Unit 6

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  • Unit 6

    The house was built in 1975.

    Reported speechDirect speech

    Passive voiceUses

    Gramatical rules

  • Ingles 5 Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza

    Reported Speech

    Cuando queremos comunicar o informar de lo que otra persona ha dicho, hay dos maneras de hacerlo: utilizando el direct o el reported speech.

    Direct speech

    Cuando queremos informar exactamente lo que otra persona ha dicho, utilizamos el estilo directo. Con este estilo lo que la persona ha dicho se coloca entre comillas (...) y deber ser palabra por palabra.


    I am going to London next week, she said. Voy a Londres la semana que viene, ella dijo.

    Do you have a pen I could borrow, he asked. Tienes un bolgrafo que puedas prestarme, l pregunt.

    Alice said, I love to dance. Alice dijo, Me encanta bailar.

    Chris asked, Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? Chris pregunt, Te gustara cenar conmigo maana por la noche?

    Reported speech

    El estilo indirecto, a diferencia del estilo directo, no utiliza las comillas y no necesita ser palabra por palabra. En general, cuando se usa el estilo indirecto, el tiempo verbal cambia. A continuacin tienes un explicacin de los cambios que sufren los tiempos verbales.

    A veces se usa that en las frases afirmativas y negativas para introducir lo que ha dicho la otra persona. Por otro lado, en las frases interrogativas se puede usar if o whether.


    Im 30 years old, she said. She said she is 30 years old.

    Dave said, Kelly is sick. Dave said Kelly is sick.

    We are going to Tokyo next week, they said. They said they are going to Tokyo next week.

    Ill cut my hair tomorrow, Nina said. Nina said she is cutting her hair tomorrow.


    Nota: Cuando hablamos de algo que no ha cambiado (todava es verdad) o que es en el futuro, no tenemos que cambiar el tiempo verbal.

  • Prof. Yunli Gaspar Unit 6


    Direct Speech Reported SpeechPresent simple Past simple "He's American," she said. She said he was American. "I'm happy to see you," Mary said. Mary said that she was happy to see me.He asked, "Are you busy tonight?" He asked me if I was busy tonight.Present Continuous Past Continuous

    "Dan is living in San Francisco," she said.

    She said Dan was living in San Francisco.

    He said, "I'm making dinner." He told me that he was making dinner. "Why are you working so hard?" they asked.

    They asked me why I was working so hard.

    Past Simple Past Perfect Simple "We went to the movies last night," he said.

    He told me they had gone to the movies last night.

    "Greg said, "I didn't go to work yesterday."

    Greg said that he hadn't gone to work yesterday.

    "Did you buy a new car?" she asked. She asked me if I had bought a new car.Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

    "I was working late last night," Vicki said.

    Vicki told me she'd been working last night.

    They said, "we weren't waiting long." They said that they hadn't been waiting long.

    He asked, "were you sleeping when I called?"

    He asked if I'd been sleeping when he called.

    Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect SimpleHeather said, "I've already eaten." Heather told me that she'd already

    eaten."We haven't been to China," they said. They said they hadn't been to China."Have you worked here before?" I asked.

    I asked her whether she'd worked there before.

    Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

    "I've been studying English for two years,"he said.

    He said he'd been studying English for two years.

    Steve said, "we've been dating for over a year now."

    Steve told me that they'd been dating for over a year.

    "Have you been waiting long?" they asked.

    They asked whether I'd been waiting long.

    Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple (*NO CHANGE)"I'd been to Chicago before for work," he said.

    He said that he'd been to Chicago before for work.

    Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous (*NO CHANGE)

    She said, "I'd been dancing for years before the accident."

    She said she'd been dancing for years before the accident.

  • Ingles 5 Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza

    Passive voice

    Hasta ahora hemos hablado de la voz activa donde enfocamos la accin del verbo en el sujeto. Pero cuando queremos dar ms importancia a la accin y no a quien la ha hecho, utilizamos la voz pasiva.


    La voz activaHe ate all of the cookies. Comi todas las galletas.

    La voz pasivaAll of the cookies were eaten. Todas las galletas fueron comidas.

    Gramatical rules

    Se forma la voz pasiva con el verbo auxiliar to be y el participio pasado del verbo.

    Suject + auxiliar verb (to be) + past participle.


    The speech is written for the president. El discurso est escrito para el presidente.

    The house was built in 1975. La casa fue construida en 1975.

    Para transformar una oracin activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos:

    1. El objeto de la oracin activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar to be, en su mismo tiempo,

    junto al verbo principal en participio.3. El sujeto de la oracin principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.4. Si hacemos mencin en la oracin del sujeto que realiza la accin (sujeto

    agente), este ir normalmente introducido por la preposicin by.


    Mark Twain wrote the book. The book was written by Mark Twain. Mark Twain escribi el libro. El libro fue escrito por Mark Twain.

    The housekeeper will clean the room. The room will be cleaned by the housekeeper. La ama de casa limpiar la habitacin. La habitacin ser limpiado por la ama de casa.




  • Prof. Yunli Gaspar Unit 6



    1. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando no sabemos quien ha hecho la accin.


    A civilian has been killed. Un civil ha sido asesinado.

    The car was stolen. El coche fue robado.

    2. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando queremos dar importancia a lo que pas, ms que a quin hizo la accin o cuando no queremos decir quien lo hizo.


    The letter was delivered yesterday. La carta fue entregada ayer.

    A mistake was made. Un error fue cometido.

    Nota: No podemos usar la voz pasiva con verbos intransitivos como die, arrive o go. Verbos intransitivos son verbos que no llevan un objeto directo.

  • Ingles 5 Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza

    ExercisesI. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.

    Example: Peter: I clean the black shoesPeter told me that he cleaned the black shoes.

    1. Jhon: Mandy is at home.Jhon said that _________________________________________________

    2. Max: Frank often reads a book.Max told me that ______________________________________________

    3. Susan: Im watching TV.Susan said to me that ___________________________________________

    4. Simon: David was illSimon said that ________________________________________________

    Answers: 1) Mandy was at home 2) Frank often read a book. 3) she was watching TV. 4) David had been ill.

    II. Decide wheter the sentences are written in Active or Passive. The verb forms are printed in bold.

    1. They often listen to music. ________________

    2. She is reading the newspaper now. ________________

    3. These cars are produced in Japan. ________________

    4. Alan teaches Geography. ________________

    5. German is spoken in Austria. ________________

    Answers: 1)active 2) active 3) passive 4) active 5) passive

    III. Put in the form of the verb in Passive into the gaps. Use the verb and the tense given in brackets.


    A letter is written by Peter. (to write simple present)

    1. The words ___________________ by the teacher today. (to explain Simple present)

    2. We _________________ a letter the day before yesterday. (to send Simple past)

    3. This car _______________. Its too old. (not/to steal will future)

    4. This street ____________________ because of snow. (already/to close-present perfect)

    5. A new restaurant _______________ next week. (to open will future)

    Answers: 1)are explained 2)were sent 3)will not be stolen 4)has already been closed 5)will be opened


