Upselling Techniques

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To sell designated items in priority, in a way that the guest only see his interest and not ours.


Develop techniques and a personal attitude to increase revenue of the outlet.


To recommend adequate items To answer his needs and questions To influence the choice To make the guest happy

To help the kitchen To help yourself with service

To achieve budget To be able to maintain cost To finish stock

To create a personal relation with your guest To be able to develop a dynamic attitude To make your name famous To make more tips

To develop a new image for the restaurant To develop a new image for the hotel

To emphasis on the concept of the outlet

To be proactiveTo show the guest the range of your knowledgeAvoid tricky questionImpress the guest

Show that you understand him and his needs

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1. Why is it important to know the menu?

To feel confident in front of the guest To be able to be active To be able to feel that you know more than the guest

2. What should you know?

2.1 Financial information

Know the price of all itemsLearn it by heartIt will help to adapt on the budgetIt will help to achieve budget

Know the margin of all itemStudy the cost of itemsHelp to control the cost

2.2 Speediness

Know the speediness of productionTake the time to analyse the time on busy and slow serviceKeep a track of time orderDiscuss it with chef (mise en place)

Know the speediness of the set upThink before approaching the guest (maybe short of mise en place) Think of your next duty after the order (maybe no time for long set up)

2.3 Recipe

Know the components of the recipeSome guest might be allergicHelp to describe the item(Pork, healthy option, vegetarian, spiciness.)

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Know the cooking techniquesGrilled, boiled…Help to describe the dish

Know the different step in the preparation methodHelp to describe Help to segregate the stepsHelp to make the description lively and clear

Know the similarity between dishesHelp to consider remarks without changing the recipe Help to give options to the guest

Know the origin of the dishHelp to advise the guestHelp to adapt the up sell

Know the sauces availableHelp to give alternative

Know the feed back of previous guest on specific foodHelp to describeKnow the availability on the menuCaptain to check availability before each serviceDiscuss it during the briefing

Know the possibility of the chef for special requestWhen can you accept special request (busy day, season)?Procedures to follow (ask chef, take reservation)Is it always available in store (time to order)?

ConclusionTo be able to explain and suggest, you have to know what you sell!Never work as a salesman without knowing what you sell!You would look stupid and unprofessional!

Ex:A gardener could not sell a plane,A gardener could not sell a Canard a l’OrangeA gardener could easily sell plantsA gardener already knows the subject

A waiter is a professional!Don’t underestimate your potential!Just work on it!

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Understand guest needs

1. Introduction:

There are many components in the up-selling techniques.One of them is,

Your ability to adapt to each individual guest.

1.1 You are an intruder…Each table is different from the other one. Going from one table to another one is like going from one world to another one.You are interrupting

a conversation an ambience an emotion A movement of the guest.

You are always coming as an intruder!

1.2 …so, think before.In order to facilitate this intrusion you have to understand the context of each table.Take into consideration at least the following elements:

Nationality Occasion Position Special requirement

2. The occasion

2.1 Introduction:Guests expect different attitudes depending on the occasion of the dinner.The same guest, who is normally very friendly, will expect more distance if he comes on a business dinner.

Very often the guest mention the occasion of the meal: Making the reservation Introducing you to the guest Introducing guest to each other

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Very often you can see changes In behaviour (will come to check the table before) In way of being dressed (casual to formal) In Way of talking (will speak slowly and carefully) In their personal approach to you ( from kiss to shaking hand)

2.2 What is the occasion?

2.2.1 Business: Guest will be dressed up Conversation will be business orientated Reservation will be made They do not want long interruptions of the waiter Interruption have to be short and precise The meal is an occasion to change the usual context of the office Be professional and quick

2.2.2 Romantic: It will be a couple They will be dressed up (or smart casual) Make up and perfume might will be obvious They might have booked flowers or Champagne They might have come to book a specific table The guest expect attention (wants to impress on the choice) The guest expect privacy (you should not be too close) The guest expect friendly attitude (you are a part of the atmosphere) Do not interrupt every 5 minutes Show to the host, that you understand the importance of the occasion They might be stressed at the beginning Take your time with service Cool down, when going on the table

2.2.3 Friends Be talkative! Don’t be too formal, Relax and Joke Interact with the guest Guests expect reactive waiter Interruption have to be lively Guests expect an entertainment Guests have time for suggestions Guests expect nice evening and are open on all additional elements Guests have to remember your name

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2.2.4 Official ceremony Ceremony has to be considered as a major event Show consideration Be efficient Take attention to details Be professional and friendly. Don’t over make it! Ensure preparation of special requirement (cake, flower, menu,

camera, champagne etc.) Ensure you know the host and way of payment Ensure proper billing Introduce yourself

2.2.5 Tourist Be very friendly Be very talkative Consider yourself as a guide in the country Consider yourself as a guide in the restaurant Consider yourself as a guide in the hotel Interact with the guest Ask question so them so they have impression they are active Ask them to fill up guest questionnaire Reassure them on their billing Invite them to come back the following day Pass on any bad remarks to manager

3. Nationality

As you adapt your attitude to the occasion, adapt yourself to the nationality.

It is impossible to describe a person by his nationality only.They are all different.However, a common cultural attitude can be defined.

3.1. Japanese They are mainly business man They do not speak a lot of English (use easy vocabulary) Use specific and simple terms They are not very often use to other cuisine They attach a lot of importance to hierarchy and respect Attach a lot of importance to cleanness They do not complain on the spot but later They mainly look for famous items, brands They are used to pay a lot for basic things They often look strict

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They often book in advance and come to check the table They are always on time They don’t like to wait They pay attention to presentation Easy to up-sell drinks

3.2 Local They do not always speak English (especially old) They often have basic knowledge already as they travel They like to talk about their dining experience They drink discreetly They sometimes request to have Beverage charges in Food They don’t like men to look at the wife They often look for a quite and discreet table They look for famous name They like very quick service The service should not be oppressive The explanation has to be simple They expect recommendation They like spicy food They might ask funny things (don’t be surprised!) They like to be recognised They like friendly service They don’t have as much money as we might think Advise on pork item and alcohol in sauces Offer alternative Suggest seafood Don’t waste time on cheese

3.3 English They like to be recognised Don’t make mistake on charges Be careful on expensive item Explain precisely and in good English Do not lie Offer good standard of service Be careful to smoking area Be professional Be friendly and dynamic Ensure accuracy of items ordered Do not hesitate to complain Offer vegetarian options

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3.4 Asians Be careful to the prices Be friendly Be a kind of tour guide Don’t be surprised by special request Do not have a superior attitude Like spicy food Be careful to beef Offer vegetarian options Attach a lot of attention to special occasion

3.5 Lebanese Like to be centre of attraction Like table visible from others (want to see and be seen) Like famous brands Often have a lot of money Wants management of the outlet to be attention to them Like simple food (grilled) Some are Muslim and don’t take pork or alcohol Do not hesitate to complain to management Like to be recognised Don’t like to wait Are very good customers for the hotel (big parties, members) Organise big parties in the outlet if happy Look for good service and food Like well-cooked meat Waiter should be efficient and talkative Give impression to prepare something special for them

3.6 French Often think they know more on F&B than others Show your knowledge and they will stop Often think they are the most important community for your outlet Like good service and food Prefer to wait to have good food Look at prices carefully especially for beverage Always compare with France Like friendly and easy service Expect personality to come out Expect every body to be served at the same time They will try to catch you on knowledge Can be quite snobbish Talk a lot and like to be listened to Rarely complain but will never come back They are not all wine expert

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4. Social and Business Dining4.1. Social Dining

Private dining does not really exist in UAEAll guest are recognised by company and positionIt is almost more important to know the company than the nameThey are often superior but they would be normal people in their countriesThey are not kings of the worldThey go out a lot as there is nothing to doPeople talk a lotLadies are a major marketPeople often are members of groups or association Communities don’t mixThey always compare

4.2 BusinessThey are all General MangerThey do not have all good positionThere are few important international companyThey often give good business in rooms and functionsThey often come with sales on ENT

Conclusion:Taking those elements into consideration the waiter can approach the guest.It is now important to listen and look at the guest

Reading a guest

1. Introduction:

It is easy to understand a guest if you pay attention to him.

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Most of the time he will give crucial information without he even notices it.

There are mainly 2 kinds of reaction to observe:1. Verbal2. Physical

Being aware and open to those opportunities you will be able to adapt your selling technique to the guest.

2. Verbal Reaction

2.1 Before suggestingFrom the arrival to giving the menuListen carefully and try to catch words

Is the guest talking immediately to you, on arrival?He might be shy, uncomfortable, confident, extravert

Does he use your name?Wants to be recognised as a regular May not want to be recognised if he normally call you by your nameHe might be on business meal that time

Is he talking to his guest in formal and respective manner?Might be business or friendly meal

What is he talking about?Business or private story

Is he like introducing the restaurant to others?He already cameWelcome him as if you remember him

Is he checking his reservation?He expect you to know his nameYou should be able to use his nameMight have had a reservation problem beforeThere is maybe a special requirementHe wants you to recognise him as the host

Is talking like the host? (organising the seating)He will pay the checkHe is the decision-maker

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Is he suggesting dishes to his guest? Which one?He knows the menuFollow him in his recommendationOffer possibility of a changeShow that you know he already came

Is talking about price?What does he say?He might be money conscious

Is he suggesting taking an aperitif?He gives idea of a budgetIdea on alcohol concern

Is he talking about healthy choice?Does he talk about fish or meat?Does he talk about salad?Catch words: light, heavy

Conclusion:With that information, you need to adapt your approach

2.2 While suggesting.

Be attentive to what the guest says while talking to him

Listen carefully to the questionThe expected answer is in the questionThis is not too spicy? Concern on soft taste foodThis is not too heavy? Concern on diet

Listen to internal conversationThe reaction will show concern on different subjectAdapt your speech to the commentsI tasted it last time, it is…

Are they listening to youMight not want adviceMight feel like you don’t sound appealingYou might not be loud enoughYou might be boring

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Do they ask questions on your recommendation?You already interested them

Do they ask question on item not suggestedDo not insist on your recommendation, it was wrong track

Are they blocked by one part of the explanation?You interested them, but need to adapt the order if possibleYou were not clear enough

2.3 After suggesting

Listen to the comment when you finish suggesting as they reflect your % of achievement of your suggestive step

They might show concern on one itemThey might be convinced

Don’t go too far away, as they will give crucial feed backYou will consider those remarks to adapt your speech while taking the order.

3. Physical reaction

You can read a guest just looking at himHis facial expression, body language will express feeling that you have to consider in your up selling

3.1 Before suggesting

As soon as the guest enter you can analyse him

Does he walk quickly?He might be in hurry

Does he look upset?You will have to be careful

Start slowly, test him before attacking

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Is he looking at you?He might need attention

He might find you not interesting for him

Does he take the time the look around before looking at the menuHe might want to relax and take his time

Does he keep moving around?He might not be happy of the seating

Does he smile?He is in good spirit

Does he place his guest?He might be the host

Does he look at the set up?He might be from a competitor

He might concern on cleanness

Does he say hi to all the guestHe is famous in town

3.2 While suggesting

Pay attention to his reaction while you speak

Is he looking at you?He might be interested

Is he smiling?He might find you funny

Does he look impatient?He might be in hurry

Does he look at you a strange way?He might not speak English

Is he shaking his head while you talk?He is very interested

Are his eyes shining?You might be very interesting

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Does he look relaxed in his chair?He has time to listen

3.3 After Suggestion

Just looking at the guest you can figure out your impact on the choice

Do they look enthusiastic? Do they show disagreement? Do they discuss a lot? Do they close the menus quickly? Do they keep on moving? Do they start to relax? Do they start to smile?

Conclusion:Combining your analysis of verbal and physical reaction you can judge your techniques and the guest reaction.If you are able to see that information you can easily up-sell.Most of the time you see and understand those reactions, but do you take the necessary actions to adjust?It is your personal imput that will make the difference.You have to work on this imput.

Up-Selling Techniques

In order to attract attention you have to work on different element, which contribute to a successive up selling.

1. Voice

The control of the voice is very important, as it is the main way of communication with your guest

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Be clear, be conscious of your accent Tune your voice, do not have a constant flat voice Adapt your volume to the size of the table

2. Speech

2.1 Speediness Do not speak too quick as the guest will not understand You might sound boring at the end Some guests might not say anything but you will not be

effective Your accent might not be understandable Do not speak too slow as the guest will have the impression to

be treated as stupid kid

2.2. Use appetising words Know your product very well Describe the dish with technical and commercial words Have a wide range of adjective and expression Adapt the description to guest reaction Give impression of special dishes

2.3. InteractAsk question to the guestConsider their answerDo not hesitate to give your personal feelingDo not hesitate to joke (depending on feed back)Always remain polite and respectful

3. Smile & Eyes

The smile is a master key to up-sell Smile will reflect on your voice and speech You are all handsome and pretty don’t spoil it with long face Use your charm Look straight into the guest

4. Hand Movement

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Hand will help to support your speech Hand will create animation Hand will attract the guest

5. Standing Posture

Your standing posture can show more than you think

It can show you are shy (too far from table) It can show you feel inferior to the guest (too far from guest,

feet joint) It can show disinterest, lack of concern It can show you are tired Look at your feet and hips position Have a straight head Move your body, don’t be rigid

6. Appearance

Your personal appearance is crucial

Guest will focus on something else if you are not clean Be shaved Clean shoes Not too much perfume Don’t show valuable item Have clean hand Hair well arranged


To up-sell, you need:

To know your product To know your guest To know the occasion To consider their reaction To work on a personal way to describe dishes You need to be clean

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