Unit #7 Exam Review Quiz Grade: 12th Subject : Aquatic Science Date: 02/12/2013

Unit #7 Exam Review Quiz

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Unit #7 Exam Review Quiz. Grade:. 12th. Aquatic Science. Subject:. 02/12/2013. Date:. 1. A species of fish living in a coral reef changes the color of its scales (over generations) from yellow to blue. This is an example of. A. microevolution. B. macroevolution. C. co-evolution. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Unit #7 Exam Review Quiz

Unit #7 Exam Review Quiz


Subject:Aquatic Science


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1 A species of fish living in a coral reef changes the color of its scales (over generations) from yellow to blue. This is an example of

A microevolution

B macroevolution

C co-evolution

D homologous structures

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2 The ostracoderms (shell-skinned) were the first known vertebrates. They developed in which of the following periods:

A Cambrian

B Silurian

C Tertiary

D Ordovician

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3 Consider a coral reef in the Atlantic Ocean: a species of clown fish are known to live all throughout this reef. During fishing season a large trawling net smashes the reef into three small pieces, all of which are separated by a large distance. After many generations the clown fish on the three different sections of reef become different species. This is an example of:

A Allopatric speciation

B Sympatric speciation

C Parapatric speciation

D Convergent speciation

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4 Using the graph, which of the following fossils is the most contemporary:

A Acanthostega

B Tiktaalik

C Panderichthys

D Eusthenopteron

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5 Which of the following organisms would likely be found during the Cambrian Period:

A Megalodon (ancient shark)

B Lamprey

C Sea urchin

D Octopus

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6 During which time period did mammals radiate back to the water:

A Jurassic

B Cretaceous

C Tertiary

D Quaternary

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7 ________ of all species that have every existed are now extinct

A 15%

B 55%

C 86%

D 99%

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8 Homo sapiens have been on the planet for approximately:

A 5,000 years

B 106,000 years

C 1.8 million years

D 200 million years

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9 During which of the following time periods did 96% of the current species die off:

A Permian

B Devonian

C Cambrian

D Quaternary

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10 Which of the following is an example of a genetic bottleneck:

A A species of darker-colored mice survive predation from owls & falcons, causing the population as a whole to shift to a darker color.

B A group of migratory birds stop on an island and never leave. They cease their migration & evolve into their own species.

C A group of horses with long necks randomly survive a brush fire that wipes out much of the population. These long-necked horses eventually evolve into giraffes

D A trolling net scoops up an entire school of anchovies, reducing the population by a small percent.

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11 Which of the following demonstrates sexual dimorphism



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12 A Scooter blenny is a type of bottom-feeding fish that is found near coral reefs. Bird-nosed wrasse will live at the upper part of the same coral reef. From this information alone, you can assume these fish are isolated by:

A Behavioral isolation

B Temporal isolation

C Habitat isolation

D Hybrid breakdown

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13 During which time period did active predation begin:

A Silurian

B Devonian

C Ordovician

D Cambrian

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14 Which of the following is the geological time that we are currently in:

A Pleistocene

B Oligocene

C Pliocene

D Holocene

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15 The bone structure of the human arm and the bone structure of the pectoral flipper of a porpoise are very similar. This is an example of

A co-evolution

B homologous structures

C analogous structures

D microevolution

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16 Zonkeys & Zorses are the offspring of zebras & horses or zebras & donkeys. These offspring are sterile, meaning they are/have...

A Reduced hybrid viability

B Reduced hybrid fertility

C Gametic isolation

D Mechanical isolation

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17 True or False: A trait must give a certain population of a species an advantage (differential reproduction) for it to effect natural selection.



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18 Which of the following is NOT a factor that favors fossilization:

A The species exists in a small population

B The organism is small and has a chitin exoskeleton

C The organism gets buried under biological snow

D The organism lived through several geological time periods

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19 Leopard frogs & Wood frogs live in close proximity to each other & will often mate. The resulting tadpoles only survive a few days prior to death. This is an example of:

A Reduced hybrid fertility

B Increased hybrid fertility

C Reduced hybrid viability

D Hybrid breakdown

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20 The ___________ are the organisms that crawled from the water & became modern tetrapods:

A Ray-finned fish

B Cartilaginous fish

C Lobe-finned fish

D Swim-bladderless fish

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21 Which of the following is NOT a requirement for Natural Selection:

A The trait must be improved upon during the life of the population/organism

B The trait must be passed on from parent to offspring

C The trait must allow a reproductive benefit over the individuals within a population that lack the trait

D The trait must be variable within the population

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22 The fossils of Tiktaalik roseae, a fish-like animal that crawled out of the water, is the transitional species between fish and modern tetrapods. This species existed in the __________ period.

A Cambrian

B Silurian

C Devonian

D Permian

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23 Which of the following is an example of macroevolution:

A Over many generations a species of mice gets darker in color due to predation from owls and falcons

B Over many generations an off-shoot of catfish changes from a bottom-feeder to an aggressive hunter, no longer able to reproduce with the former catfish

C Over many generations a species changes in size from large to small to better fit in with the environment

D Over many generations a species of fish changes its scale color from yellow to blue

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24 Which of the following is the shortest geological time period:

A Period

B Epoch

C Era

D Eon

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25 Corn (maize) originally appeared like a grassy bush, but over many thousands of generations mankind created the corn that is so widely used in the United States of today. This is an example of:

A Natural Selection

B Diversifying natural selection

C Sexual Selection

D Artificial Selection

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26 Which of the following can be considered an analogous structure:

A The wings of butterfly & the wings of bats

B The pectoral fins of ray-finned fish and the pectoral fins of cetaceans (dolphins/whales)

C The hind legs of dogs and the hind legs of horses

D The pectoral fin of a walrus & the pectoral fin of a dolphin

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27 All of the following are adaptations for moving from an aquatic environment to a terrestrial environment, EXCEPT:

A eyes moving from the side of the skull to the anterior portion of the skull

B fins thickening into muscular leg-like limbs

C the caudal fin/tail disappearing

D bones become more dense to support the full weight on the organisms

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28 After a mass extinction the empty niches will eventually (1 to 10 million years) be filled by new species. This is called

A adaptive radiation

B homologous structures

C analogous structures

D repressive radiation

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29 Which of the following situations describes diversifying natural selection:

A Kudu are common prey for lions, and the fastest kudu in the group are more likely to survive an attack and pass on their genes. Thus, the population as a whole gets slightly faster with each generation.

B A population of gray mice is prey to nocturnal owls. The mice range in color from white to black, with most being gray. These gray mice are most likely to be spotted by the owls & over many generations the mice begin to split into separate species of white mice and black mice.

C Horses and zebra will often mate in the wild and produce a hybrid. These offspring are sterile, thus they can never create their own population.

D A population of hippo range in size from very small to very large. The smallest rarely pass on their genes due to their inferior stature, while the largest rarely make it to adulthood due to their high caloric demands. Thus, over many generations, the hippos within this population begin to resemble the average-sized hippos from the original population.

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30 A group of Atlantic cod migrate to the Pacific & spread their genes to the Pacific population. When considering the Pacific population this is an example of:

A genetic immigration

B genetic emmigration

C genetic drift

D founder effect

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31 The Triassic period followed the Permian period. The Triassic is characterized by the largest _________ event in recorded history.

A Extinction

B Adaptive radiation

C Total population

D Allopatric speciation

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32 Convergent evolution is closely connected to which of the following

A homologous structures

B analogous structures

C phylogeny

D sympatric speciation

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33 A certain species of mouse is the prey of owls. These mice range in fur color from light to dark. For whatever reason, all of the mice except for the darkest are easily spotted by the owls. Over several generations, which type of natural selection would this population of mice undergo…?

A Directional selection

B Diversifying selection

C Stabilizing selection

D Eliminating selection

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34 Using the following phylogenetic tree, the Mysticetes are most closely related to:

A Hippopotamus

B Pakicetus

C Dorudon

D Kutchicetus

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35 Most genetic mutations

A are helpful to a species

B are harmful to a species

C have no effect on a species

D give most species super powers

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36 Mammals & avians (birds) developed during which of the following periods:

A Triassic

B Jurassic

C Carboniferous

D Cretaceous