Unit 12 Films Exerc ises Lesson 8 The eighth lesson 盐盐盐盐盐盐盐盐盐盐盐盐 盐盐

Unit 12 Films Exercises Lesson 8 The eighth lesson 盐城机电高等职业技术学校 盛媛

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Unit 12 Films Exercises Lesson 8 The eighth lesson

盐城机电高等职业技术学校 盛媛

The five parts :1.My understanding of the teaching material

and my students

2.Teaching methods and learning strategies

3.Teaching procedures

4.Blackboard work design

5.Teaching reflections

Part 1: 1. Brief analysis of the teaching material

and my students

2. Teaching aims

3. Key points and difficulties

Teaching methods and learning strategies

Part 2:

Part 3: Teaching procedures

Step1: Lead-inStep2: Words and expressions Step3: Expressing perponal preferences

Step4. Language points Step5. Grammar Step6. Homework

Step1. Lead in

Step2. Words and expressions

Teaching procedures

Game: popcorn The words will appear for several seconds,and students read them out and say Chinese meaning.

Popcorn Words

【 The new words appear three times in this step. And short-term memory is also

exercised. It meets the cognitive law. Also arouse Ss’ interest in revision. 】

Test 1.I don’t think this film is a_______( 吸引人 ) 。 2.The Merchant of Venice is one of the most fa

mous c______ of Shakespear. 3.I prefer watching TV at home to s_____( 看 ) a

film at weekends. 4.The Sound of Music is a famous m_____( 音

乐 ) film in the film.

Teaching procedures

【 Test the words and expressions. 】

How to express personal preferences

What do you think of …? I prefer…

Which do you prefer,…or…? Well,…is more fun to me.

How do you like…? I feel more like doing…now.

I like …better. I really find…more to my taste.

But for me, I like …better. For me, the best is… I would rather do…than do… I favor …over the others.

【 Train the Ss’ skill of summary and their espressing abilities. 】

Adding1) But not every one is to my taste. Every one 可接 of 短语,表示有范围的特定的物或人。 Everyone 不能接 of 常泛指人。 类似的词还有 any one, some one 与 anyone, someone 等。 2) I would rather work hard at home than go to the cinema. Would rather do….than do…. 宁可做某事胜于做另一件事。 What do you think of…? How do you like… ?

Teaching procedures

Test:Choose the best answer. ( )1. —Do you ____ TV of _____ films in the evening? —Neither I usually ____ newspapers. A. see; watch; read B. watch; see; read C. watch; watch; see D. se

e; see; read ( )2. I would rather _____ the job by myself than ____ with him. A. finish; work B. to finish; to work C. to finish; work D. found out; f

ind ( )3. He ___ the question was a bit too difficult and he couldn’t _____ it

s answer. A. found; find B. found; find out C. found out; find out D. found out;

find ( )4.____ of my classmates is going to take part in the sports meeting. A. Every one B. Everyone C. Someone D. Nobody ( )5. —How do you like Charles Chaplin, the famous film star? A.I saw his film yesterday B. He is one of the greatest stars C. Yes, I like him very much D. No, I don’t like him at all

Teaching procedures

Teaching procedures

6.__________ of the eggs is bad.7.____________ should be careful with his work. 8.Tom ____________ watch TV at home _____ go out for traveling in holidays.

Complete the sentences .

【 Test the knowledge in speaking 】

Teaching procedures

Step3.Language points

1. homeless adj, 无家的;无家可归的 n.________ Less 做后缀一般变为形容词,具有否定的意思。类似如 d

eathless, doubtless, dreamless, endless 等。 2. What a pity! 该句为感叹句。感叹句通常用 how 或 what 开头。 How

作状语,修饰形容词,副词,动词以及整个句子。 What 作定语,修饰名词或名词短语。

______________ beautiful the flowers are in the garden! ______________ beautiful flowers these are!

Teaching procedures

3. kidnap v. 诱拐(小孩等) ; 绑架;劫持 n. kidnapper 过去式 , 过去分词 ________ 、 ________ 4. He makes trouble and dances like a star. Make trouble _______ 5. He hates doing exercises. _________________ 讨厌做某事 Exercise c.n 练习 、习题、做操 There are _______ ________ for you to you. 这有五个习题要你

做。 Do morning eye ______ 做早操、眼操 u.n 锻炼,运动 He ______ ________ every day. 他每天都锻炼。 v. 运动,练习 He doesn’t exercise enough. 他运动不够。

Teaching procedures

6. I am lazy and fat. But I am proud of it. Be proud of sth/doing sth=_____   _______

_ in sth/doing sth We are ______ _______ our motherland. 我们

为我们的祖国而自豪。 7. He wants to make up for it. Make up ___________ Make up for __________ We need 50 dallors to _______ the sum require

d. Hard work can _____________ a lack of intellig


Teaching procedures

8. Garfiled always sits in front of the TV, eating lasagna, his favorite dish. 在该句中, eating lasagna 是动词的现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示两个动作

同时发生。 _____________ (come) into the room, I saw a girl crying. 9.marriage n. 婚姻;结婚 v. ______ A 与 B 结婚 —————— ———————— —————————— . 他们结婚 3 个月了。———————————————— . 10.imagine v. 想象 n._______ Imagine doing sth 想象做某事,后面常接名词、动名词或从句。 Can you _______ ______ ______ famous as an actor? 你能想象他成为演员的情景吗?

Teaching procedures

11.Tess doesn’t understand why Ann loves rock and roll so much, while Ann is unhappy about her mother ‘s new marriage.

While 在这里是一个并列连词,含有转折的意思。 While 作连词; While I was watching TV, the bell rang. 表示 ______

_____ While he is in poor health, he works hard. 表示 ____

_______ I like singing while she likes dancing. 表示 _______

____ While 表示当 时候时,与 when 有区别。 The bus had left ____ we arrived at the bus shop. ___________ we were having a meeting ,our teacher

came in.

Teaching procedures

【 Consolidate the language points and test it. 】


Teaching procedures

The girl who / that is singing is my sister._____ ________先行词 关系代词

定语从句 (Attributive)




The girl is my sister.作定语修饰 --the girl

… who / that is singing… __________

主语 ☆

定语从句: 由一个句子充当定语


先行词: 被定语从句修饰的词引导词: 引导定语从句的词 关系代词


引导词的作用: (1) 引导定语从句

(2) 在从句中作一成份

(3) 代替先行词在从句中的位置【 Train the Ss’ ability of conclusion, Students will be the main body of the class,

teacher just as the director. 】

Exercise :指出关系代词在从句中的成分。

1.This is the man who helped me.

( 作主语 )

2.The doctor who you are looking for is in the reading room.

( 作宾语 )

3.Do you know the man whose name is Li Ping?

( 作定语 )

4.The letter that I received was from my father.

( 作宾语 )

5.This is the book which you want.

(作宾语)6.The pen that/which I bought yesterday is on the


(作宾语)7.This is a house whose door faces the south.

(作定语)8.Who is the man that is reading the book over the


(作主语)【 Test the grammar knowledge. 】

Step 6 Homework

Finish the papers after class.【 Ss should use English as much as they can in class or

after class. It is necessary for Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate

the knowledge they’ve learned. 】

Blackboard design

Unit12 ExercisesUnit12 Exercises attractive What a pity!attractive What a pity!

comedy He makes trouble and comedy He makes trouble and dances like a star.dances like a star.

musical He hates doing exercises.musical He hates doing exercises. see a film I am lazy and fat. But see a film I am lazy and fat. But

I am proud of it.I am proud of it. homeless He wants to make up homeless He wants to make up

for it.for it.

Part 5 Reflection after Teaching

Ss should use English as much as they can in class or after class.It is necessary for Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they’ve learned.