I s actual hOBllUtloa 4 rail “ Bocond—T hat i t waa so 'understood gnb r our constitutional fa thers. brouff“ Third—!Hiat the power to deelaro . 1. , . u* wa* axcloslveJy w ith congress j ^ tiieh created the sU tus o f w ar by law ^ ^ liieh, lik e an v -o th e r law , could be aended, modified or repealed. * ^ .“ F o u r th -T h a t the purpose, o f tbo xr pow ers of the eonslita tlon wa* to vo the national govem m ent the ^ TMwer and p n e l l c ^ ab ility to oonm ndnct a au tce ta ftl w ar, th a t is , a t t - ^ a hoatiliUes. .“ n f t h —T bal war powera e o u ld 'n o l Lat I ex en lsed a fU r actual hostlU tles h ad when aaed.“ S ix th—T hai the powera o f the _ eaident came from tw o aonroeS; th a t ^ ' tho ch ief exeoutlvo a n d th a t of m m andor-in-chief; th a t Ute powera o f low * lilhor capacity eould be Invoked to igm ent tne o ther; th a t fae possesssd> ex traord inary as chief 'exeentlvo,.vo only oad to tho exU nt suoh pow- a vrero conferred by sta tu te , which,> an tho rito action b y him , m nst bo ily and legally In operation.

N o P n tth e r A ct BwiulrM .“ I t re su lu from an of th e foregoing

toU and prlneip los," concluded the inator, “ Inal* the w ar has ended in- im ationally both as a m a tte r .o f fao t id law ; . th a t domestically the w ar iwera ceased w ith tho end o f aetual jstilitlea and th a t therefore wo aro re a d y a t poaee, both in ternationally ad domesUeally w ithout any fu rther 5l b y e ith e r tho exeentive or legisla- vo branches of tbe g o v e rn m e n t '’

Buy in your home d ty —*nd buy ad- ortised goo<Xa.

[Rangesionized!:eryr forefathers cooked mprovements in the ve been devised. This 3tant until today we :tric range.'fc—hard, unpleasant iconvenience, uncer- mcleanliness, waste

ave been supplanted by the cheery, bright ing—the way df the

ntil yon call, for thero jxt to know about these aember, we also have a iances, •

lial Payment Plan

C SHOP r Com pany ]

r i ^ - ^ ^ O B B ; (ff)—Trading la>ka ioda7( reeel*^ itaelf l a rg ^ lato >bnteat betvMn the pioteabiui la- S i b ^wl*, ih« .aborts eoTM ^ axteMMtr . ‘ -b e n a r . t o t a a r .^ S a A B a t^ V a a id V

"M nfidaa t’ toae ' t M n ttr***** • th a ttiair o f today*! a todc^ .aa ilcit, at- m k * M . i t o l a l i H t e i r *• lit v o l ^ e . . O e a e w M otora iraa the tw re.n t.aa a d T « » e e ,i^ p o in U ;T « H

, = " « ~per,.w ar* ',l to ’ # ,po iB U hillger, w ith “ g lV ' ' derate ga las am ong oils, Tbe re- Ytsl e f t&o railroada : lb r iaereaaed igh t ra tea w hieh w oaU ' add more la a bimoB eoUara to th e ir revennes W P s reflected la tbd s t« a g th o f P a d -I, grangers and-ooalera. ^ >ils lifted th e m ark e t ont o f i t s m tthe laat honr, Mexfean petrolemn and . OB£AB taa eompany sbow iag especial aotiv- m arket 1

a l addilloaal gains. Baldwia aad w eak; tc lied BUtes B ubber alao w ere n a te i^ .to 1425, [y higher. The e to d ag 'waa f ltia . . Cattle

Ub«Ktx Boada bnteher 1^ TOBK, ( f f> -P ia a l p ^ e a of >erty bonds todny w ere: 8 l'2s*W -88: at « *84.80; second 4s *84.00; f irs t M s *85.60; seeond 4 l-4 s *85.00: rd 4 1-40 *80.12; fo n r th 4 l-4r*80.O4;0 -8 3 ^ s . *05.94; V ictory 4 8-4.

G rain a a d P w rts lo a a - ' ^ OmCAGO, (ff)— Increaaod ■soiling sasuro, together w ith laek o f su p p o rt "I to deelded w eakness today In thern m& rket B e tte r w eather counted _ on a beaHah faeto r, and so likewise did J;’ .

lewed notice taken o f strained flnaa- iII conditions. M neh o f tho selling was

n spocnUUvo eharaeter. Opening 5 " * ^ Ices, whUh ranged from 1 8-4e do- 2 ^ no lo le advance, w ith Only *IJI8 1-4 “ 1.60 1-4 npd Septem ber *1.0O 1-4 to _____

II, were followed b y a m aterial eet- C H ia ek all around, and thon something of oreamor] rally, ‘ v roeolpU Bubsequently oovering . 'b y shorts ^ r ln g s i ought aboot addlHonsd uptum si The)se w as nervous a t 1 8-4e deeline to > CHICj

advanee, w ith Ju ly *1.08 1-4 to «olpts 2 ,08 8-8 an d Septem ber *1.60 1-4 to L ong 'W .00 1-2. ,7.25; ne'OaU weakened l a sym pathy w ith eom. Spanldls Utt opeaing l-2e to 1 l-2e lower, w ith 2 *16 to i r 01 8-4e .to 02 I-4C, the m arket ntiaued to sag. H IS S O tProvisions reflected tho decline of «1n. Dem aad lacked volume,L a te r 'th e provision m arket ‘ra llied P°bUoan i . . d .T . l .p ,d 1 . ^

• Oaah Qoetatlosa S t o w iCEQOAGO, ( i¥ V - m e a t n o t quoted, olutions Oom—No. 2 m ixed *1.02; No. 2 yel- domlnanw *L07 lo *L»8. • fo r the

StockfCle10 D A Y f

Sale Continues ToSpecial Vali in Flounein

New Organdy Skirting, shown with three rows n rows pleating. Real Fre pure white and rose pinl special, y a rd ..................

Ruffled Net Skirting, f three and four rows ruff li ruffles and pleats, yard....;

TUB SILSpecial showing of hi]

silks, plain white and pi line stripes in- pink am stripes and roman stripes Excellent values at $4.50. Speqial............................

_ . _ '7 / ie G r e a te i


i l i S i i H s i i : .'" 'O M e a g e . 'M w ld e k ' ‘ '

w d p t o 8,-t t A t aad k a a d y 'w y ^ l t t« * n a a d

s to 18.2S; bo lk f a t eowa *8.7S t»; «aw|ura aa« e o t t f n a o a tly * U S rS; ealvea alow, a taady] few -abovo ■ s io e k m and feiadeni aotlve a i ^

g reeeipU 10,d6o; n u r k ^ 15 to 2S«)*; Irp *15.40; . b n lk lig h t *16 to ; bulk 250 pooadera and ovor5 to 14JS0; p i j^ taoaUy IU .7 5 t»

eep roeelpU 17,000; h a lf o f r«- a were d irect; e a r ^ sales sU ad y ; lambs held higher,

O aia te I ^ a s to c k tAHA, (ff)—H og receipts 19,000;Mt steady to 15o h i ^ e r ; eloao

top *14.76; b n lk o f sales *18.60 1.25,- :Itle recelpU 0,000; beef steers s n d . ber stock active, 10 to 85e.h igher; s tn n g w eight beovee *13.25;1}nlk .

to 12.60; eannera a a d en tte rs a n d litesdy ; .Veala w eak ; stoekers a n d BTS steady ,,,«ep recelpU «,000; lam ba 10 to I 5 e e r; otber classes stead y ; b est wool- lamba *10.00; top elipped *17,05; o f eUpped *17.66 to iTlop. '

i ^ n r and Grain INNEAPOLIB, (ff) — F lour an - igodt 'bran *22.heat,.caah No, 1 N orthem *3J0 to

im *1.78 to 1.70.lU *1.06 8-8 to 1.00 8-8.irley *1.46 lo L70,re No. 2 *2.08 1-4 to 2.00 1-4.ox No. 1 *4.74 to 4.70, .

OMeago Pxodnc* aiCAGO, (ff) — B n tte r lower; mory 47 to 61e; eggs onehanged; IpU 34,313 oasea; ponltry steady ; sgs 87e; fow ls 84e.

FothtoMnCAQO, ( f f ) -P o U to e s s troag ; ro- U 28 c a rs ; 'N o r th e rn Bonad and r 'W hite , siMkod a a d bnlk *7.10 lo ; new F lorida double head barreled ilding Bose No, 1 *10 to 20; N o.6 to 17,


ANSAS CITY, M o., ( f f ) -T h e ro- llean sU te eonvention m el here to ­to elect fou r delegates a t largo lo national eonvention in Chleago,

tse presidential electors, adopt res-' ions ontUniag tbo p a r ty 's visws a n inant political issues and lay p lana the coming cam paign.

earing;S A L EPo May 10th

H u e a



- m

lg, in skirt widths, ruffling and two

'rench organdy in ink, new and very ....................$4.95

fine quality net, 'fling, both cluster ...$32S,$4^5,$5M0

[LKShigh grade wash pink jersey, hair and blue, cluster pes, in soft colors. iO.

... .................$3J98

IrSTORELtd□ Z Q Progr0aMtva ■

Page 5: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

i n n

ri '' G6ilwntlon in Nebrask No Inates Candldates fbrtli Statis Offices and Adopts Platfpnn

GBAND IBLAND, N«b^ msM jBAavestioB h«ld here yetterdj

..................l>y thd- 6 f» te Federation o f Labor, HK o a - p ^ in n league and varioDs repi •en ta tive bodiea o f farm ers and orga ized labor fo r the purpose of nomini ing independent ean^datea fo r go ernor,' l ieu ten an t governor and att« aey n n e ra l , adopted a p latform fa re ing tn9 exemption of fanner* and wor

' ingm en's bome*.from taxation ; s ta owaerehip o f flour millB, paeking plan

' e tc .;M -fo r aa neeeiaaijr to restore eoi p e titioa ; ;jnuDicipal ownership of- st< age and poblie. utllltieB; eo-oMrati' bonki{ b e tte r salaries fo r school teae ers and atato an^ federal bonna f soldiers. Tho platform opposes tJ code bill, tho amondmonts to tho sta constitijtion, establisfiing. indastri courts, a nd the fiUr .price fixing eoi m itteea as now operattng. '

T o tk U a ro r fo r Oorvmor. M ayor A. 0 . W ray of York w

nominated b y the mass convention independent candidate fo r goTemor 1 petition a t a la te hour.

Following the nomination of Wra the convention was confronted 'w itb motion to lim it fu rther nomiaations, the singlo additional office of Mtom< general. Tbere was a d istinct eolllsli of the houso and an intense d ^ a to b ■tbo motion carried by a vote/ o f . to 71.

Tho’ convention ihen ndminatcd Lk.Bollon.o£*Knox county, by ncelan tion ns its candidate for atto rney ge eroL

H o n -P u tiB u u V ole. DUeocMM. -O penly expressed discontent in , t

Kon-paitiaaa league circles led to a j consideration o f the motioa limitii nominationa to governor and attorsi general an d by a v iva voce voto, t convention placed in nomination f lieiitenant governor, 0 . B. 'Wood L inco ln ,' and Bobort Mouset of Cai bridge.' Mousel was nominated by voto o f 92 to 6S.

' The eonventlon elosed i ts proeeedln w ith tbo selection of a campaign eoi m ittee o f 24 to bo nnmed V t various bodies participating in the ms convention.

Governor Fm sior of North Dakol who eamo hero for thc convention, th addressed tho mooting a fto r roeolvli on entbasinstie welcomo.


LIKCOLN, Neb., F- I* Bou o f Knox county, solectod last tiight 1 a convention of farm and labor orgs iu tio n a a t Grand Ii)l<xnd to bo an inc pendent candidate fo r s ta te ’s atto rn general, w as qooted by tho Linco Daily S ta r today os saying ho wo« not accept tho nomination.


D is p la n Groat Fattoacs u d HkUl Ontttog W ay Throagb Stoel OoT•^

lng DralB In OeU

BAW LIN8, Wyo., < fl>-W ith a now obtained in the prison sh irt factory hi> only tool, B ert Loften has eseap from tho s ta te prison bere. WiUii

' Smith, h is companion, was captut whllo try in g to scalo th e prison wai

Lofton and Smith were eonfined the 'dea th houso coil beMUsa o f th' known desperato eharacter. L oft found th a t a soft piece of steel cQvei a drain, W ith his great pAtienee a skill, he slowly cut a hole througb t steel w ith the noedle. A fte r removi a plpo and a p late they crawled throu tho bole, picked the lock of a itee t d{ conneetijig w itb tbe main «orrldor tbo prison, scalo4 tbe Uers of eelb^ < boles through tbe slate roof and d ^ ped to tbo ground. In the prison ya: thoy foond a st<el bar, which the pi oners b e n t into a book, to fasten improvised rope o f the priaon walL ' L ofton escaped but Smith was ean{ by a gnard.


F reaeh lA b o r L eaden M ainU ta Oi m lstle A ttitode Despite o m d a l

Olaima of W alkoot 'Pw<^*"g

PA BIS, C P)—U any fashionable wc en have offered tbeir servieea to b rt tbo striko o f workmen wbieh begaa M ay day and some of tbem have b< on duty as ebauffenrs, ticket takers tho subway stations and a t otber po dsorted by tbo union workmen.

Despfto offieial claims tb a t tbe g eml railroad strike la Franco was i tually broken, labor leaders today ma tained an optlmlstle attitnde, elaimi the outlook was favorable for altimi success o f tho movement.

B ailroad headquarters reported p r ress in ' both passenger and frelj

, movement.The situation as regarded tbe stril

of tbe m ines and dockworkers appe od unchanged.

iBiM mjuKonoN toSTA Or oou

6T. LOUI0, Mfc, (ffV -Suit for . injunction rtlSlrhlnlng government

ficials frtHh compolllag their app< onco In tbo United S tates d istrict cc a t Indlannpolli to answer indictmc

■ charging violntion of tho Lovor f bnd fuel control acl. was f ile d 'in l t r a l court horo today by threo n tiporators under indictment as a ro

• of the roccnt m iners' striko.

I fflwiiiEsiiifK'i r EH IS IiE IIIIW

l U o o n t r a t s U s e S r s f t i o M ftiii- k l f l t o r o r b e > 8 « le ~ o f G r f t i .| L ' 1

I I I - '( ffv -c o n n u ts ' - o r e . l n dattended b y orgoatsAd “ ea ttle d r l w "

• 1(9 to in tin ld a ta laad o w a e n . . tbem to Mil U v e bMB addedilaU ly to w e Ire lan d ^ 'O th er .'tfoablei. T h i d isturb . 8 a a T«^Tal o f e o a d lt iw which

. prevailed 80 ,or. jftora years-ago when farmera a a d groxi^n were fb n e d by similar methoda.tiLli^.U ;rgailarf^h^^^^ J

rday ^Ke auOeoataaU eom plain -tta t m ost 1 , the c f the p > ^ land in th e soatjh aad { rare- '* ^ t of Ire land la being osed for grax* , ■Mn l»ff purposes and th a t th e y . .unable

to,purehase I t Oonaoqneatfy they-havo * “ r reaorted to tho ‘.'e a ttle drives'* and :

threats o f bodily barm to the owners. * I t U very d if f ic a u - to poUcir all th e i

„ _ v . country aad m aajr of the dHves have | resulted la th reo or fo u r fsjinersl os* .

^ «*o6p. . f l l i e in tiaiidators are repnseated as »

renters who are 'dem aadiag longer leases of load , small ownera aad a cer- , tain namber o f holdora of comparative* .

% ly largo tn u t a who believe their neigh- * tw . bors' land osed fo r graKing' is more n

■tn(A Riltable fo r tillage & an t ^ ground _ they " 0 t i ^ n g . to cultivate. .. f

itrW tbo «5no atory ag a ia -o f Iht \. I f l i u . . , ’ ’ » l d n U r n n l l t o f I t . . ‘ land land holder. Thoy forced os to .

' cut up. our large holdings then by nse , of the samo mothods now employed." ,

_ . The land tronbles shonid not be con- r ^ fused w ith crimes resulting from ' tbe

political unrest. I t is separate aad i d istiaet and shows evidonce ol beiag on

ft’s "■« .


Scot Boards Qtaaiaar lA d aa w ith Dyna* d F . m ite IisaU iic Solpbtulo to ( “ n** P tw a w B xplo ilon’ • «gon-

. OEOBGETOWN, Barbados,W hen.the American steamship Lyaaa^ I

w ith a ca rN of dynam ite and sulphuric the aeid aboard, recently arrived hero from

are- New York bound to South America, i t I tlag waa fonnd th e a d d waa leaking b a ^ y '<^*7 and t ^ i t w as imposiible, ow ing-to> tho gone defect in tho engines, to got np i

Bteam to move tho vessel from too d o f eloso proxim ity to tbo shore.

E. P. Jam eson, a Scot from Soutb -* Africa, connected w ith a wrecking

company there , bnt a t present m aking . a short s tay in Barbados, volunteered to 1

^0™* KO aboard tho ship. Ho threw all tho < 1 the dotonatorn and otlior possible onuses t

of explosion into tbo sea thus enabling i mocbanies to mako repairs and movo

kota, tijg Hyannia to a loss bazardouCloea- i Uon. - <

[ving --T- — - — '


H IG H E R F R E IG H T R A T E S iAOB '«Uca Q fon B am lugs Dee«ptlv« BacoOM o f * it by lacreaaea In W agea aad Pzleea o f , rgan- U a ta ila ls . 8 o r B - :^ t tyiado* I 1irney MONTREAL, Incroasod fre ig h t , Bcola ra tes in Canada are nocossary to give , rould rnilroads adoquato rovenuo, £ . W. Boat- <

ty, president o f tho Canadian Pacific ] Railway company, dcclnred n t tho aan- , ual stookholaerir m eeting 'today. ' |

Whllo tho gross caminga of tho Ca- h t y nadiaa Pacific in lOlO woro tho largest

in its h istory , M r. B eatty said tho net ;<• ^ comings fihowed decreases becaose of " increases in wages and prices of .mate- ^ rials, and ropresonted a return of only

4 por eent on the actual eash invested in the railroad itsolf.

D irectors and officers of tbo eom- .

HpJS ■’VJ’


In aeM M CUcomit B > U | AUowMl li7

'T O J

W ASHINaTON, a n a g ra te s allowed by the federal ro-

sotve board to membor banks aro n o t responsible fo r presont m arket priees

»r o f o f W borty bonds,' Govemor H ard lag I, eo t declared la a le tte r tpday to Senator

Owen, domofcrat, Oklahoma, y ard , Tho b oard 's efforts to curb Inflation pria- will do much to increase the. m arket

a a n value of tbo bonds, Mr. HarOing aaid.

Ubt HODGSON ST. PAUL MAYOR^ Labor aod F o n n e r Service M sn Oandi- S dates 'D ItMo Qiz P lace t on Coondl

IIKE ST. PA TH . U lnn ., (ff)—complete re to rn s th is morning from

Opti* yesterday 's c ity eleetion assured the la l eleetion of M ayor L .’ 0 . Hodgson and

nix counellmen evenly divided botweon formor servieo men and labor candl-

wom- dates. M ayor H o d m n reeeived 22,031 break votes and* W illiam Mahoney,- labor ean-

OQ didato fo r mayor, 10.101, according to complete b u t unofficial rQturas. ^


Reynolds o f th is city, welter weight ' wrestling ehamplon of tbe world, last

night snecessfolly defended his title agninst J im Mordoek of Buffalo, N . Y., in two stra igh t, falls. A feature' o f the m atch w as tbo presentation of a gold b e lt 'to tbo champion by loeal c ititens.

rn lff^ Farm er B nraa o f O m ah^ former teaeh- * er of Reynolds, was a guest a t the ring-

trikes . . . . .

B O W M T O ^ B O O to CinCAQO, CflV-A worid’s bowling

reeord . fo r a single game, 1222 pina tumbled in a game last night, was

DVBT claimed today b y the Burrell Beltings or an the N orth End leaguo.

U IN N B 80T A BEPUBLlOANa MBBTcourt 8T. PA U L, Minn., «V-Bop»W lc«ui«

.monts of Minnesota m ot in connty conventions> food today to select do len tlo n s to the stato n fed- gubernatorial oltmlnation convention

mino hore Satnrday. rofo lt ■'


Patliologitt. TTrgea Improved Hethod* in: Flantinff of ^

. Potatoea Wu;' « «

7 ’ \T J N IV lIB a irY OP, IDAHO, Moscow, tha ^ (^ > eeU l),^ F o U to diwaaea whleb do- the J . stroyed nearly 20 per een i o f .Id a h o ’s . 1910 erop m ay be entirely .p re rea ted aa] ^ b y th e ose o f elean, carefoO r treated Fol

aeed oad th e foUowiog o f p r o v e d ^ e o l ta ^ 'a o Q io d s ^ aeeo rd iag 'to 0 , W.

losc H o a i^ rfo ra , p laa t pathologist o f the u d U aiversity o f Idaho agrisnlturol experi- an^

n e n t aUUon.-"N o one e*a deny th a t i t pava to j “;

t r e a t seod potatoes before plaatlag,-” said Mr. H nagorford today. “ The oor- Bai

j r~ rosive snb lim au treatm ent properiy op- doi pUod will destroy aU scab, rh U c to n U « « an d blaekleg oa the seed nsod aad If Ina

**** th e tnbera a re thea plaatod la soU tno . . from diseases, theso three serious pota- ove " to p la g u y m ay bo avoided, thii

F o r tho farm er Interested la adecuato »oi seod t re a tm e n t Mr. V ngerford offers bos th e fo llom ng testrocttons; - ‘

5?: “ Select aa d e a a seod as possiblo. T re a t 10 days to two wooks beforo p loa tlag a a d spread the potatoes a fte r

J. ^ tro a tia g whero they wUl b o exposed to boj r .- th e ligh t u n til pUnted. W ottlag tho

* ■ aood used 18 to hours .W o re apply* “ P ^ lng the snblimato will make tho treat-

m ent more effective. A lw ays tre a t " loose If possible, as tho fib e r in tho 'wbi aacka absorbs the chemical rapidly. '

*“ 5 “ JTse’fou r onncos of corrosive sub- llm ate dissolved In a small quantity r o f b o t w ater and dUuUd to mako 8i)

Slions of th e solation. Leavo uncut bers In th is solntiofl fo r 00 minutos a n d thea removo and dry. Add one-

J f l ounce of dissolved corrosive sub- . ■ U Umato fo r ovory five bushels trea ted , .

aa tho solntloa loses strength rapidly no* w bea naed. Corrosive sublimate is a *.J » deadly poison and poUtoos treated witb

I t aever ean bo nsed exeept.for seod.” ^

^ iNGENymmflME s 2 iiSEHyilTEeS’SEIlBCil.;?- to ■ ‘ - ' . I - - urenp Advertisement .for Home for tbe

too Babjr with Parents Proves uth Snooessfol Msla g -------- wein g . D ES MOINES, la ., House- Mli to b an te rs o f ingenuity havo devised sev- one tho e ra l in teresting and SQCcessful methods ISOS o f discovering housos and apartm ents 1 In g fo r ren t here. pieovo One recontly successful advertise- me >ea- m ont appoarod undor a l*rgo beading o ’c

o f one word: “ H elp ." ‘ I t sta ted th a t boi “ n sweot, year-old Uabjir needs a eni hom e,” and added, “ of course her par-

‘ on ts must go w ith her.'* Another ES hooso-hontor wbo saw th is advertise- U i m ent told tho babv’s fa th e r about a Bui

^ co ttage bo had ju st Inspected which w as sot too small fo r himsolf. The fa th e r ar- ha' rived thero H rst and rented the place. Co!

M ost o f tho scbomes aro directed to ­w ard getting to tbo vacant place ahead i

[Snt o f anyone olso. Moving von drivers ba* f*’''® are stoppod frequently to discover tui oat- w here the ir loads of furn iture eamo Uo Ifl* from. Evnn divorce notices and death del

notices hovo been successfully followed foi up by a few houso-buntera. be

; e s t ------------^ ' ' — ------------ :ne t I , 'V • 1,0o f h - ' G i r j o i x a . l J , Fa

ate* J . - Mimiy i ^ ^ ^ ---------1 nf,ited

F . V. L ark in of Boise, is la tho d ty :om- on bnsiness.

W. H. Hudson o f Jarbidge, Nev.. is ■ i a Twin Falls-vU itor. Jo

N. Anderson. Is an Oakley b u ^ e s s Sa v is ito r la T w ia Foils. aCE Logaa motored to Eoxeltoa yes- soitorday oa business. im

^ M rs. Dora Owens of Bliss i« in Twin tei P a lla for a b rie f v is i t bo

J . W. Mobargno of Boiae, U a busi­ness v isitor l a tho eity.

, , W. A. Glasgow of Buhl spoat yester- P< day aftem on in Twin Falls. T<

B. L. A shton of Poeatello is a busi- »l« s o u v l.lto t-iB Tirin r» U .. »o

M r& -Stuart Sevem s of Hansen shop- . * pod In Twin Falls y e s te rd ay .--

*to» Mrs. Jo y B. Toylor of H aasen, shop- co , . ped in T m n Falls yesterday. g—

ti®“ H. B. B vaas of Bohl was a business v is ito r in “ i n Falls yesterday. .

J . W. Taylor o rB u h l transacted iegal n n bosiness in Twin Falls yesterday. ^O K Mi . u id Mm. J . D. Furch t o t Qood-

la g a re ia tbo eity fo r a short v is it nd i- M rs. E . P. Poison of FUer sM nt yes- a i to rday afteraoon in Twin Falls.

D r. and M rs. F . A. Irm an of Bohl, lajw wero visitors in this d ty yesterdsy.•rom And M ra T. E. H unter havo ro-Uie tu rned from a v isit a t Boise and Mos*

and cow.reon J- W. Skelton, a mining m an o f Sea jid l. Foam , Idaho, is registered in Twin 1,031 F alls.«an- E arl W nltor of F lie r w as amongf to th e out o f town visitors In Twin FaUs

yostorday.>' M ra W. F . Rlusmeyer o f H ollistor u

among tho out o f town shoppers in rack Tw in Falls.igh t Jam es Summers of Jerome Is a

guest a t tbo homo o t her aioce Mrs. tw o t B. Perrlno.

Y M r. aad M rs. Boy Coates are la ihe ' th e ^ t Lako on a bosiness aad

pleasore trip .A rthu r 'W. Ostrom, and W. B. Oreen

motored over from Bnhl yesterday on *«>*• legal business. • -ftoc* jXf. aod M ra A. A. Slocumb motored

ovor fnjm Buhl last evening to ' St­'s tend tbo Stoindol concert

n a r ry Applobaum of M urtaugh was rling a Twin F alls business v isitor yostorday. p las -Leo F . F a lk of Bolso is transacting

business In Twin FaUa tings - ^

Classified Ads are eheap—effective

BBT .leans

■ u to M IV ilii i i l lH lllltf t^ ltlK ilK lH IIIIH ation l | | l | | I M M

- ;D |O fT liEK ..At O.-BaniQt PMtMsei iltoost

.Sttpeniatazal Poweit Oter ^ '■.• Wjld Beaita; • i • van

--------- • mad.T h e a«b]agatlen aod e d n ^ tlo n « f pan

wUa beastv is a profea^oa th a t is ne t nv,, o v e ^ w d e d , ' a a d - th e ’ m e e s s fn l onea X " tha t are s till alive .eaa be eouated oa r l tbe fingers of bo tb haada, aeeordiag , ^ to B. W. Thompsoa, bead litte ra teu r of

I the A l G. B araes’ fo n ^ rla g w ild anl* m al clrtua, whieh < exhlblta In- Tw ia lltx< Falls, May 8. - . Pos

W hea A l G. B araes f ir s t aoUced the — peculiar power he bad over wUd beasts, tbere -were p lea ty e f s o i l e d tra laers who eatered^a cage w ith a lion or tiger, and w ith tha a id o f a polo and a n ^ l - a tnre machine g n a ..m ad e the aaimal jum p a«d the a c t w aa over.

Bnt now, bow d iffe ren t; ia the B araes arenas we aee beautiful girls daaeing w ith the m ost savage beasts, and th is delightful ehange. was orig­inated by Barnes, who is ever present w ith tbe m asterful dlreotorship and overpow ering control th a t haa made th is gigaatle la s tltu tlo a possible; one word from him , u d the most furious beast oualla in bls presence.-

M asdve words convey a pygmy meaning, when confronted w ith a vis­ualization o t h is powers, which have been in evidenee -since be was a littlo b o ^ tra ia lng mountain lions In Idaho.. w hen B om es tau g h t the flvo-ton

hippo the sinuous jiggles o f the Broad­w ay “ shim m y," ho d id somothlag.

There are ISO IHks w ith the show, who are tra ined ia th e w ay tbey should go. ________ ^

J o c a l ] Q r o - v - i t i e j

V M tlng B elatlvea—Mrs. Alice Abt has gone to W eiser aod CaldweU fo r a two weeka v isit a t lhe homo of re k - - tives.

To L ive in ZUlnol»->W. M. Organ, form er clerk o t tho Hotel Bogorson, has . gono to Sycamore, IlL, where he will mako his homo.

lo lf lj .Legal F in n —Lester A. Wade,1 nttornoy of Ogdon, U tah, reached Twin Foils this WOOK ond w lu moke bis f a t ­ure bome hero. H e Is associated w ith tbo firm o f Wolto & MorUo.

To A ttead W edding—Miss T ress Mc­Mahon loft Uiis niom ing fo r Boise were she w ill a tten d tho wedding of Miss Gertmdo H ays, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Hoys.

I . 0 . O. F . HM ting-^-Twln Falls tom­ple, N o.-S I, wiU hold t b ^ regular meeting Fridny ofternWoiT, May 7, a t 2 o ’doek in I. 0 . O. F. halL All mem­bers fo r in itiation requested to bo pres­e n t

Visited Bon in Pocatello—Mr. and Mrs. Shad Hodgin motored to Pocatello ' Sunday whero they visited w ith their son, Lawrence. M r. and Mrs. Hodgin have moved to the ir new bome a t tbo

> Colonial apartm ents. . .

i W tata Pretalaes Vacated—In the pro- I b a te eourt yostorday action was insU- ' tutod by A. N. House against F . P .' Hort* for oustor. P la in tif f alleges th a t 1 defendant is unlaw fully occupying do- I fondants premises and asks t u t B ertx '

bo ordered to vacate. 1

Masons Caliod ^ ^ g e th e r—Thero ^ 1 1 ' bo a stated communication of Twin Falls lodgo, No. 45, A. F . A A. M. In Masonic tomple beginning a t 7:30 to-' n fg h t Begular ordor will be tbo sched­ule. M any applications fo r degrees aro

' scheduled. fo r considoration.

I - Salvation Anay* M eettoga-E nslgn John Naton, w ith his regular s ta ff o f

I Solvation Army officers, is. conducting a series of street and barracks revival ’

• sorvicos o a c h 'n lg h t th is-m onth . Thel indoor sessions aro bold in headquar-

I ters a t 32S Main avenue east and aro being weU attended .

Tsmplars M eet—L ast nigh t Twin . Falls commandery, No. 10, K nights

Templar, hold its regular monthly ses- . sion .for tho .conduct o f routlno busi­

ness, M any applications to r degrees . wore receivod and acted upon a t tho

baUot box, whilo s till o thers wero ae- . eorded the usual p rim ary consideration.


V w T

G i n g ]8 There are overall■ ing right down to facti. If the garment is fas“ take pleasure in wear


PAPER PRICES FiBRECAST ^I t iMdt n b t t i f te r Pr«M Dti A d rle ti

tttm M aaa fa e ts r tr to 8 « a* »X im ftlS«taB loat tn

_____ tell esWASHINQTON, (/P ^^F orther ad* oneorti

vanco la p rin t paper prieea a re to be sa d e -by the la te rn a tio aa l P aper eon*[kany oa Jn ly I f aald a telegram from « 0 a Oheeter W. I^ n a a ', vice prealdeat o f rig id •the eompaay, whleb w as preeea ted . to- aae ofday to (he senate eommittee Iavestigat* heightlng the paper'shortage. tem pt

T he,m esnge. addressed to Jo a tp h P i^ . . . Utxer, Jr .,-pnblisher of th a JB t Loois m a a y iP o s t - D i ^ t u , said; . . . p r ia t 1

Twin PaUs shottid not suffer i after, Jndgi^ from the potential p new automatic sprinkler. This bi cently reaohed Twin Palls probabi; range equal to the capacity of the • now. The maohlne constitntes the

. machinery and its addition to the shonid prove a welcome one.

* ,Much sprinkling willbe necesa fact that with so many streets torn be more dost in tbe air than dnring erage years have plenty of dust, vehlence of all is the motive baok < new machine and if the perform promise it shonid fiU a long f«lt w

fMHOTImilgM^T.SNow that the warm weathei

stay, faiay the new sprinkler be kepi

I THE GEM TII----------------------------Q U A L I T Y F O T O


thnHerir J j l

’H m

? Iim

1 » H *4



fh am D re;ill clubs, gingham clubs anc ets, what dif fference does th ashioned correctly and fits aring it.

Some ofthe dai have ever seen, ment of ginghs

A h gingham is of so ity and they are

fwKk tily. There is noi not be glad to w street, or to th

I ^ Some are plannir ' evening parties.

H H wonder wny afte

$ 9 . 9 !

AY, MAY 6,1920«A lam lag i a iii, otEw 'raw

«ae ia ' t n a s p o ^ t i msessltaXe U g fa^t two q aa r ien . . to p o sa ttl t1 exten t' .at: innrftsso, a a , ayM>aiU:.-;fcg j j Be o r t ^ t y of eo ad ittm .'-It Ukely to eaatlaae to t u » i u -poiaLtC{^9tched in geaeral ‘ iadostritJ,'d fla iu e lia eoBdlUoaa. *. \"O aly ie m e ^ fo r bnsrafc t io a U d - l i i ; :* ^ lid eeoaomy by ^ U a h m t o f a e w ^ r i a t I t woold bd*Ight o£ fo lly f o T .g o v e n ^ a t t® M .’,^ - r^ a p t to regolate or lower spbt B O tu t. ' .. aa it woold resnlt In vbrsioa t f ' uay speeialty mills aew making b«w» '..Lat to the ir aorm al p red o e t."

. Mer from dnsty Btreets.here* . : . ;:r a possibiU^s of the Oify't I bnge machine .which re- kbly repreaents a sprinkling . he eiitire plant.^nse np to the last word ^ spi^DUing . the civic plant of the d ty

lessary this year, dne to the cm np there win ordinarily ring, average years, and av*Bt. The contort and con- ck of the aoqnisition of the irmance of this equals its t want. '


ther is apparently here to cept steadily bnsy. ■



t ' ’ '

owgijfflftiiiBrJ < ^ 9 8 r f v .

E o c K a a t

^ G V E aU B IM H flB V

Zoom!Loop!^ i n !JumpI

l u H d d m b y & L o c ^ le a r fro m p la n e to d b n ik Ifae a h S ^ .T b era n a v a r w a s a p h o to - d h u a a E ka H f t a uictura far WUdiinoTiBC p S w m fa ivm tad t £ T S w naaK onal rom ance o i tfae a id a a a s wilfaoak fnU - y o i^ in far Ifaa of y o a r E fe . D on’t le t y « a M w A s a y t **Yoo*vaf d i l , ’* t U p b j b c ,

M A T I I S E E A N D N l U r t f

---------------- -----------1

^ssesind what not. Com- the material make? its, one is sure to

iaintiesl models you n, in the new ship- rham dresses; The soft washable qual- re trimmed so pret- lot one that you will wear either on the

the afternoon tea. ling to wear them to es. You will not fter seeing them.

^ 5 U p .

Page 6: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

T W IN F A L t S D A IL Y i E W S I *------------------------------------------- ------------- PUMO. « » « y 't f f c t tb o a — w pt Bana>» ^

(Twin fWte ■ Nawii' P a iO iU tf Oo ln& la ^ (JBiuMttbM im T

ROT A. HBAD ........................'. 'P rw M aai piJOHN g aAHVBT T r a w f

• •: •■ - : tl ’ •U M O m ih ’ION M T U u

?MS:::::-::::;::::::::::::::;n:S'‘■ mOQtha .................................. ... LM .I month .................................... . :M

lO nrB B R o r AS8001A.TSD PB SSa The AjMoctatad Praaa la «xelaittr*lr ao .

UU«0 to Uaa ttaa tor. rapobUoaUeo of »n a«w« divpatetM* erad lM te It, - o r dmr.*'iSs-?S!.nMWias.r'‘is „

. - s .rM S a "njssfs,'%<£-•}

i*M weompusladi b r tb* n ta t— iy poct> T*P» ■ . ' • E


ror« BulMInt, ft

■fembtf AoiOC BoroM of Cbmslktlaaa v-------- ----------- ---------------------------- -------- p


Idaho olooUon Uwa re q u ln th a t evor^ P qualified elector eaatiag a ballot a t tbo poll* noxt November fo r oloction o f e< national, aU te .asd eounty offlciala ^ shall bo regiatered aomotime botwoon P now and the 6 alorda7 t>eforo the elo«- tion. There are no ezoeptlona to thU i rule. Tbe fae t t lu t the elector m ay have 'reg istered aad voted in tbe elee tlona foar jrears ago or tw o yoara ag<>, (, o r . th a t be,m ax not havo eh ao g e i bla r resideneo since th a t time will a o t quaU * ify hhn.. fo r participation la th e «lo6* b tioBS next Kovember unlesa be shall have re-registered UiU, year. So say tho dffielala whose duty It Is to ea rry ou t^ ta provision of the election law . |t

B egtstrara have been appointed and ^ regiiitratlon books and supplioe bavo boo^ foralsKed ia each precinct w ith in e Twfc Falls e«unty. Registration book* iaw p been open la cach p w ln e l slat?o S a ttrd ay last aa< vlU rem aia opea un* t u the Saturday preceding tho p rim ary o oImUooi wUok wUl b . b .ld tb i . yo a r J OB A ugust 8. T tey w ill rem aia closod t fo r oae week aad f i l l again be opened • fo r tho eoBvenieoce of electors u a td tb e | Saturday before the genoral eleetloiu

B egU tratlon on tbe U st day la, o ( , eourse, a s effective as reg is tra tloa on , th a f i r s t i t is a good .Idoa to |r e ^ j te r ea riy a a i avoid ehaae® o f oV' erlookiag I t un til too la te . '‘* ^ y n o t I register today l j

Names of the registrars and tha plao- j es fo r reg istra tloa ia saeb prooiaet m ay b o ' learaed upon applleatloit to . th e : County B eeorder's offlooi o r Tbe K ew s i witl be glad to fum isb tb la infonna*tiOB.

' O O U U A B D T tO ir MUfZM

>Iow i t is a movement orig inating In Cblcaga agaioat the collar bu tton , a a d | | w e' read, Its promoters havo beeome »o ' earaost la i t th a t they have requested < presidential candidates to tak e a a ta n i on the subject. Not alo«e is th e col­la r bu tton to be hit, b u t soveral atylcs of sh irts. Ilere is the “ c la r lo a '' call: |

W anted: Ten thousaail slaves of th e • c o lla r button to rise and not only em&a- c ipate themselves from l t t despotic ' yoke, but to foreswear the w hite starch- cd ra tla r and (he ‘'b iled, ” the silk , th e I linen, tbo pongee and all other costly , shirts.

Were i t not tba t telen^ramn havo been scat to prcsidcntifll candidates Inviting their support for the movement, the whoto thing might bo treatcil a s a bu r­lesque on some of the otiirr p ro jects for reducing pricci. Carrying it to tbo point o f ftflking its inelnsion In jmUti- cal plntforrnu, however, shows it Is nn sbsorbint; thought—the “ b ig idea ."— of thoM proponing .the policy. Tt r e ­calls th a t in nne of the ilnrki-st criw s of the wnr n cliildlnb delepstion W ashington to protest against the send­ing of cignrets to our figh ting forees. Tliat was thclr “ biggest id ea” o f how to holp.

w ith the eollnr button m inds th a t wduld work into platform s ex]>ectcil (o dcnl with tho grcatost question^ ever' prenonted to the race something abont shirts nnrl Iheir fastenings. They would see no unfitness in it if nn rxprrsninn of horror a t (he human toll tak en In thn. world war would be followed by n sim ilar vxprnsoinn against the collar bu tton , or would they have the la tte r placed, f lrs tt

There Is a time and a place for all - things. A time when the peoplo are

ealled upon to contemplate the ir sacri­fice s for g reat principles is not the tim e fo r the Introduction o f triv ia l m atters.

^ P ara a s our poUlicaJ conventions may fa ll f n m tbelr ideals la praetiee, they u w n o t tbe plaeea for eoaaldem tlon of

^ tha collar bu ttea jo k » M et th a t he rob- m itted t« sona Buraery dep a rtm en t

TKera ia aum gh «kUVaKikeaa l i t best ia | r 1d u t i e s without p bste rlsg the caadldates I L ' Iw ith things ao palpably babyiah as Ibts | | - {U te st from C h i e ^ . -m

T hu^ whUe it takes sU kinds ot p«o- ' Apie to make a w o r ld - :^ d we Itava I them—it remains th a t ehtldlsh m iads go too, fa r thsy bavo ts b e suppressed. I fthese Chicago gentlemen cannot se ttle the eoUar bu tton qaestlon fo r . them* selves, tben it will bavo to be the hookfor them. Whi

' . .= . dull a1 - ermUy

High School News I” ___ ■ 1 erwor

Pre^commende'ment activ itie* began f?*®' todny with the series o f events planned by the sonior elass ta k ia g place. This ‘ mornlBg In the bosoment of^tbe Uetho- dist church members o f the graduating class efljoyed a sealor b reak fsst. F o f bw in g the moal, sbort speeehes appro- neads pria te to the day, w e re made by Olen sours, Wllkim>». M arjorie B aker. I r is Quthrie, w eatl Theodore Schwarz, Theodore K ealatoa, twlng Dorothy Kenworthy, M iss Id a Brows, sedim Miss Alice Johnson and U . C. Mitehell. te r s<

From the b reak fast the n a d o a te s relief w ent to school and fumlshi>d. the as- n l ^ t scmbly p ronam fo r tbo studea t body.' £{t Membivs of t^io class reproseateil tbe eU a , variola aotivities la wbleb tb s elass , partioipated tho past year, and musle , wns furnished by the sealor baad and hsfor two quartettes. A t tho elose o f tbo _ program tho class propheey and will

A t noon a b ^ r a c k parmde was stag. ed on the mala street^s aad luneh was served in the c ity park . T his evening tho seniors are to hold • daaco a t tbe ' Parish halL AU, seniors were a ttired in sailor costume during th e day, w ith ■■ rod Mid whlto, class colors, being pre- dominant. m eat

--------- ia junBruno Stelndol, wlio appeared beforo ^<>^0

tho 'T w ia I-'sJJs public la s t bvonlng, en­tertained students of th e high scbool yostorday afternoon a t a special as- Vs scm bly w ith several ’cello selections. eap« V isits o f such a r tis ts , ore appreciated M u , by tbe student b ody .'

---------- GelMiss Permeal F reacb . deaa o f wom- throu

ca a t the Ualvprslty o f Idaho, w ill bo in Twin Falls tomorrow and Friday,It ’has been announced a t the Ugh schooL Miss sSraneb w ill v i^ t the sehool and w ill meet, p aren ts wbo de­sire to send tbe lr young nisn and wom­en to tlie s ta te university.

, Tomorrow a ftem ooa a t 4:13 o ’eloek, the seniors and jun io rs will detcrmiae

' class supremaoy by stag iu g a f lsg rush ' on the high schol campus. A flagM ie

w ill be erected and tjie seniors*' m g hoisted upon it . The juniors will at-

• tompt to tako down tbo flag ■ within a I stipulated timo while seniors are de­

fending tholr gonfalon. A oo'mmitteo ’ 1s working out details of tbe flag. rush.

{ Tickets for tJio senior clask play,’ “ Mice and U e a ,''’ which will be pre-

“ sented a f tho L avering theater Tues- 0 day evening, May 11 , wlll go on sale , fo r th* pnbTle S atu rd ay -at the Majestie ' pharmacy. Seniors w lft bo perm itted to t buy tbeir tickets P riday . Prices of

soats aro t l and-75 ccBts, w ith all seats rescr^'cd. Mao Goodrich has chargo of

>* tho tiekot sale.y Membera of tho p lay east aro putting

finishing touches on tbe play, and have It in good shape a t present. The cast

S contains about 17 characters, o f whom I. Dorothy Kenworthy and Dwight Kuhns %

havo the leading ro1e&


a t the rogular Olympio gamaa distance, n wblch will reeelve offle ia l recognition

as a tryout for tho Iateraa tioaal event, w ill be beld hero Ju n o 8, by the New

0 York A thletic elub, I t was annonneed d today.

1 N O tlC B I>- I bave Bold my sto ek and rented my ( yards to tho D etw ener Cool Co. All

porsons knowing themselves Indebted to mo plesse mail rcmittoaebs to me a t 4G0

e 2nd Ave. N.,. O. A. WARNER, ndv. of Central Coal Yards.

‘‘ A merchant advertises because bec has oews tor you.

:| WOOL Ie

P . J . P I L A I S T J E D

; PHONE 148


: WOOL.1 —



' 248 4th Avenue So.” PHONE 98> O U Y tR S q r R A W F U R S



F i K i r aif llK E S IH T S i

Says Baokaohe ii 8i|rn Toti baVeBeea Eating Too Hnoh boi

H e a t ■/ way for.. 7 , Inter-Co

r ------- • ■' which nWhen you wake w ith l^aekaehel aad lege ath

dull f n l s ^ in th e kidney n g t e « 'i t gsa- A fis erally .m eans you havo boea oatlng too haseball moch m eat,.says a .w ell kaow n author* in .tb e < Ity. M eat forms, urle aeld . w hich OT* Baoothe erwork* th s kidneys la. t b e ir : e ffo r t lo will be filte r i t 'f r o m tb s blood In d tb sy be- sdded si eome sort o f .paralysed a od loggy. m e n elass sb your kidneys g o t sloggish and clog yon Albion I must relieve them, like you reU ere j^ n r ho and bowels; rem oving all tbe body 'a urinous tute cot waste, else yom bave baeksche, siek One . headaehe, dlxzy spells; yirar stomscb Field li sours, tongue Is eeatsd, and w ben the bnUdlni w eather Is bad you haT* rhetanatle ablo th« twinges. The orlne is eleudy, fu ll o f on Flel sediment, channels often gel sore, vra. tlon wh te r scalds and you are obliged to seek a full > re lief tw o or tbree tlme¥ doring tho Tbls i J ^ t ,

E ither consult a gw d , reliablo physl-’ elan a t oace o r get from your pharma* ' •—* - c is t about four ounces o f J a d Salts; take B tablespooafnl In a glass o f w ate r « before breakfast* fo r a , fow days and • your kidaoys wUl then net flno. Tbls ^ famoBs J t t l t is mado from the aeld of ^ grapci a a d lemon jnlce* combined w itb ^ lithia, and ba* been used fo r geaeraUons # to elean and stfannlate sloggish kidneys, also td neotralise aelds in tb e urine so It no longer irritates,' thtis ending blad* **' der w eakness.

Jad S a lts Is a life saver fo r regular w, m eat caters. I t Is Inexpensive, caanot * injure nad makes a d d lg h tfu l, offer- vosceat U tbU .w ater drink.—«dT. .

S om . B o n d . N n d I t . ^VsctiniD d e u e r bas boen dsalgnsd

especlslly ■ for deaning sebool bUck*

' ■ T OGet b e tte r acquainted w ith ou r stores

through read ing the a d s 'to d ay . ^

U n u !

f o r

■ : y m

3 0 K 3 ^ 0 o o d T C « t: Fabric . AU.W«atbei


I Twin Falls, Idahi

B i f f l p E Hi p p s o p i i ^

30DINO^ Idsho , (SpM lsl) Oooi*College-was h ost-fo r th s roesptloB IISSBle rsd - to t h s ‘ZdlUio e ta to P u w t* I f Ss b m ’ As*eci«tioa SBSsday ersajiBg | | ( l | j

BOW preparatio 'as a rs wall nader ' I I L i :for t^ ^ n s a ,o f th s B o a th e m Idabo l ^ B

r-Collegiatfl s th ls tie association, l lBh wlU bo held OB Ib s Oooding Ool- . l lath lo tic fie ld , M s y n . . | |fiBs q u a rts r o f ■ n i l s track, w ith | |

)ba» ^w B ond and' footbaU gridiros ' l |;be o e a ts r bM already boea p sd e d , ■' ■ f lothed aaerrcoVerod w itb clay. This 11i be ro lled , and a cost o f einden | !ed so th s t ever^ tb iiv 'w lll be i S ^ r s t - |■ shape w h ea the visitors;frotn the - Ilon S ta te Normal, tb e CoUege of Ida* Iu d tbo Idaho S U ^ TeehsIeal iasU- ' ' II 'e o m e to to w fL - ( l lae o f tbo featores of the Ooodlag . j |Id U tho blUside rlgb t betweea. tbe IIIdlng and tbe track, which, will- en* ■I> the college to care fo r e,DOO visitors Field D ay aad ' to guarantee a posi- i where each and e.voryono ean u v o ull view o f eaeb aud every event.'b is a th le tic contest will be the f irs t

t Expert Lighting. S tm ^ g I

IgniUon — Service . .B atter; Obarging and I

Eepairing |


D . C . W A T S O N C O . | L -


i s u a l V a l u

r f i v e S m a

i Not only is ch conspicuous in C cars,Tbut ordina

' be not greater tl MwY ^ actually lesiRIHvi Tbe combinati<|M1>\ cost and very 1■111 result of Good111 11 3nd care emplc

I I , ing of 30x3', : I IM ' as it is in the

' Goodyear Core ' pricea automot. For this reason

w«e £actory.«q ^ year llres than

t' . Getdiisunusui., Ford, ChevroU

C %; car using one i■ I i», Goo<tyear ServiV I 'ii' and Goodyear# I t; station.

*2359 SSI^S.cheap tnbs?

*2is3 SS/IS-

$ B R O T H E R S GO.A , C . C O B U R N ,

i h o I

w ish .to frH«w/or-^to tBhs i y p ta »

IH" , T 9IIP ' <l l | | ' checking accotmfc i f his 'in<ll l l - rim ts it, or a savings accom liS either c ^ , . he viU ., - better position to get m ^ f <r a ' - luess^portnn itieft. th a t arc

, |H come. . .IIH Honest advice from the IHh advantage' to any young moiiIfl decidcs io engage in an cnt&in to him. Who is better eqUif |j the young m an’s banker to iI word in 'hiB behalf wheii a r<

. I wantcdrbr-perhaps extendII bank credit when con^tioi | | ! and w arrant i t Tonng

should Iregtn to qnahty righ

The Twin Fails NationII J . A. KEEPEI

I - I r a l S

a e - I n T i r e

a l l e r C a r s

characteristic Goodyear mei iGood'vearTit^ for the small oarily me first cost is found i than that of other tires; ofiu

ess.ition of unusual value in fii r low final cost, of course, ig odyear expmence, eniertnc loyed as insistently in the ma , 30x3^^ and 31x4'inch & e construcdoii of the fiimo ird Ures used on the higbe obiles.>n more cars using these ^ equipped last year with Goc m any other kind.lual tire value to enJoyon yo slet, Dort^ MaxweU, or oitl e or these sizes, at the nean rvice Station. Get t h ^ rii ir Heavy Tourist Tubes at tl

r l W T o i t t l K T b b « a fo T & k b strong tobes<

M o f loaa m srit . i o . x S ^ sixe in so sb r-

In c . , A u to D ep aM a n a g e r


rei .a peiwnnl < f IB;; income w a^ . ; |B .

» nn t'u n t;I .i( . | | |^ i he in a - | U | ■

for the bns* : Q are sure to |1

le bank is «ui | l .nan before .he .f ! |l : Qterprise new : Ujq tuppedthan IDt» say a goc^ 111a jpeference is | l | - \nd the nse of | | |tions require | | |lg man, you' | s jight now. |1{

ional Bank j'EE , CaaliiLT. | j |





f i r s t, is atness ;doak-tiresnousbest-


your Jther arest rires tthis !

5 s -II - ,

3 ^ ' '''

b e s th a t I w k h • ds too rs

partment: STATION

Page 7: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

,1.. 1. ' , • '





BeautifyingTtTtTTAT.T. ■PftTT.T.T OBJSJ

An excollont toUet roqulslt clonnser and boautlflcr. 8

. omolllont, free from ktcabc. fn r rou|{titieati nnd r^ n e < i ik in , eiia{>ix)d hnndi anil U[

: •o rc^ cle. Hogulnr prlco 36c- ftie c la l p r i c e ...... ..............2 T

H A B M O ^ MAaSAQS OB A n ideal mnMago cream. Ma •kin soft and velvety. Larj

' regular prieo SOc.BpecUl p rlj^ , ....2'T

SDEB&'B PBBOXZOKB O] A flno facial crcoto. Reguli 3Sc.8 p»d*l price ____ 2 r

IndispensalRT.XA1J. VIOX^T TAIX

^ vory frag ran t powdor. pot»]cr fo r tho toilotlc. prlco 25c.Sp«cU} pric* ............ ........2 I

BOOQTOT aA M EB TAContains th e odor, ot trofcni eoma. A flno talcum powdor, lar prlco BOc.8p e ^ price ............... ... 2 I

JA T K B ‘8 BOBATBD TB erated ond earbolated talc, fumed, anlJeeplic powdo tollot and nur*erj». F or r ehaflnK, prleVIey hoat, msh •calda, ute. M ay nlso bo ui foot powder. Regular prieoB peaal p r i c e ....................2 1

B B T A rJ . B A B 7 TAXjO To relievo discomfort ot b< •pIraJlon anii ebnfing. comfort fo r tho Uttlo one. prlco 25c.-BpedAl p r i c e --------------- 2 J


A flno powder. Adhere* j Fleah and whlti*. In a ttrac Rogular prlco 50e.Special price ........ 2

P O T m se SYTA An adhering rico fnelnl pow u lar price 50c.B p ed il price ....................2

OHAIUIOKA TAOE P C An Ideal facial powdor. pricb 35c.Bpedbl price --------------- 2

V IO l^ T TOIliBT WAA vory frag ran t toilet watc tm ctlvc l*ottlo. Regular pS pedal price ............. 2 I

U L A O TOXLBT WA! nnn nn alluring odor th a t I

• tive. Regular price $1., fipocUl price ................ 2 I

W ISTEB IA TOILET W A ddi n (ou«h to tho tol murkfl the womnn who ct best In tollot water. Reg • 1.Bpecial price ................ 2 ]

RTiTATJ. a s iF F E PIXiLI* OrijJjK' Jtnii to alJay tho

hcndaehe, funeral dei)rci fever'aiAoclatod with Influ R egular pnco 25c.BpecUl prioe ................... 5AKALOESIO BAJC3C—a h: fe rtlvo aualgcsic and ei ta n t fo r relief of headael gia, lum baf^, gpralns, In

• etc. Regular prlco of tubes 32c.Special pric* — --------!

TWIN FATlTlR d m :

TH Rrsday=*] T H E M j


ANY TWO ARTICLf.S il Cent During This Big

I Complexion Cream!g a v r T jb L B T SD LO E V A inSH IK O

A CEBAMR«M»,?nir A, d ry flennnlng croam. Good f(

application nftor tho skin haa bet . . \ f thn cxpou'd to tho sun, wind or du!ii.^a .aM Regufar'prfco SOo.l^a, cold ---------------- 2 g.

FO B SOc E IK B E ’S OOMPOTOTO OF A I^. M0N3> M BA LOBBASr For softening tho sk in and reotoritMakes tUo Irrita ting and rodnesa, A soothli*rge ja r i , ftppl»e«t>on "unburn, chaj

• -roughncM;>tc. Begular price 50c. i T O B s i c --------- -— ^ a r o B »

OOOOA BU TTEB bO L S OBSAli A flno colij croam fo r all gcnei

cular prlco purjioseB. A cloanser, aoothlag to I skin. Largo ja rs , te jn la rp r ic e 65t

! FO B 36c Bpeclal p r ic e __________ 2 FOB 6-------------n---------- -------------------- . - ■ .

able for The ToiletteJ/TO M P B A E l TOOTH POWDBB

A flno Thoroujthly clcansca nnd whitens t R egular toeth and hanlcn»-tho-gnm *. Bo

(lers tho mouth clean aod wboleaom1 FO B 26c U«im!nr prica 25o.

^ Htociil p r ic e ..................... 2 FOB »ANTiaBPTIO TOOTH POWDBI

lor. Bcgu- CJj-an* tbe tro th n ad remove* t pauiie of discoloration and deca

2 PO B 61c Regular price 35c. ____Special price .....................2 FOB 3

t a l o ‘B tik A JJ i TOOTH PABTBlc. A ^ r - prevents dcc

# ond swootons Ujo brcaO,. Will i rcliof 01 J,, ^w od '* boneflelaL Rogular pri

2 FO R 38« 8 ' ^ “ ■"*“ ---------------- “ '2 FO B 360 TOOTH BBtJaH EB ,W nJK Kinent quality brlatloa. Bono a

hoat, por- rclJuloM W arranted perfcProvides Rogular price 35c.

3. Regular Special price .....................2 FOB iSEPTONE H A IB TOOTO

2 FOB 2Sc Quinine Prow otoj growth•LEX IO N ^ho hair nnd is offectlvo in oradlc

lng dandruff. Regular prico $1.

, p e rf e c tly . .......^•ac^tlve bo*. HABMONY L IQ T O ) 8HAM P0

Contains cm usifieu cocoanut2 FO B Ble Thorouglily cleanses the scalp. B

ular price 50c.A Special price 2 FOBowder. Beg- VIOLET DOIXfE SHAMPOO

CBYBTA182 FO E 61c A nclenttflc nml antiseptic tc

POW SEB clcnnBOB th e biilr thoroughly■a _ .i» - dandruff, dust nnd oxeCM oil. Ma

r. iteg u ia r healthy nn.l promotesf> vntt vt.. ntiturni gruwrt. of beautiful li2 iO B WJC 2.'>e.

f7ATEB Special prico 2 FOEater. In a t- KLENZO TA B SHAMPOO SO;■ prlco »1. A fln<! nhuinpoo soap. Regular ji5 FO B »1.01 :25c.TATEB ***^* ^. , BRXALT. T O IL E T SOAP

It la distinc- ^ l>orfumcd soap for tho t<> vn n k l ftl « '“ • prico 15c.1 FO B »1.01 _______ ___ 2 p Q g

W A TEB M EClOATED BBIN SOAPtollotto th a t This is an idenl tollot soap for

chooses fljo oral purptisea. Hna nn nn’tlscptle tegular prlco germeridnl e ffe e t on the skin. ■

nlnr prlcrt ‘i5c.2 FO B « .0 1 SpecUl fika, .................... 2 POB

iLS—F o r L a OOMPOUin> OHE E B Y B A

fluenra colds. nc»», aoro th ro a t and bronchia

2 FO E eoc 1‘oimlar price 35e.V 2 roa g p ^ Prtee.............2 roii safe ond e r

eounter lr tl . BEXALL HBADAOBB TABLE I'C^JAches, aoui

f oao-onneo similar pa in fu l nervous rtions. R<>ffuJar price SSe.

.. 3 FO B 36c Special price --------------- 2 POI

>A Jlj^EW 5.C TIN 'FA LI


^ F r i ([ A J E S T K

| j p ' ^ ^

LS LISTED BELOW WILL Iig Sale. This Does Not

I!!* Opeko Tea and'a b ’m T h e f a m o u s O p ^ o

OB M e ‘^ “ ” ” 8 f W s s a l o , w i l l

• j u , 4 4 c a p o u n d s t r a i g h t .

O p e k o I m p o r t e d B a s k .

’ “ ‘J ’’ J a p a r i T e a 3 2 c h a l f l b .v B o loQSAU -goneral ' —S Houselioh

B Y ilOKD-S l i t i f PTjBB HEPBA.‘ tra c t for flavoring purposes. B<

BB SY U O N B ’S IN K PUBB EXT&AC;cns tho fo r ftavorlng and othor pnrposciI. Bon- price ...................... __iJcaome. ____ " — ------ ——rift SYM OKD'S IN N D EUOIOUB COi TOTO pure—full stro

OpteMprijdocay. SYMOND'B n m CHOCOLATE-

o IcHcheh. In 1-2 pound bars. RotOB 36C Special p r i c e ___________________

» decoy sy M O N ^ ’S O T T B O T O iO J f a m 111 not “ **“ 0 bouillon. ,B«gular prlco 85«

cth a n d _____________ir price

for The fp’riM . r o r a T A D T S Y S n iO E -M .J c o

slM. Regular prlco «2.50. SpecU

MAMIXOM HOT W A TEB B OTT owth ot Y ou’H find It uw ful fo r m anyjradicat- BpecUl price .....................................

)B *I.0J s r a m O E - A o-rioRo o■MPOO ^®CU1 price ___________

O TB SB B B -A .im plc a, -Vlpplfl U (rmoofh an«l fn-o from 8i

FOB 51c u lar price 30c. B pedal p r ic e ......

“ ‘0 0 STOBK N TPPLEB-M ndo of fin,ic tonic ....................................

l!'*Make! CBDAS OOUPOUKB _ .lo te s tho naphthalino. Reliablo protoctlor ful hair. o r fabric*. Begular prieo 25

FO E 20c EL K A Y ’S W A B H IK a 00MPO19 SOAP kinds, w ithout rul)blng. Re^julnalar p riio 1 Special price ....................................

FO E 28c b e x a l l ITHIVBEaAL OLEAl3AP fabric* o f a ll .tho toilet W'U not Injure tex ture of finoa•Gc. Special price ... _FOB 16c ^ .............. .................

JOAP f i r s t -a i d SUBOICAL PL A fll» fo r gen- use. Zhw oxldo. ' Regular jn

, “ W A IiT B B O A T O A B O L E -ulryrati'd tonsils nnd all slmpl

FOB 26c moytli mid guws- Regular prjp<

B E I A I L FOOT P O W B E B -T o flplUng of the feet. . Also rellet

ta, hoarse- froul,Ic8. Regular price "Sc. 8 tichUl t . . e B I A J X BABY OODOH S T B !

'> ■'“‘llnr affretlc). FOB 36c and young children. Regular rt n T.TTTB— B pedal price .........____________

nournlgU B E Z A U . BABY L A X A T IV E - oue affee- tor buhy and for treatm ent o f

I (hl)dren. ReguJa rj>rJco 35e 3I PO E 26c

S i G f i j

d a y ^[ C P H A B

p K jnoHHiL SELLifOR THE'PRlCt t Inciude War Ttjx. E'

id Coffee Special JJ3 C d f f e e , ’ Riii

sket'Fired ■. | h

_ l :

Did Staples.•EAOT VA K ILA r-A fino, pure cx- = ;

Regular pflco 40c. SpecU l prlCe •«.....----------- ------;---------- ... 2 F O E 410

aA O T L B M O K -Y ou’II find i t good , loses. Regular price 40c. Special---------- :--------------------- -- 2 FO B 41c

COCOA— A heslth /u l b reak fast ber- strength and flavor. Regular pricep rice ................... ................. 2 FO E 41c

PB—^Fiao cbocolato fo r use in tho Rogular prlco 40e.

----------------------------------- 2 F O B 41c

OIIBBS--12 cubes fo the i» x . Make*SSe. S pedal p r io e _ .......i FO B 86c ^


Household 2le o f high-grade rubber. Two-quart ^«clal p r ic e ----------- --- 2 P O B «2J51 g,

)T T tE —.\fado o f best grndo rubber.any purpose*. Regular prlco $2.60. '.......— .............. ....... - ....... 2 PO B $Z61. ®

50 o f highest quality. R egular prlco S,----- -------------------------------- PO E 12.61 Z

0 nnd natural way o t foeding bnby. nm seam*—bottle easily cleaned. Reg- B.................................................. .... FO B 31c c

flno grade rubber. Regular price Sc. J, ............... - ........ ...........- ........... 2 FO B Oe e

— A comblnnflon o f red c fd n r and P :tlon against motha. W ill not Injure0 i'Se. Bpoc1m2 pdce...:........2 p O E 26c -

a»OtTOD--To cleanse clothing' of a)) ‘ j p iln r price lOr. j.................................. - .............. 2 FO R l i e *

EA2TSBE— For tho removal o f ffronse j all kinda; kid gloves, kl,l slipper*, etc. ‘ inea! fahrJes. Rogular price t’3c. I................................................... 2 FOB 26c '

ABTBES—Adheslve planters for f ln t- 1 ir 2>rJn* J5r. S peda l pric«.„.2 FO B J6c i

E — For ordinary aare th roat, tonaiUti*. imple inflammatorj- affectlona of the n ico 33c. Special price„..;.....3 FO B S6c

-T o rclicvp burning, sm nrtinp und per.Mief for xorn*. bunions and other foot- spec ia l p rice ....................... 2 FO B 26c

YBUP—For cou'giis, hoaraeneas, whnof>. II •etlons of tho a ir paaange* 1„ infants a r prlco 35c.

............................ .............. - ....... a FOB 36cr c — A mild and gentle bowel rerulator t o f constipation In Infanta and younir • 8 J » ^ P r i o e . ._ ................... 2 FO B 30c

M i Y . j y t A t 5 . 1 9 2 a r ' ^

A Y SSatur

^ ^ M A C Y *

H tU tC E O F O N E - P l u s O n f t

E v e r y P u r c h a s e H a s h ^

Hair Brushes of f

AUTOMOBILE OOOOLBS — Liglit, u o ,atrnng and durabte. Celluloid rims. In sanlcolored u-ns. Ideal for motoring, nnd aidRegular price »1.00. * SpecialSpecial price ................2 FO B f i.0 1 PB

Same, rogular prk-o #1.50. Practic........... . . . . . a r o B n ^ i


JlcguJnr prJeo Se. ■ Special p rice .................... 2 FO B 6c

Distinctive LinenLOBD BALTHSOEB LIN BK —P la e r ra t desiroua o f d l*ttnctloa w d Im lliid n iiltTula r p ric* 65c. Special p r tc * ________ __FBMBDALB U N B K BTATIONBBY—P it

OLSNWOOD Ufrm r S N T S L O P S S -.B efabric onveloiMs 15c. Special p r ic e ____

s S P s p e c f f S e " ^ nod envelop

A SPB lftpr TABLBXa—Oenutao A«- n t r r aperin. For m any uses. 12 tab lo ta to mote Itho box. Regular prieo 25c. nnd bSpecial price - ..................a FO B 28c tion olSame, 24 tab le ts to tho box. Begu-lar prico 50c. BpedlSpecial price ...................2 PO E 61c TtTi-riSame, 100 to the box. Regular p rice ^fj.ijc . pnis.Bpedal price ................2 FO B 11.28 ®P*®li

SODA-MDTt TABLETS. — Pino fo rthe digestion. Regular prieo 20c. PHOfiSpecial p r i c e ....................2 PO B 2 lczm o OXIDE ODfTMHNT — One- u ia t^ ounce tubes. Fur general purpoaea. blood, Regulnr price 25c. SM diBpedal p rice ........ ...........2 FO B 26cCASOA&A SAOBADA-----Bottlea o f ^ rei10l> sogjir-coated ehocolnto tablota. fj„„ Begular price 50c.S pedal p rice ................... 2 P O E filePH EN O PH TH A IX IN T A B L E T S -A OOD liixiitlve. Regular prico 35c a box^ iinblfSpecial price ...._............. 2 PO B 36c build

. ’LAXATIVE ASPIBIN 'CO LD -TA B- LETS—Thoy work quiekly and cf- fcrtlvely. For relief o f cOlds aad ALB tb>' fi ci'rlsh aymptoma and headache iinuiilly a ttending them. Regular thrni |iriff 2.'ic,Special p ric® ..... .............. 2 PO E 26cBENAFIO— A plenannt laxative fo r » t»t roJii-f o f cimatipotion, biliousoeu aaU ^ _ aumi. forms of headaehe. Regular I price «,>. ^S pedal p rice ....................2 POB 66cBLAUDB P IL L S — Oolntlh coated pric.

80f t ma*3. B ottles o f 300 B p« tnblota. Regular pricO'fiOe.Special p r i c e ---------------2 FO B M e cuJnN U X v o m i c a a n d OASOABA »-ie TABLETS— 100 sugar coated tablot* niua to tho bottle . Regulnr prifo t l . b a dB pedal price ------------2 FO E »1.01 ^SXTLPHXTB AKD OBEAM OF T A B . s n TA B LO Z E N O B S-For clearing the 5 ^ blood and complexion. 30 tablota to tho box. Regular.j.rlce 15c. ,P “special price --- ----------- 2 PO B 16c, f i” /BEX A LL U T fL B ZJT B B P IL L S —F or rcgiilatlng the liver and tb u t 1£U aiding <Hge»tha and-exrrotion. Rog. tl« r ular prico 25e. 'ja rs

U S peda l p rice ---------- a F O R ^ 8 pe<

..... nwM'iMU

■ ■ p p i i i B i M

• ; 1: ■





fine Quality»od backs- B rlatiea set in metal.----------------------------- 8 PO B »1.0If f ponotrating briatles. Begular-------------------- ---------- a P O B C L C lLIOOETT'S OHBW IK Q Q tlV san itary sualed packages; Pure i aids dlgeatlob. R egu lar p riee 6e.»dal p r i c e ----- ---------- 2 F O B 6c

P E N AND P E N C IL OLIPS Mtical pen and peoeU ellpe. For - ' intaln pena and penolla. Besolat

S d i a ' j H e . -------«U A D Y rA m W W D B E ^ j l W t : - :K met powxJcr p « /f lr . ' S«galMt eo ICe. .»d*l price ... ................ ; 8 F p ® 16c

n Stationaryc n d a U xm p ^ e r . For tboM U tr in tb e lr aUtteoiM r. Beg---------------- a TOB 69c ,- P u r e q n a l l ^ H a m 84« b e* tt . c t 76c.,----------------- -------- - 8 FO B 76e :-B egu lar prlco o f these wMte------ ----------------2 P O B le e .elopee to mat<;h. Begular price ------------------ --------8 'P O B DlC

3 X A U . H lD W av P n X ^ T o pro- )to healthy action o f tbe kidseyi d bladder. A id ing free eU m lu- in o f w aste m atters. Begnlar priee c. ’ ■ 'w d a l prioe — _______ 2 PO B 61eRTAT.L BJD N B Y 0 0 M P0 U2n>—}r the same u*e aa the kidney lls. Regular prlco |1 J 5 .>edal price ..... ........ :. 8 PO B tl.28OMPOUND STB U P OF HYPO- H0BPHA3!BS-—VAloa^>lo toale Jo sblHty, ner\ouB crhnnatlon and con. ilcacrnce from fever» ete. To stim- late the appetite and enrich the lood. Regulnr prico $1.25.pecial price ................. 2 FO B *156IE E E 'S U IL E O F UAGMEBIA—. relief for h eartbu rn and Indlges- ion and to corrcct neid ity of tho Lonineh. Regular prlco 50c.p ed a l price — .............. 2 PO B GlcIOD LIV EE on. HMTTLHICK-Val- nb)i> iood tonic. Unequalled fo r ulldlng up weak, omaciated chll- Iren. Regular prlco *1.25.Ipecial price ________ 2 FO E 11.26U .H A LIN E A K T ISE PT IO TAB- [lETS—Uaed fo r a mouth wash,•hrnnt gargle, naaal spray, vagiaal louche or ns a dresaing for wounds, iiegular prico 25e.SpecWl price .....................2 FO E 26cKEXALL CABBOLXC SALVE—An-tiaeptle, elennslng and healing. For treatment of disorders und Injuries ‘) f Ihe skin tha t yield to stimulating lind ch'unslng treatm ent. Regular price 25c.Bpedal price ............ 2 FO B 26cREXALL BUBBINO OIL—For mus- culnr soroDeS* nnd stlffnesa. F o r . nse of iithleten In limbering up s tiff niuaeular joiuts. Also guod for lomo baeka, ehnmic rheumatism, etc. Re,}-, ulor price .13c.Special price .....................2 POB 36oE IE B R ‘8 BALSAM TA B OOH-'POUND — A re lie f fo r ordln& tj. ' ■ coughs nnd rolda—actite or ehronle - simple Irrita tion o f the th ro a t and lungs. Regular price Me.S p ed a l p rioe .....------------S P O B a j « .MUST A SD OBBATB—P or rhemM . : tlsm, neurulgU and eoldi. I s u n jars. Regular p riee 65c. <Bp.au p r i c ----------------a m t m , 0 ,

Page 8: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at


f f l l i FleESTiDEINl i iW E !Italian Detained by Departmen

of Justice as Witness Agains Implicated Radicals, Com mits Suicide

,NEW VORK, (flV -T »ny Tmlo, a yoara ol(J, doUlnert by tho dcpftrtmcr of jastieo 00 &n im pnrtnnt witnci ocninBt a numbor of rndicala involve io the bomb outro{;oa lost Jutio, con m lttod luloldo M onday by hurlln him self from n w indow on tho fou toonth floor of a Park Bow offic 1)ulldin|f wlicrp tho dopartm ent hoa( quarters aro loeatod.

Ono of B « m » l T a tan .Chlof WilJIijm J . Flynn, o f tho d

partm ent said M onday th a t Toelo wi ono of several anarchists who woro a rested in connection m th tho bomb o: plosions of Juno 2 lasl, and had boc detained a t hoadquanors aa n govor ^ e n t ' witness /o r six woolcs,

Tho Juno bomb attaolci Includod tl homes of J uJ ro Charlos 0 . Nott, i mineral sessionB court io Now Yoi and Att«rnoy Oonoral Palm or n t Was ington. Tho explosions resulted In tl doath of two persons.

Tazlo 's sulcido rovoalod fo r the fit tim e tha t anv im portant a rrests ov had heen modo in eonnoetion with t caM.

Cliief Plynn said the m an 's r< name tnui A ndrae 8«Isedo. '

Ho ndmittod, aeeordiag to Ohl Flynn, tha t It waa he wlio printod i ^ o k . circulars, copies of whieh W(

• found in tho v icinity of homos wreck b7 tho bombs. ‘

Salsodo’ was a prin te r and w riter. ] w as lieoplng w ith anothor govomm< w itness wheo ho got up, w ont to t washroom and jum ped from the w dow wilhout rousing h is companion.

Ooxtf«M ParOdpatloD.Mr. Flyno adm itted th a t ' •evdi

other men had been arrested in conn< tion with the plots, lh a t thoy had. ct >fBSBod to p o rtic lpa llng . and th a t th had agreM to turn govornment w Bossea, . \

He declinod, howover, to- glvo t names or to explain w h a t p a rt tb had played.

From Chief P lynn and N. 0 . Dona SaJscdo's lawyer, i t was learned th tho circulars had been .p rin ted In Ita lian prlaU ag ostablishmont Brooklyn where Salsodo w as omployi

According to Doaato, hla cllen employer asserU th a t Salsodo mi havo dono the work In hla spare tli w ithout his. knowledge. Uo adm itt however, th a t . tho circular hoad " P la in W ords," aad signed ‘ 'A na^ 1ft F igh lo rs ," had been tu rned -ou t his presse*.

BBST&IOTS LAin> SALSaPBAQtTB, (flV -T ho goTorameot

fram ing a measure re stric ting the i • q ^ e a e n ^ of land or a tea rU iu •liens owing to large iuquU iU bu property of evory kind In A ustria d u g the period when tfao erew a la


In a Ume whon prices aro uasta: . i t i t Importaot th a t womea ahould ki

Informed as to tho la teat fluetnatlo th a t they may solve tb e ir shoppi problems wisely.

. NOTICE TO Ri m p r o v e n e n t D i s t r i c t s

Your attention is call ment roll for improvomei spread and property own( tween April 29th, 1920, an

You CM save 7 per co which on different propert; On an assessmont running a t 7 per cent plus charge 1 1 - 2 per cent per annum f(

A $ 200.00 AsBCBsmerA 300.00 AsseBsmenA 400.00 AssessmcEA 500.00 A/tsessniOEA 600.00 AsaeasmerA 700.00 AssesametA 800.00 Assesamet A 900.00 Asseaaniei A 1000.00 AKHORsmei A 2000.00 AsBCHHincr

If paid in ten annual inn$ 281.12 ini

421.68 inj 562.24 im 702.80 im 843.36 ini 983.92 im

1124.48 in: 1265.04 in 1405.56 in 2911.12 im

Yoa do not have to pay no by paying cash prior to J intereat.


I Lerebr certify aiwve fi) 6 -.. April 29th, 1920.

i s - .

T T O E N F A I X S ^ D A H

^ W.OIfDKE OF;Airi

i W M:s)m -



UbS8lv« Hlppopotamoiu Attzacta A .ttaa t o f tho OMaf Faatnrea w ith A


Fourteen Ships Laden with I th o Bourgeoisie Fngitivea to Asia' o n,.. .iT h J LONDON, ( f f ) -A jon.iclorol.l. num-

bor o( Russian bourKoalslc who flod real from aouth Rnssla to Asia Minor per-

ished duriug a storm In 'the Block Sea,I tho “ wiroleii dlspntct from ^ e ro Moscow. Pourteon ships laden with )ekod refugees woro lost.

Tile' remnants of tho Iluailan vplun- r. He nrmy In tho Stotchy region of tho m ent Black sea co a s t' numberinR sevMai ) the thousand, havo surrendered lo tho Sol­aria. shovikl, tho stntoment eontlnues. Tho

on. voluntoorv wcro bonded by Qenorals Morozoff and Uhreoff. All woro then grantod Ufo and. liberty with lho cx-

veral ception o f tho leaders of tho rising.nnoc- ---------con- Tho cnpturo of Slotchy was an* thoy *liounco<l in an official statomont issued wit- by tJio sovioly govemment a t M oscow '

on Bunday last, tho ■ • -----


that" ^ Preaident Pessoa E eriew s N egotU tioni

w ith r ra a c e EelatlTe to Poaaeaelon

time KJO JA N EIRO . (/?>—«ole o f formor itted, Qprman ships which wcro seized by aeded Rrotll during the wnr waa urgod bv larch- i‘nside.-it roasnn, ia his mossag» to lit oa ong resa Monday.

Twenlv-eight o f thes<> steamers wcro borrowed by Prnnco, and the president said Frnnce was non-coromltal when askpd by Brazil, if shp deslrod to pur-

ut u chaso tho ships on the aamo term s of- e ac- fered by North American fl^ms. HoII by. aald Franeo requested a renewal' o f tho u gf loan-agroement l>otweoa the two coun* k dwt- trie* and svmiested th a t tho ship ques- is ao tion be settled hy the reparations eom-

mission.Rrazll ropliod. the president aald,

itaoW tha t tho ownership of the stsamora was keep setlled by tho Versailles trea ty and ro-

Uoas, fused to renew Its loan to Pranee." A t pplag the same timo sho asked tb a t country

to re turn the shlpq to Brasilian harbors.


its Numbers 34. 35 and 37

allod to the fact tha t the assesa- lenta in these districts has been Tiers have right to pay cash bo­und June 2nd, 1920.cent interest on your aasessnient, rty frontage would bo as follows:Ig 7 years (average llfo of bonds),5e of County Treasurer Office of , for collection would equal on :le n t .................. ......... $ 81.12e n t ............................ 121.68le n t ........................... 162.24ic n t ........................... 202.80le n t ........................... 243.36le n t ........................... 283.92le n t ........................... 324.48le n t .............. ............. 365.04J en t........................... 405.56ic n t ........................... 911.12nHtallments, you would pay :instead of $ 200.00instead of 300.00instead of 400.00instead of 500.00instead of 600.00instead of 700.00instead of 800.00instead of 900.00instead of 1000.00instoad of 200b.00now, bat as a business proposition Jnne 2, 1920, yon will save this


figures are approximately correct.

W. A. MINNICK,City Olerk.

;AiiiMALwp^ " ' U f






forof ] >'ot rose

— ,.l ngaittaatioa of Old ind Yoxrn* and la One ft* > h All Circus Aggregatlfliis. » t

No response haa' M - yet boen nealTVd D from Paris. • sont■ ................ .. ' and■| Not Vary Thlok. sucl*fl Now alamloam foO tor vmpplof hlgl porpoaea Is ooly onMtztb ol oafrtaa* B' dredtb o« an tach thick. “'jJ

»' Olasslnod Ads arc chonj»—«ffe»«tl»» '«

lodjcr-Jea, , .romrithlun-tho»alBol- TThc . WBrals ^hcn Icx- «{;

‘“*‘1 d I ® 1cow'


s ‘ S ^ 'T e i I tc lof-HothoDun-ues-

I , 'v v these mot(

when every pt ^ county is hardly■ | “just around the

People's ideas ing, too.

They’re begin ure out i2ow muc ing them to kee[ the man who i

, greatest amount the man ivith th( p r ic e CSX.

aThere still sei

notion in some < any tire is good a small car.

That's not w wAo owns it th

In recommenc ing U. S. Tires \ to see his aide <

U n i tI


O. E. BUEE, Prea.

r a WNISMION C OFPEOEflllLISEIlftllCTS• . .... " ' Mob

State B&nkers Charge Oqeroive Uethoda in Testimony Be- ier?

fore Oommittee "w_____ 8702

W ASniNOTON, W V -A llaek iag tho ^adm inistration of t to fodoral reserve art, Btnle bankers told tho honso roles and baaU no commiiteo Tuesday th a tfederal employes by coercive m ethods P'wero seeking to force sta to bankers or ^into the rcsorvo Byslem. D

Tho rules comroitteo was asked io o r 1 net favorably on R epresentative-K ing 'sresolution proposing investigation of wtho odm ioistratlon o f tho federal ro- O.,servo aet, whilo tho banking commit- portco w as requested to report an amond- ^ment of tho act anthorlzlng a chnrgo 4£»Mfor ozcbango. j H

H. Flood Madison, a sta to banker 340;of Bnslrop, Ln., testifiod th a t i t wna P'not a n uncommon practlco fo r fodoral perreservo banka to accumulate checki Oiaga inst a stato bank calling fo r tw ice o r 1Os much aa tbo cash resor\-o required ^of tho bank under stato laws and then <59^to present tho chocks for paym ont a t Lone time. . o r 1

Doacrlbing similar practlco, Ropre-sontativo King, rdpubUeon, >11110018, Iand Bcavls, ropubliean, Nobtoaka, aaid _ such actions woro “ tho conduct o f ah ighw aym an." “

fita te s TepToaoated a t tho honriugsineluded Texas, Nebraska, Idaho, Iowa, “ a jSouth and North D akota and Colorado. « «

«KAD T H E DAILT NflWU. hor«

J i\

»n miles U! be a long V


difference in sition—fln otor-car days, . wants in i point in the ftim that.

dly more than he comer.” . Large o::as are diang- are huilt t

ard of qutjinning to Bg- lachitia cost- ' straight si sep a car. And 3 is doing the ntof figuring is ' Every t the moderate- name “U

best way how. It

® the man, iseems to be a that coun e quarters that and large XJd enough for in the wo:

what the max, ^Tirea.in tl

snding and sell- you the be s we arc trying ence and te of the propo- your tire

t e d S t a t e s10 AUTOM OBILE i


^Y, MAY 5,1920

^: Census Bulletins ^J eflotalf

WABHINOTON. D. 0 , M*)—BiUings, tire o* 15,100; inereaae OOflO, or 60.5 betww

»er e e a t • AmertiAberdeen, Waah., 15,337; iacreaae th a t c

1077, or 18.3 per c6oL conld IWashlngtoo, Pa., 21,480; Increase tti» c«

!702, o r 14.i par cent. wJthlDFrankfort, Ind., ll,SS5t iaereaae 2901 anhar

>r 34.2 per-eaa t. 'Long Beafh, Cal., 55jS03; increase .

IV 84, o r 212i per « n t . . ' ■Pomona, CaL, 13,505, ibereaae 8208,

>r 32.3 ^ r cent. . >Durham, N. 0., 81,719; iaereaso 347a, : ^ =

ir IB.I per cent.

WASHINOTON, D. 0 . (;P>-Alllanoe, y, 21,003; increase o f 0520, or 4 3 i >or ceiU.

m h a r t , Ind ., 24,277; a n inereasa o t V Q 1095. or 25.9 per cent. *

Houiton, Mo., 0101; a a increaso of 140; or 8.9 por c e n t

Pom , HI., 86C0; iaereaae 8S5, or 11.1 )er cont;

Orango, N. J., 33,239; increase 3009, 1 1 >r 12.2 per cent. I J

W est Orange. N. X , 15,673: inereaae l l (593, or 41.S per c e n t 1 1

L a Ballo, HI., 43.050; inereaao 1613, jr 18.1 per co n t ^


HONOLULU, T. H ., (/P>—The'emper­or of Japan, whoso Ulneaa rocently noc> | J }sallated a v isit to tho w in te r pala«e a t IV Hayama, rotnm ed to Tokio Sunday, ae- Eording to a Tokio cablo to the Nippu njl, Japanese Tom aoular sowspopei; bero. ■ ■ ■

i s e d ' " ' ® ^

iv a i|

Ondiog oat what As I a tire and giving t .

Hior small, U. S. Tires

t to only one atand- uality—the standard roduced the S ra i Side automobile tire, ' l pneumatic truck'

oordm <A«r A

’ tice that bears tbe in«>tiT, w t

U. S.” is built the ty its makers know t isn't the car, but who owns the car,

ints with the oldest gest rubber concern

pcesentatives of U. S. ■mi.atD. this town, we' offer

benefit of ourcxperi- id advice in settling c problem.

5 T i r e s6 SUPPLY GOMP

IDAHO.TEB, Vlea-Piea. B . N. FLOI

Om can. wtUd) la by ' no c d m u m i t a r . a a a ta n go. conid eaa llr

lU la w ltliln Ita boundarie* tho « » e' MTtb a s d mooD and th e dlatanca nraeo tbem . aaya -tbo Sden ttfle s e r te u . In tact. th i«e arBtema Uk»I t cooaiwing « f oarth and mooo sld b* a tm n g o o t In a r iw ihroo«l*» cooter o f th e 'a sn , .witbont comlog thin 60.000 oiUeo o t hla n r ta c o m. h or •!(}» V

>robably th e purehasa you have nned to m ake ‘'so o n ” ought to bo o e now. jtJet Ught from tne a d a .____ _ _

■ IFyou burn Utah Coal


HI HEATI t w ill pleaae yon, as weU.as

help us


thct yoar Hna tdit\$ to ih» roada s r hm to trmnJt [n aaaly or bmy ceon> wherever tbe'fofait Ipt to bofceswy—Tbe a. Nobby.'o r ordloary country d»—Tho U . S-.Chaia I7sca^or fitpot wheda—T ta a P U in .^or b e s t re su lta —• r r w / i o r * — U . 8 . yalCorda.



’LOBS. S«c.-Tx«aa..

4 = *

Page 9: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at

S P O R T S. , P>g« T h m .)

Witk ipsdi MlUng t t Uu w ae pi ...... .. M .o p to je a take! .

: - B a tb w fo ipeet there wUl eooii l a tU e baUiwtek the e iaek

wood aa U meeta leather.

Aa Sin Bmilej would aaj, tbar'i , , .hes oa. •

«O im m e a ehaaee,” taka Bi W oedbead, aad he vHlI get I t oa 1 d a y a i g h t

. A bout a n of tbe home folka are pi in e b a rd fo r BUI te eop tbia tim e, I

^ a o l on tbe jaw again.

* BUI JaeobeoB, who a ta n a t b a t i In th e fie ld fe r the 8 t Loula B rov ta ra laiog a . fn tn re major league ai O r a t leaa t i t abould be a atar.

■ -V Tbe m k l e arriVed on . the Jacobi flrealde * aeene a ' month a ^ and i

been nam ed .T jrna Sialer Jaeobw n.

T b e j. do n y a .c h a p named Grab appeared in the 7aeom a ball camp c e n t l j w ith a aeren-paaseDger OadiU

' H e M d ho woa looking for work, a th e m anagem ent algned both tbo a a n d h ia ear fo r the Maaon. '

80 i t reallT d o m 't m atter wbetl w hether he makea good, on the fiold

Slm Smlleyl aagebniih aage. aa; ‘ ‘'P rance aeema te r h o r beat t h ' li 0 * n o tiona 'to i t ez fu r es t h ' B nhr y ley a ir coneem ed.”

Looka aa thoogb the S t P au l Sail woold .walk" aw ay w ltb the Amoric aasociation pennant thla year aga G ot a lead 118 polnU over tho ai te a m in the elub atandbigi.


A n OnUnanoe eatabliahlag L o e tl 1 pnjwmmt StMtiUt K a 39 i a 1 O ltjr .ot Twin. Taila, Idaho, fo r 1 pnrpoM o f xaitlag fuada to apxla] aerta lB atreets. arem iM a a d o ti p ab lle tbMougbfaxM w lth la th e ai d t r ; deflalBg tb a bosadaxie* o f ti

' impreyem eat d la td c t -and p rorld l . fo r t b s axptBM o f fDcb tnvceram i

t y spw fa l a i i i w iwl H. aga laa t 1 a b e ttin g , eontlgnoas ia d tz tbn tt pw party .

w ' Be i t ordained b y the M ayor a C ity C oundl o f th e City of Twin P a Idaho , aa followa:• Section 1. T ba t there bo, and tb< ia hereby eaUbliahed Loeal Im pro n e h t D iatrie t Nc. 39, In aald eify : tbo porpose of raialng fnnda to aprinl aaid a trre ta , avenuee aad o ther pob tboroaghfaree ia aaid city.

Sectfon S. T b a t the parte of 1 a treeta. avonaos an^ other public th oughfarea to be apr^ikled are deacr ed aa followa:

Shoahone B treet from tbe Soothw co rner*o f Soetion SU teea"(18), Toi ahip T en (10) South, Bange SeTent< (17), E aa t o f th e Bolae M eridian. IM intoraeetioa w ith BIdo Lakoa B levnrd and Addiaon Avennoe; Mi A venue from tbe Southeast com er' SccUon Sixteen (16), Townahip 1 (10) South, Range 8 ovent7>en (1 E aet o f tbe Boiae Meridian, to 1

^ o r th w e i t com er of aaid aection; 6 ond S tre e t W eat from Main Avenue' W all S tree t; Soeond Avenuo We T h ird B treet W eat from M ain Avoi to E igh th Avenue W e ^ Third A vei W est; Fourth S treet West from Mi A vonne to S ix th Avenue W est; Foui Avenue W eat; F if th B treet W est f r

! M ain Avenne to F if th Avenue We i I V th Avenue W est; Sixth B treet We

Seventh B treet W est; E igh th S t r W est; .

Seeoad Avenao N orth; Seoo S tre e t N orth : Tblrd Avenue Nor' T h ird S tree t N orth; Fourth A » « N orth ; Fourth S treet N orth; ^ Avonuo N orih ; F if th B troet Nort S ix th Avenue N orth; S ixth S tn N orth ; Seventh Avenuo N orth;.S evei S tre e t N orth ; E ighth Avenue Non E igh th Btreet N orth; N inth A vei N orth : Tenth Avonuo North;

Addiaon Aveaue; Addison A vei X aat; Addiaon Avenuo W est; Waahii ton S tree t from Its Interseetion w M ain Avenne to iU intoniection w S ix th Street, W ost; W aahington S t r N orth ;

Seeond Avenno South; S econdS tr Bouth; Third S tree t South; Foni A venue Bonth; Fourth S tree t Sou n f t h Avonne South; F if th S t r S ou th ;' Sixth Avenuo Bouth; Sb S tre e t Sodth; Seventh S treet Sou E ig h th S treo t Sooith; M inidoka S tr from i ta interaection w itb Shoahc S tree t to ita lateracetlon w ith Mi A venue:

Second Avonuo E ast; Second S tr E a s t; T h ird Avenuo E ast; T b ird S tr E aa t; F ou rth Avonuo E aat; Fou: S treo t E as t: fHfth Avenuo E aa t; Fi: S tn A t E a s t; S ix th Aycnuo E aa t; Bb S tre e t E ost; Seventb Avonuo E a Seventh Stroot E ast; E ighth Avoi E a s t; E ighth Btreot ^ t ; N bith A nue E nat; Tenth Avenuo E oat; E l enth Avenuo E aat; Bluo lAkea Boi v a rd ; Bluo Lnkes Boulevard Nori B lue l>akcs Boulovard South; Klmbo road from its intorsocUon w llh B L akes B o u lev ard .ta tho E ast e ity I

A dam s Stroot from Addlton Avoi to Shoup Avenue; Jefferson S tr from Aadlson Avenuo to Shoup A auo; Quincy S tree t froro Addison A nuo to Shoup yenuo; Jaekson S tr fi'om A J 'li 'o n Avenue to North c lim ita; Van Buren S treet from Ad eon Avenuo to N orth eity lim its; H rlaon S treet from Addison Avenoe N orth c ity lim ita; Shoup Avenuo f r

. Qulncv S treet E ast to Harrison S tre M aple 'Avenuo from E lm -S troo t

% e t c itv UmiU; Poplar Avenue fr Elm S tree t to E ast c ity UmiU; I S troo t from N inth ' Avenue E aat to i dison AvoQue N orth; Elisabeth Bot v ard from Blue Lakes Boulevard E ast c ity lim its; Ash ' S treet f t Third Avenue E ast to E ighth Avoi

' E a«t; Elm S treet from Fonrth, Avei E aat to Addison Avenno E nat; W ai S tree t from Fourth Avonue E aat F if th Avenuo E ast; W asbington S ti South ; Baroago Streot; Slduey Str< A lexander S treet, and Diamond A auo from Bamago Streot to Aloxao

iUIeyo In Bloeka No. One ( I ) , 1

alx (W ), Tweaty*aeven (27), T w w ^ -

6k o f I i lr ty - te v e a (87), n irty > e !g b t (U), Porty.threa (48), F o rtj-s ix (4«), For- ty-aeven (47), ^ r ty - e lg h t ( « ) . Forty*

t r ' i K nlaa -(49), ]nfty>aix (M ), Fifty-aeven (57), F ifty ^ lg h t (58), F lfty -o taa (09), S ix ty (60), Slxty-oae (61),. Bixty-two

f f l :S lx^-n lno (69), Seveaty (IO),.B«venty* bno (71), Sevenly-two '.(T*);’ Sevea^-

I pall* three (73), Seventy 'four (74),'Beventy- L b u t fiv® (78), Beventy-alx (76), Seventy*

eight (78), Seveatyainb ( W . E ighty (SO), Bgbty-oae (81), B ^ h t7 *two

t a ad ( 8 ^ Bightytbre«) (83), Elghty-four

“ S fN lae ty tw o (92), N inety-three' 93 ,’Nlnoty-four (94). N laety*five 95 ,

oh«Qo Ninety-ai* (96), N lnety-aeven 97 ,

“ • (101), One Hundred Eleven (111),Oao Ilundred Twelvo ( I U ) , One Hundred Thirteen (113), One H uadred Foarteen , (114)2;OBe Hundred F if te e a (115), One Hundred Seven (107). One Hnn* |

* dred E ight (108), ond One Hondred . N ine (IM ), oHgiiial townidte of Twin , F^lla according to the final and

lAthar ttmooded p la t Uiereof; alleya in Bloeka OJ No. Ooe a ) and Two (2 ), Jo n ea ' A ddi­

tion to the City o f Tw in F a lls accord* M<m. iuR to tho final aad amendod plat

thereof; alleya la Bloeka No. One (1),. v i n Two (£1, and Tbreo (8) E aa t Lawn

Subdivlaion o f Jonea ' A ddition to the City of T irfa FoUft aocordlng to the • f ina l and amended p la t thereof.

SecUon 8. Said db tx ic t shall in* , c ludo 'a ll tbe lota and parcels of land> fronting or abutting on, contlgnona aad

• tribu ta ry to tbe aald sttoeta , avanues ! and othor publio thoroughfares to bo

sprinkled, as heroinlieforo named, and oxtondlng back from the aaid atreot < o r avenno a distanee, i f p latted In <

I Im« blocks, to tho cen ter o f th e bloek; If < I tb a p latted in lots, to tbe centor o f tbe < r th e lot, and i f not pbitted, to a distance of 3 ia k l« 125 f e e t - <o tb e r Seetlon 4. The cost o f aald im> ' I aald provement shall bo assessed upon all ' f a t l d the Iota and pareela of land witliin the ] I d la g said Improvemont distric t a s berelnbe* Hoast foro defined, eaeh lot o r parcel of land < i tb a therein to bo separately ' assessed for < o taoy tbe full oxpenso of said improvement '

in proportion to tbe nom ber o f fee t of ■ each reapective lo t o r parcel ,of land J

M d facing or abutting oa aald atreet, ave- ' nue or other public tborougbfaris to be improvod and in proportion to the ■ benefits to" be derived to the aald '

irove* property by reaaon of aueh improvo* ' T fo r tn en t ''iak le Seetioa 5. Tbat upon th e paaaage of rablle thia ordinanee the Oommittee on '

S treets in aald d ty , together w itb the I ' th e City Engineer, shall m tk e o u t an as* \ tho r- sesament roll In aecordanco w ith tho ■

Krlb* provisions of Sectloa 4008 o f tbe Idabo C ^m piM Statutea, 1910, w hieb said aa- '

liweat ieu m en t roll shall contain, among : rowa- other things, the names o f tbe prop* n teen o r ^ ow nen affeeted by said proposed ' o . to Improvementj tbe deacrlptloa o f each | Bou* lot o r parcel o f land eontaino^ In aald '

M ain Improvement D latrlct, and the amonnt ' e r 'u f assessed against tbe s to e , whieh roll, '

Ten when eompleted, shall be filed w ith ' (17), the (^ ty Clerk of said CHty. |

’ th e Bection G. Oa receiving the aald Bee* asaeaameut roll the City (^ork ahall '

ue' to i^ve notiee bv publication in throe aue- I .Vest; cesslvo publleaUons of tbo official • ironue newspaper of the aald C ity tb a t sueb ' ironoo assessment roll Is on fUo in h is office, ' M ain (]tto of filing tho same, th a t said no- ou rth tieo sball stato tho tim e when tho | from eaty Council wlll bear ond consider ibe •

7 e s t ; objections to ^ d roll .*6y parties ag- ' •Vest; g% ved by sueh assessm ent i tre e t A c tio n 7. Tbnt tho assessment here- '

in speelfied shall bo known aa Spodal I Boond Aiseasment fo r S troot Sprinkling, and ' o rth ; ,hall bo levied and collected as a sep- ' renoo n rste tax In addition to tho taxes fo r | ^ t h gcnoral revenue porpoaos, to be plaeed ' b r tb ; on tho tax roll fo r collection, subject ' I tre e t to the samo penalties and collcctod In irenth the samo manner as other c ity taxea ' o rth ; Scction 8. T Ijat tho said O ty of /enue Twin Falls, Idaho, shall pay tho ex- '

penae of sprinkling la tbo ^ t c e s form* , irenue od by tho Intersection of stroeU aad ihlng - avonuea and the space oposlto alleys * w ith Ib m id improvement d is tr ic t '’ ’'itb p o a ^ by ‘the City Coondl o f tho '

Jtroot City of Tvrin Falls, Idaho, th is 3rd day of M ay, 1020. ' '

Jtroot Approved by, tho M ayor of the City ' oo rth of Twin Falls, Idaho, tb is 3 rd ’day of ' o u th ; May. 1920. 'Itrodt w . n . ELDRIDOE, Mayor. 'Bixth A tteat:o u th ; (Seal) W. A. M INNICK,Jtroot City Clerk. !shono _____________________ - - - j


Itree t SCHOOL DISTBIOT KO. S. TW IN H re rt PA U .B OOTJHTT, IDAHO.F i ^ n Poblie Notice la hereby given, accord- < Bbctb ^ roqulfite action of ^Rfuii- the board of troste^s o f Independent ' ^ ‘ 1 Sehool D iatriet No. 8, Twin FaUs Conn* i

ty, Idaho, tha t a special sehool bond E le v election of said d is tric t w ill be held a t jou l-. tho Orado Building, in tbo village of n rth - Kimberly, in said distric t on S a to r^ y , . ,bo ri; the 8th day of M ay, A- D. 1820, b.^ Blue tween tho hours of 9 o 'c lock a . m., and

’ lim* ^ o ’doek p. m., a t which electfen there -will be auW ltted to the qualified elee*

ponue <*f the S tate o f Idaho who are ret- U reet freeholders o f bouaeholdera of theAvo- d is tric t 'th e following queatlon for tbelr Ave- and d e te rm ln a ^ a th e r e a t : . . .

Street Question s n b n l t t^ : c ity Sball the Board o f Truateea of^Inde*

Addi- pendent Sebool D latrlct No. S, Twin H ar- Falla County, Idaho, Im aothorised to

ae to Issue tbe negotiable coupon bonds of from the distric t in tbe am ount o f ‘A irty*

tre o t; «igbt Thousand Dollars (138,000.00), e t to b ta rlng intarest a t the ra te of six (6) from per eentom per annum ; said bonda to Elm M ar date the ten th day o f M ay, A. D.

0 Ad* lOSO, to be due and payable twenty 3oule- (>0) years from tb e lr date , an d redeem- krd to ftble aa follows: 94,000.00 M ay tenth, f to m lOSli and M,000.00 oa May ten th of

vonoe eaeb year thereaftec up to aad inclodre venuo of tbo year 19S9 and 92.000.00 redeam- ralnu t nble May tenth, 1940, fo r th e pnrpoae a t to o f providing and Imnrovlng aehool B treet houaea and grounds, and furniture,' ap* tre o t: paratus and fixtures, w ith in ta d for Ave^ u i a d istrle tr

w id e r Eaeb qnallfled voter shall vete opon said question by seeret ba llo t whereea

, Two shall be written or prin ted tbe qus*


Mmm>rty* ---------- •, ____________

. >RiTE8•two

B e r w o rd v e r tz u i6r t i o s l o

P e r - w o rd i » r . w f i « k 6 0

P e r w o rd i w m o n t h I 6 0ih ty ........ J l i stwo - •four aH H H aBM SH H M M H H H M B M M H M aM I

Oon •b o ro u l u U M ld U»! . d u l l e o n u l . ' u . . nuirn " B c d ^ Y m .''" I I u l Uia wortl - ' a n K H o , " u l t h . l l O'

> Iadleate hia ipp ro ra l o r dlaapprovaJ vt • the qaestios e a b n l t te d by pU clag a 0*

VUi ewea (X ) eppMlts th e groop of words oa hla ballot vlaleli expresaet hla ehnlee. —

One The polla tor tbs reeeptioa o f tbe bal* I loU eaa t upoa said qaestioB will, oa said d ^ aad dUU*aaid a t th e plaee a f o r e ^ d , b t opea«d mt the boor of 9 „ o 'eloek a . n . w d v U l r e a a ta open na* ,'J; Ul the hour o f 0 o 'eloek p . m. e f th e " t tm e d ay . whm tb«y th a lT b e doead. "

( S J m n d .d a y e f A pril, A. D . “

J S ’ B .O . W ILSON, ”(School- ChsOrmaa, Board of

8 d » o l 4 t a . u « . S

B EN a POT-THB, C lerk. “the ----------------------------------------^ ^ --------

3TOTIOB hoin* O f M oalelpit Conpon Speeial A nete-

n e n t Local E B proraneD t B oad I m e '

I bo thitn d Pnblie Notice I i H ero to .Qiven, T ha t Ttot the O ity o f Tiwria FaUa, ia th e Couaty rf.

in o f Tw ia Falli, aud S ta te o f Idaho, in* _ ; U teada to iasiit a a d negotia te the Muni* tbe eipal Coopoa Special A asesenent Local e]c

e of ImproTemeat B onds ot s d d e ity In tho lat aggregate a a o tu it of S ix Hondred Foor h}

im- Thousand T w o H ondred Thirteen frc ail (9604,218.00) l>«illsrs, f o r th e following til

the porposes, to-wifc: y,,abe* (1) MnnldMU (^npon B oads to tba [and am onnt o f F iv e Hnndrod T en Thoo* u t for aaad Seven S o o d red Ninety-aeven

u n t (9510,797.00) > c lltr s , t o be derignated t of "M u a ie lp a l Conpon Speelal Assessment a^ land Loeal Im pnTem ent B onds o f the C ity n>{ ave* o f Twin Palli, - l i ih o , ’ * to provide fo r (u , to im proving ettieUa itree ta , aTeauea a a d _ the alley i a a d u r ta in p a r ts of •traeta , av- '

said eauei and alleya, all Induded te, ovft. ia Loeal lnpr<»veaeat D istric t No. 84

o f aald O ity o f Twin Stalls a a aald dlo- 'p. e of tr ie t ia ereateA by O rdinance No. 282

on o f u i d e ity , b ^ grading, paving, curb* . the i»g antfi&« d r tia ia g 'a a id atroets as. and p a r ts of a tte s ts in d n d ed in u i d ge; the I ^ u l Im proTenent D is trio t No. 8 4

labo (2) M tiol(ip«l Coupon B onds to tb e _ I as- am ooat o f Eigfaty-two Thooaaad Three loBB Hundred Thi»ty-tkroe (982,883.00) 40 ,rop. Dollar*, to bo dedgnaUd ^ 'M n ald p a l Bt osed Coupoa S pedai Atsesament Loeal Im- or •aob provem ent B ta d i of th e C ity of Tw in dli eaia r a l s . Idabo ,” e o provide fo r improving on )unt ee rta ia atrest^ arenuea and alloya a n a •» roll, certa in p arli o f i t ro e t^ avenues t n a p . ^ t h i^leys, t i l ioelsaded in lo c a l Improve- r l

m ent D istriet ^ 0. 35 o f s a id City o f ~ Twin F tU s 01 t a i d d is tric t ia created by

ihall O rd in tnce No. £&3 o f said eity, b y in aue- grading, p a r la y , curbing a a d surfaco pi, leiai a ra in ing ttld s tree ts ta d p tr ts o f _ luob streets InohdedL ia s t id Local Improvn- f l „ m ent D istriet N o . 85. ea;no- (8) M o n ltlp ^ Coupon B onds to tho me tho am ount of 0 e r e n T bou ttnd tn d — tbe E ighty-three (•31,088.00) D o lla n to b e : ag. designated " k - n a l e ^ Coupon S peda i fit

Asseasmont Loeal Im provem ent Bonds — ,ere. o f tbe C ity of Tirin fW ls, Id a h o ," to tdal provide fo r toajproTiag c a ^ i n streeta, bo

avenues aad tXle;ra a n d ce r ta la p a r ts La Mp. o f Streota, stobqcs a n d alleya, a u In­fo , d o d sd ia Loeml Im provem eat D istric t .

1^2 No. 87 o f u id Oty o f Tw in Falls a s 5« ,jg^t d is tric t lm created by O rdiataee *r ( Jb No. 284 o f n lA el^,' b y grading, pav- -

lag , curbing, a n d iu rf«ce d ra ia la g said ^ . .« streets a n d ja r^ s of s tree ts ineloded ia ^

said Loeal Iapr«T<m eat D istric t No. 87. Oo Said b o n d iw H l bs iaauod in conform- Ba

^ ity w ith th e proTiilona of a certa la or- loi I . . . d u an ce o f u id . d ty y e t to b e adopted PL ■ ^ and approved b ^ r the C oondl aad M ayor an 4},. o f th e .a a id c l ^ . viij . _ Ib e boads n i l bear date tb e 1s t day U.

^ o f Ju ly , A . S. X:S2(I, t a d will b e redeem* Ai able a t tb s tpelon of tbs e i ty t t t a y ^

, tim e on o r b ifo re ten ( 10) y e tr s from date thereof, a n d sh a ll be absolutely due a a d p s^ tb le at t h e expiration of ten (10) yeirs from th e d a te thereof. S a id ‘b o n d s-th a ll be iasued in dsnomi- wt naUoaa o f 'O a o Tbooaand (91,000.00) wl D olltra, F irs S a n d re d (9500.00) Dol- de

“ lara t a d On# ttmadrod ' (1100.00) Ik illtra - ^ eacb a a d th* jirlB d p a l o f a d d boada J aad th e in t< reat thereon aball be pay*> able a t tb e o fllee of tbe C ity Treas-

u rer o f said C ity of T w in F a l k or a t , ord- the O uarant]rrx-uit Oompany In toe (S ty ^ 1 of an d S ta te of (7ew Y ork, a t tbo optloa l u t o f the holder. B»ld bonda will bear ' oun* Intereat a t a r a t e not exeeedlng seven . >ond (7% ) p e r cen« per annum , p ty tb le r d a t semi-tanually o a the l a l d a v of Ja n a - *“ ) of a ry t a d th i I s t day o f J u ly ia eaeh day, year. ,{,

be* Tfae Mayoi- a n a C oandl o f sold C ity (i, and o f;T w in FaUi. will n p to M onday, th e . .

here 31st d ay of &£ay, 1920, a t th e bonr o f _ »lee* 8 o ’c lo » p nx .. In t h e o ffice o f the res- C ity CQerk, la tbo W oter W orks BuUd- w.

; the log ftt th e cowntV o f Seeond Avenue 6 Jielr North and 6o«oDd S tree t N orth, re- (q

ceive aealed bLdv for aaid bonds. _ All b ide B o s t be w itb o o t condition

nda- ^ lega lit; a a d d inst be accompanied bl p ,. by an uncosdltiond e e r tlf le d chock on - 1 a na tiona l b io lc or t r e a t eompany, equal , In am ount to t ^ n (10) per een t o f tbn el

face v a lno cf tbe bonds b id for. Bid- “ ^ ders tb a ll i t a ^ the r t te * o f In terest ,

f-V (not excosdlBar leven (1%) per cont ^ M r aaaum > o a whieh th e u bids a re ~

' Q based. After aieertainlog the b est q, term s upon, a s d th e low est ra te a t ,,

! ! j « U eh , ta ld bonds c a n be aeg o titted , I, the bonda irill bo sold, b u t la no eaae >

“ 7 ; fo r le s t tb u th#lr p a r v a lne tn d ae- _ . ^ .1 cm ed la te n i t a t t b e time o f disposal

by th e City r* r« tto re r nader the, gea- « oral BoperTliloa of tb s U ay o r aad ft

W CouneU. , -I b e Mayer aod C onnd l reserve the

' righ t to re jte t aoy a n d tU b lda R By order of t h M ayor a n d ConneU -

o f tbe CitT o i Twin Idaho,upon B y W. O . ELDfilDOB, Mayor. ti 'r*oa A tte s t: W. A. M N N IC K ,' ' ‘ fi ques a t y CUrle. ' (Seal) 8




* CUSSIFIED RATES VIII_One iaeatttOD, p a r ' le ( Oae ire e i (D aily and W esU y)______5ea One moBtb (D aily aad Weekly)— Ifie iat $ , —PHOKB SS—

1 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE Z2 FOB SALB—280 te re s with 55 sh tres ye . N .a firs t seg rig ttlo n water, small pita- Oi g tered house, farm machinery, team,

wed, to trade fo r town property In any , south d de town. W. a Young, 110 N.; Main, Phone 288. - . ^

. POB BALfc~4*room modem house on Vaa Burea. W ill U ko light car a s f f fire t paym ent Phone 11, Murtaugh, Idaho.

- FO B 'SA liE —A snap, 6-room modern i_ hooae, fnm lshed; easy terms if sold a t #1,

^ once. Phobfl 430 or 1292.

’ PO E a A L E -N o » « room m olom J ! houee, 6 blocks from postoffiee. L e n j j ,

than eost; payments. Buy from owaer __ t who Is leaving d ty . Inqoire a t Per* rlne b u b e r ebop. ^

- ■t o b ~9ALE — By o w n eM 2 0 acres I elovor and a lfa lfa seed ranch in Mil*) lard eounty, U t ^ , ba lf oille fromf school, post office and store, 2 miles 1> from beet dump. 6 room houso t a d well, .v I all under fence. 80 aharea A brahttn ^

w tter. Price *10,000; »2,000 dowa, bal* ~> anee to s u i t A d d re n 85 & , Abraham,; Utah.

J FOB SALE—7 room b o n se^ t 688 2nd — t Ave. E. 93500; 9S00 down, balaaee monthly paym ents. Also so furalttire. ahi

[ Call 203-JlL Be

r > 0 B BALE—197 tcrea, 8 1-2 m lln ; sooth o f Jerom e, praetieally t l i nnder* enltivation. Oood bouae, b tm , welL Z For partlsoIarB inquire Boute 2, Box 60,> Jerome. W . B. Lewla.

» “ FOB S A L E -T w o T w n F tlla b od- ” i aeaa lota: price reaaonable. Phone

220.W. _B __ - ■B GOOSE L A K E VALLET, Oregon,) 40 acres fo lly Improved ( w a te r .r iu t) .J Btoek, implements, furniture. Xow:■ price for quick salo. 9200U will baa- __li die, balanee term a to s u i t Apply I owner, W. A. Bailey, Lakeview, Oregoa. 99

; FORSALE—MISCELUNEOUS -f -------1. ----------------------------------- -------------------- --Wlr FO B SALE—S inger sewing machlae, Btf In flno condition. 259 Gth Ave. N. —0 Phono 487.C — -■ — re- FO B SALB—M ajestic range, p ractl- —

eolly new. Sellers kitchen cabinet, al*3 moet new. Phoae 408-B. gg

s ' f o b S A L E -S c e d spuds. 204 Q u lu y “ I f l t . I

1 F O E B A L B -B aby buggy aad hooae- I, hold fu ra ito re a t a bargain. 204 Blue s Lakes Blvd. South. ^

t POB S A L B ^W ieker baby buggy. « s 540 3rd S t N . Phono 868-W. ^

! ' PO E SA^iE — Transplanted t o ^ t o ^ 1 plants, Earllnna, Globe, Ponderoaa,) Chalk’s E arly Jew el, D w arf Champion,. Bonny Best, B eefsteak , Stone, Jo h a 19 . Baer, Bed H ead , Oolden Qneen and Tel* —- low Plum (P reserv ing ); also Celery 1 P lants, Pepper P lan ts , Early Oabbtger and Cauliflower P I tn ta now ready. F abs —

view Btaoh, eatabllabed July, 1904. J. r U. Spackm tn. 1*2 m ile n o iihe ts t d ty .* Any time except S u n d ty a

« FO E 8 A L E -1 5 head ilio.U . ^J I t s . Bon B u H o ta , & E. Twin p i l l i . "

P O E BAliB—amftU n sffo w ith n n r W tter fron t; 8-hole eo tl oU eook stove

) w ith oveo; e tn i t t r y couch; w riting I- desk. 485 F if th ave. N.

; FO B S A 1.I!-O ood h o n o . P h o h . “ .. B lS J l, Twin r .1 ] . . "

I PO E S A IiE -B loJcl™ , triojrole., f lth . oi- lng tackle, tire s and accessories. W er- ~ ' ne r 's B epair Shop, 224 2nd B t E. ^

^ FO B BALE—Thousand briek, cheap; ? . ten steel beam s 10 f t . long by fi by 10 _ ” Inches. 730 K . M ain B t

~ P O B BALE—One filing cabinet w ith _ shelves and vortical file sections, prac-

y tically new. Call 119 or Boonw 4, 5, 6 jj, ^ ovor Idaho D epartm ent store.

" ~ T O B SALE—Bange E ternal, 6 hole. «I* w ater fro n t a a d ex tra front, only nsed ~e 6 m oatha B argain . Owner leaving ^>• town. Phone 444-J. . “

n FO B S A L E ^ display Ubles, suita- ^ d ble for sto re nee, a t V a rn ey 's eheap.

3 FOB SALE—New Home sewing mt* fl ebine. Pbone 958M. 709 F ifth ava. E.

I; f o b SALB—Eieetrio rtag*. 8U 6th [J Ave. E. -

FO B S A L B -P ed lg reed 'S trrsd Bock r<^ Ooekerels, 200*258 E gg Stock. No bst- By te r laying s tra in in connty. Eggs tu r >■

hatching. P riees reasonablo. 634 Sndn. A»«* 2. U^ FOB SALE—Fine regolar milk goaU, ^ *: n n t l s , woll broke. Phono 650-B. P . 0 - ‘d 6 0 X T5<. IIt IDAHO OBOWN NTTBSEB7 STOCiL ~

Kimberly N orseries. Kimberiy. H aho. y

To buy th e / r ^ h t th ing Inatead of j[|th e wrong one m ar moan to buy aatla _ faction Instead of reg ret tn d vexttlon

I) Study tbe ada.. y,




lito r. X , Now^ ------

WANTED—Tour i tw n au w era to g rind . W eraar's B ep tir Shop.

WANTED—A home aad ^ e fo r 6 ^ a r eld g i r l P . O. Address, Box 218. *—

WANTED—T m ctor and sU tionary j g g engine work o f a ll k in d a L ind Aoto- Tt m rtU e Co. _

W ANTED — P la in tew ing. Phona 220-W. EOM

W ANTED—To borrow p riva te money XAY a t 8 per c ea t ia te rest oa f ira t B M rtg im oa aew bouses aow oader coastmetTea ■In good Idaho town. B est o f eoastroe* 8WE tio a aad good loeatioa. N o be tte r ee- a t ourity offered aaywhare. Can nse from F a 93,000 to 910.000. Addrsse A. B. C ,624 M eln tyre BoOdiag, Skit* L ake Oity, ^ ^p u h . ^

W ANTED—Blue grass pastnre ror 400 boeks, o r good m ooataia pastnre, v Jt ior ram m er. A d d ren O tse * Sehild* ■ !,^ m an, F ile r. J *

W ANTED TO BEN T — Six room bonse, fam ished o r uafom ished . No ebUdrea. A ddren J . B , c t r e News.

W ANTED TO B nY —> U t; h n i oi ' V ' youag grade M eriae ewea b red to Iamb ia .M arch . H obbt * GiDett, Oastleford. OHA: Idaho . • f i t

W ANTED—Tonr- ra to r b la d n to sharpen. W eraer’s Beptbr Shop, 244 Seeond sreet E.______________________

FOR RENTFO B BENT—Good g tr tg e , dose ia . 2

P boae 852J.

“ f o b " B E N T -N iJ r iy furn ished room to ren t. 458 6 th Ave. g ._____________

F O B BEN T—40 te re s one m ils north -------o f H ollister; £ive*room house; well im*proTed» 95 per eere. F . B. Gross, Stoek ____Exebtnge building, Portland , Ore. w n s

~ F O B B E N T -B oom fo r r e n t Phoas ^ B9S-M.

TTPEW BITEBS—P or B en t o r Bale —Soe Hoover a t B nslaen College, or w rite Bichey 'T h e T y p e ^ t e r Bupert, Idaho.

FOB RE.VT—N»ea fro n t sioetJug ____room, 637 Third w es t PIA:

POB .BBNT—P um ished s le ro l^ room; .gentlem an preferred.. Pboae PTA' 992J; 246 Seventh ave. B. Ui

F O R S A L E — A U T O M O B IL E ^

* « ) B S A L B -^ ^ 'd V M J ^ y n s s , wire wheels, rebnilt and rn a in to d . A bar- ^ n i f sold a t once. Zaquire C ity M ar o n k e tln g Oo. -

^ FO B S A L B ^Iu m T Bulck-fonr. Car T 1 in fin e condition; a bargain fo r cash. Address P . 0 . Box 742. >

FO B SA LE — S tu d eb tk er B o a d ^ , i 1918 modsL 687 3rd Ave. W . 1


W A N T E D -M aid w ta te d a t C o o ^ H ospitaL. Phone 854.

W ANTED—Laundress, every conven* 2 lence, fn ll tim e 85 centa per honri Ad* d re n T. a , caro N ew a 1

WANTED—N ursing. Phono 898-B5.

G IBL WANTED a t H erb st * Bambo.

■ W A N T E D -E xpericnced bookkeeper an d typ is t w ants position a s bookkeep­e r or general office aad a tan t; best of references. Addresa e ither B 8 Box 80 o r 0 . F . H., eare of Nows.

WANTED—Good m an fo r coUecthig !and canvtaalng in Tw ia Falla. Good 1aalary and eommiaaion. Addreaa P . 0 . 1Box 647. '

POSITION WANTED J jW ANTED — Poaitlon fo r general ‘—

housework In privato fam ily. No laon- I— dry. Phono B83-J1, o r w rito Booto 1, caro Lylo Donn. 1

SITUATION WANTED — Man of small family wiabea w erk on farm witb o a ^ accommodatlona . and garden. Phone 75, eare Sterling Creamery.

W ANTED-^Nurdnff! Mlsa M artha 1 . W ritam an. Phone 752R._____________ I .

i LOST ~ I 'LOST—Buneb o f keya. B ew ard fo r —

; re turn . M. J . Sweeley, F irs t N atioaal T . B ank Bldg. knor ______________________________________ dlai1 LOST—Between Twin FaUa aad Ar*

te d o a , brown velvet haadbag, eontala* ®'»■ ing pair e f glovea, eheck book, vain-■ ab le pin, and small change. L iberal re-

w ard for re turn 4o The N ew t or pboae « 2 J . ■>«'

• ■■ ........___plea• S T B A T E b -P a tn rd ay , b laek horM, i reac

years old, we^.ht 1300, irea rlng mpe onlj! halter, frum Twin FtUa. Fred E. m er' Uoore. ed,

---------------------------------------------------------- -tbeI f i t e tn be-bought fo r leas the fae t

will be advertised. OlaiI

?AY,MAY6,i920 ,

If you want to bay, nll^ : uohange, butar, dia.

■ pose of or acqiln AHY- ' | THDJO try Dally H m O lau '

. p r o f e j j i o n a l


875. Twin FtUs.

ATTORNEY?fb m T w . o r a h a » - i a W r . l a S S r S «

T r u t B i ^ . Phene 985*1ifiH BB a W IM O W -L tw yer.

lO U B B a M O IA -B o y d B a ild la g T "

U .TLO B ODMMIMB—B tbceek B ldf. Probate a a d dvU praeUee

IWUULBT M BWBBIiBT—A ttom eya a t Law. Praetiee In aU Courts, Tw U Falls, Idaho.

L 11 W OLFB—Lawyer, Booms 0 aad6, over Idaho D epartm eat B ^ ra . Twia


r. W ISE—Lawyer. Fo lly flrgaal»' sd CoUeetion Departm ent. Offione Booms 6 aad 7, over Tw ia Falls Ba»^* T n u t .Go;, T wIb IU I s. Idaho.

>0N J . HBHBT-^Boom 7, X D .'B ldg. ObllectloM and Ooiamercial Law.

.V -/A X CO H ITEO TIHABLBS B. ZUUFlftAH, sreb lteet,

fiabvoek building, d t r .


BU8 INESB OARO BATES>ae ioaertioo, p e r » " • •)ae week, per Uae _______>ae m oatb, per U a e _____________ ,T6s

-^F B O H B S a—

~ ciu a B _ ^

jiHDOW alAte.^Wliid diidd.; ^ ' -" i inet work. M ooa's Shop. P hoas <.

PIANO s n m i oPhone wV b . ' Mra.

E ffie H inton.____________ . •

PIANO TU N m aP h m

84, Bogerson H o td . -■ ^

FlUTO T in n a n i - P h o n e lOS. Logsa Muaie Oo.

” T ^ S F E R


No. 156_______Depart 6:4S a . aNo. 84-----------D epart 4 : « p a .

WestbouBdNo. 88--------- Depart U :4S a . aNo. 156-----------D epart 3:45 p. m.

Rogerson Branoh TrainB

No. 839______Depart U :4 5 a. aN o z tbbo ti^

No. 840--------- A tr tte ..8 :? ? .p . to-

ISail MakenpNo. 156 a t 5 a. a No. 88 a t 11 a . m.No. 155 a t 8 p. a No. 84 a t 4 p. a .

' Bogerson braneh a t U a. a The foregoing mail m akeup It

operative aad effective uader or­dinary eondltlons; i f a great am ount of mail should be drop­ped a t abont tbe regniar c losli^ time i t would be im posdble to dispatch the m ti] oa tb e precise honr. .


[N E W S O fF IC E I

Ton m ay know certain stores well-i- know t h d r high standards o f mdrebaa- dlaing, th e ir e ff ld e n t aervice, tbelr uaual Unea of gooda. A nd y e t you mnat renew ^ u r acquaintance w ith tbem e o n t ia o a lly - if .^ a woold keep ia toueh w ith the b t^ ln g opportonitlea tbey o ffe r 'y o n . You aaeoJa v is it the stores as often as yon 'nnq .i fipr yonr pleasure tn d p ro f i t And n i t .a h o n id re td tho lr t d t t i l th e tim e. I t t i t la - only th rougb bU a d v e rtls la f ■

tbe good news iS a t tk a m ^ U ,T 7 > .!

OUulnod A l. tn

i i p i

Page 10: UMPAX>uy,i;mo , rijoB rm aum mmm iiin * Fi IBICe IE yiilfliinewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...Jn"ft"S..'pS,5!L.r^ ... livision of destroyers, aow at


m m m' T. A. Xeimedj SnfferB trom a

’ Bnllefc-BIiattered Arm-Wohn ; . HamU rAoonsed

p . a ; k e im o d K T p a lo t« r , 1« io the e o n a ^ • h o n l t t l . ' (od»7 . lofferlnff from » ih a tie raa righ t -arm. Jo h a H a n u , trapp« r And fonner p o lte e m u of the Tw in Ffclle e ity force, U . held undor bonda of PoOO oo e h a r ^ o f osoaultinK K ennodr w ith n deadly weapon. Hanna

- haa entered a plea o f n o t gu ilty to tbe ■eharge, e l^ n in g aelf*defenBe. .

T he a]Ieg»d axfrajr oe&nrrod lato laat n igb t ia a ten t on' the re a r o f a lot

' a t 455 H ftfc arenae woat, H anna, It ia claimed, cjuuginjr K ennedy w ith undue frlondahip fo r Mnu Hanna. Tho la t­te r oeeuptoa.a eottaffo on tho fro n t part o f the lot a t 4SS F lf th . |tren ae weet.

In the a u a u lt a .49-oalibra roTolver . waa naed,. tho. m iaille atrik ing Harma

in tho upper portion of tho arm. Ex- . . am ination this m orning ahowod one of

the I6tfea to b e 'b a d ljr ahattered. The b ulle t was temoved by D r. H. W. Wil* Bpn about one hour a f te r the ahoot-

& am « re c e n t^ waa made defendant in A aoJt fo r divorco- filod by Mr*: HannB, who allegea her huaband haa fa iled to provide a living fo r her. He gave himaelf up to tho offieera tnm e- d iately a f te r thp trouble in the tent and waa he ld -fo r arra ignm ent in the probate court thia'm om ing. BM reaented by B. V. lA n en , a tto rney , o arm a en­tered a plea of n o t gu ilty . PreUmia- a ry examination w ill bo condneted in tho same ooort nex t W odneadav mora* lng a t 10 o'eloek. Thia hearing w u held b a tk one w eek ixk o rda t t a f n * v ide tim e for n e h devalopnunta t i m i|A t pon ih ly ariao in th e eondltioa


OUi»go 'Oem>t, AuUted b j Mrs. Zenaa Binith, OIt u

Wonderfnl OonoertThe Bruno Steindel vlolonflDo con­

cert, given laa t n i g h t - i n ' s ) hlgK school auditorium, .drew a fa ir attend­ance. Tho Chicago a r tia t vraa ably aa- ■istedrin the r e e ^ b y U r i . W. Zeaua Smith,.co&tTftlto, who r&v« two vocal numbers and retponded to oncorei on both appoarancea.

That preas announcementa laudatory to Bruno Stelndel, appoaring in ad­vance of tho concort, aro in a o way cztravai^ant wm am ply demonstrated In o v e i/ aum ber th e a r t is t snbmltted la s t night. He is a m aater o f hia In- slnim cnt, haa,a..doJlcacy o f louch un- oxcelled and a a In torpro tatjve mastery th a t brings out all o f tho impulses ot tbe composers' mooda. Tbe prograa waa well received and aet a new mark locally fo r high clasa music.


Murder Aooosation AgalnBl Fanner who Huflt Be Tried

by Distriot JndgeFollowinir the filin g o f a p le a ' o

not guilty to a charge of m nrder H. I Kamsoyor. Filer d is tr ic t farm er, wa l u t eveniBg feleaaod from baatody o the county ahoriff on bonds of 110,00(1 Ho Is held to the d is tric t court fo trln l, (be charge bo ln^ causing tb' death of John Aboi, also a F ile r dii tr lc t farmer.

Raitiooyor was prollmiDarily pxamin cd by W. 8. hTallory. jusUce o f tbi I>raee, in tho probate court yeatorda: nftrm oon. Bonds wore almost imme d ia trl supplied. The dofondant ia no cuBoci of BliootlnK Abel during an alter rniion ovit ditch w ate r supplied*thei: rc«[icetivo farms from tbe aamo source AIh-1 was allot tbroijRh the righ t thigi a week ago and died M onday raomia{ from blood poisoning.

J ^ e a i h s

Willlnm Tnylor, n(fod 00, died a t t ' ' ' ' lorni hiixpit.il Iruil n lch t following ar

ojicmtihn for m noval of tho nppon Mix. Xo nrrrnijfcmpiit* Jinve liocn maj< fo r Ihl' fiiiior.-il. T lir body la M th( Grrisaninn iinilrrtnkinj; pstabliahment.

Tho , l>ody of .lainra Mftloney, njjei 59, is flt OroiiMjnnn’a nw nitln;' won from rdatlvi'H in nn rnatprn atato rela tivc to funeral arran(>omantji. Di'atl

. opciirrrd lajil niRht a t tho home ol Mra. IM. Winana, a slater, five railw aurlhm -at o f Tw in Pnlla, tho cauai bvinir apoplexy.


Mr. und Mrs. C. Alvord weri cnilfd 10 S|>ol<nno lo st P riday to m. tbeir aon, 'Juatia . who has beon In : nitl=‘'''V hoopitnl th rro fo r sovcro months, having contracted tuberculnii wll ;e ■tvcraeoji. Word came th is mom inir tha t Ite wa* iload.. Mr. aiid Mrr Alvord will alart home with tho bod;

;v today, tirolmlily a rriv ing tVlday. A}'ol no funeral arran(^m onla have hovi

'■ : • ■ piadis


• Ralph Olhson, 18, roccntly acrested >n. Ogdon, and who, haa admit

I';- ' ted having broken^ in lo a local cloth ing store fm m whirh gnods w et* »lol on, bas been ordered committed to th< s ta le indaatrlal inatltjitlon a t Bt. An thony. He will bo talcen to th a t nlaci

' ' . th la aftem ooa ^ Juvenile. Office: • ; Jo b n B. AnlC"-***

■ ' ’•' >.You wtll find the ada of your favoi , I t* stor* alwaya in tereatlng—whieh i

«ae o f the reasons w hy it la yow - ’U verite store.

jALLs; d a il

lU m eR E P R E Sf icfliiis» Special Train Beating’ En

cial Life ift Salt Lake w

Scheduled to Arrive 2:'. S noon—Junket Includes' J Bnd of Idaho” - Beproscnting praetieally a ll o f th e n u most im portant commerelal and indna- I * le tria l concerns o f Balt Lake m ore Uian 1 1

lOQ bualneaa men of th a t center' wffl U l ? : reach T w ia Palla tomorrow aftoraoon iB fo r a tm des visit. The dolegation u comes b y apecial tra in and ia aohodoled it. to roach thia place a t StlO p. m. . . x t The ju n k e t has been planned and la

undor th e dirocUon of th e wfaoieialo w , e , trado departm eat o f the S a lt Lake Qj Commoreial clnb. Twenty tow na of ;x- s ro a te r o r leaaer Importanee in aouth- of orn Idabo a re listed in th e itinerary , hg Tho alogan of the excursion Is: “ A i il. O rreater S a lt Lako Ueana a G reater

Id a h o ."Tbo excuralon, according to th e 0 . _]i

a t S- L. achedule, departed from B alt Lako r l a t 10:30 p. m. la s t Baaday. Tbo f lra t u atop waa ia Ashton oa U oaday . In- Se eluding th a t place 14 towna w ill be IQ. m ^ e -porta of eall before T w in Palla .>„ « t la reaehed. A fte r thla plaee 17 towaa, ho viltagea and elties w ill be aeda bofore _l' «d tho p a r ty tu rn s bade fo r th e home iq; Journey. >ri,la- Followiag ia the list o f phicoa ached* _ in uled fo r csila : fv,

M ay 3— Aahton, St. A athoay , Sogar _ t -U City, Boxburg. Blgby, Idaho F alls. ” , IO. U ay <t~8hoUey, B laekfoot, F o tv t l tello. {.,lea ' M ay S—Americaa Falla, B npert, Bar>

ley..May tt-B u h l, FUer, Tw ta Palla.U a y 7—Jerom o, Oooding, Shoshoae,

' Richfield, Hailey.U a y -a —Glenna Ferry, U on n ta ia

MHome, U erid lan , Boise.U ay 0—Being Sunday tho p d rty vrlU

lay over in Boiae.U ay I(f-W elaer, Payette , O atario . S"

L - U a y 11-N y s s a , Panna, OaldweU, Nampa-.

U a y l2 -R c a c h Salt Lake C ity a t ■ 7 ! « a. m. ■

Upoa a rriva l in Twin Palla tomor- row afternoon th e excursloalaU w ill be , met b y members o f th e T w in F alls | “

f f Chamber o f Commorcb w ith a tra in of }?, ^ automobiles in which the i tin e ran ta w ill

be brought down town aad , a f te r a ^ b rief pause In tho business cea to r, will ^ bfl taken on a tour of tho wholeaale

• d is tric t. P rom tbcro the p a rty wiU bo officially conducted undor the auspices P‘

^ o f tho cham ber of commerce to Sho- “ shono F alls and otbor iw ln ts o f sconlo »Ji. in te re st, ineluding tho Twin P a lls , the . ^ Bluo lA kcs, Hansen suspension bridgo “ u Tho p a r ty w ill remain in T w in P alls ®‘ *“ un til day ligh t on May 7 aad wUl then "


H P At R upert la s t night Twin F a lls won P t , honora on the wrcstllnu m at against O L the Buport high achool a th lo tM , tbo

score a t th e finish of tho t'oum ey be- 'n g ♦ to 0 fo r Twin P a lis m ea. S ir

“ ■ events were acbedulod, two ending w ith 1 ntf decisions. e

■ l a tho f i r s t fray Irw in o f Twin ^ 'Falla th rew Adams in nine minutes. ° These boys weighed in a t 14S pounds. ^ Thero was no fa ll In tbe Kcrr-Oroen t'

• ™ bout a t 115 jwunds. t^ McAtoo won over Anderaon a t H 5 s

pounda, th e - fa ll coming a t n ine min- t utea. Senvcr won ovor Sm ith in the I 135-pound clans. No fall wna obtained a

jf® in tho bout between Nlcholaon and C Uotty, ICO-pounders. Sm ith defeated Loof; in SO seconds. Tbose boya weigh- ed IO."; pounds,

the -<l*y SUBS ON OONTRAOI “

Tn th e d is tric t court today A ttorney ^ J . n . Wlao, ac ting for Thomna Owons, p

k .il institu ted proeeeding to rocovor the sum of *.1,081.13, claimed to . bo. due from tho Idaho I^ rm Dovelopmont :

lg - company on n construction contract.* Tlio aum of *000, elaimod as a tto rn e y ’s

fee, too, is askod.

B H B Zm iA BT-BU BEEO LD EBlln rlan K. Rhi'lnhart and Mln Clara

L. Durlihnldcr wero married thin morn- ^ in(j In tho Mothodlst church, Rov. A.

O. Bennott officiating. They w ill mako I ^ their home a t COO F iftb s tree t wost.

HAVLIBOT B R D ra s SU ITadc F- W. l lav lirc t baa in stitu tod iiro-tho fccd inpi in tlio nrobato court against[it. .1. H. Itiro clalminfT the sum o f 81.30j^il <iuo on a promissory note. . Wolfo &onl M artin filed tho papers th is morninf;. ela- ' ath


S N E W ' _


ernlniia B e Open fo r Bnalneaa Inorn. A bont a Week

Shoe Repairing Dry Cleaning

and Tailoring Siioe Shining

B Shoe Shining ParlorO P tN NOW •

TOUB BUSZKES8 80 L I0 IT B D roi U S W est ShoabotM


ESEIffllESi l i ipFTilN:,

E m i a s a r i e s o f C o m m e r - a,

3 w i n v i s i t T w i n ' F a l l ^ „

2 : 1 0 T o m o r r o w A f t e r - "

l e s ' A l l T o w n s i n L o w e r ,■ • ; I

a • • ■.. ' ■ • • ^H o T e x n e n t L a n n o h e d f o r Z B t a b - %

,f l iB b ln g M o u n t e d C o r p s i n ^ >; ' . T w in J - a H a ®

^ In itia to ry steps w ere tak ea last n igh t J tow ard ostablishiag a cavalry troop ia l ^ a E ^lla.' T h b f ira t aetioa embraced

'• a ll noeesaary prelim lnariea to bring tho Z plftn to fru ition . A speeial eoaualttee,» w ith Dr. H. C. Deane, u ehairman, m et

in th r chamber* of the commereial elub to K ivo'the movemont the neceaaary ini- .

f t i . l topc tM , J -i Among tho Im portant aetiona taken " a t U st n igh t'a gathering w aaaatborixo- *® tlon fo r pu tting ont calla for members. , , Tbla roll will be filled through u)pli-

cation blanka, a eopy of w u e h ia in tho handa of each mombor of the com- m lttoo in charge. The head o f the ap- trlbi plication blank read in oxplaaatioa of plea th e p laa . aad addrosaed to th e author- cow ised officera of the N atioaal Qnard fea t

^ o f Idaho, as followa: Tl‘.‘Wo, tho uaderrigned, deaire to capi

make application fo r en listing in a waa > troop of eavalry, N ational O u r d of ia f

. Idaho, providing we can m eet the neo- to b ^ easarv ' requiremeata and paaa the heai

physical exam iaatioaa. tvh^ ‘‘Terms of enlistm ent—One-third of

enlistm ents fo r one year; two-thirds •I fo r throe years.

“ Dischargo*—Thoso leaving t i e ^ county, e ity o r stn te , being unable to a tten d mUiUry drills wiU bc granted tran sfe r o r discharge. f„ ;„

I ' “ Bonuiremenfs—To receive the max- r,t imnm of pay, E4 drills each aix months ” *•

ia required, b u t p ay In a Uke propor: ^ t b n will bo given fo r 60 per eeat of dion

“ driila attended, each d rill o f ono and P®P' one-half hour's duration.

1. PayTnfnt fo r drlUa—^Enlisted peraon* u . nel receives ono-fourth rogular arm y p . . poy fo r ono drill o f one and, one-half has I hour'a duration each woek. ^rer ' “ O ovemment fum iahea—Tho gov-

V- em m ent furaishea. all horses, foed for „ the horaea,' h ire of m en to tako caro

j , . o f the horses, rifles, pistola, ammnnl* « ...tlon and nnlforma fo r the mon. ^i.i

®“ “ S tato furnlahes—The aU te to fur* T*, * nish $500 fo r arm ory renU l per y e a r ." ^

OI.ABS 80I14J? TOMOBEOW The froshmcn-aophomoro annunl In- r ^ '

" ter-class “ s c ra p " w ill b e .>staged a t ,,ct 10:30 tomorrow m om ing on Lincoln . .^ - \o .•on W o m e n 'A A u x i l i a r y , A m e r i c a n

L e g io n , B e g u l a r M e e t in g a t be- P a r i a h ' H a H , F r i d a y E v e n - ^Wl i ” * r . 7 : 3 0 .

Program under direction of W lltoa '111 Pock. ' Social timo. Uembera of Am- t b oriean Legion cirged to Join in m eetiag. fot

i(]g,' All mothers, wives, slaters and daugh- Mi sen tera of aerviee mon are urged to join

tho. Auxiliary a t th la ' time. Member- —. H5 ship' feo and duos |2.S5. Noae may ea- lin- te r aa eharter members a fte r F riday. j | | the Anyone unable to a tten d thia m eeting led m ay aend her duea to th e aecrotary, Ura. tnd C. II. K rc n n l, 354 Third Ave E.—adv. I ted . t •gh- OABD o r THANXS .

W c extend thanka to the friends i rd ncquaintances fo r the m any kindaesse. shown durinff the illness nnd death of our mother, and for tho beautiful flow- ers sent.

.M B . A X D M RS. F B E D B . HILL. ^*l| Bnt =

" ll ^ Airn t f S S S S S S S ^rn- _ H K S a S a H B 3A.

nst•30 13 l l p i r * *

ng-, . I

I T h r o t t l i n g G o v

S t e a d y S

Every “ 2 ” E ngine is equipped v govem or. Regulates the am ount cy]sndcr->m aintaini uniform sp regardless o i w ork being done. T h ro ttling g o v ^ o r enables the well aa gasoline—savea you mon G ovem or is a complete, h igh gi makcshUtdevice. Ilacaae-bardcnt H asm igh ty inponan tda tie isH clp temperature—insures betterlubria flow of power tba t aavea w ear and O ther " Z ” features a re: Built-in lating m agneto: more than ratci changeable; dean*cnt,efBcientdcs

Factory PriI H H . P._________:

I g ; ? r =' ' • M t o G u r n


tirWeaihMr ' T h itn .

~ • ' UL

IT ’S a seateatlona ^ o r y . ‘th e - e a a t• w ea th e t-m aa ta r tioUa *t4day:. la T

w ith : ''T o n ig h t an d . I^o ro :... wjllday, fiUr.'* denti

Can you ijfcsgltte/ a a y th ia g. moro e ry p tb than th a t, exoept, vri

“ Pleaao. re p iit t’ ' H uhl , . , “ Doean’t even append the nanal ’

addenda? “ Heavy froa t t h e . ; S V-m o m ia g ." ' ,

Tbero'w aa a traee o t f r o a t th ia: a. m:, b a t not o f a so rt to ' d a m - ^■ age . tender apring .ahoota.- O ae ^

dogreo ia - a l l . Tbe h igh »oo>>m ark.-yeaterday .waa 08 ,. a -so r t ,o f sprinrievery tem ;^rattize . g^^jlo o k a good fo r tho eominif ox* » tedeursioniaU from S i l t toaiorrow pieotand the^eircua Saturday. : ' , j

i-----------------J— ^ ------- » ea t---------— HeU

BBDHO BtBOT>m ™p,Perhapa oae of tho m ost thoronghly

sxtUtie musical programa over .g ivea Hob la Tw ia PaUs waa th a t o f tho famona prac ^oellUt, Bruao Steiadel aaaUted b y Mra. tren W. Zeaaa Smith, eoatralto, a n d Jam ea sU t Campbell, J r ., a t tho piano, a t th e H igh lag. School audltoriom U st a lg b t. T he ea* the tiro program i^ is of rU h appeal to bo th jed; mnsieiana and moaie lovera. B very hio. aumber wosi mnsleally ploaaing while tho willingness of U r. Stelndol to eoa- trlbu te la every posaiblo vray to th e T pleasure o f tho evonbg throngh encores the constitu ted ono o t tho moat dellgh tfo l H u features o f the evening. wes

Tbe piano work waa In thoronghly U n eapable handa while th a t o f U ra . O n iA day was o f a high order o f artia tto m erit, pro] in fac t, tho general seatim ent appeared by 1 to bo .th a t Ura. Smith h ad n ev er b eea U n hoard to be tte r advantage in Tw ia F alls. T

Mr. Stoindel U equal to th e reoom* ghu m eadatioaa witb whioh hia appearaaee 2:S( waa heralded here. L aat n ig h t 's pro* gram proved him an a rtia t of ra re tal* en t and a ’cellist of rem arkable ver- oiq, satillty . H is power to e n te rta in lies largely in hU musle o f eoarao b n t to m _ th ia la addod a personality w h i ^ phta . . . i him in w ann fritod ly touch w ith hia au- dionce dad which adda much to the - popularity of hia work. .• ^

Playgoers who believo th a t tho lim it has beea reached In photoplay realism are duo fo r an awakening whon tbey wJtnosa “ T hoO reat A alr Itobbery ,” the woaderfnl Universal fea tu re starrin g L ieu tenan t 0 . L. Locklear,'-who changes from plaao. to plane in m ld-alr, which will bo shown at- tbe Oem T heatre <o* day.

Tho story of “ Tho G reat A ir Bob­b e ry ” U not only up-to-the'm inuto, but a fow-years In advance; fo r I t coaceras Lnrry Caaaidy, crack pilo t o f th e Amer­iean traa^coatineata l mall aorvlco, and his foorloa , dare-devil fea ts in bringing to nn end the oxploita of a bond o f a ir p irates oad w b a la g (ho girl ho loves.

RBBD QET8 CN>HTBA.OX 'W. 0 . Beed has been aw arded tho

eon lrac t for buUdlsg a aow school* house a t Jerome. His proposal waa for i|110,000. The dae of the aew institu- t b a U to be 200 by £00 foot on the foundation. I t will bo tw o stories. M ateriala used in eonstrnetion w ill !>« b riek 'ftn d reinforced coaerelo.

Ge t o u t y o u r sp rin ff' clolhcal

STRATTON'S S r312 Shasheaa SI. L PRONE 491

HLI /l ^a il

>vernor Gives j' Speed

cd w itb a scntUive thcottUng u n to ! fuel and.air admitted to ,1 speed— summer or w inter,

t h e ‘ 'Z ” to use kerosene aa money.h grade assenbty unit—not a dcned contact-paits resist wear. Iclpsm aintainuniform cyltnder . brication—givcssmooth,steady mand tea ro n driven machinery. ’It-in Bosch high tcniion oscil* rated power; every part inter* t design; loog-livedendofaace:

rPricM i___ ____#75 .00________ 125.00

r o c n t A

ROS. CO.. I n c .F lL l^R BU HL

■■ • - ■ m ee t'a tT T I - .: •• ...........- - 4i0 Ble

- WBoon.Uiaa Pemeal nreaeh, deaa of woa* ~- ai at the Idaho atate naiverfi^ arrived ' -OAU I Twin FalU toda^, whUe^re .ahe ' _ ill be eatertaiaiad bythe /orm«r atn* raU of tho-aalveraity. - be paid

- ______ , t y T nUUa Iaa D ^ e l l and UUa M yrtle ” ®‘

Jiderson w il-be hostessea to th e P aa t Oo“® roble Oraadis Thursday eveniag a t th e ^ 7^5, ^ e l l home, 1S2 E ighth aveane eaat. Cona

• . ' ------- ■ 88, ineL ittle U las E d ith E aofm aa eele'brat* la te r

d her aixth b i r t h d ^ .Monday a fte r- r u t a 1 oon a t the home o f her parenta, M r. - ad U ra. -Charioa B. Kanfman. The uests were seated a t a table decor- « , te d w ith p in k a a d having aa a eeater* ^ ieoe a beantlfo l b irthday cake w ith ix pink eaadlea, a wiUte U ay baaket m - raa pUeod a t eaeh eover. Those prea* a t w e w .^ n l f t Heap, Helen O if t . leU n W nion, K atherine Harriaon.MUh W ick ond Charlea Aadc*aon. ^ -------

— ^ O BPHThe rogular m eeU ag of Tw ia PklU

:hapter^ D. A. B. waa aeld a t tha home •f M ra OUver H aratad oa.M onday a f t- nxru ■raooa. Tho topic “ A m ericaniaation” vaajT oll haiidled by the leader, U ro. •11. F . Gamble, who gavo aa ‘excellent rriATri » p e r on the aubjeet, w hich waa foi- owed by an In te re s tla ^ dlseuasioa. l i r a . « Elolderman. sta to of tbo reel- "proclty commlttoe, f« a d a paper on trench w arfare w ritten by th e new iU t« w M at, U ro. Hnddiesoa of Oood- IM. L ight refreahm eata were a o w d the aew s ta te vice regeat, U ra. K ea- t e ™ aedy P aekard , p reald lag a t the te a ta- Mo. A luncheon will , ho glvon a t tbo aext m eeting M onday, Juno 1. «

The W o ie a 'a M isaloaarr aoelety of ' the B aptU t chareh w ill meet w ith w a » Baary H eortfle ld , 347 Seeond avenne f west. Thursday a fte raoon a t 2 o'e loek.U ra. E. a U a h a ffy U leader fo r th e ] day and has prepared an in terestiag program. Tho hoateaa wiU be aaaUtod t>y U rs. J . C. B ea tty , Mrs. J . Bowers and ' “ Mrs. C. B. Whoelor.

Tho L ad ies ' A id of the P resbyterian ohureh w ill m eet Thuraday afternoon a t J 8:80 witb Mra—H . W. Wilson, 210 - Eighth avenuo ao rth > Hostesses fo r the day are Mrs. H. W . Wllsoa, U r a H. W. Clouehek, U n. S tu a r t H . -Taylor, U ra.James i'itagera ld , Mra. M. 0 . Biploy,Mra. J . W. E pler aad Mra. W. A. Bab­cock.

■ ------- BnThe U U ab aa ry society of the Chria-

IdahpTl:U S U A L P R IC E S — S P E C U






■ I n a r o i

D itiecl

__ __________A LS<

“Loafers anA TWO-REEL I




lavaato ra a ra iav itad te look over a foUowing io a u a ra a i r r avallabla fo r 1 11,500, #1,000, 12,000, $8,000, #3,000,A ll a re ea rrfn lly saUct«L. Kott o f tiw m i soUdtad... N o 'ebargaa fo r coUaetlDg and i

iora Priday- afta tnoo» ,_at 2:80. , ;

he W ooderaft Thim ble club wiU t a t-th a heme o f Mra. O. B. OarUon,B laa Lakaa bonlavard, F riday a ft« -

ton. ■ - .

Mlit F 0 » OOpMTT W A B U S m

■he foUowiag Oonaiy W a m t a irill pidd npon preaenU tlon a t the .Coaa- ^ e a w r ’a Offloe, Twin W U ,

lonaty Hospital W arran ta Noa. 007 ;70S, ine., 191». .kninty Hospital W arran ta Vot. I ' to ine., IMO.

n tereat wiU eeaae o n th e above war- U U ay 16th, 1920.

. B . L . WABBEN, ' '• 'fc Ootmty Treasurer. ,

Jy H . 0 . PA BS0N 8, Depnty.


tPHEUM — “ B eating the O dds," featnrlng H arry M oroy; alao two - paudeville am r-~ C M m ^ mnale.a u —Locklear in « The Great Air Bobbery. . .

>AHO — WUilam Buaaell la “ Shod w ith Flr«."{ alao Two Beei Comedy aad P a the Newa.

Boma priee quoted la one o f today 'a J m ay m aaa a aav iag fo r yot»—a rea a ity . ‘


.D iy W ood fo r r m t « r ^pjAoa o r raagak O s t i a 1% S4» 88

' a n d i8 Inch laagtha. DaUverad.

fSM par 18 loch laogth.•fiJM par oord. 84 Inch Uofth.994K> par cord, sa inch length.

918-00 par oord, <8 -lDCh laagth.


—FHONB 840>^Bneeaaaozt to B t r o h t l ^ Ooal Oo.

heatre: C M l O R C H E S m



m d o r fe e !

TLLIA M K3X jtretanta

T II IA MU S S E I i ,romantic Ipve son^

. fif.the plauu'


B y H a r a l d H t u s r a c t « d I ^ E m in e t t

5 0 ___ _________

id Lovers”LCOMEOy 'IE NEWS

i i : L O A N SL . SWIMBLDO.

t r niy lis t of loana. Loazu la tha n InreatmaBt: tSOO, $1,000,S,500, M,«100, 18,260 and #35,000. am p ay a per eent... Corraapondaaca nd rom lttlng to th a inTaator.