2010 Eky Pratama Halim [UNIT TESTING WORLD MART DENGAN VISUAL STUDIO 2010] Langkah-langkah melakukan UNIT TESTING dengan Visual Studio 2010

UNIT TESTING WORLD MART dengan Visual Studio 2010 file[UNIT TESTING WORLD MART DENGAN VISUAL STUDIO 2010] ... Pass PanelumumController public bool changePassword(string id,string curpass,

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Eky Pratama Halim

[UNIT TESTING WORLD MART DENGAN VISUAL STUDIO 2010] Langkah-langkah melakukan UNIT TESTING dengan Visual Studio 2010

Unit Testing Microsoft Visual Studio 2010




Mengatur Pembelian

Mengatur Pegawai

Membayar Gaji


Mengatur Produk

Mengatur Supplier


Menambah Penjualan

Administrasi Anggota


Mengganti Password

World Mart Information System

Mengganti Password

NamaFile Boundary:PanelUmum.cs

Skenario Testing

Test Case ID=WMMP001 (Mengganti Password)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelUmum btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Mainform.curUserId=0005 currentPass=ali newPass=eky rePass=eky

MessageBox.Show("Sukses Mengganti Password");


PanelumumController public bool changePassword(string id,string curpass, string newpass, string confirm)

Mainform.curUserId=0005 currentPass=ali newPass=eky rePass=eky

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMMP002(Mengganti Password)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelUmum btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Mainform.curUserId=0005 currentPass=eky newPass=ali rePass=ali

MessageBox.Show("Gagal Mengganti Password");


PanelumumController public bool changePassword(string id,string curpass, string newpass, string confirm)

Mainform.curUserId=0005 currentPass=eky newPass=ali rePass=ali

false Pass

SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

using WorldMart;

namespace WorldMart.Test


/// <summary>

///This is a test class for PanelumumControllerTest and is intended

///to contain all PanelumumControllerTest Unit Tests



public class PanelumumControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>

///Gets or sets the test context which provides

///information about and functionality for the current test run.


public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;




public void MyTestInitialize()


Logic.Koneksi.host = "localhost";

Logic.Koneksi.serviceName = "XE";

Logic.Koneksi.user = "jeffrey";

Logic.Koneksi.password = "jeffrey";



public void MyTestCleanup()


PanelumumController target = new PanelumumController();

target.RollBackPass("0005", "ali");



public void changePasswordTest()


PanelumumController target = new PanelumumController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string id = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string curpass = "ali"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string newpass = "eky"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string confirm = "eky"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.changePassword(id, curpass, newpass, confirm);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

//Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");



public void changePasswordTestSalah()


PanelumumController target = new PanelumumController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string id = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string curpass = "eky"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string newpass = "ali"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string confirm = "ali"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.changePassword(id, curpass, newpass, confirm);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

//Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");




Administrasi Anggota

Nama File Boundary: PanelKasirAdministrasi.cs

Skenario Testing

Test Case ID=WMCI001 (Mendapatkan ID Pendaftaran)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasirAdministrasi refreshAdministrasiDaftar()

- void


PanelKasirController public string getCurrentId()

- 0000000008 Pass

Test Case ID=WMCI002 (Mendapatkan ID Member)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasirAdministrasi refreshAdministrasiPerpanjangan()

- void


PanelKasirController getCurrentMemberId()

- 0000000008 Pass

Test Case ID=WMCI003 (Mengecek Field Kosong)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasirAdministrasi private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

- true


PanelKasirController insert(idAngg, nama, alamat, telpon, tglbatas, tgldaftar);

string idAngg = "0000000008"; string nama = "Shandy"; string alamat = "Sorento H2-20"; string telpon = "08127676225"; string tglbatas = "Wednesday, June 02,2010"; string tgldaftar = "Thursday, June 02,2011"; // string adminis1 = "0000000008"; string jenis = "0000000002"; int p = 75000; string idPeg = "0005"; string anggota1 = "";

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMCI004 (Mengecek Field Kosong)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasirAdministrasi private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

- false


PanelKasirController insert(idAngg, nama, alamat, telpon, tglbatas, tgldaftar);

string idAngg = "0000000008"; string nama = ""; string alamat = "Sorento H2-20"; string telpon = "08127676225"; string tglbatas = "Wednesday, June 02,2010"; string tgldaftar = "Thursday, June 02,2011"; // string adminis1 = "0000000008"; string jenis = "0000000002"; int p = 75000; string idPeg = "0005"; string anggota1 = "";

false Pass

SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

namespace WorldMart.Test


/// <summary>

///This is a test class for KasirAdministrasiControllerTest and is intended

///to contain all KasirAdministrasiControllerTest Unit Tests



public class KasirAdministrasiControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>

///Gets or sets the test context which provides

///information about and functionality for the current test run.


public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;



#region Additional test attributes



public void MyTestInitialize()


Logic.Koneksi.host = "localhost";

Logic.Koneksi.serviceName = "XE";

Logic.Koneksi.user = "jeffrey";

Logic.Koneksi.password = "jeffrey";



public void insertTest()


KasirAdministrasiController target = new KasirAdministrasiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idAngg = "0000000008"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string nama = "Shandy"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamat = "Sorento H2-20"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telpon = "08127676225"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglbatas = ""; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tgldaftar = ""; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.insert(idAngg, nama, alamat, telpon, tglbatas, tgldaftar);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);



public void insertTest2()


KasirAdministrasiController target = new KasirAdministrasiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idAngg = "0000000008"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string nama = ""; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamat = "Sorento H2-20"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telpon = "08127676225"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglbatas = ""; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tgldaftar = ""; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.insert(idAngg, nama, alamat, telpon, tglbatas, tgldaftar);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for getCurrentMemberId



public void getCurrentMemberIdTest()


KasirAdministrasiController target = new KasirAdministrasiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string expected = "0000000008"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string actual;

actual = target.getCurrentMemberId();

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

//Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for getCurrentId



public void getCurrentIdTest()


KasirAdministrasiController target = new KasirAdministrasiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string expected = "0000000008"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string actual;

actual = target.getCurrentId();

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

//Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");




Screenshot Testing:

Transaksi Penjualan

Nama File Boundary:PanelKasir.cs

Skenario Testing

Test Case ID=WMPK001 (Update Stock)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Jumlah=1 Id= 00000000000000000005 Operat=1

true Pass

PanelKasirController public bool updateStock(string jumlah, string id,int operat)

Jumlah=1 Id= 00000000000000000005 Operat=1

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPK002 (Get ID Penjualan)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir refreshPenjualan()

- 0000000021 Pass

PanelKasirController public string getJualId()

- 0000000021 Pass

Test Case ID=WMPK003 (Get Detail Produk)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir refreshPenjualan()

- OracleDataReader object Pass

PanelKasirController public OracleDataReader getDetailProduk()

- OracleDataReader object Pass

Test Case ID=WMPK004 (Get Category)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir refreshPenjualan()

- OracleDataReader object Pass

PanelKasirController public OracleDataReader getCategory()

- OracleDataReader object Pass

Test Case ID=WMPK005 (Cek Stock)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



OracleDataReader object Pass

PanelKasirController public OracleDataReader cekStock(string id)



OracleDataReader object Pass

Test Case ID=WMPK006 (Cek Keanggotaan)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

id= 0000000007



PanelKasirController public bool cekKeanggotaan(string idAnggota)

id= 0000000007

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPK007 (Cek Kadaluarsa)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



OracleDataReader object


PanelKasirController public OracleDataReader cekKadaluarsa(string idProduk)



OracleDataReader object Pass

Test Case ID=WMPK008 (Penambahan Transaksi Penjualan)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelKasir private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string p = "0000000020"; string idAnggota = "0000000002"; string idPegawai = "0005"; string idProduk = "00000000000000000005"; string jmlh = "1"; hrg = "98000"; bool first = true;

OracleDataReader object


PanelKasirController public OracleDataReader cekKadaluarsa(string idProduk)

string p = "0000000020"; string idAnggota = "0000000002"; string idPegawai = "0005"; string idProduk = "00000000000000000005"; string jmlh = "1"; hrg = "98000"; bool first = true;

OracleDataReader object Pass

SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

namespace WorldMart.Test


/// <summary>

///This is a test class for PanelKasirControllerTest and is intended

///to contain all PanelKasirControllerTest Unit Tests



public class PanelKasirControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>

///Gets or sets the test context which provides

///information about and functionality for the current test run.


public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;




public void MyTestInitialize()


Logic.Koneksi.host = "localhost";

Logic.Koneksi.serviceName = "XE";

Logic.Koneksi.user = "jeffrey";

Logic.Koneksi.password = "jeffrey";



/// <summary>

///A test for addTransaksiJual



public void addTransaksiJualTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string p = "0000000020"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idAnggota = "0000000002"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPegawai = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idProduk = "00000000000000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string jmlh = "1"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string hrg = "98000"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool first = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.addTransaksiJual(p, idAnggota, idPegawai, idProduk, jmlh, hrg, first);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for cekKadaluarsa



public void cekKadaluarsaTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idProduk = "00000000000000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader actual;

actual = target.cekKadaluarsa(idProduk);

Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for cekKeanggotaan



public void cekKeanggotaanTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idAnggota = "0000000007"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.cekKeanggotaan(idAnggota);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

// Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for cekStock



public void cekStockTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string id = "00000000000000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader actual;

actual = target.cekStock(id);

Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for getCategory



public void getCategoryTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader actual;

actual = target.getCategory();

Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for getDetailProduk



public void getDetailProdukTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

OracleDataReader actual;

actual = target.getDetailProduk();



/// <summary>

///A test for getIdAnggota


/// <summary>

///A test for getJualId



public void getJualIdTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string expected = "0000000018"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string actual;

actual = target.getJualId();

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for updateStock



public void updateStockTest()


PanelKasirController target = new PanelKasirController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string jumlah = "1"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string id = "00000000000000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

int operat = 1; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.updateStock(jumlah, id, operat);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);



Screenshot Testing:

Transaksi Pembelian

Nama File Boundary:PanelManager.cs

Skenario Testing

Test Case ID=WMTP001 (Update Produk)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManager private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Jumlah=1 Idproduk=




PanelManagerController public bool updateProduk(string jumlah, string idProduk)

Jumlah=1 Idproduk=


true Pass

Test Case ID=WMTP002 (ID Produk Baru)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManager private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

counterNewProduct=8 00000000000000000021


PanelManagerController public string newId(string counterNewProduk)




Test Case ID=WMTP003 (Insert Transaksi Beli)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManager private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

P=00000000021 P_2= 00000003

P_3= 0004



PanelManagerController public string newId(string counterNewProduk)




Test Case ID=WMTP004 (Insert Produk)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManager private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idProduk = "00000000022"; string idKategori = "00000003"; string namaProduk = "Televisi Flat"; string jumlah = "10"; string btsTglDisplay = "Thursday, June 03,2010";



PanelManagerController public bool insertProduk(string idProduk, string idKategori, string namaProduk, string jumlah, string btsTglDisplay)

string idProduk = "00000000022"; string idKategori = "00000003"; string namaProduk = "Televisi Flat"; string jumlah = "10"; string btsTglDisplay = "Thursday, June 03,2010";



Test Case ID=WMTP005 (Insert Detail Transaksi Pembelian Produk)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManager private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idProduk = "000000000000000000002"; string p = "0000000022"; string jumlah = "10"; string hb = "300"; string btsTglDisplay = "6-3-10";



PanelManagerController public bool insertDetailTransaksiBeli(string idProduk, string p, string jumlah, string hb, string btsTglDisplay, string hr)

string idProduk = "000000000000000000002"; string p = "0000000022"; string jumlah = "10"; string hb = "300"; string btsTglDisplay = "6-3-10";



SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

namespace WorldMart.Test



public class PanelManagerControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;



#region Additional test attributes


public void MyTestInitialize()


Logic.Koneksi.host = "localhost";

Logic.Koneksi.serviceName = "XE";

Logic.Koneksi.user = "jeffrey";

Logic.Koneksi.password = "jeffrey";


/// <summary>


public void insertDetailTransaksiBeliTest()


PanelManagerController target = new PanelManagerController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idProduk = "000000000000000000002"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string p = "0000000022"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string jumlah = "10"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string hb = "300"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string btsTglDisplay = "6-3-10"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string hr = "200"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.insertDetailTransaksiBeli(idProduk, p, jumlah, hb, btsTglDisplay, hr);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for insertProduk



public void insertProdukTest()


PanelManagerController target = new PanelManagerController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idProduk = "00000000022"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idKategori = "00000003"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string namaProduk = "Televisi Flat"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string jumlah = "10"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string btsTglDisplay = "Thursday, June 03,2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.insertProduk(idProduk, idKategori, namaProduk, jumlah, btsTglDisplay);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for insertTransaksiBeli



public void insertTransaksiBeliTest()


PanelManagerController target = new PanelManagerController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string p = "00000000021"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string p_2 = "00000003"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string p_3 = "0004"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.insertTransaksiBeli(p, p_2, p_3);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for newId



public void newIdTest()


PanelManagerController target = new PanelManagerController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string counterNewProduk = "8"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string expected = "00000000000000000021"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string actual;

actual = target.newId(counterNewProduk);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for updateProduk



public void updateProdukTest()


PanelManagerController target = new PanelManagerController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string jumlah = "1"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idProduk = "00000000000000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.updateProduk(jumlah, idProduk);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);





Pegawai Manager

Nama File Boundary: PanelManagerPegawai.cs

Skenario Testing

Test Case ID=WMPM001 (Update Gaji Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapBefore = false; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string tglAkhir ="6-3-2010";



PanelManagerController public bool UpdateGajiKontrakPegawai(string idPeg, bool isPegTetapBefore, bool isPegTetapAfter, string tunjanganPeg, string tglMsk, string tglAkhir)

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapBefore = false; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string tglAkhir ="6-3-2010";

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM002 (Update Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0005"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "ali"; string alamatPeg = "Santa Barbara"; string telpPeg = "081321030203"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Riau"



PanelManagerController public bool UpdatePegawai( string idPeg, string idJabPeg, string namaPeg, string alamatPeg, string telpPeg, string tglMsk, string sourceLoc)

string idPeg = "0005"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "ali"; string alamatPeg = "Santa Barbara"; string telpPeg = "081321030203"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Riau"

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM003(Remove Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerPegawai private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0012";



PanelManagerController public bool RemovePegawai(string idPegawai)

string idPeg = "0012"; true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM004(Remove Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerPegawai private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0013";



PanelManagerController public bool RemovePegawai(string idPegawai)

string idPeg = "0012"; false Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM005(Add Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0014"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "Indra Setyawan"; string alamatPeg = "San Diego"; string telpPeg = "135432232"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Mandau";



PanelManagerController public bool AddPegawai(string idPeg, string idJabPeg, string namaPeg, string alamatPeg, string telpPeg, string tglMsk, string sourceLoc)

string idPeg = "0014"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "Indra Setyawan"; string alamatPeg = "San Diego"; string telpPeg = "135432232"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Mandau";

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM006(Add Gaji Pegawai Kontrak)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-1-2010"; string tglAkhir = "6-3-2010";



PanelManagerController public bool AddGajiKontrakPegawai(string idPeg, bool isPegTetapAfter, string tunjanganPeg, string tglMsk, string tglAkhir)

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-1-2010"; string tglAkhir = "6-3-2010";

true Pass

SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

namespace WorldMart.Test


/// <summary>

///This is a test class for PegawaiControllerTest and is intended

///to contain all PegawaiControllerTest Unit Tests



public class PegawaiControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>

///Gets or sets the test context which provides

///information about and functionality for the current test run.


public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;



#region Additional test attributes


public void AddGajiKontrakPegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool isPegTetapAfter = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-1-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglAkhir = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.AddGajiKontrakPegawai(idPeg, isPegTetapAfter, tunjanganPeg, tglMsk, tglAkhir);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for AddPegawai



public void AddPegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0014"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string namaPeg = "Indra Setyawan"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamatPeg = "San Diego"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telpPeg = "135432232"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string sourceLoc = "Mandau"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.AddPegawai(idPeg, idJabPeg, namaPeg, alamatPeg, telpPeg, tglMsk, sourceLoc);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for RemovePegawai



public void RemovePegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPegawai ="0012"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.RemovePegawai(idPegawai);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");



public void RemovePegawaiSalahTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPegawai = "0013"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.RemovePegawai(idPegawai);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for UpdatePegawai



public void UpdatePegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string namaPeg = "ali"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamatPeg = "Santa Barbara"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telpPeg = "081321030203"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string sourceLoc = "Riau"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.UpdatePegawai(idPeg, idJabPeg, namaPeg, alamatPeg, telpPeg, tglMsk, sourceLoc);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for UpdateGajiKontrakPegawai



public void UpdateGajiKontrakPegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool isPegTetapBefore = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool isPegTetapAfter = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglAkhir ="6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.UpdateGajiKontrakPegawai(idPeg, isPegTetapBefore, isPegTetapAfter, tunjanganPeg, tglMsk, tglAkhir);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);





Produk Manager

Nama File Boundary: PanelManagerProduk.cs

Skenario Testing

Test Case ID=WMRM001(Update Produk)

Class Method Input Output Status


private void btnSubmitPro_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string id = "00000000000000000004"; string nama = "Meja Bintang Singa"; string kategori = "00000004"; Decimal hargaNormal = new Decimal(9000); Decimal hargaAnggota = new Decimal(7000); Decimal jumlah = new Decimal(5); string tglDisplay = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project\\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart\\WorldMart \\images\\1244988228_users.png";



ProdukController public bool UpdateProduk(string id, string nama, string kategori, decimal hargaNormal, decimal hargaAnggota, decimal jumlah, string tglDisplay, string sourceLoc)

string id = "00000000000000000004"; string nama = "Meja Bintang Singa"; string kategori = "00000004"; Decimal hargaNormal = new Decimal(9000); Decimal hargaAnggota = new Decimal(7000); Decimal jumlah = new Decimal(5); string tglDisplay = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project\\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart\\WorldMart \\images\\1244988228_users.png";

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMRM002(Get Data Produk)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerProduk public bool RefreshDataProduk()

string idPro = "00000000000000000004"

Produk p


ProdukController public Produk GetDataProduk(string idPro)

string idPro = "00000000000000000004"

Produk p Pass

SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

namespace WorldMart.Test


/// <summary>

///This is a test class for ProdukControllerTest and is intended

///to contain all ProdukControllerTest Unit Tests



public class ProdukControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>

///Gets or sets the test context which provides

///information about and functionality for the current test run.


public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;



#region Additional test attributes



public void MyTestInitialize()


Logic.Koneksi.host = "localhost";

Logic.Koneksi.serviceName = "XE";

Logic.Koneksi.user = "jeffrey";

Logic.Koneksi.password = "jeffrey";


/// <summary>

///A test for UpdateProduk



public void UpdateProdukTest()


ProdukController target = new ProdukController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string id = "00000000000000000004"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string nama = "Meja Bintang Singa"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string kategori = "00000004"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

Decimal hargaNormal = new Decimal(9000); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

Decimal hargaAnggota = new Decimal(7000); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

Decimal jumlah = new Decimal(5); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglDisplay = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio

2010\\Project\\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart\\WorldMart\\images\\1244988228_users.png"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.UpdateProduk(id, nama, kategori, hargaNormal, hargaAnggota, jumlah, tglDisplay, sourceLoc);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for GetDataProduk



public void GetDataProdukTest()


ProdukController target = new ProdukController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPro = "00000000000000000004"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

Produk expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

Produk actual;

actual = target.GetDataProduk(idPro);

Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual);





Supplier Manager

NamaFile Boundary: PanelManagerSupplier.cs

Skenario Testing

Test Case ID=WMSM001(Add Supplier)

Class Method Input Output

PanelManagerSupplier private void btnSubmitSup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string id = "00000007"; string nama = "Pacific Computer"; string alamat = "Jalan Nagoya Batam"; string telp = "076135228"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project \\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart \\WorldMart\\images \\1244988228_users.png";


SupplierController public bool AddSupplier(string id, string nama, string alamat, string telp, string sourceLoc)

string id = "00000007"; string nama = "Pacific Computer"; string alamat = "Jalan Nagoya Batam"; string telp = "076135228"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project \\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart \\WorldMart\\images \\1244988228_users.png";


Test Case ID=WMSM001(Add Supplier)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerSupplier private void btnSubmitSup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string id = "00000007"; string nama = "Pacific Computer"; string alamat = "Jalan Nagoya Batam"; string telp = "076135228"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project \\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart \\WorldMart\\images \\1244988228_users.png";



SupplierController public bool AddSupplier(string id, string nama, string alamat, string telp, string sourceLoc)

string id = "00000007"; string nama = "Pacific Computer"; string alamat = "Jalan Nagoya Batam"; string telp = "076135228"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project \\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart \\WorldMart\\images \\1244988228_users.png";

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMSM002(Get Data Supplier)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerSupplier public bool RefreshDataSupplier()

idSupplier=” 00000001” Supplier s


SupplierController public Supplier GetDataSupplier(string idSupplier)

idSupplier=” 00000001” Supplier s Pass

Test Case ID=WMSM003(Update Supplier)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelManagerSupplier private void btnSubmitSup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string id = "00000001"; string nama = "PT.MI"; string alamat = "Bawal Batu Ampar"; string telp = "4555763"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project\\FpVervalv1.1 \\WorldMart \\WorldMart\\images \\1244988228_users.png";



SupplierController public bool UpdateSupplier( string id, string nama, string alamat, string telp, string sourceLoc)

string id = "00000001"; string nama = "PT.MI"; string alamat = "Bawal Batu Ampar"; string telp = "4555763"; string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Project\\FpVervalv1.1 \\WorldMart \\WorldMart\\images \\1244988228_users.png";

true Pass

SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

namespace WorldMart.Test



public class SupplierControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>

///Gets or sets the test context which provides

///information about and functionality for the current test run.


public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;




public void MyTestInitialize()


Logic.Koneksi.host = "localhost";

Logic.Koneksi.serviceName = "XE";

Logic.Koneksi.user = "jeffrey";

Logic.Koneksi.password = "jeffrey";


/// <summary>

///A test for UpdateSupplier



public void UpdateSupplierTest()


SupplierController target = new SupplierController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string id = "00000001"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string nama = "PT.MI"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamat = "Bawal Batu Ampar"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telp = "4555763"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio

2010\\Project\\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart\\WorldMart\\images\\1244988228_users.png"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.UpdateSupplier(id, nama, alamat, telp, sourceLoc);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for GetDataSupplier



public void GetDataSupplierTest()


SupplierController target = new SupplierController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idSupplier = "00000001"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

Supplier expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

Supplier actual;

actual = target.GetDataSupplier(idSupplier);

Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for AddSupplier



public void AddSupplierTest()


SupplierController target = new SupplierController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string id = "00000007"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string nama = "Pacific Computer"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamat = "Jalan Nagoya Batam"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telp = "076135228"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string sourceLoc = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\My PC\\My Documents\\Visual Studio

2010\\Project\\FpVervalv1.1\\WorldMart\\WorldMart\\images\\1244988228_users.png"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.AddSupplier(id, nama, alamat, telp, sourceLoc);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);





Pegawai Boss

Nama File Boundary: PanelBossPegawai.cs

Skenario Testing

Merupakan Panel yang di-Extend dari Panel Manager Pegawai Sehingga Menggunakan UNIT TEST yang sama.

Test Case ID=WMPM001 (Update Gaji Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelBosPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapBefore = false; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string tglAkhir ="6-3-2010";



PanelManagerController public bool UpdateGajiKontrakPegawai(string idPeg, bool isPegTetapBefore, bool isPegTetapAfter, string tunjanganPeg, string tglMsk,

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapBefore = false; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string tglAkhir ="6-3-2010";

true Pass

string tglAkhir)

Test Case ID=WMPM002 (Update Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelBosPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0005"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "ali"; string alamatPeg = "Santa Barbara"; string telpPeg = "081321030203"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Riau"



PanelManagerController public bool UpdatePegawai( string idPeg, string idJabPeg, string namaPeg, string alamatPeg, string telpPeg, string tglMsk,

string idPeg = "0005"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "ali"; string alamatPeg = "Santa Barbara"; string telpPeg = "081321030203"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Riau"

true Pass

string sourceLoc)

Test Case ID=WMPM003(Remove Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelBosPegawai private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0012";



PanelManagerController public bool RemovePegawai(string idPegawai)

string idPeg = "0012"; true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM004(Remove Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelBosPegawai private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0013";



PanelManagerController public bool RemovePegawai(string idPegawai)

string idPeg = "0012"; false Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM005(Add Pegawai)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelBosPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0014"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "Indra Setyawan"; string alamatPeg = "San Diego"; string telpPeg = "135432232"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Mandau";



PanelManagerController public bool AddPegawai(string idPeg, string idJabPeg, string namaPeg, string alamatPeg, string telpPeg, string tglMsk, string sourceLoc)

string idPeg = "0014"; string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; string namaPeg = "Indra Setyawan"; string alamatPeg = "San Diego"; string telpPeg = "135432232"; string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; string sourceLoc = "Mandau";

true Pass

Test Case ID=WMPM006(Add Gaji Pegawai Kontrak)

Class Method Input Output Status

PanelBosPegawai private void btnSubmitPeg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-1-2010"; string tglAkhir = "6-3-2010";



PanelManagerController public bool AddGajiKontrakPegawai(string idPeg, bool isPegTetapAfter, string tunjanganPeg, string tglMsk, string tglAkhir)

string idPeg = "0005"; bool isPegTetapAfter = true; string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; string tglMsk = "6-1-2010"; string tglAkhir = "6-3-2010";

true Pass

SourceCode Unit Testing:

using WorldMart.Logic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using System;

namespace WorldMart.Test


/// <summary>

///This is a test class for PegawaiControllerTest and is intended

///to contain all PegawaiControllerTest Unit Tests



public class PegawaiControllerTest


private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>

///Gets or sets the test context which provides

///information about and functionality for the current test run.


public TestContext TestContext




return testContextInstance;




testContextInstance = value;



#region Additional test attributes


public void AddGajiKontrakPegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool isPegTetapAfter = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-1-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglAkhir = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.AddGajiKontrakPegawai(idPeg, isPegTetapAfter, tunjanganPeg, tglMsk, tglAkhir);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for AddPegawai



public void AddPegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0014"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string namaPeg = "Indra Setyawan"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamatPeg = "San Diego"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telpPeg = "135432232"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string sourceLoc = "Mandau"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.AddPegawai(idPeg, idJabPeg, namaPeg, alamatPeg, telpPeg, tglMsk, sourceLoc);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for RemovePegawai



public void RemovePegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPegawai ="0012"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.RemovePegawai(idPegawai);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");



public void RemovePegawaiSalahTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPegawai = "0013"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.RemovePegawai(idPegawai);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");


/// <summary>

///A test for UpdatePegawai



public void UpdatePegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idJabPeg = "0000000005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string namaPeg = "ali"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string alamatPeg = "Santa Barbara"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string telpPeg = "081321030203"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string sourceLoc = "Riau"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.UpdatePegawai(idPeg, idJabPeg, namaPeg, alamatPeg, telpPeg, tglMsk, sourceLoc);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


/// <summary>

///A test for UpdateGajiKontrakPegawai



public void UpdateGajiKontrakPegawaiTest()


PegawaiController target = new PegawaiController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string idPeg = "0005"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool isPegTetapBefore = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool isPegTetapAfter = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tunjanganPeg = "500000"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglMsk = "6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

string tglAkhir ="6-3-2010"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool expected = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

bool actual;

actual = target.UpdateGajiKontrakPegawai(idPeg, isPegTetapBefore, isPegTetapAfter, tunjanganPeg, tglMsk, tglAkhir);

Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);



