Educational Implication of Gandhian Economics in the Era of Globalization At this point the Gandhian economics have been discussed thoroughly. So in the light of globalization Gandhian economics enshrines the various educational aspects and has tremendous implications or you can say if not tremendous then the most significant ones, For the present times. These are- 1. Education for all Economic ideas of Gandhi were for an ideal social order, non-exploitative and egalitarian society. According to him, True economics stands for social justice and it promotes the good of all equally. All the above stated characters will be possible only when all our people will be educated and will know their rights and duties, they will be able to discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad, able to take right decisions at the national and individual progress and 197

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Educational Implication of Gandhian Economics in the

Era of Globalization

At this point the Gandhian economics have been discussed

thoroughly. So in the light of globalization Gandhian economics

enshrines the various educational aspects and has tremendous

implications or you can say if not tremendous then the most

significant ones, For the present times. These are-

1. Education for all

Economic ideas of Gandhi were for an ideal social order, non-

exploitative and egalitarian society. According to him, True

economics stands for social justice and it promotes the good of all

equally. All the above stated characters will be possible only when

all our people will be educated and will know their rights and duties,

they will be able to discriminate between right and wrong, good and

bad, able to take right decisions at the national and individual

progress and development and for attaining an egalitarian society and

ideal social order.

2. Moral Education

According to Gandhi "That economics is untrue which

ignores or disregards moral value" and grinding pauperism an

lead to anything else than moral degradation. Thus moral

education according to Gandhi is a must for the welfare of

humanity as a whole and it should be enveloped in every subject,

then only the knowledge of other subject would be useful. In the

present era of globalization when morality is towards degradation


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special emphasis has to be given for its education and it should

become a part and parcel of the life.

Gandhi has two points to make that one should be concerned

with the good of all rather than just with those of majority and that

one should not be exclusively concerned with material prosperity but

also with the moral aspects of action.

So, for the welfare of all, for the proper and balanced

development of society, moral education is a must and should be a

necessary part of the curriculum. Teachers should be trained for

making the education of morals a part of their subject while teaching

in class.

3. Education for Ethics

Since Gandhi did not draw any sharp distinction between

economics and ethics and for him economics that hurt moral well

being of an individual or a nation are sinful. Thus the economics that

permit one country to prey upon another are immoral.

Thus education for ethics should be given along with every

subject like biology, chemistry, literature social sciences etc. so that

after being employed in various jobs people always remember ethical

standards and work along with ethics in their workplace and

profession and become fruitful for the society thus they would be able

to contribute for the development of an ideal and balanced society.

Ethical aspect of teaching profession is also significant. Teachers

should be taught about the basic concept of ethics and how they can


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be taught to student. How their outlook and perception towards

ethical aspect of every profession is to be developed.

4. Value Education

In the present scenario, value education has become very

significant. In the era of globalization values have changed but it

is required that we preserve the basic human values which are

must for the betterment of humanity and mankind.

Since orthodox economics has been laying under emphasis on

the values of many and material wealth to the exclusion of moral and

human values, But as we are already witnessing the end of the

economic man, and a evolution of economic standards is now a vital


Thus value education in present times is relevant and it should be

included in the curriculum of secondary education as well as higher

education and teacher education. Teacher should know how to

inculcate values among students and make their outlook positive.

How to correlate various subjects with embedded values and cultivate

them among students.

5. Professional Education

According to Gandhiji "Mechanization is good where hands are

few for work intended to be accomplished. It is an evil where there

are more hands than required for the work as in case of India the

problem for us is not how to find leisure for the teaming million

inhabiting our village. The problem is how to utilize their idle



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He wanted work for all and skilled, employable youth should be

produced from our education system. so skill development

programmes and professional courses should be a part and parsal of

present education system. Today we have so many professional

courses but they should be according to our national requirement and

not for only profit generation Education has become an industry

nowadays and profit making is prime motive thus this should be

avoided. National character of education should be maintained along

with professional education so that everyone could get a job and give

his or her best to the country and society.

Other significant points which we can draw from Gandhian

economics and are always relevant for the society are –

Dignity of labour

To Gandhiji, Labour was the law of nature and its violation is

the pinetal cause of our present economic muddle. "It is a tragedy of

the first magnitude that millions have ceased to use their hands as

hands. Nature is revenging herself upon us with terrible effects for

this criminal waste of the gift she was bestowed upon as human


Thus teachers should teach to their students about the importance

of manual labour and motivate them for doing labour and earn their

bread with honesty.


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Ideal Citizenship

Ideal citizenship is one of the implication of Gandhian

economics where he wants everyone to be equal and have right to

work and get employed and have a contribution in the development

of nation and society. Education of citizenship should be given by

the teachers along with the curriculum through co-curricular

activities and other works included in the course practical and

theoretical. Teachers should be well versed in educating the children

about the role of a good citizen and train them about the duties of a

citizen of a nation.

Social justice

According to Gandhiji, man lives in a society and all economic

activities concern not only the individual in isolation but they create

social relation thus all wealth is socially produced, and socially

produced wealth must be equally divided among all those who are

instrument in producing it.

Teachers should not discriminate among his or her students and

always motivate them regarding the co-operation among themselves

and with parents irrespective of caste, creed and sex. Thus the

concept of social justice should be included in the curriculum directly

or indirectly. Teachers should be trained for the inculcation of

outlook among students regarding the concepts of social justice so

that after becoming the active member of society youth always

remember to work for the attainment of social justice i.e. equal

distribution of wealth and other things among the members of society

and try to lessen the gap between haves and hev-nots.


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Employment for all

Gandhian economics emphasizes for employment for all, work

for every hand. Under his system it is labour which is current coin,

not metal any person who can use his labour has that coin, is


So employment should be generated for everyone and for all so

that every hand get the work according to their ability and skill and

earn their bread by labour so our education system should be such

that every get the job opportunity professional and technical courses

should be added at secondary and higher level. Students should be

counseled for the best choice of subject according to their ability and

motivated for pursuing the courses so that they get the job

opportunity as early as possible and do not waste their time.

Policy makers should keep in their mind that everyone get the

good education and then employment. Labour and time should not get

wasted of anyone. Every passion should be engaged in same form of

productive work.

Human values

It is one of the significant implications of Gandhian economics

Since every subject, every action is for the welfare of humanity so

we should always remember the human values and it must be

embedded in every school subject and teachers should be trained for

the inculcation of those values among students. Various stories of

having human values should be taught to students and in social

subjects that should be brought from history, from various countries


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and from various governments values in science subjects should also

be taught.

In teacher education programme and in service courses teachers

should be trained for such an outlook and approach of viewing each

subject. In the era of globalization human values are deteriorating and

are required significantly. Environmental values are must for the

present world so everything related to human welfare is important

today and all the time so those values required to attain it must be

taught by the parents and the teachers.


Education of simple living and high thinking must be given to

students then only the development of values, preservation of our

cultural heritage and national character will be maintained. Students

should not blow with the western cultural and should always attach

with their mother land and its soil.

Since the present western civilization attaches the greatest

importance to material welfare and maintain that the goal of a

progressive individual or nation should be the ever-increasing

accumulation of physical comforts and luxuries. If we set our minds

after such needs, we would become slaves and lose our moral fiber.

So education is the only weapon which can develop the right outlook,

mindset and approach among students.

Physical Education

Since Gandhiji, gave special emphasis on manual work so that

every class of society could get the job earn their bread. No one


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should be idle or have leisure in this way everyone will have a

contribution for the national economy and have confidence and will

utilize their time properly.

Since health is wealth and a healthy man can only do the

manual labour so physical education should be an important part of

the curriculum it should be practiced sincerely.

Social work

Gandhian economics lays stress on social work since every

policy and subject has been made and developed for the welfare of

humanity. Concept of social work should be taught to students.

Problem of centemporary society should be discussed with them and

their solution should also be taught. Ways to deal with social

problems, emotional empathy for poor and deprived sections should

be taught ethics, values, for an ideal society and how to achieve that

should be taught and discussed.

Socially Useful And Productive Work

As this as a subject is already in the curriculum in many

schools named as S.U.P.W. but not taken seriously. It should be

taught seriously and practiced so that children become skillful

and employable as well as active, logical and analytical. Socially

useful and productive work will also be helpful for the society

and its welfare.

Democratic values

Democratic ideals and values come out from the philosophy of

Gandhian economics. It says for the equal distribution among the


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members of society. That means, there should be an equal say in the

economic development of society. In this way everyone will have

self confidence and self respect. Everyone's potential will be exposed

completely. This system or these values will motivate people for free

thoughts & free expression.

In classroom also teachers should follow democratic ideals and

should be democratic while teaching. While asking question while

evaluating etc. Thus democratic values should be a part and parced of



Gandhian Economics emphasizes for decentralization of

power. Power should be equally distributed at each level and every

citizen should feel that he/she has an equal say in the development of

country. Every unit of society should be self sufficient. Power should

not accumulate in one hand. Power which is equivalent to money

should be equally distributed among members of society. Everyone

should earn according to one's ability and have with them according

to their need and rest given to the society so that every member

should possess a minimum standard of living.


Self discipline is emphasized in Gandhian economic. Everyone

should think for the welfare of others and give their earnings for the


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same without any external imposition Discipline in life should be

self imposed and in the right direction children should be taught and

motivated for Self-Discipline and it should be cultivated in their

thoughts and action.

Peace Education

In this era of globalization, where many negative forces are

operating for the destruction of society at this time peace education

is very much necessary not as a separate subject but inculcating the

various affects of peace education in other subjects at school level is

necessary and teachers must be trained for giving these concepts

along with core subjects. At higher level it should be included as a

subject of social relevance.


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Some experts and Gandhian activists were contacted and

were asked a few question related to the research. Here are their


R.P. Diwedi

HOD, Gandhian Center

MGKVP, Varanasi

Q. What is the basic concept of Gandhian Economics?

A. Gandhian Economics paves ways for the establishment of a non-

exploitative economy where everyone gets his/her share in return

of their contribution. He gave importance to production by masses

not the mass production and also to manual labour.

Q. Is Gandhian economics relevant for the present world?

A. Of course it is relevant for the global as well as post global society.

Q. How it can be implemented?

A. It could be implemented through the state intervention and by

self- motivation. Since the second path is long enough to achieve

the first is primarily considered important.

Q. How it can be implemented by means of Education?

A. By the formation of a new educational policy frame work giving

importance to various ideals and principles of Gandhian


Q. Is there any possibility to make a balance between the process

of globalization and ideals of Gandhian economics?


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A. Yes, here the role of state is important, that How much, it will

open its, down for foreign companies, their education, technology

etc, and how to curb its ill effects on our youth and children.

J.S. Rajput

Former Chairman


Q. What is the basic concept of Gandhian Economics?

A. It aimed at the welfare of all, upliftment of have nots were the aim

of his economy. Personally he achieved the degree of Bar at law

from London but he plunged into the vast spread of poverty,

malnutrition, illiteracy all over the world. He was of the strong

will that without having ones basic needs, he can't think of his

education and welfare. That is why, Gandhian economics is

essential to study. The Gandhian economics which provides do to

eradicate, poverty and illiteracy which aims at creating a

developed society and state.

Q. Is Gandhian economics relevant for the present world?

A. Technical knowhow and advancement of knowledge has given the

society a high speed of development. The mechanized production,

industrialization and irrational urbanization and modernization

have caused a wider gap between the have and have nots. The

peripheral countries are even now facing the basic challenges of

life like food grain, cleanliness, medical health and education.

These can only be solved on the application of Gandhian

economic fore have nots which provide work in their hands.


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Q. How it can be implemented?

A. It could be implemented by the state intervention only. State is the

means which can enforce the people by making policies

accordingly that not to accumulate wealth and making minimum

level up to which one can accumulate.

Q. How it can be implemented by means of Education?

A. In the long run, Gandhian principles could be implemented by

means of education though self motivation, self control, discipline

from inside and preservation of moral, ethical principles through

generation to generation.

Q. Is there any possibility to make a balance between the process

of globalization and ideals of Gandhian economics?

A. Being optimist is the only way to get out of the whirlpool of

problems facing the world today. There is always a possibility to

bring a utopian character of the society.

Balamurali Balaji


Q. What is the basic concept of Gandhian Economics?

A. Gandhi envisioned a sustainable economic structure for free India.

Accordingly he set certain goals like.

a) End of exploitation

b) Economic equality


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c) A world order free from war

In order to meet these goals he set certain principles which

formed the fundamental aspects of his economics structure they –

a) Cooperation and sharing.

b) Universal participation in physical labour.

c) Voluntary limitation of wants.

d) Decentralization of economic activities.

e) Swadeshi.

f) Transformation of private ownership of mean of production

into trusteeship.

g) New technologies in consonance with the new goal.

Q. Is Gandhian economics relevant for the present world?

A. Gandhian economics hold good and followed even today and is

highly relevant in these days of Globalization except that modern

economy has paved ways for.

a) Accomodating Videshi power in Indian soil.

b) Diversifying economic activities beyond the boundaries

of the nation (MNCs) instead of Decentralizing.

c) Excess reliance on foreign good (oil, technology,

Intellect, strategies etc.)

d) Prioritizing money than Production and service

Q. How it can be implemented?

A. Not to blame globalization for all problems or the term itself

means competing with global powers at any cost, through any mean,

to attain equal economic status globally.


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India opted for this race decades ago and today we see the

results. In order to see a change in the current trend, we must

follow the principle, limitation for wants.

Q. How it can be implemented by means of Education?

A . a) By changing the curricular framework and syllabi at various


b) By strengthening the teacher education course.

c) Not only in theory but applying Gandhian principle in practice.

Q. Is there any possibility to make a balance between the process

of globalization and ideals of Gandhian economics?

A. Globalization is not unfair in itself but the way it has been

managed by developed countries is the problem. A balance

approach is required for making proper use of globalization in our

country along with the preservation of Gandhian ideals and


A. Annamalai

Director of Gandhian study center


Q. What is the basic concept of Gandhian Economics?

A. Gandhian economics paves the way for sustainable economic

development by promoting environment friendly key industries,

developing village republics, giving importance to physical labour,

employment to every hand and ultimately the welfare of all.


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Q. Is Gandhian economics relevant for the present world?

A. Yes, Gandhian economics is the best policy to develop India in a

sustainable manner for eg, we celebrate allopathy and call our

native medicine as alternative medicine, the same thing has

happened with our economy, now, instead of strengthening our

foothold in agriculture as Gandhi asked us, me invited MNCs to

invest in every field in India.

A foreign firm sets up a company only to earn more or use the

cheap labour available here. If his profits plummed, he simply

shuts up without bothering about the worker, and consumer. So we

have to understand that foreign investment happenes because

MNCs want to flourish and are not bothered about the welfare of

Indians. As far as possible we should have decentralized

production and distribution of all goods.

Q. How it can be implemented?

A. By investing and improving agriculture. Most people relate

Gandhian economics with bullock cart economy and think it

suitable only for villages. Gandhi also preached distribution of

wealth. If you think a car is an essential need, it should be made

available for the last citizen of this country. Ours an agro based

country, unless we invest and improve agriculture, we won't be

able to see growth and empowerment to the common man.

Privatization and Globalization are not the road maps for super

power India. Why should be depend on MNCs to eat potato chips

and gulp soft drinks? Can't we produce and sell than locally?


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Localization and Swadeshi consumerism should be encouraged to

free us from MNCs and fight economic slowdown.

Q. How it can be implemented by means of Education?

A. Government should invest more in education sector especially

teacher training programme and recruiting Talented people in

teaching profession.

Q. Is there any possibility to make a balance between the process

of globalization and ideals of Gandhian economics?

A. Yes, if we follow the Gandhian Globalization where he wanted the

co- existence of different cultures and flourshing each.

Giriraj Kishore


Q. What is the basic concept of Gandhian Economics?

A. Since Gandhi himself lived the life of a common man. He was

always concerned with the problems of a common man raised his

voice for that very cause and in persuasion he brought the

economic principles on which the policies, education should be

laid down. He talked of social justices, equality, non- exploitation,

trusteeship, simple life and lastly Sarvodaya.

Q. Is Gandhian economics relevant for the present world?

A. Yes, without any second thought it is urgently required of India.

They are Universal thought and since related to humanity, ethics,

value, our indigenous culture so are always relevant.


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Q. How it can be implemented by means of Education?

A. It can be implemented by state enforcement to some extent and by

the realization of self Realization of self is a long process but

sustainable and it requires role models in society in disguise of

parents, teachers, leaders, social workers etc.

Q. How it can be implemented by means of Education?

A. Realization of self as I said earlier is dependent on role of teachers

in society. they are responsible for a great cause and can effect


Q. Is there any possibility to make a balance between the process

of globalization and ideals of Gandhian economics?

A. Globalization is good, when it works in favour of us and it all

depends on our own decision and policies that up to which extent

we are going to use the benefits of Globalization.

So what, how and when to use the various processes of

Globalization gives a way to make a balance between

Globalization and Gandhian economics.