Unsafe Drinking Water is One of the Leading Health Challenges in the World Today

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  • 8/6/2019 Unsafe Drinking Water is One of the Leading Health Challenges in the World Today




    Water is an essential part of life. Without it, people and animals

    simply cant survive,

    According to the United Nations, 1 billion people worldwide lack

    access to safe drinking water and 80% of all diseases in

    developing countries are transmitted through water.

    Throughout much of the world, women and children walk miles to

    get water for drinking and household use, the Streams, ponds and

    ditches, used as sources for water, are polluted, with this chore

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    often done by children who should instead be in school. This lack

    of water can lead to poor health, malnutrition, meager incomes

    and low agricultural productivity.

    Human feces, containing a wide range of bacteria, viruses and

    other microorganisms, pollute water sources used for drinking

    and washing. As a result, each year more than 900 million cases

    of diarrhea are reported, infectious diseases are rampant, and

    over 4 million children die.

    Microbiologically contaminated water places a tremendous

    burden on the lives and the health of the world's poorest people

    and causes needless misery and death where the struggle for life

    is the hardest. Even within major cities of developing nations,

    water from municipal systems is unsafe and needs to be boiled to

    prevent illness.

    Boiling unsafe water is an effective preventative measure for

    those who can afford it; however, boiling consumes scarce natural

    resources and contributes to deforestation and air pollution. The

    time and energy-consuming task of gathering firewood to boil

    water only adds to the already heavy burden of work for countless

    women and children in developing countries. And where firewood

    cannot be gathered, wood or other fuels must be purchased, with

    the cost often consuming up to 25% of a family's income.



    5 million children under the age of 5 die each year from dysentery

    caused by contaminated water. Caused primarily by the Shigella

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    bacillus, dysentery may be simply defined as diarrhea containing

    blood. In addition to bloody diarrhea, the illness often includes

    abdominal cramping, fever and rectal pain. Less frequent

    complications of infection include sepsis, seizures and renal

    failure. Between 5% and 15% of cases are fatal.


    Approximately 600 million people are at risk, 200 million are

    infected, 120 million are symptomatic and 20 million have severe

    disease worldwide. It is prevalent in 54 countries of Africa, the

    Caribbean, the Eastern Mediterranean, South America and Asia.

    Schistosomiasis, also known as Bilharziasis, is a parasitic disease

    caused by five species of flatworm and leads to chronic ill health

    and serious weakness or death. It is second only to malaria

    among tropical diseases and is the third most prevalent parasitic

    disease in the world. People are infected by contact with infested

    water. The disease most commonly results in intestinal

    schistosomiasis, which leads to cirrhosis of the liver, and urinary

    schistosomiasis, which causes bladder cancer.

    Infected victims contaminate their environment through urine

    and feces into quiet rivers and lakes. The eggs hatch on contact

    with water and release larvae. A tiny larva finds a fresh water

    snail host, where it divides itself repeatedly to produce thousands

    of new parasites. Parasites are excreted into the water by the

    snail. They can penetrate the skin of a mammal within seconds,continuing the biological cycle once they make their way into the

    victims blood stream. Within 30 to 45 days, the parasite is

    transformed into a long worm, residing in the blood vessels of the

    intestine or bladder. Only half of the eggs are excreted in the

    feces or urine. The rest are trapped in body tissues, damaging

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    other organs. It is the eggs, and not the worm, which cause

    damage to the intestines, the bladder and other organs.

    Schistosomiasis is a preventable disease, but the number of cases

    is continually rising. The provision of safe and adequate water

    supplies and sanitation facilities contributes substantially to

    reducing its prevalence and severity.


    An estimated 16 million cases of typhoid fever and 600,000

    related deaths occur worldwide, with a concentration in Asia,

    Africa and Latin America. In the United States about 400 cases

    occur each year, and 70% of these are acquired while traveling

    internationally. Typhoid fever is an acute, life-threatening febrile

    illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella thphi. You can get

    typhoid fever if you eat food or beverages that have been handled

    by a person who is a carrier, or if sewage contaminated with the

    bacteria gets into the water you use for drinking or washing food.

    Therefore, typhoid is more common in areas of the world where

    hand washing is less frequent and water is likely to be

    contaminated with sewage.

    The disease is characterized by fever headache, malaise, anorexia,

    enlargement of the spleen, and abnormally slow heartbeat. Many

    mild and atypical infections occur. Persons with typhoid fever

    carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract. In

    addition, a small number of persons, called carriers, recover fromtyphoid fever, but continue to carry the bacteria. Both ill persons

    and carriers shed S. Typhi in their feces (stool).


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    During 1998, the number of cases worldwide doubled from 1997.

    Africa reported 212,000 cases and there were over 57,000 in the

    Americas. It is on a steep rise in Asia with large increases in

    Afghanistan, India, Cambodia, Malaysia, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

    Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the

    intestine with the bacterium vibrio cholerae. About one in 20

    infected persons has a severe case characterized by profuse

    watery diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps. Rapid loss of body

    fluids leads to dehydration and shock. Without treatment, death

    can occur within hours and fatality rates can be very high.

    A person may get cholera by drinking water or eating food

    contaminated with the cholera bacterium. In an epidemic, the

    source of the contamination is usually the feces of an infected

    person. The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate

    treatment of sewage and drinking water. AFTER A DISASTER,

    THIS IS A VERY REAL DANGER, since regular water and food

    supplies are often unavailable.


    50,000 people die each year out of 50 million cases reported

    worldwide. Transmission occurs through ingestion of cysts in

    fecally contaminated food or water and person-to-person contact.

    It is most common in tropical countries where crowded living

    conditions and poor sanitation prevail. Africa, Latin America,

    Southeast Asia and India have significant health problemsassociated with this disease.

    Typical symptoms are frequent diarrheal, often bloody bowel

    movements, abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, and occasional

    fever. Recurrences are common unless the individual is treated.

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    Spreading of the ameba into the wall of the colon may cause

    colitis or dysentery, and in rare cases it can migrate to the liver,

    lungs, brain or other organs.


    The number of people affected from this debilitating disease has

    declined dramatically, yet remains over 100,000. It is prevalent in

    rural areas of 16 countries in Africa as well as Yemen.

    Dracunculiasis is a disabling infection caused by the parasite,

    Dracunculus medinensis, commonly known as the guinea worm,

    which is the largest of the tissue parasites affecting humans. The

    disease is only contracted by drinking water sources

    contaminated with the infected hosts of the parasite. Stagnant

    sources of drinking water, such as ponds, cisterns, pools in dried-

    up riverbeds, temporary hand-dug wells and step wells are the

    usual sites where the infection is transmitted.

    People become infected when they drink water containing tiny

    crustaceans, called copepods or water fleas, that act as

    intermediate hosts of the organism and harbor infective larvae.

    The parasite migrates through the body. Over the next year,

    female worms grow to maturity, reaching a length of 70 cm or

    more (2-3 feet). The worms usually emerge from the feet in 90%

    of the cases, but can also appear in the upper extremities, the

    trunk, buttocks, genitalia, etc.

    Symptoms include severe pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and

    dizziness. Infected persons remain asymptomatic for

    approximately a year after infection when the mature female

    worm approaches the skin and forms a painful ulcer. Eventually it

    ruptures, exposing the worm. As the worm emerges through the

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    skin lesion, the affected person pulls it out slowly and carefully.

    This process causes unbearable pain and may last many weeks. If

    the worm breaks during extraction, an intense inflammatory

    reaction occurs, with pain, swelling and cellulitis. Partial or total

    disability can last from several weeks in isolated cases up to, in

    most cases, several months. Healing is no guarantee of immunity

    against further serious secondary infection.

    By: Chiara Marlene