Final Examination --- 2074 Class : One F.M. : 100 Subject : English P.M. : 40 Time : 3 hr. Marks Obtain Sheet Q.N . OM Q.N. OM Q.N . OM Q.N . OM Q.N . OM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Df ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator GROUP – ‘A’ [English] 1. Fill in the blanks. (5) a. I can __________ a song. b. Fox saw a bunch of ________ grapes. c. __________ is Philip’s cat. d. A tortoise is a _____________ animal. e. Seagull looked ___________ . 2. Circle the correct word: (5) a. Poldy took a cold/hot bath. Total : In words : Name:

  · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

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Page 1:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Final Examination --- 2074Class : One F.M. : 100Subject : English P.M. : 40

Time : 3 hr.

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

GROUP – ‘A’ [English]

1. Fill in the blanks. (5)a. I can __________ a song.b. Fox saw a bunch of ________ grapes.c. __________ is Philip’s cat.d. A tortoise is a _____________ animal.e. Seagull looked ___________ .

2. Circle the correct word: (5)a. Poldy took a cold/hot bath.b. Anup is sitting on/under the stone.c. The cow is grazing slowly/hungrily.d. A tiger was roaring angrily/happily.e. The duck/tiger lays egg.

3. Make sentence from the given word. (10)a. Fox =____________________________b. Farmer=__________________________c. Play=_______________________d. Help=__________________________e. Peacock=__________________________

Total :

In words :

Name: Section : Roll.No:

Page 2:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

4. Write the meaning of the following words.(5)a. Really =___________________b. Enjoy =__________________c. Tidy =_______________d. Probably =__________________e. Finally =_________________

5. Answer the following question : (15)a. What was the yak’s name?


b. Whose name was kitty?Ans:_______________________________

c. Where is Anup sitting ?Ans:_______________________________

d. Who was thirsty?Ans:_______________________________

e. How does the tortoise walk?

Ans:______________________________ GROUP: ‘B’[Grammar]

6. Add “ly” to these adjectives. (5)a. Slow = _____________b. Quick =_______________c. Angry =______________d. Strong=______________e. Careful =______________

7. Name any 5 animals that you saw in the zoo.(5)a. __________________b._______________

c.______________ d. ________________

e . ______________________

8. Put ‘on’ , ‘in’ and ‘under’ in the blanks.(5)a. A boat ______ the river.b. The clouds ______ the sky.c. A cat ________ the bed.d. A parrot _____ a cage.

Page 3:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

e. The stars ______ the sky.

9. Add ‘please’ to the following orders. (5)a. Take it. ___________________________b. Help me. __________________________c. Stand up. __________________________d. Go out. ____________________________e. Keep quiet. _________________________

10. Write the sound of following animals.5a. Duck _________ b. Dog _________c.Frog __________ d. Horse ________e.Snake ________

Group ‘C’[Essay]11. Read the following passage and do

activities. (15)One day In the words, a fox saw a bunch of juicy grapes. It was hanging high a vine over his head. “just the thing for a thirsty fox.” He said to himself. He jumped as high as he could, but he couldn’t reach the grapes.

He jumped again and again. But each time he missed the grapes. Finally, the fox stopped trying.“Oh well,” he thought, “Those grapes are probably soar anyway. When the fox couldn’t have what he wanted, he pretended that he didn’t want them after all.A. Answer the following questions (5)

a. Who was thirsty?Ans:___________________________

b. What did the fox see on the vine ?Ans:___________________________

c. Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?Ans:___________________________

d. Did he have the grapes ?Ans:___________________________

Page 4:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

e. Did he really want to have the grapes?Ans:___________________________

B. Fill in the blanks. (5)a. The fox was very ______________.b. He saw a bunch of ___________ grapes .c. The bunch of grapes was ___________

above the ground.d. The fox was not very _____________.e. He thought, “those grapes are probably

___________.C. True or false . (5)

a. A fox saw a bunch of juicy apples. _______b. The fox was thirsty.______

c. He really want to have the grapes._______

d. He didn’t try to get the grapes .________e. The fox was very tall.__________

12. Write any 5 sentences about ‘Holi’. (10)a. ___________________________________

b. ___________________________________

c. ___________________________________

d. ___________________________________

e. ___________________________________

13. Class Test. (10)

Page 5:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Final Examination --- Class : One F.M. : 100Subject : Science P.M. : 40

Time : 3 hr.

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ (5)

a. Mandal is a musical instrument. _____

b. No one enjoys while playing

games. ______

c. The game “CROW AND CRANE” is

played between two teams. _______

d. We should spit everywhere. ______

e. We need fresh air to breathe.______

2. Match the following.(5)

Baby sheep egg

Lion and tiger lamb

Hen wild animals

Rest and sleep breathe

Fresh air bed room

Total :

In words :

Name: Section : Roll.No:

Page 6:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

3. Choose the best alternative. (5)

a. Pencil /puppy grows in size.

b. The stars twinkle at night/ day.

c. Physical trainings are helpful/ harmful for


d. We should drink clean/dirty water.

e. We must go to bed early/late.

4. Name any 5 games. (10)

a. _______________ c. ______________

b. _______________ d. _____________


5. Fill in the blanks. (5)

[Secret , Neutral zone, healthy, stop, water]

a. The two meter marked area is called a


b. The leader should be selected _________ .

c. The red traffic light signal tells a car to _______.

d. Most of us exercise to stay __________.

e. We should drink clean________ .

6. Draw the picture of Cat and Ball and also colour



Ball -

Page 7:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

7. Name any 5 Non-living things. (5)

a. _________________ d._____________

b. _________________ e._____________

c. _________________

8. Write the picture’s name.(5)

___________ ______________

__________ ____________


9. Write any 5 bad habits. (10)

a. ________________________________

b. ________________________________

c. ________________________________

d. ________________________________

e. ________________________________

10. Answer the following questions.(15)

a. Who chases the mouse?


b. What is environment?

Page 8:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Ans. _______________________________

c. Who gives the command, “attack” or “go”?

Ans. _______________________________

d. Who should keep the records of the game?

Ans. _______________________________

e. What is the jumping area called?

Ans. ________________________________

11. Insert alphabets to make sensible words. (5)

a. F _____ sh b. C____ w c. W_____ ter

d. G _____ at e. K ______ d

12. Who am I? (5)

a.I am a baby of Goat. I am _____________

b. I am national bird of Nepal. I am _________

c.I have four wings. I am _________

d. I live in den. I am ___________

e. I twinkle at night. I am ___________

13. Give one word answer.(5)

a.Why do we need food?

Ans: ___________________________

b. Why do we need clothes?

Ans: ____________________________

c.Who teaches the students?

Ans: ___________________________

d. What is the name of national animal of


Ans: ___________________________

e. Where do dog live?


14. Class Test .(10)

Page 9:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Final Examination --- 2074Class : One F.M. : 50Subject : Growing up P.M. : 20

Time : 1:30 hr.

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

1. Answer the following questions.(10)

a. How does a good mannered child talk?

Ans. ______________________________

b. How should we behave to our parents?

Ans. ______________________________

c. When do you get up in the morning?

Ans. ______________________________

d. What are the three magical words?

Ans. ______________________________

e. Was the old crane greedy?

Ans. _______________________________

2. Fill in the blanks using these words.(5)

[twice, honest, sunlight, politely, quietly]

Total :

In words :

Name: Section : Roll.No:

Page 10:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

a. We should eat our food ___________.

b. We should brush our teeth __________ a day .

c. The wood cutter was an _________ man.

d. We should always talk __________ .

e. The sun gives us __________.

3. Match the following. (5)

a. When somebody help us Good Night

b. When we do something wrong Thank you

c. Early in the morning, we say Sorry

d. When we request Good morning

e. Before going to bed, we say Please

4. Write any 5 family members. (5)

a. ____________________

b. ___________________

c. ____________________

d. _______________________

e. ____________________________

5. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’. (5)

a. We should keep our surrounding clean.

b. We should not respect our elders. ________

c. We should wear neat clothes. ___________

d. We should disturb the animals when we visit the


e. We should not tell lies. __________

6. Write any 5 good habits. (10)

a. _________________________________

b. _________________________________

c. ________________________________

d. ________________________________

e. ________________________________

Page 11:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

7. Choose the right answer.(5)

i. We should be kind and gentle to all.

a. Never b. Sometimes c. Always

ii. We should be good ,neat and clean.

a. Never b. Sometimes

c. Always

iii. We should misbehave with everyone.

a. Never b. Sometimes

c. Always

iv. How many axes did the angel take out?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5

v. What should we say in the morning?

a. Good day b. Good evening

c. Good morning

8. Class Test. (5)

Page 12:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Final Examination --- 2074

Class: One F.M. : 50Subject: G.K P.M. : 20

Time: 1:30 hr.

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------

Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

1. Choose the correct answer. [5]

a. An elephant has a (long/short) trunk.

b. A (bear/sheep) lives in the forest.

c. (January /July) is the first month of the


d. (Goat/Fox) is a wild animal.

e. (Aeroplane / ship) is the vehicle that flies in

the sky.

2. Name any 5 sense organs [5]

a. _________________ b. _______________

c. ________________ d.______________

e. __________________


In words :

Name: Sec: Roll.No:

Page 13:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

3. Match the following [5]

a. Driver Stitches our clothes

b. Pilot mends our shoes

c. Barber flies an aeroplane

d. Cobbler Drives the bus

e. Tailor cuts our hair

4. Fill in the blanks [5]

a. There are ___________ hours in a day.

b. We hear with our ___________.

c. Monday is the ___________ day of the


d. A Rhinoceros has one_____________.

e. A kangaroo has a _________ to keep its


5. Name any 5 vehicles. [5]

b. _________________ b. _______________

c. ________________ d.______________

e. _________________

6. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ . [5]

a. Buffalo is a wild animal. ________

b. A tortoise has a hard shell covering its


c. Friday is the last day of the


d. Ant is a living things.________

e. Birds can not fly.________

Page 14:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

7. Name the pictures. [5]

______________ ________ _________

______________ ________________

8. Answer the following questions. [10]

a. Where does a rabbit live?


b. What does a hen give us ?Ans:_________________________________

c. What is the color of sky?Ans:_________________________________

d. Who takes care of the sick person?


e. How many days are there in January?Ans :_____________________________

9.Class test [5]

Page 15:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Final Examination --- 2074Class: One F.M. : 50Subject: Conversation P.M. : 20

Time: 1.30 hr.

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

1. Very short answer Marks. Obt

questions [10]a. Do you like to eat

banana ?b. Do you like to go

school ?c. Do you respect your

teachers?d. Are you a bad

student?e. Do you like to wear

dirty clothes?f. How many eyes do

you have?g. Do you like to dance?h. Do you like

vegetables? I. Can you sing a song? J. Do you like to do homework?2. Long answer

questions.[20]a. How are you ?b. What is the national


In words :

Name: Section: Roll.No:

Page 16:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

animal of Nepal ?c. What is your class

teacher’s name?d. In which class do you

read?e. What is your mother’s

name?f. Who flies an

aeroplane?g. What does a cow give us?h. Who cuts our hair? i. How many months are there in year ? j. Where is your school ?

3. Tell spelling of the following words.[5]

a. Farmer b.Student c. grow d. moving e. above 4. Tell 5 sentence about your class room.[10]

5.Class test [5]

Page 17:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Final Examination --- 2074Class: One F.M. : 100 Subject: Social P.M. : 40

Time: 3 hr.

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

1. Tick the correct answer : [5]a. Gas stove/Spade is used to cook rice.b. Brush /Clothes is the pair of teeth.c. Dal/Noodles is the unhealthy food.

d. Mamaghar is the place where our mother/father was born.

e. The old man can/can not walk properly.2. Fill in the blanks : [5]

a. We should brush our teeth _______a day.b. Lame people need __________ of the

crutches.c. Uniform should be kept in _________.d. Daura wears my __________.e. There are ________ days in a year.

3. Match the following : [5]a. Sukul Teethb. Brush Schoolc. Go to Strawd. Waste Shapee. Circle Dustbin

4. Write any 5 musical instruments. [5]

a. __________________ c._______________


In words :

Name: Section: Roll.No:

Page 18:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

b. ________________ d. _______________

e. ________________

5. Write any 3/3 things that you find in Drawing room and Kitchen room .[6]

Drawing room Kitchen room

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

6. Very short answer questions: [10]a. Do you like to go to school?


b. Do you know knife?

Ans : ____________________________________

c. Have you seen plain place?

Ans :____________________________________

d. Do you love your parents?

Ans : ____________________________________

e. Are you bad person ?

Ans :____________________________________

f. Do you take care of books?

Ans :____________________________________

g. Can you write with marker?

Ans :____________________________________

h. Do you like to go to mamaghar?

Page 19:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Ans :____________________________________

i. Can you reach your school yourself?

Ans :____________________________________

j. Do you like to draw pictures ?


7. Answer the following questions. [15]a. Who washes clothes for you?

Ans :____________________________________

b. Where do you live hill or plain?

Ans :____________________________________

c. What do you need to clean house?

Ans: ____________________________________

d. What is dustbin for?

Ans : ____________________________________

e. How many members are there in your family?

Ans :____________________________________

8. Write any 5 sentences about Tihar. [10]a. ________________________________

b. _________________________________

c. ________________________________

d. _________________________________

e. _________________________________

Page 20:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

9. Write down any 5 types of disable person.[5]

a. _____________ b. _____________

c. ____________ d. _____________

e. _________________10. What do you use the following items for? [4]

Items For a. Pressure Cookerb. TVc. Bedd. Chair

11. Make a picture of Book and colour it. [5]

12. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. [5]

a. Sanai is the musical instruments. _______b. Teacher sales meat.__________c. March comes before January._________d. Mother’s brother is mama.__________e. A blind man can not see.____________

13. Write ‘yes’ or ‘No’. [5]a. We should use too much paste while

brushing teeth_________.b. Disable people can work._________c. Painter paints houses._________

Page 21:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

d. Namaste is the respectful word. ________e. Soap is a pair of instrument

box.___________.14. Rearrange the jumbled letters.[5]

a. paos = _____________

b. regnah = ____________

c. etsaman = _____________

d. yraunaj = ______________

e. dnilb = ______________

15. Class test [10]

Final Examination --- 2074

Class: One F.M. : 50Subject: Health P.M. : 20

Time: 1:30 hr.

Name: Section: Roll.No:

Page 22:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

1. Fill in the gaps. (5)[ankle, dog, strong, right, sick]a. Tie a balloon to each child’s _______ .b. Physical training helps the body to be __________.c. The __________ who can not steal the bone will get a penalty.d. We must not use _______ person’s towel.e. We should eat __________amount of food.

2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’. (5)a. Students should keep their legs between the hands.________b. We should place a small ball or a hanky as a biscuit in the circle._________c. The hands and head help us to roll forward while doing rolling.___________d. We should bend our knees and legs to play touching the toe. _________e. Our body gets dirty when we work and play. __________3. Match the following. (5) We need a circle to hear Ear help us to play ‘dog and bone’ Pop the balloons water We must save healthy food We should eat at the call ‘BURST’

4. Tick the best alternatives. (5)a. While moving both arms we should raise the heels/toes up.

b. Physical training helps the body to be strong/weak.


In words :

Page 23:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

c. The player should protect their own balloon/shoes and try to burst the opponents.

d. 8 to 10 students stand in a file,circle to play popping the balloons.

e. The team finishing the race soonest will be the winner/looser.

5. Write down the name of any 5 parts of our body.(5)

a. _________________ b. __________________


e. _________________

6. Answer the following questions.(10)

a. How will you stand while playing touching the toe?

Ans: _________________________________________

b. Will you bend your leg in the game touching the toe?


c. How many circles do you need to play ‘dog and bone’ game?

Ans: __________________________________________

d. What will you do at the call ‘BURST’?

Ans: __________________________________________

e. How does physical training help us?

Ans: ________________________________________

7. Draw the pictures of Bone and Potato and colour them.(10)

Bone Potato

Page 24:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

8. class Test. (5)

Final Examination --- 2074

Class: One F.M. : 100Subject: Math P.M. : 40

Page 25:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

Time: 3 hr.

Marks Obtain SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

1. Write down from !)! to !%) . (5) 2. Fill in the blanks.(10)

a. 7 tens and 2 ones = ________ = _________

b. 4 tens and 5 ones = _________= _________

c. 6 tens and 3 ones = _________= _________


In words :

Name: Section: Roll.No:

Page 26:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

d. 2 tens and 8 ones = _________= _________

e. 8 tens and 7 ones = _________= _________

3. Write in words.(5)

a. 106 = ______________________________________

b. 72 = ______________________________________

c. 95 =_____________________________________

d. 66 =______________________________________

e. 45 =______________________________________

4. Circle the Odd numbers.(10)

a. 6 3 15 44

b.11 48 7 24

c. 53 15 62 6

d. 2 38 13 7

e. 6 44 21 9

5. Write the numbers in Roman numbers.(5)

a. 5 = ___________ b. 8 = _____________

c. 15 = _____________ d. 3 =______________

e. 12 = _____________

6. Match the following (5)



Page 27:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?




7. Addition: (10)

a. 3 7 b. 5 4 c. 6 6 d. 4 5

+ 2 4 + 2 6 + 1 5 + 3 5

e. 7 7

+ 1 6

8. Write the given numbers in ascending order.(10)

a. 30, 40, 20, 50


b. 25, 35, 15, 45


c. 64, 62, 61, 63


d. 12, 10, 11, 13


e. 84, 82, 81, 83


9.Subtract(-): (10)

a. 9 6 b. 8 6 c. 7 9 d. 4 5

Page 28:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

- 3 1 - 5 3 - 3 4 - 3 2

e. 4 4

- 2 2

10. Write the time as shown in the following clocks: (5)

11. Put the correct symbols(>,= or <) in the boxes.(5)

a. 45 82 a. 79 89 c. 88 77

d. 61 16 e. 63 33

12. Write the multiplication table of 9 and 10. (10)

9X1=9 10X1=10

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13. Class Test. (10)

Page 30:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

jfli{fs k/LIff — @)&$sIff M Ps k"0ff{ª\s M !))

ljifo M g]kfnL plQ0ff{ª\s M $)

;]S;g : ;do : @=#) 3

Marks Obtained SheetQ.N. OM Q.N. OM Q.N. O



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

___________ __________ ___________ ____

---------------- -------------- -- ------------------ ------------------ Invigilator Examiner Checked By E. Co ordinator

k|=g=!_zAb agfpm .-%_

s_ k6 =______ v_ s9 =______u_ /xz=______ 3_ ªg =______ª_ ddn = ______k|=g=@_ jfSodf k|of]u u/ .

-!)_s_snd = ___________________ .v_:ofp= ___________________.u_ahf/ = ____________________.3_lstfj = ___________________ .ª_ 3/ = ____________________.

gfd: /f]n=g+:

Total :

In words :

Page 31:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

k|=g=#_ s'g} % j6f psf/ -' _nfu]sf zAbx? n]v .-%_!___________@____________#___________ $____________%___________k|=g=$_ s'g} rf/j6f tLg cIf/n] ag]sf zAbx? n]v . -$_s___________

v____________u___________ 3____________k|=g=%_s'g} kfrFj6f /ªx?sf] gfd n]v. -!)_s___________ v____________u___________ 3____________ª___________k|=g=^_rGb| laGb' - F_ nfu]sf

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k|=g=&_ hf]8f ldnfpm .-%_

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Page 32:   · Web viewAns:_____ ... Go out. _____ Keep quiet ... Did the fox try to get the grapes only once ?

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