I THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published ovory day except Sunday at 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. suuscitnrrioN hates. Per Month, anywhere in the Ha- waiian Inlands S 76 Per Year. 8 IX) Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Per Year, postpaid, cthor Foreign Countrios 13 00 I'nynblo Invariably In Adviuioo. Telephone 250. P. O. Box 89. B. L FINNEY, Manager. Is J. I. WAfERHOUSE The demand for garden aud plantatiou tools ia largo aud our orders to Englnud to supply tho demand aro in proportion. We are enjoying a roputution for Boi- ling good goods at low pricos, con- sequently wo are doing a larger sharo of business tlian moat houses in tbo sawn lines. 13y the Edward May we leceiv-e- d a largo invoice of goods for garden aud plantation use. The quality is nnquosfionnbly tho best and the prices tlie lowest. Tbo stock comprises Lawn Mowers, Rakes, , Shovels, Garden Tools, .A.nd Carpenters . . . Tools ! . . . An order for any of these will have prompt attention. Goods de- livered at any time and any place in tbe city. J. T. WATERHOUSE Queen Stroot. There is some- thing false in tho pride of a man who insists on showing the label on the inside of his hat. What u pity the high-price- d hatters do not paste their labols on tho outside of their hats, or, bettor still, sell their labols for hnlf dollar each. For $2.25 wo baud yon his five-doll- hat minus tho lnbol. Oan you count tho fellows who would go for bis label and our hat? AT "The Kash," I. LEYHTO0N. - - Manager. Arbiters of Fashion. Jr 9 Hotel Street : : fayerlcy BlOCt x' TEEEIBLE CASE ECZEMA cuur.n nr Ayes Sarsaparilla Mr., n, AA'yfllt, of Port Kond, 1Vt Hlitiltimrsh, So, Anxtrulln, write of Mm !tl rnmtltlon of her llttln lnli(;h-to- r, uiioso portrait alio also suuiUt f&Wt ' '' ':"'":' lf.':$-$?:'- '' Jii!ra ' xX'Wlu!frcnt!TTVnrV' 'Mv daughter was afflicted with I'AV.i-ni.- i ot tho most aggravated type. The disease first appeared ia eruptions on her head, then her hair began to fall out, and in spite ot the best medical advice and treat- ment she grew steadily worse. Tho sores were full of matter and were extremely offensive. Her eyes affected, and she was, in truth, in a terrible state. My neighbors were very sympathetic and took great interest in tho case They persuaded mo to trv Ayer's Sarsa-jiarill- a, aud I am most thankful to bo able to say that this wonderful medicine completely i catered 'my daughter's health, ."she has now as good a head of hair as anyone could wish, her eyes are perfectly well,, and she is a lino girl of eight years with every prospect of growing up to bo a strong and healthy woman.' B' lo'ii Mcrfala at the World's Chlel Expositions. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Sold Agents (or tho Republic ot Ilaw.iii. The Uouit llucc. The fiva mile handicap rend race under tho aim pices of the Honolulu Athletic Association starts from Jackson's gate at Ka-piola- ui park at-- i o'clock this after- noon, the finish beiug at Union square. The judges of tho raco aro Charles S. Crime, E. H. Paris and K. W. Sbiuglo. Tho handicaps as nrranged last night by Tom Wright and George Angus aro as follows: Tom Kiug nnd George Martin, eoratoh; F. Damon, 20 seconds; D. G. Sylves-to- r, 10 seconds; John Silvn, tho "Mauoa Wonder," 20 seconds; Frank Grace aud C. Bredo, 1 min- ute; Kirk Porter, 2 minutes, 10 seconds; Isaac Adams, 1 mi unto, 15 seconds; and A. K. Nnwahi, 50 seconds. m am Siilmoii will lit Clicup According to tho following fish story, thoro appears to bo little daugor of the prico of salmon ad- vancing: "Tho raon on tho Alaska Pack- ers' Association's tender Afog-na- k bring down the beBt fish story on record. They assort that while they woro in Alaskan waters 'one not at ono haul' took in 75,000 salmon; that tho avorago weight of each fish was eleveu pounds nnd that tho total weight of tho silvery mass wns 112 tons. Not a bad take for ono net, so it is no wonder that tho mil won pack is a very hoavy ono this year." rtliir ('iiiraiily llcuril I'm in. Pendloton, Or., Oct. 9. Father Courardy, tho Catholio priest for-mei- ly in charge of tho Catholio mission on tho Indian reservation in this county, lias returned from tho island of Molokni, whoro ho lived for seven years among lepers, lie is planning now to go to tho provinco of Canton to establish a hospital for Chineso lepers. MoMiullooN Like Itunton airlw, "Did you know that mosquitoes aro ravenously fond o Uoston girls ?" "No; why is it?" "Tho girls can't slap at thorn without Biuashing their specta- cles." Chicago' Record. THE REGIMENTAL DANGE DrCOIUTIONS UKAUTH'UIi A"D rim ATTCNDAMVK I, Altai'. I'roltient Dolo mid Other Prominent I'l'oplu FrcHolit Nplemlld itlu.lc lV I'rofintor Haricrr'H Orclipmrn. As was to be expected, tho danco given by tho First Regiment at tho drill shed last ovouiug was n grand srrcess. No pains had been spared to decorate the hall and it was litorary transformed into a bowor of beauty by numerous festoons of flags, wreaths nnd greenery, while about tho sides wcro bung flags of all nations.' Strings of Japanese lanterns sus- pended from tho center of tho ball and running to tho cornors ndded a soft light which enhanced the beauty of tbo scene. Over each of tho company quarters, which were thrown open to tho guests, woro flags tastefully drapod. But tho most elaborate decorations were noticeable on tho stage where the orchestra sat. Hero were lings, ferns and potted palms in profu- sion arranged in a manner which reflocted credit on tho committee who had tho matter iu charge. Tho program consisted of oight-eo- n dances, divided into two parts with an intermission for refresh- ments, but during tho ovoning several extra dances were interpo- lated. The musio by Professor Bergor's orchestra wns all that could bo utsirvd nuil the Floor Committee were both energetic and attentive to their duties. The refreshments, served under tho direction of Cntoror Chapman, were delicious. Being served around in the main hall thejo was less ot tho .usual scramblb aud they were therefore appreciated tho more, TJint they were jibfiii-.lan- tin quantity and excellent in quality goes-Vithou- t saying. Among thoee presnut the gov- ernment wns represented by Pres- ident Dole and Attorney-Gener- al Smith and several hnads of de- partments. Others present woio oflicers of the U. S. 3. Adams nnd the regiment and a largo number of the leading society peoplo of tho city. Following aro tho committees whose united efforts resulted so succo&sfully: Committco of Arrangements (rod bndgo), Capt. 0. W. Ziegler, chairman, Capt. Comara, Capt. Smith, Capt. Kea, Capt. Murray, Capt. McCarthy, Capt. Coyne, LioutJacobson. Preoption Committee blno badge, Col. McLean, chnirraan, Lieut. Col. Fisher, Maj. MoLood, Maj. Jones, Maj. Coopor, C.ipt. Gartenberg, Capt. Sohuofor, Capt. Moyors, Capt. Wayson, Lieut. Towse. Floor Manngor Lieut. Kennko. Floor Committee white badge, Lieut. Fotter, Lieut, Giles, Sorgt. Maj. Forstor, Chief Musician King, Sorgt. H. "Wilder, Musician SmithioB. l'ou lo.iioituow'N coNci:icr. I'lvo Sow I'leeoH to Uo Itundi-roi- l til iriiiltrc IklmiU. The following program, con- taining fivo now selections, will bo reudorod by tho government bnud at Makoo Island tomorrow aCtor-noon- , commencing at 3 o'clock: I'AIIT I. ' The Old Flundred. Overture Yeha(now) , UcUMgor Fniitiibla Tlio Oaimuill (new). . . . ...l'elraa Andante Surprise tiwnphony.... ...Haydn Sclectlou Tlic-ma- O'Urlen (new). Stauturd l'AUT II. Overture Ivnu (new) .Conterno (lavo odo (new) tluek Fantasia (lolil-ueotlc- s Solreo. . . . , ....Kilns Fluale Awakening of thol.lou..,, .IConUky Hum all l'onol. If you want to frnmo anything in tho very best manner; if you want your framo to harmonize with your picture; if you want tho best and most tasteful frame in tho market, go to King Bros., 110 Ilotol btroot. Farewell 1'erfurmniico nt Intlepciid euro 1'nrk Tonight. The Gonzales fninily givo thoir farewell performance tonight at Independence Park. Tho placo has been fitted up with stngo elec- tric foot lights and other improve- ments. A firstcla3 performance is promised. S&vernl hundred lick ots have been cold, aud as tho program is n good one, tho public will not bo disappointed. Tho curtaiujwiU go upjiit 8:15 sharp. Following is tho program: Overture ... .Prof. Borgor and Orchestra "Love iu Old Ircland."--Char-ncte- rs. Molly ..Tho Prido of Kildaro Nina Gonzales. Barney A broth o"f a boy Widow Malono, cross, Ugly and 02 Master Karl. Bronk Away Ladder Act. Tho Wonderful JJquilibrists. . W. Burns and Tachi Skiprope Dance L. Brandon Aerial Wiro Tho Hawaiian Bloudon J. Kulolia Rocitntion "Marc Antony's Speech over tho Bodv of Cfsar" Master Karl Aud now pomes the Australian Vocalist in her Greatest Hits. "3 Wishes" or "Better than Gold" Nora Martin Tho Wonderful Gonzales Sisters, in thoir Uniquo Specialty, in- troducing English, Irish and Negro Melodies interspersed with Buck Dancing. Aciobatic Feats, etc. Tiapezo by tho Celebrated Gymnast Sicmor Leouardo. Spanish Dime." Millie Kingsley. Nina (Tho Little Wondor) In S'ngf of Different Nations. Roman Rings by tho Modern Horcules W. Burns, Clown Sig. Leonardo. Highland Fling Mnster Karl Desoriptivo Song entitled "Pack .. of Cii'ds' Nora Martin. Gonzales Sisters (Stella and Ni na) Contortionists Extraordina- ry, will hero introduce thoir re- nowned specialty. Their Ser- pentine movements mnke the audience question tho possibili- ty of thoir having boues in thoir pliant frames. Stella, systema- tically perfect, whoso trans eendant graeo and beautiful finish surpass nil competitors. Nina, tho youngest clown on earth. To conclude with the laugbablo absurdity, "A Night iu a Mad Houso." Charactors : Madam "Crazy" Nora Martin Her Husband W. Bume Shadow Leonardo Tho Coming Man. . . . A. Gonznlos Hnwaii Ponoi. 1,1 HiitiurCliuiiir'ii Collin lliirncd. The firo that occurred on tho S. S. Glennrtney destroyed Li Hung Chang's coffin, which was forward by Sir Halliday Macart- ney. This is tho now celebrated coffin that tbo agod Viceroy took with him from China, thinking ho might possibly need it in the bar- barian West. Ho seoms to have thought hotter of that region nftor visiting it, for ho sent tho coffin back from Eucdand at the time of his departure for the United States, and this is its end. It is not often n man survives his coffin; tho very suggestion has a Hibernian flavor. May it bo long boforo His Excellency Bliall need unothor. Shanghai Mercury. Noted Illploimit r.!CteU. John G. Foster, of Stato of tho United States in Pres- ident Harrison's cabinet, is ex- pected on tho stoninship Peru, duo bore on Monday, on his way to China. It was with Mr. Foster that tho now colobratod annexa- tion treaty between Hawaii and tho United States was negotiated by tho Provisional Govern- ment Conimissionors. Tho dis- tinguished visitor will bo enter- tained by Attornoy-Gouora- l Smith nnd Mr. Thurston during his stay j bore. Tho Hindi Talhcd-o- r Lurceny :nnj on TrUl 'I 111 Mornluic. In Judgo do la Vorgno's court this morning tho caso of tho Bo-publ- ic of Hawaii vs. Mrs. L. J. Lovoy was on trial. J. A. Magoon for tho prosecution and Croighton ACorroafor tho defendant, who, according to tho record, is charged with larceny in tbo second degree in Honolulu during ono month last past, by feloniously stealing, takiug and carrying awny 1 spado, 1 pickiixe,-- ! shovels and 1 rake, tho property of ono D. McKenzio and valued at S2. Tho dofoudant re- fused to plead and the Court ord- ered a plea of not guilty entered. Tho complaining witness testi- fied that after selling his lodging houso to tho defendant aud re- serving tho uso of a shod on tho property ho throw down tho tools outsido tho shed on Saturday after using them in his work. Did not know whether Mrs. Lovoy saw them or not but on Monday morning thoy were missing. Wont to tho Marshal nnd told him I wnuted a search warrant for tho tools. Said, that it might bo to get a warrant of arreBt. The Marshal turned mo over to David Kaapa. Tbo papor was mado out and given mo to sign but I did not road it. Didn't reod it until this morning. Wont to tho shed afterwards and found tho tools whoro thoy wore. 1 did not want hor prosecuted for larcouy, nil I wanted was to got my tools. On cross examination the wit ness said tho tools were in thoir placo on Tuesday or Wednesday. Did not soil the garden took to her. Ah Pun, Richard Kalbo and Dotectivo Kaapa told what thoy knew about tho caso and on motion of counsel for tho dofenso Mrs. Levey was discharged. kk i. i:sTAri: hai.ks. tlitkliih' Ilommtcnd on Wnlklhl Komi mid Kolmln C'uue l.nml. Harry Armitago of J. F. Mor- gan's auction rooms conducted a sale for A. M. Brown, Marshal, at tho Judiciary building today. Tho sale was hold under a decreo in equity for foreclosure of mortgage mado by C. L. Hopkins nnd wife to tho trustees of the Luunlilo es- tate Tho Hopkins homostead on tho Wnikiki road was bought by H. 11. Hitchcock. Doputy-Mnrsha- l, for S1875. It contains a good-size- d dwelling and other improve-monts- , the laud being in two lots of 40,000 square foot each. A pieco ofcanolamliu North Kohala, con- taining more than ten acres, was bought by Judge 0. F. Hart for S300. A Marshal's sale undor execu- tion ngainst O. T. Gulick, admin- istrator of tho estato of J. GomoB, deceased, was advertised for yes- terday but did not come off, as tho judgmont had boon satisfied in time. llcport ol Itocolver. W. F. Wilson, roceivor of the estate of C. Akaun, doceasod, has filed his report. It shows ho col- lected $7327.33 and paid out $021.13, and now brings into Court tho bnhnea of $0703.20. Tht-r- o aro $135 preferred claims for Avagos. Tho receiver sold out throo stores on Hawaii, and tho results will pay perhaps 33 por cout. of tho estato's debts. At Kmni i Square. FolloAving is tbo program for tho band concert at Emma square this afternoon at 4:30: March -- Honeymoon Hosey Overture Xnmua Uerolil Mazurk- a- Lucerne Hume Sclietlim Ernuul Verdi Fantasia Lei's bo u Soldier Ullenberg Waltz-T- he Tyrolean Zellcr Hawaii l'onol. Kroegor Pianos, SAveotest in tone, Jas.W. Borgstjrom, solo agent, cash or instnllmonts. Wnrorooms nt G. West's, Masonic Tomplo. Of-fic- o nt Thrum's Book Storo. Tun- ing and repairing. CSS Tolo-phon- o 317. J'nitor illonrno netiiiilliili' lie- - V(.-- of ill r. Nmnll. Editoh Evknino Bullvpin -- ' In tho Evknino Bt'Txrm of Oct. 28 you qnoto the statement otf Rev. (?) James Stnnll of the First Christian Church of Oakland. Cal., touching "Sunday Sports," h Avhich lie declares in favo'r ot them. In tho contest that H bo-iu- g waged iu Oakland, for tho proper observance of the LordV Day, it is humiliating to tho' Christian Church to have ono ofc'-ho- r owu Ministers champion tho cause of tho ungodly of that city nnd take his staud with saloon keepers and gnmblers in the! efforts to substitute tho European Sunday, devoted to carousing, for the American Lord's Day. If Mr. Small is small onongli o tako his stand with tho forces 'of unrighteousness, ho will, no doubt, purchase a cheap notoriety with tho ungodly. But when. ho attempts to define tho position of the Christian Church nB being identical with his own, in favor of Sunday picnics and football games, 1 protest. "Tho. position" of tho Christian Church is that Sunday . is "tho Lord's Day." Tho Lord lias affix- ed his linmo to thnt day, that ought to determine the proper ob- servance of it. Whntover thn Lord has affixed his name to, is sacred. Tho "Lord's Table, Tho Lord's Book, Tho Lord's Day are holy. Mr. Small's position is not tho exponent of tho belief, or tho practices of tho ministers or tho members of the Christian Church. Thoy believe and practice that tho Lord's Day is for spiritual activi- ty. In tho United States tho Christian churches aro loo numer- - ! oub and influential for their posi- - non on "ountiay oportB" to uo misunderstood. But hero on thoso. Islands whoro tho Christian Church is bo young, 1 ara not impression s lion hi provail that Mr. Bmall rollocts our sontimonts. James M. Monhoe, Pastor Christian Church. Honolulu, Oct. 30, 18J0. o pern House Ojiciiint:. It being found impossible to got ovorything in readiness for a successful opening of tho new J Opera Houso by Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, tho following postponement:! have been made: Tiwatore.. ..Saturday, Nov. 7th. Jauo Tuesday, " 10th. Trovatoro ...Thursday, " 12th. The coucort, as advertised, will not bo given during tho present festival, but it is intimated that should there boa dearth of amuse-mont- B after tho FraAvloy tronpo havo concluded their teason, tho nmatour talent will ngaiu favor tho Honolulu public with somo of- - thoir selections. LI Ilnnir ClmiiKiutd the llamle. Lo Monostrol says that just bo- foro leaving Euglnud Li Hung Chang was treated to a concert of Scotch music. A Avholo band of bagpipos ployed for him and a dozen or more hardy mountaineers danced a Highland fling iu kilts'. Tho old Chinaman AvaB lost in ad- miration at tho muscular dovolop-mo- nt of the Highlanders, but tho bagpipos did not seem to nppeal to his taste. A Scotch nobleman avIio Avas in the party asked, "How does our national music ploaso your Excellency ? " Tho Mandn-li- u, with a diplomatic smile, d, "Probably as much as our Chineso music Avould pleaso your Lordship." 'Do giiBtibne, etc. C'liolrm Again. Tho Celestial Empiro of Octo- ber 9 quotes a native papor for tho news that cholora has again broken out in tho Kiaugning dis- trict, Nun king, raging Avith much greater fatality than it did in tho summer. Many villages aro in- fected and the disoa60 is spread- ing, aud terrorising tho pooplo. Dou't forgot thoX-ra- y oxhibition at tho Arlington bloek,Hotol street, this ovouiug. fk All VrJ 01 13 V; k . rV it.' va y m sl Vs I til ;vj? - lfc f'WtiiwU J. .j&, il ... L A j at.' .aft..lAwt.uVAilh. i. , 4 '

V(.-- IX)...Millie Kingsley. Nina (Tho Little Wondor) In S'ngf of Different Nations. Roman Rings by tho Modern Horcules W. Burns, Clown Sig. Leonardo. Highland Fling Mnster Karl Desoriptivo

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    Published ovory day except Sunday at210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

    suuscitnrrioN hates.Per Month, anywhere in the Ha-

    waiian Inlands S 76Per Year. 8 IX)Per Year, postpaid to America,

    Canada, or Mexico 10 00Per Year, postpaid, cthor Foreign

    Countrios 13 00I'nynblo Invariably In Adviuioo.

    Telephone 250. P. O. Box 89.

    B. L FINNEY, Manager.


    The demand for garden audplantatiou tools ia largo aud ourorders to Englnud to supply thodemand aro in proportion. Weare enjoying a roputution for Boi-ling good goods at low pricos, con-sequently wo are doing a largersharo of business tlian moat housesin tbo sawn lines.

    13y the Edward May we leceiv-e- da largo invoice of goods for

    garden aud plantation use. Thequality is nnquosfionnbly tho bestand the prices tlie lowest. Tbostock comprises

    Lawn Mowers,Rakes,

    , Shovels,Garden Tools,


    Carpenters . . .Tools !. . .

    An order for any of these willhave prompt attention. Goods de-livered at any time and any placein tbe city.


    Queen Stroot.


    in tho pride of a manwho insists on showing

    the label on the insideof his hat. What u pity

    the high-price- d hattersdo not paste their labols

    on tho outside of theirhats, or, bettor still, sell

    their labols for hnlf dollareach. For $2.25

    wo baud yon his five-doll-hat minus tho

    lnbol. Oan you counttho fellows who would go

    for bis label and our hat?AT

    "The Kash,"I. LEYHTO0N. - - Manager.

    Arbiters of Fashion.Jr

    9 Hotel Street : : fayerlcy BlOCt



    cuur.n nr

    Ayes SarsaparillaMr., n, AA'yfllt, of Port Kond, 1Vt

    Hlitiltimrsh, So, Anxtrulln, write ofMm !tl rnmtltlon of her llttln lnli(;h-to- r,

    uiioso portrait alio also suuiUt

    f&Wt ' '' ':"'":' lf.':$-$?:'- '' Jii!ra' xX'Wlu!frcnt!TTVnrV'

    'Mv daughter was afflicted withI'AV.i-ni.- i ot tho most aggravatedtype. The disease first appeared iaeruptions on her head, then her hairbegan to fall out, and in spite otthe best medical advice and treat-ment she grew steadily worse. Thosores were full of matter and wereextremely offensive. Her eyes

    affected, and she was, in truth,in a terrible state. My neighborswere very sympathetic and tookgreat interest in tho case Theypersuaded mo to trv Ayer's Sarsa-jiarill- a,

    aud I am most thankful tobo able to say that this wonderfulmedicine completely i catered 'mydaughter's health, ."she has now asgood a head of hair as anyone couldwish, her eyes are perfectly well,,and she is a lino girl of eight yearswith every prospect of growing upto bo a strong and healthy woman.'


    lo'ii Mcrfala at the World's Chlel Expositions.

    Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Sold Agents (or tho Republic ot Ilaw.iii.

    The Uouit llucc.

    The fiva mile handicap rendrace under tho aim pices of theHonolulu Athletic Associationstarts from Jackson's gate at Ka-piola- ui

    park at-- i o'clock this after-noon, the finish beiug at Unionsquare. The judges of tho racoaro Charles S. Crime, E. H. Parisand K. W. Sbiuglo.

    Tho handicaps as nrranged lastnight by Tom Wright and GeorgeAngus aro as follows: Tom Kiugnnd George Martin, eoratoh; F.Damon, 20 seconds; D. G. Sylves-to- r,

    10 seconds; John Silvn, tho"Mauoa Wonder," 20 seconds;Frank Grace aud C. Bredo, 1 min-ute; Kirk Porter, 2 minutes, 10seconds; Isaac Adams, 1 mi unto,15 seconds; and A. K. Nnwahi, 50seconds.

    m am

    Siilmoii will lit ClicupAccording to tho following fish

    story, thoro appears to bo littledaugor of the prico of salmon ad-vancing:

    "Tho raon on tho Alaska Pack-ers' Association's tender Afog-na-k

    bring down the beBt fish storyon record. They assort that whilethey woro in Alaskan waters 'onenot at ono haul' took in 75,000salmon; that tho avorago weightof each fish was eleveu poundsnnd that tho total weight of thosilvery mass wns 112 tons. Not abad take for ono net, so it is nowonder that tho mil won pack is avery hoavy ono this year."

    rtliir ('iiiraiily llcuril I'm in.Pendloton, Or., Oct. 9. Father

    Courardy, tho Catholio priest for-mei- lyin charge of tho Catholio

    mission on tho Indian reservationin this county, lias returned fromtho island of Molokni, whoro holived for seven years among lepers,lie is planning now to go to thoprovinco of Canton to establish ahospital for Chineso lepers.

    MoMiullooN Like Itunton airlw,

    "Did you know that mosquitoesaro ravenously fond o Uostongirls ?"

    "No; why is it?""Tho girls can't slap at thorn

    without Biuashing their specta-cles." Chicago' Record.



    I'roltient Dolo mid Other ProminentI'l'oplu FrcHolit Nplemlld itlu.lc

    lV I'rofintor Haricrr'H Orclipmrn.

    As was to be expected, tho dancogiven by tho First Regiment attho drill shed last ovouiug was ngrand srrcess. No pains had beenspared to decorate the hall and itwas litorary transformed into abowor of beauty by numerousfestoons of flags, wreaths nndgreenery, while about tho sideswcro bung flags of all nations.'Strings of Japanese lanterns sus-pended from tho center of tho balland running to tho cornors nddeda soft light which enhanced thebeauty of tbo scene. Over eachof tho company quarters, whichwere thrown open to tho guests,woro flags tastefully drapod. Buttho most elaborate decorationswere noticeable on tho stage wherethe orchestra sat. Hero were lings,ferns and potted palms in profu-sion arranged in a manner whichreflocted credit on tho committeewho had tho matter iu charge.

    Tho program consisted of oight-eo- ndances, divided into two parts

    with an intermission for refresh-ments, but during tho ovoningseveral extra dances were interpo-lated. The musio by ProfessorBergor's orchestra wns all thatcould bo utsirvd nuil the FloorCommittee were both energeticand attentive to their duties.

    The refreshments, served undertho direction of Cntoror Chapman,were delicious. Being servedaround in the main hall thejo wasless ot tho .usual scramblb audthey were therefore appreciatedtho more, TJint they were jibfiii-.lan- tin

    quantity and excellent inquality goes-Vithou- t saying.

    Among thoee presnut the gov-ernment wns represented by Pres-ident Dole and Attorney-Gener- alSmith and several hnads of de-partments. Others present woiooflicers of the U. S. 3. Adams nndthe regiment and a largo numberof the leading society peoplo oftho city.

    Following aro tho committeeswhose united efforts resulted sosucco&sfully:

    Committco of Arrangements(rod bndgo), Capt. 0. W. Ziegler,chairman, Capt. Comara, Capt.Smith, Capt. Kea, Capt. Murray,Capt. McCarthy, Capt. Coyne,LioutJacobson.

    Preoption Committee blnobadge, Col. McLean, chnirraan,Lieut. Col. Fisher, Maj. MoLood,Maj. Jones, Maj. Coopor, C.ipt.Gartenberg, Capt. Sohuofor, Capt.Moyors, Capt. Wayson, Lieut.Towse.

    Floor Manngor Lieut. Kennko.Floor Committee white

    badge, Lieut. Fotter, Lieut,Giles, Sorgt. Maj. Forstor, ChiefMusician King, Sorgt. H. "Wilder,Musician SmithioB.

    l'ou lo.iioituow'N coNci:icr.

    I'lvo Sow I'leeoH to Uo Itundi-roi- l tiliriiiltrc IklmiU.

    The following program, con-taining fivo now selections, will boreudorod by tho government bnudat Makoo Island tomorrow aCtor-noon- ,

    commencing at 3 o'clock:

    I'AIIT I.' The Old Flundred.

    Overture Yeha(now) , UcUMgorFniitiibla Tlio Oaimuill (new). . . . ...l'elraaAndante Surprise tiwnphony.... ...HaydnSclectlou Tlic-ma- O'Urlen (new). Stauturd

    l'AUT II.Overture Ivnu (new) .Conterno(lavo odo (new) tluekFantasia (lolil-ueotlc- s Solreo. . . . , ....KilnsFluale Awakening of thol.lou..,, .IConUky

    Hum all l'onol.

    If you want to frnmo anythingin tho very best manner; if youwant your framo to harmonizewith your picture; if you want thobest and most tasteful frame intho market, go to King Bros., 110Ilotol btroot.

    Farewell 1'erfurmniico nt Intlepciideuro 1'nrk Tonight.

    The Gonzales fninily givo thoirfarewell performance tonight atIndependence Park. Tho placohas been fitted up with stngo elec-tric foot lights and other improve-ments. A firstcla3 performance ispromised. S&vernl hundred lickots have been cold, aud as thoprogram is n good one, tho publicwill not bo disappointed. ThocurtaiujwiU go upjiit 8:15 sharp.Following is tho program:Overture

    . . . .Prof. Borgor and Orchestra"Love iu Old Ircland."--Char-ncte- rs.

    Molly ..Tho Prido of KildaroNina Gonzales.

    Barney A broth o"f a boyWidow Malono, cross, Ugly and 02

    Master Karl.Bronk Away Ladder Act.

    Tho Wonderful JJquilibrists. .W. Burns and Tachi

    Skiprope Dance L. BrandonAerial Wiro Tho Hawaiian

    Bloudon J. KuloliaRocitntion "Marc Antony's

    Speech over tho Bodv ofCfsar" Master Karl

    Aud now pomes the AustralianVocalist in her Greatest Hits.

    "3 Wishes" or "Better thanGold" Nora Martin

    Tho Wonderful Gonzales Sisters,in thoir Uniquo Specialty, in-troducing English, Irish andNegro Melodies interspersedwith Buck Dancing. AciobaticFeats, etc.

    Tiapezo by tho CelebratedGymnast Sicmor Leouardo.

    Spanish Dime." MillieKingsley.

    Nina (Tho Little Wondor) InS'ngf of Different Nations.

    Roman Rings by tho ModernHorcules W. Burns,

    Clown Sig. Leonardo.Highland Fling Mnster KarlDesoriptivo Song entitled "Pack.. of Cii'ds' Nora Martin.Gonzales Sisters (Stella and Ni

    na) Contortionists Extraordina-ry, will hero introduce thoir re-nowned specialty. Their Ser-pentine movements mnke theaudience question tho possibili-ty of thoir having boues in thoirpliant frames. Stella, systema-tically perfect, whoso transeendant graeo and beautifulfinish surpass nil competitors.Nina, tho youngest clown onearth.

    To conclude with the laugbabloabsurdity, "A Night iu a

    Mad Houso."Charactors :

    Madam "Crazy" Nora MartinHer Husband W. BumeShadow LeonardoTho Coming Man. . . . A. Gonznlos

    Hnwaii Ponoi.

    1,1 HiitiurCliuiiir'ii Collin lliirncd.The firo that occurred on tho

    S. S. Glennrtney destroyed LiHung Chang's coffin, which wasforward by Sir Halliday Macart-ney. This is tho now celebratedcoffin that tbo agod Viceroy tookwith him from China, thinking homight possibly need it in the bar-barian West. Ho seoms to havethought hotter of that region nftorvisiting it, for ho sent tho coffinback from Eucdand at the time ofhis departure for the UnitedStates, and this is its end. It isnot often n man survives hiscoffin; tho very suggestion has aHibernian flavor. May it bo longboforo His Excellency Bliall needunothor. Shanghai Mercury.

    Noted Illploimit r.!CteU.John G. Foster, of

    Stato of tho United States in Pres-ident Harrison's cabinet, is ex-pected on tho stoninship Peru,duo bore on Monday, on his wayto China. It was with Mr. Fosterthat tho now colobratod annexa-tion treaty between Hawaii andtho United States was negotiatedby tho Provisional Govern-ment Conimissionors. Tho dis-tinguished visitor will bo enter-tained by Attornoy-Gouora- l Smithnnd Mr. Thurston during his stay

    j bore.

    Tho Hindi Talhcd-o- r Lurceny :nnjon TrUl 'I 111 Mornluic.

    In Judgo do la Vorgno's courtthis morning tho caso of tho Bo-publ- ic

    of Hawaii vs. Mrs. L. J.Lovoy was on trial. J. A. Magoonfor tho prosecution and CroightonACorroafor tho defendant, who,according to tho record, is chargedwith larceny in tbo second degreein Honolulu during ono monthlast past, by feloniously stealing,takiug and carrying awny 1 spado,1 pickiixe,-- ! shovels and 1 rake, thoproperty of ono D. McKenzio andvalued at S2. Tho dofoudant re-fused to plead and the Court ord-ered a plea of not guilty entered.

    Tho complaining witness testi-fied that after selling his lodginghouso to tho defendant aud re-serving tho uso of a shod on thoproperty ho throw down tho toolsoutsido tho shed on Saturday afterusing them in his work. Did notknow whether Mrs. Lovoy sawthem or not but on Mondaymorning thoy were missing. Wontto tho Marshal nnd told him Iwnuted a search warrant for thotools. Said, that it might bo

    to get a warrant of arreBt.The Marshal turned mo over toDavid Kaapa. Tbo papor wasmado out and given mo to signbut I did not road it. Didn't reodit until this morning. Wont totho shed afterwards andfound tho tools whoro thoy wore.1 did not want hor prosecuted forlarcouy, nil I wanted was to gotmy tools.

    On cross examination the witness said tho tools were in thoirplaco on Tuesday or Wednesday.Did not soil the garden took toher.

    Ah Pun, Richard Kalbo andDotectivo Kaapa told what thoyknew about tho caso and onmotion of counsel for tho dofensoMrs. Levey was discharged.

    kk i. i:sTAri: hai.ks.

    tlitkliih' Ilommtcnd on Wnlklhl Komimid Kolmln C'uue l.nml.

    Harry Armitago of J. F. Mor-gan's auction rooms conducted asale for A. M. Brown, Marshal, attho Judiciary building today. Thosale was hold under a decreo inequity for foreclosure of mortgagemado by C. L. Hopkins nnd wifeto tho trustees of the Luunlilo es-tate Tho Hopkins homostead ontho Wnikiki road was bought byH. 11. Hitchcock. Doputy-Mnrsha- l,for S1875. It contains a good-size- d

    dwelling and other improve-monts- ,the laud being in two lots

    of 40,000 square foot each. A piecoofcanolamliu North Kohala, con-taining more than ten acres, wasbought by Judge 0. F. Hart forS300.

    A Marshal's sale undor execu-tion ngainst O. T. Gulick, admin-istrator of tho estato of J. GomoB,deceased, was advertised for yes-terday but did not come off, astho judgmont had boon satisfiedin time.

    llcport ol Itocolver.W. F. Wilson, roceivor of the

    estate of C. Akaun, doceasod, hasfiled his report. It shows ho col-lected $7327.33 and paid out$021.13, and now brings intoCourt tho bnhnea of $0703.20.Tht-r- o aro $135 preferred claimsfor Avagos. Tho receiver sold outthroo stores on Hawaii, and thoresults will pay perhaps 33 porcout. of tho estato's debts.

    At Kmni i Square.

    FolloAving is tbo program fortho band concert at Emma squarethis afternoon at 4:30:March -- Honeymoon HoseyOverture Xnmua UerolilMazurk- a- Lucerne HumeSclietlim Ernuul VerdiFantasia Lei's bo u Soldier UllenbergWaltz-T- he Tyrolean Zellcr

    Hawaii l'onol.

    Kroegor Pianos, SAveotest in tone,Jas.W. Borgstjrom, solo agent, cashor instnllmonts. Wnrorooms ntG. West's, Masonic Tomplo. Of-fic-o

    nt Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. CSS Tolo-phon- o


    J'nitor illonrno netiiiilliili' lie- - V(.--of ill r. Nmnll.

    Editoh Evknino Bullvpin -- 'In tho Evknino Bt'Txrm of Oct.28 you qnoto the statement otfRev. (?) James Stnnll of the FirstChristian Church of Oakland.Cal., touching "Sunday Sports," hAvhich lie declares in favo'r otthem. In tho contest that H bo-iu- g

    waged iu Oakland, for thoproper observance of the LordVDay, it is humiliating to tho'Christian Church to have ono ofc'-ho- r

    owu Ministers champion thocause of tho ungodly of that citynnd take his staud with saloonkeepers and gnmblers in the!efforts to substitute tho EuropeanSunday, devoted to carousing, forthe American Lord's Day.

    If Mr. Small is small onongli otako his stand with tho forces 'ofunrighteousness, ho will, nodoubt, purchase a cheap notorietywith tho ungodly. But when. hoattempts to define tho position ofthe Christian Church nB beingidentical with his own, in favor ofSunday picnics and footballgames, 1 protest.

    "Tho. position" of tho ChristianChurch is that Sunday . is "thoLord's Day." Tho Lord lias affix-ed his linmo to thnt day, thatought to determine the proper ob-servance of it. Whntover thnLord has affixed his name to, issacred. Tho "Lord's Table, ThoLord's Book, Tho Lord's Day areholy.

    Mr. Small's position is not thoexponent of tho belief, or thopractices of tho ministers or thomembers of the Christian Church.Thoy believe and practice that thoLord's Day is for spiritual activi-ty. In tho United States thoChristian churches aro loo numer- -

    ! oub and influential for their posi- -non on "ountiay oportB" to uomisunderstood. But hero on thoso.Islands whoro tho ChristianChurch is bo young, 1 ara not

    impression s lion hiprovail that Mr. Bmall rollocts oursontimonts.

    James M. Monhoe,Pastor Christian Church.

    Honolulu, Oct. 30, 18J0.

    o pern House Ojiciiint:.

    It being found impossible togot ovorything in readiness for asuccessful opening of tho new

    J Opera Houso by Tuesday, Nov.2nd, tho following postponement:!have been made:Tiwatore.. ..Saturday, Nov. 7th.Jauo Tuesday, " 10th.Trovatoro ...Thursday, " 12th.

    The coucort, as advertised, willnot bo given during tho presentfestival, but it is intimated thatshould there boa dearth of amuse-mont- B

    after tho FraAvloy tronpohavo concluded their teason,tho nmatour talent will ngaiu favortho Honolulu public with somo of- -thoir selections.

    LI Ilnnir ClmiiKiutd the llamle.Lo Monostrol says that just bo-

    foro leaving Euglnud Li HungChang was treated to a concert ofScotch music. A Avholo band ofbagpipos ployed for him and adozen or more hardy mountaineersdanced a Highland fling iu kilts'.Tho old Chinaman AvaB lost in ad-miration at tho muscular dovolop-mo- nt

    of the Highlanders, but thobagpipos did not seem to nppealto his taste. A Scotch noblemanavIio Avas in the party asked, "Howdoes our national music ploasoyour Excellency ? " Tho Mandn-li- u,

    with a diplomatic smile, d,"Probably as much as our

    Chineso music Avould pleaso yourLordship." 'Do giiBtibne, etc.

    C'liolrm Again.

    Tho Celestial Empiro of Octo-ber 9 quotes a native papor fortho news that cholora has againbroken out in tho Kiaugning dis-trict, Nun king, raging Avith muchgreater fatality than it did in thosummer. Many villages aro in-fected and the disoa60 is spread-ing, aud terrorising tho pooplo.

    Dou't forgot thoX-ra- y oxhibitionat tho Arlington bloek,Hotol street,this ovouiug.











    I til

    ;vj?- lfc f'WtiiwU J. .j&, il ... L A j at.' .aft..lAwt.uVAilh.i. , 4 '

  • L v






    Mir. iii:vitru,Y r.vnoitSKS Dst.' WILLI KIS I'IMIt TILLS.

    Tried 'IKctn llprorlf mitl .'oiv I) I ml toICtCiniiiiiriitl'lliPtn to all WmmiiAi MrtricliK1 During Hie Cliniicvof Lite riu-- j nre ITiiIhIIIiic

    (I'roiu tlie Stnudaril-Unlo- n, Ilrookhn, N. V

    Anothor intelligent witness hnabaon added to tho tliousiuulB who


    r4mvo ondorBed Dr. WHImuib'Pink Pills for Pnlo People

    Mrs. Nnncy Waugh, of 193'l)riggs Avenuo, Brooklyn, a pro-fessional nureo, after fiudiug that

    ,llii Pink Pills benefited her, nowim1hi9 hor putionts to tnko tlioin.In speaking with tho reporternbmit tho pills as a medicine, Mrs.Wuugh said:

    "About a year ago I was ill. 1in ado an effort to got about in afow days because circumstancescompelled it. One of tho firstplaces I visited aftor I weut outwas tho home of my daughter,Mtb. Dora ltogors, of 7 PowersfcUri'Kt. My daughter, who hadpioviously taken tho pilltf, urgedmo to try them. 1 took advice,and in less than a week I feltbtroiijjor and moro cheerful, forniv ailment was principally thatof a molancholy feeliug. Thopilltt have the power todiivo awaythe blues, and for that roason.they aro worth moro than tontimes what is charged for them.

    ' To all women who have reach-ed that critical period, tho rlmugu

    .. of life, I rocommeiid thobO pillsmost heartily. They aro such aaiinplo, agreeable medicine Inmy little chest, which I carryabout with me, 1 always have abox of the pills with me. I go outfor a week or two at a time, andeo foel tho need of them whileaway from homo. 1 usually takeone dosn a day, after breakfast."When I fust started taking them 1took three doses each day. As afamily medicine, I can think of nobetter remedy. The Pink Pillswill help both sexes, but they arecapeuially beneficial for women.

    i.Yquug women who havo littlelilood ought to keep thorn on handnil the time. I never seo a palofuoe that I do not feel liko rocom-moudin- g

    tho Pink Pills. Theyhavo ingredients that tone up thoByatom in a wonderfully shortlime, and with increased healthconies cheerfulness, which bringsHunsliino and happiness in thofamily."

    Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills con-1'ii- n,in a condensed form, nil tho

    elements necessary to give newlife and richnoss to the blood and

    'restore shattered nerves. Theyaro an unfailing specific for suchdiseases as locomotor ataxia,partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance,sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,nervous headache, palpitation oftlie heart, paleness and all formsof weakness oilluu in male orfeniulo, and all diseases resultingfrom vitiated humors in tho blood.Pink Pills aro sold by IlollistorDrug Co. and IJobron Drug Co.,wholesale Agents for tho Hawaii-an Islands, and all dealeis in me-dicine.


    (lone For u Sleep.

    Alameda, Cal., Oct. 7. The'lecture and dramatic entertain-

    ment on Hawaiian life" ndvortis-fo- dto tnko placo in tho Opora-"hous- e

    is indefinitely postponod'nnd the promoter, Henry Browor,locally known as "red gloves," isnot aiouud his usual haunts. Hopaid ho could not got his troupetogether hh an excuse for cancel-ing his dato at tho Opeia house,and loft tho Park bote', where hohad been slaying, saying that thebolls annoyod him so ho could notfdo.'p; he would go to Ban Loan-dr- o

    und sloop a few days, sincewhich he has not been seen.

    Ho was known by Iu'b persist-ently wearing red gloves, a whitevc-j- t nnd stiaw hat m nil kinds ofweather.

    llri ! In.Tlit r.fof.nij'C! nml ujiiircclitli- - ilaI

    liilrU. 'lent I li Hood's riainiirllln liusllioarget dales In ilie world. .Merit In uu

    means tliu ow r In cure-- . Hood'scures nlisolntely, pi irnniienth

    cures. II Is tli 0m- - Timi Wood I'urliitr It'ssuperior merit i auttnUllihid fuct, anil nu-r- ll


    Hood's 1'ii.i.s are-- e"sy to lake-- , casj tooperate. Cilio Indigestion, lie.idachi

    The Evening bulletin, 75 centsper month.

    Law Books.

    Do You Read Them ?Do You "Want One ?

    We Wave theLatest Cataloguesof THEPublications ofCallighan & Co.,Little, Biown & Co.,Lawyers Cooperative

    Publishing Co.

    We make a specialty ofthese publicutions,aiiclshnllbo pleased to have thoLegal Fraternity of theIslands call on us whenwanting a Law publica-tion, at the lowest possibleprice. We are also

    Meadqjjarteps forLaw Office Supplies:

    Document Files, LegalPapers, Typewriter Pa-pers. Ribbons for Ahhmakes of Machines.

    In fact, wo can show you thogreatest variety of Labor sav

    j ing devices of any House inTown. If you want to savomoney, come our vny, wo arothe Money Savors for you.

    Wall, Nichols Co,

    113 KING STREET.

    jfew DepartureTiik Undkhhioni:!) beg to an-nou- ueo

    that from nnd nfter

    Thupsday Night, Oct 1, 1896


    ST. LOUIS BEERWill bo servod ON D It AUGHT

    at tho

    Hawaiian Hotel.To moot tho times nnd competi-

    tion, it will bo furnished at

    I2tc1s. Per GlassWo quoto from lottor of tho

    Anheusor-liusc- h Jirowing Asso-ciation, dated August 8th:

    "Your honorable linn having representedui for so many jeur we Mine It toeull jour attention to the meilu of our mil-el-

    out we should ItKu to repent oenln nndcall join ntteiillou to the-- fact Hint ouih UTHE ONIA" 1'UUE HAKI.KY MAM' HKKUMANUKACTUKKI), nnd corn eeieallna andother ailnlleriintH "ell us mills, for thoireierutlon of lie it, ore unknown In our es-

    tablishment. With the jlmwt jon rnnj j;othe public In om- - nanu.'

    No oncomium of ours enn ndd totho high reputation of Anheuscrlioer. Its introduction in anyand overy market mnkes it nnimmodinto favorite. It standswithout a peer, without n rival,without even a competitor. Itreceived tho highest awards at thoColumbian Exposition. The re-duction of tho draught Boer totho provniling price of

    12 Cknts Pek Glass,plncos it within tho reach of all,and ho is a wiso man who getstho best quality for tho lenstmoney.


    EVENING BULLETIN, OOTOBEIl 31, 1800.nwunwtt"MmMm03v wwwwwwffi wwtnni'winmwiwiTwri,w'

    108 KING STREET.




    Naw ContractorsRefrigerated Poultry

    AND- -

    Fresh Salmon


    ffietapoliten fijeafc fio.

    Telephone 45

    mm up wfiThe Central Meat Market

    214 Nooaso Stiiket.

    For Your ClioiceOvtlei'H

    Tho Kinest


    eMgefafced ,- -. Meat?

    Alttnj-- s on TTnncl Ordersliromptlj nml o irofullj- - ntteinl-ec- l


    WESTBROOK, GARES & S0HLE7F,Proprietors.

    City MarketEstablished 1883.

    JoBBph Tinker, - - Prop,Beef, prrtSi Mutton,

    Pork, IX Veal,Of the Fluent Varieties.

    Makers of tho Celebrated Pork Sausage.310 Nuuann Btreol, opp. Chapluin lono.

    TeU-plion- e 89.Tei.uruoNG I'il. I'. O. l!o G01.

    City Feed Store IOld Armory, IJoretania Sts.


    Ile-s- t l.icrinorc Vullij Hay, IniKe nndsmall topeil; A I lioiinna Siuprlse Outi.niKi'd wluat nml cracked eorn for liens und iChlckin. I.iini-fhlimei- uf Flour per S

    .Mlouera," CaMiidli, Noultj A, and Ex- -..ll....t I l....i Ilmim.Ij iilunld ill lllltll.....ll'llllll lllt'L IlltlllUa MltJI- - '

    Nevt month lare rhlpiuent ot OriL'on Tota-lo- tato lie kept iiImujr onhaml. ( hop Feid

    for Cow a nnd Working Stock li hand ed liliitonlj. Family trade BOllcIte-d-. Ooods de-livered free.

    LUXURIES "SMsnaygrjiv

    For tho Equino Table in thoway of nil kinds First Olusa

    HAY, 0 FEEDAro on salo by tho


    138 Fort St Tol. 422.

    STflRDARD LIHESof (iroccrles are more palatable us wellas healthier than tho other kind.

    VOELLER & CO.(WarliiR Block, 20 Uerctania Street).

    Handle nothing but the best. Llbhy &McNeill's Canned Meats. KliiK-Mor- bCTable Fruits, Ulilrurdt-lll'- s Chocolate.Milkmaid Draud Milk, Paragon Pure Lardand

    'EXCELLENT FLOUR'B Telephone G80 -- a

    H. IVIAY $ CO.,Wholesalo and Retail Groceries.

    filo it 517 Fort St., Honolulu

    Telophonor 2il P.O. Box 470

    Henry Gehringtc Compiiny,

    Wauino Ulock, 21 Ukkktania St.

    srwrojMk i 'v

    Phimbinp: o nd Gas-fittin- g

    Sanitary "Work a Specialty

    K1& JobWnR promptly nttouded to.TolopliOKO 7:t." 28r.-t- f

    Jolan Sffott,Importer find Scnlera in

    Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE

    DIMOND BLOCK121 .t 12!) King btie-ct- .


    Sly $10.00 Hath Tubs, lined with hostrpiulity, No. 10 zinc, G in. l'if, Ulmiu andl'lui;, with wood iui nil comploto. (Jtheidoulers nre duuifounded, hu1 ret-o- to allninunor of Tricks find Excubos.

    He uot deceived, these Hath Tubs havtbeen sold foi $14 until I reduced the price.

    I am prepared to do nil work in my lineand guiirautre satisfaction. Estiniutca fur-nished.

    If you want a iood Job cheap for Cash,ring up Tolephoue 844, and I am youiman.

    JAS. NOTT Jn,TinHtnith A Plnmhor


    For Family Use I

    Jnat Reeeivod, ex "0. 0. Funk," a cargo of

    Wellington, Departure B&tf.tioal

    Which is offered in quiuitillca to suit.

    2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.

    & CO., L D.:m k 30:1 Fort htieet.

    A Good Tiding--1 U s O

    Okia, Algeroh and Pine Firewood

    Cut nnd Split (ready for tho 3tovo).AUo,



    At Lowest Pri es, delivered to any part oftho City.

    TISUIUPHONE : : : 414

    IIUSTAGE& CO..11 Queen Btieet.

    iiifdino LotsAt WAIKIK1 on cur lino nnd on A

    ROAD nenr FertilizingPluut.

    These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

    Desirable Aoio Tracts near the city nndothor Properties for sale.

    BKUCE, WAKING & GO.,Dealers in Lots nnd Lands,

    312 Fort Street, near KinR.TuLErnoNB 607. P. O. Box 821.

    Puunui Tract !si 50 bo

    A Lot 50 feet by ioo feetOn the Iiihtalment Phn nnd 10 Percent

    Discount for Cmh.(LIST Apply to

    JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

    Or W. 0. A0HI, Heal IMute llioker.fceptembor 21, ISOli. 412-t- f




    Curry Powder ns mado by ua is prepared after the OriginalRecipo from the Purest Ingredieiita.

    est thy it oirsrojw1 sill II fill

    527 Fort Street,

    Better than aAud

    One-Twenti- eth


    Phonograph -

    GRAMOPHONE!A Groat Invention. Evoryhotly can nff-in- l one.Plays tlionsnmlB of tunes. A child can niannge

    Call and. idee One at

    21 Kaahumanu Street.wnriiBiwMiiKi



    of the Price!Tho .

    Dealers in- -

    ED. A. WILLIAMS,(Swccessor to C. E. Williams, H. H. Williams & Co.

    and Williams Bros.

    Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 1859

    Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs lor Kent

    Undertaker and Embalmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

    ltesidenco and Nifibt Tel. 815. 51 0 & 520 Fort Street. Tol. 179

    H. HACKFELD & CO.--Importers nnd

    QEjfelL jVECJ-I.fljfeljS-E--AND-

    Plantation Supplies.

    H HACKFELD & CO,201 to 215 Fort Street.

    Just Received and For SaleAt the New Stand, King Street,

    (Adjoining the Arlington.)

    Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gate Flour,Choico Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cul. Block Butter,Smoko Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, Etc., Etc.

    Ghas. Husface,212 King Street.

    ' V, fimt. . i.AilSU.'.''W,WU-i....J-- ' '1j1i. , -' mi.mm; :mimmj0i,M lWSItiSdl. r- - .



    p- -i



    the rurnituro Required anil Its ProperArrancement One Wny or Chnnglng theAspect of a Narrow Hall Treatment ofHecepllon Ilaltii Color Schemes.

    Tlio long ntirrow hallway is inost dif-ficult to treat with any dcgrco of success.It is a mistake in selecting a rock orglass for such a placo to chooso a veryemail ono simply becauso tho placo istontractcd nnd narrow. Ono should inthis caso use a mirror of generous dl- -

    yiiPrtwM$B&f-Q- i ill

    COKVKR SEAT IN JULL.mensions, as tho qnnlitica ofglass havo .a certain nrtistio valno andopcrato to iiuiko tho spaco seem largerin fact, just tvrico a3 largo as it reallyis. Immediately under tho ruck a nar-row bench may bo placed. As an ulter-nativ-o

    u small odd chair might bo used,ono with "wood soat.and quaintly shapedbaok preferred.

    Do uotiforgotito'plaoo .a few pictureson tho --walK .Photographs of notedplaces aro in order licit tho CoHfcuuiat Home, tho Appian way, a bit ofarmor or n cluster of crossed swords.Bomosort'of reccptaclo for canus andumbrellas hhonld bo provided. Tliosoofdrain pipo elinpo and of Japancso makotnko up small spaco and aro as good asany.

    An effectivo modo of changing tho as-pect of n nariow hallway is depicted byDecorator and Furnisher, from whichthese suggestions uro it reprint. Tinsalteration is effected by placing it settlowith tho buck to tho stairs. Tins neednot bo it permanent feature it can Lofastened in plneo fo us to bo easily re-moved when necessary. Should ono pre-fer to shut off from publio&azo tho viowof stairway, it can bo dono without sac-rificing tho light by tilling tho spacodirectly over tho bench back with Jap-ancso latrioo or interlaced fretwork.Another atistin idea is to hang it lightbeaded rieo or bamboo curtain in thisspaco.

    Ah it rulo tho houses of modern buildaro arranged on n Fomewliat dificicntplan, being now provided with what tirosometimes called reception halls, whicharo generally nearly square. In tlic-- itis not so difficult to furnit.h, and if theybo of generous sizo they aro generallyarranged as a sore of tombincd sittingand reception room. If tho hall boemail, ono may havo it hall stand or thowall ruck und nettle beneath, ono with abox seat preferred. If ihero is it sparecorner a "oozy" may bo fitted up, or,

    vtf not, and a window is available, nbroad, low wut will bo in attractivefeature. A small, low table, a sido ta-bic with it drawer in ll uiul it muubcv ofodd chairs must not bo emitted. Oneor mora growing plnuts add much totho picturcquo appearand) of u hall,and as it background for theso it prettythreefold hcruun may bo utilized withgood effect.

    When tho hall is situated fo us toit plentiful supply of sunlight at

    all times of tho day, a cool scalo of col-oring should bo selected. With it northroom bo generous with tho warm, richtints, tho dull reds, olives and goldenrussots and browns. When light is at itpremium, gladden tho sight with itsnearest equivalent, yollow, in its vari-ety. This would bo a most distractingcolor in tho glaring light of tho noon-day sun, but when used upon tho walls

    V iMll iii ri" ' jr.""i T '"r"' I il

    , 1H A NAltliOW HALLWAT.

    of a dark and dismal hall it is alto-gether difforout. Choico should bo madoof otlicr colors that will provo harmo-nious, ulways t)io warm, rich colore, nev-er tho cold. With such it sotting anyEluido of finish in oak or mahoganywoodwork will bo fitting.

    Iteer In I'ooil.

    Good beer builds up both bononnd brawn. It's strengtheningnourishing. Tho Gormnns tirotho greatest beer drinkers. Whoreis thoro a hnrdior or raoro

    raon? Pure beer isbonofioinl to invalids, bracing totho woary, refreshing to all.

    ,- - "Rainior" it class by itself. Keptfreshly tapped or in bottles at thoCritorion Saloon.

    'J&.J L A ', .. . ,v j Ui,,iJiA


    KS. m 3 ILwwEM i 'mmitillliTH iadt(? ttB JlVUl'l'i ri yfrA I

    gl J& 5 Y - 3 ac a ffl

    k 5 -- P s! os J11 8 rn n tz i

    1 n 2,w m H

    Perry Davis

    Pain Killer-ossEi- sa

    is the UNivKnsAii Panaceafor nil kinds of Aohks andPains. Do not acceptany but the Gknuine. Ifyour dealer does not haveit, call on or address the

    Hoilister -:- - DrugCompany,

    Solo AgentB for tho Islands.

    To Citizensof Hawaii ssarn

    I take pleasuro in announc-ing to you Unit I havo remov-ed to tny now. quarters at NO.11G FORT STREET and amprepared to oxeouto all orderspertaining to my business.Jewelry Repairing, "WatchRepairing, i'ino Engraving,etc., etc. I have a handsomeBtock of Watches and Jowol-r- y

    to bIjow you including alargo variety of valuablo Isl-and Curios. Your patronageis respectfully solicited.

    :iGt-t- r

    To My Patrons:

    il givoB mo muoh pleusuroto announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, one of the mostSKilled watchmakers ever inthose Islands, is now managingtny repairing department, owatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fo- ct

    satisfaction in correctingtho ovils to which watches aroheir. Watches aro delicatethings to handlo. Wo guaranteothat they will rocoivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour ptoro in perfect roj'air.


    E. A. JACOBSON,507 Fort Street.

    I-3-C. Q. JBIAJEIT.101J Fort Street.

    Sana QvlI&IO na Puna Dlakana

    Ka Hiwahiwa oi loa nku oka Nani Makamae;

    E Hiki ke Hoomaemaepu ia nu Wati poino a mo kahaki o ko A--

    Alanui Papu, kokoke alnnui Moi.

    Real Estate Transactions

    Subscribers ore fnruished with from fiveto six lists per weok, Riving an nccurntorecord of nil derds, inortgHBon, lenses, re-leases, powers of iittornoy, etc., etc., whiohnro plnced on record. Also a list of alldistrict court judgments.

    Subscription Trice, $2.00 per Mouth.

    A. V. GEA.K,210 King St, Honolulu.

    A. V. G-EA-

    i Telephone 250, No. 210 King St.

    'ftj3L --tf&UwiiiVt.! ijtf!h


    T. MUBATA,Mamifiicliiror of Straw Hafe

    .Any Shape by OrderStock Great Vai'ietv


    For Ladies, Gentlemen, Girls and

    Made toAlways

    118 Nuuanu

    new eoopMUEATA & CO.ire about to receive a bid stock o(

    mm .... Tho vers ""est of line lines.J.ook Out Fv I'm ! Pur Present lovls. Will He HoldEBolo-- Cost 2To ninko room. Cowe in and iuvcstigiito. IT WILL PAY YOU.

    PalumuB.Bamboo wore,uronze,AND ALL KINDS

    MTJRA.TA&CO., 301

    The . . .Hawaiian Electric

    Company,Cor. Alakoii & HidekauwiU Bts.

    Hob a lurgo usaortment of

    Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

    Constantly on hand.Estimiitos given for honso wir-

    ing and Elootrical plants.Murino Wiring a specialty.

    THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.

    Commissioner of DeedsFOK TIIU

    fate of California.Having been nppomteil nnil cdmnilssloned

    a Conimlfuloniruf Dccils for the State of Cal-ifornia, 1 nm prepared

    To administer ami certify oath?.To take and certify depositions and otlldn-Tit-

    To take and certify the Acknowledgment orproof ol poHer uf uUoriiey, luortKUKts,tronefere, graMs, dusile or otlicr Instrumentsor record

    A. V. GEA31,Telephone 230. aiO King Street

    WRIGHT BROS.next to Luourt' Mill

    Ships' Elackr.rtJitliing,Carriago Buildmy

    and RepairingDrays, Carts and

    Wagon Building



    T. B. MURRAY,19 to 23J West, King Street.

    Fitted up with all tho ModernAppliances for

    Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

    oi CTery inscription.

    Blacksmithing and Horse Shooing.



    Carriage Ptaufactory013 to 021 Iort Street.

    Ca.i'rlG.ge BuilderAND I'.ErAIltEIt.

    Bhcbmithing in All Its Branches.

    W. W. AVItlUHT, Tropnetor.(SucoeBsor to Q. West.)


    Contractor and Builder.Ofllccs and Stores fitted up and

    Estimates given on


    pjy Odlco nnd Shop: No. fill! Vort Btrcct,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carrluge Sliop.

    OCTOBER 31, 18.u


    . . ,


    Street. Telephone 033P. O. Box 206


    SlllCB,Lacquer ware,vuiiper,

    OF DRY GOODS!Nuuntiu & 2 Hotel streets.

    MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

    Hut I nm Bellltie all of tnyll Block of e;oons vcrj cheap.My epcclaltlea for thisweek aro ...

    Silk Crepes --- Curtains

    ANI- -


    IWAKAMI.HobniBon Ulock 10 Hotel street.

    TjJB Yokohama Specie BankUMtTUD.

    Sulcribca Capital Yen 1 2,000,000I'niil Up npitiil Yen i.CtlO.OOOHeserve I- - uml Yen 4, 13U.000


    BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, LyonH, Now York,

    Sun 1'r.tnciBco, SlmnRliui,Bombay, Hong Kon&

    TratiMiFN 11 Oeucnil Banking nndBushier.

    Agency Yokoli.imn Spojio BankNew RepnMic BaiUiEg, ill Klni si, Honolala.

    5. J.l.LM.ijtwu.,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

    Wines.LiquorB nnj l'rovhloiiB, Bakl a gcclalty.

    103 KekumiiioaUtrtct. Telepliono 703.

    L. AHLO,No. 337 Nnnnnn street,

    Huh just received a new lino ofDRY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS


    Agont tor tho following rico plantntionaiWuiplo, Wniawu, Wuiinaln, WttialuuKnncolie and Kupiilnum.jCT My rico from Knncolie is marked

    L A and lei guaranteed Al.P.O. Box 114. .... Telephone IBS.PALACE RESTAURANT

    Formerly the Buy Ilorno Saloou

    103 Hotel Street.

    SPECIAL EATING UOD8E:l'rivftto Rooms for Lndiea nnd Gentlemon.

    Open from S a. iu. to 1 in morning.rrico of Tickets, SLOP. SjiirIo Meal, 25o.

    New Restaux'ant,7 t 0 Bothol Street,

    NICE AND CLEAN.Chicken on Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd

    Saturdays. Ico Cream on Sundays. FineSalads with dinner ouch day.

    Meuls, 25c. 2--2 Tiokots, $4. CO.

    A.STOR IrlOUSE,(All CHOCK, Propr.)

    Meals 25 Cents. gINtN.D. .I'rivnto Room for Ladles.

    Cnrnor Untol it Union Streets.

    TOM CHUNG KEE,!il3 Nuuanu Street.

    Dealer in Lndies and Gentle-men's Shoes.

    Boots and Shoes to order. I nee tho heatmaterial. Goods warranted towear well. 143- -

    FOOK ON & CO.,103 Nuuanu Street.

    Just oponcd now supply of First-clas- s Shoosjust received.

    Ladies' & Goats' Shoos Mado to OrdorFrom American nud Fronch Leatliejs.

    fL--Al'sSd tYl


    W. W. AlianaMakes Clothing to ORDEU of thvery best nititerinls and in tho verylatest stylo. . , .

    A. JPerieot KitOuaranteed


    Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty

    W. W. SHflNA.

    To Whom It

    May Concern.

    This is to certify Hint 0. Akimalins mrulo several suits of clotbcfor mo nnd tho workmanship haiboen of the best. I tnko pleasurein recommending him and hiwork.


    TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Kino DuolSuit, $5 up; Fino Tweed Pnuts, $ 4.G0 unFine Suit, $18 up. Clothes cleaned and rfpaired. 200 KING STREET.

    P. O. Box 144t

    C. T. AKANA.No. 324, Nuunnn street.

    MERCHANT TAILOR,'.Fine Suitings made to order at lowest price145 Clothes cleaiu'd and repaired.

    Y. MAN SING,Fashionable Dress Maker.

    131 FORT STREET.

    Dresses mado to ordor. Sowino ensranked. If tho stitches hrenk I will repair without Mtw charge. 307-2-

    NEWSTORE !Sam "Wo Chan

    NLnanu street, near Kukni

    IVO"W OPJEIV !Ilauanns nnd Vtgetahics nlwnjs on hand,

    ChickoL s unit 1 Juoks n i u or dress-ed, rrciih Eg(!s nolUuicil

    tonllpattsof the city.. . 'inr 1 un Tr'' - - .....-W- o

    prow our own bananasnnd vcgctthles


    214 Nuuanu street.Importers and Dealors in

    (cmml -:- - 91vvhiiii(1isc.Fino Manila Clears. Chiucso and Jana

    nchO Croukervwnro. Mattincs. Vases of nilkinds, L'amphorwood Trunks, RattanChairs. A lino Assortment of Dress Silks.Choicest hrands of Chinese and JupnnesoTeas of latest importation.

    gJJT New Goods by evory stenmor.Mutual Tel. 200 V. O. Box 158

    QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dealers In

    General Merchandise,145-t- f Comer King nnd Mnnnakea Sts.

    SANG YUEN KEE & CO.Tin- - mith,

    Dealers In Tinware, etc, l'lplng Laidand repaired.

    R1" Orders solicited; charges very mo-derate..o.tl)! Nllllillill St. ,4 doors nbovoKing St.

    FOR . . .IJest Imported Chineso Ten,


    Fino Chinoso TeaR freshly importod. Verylow pricos. Go to

    WING TAI LUNG.14- 1- u3t Nuuanu street.

    HO YEN KEE & CO.,Plumbers

    and dealers In

    CROCKERY, GLA88WARE, ETC., ,ETO.Water l'lpes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

    14- 3- Ko 41, Nuuanu street.


    All kinds of tinwnro, orockory,fjto, at lowest prices, . . .

    HI Nnnnnu and Hotel street!

    ftj: .kNrmW WbUul. ...


    ffew&ii&n Fertiilizing

    CO Txtt? A. NYIs preputed to furnish

    4000 Tons Cine FertilizerTo order for 1896.

    In Quantities to Suit:flP" Orders solicited for n fntnro An.

    Uverj.A. F COOKE, Manaeer.

    M. S GRINBAUM k CO.,Limitkd

    Queen streot, Honolulu, nnd 215 riintstreet, aan liuncisco, Cnl.


    General Merchandise and . .. . Commission Merchants,

    11. UACKFELD & CO.


    Cor. Fort nn J Queen Streets, Honolulu,:

    M. PHILLIPS & CO.V'Wholesnlo Importers nnd Jobbers ol.

    European and American Dry Good?..

    Fort nnd Quoon Streets.

    C. B. DWIGHT.Tliw0;'' conlr"0,fl for ftl1 kinds of STONEWORK, monument work, cement nndstone hldewnlks nnd curbing. I haV0 onhand tho best Hawaiian stone, ChlneM)

    granite, eto. Huostcino for mounmentnl'work. Estimates given nndlowist priccanssurcd. Telephone 833.

    Consolidated Soda Water XSn, L'ft

    Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.

    HOLLISTER & CO.,Agents.


    Book and Job PrinterMorohnut Streot, Honolulu.'H. I.

    Ovor fln waiiaii News Coaipany'sBook Store. . my 19,


    Merchant and Hichnrds StrcotSi

    ,.VrolmlT!,;RT"0,',m"1 Cuttlmr Kiilrc.(rinds Siiruk-u- l IiiBlriiiiieiits to Ordar. FilesbaT8, etc., etc. 40V-- tl

    duiiN sjua-bukyv- ;

    TaxidermistHawaiian mid Foreign Hlrds and Anitnids

    mounted In the best manner, ualnir the latestmethods only. Hotel St near Dr JlcCruw.



    225 Quoen slroot, Honolulu, N, I,


    Dealers in Lumber nnd Conlnnd Building Materials of allkinds.

    Quoon Rtroot, Honolulu,



    Furniture, Beddlnrj, Etc., Etc.Contractor and Butldar.

    No. SO, Nuuanu streetHas on hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,

    Matting, Wnrdrolies, Doaks, MntiesRes,eto,fiy Cull iu und iusiioct goods.


    Conti'actor&'i 33tiildo'rSiFurniture Dealers nnd Painters.



    Fort Streot, opposite Club Stahloa.i, , :

    Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,

    CONTRACTORS AND ByipERfJ,Furniture of all kinds mado yd repaVd

    Building houses and making rice mills a spe-cialty. P. O. Box 1VJ, corner Klng'auiIBdihastreets. ' ' . ij'lU

    : J7X

    Subscribe for tho Evening BdTiletin, 75 oenls per months

    ui uJMfc-i- . ' kMj iJJ"










  • v





    Ml4JtIMlWWIIMMl4'IMMaVll M'


    Public Lands ITotice.

    Notioo IB horoby givon that thofallowings lota of tho Old llomo-Htea- d

    Series will bo open for ap-plication 011 or after 9 o'clock

    Ax. m. of November Will, 1890,undor provisions of tho " LandAct, 1895," for lloiucstcail Leases:

    Location. Lot. AreaAcres.

    AVi.1i int. N. Koim 57 43.33Akal1i1.11, N. Komi C3 44 07Aknliipu. X. Koun ft!) 45 44AVrnluu, Kaul ma, Ac, N. Kona 78 .'Ml 14Awalu i, Kaiilnua, &a, N. Komi 80 41.21Awalua, Kaulium, &o, N. Kona St 18.50I'll in, N. Komi 1 8"3

    On and after the date unmodabove, tho following lots uiny boapplied for as llight of Purchasebuasos or Cash Freeholds:

    AppraisedLocation. Lot. Area. Value.

    A wain 1, Kntilaun,fto. N. Komi 83 20.19 01.47

    AwnHiii, Kaiilntiii,

    &.. Kona 3.. 18.05 0.1.17Aw I'm, Kutilaiiii,A.c. N.K011.1 ..80 10 01) 00.00

    Ke .1,1 W.' , jV. K.mii 10 1.1. 10 10..J0Kxl.'ii .k . li,

    B". Kona 5 57. 48i.f.OKuliiiiopio.S. Kuim 1 18.0.1 CJ.09riiHiiiopie, S. Komi B 2.0S C8.S7

    Full particulars as to cond-ition, method of applying, etc.,may be obtained at the PublicLands Ofrice, Honolulu, and atthe ollice of tho Bub Agent, atJCnilua, North Kona, Hawaii.

    J. F. BllOWN,Agent of Public Lands.

    iii 3t5! Evei)ii?$ Bulletin,

    DANIEL. LOGAN, Editor.

    SATURDAY, OCT. 31, 1896.

    A campaign 6tory to tho effectthul Mr. Bryan had shortly be-fore Iiik nomination applied for ajob a theatrical press agent inHfw York turriB out to haveoriginated in a jent. Supposingit had been true, it is hard to seowhy it bhould havo huil tho can-didate. Any kind of a respect-able opening for a bright and am-bitious man in tho great metro-polis of the Union might bo worthnecking ns giving an opportunityfor the conquest of fame andpower. The Into diBtinguishedBritish statesman, W. II. Smith,began life in London keeping n,ibn Bluud,.0Jprd .Salisbury wasAbraham Lincoln was a rail split-io- r

    in liis youth and a countrylawyer later.

    From a published report it isFeen that there has been a largejtioiease tho past year in both thopassengor and freight traffic oftho O.ihu Railway. Lately it wasnoted in this paper that tho Cir-cuit Court, after an exhibit madoof tho company's busines8,prompt-l- y

    gave its approval of the invest-ment of truBt funds in bonds oftlui road. The voice of the croak-er, which Bounded high at thoopening of the railway n few yoursngo, n now very low in tho land,llajlways ovon in these small isl-ands develop business for thom-eolve- s.

    Whon this road is pushednlong until it makes the circuit ofOiliu, there will accompany it ad 'volopmont of now Intent

    which will astonish thoinhabitants.

    A paragrapher iu tho ShanghaiMeronry gots off tho following,which it would be gratifying tonote was uot applicable to Hono-lulu :

    Du Maurinr has nn admirablof.eeno iu Trilby to illustrate whathappen now and then in Shang-hai. Litllo Billee iB asked touing, and, complying, sings anold English ditty with nu inter-minable numbor of vorses. Theartists hear him out, and thon hofa recalled a hecoud and a thirdlima until tho applause becomestoo uproarious for him to con-tinue. J havo heard Little Billecson 'local platforms wIioho earsliavo been too dofeetivo to detectthe difforonco botweon tho ring oftrno applauso and the recallironical.

    (AafctfiaUjfT vi.

    rtV'tfnMmik naWXWBKJMWilwtAMH

    Rumors of Russian dominationin Coreu have some continuationin a vomncular paper of Osaka,Japan. It lenrnB that tho RussianGovernment has signed a secretconvention with the Corenn Gov-

    ernmental which tho latter pledgesthat it will not open Mokpo forforeign trade, nor allow nuy othercountry to construct tolcgraphlinos in tho iutorior, nor grant aohartor for construction of a rail-way between Seoul and Chemulpo,without first obtaining tho appro-bation of Russia.

    Some weeks ago this papor gavotho news that tho medical inspec-tion of vessels iu Japan, whichwas part of Hawaii's protectionfrom tho introduction of opidom-ics- ,

    had boon stoppfd. A paporrecoived by the Kiushiu'a mailgives tho reasou for tho stoppage,which is the gratifying fact thattho black plague has disappeared.

    It is to be hoped that tho "neweducation," for which tho Pio-grcssiv- o

    Educator is valiantlycontending, is not to bo judged bytho stylo of that periodical. Pa-ragraphing and punctuation aroboth ignored iu its pages to agreat extent, and there aro othordefects that make it really inju-rious as a model lesson sheet.

    Japanese mine owners arotaking steps to push the sale oftheir coal in India. Her coaltrade is another featuro in thocomparison that has given Japantno title of tho "Britain of thoPacific."

    Tho solid stone crossings thataro boiug laid down by tho Minis-ter oE tho Interior's orders are theproper complemout of tho im-proved sidewalks that havo ap-peared within tho past few years.

    Chinese purgatory has beoncheated out of a load of fuel bytho premature burning of LiHung Chang's coffin.


    Tho following items aro fromtho Progressive Educator:

    Tho School Journal of Sept. 12has an articlo on "Tho Educa-tional System p tji.9 HawaiianTownsend.

    One of the articles iu tho Sep-tember Educational Foundationstho leading journal in UnitedStates for professional study ofteaching is by our Inapootor Gen-eral, Mr. n. a. Townsend, and wascopied from tho Progressive Edu-cator. This goes to show thatsome of our teachers iako highrank educationally.

    Two life certificates wero earnedat the last teachers' examination.One by Vice Principal Lightfootof tho High School and ono byPrincipal Abbott of Lahainaluiin.Wo understand that tho btundingof Mr. Farmer would havo givenhim one but that ho had lackedsome of tho yoars of oxpoiionconecessary. This is a very credit-able showing when wo rememberthat heretofore only one life certi-ficate has over been earned. It ismoreover no light task to avorngo90 per cent in 11 thorough exam-ination.

    fL tf . chmidfe S $B$hold thiw week a

    Closing Out Sals


    pine WoolenQue? ghipts


    of all kinds of

    Household Goods.

    EVENING: .BULLETIN,wmmiimjiiM'""""TimelvTopioj




    We want to call attentionfor a few days to three ma-chines suitable for sugar landcultivation.

    First Avery's "AUllon"Stubble Digger, the peer ofall sugar land implements. Thesuperiority of this machineover all similar ones is evi-

    denced by the fact that untilthis season the manufacturershave been unable to supplythe demand for them. Theirfeatures of absolute merit areas follows:

    (a) Metal wheels with re-newable hubs.

    (b) Solid steel teeth.(c) Great strength with

    lightness of draft.(d) Improved flanges with

    movable teeth.Avery's "AUllon" Improv-

    ed Stubble Shaver. Thishas lately been greatly im-proved and now runs on fourwheels in the furrow. Theknives can be raised or lower-ed with ease, with one lever,without stopping the team.Can be regulated to shave atany depth. The knives areprotected by shields, so that itis impossible for the mules tobe cut by them. There is noweight on the mule's necks.This Shaver can be turned asshort as a cart and is lightdraft for two mules.

    Third Avery's IMPROVED"Mallon" Cane Cultiva-tor. This impkii""' ""!ui me culture ol both corn andcane from the first dirting ofthe crop, through the entirecultivating and "laying by"season. Is simple in con-struction, strong, durable, lightdraft, easily operated andunderstood. It has the re-volving sectional discs, whichwork on each side of I he row,thoroughly cutting and pul-verizing the soil. The desiredquantity of dirt thrown to theplant is regulated by changingthe angle of discs on the dragbar. The operator can passrapidly over the crop withoutthe trouble heretofore ex-perienced by moist earth stick-ing to the discs, cleaners beingattached to the axle, whicheffectually prevents the discslrom clogging.

    These three valuable plantation implements are now inuse at the Peoeekeo. Onomeaand Wainaku plantations andwe snail be pleased to showtestimonial letters from themanagers as to their respectivemerits.

    To intendimr purchasers wewould say that the pi ices ofthese machines have been materially reduced this season.We keep tnem in stock.

    THEHawaiian Hardware Co.


    Opposite Sprockets' Bank,

    NO. 307 FORT STREET.

    ,,;,ite,;,,J i'

    OCTOBER 3t, 18i)6.WiWJMiwiwwMwg!g3agggs



    that wo aro prepared atall timoB to do your CopperPlato Engraving and Printingon Caids, Wedding and SocietyStationory; Announcements,oto.

    Also, Fino Monogram Ein-bosBi'n- g,Address Dies nud

    Stamping in colors or plain.

    Caids from your pluto Sl.50per hundred.

    H. F. Wichman,TOKT HTK15ET.

    Don't you need a watch?One that you can dependupon. Tho kind we soil.Wo nro selling Wnlthnmsin a dust proof caso for

    S7.iland fully warrant them inevery respect.

    Wo sell other makes,some as low as $5.00,others as high as $200.00.

    Our stock is so large, wowould take pleasure iuhelping you to a watch atso low a price your pocketwould not fenl the lift.

    No pio plates sold, ut-most reliability in everypiece.

    I H. F.WichmanOiSjgigjgiaigii



    To bo givon in ("oinnt'nient to nnd for tl.ollonefit ot the

    New Hawaiian , .. .

    A Opera House

    Saturday, Nov. 7th,Will bo picHented tho GmuiI Opera of

    " IL TROVA'IME "By AiiiiituiiN, undor tlin direction of

    1'itiu 1 Douun,

    AI$ M$ BJOflTUE.On tho following TUi'HUVY EVENING,

    Nov. lutli, Will hH imsfii cd tho De-lightful l'lay, ontitltd

    Under tho diieclorh p of tho TalentedAitit,


    A Grand ConcertWill be Riven by tlin Jlebt Amateur

    Talent of thm City.

    13?" The Orchestra Mill lio under the illicc-Ho- nnl I'roll'SBiir Herder.

    J3f"T'U lecclpls ol thcflo performancesUuvo tiecn ceneruiisly donated by thu ladiesami t:emleincn lal.inc part in the performances tor the purpose of assisting iu furnish- -IIIK IIIOHtlC.ttr Iio Plans will bo nncn at Wall.NKliolt i; t'o 'k Mora, Kim; street, on TIiiiib-1U-

    tliu Mil hift , ul ll' o'clock 11 in., whenecnU can be secured for any or all of tho per-formances. 43J-t- d

    MRS. H. H. ZEriYE,

    Successor to Mrs A M. MellU, 620 Fortgliect, Honolulu.


    Dress Making Parlorsof N. S. Saohs.

    0?' Wedding Outfits andHiding Habits a specialty.

    412-l- m


    Architect and Superintendent

    Bt. Office: 005 Fort street,bprcckols Block, Room 5.Residence: Hawaiian Hotel!

    rjfcwv,.&.ttk ,m&... :.

    .- -The Shoeno matter what its price. There aro good low-price- d shoesand poor hiuli priced ones. There aro swindles in ovorvgrade. There is no protection in price though a groat manypeoplo Beom to think that by paying doarly they aro suro togot a good shoo. Your only protection lies with and in yourdealer, lie should havo tho and ability to knowtho shoes ho buys and sells. Wo uuarantco ovorv rmir ofshoos you buy hero to bo worth every cent you pay.

    of 'sa


    J' ."Vi-f-

    .IA , 'i.A if VVI r v ' v -- a.

    fiw"iWi"iwiB .

    If you aro thiuking of getting aBicycle, now is the time. to getono while they last. This offer ofIUmbleiih at 875.00 is not a cut inprice, so don't wait ospocting toseo tho prico como any lower. Woaro offering 181)5 wheels at thisprico and thoro aro but a few left,'this whool is fitted with tho

    Great G-- . & --T. Tirewhich has provou so satisfactoryin this laud of the

    IvilXWe ThornWo also havo a stock of the 1896

    wheels both ladies and gents whichwo aro offering at a low figure audon easy tonus. Como in and havoa look at our wheels and satisfyyoursolf that we aro in tho BicycleBusiness.

    AnStop and think how many Nick-lo- 8

    and Dimoo you might savohad yon a wheel. A ride to Wai-ki- ki

    is not only n pleasure but asuro saving of health aud strongth.You will find now vigor bythousoof muscles never before broughtinto uso.



    E. 0. & 8


    ........ SUNDAYS

    Trains will leavo at 9:15 a. m,and 1:45 P. m., arriving in Honr-lul- u

    at 3:11 and 5:55 p. m,

    ROUND TRIP TICKETS:1st Class !M Class

    Pearl City $ 75 $ GOEwa Plantation... 1 00 75Waianao 1 50 1 25

    Be Good


    The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,Distributors Footwear

    W.tyr l(Wl




    Take OutingWraBttHffTOJgS1



    WW. DIMOND'5

    Tho holidays nro approach-ing at tho rate of a day everytwenty-fou- r hours; and this istho month when children fixtheir attention on literature inwhich Santa Claus takes aleading part, and wives anddaughters allow theirs todwell on the old gentleman'spurse. An old lady was onceasked tho age when girls gavoup playing with doll and thoanswer came back, "Whenthey havo children of theirown." So it is about SantaClaus; children give him upas the mythical when they areold enough to realizo a fleshand blood Santa Claus in theirfather. If it happens to be agirl she will cling to the oldgentleman until she happensto win a Santa Claus whowill bo her individual property.

    It is with these flesh andblood Santa Clauses that wewish to whisper. On theAustralia which arrived lastweek, thoro were several lar"ocases of solid silver ware forus. In turn wo will disposeot it to banta Claus. We willhave no difiiculty in doing thisas the assortment is from fourof tho largest and best factoriesin tho United States. Youwill havo an opportunity toview tho goods later.

    WoU-JI-,Von Holt Building.

    A. W. SEABURY, '

    Collector & Real Estate Agent,

    Noxt to the Woman's Eiohniifje.

    Bring in yonr bills, they will bo promptlyattended to. Telephone 059; J O. Box 400.

    JAS. N. K. KEOLA,Typewriter, Copyist, Transla-

    tor (English nnd Hawaiian)and Collector.

    ? Offlce with W. B. CA8TLE. 125.11N. FERNANDEZ:


    Office: 203 Merchant hlreot, OiimpbcllBlock rear of J. O. Curtoi' ofllcel. P. nBox 3o(l,

    .s. iii v si- - hM,- -. i as. inih.i' 'AkjA i






  • siTnrv.ivsJ

    vrw&xit,iigKnf9&'0 rm r i iitttii-- i H i'l'TIWIIWK"f 'I wmw t' inw"wv( tfMwunPWOTHwMwcftnnnamtwwLOCAL, AND GENERAL.

    Band concert nt Emma squarent 1:30 this afternoon.

    Gonzales benefit nt ludopoud-onc- opark tonight at 8.

    The Irmgard's curio is mention-ed in the shipping column.

    Ex Governor Thompson of Ore-go- uis a passengorin the Bio do 'I

    Janeiro.Mrs. Ingersall loft for Cali-

    fornia yestorday on the barkMohican.

    W. W. Diraond just talksstraight Christmas in his column.Bead him.

    At The Kash you are offeredhats with tho value of usolesslabels knocked off the price

    The prizes for the road raco. . this afternoon aro displayed iu,J one of Mclnerny's show windows.



    Tho concert for tho benefit oftue lvamoiiim cuuicn ni uiu uruished tonight commences at 7:30.

    Tho opinion is freely expressedthat Sheriff Andrews of Ilawniiwill not reposo on a bed of roses.

    Honolulu's man dressmakor forthe ladies has a card elsewhereShun Loy ho is, and guaranteesall work.

    J. T. Waturliouso offers agricul-tural and garden implements, car-ponto-

    tools, etc., of tho mostreliable stamps.

    Kirk Porter wdb thrown fromhis bicyclo hist night, badly skin-ning both his kuoes, which ofcourse puts him out of today'srace.

    Tho usual Sunday afternoonbnud conceit will be given at Ma-ke- e

    Island tomorrow. Tho pro-gram will bo found on anotherpage.

    Tho Hawaiian Hardwaro Com-pany is preparing a dissertationon portable batu tuns ana otneruseful articles for Monday's isono 'of this paper.The honored guest who mnKea u tall

    Mimild welcome Unci rlncere,And llkewiso-- lf liu drinks at ull

    A glass of ''Rainier" Beer.

    On tap or in bottles at tho Cri-terion saloon.

    At tho Christian church tomor-row morning Buv. J. M. Monroewill speak ou "The Tornplo ofGod." Tho evening subject willbo "Jacob's Dream." I


    Lewis & Co. havo a list ofbreakfast and lunch staples andluxuries, with some other articlesneeded m tho house, in their newmatter this afternoon.

    At tho Y. M. C. A. praiso ser-vice nt 0:30 tomorrow evoning thesubject will bo "Repenting," John4:db oo. All are welcome, especial-ly young mon aud strongosr.

    At the Methodist church to-morrow ovening Rev. H. W. Peckwill speak ou "What shall it pro-fit a man if ho gain tho wholeworld and lose his own soul."

    Sterling, tho painter, is pre-pared to quote pricos on roofpainting. Ho uses a com position ofcoal tar and cement. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

    S. W. Roemdale, a prominentcitizen of Now Yoik, and Mrs.Roemdnlo aro pasbengers iu thoRio do Jaueiio; also Rov. S. F.Mooie, Mrs. Mooio and threechildren.

    An error having occurred inthe notice of Captain Martin'sdeath, which appeared in thisP'ipor previously, one cut fromtho Shanghai Herein y is insertedin today's paper.

    Tho Princo of Wales alwayswaits till tho final curtain hasdescended bol'oro rising to leave atheator. This is his invariablerule, bo much so that ho has Batout tho ontiro harlequin act.

    Tho engagement of Miss LizzioCarroll to William II. Whittiorhas beon announced in San Fran-cisco. Tho young couple stoppeda couple of months at Sans Soucirecently, which will account fortho engagomont.

    Sovornl naval officers aro in thoRio do Janoiro, viz: R. E. Car-ney, U. S. N., with MrB. Carneyand infaut; Lieut. W.G. Hannura;O. Laughton, R. N.; Lieut. B.Cherovkoff, Surg. Lt. Hydo, withMrs. Hydo and three children.


    Makes Belter Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

    Ask Your Grocer Fur It,

    UNION FEED CO., Sole Agents.

    The November term of tho Cir-cuit Court will open on Monday.

    Bead the program in this issuoof tho GonznlcB performance atindopendouco park tonight.

    Ovorshirts aud housohold goodswill bo tho leaders iu H. W.Schmidtfc Sons' sale the ensuingweek.

    .Biitish...Commissioner. HaweB.called at the l'oroign Ullico at 'noon, and tho guard was paraded Iin his honor. j

    Tho Portugueso church will bodedicated at 2:30 p. m. on Sunday. !

    interested iu tho work arecordially invited to attend. j

    Extonsivo improvements aro bome mado at tno worKs oi tnoPuciQo Fertilizer Company and a '

    now set or. suipuur ovens is minorconstruction.

    "Whilo tho arrangements aroponding for having tho Peacockresidence at Waikiki convertedinto a hotel, Minister Willis istemporarily occupying tho pre-mises.

    City Carriage Co,. J. S. And.rado, malinger. ll you want nbnck with good horse and care-ful driver riug up Telephone 113,corner of lWt and Mcrchontitreet? Hack nt all houra.

    Singer's Bakery will he reopen-ed Monday, Nov. 2, under tho solomanagement of H. F. Singer.First cla'-- s bread and pies arognarautoed to tho public. Deliv-ered daily and on time to suit cus-tomers.

    Ano Kabalewai was given forty-fiv- odays on tho roof by Judge do

    In Vermin this lnniiiinr? for fiiiliiirrto legistor as females of classare required to uo. au jjeongwas also fined S50 for opium iupossession. j

    Iu tho match shoot between thepolice and Company F at themilitary range this morning thepolice were the victors by four 'points, tho score being 388 to 381.Tins is the second time tno policohave vanquished Compauy F.

    Tomorrow, All Saints Day, willbo obseived at St. Andrew's Ca-thedral ns follows: Celobiation c.fholy communion at 0:30 a. m., ma-tins with sormou nt 11 a. in., evou- -arfrr i TTo it)nnnn n f Q 'MH t mOU1IU If XJ.UMIIIIUU lib UlUU f 1U)evensong with sermon at 7:30 p.m. Sunday-schoo- l at 10:15 a. in.

    At the special meeting of thoUueon s Hospital trustees this.;.. !, ;;r,i ,. a:.racussed was tne reception ot goveminent patients and tho Act toMitigate. No definite conclusionwas reached. Other matters ofinterest to the hospital but not totho public wero also brought up.

    A. W. Ho wo says tho worldhaRti't Boured on him yet. Hewill open his now billiard pallors,to bo known an tho "Empire," thisafternoon. Tho looms occupy thopremisos at No. 5 Hotel street, aro ,tastefully arranged with carpetediloors, neat paintings ou tho wallsand three now nnd lato stylotable".

    Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollenc ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great speed, ad-justability, durability, ease oflearning and convomonco ot

    B. Bergorsen, ageut,lGi Bethel streets.

    Tho defendant in tho robborycase, Ah Ngoon, which has beoijunder advisement in Judge do laVorgno's couit for tlnoo dayp, whsdischarged this morning. Thodefendant was accused of knock-ing some money out of anotherChinamau's hand and runningaway with a $10 bill. The de-fendant was aftor wards anestedon a ohargo of larceny in tho sec-ond degreo in connection with thosame offense.

    SHUJST ILOY,023 Fort Streot, Yeo Biug Tai Building,

    Ladies Dress MakBr,tSf Tine woik a specialty. Also, very

    fine Undorwoar nmilu to order. All workguaranteed. 447-0- m



    All poisons who lme bought Kewnlo Lotson thu Instalment jdan aro hereby notllledUnit th Ir agittments ate rtady, and that thesecond puynunt fulls duo on the first day ofNnvunbtr. For the convenience, of thoseilcelilii); to puj, our olllce will be opened un-til 5 p. in on ttatuuta).

    llKlXT. WA1UNO it CO..443."it per Nultir O. VYoodon.

    .EVENING BULLETIN, OCTOBER 31, 1896.nwuorir




    Highest of nil in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Boport.

    " -

    . , .A populaf whed

    In iv voting contest in thoStates for tho most popularbicycle, tho Wnvcrloy was foundto have won tho hunrts of thoAmerican people.

    Waver ley, 38,296Union, 30,88!)Lovell, - -Stearns, 10,701Remington, - fi,701Sterling 3.G71Humbler, - 2,401Barnes, 1,270l'iorco, - 701Tho "Wnveiley is n high grndo

    wheel, fully covered by guuiun-tee- .No risk in buying them,

    riiov uro easy to buy, only SSGfor 181)6 Wheels. A full' stockconstantly on hand. Call andsee them.

    rf vv . HobrOn Agent.King St , over John Nott's .ton.

    SSeeoInduced by the use of coca, oplaluur nar-cotic compounds Is bid, decidedly bad.It undcrmtncJ thy health and shutters thoconstitution and the patient is steadilygronlnj; into a woru condition oftenresulting in tho terrlhlo slavery nmlmisery of tho cocaino and opium habit.Bleep Induced by tho uso of Hood's Knrsa-saparll- la

    may not come as quickly, but Itcotnes inoro surely, permanently and is

    And refreshing becauso It is realizedthrough nature's great restoring and re-juvenating channel purified, vitalizedand enriched blood. This feeds tho nerveswith Ufo-glvi- energy and builds up thosystem and constitution from tho veryfoundation of all health and llfo thoblood pure, rich, red blood.

    Refresh ine"I was generally run down last spring,

    appetlto w as poor and I could not sleep.Hood's Sarsaparllla built mo right up,gave good appetlto and I was soon iiblo toget a good night' rest." G. F. Whitney,Merchant, Y tomans St., Ionia, Michigan.

    HH J9

    Sarsaparii.aIs the One TnioniootM'urMer. All druggists. 91.

    cure liver Ills, easy to Uiki,rlOOQ S FlllS tiisy to operate, ascents.

    Hobron Drug Co.. Agents.MSBIMiMi i WM1

    Election of Officers.At tho nununl meeting of tho

    Stockholders of tho Pnoifir SugarMill hold October 29, 1800, thofollowing Officers woro duly olect-od- ,

    viz.:F. A. Sohactek, ProsidontE.Mott Saiith,. . .Vice-Preside-H. Renjks SocrotaryJ. Hotino, TroasurorJ. II. Paty, Auditor

    J. HOTING,415 lit Secretary pro torn.

    SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEstablished 1874.

    King St. noar Thomas Squnro

    Home-Mad- e BREAD!88orved Frosh every Dny

    Cakes : and : Pies : to : Order

    II. F. SINGER,To'ophouo 872. Solo Prop'r.

    m 4tfftlfftWft(tTHfttfmVTTIT

    .lis? WVi. 2 18.1 vli; oil! s--2ilag. fnOn55 --- BT 31 " r--5 ic f S. S. 2. BRV

    I: ? Sill- - o q

    I B"ffs s S srt H$ " ots AAAA4A a

    L Jrawns & y.

    Some people do not caro for

    bieakfast mush but thoso whosofaces benr tho blush of health aretho ones who eat it. AVo havejust added to' our stock a largo as-- s

    )rtment from theDol Monto mills.It includes "Morning Meal"(wheat), Cream Flako (oats), nndbroakfast oats. Wo havo nlBOwhole wheat Hour in 10 lb. bags.G iod breakfast dishes these nndso is n bit of Btnoked Halibut orSdiuon of tho soit wo soil.

    Fresh Crnn berries go well as aBimee for turkoy. We sell thorn.

    For Juncli dainties wo bavo athousand and ono articles butthere is nothing hotter thanRoyans a la Bordelaiso, a littlob irdino packed with tomato saucoa id chopped mushrooms. Forluncheon these nro excellent.

    gonuiuo SardinoB nrotho best obtainable in Frnnco, wohavo less oxponsivo ones that arocaught anywhoro.

    Brilliautshino is tho bost metalpolisher known. "Wo havo thopaste in small tins and tho liquidin half pints and largor. Youcmnot mako a mistake in buyingtiiis.

    In ordor to got rid of tho stock,ns wo do not intend carrying itlongor, wo offer our large stock ofKnk s toilet soaps accost prico. Agroat opportunity.

    Lewis & Co.,GEOCERS.,

    Kort Stroot, Honolulu,

    Building and Loan Association

    The Regular Monthly Meetingwill bo hold nt tho Chnmbor ofComraorco on MONDAY EVEN-1N- G,

    Novembor 2, 1S9K, at 7:0o'clock.

    KcCPaymonts aio required inGold.

    A. V. GEAR,41G-- 2t Suorotarv.




    N. S. SACHS'520 Fort





    Fino Whito MuhIIii Iu op m work,A greut Htock of

    Valenciennes Laces .. . EDGING AND INSERTION TO MATCH . .

    BSaT" Wo expect within ton dayB

    D &

    Ordered Specialy Us !

    This is known to bo thofinest Corsot mado. . .


    TO-NIGH- T, OCT. 31.

    Complimentary Benoflt tendered to tieGonzilen Biutera prior to their depurtuvofor Australia.

    NINA, tho Little Wondor.STKL.LA, Contortionist Kxlraordlnary.NOltA MAltTIN, Doscriptlvo Vocalist.MASTER KAMj, DeclaimorUILUE KINQoLEY, tho Spanish Dan-cc- r.

    LIZZIE BRANDON, tho Skip-rop- o Dan-ce- r.

    SIG. LEONARDO, Traptzlau and Gym-nas- i.

    JIMES KULOLIA, tho Hawaiian Ulondon.

    WILFRED BURNS (retired circunniun)has kindly volunteered for this occusiononly, performing his foats of strongth andhrrak nway ladder act.

    PROF. BE11GER lua Ketiorously offuredhis valuable sorvices nud will discoun.0all tho popular nirs of tho day.

    CHILE GOXZVLE' wi 1 illustrate Japa-nes.-Chiuuso aud Arntilau 'rumhliuK.

    A host of other Volunteers.

    Carriages may bo ordered at 10:15.CSP Tho bisters will usit jou ull nnd

    oflur thtlr tickets for sale. 1 12-t- d

    THE LOUVRECOS Nuuanu Street.

    Harry Klemme, - - Prop.

    Seattle BeerTlio BeL inthe "World - - -

    Best of Liquors Wines.

    rtfo. Our S doon Is thoroughly rouovatednndrefurniahed and wo trust that onrstock will please ovory taste.


    For Sale or To Let.

    Three IIousos near I'unahou Coll'go,containing from poven to nino rooms, bathroom, halls, closots, etc. Now, modernnnd coiwwient. Good view, healthy loca-lity. Apply to

    J. A. BDTTERFIELD,Anapuna etreot,


    Conlractov cfe 33uilclorEstimatos cixen. Repairs and altera-tion- s

    mado. Work ghm prompt attention,tfT Telephonu 851. 43l-3-






    EASHMlioiutilnl Pittorim,

    n groat nnd now stock of



    To-niff- ht. Oct. 31st,AT 7jao I. III.


    iCamoiliili -:- - ehupchTho Y. U. I. Gleo Club, Knm,Alumni, Enwaihnu Club, lniiolnClub and others will take part.

    Prof. Borgor, Conductor.

    Admission, 50 couts. Reservedseats, SI.

    Box plan at LTollister Drug Co.U 1 It

    Marshal's Sale.By virtno of a Writ of Execution issued

    out of iho District Court, on thn 121tt dayof Outolxir, A. D. 1890. nguiimt Bmwn AKuboy, dtfoudaut, iu for of ri. UoflnuiiK& Company, p aintift', for tho sura of$101.0') I linvu loviod uion nnd shall ex

    for sulo nt the Police htutiou, iu thowtr'ct of lloiiolulu, I land ot Uulni, at 12

    o'clock of Baturday, tho 21st day of Novem-bor, A I). 1800, to the highest biddor, alltho right, title uud int-re- st uf tho saidBrown & Kubey, deleudaut, in aud to thefollowing properly unlets Biild judgment,interost, costs and my expenses bo previous-ly paid.

    List of properly for sulo:2.1 Clucks (Mantel, Office, Alarm &

    Lever ( IocIih), 0 pieces Cluck Ornaments;Sliver Wares; Ctookunes; CutloriedSUtlon-or- y;

    Eyo QlnsHes; Rubber Btamps, StoreFixtures, eta., etc., eto.

    For further particulars apply at the Officeof tho Deputy Marshal.

    II. R. HITCHCOCK,Deputy Marshal Rcpublio of Uuwuii.

    Honolulu, Onhu, Ootobtr 23, A. D. 1890.4 10 fit

    In the Circuit Court of the First Circuit,Hawaiian Islands. In Bankruptcy. Iu themnttor of thn Bankruptcy of Henry F. Poorof Honolulu, Creditors of tie said Bank-ru- nt

    uro hereby notified to oomo in andproo their debts before tho Clerk of theCircuit Court ot tho First Circuit, at Hono- -'lulu, on Wednesday, the 4thr day ofNovember, 1800. between the hob's of 10o'clock in tho forenoon and uoo. of thewill day, nnd elect uu Assignee, or Assignees,of tho Huiii Bankrupt's Estate

    By the Court:443- - 5t J . A . THOMPSON, Clerk .

    Notice.On and after Thursday, October 29,

    Dr JaiiieH T, Wuyson will resume practiceat hi otlli'o, ennar of Kmg aud Kiuunrdsstreeth. Hours t) to 11 it. m ;2 to t,and7 to 8 p.m. TelephonoSlO. 44t lvr

    i" "4ot. !.MIL f.')jtm . . , u -Jwb. I Jk-- 1 Mr --1- "1










    ' jj

    ms f

  • s


    fir ''!'Iv



    ffiE aRSrW.'.U;H



    ;iii;iim m:iivicis.

    Where Honolulu lcolo Iff . Wor-ulil- pTomorrow.

    Oentual Union Oiiuuoh. Cor-ner Bcrotnuia and lliclimda at root,Douglas P. Birnie, minister Sorvi-oc- s

    Suuday, Nov. lat: At 9:55, u.m. Sunday school and Biblooluss;11 it. tn , pnblio wonliip nndfiormoii, rtcoptiou of nieinborsMid tlio Lord's suppor; 3:30 p. in.,.Tuninr Endonvorj G:30 p. ni.,Y. T S. C. K. conseorutiou nioot-mg;7:- 30

    p. in., public woinliip andBQi-mon-

    , followod by slioit ufturmooting. PhIhiuu CIinpol Uov.J. M Lewis, piistnr. 9:45 it. in.,Bnndny foIiooI; 7:15 p. in . GosijoljB9r.yico,Sunduy6oheols Jiipuuosoill Lyceum lit 10 a. in., 1'oitu-fuca- o

    on Miller etioet andUotcl street mission at '2:30 p. m.Prayer at ttiu cum ohAVoduusduy, 7.30 p. in , iiuuuulroll cull of tho ahuroh; at I'ultiiunOlinpol Frid.iy, 7:15 p. in. A cor-dial welcome for all ut evoiyBorv'cc.

    Fikbt Methodist Ei'iscopalCiiuitOH. Ccixor of Boictuiiiu midMi'lur fctiuotn. Rov. II. W Ptok,pnstor. Suudiiy, Nov. 1st. 10 a.tn., Suudiiy school and nstoi'sBiblo cluss; 11 n. in, Hitnon (ocliildr n; 11.15 a. in., "II lm tint Ioomoth unto mo I will in no wisooust out." 3 p. m. Sundtiy schoolat Pearl City; 3:30 p. m.,sermon at Ponrl City; G:3Up. in Sonior Epworth Launo;7:30 p m., "What slinU it pn.fit atnnn if ho g.iin tho whl worldnnd lose hm own soul." 7:30 p. m.,soivico ut Kwu iiliintatiot). Wed-nesday, 7:30 p. m.. prnyci sorvice;Fridny, 2:80 p. m., Junior Ep-uor- th

    League. A coidiul wolcomoto all services. Sots fuo.

    CuiasTiA.v Ciiuitcii Alikoasheet near King J M Monroe,ininisler Preaching ut 11 a. m.and f30 ) m. hy the pastor.Morning theme: "Tim Tomplo ofGi'd." Eoning subject: "Jac b's3)rein: The Ladder R.nelniig toMen von." Tljeuotin-ii- i Hill bo illut-trote- d

    by a cii. i't. Smid.y bohoulat 9:15 a in.; mith ?iec t M "faioiischool m 3 p in ; Y ung J'enpiu'sjnecti' g t p. m ; piujornioetiug WedueEuay evening;Ladies' piayer irjortiug on Fridayat 3 ) in. All are or.iiully in-vited to ntti.-ii- theso services.

    St. Anuukw's Cathediiai- .- Sor- -!

    vices Suud.iy, Xnv 1st; li:30 ntn. Holy OommiiDion; ll a. in.Matins with sermon,:: 0 p. m,Hawaiian evensong; 7:30 p. in .

    'evensong with sermon.The su vie s of tho Seeo'id

    ot St. Audiew'rt (J itno-dr.- iltomiirow Sunday will bo

    as follow: At Di'lf? a m., mor-ning pi-iy- with sernn'u.

    Romas Cathoeio CathediiaEServices will bo s follows: G and7 n in, Low Muss with II- - ly Com-munion; 9a tn, M.tss with Eng'ishinstruction; 10:30 n in, lligh Mussw'lth native fcOrmoti; 2 p in, IWaryand nntive uistruetion; 1.00 m,nativo instruction and Benedic-tion: Wuokdiiys, L iw Mi bs at Gand 7 a m.

    Laiteu- - DaY Saints It-or- ganized Church f JeHiiH Christ ofLatter-Da- y Saints; Mililani Hall,ieur of Opera House. Servicoswill be held on Stinduy us f illows;10 a. m., Uiblo diss; 11:15 a. in.and G:30 p. m., proachiug.

    Y. M. O. A. Sunday, 11 n. m ,Berviceat Oahn jail;3 p. in., boys'meeting in Association Hull;pr.iiso soi vice in Y. M. C. A.Hall at p. m.

    Kawaiaiiao. The topic of dic- -'coui.se bund" v morning will bo"Tho Spiii.g Time of Life." Sun-day suhoo' at 10 a. in. In theovening Rov. O. P. Emeiaou will


    Tho Plntinotypo Pictures byMr- - ITouhIiuw at tho Pacific Hard- -

    ''VaVo Co. are tho finest examplesof pliotographin art over seen in

    n Honolulu. Just the thing to seud' away to your frionds.

    Chailcs Mollono tho harbor isUow with Mr. Poisoto at tho Cen-tral baiber shop. Mr. Moltono isan excellent wieldor of the razorand shears and carries his tradowith him. Peixoto has lofurnish-e- d

    his shop in handsomo stylo sothat it is now one of the most at-tractive in town.

    Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-ea- t

    awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence oftonstruction, regularity of motion,nnso of motion, groat speed, ad-justability, durability, easo oflearning nnd couvomouco of

    B. Bergersen, agont,1GJ Botliol Btreots.

    d-- . vyaBiiMitft -


    No. 10 Store


    Hugs! Iugs I Hugs!

    Velvet ViU,Moquotto,



    Sofa Rugs I Floor Rugs I

    Mats! MatslTapestry and Cnrpots,

    Stair Carpets,Hall Carpots,

    Crumb Cloths and Druggets.

    BSJ" All JuBt Received at


    CIT 3Iy Hack does not tip In Ibis man-ner, no matter how weighty tho loud.


    Hack No. 14EST TELEPHONE 17Ga

    Stand: Botbel nnd K.dr Rtroota.

    J. J Sullivan, J. 11UOKLXY,Preslduut. Sco'v.

    FasMon Staples Co.,L'fl.Honolulu, H. I.

    Sullivan & Buckley, Mnn'K'n..


    in tho City, with Competent nnd Care-ful Driven1.

    Stand at the Pantheon Stable3,Corner ot Fort nnd Hotel Streets.

    ToLErnoNE:Ildw'u Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Stables, 84,Fushion Stables, 148.


    Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and Richards Sts.


    RT Carriages, Surreys nnd Hacks at allhours. TELEPHONE 400.


    PLUMBER,Hntol St.. near Fort. Tol. 302


    No. 45 Queen Street.

    Expert Apprnisemont of RealEsliile and Furuiturc.

    CLUB odIF'onrt Street, -

    BOARDING, -:- - SALE

    IBZSlwIITCa- -TO

    S-- .AJSTD

    A specialty.

    w . , JtaiiLjWl.

    'prwwjTP'' TTTT- - r- - - " "Tr&rmmws? rrwiF'mw'-j-: wari


    Just ReceivedA new Importation ot . , . .

    Fine Woolens


    p. $ tr;e(5loan fxsj



    J. P. BODBIGUES,Forf Street, opposite HacUeld's.

    I WILLwrit ftuSUla

    Make YouKn f f A""Tl llA SUIT



    A Now Lot of Nice Goods JnstReceived. Cleaning nnd Re-pairing. 215-t- f

    AppearancesMore often than not deter-mine a man's standing. Ifyou will come to us for yourclothes wo will see to it thatyou leavo with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

    Medeiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

    Wnven'oy Block, Honolulu.

    CENTKALKona Sanatorium.Sitnntcd on a Beautiful IM'hMo Overlook-

    ing tlio Ocean, nnd 1300 feetubevo Sen Level.

    Only 24 Lonm' hail from Ilonolulu.Climnto mild, o'oir drj ntmosnhoro, fiuofrom fogs nnd mnlnrin, esiiecinl provisionfor quiet nnd twit as 'well 88 for amuse-ment and outdoor lifo. Bates $2 per dnyor $10 per week. Medical attend nco extra,

    CJT AddrepsDlt. U. A. LINDLEV, Prop.,

    325 tf Konn, Hawaii.


    Photograph : Gallery,Opposite Lovo'ii Bnkeiy on

    Nuuanu -:- - Street,WIipio 1.0 will onloi int.) tliowork of Taking 1'ictmen. Mr. rioerin lnwhad years of cx oriomv at tbis branch andhas alwajs mot with Riiccess in it.

    lO'i-li- n

    TABLES,Tel.- -



    -:- -- SA.3DDLE

    -- i. jtefrt&k...Hyt'.

    -- WE HAVE THE--


    Tho bcHt o( attoutiou Riven to nnlmnlH left with s. Careful drivers, nspestfu,attendants, promptues. Hacks, Sunien, Brakes, BuKeies.PhaotonH, Wugouettort,



    Cl.Al'S Sl'lllCRLIS. Wm. O. lunix.



    8cm Franctico Agent The Nevada Bank ofSan Fkancisco.


    San Fhancisco Thu Nevada Maul, ot SauFrancisco.

    London The Union Hank ot London, Ltd.New Yoiik American Exchange National

    Bank.CmcAao Merchant' National Hank.Paiiis Coinntolr National d'Escornjit de

    Paris.Beiilin Drcsdncr Bank.HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

    Shanghai Hanklnir Corporation.Nkw Zcai.and and Austhalta Bank ot New

    Zealand.Victoiua and Vancouvek Bank ot Mont-


    Transact a General Banking and Eicnange Business

    Term and Ordinary Depolsts Itccelvcil.Loans made on Apirncd Security. Com-mercial and Travelers Credits Issued. Ulllcof Exchaiifio bought and Bold.COM.nCTlONS I'llOMITLT ACCOUNTED Fon.

    P. O. JOKES. E. A. JONES

    The Hawaiian


    Investment Co.HAVE FOR SALE

    A Few Shares of

    Paia Sugnr Stuck,Ilawuilmi Sugar Co. Stock.


    flawniinn Government nnd 1stMorttrniro Siirnr l'limtn- -

    tion UoikIh.tgy For pnrtlculnra npply to

    The Hawaiian Snfe Deposit &Investment Company,

    408 Fort Htroet ... lluuulnlnEstiiblishcd 185S


    Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

    Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

    i&asp "ri"di,al

    REV. W.


    WHATIt is.

    (OiRqilpIN- -



    4rDoubtless yon know llnit RED WAR is in progress in (with Cuba

    and tho Philippines. wo puiehnmd it LARGE STOUKjust boforo tho lighting bi-gu- Thotefore we Imvo not, as

    vt, bocn to raiso prices. WE HOPE WE WONT HAVETO. Mcnnwhile, in oidw to uvoid such stuto of ufhiira, coine inand purcbuso now.

    HOLLISTERCorner Fort niid Merclmnt Sis.

    .. I




    .dfel-uw- .



    C a VAr ( 'irnsi 1 li vvuj

    THIS ?




    Tbjeo. l, Dies QZL.I3ivd:i1,ElID


    Commission AgentsDry Goods,


    iBulletin, 75c. Per Month




    Hi')M ?

    & CO.,Wholesale nnd Retail.

    i Pastor's Story.

    Rct. IIr. Williams

    Could Keep

    House Without

    Paixie's Celery


    His Wife

    ommends to Cure

    Sick Headache.

    Jan. 13, 1891.


    for the Islands

    100 IIason Avknuk,

    "Weli.s, RiniAitDSON & Co.,

    Di:au Sih.s: We Painc's Celery Compound in family and could

    not keep house without it. Mrs. Williams thinks there is nothing' equalsPalne's Celery Compound to cure nervous headachesand the like. Success to you in every way.


    Paitor of Presbyterian Church.

    Wholesale Agents

    iui. .;'-:- , ,.jj x "!,


    (.txJ1-1- Jj


    on- -


    Strongly Rec- -'



    use our

    -iji iJL kwfc

    s- -


    Ar- -i

  • r




    ' mw "p ,PW'gwwvmk 'ifiiPiywipy mm1 fHW


    Orrnt Yarlctj of Itlli'-rni- i Collrco ColorPredominate, Hut There. Are Others.

    Hatters this season, for no apparentreason, hnvo cut down brhus, whentliey wcro most useful in keeping thonun out of one's eyes, and raised crownsto a height which is not pretty and isvery unbecoming. All tho same, youhavo got to buy theso hats becauso theyaro tho now shape. Thcro aro abont flvodifferent styles of straw hats put on thomarket this summer, and they aro beingfoisted on every dudo that comes alongto buy, according to tho Now York Her-ald, which says:

    Tho smooth straw of last summer,with tho exception of a narrower brimand higher crown, is tho fashion thisleason. Thero is also tho rougher straw,called pineapple, in two patterns bothwith straight brims, and still anotherstylo shown is tho nlpino, fashionedafter tho hamburg hat, a pretty conceitbrought out in London last season and


    worn by men with beards who llko tolook picturesque Then thcro is thocurly brim straw hat, which suggests arather elderly stylo of man mid face,though tho fellows who wear it do notwish to bo called uldcrly at all.

    With theso shapes an infinity of idensaro displayed in tho ribbons which or-nament tho straw hat. You will find inall tho Broadway shops Harvard's crim-son, Yale's blue, Princeton's black andyellow, Columbia's bluo uutl whiteCornell's red and wliito and Pennsyl-vania's red and blue. All hatters nowkeep theso colors in stock, and a bucklofastens tho ribbon to tho hat in a verysatisfactory maimer. Not long ago thoclastic liul ribbon baud was all tho rage,but it wrinkled and creased and lias nowgivcu way to tho bucklu. Apart fromtho popular collcgo colors thcro is anendless variety of ribbons for hats, sothat a man of any tasto or of r.uy pccul-iarit- y

    of tasto can buy his colors tosuit his complexion. As a matter offact, men very oft"ii go wrong in thisdepartment of dress and wear ribbouawhich dou't suit nt all.

    Influence oT tho Wli'-el- . ,

    An iuiliicuco of tin wheel noted andcommented upon in tho New YorkTimes is its bearing upon domestic