User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance User Manual GDMS Warranty Remittance

User Manual GDMS - Remittance_Warr Credit

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User Manual GDMS - Remittance_Warr Credit - Manuel Mahindra, em busca da acessibilidade do EPCM

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  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance

    User Manual GDMS Warranty Remittance

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    CONTENTS 1. Introduction........................................................................ 3 2. Add Remittance.................................................................... 3 3. View Remittance............................................................... 5 4. Remittance Letter upload....................................................... 7 5. Remittance Approval............................................................. 9 6. Add Warranty Credit............................................................. 12 7. View Warranty Credit............................................................ 14

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    1. Introduction: This is a detailed user manual outlining the process of creating Remittances for warranty claims on GDMS portal.


    M&M Service Manager / Distributors can add remittance for approved warranty claims added by distributors / dealers by clicking on Remittance link.

    On click of Remittance the following module links are displayed.

    For adding dealer remittance user need to click on Add Remittance link. On click of Add remittance link for M&M service manager the following screen is displayed.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    For distributors there will be a Dealer drop down instead of country drop down.

    User can select the dealer and can search claims by date or claim criteria when user enters

    required fields and click Continue button following screen appears.

    To add claims in a remittance user has to check the checkboxes under the Select column against

    the required claims and then click on Submit button.

    On click of Submit button all the selected claims will be updated in the Remittance.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    3. View Remittance:

    User can get list of all Remittances added by clicking on the View Remittance link.

    On click of View Remittance link user will get a Search By box.

    User can search the remittances by sorting based on remittance status of remittance date.

    On selecting Remittance Date option user can specify the From Date and To Date range to fetch

    remittances added between these dates.

    On selecting Remittance Status option user can filter the search to retrieve remittances in the

    selected status only.

    On click of Search button the remittance list is displayed.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    User can see the details of a remittance by clicking on the remittance no link.

    On click of the remittance no. a new popup window is displayed with the remittance details.

    User can click on the claim no click to see the details of the claims added in this remittance.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    4. Remittance Letter Upload

    Remittances added by M&M service manager / distributor are kept in Awaiting Remittance status

    until the dealer / distributor uploads the remittance letter.

    User can click on the Awaiting Remittance link next to the remittance to open the screen to upload

    the remittance letter.

    On click of this link user will get a new screen to upload the remittance letter.

    On click of Submit button the remittance is updated send t M&M service manager / distributor for approval.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    M&M service manager / distributor has to option to Return the claim if needed, such remittances are listed as Returned on the view page.

    User can click on the Returned link and open the remittance letter upload page to resubmit the remittance for approval.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    5. Remittance Approval

    M&M service manager / distributors can approve the remittances added by distributors / dealers by

    clicking on Approve Remittance link.

    On click of the Approve Remittance link M&M service manager can retrieve all remittances pending for his approval by selecting country and then selecting the distributor.

    He may also select to further filter the result by specifying the Remittance Date or Remittance Status in the Search By box. In case of Distributors login, Dealer drop box is displayed instead of Country.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    On click of Submit button the remittance list is displayed.

    User can click on the Waiting for Approval link against the remittance to open the remittance approval page.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    On this screen the user can enter the Remarks and click on the Approve button to approve the remittance. User can also Reject and Return the remittance by clicking on the Reject or Return button respectively. User needs to specify the Rejection Reason before rejecting the remittance.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    6. Add Warranty Credit M&M service manager / distributors can add warranty credit for all remittances approved by them for

    the distributors / dealers.

    Users can click on Warranty Credit link.

    On click of Warranty Credit link user then click on Add Warranty Credit link to open the module to add warranty credit.

    M&M service manager can retrieve all approved remittances by selecting Country and then selecting the Distributor.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    Distributors will see Dealer drop box instead of Country.

    On click of the Add button a new screen will open displaying the

    User can multi select Remittance nos. here and the Credit Amount is updated automatically as total of the selected remittances. User can provide Credit No, Credit Date do File Upload and then click on the Submit button to upload this Warranty Credit on portal.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    7. View Warranty Credit M&M service manager / distributors can add warranty credit for all remittances approved by them for

    the distributors / dealers.

    Users can click on Warranty Credit link.

    On click of Warranty Credit link user then click on Add Warranty Credit link to open the module to add warranty credit.

    M&M service manager can retrieve all approved remittances by selecting Country and then selecting the Distributor.

  • User Manual - GDMS Warranty Remittance


    Distributors will see Dealer drop box instead of Country.

    Users can also specify the From Date and To Date to get list of approved remittances between the

    selected dates.

    On click of the View button the warranty credit list is displayed.

    *********************************** End of Document ***************************************