arXiv:1302.7149v2 [stat.ME] 23 Dec 2013 Statistical Science 2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 616–640 DOI: 10.1214/13-STS443 c Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013 Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Simulation Models Using Ensemble Copula Coupling Roman Schefzik , Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir and Tilmann Gneiting Abstract. Critical decisions frequently rely on high-dimensional output from complex computer simulation models that show intricate cross- variable, spatial and temporal dependence structures, with weather and climate predictions being key examples. There is a strongly increasing recognition of the need for uncertainty quantification in such settings, for which we propose and review a general multi-stage procedure called ensemble copula coupling (ECC), proceeding as follows: 1. Generate a raw ensemble, consisting of multiple runs of the computer model that differ in the inputs or model parameters in suitable ways. 2. Apply statistical postprocessing techniques, such as Bayesian model averaging or nonhomogeneous regression, to correct for systematic errors in the raw ensemble, to obtain calibrated and sharp predictive distribu- tions for each univariate output variable individually. 3. Draw a sample from each postprocessed predictive distribution. 4. Rearrange the sampled values in the rank order structure of the raw ensemble to obtain the ECC postprocessed ensemble. The use of ensembles and statistical postprocessing have become rou- tine in weather forecasting over the past decade. We show that seemingly unrelated, recent advances can be interpreted, fused and consolidated within the framework of ECC, the common thread being the adoption of the empirical copula of the raw ensemble. Depending on the use of Quantiles, Random draws or Transformations at the sampling stage, we distinguish the ECC-Q, ECC-R and ECC-T variants, respectively. We also describe relations to the Schaake shuffle and extant copula-based techniques. In a case study, the ECC approach is applied to predictions of temperature, pressure, precipitation and wind over Germany, based on the 50-member European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ensemble. Key words and phrases: Bayesian model averaging, empirical copula, ensemble calibration, nonhomogeneous regression, numerical weather pre- diction, probabilistic forecast, Schaake shuffle, Sklar’s theorem. Roman Schefzik is Ph.D. Student and Tilmann Gneiting is Professor, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir is Senior Research Scientist, Norwegian Computing Center, P.O. Box 114, Blindern, 0314 Oslo, Norway e-mail: [email protected]. This is an electronic reprint of the original article published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in Statistical Science, 2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 616–640. This reprint differs from the original in pagination and typographic detail. 1

Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Simulation Models ... · climate predictions being key examples. There is a strongly increasing ... “An answer that used to be a single num-

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Page 1: Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Simulation Models ... · climate predictions being key examples. There is a strongly increasing ... “An answer that used to be a single num-





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Statistical Science

2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 616–640DOI: 10.1214/13-STS443c© Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013

Uncertainty Quantification in ComplexSimulation Models Using EnsembleCopula CouplingRoman Schefzik , Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir and Tilmann Gneiting

Abstract. Critical decisions frequently rely on high-dimensional outputfrom complex computer simulation models that show intricate cross-variable, spatial and temporal dependence structures, with weather andclimate predictions being key examples. There is a strongly increasingrecognition of the need for uncertainty quantification in such settings,for which we propose and review a general multi-stage procedure calledensemble copula coupling (ECC), proceeding as follows:1. Generate a raw ensemble, consisting of multiple runs of the computer

model that differ in the inputs or model parameters in suitable ways.2. Apply statistical postprocessing techniques, such as Bayesian model

averaging or nonhomogeneous regression, to correct for systematic errorsin the raw ensemble, to obtain calibrated and sharp predictive distribu-tions for each univariate output variable individually.3. Draw a sample from each postprocessed predictive distribution.4. Rearrange the sampled values in the rank order structure of the raw

ensemble to obtain the ECC postprocessed ensemble.The use of ensembles and statistical postprocessing have become rou-

tine in weather forecasting over the past decade. We show that seeminglyunrelated, recent advances can be interpreted, fused and consolidatedwithin the framework of ECC, the common thread being the adoptionof the empirical copula of the raw ensemble. Depending on the use ofQuantiles, Random draws or Transformations at the sampling stage, wedistinguish the ECC-Q, ECC-R and ECC-T variants, respectively. Wealso describe relations to the Schaake shuffle and extant copula-basedtechniques. In a case study, the ECC approach is applied to predictionsof temperature, pressure, precipitation and wind over Germany, based onthe 50-member European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) ensemble.

Key words and phrases: Bayesian model averaging, empirical copula,ensemble calibration, nonhomogeneous regression, numerical weather pre-diction, probabilistic forecast, Schaake shuffle, Sklar’s theorem.

Roman Schefzik is Ph.D. Student and Tilmann

Gneiting is Professor, Institute for Applied

Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer

Feld 294, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany (e-mail:

[email protected];

[email protected]). Thordis L.

Thorarinsdottir is Senior Research Scientist, Norwegian

Computing Center, P.O. Box 114, Blindern, 0314 Oslo,Norway e-mail: [email protected].

This is an electronic reprint of the original articlepublished by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics inStatistical Science, 2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 616–640. Thisreprint differs from the original in pagination andtypographic detail.


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In a vast range of applications, critical decisionsdepend on the output of complex computer simula-tion models, with examples including weather andclimate predictions and the management of floods,wildfires, air quality and groundwater contamina-tions. There is a much increased recognition of theneed for quantifying the uncertainty in the modeloutput, as evidenced by the creation of pertinentAmerican Statistical Association (ASA) and Soci-ety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)interest groups, and by the recent launch of theSIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification.As SIAM President Nick Trefethen (2012) notes suc-cinctly,

“An answer that used to be a single num-ber may now be a statistical distribution.”

Frequently, the goal is prediction, and we are wit-nessing a transdisciplinary change of paradigms inthe transition from deterministic or point forecastto probabilistic or distributional forecasts (Gneiting,2008). The goal is to obtain calibrated and sharp,joint predictive distributions of future quantities ofinterest, from which any desired functionals, such asevent probabilities, moments, quantiles and predic-tion intervals can be extracted, for a full quantifi-cation of the predictive uncertainty. In this context,calibration refers to the statistical compatibility ofthe probabilistic forecasts and the observations, inthat events predicted to occur with probability pought to realize with empirical frequency p. Sharp-ness refers to the concentration of the predictive dis-tributions and is a property of the probabilistic fore-casts only (Gneiting, Balabdaoui and Raftery, 2007).While our data examples all concern weather fore-casting, where the recognition of the need for uncer-tainty quantification can be traced at least to Cooke(1906), the methods and principles we discuss applyin much broader contexts, both predictive and inother settings, where one seeks to quantify the un-certainty in our incomplete knowledge of current orpast quantities and events.Focusing attention on the setting of our case study,

accurate predictions of future weather are of consid-erable value for society. Medium-range weather fore-casts, with lead times up to two weeks, are obtainedby numerically solving the partial differential equa-tions that describe the physics of the atmosphere,with initial conditions provided by estimates of thecurrent state of the atmosphere (Kalnay, 2003). In

order to account for the uncertainties in the fore-cast, national and international meteorological cen-ters use ensembles of numerical weather prediction(NWP) model output, where the ensemble membersdiffer in terms of the two major sources of uncer-tainty, namely, the initial conditions and the pa-rameterization of the NWP model (Palmer, 2002;Gneiting and Raftery, 2005). To give an example,Figures 1 and 2 illustrate forecasts of surface tem-perature and six-hour precipitation accumulationover Germany issued by the European Centre forMedium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) as apart of its 50-member real-time ensemble, which op-erates at a horizontal resolution of approximately 32km and lead times up to ten days (Molteni et al.,1996; Leutbecher and Palmer, 2008). The valid timeof these forecasts is 00:00 Universal Time Coordi-nated (UTC) in meteorological format, which weconvert to local time in what follows.While the goal of NWP ensemble systems is to

capture the inherent uncertainty in the prediction,they are subject to systematic errors, such as bi-ases and dispersion errors. It is therefore commonpractice to statistically postprocess the output ofNWP ensemble forecasts, with state of the art tech-niques including the ensemble Bayesian model aver-aging (BMA) approach developed by Raftery et al.(2005) and the nonhomogeneous regression (NR) orensemble model output statistics (EMOS) techniqueproposed by Gneiting et al. (2005).To illustrate the idea, let y denote the weather

quantity of interest, such as temperature at a spe-cific location and look-ahead time, and write x1, . . . ,xM for the corresponding M ensemble member fore-casts. The ensemble BMA approach employs mix-ture distributions of the general form

y|x1, . . . , xM ∼M∑



where the left-hand side refers to the conditionaldistribution given the ensemble member forecasts.Here f(y|xm) denotes a parametric probability dis-tribution or kernel that depends on the ensemblemember forecast xm in suitable ways, with the mix-ture weights w1, . . . ,wM reflecting the members’ rel-ative contributions to predictive skill over a train-ing period. BMA postprocessed predictive distribu-tions based on the 50-member ECMWF ensembleare illustrated in Figure 3 for temperature, wherethe kernel is normal and the postprocessing corrects

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Fig. 1. 48-hour ahead ECWMF ensemble forecast for temperature over Germany valid 2:00 am on April 1, 2011, in the unitof degrees Celsius. Six randomly selected members are shown. The top left panel shows the locations of the three stations usedin the subsequent case study.

for both a low bias and underdispersion, and in Fig-ure 4 for precipitation, where the kernel comprises apoint mass at zero along with a power transformedgamma distribution for positive accumulations.

In contrast, the NR predictive distribution is a

single parametric distribution of the general form

y|x1, . . . , xM ∼ g(y|x1, . . . , xM ),

Fig. 2. 24-hour ahead ECWMF ensemble forecast for six-hour precipitation accumulation over Germany valid 2:00 am onMay 20, 2010, in the unit of millimeters. Six randomly selected members are shown.

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Fig. 3. 48-hour ahead BMA postprocessed predictive distributions for temperature in Berlin based on the 50-member ECMWFensemble. The ensemble forecast is shown in red, the realizing observation in blue. Left: predictive density valid 2:00 am onApril 1, 2011. Right: 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles of the predictive distributions valid 2:00 am on April 1–14, 2011.

where g is a parametric distribution function withlocation, scale and shape parameters depending onthe ensemble values in suitable ways. For example,g could be normal with the mean an affine functionof the ensemble member forecasts and the variancean affine function of the ensemble variance.Statistical postprocessing techniques such as en-

semble BMA and NR have been shown to substan-tially improve the predictive skill of the NWP en-

semble output (Wilks and Hamill, 2007; Hagedornet al., 2012). Frequently, such methods apply to eachweather variable at each location and each lead timeindividually and, therefore, they may fail to takecross-variable, spatial and temporal interactions prop-erly into account. NWP models rely on discretiza-tions of the equations that govern the physics ofthe atmosphere and, thus, multivariate dependencestructures tend to be reasonably well represented in

Fig. 4. 24-hour ahead BMA postprocessed predictive distributions for six-hour precipitation accumulation in Frankfurt basedon the 50-member ECMWF ensemble. The ensemble forecast is shown in red, the realizing observation in blue. Left: mixeddiscrete-continuous predictive distribution valid 2:00 am on May 20, 2010, comprising a point mass of 0.033 at zero, which isindicated by the thick black bar, and a density at positive accumulations, with mass 0.967. Right: 10th, 50th and 90th percentilesof the predictive distribution distributions valid 2:00 am on May 18–31, 2010.

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the raw ensemble system. However, these structuresmay fail to be retained if the univariate marginsare postprocessed individually. In low-dimensionalor highly structured settings, parametric approachesto the modeling of multivariate dependence struc-tures in the forecast errors are feasible, such as in therecent work of Pinson (2012), Schuhen, Thorarins-dottir and Gneiting (2012) and Sloughter, Gneit-ing and Raftery (2013) on wind vectors, or in theapproach of Gel, Raftery and Gneiting (2004) andBerrocal, Raftery and Gneiting (2007) that relies ongeostatistical models in spatial settings.However, the statistical postprocessing of a full

NWP ensemble forecast poses extremely high-dimen-sional problems. For instance, we might be inter-ested in five weather variables at 500 × 500 gridboxes, ten vertical levels and 72 lead times, for atotal of 900 million variables. While not all of themmay need to be considered simultaneously, criticalapplications, such as air traffic control (Chaloulosand Lygeros, 2007), air quality (Delle Monache et al.,2006) and flood management (Cloke and Pappen-berger, 2009; Schaake et al., 2010), depend on physi-cally realistic probabilistic forecasts of spatio-tempo-ral weather trajectories and therefore may entailmuch higher dimensions than can readily be incor-porated into a parametric model.To address this challenge, we propose and review

a general multi-stage procedure called ensemble cop-ula coupling (ECC), originally hinted at by Bremnes(2007) and Krzysztofowicz and Toth (2008), and re-cently investigated and developed by Schefzik (2011).The ECC approach allows for the multivariate rankdependence structure of the raw NWP ensemble tobe preserved in the postprocessed ensemble, pro-ceeding roughly as follows.

Univariate postprocessing. Apply statistical post-processing techniques, such as ensemble BMA orNR, to obtain calibrated and sharp marginal predic-tive distributions for each weather variable, locationand look-ahead time individually.Quantization. Draw a discrete sample of the same

size as the raw ensemble from each univariate, post-processed predictive distribution.Ensemble reordering. Arrange the sampled values

in the rank order structure of the raw ensemble toobtain the ECC postprocessed ensemble.

An illustration of the ECC approach is given inFigure 5, a dynamic version of which is availablein the supplementary material (Schefzik, Thorarins-

dottir and Gneiting, 2013). Here, the setting is fourdimensional. We consider surface temperature andsea level pressure in Berlin and Hamburg, respec-tively. The scatterplot matrix in the top panel illus-trates the 50-member ECMWF ensemble forecast ata 24 hours lead time. Clearly, there are dependen-cies between the margins; for example, there is apositive association between temperature in Berlinand temperature in Hamburg, and there are neg-ative associations between temperature and pres-sure. The scatterplot matrix in the middle panel isconstructed from samples of the individually BMApostprocessed predictive distributions. Here, the sys-tematic errors in the margins have been corrected,at the cost of a loss of the error dependence struc-ture. The bottom panel elucidates the effects of theECC ensemble reordering; while the margins remainunchanged from the middle panel, the rank depen-dence structure of the raw ensemble is restored.Owing to the intuitive appeal and striking simplic-

ity, which incurs essentially no computational costsbeyond the marginal postprocessing, approaches ofECC type are rapidly gaining prominence at weathercenters worldwide, with variants recently having beenimplemented by Flowerdew (2012), Pinson (2012)and Roulin and Vannitsem (2012), among others.Our goal here is to interpret, fuse and consolidatethese and other seemingly unrelated advances withinthe framework of ECC. As we will demonstrate, thecommon thread of the approaches lies in the adop-tion of the empirical copula of the raw ensemble,thereby restoring its rank dependence structure andjustifying the term ensemble copula coupling.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.

In Section 2 we review and discuss statistical post-processing techniques for univariate NWP ensembleoutput. General copula approaches to the handlingof multivariate output are discussed in Section 3,with subsequent focus on the ECC approach in Sec-tion 4, where we distinguish the ECC-Q, ECC-R andECC-T variants, depending on the use of Quantiles,Random draws or Transformations at the quanti-zation stage. Section 5 turns to a case study onprobabilistic predictions of temperature, pressure,precipitation and wind over Germany, based on theECMWF ensemble. The paper closes with Section 6,where we discuss benefits and limitations of the ECCapproach and return to the general theme of un-certainty quantification for high-dimensional outputfrom complex simulation models with intricate de-pendence structures.

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(a) Raw ECMWF ensemble (b) Individual BMA postprocessing

(c) ECC postprocessed ensemble

Fig. 5. 24-hour ahead ensemble forecasts of temperature and pressure at Berlin and Hamburg, valid 2:00 am on May 27,2010. The units used are degrees Celsius and hPa.




Following the pioneering work of Hamill and

Colucci (1997), various types of statistical postpro-

cessing techniques for the output of NWP ensem-ble forecasts have been developed, with Wilks andHamill (2007), Brocker and Smith (2008), Schmeitsand Kok (2010) and Ruiz and Saulo (2012) provid-ing critical reviews. As noted, postprocessing aimsto correct for biases and dispersion errors in the en-

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Table 1

Ensemble BMA implementations for univariate weather quantities. In the caseof precipitation amount, we refer to y1/3

∈R+, because the gamma kernels

apply to cube root transformed precipitation accumulations. In the case of winddirection, S denotes the circle, zm is a bias-corrected ensemble member value

on the circle, and κm is a concentration parameter, for m= 1, . . . ,M

Weather quantity Range Kernel (f) Mean Variance

Temperature y ∈R Normal am + bmxm σ2m

Pressure y ∈R Normal am + bmxm σ2m

Precipitation amount y1/3∈R

+ Gamma am + bmx1/3m cm + dmxm

Wind speed y ∈R+ Gamma am + bmxm cm + dmxm

Wind direction y ∈ S von Mises zm κ−1m

Visibility y ∈ [0,1] Beta am + bmx1/2m cm + dmx


semble output, and state-of-the-art techniques canroughly be divided into mixture approaches, build-ing on the ensemble Bayesian model averaging(BMA) approach of Raftery et al. (2005), and re-gression approaches, such as the nonhomogeneousregression (NR) method put forth by Gneiting et al.(2005).Specifically, consider a univariate weather quan-

tity of interest, y, and write x1, . . . , xM for the corre-sponding M ensemble member forecasts. As noted,the ensemble BMA approach uses mixture distribu-tions of the general form

y|x1, . . . , xM ∼M∑



where the left-hand side refers to the conditional dis-tribution of y given the ensemble member forecastsx1, . . . , xM , and f(y|xm) is a parametric distribu-tion that depends on xm only.1 The mixture weightsw1, . . . ,wm are nonnegative and sum to 1; they re-flect the corresponding member’s relative contribu-tions to predictive skill over a training period. Incontrast, the NR predictive distribution is a singleparametric distribution of the general form

y|x1, . . . , xM ∼ g(y|x1, . . . , xM ),(2.2)

where the right-hand side refers to a parametric fam-ily of probability distributions, with the parametersdepending on all ensemble members simultaneously.The particular choice of a parametric model for

the BMA kernel f or the NR distribution g de-

1In the case of ensembles with nonexchangeable membersthe distribution f might depend on member specific statisticalparameters. Furthermore, in some implementations f mightdepend on observed variables or on NWP model output forquantities other than y, such as in the approach of Glahnet al. (2009). Similar comments apply to the NR technique.

pends on the weather quantity at hand. Table 1sketches ensemble BMA implementations for tem-perature and pressure (Raftery et al., 2005), wherethe kernel f(y|xm) is normal with mean a0m+a1mxmand variance σ2

m, precipitation (Sloughter et al.,2007), wind speed (Sloughter, Gneiting and Raftery,2010), wind direction (Bao et al., 2010) and visi-bility (Chmielecki and Raftery, 2011). Furthermore,ensemble BMA implementations are available for fog(Roquelaure and Bergot, 2008), visibility and ceil-ing (Chmielecki and Raftery, 2011). Frequently, theparameters in the specifications for the mean andthe variance of the kernels are subject to constraints;for example, the variance parameters are often as-sumed to be constant across ensemble members. Ifthe ensemble is generated in such a way that itsmembers are statistically indistinguishable or ex-changeable, as in the case of the ECMWF ensemble,the BMA weights as well as the BMA mean and vari-ance parameters are assumed to be constant acrossensemble members (Fraley, Raftery and Gneiting,2010). Table 2 hints at NR implementations for tem-perature and pressure (Gneiting et al., 2005), wherethe postprocessed predictive distribution is normalwith mean a+ b1x1 + · · ·+ bMxM and variance c+dS2 where S2 is the ensemble variance, for precipi-tation (Wilks, 2009; Scheuerer, 2013) and for windspeed (Thorarinsdottir and Gneiting, 2010; Thora-rinsdottir and Johnson, 2012).In the remainder of this section we provide a de-

tailed description of the postprocessing methods forthe weather variables temperature, pressure, precip-itation and wind which are analyzed in our casestudy. Generally, the ensemble BMA method is moreflexible, while the NR technique is more parsimo-nious. In terms of the predictive performance, thegeneral experience is that the BMA and NR ap-

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Table 2

NR implementations for univariate weather quantities. Inthe case of precipitation amount, we refer to the distinct

approaches of Wilks (2009) and Scheuerer (2013)

Weather quantity Range Distribution (g)

Temperature y ∈R NormalPressure y ∈R NormalPrecipitation amount y ∈R

+ Truncated logisticy ∈R

+ Generalized extreme valueWind components y ∈R NormalWind speed y ∈R

+ Truncated normal

proaches yield comparable results. Software for esti-mation and prediction is available in the form of theensembleBMA (Fraley et al., 2011) and ensembleMOS

packages in R.2

2.1 Temperature and Pressure

For the weather variables temperature and pres-sure, Raftery et al. (2005) propose the ensembleBMA specification

y|x1, . . . , xM ∼M∑


wmN (am + bmxm, σ2m),(2.3)

where N (µ,σ2) denotes a normal distribution withmean µ and variance σ2. The BMA weights w1, . . . ,wM , the mean parameters a1, . . . , aM and b1, . . . , bM ,and the variance parameters σ2

1 , . . . , σ2M , which in

the standard implementation are assumed to be con-stant across ensemble members, are estimated ontraining data. This type of mixture approach hasbeen applied successfully at weather centers world-wide,3 and we give an example in Figure 3.Gneiting et al. (2005) propose an NR approach for

temperature and pressure, in which the predictivedistribution is normal,

y|x1, . . . , xM(2.4)

∼N (a+ b1x1 + · · ·+ bMxM , c+ dS2),

where S2 =∑M

m=1(xm − x)2/M denotes the ensem-ble variance. If the ensemble members are exchange-able, it needs to be assumed that b1 = · · ·= bM . This

2These packages are available for download at www.r-project.org.

3A real-time ensemble BMA implementation for predictionsof temperature and precipitation over the Pacific Northwestregion of the United States is available to the general publicat www.probcast.com, based on the University of Washingtonmesoscale ensemble in the form described by Eckel and Mass(2005).

approach has also been applied at weather centersinternationally, as exemplified in the work of Hage-dorn, Hamill and Whitaker (2008) and Kann et al.(2009).

2.2 Precipitation

While of critical applied importance, probabilisticforecasts for quantitative precipitation pose techni-cal challenges, in that the predictive distribution ismixed discrete-continuous, comprising both a pointmass at zero and a density on the positive real axis,which might be considerably skewed.Sloughter et al. (2007) propose an ensemble BMA

model of the general form (2.1) for precipitation ac-cumulation, where the kernel f(y|xm) is a Bernoulli–Gamma mixture. The Bernoulli component providesa point mass at zero via a logistic regression link, inthat

logit f [y = 0|xm] = logf [y = 0|xm]

f [y > 0|xm](2.5)

= αm + βmx1/3m + γmδm,

where δm equals 1 if xm = 0 and equals 0 otherwise.The continuous part of the kernel is a gamma dis-tribution in terms of the cube root transformation,y1/3, of the precipitation accumulation, so that

f(y1/3|xm) = f [y = 0|xm]1{y=0}(2.6)

+ f [y > 0|xm]h(y1/3|xm)1{y>0},

where h denotes a gamma distribution with meanµm and variance σ2

m, with

µm = am + bmx1/3m and σ2m = cm + dmxm,(2.7)

and where 1A denotes the indicator function of theevent A. Figure 4 shows an example of the result-ing BMA postprocessed predictive distribution interms of the nontransformed precipitation accumu-lation, y.Turning to the NR approach, we follow Roulin

and Vannitsem (2012) and interpret the logistic re-gression technique of Wilks (2009) in this setting.To put the method into context, forecasts for theprobability of the precipitation amount exceedinga certain threshold have commonly been obtainedusing either quantile regression (Bremnes, 2004) orlogistic regression (Wilks and Hamill, 2007; Hamill,Hagedorn and Whitaker, 2008). If a full predictivedistribution is sought, such methods frequently fail,as they typically are inconsistent across thresholds,

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Fig. 6. 24-hour ahead NR postprocessed predictive distributions for the u wind component at Hamburg based on the 50-mem-ber ECMWF ensemble. The ensemble forecast is shown in red, the realizing observation in blue. Left: predictive density valid2:00 am on April 1, 2011. Right: 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles of the predictive distributions valid 2:00 am on April 1–14,2011.

violating the monotonicity constraint for cumulativedistribution functions. For quantile regression, Detteand Volgushev (2008) and Kneib (2013) describepossible solutions to this problem. In the case of thelogistic regression approach, Wilks (2009) proposesan elegant remedy. In his method, the postprocessedpredictive cumulative distribution function takes theform

G(y|x1, . . . , xM )(2.8)

=exp(a+ b1x1 + · · ·+ bmxM + h(y))

1 + exp(a+ b1x1 + · · ·+ bmxM + h(y)),

where h grows strictly monotonically and withoutbounds as a function of the precipitation accumu-lation y ≥ 0. Linear choices for h result in mixturesof a point mass at zero and a truncated logistic dis-tribution and, in light of the parametric family in(2.8), the technique can be interpreted as an NRapproach. More general formulations that allow forinteraction terms have recently been proposed byBen Bouallegue (2013). As an alternative, Scheuerer(2013) introduces an NR approach in terms of gen-eralized extreme value (GEV) distributions.

2.3 Wind

A wind vector can be represented by wind speedand wind direction or by its u (zonal or west–east)and v (meridional or north–south) velocity compo-nents. Wind speed is a nonnegative continuous vari-able. Sloughter, Gneiting and Raftery (2010) pro-vide an ensemble BMA implementation, where the

kernel is a gamma distribution with the mean andthe variance being affine functions of the respec-tive ensemble member forecast. Thorarinsdottir andGneiting (2010) and Thorarinsdottir and Johnson(2012) develop an NR approach in which the pre-dictive distribution is truncated normal. Wind di-rection is a circular quantity and Bao et al. (2010)propose an ensemble BMA specification where thekernel is a von Mises distribution.When a wind vector is represented by its u and

v components, the methods described in Section 2.1for temperature and pressure become available, andexamples of NR postprocessed predictive distribu-tions of the form (2.4) for the u component areshown in Figure 6. In recent work, truly bivariatepostprocessing techniques for wind vectors have be-come available, taking dependencies between the com-ponents into account (Pinson, 2012; Schuhen, Tho-rarinsdottir and Gneiting, 2012; Sloughter, Gneitingand Raftery, 2013). These methods are discussed insubsequent sections.

2.4 Estimation

Ensemble postprocessing techniques depend on theavailability of training data for estimating the pre-dictive model. Typically, optimum score approacheshave been used for estimation (Gneiting et al., 2005),with the maximum likelihood technique being a spe-cial case thereof (Gneiting and Raftery, 2007), andBayesian approaches offering alternatives (Di Narzoand Cocchi, 2010).

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The training data are usually taken from a rollingtraining period consisting of the recent past, includ-ing the most recent available ensemble forecastsalong with the corresponding realizing values. Com-mon choices for the length of the training periodrange from 20 to 40 days. In schemes of this type,the training set is updated continually, thereby al-lowing the estimates to adapt to changes in the sea-sons and weather regimes. Clearly, there is a trade-off here, in that larger training periods may allow forbetter estimation in principle, thereby reducing es-timation variances, but may introduce biases due toseasonal effects. More flexible, adaptive estimationapproaches, such as recursive maximum likelihoodtechniques, have been proposed and studied by Pin-son et al. (2009), Raftery, Karny and Ettler (2010)and Pinson (2012).In addition to deciding on the temporal extent of

training sets, choices regarding their spatial compo-sition are to be made. Local approaches use train-ing data from the station location or grid box athand only, resulting in distinct sets of coefficientsthat are tailored to the local terrain, while regionalapproaches composite training sets spatially, to es-timate a single set of coefficients that is then usedover an entire region (Thorarinsdottir and Gneiting,2010). Recently, flexible spatially adaptive ap-proaches have been developed that estimate coef-ficients at each station location individually, inter-polating them to sites where no observational assetsare available (Kleiber et al., 2011; Kleiber, Rafteryand Gneiting, 2011).Introduced by Hamill, Whitaker and Mullen,

(2006), reforecasts are retrospective weather fore-casts with today’s NWP models applied to past ini-tialization and valid dates. As reforecasts are basedon the model version that is currently run opera-tionally, the availability of reforecast data sets re-sults in massive enlargements of training sets for sta-tistical postprocessing. The ensuing gains in the pre-dictive performance can be substantial, as demon-strated by Hagedorn, Hamill and Whitaker (2008),Hamill, Hagedorn and Whitaker, 2008 and Hage-dorn et al. (2012), among others.



The univariate postprocessing methods discussedthus far yield significant improvement in the pre-dictive performance of raw NWP ensemble output.

However, in many applications it is critical that mul-tivariate dependencies in the forecast error, includ-ing the case of temporal, spatial and spatio-temporalweather trajectories, are accounted for. For exam-ple, winter road maintenance requires joint proba-bilistic forecasts of temperature and precipitation(Berrocal et al., 2010), air traffic control calls forprobabilistic forecasts of wind fields (Chaloulos andLygeros, 2007), the management of renewable en-ergy resources hinges on spatio-temporal weathertrajectories (Pinson, 2013), and NWP output is usedto drive hydrologic models to address tasks such asflood warnings, the operation of waterways and re-leases from reservoirs, with Schaake et al. [(2010),pages 61–62] noting in this context that

“relationships between physically depen-dent variables like, for example, precipita-tion and temperature should be respected.”

If statistical postprocessing proceeds independentlyfor each weather variable, location and look-aheadtime, such relationships are ignored, and it is criticalthat they be restored.Toward this end, we recall Sklar’s theorem, which

is of fundamental theoretical importance in depen-dence modeling, and we review Gaussian and otherparametric copulas approaches to the statistical post-processing of multivariate ensemble output. Thenwe turn to empirical copulas, which permit the adop-tion of a rank order structure from data records,as exemplified by the Schaake shuffle technique ofClark et al. (2004).

3.1 Handling Dependencies: Sklar’s Theorem

Taking a technical perspective momentarily, sup-pose that we have a postprocessed predictive cu-mulative distribution function, Fl, for each univari-ate weather quantity Yl, where l= 1, . . . ,L, with themulti-index l= (i, j, k) referring to weather variablei, location j and look-ahead time k. What we seek isa physically realistic multivariate joint predictive cu-mulative distribution function F with marginsF1, . . . , FL.Recall that a copula is a multivariate cumulative

distribution function with standard uniform mar-gins (Joe, 1997; Nelsen, 2006). Copulas have beenemployed successfully in a wealth of applications,such as in finance (McNeil, Frey and Embrechts,2005), hydrology (Genest and Favre, 2007) and cli-matology (Schoelzel and Friederichs, 2008), to namebut a few. Their relevance stems from the followingcelebrated theorem of Sklar (1959).

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Theorem 3.1 (Sklar). For any multivariate cu-mulative distribution function F with marginsF1, . . . , FL there exists a copula C such that

F (y1, . . . , yL) =C(F1(y1), . . . , FL(yL))(3.1)

for y1, . . . , yL ∈R. Furthermore, C is unique on therange of the margins.

In particular, Sklar’s theorem demonstrates thatunivariate approaches to the statistical postprocess-ing of ensemble output can accommodate any typeof joint dependence structure, provided that a suit-able copula function is specified. As copula methodsallow for the modeling of the marginal distributionsand of the multivariate dependence structure, as em-bodied by the copula, to be decoupled, they are wellsuited for our problem.

3.2 Gaussian and Other Parametric CopulaApproaches

If the dimension L of the output quantity is small,or if specific structure can be exploited, such asin spatial or temporal settings, parametric or semi-parametric families of copulas can be employed.The most common parametric approaches invoke

a Gaussian copula framework, under which the mul-tivariate cumulative distribution function F is of theform

C(y1, . . . , yL|Σ)(3.2)

= ΦL(Φ−1(F1(y1)), . . . ,Φ


where ΦL(·|Σ) is the cumulative distribution func-tion of an L-variate normal distribution with meanzero and correlation matrix Σ, and Φ−1 is the quan-tile function of the univariate standard normal dis-tribution. The use of Gaussian copulas makes for aparticularly tractable approach, as only the corre-lation matrix Σ needs to be modeled. In a recentpaper, Moller, Lenkoski and Thorarinsdottir (2013)propose the use of Gaussian copulas to recover thecross-variable dependence structure for multi-varia-ble forecasts at individual locations, where the en-semble BMAmethodology is used to obtain the post-processed marginal predictive distributions. Themethod is straightforward except that precipitationrequires special treatment due to the mixed discrete-continuous nature of the variable. The recent workof Pinson (2012) and Schuhen, Thorarinsdottir andGneiting (2012) on bivariate wind vectors invokesmultivariate normal predictive distributions, corre-sponding to the special case in (3.2) in which themargins F1, . . . , FL are normal.

The use of Gaussian copula methods has a longand well-established tradition in geostatistics, wherethe approach is referred to as anamorphosis; seeChiles and Delfiner (2012) and the references therein.In the spatial setting, the correlation matrix Σ in(3.2) is taken to be highly structured, satisfying as-sumptions such as spatial stationarity and/or isotro-py, as exemplified by Gel, Raftery and Gneiting(2004) and Berrocal, Raftery and Gneiting (2007,2008) in ensemble BMA approaches to temperatureand precipitation field forecasting. Similarly, Gaus-sian copulas have been employed to capture depen-dencies over consecutive lead times in postprocessedpredictive distributions (Pinson et al., 2009; Schoel-zel and Hense, 2011). When the margins F1, . . . , FL

are normal, the underlying stochastic model is thatof a Gaussian process or Gaussian random field, andchoices in the parameterization of the correlationmatrix Σ correspond to the selection of a parametriccorrelation model in spatial statistics (Stein, 1999;Cressie and Wikle, 2011).While Gaussian copulas yield convenient, ubiq-

uitous stochastic models, parametric or semipara-metric alternatives are available, including but notlimited to the use of elliptical copulas (Demartaand McNeil, 2005), Archimedian copulas (McNeiland Neslehova, 2009), extremal copulas (Davison,Padoan and Ribatet, 2012) and pair copulas (Aaset al., 2009).

3.3 Empirical Copulas

In the common case in which the dimension L ofthe output quantity is huge and no specific structurecan be exploited, parametric methods are bound tofail. We then need to resort to nonparametric ap-proaches that depend on the use of empirical copu-las. Here, let {(x1m, . . . , xLm) :m= 1, . . . ,M} denote adata set of size M with values in R

L. Assuming forsimplicity that there are no ties, let rk(xlm) denotethe rank of xlm within xl1, . . . , x

lM . The correspond-

ing empirical copula EM is defined as




, . . . ,iLM







1{rk(x1m)≤ i1, . . . , rk(xLm)≤ iL}

for integers 0≤ i1, . . . , iL ≤M ; see Deheuvels (1979),who uses the term empirical dependence function,and Ruschendorf (2009) and the references therein.

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Fig. 7. The bivariate empirical distribution of the observed u and v wind components at Hamburg at 2:00 am on April 1–20,2011. Left: bivariate scatterplot. Middle: representation of the rank dependence structure by a Latin square. Right: empiricalcopula.

Any empirical copula is an irreducible discretecopula in the sense described by Kolesarova et al.(2006), with Mayor, Suner and Torrens (2007) pro-viding a bivariate version of Sklar’s theorem in thissetting. As we will illustrate below, empirical cop-ulas can be thought of as corresponding to Latinhypersquares. Asymptotic theory for the respectiveempirical processes has been developed by Ruschen-dorf (1976, 2009), Stute (1984), van der Vaart andWellner (1996), Fermanian, Radulovic andWegkamp(2004) and Segers (2012), among other authors.In the context of nonparametric approaches to

the statistical postprocessing of multivariate NWPensemble output, empirical copulas allow for theadoption of a multivariate rank order structure ei-ther from historical weather observations, as in theSchaake shuffle technique of Clark et al. (2004), ordirectly from the ensemble forecast, to be discussedin detail in Section 4.

3.4 The Schaake Shuffle

Clark et al. (2004) introduced the ingeniousSchaake shuffle as a method for reconstructing phys-ically realistic spatio-temporal structure in forecast-ed temperature and precipitation fields. Even thoughit has been presented as a reordering technique inthe extant literature, an empirical copula interpre-tation of the Schaake shuffle is readily available.Consider an output quantity taking values in R


and suppose that we have univariate postprocessedpredictive distributions F1, . . . , FL for the margins.Suppose, furthermore, that we have a set of M his-torical weather field observations for the R

L-valuedoutput quantity at hand. From the historical record,

we can construct an empirical copula of the form(3.3), as illustrated in the right-hand panel of Fig-ure 7, where we merely have L = 2 as correspondsto the components of a wind vector and M = 20.To apply the Schaake shuffle, we take a discrete

sample of size M from each of the univariate post-processed predictive distributions F1, . . . , FL, andthen we reorder to match with the rank order struc-ture in the historical record, which is also of sizeM . This procedure corresponds to the application ofthe empirical copula of the historical weather fieldrecord to the discrete samples from the univariatepostprocessed predictive distribution, and in thissense it is natural to consider the Schaake shuffle asan empirical copula technique. The thus reorderedforecast inherits the multivariate rank dependencestructure and the pairwise Spearman rank correla-tion coefficients from the historical weather recordat hand. A more technical discussion can be givenin close analogy to what we describe in Section 4.2within the related context of the ensemble copulacoupling approach.The Schaake shuffle has met great success in me-

teorological and hydrologic applications, where itrecovers observed spatial and cross-variable depen-dence structures as well as temporal persistence(Clark et al., 2004; Schaake et al., 2007; Voisin et al.,2011). Nevertheless, there is a major limitation, inthat the standard implementation fails to conditionthe multivariate dependence structure on currentor predicted atmospheric conditions. Clark et al.[(2004), page 260] therefore describe a future exten-sion of the Schaake shuffle, the idea of which is asfollows:

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Fig. 8. Scatterplot matrices for pressure at Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg. Left: 48-hour ahead ECMWF ensemble forecastvalid 2:00 am on April 1, 2011. Right: empirical distribution of the pressure observations at the same hour over the periodMarch 1–31, 2011.

“to preferentially select dates from the his-torical record that resemble forecasted at-mospheric conditions and use the spatialcorrelation structure from this subset ofdates to reconstruct the spatial variabil-ity for a specific forecast.”

In what follows we pursue a related empirical cop-ula approach, in which the postprocessed forecastinherits the multivariate dependence structure fromthe raw NWP ensemble, rather than from a histori-cal record of weather observations, thereby address-ing the lack of atmospheric flow and time depen-dence in the standard Schaake shuffle.


The ensemble copula coupling (ECC) approachdraws on the rank order information available inthe raw ensemble forecast, based on the implicit as-sumptions that its members are exchangeable andthat the NWP ensemble is capable of represent-ing observed cross-variable, spatial and temporal de-pendence structures. While the latter is to be ex-pected, given that NWP models discretize the equa-tions that govern the physics of the atmosphere, di-agnostic checks are advisable, to assess empiricallywhether dependence structures in individual ensem-ble forecasts are compatible with observational re-

cords. We give a simple illustration in Figure 8,where the dependence structures within the ensem-ble forecast valid April 1, 2011 and those in the ob-servational record over the preceding month resem-ble each other strongly.

4.1 The ECC Approach

The ECC approach is a general multi-stage proce-dure for the generation of a postprocessed ensembleof the same size, M , as the raw ensemble. We writexl1, . . . , x

lM for the univariate margins of the raw en-

semble, where the multi-index l = (i, j, k) refers toweather variable i ∈ {1, . . . , I}, location j ∈ {1, . . . , J}and lead time k ∈ {1, . . . ,K}, to comprise NWP out-put in R

L, where the dimension is L= I×J×K. Inorder to generate an ECC postprocessed ensembleforecast, we proceed as follows.

Univariate postprocessing. For each margin l, ob-tain a postprocessed predictive distribution, Fl, byapplying a univariate postprocessing technique, suchas ensemble BMA or NR, to the raw ensemble out-put

xl1, . . . , xlM .(4.1)

Quantization. Represent each univariate predic-tive distribution Fl by a discrete sample of size M ,

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xl1, . . . , xlM .(4.2)

The discrete sample can be generated in variousways, to be discussed in detail in Section 4.3, wherewe distinguish the ECC-Q, ECC-R and ECC-T va-riants, depending on how the quantization is per-formed.4

Ensemble reordering. For each margin l, the orderstatistics5 of the raw ensemble values,

xl(1) ≤ · · · ≤ xl(M)

induce a permutation σl of the integers {1, . . . ,M},defined by σl(m) = rk(xlm) for m= 1, . . . ,M . If thereare ties among the ensemble values, the correspond-ing ranks can be allocated at random.6 The respec-tive margin of the ECC postprocessed ensemble isthen given by

xl1 = xl(σl(1)), . . . , xlM = xl(σl(M)).(4.3)

Note that, while the permutation σl is determinedby the order statistics of the raw ensemble, equation(4.3) applies this permutation to the postprocessedand quantized values.The ECC approach is attractive computationally,

in that the modeling of the multivariate dependencestructure requires only the calculation of marginalranks. In the recent literature, the approach hasbeen introduced as a reordering technique, as de-scribed colorfully by Flowerdew (2012), page 15:

“The key to preserving spatial, temporaland inter-variable structure is how this setof values is distributed between ensem-ble members. One can always constructensemble members by sampling from thecalibrated PDF, but this alone would pro-duce spatially noisy fields lacking the cor-rect correlations. Instead, the values are

4Note that the quantized values in (4.2) may be ordered,as in the case of the ECC-Q approach, or may not be ordered,as in the case of the ECC-R and ECC-T scheme, respectively.

5The kth order statistic of a sample is defined as its kthsmallest value. For each margin l, we write xl

(1) ≤ · · · ≤ xl(M)

and xl(1) ≤ · · · ≤ xl

(M) for the order statistics of the raw en-

semble values in (4.1) and the quantized values in (4.2), re-spectively. The latter appear on the right-hand side of (4.3),where we define the ECC postprocessed ensemble.

6While randomization is a natural approach in the case ofties, other allocation methods are feasible and do not posetechnical problems. Regardless of the allocation, equation(3.3) continues to apply.

assigned to ensemble members in the sameorder as the values from the raw ensem-ble: the member with the locally highestrainfall remains locally highest, but witha calibrated rainfall magnitude.”

That said, it is fruitful to interpret the ECC ap-proach as a nonparametric copula technique, whichpermits us to fuse and consolidate seemingly un-related, recent advances within a single, structuredframework.

4.2 Empirical Copula Interpretation

Elaborating on our interpretation of the Schaakeshuffle, we now demonstrate that the ECC approachcan be considered an empirical copula technique. Forconvenience, we assume that there are no ties amongthe raw ensemble margins. We write R1, . . . ,RL forthe corresponding marginal empirical cumulative dis-tribution functions, which take values in the set

IM =



M, . . . ,

M − 1




The multivariate empirical cumulative distributionfunction R :RL → IM of the raw ensemble mapsinto IM , too. According to the discrete version ofSklar’s theorem described by Mayor, Suner and Tor-rens (2007) in the bivariate case, there exists a unique-ly determined empirical copula EM : ILM → IM suchthat

R(y1, . . . , yL) =EM (R1(y1), . . . ,RL(yL))(4.4)

for all y1, . . . , yL ∈ R, allowing for the same type ofinterpretation as illustrated in Figure 7 in the caseof the Schaake shuffle.Analogous considerations apply to the quantized

independently postprocessed ensemble (4.2) and theECC postprocessed ensemble (4.3). Using obvious

notation, we write F and F for the correspondingmultivariate empirical cumulative distribution func-tions. Furthermore, we denote the marginal empir-ical cumulative distribution functions of the quan-tized independently postprocessed ensemble byF1, . . . , FL, respectively, and we use the symbol EM

to denote the corresponding copula. Then

F (y1, . . . , yL) = EM (F1(y1), . . . , FL(yL))(4.5)


F (y1, . . . , yL) =EM (F1(y1), . . . , FL(yL))(4.6)

for all y1, . . . , yL ∈ R. As elucidated by equations(4.4), (4.5) and (4.6), the quantized independently

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postprocessed ensemble and the ECC postprocessedensemble share the margins, whereas the raw ensem-ble and the ECC postprocessed ensemble share thecopula, as illustrated in Figure 5. In particular, theECC postprocessed ensemble honors and retains theflow-dependent multivariate rank dependence struc-ture and bivariate Spearman rank correlation coef-ficients in the raw NWP ensemble output.

4.3 ECC-Q, ECC-R and ECC-T

We now discuss options for the generation of thediscrete samples (4.2) at the quantization stage ofthe ECC approach. Perhaps the most natural way ofobtaining a discrete sample of size M from the post-processed predictive cumulative distribution func-tion Fl is to take equidistant Quantiles of the form

xl1 = F−1l



M +1


, . . . , xlM = F−1l



M +1




and we refer to this approach as ECC-Q.7 Anotheroption is to take a simple Random sample of theform

xl1 = F−1l (u1), . . . , x

lM = F−1

l (uM ),(ECC-R)

where u1, . . . , uM are independent standard uniformrandom variates. We refer to this latter option asECC-R.Finally, we consider a quantile mapping or trans-

formation approach that generalizes a recent pro-posal by Pinson (2012) in the case of wind vectors.In this technique, we adopt the ensemble smoothingapproach of Wilks (2002) and fit a parametric, con-tinuous cumulative distribution function Sl to the

7Brocker (2012) provides theoretical arguments in sup-port of the particular choice of the quantiles in (ECC-Q),which maintains the calibration of the univariate ensem-ble forecasts, well in line with the goal of maximizing thesharpness of the predictive distributions subject to calibra-tion (Gneiting, Balabdaoui and Raftery, 2007). An alterna-tive choice would be to set

xl1 = F−1






, xl2 = F−1






, . . . , xlM = F−1







which fails to maintain calibration in some respects, but is op-timal in expectation if the predictive performance is measuredby the continuous ranked probability score (Brocker, 2012).Related optimality results can be found in the literature onthe quantization of probability distributions as reviewed byGraf and Luschgy (2000).

raw ensemble margin Rl. We then extract the quan-tiles from Fl that correspond to the percentiles ofthe raw ensemble values in Sl, in that

xl1 = F−1l (Sl(x

l1)), . . . , x

lM = F−1

l (Sl(xlM )).


We refer to this Transformation approach for con-tinuous variables as ECC-T. Frequently, as in thecase of temperature, pressure and the u and v windvector components, Sl can be taken to be normal,with mean equal to the ensemble mean and varianceequal to the ensemble variance. In the special situa-tion in which Sl and Fl belong to the same location-scale family, such that Sl(x) = G((x − µ)/σ) andFl(x) =G((x− µ)/σ) for some continuous cumula-tive distribution function G, µ, µ ∈ R and σ, σ > 0,the transformation from x to

x= F−1l (Sl(x)) = µ+


σ(x− µ)(4.7)

becomes affine and, thus, the ECC-T postprocessedensemble conserves the raw ensemble’s bivariate Pear-son product moment correlation coefficients, in ad-dition to retaining its bivariate Spearman rank cor-relation coefficients.The discussion in Brocker (2012) provides theo-

retical support in favor of the ECC-Q approach,and so does our case study in Section 5.3, where wecompare the predictive performance of the ECC-Q,ECC-R and ECC-T schemes. We therefore recom-mend the use of the natural ECC-Q approach.

4.4 Relationships to Extant Work

While the broad framework and the interpreta-tion in terms of empirical copulas in our paper areoriginal, the idea of the ECC approach is not new,with its recent appearances in the literature comingin various seemingly unrelated shades and flavors.In this context, the connections to the work of Pin-son (2012) and Roulin and Vannitsem (2012) are ofparticular interest.The method described in Section 2.c of Roulin

and Vannitsem (2012) in the context of areal pre-cipitation forecasts can be viewed as a variant ofthe ECC-Q scheme, as it extracts equally spacedquantiles from the postprocessed marginal predic-tive cumulative distribution functions, which are oflogistic type, followed by a reordering with respectto the raw ensemble values, with adaptations to ac-count for a point mass at zero.

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Pinson (2012) proposes a transformation techniquefor the postprocessing of ensemble forecasts of windvector components. In this method, each postpro-cessed margin is a translated and dilated version ofthe original margin, with the mapping being com-patible with the ECC-T scheme in the special casein which both Sl and Fl are normal.


In this case study we exemplify the use of sta-tistical postprocessing techniques, illustrate and as-sess the ECC approach, and compare the predic-tive performance of the ECC-Q, ECC-R and ECC-Tschemes, respectively. All forecasts are based on the50-member global NWP ensemble managed by theEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Fore-casts (ECMWF), which operates at a horizontal res-olution of approximately 32 km and lead times upto ten days ahead (Molteni et al., 1996; Leutbecherand Palmer, 2008). The differences between the en-semble members stem from random perturbations ininitial conditions and stochastic physics parameter-izations and, thus, the ensemble members are sta-tistically indistinguishable and can be considered asexchangeable.

5.1 Setting

We restrict attention to the ECMWF ensemblerun initialized at 00:00 Universal Time Coordinated(UTC) and consider forecasts for surface temper-ature, sea level pressure, precipitation and the uwind vector component at lead times of 24 and 48hours, with emphasis on the international airportsat Berlin–Tegel, Frankfurt am Main and Hamburgin Germany, where 00:00 UTC corresponds to 2:00am local time in summer and 1:00 am local timein winter. The locations of the three airports aremarked in the upper left panel in Figure 1. Our testperiod consists of the twelve month period rangingfrom May 1, 2010 through April 30, 2011. Forecastsand observations prior to May 1, 2010 are used astraining data as needed.To obtain postprocessed marginal predictive dis-

tributions for each weather variable, location andlead time individually, we apply the techniques de-scribed in Section 2. For temperature and pressure,we employ the ensemble BMA model (2.3) with anormal kernel, and for precipitation the Bernoulli–Gamma ensemble BMA model specified in (2.5),(2.6) and (2.7), respectively. For the wind vector

components, we use the NR model (2.4). To fit theunivariate predictive models, we use local data froma rolling training period consisting of the most re-cent available 30 days and employ the estimationtechniques proposed by Raftery et al. (2005), Sloughteret al. (2007) and Gneiting et al. (2005). Then weapply the ECC-Q, ECC-R and ECC-T schemes asdescribed in Section 4.

5.2 Evaluation Methods

Statistical postprocessing techniques aim at gen-erating calibrated and sharp probabilistic forecastsfrom NWP ensemble output. As argued by Gneiting,Balabdaoui and Raftery (2007), the goal in proba-bilistic forecasting is to maximize the sharpness ofthe predictive distributions subject to calibration.Calibration is a multi-faceted, joint property of theforecasts and the observations; essentially, the fore-casts are calibrated if the observations can be in-terpreted as random draws from the predictive dis-tributions. Sharpness refers to the concentration ofthe predictive distributions, and thus is a propertyof the forecasts only.In univariate settings, calibration is checked via

the probability integral transform (PIT) or the ver-ification rank. The PIT is simply the value that thepredictive cumulative distribution function attainsat the realizing observation (Dawid, 1984; Gneiting,Balabdaoui and Raftery, 2007), with suitable adap-tations in the case of discrete distributions (Czado,Gneiting and Held, 2009). For an ensemble fore-cast, the verification rank is the rank of the realiz-ing observation when pooled with the ensemble val-ues (Hamill, 2001). When a predictive distributionis calibrated, the PIT or verification rank is uni-formly distributed. Thus, calibration can be diag-nosed by compositing over forecast cases, plotting aPIT or verification rank histogram, respectively, andchecking for deviations from uniformity. Verificationrank and PIT histograms are directly comparable,with a U-shape indicating underdispersion, an in-verse U-shape indicating overdispersion, and skewpointing at biases in the predictive distributions.Proper scoring rules provide decision theoretically

coherent numerical measures of predictive perfor-mance that may assess calibration and sharpnesssimultaneously. Here we use the proper continuousranked probability score (CRPS), defined by

crps(F,y) =

∫ ∞

−∞(F (z)− 1{y ≤ z})2 dz(5.1)

= EF |X − y| −1

2EF |X −X ′|,(5.2)

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where F is a predictive cumulative distribution func-tion with finite first moment, y is the verifying obser-vation, and X and X ′ are independent random vari-ables with distribution F (Gneiting and Raftery,2007). If F corresponds to a point measure δx, theproper continuous ranked probability score reducesto the absolute error, |x− y|. If F = Fens is an en-semble forecast with members x1, . . . , xM ∈ R, weinterpret it as an empirical measure and computethe continuous ranked probability score as

crps(Fens, y) =1




|xm − y|








|xn − xm|.

We furthermore find the absolute error for the pointforecast given by the median of the predictive dis-tribution, which is the Bayes predictor under thisloss function (Gneiting, 2011). Forecasting methodsthen are compared by averaging scores over the testset, with smaller values indicating better predictiveperformance.To assess the calibration of ensemble forecasts of

a multivariate quantity, we use the multivariate ver-sion of the rank histogram described by Gneitinget al. (2008). We also employ the proper energyscore, which generalizes the continuous ranked prob-ability score in the representation (5.2), and is de-fined as

es(F,y) = EF‖X − y‖ − 12EF‖X −X ′‖,(5.4)

where ‖ · ‖ denotes the Euclidean norm, F is a pre-dictive distribution with finite first moments, X andX ′ are independent random vectors with distribu-tion F , and y is the verifying observation (Gneitingand Raftery, 2007). For ensemble forecasts the natu-ral analogue of the formula (5.3) applies. If the scalesof the weather variables vary, the margins shouldbe standardized before computing the joint energyscore for these variables. This can be done using themarginal means and standard deviations of the ob-servations in the test set.The aforementioned techniques for the evaluation

of probabilistic forecasts of multivariate quantitieshave been developed with low-dimensional quanti-ties in mind (Gneiting et al., 2008), and we applythem in dimension L≤ 3 only. In higher dimension,these methods lose power, and there is a pronouncedneed for the development of theoretically principledevaluation techniques that are tailored to such set-tings (Pinson, 2013, Section 5.2).

5.3 Predictive Performance for UnivariateWeather Quantities

Table 3 compares the predictive performance ofthe raw ECMWF ensemble and the postprocessedpredictive distributions for temperature, pressure,precipitation and the u wind vector component atlead times of 24 and 48 hours at Berlin, Frankfurtand Hamburg, respectively. The BMA and NR post-processing generally leads to a significant improve-ment in the predictive skill, as measured by themean CRPS and the MAE, with exceptions in thecase of precipitation.8 Not unexpectedly, the perfor-mance generally is better at the shorter predictionhorizon of 24 hours.Figure 9 shows verification rank and PIT histo-

grams for temperature, pressure, precipitation andu wind at a lead time of 48 hours at Frankfurt.The postprocessed forecasts show much better cal-ibration, as evidenced by the nearly uniform PIThistograms, except perhaps in the case of precipi-tation, where a slight inverse U-shape of the PIThistogram may indicate overdispersion in the BMApostprocessed predictive distributions.

5.4 Predictive Performance for MultivariateWeather Quantities

We now give an illustration and initial evaluationof ECC postprocessed multivariate predictive distri-butions.Table 4 and Figure 10 concern temperature and

pressure, with each of these variables being consid-ered at Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg jointly. Thedistance from Frankfurt to either Berlin or Hamburgis on the order of 400 kilometers, and the distancebetween Berlin and Hamburg is approximately 250kilometers. Wind and precipitation patterns vary atconsiderably smaller spatial scales and we thus donot expect ECC to make much of a difference here.In contrast, forecast errors for pressure can be ex-pected to show pronounced long range dependen-cies, and perhaps to some lesser extent for temper-ature. The scores and multivariate rank histogramsconfirm the strongly positive effects of ECC in the

8The particularly good performance of the raw ensemblefor precipitation accumulations at the stations considered andpotential shortcomings in the details of the postprocessingtechnique (Scheuerer, 2013) may serve to explain these ex-ceptions.

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Table 3

Mean continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) and mean absolute error (MAE) for univariate forecasts of temperature,pressure, precipitation and the u wind component at Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, at lead times of 24 and 48 hours,

respectively, for a test period ranging from May 1, 2010 through April 30, 2011


Berlin Frankfurt Hamburg Berlin Frankfurt Hamburg

Temp. 24 ECMWF 1.21 1.23 1.01 1.50 1.53 1.26(◦C) BMA 0.90 0.88 0.79 1.27 1.23 1.10

48 ECMWF 1.25 1.26 1.06 1.62 1.62 1.39BMA 0.99 0.97 0.92 1.41 1.33 1.31

Pressure 24 ECMWF 0.54 0.55 0.51 0.75 0.75 0.71(hPa) BMA 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.62 0.61 0.54

48 ECMWF 0.80 0.78 0.77 1.12 1.08 1.09BMA 0.77 0.74 0.73 1.08 1.03 1.03

Precip. 24 ECMWF 0.25 0.41 0.31 0.32 0.51 0.39(mm) BMA 0.23 0.40 0.37 0.30 0.49 0.44

48 ECMWF 0.26 0.41 0.36 0.34 0.50 0.45BMA 0.26 0.43 0.39 0.32 0.52 0.48

u Wind 24 ECMWF 0.83 0.96 0.89 1.06 1.19 1.11(m/s) NR 0.70 0.60 0.68 0.97 0.81 0.96

48 ECMWF 0.82 0.89 0.88 1.09 1.15 1.18NR 0.75 0.62 0.75 1.05 0.83 1.04

Fig. 9. Calibration checks for 48-hour ahead forecasts of temperature, pressure, precipitation and u wind at Frankfurt, fora test period ranging from May 1, 2010 through April 30, 2011. Top: verification rank histograms for the ECMWF ensemble.Bottom: PIT histograms for BMA or NR postprocessed predictive distributions.

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Table 4

Mean energy score for 48-h ahead forecasts of temperatureand pressure, each considered at Berlin, Frankfurt and

Hamburg jointly, for a test period ranging from May 1, 2010through April 30, 2011. The scores for the independent BMAand ECC-R techniques, which involve randomization, are

averaged over 100 repetitions

Temperature Pressure(◦C) (hPa)

ECMWF 2.342 1.478BMA 1.929 1.473ECC-Q 1.927 1.428ECC-R 1.945 1.454ECC-T 1.934 1.442

case of pressure, where the ECC postprocessed tri-variate predictive distributions are much better cali-brated than either the raw ensemble or the indepen-dent BMA postprocessed predictive distributions.The ECC-Q quantization scheme outperforms theECC-R and ECC-T approaches.While for temperature the BMA postprocessing

improves strongly on the raw ensemble forecast, theeffect of ECC is minor, if not negative, due to thecorrelations in the forecast errors being negligible atthe distances considered here. That said, Figure 11illustrates the strongly positive effects of ECC ontemperature field forecasts, where dependencies atshort and moderate distances are of critical impor-tance. Here we consider 33× 37 = 1221 NWP modelgrid boxes over Germany and adjacent areas, withthe forecast made a day ahead for 2:00 am on April25, 2011, for what promises to be a pleasant, unusu-ally warm spring night.The postprocessing uses a single BMA model of

the form (2.3), which is trained on spatially pooledpairs of ensemble forecasts and corresponding now-casts from the previous 20 days. The nowcast9 thatserves as grid-based ground truth is the correspond-ing initialization of the ECMWFs so-called control

9Generally, the term nowcast is used for short-term weatherforecasts, comprising prediction horizons from 0 to 6 hoursahead. Here we use it for the initialization of the ECMWFscontrol run—a distinguished NWP run outside the 50-member core ensemble considered here—that represents thebest estimate of the state of the atmosphere at the initializa-tion time, given recent and concurrent observational assets.In our specific usage, the term nowcast thus corresponds to aprediction horizon of 0 hours, and it provides a single-valuedbest estimate of the state of the atmosphere, rather than anensemble.

run (Molteni et al., 1996). The members of the un-processed raw ECMWF ensemble appear to cap-ture spatial structure fairly well, but they show anoverall negative bias, especially in the mountainousAlps region in the south and in the central eastof the country. While the BMA postprocessing ad-dresses biases, and the use of a single BMA modelavoids inconsistencies between the univariate post-processed predictive distributions themselves, theindependent samples result in noisy and incoherentspatial structure. The ECC postprocessed ensembleinherits the bias-corrected marginals from the inde-pendent BMA postprocessed forecast and simulta-neously maintains the L= 1221 variate dependencestructure in the raw ensemble.While these examples concern the spatial case only,

ECC is equally well suited to handling temporal andcross-variable dependencies, with Figure 5 illustrat-ing the latter aspect. To generate physically realisticand consistent ensemble forecasts of temporal tra-jectories, constraints can be put on the BMA or NRparameters, so that they vary smoothly across leadtimes, which ensures the temporal consistency ofthe postprocessed marginal predictive distributions.Then, the ECC approach can be used to accountfor dependence structures across lead times. Thesesettings are being investigated in ongoing work, andwe expect to report quantitative results in due time.


The intensified attention to the quantification ofuncertainty in the output of complex simulation mod-els poses major challenges in a vast range of criticalapplications. In this paper, we have introduced thegeneral uncertainty quantification framework of en-semble copula coupling (ECC), which we have illus-trated on the key example of numerical weather pre-diction (NWP). The approach is conceptionally verysimple and straightforward to implement in prac-tice. Starting from raw ensemble output, ECC em-ploys standard techniques to obtain postprocessedpredictive distributions for each of the univariatemargins individually. Then we quantize the postpro-cessed predictive distributions and adopt the rankdependence structure of the raw ensemble, as em-bodied by its empirical copula.The defining feature of the ECC approach, namely,

the adoption of the rank order structure of the rawensemble, also sets its limitations. The number ofmembers in the ECC postprocessed ensemble equals

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Fig. 10. Multivariate rank histograms for 48-h ahead ensemble forecasts of temperature and pressure, each considered atBerlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg jointly, for a test period ranging from May 1, 2010 through April 30, 2011.

that of the raw ensemble, which typically is small,and ECC operates under a perfect model assump-tion with respect to the multivariate rank depen-dence structure. For state-of-the-art NWP modelssuch an assumption seems defensible and reasonablyadequate in practice, and it can be comfirmed by di-agnostic checks, as we have illustrated in Figure 8,

where the situation might be typical, but cannotbe expected to be encountered each and every day.Generally, it seems realistic to assume that numer-ical models may show errors in dependence struc-tures, which one may wish to diagnose and ame-liorate to the extent possible. Future work in thesedirections is strongly encouraged.

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Fig. 11. 24-hour ahead ensemble forecasts for temperature over Germany valid 2:00 am on April 25, 2011, in the unitof degrees Celsius. Top row: four randomly selected members of the raw ECMWF ensemble. Second row: independent BMApostprocessing—for each grid box, a random number from the corresponding BMA postprocessed predictive distribution isdrawn. Third row: four members of the corresponding ECC ensemble, with rank order structures adopted from the respectiveraw ensemble members in the top row. Bottom row: single-valued nowcast as described in the text, shown both at left and atright.

Currently, approaches of the ECC type are beinginvestigated and tested by weather centers interna-tionally; see, for example, the recent work of Flow-erdew (2012), Pinson (2012) and Roulin and Van-nitsem (2012). We applaud these developments andcall for case studies and quantitative comparisons tothe Schaake shuffle (Clark et al., 2004), which alsoadmits an empirical copula interpretation. In ECC,the multivariate dependence structure of the fore-cast errors derives from the ensemble forecast; in the

Schaake shuffle, it derives from a record of histori-cal weather observations. Judiciously designed com-binations of the ECC and the Schaake shuffle ap-proaches address the aforementioned problem of thestatistical correction of systematic errors in depen-dence structures, and thus might lead to improvedpredictive performance.If the model output under consideration is low-

dimensional or strongly structured, parametric cop-ula approaches become available, which may allow

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for the correction of any systematic errors in the en-semble’s representation of conditional dependencestructures. Here, the most prominent option lies inthe use of Gaussian copulas, as in the general ap-proach of Moller, Lenkoski and Thorarinsdottir(2013) and in the temporally or spatially structuredsettings of Gel, Raftery and Gneiting (2004), Berro-cal, Raftery and Gneiting (2007, 2008) and Pin-son et al. (2009). In such situations, it is to be ex-pected that parametric techniques outperform theECC approach and the Schaake shuffle, and compar-ative studies of the predictive abilities and relativemerits of the various methods are strongly encour-aged. Given its intuitive appeal and simplicity ofimplementation, the ECC approach offers a naturalbenchmark.In Figure 11 we have given an example of how

ECC can be used to restore spatial consistency inweather field forecasts directly on the model grid.The aforementioned parametric Gaussian approachesof Gel, Raftery and Gneiting (2004) and Berrocal,Raftery and Gneiting (2007) can achieve this, too,but require elaborate spatial statistical models to befitted. In contrast, the computational and humanresources necessitated by ECC are nearly negligi-ble, and ECC can also handle temporal and cross-variable dependencies, for model output of nearlyany dimensionality.While we have focused on weather forecasting in

this paper, the general framework of ECC as a multi-stage approach to the quantification of uncertaintyin the output of complex simulation models with in-tricate multivariate dependence structures is likelyto be useful in a vast range of applications. Essen-tially, ECC can be applied whenever an ensemble ofsimulation runs is available, the ensemble is capa-ble of realistically representing multivariate depen-dence structures, and training data for the statisti-cal correction of the univariate margins are at hand.In this general setting of uncertainty quantification,the goals articulated by Gneiting, Balabdaoui andRaftery (2007) continue to provide guidance, in thatwe seek to gauge our incomplete knowledge of cur-rent, past or future quantities of interest by means ofjoint probability distributions, which ought to be assharp as possible, subject to them being calibrated,in the broad sense of reality being statistically com-patible with the postprocessed distributions.


We are indebted to colleagues at Heidelberg Uni-versity, the University of Washington, the German

Weather Service (DWD), the European Centre forMedium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) andelsewhere, including but not limited to KonradBogner, Jonathan Flowerdew, Renate Hagedorn, TomHamill, Alex Lenkoski, Martin Leutbecher, FlorianPappenberger, Pierre Pinson, David Richardson andJohanna Ziegel, who have graciously shared theirthoughts and expertise. In particular, Tom Hamilldrew our attention to approaches of the ECC typeduring a stroll on the University of Washington cam-pus in summer 2009, and Martin Leutbecher noteda data error in a poster version of our work pre-sented at a conference in 2012. We gratefully ac-knowledge support by the Volkswagen Foundationand sfi2, Statistics for Innovation in Oslo, and wethank the Editors and referees for their constructivefeedback.


Dynamic version of Figure 5(DOI: 10.1214/13-STS443SUPP; .pdf). In this ver-sion of Figure 5, the ensemble reordering step in theECC approach is elucidated when switching backand forth between pages.


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