Creation is, when the formless takes form Amma Amma the Universal Mother There are very few who did not hear of Matrusri Anasuya Devi popularly known as ‘Jillellamudi Amma' in Andhra Pradesh. Countless persons received her darshan and blessings and partook of Amma's Prasadam in 'Annapurnalayam'. Hundreds of thousands of persons are following Amma's teachings and continue to experience the grace of her loving care though she left her physical form two decades ago. Jillellamudi sanctified by Amma's presence is one of the most important pilgrimage centers in India drawing spiritual seekers from various parts of the country and the world. th Amma was born on 28 March 1923 in Mannava village in Guntur district to the devout couple Sri Sitapati Sarma and Smt Rangamma. Before and at the time of her birth, several mystical indications announced the advent of the Divine. The bhava that she is the Universal Mother was with Amma from the time of her childhood. When she was less than five years old, Amma tells her mother. "I will be the Mother when you are no more".(Amma's mother Rangamma passed away when Amma was very young). " You are all my children whether you sit here by my side or stay elsewhere, whatever your age and whoever you are." "You were all born of me, and I gave you to your mothers to bring up." " I am not God and you are not the devotees; I am not the guru and you are not the disciples. I am the Mother and you are the children" Above are some revelations of Amma about herself. Amma and Annapurnalayam "To feed you and look after you is my work, " Amma asserted, and her life was a living commentary on this singular ideal though she ate almost nothing herself right from child hood. Young Amma was in the habit of feeding with her own hands poor people and stray animals. When food was not available, she would give away what ever she had on hand-- money, jewelry, in one instance even the clothes she was wearing. If even an ordinary mother loses her appetite when she sees the suffering of one of her children, how much more so the Mother of All, when she witnesses the wholesale suffering found everywhere in the world. It is perhaps due to the millions going hungry and young ones starving for proper nourishment that Amma felt no hunger. It is estimated that after the establishment of Annapurnalayam by Amma at Jillellamudi in 1958, about 12 million people would have partaken of food as prasadam of Amma which is known to cure many an illness. In the Annapurnalayam, all the devotee children and visitors partake of food sitting together irrespective of caste, creed or religion. It is the experience of many persons that the food in Annapurnalayam apart from being nourishment for the physical frame is charged with spiritual blessings. "Eat what you have with contentment and share what you have with love and regard. And have faith that you are doing every thing at His bidding" is the essential message of Amma. You become weak if you don't eat and I become weak if I don't feed Sponsor for 1500 copies P. Baburao, Managing Director KRANTI PROJECTS (P) LTD., Kranti Towers, Prasanthnagar , Hyderabad - 500 062. Mob: 9849456456 Printed By: JANANI VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS Mahesh Nagar, ECIL Hyderabad -500 062. Mobile: 9849180889 1 V I S W A J A N A N I Compiled by S. Mohana Krishna for Sree Viswajanani Parishat, Jillellamudi - 522113, Guntur District, A.P INDIA 2

Viswajanani Amma Jillellamudi

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This is an introductory picture book on Matrusri Anasuya Devi poupularly known as Amma, jillellamudi (Guntur Dt., Andhrapradesh, India)

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Page 1: Viswajanani Amma Jillellamudi

Creation is, when the formless takes form


Amma the Universal Mother

There are very few who did not hear of Matrusri Anasuya Devi popularlyknown as ‘Jillellamudi Amma' in Andhra Pradesh. Countless personsreceived her darshan and blessings and partook of Amma's Prasadam in'Annapurnalayam'. Hundreds of thousands of persons are following Amma's teachings and continue to experience the grace of her loving care though she left her physical form two decades ago.

Jillellamudi sanctified by Amma's presence is one of the most important pilgrimage centers in India drawing spiritual seekers from various partsof the country and the world.

thAmma was born on 28 March 1923 in Mannava village in Guntur district to the devout couple Sri Sitapati Sarma and Smt Rangamma. Before and at the time of her birth, several mystical indications announced the advent of the Divine.

The bhava that she is the Universal Mother was with Amma from the time of her childhood. When she was less than five years old, Amma tells her mother. "I will be the Mother when you are no more".(Amma's mother Rangamma passed away when Amma was very young).

" You are all my children whether you sit here by my side or stay elsewhere, whatever your age and whoever you are."

"You were all born of me, and I gave you to your mothers to bring up." " I am not God and you are not the devotees; I am not the guru and you are not the disciples. I am the Mother and you are the children"

Above are some revelations of Amma about herself.

Amma and Annapurnalayam

"To feed you and look after you is my work, " Amma asserted, and her life was a living commentary on this singular ideal though she ate almost nothing herself right from child hood.

Young Amma was in the habit of feeding with her own hands poor people and stray animals. When food was not available, she would give away what ever she had on hand-- money, jewelry, in one instance even the clothes she was wearing. If even an ordinary mother loses her appetite when she sees the suffering of one of her children, how much more so the Mother of All, when she witnesses the wholesale suffering found everywhere in the world. It is perhaps due to the millions going hungry and young ones starving for proper nourishment that Amma felt no hunger.

It is estimated that after the establishment of Annapurnalayam by Amma at Jillellamudi in 1958, about 12 million people would have partaken of food as prasadam of Amma which is known to cure many an illness. In the Annapurnalayam, all the devotee children and visitors partake of food sitting together irrespective of caste, creed or religion. It is the experience of many persons that the food in Annapurnalayam apart from being nourishment for the physical frame is charged with spiritual blessings.

"Eat what you have with contentment and share what you have with love and regard. And have faith that you are doing every thing at His bidding" is the essential messageof Amma.

You become weak if you don't eat and I become weak if I don't feed

Sponsor for 1500 copies

P. Baburao, Managing Director

KRANTI PROJECTS (P) LTD.,Kranti Towers, Prasanthnagar , Hyderabad - 500 062. Mob: 9849456456


Mahesh Nagar, ECIL Hyderabad -500 062.Mobile: 9849180889



Compiled by

S. Mohana Krishnafor Sree Viswajanani Parishat,Jillellamudi - 522113,Guntur District, A.P INDIA


Page 2: Viswajanani Amma Jillellamudi

In Amma's eyes no one is a sinner

Amma saw only the good in people and apparently had no concept of 'sin' whatsoever. Amma often declared that she had no disciples (sishyas), only children (sisus). All forgiving, simple and motherly, she changed her numerous 'children' into noble souls through the deep silence and bliss that manifested themselves in her proximity. In many cases, people's chronic psychological problems, physical diseases, financial difficulties, bad habits, addictions and negative tendencies would be cleared up once and for all by a simple look or utterance from Amma.

It is the experience of thousands of persons that their barren and parchedhearts with evil samskaras are transformed into lush green fields ofhealthy life and good activities and their 'sins' washed away by thetorrential showers of her grace.

5Your dharma is to be principled and honest in your vocation. If you follow this properly, there is no need for anything else

Feeling 'I am doing' is human; feeling that He does everything is jnana; being All is divine

Amma the Love incarnate

Though Amma was worshiped as an incarnation of God by many, the infinite and causeless love and compassion she showered on any and every one drew thesuffering humanity to her lotus feet. It is common knowledge among those whovisited her that even very old persons also curl up in her lap like little childrenreceiving her unconditional divine love.

Her love is not confined to humans. It extended to the entire creation. Serpents put their hoods on Amma's shoulders and relaxed. Animals prostrated before her andreceived her blessings. Cat and mice played joyfully in her lap forgetting theirborn enmity.

Amma's life is a commentary on love. Good and bad persons, illiterate and thelearned, rich and poor, virtuous and wicked, ascetics and agnostics basked inthe divine love of Amma. We do not seem to have parallels in the known historywho showered such compassion. Several Mahatmas, Yogis, Siddhas and Gurustraversed the path of time. There were perhaps limits and reasons for their love. Amma loved every one and treated them as her children, even those whohated her and made murderous attempts on her. Such miscreants also weretransformed in course of time having bathed in the purifying stream of Amma'slove.


Pining for what you do not have is misery; satisfaction with what you have is happiness 3

Amma the architect of the 'House of All'

Amma named her house as 'The House of All' which provides restful accommodation to several permanent residents and visitors. This ashram complex at Jillellamudi is an open home for Amma's all pervading universal family. Any one who came to visit Jillellamudi immediately felt like brother and sister who belonged there.

The moment one lands in Jillellamudi, it is like being transported into a new world. Mind is lost in the enjoyment of peace and contentment in the tranquil and serene atmosphere. If any one finds life difficult and tension ridden, even a casual visit to Jillellamudi can do a world of good. Nothing is charged for any thing; food, stay, worship, education, medicine . By the same reckoning, maintaining it also is the responsibility of all her children.

4While the form is Purusha, the implicit energy is Prakruti

This world itself is the Kingdom of God

Amma explained in simple words intricate philosophic truths. What she said is out of her own experience. Many learned persons concluded that what Amma said may not be found in the shastras but what Amma said is by itself the shastra. Amma said that experience gives the shastra and not vice versa.

Many entertain the view that marital life is a hindrance for spiritual progress. Marriage is the threshold for samsaram. A person who would like to reach spiritual heights is averse to marriage.

Amma gave an altogether new perspective for the institution of marriage. Her elucidation that the husband is God to his consort and wife is a Goddess to him is a fresh perspective and gives equal rights and responsibilities to the partners in the marriage.” You enjoy everything and also renounce everything in maritallife “..is a new angle unveiled by Amma. In one context Amma said, "Not feeling that the samsara is bondage is liberation ". With these fresh interpretations, Amma threw new light on the institution of marriage and gave immense hope to the aspirants.

Amma gave a unique definition for worldly life (samsaram). She explained that sankalpa (volition) is samsaram. Is it possible for ordinary persons to have a state of mind with out thought waves which create anxiety, distress and lead to many psychosomatic disorders?.. To realize that the thoughts that emanate are not one's own but come from a primal source (Shakthi or God) is the state of not having the sankalpas according to Amma. When one internalizes andlives this concept, the pleasure or pain associated with the success or failure of such sankalpas will not affect such a person.

Page 3: Viswajanani Amma Jillellamudi

A manifestation (Avatar) has no need of miracles 7

Amma the personified Primordial Energy

Amma is an avatar. Avatar is the manifestation of infinite power in finite form. Unveiling and interpreting eternal truths and dharma in his/her deeds and words to suit contemporary times is what an Avatar does.

"Mother means the beginning"…

"My arrival is to make you know what is not known"

"Mother is not just the one sitting on a cot at Jillellamudi: Mother means the One without a beginning and without an end, the one who is the Beginning and the End—That which has become everything and which cannot be comprehended -the limitless, resistless basis of all."

"Reality itself is my state"

"Mother is like the Earth itself, which assimilates filth as well as good things. Whether a thing is good or bad is your concern- the Earth and Mother make no such distinction"

"The child is never at fault in the mother's eyes. It is in spite of his faults and perhaps because of them, that she loves and corrects him"

The above are a few of Amma's pithy and enigmatic sayings on herself. As the almighty Lord Vishnu came in the form of puny Vamana, Amma concealed her enormous prowess and became accessible to every one and showered her grace.


It is not believing in God but what you believe is God 9 As long as you see divinity in others , you become divine 10


Hyma, Amma's daughter who was an embodiment of compassion consumed herself physically, emotionally and spiritually. She realized Amma's divinityand her constant prayer to Amma was 'take me back into you'. During 1968,after Hyma's death when she was twenty five years of age, Amma entombed her infusing spiritual life into the body of Hyma. Amma made a prophetic declaration that this will become a place for penance where many engage in‘tapas' and gain fulfillment. Seen in the picture is Hymavati Devi's whitemarble statue in the sanctorum.

Hymalayam came to be known as the Kalpavruksham (the wish-fulfilling tree) as there are many instances of mundane desires too being fulfilled by the worship of Hymavati Devi.

Protection, wherever exists represents mother-hood


Amma remarked before taking Mahasamadhi that after her physical form was nolonger with us, she would be even more available and helpful to her childrenthan before. Her devotee children clearly know that Amma's real nature, Divine Love, has not gone anywhere but is always changelessly HERE, in all Her glory and power. Amma herself has stated, “ Even without the body, my work continues.”

In this new phase, her disembodied grace and force are at work moulding and remoulding, chastening and transforming the human nature into the divine nature. She is there ever present to those who seek with a sincere heart.

Page 4: Viswajanani Amma Jillellamudi

Nava Naga Nageswaralayam

The exquisitely sculpted awe-inspiring image of the Serpent GodNageswara with nine hoods with Sivalingam at the base in theNageswaralayam at once inculcates bhakti and a sense of surrender. The temple came up at the same place where Amma and her consort Sri Nageswara Rao stayed for several years. There was a small earthen mound adjoining one of the walls of their house and radiant effulgence used to come out of it as if there were glowing precious stones inside. Many early visitors saw a divine serpent and Amma's interaction with it in that place. Amma was occasionally picking up a small portion of the earth around the mound and offered it as prasad to the visitors. The visitors found the fragrance emanating from the prasad irresistible.

Varasiddhi Vinayaka Temple


The beautiful temple of Varasiddhi Vinayaka was consecrated during 2006. As Amma is considered as Jaganmatha, it is appropriate that her beloved son and remover of obstacles Lord Vinayaka's temple too came up in the temple complex at Jillellamudi.

In the yagasala, nitya homams and frequently visesha homas likeChandi homam, Sudarsana homam, Soura homam, 'Srisukta homam', 'Sankatahara Ganesha homam', 'varuna homam' are performed. It is unique that any one irrespective of caste, creed, gender or religion may personally participate in the homams

Amma gives what is needed; not necessarily what is desired 11 It is only God who shall be with you all the time

Other places to see at Jillellamudi are 'Vatsalyalayam', the abode of Amma in the second floor of 'House of All' where photos of Amma and the articles used by her are kept. Amma stayed for several years in this building.

A big hall adjoining Vatsalyalayam where one can meditate in the peaceful atmosphere. At the exact place where Amma used to sit on a cot in the evenings, now Amma's life-size marble image radiating blissful vibrations aids the sadhakas in their contemplation.




She is a mother only if she understands the child’s problems and gives even without being asked

Matrusri Medical Center

Matrusri Oriental College and Matrusri Sanskrit Pathasala

Amma founded a 14 bed Nursing Home in Jillellamudi. Inaugurated in 1978,this Nursing Home provides free medical services to the villagers ofJillellamudi and other several nearby villages. Patronised by philanthropic persons from India and abroad, it has the entire infrastructure needed for arural hospital like Out-patient Clinic, In-patient Ward, well equippedlaboratory and Operation Theater. Qualified Doctor, Nurses and other staff man it. Matrusri medical center conducts medical camps periodically invarious villages around Jillellamudi with the help of the parent bodySri Viswajanani Parishat and several voluntary organizations.

An Oriental College and an Oriental Pathasala (High School) were foundedby Amma to impart Sanskrit education. Over 200 boys and girls students, most of them from indigent families hailing from backward areas receivefree education from eighth standard till graduation. ( Bachelor of Orientallanguages in Sanskrit / Telugu) All the students are provided free food, shelter and medical aid. The educational institutions at Jillellamudi are notmere academic centers imparting education for a livelihood but aim to mould the behaviour and attitude of the students who imbibe the values in their lives and become role models wherever they live. The students of the College and Pathasala, apart from pursuing their studies participate in community service and spiritual programmes at Jillellamudi.

The college has well equipped library and gym. Boys' hostel buildings areunder construction in the college campus.


The various activities of the institutions founded by Amma are coordinated by Sri Visawjanani Parishat, a registered charitable service society. The Parishat's executive committee comprises of devoted and committed individuals from variouswalks of life. The committee is presently headed by Sri B. Ramabrahmam( Retd. General Manager, Andhra Bank ). Sri Viswajanani Parishat hasSri B.Ravindra Rao ( Second son of Amma and Retd. Officer , SBI ) as the Patron and Dr. Pothuri Venkateswara Rao, famous journalist and former Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Press Academy as its Chief Advisor.

The Parishat implements several welfare measures to help the weak, theunderprivileged and the downtrodden following Amma's saying, "Divinity is the sympathetic vibration to the suffering of others."

In Amma's words, "The very desire to visit Jillellamudi is fruitful; actually coming is even better. It will be never in vain. " Those who are busy in the external world constantly engrossed in tension ridden occupations can occasionally visit the holy shrine of Amma to experience spiritual regeneration; enjoy the bliss of Amma's presence and her unconditional love.

Sree Viswajanani Parishat

14The great teachings remain as mere words unless they are experienced


Literature /Journals on Amma

Several books were published in various languages written by eminent persons likeDr Sripada Gopalakrishna Murthy, Dr. Pannala Radhakrishna Sarma,Dr PrasadarayaKulapathi (presently H.H Sri Siddheswarananda Bharathi Swami), Kondamudi Ramakrishna, Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja, Richard Schiffman, Rodney Alexander Arms,- and Timothy Convey. 'Viswajanani' a Telugu monthly journal and'Mother of All' a quarterly bi-lingual journal are the periodicals which contain articles on Amma, her mission and information on the spiritual/service activities taken up at various centers.

Page 5: Viswajanani Amma Jillellamudi

How to reach Jillellamudi ?

Jillellamudi is situated at a distance of 14 kms from Bapatla, in Guntur District (AP) on the Vijayawada-Chennai railway line and on the bus route from Guntur to Chirala. Taxies and Tempos are available from Bapatla Railway station and Bus stand to reach Jillellamudi.

For further details, contact the Resident Secretary, Sri Viswajanani Parishat, Jillellamudi-522113. Tel: +91 08643 227324, 227492Email: [email protected]: www.viswajanani.org www.motherofall.org

A conceptual drawing of the proposed temple

“ Why is God comprehensible? Because there is nothing but God to comprehend ” - Amma

15I can see even if one is in another place; no boundaries can limit my knowledge.You must come here to see me, but I am always looking at you

Amma Temple at Hyderabad

After the Anasuyeswaralayam came into existence, temples/mandirs for Amma came up at different places. Amma's image has been installed in a temple at Cherumavilangar (Pondicherry) along with those of Vinayaka and Kumaraswamy. At Mannava (Guntur Dt) where Amma was born, a temple was constructed. Amma Mandir was built at Pedawaltair, Visakhapatnam. Amma's temple came up at Sirudavur on old Mahabalipuram road near Chennai.

Efforts are being made to construct Amma temple at Hyderabad too. A site measuring 800 sq. yards has been purchased by 'Jillellamudi Amma SevaSamithi', Hyderabad (a Regd Society) in the layout of Sreemitra Estates at Torrur village, Hayatnagar mandal about 20 kms from the city on the way to Sanghi temple complex. A vast residential colony is expected to come up in this area.

(Donations to Sree Viswajanani Parishat are exempt from Income tax under section 80 G vide FNO 1 (7)/ R-1/CIT-GNT 06207)

Mother Earth feeds equally the grass and the banyan tree according to their needs 16

“Why is God incomprehensible? Because He is all, because the whole of creation is God” - Amma

Important functions at Jillellamudi

Aadaranalayam (Home for the Aged)

Amma was very compassionate towards the ailing and the infirm. She served personally several bed-ridden patients and old persons with extreme care and unbounded love right from her childhood. With Amma's loving ministrations, many destitute and forlorn persons neglected and outcast by the society have received new lease of life.

Amma laid the foundation stone at Jillellamudi ashram complex a 'Home for the Aged' christening it is 'Aadaranalayam' (temple of compassion) with an aim to provide loving care to the elderly and the infirm in the evening of their lives. If financial support from service organizations and philanthropic individuals is forthcoming, this project would be implemented by 2008.

1st January New Year Day17th February Abhishekam with Paddy and RiceChaithra Suddha Ekadasi Amma Birthday5th May Amma Kalyana Dinotsavam12th June Amma Alaya Pravesam (worship with cooked rice) 15th August Annapurnalayam AnniversaryOctober Navarathri FestivalKarthika Bahula Shashti Sri Hyma Birthday (Recital of Lailitha Sahasranamams ten million times)25th December Christmas