Vietnam: America's Longest War The Wall The Place 1 st Indochinese War 1 st Indochinese War Phase 1 (1945 – 1954) Phase 1 Phase 2 (1954 – 1961) Phase 2

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  • Vietnam: America's Longest War The Wall The Place 1 st Indochinese War 1 st Indochinese War Phase 1 (1945 1954) Phase 1 Phase 2 (1954 1961) Phase 2 Phase 3 (1961 1963) Phase 3 Phase 4 (1963 1968) Phase 4 Phase 5 (1968) Phase 5 Phase 6 (1969 1970) Phase 6 Phase 7 (1971 - 1973) Phase 7
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  • The Place Where What Who
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  • Where Southeast Asia Bordered by: China Myanmar ( Burma ) Thailand ( Siam )
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  • What Indochina French colony Several ethnic groupsethnic Viet Khmer Lao
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  • Dog Khmer = Jakay Lao = ma Vietic = ch Lao
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  • Race Ethnicity Race Inherited (examples: hair, skin, body) Ethnicity Acquired (examples: language, religion, dress, food, traditions, customs)
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  • Who Ho Chi Minh Vietnamese Nationalist wanted __ to govern __ educated in Europe studied Karl MarxKarl Marx
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  • Love of ethnic group Desire for homogenous nation Achieved by self-determination Nationalism
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  • Marxist: History is the result of class struggle Communist: class struggle is bad & could be eliminated in a communist society Leninist: A small group of undemocratic, professional revolutionaries must establish communism locally Trotskyist: A small group of undemocratic, professional revolutionaries must establish communism globally Americas Cold War Perception of Communism Communism: a godless, classless ideology orchestrated by the Soviet Union dedicated to overthrowing the United States.
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  • Some were OK with French rule Some were not Ho Chi Minh (Viet Minh) Ngo Dinh Diem Dien Bien Phu 1 st Indochinese War, 1946 - 1954 1863 - 1942 1942 - 1945 1946 - 3:40 1950 1954 ? Saigon Hanoi WWII Comm. Contain Nat. Home
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  • Geneva Conference, 1954 French defeat at Dien Bien Phu Chart the future for French Indochina Khmer Nation (Cambodia)Cambodia Lao Nation (Laos)Laos Viet disengagement, separation, election, nation Home
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  • Geneva Conference, 1954 Laos Cambodia North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Future Plan Free elections Unified Vietnam
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  • Containment I 1948 - 1949
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  • Containment II 1949 - last
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  • Inhertances
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  • Phase 1: Support The French (1945 1954) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution USTIFICATION Dien Bien Phu French Loss Geneva Peace Conference (1 colony = 4 nations)1 colony = 4 nations ASSESSMENT Monetary and Military Material Aid for France STRATEGY Containment OBJECTIVE Communist Conspiracy Domino Principle HYPOTHESIS
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  • Phase 2: Eisenhower and Vietnam (1954 1961) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution USTIFICATION Diem: not popular may need more help Vietcong: South Vietnamese CommunistsSouth Vietnamese Communists ASSESSMENT Nation Building N/S election cancelled Build a Pro-American South VietnamPro-American South Vietnam Monetary and Military Aid to South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) STRATEGY Containment OBJECTIVE Communist Conspiracy Domino Principle HYPOTHESIS
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  • Phase 3: Kennedy and Vietnam (1961 1963) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution USTIFICATION Diem: murderedASSESSMENT Nation Building Build a Pro-American South Vietnam Military Advisors Military Advisors to South Vietnam M ilitary A id & A dvisory G roup V ietnam MAAGV ARVN VC _?_ 1963 16,000 MAAG V in S. Vietnam STRATEGY Containment OBJECTIVE Communist Conspiracy Domino Principle HYPOTHESIS
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  • Phase 4: Johnson and Vietnam (1963 1968) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution USTIFICATION Metric: body count & kill ratio > taking ground Reports: We are winning!! ASSESSMENT 1964: Air Power Operation Rolling Thunder to stop NVA from supplying VC to devastate the Ho Chi Minh Traildevastate 1965: Ground Forces led by General W. WestmorelandGeneral W. Westmoreland search & destroy VC / NVAsearch & destroy STRATEGY Containment OBJECTIVE Communist Conspiracy Domino Principle VC North Vietnam Army (NVA)VC North Vietnam Army HYPOTHESIS
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  • Phase 5: Tet offensive (1968) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution USTIFICATION Metric: body count & kill ratio > taking ground Reports: We are winning!! ASSESSMENT 1964: Air Power Operation Rolling Thunder to stop NVA from supplying VC to devastate the Ho Chi Minh Traildevastate 1965: Ground Forces led by General W. WestmorelandGeneral W. Westmoreland search & destroy VC / NVAsearch & destroy STRATEGY Containment OBJECTIVE Communist Conspiracy Domino Principle VC North Vietnam Army (NVA)VC North Vietnam Army HYPOTHESIS
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  • Phase 6: Nixon and Vietnam (1969 1970) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution USTIFICATION ASSESSMENT Publically: Vietnamization Privately: Cambodia STRATEGY Containment OBJECTIVE Communist Conspiracy Domino Principle VC North Vietnam Army (NVA)VC North Vietnam Army HYPOTHESIS PUBLIC Public dissatisfaction, anger, mistrust Renewed anti-war activity on college campuses (Kent State) Move to Dtente strategy
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  • Phase 7: The Conclusion (1971 - 1973) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution USTIFICATION ASSESSMENT Linkage Negotiate a settlement with North VietnamNorth Vietnam USA remove troops & return POWs remove troops North Vietnam shut down Ho Chi Minh Trail & return POWsHo Chi Minh Trail STRATEGY Containment OBJECTIVE Communist Conspiracy Domino Principle VC North Vietnam Army (NVA)VC North Vietnam Army HYPOTHESIS Detente: Peaceful coexistence with the Communist world 1973: USA out (a promise if not a victory) 1975: NVA invades South Vietnam
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  • VC
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  • MAAG-V 1963 16,000
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  • Ho Chi Minh Trail
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  • 1965 75,000
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  • Gen. William Westmoreland
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  • Defoliation: Agent Orange
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  • Search and DestroySearch and Destroy
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  • Tet Offensive What Vietcong attack Simultaneous Multiple Thought-To-Be Secure Areas Results There: Vietcong repulsedVietcong repulsed Here: Credibility GapCredibility Gap I ve lost Cronkite I ve lost Cronkite Election Year Nixon in 1968
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  • NVA North Vietnamese Army
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  • To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe, in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past. To suggest we are on the edge of defeat is to yield to unreasonable pessimism. To say that we are mired in stalemate seems the only realistic, yet unsatisfactory, conclusion. On the off chance that military and political analysts are right, in the next few months we must test the enemy's intentions, in case this is indeed his last big gasp before negotiations. But it is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out then will be to negotiate, not as victors, but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy, and did the best they could. Walter Cronkite, February 1968
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  • Detente RapprochementSALT chart
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  • Thursday, April 30 President Nixon announces the invasion of Cambodia, triggering massive protests on many of the nation's campuses. Saturday, May 2 Ohio National Guardsmen Ohio National Guardsmen are sent to Kent State after the University's Army R.O.T.C. building is burned down.Army R.O.T.C. building is burned down. Sunday, May 3 Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes appears on campus and promises to use every force possible to maintain order.every force possible Monday, May 4 Four students are killed Four students are killed and nine others are wounded when a contingent of Guardsmen suddenly opens fire during a noontime demonstration. Kent State
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  • Nixon announces the invasion of Cambodia, triggering massive protests on many of the nation's campuses. May 2 Ohio National Guardsmen are sent to Kent State after the University's Army R.O.T.C. building is burned down. May 3 Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes personally appears on campus and promises to use "every force possible" to maintain order. Rhodes denounces the protesters as worse than brownshirts and vows to keep the Guard in Kent "until we get rid of them." May 4 Four students are killed and nine others are wounded when a contingent of Guardsmen suddenly opens fire during a noontime demonstration.
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  • Viet Cong (VC) AKA: National Liberation Front (NLF) Anti-Diem Anti-Foreigner Pro-Minh Insurgency Guerillas Terrorists !? Freedom Fighters!? NVA supplied Successful
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  • Marxist: History is the result of class struggle Communist: class struggle is bad & could be eliminated in a communist society Leninist: A small group of undemocratic, professional revolutionaries must establish communism locally Trotskyist: A small group of undemocratic, professional revolutionaries must establish communism globally Americas Cold War Perception of Communism Communism: a godless, classless ideology orchestrated by the Soviet Union dedicated to overthrowing the United States.
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  • Marxist: History is the result of class struggle Communist: class struggle is bad & could be eliminated in a communist society Leninist: A small group of undemocratic, professional revolutionaries must establish communism locally Trotskyist: A small group of undemocratic, professional revolutionaries must establish communism globally
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  • Agenda Review Sheet (10) Pages 1- schedule 2- 50s Foreign Policy 3- 50s Econ./Tech./Pol. 4- 60s: JFK 5- 60s: LBJ 6- Civil Rights (a) 7- Civil Rights (b) 8- quiz 9- Vietnam (a) 10- Vietnam (b) Johnsons War Looking Ahead Next Week: The 1970s Next Week: Afterschool Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Exam . MC = Next Thursday & DBQ Next Friday
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  • Tet Offensive What Vietcong attack Simultaneous Multiple Thought-To-Be Secure Areas Results There: Vietcong repulsedVietcong repulsed Here: Credibility GapCredibility Gap I ve lost Cronkite I ve lost Cronkite Election Year Nixon in 1968