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First Edition,April 2012 This magazine is exclusively for Mechanical Students.First Magazine from Mechanical Engineers Club.

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25 SMARTEST CARS OF ALL TIMEIt gives us a great pleasure to release the first edition of VELOCITY.The aim of the magazine is to provide information about techno-logical developments in various fields of engineering. The maga-zine’s members have shown considerable cooperation as well as devotion.

This magazine covers various topics in the fields of Aerospace,Aeronautics,Automobile,Marine technology,Robotics,Machine design,Gadget reviews and Information about national and state level technical fests.

On behalf of the magazine’s members, we would like to express our thanks to the teachers and students who have contributed their valuble work to the magazine. We would also be pleased to receive any suggestion that could assist us with the second edition.


K.Sri Harsha,S.Jagan



Dear readers,

We the members of MEC, are glad to bring out our first magazine.We sincerely hope that this unique blend of creative skills,science and technology,humour,entertainment etc... will offer a pleasurable and satisfying reading experience.As our cover page clearly tells that “VELOCITY” which depicts that ”change is inevitable”,but ”change for the better” and that is what we strive for.As you shift through the pages you will find an honest attempt made by us to give you an insight of what is yet to come.And this couldn’t have been possible without the immense support given by our HOD and our lecturers.

The language used is very simple and understandable.It is our honest effort to ignite the spark of creativity and make readers understand that everyone is unique and is talented in one or the other aspect.We tried to break the bounds of the knowledge that is confined to books these days and tried to make the students taste the real spice of it. We strongly believe in advocating teamwork and participation and involvement of every member. As you plunge into you will really feel connected to this practical world .

As a group we stand tall for what we have done and always try to be ideal. We continue to cherish the memories of our sweet achievements and also we look forward to carve a new set of impres-sions with renewed hope, higher aspirations and bigger goals and it is our quest to be the best and finally we hope that this magazine would be the stepping stone for us hope that it would be a good tribute to many.


















CONCEPT “BWB” BY akshitha



witricity BY VARUN KUMAR.P







Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Ger-many, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree.

After World War II, Einstein was a leading figure in the World Government Movement, he was offered the Presidency of the State of Israel, which he declined, and he collaborated with Dr. Chaim Weizmann in establish-ing the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. At the start of his scientific work, Einstein realized the in-adequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special the-ory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of the electromag-netic field. He dealt with classical problems of statisti-cal mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory.He investigated the thermal prop-erties of light with a low radiation density and his obser-vations laid the foundation of the photon theory of light.

In the 1920’s, Einstein embarked on the construction of unified field theories, although he continued to work on the probabilistic interpretation of quantum theory, and he persevered with this work in America. He contributed to statistical mechanics by his development of the quan-tum theory of a monatomic gas and he has also accom-plished valuable work in connection with atomic transi-tion probabilities and relativistic cosmology.

Einstein’s researches are Theory of Relativity (1905), Relativity (English translations, 1920 and 1950), General Theory of Relativity (1916), Investi-gations on Theory of Brownian Movement (1926), and The Evolution of Physics (1938). Among his non-scien-tific works, About Zionism (1930), Why War?(1933), My Philosophy (1934), and Out of My Later Years (1950) are perhaps the most important.He gained Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Einstein’s gifts inevitably resulted in his dwelling much in intellectual solitude and, for relaxation, music played an important part in his life. He married Mileva Maric in 1903 and they had a daughter and two sons; their marriage was dissolved in 1919 and in the same year he married his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal, who died in 1936. He died on April 18, 1955 at Princeton, New Jersey.




A typical space shuttle mission flies 200 miles above the earth’s surface and returns beautiful pictures on the way, but it involves 1,500 people, puts six or seven astronauts at risk and costs, de-pending on who’s doing the counting, close to half a billion dollars. Robert Harrison got some pretty good pictures too. He did it with a weather bal-loon, a used digital camera he picked up on eBay and some duct tape.

“I thought I was going to get some nice pic-tures,” said Harrison, a computer engineer from the British town of Highburton, West Yorkshire, “but I didn’t realize I’d see the curvature of the earth, the blue band of the atmosphere and the blackness of space.” His camera rises to altitudes of about 20 miles over the English countryside. The price per flight: about $750. Harrison began his hobby two years ago, figuring it might be fun to get pictures of his house from above. The project has, er, ballooned since then. He has tried it 20 times since 2008. He named his project “LCARUS”, after the young man in Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun

Harrison is quick to say that what he’s doing is not nearly as complex as what NASA does (“NASA’s done a phenomenal amount of work.”), and he is, to borrow Isaac Newton’s phrase, standing on the shoulders of giants. He buys weather balloons from a supplier in the United States; pictures from balloon-borne cameras long pre-date the space program.

He uses an off-the-shelf GPS locator, which gets signals from U.S. satellites, so he can track the balloon on Google maps. He bought a Canon pocket digital camera (a model discontinued in 2008) and attached a circuit board so that it would take pictures every five minutes.

The results you see. The camera shoots randomly, turning in the wind. Some of the images are ru-ined by sunlight; others are quite striking. The balloon rises, carried randomly by the wind, until it bursts. The camera then parachutes to the ground in its housing. Harrison put his phone number and a printed label on the outside: “Harmless Scientific Experiment.”




He worries that one day the camera will plop down in the North Sea or the English Channel, but so far it has tended to land in farmers’ fields. “The one thing that’s quite scary is how thin that blue line of the atmosphere is,” he said in a telephone interview.

“This is almost a religious thing to say, but this is the only place we know of with air and life. There’s not that much air up there. And we all share it.” Of course, every flight ends with an ignominious search for the camera but, Harrison said, he was “gob smacked” by the pictures it has brought back. “I know now for a fact,” he joked, “that the earth is round.”

Twenty miles high, the air is far too thin to breathe, and the helium balloon expands from a diameter of about three feet to more than 50. Harrison said he built a small housing for the camera with attic insula-tion to protect it from the high-altitude temperatures of 75 degrees below zero.How far does the wind carry it? “That depends on the jet stream,” he said. “On a good day, 10 to 12 miles. On a bad day, 50 miles.” He chases it by car with a GPS tracker on his dashboard. No, he has not been reported for launching UFOs, al-though he does have to get clearance from British air traffic authorities so his balloons will not interfere with any nearby airplanes.

Every fact has a proof. Some are such that it is not possible to prove them, considering the limitations; but in this case it is not that difficult now. We have come to know about this balloon camera.., which makes our dream come true..; seeing the black space. Why don’t we prove the fact that earth is round with our observations.

West Yorkshire, from about 20 miles up. Courtesy Robert Harrison.

With the same spirit this is taken as a project by our club. We are presently working on this. Very soon we will release it into space.



A Hubble Space Telescope photo of the planetary nebula NGC 2818, one of few planetary nebulae in the Milky Way residing inside a star cluster.




PROJECT DETAILSTeam: Murthy, Nagu, Gouse Basha

College: DVRCET (2nd yr Mech.) Material: Wood, got it from P.T lab.

Design Software: Autocad 2010

Model Spec's: Cylinder Piston Connecting rod Fly wheel

Other parts: Cranks(2), few wooden blocks for mounting the model, nuts and bolts, ply wood plank to fix the model.

Machining process: Turning, Boring, Facing, Parting.

Adhesive: Fevicol SH

Time taken: 2 weeks



1. Collect all the materials requried for the project.Have a rough plan

of the project in mind, so that you can collect

the materials required one by one.Obviously this would be the first step of any project because

without proper resources one can not go for the


2.Next step is to proceed for the design-

ing of the parts.When you make a model of any

existing machine you need to consider the design

parameters.For this project you need to know the basic design param-eters of a engine cylinder,flywheel,piston,crank,

connecting rod.

4. Identify the tools and maching process that are required to make your model ready.To make the cylinder and piston make two cylindrical blocks of required dimensions on Lathe Machine.Bore the cylinder clock with boring tool.Make sure the block should be hold tightly in the chuck or else it can

jump away from the chuck.Make the piston from

another cylindrical block.Here you will need to perform the basic op-

erations like turning and facing.Make sure about

the allowances of cylinder and piston.


3.Draw the design pa-rameters in a paper.Now a days with the developed technology we have got

plenty of designing soft-wares like Autocad,Pro-E,Solidworks etc.De-

sign your model individual components according

to your dimensions.Here one of the best thing

about softwares is you can assemble the model in the software where you can check for the errors in your model.Even you

can use motion simulation tools in some softwares like CATIA,Pro-E. Once

you are done with the modelling part you can go for fabricating the parts.




6.Finally mount the engine model on a ply-wood plank.Hold the

model by drilling holes in the bottom part and

fixing it with the help of nuts and bolts.Add some fevicol to the bottom part

to make the assembled model tightly fixed.Fix

the fly wheel and spin the model.The model should

spin smoothly,if not loose the bolts slightly or use sand paper to

remove any extra surfaces which obstruct the move-

ment.Finally add some varnish to your model to make its simply superb!!!

5. The critical part of designing of engine is the connecting rod.The design of the connect-ing rod should be done precisely.1mm of extra lengthof connecting rod can also obstruct the motion of the piston in the cylinder.Design the cranks and flywheel such that they should balace the movement of the piston.Now the assebly of each and every compo-nent should be done care-fully.Join the components carefully one by one.Use nuts and bolts to hold the parts tightly.

This model is completed by Muthy,Nagu and Gouse Basha.

It took 2 weeks for them to do the entire work.They are presently studying their second year Mechanical

engineering DVRCET.

"VELOCITY" wishes them Good luck to bring up many more projects in the future.




A recent graduate of Cracow University of Tech-nology in Poland has developed a functional pro-totype of a vessel that uses a propulsion device inspired by cephalopod swimming techniques. De-veloper Michal Latacz says his “Kalmar” prototype imitates live organism tissue in moving via a pro-peller that has undulating “fins” connected by an elastic membrane.

The fins have specially designed surfaces (hydrofoils), which are forced to create an oscillat-ing movement along the ship’s longest symmetry axis and, therefore, generate a forced fluid flow along the ship’s hull. The hydrofoils contain beam stiffeners that deliver the energy from the engine to the membrane and shape the required wave characteristics. Kalmar uses ”conventional” mechanics to synchronize the hydrofoil geometry.The initial de-sign had a displacement platform in the form of a catamaran, and a propeller totally submerged in water. The structure was used to study machine performance, including hydrodynamic efficiency, acceleration, and maximum speed. As a research unit, the vessel’s hydrofoils connected with a latex membrane with beam stiffeners vulcanized in it. Commercial solutions currently being developed have propellers,but all the propellers use the same innovative strategy of generating thrust.

The undulating fins provide low resistance and much less turbulence. Water “slides” off the pro-peller much more easily (which also makes the drive quiet). Better yet, the device is harmless to water fauna and flora. The initial design targeted low and medium-speed vessels, 12 to 15 km/hr, says Latacz. He is currently developing different versions of manned underwater craft equipped with the bionic propulsion, including engine-con-trol-module (ECU) equipped hydrofoils for bigger underwater craft.




Can you provide us with a brief description of your project?

I’m fascinated how nature creates it’s brilliant designs. Animal swimming techniques have drawn my attention while I was still a student. Later during my studies I found out that there is a scientific discipline called Bionics which is about examining the pro-cesses that propel live organisms and using them in modern engineering. According to me, I see Nature as a huge bank of ideas and a source of inspiration to innovate. Natural evolution across millions of years has produced things that we should study; to see whether we could use them to improve our own technology. Our own technol-ogy is a few thousand years old, maximum, so we should observe Nature, we should learn from Nature! I observed Nature, in particular fishes such as rays and mollusks such as squids or Calmar. While still a student, I based a new, revolutionary vessel propulsion system on my observations.

What are the different steps of your project?

I started this project while I was still a student. The locomotion of Cephalopods has fascinated me for a long time. I have suspected that “there is something in it”. In the middle of my studies I decided to design a machine that swims like a Sepia. As time passed by, my idea became a subject of my Master’s Thesis while at the Cracow University of Technology. Anyway, the theoretical concept was “not enough”. I decided to build a physical model. I used CATIA software for design purposes because personally I see it as the best CAD system on today’s market. In my opinion, Bionics research can be a milestone in modern engineer-ing. This new approach can uplift our technology to a new era of machines with outstanding performance which, up till now, was beyond our reach.After 2 years of hard work, the Kalmar prototype was successfully assembled and tested. I did no less than eleven virtual mock-ups before I was satisfied and felt that I could build a demonstrator to show my invention live. The Kalmar vessel was born and proved to work right away thanks to the realistic simulation features available in CATIA.Currently I am working on a 3 meter long leisure vessel which will use my propulsion system. One of the main goals is to build a manned immersive vessel equipped with a propulsion system based on my invention. Also, I am going to develop a system capable for use in transport ships.

Hi Michal, could you please introduce yourself within a few words?

I’m Michał Latacz, a young graduate of Cracow University of Technology in the Mechanical Engineering Faculty. Specialized in robotics, currently I am developing a project that can change the future of transportation. I am the builder of Kalmar prototype which uses a very effective propul-sion system. This particular project is to examine some of the swimming techniques of water animals and attempts to build a machine that pro-pels itself like them. The research is focused on Cephalopods and Rays. For today, the result of my research is a vessel which uses a unique “hy-dro wing” propeller. Undulating fins with precisely designed geometry and connected with an elastic membrane imitating live organic tissue. My prototype is named “Kalmar”. First test runs have shown that my drive is far more effective than propeller blades. When compared to ships equipped with a conventional screw, my model uses up to 5 times less energy. Right now I am engaged in developing the Project.My inven-tion is protected by international patent laws.



Where can we find more information about your project?

For more details, I invite you to visit my dedicated web site at www.deltaprototypes.com.pl and my project page on DS Campus. I will be happy to get into contact with people interested in my work.

Do other organizations or companies know about your project? Do you plan to commercialize your invention? Are you seeking for distributors, investors?In November, my project impressed the scientists on the biggest European fair for technological innovation - Brussels Innova 2007. I left Belgium with a gold medal with mention from an international jury of the contest. I also received a purchase order for my next machine: A Cephalopod like pedal boat. Also, building of an underwater vessel is planned. Unmanned as for now but in the future, it will carry tourists in wildlife reserve zones.At the same time, I am entering “Passion for Innovation” to optimize and industrialize my propelling solution using the full range of Dassault Systems solutions, including SIMULIA. We will focus on examining different variants of my propulsion and simulation of a hydro wing suitable for a manned 12 meter marine unit. Thanks to Dassault Systems’ solutions, the cost of prototyping is radically lowered.I always seek new challenges as well as alternative ways of achieving targets which are already marked. I do it also because I know that stable external capital can empower the research program carried out at present or even bring new directions of project de-velopment. I am open to propositions of an interesting cooperation with private institutions, new technologies development funds or research fa-cilities that have potential that may enhance my project development.

What was your motivation? When did you start to believe in your inven-tion?

Long before the ship was built, I have imagined it working. I simply liked what I saw. When I built my first digital mock-up I knew that it had to work. At the beginning everyone notified about my plans treated me like a typi-cal hot head that will cool off after several weeks. When the prototype was presented swimming in the pool during it’s first public demonstration, a few people disbelieved their eyes.It took me two years to build a physical model. I wanted to prove that my idea made sense not only on paper. Of course, during those 2 years of hard work, I had better and worse days, but I believed that my ship would work from the very beginning. I admit that even I was surprised by such high effectiveness of Kalmar’s propulsion system.

How is your invention better than traditional systems?

A conventional propeller blade wastes a lot of its kinetic energy. Simplifying all the process, fast rotating blades of the screw propeller cause local pressure drops. In some areas the pressure becomes so low that locally, water starts to boil and forms air bubbles. Due to that, the propeller blade is working in an air-water mixture of high structural complexity. Blades are working partially in the air. This means that they are not working to their full geometric potential. When leaving the blade influence area these bubbles collapse as the pressure rises quickly. A collapsing bubble generates sound waves that are the main cause of submarine detection. That is why when a submarine wants to travel stealth it has to go slow. If you look on Kalmar from its bow, you will understand why the geometrical resistance of its working propeller is insignificant. Wave propulsion is the future. My propulsion is not fighting the water like a rotating screw. It slightly pushes itself away from the fluid volume



USS Independence (LCS-2)




CONCEPT “BWB” -akshitha

The Blended-Wing-Body (BWB)concept could change the face of transport aircraft and airliners.From the earliest days of aviation, transport aircraft, along with most others, have relied on a single type of design, tube (or fuselage), and wing. It has served well and engineers at Airbus and Boeing are still wringing more efficiency and performance from it. But about 20 years ago, NASA engineers, worried about crowded airports and fuel efficiency, asked airframe companies to redesign the large transport plane (more than 150 passengers), starting with a blank sheet of paper and no bias towards well-established approaches.

One concept that came out of the request was the blend-ed-wing body (BWB) from Robert Liebeck at McDon-nell Douglas Corp. (now part of Boeing Co.). It features a wide curved fuselage and a thick delta wing, both of which generate lift and carry cargo. Putting loads closer to the lift means less structure is needed. There is also less total surface or skin. Therefore, the overall plane is lighter with a higher lift-to-drag ratio (20 compared to the 747’s 17). These factors let it carry more cargo or fuel than conventional aircraft, and be less expensive to build in terms of materials.

About 10 years ago, NASA decided to put the BWB de-sign to the test. It looked good on paper, but its flying characteristics and exactly how to control such an air-craft were purely theoretical. So NASA formed a team, including Boeing and the Air Force, to construct a BWB prototype, the X-48A, for wind-tunnel and feasibility testing. Then about seven years ago, Boeing and NASA decided to build a flying prototype, the X-48B

Within six years, two X-48Bs were designed and put together by Cranfield Aerospace, a U.K. firm with experience building includsmall planes and

drones from scratch. Boeing and NASA gave Cran-field the shape of the fuselage, a center of gravity, and approximate weight and thrust targets. Cran-field then designed and built the shell, airframe, avionics, and controls for the 20 flight surfaces on the trailing edge of the wing (10/side), and a ground control station from which the plane can be flown. “Instead of going to several vendors, then having to coordinate between them, we

picked one subcontractor who could handle the entire job,” says Norm Princen chief engineer for

the X-48B project at Boeing’s Phantom Works




The team made similar compromises on the actuators for those 20 control surfaces. “To save money, we looked at actuators for models, but

they didn’t have the speed or torque we needed. So we went with K-2000s from Kearfott Guidance and Navigation Systems. They are purpose-built aerospace designs and are used in the Army’s

Shadow UAV,” says Princen. “They are almost too large physically, but they have the torque and rate

requirements we need.” The X-48B has a 21-ft wingspan, weighs about 400 lb, and flies at up to

130 kt at 10,000 ft. Three JetCat engines mounted above the wing each burn 24 oz/hr of kerosene, giving the plane 30 to 45 min of flight time on its

13-gallon fuel load. It uses a carbon- fiber airframe and carbon-composite skin. But with weight an

issue, the skin covering the outer wingtips consists of a single ply of carbon fiber, about 0.001-in., and

some epoxy.

Engines sit on pylons above the wing, a change from the original Mc- Donnell Douglas design, which had engine inlets flush with aircraft skin, letting them pull in boundarylayer air. Using air from this layer means airflow sucked into the engines doesn’t add drag. But Boeing wanted to get something flying and didn’t want to add the complexity of burying the engines in the fuselage nor lose cargo space in the fuselage “So the Boeing team decided to go with an ap-proach they know, pylon-mounted engines,” says Vicroy. “And putting them atop rather than slung beneath the wings eliminates problems with land-ing-gear height and cuts back on FOD, or foreign object damage, a major source of engine damage caused by debris, pebbles, and other objects sucked into the intakes. Another benefit is that the body of the aircraft shields engine noise from the ground, making it quieter to operate. And putting the en-gines above the wing takes the engines out of the equation when it comes to exploring BWB control, the goal of the this project.” Because there is no tail on the.



X-48B, the 20 movable surfaces on the trailing edge of the wing are responsible for all aircraft attitude control. Most of those sur-faces are elevons, sort of a cross between elevators and ailerons. The outermost elevons split open like air brakes, so drag can be suddenly increased or decreased. And both wingtips, which are about 2-ft tall, have a rudder on them. For scaled-down wind-tunnel prototypes, shape is the most important factor. Density, overall weight, and inertias are not part of the mix. But dynamic models must mimic actual flight motion of full-sized versions, and that brings into play inertias, weight, and other factors.

“The model has to respond to inputs the same way a larger one would,” says Princen. “But because our plane is smaller and less massive, it actually responds faster, by a factor of about three, than a full-sized plane. But otherwise, respons-es are the same.” Hitting those weight and inertia targets was tough and we went through five design iterations al-ways trying to drive out weight,” says Princen. “That’s be-cause the density of our engines and actuators, for example, don’t scale with size. For example, if you just scaled up the 50-lb thrust engine to the point it delivered 45,000 lb of thrust, it would be much heavier than an advanced turbofan jet with the same power. So on our scaled plane, these parts are effectively too heavy and we have to make the structure lighter to account for that. And it was a challenge making an aircraft that has lower density than a full-sized military transport, which are efficiently designed to begin with.”

“We built a 5% dynamically scaled X-48 to fly in a wind tunnel,” recalls Vicroy. “It was so sensitive in roll (motion around its longitudinal axis), that having to add 1 oz at the wingtip forced us to spread an additional pound around the rest of the aircraft to get all the inertias bal-anced.” Another attribute that doesn’t scale is Mach number, a function of airspeed and altitude, “For example, a fullsized plane might be flying at 400 knots and Mach 0.7,” says Princen. “But scaling that down, our plane would only be going 150 knots or Mach 0.2. So the X-48B cannot be used for testing at tran-

sonic speeds, making this a low-speed test vehicle.

We will use it to explore flight controls and strate-gies for terminal area opera-tions, or takeoffs, climbing to cruise altitude, and landings. And we wanted to tackle those issues first. After all, this is not supposed to be a faster transport, and this way we can do testing with a relatively low-cost vehicle.”

The goals of the proj-ect, one the team is well on its way towards hitting, is writing the software code that translates pilot com-mands into aircraft actions. The code has to do this pre-dictably, reliably, and in ac-cord with what generations

of pilots have learned. So, for example, even though the X-48B lacks a conventional rud-der, the ground station cockpit where a pilot remotely flies the craft has rudder pedals. “And pushing them elicits the same response as if the aircraft had a rudder,” says Princen. Another key area that needs more R&D before BWB airliners grace the skies is in structures and pressurization. A cylinder, like the fuselage on most planes, is relatively easy to turn into a pres-sure vessel. But how about a BWB? “Research-ers have come up with candidate designs for a pressurized BWB,” says Vicroy. “And none of them present any substantial weight penalty. Most are variations of a weblike structure of an interconnected series of tubes, more or-ganic than current designs.”



With the first phase of flight testing complete, the Boeing team is already upgrading the control soft-

ware and planning further testing this year. They want to complete basic flight testing around the middle of next year. If funding is available, they would then like to do some low-noise testing for NASA Flying wings, as the name implies, are lit-tle more than large wings, so almost every sur-

face on the aircraft helps generate lift, making it extremely efficient. The concept has been around almost since the birth of aviation. Around 1911, an English engineer named John Dunne built several swept wing planes with little more than an engine na-

celle as a fuselage. They were definitely not BWB designs because the fuselage contributed no lift, and had little cargo

or passenger room. The Northrup Flying Wing or B-49 is widely remembered as the fu-

turistic long-range bomber the Air Force wanted to field after World War II —

the first bomber built to deliver nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, the craft was un-stable and engineers of the day lacked the computer controls neces-sary to make it flyable. It also had bomb bays too small for the atomic weapons of the day. But it was its instability that led to it being scrapped. A test pilot, Capt. Glen W. Edwards, died when the plane went into uncontrolled flight and broke apart in the sky. Edwards Air Force Base is named in his honor. A di-rect descendant of the B-49 is the B-2 Spirit, better known as the Stealth Bomber, another flying wing, not a BWB. Its fuselage, more like a pod on top of the wing, does not create lift. And its shape, while tak-ing advantage of the flyingwing’s efficiency and long-range attributes, is probably due as much to its engineers striving for stealthiness, the driving design parameter. A BWB has lots of cargo room, and although the center section of the B-2 is big enough to carry some nuclear weapons, those weapons are relatively small and dense.



Everyone knows the Model T story – at least the part about it being available in any color, so long as you wanted black. But the truth is that when Henry Ford invented the modern production line and developed the whole concept of a vertically integrated car company, he laid the blueprint for the modern automobile industry that we have today. He is the first man to introduce assembly line in the automobile industry and this revolution was so-called “FORDISM”.

Take a look at an Airflow compared to any other car being built in the early 1930s, and it should be pretty obvious how ahead of its time it was. The Airflow was the first car developed in a wind tun-nel, and it featured a sleek and low-to-the-ground design, with flush headlights and a rounded grille. Inside the car, passengers sat be-tween the wheels, rather than on top of the rear axle, which resulted in a better-balanced car with improved handling. Today there’s not a car in the world that doesn’t go through wind tunnel testing, as aerodynamics play an increasingly critical role in improving fuel ef-ficiency.

1934 Chrysler AirfLOWTech innovation: Aerodynamics

1908 Ford Model TTech innovation: Mass production




When you’ve been around cars, every new car we drive today seems frankly amazing. Commodity sedans of today can outperform the supercars of our childhood and the technological marvels of past eras have become standard equipment on even the least expensive cars on the road today. When I started thinking of creating a list of the most technologically advanced cars of all time, we knew there would be many considerations. I tried to narrow it down to those models that I feel have had the greatest impact on the current state-of-the-art, cars that deployed technolo-gies that are now found in most every new vehicle. Here are some picks for the smartest cars to ever hit the road, listed in chronological order.



1938 Volkswagen BeetleTech innovation: Global model

1945 Jeep CJ-2ATech innovation: Four-wheel-drive

1948 TuckerTech innovation: Seatbelts

The Beetle might deserve to be on this list just be-cause it’s the best-selling car ever, with over 21.5 million built over its 65-year lifespan. But the Beetle was significant because it was one of the first cars to be sold globally in great numbers. Though developed specifically for the German market of the late 1930’s, the car was successfully exported throughout the developed world. Adapted to other markets and continuously improved over the years, the Beetle was built in over a dozen different countries. Developing a single global model has long been the auto industry’s holy grail for cutting development and manufacturing costs and VW did it first.

While the Jeep was developed to help the United States win World War II, its unique system of powering all four wheels proved to have many practical applications for the civilian market. Jeeps were popular work vehicles, especially in rural areas. Today there’s not a work truck for sale that doesn’t offer four-wheel-drive. And Jeep pio-neered the idea of a “go-anywhere” vehicle that could be used for recreation, creating the blueprint for the SUV.

It’s hard to believe that prior to 1968, seatbelts were not required in new cars. Yet they were included among the many safety features of the short-lived Tucker sedan some 20 years earlier. The Tucker also featured a pad-ded dashboard and shatterproof glass, and a third headlight that followed the road when you turned the steering wheel. Of course widespread seatbelt use is credited for dramatically lowering our highway fatality rates today, paving the way for further passive crash mitigation technologies, like airbags.



1948 Citroen 2CVTech innovation: Low-cost car

1954 Mercedes-Benz 300SLTech innovation: Direct fuel injection

1956 Citroen DSTech innovation: Hydraulics

The 2CV was launched in the imme-diate aftermath of World War II, designed specifically to help rural French farmers enter the industrialized 20th century. It was simple and cheap to build and operate, and its design was minimalistic yet functional. Today we’ve seen a revival of the idea in modern form, in simple, inexpensive cars like the Renault Logan and Tata Nano, mod-els designed specifically for emerging markets.

Not only was the Mercedes-Benz 300SL “Gullwing” the first production car to use fuel injection, but it featured direct injec-tion 50 years before the technology became common. Its 3.0-liter, inline-six engine developed an incredible 212 horsepower, thanks to this futuristic technology. (By comparison, the 3.9-liter six in the contemporary Chevy Corvette made just 155 horses.) Today direct injection is being used to improve fuel economy in vehicles of all sorts, by allowing smaller but more powerful engines to be substituted for traditionally larger ones.

How revolutionary was the Citroen DS? Well, it was the first car to have power disc brakes, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. The DS employed advanced hydraulics, not just for braking, but also in its steering and suspension systems and semi-automatic transmission. At a time when most cars didn’t have power steering, let alone independent suspension, the DS offered both. While Citroen’s hydropneumatic suspension system gave the car tremendous ride quality, it was viewed as quirky and never really caught on. But Citroen’s pioneering efforts in developing the system paved the way for all sorts of sophisticated adaptive suspension de-signs employed today.



1957 Ford Fairlane 500 SkylinerTech innovation: Retractable hardtop

1959 MiniTech innovation: Front-wheel drive

1962 Chevrolet Corvair Monza SpyderTech innovation: Turbocharged engine

Remember when convertibles were “ragtops?” This past decade has seen the industry wholly embrace retractable hardtop convert-ibles, with models like the BMW 3 Series, Chrysler 200 and Volk-swagen Eos all adopting mechanically complex folding roof struc-tures like the one pioneered by the ’57 Ford Fairlane.Ford only built its retractable hardtop Skyliner for three model years, and it would be five decades before the world saw another hardtop convertible with a backseat.

The Mini was hardly the first car to employ front-wheel drive, but it was the first to popularize the layout of most cars on the road to-day. Front-drive was used in various vehicles from just after the turn of the 20th Century through the 1930’s before really catching on in Europe after World War II. But it was Mini designer Alex Issigonis’ idea to turn the small, four-cylinder engine 90-degrees and mount it transversely under the hood. This stroke of genius allowed the elimi-nation of the transmission and driveshaft tunnel, and for the first time a truly compact car could have ample room to seat four adults.

Despite its “Unsafe at Any Speed” reputation, the Chevro-let Corvair was a rather remarkable car -- and one of the most adventurous designs from the era in which General Motors was the world’s dominant automaker. GM introduced not one, but two cars in 1962 with turbocharged engines, the Monza Spyder and the Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire. These were the first production cars to use turbocharged engines, and while the turbocharged V8 in the Olds was troublesome and only lasted two model years, the Corvair was available with a turbocharged flat-six through 1966. Today, turbocharged engines are back in a big way, as automak-ers seek out ways to improve engine efficiency – and fuel economy – without giving up power.



1966 Lamborghini MiuraTech innovation: Mid-engine configuration

1971 Chrysler ImperialTech innovation: Anti-lock Brakes

1974 Volvo 240Tech innovation: Safety crumple zones

The Lamborghini Miura was the first road-going supercar to adopt the mid-engine configuration, with its 4-liter V-12 mounted transversely behind the driver and ahead of the rear axle. The mid-engine layout provides optimal balance by concentrating the heaviest parts of the car in the middle, which makes for out-standing cornering, which is why this configuration is typically used in race cars. Most serious sports cars of recent years have used this design, from the Lotus Elise to the Audi R8 to the Ferrari Enzo to the Porsche Carrera GT.

While the 1966 Jensen FF was the first car with an anti-lock braking system, albeit a mechanical one, the luxury grand tourer was hardly a mass-market product, with just several hundred built over its five-year production run. Chrysler’s flagship Imperial, however, was a true production car, offered in 1971 with an optional, electronic four-wheel ABS sys-tem called “Sure Brake.” Today anti-lock braking systems not only allow vehicles to stop faster without skidding, but also form the foundation for other safety technologies, like electronic stability control, adaptive cruise control and collision mitigation systems.

Arguably the safety benchmark for all cars that have followed, the 1974 Volvo 240 sedan was engineered to be safer by controlling the crash energy experienced in a collision. It stayed in production for two decades, a testament to its advanced design, which is why government safety regulators used the 240 as the basis for developing early standards. Today, modern cars are marvels of engineering, with nearly every piece of steel, aluminum and plastic used in the body structure designed to manage some of the impact energy.



1975 Honda Civic CVCCTech innovation: Low-emissions vehicle

1980 Audi QuattroTech innovation: All-wheel-drive

1981 Mercedes-Benz S ClassTech innovation: Airbags

Air pollution was such a serious threat to public health in the early 1970’s that the U.S. Clean Air Act was passed, calling for dramatic reductions in carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions. Carmakers were forced to scramble to try and meet the impending regulations of 1975. Hopes were pinned on the then-new catalytic converter, but cars equipped with them not only suf-fered from degraded performance, but could only run on unleaded gas. Honda’s Civic, however, was able to meet emissions targets without a catalytic converter, thanks to a unique cylinder head de-sign that helped the engine burn the gasoline more efficiently. To-day, Partial Zero Emissions Vehicles (PZEV) carry the torch for low emissions, offering the lowest level of emissions among conven-tional gasoline engine vehicles.

When Audi introduced the Quattro coupe in Europe in 1980, it was a radical idea: Use the extra traction of a four-wheel-drive util-ity vehicle to improve the road holding of a sports car. The modern rally car was born, and the Quattro had a successful racing career in the 1980’s. The Quattro came to the U.S. in 1983, but perma-nent four-wheel-drive was initially slow to catch on. Over the past decade, however, it has become a popular option in passenger cars, especially in sports sedans marketed to those who live in the Snow Belt.

Airbags made their production debut in 1974 on some large GM sedans, but modern airbag systems wouldn’t be seen until 1981 when they appeared as an option on the second-generation Mer-cedes-Benz S Class. Mercedes would offer a passenger airbag five years later, and airbags became mandatory in cars for the 1998 model year. Today, most vehicles have airbags in several locations, including side-impact airbags and curtain airbags.



1984 Dodge CaravanTech innovation: Unibody people-movers

1986 Buick RivieraTech innovation: Touchscreen instrument panel

1990 Acura NSXTech innovation: All-aluminum body structure

The Dodge Caravan – and its twin, the Plymouth Voyager – launched an entire vehicle segment: The minivan. Prior to 1984, vans were just trucks, big vehicles with separate bodies and frames, which made them heavy and contributed to ponderous handling. But these new minivans were built like cars – and they drove like them too. Market dominance was immediate, but after 15 years of minivan popularity, buyers began to switch to Sport Utility Vehicles, seeking to avoid the dreaded “soccer mom” stigma. Today, however, many drivers have grown fed up with the poor fuel economy of their SUV’s and are trading them in on “crossovers” – which are not much more than minivans without the sliding doors.

Domestic cars of the 1980’s are almost universally derided for poor quality and conservative de-sign. But despite the challenges faced by the Big Three during that dark decade, there were some interesting attempts at advancing the state of the art. One of the most overlooked milestones was the unique touchscreen instrument panel of the 1986 Buick Riviera, the first touchscreen ever offered in a production car. Displaying a digi-tal trip computer, radio and climate controls, and digital “gages,” the 9-inch CRT Graphic Control Center pointed the way to our cur-rent obsession with high-tech infotainment features. Today even inexpensive compact cars boast large LCD touchscreens.

Aluminum has been a popular material for constructing cars since the dawn of the auto industry. It’s lightweight and strong, but it’s more expensive than steel and is harder to work with. So most automotive applications for aluminum have been confined to spe-cific parts – engine blocks and wheels, hoods and fenders, suspen-sion components and trim pieces. But with its NSX supercar, Honda went one step further and built the whole unibody structure out of aluminum, developing some new manufacturing techniques in the process. It shaved over 400 pounds from the car’s curb weight, and paved the ground for a whole host of subsequent vehicles to be built from aluminum in a similar fashion, like the 1997 Audi A8 and 1999 Ferrari 360 Modena. Today aluminum continues to be used to shave precious pounds that contribute to improved fuel economy.



1990 Honda LegendTech innovation: Navigation system

1996 GM EV-1Tech innovation: Electric car

1997 Toyota PriusTech innovation: Hybrid

When Honda introduced its second-generation Legend in 1990 with an optional digital navigation system, the Global Positioning System didn’t even exist. Honda’s system relied upon a gas gyro-scope and was only available on Japanese domestic market cars. Today you can buy a portable GPS navigation system for less than $100, but you probably don’t need to since there’s likely a mapping application built right into your phone. Even so, automotive navi-gation systems are still wildly popular, and may soon be integrated with other technologies to help enable cars to drive autonomously

It wasn’t the first electric car – the technology was popular in the 19th Century – but GM’s EV-1 was the car that single-handedly cre-ated the current market for electrified vehicles. Originally conceived as nothing but a concept car, in 1990 an overzealous Roger Smith, GM chairman and CEO, promised that his company would build an electric car. This commitment spurred the California Air Resources Board to require the biggest carmakers to begin selling electric cars by 1998. While the EV-1 failed and CARB eventually caved to pres-sure from the automakers, suspending its mandate, GM’s decade-long experiment in electrification has had profound effects on the products of today. The EV-1 scared the Japanese into developing hybrids, including the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight, while GM’s design of the Chevy Volt had its genesis in the EV-1.

With the introduction of the Prius v and Prius c and Toyota’s continuing dominance of the hybrid market -- it sold some 136,000 Priuses last year, more than the Chevrolet Camaro and Corvette combined -- it’s hard to remember how mediocre the original Prius was. Looking like an even dowdier Corolla, that first-generation Prius was weird, slow, small and had precious little cargo capacity thanks to the huge battery pack in its trunk. But it got 41 miles per gallon and its technology was interesting, even if most consumers didn’t understand it. Most importantly it led to the development of the second-generation Prius, which became such a hit that other manufacturers were forced to develop their own hybrids.



2011 Chevrolet VoltTech innovation: Plug-in hybrid

2008 Honda FCX ClarityTech innovation: Fuel cell car

If there is a “flying car” of our generation, it is the hydrogen-fueled fuel cell vehicle. We can remember driving our first prototypes two decades ago, yet replacing an internal combustion engine with a fuel cell and refueling with hydrogen instead of gasoline seems like a technology that’s forever 10 years away. But Honda deserves some credit for actually producing a real, consumer-ready fuel cell car in the FCX Clarity. We’ve driven it on public roads without engineers rid-ing in the back seat, and it behaves exactly like any other car. Honda has even leased the cars to average Joes and Janes in Southern Cali-fornia.

We may be forever waiting for hydrogen fuel cells to be ready for mainstream production. Ditto battery technology or charging infrastructure advancing rapidly enough to make pure electric vehicles viable as anything other than second cars. Until then, however, there’s the Chevy Volt. Designed to travel 30-35 miles on electric power before its gasoline engine kicks in to allow for longer trips, this plug-in hybrid is the most wrongly maligned car in history. The Volt is a truly revolutionary vehicle that could allow the vast majority of Americans to wean themselves off gasoline for their weekday commuting, but still allow trips to grandma’s house on the weekends.The Volt is not only the most recent of the cars we chose, but we feel that it ties with the Ford Model T for number-one on our list as the most innovative breakthrough car of all time. If the Model T can be called the first “real car” of the twentieth century for being the first to be reliably mass produced, then the Volt, we think, is the first “real car” of the 21st century because it the first true game-changer we have seen since 2000 delivered to consumer driveways.








Are you interested in aeromodelling? Then there is a right place for you to have hands on experience in aeromodelling.D.A.O.H (Deccan Academy Of Hobbies) which is located in Malakpet is the place where you can learn aeromodelling. Two gentlemen who were in the aviation field formed this academy. Mr.Anwar ( AMIA qualified aeromodeller) and Mr.Arun Sinha are the two people who formed D.A.O.H. My visit to D.A.O.H and an interview with Arun Sinha (who was an aeromodeller,ex-fighter pilot also fully qualified on helicopters and missiles) as fol-lows………


DAOH is an academy which gives you hands on experi-ence of aeromodelling. Also here you will learn leader-ship qualities ,planning and execution of work.DAOH was formed in 2010 and it came into formation on 2011 september.Me and Anwar have to give up our jobs to form this academy. Now we are fully into the academy guiding students who are interested in aeromodelling.Our workshop is located in Malakpet.


Mr.Anwar and Myself ( ARUN SINHA ) formed the acd-emy.We call it as an acdemy but not a club.Beacause we want to dedicated our entire time to guide those people who are really interested in aeromodelling.


Motto of this academy is to guide those people who are interested in aeromodelling such a way that they can make model aircrafts from locally available mate-rial.Also when you work in a team you will get to know about team work, time management and personal development.

Mr.Arun Sinha with his model




We fly every Sunday. We start at 5 in the morning and we reach to the field around 6am.Then we will fly till 10am and will return to the workshop. We are planning such a way that by the month of June we will be having 15 dedicated people into the academy.


We fly every Sunday. We start at 5 in the morning and we reach to the field around 6am.Then we will fly till 10am and will return to the workshop. We are planning such a way that by the month of June we will be having 15 dedicated people into the academy.


We conducted a workshop in DAKSH’12 in SAASTRA UNIVERSITY, TANJAVUR. The workshop is to make model aircrafts from indigenous material. We guided 53teams of students. It’s a 2 days workshop. We made 53 model aircrafts in 2 days.


Yes we guided engineering students in their academic projects. We guided a student, Jeevan Reddy from MRGI , who made a quadcopter. We guided other student from same institute , Purushotam , to make a hovercraft. Every week there are many students who visits our workshop as well as flying sessions. One more student from AURORA COLLEGE who is making a plane with our which gives the GPS locations.

Students who are interested to join DAOH contact Mr.Prashant. They don’t charge you anything to teach

aeromodelling, your only investment is your time and dedication towards aeromodelling.Phone number:

PRASHANT : 9533790861HARSHA : 9642100950

Contact timings:12pm to 8pm

(Left to Right) Purushottam,Mr.Anwar,Sanjay

On the whole its really a good opportunity for stu-dents who are really interested in aeromodelling. Also the people who are in the academy and their dedication to carryon this skill to the next genera-tion people is really a great thing. At 10am we started back to the workshop. It’s really a worthy

day to spend my time with DAOH.




WiTriciTy Developing AuTomATic, Wireless rechArging

We all struggle with rechargers and there are hundreds of cords in every house where there is a TV, comput-er, phone or any other devices. And now, with the evolution of the smart home, this seems to be a problem that should disappear, and there are already solutions to that. If this tech-nology will become reality, then we won’t even need to use solar gadgets anymore and rely on the Sun as our savior. I can only imagine how awesome it would be if we could leave our smartphones, tablets just where they are, not having to bother at all about their battery life, about cords and all that. While being outside, we could use the sun light to recharge and in-doors, we could rely on wireless energy transfer. That would be possible by embedding a magnetic coil inside smartphones, laptops and other electronic devices that would generate a magnetic field, creating the physical process of magnetic induction. Apparently, going by a simple logic, there haven’t been made too many discoveries in this field, be-cause scientists and engineers couldn’t find a solution to make this magnetic field harm-less for human beings.

But, it seems that WiTricity managed to solve these is-sues and they are already in talks with big equipment man-ufacturers in order to deploy their technology inside various devices.Apparently, what WiT-ricity tries to do in the form of a commercial product, has been discovered many years ago by Nikola Tesla. Also, WiTricity isn’t the single company that tries to make us cord-free.

If you remember, at CES 2010, Haier presented a visionary TV that was automatically and wire-lessly charging/recharging. Also, in 2010, we did a review of Pow-ermat’s Wireless Charging System. That’s just an idea of what products WiTricity has in mind. The Power-mat is just a small example of what we could see on the market quite soon. This is all great, but how does it work, one could wonder. Have you ever used an electric toothbrush? While older models relied on the clas-sic method of batteries, recent break-throughs have made possible the au-tomatic and wireless recharging

W h i l e early NiCad battery

toothbrushes used metal tabs to con-nect with the charging base, modern toothbrushes use contactless induc-tive charging: the brush unit and charger stand each contain a coil of wire; when placed in proximity, the powered coil from the stand trans-fers power by induction to the han-dle, charging the batteryThe main difference from the wire-less charging model of the electric toothbrush and the one that WiTric-ity is working on is the distance from the coils. In the case of the electric toothbrush, you will be able to use if you’ll stay in the near reach of the base. The automatic, wireless charging system to be developed by WiTricity plans to increase that distance to 3-4 feet. That may not seem that much, but it’s already an improvement.

For many of us, the first use of au-tomatic and wireless recharging would be in our:* smartphones* tablets* laptops* computers* television sets* mp3 players * vacuume cleanersBut, it seems that WiTricity doesn’t set limits to that. They are also in talks for wireless charging of electric cars and even for heart pumps. Let’s hope that in the near future, cords will be only a distant memory and our homes will start looking more and more innovative with smart-placed electronic devices.



The latest Windows 8 presentations might have seemed a little weird to the noob eye with all the changes going on, but that’s nothing compared with what Microsoft is really planning inside its deep secret experimental labs. Microsoft seems to be putting its faith in the younger generation these days, and has proven that at the TechForum 2012 event.

It has pushed forward the innovations of the Ap-plied Sciences Group and, particularly, the work of Microsoft Research intern Jinha Lee who’s also a PhD Student at MIT Media Lab and of Cati Bou-langer, Researcher for Microsoft Applied Sciences. Let’s take a tour of the future and see how comput-ers might be handled years from now. So, the team assembled a 3D-looking computer interface which gets displayed on a transparent screen. To build the technology, researches had to borrow a little from Samsung – particularly, the new transparent OLED screen. Upon that, they added their own Kinect sensors and voila – the de-vice of the future was almost ready. What this com-bination resulted in – is potential users being able to use their hand gestured in order to control the 3D desktop.How does that exactly work you, might be wonder-ing. Well, let’s start with the Kinect sensors. They are in charge of monitoring the hand gestures so that your perspective is adjusted taking into ac-count the feedback. The keyboard is positioned behind the monitor and for some it might look counter-intuitive at first. But this is done so that users can get a grip on the 3D objects presented behind the screen. It also makes it easier to switch to the usual way you are accustomed to handle a computer – with a keyboard.

The screen is transparent anyway, so don’t worry, you’ll still be able to see what you are typing. The sensors are so smart that they don’t only track your hands but your eyes/head movements in order to adjust the objects presented so you can get a correct view of them. At the moment, the screen is just a prototype, of course, but we sense that this sort of displays will become pretty main stream soon enough, judg-ing by how much 3D technology is highlighted these days (we already have 3D printers, 3D camcorders). In a couple of years you’ll be able to take your love for technology to a whole different level – and be able even to embrace your computer, literally.






MOTTO OF THE CLUBTo obtain a diamond from a stone all you need is time and pressure. The two aspects which are responsible in meta-morphosing something that is invaluable into the most precious thing. This metaphor can be ideally applied to our life at various junctures. Now a days the world being so competitive one is succumbed to just pressure but the precious perception of time has been lost into the oblivion resulting in an abomination. I would like to share one more observation that I made during my four years of engineering.There always used to be a variety of topics for starting and making conversation in between ourselves but I noticed that a discussion involving scientific or technical aspects always had the least probability to be initiated and although initiated ,it was suddenly stalled even before it started. I saw that there were many reasons for such behavior and I would like to tell the top two reasons which I inferred. One being all the people sitting and conversing thought that they were too cool to talk about such geeky topics.The second being that all the people conversing had nothing to share on such topics. On the contrary when the moment of truth arrives where one is judged based on their technical skills and the grasp of subject they seem to blame external factors such as college ,professors etc.

The primary purpose of the club is to counter the problems mentioned in the above two paragraphs. one being the concept of freedom of time,and second a common platform for ideas.one will have the free-dom to utilize the quality of time to contribute to his self-improvement and personal growth. At the same time one will have the opportunity to encounter the enigmatic aspects of science and technology and help them realize and socialize with science. The three guide lines of the club are Ideate,Evaluate,Createwhich have a great importance individually as the entire structure of the club depends on it.Efforts will be made to meet the definitive standards of these guidelines.With all the above things one incentive we get from the club is team spirit, A chance to notice once personal flaws and work on them as an endeavor for improvement.

Hoping this club will guide us in the path of illumination for all the team members of the club whose effort till now was impactful and insightful. I thank all of them for that and look forward to meet and achieve great goals .

V.Punith Reddy35