Using Crystals for Fertility Treatment With Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy of Love & Light School of Crystal Energy Medicine www.LoveAndLightHealingSchool.com

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Using Crystals for Fertility Treatment

With Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy of Love & Light School of Crystal Energy Medicine


Why Crystals?

• This class is not just for self-treatment, it can also be helpful for learning techniques to use on friends, family, and clients.

• During the past several years I have performed many crystal energy healing sessions and, frequently, one of the things I am asked to treat is infertility. This course will focus on treating the root causes (both physical and emotional) of this condition.

Crystal Grid for Fertility• It is best to attempt to enhance fertility and conception by involving both partners. The following exercise can be performed to aid

each partner in creating fertility grid. To begin, you should have a large variety of stones available for use.

• Although I have used the terms “man” and “woman” here, I do believe that this same exercise may be used by same sex partners. This exercise is really about the co-creation of energy between two people :)

• First, the man should choose stones to use in the grid. He should explain his choices to his partner and then you (the healer) should explain any known properties of the stones (combining these meanings with his interpretations).

• The woman should then choose stones to use in the grid. She should then explain her choices to her partner and then you should explain any known properties of the stones (combining these meanings with her interpretations).

• Then, a stone should be chosen by the man and the woman together to represent them as a couple. This stone also represents the new life that is to be created by the coming together of their energies.

• A great stone for this is a Geode as, it “...can be placed in the bedroom and charged with energy to increase conception and promote fertility” (from the book Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham - page 117). At this time, the two partners should also create an affirmation to enhance their purpose (i.e. conception will come easily; we create a new life to nurture together; etc.).

• The woman should intuitively place the stones she chose in a geometric pattern until she has used all of her chosen stones. Next, the man should place the stones he chose in a geometric pattern (among the woman’s stones) until he has used all of his chosen stones. Then, you (the healer) should guide each partner to place the central stone together. Ask both partners to visualize the new life they would like to create together as they are placing the stone. Once they place the stone, they should maintain physical contact with the stone and with each other (one hand should be on the stone and they should also be holding each other’s hands). While they are visualizing this new life, you should hold your hands above the central stone and infuse it with Universal energy by drawing energy in through your Crown Chakra, passing it through your body, and pushing it out of your hands into the central stone. Ask the couple to recite their affirmation (either aloud or silently to themselves).

• The couple may then slowly move their hands away from the grid. The couple should take time each day to sit before the grid and recite their affirmation while visualizing the new life they wish to bring into the world.

• Alternatively, green stones can be buried in the earth a grid pattern to enhance fertility and conception. The burying of the stones in the earth represents a “return to the womb” and can enhance the ability to conceive.

Crystal Layout for Enhancing Fertility

• The following exercise is from the book, Advanced Crystal Therapeutics by Rev. Ojela Frank (pages 142-145).


Pre-Cleanse: Take a crystal bath

!!!!Gather the following supplies:

Four candles (white, pink, or green)

Sage, cedar, sweetgrass, and smudging supplies

Eight small crystals

Nine medium crystals (one should be a polished crystal)

Ten to twenty large, palm-sized crystals (these will be used for the circle pattern)

Fertility Layout Procedure:Light candles and connect with the four directions.

Place head to the North and create circle of large crystals.

Place medium crystals: one at your feet, one in between your ankles, your calves, knees, thighs, hips, and one polished crystal at the genital area (on the ground in between your legs).

Place the remaining two medium sized crystals near where your hands will rest. You will use them later.

Place the eight small sized crystals on your seven chakra centers: 1) root chakra (represented on top of the genital area), 2) below the navel, 3) solar plexus, 4) heart center, 5) throat, 6) brow center, 7) top of the head (crown center), 8) above the head representing the Transpersonal Point (12” to 18” above the crown chakra).

Hold the remaining two crystals. The left hand (receiving) crystal is pointed up toward the shoulder. The right hand (sending) crystal is pointed down and away from the body.

Say a protective prayer and affirmation.

Visualize healing, white light.

See love and light at the Heart Chakra

Remove all of the crystals, keeping the polished crystal for future use (lovemaking with your partner).

Meditate daily with the polished crystal after conception by placing it at, or near your abdomen area.

Carry the polished crystal with you during labor and delivery.

Give the polished crystal to your baby after birth.

“What a joyous gift, a crystal that has been exposed to the energies from spiritual conception, physical conception, pregnancy, and birth to a new life.”

Fertility Jewelry

• As an alternative (or in addition to) the Fertility Layout, each partner may choose to wear a pendant made of the following stones: “The crystal for the mother is Garnet for vitality and confidence. The metal for the father is Silver to establish continuity. The crystal for the baby is Clear Quartz to support positive opportunities. This is a celebration of new life and new beginnings” (from Manifesting with Crystals by Marina Costelloe – page 60).

Moonstone Layout• Since Moonstone is the stone best

able to treat a majority of fertility issues, a Moonstone Layout can be utilized when the reason for the issues is unclear (or when there are multiple issues to be treated).

• You will need six tumbled moonstones for this layout. Place one stone at each hip, one over the womb area (lower abdomen), one above each breast (near the shoulders), and one above the head at the Crown Chakra. Leave the stones in place for five to ten minutes.

• The stones will balance all systems related to reproduction as well as help to release any emotions that may be impacting the ability to conceive.

Karmic ReleaseKarma is the Universal/Cosmic Law of Divine Justice Karma holds one accountable for one’s actions, whether they are good or bad You receive what you send out to the Universe It can be important to clear karmic debt or remove karmic patterns so that we may move forward in our current lifetime.

Karmic Release Layout

*Use this as a layout or grid during meditation for karmic release and upliftment

In the form of the Buddhist Wheel of the Dharma

Should be made entirely of double-terminated Tibetan Quartz (other stones may be substituted if you intuitively feel that they would be more helpful in the given situation); you may use all one type of stone, or you may use a mix ed variety of crystals

Best used during a past life ascension (regression) healing session (but this is optional)

Should be laid out upon and around the person's body (with the center of the Wheel placed at the heart), or on a picture of the person (or group of people) to be healed

Can be as large or small as you like and there is no particular number of crystals that needs to be used (although you need a minimum of 8)

Layout for Emotional Release• Used to facilitate deep emotional

release - works especially well for releasing suppressed emotions

• Cleanse all crystals

• Can be done on yourself or on someone else (may lace stones on photograph)

• Place a Smoky Quartz point between the feet (pointing downward to draw any negative energy or emotional debris out of the body and send it to the earth to be transmuted into positive energy)

• Place a Citrine crystal over the Solar Plexus Chakra (pointing toward the toes)

• Place a tumbled Rose Quartz crystal over the Heart Chakra (or a Heart Shape)

• Place a tumbled Amethyst crystal over the Third Eye Chakra

• Place a Clear Quartz point over the head (at the Crown Chakra) pointing down toward the toes

Layout for Emotional Release

• Feel or “tune in to” the energy of the crystals

• Visualize a healing white light entering the Crown Chakra and moving toward the Earth. As it moves, visualize it removing any debris that has collected in the Emotional body. See the entire body becoming clear and free from negativity. See any emotional debris leaving the body through the feet and moving into the Earth to be transmuted into positive energy

• Remain within the crystal layout for an additional 10 to 20 minutes

• Slowly remove the crystals in the opposite order in which they were placed

• Cleanse the crystals immediately after using and have a glass of water and a light snack to help re-ground

Starry Rose Quartz Healing Visualization

• Place a cleansed Starry Rose Quartz crystal at your heart chakra, covering it with your hands. Visualize the star at your heart, shining brightly. See the star move down through the earth to its core. There, visualize a giant starry rose quartz cluster. See the star surround the crystal cluster and fill it with light. See many tiny stars filling the earth’s crystal cave core. When the star is shining nice and bright, see it move back up through the earth and into your heart. Visualize your ethereal Starry Rose Quartz body. Then, in that body, dive into the Sacral Chakra and move up through the chakras (visualizing each as a crystal cave: Solar Plexus: Citrine, Heart: Emerald, Throat: Blue Topaz, Third Eye: Iolite, Crown: Amethyst). Once you reach the crown chakra, visualize a starry rose quartz staircase leading to a beautiful door. Ascend the staircase and, once at the top, go through the door. There you see a beautiful starry rose quartz cave. Here, you greet your higher self, spiritual guides, or guardian angels and ask them for any information pertaining to the issue (i.e. infertility, lack of self- love, etc.). If you are ready for this information, then you may access it. After receiving the information, thank the higher self, spiritual guides, or guardian angels while sending them lots of love. Tell them that you may be back later for more information. Go back out through the door and descend the starry rose quartz staircase to the Crown Chakra’s beautiful Amethyst cave. Then go back down through the crystal caves of the chakras until you reach the sacral chakra. Feel yourself slowly return to conscious awareness with the information you have received during your journey.

Moonstone Energy Re-Balancing Technique

The following exercise is based on the “Individual Moonstone Ceremony”

by Isabelle Morton of the Gemstone Therapy Institute.

Crystal Fertility Bath• Green is the color of fertility and green stones can be easily utilized in a bath to treat this

issue. Additionally, egg-shaped stones have been successfully used to promote fertility and conception. See the list at the end of the manual for suggested stones (please also consult the list of toxic stones to be sure you are using safe crystals).

• Begin by drawing yourself a nice, warm bath. Place at least one tumbled crystal into the bath water and, if you like, you may add a few drops of Essential Oil or some fresh flower petals to the water. You may also light a candle if you so choose. Ease yourself into the bath water being sure not to step on (or sit on) any of the crystals. Begin to rub the bath water over your body while visualizing yourself becoming healthy, whole, and fertile. Visualize absorbing the crystal’s fertility energy from the water into each part of your body. See this energy as a green light coming from the stones, into the water, and then into your physical body. As the energy is transferred into your body, see yourself glowing with the green light of fertility and healing. You may remain in the bath for as long as you like. This exercise is best done immediately before trying to conceive.

• ALWAYS CHECK STONE SAFETY!!! http://www.crystalhealer1.com/crystalcautionlist.htm

Chakra Empowerment

• Some fertility issues may stem from weakness of the energy body or energy depletion. The following exercise can be performed to enhance the energy at each energy center and empower your client.

• To begin, make yourself comfortable and then ground and center yourself. Begin the circular breathing technique (breathing in through your Root Chakra and out through your Crown Chakra, cycling this breath over and over). Visualize a purple energy vortex at your Crown Chakra, followed by an indigo energy vortex at your Third Eye Chakra. See a beam of white healing light connecting these energy centers. Next, visualize a blue energy vortex at your throat chakra and see a beam of white healing light connecting this energy center with that of the Third Eye Chakra. Then, visualize a green energy vortex at your Heart Chakra and see it connected to the energy center at the Throat Chakra with a beam of white healing light. Next, visualize a yellow energy vortex at your Solar Plexus chakra and see it connect to the Heart Chakra via a beam of white healing light. Then, visualize an orange energy vortex at your Sacral Chakra connecting to the energy center at the Solar Plexus Chakra via a beam of white healing light. Finally, visualize a red energy vortex at your Root Chakra connected to the energy center at the Sacral Chakra with a beam of white healing light.

• Once the beam of white light has connected all of the chakras, visualize it moving down your legs, through the soles of your feet, and into the earth. This connection enables you to more easily absorb life force energy from the earth. As you feel yourself absorb this earth energy, see the beam of light connecting the chakras turn red in color, empowering the Root Chakra. Next, see the beam become orange in color, empowering the Sacral Chakra, followed by yellow (empowering the Solar Plexus Chakra), green (empowering the Heart Chakra), blue (empowering the Throat Chakra), indigo (empowering the Third Eye Chakra), and finally violet (empowering the Crown Chakra).

• Lastly, see the beam of violet light slowly release from the earth and move back up your legs, through your chakras, and into the Crown until it disappears. Slowly return to conscious awareness.

Fertility Nest Exercise

First, choose a stone that you intuitively feel is right for increasing female fertility (ex: Druzy Chrysocolla, Jade, Indian Moonstone, Apricot Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Lavender Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Boji Stone, Rhodonite, and Rutilated Quartz). For this purpose, the energy of the stones would be much enhanced if in the form of an egg, but this is not necessary.

Next, choose a stone that will enhance male fertility (ex: Pyrite, Shiva Lingam Stones, Limonite, Boji Stone, Blue Pietersite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, and Gold).

It is best if you choose your fertility stone and your partner chooses theirs, but if this is not possible, you may choose both.

Next, create a “nest” for your fertility stones. This can be any small container of your choosing that you feel is suitable. Make this nest your own. Fill your nest with items that emit a safe, gentle, and loving energy. Then, place the nest in a place of prominence where it will be able to inspire you daily. Again, it is best if both partners do this activity, but if this is not possible, you should create the nest with the intention of choosing materials and objects to represent both of you.

Once you have created your nest, you should dedicate your fertility stones. Create an intention for your stones by first dedicating them with love and light for the highest good of all beings. Visualize the stones being filled with healing, universal white light until they are glowing brightly. Then, program your stones for fertility by making a clear, concise statement about your intentions. Then, place the stones into the nest (it would be best if you placed your stone into the nest and your partner theirs, but if this is not possible, you may place both).

You (and your partner if possible) should take some time each day to sit with the nest. You may choose to meditate, you may want to add things to the nest or to occasionally change things as time goes by. You may even want to perform reiki or some other energy healing technique on the nest. However, you choose to use the nest, remember what it represents and remember why you chose your specific fertility stones and nesting items. This is a healing space for you (and your partner). Maintain an open heart and an open mind and the possibilities are limitless.

Stones: Before Conception• Uvarovite Garnet can be worn, “against the lower belly as a fertility charm” (from the

book Crystal Medicine by Marguerite Elsbeth – page 165).

• “Russians and Egyptians cut golden yellow and salmon-colored gypsum [Selenite] into egg-shaped ornaments, ancient symbols of fertility” (from the book Crystal Medicine by Marguerite Elsbeth – page 165).

• “To improve fertility, a woman can lie on her back and place the garnet over her womb area” (from the book Color and Crystals by Joy Gardner – page 59).

• Apache Tears are, “womb stones. The obsidian represents the darkness of the womb – it helps women to feel good about their reproductive organs. A woman can place the obsidian over her womb when she’s lying down. She can imagine white moonlight shining from the dark sky into the obsidian and radiating through her womb” (from the book Color and Crystals by Joy Gardner – page 60).

• Chrysoprase, “reverses infertility caused by infection” from The Crystal Bible by July Hall – page 114).

Stones: During Pregnancy• “During pregnancy, astonishing energy transformations are taking place and the energetic harmony of the mother is of paramount

importance. Do not place any crystals directly on the belly of the pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester. If you wish to use the crystals, be sure that their influence is gentle, comforting and life-affirming” (from Healing with Crystals by Jacquie Burgess – page 86). It is recommended that pregnant women place crystals in their environment or within the outer realms of the aura rather than on the body directly. However, if it is necessary to use crystals on the body, then tumbled stones are typically recommended as they emit a soft, gentle energy.

• “Crystals used on the mother may affect the baby who is likely to be far more sensitive than the mother. Every case has to be looked at and decided upon with consultation with the mother” (from Teach Yourself Crystal Healing by Roger Croxson – page 27).

• “As a child’s chakras are forming and the meridians are in a very delicate stage of being created, the adjustment to another is not there until shortly before birth, so interference in the growth pattern of the child could take place. In general, we feel that crystal healing is not really suitable for pregnant mothers. Having said this, on one or two occasions it can be beneficial, but you need to know the mother well and know that they are sensible in their approach to healing and use cleansed crystals already as a part of their self-healing routine. So generally it is much better to say that once somebody knows they are pregnant, do not do crystal healing on them. Do spiritual healing. They shouldn’t be denied healing, of course not, but spiritual healing is really the only for of treatment that is totally safe” (from the book Joseph of Arimathea and the Prophet Elijah speak on the Way of Crystals by Zanne Findlay – page 79).

• Malachite “was worn on the body for...safeguarding pregnancy” (Healing with Crystals and Gemstones by Daya Sarai Chocron – page 69).

• “Women hung a bloodstone on the arm to prevent miscarriage” (from the book Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham- page 92).

• Bowenite (also known as Golden Labradorite) or pale green Soapstone (also known as Steatite) are, “good for women when pregnant: keeps mother and fetus in alignment. Keeps everything related to the pregnancy functioning normally and in good health. Reduces risk of birth defects, and protects the growth of the fetus, particularly if it is female” (from the book Michael’s Gemstone Dictionary by Judithann H. David & JP Van Hulle – page 120-121).

• “Braunite, “keeps eggs healthy, especially after fertilization” (from the book Michael’s Gemstone Dictionary by Judithann H. David & JP Van Hulle – page 120).

• Chabazite, “balances pregnant women” (from the book Michael’s Gemstone Dictionary by Judithann H. David & JP Van Hulle – page 120).

• Use Conichalcite or Mixite, “to put mother and fetus in balance with each other” (from the book Michael’s Gemstone Dictionary by Judithann H. David & JP Van Hulle – page 120-121).

• Zinnwaldite, “encourages the manifestation of the dominant genes in ones children. [It is also] useful for those who have a recessive, gene-linked hereditary problem in the family” (from the book Michael’s Gemstone Dictionary by Judithann H. David & JP Van Hulle – page 121).

• Rhodochrosite is, “believed to be good for IVF and artificial insemination”

Stones: During Childbirth• “Women hung a bloodstone on the thigh to ease childbirth” (from the book Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal

Magic by Scott Cunningham- page 92).

• Bloodstone, “helps women to keep up their strength in labor” (from the book The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason – page 134).

• Bloodstone is, “believed to be good after Caesarian and any surgical intervention” (from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page 396).

• “A piece of Jasper held in the hand during childbirth guards the mother and her child. It is also worn to relieve pain...during childbirth” (from the book Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham- page 123).

• “At one time, pumice was pressed into the hands of women during childbirth, or worn, to ease the passage of the new life into the outside world” (from the book Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham- page 150).

• “At one time [Carnelian] was given to women in labor to facilitate trouble-free childbirth” (from the book Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham- page 159).

• “A coral necklace with a Lodestone suspended from it was once worn to facilitate easy childbirth” (from the book Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham- page 196).

• Ammonite Fossils, “were traditionally used tin labor to relieve pain and to ease the birth” (from the book The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason – page 142).

• Malachite is, “believed to ease birth and strengthen mother in a long labor” (from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page 396).

• Malachite, “stimulates...contractions” from the book The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual by Michael Gienger – page 72).

• Shiva Lingham, “may ease birth” (from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page 396).

• Clear Fluorite is, “believed to be good after Caesarians” (from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page 396).

• “Some women...take along Herkimer Diamond quartz crystals for labor. It has helped some women with their contraction pains. They squeeze the crystal during contractions” (from the book Advanced Crystal Therapeutics by Rev. Ojela Frank – page 145).

• Chrysocolla, “has a relaxing effect [and] helps dilation” (from the book The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual by Michael Gienger – page 72).

• “A birthing crystal, Moss Agate assists midwives in their work, lessening pain and ensuring a good delivery” (from The Crystal Bible by July Hall – page 47).

• Peridot, “aids giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions but lessening pain” from The Crystal Bible by July Hall – page 213).

Stones: After Birthing• “The energy system of a newborn infant is extremely delicate and it takes years to become fully adapted to the rough and ready

mix of energies that surround us all the time. So gentle protection of the young aura is helpful, but interference with a naturally developing awareness and immunity is not. All developing life needs unconditional love and respect. When in doubt, don’t interfere” (from Healing with Crystals by Jacquie Burgess – page 86).

• Snow Quartz, “improves lactation and helps a baby feed, whether or not the mother is breastfeeding...[Additionally} it soothes colicky, fretful, or teething babies” (from the book The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason – page 29).

• Pink Chalcedony is, “seen as good for first time mothers, those who have had surgical intervention, and post-natal problems” (from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page 396).

• Kunzite, “may help post-natal depression” (from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page 396).

• Pink Calcite is, “thought to help mother to bond with babies and for post-natal depression” from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page396).

• Pink and Blue Opals are, “useful in the early days after birth and to assist bonding” of mother and child (from the book The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason – page 396).

• Agate, “helps the uterus return to normal size and condition” from the book The Healing Crystal First Aid Manual by Michael Gienger – page 73).

• Smithsonite is “auspicious in midwifery and for nurturing babies” from The Crystal Bible by July Hall – page 270).