Vietnam Economics & Strategy

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  • 8/14/2019 Vietnam Economics & Strategy


    ab cGlobal Research

    Economics: GDP growth is on a steady path. Buttrade deficit and inflation problems will persist. We

    expect the central bank will tighten throughout 2010 to

    deliver total rate hikes of as much as 4%.

    Equity Strategy: The HCM Index continues tounderperform. Although the foreign sell-off has

    stabilized and valuation is cheap, it is still too early to

    call it a turnaround yet due to falling liquidity.

    FX Strategy: Illiquidity in the FX market and lack

    of confidence in VND will continue to exert depreciationpressure on VND. We expect VND will reach 18,400 at


    Trade deficit remains a gaping concern




    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    USD bn

    Trade ba lance Export Import

    Source: HSBC, CEIC

    Inflation pressures likely to intensify







    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


    Ye ar- on- Year 3 m- on- 3m annua lize d

    Source: HSBC, CEIC

    VietnamEconomics & Strategy

    Vietnam Monitor(Issue 27)Inflation and trade deficit concernsovercast Vietnam

    8 February 2010Jacqueline Tse* Equity StrategistThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited+852 2996 6602 [email protected]

    Daniel Hui* FX Strategist The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited+852 2822 4340 [email protected]

    Wellian Wiranto*

    Economist The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited,Singapore Branch+65 6230 2879 [email protected]

    View HSBC Global Research at:

    *Employed by a non-US affiliate of HSBC Securities (USA) Inc,and is not registered/qualified pursuant to NYSE and/or NASDregulations

    Issuer of report: The Hongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation Limited

    Disclaimer & DisclosuresThis report must be read with thedisclosures and the analyst certificationsin the Disclosure appendix, and with theDisclaimer, which forms part of it
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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

    Growth spurt continuesThe Vietnamese economy appears to have

    recovered firmly throughout the course of 2009. It

    finished the year with a strong 7.7% year-on-yeargrowth in Q4. This growth rate is a huge uplift

    from the 3.1% increase registered at the beginning

    of the year and it is significantly stronger than the

    4.4% and 5.2% seen in Q2 and Q3.

    The construction sector spurred on by the

    governments USD8bn stimulus package last year

    that is heavily tilted towards infrastructure spending

    has contributed greatly to the turn in GDP growth.

    With an 8-9% share of the economy, construction

    grew by 14.0% y-o-y and contributed 1.6 percentage

    points to the overall GDP growth.

    Most of the other sectors within the economy are

    starting to show some signs of recovery as well.

    The services sector, which accounts for over 40%

    of the economy, is starting to inch closer to its

    long-term rate of contribution to overall growth.

    In Q4, the sector contributed 2.7ppt to growth

    compared to its long-run average of around 3ppt.

    The manufacturing sector, which constitutes about

    a quarter of the economy, has started to pick itself

    up from the doldrums it found itself in at the

    beginning of the year. The sector posted 5.7%year-on-year growth in Q4, as compared to 0.5%

    in Q1 of 2009. Although there is still some way to

    go before Vietnams manufacturing returns to its

    long-run average growth rate of 9.5%, its recent

    trend is pointing towards the right direction.

    The recovery in manufacturing is tied to the

    recent uptick in the countrys exports, just as its

    earlier slump corresponded to the decline in

    exports. In keeping with our pan-Asian view of a

    virtuous cycle of growth in the region whereby

    exports pick up in response to a policy-led

    Economics GDP growth is gathering pace and should remain strong in 2010 However, the strong growth has translated into trade deficit andinflation problems More aggressive tightening actions are expected to rectify thesituation, but policymakers are likely to only act in March atthe earliest

    1. Construction remains strong and manufacturing is turning





    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    % YoY

    Ma nufacturin g C onstruc tion

    Source: CEIC

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

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    demand recovery, Vietnams exports are bouncingback substantially.

    2. Vietnam's exports are recovering firmly





    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    % YoY

    Total Ex-Oil

    Source: CEIC

    Apart from exports, we expect the economy to gain

    its strength from domestic consumption and animprovement in investments. Together, these factors

    should allow the GDP to grow by 6.8% in 2010.

    Worry #1: Trade deficitWhile the recovery in exports has only started to

    gather pace near the end of 2009, imports started

    galloping rather earlier. This gap has resulted in a

    widening trade deficit of USD1-2bn per month

    since April and the trend has continued until the

    last reading of USD1.3bn in January of this year.

    3. Trade deficits remain a gaping concern



    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

    USD bn

    Trade balance Ex port Import

    Source: CEIC

    To some extent, the deepening of the trade deficitrecently has to do with some one-off factors

    caused indirectly by the governments growth-boosting policies of 2009.

    Take automobile imports, for instance. Courtesy

    of the effects of a temporary VAT reduction as

    well as the 4ppt interest subsidy scheme on loans

    that was given by the government last year,

    automobile imports have skyrocketed, helping topush up the countrys import bills in 2009.

    4. 2009: The best year ever - for car imports







    Jan-07 J ul-07 Jan -08 J ul -08 J an-09 J ul -09 J an -10

    Unit th






    500USD m n

    Volume Value - RHS

    Source: CEIC

    In fact, monthly car imports registered the highestlevel ever in both value and volume terms by the end

    of last year, as consumers rushed to procure their

    choice vehicles before the scheduled withdrawal of

    these friendly measures at the end of the year.

    It is no coincidence that a major vehicle supplier

    we spoke to this week told us that 2009 was their

    best year ever in terms of sales. However, as these

    temporary measures are no longer applicable atthe start of this year, automobile imports have

    come down dramatically.

    These temporary factors aside, there remains an

    inherent imbalance in the economy that will

    continue to result in strong imports which, more

    often than not, outpace exports.

    For one, a developing country like Vietnam requires

    a higher level of infrastructure investments, whichare necessary to unlock the potential of the economy

    in the long term. In the immediate period, however,

    such investments translate into import bills for items

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

    ranging from construction steel to heavymachineries. The stimulus-driven increase in

    infrastructure spending could not help but exacerbate

    this further.

    Moreover, as the country continues to position itself

    to attract FDI investors, it is worth noting that the

    capital expenditure involved in setting up productionfacilities for FDI investments would result in higher

    imports for capital goods, etc. The hope is that,

    eventually, these investments would turn around andbecome foreign exchange earners through exports.

    The breakeven point remains to be seen, however.

    All in all, due to the structural dynamics painted

    above, we expect the trade deficit to remain an issuein the near term. However, we think that we might

    have witnessed the worst parts of the trade deficit

    problem, as the one-off factors resulting from

    growth-boosting policies of 2009 get phased out.

    For their part, the government is addressing thetrade deficit problem by trying to limit the imports

    of unnecessary consumption items such as

    luxury cars and electrical appliances. It remainsan open question as to how effective such

    administrative measures will prove to be.

    Worry #2: InflationVietnams CPI rose by 7.6% in January,

    reaffirming our concerns that demand and prices

    will continue firming in 2010. In sequential terms,Januarys number went up by 1.3% m-o-m sa, thefifth month in which prices have increased by

    more than 1% in comparable terms.

    Apart from the rise in prices that has been driven by

    the overall strength in the economy, there are signs

    that the infrastructure spending as part of the

    governments stimulus measures has resulted in

    price pressure in items such as construction materials

    whose prices rose by nearly 14% y-o-y in January.

    We believe that inflationary pressures will continueto build up, as suggested by the recent sequential

    price rises. In 3m-on-3m seasonally adjusted terms,Januarys inflation rose by an annualized rate of

    16.2%, pointing towards further increase in inflation

    rates in the months ahead.

    5. Inflationary pressures continue to build up







    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


    Ye ar- on- Year 3 m- on- 3m annua lize d

    Source: CEIC, HSBC

    We project headline inflation to hit double-digit

    by the end of Q1 and peak at 13% by the end of

    Q2. By the second half, however, we expect to see

    inflation coming down somewhat around 8% bythe end of 2010, as the adverse base effect of

    commodity prices filters off.

    The central bank is expected to react to the

    incipient inflationary pressures by raising rates

    incrementally throughout the year. They have

    taken a step in the right direction by hiking the

    policy rates by 1% point late last year, but we

    expect another 400bps increase this year.

    It is likely that the next rate hike will comein March.

    In the last rates announcement from the central

    bank in late January, they decided to hold the

    policy rates steady at 8%. We believe this

    decision has been prompted by the fact that the

    central bank is cognizant that any tightening at

    this time of the year will further exacerbate theseasonally tight liquidity around the Tet festive

    period, which falls in mid-February.

    Wellian Wiranto

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

    Worst performer in AsiaHCM Index down 8% in 3 monthsVietnam equity was the worst performer in Asiaover the last three months, with the HCM Index

    down 8% vs the 3% rise in the MSCI Asia ex-

    Japan (Chart 1).

    1. Vietnam stock index vs MSCI Asia ex-Japan







    Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10


    Source: HSBC, Bloomberg

    Turnover shrank 58%Turnover also fell off as anticipated. The 20-day

    moving average of the HCM Index declined to

    USD91m, a 58% drop from the November 2009

    average. Hanoi saw a drop of a similar magnitudeto reach a 20-day moving average of USD44m as

    of 3 February 2010 (Chart 2).

    2. Daily trading value on HCM and Hanoi exchanges (20DMA)







    J a n - 0


    A p r -

    0 6

    J u

    l - 0 6

    O c

    t - 0 6

    J a n - 0


    A p r -

    0 7

    J u

    l - 0 7

    O c

    t - 0 7

    J a n - 0


    A p r -

    0 8

    J u

    l - 0 8

    O c

    t - 0 8

    J a n - 0


    A p r -

    0 9

    J u

    l - 0 9

    O c

    t - 0 9

    J a n - 1


    U S D m

    HCM Hanoi

    Source: HSBC, Bloomberg

    Foreign ownership stabilizedDue to the recent stock market correction, the

    number of companies with market capitalization

    over USD200m has dropped to 24 compared to 32

    recorded in November 2009 (see table 6 for details).

    But foreign investors have been net buyers sinceDecember 2009, which was coincidentally after thewell-attended Euromoney conference in Hanoi. Of

    the 600 participants at the conference, 400 were

    from overseas, which is an indication of renewed

    interest in Vietnam among foreign investors. Foreign

    investor ownership has stabilized at 15% and the

    foreign share of turnover is levelling off at around

    8%. It will be hard to go much lower from the

    current levels. The number of stocks that have

    reached their foreign limit also increased to five(Vietnam Export-Import Commercial JSC, SaigonThuong Tin Commerical JS Bank, Sieu Thanh JSC,

    Equity Strategy HCM Index down 8% in 3 months, worst performer in Asia Foreign sell-off eased but liquidity remains low At 12M fwd PE of 11x, value emerging but not time to get in yet

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

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    Toro, and Tung Kuang Industrial JSC). We expect

    the Vietnamese market will stabilize, but it is too

    early to call a turnaround yet.

    5. Key stock market data

    HCM Hanoi Total

    Market cap (USDm) 27,258 2,032 29,291No. of stocks 207 265 472Stocks with mkt cap >USD1bn 7 1 8Stocks with mkt cap >USD500m 16 2 18Stocks with mkt cap >USD200m 23 5 28Stocks that hit foreign limit 3 2 5Daily turnover (USDmn, 1mth ave) 91 44 135Foreign ownership 16% 8% 15%PE (2008) x 13.7 21.5 14.2ROE (%) 20.5 60.9 23.3DY (%) 1.2 2.4 1.2

    Source: HSBC, Bloomberg (Up to Feb 2, 2010)

    Valuation lowerAfter underperforming for the past two quarters,

    the valuation of Vietnams stock market has nowreturned to a much more reasonable level. The

    HCM Index now trades on 13.7x 2008 earnings.

    Based on our forecast of 20% earnings growth for

    2009 and 2010, 12-month forward PE would drop

    to 11x, placing Vietnam at the low end of the

    Asian peer group, just above Koreas 10.1x and

    roughly in line with Thailands 11.2x.

    but outlook still bearish

    Although there seems to be an easing of foreignsell-off and value is starting to emerge inVietnam, low and still falling turnover continues

    to be a concern for foreign investors. The

    following negative factors also cloud the markets


    1 Monetary policy uncertainty

    Inflation soared to 6.5% in December 2009,

    driven by rising food and commodity prices.

    The central bank, SBV, expects loan growthto reach 25% in 2010, after strong growth of 28% in 2009. Regulators are closely

    monitoring the potential risk of overheating

    in the economy. In the meantime, the VND

    continues to trade materially above the

    official rate of VND18,500/USD in the NDF

    market (see the FX section). Therefore, we

    expect SBV will continue to tighten policy in

    the coming months.

    2 Discontinuation of loan subsidies

    The successful loan subsidy program expired at

    the end of 2009. It was replaced with a scaled

    down version of the loan program that offers a

    2% interest rate for medium- and long-term

    loans to companies that facilitate agricultural

    production. Therefore, some subsidised loans

    taken out in 2009 will gradually come due and

    require refinancing at a higher market rate

    (~8% or higher). This will further tightenliquidity and erode firms margins.

    3. Foreign net buying of Vietnamese equities (USD mn) 4. Foreign share of turnover, HCM Exchange






    J a n - 0


    J u

    l - 0 8

    J a n - 0


    J u

    l - 0 9

    J a n - 1


    U S D




    2007 2008 2009

    Source: HSBC, Bloomberg (Up to Feb 2, 2010) Source: HSBC, Bloomberg (Up to Feb 2, 2010)

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

    3 Stagnant foreign investments

    In 2009, foreign direct investment (FDI)

    inflow dropped to USD22bn from the record

    high of USD64bn in 2008. This can be only

    partially explained by the global downturn.

    More importantly, the structural problems in

    Vietnam are a deterrent to significant FDIgrowth. For example, infrastructure is in poor

    condition, roads are of low quality, urban

    planning is lacking, the electricity system isunreliable, and regulations are ambiguous. The

    government has plans to upgrade infrastructure

    but implementation at the local level isextremely slow due to complicated

    administrative procedures. Therefore, the

    official FDI forecast for 2010 is only

    USD19bn. The actual disbursement amount is

    even more important and is estimated to be flat

    from last year at USD10bn.

    There are two key risks to our bearish view.Firstly, the government could speed up

    privatization of state owned enterprises and

    streamline IPO procedures so more companies

    will be listed. But even if this happens, liquiditywill not pick up immediately as in most other

    markets because the stocks are usually traded on

    OTC markets rather than the stock exchange after

    they are listed. Secondly, the Hanoi Stock

    Exchange is pilot testing an online trading system.

    44 out of 63 companies are in the first batch thatare qualified for online transactions. The online

    system will facilitate the exchange of paperwork

    between brokers and the exchange and increase

    transparency. However, the small sample size of companies participating in the official launch on 8

    February 8 is unlikely to boost liquidity

    meaningfully in our view. Therefore, we maintain

    our bearish stance on Vietnam equities until we

    see foreign buying pick up to support turnover

    above USD100m.

    Jacqueline Tse

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

    Following a series of stabilization measures

    announced at the end of last year (see Vietnam starts ,

    25 November 2009 and VND stabilization , 4

    December 2009), early this year the authorities took

    additional steps, ordering the close of gold trading

    floors, and asking the state owned firms to sell theirexcess stock of USD. Depreciation pressure has

    since eased, though not disappeared. The NDF fix,

    our preferred measure of the USD-VND market

    clearing rate, has fallen to within 0.4% of the official

    spot rate, which has been persistently constrained at

    the ceiling of the trading band. This is the narrowest

    NDF premium the market has seen since April 2009.

    However, that there remains a premium in the NDF

    fix belies an ongoing lack of confidence in the

    VND, a shortage of USD in the market, and an

    ongoing expectation of future official depreciation

    (through the band mechanism either through an

    adjustment of the mid-point or the width of the

    band). This is due in-part to the ongoing rationing

    of USD by the central bank, a practice we hadearlier expected to end alongside the package of

    measures announced in early December (see VND

    stabilization , 4 December 2009).

    Without further proactive policy moves and

    without fundamental FX regime reform, the VND

    will likely face ongoing depreciation pressure.

    Sentiment will continue to be weighed down byrising year-on-year inflation rates, which we

    expect to reach double-digits by 2Q. Meanwhile

    FX Strategy The VND has stabilized but USDs remain scarce; with poorliquidity, USD hoarding will continue Rising inflation in 1H this year will continue to weigh on sentiment,even as the trade balance stabilizes Expect depreciation pressure to persist for some time

    1. USD-VND, trading band, and NDF fix 2. Trade deficit



    Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09Official Mid USD/VNDCeiling NDF Fix








    05 06 07 08 09 10

    USD bn

    Source: Bloomberg, Reuters, HSBC Source: HSBC, CEIC

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

    the trade deficit is expected to remain large,though more stable (see the Economics section for

    more details on our inflation and trade balance

    views). Given the interaction between the

    widening trade deficit, rising inflation, and

    currency depreciation in the last cycle in early

    2008, sentiment is unlikely to improve until

    inflation rates subside and the trade account

    improves, something that is unlikely until at leastthe second half of this year.

    Going forward, we expect the official USD-VND

    rate to remain more stable around current levels,

    with our year-end forecast remaining at 18,400.Depreciation pressure will likely continue to

    manifest itself as market illiquidity, and in an

    ongoing premium in the NDF fix above the

    official spot rate.

    Ultimately, we continue to believe that USDhoarding and market illiquidity will need to be

    addressed with reform of the exchange rate regime.

    Without it, exchange rate market illiquidity will

    persist and result in more permanent spill-overeffects into the rest of the economy. For example,

    recent discussions with foreign invested enterprises

    suggest growing frustration at the inability to

    conduct cross-border transactions. This effectively

    raises the implicit cost of operating in Vietnam, and

    could discourage future FDI. By allowing theexchange rate to fully clear, rather than determined

    through a system of de-facto price-setting and FX

    rationing, expectations can be better anchored and

    USD hoarding will subside, allowing the return of de-dollarization and a better outlook for the VND.

    Daniel Hui

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

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    VietnamEconomics & Strategy8 February 2010

    ab c

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