TESTIMONIES To Niagara Frontier Bible Church From Around the World 2009 (June-August) 1

Video: Intelligent Design of Reptiles & Amphibians “First ... · Video: The Final Countdown Radio Interview “thanks again DR Stan and Pastor Billy Crone For these msg's. God bless

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Page 1: Video: Intelligent Design of Reptiles & Amphibians “First ... · Video: The Final Countdown Radio Interview “thanks again DR Stan and Pastor Billy Crone For these msg's. God bless


Niagara Frontier Bible ChurchFrom

Around the World



Page 2: Video: Intelligent Design of Reptiles & Amphibians “First ... · Video: The Final Countdown Radio Interview “thanks again DR Stan and Pastor Billy Crone For these msg's. God bless

Video: The Final Countdown Radio Interview “thanks again DR Stan and Pastor Billy Crone For these msg's. God bless and Christ be with you both.”

Video: A Young Creation “now thats a lesson in science thank you case closed.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Great video as usual!”

Video: The Final Countdown “Lord Jesus come quickly deliver us from evil and from the wrath of God.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “AMEN!! I felt like in this video pastor crone was speaking to me ... but really it was Jesus speaking to me through this video.. God bless you!”

Video: The Book of Revelation “greetings Pastor Crone i just finished watching your book of revelations study part 31 on you tube. it really put things in perspective in terms of praying properly. i really enjoyed those scenarios ya did with your wife to get the point across. it was comical and i definitely got the point.i have spent alot of time cursing and condemning couples over the years but i really do hope that your marriage is still happy and going strong.i am currently a catholic but i am thinking of getting out of this religion.(whats with the snake worshipers in the vactican? lol)”

Video: Various Videos “How’s it going Billy? I’m from the great state of Oklahoma and my name is Kevin. Thank you for posting your videos on youtube Theyhave helped bring me closer to God. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me may god bless you.”

Video: The Final Countdown “Dear Pastor Crone, My name is George, I am from Jerusalem Sydney Australia. I have been listening to you teaching of the final countdown. I have been recently writing to the Australian over a few concerns. I am sorry to have to trouble you, but I was distressed over the persecution of Christians all over the world. If it is possible, can you please provide me with solid information on the persecution of Christians around the world? I wish to present the information to the Christian Church wherever possible and to the Australian Government where it is relevant. May God continue to bless you and your teaching. To me you are wealth of information and clearly blessed by our Lord..”

Video: Radio Interviews “Pastor Billy, I really like listening to you on Dr. Monteith's show. I do have several of your shows with Dr. Monteith on my iPod.” (Monica from California)

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Pastor Billy is the type of pastor da world need in these end time.if u tell people that they have all the time in da world 2 get saved than they'll just take their time n keep saying ill do it tomorrow n keep saying that


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n then never get saved.rapture is coming soon n if u dont get right with God now then u will have 2 go thorough the tribulation how can u b calm about that.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Praise God. Finally, a pastor who can admit the truth to the church. Thanks, Pastor Crone.”

Video: The Final Coutndown Radio Interview “Very nice, very nice video keep up gods work!” (Priscilla)

Video: Eternal Security “Truthful words!”

Video: The Attack of the Killer C’s “This has got to be one of the best sermon's. I've never heard a preacher pinpoint the sin that is all over our mass media of today. I'm so glad that you did though. I got rid of my TV 8 months ago because so much that is on is violent or sexual and am fine without TV. The devil does like Christians to believe they may not be forgiven for a certain sin. Thank you for the reminder again that we can not lose our salvation once we are saved. You sermon's are awesome!”

Video: The Attack of the Killer C’s “Great sermon. This is a very serious issue. Thanks for showing the seriousness of this issue by showing how Satanists can use this tactic against the church.”

Video: If God Really Loves Me Why Do I Suffer? “Another great sermon. I need to set my priorities on the things above and not of this world. That is hard to do.”

Video: The Final Countdown “Hi Billy, God has blessed me with a wonderful family my parent have never divorced. On 11/6/07 my father was in a major car accident it killed the driver of the other car instantly my father was in icu for one month but he finally got to come home on December 24th. This event changed my life, it got me back into the bible and I finished reading it and began doing research that’s when i found your final countdown series and it helped open my eyes. I began talking to some people at work and found a good friend in the process. Those videos have helped me to reach out to others. In my research i found the rfid tattoo and i had to email it to you, and when i saw you use it in the revelations study it brought me to tears knowing that possibly i could have helped make a difference in someone’s life that i have never met. God Bless.” (Kevin)

Video: Various Videos “My husband will not let us attend church here in CA so I am so glad Christ has allowed youtube to be used for His glory. I am from PA originally-down the road from Jamestown so am familiar with your area. Will keep you and your ministry in our prayers and keep up the great work for Christ- since I can't go to church you and the radio have become my church - it gets pretty lonely but I know He is with me always! DO you put messages out weekly? Please keep me and my daughter in your prayers. It is very hard to live with a non-believer during these times. It's hard to stay strong and faithful at times. I pray that He finds me doing His work and His will when He comes! May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless you, your ministry and church.


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Your sister in Christ Jesus.” (Hope)

Video: Radio Interview “Pastor Billy Crone, I have been listening to you on Radio Liberty with Dr. Monteith. I really appreciate the research you have done the info you share. I take pages of notes from each broadcast.” (Debra)

Video: Various Videos “Hi NFBC,thanks for the great videos,please keep them coming. God bless all.”

Video: A Young Creation “Evolution RIP.....lol.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Thanks Pastor Billy-I am so glad God uses you to point out what we as Christians need to do & act so that the world can see that there really are true Christians left in this world.How can they know if we don't stand up to be a witness & witness to those who need Christ as their savior?What will it take for us to hit the floor & pray for those who desperately need Christ,who need hope,who need to know that Jesus loves them?I'm pointing a finger to myself-I need to hit the floor as well.” (Debi)

Video: Eternal Security “I wanted to tell you how your DVD "Eternal Security" helped me. Thank you for your generous offer to give me free DVDs. My dad isn't a Christian and he is very interested in Revelation right now. I told him about your series on Revelation and he looked it up but he hasn't started watching it yet. He is anticipating going through the whole series. He is going to watch the series on youtube and so please keep him in your prayers that his heart will be opened to what you have to say. If he has any thoughts that he would like to share with you, would you be able to talk with him on the phone? I think that he would really think that was neat. Thank you and God bless you and your family.” (Rachel)

Video: Various Videos “Hey pastor Billy, I know that you sometimes talk about the cashless society and I kind of started paying more attention to news in that direction after you mentioned it. I want to tell you about some things that are going on over here about this subject : Over here in Belgium atleast 1 bank Dexia has started with a project that they will no longer give you any cash inside the bank. You can still withdraw from the atm of course but that amount is fixed at max 1000 euro (about 1400 dollar ) a week. In many other banks you have to call if you want an amount above 2000 euro (now I do understand that ... but still ). The government has lowered the maximum allowed cash payment to 10 000 euro (about 14 000 dollar). This means that buying new cars with cash money becomes very difficult and also paying large amuonts of money for other things is no longer possible. In some cities they are now promoting paying for a parking place with cellphones, and the same thing is going on with public transport. In some movie theaters you can no longer buy tickets with cash money. In the Netherlands supermarkets want to stop accepting cash money at the latest in 2014. The reason is that electronic payment would be safer (for them) and that it would be cheaper (for them). Also my now 80 year old grandparents were recently forced to take a bankcard (they are customers with the bank I mentioned earlier "dexia" )..From 2013 onwards all shares, bonds and so on will


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no longer be delivered physically but only electronically on a special account with rather a lot of limits that I don't like but there seems no alternative over here and I am guessing it will be for the whole EU. I am getting mroe and more the impression that within 10 years or so getting your hands on "real" money will be very difficult and maybe even impossible and even if you get it you might not be able to use it ... . And about the RFID chip ... it is alive and well over here being used more and more to tag products instead of the barcode. Also it seems to be used here in smartcards, passports (will be mandatory throughout the whole EU if you need one it will contain such a chip). Our ID cards do not yet contain that chip BUT I wouldn't be surprised if that is only a matter of time and of course you are required here to carry your ID card everywhere you go .. would be quite handy for the government to know where you are I guess once they have chips that can track you with satellites. It also seems that the RFID chip is taking over all previous systems when it comes to tagging of things or identifying things, animals or humans. If this is not the mark I don't know what it could be. Of course as long as they don't want to implant it I guess we can use it ... . Anyway keep making those videos !! You are doing a really great job !! Keep up the good work ! May God bless you!”

Video: The Book of Revelation “Greetings again pastor Crone im almost finished watching the book of revelations videos, im up to number 41 .i should be finished this week.i just saw a picture of your church dedication that is posted on the internet. you really have a nice location there.keep those book of revelations videos coming! they are really puting things in perspective as i continue to fight the spiritual battle that raging within me.” (Kenny)

Video: The Book of Revelation “I have just finished the first of the DVDs on Revelation. It is over 50 years since I have heard such a challenging message to the church. I was myself deeply challenged. This what I have just seen should be shown in every church ASAP_including ours at Landsborough. In just viewing this first disk has placed in my heart a more fervent desire to be the witness God intends for me to be. O how we need to be more sincere in our loving and serving Him. It is sometime since I heard anything like this. How can I get even if it is only this one disc to others. I would like to send as many around that I could. Is there a way of purchasing or copying them. I may only be able to buy a few at the time but I would like to send them out with a challenging tract enclosed. I know ministers of the gospel that should view these. I think one way would be to forward them and if they are not interested to return them postage paid and if they can use them for them to donate to make a donation toward the cost of producing them and postage so as to enable more to be sent. What a challenge?” (Ron)Video:

Video: The Book of Revelation “I was just blown away by the Book of Revelation Chapter 2:8A. I ended up listening to parts of this CD several times. I listened to ittonight and was so moved by it that I had to stop the CD and pray in thanks and gratitude for your ministry. I exalt God for giving us pastors like you Pastor Crone. You have really made such a difference in my life. I do my best to pass along and what I am learning but so many people are dead spiritually and that is where they insist onstaying. The Pastor you used a clip of in this CD that gave a powerful sermon of


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"prosperity pimps." I have had several people I work for tell me about "praying" my way to wealth. It never sounded right but I just couldn't put my finger on why it was wrong. Duh! Now I really get it. Our riches on not on this Earth but in Heaven. Thank you for all that you do. I want so much next year to try to visit your church and attend some services. I am going to see what I can do to make that happen.” (Lynn from Florida)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Greetings pastor Crone , i just finished your book of revelations series and i just wanted you to know that i found it very informative and it really helped me to understand the verses .i never quite understood the part about the lamp stands but i know .im really looking forward to hearing your explanation regarding this "image of the beast" that is mentioned. for now though i am now gonna start watching the 10 commandments videos . have a great day!”

Video: The Book of Revelation “Oh praise the Lord !! We can't wait we are going thru the book of revelations with you. We just finished 12b and are going to start 13a today too!!!! What a blessing this has been for me and my daughter... I really enjoy studying but could not find anything online I enjoyed as much as this... and since we are not permitted to attend church we have both allowed our walk with our Lord to wonder off.. Please keep in touch with us. I don't even know who I'm speaking with but God knows. Thank you so very much We will keep the church and Pastor Billy in our prayers and if there is ever anything we can do ie: a special prayer request or ANYTHING else please please let me know.... In our Lord's service.” (Hope from California)

Video: Various Videos “Hi Pastor Billy Crone, I have been watching your videos in youtube and it has change my life. I watched your testimony and it sounded like you were talking about me in many ways. Since I came across your videos on youtube and show it to my husband, we have been watching your videos everyday. My husband and I pray with you at the end of one of your videos when you were praying the Lord acceptance prayer. I thank you very much for your offer of sending me some free videos. This means a lot to me, but I thank my mother need this more than anybody I know right now. I am trying not to be greedy, since I have find the lord I have been trying to take to my mother about excepting Jesus but she tell me things like “people except Jesus on their own time and not on my (bennetta) time” or “some people expect Jesus on their dying bed”. I am not here to judge my mother but some of the things she have done and things she is doing show me that she does not know the Lord. She has few health problems and she will be getting a major surgery on July 15, 2009 know that there is no guarantees that she will come out of the surgery alive that’s the reason why I am praying she except the lord before she go for her surgery. Pastor Billy I know that you know that you are one of a kind. God have chosen you to lead his people to the path of rigorousness through the blood of his son Jesus Christ. I that God for blessing you with this gift and I thank God that I meant you. Please keep up the good job and stay strong. If you decided to send the DVD to my mom please do not let her know that I had anything to do with it. Just sent it as a gift to her from a “friend” and you can choose the video you think will best help her and lead her to the Lord. I will be blessed to have some of your DVD too, so that I can bless others with it. I also have the internet and I will keep going to youtube to show your videos to others as I have been doing. Thank you a whole lot and may our Lord bless you,


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guide you and keep you. I can’t wait, that day will soon be here for us to be with our Lord Jesus Christ in paradise. See you in Heaven.” (Bennetta)

Video: The Final Countdown “Hello Mr Crone, My name is Junior I am 22 and from London (UK), I watched your video on youtube (The Final Countdown) and I must say it has really helped me in the way I see things now. From an early age I learnt to love God more than my mum, which I must say wasn't easy being I was around 4 years old or something, lol. I had a dream a few day's ago that "they all walked together" it was on the news and everywhere, I saw all religious people walking together like the churches were united. I say 'they' because 'I' seemed to be against the cause they were walking for. Like you said, people are always on the move, 'everything is quick'; instant coffee, instant-instant coffee, and lastly (drum roll) coffee sooo instant it was there yesterday lol...Pastor Crone, I think you should make more video's... I watched the Final countdown within a space of 2 days (only because I was busy, id have watched it in 1) That's the way people should preach! We are all in a hurry, where to? (I dunno)... But what matter's is 'I' personally took my time to slow down and observe what you had to say. Have you ever noticed in movies, when they go into slow motion its because they want you to see something? The church is supposed to be our slow motion... and we are supposed to see. I’d Like to Thank You Again.” (Junior)

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Another powerful message especially the part where he talks about relativism and Abraham Lincons answer to the stubon guy. Deep message Praise God!”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Glory to God!”

Video: A Marriage Built to Last “these sermons help me grow to be a better person not just in my marriage, but to be a better christian. You can use the information to be a better parent a better employ ect. God is using pastor billy to help us be better but its up to us to put the information to use.”

Video: The Book of Revelation “Again you have blown my mind with God's Word. PRAISE GOD!!! I love the Book of Revelations, I just finished Chapter 2:9G cd tonight. Today when I was in Sunday School it was God working like I have NEVER seen. The Sunday School Teacher bought up the subject of suffering and prosperity gospel....he didn't give either much detail. I was amazed how he bought it up and I had just finished listening to Pastor Crones Sermons on this. Naturally I had a few words to add...maybe more then a few. Thanks to your sermons I have learned much. After Sunday school I had two people come up to me and tell me they appreciated my comments! I started taking notes tonight to add my a note book I started a few months ago on what I am learning. Thank you again Pastor Billy and Katy for the work you are doing. You have really changed my life. I know I am on the path God wants me to be on....I use to worry that I would pick the "wrong" Christian denomination...Your sermons make so much sense....they are like puzzle pieces that just fit so perfectly. I will continue to serve this Church as much as I can even from Florida with my donations. Thank you again for all the wonderful cds, dvds and books you have sent to me. I talk to everyone I can about


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God and what I have learned from you. Pastor Billy you sure have given me some great ways to open up a conversation about Christian Faith.” (Lynn)

Video: Various Videos “Hey pastor Billy how are you just wanted to give you an update on the things our lord has done in my life. First my wife and I have reconciled, we moved from Ohio to Florida God really had a hand in that. now I'm working at the airport I believe God is giving me a purpose there I have been showing my coworkers the revelation study. they are becoming aware of the direction the world is going. I let them know that things are coming to an end and only Jesus is our hope. I am having difficulty with a Jamaican who believes in God reads the bible, but lives a rasta lifestyle. The blaspheme of the whole thing is that he believes our Lord Jesus was rasta also. I guess you know them by their fruits. How can I help him see. I've been praying and I will be patient. How would you approach this. I am also having trouble looking for a real bible believing Church home. Reason I say hard to find a real church home is because tbn network is two exits south of me. Talk about weird church down south. If you have any resources on churches down here please let me know 33315 is my zip code. Oh by the way I happened to see the commercial for the religious summit being held in Europe July 1&2. And I saw it on CNN. Things that make you go hmmm! God bless you and your family and the brothers and sisters at NFBC.” (Julio)

Video: Various Videos “My parents and some of their friends are getting a lot out of the DVDs. Everyone who has seen them that I know of has really enjoyed them. Keep up the good work. God bless and so thank you again!” (Tim)

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Pastor Crone, I know I must sound impatient. Are you going to post any time soon the final sermon on Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? Thank you again for your handling of the word. Never be afraid to use the anointing that God has given you. It is a true blessing to hear the word from you. Thank you again for your service to the Lord through the speaking of the word. May God continue to bless your ministry and may his word bring many to a saving faith and belief in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.” (Jim from Colorado)

Video: Various Videos “Hello, I would like to let you know that I did receive the dvd's. I also wanted to ask you if you had any other dvd's by this pastor as I really did enjoy the one you had sent to me...as I am still growing with God and not understanding a whole lot of how things work..I found the dvd that you had sent me to be very helpful in understanding of prayer and change..Sorry can';t help it..I just fell in love with the teachings of this pastor as I could really understand what he was saying. THANK YOU..:0)”

Video: A Marriage Built to Last “I just wanted to say me and my wife are doing well and have been continually going over the wedding series we ordered. We just wanted to say thanks again for the message. I’ve been the best for you in prayer in thoughts. Take care.” (Lyle)


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Video: The Final Countdown “Hi Billy, how are you? I hope that you've been blessed and that you and your family are well!!! This is your Christian Brother James from Long Island, NY. I want to thank you for your excellent video series The Final Countdown. I ordered it and it is helping me to plant many seeds to help bring others to the Lord!!! GOD BLESS!”

Video: Various Videos “Dear Pastor Billy peace with you and blessing from Jesus Christ.Thanks for video on youtube about explaining of HOLY SCRIPTURE for the first time in my life im awake completely i hope i see you in HEAVEN.”

Video: Various Videos “Dear Pastor Crone, We have received the DVD’s you and your church sent and Mike and I are completely overwhelmed at your generosity. Here in Australia they call it ‘Gobsmacked’ We just could not talk when we saw what you had sent. Even now I am having difficulty expressing how much this means to us, and the home Bible study we have. Please be assure that your teaching will be used and many will thus be better equipped to face the difficult times ahead because of your work.We Bless you and your Church and will be holding you up in prayer especially as the enemy does all he can to silence the truth going out. May Father keep you in the palm of His hand, strengthen and lead you as you minister to the world in these last dayGod Bless.” (Tricia and Mike)

Video: Various Videos “I feel so compelled to write this that I have to wonder if it is God inspired. I am listening to the 2nd Cd on "Will the Real Church Please Stand Up". Pastor Billy, have you been told lately how controversial you are? Do people ever tell you have inadequate they feel in God's eyes after your sermons? Do you scare people? KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Don't change anything; keep doing what you are doing. It works! Your sermons make me realize the short comings of my church in Tallahassee; our pastor won't speak on Revelations because it seems to bother people and he doesn't feel comfortable to speak on it. He doesn't ever talk about the topics like you do in a way that makes the congregation step back and realize they need to work on their walk with Christ. He has a lot of self-help, feel good sermons...they are good and they do help me in my everyday life but they sure don't make me take a VERY HARD LOOK at myself like your sermons do and see where I can improve, and challenge my worldly views, opinions and rethink them in a Christian way. I was going to work over time this weekend and NOT go to Sunday school services and church services and I realized that I was putting money ahead of God. Not a good idea. I just happened to be finishing up the last CD in volume 8 The book of revelations chapter 2:9i when you started discussing "Are you in the Faith?" You gave us a list to test our faith...do you know which sermon I am referring too? In the list you gave us, one of them that made me rethink about working over time this weekend was, 5. Do you long to spend time with God, Do you long to spend time with God's people? Do you long to spend time studying the word of God or do you have to have your arm twisted, manipulated and guilt ridden into it or is it as nature as breathing air because you love him. It felt so good to me to know that I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH GOD, LISTENING AND STUDYING...IT IS JUST LIKE BREATHING. I like the people I see in my Sunday school. I can't wait to go to Services on Sunday. My building where I attend worship services is not perfect but there


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is still good coming from it. Like you said in one of your sermons, no church is perfect. I take the good with me when I leave. I listen to your sermons almost every day. Sometimes I am able to get in 3 to 5 cds. I take notes and refer back to them often. I do my best to bring others to Christ. I often give away copies of the first book in the "Left Behind" series. If they read it and I can get them talking about it..then I have opened a door. I really like the sermon you did on "why God allows suffering" ....something I have wondered about all my life. It was a really powerful, life changing, thought provoking sermon. I am so thankful to God that I was led to you and allowed to listen to you. I like the way you repeated the bible scripture numerous times and went over the list each time on each CD. Keep up the good work! Don't change anything...listen to God, and don't allow the world to influence you. Which I am sure you already do. Next time I hear someone cough I am going to say: "God bless you" and see what kind of looks I get...I have also used "God Bless you" when I hear someone use foul language. Now that sure does get some odd looks.” (Lynn from Florida)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Hello, I ordered a number of DVDs a few months ago from your Amazon.com storefront. I've been watching the Revelation series every week, and usually manage to finish a six-pack every Friday / Saturday. I can't say enough good things about this series, as it it exactly the kind of study I have been looking for. At some point, I would like to use these videos (as well as many others) as the basis for a Bible study. The trick is finding people who really want to know the truth about the world around us. Thanks.” (David from Colorado)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Pastor Crone, Thank you once again for such an inspiring sermon. God bless you and keep you please continue to share His word with out restraint. I know it is hard and people often reject such teaching but fear not it is God that you serve not man.” (Jim from Colorado)

Video: Various Videos “Hi Pastor Billy, I need some advice from you when ever you have time. I really want to start a ministry this year exposing things like you do. I don't know if it will by via video, but I'm going to start it out as a bible study for the primer. I have a few people behind me already for support, but I need some pointers from someone that is already doing it, that I feel i can trust for sound advice. I listen to Radio Liberty and I'm always waiting for you to finish up or continue your Final Countdown Series. I also really loved the "Will The Real Church Stand Up" series. I've really been researching and studying a lot for over two years now, and feel the Lord wants me to be teaching people. Thanks.” (Chris)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Dear pastor Billy, I've just seen your howdy ho to me and my family on your Revelation video on YouTube and would like to say many thanks to you and your church for the warm hello. I am applying for a Christian street pastors programme that's coming to Hastings in September, this programme deals with helping people who get drunk, into fights and any trouble during Friday and Saturday nights in the town centre, this has been so successful in England even the police have said this is doing amazing things, it's also going international! And we hear America is looking into it, praise god! Hope you and your family are well, One final idea, have you thought about


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putting your sermons, videos on iTunes as podcasts, I believe this would be a big thing at helping the word get out? Anyway thanks again.” (Andy Mcquiston from England)

Video: Various Videos “First I want to thank you for the videos. I got one friend who can’t get enough of them.” (Kevin)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Hey Pastor Crone! I've watched/shared your last youtube message on the Book of Revelation. Kudos dude! May the Lord continue to bless this ministry, and may He carry these startling realities across the globe. May the Lord guard you as His steward, and continue to empower you to boldly proclaim His word as an instrument of noble purpose. Amen.” (Hugh)

Video: Various Videos “I have been watching and listening to Billy Crone series and wow, thank God, I’ve seen his videos.” (James)

Video: Various Videos “NFBCmedia, thanks for the videos i am subscribing to your channel so i can watch any new stuff. not too many other people see these things like i do. Also is there any way to make these videos downloadable? I'm not able to get internet access everyday so i try to save time by downloading vids and watching them later when i have time.”

Video: Various Videos “Awsome vids! Praise the Lord an God bless you!”

Video: Various Videos “Your video on the chip was amazing, In the end I couldn't help but cry, as I have family members who know about Jesus. But won't surrender and they see were at the end times. It breaks my heart. In Jesus. (June)

Video: The Final Countdown Radio Interview “Very interesting information again Billy!” (Kris)

Video: Various Videos “Bro, you're my new best friend. It's unfathomable that "christian" america, so bent on sending out evangelists and so forth, has NO CLUE what the gospel is. The very question, "Do you think salvation is forever?" is itself so tellingly tragic. How the devil has twisted the simple message of the gospel. If GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Spirit can't keep us saved, what chance have we got to do it? Peace.” (Jay)

Video: Various Videos “Hello,my name is Michael I'm 27.I would like to tell you about myself a bit.To make a long story short," my mom came to Christ when i was 9 years of age,an i started to go to church with her.I strated to play the drums at church. As i grew up"my step dad and i never got along, had rough times since then.I've had problems at school an at home.At the age of 16 i'd decided to leave home,and never look back.'As i wondered threw life i began to have down falls,the pleasures of this world was not filling me,on the other hand i also remembered what my mom taught me about the bible and what was about to come in the feature.Always going out with friends clubs an living the life,an at the same time i would have bad thoughts about street life activities but yet i


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remembered what my mom had said to me if something bad out-ah happened like death where my soul go?.... if i haven't had Christ,it will always hunt me.!As time went by i began to feel empty.I started to look at life in a philosophical way an understanding of it.... i realized that there has to be a "God,"my friends wouldn't talk about it so i've kept it to myself and started to live closer to him but haven't had the courage to accept Jesus into my life.'I have so much to ask,questions.I've recently began to watch the videos and saw what me mother taught me about the bible and whats going on in this world.Explaining to my friends about UFOs that my mom had sad an realized that there nothing but demons an so on.......... I Recently meet a young lady that i'd have never met like before and started talking to her about the Scriptures and the love of Jesus.We have similar background mostly not having a father.She's not here right now she's away abroad in morocco and will be here in late August for her masters.We decided to be close friends for now but i still love her and want to keep telling her about Jesus.I kindly ask to keep me in you're preys,i want to receive Christ in my heart fully but i feel like there is something stoping me.!! I will continue to watch the video's i don't want to be here we the church leaves. "Thank you." (Michael & Kameliya)

Video: The Book of revelation “wow i got home today and turned the tv on the history channel and i almost fell out of the chair when i saw this comercial it was talking about the ufo sightings around the world and then they were saying these are the signs of the great world teacher and how he is among us you can go to youtube and type maitreya the world teacher comercial the video is called miracle star. we are so close to the rapture. the false prophet is spreading his lie. i dont know you may not have time to finish the book of revelations study at the rate at which the world is moving twords the nwo. Ps. shout it to the world our redemption is near. keep up the good fight. And always God bless.” (Kevin)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Hiya Pastor Billy! Thanks for this, I am learning so much from this series. Roxeanne tells me that I need to start watching the Real Church series. She says it is really good too and I don't doubt that it is so I am anxious to get that one started too. Hope all is well with you and your family. Take care and I will talk to you later!” (Crystal)

Video: Various Videos “My name is Alfredo, I respect your hard work. I feel respect for Your hard work in my heart. I am just a stranger turning away from the light of darkness. I will struggle to fight evil. I Thank You, Billy Crone. May God let me hear your Good words again in life, Thank you. Goodbye.”

Video: The Final Countdown “My wife & I really appreciate the ministry of NFBC & the impact of Pastor Billy's preaching/teaching on our lives & that of our children also. We've shared Pastor Billy's DVDs with family & friends. A couple of our friends recently went on holidays & took some of the Final Countdown DVDs with them, showing them to different folks on their travels. May God richly bless you all as you earnestly contend for the faith. Yours in Christ Jesus our LORD.” (Nigel from Australia)


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Video: Various Videos “Dear Pastor Billy Crone, Two nights ago I sent your youtube message series on "1 second after you die" to my friend, Robert. Before I sent it to him, he was talking about a movie called, "Closer"- a movie about life after death. He is going to watch your series and the DVD I gave him of yours, "God is Personal". I gave him my Bible and he's been reading it! He is going to church today and I think it's been 5 years since he's gone. God opened up a door for me to speak with him about God and how be saved. Robert wanted to pray with me so that he could ask Jesus into his heart. He stopped and asked me if becoming a Christian meant to turn from his sins and he said that was really hard to do. He has a hard time believing in God since he says so many facts support evolution. He says he is going to let it go and believe. He says he is tired of feeling empty inside, he said that he knows he needs a relationship with God. These are profound comments from a person who doesn't know the Lord & once believed in evolution. Thank you for sending me your DVDs. If there is another series that you have up on youtube that could relate to evolution or more about the facts that prove God is real, please let me know. I know that you are very busy in you ministry & with your family but if you have time to talk with me sometime, I can stop work whenever to talk. I have a feeling he may have some questions about God and I was wondering if you could spend time talking with him sometime? Thank you again! Your friend in Christ.” (Rachel)

Video: Various Videos “Hi Pastor Billy. I've come across an interesting blog... in April this year a man in the UK was sacked from an (allegedly) Christian job for answering questions about his faith! Just to let you know that Séamus and I have moved house. I've started a new job in another part of the country. You know, I had no idea how endemic witchcraft was becoming in this country. As you know Séamus' previous school was supposedly Christian (they were Catholic) so at least they weren't pushing witchcraft... but apparently at this school they are. His drama teacher asked the class how many of the kids had witches for mothers, and six put their hands up, out of twenty kids. That's thirty percent! Then the teacher said (direct quote) "I like witches, I'm married to one," and proceeded to show a movie about witchcraft. Séamus, of course, asked to be excused. Then, in RE (that is religious education) the teacher showed a movie called "the man who sued God," with Billy Conoly (probably spelled his name wrong) being very foul mouthed and blasphemous. He asked to be excused from that too, but the teacher told him to read a book... which he said he found very difficult, with the lights off for the "movie", and the noise of it. I'm amazed at the prevalence of witchcraft round here... it really does astound me that people don't see that prosletysing for a "religion" like witchcraft is biassed... yet encouraging children to laugh at God is acceptable. He is off school for the summer, and hopefully will be going to a Bible camp for a week, which he's looking forward to. Meanwhile, at my office, I'm the only Christian. There are two self confessed witches... one of whom has tried to send me "healing", and who tells me that she has a "nice little woman" who hasn't left her in nine years ... it's a "spirit entity" that is attached to her side at all times. She won't believe it's a demon, though it clearly is ... she has said some quite blasphemous things. So, could you pray for Séamus and I to have covering in our various spaces? It seems God keeps giving Séamus a ministry in schools. I don't know what He wants of me in my work place, other than to be salt and


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light of course. Now that I'm back online, I'm looking forward to catching up with your revelation series. (Mary from UK)

Video: Various Videos “Hi pastor Billy its Chris from New Jersey.... long time. Just wanted to say how your sermons have been a blessing to my family. My younger cousin just converted to Christ for the glory of Gods kingdom and i showed him a few of the intelligent design videos which fascinated him... its awesome how Gods Word flips peoples lives upside down... its bad when the world changes peoples lives... i say that because a good friend of mine converted to Christ about 5 years ago and once he got into college he studied meds but switched his major to chem.... he denies Gods existence now and believes in no deity... in other words he is an evolutionist.... He actually brought his family to Christ and now his family is praying without cease for him... his name is Arnalzo Serrano and i was wondering pastor if you can send a few of your intelligent design videos so i can give them to him and we in Christ's body can pray for him so God can come back into his life. If theres a cost for any of the videos please let me know and we will make the arrangements. thank you very much for everything pastor. Be blessed in the Name of Gods Son Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Video: Various Videos “Hello Pastor Crone, my name is Remi. I am a new Christian, I came to the lord one month ago. Before I thought there was no God, but the Lord has made wonderful changes on me. I have been praying and reading the bible as I was told to increase my faith in him. I also watch your videos everyday so I can learn more. I want to say congratulations on those beautiful messages that the lord gives to you. They are full of truth and love; I find many answers in them and the way of living a Good life in Jesus Christ. They keep me going. Lately I have been talking to my brother, I have been telling him, that I found something wonderful, something beyond this world, beyond everything, his name is Jesus Christ; but he does not believes in God. He says there is no God, and for consecuence the bible is not the word of God but an old book full of mythology. So I want to tell him that he is wrong that THERE IS A GOD, and that he will return and if he is not ready, he will take the elevator straight to hell. I want to plant the good seed in his heart. I know my Lord is as real as I breathe, but I don’t know the right words that can touch his heart. As long as I am new, I don’t know the bible too well, that is why I am asking for your help; you that know it better so you can give me an idea of what to say and some words of the bible so I can tell him that there is a God and he sent his son to die for us; and if he comes to him he is willing to forgive all his sins, please help me. Thank you for all your messages, believe me they touch lives. God bless you, and if I don’t get to know you in this life, I am sure I will see you in Heaven.”

Video: The Final Countdown “Praise the King of Kingsss, OH what a SAVIOR !!! LORD YWHW !!! ALL Glory to YOU !!! Yesss. Come on LORD Jesus !! Your people are so waiting for you !! Glory to You !!”

Video: Get A Life! “Awesome testimony Billy! May the Lord be with you. God bless you brother!”


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Video: The Book of Revelation “People we are the final generation, we will see Jesus return, when the Temple gets built ,and a man (anti christ) goes inside and declares he is god, there's only 3 and a half years left until the lord returns! This temple is gods timepiece and is the clearest reference to when Jesus returns. Lift up your heads because our redemption is near. God bless all”

Video: Various Videos “Hello Pastor Billy! Let me introduce myself... my name is Phillip and I live in Kansas, but I discovered your channel on YouTube a few months ago, because someone posted a link to your "One Second After You Die" series on there on a forum I am a member of. Anyways, I was contacting you, because at the end of all your sermons, you say to contact you if I have any questions. I've been kinda nervous to send you an e-mail, but I figured I'd finally do it. I have been convicted on quite a few things while listening to/watching your sermons; and I also had some questions too. Would it be ok if I asked them?” (Phillip)

Video: Various Videos “Just thought I'd write and let you know I think you studies on Revelation and stuff are awesome and hit the nail on the head. While doing some of my own studies I ran across a video of yours on You Tube and now I have basically every video and all sermon notes from your website downloaded on my computer and will be sharing with my family. It's been great because you have been saying things that I have felt God stirring in my heart. Especially as we get closer to the end times. I have even felt God leading me in some direction to preach or teach. Not sure yet exactly, but God is doing something in me. I'm a 37 yr old male and have had my share of learning things the wrong way, even having a few demonic encounters but thankful our God is so awesome. I am currently renting a studio apartment from a Mormon family so you can imagine how interesting that has been also. Anyways, just wanted to give you a word of encouragement and letting you know what your saying is great. You and NFBC are in my prayers and I look forward to seeing the Christian Church become a church filled with true spirit warriors and not the passive casual Christians we tend to be. Take care and hidey hoe!” (Thad from Oregon)

Video: A Marriage Built to Last “Hi Pastor Billy. I’ve watched all your “marriage counselling” video’s on You Tube this weekend and was amazed at all the valuable information it contained. I have read a few books written by Ed Wheat as well and I’m really trying everything biblical that I can to try and restore my marriage, basically breathing life into it again. It is really tough and even tougher applying “Agape” love when it feels like a 10 feet wide and 50 feet high wall exists and for every “brick” I break down he plasters three new ones in – just trying to continue loving and applying some of the advise of books and your video’s are difficult when it is so “one-sided”. When we left our Country of birth and relocated to a new Country 3 years ago my marriage was the best I had ever experienced – we just had each other in this foreign country and did everything together etc etc. It was the marriage I dreamt of all the years and that kind of “heaven on earth” thing – my husband showed me a side of him that I didn’t knew existed (we knew each other 21 years at that stage (married for 17) – a soft side, we even held hands when falling asleep etc etc. Come July 2008 everything changed, my whole world collapsed one night, he announcing that there are rumours at his work about him


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and a co-worker, she is about 2 or 3 years older than him, left her husband and two teenagers to move into a house to be “single and more available” etc. I first thought he is just going a midlife-crisis as he turned 40 in November 2008, and then I thought he has an infatuation with this woman, then I realised it is maybe more serious than I thought because he took his wedding ring off in January 2009 and has till this day not even tried to put it on or if it is too small to get a jeweller to make it bigger and he is still so distant and he avoid every bit of physical contact which he think may lead to the next level – he doesn’t even want to hold my hand and come bedtime he pushes the blanket between us so there is no skin contact etc. I have two ladies from church who are actively praying with me for a breakthrough and that he will pass through these phases quickly. The past 12 months has been hell and the only things we share at this stage is the bed, and it is really just being used to sleep in…. He also has this terrible obsession with his computer – he is totally addicted to his laptop and can spent up to 6 hours a night on it……. I don’t know how serious his involvement with the other women is, whether they have gone to the next level or not, all I know is I’m not giving up yet…..Any advise you can give me, even if you just say “hang in there”, because I do pray that our 21st wedding anniversary coming up in December will be a much more pleasant one than the 20th last year. Warm regards.” (Irene)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Hi Billy. Just a quick hello for you & we all pray that all is well & that you are not working yourself to hard. I have been watching your latest rev studies on YouTube, they are fantastic & you hit the nail right on the head with all you are pointing out. God bless you as always & your family plus all you have working in the ministry. Take case & keep shouting out the truth, as there are too few preachers that are doing so now. God bless.” (Gary from the UK)

Video: Various Videos “I’m a bit concerned for the governmental practices going on and all the complaining about the choices being made. There seems to be no discussion as to the lack of fear of God and that God may be using them and there ignorance to fulfill his will. I did email fox news channel Hannity and told him this so I’m waiting to see what he says. The answer to all their questions is that theirs no fear of God before their eyes. Anyway I’m still wishing I could come and attend your church. Thank you for everything and God Bless you all. In Jesus name.” (Bill)

Video: The Final Countdown “Hello Pastor Billy! I've been able to rip out approximately 40-50 copies of the Mark of the Beast with the Jewish People on a single disc. Thank you for all of your support, and your fearful submission to fight the good fight for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!” (Hugh)

Video: The Attack of the Killer C’s “I just started listening to your sermon on the "Killer C's". Is it possible that an entire church could be afflicted with this disease? I have noticed that the church I attend, the Sunday School's attendance went from about 30 people showing up to about 10. I asked about it but everyone "explained it away" as to it being summer time and everyone is on vacation. Church attendance also seems to be down too. I noticed that more then half the people that attend church services seem to show up sometime after it starts. I don't know exactly when they show up. I just noticed


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when it starts the church is less then half filled and then at the end of the service I will see that double the people are there then. Even my Tuesday night bible study is canceled for the entire month of August! I was told that too many people were taking vacation so it was not prudent to keep studying going for so few people. We only have about 6 to 7 people max that attend on a regular basis. You have said that we won't always find a church that is perfect and everything is going to be like we want it too be. I agree with this but how much has to be off course for it to be a church that is not following God's Will? No one ever talks about 'winning souls for Christ' and bringing people to Christ or Christian's being Casual in their faith. Sometimes I feel as if our church is more like a "self help" kind of church in it's doctrine. We just competed a study on "emotional baggage". Some of the topics discussed were, depression, addiction, etc. (Lynn from Florida)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Let Gods name be glorified pastor Billy... I just finished watching i believe was video number 52 of the revelation series... God is using you pastor in many ways. Man i feel like ive been wasting so much time on my own worries and not that of the gospel... Your ministry I will mention in my prayers pastor. May God keep blessing you and using you.” (Chris from New Jersey)

Video: Various Videos “Mr. Crone, I came across your videos through Cutting Edge Bookstore and looked you and your church up in the hopes to see if there are any scriptural churches left in America. I am an ex-Catholic Christian who left the brick and mortar churches about 5 years ago because I could not find any that I attended to follow scripture on a consistent basis (or at all.) I also have been trying to educate people for decades with information about the Big Bang and Evolution lie. As I watched your videos I became excited and energized that someone else was addressing these issues, both on the Creation subject but also with the falling away of the Church. I have been telling people for decades that certain churches and church leaders are not examples of true Christianity. Do you have a nation-wide network of other churches and pastors that are in agreement with your beliefs? If so, would there be any in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area? I would love to get back into a church but won't until I find one that is true. I don't expect perfection because humans are involved, but I must feel they are true followers of Christ. Thank you and have a blessed day!” (John)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Hey Pastor Billy, Hope this email finds you well. I'm having a great time with the revelation study and have started a group here based on your teaching with your videos. Thanks.” (A.J.)

Video: Various Videos “Hello Pastor Crone, I really enjoy watching your sermons over the internet you and Paul Washer speak the truth. But the real reason that I write is regarding a question that has been on my mind for some months now. But first I’ll like to share of how I met Jesus. I’m 18 years old from Toronto I started to go to church when I was around 12-13. I thought I knew Christ but I soon figured out that showing up to church and singing doesn’t make you saved. I was filled with a lot of pride coming into my teenage years I thought I was everything and with no help from the prosperity gospel I thought god wanted me to be everything and to have everything as well. Until I reached


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the age of 16, I was working with a non believer and we started talking about God, from there he started to ask me some deep questions that seemed like knives pricing through my flesh and the worst part was I had no answers. For two years Pastor Billie I search for the truth I read about other religions, ancient religions and, science, all because of a couple of questions. And then it happened I was so broken I search the lord with all my heart and he revealed himself to me. I accepted Christ right there in my room after two years of searching I repented and believed with all my heart that Christ died and was raised from the dead. This happen about 6 months ago. Thank you. May God Bless You.” (Fernando)

Video: Various Videos “Mister Billy Crone, iam sorry for my bad english, iam portuguese. I want to say that i truly ADMIRE what you have done in order to enlight us... i really mean it. I want to express myself, i know you have tons of work, and i do not expect an answer not because you dont want to, just because i bet you have more interesting issues to deal with. I was a pure atheist... i didnt believe in nothing but science itself... i denied the existence of god... i respected every each religion... but now... iam starting to think that jesus is in fact our saviour... and the church as we know it... the vatican church is nothing but sins...As i said before i was a truly non-believer... its still hard for me to believe 100% however... my thoughts are changing and iam actually praying... however iam afraid that might affects me on the time of the supposed rapture. Oh well.... I hope you keep doing your great work, men like you are needed...My fully respect to you.” (Tiago)

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Dear Billy, You may not know me but I would just like to thank you for all your sermons. I got to know about you from one of your interviews with Dr Stanley Monteith on his radio talk show. It was especially interesting when you explained about creation, the nephilims and "ufos" connection like how 'satan' is trying to scientify everything so as to undermine and discredit Christianity. It was good. I have just downloaded all of your 15 weeks 'Will the Real Church Please Stand Up'. I have finished listening to the first 7 sermons and just can't seems to stop listening. They were all so good and you have really waked me up as a Christian...or rather, made me realised how I was a self-righteous, hypocritical and really, in a way, racist "christian". I am currently residing in Australia and may be going back home to Singapore or maybe to the UK to further my legal studies or USA to study theology or something. Or I may just continue staying here and further my studies or work. I'll see what God want me to do for Him and the type of life He want me to live for Him. Anyway, after having listened to your first 7 sermons, especially the one on Body of Love and Joy...I was so ashamed of myself. And I thought I was a "christian". I was so lost and still am. Lord help me.. Sorry for this long introductory e-mail. I just want to thank you nevertheless. All in all, your sermons were brilliant! Many thanks.” (Gary)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Hey Pastor Billy, I am looking for something that I heard from one of your sermons and can't remember which one. But I was hoping you would still have it and could send it my way. It was a little girl praying and when she prayed she prayed with such intenstity and her cry out to God really moved me in a way that I cannot describe. Let's just say I felt her cry out to God and I was crying myself like


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a baby when I heard her. I would love to have that to send to a few people God has laid on my heart. O and last night I watched one of the Revelation sermons, chapter 2 verse 9 and in one of the sermons in that chapter, the sermon was on not to resist God's plan even tho the circumstances that you may be going through right now doesn't seem like there is no hope in it. Not to look at the circumstances and the sufferings that God has a plan for you, just trust God is control. When I watched this sermon, it spoke to me on a personal level and I didn't know why because last night I wasn't going through anything for me to feel like that. I even had my husband set down and watch it with me a second time. When I got up this morning, my husband calls me and tells me details on his job may not be lasting much longer. I felt that last night's message was preparing him and myself for that phone call today. I have confidence that everything will be ok, because I handed it over to the Lord and He will provide. God is the one in control here. So thank you for being obedient to God and letting him work through you to preach these messages to us. Thanks so much! May God bless you!!!!” (Crystal)

Video: A Special Creation “I will definitely be ordering some of your videos. I watched the entire "A Special Creation" series and loved it. I actually have a BA in History and agree with all you have to say. I was raised a Roman Catholic myself, but haven’t followed that church in some time. These sermons are a great way to get me re-involved. Thanks for that opportunity. I will do this on your web site, therefore supporting you church. Oh yes, one more thing. What’s the deal with the chicken? That was funny.” (Pete)

Video: Various Videos “Hello and God bless! Pastor Billy, I used to think you were a little too noisy in your DVD talks, no offense, but now that I am growing in the Spirit I can share your enthusiasm! How can we not get excited about what the revelation of our Lord is? Also, when God speaks to me, only if it is one simple word, my heart is filled with joy, so that I can truly say, "The joy of the Lord is my strength." Be encouraged, Pastor, and let His joy be your strength! (Chris)

Video: Various Videos “Hi pastor Billy, I've tried to find out how to put video and audio podcasts on iTunes but it seems quite hard but YouTube has instruction videos on how to do it so if you want to pass on to your media dept. Sorry I couldn't help regarding this,but if you can get your media on iTunes it would be great,at the moment there's a lot of buddist and islamic etc rubbish on iTunes and some Christian ones including Joel osten I think his name is,he was menstioned in a recent video you did, the only fairly good Christian podcasts are the desiring god sermons that I have on my iPhone. Anyway how's things in america? I've just been contacted by temple institue saying they have just built the outercourt alter for the 3rd temple! Very exciting times. Please pray for us in England because our country is in such an awful state now and even my friends who don't believe in the lord are sickened by the times we live in and what people are doing to each other. I thank you all again for the teachings, send our love to your church please. God bless.” (Andy from England)

Video: Radio Broadcast “Dear Sir, I was blessed to hear your this morning and I urgently need a copy of the message. In the Word we are commanded to speak the truth to one


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another and we do not hear much of the truth from the pulpit today. Thank You.” (Vicente)

Video: The Book of Revelation “With the information given by Billy in this Video needs to be seen by as many Christian's as possible. But for all Christians, it is both frightening & also exciting coz its close that we are going to be taken home to be with our Lord & Saviour. God Bless you all.”

Video: The Final Countdown “pastor billy i will show you to my family.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “wow. went thru all 30 and were all great vids.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Keep her lit Billy Boy!!”

Video: The Book of Revelation “Thanks Pastor Billy. God keeps using you to show me things that I need to learn & to know. I am still a babe trying to be grown up, but there's still alot I need to know. Even tho the time is extremely short, I think He's putting me thru a crash course. See you on the way home. Soon.”

Video: The Attack of the Killer C’s “This is what the Church needs to hear; and so much more of it, so much louder! Wake up, saints! God has something great prepared for this generation of Christians! He's moving now and ready to raise the Church in a power like no other age before us. Be sure you don't miss God.”

Video: RFID: Mark of the Beast? “very good series!”

Video: The Book of Revelation “GOD be with you all, can't wait to go home to meet the King of Kings & Savior. Oh man, i'm so going to hug Him !!!”

Video: The Book of Revelation “amen. good stuff, keep them coming!”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “LOVE BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMEN.”

Video: The Book of Revelation “Billy you are the best preacher I have seen, I love how you are humorous and serious...:) nothing like a good preacher! Thanks for your videos I really appreciate it. Oh and you have helped me become a christian again!”

Video: A Young Creation “This video explains it the best on how any of the so called facts that atheist and evolutionist give for there made up fantasy theory go down the waste side. I hope Billy crone come out with a documentary of this same subject.”

Video: The Book of Revelation “you are right it is hard to find a good church, that allows the Word of God to be heard. Thank you for your contribution to God.”


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Video: One Second After You Die “Excellent piece, thank you for posting these! Hey, to the people. When you come close to death, you will want to find god real quick, this I know!”

Video: The Final Countdown “Really enjoyed the videos so far. I think people should really listen and take heed to this sermon. All of it. It is important that people know what is to come and that GOD is the only way. Cause without GOD you will perish! There is nothing to look forward to without GOD.”

Video: Various Videos “Pastor, I just wanted to say Hi and bless your day! Thank you for your service... thank you. Today at Caribou Coffee. I listened to a group of " Church men " , who were " Christian writers" ... ( about 5 middle aged men) boast in their work for an hour and a half without once mentioning Jesus Christ. Soon after a homeless man without shoes walked by and bathed himself in the Caribou coffee bathroom. I noticed than none of them greeted him but God gave me the blessed role thanks be to JESUS! SO th eman looked at me and I told him that he could come over and get clothes, shoes, food, a bible, etc.. stay the night. They never noticed him at all until after the convo, then after they said " O young man you on the right path" .. And the Spirit sternly worked in me to respond " Isnt serving those in need the will of Christ>""??? They had no reply, for they talked of religion and not JESUS CHRIST. I did think of you at that moment as a leader in the Lord, because of your focus on our saviour God Bless you.” (Weston)

Video: Get A Life! “I have just finished watching your testimony and it was so good. I can relate to that "black dark apparition" experience although mine was not as extreme as yours. Like you, I used to dabble in occultism, eastern mysticism and buddhism (my cultural background actually make me very susceptible to all these). You know, all the chanting, meditation and staff. And really, it was all so hypocritical, self-denying, vain and definitely satan's lie to get oneself to ultimately destroy their own souls and lives - "nirvana" = "nothingness" = soul dead and swallowed up by satan. And yea, then there was also the wiccan's snare. My first dark apparition experience was when I sat meditating in my living room back in Singapore after days of chanting for hours. It was defintely not "divine and holy". One can sense the ugliness and malevolence emanating from the dark apparition. The second time was in Australia. That dark apparition with the same 'ugly sh**ty lowl jealousy malevolence' feel just came walk right through my bedroom door and stood next to my bed while I hid under my blanket. Only this time round, I was calling out to Jesus in my heart. And yea, I could still remember the second incident, it just sort of hovered ominously for sometimes then faded away. Haha, now that you reminded me, maybe "it" has something to do with my "new American housemate" (no pun intended, my new house mate on that day was an American and gosh, he later showed me The Book of Enoch and some books by David Icke and well, not that I have not heard of them before, in fact I have and already know much more about them but they were like as if satan was trying to "remind" me what I used to believe and subtly pulling me back to my lower life-condition). Many thanks.” (Gary)

Video: Radio Interviews “I have come to know and enjoy Pastor Crone through his appearances on the Radio Liberty broadcasts. I ordered The Final Countdown series


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through Radio Liberty. Thank you and GOD Bless the awesome work that your church is involved in.” (Phillip from Michigan)

Video: Various Videos “Hi Pastor Billy, I am thankful for your ministry. There are so many preachers today that are not preparing their flock, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I read my Bible daily and wash in the word. I am shocked to know of many that say they love our Lord, and yet are "too busy" to do the things our Lord tells us. I have been guilty of doing this in the past. Since so much of Revelation is taking place before our very eyes, I find it hard to understand, how many Christians do not obey God, in this area. God, has shown me how important it is to daily wash in the word, in order to get the world off of us. I do not watch TV, other than to watch a minister, God has lead me too. Most of them on TV, however teach the prosperity gospel. I started watching FOX news, do to the Presidential campaigns. I had stopped watching TV all together, because I found it to be unfit, and a waste of my time. I have learned a lot from your videos, as it shows much of what I missed, when not watching the news. I pray daily to be lead where the Holy Spirit directs and to keep me from deception. He has lead me to teachers of His word, like you. He has also taught me to look to Him, as the best teacher. I do know, that I need other believers of like mind in my life. I work as a hairdresser. I am blessed that within the group I work with, their are many that profess their faith in our Lord. We seem to be a many different levels. For this reason, I am writing to you. You stated that you might be able to put me in to contact with other good churches. I live in Palm Bay, Florida. Would you please, send me a list of churches you would recommend. I presently attend, when I go, The First Baptist Church of Melbourne. I have also attended Calvary Chapel. I believe, these two churches do teach the word. I believe, Gods church needs to be taught the truth in order to prepare as Joseph and Noah both did. Thank you Pastor Billy, for continuing to preach the whole truth of God's word. I pray for you and your family. In Gods love.”(Cheryl)

Video: Various Videos “Hidee Ho Billy, My name is Jeff and I am a regular listener of your messges on U-tube. Thank you for all your work that you do. Your Brother in Christ.” (Jeff from Florida)

Video: Various Videos “Hello and good evening, just wanted to say that I love your videos and they are truly a blessing. Pastor Crone is an outstanding pastor, wish we had one like him where I live. I just bought the entire Revelation series 1-9. Thank you again and have a great week! :)” (Dawn from Michigan)

Video: Who Says the Bible is God’s Word? “Good Morning Billy. My name is Mark. I am a Christian and I am German. First out, let me tell you that I love your ministry. I know your sermons from youtube. I couldn't agree with you any more. Right now I am doing a lot of research and one of my current topics is the authenticity of the Bible. Personally, I am firmly convinced that there is absolutely no doubt about the infallibility of God's Word. But there are many unsaved people who have questions and we Christians should be having the answers willing to provide them on the basis of logical and water proof facts. Anyhow, your sermon: "Did the Bible really come from God ?" was a great help for me. That is why I tried to call you this week. I am having some


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questions and I would be glad to talk to you personally. If you would be so kind and tell me when you have a few minutes of your time, that would be great. I know you must be very busy, so I will not be wasting much of your precious time. I believe that you are a sincere and genuine Christian. May God bless you in every area of your life. Greetings from Germany.” (Mark)

Video: The Book of Revelation “The whole argument about evolution & genetics & psychology is offering justification for SUCH unimaginable horrors and YOU ARE BRINGING THAT OUT..........It is SO GREAT to see how God is using you as an instrument.........This is glorious ! I honestly think that you are the best in the world, and I am not saying "the best in the world". I actually mean, "THE BEST IN THE WORLD", as I have SEARCHED for a long time to find those who have been given the gift from God and ministry to PUT IT ALL TOGETHER.........I have studied prophecy since I was about 8..........not continuously, but I've been aware. It is interesting how seemingly random people are discovering your ministry. Isn't it interesting how people talk about horrors of the past is a blase' sort of way.............YOUR INTENSITY & "FIRE" IS EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO SEE ! This is serious and the devil now has CHRISTIANS attacking those WITH FIRE................They might say, "He's angry.........." as if THAT is bad, and NOT THE ISSUE !!! We are SO far gone..........Why we need Jesus Christ & people like you. Finally,..........Your presentations are SO absolutely SPOT ON..........................What you said about education and the ability to work, trade, be entertained.......WOW !!! WOW !!! That is SO accurate. The temple and uniting the world's religions.....................Yep. The horrifying video clip offers a glimpse at what MANY people have experienced in this world as a result of trusting man and intellect rather than faith in Jesus Christ. Now that was a cool way to present that truly graphic and chilling reality !!!! I like the fact that you put that up there for people to contemplate because people do not need to be lulled to sleep BUT SEE THE TRUTH OF THE HORROR when they relinquish their faith in Jesus Christ and the truth of God.”

Video: The Book of Revelation “What an awesome message. Every time i get on my high horse about the state of this country, there you are to remind me of my own compromise. Its easy how a lot of Christians to try get away with “do as i say not as i do.” Love you Pastor.”

Video: Various Videos “Dear Pastor Crone, Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for men such as yourself. He has used in many mighty ways. Praise Him Praise Him. Thank you once again for your testimony and DVD's you sent to me in Australia. I'll be praying for you, your family and ministry. May God bless you richly through Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit.” (John from Australia)

Video: The Book of Revelation “I love it. Good stuff. It’s true.”

Video: A Young Creation “Its very interesting that the very thing upon which Macro Evolution uses as the basis for its foundation (time) is also the very same thing which is its most damaging flaw. Never mind that Macro Evolution has to work in direct opposition to the most basic physical scientific laws, which are proven to work


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consistently and can be observed visually, but denies the very reality by which all of Mankind carries on during day to day life. I will never have enough faith to be an Evolutionist.”

Video: An Intelligent Creation “Love this guy. Amen praise God. God is awesome. Billy I love you man. Great preaching. God bless.”

Video: The Book of Revelation “Just wanted to thank you for all your work, especially the last few videos. I've had the time recently to catch up on the last few Book of Revelation videos (& a couple others) and they were mind blowing! I've always been fascinated by the prophecies pertaining to the last days, but at the same time worrisome of things to come...for my family, myself and the world. I've worried I wouldn't be strong enough to defend my belief in God, worried my faith & knowledge would be too weak to honor God whenever the time came, worried about the suffering that could take place for my child, my husband, and every other person I've ever met if/when things really get down to the knitty-gritty. Do I sound worried? lol And then while watching the last few videos, something just...clicked. I can't tell you what it was exactly. Just a complete calmness. -A sort of content, patient type feeling. -A peace in knowing God is and always will be in control. He knows all, sees all, hears all, etc.... even when I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I can imagine how hard you work and I can see how much heart you put into all that you are doing. So, thanks again. I am most grateful. Oh, and please keep those videos comin'! P.S. I'm not gonna say "God bless you and your ministry" cuz I believe He already has. :)” (Liz)

Video: Various Videos “Mr. Billy Crone, I am following you as much as I can. Have been watching and reading about all of you had to say, which is interesting. Wise words coming out from a wise man. I think your work is great, and will save millions of people. My truly regards to you brother, Respect Mr. Billy Crone.” (Tiago from Portugal)

Video: The Book of Revelation “I would just like to add we have watched all of the revelation DVD and THE LORD has really ministered to us through them, I have also distributed them on this side and people have really enjoyed Pastor Billy's teachings.God Bless and thank you.” (Lea from North Carolina)

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Pastor Crone, Many thanks for your great teaching. I have been a Christian for 14 years, a pastors wife. For the last two years, I have lived in self pity and hatred towards God and others. I have lost 8 babies in pregnancy four in the last two years. I am ashamed to admit it but I've not lived as a Christian should. I allowed my faith to dwindle to next to nothing and lived in a secret hatred towards God. I was just watching your teaching on "Will the real Church please stand up"? I cannot begin to tell how much this teaching has given me the strength to "Come back To God". I wasn't involved in outward sin but inside my heart was hardened towards God and his will. Thank you for your faithful stand towards word of God, and the great teaching. God bless you greatly.” (UK)

Video: The Book of Revelation “Great video. Compromising the gospel is dangerous.”


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Video: One Second After You Die “Wouldn't it be a blessing if all Pastor's would be so bold as Billy Crone. I love listening to him.” (Christie)

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Thank you for this sermon, you will never know how much I needed to hear this. I had taken it so lightly what Jesus done for me on the cross.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Pastor Crone, I agree with you, there is the "so called Hierarchy of sin" in the Church. I came out of the gay lifestyle a few years ago and seek to help others and witness to them. I find these people are not accepted in the Church, many are repelled by ex gay people and do not want to show the love of Christ to them.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Thanks Pastor Crone, I think we need to be reminded we Christians should be the happiest people on earth!”

Video: Who Says the Bible is God’s Word? “Amen, amen, amen.”

Video: A Marriage Built to Last “Hi pastor Billy, I looked at your advise on You Tube, and really liked to listen to it, I'm in a relationship with my male friend, and did some of the things you spoke about on the differences between male and female, I could basically see the change in our situation, my friend is very scared of the relationship, as he mentioned to me a couple times before that whenever he loved someone or cared for someone, that person left him , either by death or a previous separation. Really found your advise very welcome, is there a way I could hear more about what I could do in my situation, am busy with the communication part now, it's like a bible study to me, I've got a little book and am taking notes of the sessions like crazy. Many thanx to you.” (Anna-marie from New Zealand)

Video: Various Videos “What would it cost me if I were to order all nine volumes of THE BOOK OF REVELATION DVDs & the two volumes of THE FINAL COUNTDOWN DVDs? My reason for asking is that I have a friend in another state who runs a ministry & distributes 1000,s of DVDs through his monthly newsletter. I would like to purchase these DVDs & send them to him so that he can distribute these also. Many thanks, yours in Christ.” (Nigel from Australia)

Video: Various Videos “Hello Pastor Crone, Considering the times we live in, I am focusing on reaching out to as many people as I can to share the gospel. Thank you so much for your ministry, your messages have been a blessing, They have giving me strength, hope and encouragement as we come down that last leg of the race, at a time when the opposition is stepping up his attacks against the church. May God bless you & your family and your ministry.” (Jeff from Florida)

Video: Various Videos “Hey Pastor Crone, My name is Stephen. I am twenty years old and a student living in Philadelphia. God has recently led me to view your videos on


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youtube, and I have sent links to them to people I know. Because most of the work I do for school involves using a computer, I put on your videos and listen/watch them while I work. You have got me PUMPED up man!! I hope there are more pastors like you across America, because God knows how much we need him and the truth right now. Anyways, I was wondering if there was anyway I could get a copy of your Radio Program "The Intelligent Design Debate," or maybe any other pieces of media that you think would be helpful. Even if it is a Burnt CD copy of it, that will work for me. I want to make copies of the discs and pass them out on the streets to the people of Philadelphia. Let me know what you think, or if there is any other alternative way to get a copy of the audio! Thank You So Much for your insightful words. You truly are on fire with the Holy Spirit! God Bless.” (Stephen)

Video: Various Videos “Dear Pastor Billy Crone today i woes baptise in the Name of Jesus Christ and his Grace is upon me and i woes become member of small comunity Chrch name Betel this is place where wii with singing Glorfy GOD FATHER and HIS SON JESUS belive when i say you are on youtube beacon of Light that GOD works tru you THANKS brother!” (Alen from Croatia)

Video: Various Videos “Greetings Pastor Billy, Hey there, I'm actually a guy who found your videos on youtube a while back and became impressed by them. I wrote a letter to your profile there and you guys (not sure who it was; whether you or Kate...whoever) managed to mail out almost $300 worth of your DVDs for me to pass on and play for my friends, family and congregation I attend, at Calvary Church. Again, thank you for these videos. I am on my travels right now and playing them to friends and family in my hometown, who have never seen them, as well as other audio/video commentaries and seminars, such as Kent Hovind, Chuck Missler and the like. Hopefully I made a dent in some of them. Correction...hopefully the Holy Spirit has convicted them, hehe. Again, thanks for the DVDs...they are being put to heavy work, heh. Nice chatting. Take care and God Bless. Your brother.” (Michael)

Video: A Young Creation “This video has opened my eyes. Can anyone tell me how I go about accepting Jesus Christ as my savior? I've been deluded by science and atheism for so long that I don't even know how to begin.” (Szriko)

Video: The Secret to a Joyful Life “I'm doing great here in San Pedro town on a little island called Ambergris Caye, working at the radio station, God is doing great things here, I have a heart for all the poor little street kids growing up without parents due to dying from aides or abandonment caused by financial pressure, and i remembered a little clip you presented to your assembly about a guy going out to pick up a busload of orphans expecting like 50 and when he got there found like 300 gathered. Really touched my heart, Can you tell me where i can find that video clip? I hope to be filming some of the stuff i see here in this country as well and send it to my home church, We need to wake up to the fact that this is a very needy world.. God bless u Billy and all God has entrusted to you at Niagara Frontier!” (Johnny)


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Video: Various Videos “Thanks for your video's (teaching) Please never give up speaking the truth, don't let the critics get you down.Your teaching has got me through some dark difficult times in my life, and got me back on track with God when I I lived in self pity for two years. Thanks for all you.Many blessing to you and your family.”

Video: An Intelligent Creation Radio Interview “For all men ho have doubt in GOD Pastor Billy Crone speak tru!That come from ALLMIGHTY GOD everything is in balance all universe nothin hepens by chance because we are all blind in existance of tru enemy our advrsery Satana why wii must always contradict with question OUR CREATOR why wii dont TRUST HIM without eny question reading His word that is in Holly Scripture.Have Faith in Him i Know the best becouse is eternal and Holly+3 FATHER GOD JESUS CHRIST HOLLY SPIRIT.”

Video: One Second After You Die “GO BILLY GO - REAL-TALK..”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Gosh this is powerful stuff. I've spent months watching rubbish on TV instead of serving God!”

Video: The Final Countdown Radio Interview “amen brother. amen.”

Video: A Young Creation “Just look at men and women and how they fit together perfectly in order to procreate, Childbirth alone is miraculous, how can you not call that a Miracle.....How can people Deny The LORD?? its so obvious, just open your eyes and stop being deceived by satan.”

Video: An Intelligent Creation Radio Interview “God Bless You Pastor Billy Crone Hallo from Croatia!!”

Video: The Book of Revelation “Every minute of this series is a true blessing that you are giving to us, the Church. Thank God for your patience and teaching to us this vital message. I was once shocked at the length of this when I first got started. I am now into chapter 2!! WHOO HOO!! Only 21 more to go!! Can't wait to see the end, not that I am looking for it. Just to say that the info is great and to learn this, is incredible. I would like to get to know you Pastor. Too bad I live here in TX.”

Video: Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up? “Amen ...Will the REAL Church Please Stand Up! Jesus* is coming for His Body, His Church, His Bride. Saved- thats you! Praise Jesus*”

Video: The Final Countdown “the handwriting is on the wall folks wake up people .after the rapture.GOD is going to remove the restraining spirit and satan is going to bring tyranny ,spiritually political and economic and he is going to use technoligy to do it.One of the great mysteries is that there is dark forces guiding the world thru evil.”


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Video: Various Videos “We are attending a fellowship called Bridgelane fellowship now, messianic congregation. The media u gave us in the past is making its rounds in Romania, we might me moving out of the UK, and maybe we can help u distribute it when we get to our destination in Australia. DO take care and God bless you.” (Bala)