press UVO LWETHU 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mbizana | Flagstaff | Lusikisiki | Mt Ayliff | Ntabankulu | Mount Frere THURSDAY April 30, 2015 | 0 039 251 0834 | www.uvoexpress | uvoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Uvo Lwethu Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE UKUBA UNENGXAKI ZAMATYALA SIYAFUMANEKA KULENOMBOLO or Send “ ” to Consolidate your into 1 payment e-mail – [email protected] “NCR”REGISTERED DEBT COUNSELLORS Please call me 082 378 3743 DEBT NO LOAN / NO STRESS MVJ2SV-220115-TE-ebmswa-debt GREG NOTA F OREIGN nationals, poli- ticians and community members joined hands on Thursday last week in a march against xeno- phobia and a prayer for safety on our roads. The march was held in the Um- zimvubu Local Municipality to condemn the violent attacks on for- eigners and promote peaceful co- existence among citizens. Foreigners in Mount Ayliff closed their businesses on Thurs- day and joined the march against xenophobia led by Transport MEC Weziwe Tikana. ANC Provincial Secretary, Os- car Mabuyane, Alfred Nzo District Municipality Deputy Executive Mayor Sixolile Mehlomakhulu and Umzimvubu Mayor Khuluka- zi Phangwe were also among the marchers. The march started at the Jojo Presbyterian church and was fin- ished with a prayer at Msukeni for victims of road accidents. The prayer was led by the South African Council of Churches. There has been an increase in accidents on the N2 between Pha- kade and Ngcwelini in Mount Ay- liff since construction work on this road was completed. People from all walks unite against xenophobia Transport MEC Weziwe Tikana seen leading the march with the leadership of the Umzimvubu Local Municipality, Alfred Nzo District Municipality and District and Provincial ANC leadership. Foreign and local business owners who were part of the march against Xenophobia. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Uvo lwethu express 29 04 2015

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Uvo lwethu express 29 04 2015

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20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Port St Johns | Mbizana | Flagstaff | Lusikisiki | Mt Ayliff | Ntabankulu | Mount Frere

THURSDAY April 30, 2015 | 0 039 251 0834 | www.uvoexpress | uvoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Uvo Lwethu Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE



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FOREIGN nationals, poli-ticians and communitymembers joined handson Thursday last weekin amarch against xeno-

phobia and a prayer for safety onour roads.

The march was held in the Um-zimvubu Local Municipality tocondemn the violent attacks on for-eigners and promote peaceful co-existence among citizens.Foreigners in Mount Ayliff

closed their businesses on Thurs-day and joined the march againstxenophobia led by Transport MECWeziwe Tikana.ANC Provincial Secretary, Os-

carMabuyane, Alfred Nzo District

Municipality Deputy ExecutiveMayor Sixolile Mehlomakhuluand Umzimvubu Mayor Khuluka-zi Phangwe were also among themarchers.The march started at the Jojo

Presbyterian church and was fin-ished with a prayer at Msukeni forvictims of road accidents.The prayer was led by the South

African Council of Churches.There has been an increase in

accidents on the N2 between Pha-kade and Ngcwelini in Mount Ay-liff since construction work onthis road was completed.

People fromallwalksuniteagainstxenophobia

Transport MEC Weziwe Tikana seen leading the march with the leadership of the Umzimvubu Local Municipality, Alfred Nzo District Municipality and District and Provincial ANC leadership.

Foreign and local business ownerswho were part of the march againstXenophobia. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

2 NewsApril 30, 2015Uvolwethu Express

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THEPort St Johnsmunicipality saysit is again going to lease its disusedproperties throughout the town toprivate investors so that they can bedeveloped.

Themunicipal propertieswere fall-ingapart following the terminationofcontractswith the previous investorssome years ago.Since then, nobody has looked af-

tertheproperties.Waterandelectrici-ty were cut off, but people stayed inthose properties illegally.The properties include Mangrove,

a venuewhichused tohost big eventsfor the people of Port St Johns andeven for people from outside.Now Mangrove is a shadow of its

former self, and has become victim tovandals and the beautiful grass roofsof the rondavels have been blownaway by the wind.

Another property to be leased out isVuyani,at themouthofSecondBeach.Mayor Phikolomzi Langa said the

town needed to get investors to leasethe properties and develop them forthe benefit of the people of Port StJohns.“I can confirm that the manage-

ment has committed to give out thosesites so that they can be developed.”He said theywere comingwith new

strategies tomake this initiativeworkand to avoid experiencing problemssimilar to the previous ones.They needed to conclude the proc-

essof leasing theseproperties towardsthe end of the year. “Wewill advertisethem in all types of media, so that wecan reach everybody.”Most of Port St Johns sites are pri-

vately owned, and Langa said he wasplanning to have a meeting with theowners of the sites and they shouldpropose when and how they were go-ing to develop their sites.

Port St Johns readyfor its facelift

Vuyani is one of the municipal properties available to lease. PHOTO:SIM MDLEDLE


NEWLY elected Port St Johnsmayor, Phikolomzi Langa, hadcalled for transparency in orderto build stability in the munici-pality.

Port St Johns had been rockedby municipal workers’ strikesand there have been rumbles re-cently due to a go-slowbymunic-ipal employees over placementsand wages. Last year a man diedbecause of the protests.The protests have led to a

strained relationship betweenthe municipality and its work-ers. Langa, however, vowed toend the problemwith immediateeffect.“Transparency is a key andwe

need to come up with good strat-

egies and activate internalstructures to overcome the prob-lems and close the informationgap.“We need a council structure

to deal with the concerns of em-ployees whereby the standingcommittee and labour forumwould have a constant interac-tion with the leaders of the un-ions. Last week we had a seriesof meetings with the leaders ofthe workers and discussed is-sues of concern,” he said.Langa said another solution

was to ensure that each and ev-ery person was doing his or herown work without interruptionand this alone would bring suc-cess. Port St Johns would gener-ate more money as it was one ofthe Eastern Cape’s big tourismdestinations.

NewPort St Johnsmayorpromises tobring stability


AFTER the sudden death of formerPort St Johns Mayor MnyamezeliDanisile Mangqo, the councilagreed with the deployment of theANC’s Phikolomzi Langa.

Langa is a Chief, affectionatelyknown asBakhulule, who heads theZwaligugi Traditional Councilwhich includes Tombo and the sur-rounding areas.Hewasborn inTomboLocation to

the late Inkosi Zanemvula. He didhisprimary schoolingatTomboandthen proceeded to Palmerton SeniorSecondary School, Mthatha Techni-cal College and Teko. He specialized

in carpentry, joinery and civil engi-neering.He started his working career at

Teko, where he spent about fiveyearsbeforedeciding tomovecloserto home and start something new.Langa was the first teacher to in-

troduce trade subjects and wood-work at the Jokwana Junior Sec-ondary School in Port St Johns.He had beenworking for theANC

sincehisyouth. In 2000, politics tookthe centre stage in his life while hewas also a chief and he resignedfrom teaching.“Because of the contribution to

my community, the ANC also want-ed my contribution and I becamefully involved in the ANC activi-

ties.”Langa was not new in the Port St

Johns council.He joined the councilin 2000 as a Proportional Represent-ative (PR) councillor and served aschairperson of the local economicdevelopment standing committee.In 2006 he became the Speaker of

the council. In the present term hewas elected Chief Whip and thenmayor.Langa also served in several

structures in Tombo as a personwho was fully involved in agricul-ture.Inanexclusive interviewwithEx-

press, Langa agreed that he wasmoving into the hot seat because ofthe problems that had plagued the

municipality for so many years.He said he was ready to lead the

municipality,whichhadahighrateof unemployment, and vowed thatthe leadership would change thelives of the people of the town.It was important to revive the

town so that it could attract moretourists, and thatwould improve lo-cal economic development.“As the leadership, we need to go

out and lobby to getmore resourcesand ensure that we have plans inplace to fight crime.”He said they had outsourced

cleaning of the town to a contractorwith the aim of keeping the face ofPort St Johns more attractive totourists.

Pleased tomeet you,MrMayor

The New Port St Johns MayorPhiwo Langa.


3NewsApril 30, 2015

Uvolwethu Express


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VIGILANT Bityi policemen recovered perlemo-en worth R134 950 and confiscated a ToyotaQuantumbelonging to a vehicle rental companywhile on patrol at Ndibela Location near Mthat-ha about 7am last Tuesday.

The police spotted the vehicle on a gravel by-passroadtoNgcobo.Whentheoccupantssawthepolice, theyabandonedthevehicleandranaway.

Mthatha K9 Protected and Endangered Spe-cies members were contacted and identified theproduct as perlemoen. A total of 2 699 perlemoen

were recovered.No arrests have been made, but the investiga-

tion continues.Bityi station commander, Colonel Maphelo

Ngame, commended the members for their vigi-lance. “This is an indication that our membersare attentive when they patrol and conductcrime-prevention operations. Criminals whothink they canuse the gravel bypass roads in thecommission of crime are also warned,” he said.– REPORTER

VigilantBityi cops foilperlemoenpoachers


THE South African National Civic Orga-nisation (Sanco) in the Eastern Cape hasjoined the battle against xenophobia fol-lowing an appeal from President JacobZuma to leaders across the country to en-gage with communities on the need forpeace between locals and foreigners.

Sanco has started a process to establishstreet committees, and part of their du-ties will be to promote social cohesion,share skills and promote cooperative de-velopment among the communities.

This was revealed by Eastern CapeSanco chairperson, Zukile Luyenge, inan interview with Express.

Luyenge said they were prepared tocommunicate directly with the commu-nities to make them aware of the impor-tance of being united and staying in har-mony.

“It is not considerate for South Afri-cans to engage in criminal conductagainst their neighbours, who against allodds protected our struggle icons in or-der for us to be liberated,” he said.

“We are calling upon all South African

citizens to do everything in their powerat all levels to desist from violent activi-ties against other African nationalswhatever frustrations come their way. Itcan’t be correct to allege that all foreign-ers promote crime or take our job oppor-tunities.

“Those who are suspected of being in-volved in criminal activities must be re-ported to the police immediately, withouttaking the law into their hands. We mustbe mindful of the fact that a number ofjobs are created by them through theskills they bring to our beloved country,”Luyenge said.

He called upon people to support gov-ernment endeavours to uplift the condi-tions under which some communitieslived because of the legacy of the past andto fight the scourge of corruptionwherev-er it arose.

He said they were also engaging withtraditional leaders throughout the prov-ince in an endeavour to end xenophobia.

“First of all we will visit NyandeniGreat Place and continue with other roy-al houses throughout the province so thatthey convey the message of unity to thecommunities.”

Sanco joins battle againstxenophobia

Inkosi Phathekile Holomisa andEastern Cape Sanco chairpersonZukile Luyenge say no to xenopho-bia. PHOTO:SIM MDLEDLE


MTHATHA SAPS made a major break-throughwhen they arrested three suspects inconnectionwith themurderof apoliceofficer,W.O. Mlungiseleli Dukuza (55), who was shotwhile on-duty in Libode in March.

The suspects were arrested on Friday atQumbu.

According to police spokesperson Lieuten-ant Khaya Tonjeni, Kubobonke Madikane(24), Someleze Ngqongwa (24) and AndisileMbara (22) appeared briefly in the LibodeMagistrate’s Court facing charges of murder,burglary and attempted murder.

All the suspects were denied bail and re-manded in custody. They are expected to ap-pear in the Libode Magistrate’s Court on 6May 2015.

W.O.Dukuzaandapoliceconstablewereat-tacked while responding to a complaint of a

robbery in progress at Libode Post Office onTuesday, 24 March at about 11pm.

On arrival, the police members saw threepeople on the roof of the Post Office and theshack next to it.

Thememberswereshotatbyunknownpeo-ple and they fired back and crossfire began.

W.O. Dukuza and the constable were hit bysome of the bullets and injured. They wererushed to hospital formedical attention.W.O.Dukuza (55) passed away the following day.

Eastern Cape Deputy Provincial Commis-sioner, Major General ZamuthongaMki, wel-comed the arrest and congratulated the inves-tigating team for the good work.

“Anypersonwhoattacksorkills apolice of-ficial will face the full might of the law,” hesaid.

Lt. Tonjeni said the SAPS further urgesmembersof thecommunitytoremainvigilantand continue to report criminal activities tothe police.

Cop killers charged

In accordance with the editorial policy of the Express, we invitereaders to comment on mistakes in the newspaper and shallcorrect significant errors as soon as possible. Send info to theOmbudsman of Media24’s Local Press, George Claassen, at [email protected] or call him at 0 021 851 3232.

Readers can also contact the SA Press Ombudsman at0 011 484 3612/8 or e-mail [email protected]



4 NewsApril 30, 2015Uvolwethu Express

A MAN (35) from King William’sTown was arrested on Thursday inconnection with the kidnapping andrape of a 19-year old Dutywa highschool learner which he met on face-book.According to police spokesperson,

Capt. Jackson Manatha, it is allegedthat the victim used to chat with thesuspect on facebook and she was con-vinced by the suspect to meet him onSaturday 18 April 2015.The two met in Dutywa town after

the girl left her home under the pre-text that she was attending Saturdayclasses. Shewas kidnapped and takento Machibini Village, Mount Coke,King William’s Town, at about 12:00.A case of kidnapping was regis-

tered at Dutywa Police Station.The investigation that followed led

to the arrest of the suspect at hishome on Thursday, 6 days after thegirl’s disappearance. The girl was al-so found at the home of the suspect.According to Capt. Manatha, she

told Butterworth SAPS detectivesthat she had been raped by the sus-pect.A case of rape against the suspect

was opened. Hewill appear before theDutywaMagistrate Court on a chargeof kidnapping and will also appearbefore the King William’s Town Mag-istrate Court on charges of rape.Butterworth Cluster Commander

Brigadier Mbeko Sibidla praised hisdetective team for the arrest of thesuspect and warned young girls toavoid chatting with strangers on so-cial networks. – REPORTER

Manarrestedfor kidnappingand rape ofDutywa schoolgirl hemet onfacebook


THE taxi industry welcomed the Eyethu“Route to Market” lubricant shop recentlyopened at Chatham taxi rank in Mthatha bythe Eastern Cape Development Corporation(ECDC).

The ECDC and Ultramart, trading as Bar-dahl SA, had entered into a partnership forestablishing and rolling out about 30 shopswhich are expected to employ 300 young peo-ple at taxi ranks across the Eastern Cape.The risk capital head at the ECDC, Phaka-

misa George, said the Chatham taxi rankBardahl Eyethu shop was a R3,1 million six-month pilot which would be used as a casestudy to develop a business plan for the roll-out of other shops.“It is the same concept as fuel companies

establishing filling stations where theybring convenience to people, so we are fol-lowing the same trend. Taxi operators do notenjoy the luxury of an ordinary car ownerwho can go to any lubricant store to buy lu-bricants and fast-moving car parts like oilfilters and brake fluids because they have tokeep their place in the queue,” George said.

Oil shopplan tokeep taxisrunningsmoothly

Taxi Owners’ Association chairman Zanemvula Gaya, ECDC risk capital head Phakamisa George,ECDC project manager Nomathukela Qunya, Bardahl SA chairman Sandile Koza and OR TamboBusiness Chamber president Vuyisile Ntlabati. PHOTO:AYANDA NJEMLA

“While holding their positions in thequeue, taxi operators could also check andchange lubricants and pads at their conve-nience.”“We are hoping to open 30 more stores

across the province at various taxi rankswhere entrepreneurs are interested in es-tablishing their own stores and we willgladly finance the stores once all the rele-vant steps are followed,” he said.Eastern Cape Taxi Owners’ Association

chairman, Zanemvula Gaya, said they hadnever seen such a convenient initiative fortheir taxi operators.“We are very thankful for this initiative.

It is a first and we welcome it,” he said.He said they were also looking forward

to having these shops in all their nine ranksin Mthatha.The shops will sell car lubricants, oils

and additives, as well as fast-moving carparts such as spark plugs, brake pads, fil-ters and shock absorbers, among otheritems.

5NewsApril 30, 2015

Uvolwethu Express


66 Main StreetPO BOX 7LUSIKISIKI4820TEL 039 253 1568/1096Fax 039 253 1234

135 Main StreetPO BOX 14Flagstaff4810TEL 039 252 0131/61Fax 039 252 0699/0279


Ingquza Hill Local Municipality ( )hereby invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced persons

to fill the following vacancies:

incorporating Flagstaff and Lusikisiki Towns

1. MANAGER : SOCIAL SERVICES (Permanent Position)


Closing date for all applications: 15MAY2015

NB. Background screeningwill be done to selected candidates.

It is the intention of Ingquza Hill Local Municipality, as an Affirmative Action Employer,to promote the interests of previously disadvantaged groups (ESPECIALLY WOMEN ANDPEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES) when filling the above post, in line with the municipality'sEmployment Equity Plan.




A National Diploma or degree Developmental or Social Studies / Public Administrationor any other relevant NQF6 qualification;

Computer Literacy

A code EBDriving License

At least 3 - 5 years' work experience.

Understanding of local governmentwill be the added advantage.

CompetenciesLeadership Skills, coupledwith report writing and organizing skills;Ability to adhere to strict deadlines, andGood presentation skills.

Key Performance Areas

Reporting to theDirector for Community Services, the incumbentwill be responsible for:-

Managing and reporting on implementation outcomes with regards to project relatedinterventions (Social Development Programmes) and work in progress and providingreasons and recommendations to improve and/ or sustain the quality andperformance levels of the Section.Maintaining and managing of social and community facilities, establishing andimplementing of policies governing the use and operations of social facilities andMulti-Purpose Community Centers (MPCC).Ensuring continuous access to Library Facilities to all residents, and analyzing newand existing library issues and reporting on trends to theDirector.Ensuring system development for good quality and proper cemeteries and crematoriafacilities exist and that such facilities are properly maintained for burial purposes andpost burial purposes.Coordinating the operational dimensions and resources for Waste Management Unit(which includes (solid waste, pounds and parks) and monitors utilization and costeffectiveness of activities against operational plans.Ensure proper co-ordination of all Sports, Arts and Culture activities within thejurisdiction of themunicipality.Ensuring proper implementation of Indigent Policy of themunicipality.


A B. Com degree or National Diploma specialising in riskmanagement and/or internalauditing or equivalent;

A 3-5 years' experience in the area of riskmanagement or internal audit;

A valid codeBDriving License

Must be Computer Literate

Key Performance Areas:To plan, design and implement an overall risk management process for the

municipality;To do risk assessment, which involves analysing risks aswell as identifying, describing

and estimating the risks affecting themunicipality;To do risk evaluation, which involves comparing estimated risks with criteria

established by themunicipality;To establish and quantify the organisation's 'risk appetite';To report risk in an appropriate way for different users, for example, to the

management, audit committee, council, etc.;To provide support, education and training to staff to build risk awareness within the


Application letters with comprehensive CVs, and certified copies of qualifications and IdentityDocuments, must be addressed to

, clearlymarked “Application for Employment”.

Applicants who do not get a response from theMunicipality within threemonths after the closingdate should assume that theywere not successful.

Ingquza Hill Local Municipality reserves the right not to fill the advertised post at the solediscretion of Council.

For further enquiries contact Ms. S. Gumenge (HR Administration Officer) at 039 253 1568 /1539 or

Basic Salary (Excl. Benefits): R341 800 – R350 261

Basic Salary (Excl. Benefits): R218 778 – R232 561

The Municipal Manager, Ingquza Hill LocalMunicipality, P.O. Box 14, Flagstaff, 4810

Faxed, emailed or late applicationswill NOT be accepted.

[email protected]



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THE Eastern Cape government is taking stepsto support black stud breeders in the province.

“Pursuant to the ANC elections manifestocommitments to support smallholder and sub-sistence farmers to benefit from the agricultur-aleconomy,wewillbeefupprocesses todevelopblack stud breeders in the province who willbreed superior genetic livestock for distribu-tion to farmers as part of the provincial live-stock production improvement scheme,” RuralDevelopment and Agrarian Reform MEC, Mli-bo Qoboshiyane, said.At themoment the Eastern Cape has 29 Doh-

ne Merino, 61 Nguni, 25 Bonsmara and threeBrahman stud breeders. Only two of these areblack.“Wedon’t like the current picturewe are see-

ing; hence the programme and investment todevelop black stud breeders.We can’t have very few black stud breeders

in a province with so many black people in thepopulation who participate in agriculture.”He said they were establishing sheep-breed-

ing units on land reform farms throughout the

province in order to produce superior geneticrams for communal farmers.There are two breeding centres in the Chris

Hani district, with about 18 participating farm-ers trained in breeding management.Efforts are afoot to start two cattle breeding

centres in Lambasi in the Ingquzamunicipalityand Mjanyana in Ngcobo as part of the provin-cial livestock production improvement scheme.AboutR4-million has been set aside for breed-

ing centre infrastructure and about R1-milliontobuyneeded livestock likebulls andheifers forthe breeding centres.Atthemomentthedepartmentprocuresitssu-

perior genetic livestock through auctions fromwhite commercial stud breeders around theprovince.The department has spent R5 982 900 to pro-

cure 342 superior genetic livestock, which in-clude Brahman, Nguni, Simbra, Bonsmara,Brangus and Beef Master, Dohne Merino ramsand boer goat rams for subsistence and small-holding farmers.Farmers who benefited from the land reform

programme were among those who would beparticipating in the stud breeder developmentprogrammes.

Moves to supportblackstudbreeders

Qoboshiyane and one of the Bholothwa farmers, Zithembile Qave, inspect the herd at the farmduring the livestock handover last week. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

The Express would like to know what is happening in your area.Please send news tips, photos and/or stories [email protected] or fax it to 041 503 6257.

6 NewsApril 30, 2015Uvolwethu Express



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THE Minister of Social Develop-ment, Bathabile Dlamini targetedAlfredNzoDistrict,Mbizana in par-ticular to reassess thedeliveryof so-cial services, challenges, gaps aswell as engaging community on fur-ther interventions thathad tobe im-plemented in order to improve theliving conditions of people in the ar-ea.

Her first stop was a visit to a bak-ery project called BreakThroughBakeryCo-operative,which is fund-ed with the amount of R800 000 bythe Social Development Agencythrough the National DevelopmentAgency (NDA).The co-operative produces prod-

ucts like traditional bread, sconesandmuffins and they are trading inthe town of Mbizana. They had alsosigned an agreement with Zamok-uhle Special School for the Blind tosupply themwith 1 417 brown breadloaves per month as well as Mbi-zana Secondary School who will bereceiving 800 bread loaves permonth.Project member Belekazi Sikhut-

swa Thole cited some challengesthat they were faced with such aselectricity, space and the means oftransport for their products.

The department promised them amotorbike whilst the NDAwould bedonating a bakkie. The Alfred NzoDistrict Municipality will assist

them in addressing the electricityissues.She also addressed communities

from the Alfred Nzo District at theMphuthumi Mafumbatha Stadiumin Mbizana.Minister Dlamini mentioned the

new service delivery improvementstrategy called Project Mikondzo –a Xitsonga word meaning, “foot-prints”.She explained that “the purpose

forMikondzo is to increase our foot-print and reach every corner of thelandand SouthAfricanswehaven’tbeen able to reach before with ourservices.”“We do this to improve our re-

sponsiveness to the needs of ourpeople andbreakdown the structur-al barriers created by apartheidthat placed government far frompeople.“The key objective ofMikondzo is

to improve and extend the reach ofthe services that the Departmentand its entities, South African So-cial Services Agency (Sassa) andthe NDA, provide to South Africansat a community level.”TheMinisterwas accompaniedby

Eastern Cape MEC for Social Devel-

opment, Nancy Sihlwayi, Chief ofPondoland Zanozuko Sigcau,Mayorfor AlfredNzoDistrictMunicipalityEuniceDiko andMayor forMbizanaLocal Municipality Makhaya Ntwa-bu.Concluding her speech Minister

Dlamini said people have a duty andresponsibility to ensure that theydon’t use government money fortheir personal gains or wrong rea-sons but forwhat is reallymeant for.

She was referring to those whohad received grants to start up pro-jects and those getting child supportgrants from the department.On the day Sassa distributed 58

food parcels to families living underundue hardship from Social Reliefof Distress, 635 blankets issued and500 vanity cases given to older per-sons over the age of 45yrs, 60 schooluniform to needy and deservingchildren and 22 fruit baskets to 22centenarians.The minister of Social Develop-

ment handed over 22 certificates topartially registered Early Child-hood Development Centres and of-fered Bursaries to three studentswhopassedwithBachelor includingZandile Bhobho who is blind.

Ministerbrings smiles to thepeopleofMbizana

Mrs Belekazi Sikhutswa Thole from BreakThrough Bakery Cooperative explain-ing to the delegation accompanying the minister the challenges they werefaced with in their co-op. PHOTO:MLAMLI MFANA


UMZIMVUBU Local Municipality (ULM),through its Corporate Services Depart-ment, which incorporates the Skills Devel-opment Unit, handed over ten laptops andtwo commercial printers to two of the bestperforming High School.

The schools that received the computerdonations were Manzamnyama Senior Sec-ondary School (SSS) in Mount Frere andLindelani SSS in Mount Ayliff.They were chosen for the donation since

they were the top two performing schoolsduring the academic year 2014 within theUmzimvubu municipality.Five brand-new laptops and one commer-

cial printer valued at R40 000 was handedover to each of the schools.Councillor Zukiswa Ndevu, who was rep-

resenting the Umzimvubu Mayor duringthe handover at Lindelani Senior Second-

ary School in Tela village, said she was im-pressed that the school principal did high-light that the partnership the school haswith the municipality dates back and notthat they were bringing computers becausethey were campaigning for 2016 local gov-ernment elections.“We are bringing these computers for the

learners to improve since the school per-formed well last year. We want to preparelearnerswith the current technology so thatthey won’t only see computers at tertiarylevel like us,” said Ndevu.Speaking on behalf of the Department of

Education and representing the District Di-rector, Doreth Mankayi thanked the muni-cipality for placing Lindelani School on themap and said she appreciated what theschool had done in beating urban schoolsand producing good results despite being ina deep rural area.“We appreciate the tools that were

brought to the school and I hope they won’t

be stored away but will be used to capaci-tate the Grade 12 learners.“These tools will also motivate the De-

partment of Education that whenwe get do-nors we can add more computers to theschool,” said Mankayi.Sinethemba Gwanya, a Grade 12 learner,

said they were very excited about the com-puters since they will help them when do-ing their assignments and they can be ableto do research with them.The school’s principal, Nkosohlanga Dla-

li, thanked the municipality for the dona-tion and said the computers will be of greathelp since they didn’t have internet beforebut now learners will be able to google forinformation in all the subjects.He promised that the results this year

will improve especially with the help of thecomputers.“We got 88,2% andwe are planning to im-

prove which is going to be possible sincewe have tools,” concluded Dlali.

Best performing schools receive computers from themunicipality

Learners seen working on the new laptopsdonated by Umzimvubu Local Municipality.Checking on them were (back from left)Councillor Zukiswa Ndevu, school prinicipalNkosohlanga Dlali, Councillor Manene Nkqayiand Mrs Doreth Mankayi. PHOTO: GREG NOTA


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Bafethu sometimes uke uzibone sowuzibu-za imibuzo ongenakwazi nawe ukuyiphen-dula. Ewe! Kuyakwayintoni majita? Uyazikukho usisi phaya eUTA ebesaziwa kwezindawo zobumnandi esoloko ekwi-skimsamacherie obonayo ukuba aphethe u-cashnawayesela ngathi there is no tomorrow.Akukho outie wayefuna ukuyiwina angayi-fumani. Kuba ke nokuba ungathini okuzi-phatha kungatshongo khona kuhambisananengulo sometimes. Nembala sithe siyabo-na ungumnqawuka nenwele ezi sezingathizixhwithekile emnyama ngathi lilahlekwaye sehamba yedwa kungasabonakaliziichomie. Okwakungamadoda ayemazinawo sehambela kude emana ukuthi “hayindandiyazi la way.” Ok, wanqaba futhinalapha empuzweni simbona nje xa edriv-er around town elilolo. Wawu!! Last week-end simbonile kucaca ukuba noko wela-phekile uyabuyela nasegazini. Nanko ama-doda semthe mba kwakhona, nala kanyeebehambela kude ngoku sefuna kuye esiq-wini akazi nokuba isigulo besiyintoni kubanaku utyebile kwakhona angena kuye. Ni-zofa nje ngokuba kucaca ukuba anizicinge-li nakufumana eli jiki nje. Asithule sijonge

kodwa kungekudala uzakubona enye seyib-oqoke izidlele, imbrukhwe le seyingathi ix-honyiwe. Baxelele gossip team abeva ababakufumana la mambawu abo.

Sorry guys this is ECIn order to experience life of that particu-

lar province sometimes you need to gethurt so that you will be able to see a direc-tion. Bafethu, asihlekisi ngani qha this isa fact. There were guys from Gauteng whowere sobbing as they were ‘knocked’ by thegirls during their visit in the Eastern Cape.The guys told us that they invited girlswhom they met at So What Lounge, UTA.They organized everything for them frombuying alcohol on their first meeting tobraaiing for them and buying airtime letalone transporting them from point A topoint B their entire weekend. But the ladiesstill stole their two cell phones and somecash and the guys realised later after theydropped them off in front of a room in Fort-dale whom they claimed they were resid-ing. But when they went there to check,there were no ladies but were welcomed byan old white lady who said she knew noth-

ing about the ladies as she stays with herhusband in that room. Kuyabethwa eECbafana bam akudlalwa and oosisi bethu na-bo bayaziphandela.

But it’s dangerousWe used to see drivers driving talking

from their cell phone but we saw last weekit was a ‘masterpiece’’ but it’s too danger-ous. There was a guy who was drivingthrough Sutherland Street in a grey BMW.As he was driving he was also reading thenewspaper which was across the steeringwheel. HOW!! madoda yimihlola. Some-times we are the ones who invite accidentsbecause you cannot read and drive at thesametime. Lo nto nje ngamanzi namafutha.Ntante Machaea sinqandeleni baba kulereckless driving yenzeka apha eUTA.

What happened shame?I wonder what happened to the guardwho

was found emapuna-puna inside the busi-ness premises of Kopano, Kwezi kasi. Son-dela sikuxelele iindaba ezi ungazaziyo. Ka-loku last week kufunyenwe enye i-outieegada eKopano itiphile and ishaya ngesuti

yesele ukuba kwenzeke ntoni akukabikhomntu waziyo kuba ibingakwazi noku-thetha. Mhlawumbi umfethu uzitshizengamandla kuba kulityelwe icala le bar lin-gatshixwanga or kukhona into emehleleyomara sizakuthola konke lokho xa sele ek-wazi ukuthetha. Mahlawumbe idonkey idleemthwalweni ebona isitha se-bar sivuliwe.

Wow people can waitVisiting these money places in the big su-

permarkets is a nightmare. Last week I wascompelled to go to a money market at Shop-rite in Mbizana yhu kuyalindwa pha, besekuba khona osecurity abasoloko benijiji-meza apha kulayini besithi mamela bonaibo abaphethe. Well I thought that was thelast thing but when you are in front youhere the cashiers calling “ofakayo” omnyekwelinye icala esithi “okhuphayo” whybengagqibezeli ukuba okhupha ntoni no-faka ntoni. Thina with our dirty minds wethought of something else and when a beau-tiful lady calling for “ofakayo” you will runto her. Well it was just an observation thatwe did last week. See you next week withmore gossip news.



IIMBONGI zasemaMpondweni ziqaqam-bise isizwe samaMpondo kwelaseKapa nge-lixa kunee-Awards zemibongo kwiDyu-nivesithi yaseWestern Cape gomhla we18kuApril.

Omnye weembongi ebezizimase lo mny-hadala uSiyabonga Romeo Mdwayidwayi(24) owaziwa ngelika-Dlavu uthe ukwath-anda ukuthabatha ithuba lokubulela kub-antu abathe bafaka isandla kuhambo lwa-bo bezimbongi zeSizwe sama-Mpondo.“Uhambo lwethu belisingise eKapa sisi-

ya kwii-Awards zemibongo kwiDyunivesi-thi yaseWestern Cape. Apho sibone khonaukuba uluntu lweli siphila kulo liyayithan-da into esiyenzayo xa besivela kwiTop 3 ku-zo zonke icategory ebesichongwe kuzo.”“Umxholowamaxhoba uthe wakwinda-

wo yokuqala kuzo zombini kanti abechong-we kuzo kanti uSixolile Faku naye uvelekuzo zombini wabe engakhange akwaziukuhamba nathi. Umna ndithe ndavela

kwenye apho sithe sakwasi ukubuya nentokhona iBest Xhosa Poet,” kutsho uMdwayi-dwayi.Ukwabulele kakhulu uMdwayidwayi

kwiSebe leSocial Development ngokubat-hwala “xa besilahlwe nguMaspala wethuwaseMbizana, besingenokuyofikelela kho-na.” Uthe abanye abantu angasoze abali-bale yiMbizana Trust, Nkosinathi Dlanga,Lukholo nomama Zandile Somadlangathiesithi nangomso.“Sibuya nazo zonke kunyaka ozayo na-

kanjani. Sibulela nakwezi zikhululo zono-mathotholo zasekuhlaleni iAlfred Nzo FM,Nkonjane FM, Radio Sun South FM, TrueFM ngokusicelela ivoti xa besilila nangok-udlala imibongo yethu.”OkaMdwayidwayi ukwathe ngoku bal-

ungiselela iRhini Nationa Art Festival ngo-June. Ekwacela ukuba uluntu xa lunentoolungabapha yona ukulungiselela uhambolwabo bangaqhakamshelana naye kwin-ombolo yonomyayi ethi 0739548507 okanye0605596503 noba ufuna oluphi uhlobo lwem-bongi xa unento onayo.

Iimbongi zasemaMpondweni zibuye nembasa eKapa

Ababehambele umsitho wokunikezelwa kwamaAwards eKapa uLulamile Mabude, Enock Nyikiza,Nomgqibelo Mda, Siyabonga Mdwayidwayi, Sindiswa Mbangi, Masibulele Ntshiliba, NkosinathiDlanga kunye noLonwabo Magqabi. IFOTO: ITHUNYELWE

USiyabonga Mdwayi-dwayi owaziwangelikaDlavu ubuyenayo imbasa yokubaiBest Xhosa Poet.IFOTO: ITHUNYELWE

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KUCHONGWE umdlali wamnye kwindebe iM-ayorsCupnebiphethwangalempela-vekisisukakuyo ngemidlalo eyahlukeneyo, equka umb-hoxo, ibhola yomnyazi kwakunye nebholaekhatywayokwibala laseMsobomvucebukuhlekwidolophu yaseGcuwa.

Le midlalo nebizinyaswe yingqonyela (CEO)yeChippaUniteduPeterKoutroliusitheyazano-vuyo kubadlali bebhola ekhatywayo kunye na-baqeqeshi,nanjengokokuthekwachongwauJu-lius Jonga oneminyaka elishumi elinesixhenxenobedlalela iqela elibethiweyo kumdlalo wa-magqibela kankqoyi, iGcuwa nebethwe ngam-anqaku amathathu kwelinye liqela iCentaneemva kokuba umdlalo udlalwe ixesha elimisel-weyo waphela ngenqaku elinye macala de kwa-yiwa kumapenati.UKoutrolius weUnited nobebukele le midlalo

ukusuka nokuhla kwayo, uthi eyona nto ibenzeukuba bazokujonga abadlali kwiMnqumaMay-

orsCup sisimemoabasifumanayokuSodolophuBhabha Ganjana ukuba bazokunika iliso kuba-dlalibalo mmandlaukubaabanakufumanabad-lali na.“Umnikazi weqela eli uChippa Mpengesi

wasamkela ngezandla ezishushu esisimemonanjengoko nathi kakade sinesicwagciso soku-funa ukuphuhlisa abadlali abakwezindawo zi-semaphandleni kungoko sibone ilithuba lokubasilisebenzise.”“Kangokuba ngoku ndivuyiswe nayile nto

ndiqala ukuza ndibe sele ndibona umdlali endi-zakuthi ndihambe naye ndiyokumfaka kwiqelalethu laba neminyaka engaphantsi kweshumielithoba nabadlala kwiDisk Challange Tourna-ment,” utshilo uMnu Koutrolius.Lomdlali ogama linguJulius Jonga kuthiwa

uzakuthi adlalela iqela leChippa United labene-minyakaelishumielinesithobaxakuvulwa isiz-ini yeDiski Challange kwaye kuvakala ukubauzakunikwa ithuba lokuba ayokuzilolonga nog-xa bakhe kungekudala akwazi ukuqhelane na-bo.

“Bakhona abadlali abenesakhono sokudlalaibhola kulomandla kodwa eyonanto endicingaukuba ifuna ukulungiswa ngamabala alaphakuba awekho semngangathweni wokudlala ib-hola kwaye ngelinye ixesha angabangela abad-lali bonzakale sele bengadlaliswangwa kakubingomnye,” ulebele ngelitshoyo oka Koutrolius.Umdlali lonauthewachongwayiChippaUnit-

ed Julius Jonga uthe wavakalisa uchulumancongokukhethwa kwakhe leliqela lidlala kuPre-mier Soccer League (PSL) kwakunye nobang-umdlali othewangqwesakulendebe yeMnqumaMayors Cup nanjengoko esithi yonke lentokhange ayilindele kwangoku kwibhola ekhaty-wayo.“Ndivuyekakhuluxandisivaukubanzakufu-

mana ithuba lokudlalela i Under 19 yeChippalontoithethalukhulukumkwayeiyandikhutha-za ukuba ndisele ndizimisela kangoko kwayendichulumanciswe nazindaba zobayi Player ofthe Tournament,” utshilo umfana omdala “uJu-ju” xa bemteketisa ebonakala ukuba inyembeziuzibambe ngenkophe luvuyo.

Nanjengoko kuleMnqumaMayors ibingeyob-holaekhatywayoyondwaibidlalwa.Kwabasety-hini ebebedlala ibhola ekhatywayo kuphumele-le iThunder Birds ibetha iRainbow nganqakuamabini kwelinye, kumbhoxowabasetyhini iN-qamakhwe Eagles ibhaxabule iNgculu Zebrasngo70-0, kumanene embhoxweni iBika Crusad-ers ibethe iComrades ngo16-9 ukanti kwibholayomnyazi (Netball) iCentane ibethe iGcuwa 13-10.Onke amaqela aphume kwindawo yokuqala

uyokuma kweyesithathu afumene ikit wogqibalawo atshontshe entla wona anikwa nendebenguSodolophuuBhabhaGanjanakunyeneGoldMedals.Umdlali ongqwesileyo ebholeni ekhatywayo

UJulius Jonga ufumene iR5000 eyinikwa yi-Chippa United wogqiba wanikwa indebe nguS-odolophu eyeyakhe, ukanti bonke abanye abad-lali abatshatsheleyo kweminye imidlalo bafu-mane indebekuphela, kwiNetball bekungqweseuSimamkele Nkungwana, kumbhoxo ibinguM-vuseleli Mbeki.


YiKumkani yamaXhosa jikelele uZwelonke Sigcau, Julius Jonga, uSodolophu uBhabha GanjanakwiMnquma Mayors Cup. IFOTO: ANELE RAZIYA

Iqela eliphumelele kumbhoxo wosisi iNqamakhwe Eagles limelwe ukapteni amukela imbasa.IFOTO:ANELE RAZIYA


FOOTBALL teams from around Mthathatook part in a tournament against thexenophobic attacks that have recently hitsome parts of the country.

The tournament was held on Mondayin celebration of national Freedom Daytoo.The day started with a march from the

town hall to Walter Sisulu University’sNMD campus with flags from some Afri-can countries flying high in the air.Zukile Luyenge, deputy president for

the National Masters and Legends Foot-ball Association said they took a resolu-tion thismonth to engage in a programmeto raise awareness about the recent xeno-phobic attacks.“We are anti-xenophobia because we

are all Africans and our leaders found

comfort and security in these Africancountries when we were under attackfrom Apartheid back in the days,” saidLuyenge.Luyenge said the tournament is basi-

cally aimed at denouncing violenceagainst foreign nationals.Siya Mngeyane, OR TamboMasters FC

Chairperson, said even though the at-tacks have not yet spread to Mthatha,they wanted to stop it before it rears itsugly head.“We are being proactive because those

incidents were very wrong and inhumanand we cannot allow such things to cometo our areas,” said Mngeyane.Participating teams included a teams

made up of foreign nationals fromGhana,Nigeria, Cameroon, Senegal and Congo,as well as theMasters Football Club, Uni-tra Community Radio FC, CorrectionalServices FC and WSU FC.

Soccer to stopxenophobia in its tracks

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