f M - 1 ' UNITED STATES ENVIRONMBNTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of Pesticide Programs Registration Division Robert F. Bischoff DOWELANCO QUAD IV 9002 PURDUE RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46268 Subject: Label Amendment Submission of 06/23/93 to Comply with WPS Labeling Requirements EPA Reg Nr. 62719-68 DURSBAN SOW INSECTICIDE Dear Registrant: The labeling cited above and submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is accepted subject to the comments .listed below. Based on your certification, the Agency has accepted only those changes to your labeling which are necessary to comply with PR Notices 93-7 and 93-11, which reflect the WPS labeling requirements of 40 CFR part 156, subpart K. Any other labeling changes submitted in connection with this amendment application and not directly related to compliance with PR Notice 93-7 or 93-11 have neither been reviewed nor accepted by the Agency. If you wish to make any such . chdnges, you· must submit a separate amendment application proposing 'them. If your product registration is currently suspended, acceptance of this labeling amendment does not affect the suspension in any way. A copy of your proposed labeling stamped, "Accepted with comments", is attached. Make any required changes described below and send three copies of final labeling as soon as it is available to: Document Processing Desk (FIN-LABBL) Office of Pesticide Programs (H-7504C) U.S. Bnvironmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW washington, DC 20460-0001

U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DURSBAN 50W, 10/18/1993 › pesticides › chem_search › ppls › ...6/22193 (clatapack. Cover. Dursban soW): (logo) DowElanco Dunban' SOW Ins.ctlcld

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Office of Pesticide Programs Registration Division


Subject: Label Amendment Submission of 06/23/93 to Comply with WPS Labeling Requirements


Dear Registrant:

The labeling cited above and submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is accepted subject to the comments .listed below.

Based on your certification, the Agency has accepted only those changes to your labeling which are necessary to comply with PR Notices 93-7 and 93-11, which reflect the WPS labeling requirements of 40 CFR part 156, subpart K. Any other labeling changes submitted in connection with this amendment application and not directly related to compliance with PR Notice 93-7 or 93-11 have neither been reviewed nor accepted by the Agency. If you wish to make any such . chdnges, you· must submit a separate amendment application proposing 'them. If your product registration is currently suspended, acceptance of this labeling amendment does not affect the suspension in any way.

A copy of your proposed labeling stamped, "Accepted with comments", is attached. Make any required changes described below and send three copies of final labeling as soon as it is available to:

Document Processing Desk (FIN-LABBL) Office of Pesticide Programs (H-7504C) U.S. Bnvironmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW washington, DC 20460-0001

DOWBLAHCO BPA Keg. Number I 62719-68 DQRSBAN SOW INSBCTICIDB Application datel 06/23/93 Original Submission

Hand or courier deliveries of final labels may be made to:

D~cument Processing Desk (FIN-LABEL) Room 266A, Crystal Mall 2 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202

You omitted the Personal Protective Equipment heading.

The Agricultural Use Requirements referral statement in your proposed label does not reflect the language prescribed on page 43 of the Main Labeling Guidance.

. Please-correct the typographical errors circled o~ the

draft before printing final labeling.

In your final labeling, the "Agricultural Use Requirements" text must be contained in a clearly separate box. This box may be set apa~t by a line, by another graphical device, by a differe.'lt color background, or in any other way thit clearly distinguishes it from surrounding text.

6/22193 SRCS 1

(Edlots note; De~ted text indicated by strike·through and added text underlined. EPA copy dated 04126189 and Worker protection standard.) (Container Label) (logo) DowEllnco

Durlbln" SOW In .. cUclde

To ae Ipplled only by commercII I Ippllcatorl responllble for InHCt control proarems, or persons under their direct lupervlslon

Active Ingredient: chIorpyrllos; O.O-diethyl O·(3.5.6-trlchloro·2·pyrldlnyl)phosphorothloate....................... 50%

Inert Ingredients....................................................................................................... ...... 50%

Preclutlonlry Stltlmlntl Huards to Humin. and Domestic Anlmall

WARNING AVISO: Piac.ucIOA a. ululrlo: Si "ltl~ AO lie IAgI'.i, AO I.Iri ,188 PfO'IY;tg harta que Ii 8liqulla Ie t:.ava cicio IIIp'i;ac;!a ampIIalRlA& •• 81 ysted no entjeodt Ii etlqueta bupe a algujen para que se Ia exQllgye a Usted en detalle In you do not yoderstaod the label fjrxt someone to explain, to you in detal )

. _ Be Fatal If Swallowed • Harmful If Inhaled Or Absorbed Through Skin • CauSl' Eye Irrltltlon

00 not alt In eYII, on skin or clothlnl.. Avoid breathing dust Ind 'Prey mist. Wal" 'boJOuSlIII~ willi ,alp lAd wat.r .... r ~ •• lclIlAg .AeI befor ••• IRg or ,moklRg. Aemoye c::oAIIIRIAalecI c::lolhlAI aAei ... 11 belore rlu.e. Kllp IWlY from food, 'Hdstuff., and wlter IUppl ....

Applicator. Ind other hindi", my II war; • Coveralls oyer sbod-sleeved sbiR and soon Dants • Waterprpol glpyes • Shoes W'5 socks • emtllCtjye 1MIWfl. • OustJojst film resPirator (MSHAINIOSH a!llV!lllal !lJnjl!Ir oreflx Ie·21 C)

P'Sr-ard clplhim am other atwubent matertals that have been drltncIwJ or heavilY contanjoated wlh Ihis prrQlcI's mncercrale Po opt CIlJH them foIow manufaml(eCslnstDJdlpns for deankmlrna'majnjog peE H IXI s m jmlryc;tjonl tor wubables use dtterptQ and hpt water Keep and wash PPE separately 'rpm other B"ndry


u ........ F"'enl' ••••• F .... idf' ...... Me 5 'I. AtI ..... endt'd. Iw .. e r ''1 .. ,.; ....... _ EPA ... No. 1p~7/9 • (08


6/22193 SACS 2

'First Aid An grglnppbp.pb... 'nllClI'edt/mltlcld •. n 8WIIIO •• d: Call a physician or PoIIIOII Control Center JmmedIately. DrInk 1 ,u 2 glasses of water and induce vomiling by touching back of ttvoat with finger. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If on IIdn: Wash wlh plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention. H In avee: AIah wIh pIenIy of WIler tor 5 mOlt.. Get rncdIcIl attenliDn IlrrIatlon persists. "lnhlllel: RfH'IIOVe to fresh air IlyII'1JIorns of cholinesterase inhibition appear and get medical attention ImmecJlately. NOte to physlc"n: ChIorpyrItos Is a cholinesterase inhibitor. Treat symptcmatlcally. "exposed, plasma and red blood eel cholinesterase tests may indicate significance of exposure (baseline data are usetu~. Atropine. only by injection, Is the preferable antidote. Oxlmes. such as 2·PAM/ptotopam, may be therapeutic /I used early; however, use only In conjunction with atropine. In case of severe aarte poisoning, use antidote Immedialely after establishing an open aiway and respiration.

Environmental Hazards This pesticide is toxic to biIds and wildlife, and extremely toxic to lish and aquatic 0Ig8fIisms. Do not apply directly to waler. Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adjacent aQuatic sites. Cover or incorporate spills. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters. This product is highty toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.

Refer to label booklet for additional precautlona:y 'InformatIOn Including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Directions for UN Including Agricultural UN Requirements and StOl1lge and Dispoul.

NOtice: Read the entire label. Use only according to label dinlctlons. Before buyIng or using thl. product, read "Warrallty DJaclalmer" and "Limitation of Remed..... Inside label booklet. In case of emergency endangering healh or the environment InvoMng this product, call collect 517-636-4400. Agricultural Chemical: Do not ship or store 'NIh lood. feeds, drugs or clothing.

EPA RegistratiOn No. 62719-68

·Trademark of Doo(iEIanco DowElanco : Indianapolis, IN 46268, U.S.A.

Specialty Insecticide

EPA Est. 477·TX·1

Net Weight _ Ib



(clatapack. Cover. Dursban soW):

(logo) DowElanco

Dunban' SOW Ins.ctlcld.


To be epplled on~' by comm.rc181 sppllcators raaponsll)l. for InMCt control programs, or persons under their dlract c:upervlalon

Active Ingredient: chIorpyrilos: O.O-diethyt 0-(3.5.6-tnchloro-2-pyridlnyl)phosphorothloate....................... 50,..

Inert Ingredients... ............ ...................... ...................... ....... ........... ................................ 50,..

KHP Out 01 R .. ch 01 Children WARNING AVISO; SI"sIed DO aoljaodg Ii @fjCIJeta bur" a aP'ien para QU' s. Ii exD'kl" a u$led en detalle In you do npI yodta;taod the 'abel 'im someone to ,xplain I to XtMI ;n detaH )

R.f.r to label booklet lor eddHlonal precautlonllry Infonnatlon Including P.rsonal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Directions for Usa Including AgrlcuHural Usa Requlrament. and Storage and Disposal.

Notice: Read the entire label. Use only according to label directions. Befora buying or using this product, raad "Warranty Disclaimer" and "Limitation of Remedl.... Insld. label booklet. In case 01 emergency endangering healh or the environment inYoMng this product. call collect 517-636-4400. AgriculluraJ Chemical: Do not ship or store with food. feeds. drugs or clothing.

EPA Registration No. 62719-68 level 70 'Trademark 01 DowElanco DowElanco ' Indlanapoll., IN 46268, U.S.A.

Specialty Insecticide

EPA Est. 4n-TX-1


6/22193 SRCS

(dalapack, page t):

Table of Content. Page Precautionary Statements

Hazards 10 Humans and DomestIc Animals Personal Protective Ecppment (PPE) lJHr Safety Rec:ormIendaIIons FIrst Aid Environmental Hazards

Directions for USe AgrIcultural Use Requirements Storage and Disposal

Generallnlormatlon Applicator Safe Handling PrOCecklres

.. Mixing Directions Approved Uses

Turf and Other Outdoor Uses Pest Control on Outside Surfaces, Around and Under Structures or in Crawl Spaces Ornamentals (Outdoor, Greenhouse, Shadehouse, Nurseries, etc.) Tree Pests (Nurseries, Plantations and Felled Trees) Tree Fruits and Nuts

Warranty Disclaimer Inherent Risks 01 Use Limitation 01 RemedieS



6/22193 SACS 5

Preceutlonery Stetementl Hazardl to Humans end Domestic Anlmlll

WARNING AVISO: 'recluclo. II ululrlo: $111111'" AO _1Ag1'" AO lilt 1111 proIIuc:to hllli ""I Ia lllqulaa Ie hl,,111cag Ixpllcalll amIllIIINAlI, $1 ylttd rp ,ntloMl""""'" bwp ••• It! d'D gam guo H II .,p*",. a ulled .n clat"" 'I ygu m not IIndttatt1rxt !be lebel, flrlt IQIDIQDI tg tmIIIn • Ip ygu In deIaI )

May II Fatal If SWlllowed • Hlrmful If Inhaled Or AblOrbId Through Skin • CaU"1 Eye Irrltltlon

Do not glt In eyel, on akin or clothing, Avoid breathing dust and spray mist. WIlli '.rou"III, .1111 10lP lAd ... ., ... ., IIIAdU." lAd blforl I .. IA" or Imokl.", Almovl coAllmlAllld cIOlIlI." I.d .. III blfore raule Keep Iway from food, feedstuffl, Ind wlter wppl ....

ApgUello,. and oth,r band 11m mull WIIr; • Coyeralls over shQd .. sleeyed shid aM sMet pants • Watemrpo' gloyes • Shoes *$ soc;Q • protective ey.,ar • PustlnMst ,jllering resPirator IMSHAINIOSH ammyaJ O,I'OOer prefix !C.21 C)

Discard elglhj[¥] and gthP[ atwubenl materials that have been drenched or heayiIY cootarnjoated with tbis IX'ld' g's corx;Aotrate po OPt reuse them fgllgw manufaayrer', instructlgns for deanjnplrnaima1nlDCJ peE " rp SUCh jostruc;tjons for washable, use detergenl and bot water Keep and wash prE separat9ty fmm other laundry,

UIIE Slllll! B.,gmmIDdlllaDI USICi sl:Kluld· • Wa&b bands befollllalillQ dODlsillQ ChewillQ gUm usiog lQb~:i:l' g[ uSiog !bllgiiel • BlmovfI cIotbillQ immediill&W I Rflilicidfl QflIS iD&itII ThaD .llb IhomutIblx aod gul gO S;lfllD clglbiog • B&IMVfI ~el; ~111x aDfI[ bandlklQ Ibis orcdJct Wlib lbI mdside gl glgdS b&lgua alDKllliDQ as

soon as . wa!lh 'Mono ,,,hlu and intn l'.IAan .

Firat Ald. An grp,nopM'pbll' Inucllled.'milield •. If sw.IIoMd: Can a..,tlyslclan or Polson Como! Centerlmmedla1e1y. DrInk 1 or 2 glasses 01 water and induce volTiting by touching back of throat with linger. Do not give anythWlg by mouth to an unconscious person. If on IIdn: Wash wlh plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention. If In eyes: Flush will plenty of water lor 5 rnIootes. Get medical attention IIlrrilatlon persists. If Inhlllcl: Remove 10 fresh air I symptoms of cholinesterase inhl)ltlon appear and get medical attention Immediately. Note to physician: ChIoIpyrlfol Is a cholinesterase inhibitor. Treat symptomatically. II exposed, plasma and red blood eel cholinesterase tests may indicate significance of exposure (baseline data are useful). Atropine, only by injactlon, Is the preferable antidote. Oxlmes, such as 2·PAMIprotopam. may be therapeutic I used early; however, use only In con;mctlon with atropine. In case of severe acute poisoning, use antidote ImmedIaIeIy alter establishing an open airWay and respiration.

Environmental Haurd. ThIs pesticide is toxic 10 birds and wikIIe, and extremely IOxlc 10 fish and aquatic organisms. Do not apply dIrac:IIy 10 w.... Drill and runoII from treated areas may be haz8Idous 10 aquatic orgarisms In adjacent aquatic slles. Cover or Incorporate spill. Do not contarnnate water when disposing of IICJIlpment washwatars. This proQ/cIls highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this p~ or allow ilto drift to blooming aops or weeds II bees are visiting the treatment area.

BEST AVAILABLE copy -'. -. , , C' ,~ ,..... "1 G .--. ,- , , '-- 1 ~ -

, _ _. '- -" -" '--01 _\.

6/21/93 SRCS

Direction. lor U .. It Is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this procU:t through any type 01 irrigation system. Do not lormulate thl. product Into other end-u.. product ••


Do M! embt tbiI rypdttC:I In I Way that wi mEted worts'" or gthtr P'IlIOOI dber <Irec;tIy or tbmt IQh drII Only gpIIdod hal"'" nwy tw jn Ibolll' "'rim "Y*a'ipn EM any tWI'lrelDll1S yw;IIc; Ip WIIr Slat. or Tribe r,onaul the .. MY retmna.,.. tor peat"*,,, "'Adetlnn

Ag[II&IIIILlml Llil BIaIlIl:lmIDII LlslStill pmdIlii ootv ID acw i Ndarpt db lIalab&11Dg ilEKlldlb 1l1li Wortc8[ e[gJAdioo SlandArd ~ CEB gad lZD IIlis Stamam ggDllir. MmJlnMnlma 1m: Sill DmtACtloo at agrigJltunIJ workllm gO II.n. mmal iI [luHdla alii g[llnhoiJ&. aDd handlArR gf agrk;yllLlml nHtlt-irlAl. n cordiliDS raauDIDIDIaim 1[lioiDQ daMDlamiDlliaD ogJificaJigD iI~ lrn&m8ncv Issi&Janca II alia caDl.los vw;iflc 10110 ICllaoa and IIlmDtigDS DldalDilg 1a lbI &laIIIDlDI& gD lbillahel aboul gjrMMl DmtllClbfl etaJiglDlDl 'E!~El aDd m&lDclBd:iDIIY iD18~al The [Ulirament& iD Ibis bi:l1 gclX aPPlY Jg u.s m Ibis DI'OduCilbal all covamd b'( 1M Wolker Pmlectjon Standard

po [JQJ eroer or allow WORr entry into lraaled areas dyring the re$Jricted eOlIY imerva' (BEll of 12 bcw[$.

PPI; reauillld 1m 1Ii111l! 1ID10! la 1[1Ii1111d i1U1i1S Ibill is I2IIrmilllld unde[ ItJg Walkil[ prulectjgD Slandaid aDd Ibal :nvotves gJDliKi! db aDXIbi[13 Ibal bas bAeD IllIalid 51 w;b IS glallbi KID w: Wall[ 15; • Q;admlll OVAI' short·slU~1d &bid and sl:md allIS • Watlmmol amllil • ShoeS I*Is cnckII • Protective eyewear

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Stonge: Store in original container in S8QJred dry storage area. Prevent cross-contamination with other pesticides and fertilizers. Do not store above 122"F. "container is damaged or spIN OCQJrs, use proclJct immediately or dispose of proclJct and damaged container as indicated below. Pesticide Disposal: Waste resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facilily. COntll .... r Disposal: ~eIy empty fiber can by shaking and tapping sides and bottom to loosen clinging particles. EqIIy residue Irm application equipment. Then dispose of containers in a sanitary landfil or i ICilleration I allowed State and Local Authorities.


6/21/93 SACS 7

G.n.ral I"'prmilion

Dullban SOW lnIedlck» II a wettable powder fomlIlatlon designed lor use as a spray to COItroi various pests injurious 10 trees. turf and ornamental plants. The pests controlled are listed In the accorrpanylng tables. Dursban SOW II coql8t111e wilh lnaecllcldeS. mlicides and fungicides convnonly recommended except for aIIaIine materials such as Bordeaux mixture and line. A smaI amount of spray mixture should be prepared to check for COII1IIIIIIIIIY before a large vok.Ime of spray is mixed.

Chlmlgatlon: Do not apply this product through any type of Irrigation system.

·ppllc:alor Sal. NaAdllAI ProC:ldu,.. 'MIlA e.po&UfI to &5Ir:av IAi&II& likely to OCC:U~, wea~ _KIl',. equIpA'iIAlIA" c:lothiAg (eye PRlttdloA, loRa cllavid GOt/aralia _ wataipGD' glove.) to I3Fe¥eAllxporur:8 gf Ivai aACillklR. +0 pret'IAI tAatt:iAg 0' spray Alill duAAg application in coAtiAed arell, Wlar a respirator aAd ~aJtAdgI(I) approved by ~IIOS~.SW,t, for pelllc:~.

Attention: Do ROt aaQIIII/ awl" c:hiIQreA or pet, OA tflat'" area& uAI~ ,p~av ha, "rie". Keep out of lishpools and other bodies 01 water. Du not treat vegetable gardens. Do not allow livestock to graze in treated areas. Do not leed treated grass cuttings (hay) or seed screenings to livestock nor use hay for UvestGck be<:ldlng. Do not use in poultry houses.

Mixing Direction. Dursban SOW mixes readily with water to form a suspension. Mix the rl!CJ.lired amount of Dursban SOW ldh a small quantity of water and add this premix while lilting the spray tank. Altemalively, liU the tank with the required. amount of water and then add the premix. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application to ensure uniform suspension of the Dursban SOW in the spray mixture. Dursban SOW contains a wetting agent. Do not use additional wetting agents, spreaders or stickers.

Approytd U ...

Turf and Oth.r Outdoor U ••• Use Dursban SOW to control pests infesting lawns, gor courses, par1ls, perennial turf grasses grown lor seed or sod. etc., Hsted in the following table by application at the recommended dosages and in accordance with the directions given below. Dilute Dursban SOW in enough water to obtain complete and uniform coverage !If pest-infested areas and apply as a coarse,low-pressure spray using suHabIe application equipment. For best results, the lawn should be moist at time of treatment. Spray when pests first appear; retreat when needed, but nor more often than once every 7 days.

Plitt Amount of Dursban SOW p.r:

Specific Direction.


6/21193 SRCS 8 q~~q

ants (inckJding loraging 1000 sq ft Ac ... 1. Use Dursban SOW for area lire .. control 01 llella and chigger.

armyworms 3'4oz 2b infesting non-cropland areas (ball) such al mactsldel, lootpaths ~ and trails, pleBe and C8/I1)ing (yelloWllllped) siles. p8ItIs and other

centlpedel reaeatIonaIlII'taa where these chlggers1 pest. are present and create a chinch bugs .... isance or a possible public cIoYer mitel healh problem. Do not allOW cutworms public use 01 treated areas clJrtng crickets appIicaIion or until spray has ealWigs dried. Apply Dursban 50W in fiery skipper will. at the rate of 112 b'aae Fire ants (mounds)4 (equivalent to 112 OZ per 2.700 fleas sq It) using a hycr.wllc sprayer, gnats mist 8A)IlcaIor, knapsack sprayer, grasshoppers or other suilable hand- or power-gteenbugs operated spray equipment. Treat June beetles low underbrush. grassy areas, leafhoppers weedS. ground surtaees and Lucerne mothS debris using enough spray milKpedes volume to obtain thorough miles coverage, usually 40 10 100

(clover) gallons per acre. (Ben1IJda grass stunt)

2. Mosqult~ coming to rest (wWCergain) mosquitoes2 on areas treated lor control 01 tuIf

pillbugs pests wiI be killed for varying

sod webw0rm3 periods 01 time alter treatment,

(lawn moths) depending on exposure of treated areas to weathering

sowbugs conditions. springtaas ticks 1 3. For best resu.s in controUing

sod webworrns, delay watering or lI","klQ the treated area lor 12 to 24 hours atlertreatmant.

4. For incIviduaI FIAt ani mouncII, apply Dursban SOW at a rate of 1.5 oz per each 2 gallons 01 water. Gently sprinkle 1 to 2 gallor.s of dlkition over the surtace 01 each mound. Avoid diSlUlblng mounds and treat new mounds as they appear.

European crane fly 10z 3b turlgrasl weev111 11120z 4b 1. Spray suspected problem

(HypetodetIj areas in ITid-April and again in ITid-MIy or as reoommended by your Local Agl1a*ural Extension ServIce Spedallat.



white prubs 1

(bIa:k bJrtgrass ataenlus) (European chafer) (SWItIem masked chafer) (Japanese beetle laMIe)

bluegrass billbugs 1

chiggers1 (luI1Iey pens)





410 a b 1. For white grubs. spray when grubs are young and actively feeding near the soli Sllrface. usually durtng late July and August or as reconvnended by your Local AgrIcultural extension SeIVlce SpecIalist. Immedlltely Ifter ..,raylng. Irrlglte the tr .. ted Ir .. with 112 to 1 Inch of water to w .. h the Intectlclde Into the underlying soli.

210ab 1. For bluegrass billbugs. spray early in the season when aclJlIs fiIst appear. Retreat as needed.

a b 1. For control of chlgO.,. infesting outdoor turkey pens, apply Dursban SOW as a spray to the so~ using 100 to 150 gallons of water per acre.

To prevent tuiXeys lrom beComing infes:ed with chiggers. spray the soil in pens just before turkeys are Ir2n .>ferred to them. For bJrkeys already infested with chiggers, spray the soil in pens thoroughly. Allow at least three weeks lor chigger lesions on the turkeys to heal before turkeys are slaughtered. For optimum results, spray a 10 to 15 It protective area around the periphery ollhe treated pens.

Treatment Is limited 10 2 applications 10 the soil in turkey pens at intervals of nolless than 4 weeks. Do not treat soil in bJrkey pens later than 7 days before turkeys are 10 be slaughtered. Avoid gelling the spray on feed or in waterers. Open leed should be covered during spraying operations, and water troughs should be lushed out immediately alter the spraying operations. Do not ..,ray Dur""n SOW directly on the turkey •.



I~rted fire ants in commercial SOd1


tSuperscripts refer to "Specific Directions·.




1. Imported "re ... t.: Apply DuIsban SOW as a spray to the area oIlOd to be art. Immeulately after applying the spray soak in with at least 112 acre-inch 01 water or a sufficient volume to thoroughly soak below the art Ina. Do not apply a volume or rate 01 water to cause runotl. Sod call be art when vegetation has dried and when soil is moist but not wet.

PrecMltlon: Personnel handling treated sod should wear ebow-Iength chemically resistant gloves and apron. Protective clothing and boots should be worn to prevent repeated skin exposure to treated sod.

Certlllcation Period: 42 days from day of appliCation.


6/21/93 SACS 11

Pest Control on Outsld. Surfec... Around and Under Structuru or In Crawl Spac •• Apply Dursban SOW by appIicMlon as a residual spray to outside surfaces 01 buildings inckJding porches, window frames, eaves, crawl space areas and surfaces, patios, garages, refuse dul\l)S and other areas where pesta congregate or have bHn .. en.

Repeal treatment as needed 10 malnIai1 ellec:tlveness. Avoid application 10 surfaces where vlsllle residues are objedIonab1e.

anlS bees

P •• tt

boxelder bugs carpenter ants clover miles cockroaches crickets earwigS elm leaf beetles (adults) lirebrats Ileas fUes hornels millipedes mosquitoes . pillbugs scorpions2 silverfish sowbugs spiders springtails symphylans ticks wasps yellowjackets

Amount of Dul'lb.n SOW In Wat.r to Mak.:

1 gal 10 pi SO gal P.rlm.t.r Tr •• tm.nt

1/1210 1J3oz

3'410 30z

410 160z

On OutSide Surfaces

11J3oz 131J3oz 40z

Und.r Structur •• or In Crawl Spac ••

1/1210 1J3oz

:Y4to 30z

410 160z

Specific Dlractlon. 1. To help prevel'llinfestalion of buildings, treat a band 01 sol 6 10 10 feet wide around and adJacent to buildings, also the building foundation to a height of 2 .0 3 feet, where pests are adlYe and may find entrance. Use 410 16 ounces (one to lour 4 OZ packets) of Dursban 50W per 50 gallons of water and apply as a coarse spray at the rate 01 about 10 gallons spray nU1ure per 1,000 sq It to thoroughly and uniformly wet the band area.

2. For scomlon., remove accumulalloils 01 lumber, firewood and other materials whIctt serve as hartlorage sites. Dursban SOW may be applied as a residual spray 10 surfaces immediately below such materials. Perimeter treatments may reduce pest immigration from surrounding areas.

3. Under Structural or In Crawl Space.: In treating under structures such as crawl spaces, apply spray 10 foundation areas, aacks and crevices, along sill line, foundation vents, door frames and other areas where pests may find entry or harborage.

tSuperscrtpls reler 10 "SpecIIc DIrections·.

Ornam.ntal. (OUtdocr. G'Hnllou... S:-'ad.Ilou... Nu .... rt... .tc,) Use Dursban SOW 10 treat nowers, shrubs, evergreens, vtnes and shade and Ilowering trees found 10 be inlasted wIIIl pests listed In lhe toIowIng lable. Dilute Dursban SOW wIIIl water IICCOIdIng to dIrecIIons given In lIle table and apply using sulable hand- or power-opended spray equ/pmlrt In a manner 10 provide complete and uniform coverage. For best resul. apply • COIIIH spray 10 lhoroL'ghIy wet both upper and lower leaf surfaces and Infested Hmb and trunk are... AI1~ 10 penetrate dense foliage but avoid overspraylng 10 the poinI 01 excessive runoff. Treat when pests appear and repeat at 710 10 day intervals, II needed.


6/21/93 SRCS

Consult your State AgrlaJlIuraI Experiment Station or Extension Service apecialiSl for application timlno and other specific use information.

Not. lor G .... nbOuU Grown omamema .. : Environmental fadors significantly afff.:1 phytotoxJclly. While Durman SOW has been tested on rumerous ornamental planlS Mhout causing serious phy&oIoxlcly, because of the IIUI1l8IOUS varieties grown, it Is recommended that a &mal group of plants be lie_eel at the recommended rate under the antJc:lpated OIowlilg c:ondItIons and obIerved for phytotoxic syrI1)k)mS. Two test &praY' should be made 7 days apaIt and the plants obIerved for another 7 daY' after the second treatment. SJgnifJc:ant phytotoxic:ly has been observed In the following spec:Jes foIIowlllg treatment will Dt!rsban SOW. Apply to these spec:Jes at your own riSk.

Plant Spec'"

Common Name copperleat zebra plant schefflera black olive papayas cissus croton ficus weepingllg Cuban laurel yellow hibiscus red/Chinese t1ibiscus impatiens Boston fem, fluffy ruffle fern petunia Belnda. caramia,

1av3nde, Jack Frost

Scientific Nam. Aca/yphis wilcesiana Apl/elandra squarsa BIassaia actinophyla Bucida buceras Carica papaya Cissus antarr:tica Codiaeum variegatum FICUS nitada FICUS pumila FICUS relrJsa Hibuscus ca/ycinus Hibuscus rosa-Sinensis IfTJJlltiens spp. Nephrolepis exaltata PelrJnia F JP.



~: ~ . , r ~- ,- .: r; t! - . , : - ~ 11 11


Pe.tt aclelglds

(cooley spruce gal) ( .... em spruce gal) (pins bark)

anls (including foraging fire ara)

aphids (apple) (c:hrysanIherrum) (cottonwood) (em lear, (peach) (rose) (spiea)

armyworms (tal) (yetlowslriped

bagwonnsl boxelder bugs cankerworms calalpa sphinx chiggers citrus mealybugs clover mit. cockroaches

(Amerk:an) (Asian wood) (smokey ilrown)


Amount of Duraban SOW In Water to Make:

1 gal 3 gal 100 lIai

11120z 1/40z 112b


SpecifIC Dlrectlona 1. For bagWOnM, treal when Insecta are In the crawler stage.

2. For effective control of fal webwonn, direct spray Into web and immediately sum.''1Jndlng folage.

3. For effective control of leatrollers, spray should be applied before leaves ara tightly rolled.

4. For effective control of maple I.afcutter on maple trees, apply spray to larvae as cases are being formed. Do not treat sugar maple trees intended for maple syrup production.

S. For effective control of spider mHe. when large nurmers of eggs are present, apply a second spray 3 to S days in the south or 7 to 1 0 days iI1 the north after Initial treatment to control newly-hatched nymphs.



elm~ '81 MbwormS2 grasshoppers green frultwotm homworms jackpine budworm juniper webwormI katydids lace bugS lea'hoppers leaflOllefs3 maple leafCU1ler' mites5

(red spider) (southem red)

oleander caterpillars orange tonrix pe.riodical cicada plant bugs poplar tentmaker phyilids puss caterpillars lOse chafer sawfiles, exposed

(pine) (pin oak)

(reclleaded) sowbugs spmlebugs spri1g elm caterpinars spruce budworms tent caterpillars

(eastem) (forest) (westem)

thornbugs waIrU caterpil!1lI'S western spruce budworms whiteflies yellownecked caterpillars



~ : I) , / [ . _ ,_- ~ , I L' L L _-:; ,_, -::- :: J] ::

6/21/93 SACS 15 /(,.) ~4

armywofITII 1160z 1120z 11) 1, To reduce twig and branch (beet) feeding by ba'" beetl •••

beetle. applications should be made In (0I6e embalk)1 the spring or earty surrmet'.

cutworms leafhoppers 2. To COnlrOl mIgraIIng and mahOgany webwoill'll invading gypay moth larv ... mealybugs nYnoS8 webworms

treat tnns and foIage.

moths 3. Blackvlne WNvlla are (browrUI) night feeders. late aftemoon (Cypress~) spraying wiI give control in some (Douglas fir tussock) areas. (Eu~an pine shoot) (gypsy)2 (holly bug) (Nartucket pine tip) (Pandora) '(pitCh pine tip) (subtropical pine tip) (tussock)

oakwonns (California orangestr1:>ad) (rechJl'J1)8dl

redhu~ caterpillars thrips

(exposed) weevils

(bIackvIne)3 (yelow poplar) (pine reproduction)

foliar feeding beetles 11610 11210 110 1. For cononwoocl IN, (blister) 1130z 10Z 21) beet .... use Oursban SOW in (cottonwood leal) 1 water to oontroilalVae and iK1IlIs (&mleal) infesting oottonwoods. Make the (flea) treatment when field counts (fuler rose) indicate damaging beetle (Japanese) POPUlationS are developing or (.lJne) present, (willow leal)


6/21193 SACS 16 17 ~ ~4

borers1: 1J302 102 2b 1. For bor.,.. apply Dursban cIeaIWing mothS SOW 10 the trunks and lower

(ash) limbs 0' trees and stvube when (dagMIOd) lhe aduls begin to emerge. (lesSer peactVee) Consul your state agricultural

(lac) experiment statIOn or extension (OllIe) selVice spede"" 'Ot pRlPer time (rhodadendron) to trul. Apply Ui Iifom1Iy • a

metalCwood OOIlS8 Iow-pressure spray. (brOnZe bKIl) (flalheaded appIetree) (1WOIned cheSlIU)

Ionghomed beetles (1oaJSt) (red oak)

leafmlners needleminers

(Jeffrey pine) (lodgepole pine) (spruce)

scale crawklrs (oottonycushion) (cottony maple) (euonymus) (Fletcher) (Florida wax) (golden oak) (hemIspheri::al) (1eCaniJm) ( 1niIIJIOIia) (oak kermes) (oystershel~ (pine needle) (San Jose) (tea) (wlite birCh) .

borers1 1az 302 6b 1. For peachtr .. bOr ..... (cottonwood)" apply Dursban SOW in water to (peachtree) 'lowering trees and shrubs oflhe

genus Prunus as a trunk spray be'ore newly-hatched lillVae enter the trees. Apply as a CXIarse. Iow-pressure spray. Thoroughly wet aD bart< areas 'rom ground level 10 scattold limbs.

wood infesting beetles 1 2213az 802 161flb 1. For pr.vllntlv8 treatm.nt. (1IID'CIIfJ'a) apply lhe spray 10 the m1in trunk (AI iOOidae) of trees In the early spring or (blaCk tuf1)8lttne) when threat of attack exists from (cottonwood leaf) nelllby infested trees. (European elm baItt) (naive ern bert<) For remedial treatment. 3PP1y (wbw) the spray to the main trunk 0'

Infested lrees when damage occurs but before aclull beetles begin 10 emerge.

tSuperscripls refer 10 "Specific Directions·.


'i : 'I ' 'r _- ,_ L "C L L· , , :.~ _' 1.1 ·1

------------~-- . - ---

6/21/93 SACS 17

Tree P.... (Nu .... rl... Plantation. and Felled Tr ... ) Use Dursban SOW 10 lreal shade and flowering trees. plantation trees. transplant trees and evergreens found to be infested willi peSlllliated in the folowing table. Felled trees should be treated. necessary. Dilute Dursban SOW with water according to directions given in the table and apply using .. itable hand- or power-operated spray equipment In a manner to provide COfIl)Iete and uniform coverage. For best re .. I •• apply a coarse spray to thoIoughIy wet both upper and lower leaf surfaces and 10 Infested lInD and trunk areas. AtI.,.1o peneI". denIe foliage. but avoid oversprayIng to the point of .XC8IIIYe runoff. Treat when pests appear and repeat at 7 to 10 day lntelVaIs. I needed.

Attention: For felled trees. treat after cutting. Do not handle untl spray has dried. or _ar protective clothing. Treat only fruil and nut trees identified In the "Tree Fruits and NutS- section of this label.

Consult your State Agrtculural Experimental Station or Extension SelVice SpeciaJist for application timing and other specific use Infonnatlon.



P .. tt 8de1glds

(cooley spruce gal) (ellllem spruce gal) (pine bark)

aphids (8AlIe) (ctvysanthelTllm) (COtIOnwood) (elm leal) (peach) (rose) (spi'ea)


boxelder bugs cankerworms caipenter ants6

catalpa sphinx citrus mealybugs cIoverrrite elm spanworms faJIwebll~ fire ant!' greell';triped mapleworms jackpine budworm juniper webworms katydids lace bugs leafhoppers leafrollers2 maple leafcutter3 mites4

(red spider) (southern red)

oak skeletonlzer poplar tenlmaker puss catlHpilars ro58 chafer sawflies. exposed

(pine) (pWIoak)

spriIg elm caterpillarS spruce budworms lent caterpillars

(ea&I8m) (forest) (western)

waIrU caterpllars western spruce budworn'e yellowneCked caterpilars


Amount 0' Dursb.n SOW In Water to MIlke:

1 gal 3 gal 100 gal

1/40z 112b


Specific Direction. 1. For bagwonna. treat when Insects are in the crawJer stage.

2. For effeclive control 01 ... fro ....... spray should be applied before leaves are tIgttIy rolled.

3. For map" ".'cutter on maple trees. appJy spray to larvae as cases are being formed. Do not treat sugar maple trees intended for maple syrup production.

4. For effective control of spider mH.s when large nurmers of eggs are present. apply a second spray 3 to 5 days in the south or 7 to 1 0 days in the north after initial treatment to control newly-hatched nymphs

5. For effective control of tal webWOnn. direct spray into web and immediately surrounding foliage.

S. "possible. locate carpenter ant nests and drench lhoroughly.


6/21/93 SRCS 19 '<O~~li

beeties 1160z 1t.! oz 1b 1. To reduce twig and branch (nallve elm Iak) 1 feeding on uninfestecl trns

lea/hoppers deemed to be of high value, mahogany webwOrmS apply a waler spray to the tree mealybugs ClOWn. AppIir:ation should be mimosa webwome made In the spring or early moths SUIMIIr uaIng a eprayer that wi!

(browrUI) give thorough coverage to the (Cypress t~) tree crown. (Douglas fir tussock) (European pine shoot) 2. To control migrating and (gypsyj2 invading gypay moth Iarv .. , (ho~bud) treat trunks and foliage. (Nmucket pine ~)

3. Blackvlne w .. vUa are (Pandora) (Pitch pine tip) night feeders. Late atternoon (subtropical pine ~) spraying \¥II give control in some (tussock) areas.

oakwonns (California orangestrlped) (redl"lJmped)

redhulT1l8d caterpillars thrips

(exposed) weevils

(blackvinej3 (yelow poplar) (pine reproduction)

foliar feeding beetles 11610 1t.!to 1to 1. For cottonwood ... f (blister) 1130z loz 2b bHll .. , use Dursban SOW in (cottonwooclleaf) 1 water to control larvae and awlts (elm lea/) infesting cottonwoods. Make the (flea) treatment when field counts (ruler rose) indicaIe damaging beetle (Japanese) populations are developing or (June) present. For seedlings, use 8 to (wiIbw) 20 gaIons spray volume per acre.


.,1/ j .2~ 6/21/93 SACS 20

borers1: l/3oz loz 2b 1. For borera, apply Dursban cIeaJwIng moths 50W to the trunks and lower

(ash) Ombs of trees and shrubs when (dcgMIod) the adult. begin to emerge. (lesser peactUae) Consult your State AgrIcultural (IIac) Experiment Station or extension (081.) Service Specialist for pJOper Iin6 (rhododendron) to 1rNI. apply UlIIfofmIy 81 •

metallc wood coarse Iow-pressure spray. (bronze birch) (llatheaded appIeIree) 2. For cranberry girdler (1W01ned ctJestllut) larv. i~es;ing Douglas fir

Ionghomed beetles seedlings, apply 2 Ib of Dursban (1oaIsI) 50W per acre. Direct spray at the (red oak) lower crown and stems using 50

Cranberry girdler larvae2 gallons 01 water per acre. Irrigate leafminers imrnedlale!y after application for needleminers 508 penetration of 1 to 2 inches. -(Jeffrey pine) Treat after egg laying during the (!odgepoIe pine) summer. (spruce)

scale crawlers (cononycushion) (cottony mapje) (euonymus) (ReIcher) . (Florida wax) (golden oak) (hemisphet ieal) (Iecanium) (maglloia) (oak kermes) (oystershell) (pine needle) (SanJo6e) (t~ /white birch) ,

borers 1az 30z 6b 1. For peachtr.. borera, (cottorMOOd) apply Dursban 50W in water to (peacttree) 1 flowering trees of the genus

PNIIJS as a trunk spray before newty-hatched '!rvae eMer the trees. /IfIrAy as a coarse, Iow-pressure spray. Thoroughly wet aI balk areas from ground level to scaffold Mntls.


6/21/93 SACS 21 ~:l. ~.24

beetles' 11130l 40z Sll3b 1. For preventive treatment, (elm leaf) apply the spray to the main trunk (flea) 01 trees in the early !lPMO or (luler /018) when threat 01 attack exists from (native elm balkj2 nea!by Infested trees. For (wiIIcrtNI ~ remedllli trMtment, apply the

spray to the main trunk of Infe.ed trHI or logs when damage OCQJIS but before adult beetles begin to emerge. For plantetlon tr ... , apply to indivDJal trees using suitable hand- or power-operated spray equipment.

2. To prevent native elm bark beat ... lrom overwintering in uninlested irees, apply DUlSban SOW in water to the bottom 9 leet of the trunk. Wet the trunk thoroughly, but do not spray to runoff. Care should be taken to apply the spray right to the base 01 the root flare. AppIic.ation can be made with eittler a backpack mislttD war or a hydraulic pressure sprayer from spring through to early fal. To reQJce the twig and branch feeding on uninfested trees deemed to be 01 high vakJe, apply a water spray to the tree crown. Application should be made in the spring or early summer using s sprayer that will give thorough coverage to the tree crown. .

beetles' 22130z SOl 16213b 1. For preventive treatment, (antJroasia) apply the spray to the main trunk (Anobiidae) 01 trees in the early spring or (bladt turpentine) when threat 01 attack exists from (Eurq)ean elm bark) nearby Infested trees. For (Japanese) remedllli treatment, apply the (oUIe) spray to the main trunk of (southern pine) lnteSled trees when damage (spIL'C8) occurs or before adult beetles

begin to emerge. For plMtatlon tr ... , apply to iIIdMIUIl trees using suitable hand- or power-operated spray

weevill' equipment.

51130z lb 33113b 1. For IOUthem pine (northern pine) aHdIIngl, treat Immediately (pales) aftertnnlplal1ing. Treal each (plch-eatk1g) .1.tA", Wlh enough spray to (twig) thorOughly wet the foliage and

SIems to the poIrt 01 runoff but do not use more than 6 gallons 01 spray per acre.


6/21/93 SRCS

.t3 ~.:>4 22 7

tSuperscrtpts re'er to "Specific Directions·.

TIM Fruita and Nut. Use Dursban SOW at the dosagel indicated by application al a 'ollar spray to control pests Hated In the 'olowlng table. MIx the required doSage 01 Dursban SOW In water. Spray 'ot thorough ancI complete coverage of the foliage, using sulable hand- or conventional power- operated spray equipment. Trell when pests'lrst appear or in accordance wlh local conditions. Consul your Stile AgrIcuIInI ExperImer-. Station or Extension Service SpecialIst for specific use Information. Do not dow livestock to graze In treated areas.

Att .... tlon: In California, do not work with or contact trees within 2 days alter treatment.

Amount of Dursben SOW In Water to Make:

Crop Pe .. Specific Direction. Apples apple aphid 1 gal 3 gal 100 gal Make no more than 8 applications

~nl8ggOC per season. Do not apply last axing moth 1120z 11120z 3b treatment within 28 days before European apple saMIy harvest or apply last two 8)'8 spoiled bud rnoth treatments closer than 21 days frultree l8aro1er apart. gaen fruiwom1 lesser an liwoma ~ . ilBlcIaI

orange tNtJ1x orierUI fruI rnoth palldarris IeaIroIer

pUnamJio recbIlnded 18<ml1er rosy apple aphid

Sc¥l Jose scale tarnished pIa. ... bug tufted iIRlIY buanoth vftgal~ Iamroler

woolf apple aphid Almonds naVel orangeworm 2'3oz 20z 4b Make no more than 3 applications

peach M;I bonIr per season to almonds and Sc¥l Jose scale flberll and no more than 2

applications per season to walnuts. Do not apply within 14 days before harvest.

Walnuts oodIilQ moth 2'3oz 20z 4b wahjscale

Pecans bID pecan aphkt 1130z 10z 2b Make no more than 5 applications ItiIDIy 1ItldIwoi11. per season. Do not apply within pec3l111119COId1 nte 28 days 01 harvest. Do not aJIow pec3I ru (f uteal. livestock to graze in treated pecIIlweM orchards. ~1IAl


6/21/93 SACS

wamnty DllClalmer DowElanco warraIU that this procU:t conIonre to the cherrical descrIpIIon on the label and Is reasonably f.,or the purposes staled on the label when used In strld accordance with the cllrec:tlona. sliblect to the ~ risks set forth below. OOWE'.LANCO MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPliED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABIUTY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR AHY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPlIED WARRANTY.

Inherent Risk. of U .. It Is In1lOssIJIe to elininate aI risks associated with use 01 this product. Plart ~ry. lack 01 perlonnance. or other unintended consequences may resul because 01 such lactors as use 01 the proQJct contrary to label instructions (including conditions noted on the label. such as unfavorable temperatures, soil conditions. etc.). abnormal conditions (such as excessive raJr,'al. droughI. tornadoes. hurricanes). presence of other materials. the manner 01 application. or other lactors. all of which are beyond the control 01 DowElanco or the seller. AU such risks stv.JI be assumed by Buyer.

Llmltetlon of Remedle. The excklslve remedy for losses or damages resulting lrom this product (including claims based on contract. negligence. strict liability. or other legal theories). sha. be limited to. at DowElanco's election. one of the lollowing; (1) Refund of purchase price paid by buyer or user for product bought. or (2) Replacement of amount of product used.

DowElanco shal not be liable lor losses or damages resulting lrom handling or use of this product unless DowEIanco is promptly not~ied 01 such loss or damage in writing. In no case shag DowElanco be liable for consequential or incidental damages or losses.

The terms of the Wananty DIsclaimer above and this limitation 01 Remedies cannot be varied by any written or verbal statements or agreements. No e~yee or sales agent 01 DowEIanco or the seHer is authorized to vary or exceed the terms of the Warranty DisclaImer or this Limitation 01 Remedies in any manner.

CopyrightC DowElanco 1992

