University of Illinois Conservation Strategies IGBA Green Business Summit September 7, 2012

University of Illinois Conservation Strategies IGBA Green Business Summit September 7, 2012

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University of Illinois Conservation Strategies IGBA Green Business Summit September 7, 2012. Overview. Campus Commitments Utilities Distribution System Energy Conservation Water Conservation Waste Reduction Questions/Comments. Campus Commitments. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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University of IllinoisConservation StrategiesIGBA Green Business Summit

September 7, 2012


Campus CommitmentsUtilities Distribution SystemEnergy ConservationWater ConservationWaste ReductionQuestions/Comments

American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)◦ signed February 22, 2008; 2010 iCAP

Illinois Campus Sustainability Compact◦ signed August 27, 2010

Campus Commitments

Illinois: A Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

Utilities Distribution SystemCampus Utilities

Electricity (Energy)Steam (Energy)Chilled Water (Energy) Natural Gas (Energy)Water Sanitary Storm Sewer

Utilities Distribution System• 8 miles of Compressed Air• 9 miles of Steam Tunnels• 23 miles of Chilled Water • 43 miles of Telecomm• 31 miles of Natural Gas• 47 miles of Lighting• 36 miles of Sanitary Sewers• 54 miles of Electrical• 87 miles of Storm Sewers• 10 miles of Steam• 63 miles of Water• 6,133 Manholes

Energy Conservation GoalsiCAP Energy Utilization Index (EUI)

Baseline FY08 = 303,000 BTU/SF/YearFY12 Results = 27.8% EUI reduction

FY12 Actual = 218,691 BTU/SF/Year20% reduction EUI by FY15

FY15 Goal = 242,400 BTU/SF/Year30% reduction EUI by FY20

FY20 Goal = 212,100 BTU/SF/Year

Energy Projects & Initiatives• Evaluate full energy production and distribution system

• Construct a direct-digital control command center – smarter campus• Smart microgrid

• Use renewable energy sources• Power Purchase Agreements for renewables – under discussion• Solar

• Solar Farm – under discussion• Rooftop solar

• BIF rooftop solar – done • ECE rooftop solar – approved • Solar on parking decks – feasibility study funded• KCPA solar options – conceptualization study funded

Solar Farm Project

Solar Farm Project

Energy Projects & Initiatives•SSC Solar Feasibility Study – done •Solar thermal at ARC – in progress

•Wind•Utility Scale wind turbine on south farms - cancelled•RFP for wind power – under discussion

•Geothermal•Allerton geothermal at Evergreen Lodge – completed•President’s House geothermal – under discussion

•Biomass•Vet med miscanthus boiler - cancelled•Biomass co-firing at Abbott Power Plant – in progress

•Biogassification – under discussion•Methane capture

•Anaerobic digester at Beef and Sheep facility•Feasibility Study – approved to start

Energy Projects & Initiatives• Energy conservation projects

• Retrocommissioning (RCx) – in progress• Thermal Energy Storage Tank – done • Lighting Retrofit

• T-12 to T-8 retrofit – in progress• Adaptive lighting pilot project – in progress• Install occupancy and daylight sensors – ongoing

• AFMFA energy conservation projects from deferred maintenance – ongoing

• Energy recovery wheel installations – ongoing • LED campus implementation – under discussion

Adaptive Lighting Project

Adaptive Lighting Project

Energy Projects & Initiatives• ESCOs

• Vet Med – in progress• Oak Street Chiller Plant – in progress• 5-year plan has been developed

• Plant Sciences Window Shades – on going• Net-Zero Energy Building ECE – in progress• Insulation hot water heaters and pipes – ongoing • Convert fume hoods from CAV to VAV – ongoing • Reduce/mothball fume hoods – ongoing • Steam system maintenance – in progress

• Behavior change• Energy dashboard project – in progress• Presentations about energy conservation with Energy Liaisons • Fume hoods education – done, need to repeat• Temperature setbacks from energy use policy – in discussion

Energy Dashboard Project

Energy Dashboard Project

Energy Projects & Initiatives• Update building maintenance procedures to support long-term energy

savings – in progress• Energy Conservation Incentive Program – under discussion

• Facility Standards• LEED certification

• Require all new construction to be LEED Gold certified by 2011 – done

• Require LEED Platinum certified by 2015• Consider green roofs for new buildings and expansions – ongoing • Update standards for new construction, major renovations, and

replacement units – ongoing • Computers & Technology

• Update and enforce campus computer policy• Consolidate servers with virtualization

• Piloting consolidation at F&S – in progress

Water Conservation GoalsiCAP Water Consumption

Baseline FY08 = 1,312,492 kgalFY12 Actual = 1,063,156 kgal, 19%20% reduction potable water by FY15

FY15 Goal = 1,049,994 kgal30% reduction potable water by FY20

FY20 Goal = 918,744 kgal

Water Conservation• Reduce potable water usage

• Connect Raw Water System by 2020• Install low flow fixtures throughout campus – ongoing

• Use of non-potable water• Begin utilizing non-potable water, including untreated raw water,

sump pump discharge, cooling wastewater, stormwater and gray water

• BIF grey water pipe system installed• Look at State law issues with utilizing non-potable water

Water Conservation• Stormwater Master Plan

• Ikenberry Commons stormwater plan• Permeable Pavements/Green Infrastructure

• Porous Asphalt Parking Lot at Fifth and Chalmers - done• Rain Gardens on Campus

• Red Oak Rain Garden – done • Foreign Language Building rain garden – in progress

• Conduct True Cost of Water Study• Implement changes recommended by the ISTC Study to

reduce water use in cooling towers & Abbott• Include "true cost of water" charges with the energy reduction

incentive program – under discussion

Cooling Towers

Waste Diversion Goals

iCAP Waste Diversion GoalsBaseline FY08 = 50% diversion

FY12 Results = 52% diversion75% waste diversion by FY20

Develop a Zero-Waste campus policyDevelop sustainable purchasing policies &

initiatives (i.e. paper, appliances, cleaning supplies, recyclable materials)

Procurement/Waste Management• Increase Recycling Rates

• Consider a campus-wide bottle or can deposit program• Large-Scale Food Waste Composting Facility – in

progress• Implement a campus-wide Battery Recycling program • Lamp & Ballast Recycling – done • Pallet Recycling – done

• Identify opportunities for an increase in reuse and recycling of materials.

• Surplus• Work for legislation to enable the resale of campus goods to the

general public• Develop a durable goods reuse cataloguing system

Food Waste Composting

Procurement/Waste Management• Implement full-cost accounting and life-cycle analysis structures for major

purchases and categories with a cost threshold to be determined• Use carbon and other environmental indicators for purchasing to avoid

environmentally irresponsible products and corporations. Coordinate this effort with other universities

• Set and enforce minimum recycled content standards• Make campus purchasing entities (all units and departments with

purchasing privileges) responsible for costs of the disposal of the products consumed

• Develop a campus incentive for reducing trash with the possibility of charging for waste

Questions / Comments