Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

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Page 1: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")
Page 2: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Universal Blogging Guide

Copyright © Universal Blogging Tips

All Rights Reserved.

Page 3: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")


My name is Nikhil Ganotra and I live in New Delhi, India. I started to blog in the

year 2012 as a hobby but now earning a living through my blog.

I really don’t know how this hobby turned into my profession, maybe by luck. I

got so much passionate about SEO, affiliate marketing, social media etc. that my

hobby soon turned into my profession.

I have completed my graduation in Economic Honours from Delhi University and now pursuing CFA along with my work. Along with being a blogger, I am a stock market investor as well!

Page 4: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

When I started blogging, I really didn't knew actually what a BLOG meant!

I just started reading articles online and tried to write like a bot, LOL! It didn't drove me a SINGLE comment and I was willing to quit...

But before that I thought to Google the meaning of ‘BLOG’ through which I

came to knew that a blog is platform where we need to share our personal

opinions and not to act like a MACHINE.

Yeah, that was a point. :)

I planned to continue my blog ... Universal Blogging Tips and started delivering

value to my readers.

3 Days later, one guy left an amazing comment on my post.

Yeah, that was the best day of my blogging career.

I contacted that guy and asked him to deliver some tips for effective blogging. I

never thought of making money at that time.

I just needed targeted traffic and good relationships with influential bloggers.

He suggested me to join some good blog communities such as BizSugar , Klinkk, Kingged.com, Tiberr, etc. and share my content to drive a good flow of traffic.

He also suggested me to Guest Post on Authority Blogs and make a daily

reading habit.

I started with Quick Sprout , Crazy Egg and Search Engine Land as these

blogs delivered some ultimate internet marketing tips.

Now, I had got a decent knowledge of driving referral traffic but I wanted to drive

search engine traffic as I can’t be solely dependent on the referral traffic.

And it could be done through SEO...

Getting started with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) was really a very tough job for me as I had just started a blog with a scratch.

Page 5: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

What is SEO?

According to Wikipedia -

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a

website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search

results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and

more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will

receive from the search engine's users.

For learning content marketing and SEO, I preferred to follow CopyBlogger.

I downloaded 20 EBooks and read them all continuously within 9 hours. I didn't slept that night just to read them all.

Gradually, I gained interest in blogging as well as some traffic on my blog. :)

One day, I thought to start monetizing it.

Yeah, it was a good idea, but was not so easy for a new blogger like me.

What I did was, I contacted that guy again to learn some monetizing tips.

He suggested me to get started with Affiliate Marketing as applying for Adsense

is of no use with such little traffic.

Adsense will only deliver good results only if you’re driving a lot of targeted


P.S - I will disclose all my Affiliate Marketing tips below, so keep following! :)

Without SEO, practicing Affiliate Marketing is of no use! Unless you are ranking on the top for a keyword with a good search volume, you couldn't make a single penny out of it!

Page 6: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Yes, you can use PPC Advertising for making affiliate sales but it’s not affordable for newbies. You need to burn a lot of your money to learn PPC advertising.

I practiced SEO hard and finally wrote one affiliate post and by luck....IT RANKED on the first position despite such ultimate competition for that keyword in the industry.

But...still I was nervous and was not sure whether I would convert or not.

The third day I got a notification from Gmail with the subject line ‘**Affiliate Sale’.

Whoaaaa... I was like...

Below is the screenshot of My First Affiliate Sale (18th April'2014)

It was my first sale for which I received $1.75 as commission and yes, it was

too low but at that time it was a boon for my blog.

Gradually, I practiced hard on Affiliate Marketing and today I make over $1000

(64000 INR) monthly from affiliate marketing working just 1-2 Hrs/Day due to my

studies and other responsibilities.

Page 7: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Some good entrepreneurial

quotes that drive me CRAZY! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk,

if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do

you have to keep moving forward.”

-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

• "Chase the vision, not the money, the money will

end up following you.”

-- Tony Hsieh, Zappos founder

• “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest

source of learning.”

-- Bill Gates

Page 8: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

I am an ordinary person like you, who came into BLOGGING by CHANCE!

In my school life, I never thought that I would be able to make good money in my

future life due to my poor results I academics.

But now I realized,

Studies are not everything, interest matters.

When I started blogging, I wasn't earning.

I started my blog on my own expenses which I paid through my personal pocket

money and I even didn't told my parents about my blog that I started as they

would have blamed my online activities for my poor results.

Paying $10 hosting fees every month is not easy for a school student with not much

pocket money. Same was the case with me!

Making money blogging was really very enjoyable as well as very challenging for

me. Blogging taught me how to hustle and win.


Page 9: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Why You Should Read This


You should read this guide, only if you fulfil the below given checklist: -


Wish to become a blogger

Are already a blogger and want to Make Money Blogging.

Want to be your own boss.

Want to learn the basics of blogging.

Want to learn basics of Affiliate marketing.

This guide is completely based on my personal experience that helped me to

grow in this field and survive in the humungous competition.

I frequently receive messages or calls from newbies who are struggling to make

money blogging and seeking for some effective advices.

That's the reason, I spent 10 Days in writing this eBook.

Page 10: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

What Is Blogging And How To

Make Money Blogging?

In simple words, Blogging refers to sharing of information. When you are sharing

information with others online, it is called blogging.

Any website delivering information is called as a blog.


Is there a difference between a Website and a


Yes, there is. The first difference is that a website displays static information but a Blog delivers your personal opinion regarding a particular topic.

Some examples of websites could be your School Website, Ministry of Home Affairs Website while examples of Blogs are - Tech Crunch, Quick Sprout etc.

Page 11: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Some important points that you need to know before getting started up with Universal Blogging Guide:

Blogging is a not a short term game and I believe that no compromises should be made with it once you get started. When you start, a lot of sacrifices need to made because your blog is like your baby.

You need to nourish it properly to let it bear fruits.

It's not just that you will start making money within just 10-15 days. It takes time, I got my first affiliate sale after 4 months and till then I was quite consistent and worked hard.

Once you get started, you should not quit if you are not making money in the beginning. Don't even think about the money in the beginning, think about your READERS!

Think.. How will you deliver value to them? Think... Why they should read your content? Think... How should you convert them to your

permanent readers? Think... How to make them subscribe to your

blog? Think... How to make them buy your products? -

Your end goal!

Page 12: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Once you are consistent and delivering quality content to your readers, you are on the way to success to drive a lucrative flow of income from blogging soon.

You just need to be patient and have confidence in yourself and your capabilities to become a successful blogger!

You might be familiar with these two words "Passion" And "Commitment”.

These two words are not just words but the most essential organs of successful blogging career. Once you have them, you are ready to take yourself to the NEXT LEVEL!

Page 13: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

So, Now Let's Get Started Up With Universal

Blogging Guide


1. How To Start A Blog 2. Basics To Make Money Blogging 3. How To Drive Traffic To A New Blog 4. Some Useful Resources

Page 14: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

How to Start a Blog?

Step 1. Select the niche you are most passionate


The first and most essential step is to choose a niche in which you are passionate

about and you will really love to read and write about it. Unless you are passionate

about the topic you have chosen, you are going to quit for sure!

Generally, I see people running for the niches that are profitable but 95% of bloggers quit if they are not passionate about their niche.

The following quote taught me this thing:

"Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end

up following you.”

-- Tony Hsieh, Zappos founder

Page 15: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

You can blog about any topic of your choice.

Don't be shy to express your feelings about any particular topic. Choose the topic

that will keep you MOTIVATED and your readers would appreciate you for the

content you deliver.

It's very important to get a strong niche.

I loved reading about SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Traffic tips, WordPress etc. So, I decided to start my blog on blogging tips and I am still passionate about

it. It has been many years but I never felt demotivated after then.

I can blog 14-16 hours a day and still feel relaxed at the end of the day!

Now, you might be thinking how to search for a good topic to blog. Right?

Yeah, happens with everyone. Even happened with me too!

The first step is to "JUST THINK".

Yes, just think some topics while Sleeping, Eating, Drinking or doing anything. Make a list of them.

Then, what you need to do is just "RESEARCH"

Spend some time online researching... Google the topics that you mentioned in

your list and then see how others are making money through them and finally

choose the most profitable niche.

Step 2. Go for a good domain name

Once you have done a good research on the niche in which you are passionate

about, now it's time to purchase a domain.

A good domain help people remember your site and it is more likely that they

will become your permanent readers.

Page 16: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Wait! By-the-way, what is a Domain?

Domain is basically the unique name that identifies a website. It's not that the blog name would be same as the domain name. They both can differ.

For e.g. The Name of Amit Agarwal's Blog is Digital Inspiration and the domain name of his Blog is "labnol.org".

Name of my blog is Universal Blogging Tips and the domain is : www.universalbloggingtips.com.

Two characteristics of a good domain name-


Easy to remember

Should be short (I know mine is long, don’t make that mistake)

I would suggest you to go for NameCheap or GoDaddy! :)

If you get hosting from SiteGround (best rated web hosting), you’ll get a free

domain name. Link shared below!

Step 3. Go for a reliable Web Hosting

Page 17: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

After getting a quality domain you should host it to a server.

There are many hosting companies promising you to provide the best support,

unlimited bandwidth etc.

Honestly, only few of them are reliable.

I have tried hosting from a local hosting company but I was dissatisfied with them

due to the poor customer support and frequent downtime.

I tried Hostgator and got the worst experience.

Finally, I hosted my site on Siteground after research and believe me, I loved it. It has been 3 years that I have hosted my site on SiteGround and never faced the downtime and got the best premium support. Here is why I recommend SiteGround:

• Instant Activation

• 24/7 ultimate customer support

• One Year Free SSL Certificate

• Super performance

• Money value

• Reliable

• Ultimate speed

• 30 Days Money Back Guarantee. So you can easily check whether blogging

is your cup of tea or not. No need to worry about your money.

• 99.9 % Up-time Guarantee

By-the-way, to sweeten this deal I want to dedicate you an amazing discount coupon. If you sign up through this tutorial then get 60% OFF on SiteGround.

Click here for the discounted link (60% OFF)

Page 18: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Step 4. Get Started With WordPress

WordPress is a simple to use Content-management system. Though, earlier it was

just used for blogging, but now it used to built full-fledged company websites as


Once you have successfully made your payment you will receive an email regarding cPanel credentials.

Type - www.yourdomain.com/cpanel in your web browser and enter

your user id and password.

Once you are logged in you will see ‘Software/Services’ services after scrolling

down a little.

Click Quick Install. A new window will open where you will see ‘WORDPRESS’

on the left sidebar.

Page 19: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Then it’ll show the details of WordPress , click Continue.

Now, you need to fill out a small form for WordPress


Page 20: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Fill out all the necessary details. Click Install Now. Your WordPress Installation

is complete now. Congratulations!

Check your email for the WordPress login Id and


Go to www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin.

Enter your details.

Usually, its takes few hours to completely host your site. This is called as

propagation time. Finally, all the brainstorming work is done.

Make Money Blogging

Ah... Here, comes the most interesting topic of the Universal Blogging Guide.

You might have seen many bloggers making a 5 figure income each month and

then you would also make the same. Am I right?

But before that, question yourself:

Are you sure that you will not quit if you don't make a single penny in

the beginning?

Are you sure that you would be consistent and patient too?

Are you sure that you would not follow any spammy practices in order to make

money online?

Once you are 100% sure with all the above mentioned questions, I guarantee

you that you would start driving a good lucrative income online very soon.

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Here are some of the best ways that I consider to

Make Money Blogging:

1. Affiliate Marketing

2. Adsense

3. Sponsored Reviews

4. Freelance Writing

5. Sell your own product online

Page 22: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

#1. Affiliate Marketing

I consider affiliate marketing as the most challenging way of make money


When I started with affiliate marketing, I was too nervous and never even

thought to generate even a single sale, but still I kept consistent and finally I did


Today, my main income source is affiliate marketing.

Being a part time blogger, I managed to earn at-least $800 every month on an average. May be it is low as compared to professionals in the industry but still it's a pretty good income for me.

By-the-way...First Let me tell you what is affiliate marketing and how it works?

In simple words, Affiliate Marketing is a type of marketing where an affiliate

drives sales for a company through its marketing efforts and gets some

commission in return. Rate of return varies with every individual affiliate program.

Once you join the affiliate program, you will be provided with links and

banners which you need to place them on your site and send referral traffic to

the company's site.

When your visitor purchases the product through your affiliate link, you will get

the commission. :)

Now, you might be thinking which Affiliate Network to join. Right?

Umm... This actually depends on your niche.

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For this I recommend you joining the below affiliate networks and browse the

products which you can promote on your blog related to your niche:-

• ClickBank • ShareaSale • Commission Junction

Related Reading:

1. How to find best Clickbank products to promote – Quick Sprout

Following are few tips help you to make your first affiliate if you haven't made yet! So keep following! :)

How To Make Your First Affiliate Sale?

If you haven't made your first sale yet then you don't know how it feels when I

receive a notification regarding affiliate sales.

It motivates me to blog more and deliver high quality content to my readers.

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Page 25: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Research The Products That You Want To

Review And Sell This is the first main step towards successful affiliate marketing. I have seen

many bloggers inserting affiliate links of different niche to their blogs. You should

choose the product similar to your niche.

Like my niche is ‘Blogging’ so I can deliver reviews of Web hosting providers,

WordPress themes, WordPress plugins and other related products and services.

Let’s say you are having a fitness blog so you can deliver reviews on

nutrition supplements, fitness equipment, Diet products and other related


Earlier when I used to be a newbie I review the wrong products which weren't

similar to my niche and was just blogging as I am blogging on a multi-niche blog.

And do you know what? I ended up with 0 sales.

And it can also happen with you if you choose a wrong product.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while selecting a product or service.


• Build a good relationship with reputed bloggers in your niche and keep

discussing which products are they reviewing and what keywords are they

targeting for that product.

• Keep checking out the most popular blogs in your niche and what products are they reviewing.

• Join Affiliate networks like Clickbank, Shareasale to find products and services similar to your niche.

Page 26: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Request your product company for a discount


People love discount codes! This is a true fact.

After researching the products, Sign Up as an affiliate for the products you want to

sell and use the contact form of the company to request a coupon code.

Delivering coupon code can boost your post's CTR as well as your conversion

rate. I make most of the sales through coupon based affiliate posts.

Make a proper keyword research strategy

You may be knowing that the higher you rank in search engines the more sales you

will make.

Keywords are the words or phrases that people use while making a search on search

engines. They might be using informational keyword or buyer intent keywords.

You need to target buyer intent keywords to make sales.

Page 27: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

To rank higher you need to check the real competition of the keyword you are


But how?

None of the FREE keyword research tools show you the accurate competition of a

particular keyword. Use {intitle: “your keyword” inurl: “your keyword”} string in


This rule is specially used to check the competition of the particular keyword by typing the same is the Google search bar.

For e.g. I targeted the keyword "MyThemeshop Coupon code" so I searched

“intitle:”mythemeshop coupon code” inurl:”mythemeshop coupon code” in

the Google search bar to check the results who were having MyThemeShop coupon

code as their keyword in both their URL's and titles.

And do you know what? It showed just 114 results which were so easy to


Try to use that keyword in your title tag as well as in meta description and please don't try to fool Google by practicing keyword stuffing. Play a fair game and I'm sure you'll get the results!

• How To Search Long Tail Keywords For Your Post?

Page 28: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Just publishing affiliate banners and inserting affiliate links in your posts will not drive you a sale. Deliver a solid review on the product or service.

Note: - Your main motive should be readers’ satisfaction instead of making


Try to deliver a review on the basis of your own personal experience. Give

your likes and dislikes about the product.

Here are some effective tips to deliver a solid review:

• Share your own personal experience with the products • Don't just share positive points. Deliver both pros and cons. • Try to write for search engines by implementing the proper keyword

research strategy.

• Share discount coupons with your readers if you have any.

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Write Magnetic Headlines

Enticing headlines play an important role in boosting your Click through rate.

As your click through rate increases, you will get more referral as well as organic

traffic and finally you will make more sales.

You get only few seconds to entice your visitors to grab their attention. So you must write a keyword rick and magnetic title for your post that grab many eyeballs.

Here are few examples:

1. Boost up your affiliate sales by 200%. Know how! 2. How to find a profitable niche in 5 easy steps. 3. James made $1000 from a single blog post. Learn How!

Insert Affiliate Links in Your Posts

Add your affiliate links in the posts which were not written for the purpose of

making sales.

You should insert the affiliate links only where it’s required.

I have seen many bloggers inserting their review posts links instead of the affiliate

links to their posts.

This is the silly mistake we all make. Adding affiliate link to our posts helps in

boosting the conversion rate.

Share Your Affiliate Links with Your Subscribers

Email is a good source to promote your products.

But you need to have a solid subscriber list for it. If you are a newbie and haven't built

it yet, then please start working on it.

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And if you are having a subscriber list then you can send the Affiliate links to your

subscribers with discounts.

There are many free tutorials online that will help you getting started with email marketing and believe me, it works out as a charm.

Add affiliate banners in the header

According to Neil Patel, the Ad banners above the fold are widely seen and have a

good conversion rate. Make sure to insert the banner of the product similar to your


It should be not like that you are having a health blog and inserting banners of

watches or other items. It won't convert.

Some more Affiliate Marketing tips that you should know-

• Share the screenshot of your discount coupon over your networks.

• Try to make the title of your review post short and magnetic.

• Try various products. Don't just rely on one network.

• Make use of Hello Bar to boost your conversion rate.

• Add a descriptive Meta description to grab your readers’ attention.

• Write ‘How To’ guides and insert affiliate links within the content. Search Engines really love "how to" guides

• Use AuthorHReview plugin to show star ratings in Google search results

Page 31: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

#2. Google Adsense

Adsense is an effective advertising program founded by Google which allows

publishers to flaunt Ads on their blog and make money on the basis of the clicks

or impressions they deliver to them.

Today, millions of websites are smartly making money with Google Adsense.

How to get started with Google Adsense?

Step 1. Visit Google Adsense Homepage.

Step 2. Click on "Get Started"

Step 3. Fill out the basic details and Hit "Apply Now"

They might take 4-5 days to notify you about the approval or rejection.

Getting Adsense Approved is not so easy these days due to their strict policies. So, I do suggest you to go through their policies before applying for Adsense.

If still you don't get approved, no need to worry! You can also go with the below given Ad Networks to monetize your blog:-

• Infolinks • Bidvertiser • Superlinks • Revenue Hits • Adversal • Media.net • Chitika

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#3. Sponsored Reviews

Once you have built a good community on your blog and started driving good traffic, you will start driving offers for sponsored reviews automatically.

Millions of companies are being setup daily, under which some might be related to your niche who are seeking to promote their products through blogs.

Here are some tips that would make you successful in driving offers for sponsored


• Create a separate page on your blog for the advertisers and mention the

prices. • Ask for reasonable prices and maintain good relationships. • Deliver your true views regarding the product by mentioning negative points

also, if any!

• Write the best review as you can, so that the Advertiser might give you another opportunity in future.

#4. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing basically means writing for clients on contractual basis. You

are neither employed and nor have to sign a contract. Just find clients, write

for them, and get paid. It seems easy Right?

What you need to do?

You would be given a topic by your client.

You just have to do a lot of research on the given topic and craft a strategy based

on the competition and then write to make your content stand out of the crowd.

You have to deliver a good impression to your clients so you need to make sure

that the article is totally unique and with no grammatical and spelling errors.

It should show your creativity as I believe writing is too an art. Writing involves

proper arrangement of sentences to deliver a good impression.

Page 33: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

#5. Sell your digital products online

Digital Product is an intangible good like eBook, application, webinars, video

tutorials etc. You can create your own digital product or you can be an affiliate but selling your own digital products will a more sustainable business online.

Nowadays trend of digital marketing is growing day by day so it can be a good opportunity to actively participate in digital marketing by selling

digital products online and make a good income out of it.

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How To Drive Traffic

You want to make good income from your blog. Right?

Have you ever thought about the traffic...TARGETED TRAFFIC. Unless you

are not driving targeted traffic, you can't make money blogging!

Yes, it's a true fact...

Please explain what is targeted traffic?

By targeted traffic, I mean targeted audience, that is the people you are targeting to convert them to your customers.

I wrote this eBook to target Newbies who are new to this industry want to make

money blogging.

Now suppose if a professional blogger who makes millions and is reading this

eBook, He would find it a waste of time. Am I right?

So, targeted audience plays an essential role in this industry to make money


Website Traffic is of three types:

Referral Traffic

Organic Traffic

Paid Traffic

Referral traffic is the source of traffic when you drive a temporary traffic

through blog commenting, sharing links over your social networks, guest posting, etc.

Organic traffic refers to the search engine traffic which is only possible through

SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

You need to optimize your site for search engines and rank higher for a keyword

with good search volume to drive lucrative flow of organic traffic.

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Paid traffic refers to the traffic which is mainly through the sponsored reviews,

Adwords, etc. I simple words you are paying someone to deliver traffic on your blog.

Here are some of the best ways to drive a good flow of TARGETED traffic to

your blog:-

• Guest Posting • Blog Commenting • SEO • Participating in forums and communities

Page 36: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

#1. Guest Posting

Guest Posting on authority websites is an amazing way to drive a good flow of referral traffic as well as higher rankings in Google Search Results.

I have posted on many blogs such as Inkthemes, AllBloggingtips and comluv.com. Following are the screenshots:

Guest Post At InkThemes

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Page 38: Universal Blogging GuideSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic")

Here are some tips for effective Guest Blogging:

• Never accept or deliver low quality articles- Matt Cutts cleared the fact

that often low quality posts are penalized by Google an it violates the

policy of Google quality guidelines.

• Make sure the article is having 600+ words. Articles less that 500-600 words are considered spam.

• Make sure to do a good research on the blog you want to write. Check

whether the article you are going to write is not yet published on that blog.

• Avoid article spinning. Deliver original content. • Contact the owner of the blog with your personal email id. • Avoid abusing keyword rich anchor text • Never respond to spam emails requesting for a dofollow links. • Accept posts from well known authors. • Make a effort to link some keywords internally of the host site.

• Try to make connection from your host site from a week before. Start

commenting and sharing the relevant posts. Also start interacting with its readers.

• The days of writing “how to” guides are gone. Give attractive headings

and go for long tutorial posts. Explain the concept in depth.

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#2. Blog Commenting

Blog commenting on authority blogs is an easiest way to gain exposure and build

Backlinks to your blog.

Don't just spam.

Read the full articles to appreciate the writer's handwork and deliver value to it

through your amazing blog comment.

Here are some tips for effective blog commenting:-

• Don’t spam

Gone are the days of comments like “Thanks for sharing” and “nice post“.

As I told you earlier these comments are considered as spam nowadays. You

need to deliver value to the author’s handwork. You should sincerely

appreciate his efforts.

Your first task should be to read the post carefully then deliver a relevant comment and engage with other readers. This makes people notice you.

Don’t look fake

Recently, a guy dropped this comment on my old post. This type of comments are

either trashed or thrown in the spam section.

Who will approve one liner comment with a spelling mistake?

Will you?

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You must make sure to add the Gravatar to your Id through which you are commenting. Don’t give a fake look.

• Avoid Keyword Rich Anchor Texts

When you leave a comment you the anchor text would be text typed in the name


I have seen many bloggers trying to be smart by inserting keyword rich anchor

texts within the comment like Moto E Review.

These comments are removed at a glance by the author. So don’t try to be smart

and play a fair game.

If you think that it’s necessary to add then you should add at most one link and not

more than that.

• Be specific and concise

No need to contribute a paragraph of 1000 words to a post. Just contribute what you


Creating a story would be time consuming and of no use. Keep the comment

interesting instead of making it long.

Ask the author questions in between if you have any. This will enhance the

discussion on the topic.

Try to engage with other readers too.

Here is a comment left by “Robb Gorringe” which made me reply him with


Few sentences like... “Hmm... Come to think of it”, “This Post really got me thinking” etc. makes you get good click trough’s as these makes the comment


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#3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Optimization is an ultimate way to drive organic traffic to your blog.

SEO is the method of dominating rankings in the search engines and driving

targeted traffic to your blog. Follow these blogs to get started up with SEO -

• Search Engine Land • Search Engine Journal • Moz • Search Engine Watch

#4. Participating In Forums And


It is the superb way to drive targeted traffic to my blog.

What you need to do is that look for some discussion websites or forums. Here are

some that I would recommend you:

• Quora • Yahoo Answers • Rise Forums • Warrior Forum

Look for some trending topics related to your niche and try to help people by

solving their problems and do leave a link to your blog if it's relevant.

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