Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 June 2016 | SL10287 Version 1.5.0

Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5 - NetApp · svm1 Storage Virtual Machine for VMware datastore on NFS ... • Survey Storage Management roles packaged with ... 9 Virtual

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Page 1: Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5 - NetApp · svm1 Storage Virtual Machine for VMware datastore on NFS ... • Survey Storage Management roles packaged with ... 9 Virtual

Virtual Storage Console for VMwarevSphere 5.5

June 2016 | SL10287 Version 1.5.0

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2 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

1 IntroductionNetApp® Virtual Storage Console for VMware® vSphere™ provides integrated, comprehensive, end-to-endvirtual storage management for your VMware infrastructure, including discovery, health monitoring, capacitymanagement, provisioning, cloning, backup, restore, and disaster recovery. It integrates manageability forNetApp Flash Accel™ host-based caching solutions. Virtual Storage Console lets your VMware administratorsaccess and execute all these capabilities from VMware vCenter™. Using its built-in role-based access control(RBAC), you can control who does what, enhancing server and storage efficiencies without affecting yourstorage administrators’ policies. This lab provides a basic tour of Virtual Storage Console (VSC) functionality. Thesystems and storage you see are working systems with simulated storage. The performance you see won’t berepresentative of a real environment, but you should be able to try out any VSC functionality.

1 Lab ObjectivesYou will familiarize yourself with VSC capabilities and how to navigate the user interface and integration with theVMware vSphere client.

1 PrerequisitesThis lab assumes minimal prior experience with NetApp and/or VMware products.

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3 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

2 Lab EnvironmentAll of the servers and storage controllers presented in this lab are virtual devices, and the networks thatinterconnect them are exclusive to just your lab session. The virtual storage controllers (vsims) offer nearly all thesame functionality as do physical storage controllers (the main exception right now being the vsims don’t offer HAsupport) but at a reduced performance profile.

Figure 2-1: Virtual Servers and Storage Controllers

2 Table of Systems

Host Name Operating System Role/Function IP Address

cluster1 clustered Data ONTAP8.3P1


cluster1-01 clustered Data ONTAP8.3P1

cluster 1 node 1

cluster1-02 clustered Data ONTAP8.3P1

cluster 1 node 2

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4 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

svm1 Storage Virtual Machinefor VMware datastore onNFS

SVM mgmt lif

svm2 Storage Virtual Machinefor VMware datastore oniSCSI

SVM mgmt lif

jumphost Windows Server 2012 R2 primary desktop entrypoint for lab

dc1 Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory / DNS

vc1 Windows Server 2008 R2 VMware vSphere 5.5vCenter Server

vasa linux appliance NetApp VASA Provider

svr-2012-sql1 Windows Server 2012 nested VM (backup/recovery and spacereclamation demo)

rhel1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux6.5

nested VM (linux cloningdemo)

w2k3 Windows Server 2003 nested VM (realisticalignment demo)


vmmisaligned MS-DOS nested VM (fast alignmentdemo)


win2k8r2 Windows Server 2008 R2 template (windows cloningdemo)


rhel60 Red Hat Enterprise Linux6.0

template (linux cloningdemo)


2 User IDs and Passwords

Host Name User ID Password Comments

jumphost DEMO\Administrator Netapp1! Domain Administrator

cluster1 admin Netapp1! Same for individual clusternodes

svm... vsadmin Netapp1! svm administrator

rhel root Netapp1! linux root administrator

vasa maint Netapp1! Maintenance administrator

vasa vpserver Netapp1! Administrator

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5 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

3 Lab ActivitiesKey NetApp capabilities will be highlighted:

• Tour of the VSC user interface

• VSC Dashboard Summary page• Storage System page• Optimization and Migration

• Provision a datastore• Show VSC actions that can be performed on VMs and datastores• View NetApp information from Related Objects• Survey Storage Management roles packaged with the VSC• Rapid Clone Creation with the VSC• Space Reclamation features• Backing up a VM with the VSC• Restoring a VM with the VSC• Examine VASA provider integration

3.1 Lab Preparation

Because of the complexity of the nested VMware components and timing related to provisioning, a post-provisioning script is necessary to prepare the enviornment for intial use. This scripts reconnects the nestedhypervisors to vCenter to essentially wake them up from their dormant state in order for vCenter (and VSC) tasksto work.

This lab uses a preparation script which runs automatically when you first log in to the lab. Please wait for thescript to complete and the window to close before proceeding. Click on the Web Client shortcut on the desktop.

Figure 3-1:

1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client.2. Use DEMO\Administrator as the User name.3. The password is Netapp1!4. (You may also choose to check the Use Windows session Authentication) Click Login to proceed.

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Figure 3-2:

5. Click on Virtual Storage Console.

Figure 3-3:

6. Click on Storage Systems.

Figure 3-4:

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7. Press Rediscover.

Figure 3-5:

8. Click OK.

Figure 3-6:

9. Click OK.

Figure 3-7:

10. Click on the Home icon.

Figure 3-8: 1.08

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3.2 Tour the VSC Dashboard Summary Page

In this activity you will navigate through the dashboard to view the summary page for the NetApp Virtual StorageConsole plug-in to VMware vCenter which provides seemless integration to perform storage related tasks specificto NetApp storage from and to optimize VMware ESX host settings for use with NetApp storage.

1. Click on Virtual Storage Console.

Figure 3-9:

2. Examine charts and graphs integrated into the VMware UI including NetApp specific storage details.

Figure 3-10:

3. Observe host issues then click on a bar in chart to investigate further.

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9 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

Figure 3-11:

4. Highlight hosts holding shift key, then apply host level recommended settings.5. Click OK to apply settings. (After completion press Close or exit with the x).

Figure 3-12:

6. Refresh Dashboard to observe that the Host Settings Status chart is now green.7. Click on Storage Systems.

Figure 3-13:

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10 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

3.3 Storage Summary Page and Provision a Datastore

In this activity you will experience the value add details that the VSC provides in the vCenter user interface as wellas use the integration actions to provision a NetApp FlexVol volume as a VMware datastore using a simple wizardall from the vCenter UI.

1. Mouse over the icons to see the options available and click the rediscover button.2. Click on the Actions drop down to see the options available.3. Click on cluster1 to examine the cluster details further.

Figure 3-14:

4. After reviewing the details available on the cluster summary, click on home icon.

Figure 3-15:

5. Click on Hosts and Clusters.

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11 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

Figure 3-16:

6. Right click on the demo.netapp.com datacenter.7. Examine NetApp VSC options available at the datacenter level.

Figure 3-17:

8. Select datacenter demo.netapp.com.9. Click on Actions to reveal the dropdown.10. Go to NetApp VSC options.11. Select Provision Datastore.

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Figure 3-18:

12. Name the datastore temp_datastore.13. Click Next.

Figure 3-19:

14. Select the Storage system: cluster1.15. Select SVM: svm1.16. Press Next.

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Figure 3-20:

17. Enter size of 10 GB.18. Select Aggregate: aggr1_01.19. Press Next.

Figure 3-21:

20. Press Finish.

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Figure 3-22:

21. Press OK.

Figure 3-23:

22. Click on the Datastore icon tab under the navigation pane to the left.23. Select the newly created datastore named temp_datastore.24. Press the Actions button to review a dropdown list.25. Navigate to NetApp VSC.26. Select Destroy.

Figure 3-24:

27. Press OK.

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Figure 3-25:

28. Right click existing datastore, ntap_vmware_nfs1.29. Navigate to the NetApp VSC to examine all the options available on an existing datastore.

Figure 3-26:

3.4 Optimization and Migration

This lab activity you will scan VMs on a NetApp backed datstore to look for guest OS misalignment that affectsperformance. Additionally you will use a wizard to perform a live migration to an optimized datastore that has anoffset to correct the misalignment in the VM.

1. Click the Home button.2. Click Virtual Storage Console.

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Figure 3-27:

3. Click on Optimization and Migration.4. Press Scan all.

Figure 3-28:

5. Click OK.

Figure 3-29:

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6. Click OK.

Figure 3-30:

7. Select the datastore named ntap_vmware_nfs1.8. Add a check to the option Show only misaligned virtual machines.9. Select the VM named vm_misaligned_01.10. Click Migrate.

Figure 3-31:

11. We will now create an optimized datastore to correct the offset issue on the VM, click New datastore.12. Click Next.

Figure 3-32:

13. Name the new datastore temp_optimized.14. Click Next.

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Figure 3-33:

15. Confirm cluster and SVM is cluster1 and svm1, respectively, then click Next.

Figure 3-34:

16. Enter size of 10 GB.17. Select Aggregate: aggr1_01.18. Click Next.

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Figure 3-35:

19. Click Finish.

Figure 3-36:

20. Click OK.

Figure 3-37:

21. Click Refresh to see the new Datastore appear, and the task complete in Recent Tasks.

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Figure 3-38:

22. Click Scan selected, highlight the new datastore, and note that the VM is now functionally alignedwithout having to power it down.

Figure 3-39:

3.5 Show VSC Actions that can be Performed on VMs and Datastores

In this activity you will explore the options added in by the NetApp VSC into the menus of the Templates, VMsand perform a crash consistent backup of a VM.

1. Press Home icon.2. Press VMs and Templates.

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Figure 3-40:

3. Select the datastore ntap_vmware_nfs1.4. Select the Related Objects tab.5. Press VM Templates.

Figure 3-41:

6. Right-click on RHEL60-template.7. Navigate to NetApp VSC.8. Observe the options available, to include Create Rapid Clones, then click on the Virtual Machines tab.

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Figure 3-42:

9. Right-Click on the VM named Svr2012-SQL1.10. Navigate to NetApp VSC.11. Select Backup Now.

Figure 3-43:

12. Name backup sql1-test-backup.13. Press OK.

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Figure 3-44:

14. Press OK.

Figure 3-45:

15. Press the Refresh icon.16. Confirm back up has completed.

Figure 3-46:

3.6 Viewing NetApp Information from Related Objects

In this activity you will see some of the additional informational panels added into the vCenter UI by the VSC tohelp manage and monitor storage resources.

1. Press the Home icon.2. Select vCenter Home.3. Examine the new list of NetApp items integrated into the Navigation panel.4. Click on Virtual Machines.

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Figure 3-47:

5. Highlight the VM, Svr2012-SQL1.6. Press the Related Objects tab.7. Press Backups, observe that the backup create previously is now listed.

Figure 3-48:

8. Click on Datastores.9. Click on ntap_vmware_nfs1.

Figure 3-49:

10. Click on the Summary tab.11. Scroll the summary tab page down.

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Figure 3-50:

12. Examine NetApp panels (NetApp logo in lower left of panel) added by VSC to summary tab ofdatastore.

Figure 3-51:

3.7 Surveying Storage Management Roles Packaged with the VSC

In this activity you will examine the VSC specific roles that are populated into vCenter following an install ofvCenter to allow for more granular control of privileges.

1. Press the Home icon.2. Press Administration.

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Figure 3-52:

3. Select Roles.4. See the VSC specific roles that have been added, select VSC Administrator.5. Click on Privileges to review the details assigned to the role.

Figure 3-53:

3.8 Rapid Cloning and Space Savings

In this activity you will use the VSC to create multiple copies of FlexCloned virtual machines much quicker thana native VMware standard clone that take advantage of space efficiency to provide a zero cost, no performanceimpacting clone operation. VMware linked clones offer quick and simple provisioning, but create a performancedegradation that can become very problematic. VMware standard full copy clones can be a disruptive operationthat takes time to complete and consumes more storage. FlexClone technology on NetApp clustered DataONTAP solves many of these business impacting challenges.

1. Click on Home, Virtual Storage Console (NetApp logo).

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Figure 3-54: 08.01

2. Click on Storage Systems.

Figure 3-55: 08.02

3. Click on svm1.4. Navigate to the Related Objects tab.5. Click on NAS.6. Double-click on the datastore ntap_vmware_nfs1.

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Figure 3-56: 08.03

7. From the Summary tab examine the NetApp specific details that are presented by the VSC to vCenter.8. Examine the Deduplication Details and the Volume Space Saving figure.9. Press Start.

Figure 3-57: 08.04

10. Add a check to Scan Entire Volume.11. Press OK (optional, the deduplication scan may take some time, you may choose instead to skip).

Figure 3-58: 08.05

12. Press OK.

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Figure 3-59: 08.06

13. Minimize the browser and launch the OnCommand System Manager.

Figure 3-60: 08.07

14. Login with admin and Netapp1! then press Sign In.

Figure 3-61: 08.08

15. Navigate to Storage Virtual Machines > cluster1 > svm1 > Storage > Volumes, click onntap_vmware_nfs1.

16. Go to the Storage Efficiency tab.17. Examine the Details pane to see if the status is active, when it completes.18. look in the Last Run Details pane the timestamp should change, examine the Deduplication Savings


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Figure 3-62: 08.09

19. Return to vCenter to find the RHEL60-template, Right-click and go to NetApp VSC > Create RapidClones.

Figure 3-63: 08.10

20. Select DRS Cluster as the Clone destination.21. Press Next.

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Figure 3-64: 08.11

22. Press OK to acknowledge the FC warning.

Figure 3-65: 08.12

23. Press Next.

Figure 3-66: 08.13

24. Change the Number of clones to 10.25. Press Enter or Next.

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Figure 3-67: 08.14

26. Press Next.

Figure 3-68: 08.15

27. Press Next.

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Figure 3-69: 08.16

28. Select ntap_vmware_nfs1.29. Press Next.

Figure 3-70: 08.17

30. Press Finish.

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Figure 3-71: 08.18

31. Press OK.

Figure 3-72: 08.19

32. Press Refresh to confirm the clones appear instantly.

Figure 3-73: 08.20

33. Return to System Manager, press Refresh.34. Examine the instant change to the Deduplication Savings.

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Figure 3-74: 08.21

3.9 Space Reclamation

In this activity you will use the VSC to reclaim storage in the datastore that was previously locked by the guest OSof the Virtual Machine.

1. Navigate to Svr2012-SQL1, Summary tab.2. Note the STORAGE USAGE figure, 19.22 GB.

Figure 3-75:

3. Open Remote Desktop Connection Manager.

Figure 3-76:

4. Double-click on Svr2012-SQL1 (alternatively you could use the standard remote dekstop client on thejumphost or you could use the vSphere vCenter Web Client console).

5. Open Windows Explorer.

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Figure 3-77:

6. Navigate to c:\, right-click and delete the folder named "__files to delete for space reclamation".

Figure 3-78:

7. Right-click on Recycle Bin, select Empty Recycle Bin.

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Figure 3-79:

8. Press Yes.

Figure 3-80:

9. Return to vCenter browser session on the jumphost, right-click on the VM Svr2012-SQL1 > NetAppVSC > Reclaim Space.

Figure 3-81:

10. Press OK.

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Figure 3-82:

11. Press Refresh every few seconds to see the Recent Tasks panel update.

Figure 3-83:

12. After the space reclamation is completed, the VM will be powered back on and the STORAGE USAGEfigure in vCenter should now be 16.17 GB.

Figure 3-84:

3.10 Backing up VMs with the VSC

In this activity you will perform a VM backup using the VSC.

1. Navigate to VMs and Templates.

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Figure 3-85:

2. Right-click on Svr2012-SQL1 > NetApp VSC > Backup > Backup Now (optionally you can explore theschedule backup features).

Figure 3-86:

3. You can name the backup of the VM, sql-backupdemo1 or you can allow the VSC to automaticallyname backup. Note that you can update a SnapMirror or SnapVault operation if one existed right fromthe wizard and additional options allow for a VMware consisitency snapshot or independent disksmounted on the VM all from the wizard. For this simple demonstration we will leave all uncheck as weare just doing a crash consistent backup with no additional disks and no data protection relationships.

4. Press OK.

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40 Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere 5.5 © 2016 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. NetApp Proprietary

Figure 3-87:

5. Press OK.

Figure 3-88:

6. Press Refresh, note how quickly the backup completes.

Figure 3-89:

7. To confirm the backup exists, go to Storage.

Figure 3-90:

8. Select ntap_vmware_nfs1.9. Select the Related Objects tab.

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10. Press Backups.11. Right-click on the backup and select Mount.

Figure 3-91:

12. Press Mount.

Figure 3-92:

13. Press OK.

Figure 3-93:

14. Press Refresh.15. Select ntap_vmware_nfs1 (Backup sql-backupdemo1).

Figure 3-94:

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16. Go to Manage tab.17. Press Files.18. Explore that the files exist under the folder Svr2012-SQL1.

Figure 3-95:

19. Right-click on demo.netapp.com > NetApp VSC > Backup > Unmount Backup.

Figure 3-96:

20. Select sql-backupdemo1.21. Press OK.

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Figure 3-97:

22. Press OK.

Figure 3-98:

23. Press Refresh.

Figure 3-99:

3.11 Restoring VMs with the VSC

In this activity you will examine how the VM restore operation works when a VM is completed removed or in placeand when the VM is powered off vs. when the VM is powered on.

The first use case demonstration shows the ability to restore a VM from a backup that has been completelydeleted from active storage and removed from the vCenter Inventory. You can examine the steps to perform if aVM is mistakenly removed and needs to be restored, this also allows for an alternate use case when you needto bring up a copy of a VM for development or test without affecting the production VM by renaming it and eitherchanging the IP or keeping the virtual network adapter disconnected.

The second use case demonstration will be to leave the VM registered and powered on, then attempt the restore.The result will be the VSC Restore task will power off the VM, restore the files in under 90 seconds. From that

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point you simply power on the VM and you have fully restored from a backup without deleting the VM. Thisapproach is a very safe alternative to VMware snapshots which can many times create performance issues,additionally adding a Guest OS power down before taking the backup provides an application consistent backupand an even more stable restore point.

1. Navigate to VMs and Templates, right-click on Svr2012-SQL1, select ShutDown Guest OS.

Figure 3-100:

2. Press Yes.

Figure 3-101:

3. After a few seconds, press Refresh until the VM is powered off.4. Right-click on Svr2012-SQL1, go to All vCenter Actions > Delete from Disk.

Figure 3-102:

5. Press Yes.

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Figure 3-103:

6. Navigate to Storage > ntap_vmware_nfs1 > Manage tab.7. Files, observe that the folder for the VM is no longer present.

Figure 3-104:

8. Right-click on ntap_vmware_nfs1 > NetApp VSC > Restore.

Figure 3-105:

9. Select sql-backupdemo1.10. Select the Backed-up entity Svr2012-SQL1.11. Press Next.

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Figure 3-106:

12. With the option selected for The entire virtual machine, press Next.

Figure 3-107:

13. Press Finish.

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Figure 3-108:

14. Press OK.

Figure 3-109:

15. Press Refresh in the Files view, navigate into the restored folder for Svr2012-SQL1.16. Right-click on the Virtual Machine file (.vmx), select Register VM...

Figure 3-110:

17. Select demo.netapp.com.18. Press Next.

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Figure 3-111:

19. Press DRS Cluster.20. Press Next.

Figure 3-112:

21. Press Finish.

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Figure 3-113:

22. Return to the VMs and Templates, right click on the restored VM, select Power On.

Figure 3-114:

23. Press OK.

Figure 3-115:

24. If prompted with yellow "i" speech bubble, click on the VM Summary tab, press Answer Question...

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Figure 3-116:

25. Select I Moved It.26. Press OK (This completes the first use case demonstration).

Figure 3-117:

27. Now right-click on Svr2012-SQL1 while the VM is powered on go to NetApp VSC > Restore.

Figure 3-118:

28. Select the backup you created earlier, sql-backupdemo1.29. Press Next.

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Figure 3-119:

30. Press Next.

Figure 3-120:

31. Press Finish.

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Figure 3-121:

32. Press OK.

Figure 3-122:

33. Press Refresh a few times, note that the VSC powers off the VM prior to the restore.34. Note that the STORAGE USAGE is now 40+, we will reclaim space next.

Figure 3-123:

35. Right-click on the VM and select Power On.

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Figure 3-124:

36. Press OK.

Figure 3-125:

37. If prompted with yellow "i" speech bubble, click on the VM Summary tab, press Answer Question ...

Figure 3-126:

38. Select I Moved It.

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39. Press OK.

Figure 3-127:

40. After the VM is powered on, right-click on the VM, NetApp VSC > Reclaim Space.

Figure 3-128:

41. Press OK.

Figure 3-129:

42. Note that the Storage Usage is now correct (This completes the second use case demonstration).

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Figure 3-130:

3.12 VASA Provider Integration

In this activity you will explore the value added benefits of using the NetApp vSphere API for Storage Awareness(VASA) Provider appliance with the VSC and vCenter to further integration of NetApp specific configurations andsettings through the use of the exposed API integrations between VMware and NetApp to unlock more NetAppstorage specific settings and features to vCenter.

1. Click on Home icon.2. Click on Virtual Storage Console.

Figure 3-131:

3. Click on Configuration.4. Click on Register/Unregister VASA Vendor Provider.

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Figure 3-132:

5. Enter IP: Enter password: Netapp1!7. Press Register.

Figure 3-133:

8. Press OK.

Figure 3-134:

9. Click on the username at the top right to reveal the drop down options.10. Press Logout.

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Figure 3-135:

11. Log back in by entering User name: DEMO\Administrator.12. Enter Password: Netapp1!13. Or select the option to Use Windows Session authentication, Press Login.

Figure 3-136:

14. Press Virtual Storage Console.

Figure 3-137: 12.07

15. Press VASA Provider for clustered Data ONTAP.

Figure 3-138:

16. Press Storage Capability Profiles, to review the SCPs available to use.

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Figure 3-139: 12.09

17. Select the Gold-Template SCP.18. Press Actions to see the options available to perform against existing SCPs.19. Press the Go Back Navigation button labeled VASA Provider for …

Figure 3-140:

20. Press Storage Mapping.21. Select the datastore named: ntap_vmware_nfs1.22. Press the Actions button.23. Click on Auto-generate.

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Figure 3-141:

24. Press OK.

Figure 3-142:

25. Press the Refresh icon.26. Press StorageCapability Profiles, examine the SCP auto generated and based off the existing


Figure 3-143:

27. Press Storage Mapping.28. Right-Click on the ntap_vmware_nfs1 datastore.29. Select the Assign matching profile.

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Figure 3-144:

30. Press OK to select the one SCP listed.

Figure 3-145: 12.15

31. Press OK.

Figure 3-146:

32. Click on Settings to examine volume and aggregate alarm thresholds available through VASA provider.

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Figure 3-147: 12.17

33. Press the Home icon.34. Press Storage.

Figure 3-148:

35. Right-Click on the virtual datacenter, demo.netapp.com.36. Navigate to NetApp VSC.37. Select Provision Datastore.

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Figure 3-149:

38. Observe SCPs are now available to provision new.39. Press Cancel.

Figure 3-150:

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4 Additional Capabilities of the VSC in this labSNAP DRIVE FOR WINDOWS INTEGRATION (More advanced):

RDP into Svr2012-SQL1 to explore SnapDrive integration with VSC (reference the SQL in VMware lab for moredetails)


Build a new Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) on cluster1 and create volumes with a SnapMirror and/or SnapVaultrelationship with SVM1 (intra-cluster), then attempt a VSC backup and update the SM/SV as part of the backupoperation

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5 Lab LimitationsThis lab also has the following limitations:

• All of the servers and storage controllers presented in this lab are virtual devices. Consequently, anyoperations involving movement of large quantities of data will not exhibit performance representative ofreal systems.

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6 ReferencesFor more information about Virtual Storage Console for VMware 5.0 see the following references:

• Navigating VSC 5.0 for VMware vSphere: https://library.netapp.com/ecm/ecm_get_file/ECMP1392344

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7 Version History

Version Date Document Version History

1.4.0 May 2015 Initial Release

1.5.0 June 2016 No lab guide changes

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Refer to the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) on the NetApp Support site to validate that the exactproduct and feature versions described in this document are supported for your specific environment.The NetApp IMT defines product components and versions that can be used to construct configurationsthat are supported by NetApp. Specific results depend on each customer's installation in accordancewith published specifications.

NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability, or serviceability of anyinformation or recommendations provided in this publication, or with respect to any results that may be obtainedby the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in thisdocument is distributed AS IS, and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations ortechniques herein is a customer’s responsibility and depends on the customer’s ability to evaluate and integratethem into the customer’s operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may beused solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.

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