THE DAILY SUN GATNESVJLLF FLORIDA JULY 14 1 09 or 6 f uYI < LUDLflW STREET Jt The Sheriffs Famous Prison In New York City ITS GUESTS WELL TREATED- The Inmates Wear No Uniform and Have Many Privilege Th Disci- pline U Quite Gentle and the Sur- rounding Peaceful and Homelike Walking through the streets of the squalid noisy east side the visitor in New Tork Is quite unprepared for the peace nnd clean homeliness which greet him In the sheriffs prison Ic- Ludlow street Flanked by public school nnd police court on two sides the brick building ornamented with antique Iron grill over long windows resembles a village church or old fash- ioned ball of learning The outer clamor docs not fund rate HH cool clois- ters The struggle for existence Is halted at the threshold But It la not so easy to enter the sheriffs rest es- tablishment The guard wbo opens the front door In response to the elec- tric bell eyes the visitor xmph loualy- aa If the latter might be trvhifr tr break Into the county haven without proper credentials The only persons entitled to the privileges of the Lud low tavern are those In contempt f surrogates and certain other courts federal bankrupts delinquent militia- men execution nnd Judgment debtors nnd breach of promise and alimony men However the visitor who run prove that be tins no sinister purpose Is ushered Into n cozy parlor titled with rugs pictures and piano Here he meets the warden who talks freely find simply nbout guests He ad- mits be has never read Lomhroso or any other criminologist Whats the ese They dont send felons to this place The learned observations of penologists do not apply to the In- mates of Ludlow tavern Methods of discipline and reform are superfluous There are Just n few rules such n ob- tain In any well regulated hostelry A guest on arrival has his pedigree taken at the office Is shown up to his sleep lag chamber gets Introduced to the gentlemen In the sitting room and Is left to Ills own devicesno uniform- no none of the unpleasant fea- tures of a common prison There Is indeed a genteel search for sharp In atruments keys and knives ns forbid- den articles but there Is no confisca- tion of any other private possessions A man may bring In all the books writing material tobacco clothes articles and bricabrac that be pleases The rising bell rings at 030 a m aad the guests have n chance to wash karc and make their beds before breakfast at 8 oclock The regular breakfast consists of coffee and rolls but guests may supplement It with eggs cooked at the hot water tap or may order at their own expense nr elaborate meal from the menu card of a nearby rcntaurant The murals newspapers are nt hand wt that guests willie sipping tbelr entree nine scnii deadlines and note the progress events After breakfast every sue sixes lute the yard fur an hour exercise Th high brick evils do not liar the from the yard which Is uuoui sixty feet square and stone tlaggM around n central grass plot After tin hnur guests repair to u- larei silting room mud read study 01 his fit IL f sq haircut r toi- let s sun- shine exer iso tilt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + play penuchle checkers domino nol chess There Is n small library of books nod magazines Those who have private stocky of literature ex- change their books In a fraternal spirit The dinner bell rings at noon A wholesome stew a bulled dinner or n plate of fish and iwtatoes is provided If this seems too frugal even for clois- ter life there Is the restaurant menu to fall back on As a rule though the Inmates are satisfied with the regular fare Another hour In the yard an afternoon spent In the sitting room after the style of the morning session and then n supper of bread tend tea at 5 oclock Two hours utter the guests retire to their chambers for the night They are locked In It Is true but the obliging guard will open on any rea- sonable request There Is no rule against talking nnd guests may read or write by the light of their own can- dles until they feel disposed to go to bed A gentle routine it Is No one is overcrowded for while there are ac- commodations for n hundred persons the number of guests Is seldom any- thing tike that The disagreeable monotony of seeing the same faces and bearing the same anecdotes com- plained of by arctic travelers is by the coming stud going of In statue The comfort of guests Is well n SMI red by a staff of nine guards and three or four cooks and attendants Letters to guests nre not opened be- fore delivery as In summon penal In Ktltutliitis Three days II weep are sot aside for visitors but nn member of the Alimony is crmpcllcd to see his wife lure in n lout wipe how- ever it member of the fair sex enters tilt poituls us n guest There was one woman brought to the SlcM li con- tempt i ubtfcqucnt on n HUpplenififtnr Inquiry but the referee held a hearing on the spot and the womnn wrap discharged with consent of counsel In former duys a male guest thitrgcd with breach of promise vu fnrdom by marrying the woman of hU In the hotel olllce New The Cause of Drafts Why Is It that windows and doors ore frequently III lilting There is nothing wrong with the wood itself nor with the workmanship us a rule nor with the fit at the outset nt least but the whole trouble U due to the ood being unseasoned or rather only partially seasoned ut the time It Is made up Timber Optimistic Is Jones nn optimist- Is be He found a ticket entitling him to a chance In an automobile drawing the other day and be Is building a garage Boston Transcript Answered Bobby What the simple life pa Father Doing your own work my son Bobby And whats till strenuous life Father Doing some other fellows work Now run along and play Reminders Mrs He said I reminded him of a Greek goddess MrIIub MrsVhat do I remind you of Mr Of every darnel thing I overlook that you ask me to doClevelond leader The temple of fame stands upon the itrnve The thane that burns Its Is kindled fnun the ashes of l nd men If you have found anything see U flriv rl Ml in Want column club TrJmrt upon I ob- viated pret- ty pre tKChnrn anal a Fork sitars e the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HAPPY WOMEN- Plenty of Them in Gainesville and Good Reason for It Wouldnt any woman be happy After yeWs of backache suffering Days of misery nights of unrest The distress of urinary troubles She finds relief nnd cure No reason why any Gainesville reader Should suffer In the face of evi- dence like this Mrs John Smith 307 E Magnolia street Gainesville Flu says I suf- fered from a weak bck and severe pains In my sides for a long time 1 could not stoop without experiencing sharp twinges through my body and if 1 did was difficult to regain an erect position I was also subject to headaches and at times watt very nervous Whon I Doans Klduoy Pills so highly recommended for those troubles I procured a box and began their use In a short time I felt much bettor The pains lost their iovereness nnd I gained in strength I consider Kidney Pills an ex- cellent rcincdy and am pleased to recommend them For sale by all dealers Price SO rents Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United suac Remember the name Doans and take no other Venetian Coffee Houses The first cup of eoflW way drunk In Europe at Venice toward the etui of the sixteenth century The Venation chronicler Moroslni In Ills records of the events In the year lVi mentions the leverage called cavee drunk l y the Turks and noted for Its nntlffopo ride qualities In the year 1VH a Venetian doctor Introduced the buries from taught his country men how to crush them nUll brew the bev enipo nnd tilt UM of coffee soon came Keneral so touch so In fact tint Venire was full of rnfffe houses where the people idled away their hays drink Ins the aromatic leverage A IHTII- Ilarlty of the Venetian coffee houses way that their patrons did not pay for each cup of coffee they drank but settled their bills ft r all the coffee consumed nt the end of each year I The regular price of n cup of coffee was r soldi about J i rents and In some of the old cafes of Venice today the price is still charged New York Sun Awkward Compliment Theta is such a think as being too persistently complimentary A candid and well meaning professor who had witnessed the performance of a little play In n private house In which his hostess had taken the Ittidlng part met the lady as lImp from behind the curtain Madam he said rushing up to tier you played wHImtly That uirt tits you tn pprfwtlon Oh no prof rssor the hnly- mcdistly A your UIH pretty wom- an Is merle fur tint flrt Hut madam iuwlsicd the profess- or you have jHwltlvely proved the contraryr P irs ns Weekly One who lives in furnished room can be pretty Independent for the rds keep the best ts be bad within nit rwnch Tire Sea once for calUa carte t saw foster Mliburn I 1 ypt lit I I I so tit Doan s s i same she I said a ¬ ¬ ° A Question of Color The enormous dllllcultles of color terminology nee lllustriled by a cus- tomers exact stjileniiiit of her re- quirtwilt III large liennsgiite tiny Something III blue taffeta silk please I dont want anything as dark us navy blue nor any- thing us light MS rmnhrUlgi blue hat something darker hull on blue and yet n little off from an eKrtrlc blur and hardly n sty him more like a robins egg blue and yet not quite so light but not an Indigo blue but some- thing like this unit I think Uk y call It Horning glory blue which iaVmolhlii like a turquoise blue and yet not quite- so light as that and yet not so dark quite as this aquamarine blue nor so light as baby blue Now If you have anything In the shady I hove described please show It to me tile Intelligent assistant unrolled n length a cross blue devils and the deep tea with the remark This Is the shade of blue you requite madam It l called London nod Cal- Ico Printer The Oriental Mind Frederic S Isham the author told the following to Illustrate the double dyed duplicity of the oriental mind Mr Isham was In IVkln Passing the arch to the Huron you K el Her sup M scd to be in anli of contrition for the fotil assassination of tight hrivt of- ficlnl tht novelist asked a Chinaman who spoke a little KntrlUh You know why this monument was erected I supposeV Oh yes was tin ready reply In dlalct to commemorate a triumphal deed the dtilth f a very powerful fur elgnerO- oniTtHMiiiTiili lad N that IM the poopli general- ly think ass the j urjose of iltN ni ii bleat Why notV TlniVli tlilV fine w Immovable but a of y r hiiiiinr eenud io rtnli from hi slant eyes Chinese people inn h monument lied Itidml they sremeil to bask In the shade of It with murli saiiMf non Want advertising is a force wblcb rou can harness and with which you can drive your plans Bud purposes to any desired destlnatl The SUB office for calling cards I VOYLE VOYLE REAL ESTATE GAINESVILLE FLA Farms Dwellings Lots For Sale LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US Abstracts of Title Made- To all lainU n Aimturn County on liort notuv Fire Insurance Written Rolialtle Companies II one milk 11 don I in I es- lablbhnualt I be- tween tlie Dyer nnliixetii nt stint f sm faiths tike > > IF YOU WANT THE BEST DRINK Art ay AboVe Everything FOUR FULL QUARTS SSOOEX- PRLS8 PREPAID WE SHIP YOU EXPRESS CHARGES PAID VINE ULKNDBD W1IISK1BS Paul Joc 4 quart 400- Urj r I F h Si uKt 4 iurt 1M- C 4 ft4 TW JWIM I it- SattiU a lull 4 si it I S CORN BULK CORN likiw OW ttec tve ptf fj IflMItVr ttrn 4 H01 VH Cubs Cora fJW M4ittaci 500 i M 4 100 MKMtaia flew 4 iiaru 4JM Mark iucifii I i uo MUnum iVw M 100- sje MI JM Hirul I r jJg i i 4 JJO lin iifl HULK WII1SKTKS CHxlS BLUAI CO i4M 517519 V Boy St Jicksonvlllo f loriiln SMiiny V yrfi SiiO ill H 1iuc Rv 430 I ftft Illrii4 SIQ K nit hnii Hnurhoii JJQ Sliu Hmrt iii 450 In i n Mill l lllir JH I i 1 1 littrr Itltnl 10I- II ill l CMf Mi JJI- i lun litu KM- I i IK II Ll t ILL I r t 11 t I UteUtr ILs o II u art I I I J q I ilO CJ 1 I I 10 I JIO II aI- r a t I fl- v N 4 r a ywr14 fixpees Taal I 1ewie mart iS 1 and r t I uro4 u 1 uu 4tl lulls 1 S Iterld dub 0 ywtll t IuAc 1Lli- ilteralw loft ynatle > < > + BUSINESS GEO S WALDO DENTIST Graham Building East Main Street N ftttll Phone 51 Also Long OltUnec D R EDWARD CLARK Omces In Graham Building oven Sounders Earles store PBOB No 356 R aVEKE b alORRlb DENTIST Jfllce oral Gainesville National Plume 200 QR J H ALHrliMAN D E 5 TI 3 lj- fllcw over Dutton ft Oo f- Pbouo 280 Ualsegviila F- lIff E BAKER A TTO K YA T1 JA- 80LIOITOR IN GHANCfiY- AIKESV1LLE Ataohua Co KL Omen in H Block ATTORNKY At Can tell your city property tail proved and trucking and farming lends i list of wtat you otter for tale aiiisj J A CARLISLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Lad Solicitor in Equity Rte Estate aadUtal Praotiee All business attended to Office next door to Office GAntKHVILLB FLOSIBAi HAm CLARK TilOS V CLARK FIELDING LAWYERS Practice la all Courts State Federal OAices Over Gainesville Natteul Bank Gainesville Florida ITS FRESH EVERY DAY The Bread Pie and Cake you eat should be nutritious The finest flour mixed with pure rich milk and baked In the t purity fashion make oar I goods the most delicious It ta possible to produce KKYSONF BAfP v Phone 165 R T Schafer Prop Miss N Norton Novelties Books Stationer Souvenirs Sheet Pictim and Pictnre Frames 206 East Street FLORID1 F THOMAS G CO c 1 IJ J D I f FERnIKt J 1M lh II uuim ro pbot Send nil hi ULD1JIQ I Liberty iMESYILLE T ui1DERT A CARDS DR NT1ST inland nits Y r LAt t1AIaay7ILLa loa na kiln Co Mi r e a ns > FUti U Ml i s 11 i 1 j i- j 1 I tt t- Itj9ty tltula- aei r rr t- I t tit flt 118t1lti Dt1t l- i5nee4t iWlAle tbW nib 5 J e tAlsalill plerl ll >

uYI THE DAILY SUN JULY 14 Jt - Library of Congress · 2017-12-13 · THE DAILY SUN GATNESVJLLF FLORIDA JULY 14 1 09 or 6 f uYI < LUDLflW STREET Jt The Sheriffs Famous Prison In New

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Page 1: uYI THE DAILY SUN JULY 14 Jt - Library of Congress · 2017-12-13 · THE DAILY SUN GATNESVJLLF FLORIDA JULY 14 1 09 or 6 f uYI < LUDLflW STREET Jt The Sheriffs Famous Prison In New







LUDLflW STREET JtThe Sheriffs Famous Prison In

New York City


The Inmates Wear No Uniform andHave Many Privilege Th Disci-

pline U Quite Gentle and the Sur-

rounding Peaceful and Homelike

Walking through the streets of thesqualid noisy east side the visitor inNew Tork Is quite unprepared for thepeace nnd clean homeliness whichgreet him In the sheriffs prison Ic-

Ludlow street Flanked by publicschool nnd police court on two sidesthe brick building ornamented withantique Iron grill over long windowsresembles a village church or old fash-ioned ball of learning The outerclamor docs not fund rate HH cool clois-ters The struggle for existence Ishalted at the threshold But It la notso easy to enter the sheriffs rest es-

tablishment The guard wbo opensthe front door In response to the elec-tric bell eyes the visitor xmph loualy-aa If the latter might be trvhifr trbreak Into the county haven withoutproper credentials The only personsentitled to the privileges of the Ludlow tavern are those In contempt fsurrogates and certain other courtsfederal bankrupts delinquent militia-men execution nnd Judgment debtorsnnd breach of promise and alimonymen

However the visitor who run provethat be tins no sinister purpose Isushered Into n cozy parlor titled withrugs pictures and piano Here hemeets the warden who talks freelyfind simply nbout guests He ad-mits be has never read Lomhroso orany other criminologist Whats theese They dont send felons to thisplace The learned observations ofpenologists do not apply to the In-

mates of Ludlow tavern Methods ofdiscipline and reform are superfluousThere are Just n few rules such n ob-

tain In any well regulated hostelry Aguest on arrival has his pedigree takenat the office Is shown up to his sleeplag chamber gets Introduced to thegentlemen In the sitting room and Isleft to Ills own devicesno uniform-no none of the unpleasant fea-tures of a common prison There Isindeed a genteel search for sharp Inatruments keys and knives ns forbid-den articles but there Is no confisca-tion of any other private possessionsA man may bring In all the bookswriting material tobacco clothes

articles and bricabrac that bepleases

The rising bell rings at 030 a maad the guests have n chance to washkarc and make their beds beforebreakfast at 8 oclock The regularbreakfast consists of coffee and rollsbut guests may supplement It witheggs cooked at the hot water tap ormay order at their own expense nrelaborate meal from the menu card ofa nearby rcntaurant The muralsnewspapers are nt hand wt that guestswillie sipping tbelr entree nine scniideadlines and note the progressevents

After breakfast every sue sixes lute

the yard fur an hour exercise Thhigh brick evils do not liar the

from the yard which Is uuouisixty feet square and stone tlaggMaround n central grass plot After tin

hnur guests repair to u-

larei silting room mud read study 01











exer iso tilt
















play penuchle checkers domino nolchess There Is n small library ofbooks nod magazines Those whohave private stocky of literature ex-

change their books In a fraternalspirit

The dinner bell rings at noon A

wholesome stew a bulled dinner or nplate of fish and iwtatoes is providedIf this seems too frugal even for clois-ter life there Is the restaurant menuto fall back on As a rule though theInmates are satisfied with the regularfare Another hour In the yard anafternoon spent In the sitting roomafter the style of the morning sessionand then n supper of bread tend tea at5 oclock Two hours utter the guestsretire to their chambers for the nightThey are locked In It Is true but theobliging guard will open on any rea-sonable request There Is no ruleagainst talking nnd guests may reador write by the light of their own can-dles until they feel disposed to go to bed

A gentle routine it Is No one isovercrowded for while there are ac-

commodations for n hundred personsthe number of guests Is seldom any-thing tike that The disagreeablemonotony of seeing the same facesand bearing the same anecdotes com-

plained of by arctic travelers isby the coming stud going of In

statue The comfort of guests Iswell n SMI red by a staff of nine

guards and three or four cooks andattendants

Letters to guests nre not opened be-

fore delivery as In summon penal InKtltutliitis Three days II weep are sotaside for visitors but nn member ofthe Alimony is crmpcllcd to seehis wife lure in n lout wipe how-ever it member of the fair sex enterstilt poituls us n guest There was onewoman brought to the SlcM li con-tempt iubtfcqucnt on nHUpplenififtnr Inquiry but the refereeheld a hearing on the spot and thewomnn wrap discharged with consentof counsel In former duys a maleguest thitrgcd with breach of promisevu fnrdom by marrying the woman

of hU In the hotel olllce New

The Cause of DraftsWhy Is It that windows and doors

ore frequently III lilting There isnothing wrong with the wood itselfnor with the workmanship us a rulenor with the fit at the outset nt leastbut the whole trouble U due to the

ood being unseasoned or ratheronly partially seasoned ut the time ItIs made up Timber

OptimisticIs Jones nn optimist-Is be He found a ticket entitling

him to a chance In an automobiledrawing the other day and be Isbuilding a garage Boston Transcript

AnsweredBobby What the simple life pa

Father Doing your own work my sonBobby And whats till strenuous lifeFather Doing some other fellowswork Now run along and play

RemindersMrs He said I reminded him of a

Greek goddess MrIIub MrsVhatdo I remind you of Mr Of everydarnel thing I overlook that you askme to doClevelond leader

The temple of fame stands upon theitrnve The thane that burns Its

Is kindled fnun the ashes ofl nd men

If you have found anything see U

flriv rl Ml in Want column








pre tKChnrn

anal aFork


e the











Plenty of Them in Gainesville and

Good Reason for It

Wouldnt any woman be happyAfter yeWs of backache sufferingDays of misery nights of unrestThe distress of urinary troublesShe finds relief nnd cureNo reason why any Gainesville

readerShould suffer In the face of evi-

dence like thisMrs John Smith 307 E Magnolia

street Gainesville Flu says I suf-

fered from a weak bck and severepains In my sides for a long time 1

could not stoop without experiencingsharp twinges through my body andif 1 did was difficult to regain anerect position I was also subject toheadaches and at times watt verynervous Whon I Doans KlduoyPills so highly recommended forthose troubles I procured a box andbegan their use In a short time I

felt much bettor The pains lost theiriovereness nnd I gained in strengthI consider Kidney Pills an ex-

cellent rcincdy and am pleased torecommend them

For sale by all dealers Price SO

rents Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the Unitedsuac

Remember the name Doans andtake no other

Venetian Coffee HousesThe first cup of eoflW way drunk In

Europe at Venice toward the etui ofthe sixteenth century The Venationchronicler Moroslni In Ills records ofthe events In the year lVi mentionsthe leverage called cavee drunk l ythe Turks and noted for Its nntlffoporide qualities In the year 1VH aVenetian doctor Introduced the buriesfrom taught his country menhow to crush them nUll brew the bevenipo nnd tilt UM of coffee sooncame Keneral so touch so In fact tintVenire was full of rnfffe houses wherethe people idled away their hays drinkIns the aromatic leverage A IHTII-

Ilarlty of the Venetian coffee housesway that their patrons did not pay foreach cup of coffee they drank butsettled their bills ft r all the coffeeconsumed nt the end of each year I

The regular price of n cup of coffeewas r soldi about J i rents and Insome of the old cafes of Venice todaythe price is still charged NewYork Sun

Awkward ComplimentTheta is such a think as being too

persistently complimentary A candidand well meaning professor who hadwitnessed the performance of a littleplay In n private house In which hishostess had taken the Ittidlng part metthe lady as lImp from behind thecurtain

Madam he said rushing up to tieryou played wHImtly That uirt tits

you tn pprfwtlonOh no prof rssor the hnly-

mcdistly A your UIH pretty wom-an Is merle fur tint flrt

Hut madam iuwlsicd the profess-or you have jHwltlvely proved thecontraryr P irs ns Weekly

One who lives in furnished roomcan be pretty Independent for therds keep the best ts be bad withinnit rwnch

Tire Sea once for calUa carte



foster Mliburn


1 ypt





so tit

Doan s











A Question of ColorThe enormous dllllcultles of color

terminology nee lllustriled by a cus-

tomers exact stjileniiiit of her re-

quirtwilt III large liennsgiitetiny Something III

blue taffeta silk please I dont wantanything as dark us navy blue nor any-

thing us light MS rmnhrUlgi blue hatsomething darker hull on blue andyet n little off from an eKrtrlc blurand hardly n sty him more like arobins egg blue and yet not quite solight but not an Indigo blue but some-

thing like this unit I think Uk y call It

Horning glory blue which iaVmolhliilike a turquoise blue and yet not quite-so light as that and yet not so darkquite as this aquamarine blue nor solight as baby blue Now If you haveanything In the shady I hove describedplease show It to me tile Intelligentassistant unrolled n length a cross

blue devils and the deep teawith the remark This Is the shadeof blue you requite madam It l

called London nod Cal-

Ico Printer

The Oriental MindFrederic S Isham the author told

the following to Illustrate the doubledyed duplicity of the oriental mindMr Isham was In IVkln Passing thearch to the Huron you K el Her sup

M scd to be in anli of contrition forthe fotil assassination of tight hrivt of-

ficlnl tht novelist asked a Chinamanwho spoke a little KntrlUh

You know why this monument waserected I supposeV

Oh yes was tin ready reply In

dlalct to commemorate a triumphaldeed the dtilth f a very powerful furelgnerO-

oniTtHMiiiTiili lad N that IM

the poopli general-ly think ass the j urjose of iltN ni ii

bleatWhy notV TlniVli tlilV fine w

Immovable but a of y rhiiiiinr eenud io rtnli from hi

slant eyes Chinese people inn h

monumentlied Itidml they sremeil to bask In

the shade of It with murli saiiMfnon

Want advertising is a force wblcbrou can harness and with which youcan drive your plans Bud purposesto any desired destlnatl

The SUB office for calling cards I



Farms Dwellings Lots


Abstracts of Title Made-To all lainU n Aimturn County

on liort notuv

Fire InsuranceWritten Rolialtle Companies













tween tlie


nnliixetii nt stint


sm faiths








Urj r I

F h Si uKt 4 iurt 1M-

C 4 ft4 TW JWIM I it-

SattiU a lull 4 si it I S

CORN BULK CORNlikiw OW ttec tve ptf fj

IflMItVr ttrn 4 H01 VH Cubs Cora fJWM4ittaci 500 i M 4 100 MKMtaia flew4 iiaru 4JM Mark iucifii I i uo MUnum iVw M 100-

sje MI JM Hirul I r jJgi i 4 JJO lin iifl


CHxlS BLUAI COi4M 517519 V Boy St Jicksonvlllo f loriiln

SMiiny V yrfi SiiOill H 1iuc Rv 430

I ftft Illrii4 SIQK nit hnii Hnurhoii JJQSliu Hmrt iii 450

In i n Mill l lllir JHI i 1 1 littrr Itltnl 10I-II ill l CMf Mi JJI-

i lun litu KM-I i IK





I r t11t

IUteUtr ILs o II uart I I

I J q

IilO CJ1




tI fl-





ywr14 fixpees TaalI 1ewie mart iS1 and

rt I uro4

u 1 uu 4tllulls

1 SIterld dub 0 ywtll t IuAc 1Lli-

ilteralw loft ynatle








Graham Building East Main Street Nftttll Phone 51 Also Long OltUnec


Omces In Graham Building ovenSounders Earles store PBOBNo 356

R aVEKE b alORRlb


Jfllce oral Gainesville NationalPlume 200


D E 5 T I 3 lj-

fllcw over Dutton ft Oo f-

Pbouo 280 Ualsegviila F-




AIKESV1LLE Ataohua Co KLOmen in H Block


Can tell your city property tailproved andtrucking and farming lendsi list of wtat you otter for tale aiiisj



Lad Solicitor in Equity

Rte Estate aadUtalPraotiee All business

attended to Office next door toOffice GAntKHVILLB FLOSIBAi




Practice la all Courts StateFederal

OAices Over Gainesville NatteulBank Gainesville Florida


The Bread Pie and Cake you

eat should be nutritious The

finest flour mixed with pure

rich milk and baked In thet

purity fashion make oar I

goods the most delicious It ta

possible to produce

KKYSONF BAfP vPhone 165 R T Schafer Prop

Miss N Norton

Novelties Books Stationer

Souvenirs Sheet Pictim

and Pictnre Frames

206 East StreetFLORID1



c 1






FERnIKt J 1M lh


uuim ro pbotSend












nitsY r


t1AIaay7ILLa loa na




r e

a ns


FUti U

Ml i










tt t-

Itj9ty tltula-

aei r rr t-

I ttitflt 118t1lti Dt1t l-

i5nee4t iWlAle tbW

nib 5 J e

tAlsalill plerl ll
