Phone 9757 2666 Fax 9757 2863 [email protected] www.mriverps.wa.edu.au CHALK DUST CHATTER 7th March 2018 Newsletter issue: 3 Uniform Shop TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Hours 8.30—11.15am All enquiries 9270 4688 or [email protected] And theyre off…... The excitement was building all week among the year 4s. Everyone was talking about bike camp. Finally, Wednesday arrived and we all gathered on the basketball courts with our bikes. One final safety talk and then we were off - a steady stream of students, teachers and parent helpers pushing our bikes down Wallcliffe Road. At last, on entering the Rails to Trails, we were allowed to jump on our bikes and off we went. Trying not to go too fast was tricky, a couple of stacks, some chains came off but we all made it without too much damage! The big hill leading up to the camp site was hard work. When we arrived at camp we were hot and red and ready for a rest, some recess and most important of all, a nice cold drink.

Uniform Shop - Margaret River Primary School · A huge thank you to those who have put their hands up. We need two more volunteers for the positions of Secretary and anteen Treasurer

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Page 1: Uniform Shop - Margaret River Primary School · A huge thank you to those who have put their hands up. We need two more volunteers for the positions of Secretary and anteen Treasurer

6/03/2018 Chalk Dust Chatter Page 1

Phone 9757 2666 Fax 9757 2863

[email protected] www.mriverps.wa.edu.au

CHALK DUST CHATTER 7th March 2018 Newsletter issue: 3

Uniform Shop TUESDAY AND


Hours 8.30—11.15am

All enquiries 9270 4688

or [email protected]

And they’re off…... The excitement was building all week among the year 4s. Everyone was talking about bike camp. Finally, Wednesday arrived and we all gathered on the basketball courts with our bikes. One final safety talk and then we were off - a steady stream of students, teachers and parent helpers pushing our bikes down Wallcliffe Road. At last, on entering the Rails to Trails, we were allowed to jump on our bikes and off we went. Trying not to go too fast was tricky, a couple of stacks, some chains came off but we all made it without too much damage! The big hill leading up to the camp site was hard work. When we arrived at camp we were hot and tired and ready for a rest, some recess and most important of all, a nice cold drink.

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Independent Public School Review Last week we hosted two reviewers in our school who conducted our three yearly Independent Public School review. The purpose of the review is to determine the effectiveness of our self-assessment practices (how much we know about student achievement and wellbeing and how we know this), and to make sure that we have a strategic road map for the future. The reviewers spoke with staff, students, board members and parents over the course of the two days before delivering some very positive feedback as they departed. We will now receive a report containing commendations and recommendations that will be shared with the school community as soon as we receive it. Thank you to those parents who made themselves available to provide their input into the review.

Text Messaging System A new text messaging system is about to come online for us. To ensure that we are able to reach you we ask that you contact us if your mobile phone number details have changed since you completed an enrolment. Your contact details are being sent home to you this week and we ask that if you need to update any phone numbers that you do so on the sheet and return it to the front office. To keep up to date with events at school we encourage you to:

Read our newsletter every second week Make sure that you have our school app which is available via itunes or GooglePlay Check the notice board at the front of the school that faces out onto Bussell Hwy Regularly ask students if they have brought home any notes Ensure that your mobile phone number is up to date

Ride to School Day Friday 23 March is Ride to School Day at Margaret River PS. Every student who rides to school is encouraged to use the manned crossings on Bussell Hwy and Forrest Road when coming to school. Drop your bike off at the basketball courts and come to the undercover area for watermelon when you arrive at school on your bike on Ride to School Day. See you there!

Sports Carnival Championship Day Our Year 3 – 6 Faction Carnival is being held on Friday 16 March at school. A number of individual championship events are being held on Tuesday 13 March between 10am and 1pm on the school oval. Students who receive ribbons in these events can wear them to school on the following Friday at the carnival. Students who are participating in events on the Tuesday will be notified by their faction teachers. Parents are welcome to come along and watch the action if they would like and we look forward to a big crowd at the carnival on the Friday.

Aaron Thomas, Principal

Room 1 Rollins Moore Room 2 Jake O’Connell Room 4 Cahill Gillick Room 5 Zakai Madaffari- Rowsell Room 6 Oscar Nelson Room 7 Gráinne Hately Room 8 Arlo Mahon Room 9 Isla Shaw Room 10 Sara Clarke Room 11 Isabella Roberts Room 12 Lochlan Thompson

Room 14 Ava Cahill Room 15 Holly Mitchell Room 16 Remy Lentjes Room 17 Kai Sheahen Room 22 Tao Kinney Room 23 Minami Arnold Room T4 Lucy Moore Room T5 Louie Gibbs Room T6 Amber Garrett Room T7 Poppy Worrall Room T8 Jude McLeay Room T8 Taylor Lyons

Room T9 River Hately Room T10 Kaya Edwards Room T12 Sonny Bridges Room T13 Maya Garcia Room T14 Marley Price

Bee Bop A Lula Award

Year 6 - Room 12

Golden Broom Award Junior—Room 4

Senior - Room T7

Merit Certificates

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6/03/2018 Chalk Dust Chatter Page 3

What’s on in Term One . . . 11th Mar Kitchen Garden Fundraiser @ Colonial 13th Mar Year 3-6 Championship Day 16th Mar Years 3-6 Sports Carnival 19th Mar Junior Assembly 23rd Mar Ride to School Day 26th Mar Senior Assembly

30th Mar GOOD FRIDAY HOLIDAY 2nd Apr EASTER MONDAY HOLIDAY 3rd Apr EASTER TUESDAY HOLIDAY 6th Apr Surfing Carnival 9th Apr Combined Assembly 13th Apr LAST DAY OF TERM

We would like to thank the Department of

Transport Western Australia for their

support of our Wharncliffe Mill Bike Camp

Bike Skills… After lunch on Wednesday we organised ourselves into 3 separate activity groups. The mountain biking group was small but very enthusiastic, as they were off to The Pines to test their biking skills by doing time trials around a selected trail. With the help of two parent volunteers, Oaksy and Daniel, as well as Ms Rothwell and Mr Murray, we safely made it to the selected destination pumped up and ready to race! Once the always exciting practise run was completed by all, each participant took off from the starting line with their own individual time keeper cheering them on. The level of control and speed was very impressive by all riders, so was their smart and sensible approach to tackling each challenge. A few stacks were inevitable but nothing too serious happened which was a relief for everyone involved. Each rider had approximately four attempts at beating the fastest time but by the end of the session, no one was able to better Oscar Bebbington’s record time of 2 minutes 32 seconds. Lottie and Billie were the only girls on the adventure and their race times and enthusiasm were very impressive. Congratulations to all the riders for their amazing effort and responsible behaviour during The Pines session and thanks to Oaksy and Daniel for helping out.

Camp Activities… We were able to do many other activities besides riding. While some of our classmates went riding in the pines or along the rails to trails, we made the most of the nature playground at the Wharncliffe Mill campsite. This included a giant swing which was the most popular place to be, up to four people could sit on it! We were also lucky enough to meet Nina from the local Indigenous Clan (the Wardandi people) who explained the many uses of our native flora and fauna. We even got some natural face paint. We also had Drew from Cape to Cape Explorers explain to us the reasoning behind riding safely around our region and different paths being used for different reasons. Thank you to the many parents who volunteered and helped us during camp, we could not have done it

without you!

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Our Year Six students had a great day cooking up a storm last

week at school celebrating their annual “Burger Day” lunch.

The event provides the students with the opportunity to come

together as a whole year group and build positive connections

and friendships. Students develop skills as they collaborate in

groups, organise ingredients and delegate roles. The end result

being the creation and then consumption of some very

impressive and delicious gourmet delights.

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MRPS P&C Kitchen Garden Fundraiser Sunday March 11th 2018 4-8pm

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Can you spare an hour of your time on the day to support our amazing Kitchen Garden Programme?

Volunteer roles include helping serve food prepared by the Colonial, gold coin donation collection,

face painting and seed bomb making. If you would like to help please click this link and select the activity and

time frame that suits you best www.SignUpGenius.com/go/5080849A5A82BA6F85-kitchen


Please drop at the front office or contact Cate Worsley on 0477 030 448 for collection.

Many thanks for your generosity and support.

P & C Update We’re really pleased to announce the New P&C Committee for 2018

President: Joe Forte Vice-President: Emily Lang Secretary: Position Vacant Treasurer: Rebecca Archer

Canteen Treasurer: Position Vacant Grants Coordinator: Danelle Dowding

Events Coordinator: Emily Lang Publicity Coordinator: Cate Worsley

A huge thank you to those who have put their hands up. We need two more volunteers for the positions of Secretary and Canteen Treasurer.

Please contact Principal Aaron Thomas on 9757 2666 or [email protected] to express an interest in these positions.

Canteen Information– Year 3-6 Sports Day

On Friday 16th March our years 3 to 6 students will participate in their Sports Carnival and the canteen menu

will be available as per usual on this day. The pastries that are available on Mondays will also be additional items

to order on this day. (Please note that these items must be ordered at school and will not be available through

the online ordering system.)

Colgate Recycling Update

Thank you everyone for your fabulous support of our Oral Care Recycling Program.

Today Ms Angell sent off 3kg of recyclable items to Terracyle. Your donations of

these items help reduce landfill and get recycled into all sorts of new items including

furniture. The program is still running so please continue bringing your donations in

to the front office.

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Student Health and Wellbeing MRPS Code of Conduct incorporates six core values:

Cooperation, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Flexibility, Honesty and Respect

Value—Flexibility - Easy to change or adapt. At Margaret River Primary School, one of our core values is flexibility—the ability to adapt, change, and rise to new challenges set forth by learning experiences. At this school we help students to become flexible thinkers who are able to question existing thinking, adapt and creatively meet the demands of the future. Flexibility means being able to make changes like meeting new friends, not getting upset if there are changes and things don’t go our way. Remember that a tree that isn’t flexible or won’t bend is easily broken.

SDERA—Tips for Safer Road Use Unfortunately each year we hear of incidents where a student has been seriously injured as they make their way to or from school. These incidents may be avoided through road safety education from parents, school staff and students. Here are some key road safety messages for students and parents. Think of the safest roads to walk or ride around your local area. Where are the safest places to cross the road? Talk to your children about what would be the safest way for you to travel to some of your favourite places e.g. travelling to school, to sport, to your friend's house. What are some risks and hazards you can avoid when planning a journey in your local area? As a family plan some safe travel routes to your favourite places. Crossing Roads - Students should learn the correct road crossing procedure.

STOP – A safe distance from the edge of the road. LOOK – In all directions for approaching traffic. LISTEN - For approaching traffic. THINK – Is it safe to cross the road? Children up to 10 years of age should be supervised by an adult when crossing the road.

Driveway Safety On average, one child is seriously injured by a motor vehicle each week in a family driveway in Australia. Talk to your children about moving to a “safety spot” whenever cars are being reversed out of driveways. Especially being aware of driveways when riding their bikes to and from school. When riding on a shared path, always make sure you:

•Give way to pedestrians •Keep to the left •Use your bell to warn others when you are approaching •Be careful around young children, dogs and older pedestrians, as they are often unpredictable

in their movements •Travel at a safe speed so you can stop within a safe distance of pedestrians on the path

Thank you for playing a vital role in your child’s road safety education. For more information visit www.sdera .wa.edu.au


U/9’s (year 3 & 4), U/11’s (year 5 & 6), U/13’s (year 7 & 8) c

an register at http://bit.ly/JuniorFootyRego

Auskick kids (pre-primary, year 1 & year 2) can register

at http://bit.ly/AuskickRego

First open training will be on Wednesday 21st March at 3.45pm


Contact Kellene Harvey at

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8 – 10 YRS JAZZ/HIPHOP 4.30 – 5.30PM

10 – 12 YRS JAZZ/HIPHOP 5.30 – 6.30PM







2 – 4 YRS BEG BALLET 4.00 – 4.45PM

8 – 10 YRS BALLET 4.45 – 5.30PM










5 – 7 YRS BEG BALLET 3.45 – 4.30PM

5 – 7 YRS JAZZ/HIPHOP 4.30 – 5.15PM








“JUST FOR FUN” DANCE CLASS (7 -12 YRS) 4.45 – 5.45PM




10 – 13 YRS GLEE CLUB (ACTING/SINGING) 5.00 – 6.00PM

Classes held at 25 Station Road, Margaret River

It’s Registration Time! Fielding teams from Pre-Primary to Year 12 Junior Teams - Hook in 2 Hockey (Pre-Primary – Year2)

Boys and Girls Teams - Years 3-5, Years 6-8 and Years 9-12

Senior Teams - Men and Women

Teams are being organised, SO REGISTER NOW FOR A TEAM!

Pay at the start of the season Training starts in March – Season starts beginning of April

Any questions contact Maxine Williams E. [email protected] M. 0448 807234

Or register online at www.margaretriverhockey.org.au