Written by Galorian Illustrated by Liang Luca Produced by copyright 2015


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Page 1: UrbanXStory

Written by Galorian Illustrated by Liang Luca

Produced by

copyright 2015

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Who R the UrbanX Scooter Striders?

The UrbanX Scooter Striders are the coolest gang in the States... It all happened when Scooterboy arrived from space landing in the children’s backyard…

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Scooterboy – the main character

Scooterboy arrived to earth from outer space on his Shox Scooter, he landed in the back yard of Jackie, Tony and Wanda…

The Shox Scooter extra characteristics: A shock absorbing spring allows you to propel yourself farther and faster than ever before. catching air and doing tricks. Additional advantages: locking adjustment system, lightweight, durable foldable aluminium body, flexible fiber spring providing enhanced thrills and allowing smoother riding


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Tony on the lean Monster

Tony is the cleverest of them all and knowledgeable, on his Lean Monster

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Wanda on the Street Monster Cheos

Wanda is the uniting spirit and the central pillar of our gang on the Street Monster

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Wacky Jackie on the Street Monster blaster

Jackie on his Street Monster Chaos as he is the strongest and tallest

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Sean D Vinci Junior riding on the Lean Monster

Sean D Vinci Junior the fastest and bravest than all, always manages to surprise with his creative mind. The gang members go to him whenever they bump into a problem they can’t manage to fix for themselves. His special Urban X extreme on wheels is the Lean Monster

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Written by Galorian Illustrated by Liang Luca

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First part – the meeting with Scooterboy and the extreme on

wheels inter galactic race


Tony is six and he has a dream.

Only his brother and sister, Sean and Wanda, and his cousin Jackie, who is

also his best friend, know of this special dream.

Today, he wishes to be the chief commander and captain-pilot of the space

vessel that is in his backyard so he could reach new undiscovered planets.


Tony is very excited, he didn’t sleep at night as Sean, his little brother, could not

restrain himself from telling him the secret that today grandmother Eve takes

them to visit the space center. Tony, Jackie, Sean and Wanda, woke up one

hour earlier so they could play in their cardboard space shuttle that is in their

backyard. On their right shoulder strap there was the symbol of a colorful

rainbow that was their symbol, and over their right pocket a sign of flight rings.

They felt as real astronauts, even it was only a game.

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They took with them a travelogue and Wanda was chosen to be in charge of the

travelogue. Tony and his team members took as well the candies that they

brought with them to the trip in the space center, and placed them in the space

shuttle as presents for children they are about to meet in other planets. They

knew it is going to be very exciting to meet with children from other planets and

exchange presents with them.

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Tony planed carefully the course while Jackie, Sean and Wanda finished their

last preparations before launch.

“All systems are in order. Get ready for launch!” says Tony to his team members

while all are seated in their positions. Then, Tony started countdown: 10… 9…

8… 7… 6… 5…


4… 3… 2… 1… and launch.

“Engine number one has disconnected, we passed the sound barrier and left

the atmosphere!” announced Sean before the other team members.

“Careful! A meteorite from our left, divert space vessel to the left and speed up

to seven mach,” Said Jackie.

“Will we make it back before dinner?” asked Wanda.

“Look, here is Australia down below,” said Tony.

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Then, Tony started countdown: 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5…

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“One minute!” cried laud Tony.

“Where are all those flashing lights arriving from?”


“And maybe a meteor?” suggested Jackie

Tony picked outside of his window. “Wow!” he would not believed it if he didn’t

see it with his own eyes.

A boy about the Same age as theirs landed close to their cardboard space

shuttle with a perfected scooter.

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“Am I dreaming?” thought Tony

“Maybe he came to pick us up from the space center” said Sean and immediately took

his words back.

“Hello, I am Scooterboy” said the boy and smiled at them.

Tony could see that the boy was dressed with a regular blue jeans, a green shirt with a

printing on it URBAN X, on his head he had a helmet with the Same script as the one on

his shirt.

The alien slide in the air on his scooter and around their cardboard space shuttle and

returned landing just beside them in the Same place he stood before them.

“Wow!” cried Sean at him with wonder.

“How do you call this thing?” asked Jackie

“That’s the Shox scooter” kindly replied the boy and smiled at Tony, Jackie, Sean and

Wanda that smiled back at him.


“Tony, I have been waiting awhile to meet with you and even brought presents to you

and your friends.”

“This is so kind of you, we also have presents for you” said Tony.

“You are all welcome to join me and meet children from my planet – Now there is an

intergalactic race going on for extreme ride on and I believe that we can make it as a hell

of a team, ah! What do you say, want to be in my team and compete?”

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“Tony, I have been waiting awhile to meet with you and even brought presents

to you and your friends.”

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Wanda quickly took out a pencil and a paper, leaving a note to their

grandmother Eve, writing where they went.

Then, all of a sudden four flashing lights lighted up beside them and four space

extreme vehicles appeared together and here as in magic, their cloths changed

to green suits with the URBAN X symbol with the name of each one of them on

the back of the shirt.

Then, just about next to Tony appeared the Lean Monster. “Tony, you are clever

and knowledgeable, I chose for you the Lean Monster, a very stable monster

like space vehicle with a big front wheel and very wide two rear wheels.

Next to Jackie and Wanda appeared two Street Monster vehicles, Chaos and

Blaster, those as well had a big front wheel with a space look. “Jackie, I chose

for you the Street Monster Chaos as you are strong and tall”. Jackie looked at

his new vehicle beside him that was colored blue and black and the other, the

Street Monster Blaster, the one beside Wanda that was colored in a dark space


“And you dear Wanda, I chose for you the Street Monster Blaster as you are the

uniting spirit and the central pillar of our gang.

“And what about me?” asked Sean,

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”And you Sean, I didn’t forget you, you are the fastest and bravest than all, you

get the Street Monster Junior” right when beside Sean, that was the youngest

among all, appeared the Street Monster Junior.

“How are we called?” asked Sean proud of being called the fastest and bravest

then all.

“We are called the URBAN X gang” replied Scooterboy and the last repeated

after him, “the URBAN X gang!”

Sean was the first to sit on the vehicle and right away and without any warning

the Street Monster Junior started leaped high in the air.

Wanda was shocked and his friends called at him to return at them.

Scooterboy stood on his Shox scooter and in no time stood beside Sean in the


“Don’t fear my friend; you can easily land the Street Monster Junior. Just make

sure to concentrate and carefully control the handlebar.”

“Here, I can do it” pleasantly cried Sean and smiled at Scooterboy.

“Well done, now, follow me and I’ll escort you back down.”

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“Come on, after me toward the intergalactic stadium, to the riding championship”

called Scooterboy at his friends.

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“Wow, for a moment we thought we have lost you there” cried Wanda

“No worry, it is a piece of cake” cried Sean with pride.

“Come on guys, get on your new vehicles and join me,” cried Scooterboy to his

new friends and those joined, each on his new vehicle, without hesitation.


“Come on, after me toward the intergalactic stadium, to the riding

championship” called Scooterboy at his friends and those repeated after him.

“Ooh! Jackie, Sean, Wanda, my dream is truly realizing!” laughed Tony when he

felt how easily he controls the Lean Monster as it was specially designed for


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The vehicles lifted up and entered Outer Space in a speed of five mach.

“It means that we are five times then the speed of sound,” explained Scooterboy.

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The vehicles lifted up and entered Outer Space in a speed of five mach.

“It means that we are five times then the speed of sound,” explained


Tony that rode to his right asked million questions and decided that touring the

outer space is a real exciting adventure.


“Be ready, be ready. The undefeated URBAN X Gang arrives to win the Cup”

cried Jackie laud, to the enjoyment of all.

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Everybody could see the lights and colors that covered the intergalactic

Stadium that is in Funtastic planet.

Tony said to Jackie, Sean and Wanda that all must be waiting for them by now.

“Come on, let’s throw candies at the crowd, let them cheer us up,” called


All had a great fun and laughed so hard.

They were all ready to land inside the stadium.


The children of Funtastic planet were very excited to see children from planet


They cried laud and cheered toward Scooterboy, their beloved hero, the

unbeatable champion in extreme ride on, and his new friends and thanked them

for the candies they brought with them.

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The children of Funtastic planet were very excited to see children from planet ‘Earth’.

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The children of Funtastic planet were very excited to see children from planet ‘Earth’.

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Those stood at the starting line next to the other competing gangs, there were



“Tony Hook, Wacky Jackie, Sean de Vinci junior and Wanda girl, my friends and

team members, let’s give the crowd a show from outer space” said Scooterboy

and punched his hand in the air and those did together with him as a united


The crowd started cheering laud and to the sound of a Boom they all started

and leaped forward.

The competition was very tight, especially between Scooterboy and Super-

strider from the URBAN SLIDERS where those, Tony, Jackie, Sean and Wanda

kept their positions also in the front line, preventing others from disturbing

Scooterboy course.

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Here they are in their last round, getting in a galactic speed at the front line,

Super strider is in the lead and Scooterboy just beside him, and here in an

acrobatic elusive move he managed to maneuver from his right and win the

lead and to be the first at the finish line, ahead of Super strider within a

millisecond. All the competitors arrived one after the other to the finish line to

the sounds of the cheering crowd. Wanda told Tony that it could have been

wonderful if their parents and grandmother could be there in the crowd and see

how they won the competition, but just about then, a beam of light appeared

and brought them back to earth.

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All the competitors arrived one after the other to the finish line to the sounds of the

cheering crowd.

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Tony enthusiastically asked, “Was it only a dream?” but then Jackie looked at

Sean and Wanda, all amassed from what has just happened to them.

They all wore the Same green suits with the URBAN X symbol, just as

Scooterman had. They smiled toward one another at the Same time.

Does a place like Funtastic planet really exist and does he really exist –


Mission accomplished!

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Tony enthusiastically asked, “Was it only a dream?” but then Jackie looked at Sean

and Wanda, all amassed from what has just happened to them.

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Tony, Jackie, Wanda and Sean wanted to tell their friends from Funtastic planet

of the Israeli astronaut, Ilan Ramon, but they couldn’t remember the name of

the space shuttle he went on his mission in space. Maybe you kids at home

could help them remember?

Pick the right answer:





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“Come on, after me toward the intergalactic stadium, to the

riding championship” called Scooterboy at his friend and those

repeated after him.


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Creativity, Creativity and more Creativity

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Disclaimer: The content here is provided FREE of charge. We at GalorianCreations hope that

we inspired you and to see you make your own act of grace and pay it forward in your own unique


Remember! The material world and all we have in it are only temporary. However, what we do for

others will remain for eternity. There is nothing more supreme and noble.