UNIPOL Security Counter Measures February 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 UNIPOL Security Counter Measures February 2011


    Newsletter 1


    www.drgonzo.org UNIPOL - Security Countermeasures February 2011

    The Planetary signifies the UFO, extraterrestrial

    encounters, alien abductions, and the ultra dimensional

    search for non-earthly or inner earthly explanations of

    our planetary existence. This would also include crypto-

    zoology and the like.

    Closely connected is the Political. Here, add in

    government conspiracies, cover-ups and anything about

    the government thats unexplainably spooky, scary and

    oppressive. Likewise, terrorism, as a form of organizedcrime, is sub-categorized here, along with cultic

    behaviors that collude to erode individual freedom and

    promote oppression of any kind.

    A third sub-type could be the Paranormal. In this case,

    you could list parapsychology, psychic detectives,

    fortune telling, con games and schemes of related

    complicities and collectivist connivances. This could

    also be a catchall for virtually any aspect of the

    pseudosciences, where feeling often trumps the facts

    and evidence is not necessarily important. Mind

    reading, brain washing, clairvoyant abilities and so forth

    are typically linked. So whats the point? To assert the

    necessity for understanding the nature of reality, using

    scientific methodology and implementing proactive

    interdiction in criminal activity.

    Operational Opportunities & Terroristic Threats:

    Leadership within the organization should permeate

    every level and extend top to bottom in an effective

    atmosphere of communication. Adverse effects of self-

    indulgent ladder climbing, political correctness and

    organizational groveling must be well-controlled and

    monitored. Operational opportunities to develop an

    effective intelligence gathering systems, plan

    strategically and interdict effectively, requires

    exceptional leadership expression. However, in todays

    negatively charged political climate, there are very few

    leaders readily available to take command.

    There are incredibly significant types of terroristic

    threats with horrendous potentialities, from hate groups,

    dangerous cults, religious extremist, gangs, terrorist

    cells, as well as other organized crime collusions. In a

    rubric of typologies, one suggestion is to divide the

    threats into 3 categories. Such as the Planetary, the

    Political and Paranormal. All represent collectivism on

    the fringe of social decorum with potentially disruptive

    capabilities of a criminal nature. Proper planning

    prevents poor performance. Information gathering is

    critical. Response is too.

  • 8/7/2019 UNIPOL Security Counter Measures February 2011


    Newsletter 2

    Terrorist Operations in General:

    --Terrorism stems from the prurient nature of

    malice aforethought, planned premeditation, and

    subsequent intent to achieve personal or group

    gain against the anticipated risks.

    --As in the forgoing, such criminality can fit a

    scale of probable harm, from very subtle social

    confusion and deterioration to an outright overt

    attack on a symbolic target.

    --At the subtle and seemingly benign end of the

    spectral array, terroristic ideologies can confuse,

    deceive and subvert social interactions.

    --Con games, swindles, pyramid schemes, cultic

    activities and so forth, can fit this rubric from a

    less physically violent perspective.

    --Violation of civil and criminal statutory

    provisions are evident in the acts that are

    committed as in the perpetration for gainful

    enrichment by way of fraudulent ideological or

    philosophical professions of illusionary belief

    systems. Fantasy becomes reality without proof.

    --Or, extraordinary claims absent factual

    verifiability with provable evidence.

    --Terrorism and other related cultic forms of such

    activity involve the necessity of logistical support,

    such as fronts, funding and financing. Actions

    dont take place with on the ground local support,

    as well as assistance from remote sources.

    --Cultic tribal group thinking relies on the

    seductive gullibility and naivet of the public to

    mask the real nature of future intentions. Myths,

    wishful thinking and metaphorical deceptions

    assist in the promotion of acceptable fallacies of

    inference. This fosters hasty generalizations.

    --Coordination of supporting infrastructure

    through social networking assists in financial

    procurement (i.e. recruitment, donations, sales of

    publications, novelties, videos, etc), construction

    of weapons systems, smuggling contraband

    (including human trafficking), and informationgathering activities of potential targets.

    --Collusive collectivism of potentially dangerous

    cultic behaviors relies on media sensationalism,

    obsessive tolerance in political correctness and

    academic arrogance to smokes screen hidden

    agendas and achieve targeted objectives.

    --Constant vigilance is critical.

    Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic

    be alcohol, morphine or idealism. Carl Jung