Unit 2: Environment Topic: Pollutions Muttayomsuksa 6

Unit 2

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Unit 2: Environment

Topic: Pollutions

Muttayomsuksa 6

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• 1. What do you see in this VDO?

• 2. What about this VDO?

• 3.What kind of pollution that you see in the VDO?

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pollution (n.)

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harmful (adj.)

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destroy (v.)

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suburb (n.)

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waste (n.)

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poisonous (n.)

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melting (v.)

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affect (v.)

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How do we make the Future Continuous Tense?

subject +


y verb




y verb












Will Bebase +


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For example:

• 1. I will be working at 10 am.

• 2. She will not be using the car.

• 3. Will they be watching TV?


main verb

auxiliary verb

auxiliary verb

main verb

auxiliary verb

auxiliary verb


auxiliary verb

main verb



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When we use the future continuous tense in speaking, we often contract

the subject and will:

I will I'll

you will you'll

he will

she will

it will




we will we'll

they will they'll

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For spoken negative sentences in the future continuous tense, we contract

with won't, like this:

I will not I won't

you will not you won't

he will not

she will not

it will not

he won't

she won't

it won't

we will not we won't

they will not they won't

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environmentCities and the suburbs around them will be

getting larger. There will be more cars, buses,

trucks, and even airplanes. More people will need

to get from place to place. More food and other

supplies will need to be delivered.

Problems arise as more people travel from

place to place. For example, cars and buses add

harmful added to the air, water, or land. Pollution

can harm living things and destroy their habitats.

People cause air pollution when they burn fuels

in cars, trucks, homes, and factories. Gasoline,

coal, and oil are some kinds of fuels. When fuels

burn, they give off harmful materials. These

materials get into the air.

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harm plants and buildings. The picture shows one way

to reduce air pollution. Can you think of other way?

Water pollution is another kind of pollution. Rain and

melting snow can wash dirt and other materials into

water. Wastes from cities, factories, and farms can get

into the water. Some of these wastes can be poisonous

to the plants and animals living in the water. The beach

shown in the picture looks clean. It is closed because

the water is polluted.

Litter can also harm organisms that live in water

habitats. For example, a sharp edge of a metal can

might cut an animal. Plastic loops floating on water

might hurt birds who are trying to catch fish. How can

people prevent this kind of water pollution?

The garbage dump in the photo shows how litter and

trash can pollute the land. Some materials in garbage

might be harmful to living things. All trash should be put

into special containers. From there, it will be taken to

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Listening Reading

Speaking Writing

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Listen to How pollution affects the environment again and choose

T (true), F (false) or D (don’t know) for each statement.

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……………1. People cause air pollution when they burn fuels in cars, trucks, homes, and factories.

…………… 2. cars and buses add harmful added to the air, water, or land.

…………… 3. Air pollution can be harmful to the moon.

…………… 4. Pollution can not harm living things and destroy their habitats.

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…………… 5. Gasoline, coal, and oil are some kinds of food.

…………… 6. Rain and melting snow can not wash dirt and other materials into water

…………… 7. Plastic loops floating on water might hurt lions

…………… 8. Water pollution is another kind of pollution

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Let’s read and talk about How pollution affects the environment in front of class

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Spider mapYou have to write about the pollutions in your community into

the spider map about 3-4 sentences. (don’t forget to use structure that you have learned before)


pollutions in



























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• Make a group of 6.

• Teacher tells the topic “air pollution is worse than water pollution” to the students.

• The left group is the group “Air pollution”. And the right group is the group “Water pollution”.

• Let the students from two group debate together by giving one minute for each student to present their own thinking. Always take turn speaking from the student in the first group to another group.