j •. 3Clfe^JC*f^i5^ fc WtDWK^nAY, J4!ftTA»Y *0, 1004 TWAINS LtAVI OOUVtftNtUfl •OI«a «OftV«, »om A «. ii.iwr. M, 5*1 r W ftuixtajra 10 IS 4. M. *dfi«.«» l«:67 r w. RuntWya, 4 45 r! M. * *• 4. «. t0i« ^ n 4.4ft r n • 40 r, M * « 1 1 **' / V J \ '^ s t I - ft 1/ t: I •rHv*i tM 4 . M . : 7 U 0 F M. tense TOWN TOPICS. Jiiftl Urn Urn* now IA *dr*rilM ilio** !•(! oynr holiday l«rf tint* H*f4 you got your W»t#ir ptpfti In •ha** for |h« ntxl big frt*ir t If a Itiaa? %r*r 00 in a* II will hi¥r U*m of malarial lei work upon. 1/ you hfi¥*it't hat! tit* grip you )t«v*4'l haul all Ihala com log to you floatl nwulU ffrrni fotnl *dr*rtt«lnf *ra Jual aa oar lain aa death and taiea Hi. Valatttknaa clay, Feb. 14, lath* fi« «t jolly lima for Ihe rh I Id re a to look foe war* to. Anyway, a Whelnr iloaao'l tifife e?*r>bodjr to daath tilling what •mart Ihtntattlftohtldraa aay. A<*nedlnf to thu week I r a la Cement of t«a Hiala board of haahh bulletin iiiisll pot aae developed at Mateeaa Tba (louver neiir and WalerloWh Atfcleitr C^ttba will inret In a frlendl) oonttat At Kieemari'a Hall thleeveaioy . Tk* UMII«# Aid Ktolet? of tha lUptlai ohuioh will aarva a luppar lo tit* ohureb parlora Tbiuaday areolar. All art wajooim. r . f Rugfnta etamlrtatloni will be hwld at the High fttohool building Jan. 15 W No oha>ge will ba made to non- rnideuU for any subject. * A* swwoWMad Suaday ths otf'rlng *m«4U by tha member* of Ht Jamas eburah to tbalr paator at Ch'latmte lima amounted to a llttla ov#r $tf K>. , II loi>k* i i though houaai would be In drwiaad In tbia village tuia tear **•» more than laat yaar. Itanteraar* always looking up available plaoe*. W||| thsrs baany bulliHof donaTn Gouvereeur thfta oomlng spring? It would aaaot aa If there wara room for S lumbar of aaiajt oogifortabl* home* Now Ufa! II U leap jrw, the all abaorblag question la not "how old fta A i l / ' but, remrdlee* of name or aU lloa, bow old la tha girl who aaada tha IBVIUIIHI. John O Oilmouf hat reoeUrd an epsxilalanent aa daputy aharllf. Ha auaoaada an alllo&aot and plaaaant of flotaL Mr (lilmour la raoalving oon- gralulstlona. QaUblng on boba la a prlmi afnu»- mant amoog thp boya now. H »th boy a and drfrara ahould brar In mind that t W t la a oonaldarabla alamanl of daagajf to ihla fwaUaM. % ,. Tfc>>mattoan Pftaf asfsi <r A inin, U ia> arar aO bright, la not brtftbt anouill to **•* a naj#a and rofHita> lion attaadtef bayond bla otilr olroaB If Ignofad by nawapapar man. At »n InaUiratlow mMtrtfr of Ihr OafWM II Hloh, Kallaf Oorpa, bald at lVaalb Junation vaatorday aftarno^n Mlaa flnlan L Parkar, of fUriiaa W H. (; nolad aa InaUllIng ofllnar. Thahoarlaara now harboring I aFt* Imaabara of that uaaful trlba of no tt»ada hnown aa eommarolal travalara who Sra out haloing tha marohanta to iW t M r atoek attar tha holiday da- AGAIN BOOMING GLOHFAW « ARTNUff T. HALLOCK VltlTCD THI TOWN LAST WtlK AND rtlVIVEO INTCRCtT IN r^ROJKCT* **li (tantral liartoMnff a m Hnmt bouaa ham In plaoa of tha OMlMSWily burnad. It will ba oon aiaWpWy Urgat than tha old ona and will U Hgbtad by al<wtrloUy« What n>nWtlkona>wdapot« t ' f i l l af a an*MW WlnUr ok tb* lad iMMTwifinkry school. Irnaglno tha taoapar onMlnlng palH? through tha MOW, and faadtng tha old box »U»va with flhunka frtim tha W<HKI pita. Ink fri aa up. child ran ahlrarlngand lunch aolidlfUd Ynung ladlaa dratrlhg amployfiiant Ynung aaoSadl thalr opportunity by oonault log Mr. Morria l>aaa#r at hta horn a In Hwrllag alrmt, or by railing at tha laoa Willi. Immadlata halp la naadad lo tha whlUgoodt, runlina and mand log daportmai.ta. Tha Naw York Ctniral Ttitlfond oompanr haa t agun Ita annual loa bar vaal at llbpa Vinoant and (Vrthsga. About I,KM) carload« will ba cut at <kpo Vtooant and about m* at (\ir tbajra, Tharo la an araraga of about •0 ton* lo a car. At S moating of Oou/amaur T,odf* HT, r. and A U beld Iwit night tha apron d dag ran waa oimfarrad on two oaiidUlataa. K apa^^lal maatlng will aowvawo 00 Tut ad ay aranlng, Jan. ft, al which Aral dagrao will ba oon- farrod on a alaaa of lira. This ta a bard tlma for |ha High ftahool atiadanta, Tbay ara all atudy Ing hard for rvganU rvaminatloiia at •ho rod of tha luonth and hara tlma flnV llttla alar, Tha narvou* • train 3 uaad by hard prauaratlon aud f^ar fallura la ona of tha itrt>ugaat 00 jocUooa lo thaaa rxamlnatloui. Al lbs maatlng of tha Farn»^f»' In ailtota lo ba bald on tha Unl and lih of too cRHfilog month Trof. Jumtia K Rkw ( of Oornrll Agricultural t'ollrgf. will conduct tha iiiatliiitr% Mr Hon U aald t<» ba a dr< M.-dlf altr«< tiva apvakar and other writ known («*ntl* wian will al<! him In nntkhig the two daya aaaamblaga a big MHN^M Tks Oapa Vincent K«*la iaya 'H'rwdia A Mol^aaa the ( *«rthficra HIHI (louvarnaur marbia dfnlrrt, hava placad In fUrrralda c^tnvttry a liant wtaead Harra mouuturiit to \\\r IIMMII ory of tha lata John K llrunot and wlfa. The monuiiMia wi lytii About all ton a and U ona of lhi> ItiftrtO^Mnrtt and moat aipriiftlv* In tl»r» rriiiitcry. at \ J PtOPLK iH PWNT. U ft. Ohaat of Oatiton waa In town raoantly tha guaat of rrlative* A. VaudaWaikar la vUltlng bUwn, A. l> VandaWalkar at NorwrMxI. Mlaft Floranra Vanda\Va*k#r, of AVaarrtowu, la thagu^at of ruunvri in town. . MhW liarrlai Waloh lt/«.iaiiciing a -faw daya In Watart<»am tha gut»i oi har alatara, , Mr and Mfa, T itnlAn Clark of Oaiitoti wara In town Ttittadiiy of Uat wttk t<i attend ilia fuurrml of H*re llalan (lark, flro II Nlchola itar^d yaatrnlay for Cut* Ha npr^U to \m goua until Jun«. Ilia 111*1.r tiienrin iiare^wUb hltn a p!*a««nl tn;». Ha^. J P (flultarburk'a auhjrct fnr fiait Hunday morning will l»a "A tap*' lina thai la ICM> ahi.it " Kvatilug nuU j «if # "One of tha ordlnittrra " Tha Waathar. Not In many yaara haa tha thaf moiitaler raglatarf^d aa <v>UI waathar aa haa bran aiuarlanml In (Inuverurur and flclnlty during tha flrtt ility lioiira of tha prrer-nt wark. Monday morning at 5 o'rhmk It raaoha4l 40 t\^ graaa balow ITO and on tha following morning at 7 o'olook tha moat reliable waathar gauge in town recortlinl 4t Tha aarara cold haa bean felt largely throughout tha oouutry, trains hare baan delayed, and In a number of plaoaa bualbaaa haa been a most an llrely auapandrd. Tin), akaoflt af f J»y HO dagraea ainoa early yeatarday la warmly waloomad by iba ganaraJ pyWU aaaouatonad to tbla Norway CHANGE IN PROPOIITIOH A Maatlng af Ilia Subaarlaara Waa Hald at Arthur T. Jahfiaan'a Low Offlao fHa-ay and II woo Daaldad lo CKonga from o Thirtyflvo Year Sand ta o Flvo Yaar ftene< Nearly All af tha SubaaHbara Wara Will- log Thoaa Who Wara Nat Thalr iMoaarlatlana Will Ba Tahaa by Othara^ A Good Inaluatry far tha Town* Arthur T. ITalfock who haa baan oontomplaling tha aatabllahlng of a glora Industry hero returned to town laat weak thinking It adrleable to uaakaa few ohangaa In tha original ptopoeltion, a maeiiog of tha sub bare waa or Had at Ihs office of Ajrtbur T. Johnaon Friday afternoon, rhe daairad changa In tha aubaorip tlon waa fully dbeuaaad and nearly a|l of tha anbaeribsra preeent aipraaaad a desire to change taking a Bra year Iniataad of thirty Bra yaar bond and not to Include a large amount of othar property aa Brat contemplated. Oror forty parsons bare already signed tha now proposition sod it U understood If aaraoty Bye names ara obtained a glore factory will ba a reality within thirty daya. It would ba neoeeeery lo rant suitable quartere fit tha factory waa eatabliebed al once and there ara err era I plaoea under cod- sideratlon. Later It will ba detarmlo- rd whether a new bulldlof will be rreated or not It la to be hoped that iba oitiseoe will cooperate with all deeirable enlorpriara like Ihia that wlah to locate in Ihia growing town aa tharo la room sndtha Tillage wante tliaui. * •msmmmmmmmtmmtJat t - WIT .j { The Twa Clarke* Tha Arbsny (?) letter to the Fans Pnnas local contemporary la made to say: Oharlea H. Clark of Oourerneur, Ht Lawrence county, la a oonstituanl of Henator Malby a woo haa bean aaan about the legislatire halls a good deal for the paal few eeeeioos, and who came to Albany Ihia year with Iba ex- pectation of gettlog .some plaoa of minor importance under tha aeeembly organiitltoo. etc., ate*. Now, It la a well known fact thai Oharlea EL Clark of Qourerneur reorired only that whieb had been promisee! him by thews who hare lbs power lo secure aush appointment^ and It is wleo a fact that tbe> conreraatiooa alleged to hare occurred between tha index ojerk and Mr Clerk upon different oocaaiooa la a eimple make up. Herb nerer "went up behind the delk/ at hi hid Irarued oi the mistake and things hid bean adjusted to hla entire eat Israel km long beiora the aeaalon conrened and Henator Malby did not, nor waa ha obliged to bustle "to make good" an appointment already mada and ac 0 ptrd. Charlea II Clark, local editor of the rncn Pnnas la an honored member of the Initiative Reporters Asaociatloli* and hla broth^a correa- pondenU seeing an oppotunlty in the two Ularks to 7 *bnm a popular com rade wired their papers of the mistake and aa leglalatlre nows waa exceed- ingly thin at tha lima added their rar lf>ua comments On a really funny situ- ation f j ' T r ' '~ Ptiawko Offloera InetaMea*/ Installation asrTloat In con nectlon With tha newly elected officers of the Una Kebekah Lodge ware held last weak. District Deputy Mrs. N. K Ilrown acted aa tha installing of* fleer In her uaual graceful manner. A fur the txarclet* a banquet wai »erved nod an enjoyable tlma had. The now IT Installed officers am: N. 0., Mrs, u. L. Brown; rice grand, 1 tattle Lytle; racordina; aecraUrr, Mrs. Will C»**eeu,Aa*iicUle*creUrj, Mra. (leo Palmar; treasurer, Mra. Kdward Loreleas; warden, Mra. Walter Lytle; conductor, Mra U M. Peroral: chap- lain, Mra. 8ar*h Orean: R 8. N. 0 „ Mra. Oeo. McKean; L. H. N. G. 9 Mra. V O. bockua: R & V. U M Mlaa Luella Morehouaa; L. 8. V. O 9 Mrm E. Du lack;U, A. U. 9 Mra. J. West and L A. O t Mra. Geo. W. Parker. f TnS W. Smith O'slrlen'a Seaaaaa. Attorney W. Bmith (VBrian, fol%l erly of tbla Tillage, but now one of the rising young lawjere of Ontario county haa Just been reappointed city attorney of Genera. Tha Syracuse 1 Hetald Oenara cor feapondent apeak ing of Mr. O'Brien aaya: "City Attorney O'Dricn is one of tha foremost lawyers in Ontario countyi and tha uniform euettee whioh he haa had in defending tha city in the many actiona whieh nara hren brought within the laat two ynr* la erldance that the legal alTalra of the oity are in competent bands " I Temale Club C lea tie a. The annual meeting of the Temple club waa held Thursday erenlng and oulcera for the entuing year were rlrclrd. The society was nerer in a more flmrishlngooiidtti m th«n at tl.e pk*eent time. The omedrs follow; Prealdcnt, jLines C. Dolan; vlcenreetdeot, I). O. H^holion, secretary, if. W. Iligarel; treasurer, J. K. McFerran; directors, H A. Kaaton, C. K. Hodger and Al- fred Hmith. The trice preaident and s«cretary ara to act with the di recto re 61. Lawrenoe Caunty Maatlwf * Tha winter meeting of the ftt, l#iwrenoe County Association of the W. U C will be held at Oouverntur, Thursday, Feb llth. The program is not y«t arranged, hut it is expected tlint there will be an afternoon and an ryrning rrssion. The mrrting will be hrld at M*ccsh*e Hall, t* e regular iiifrima place of |t«rnea Corpa, No, IftO, Any inrmbei ol the Order Who rmn makf it convenient to IM preaeut arill IInd a wvl«^>me. Offfeera af tha rirat Natlanal. Following arc the officers reelected at the annual meeting of the First Na- tional Bank; Preaident, F. M. Bur dlok; eioa pr*aidant, F\ IL Halle; oaahbr, A. L. Wood Worth. The directors of laat year were re ch<iaen and are F. M. Burdick, F. II. Halle, A. T Johnson, Ijorem > Bmith and A. I.. Wood worth. Thr bank la in a vary solid and proeperoua condi- tion. A •urprlaa Party, The nelghbora and friends of Mrs, Totmsn, Johnstown Bt, rare her a surprise Wednesday arenlng of laal week. The erening waa apenl in music, gamea and aoclal intercourse. Bountiful refreahmaota were earTnd and an enjoyable evening spent Be- fore returning home Mr. Biamonda In behalf of tha guests preaantad har with a beautiful parlor stand aa a re- minder ot tha occasion. Twbara PtaiamenU of produos marcbAnU In thb TicinitT indicate thai potatoee In Northern New York will bring $1 a buahol before apring. Tbla will be due lo the email crop of laat fall and tha prtTaieooeof dry rot in tbeoellare, II la raportad that I s m auantlJaa of tubara haya thus baan dssiVoysd. ^.^ «**.; A s " ^ *• V' "^^ f * •^4 MANX MORTON slECHNOLD, •ad Oeatn af a former Weil Kaoam Ceuewrneur Young Man. At the fkmllf boms in Nsw York Citr on Jan. Itth occurred tha death of Marx Morton Bechhold, tha elder aon of tha Into Jacob and Bertha Bech- hold. Ue waa born In the town of Hermon, tbia county, Nor. 94 187S t and a brief ekstoh of hla life, ao full of promtaw until the fatal grasp of con- sumption waa upon him, will ba of in- terest to tha many friends of the fam ily In Ihia vicinity. Whan a child of three years Marx Bechhold came with his parents to Oournrneur where hla father engaged in tha dry goods business. Marx waa educated in the public schools, gradu- ating at the ago of 17 from the High School, than under the chargo of Prof. Tuthill, with a knowledge of Latin as trail aa of other studies which enabled him to paaa the examinations and enter Harmed without further preparation. From Harrard he grad uattd In 1SS5 with the degree of A. B AI that lima hla parents had taken up their feeidenos in New York City. The young man followed hia college course with a course of study in the Law Bchool of Columbia University and waa admitted to the bar in 1896. For s year and a half he aerred in the offloee of James, Ichell <fc Elkina, the aenior member of the ttrm being the Lie Col. Kdward 0. James, formerly of Ogdensburg, and ona of the moat brilliant members of the bar of New York Mr. Bechhold waa favored with Col. James* personal instruction, and when Feb. 1, 1908, he entered upon tha practice of hla profaaaion ha waa equipped with ararylhing but health for a successful career. Hia health soon failed and deepito all that akill and kindneaa could do to rastore it hta condition grew woree. On JUIT lSth last he waa unable to mlaa his head, and ao continued in weakness and. Buffering- tenderly cored for bjr lbs members of the fami- ly and trained nurses until death re- leased him. Of the family there survive hia mother, hia brother Murray, and hia grandmother, Mrs. Bishop. A large circle of mora dietant relativea, among them Mr. I*wis Bckmann and family of this village, mourn hia early death, and many old lima friends will sym- pathise witb.the bereaved household. Revival Mooiloga. Sunday morning, Jan. Slat, a eeriee of revival maetinga will begin in tha Methodiet church in which Rev. Chae, F. Barrett, of Delaware, Ohio, will preeent tha puregoapel in a strong and atriking light Mr. Barrett baa had a phenomenal career in the evangeliatio field in several stales in the middle weal and in weatern New York, and the campaign Ihia akaaon haa bean tha moat signally bleaied of all hia ex- perience. Tha Tiffin NewsJ of Tiffin, Ohio, ssya of bim, "Mr. Barrett ia psrhaps lha ableat evangelist who has ever held a aeriea of mbetinga hero, Hia atylo U unique,, hia method ia twentieth century end hia preaching vigorous. Ha ia thoroughly doctrinal, faarleaa in hia denunciation cf ein, aqd juat tuch a preacher aa ought lo bo found in all tha puipiU of our land/' Rev. M. P. Blakealee, of Bvracuee, aaya. "If you are interested in an evangslh)t who really believaa God, preacheaIan uoemaeoulated goapel, in- terpreta the Word aa sn inspired reve- lation, tiachea tha naw birth, salva- tion by fkitb, and the witoese of the Spirit, then employ Evangelist C. F. Barrett He ia an exoellent teacher, a clear, ekrneat and hopeful axpoaitor of tha Word, a christian gentleman, and tho kind of man I would want again. |Uis method with naeekera ia apoatollc and thorough. 1 * Mr. BaWttl cornea without elated ra- numeration for hia asvices accepting a voluntary offering. Two meetioga a day wi|l be held, a Bible reading al 3 p. m., jmd preaching at 7:30 p. m. Plaaaaat Wadding. Tha following from the DeeMolnta t>ally Oapital or recent data will prove of interest to the many friends of tha f room who ia well and favorably nown in this village and vicinity: The friends of Mlaa Lulu B. Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mra. George F. Walker of 1108 Penn avenue, will bo aurpriaed to hear of her marriage at high noon today to Mr. Wm. Payne Andrewa of Gouverneur, N. Y. The marriage waa witneaaed by only the family and relatives. Hev. Dow of tha East 8ide Christian church, of which Ihs bride ia an active member, performed tha ceremony. Miss Geor- gia Walker, a niece of tha bride, purred Lohengrin's wedding march and plated tha Flower Song softly during the ceremony. The bride haa lived in Dee Moinaa all her life and haa many frienda in the church and musical C'rclee. Mr. Andrewa ia con- nected with ths H. H. Baboock Car- riage On. of Watertown, N. Y., snd ia a young man of finebuaineaaability. They lesva immediately for Kaoaaa City and S t IxMiis, expecting to (travel until M^y, upending tha aummer in returning to Dea Moinea in FIREALARM SYSTEM TRAINMASTER B. P. KCTCHAM OF CARTHAQC HAS INVENT* ID ONE SUITABLE FOR 6OUVERNEUR. INSTALL IT FOR $1, the east, the fall. Death a> o Reeoaatatl Citlsan af Thereea* Royal [Morse, ao old and muoh ro- reopected reaident of North Gouver- neur died at his home in Theresa Jan. 11, at thb age of 83. Ha waa born at New Fate, Vt, Oct. 2«, 18S0. At the age of 2B he removed to Gouverneur whets he resided until a few years be- fore hia] death when he removed to ThereaaJ In 1859 he married Jane Parker, j daughter of the late Alvm Parker of Theresa. Her demiae oc- curred April 12, 1890 Three children were b)rn of this marriage, all of whom 4m dead. Deo. 90, 1890V ho married! Celia Parker, a sister of hia former jwife. He leavea, aurviving him, a Wife; one brother, Samuel, who Uvea in. Ohio; throe elsters, Mra. A. Gate, Illinois; Mra. Spaulding. Phila delphia,; Pa.; and Mra. BiUingtoo, Ohio. The ftineral services were held from hia late fesidenoe at Thereea on Thura day tmvning at 10 A.M. Intermenjt waa m*d* In Riverside Cemetery, Gouverneur. Wriat the Nawaooooro Say. The iOgdensburg Journal aaya* Charl'a'H. Clark, of Gouverneur, haa been apbointrd a deputy clerk of the Assembly. Mr. Clark by his work on the Frei Press has taken rank aa one of the most active and efficient news en of the] county. His ap nt ia WVJII merited and will be tifying to a large number of ouverneur Correspondent of ertown Standard ears: The tent of Charlea 11. Chirk, lo r of tho Gouverneur Free a deputy clerkship in the Aa* eemblyj ia highly gratifying to hia le- gion ofi friends in Ht, Lawrence county. Mr. Clark ia loyal to the core and a writer ft acknowledged ability. fhm RaymanS Laoturoo. "Vienna; Feuo^aliam and Demo- cracy " j waa the subject discussed by Dr. tialrmond in hia third lecture un- der the; auspices of the Shakeapearo Club delivered at Union Hall laat evening. Notwithstanding the in- tense chid the attendance waeooneider- ably larger than at either of the pro- oeedina meeting a Tho scholarly ef foitaoftha eloquent lecturer ara in- creasinkr in interest and tha remain- ing subjects, Berlin, Pariaand Iiondon ahould! bo listened to by increasing audienCee. To whom It may concern: I boijght of L W. Eldredgo. of Can- ton, NJ Y.. a Weaterly Granite Mon- ument] in ths fsll of 1903. It ia a thoroughly first elaaa job. 1 am per- fectly aatlafled with my trade and nan recommend Mr. Kldrsoga lo my neigh- ( bora aajan honorable man to plane an order a)ith for memorial work. . , ' 46w4 I . Signed O. W . BaJtaTT. &%*, v ¥ j ®fflm&&iffl He Will Furnlah F^urtMm Baxaa, Supply Five M l tea of Wire end Moke All tho Cenaeetlene— It Werke Autamotloolly and la Juat What Thlo Town Need a - Tha Syetem woo Inatallad ot Carthass and Hoa Given Exoellent Setlo^ footlon. The telephone service for fire alarm purpoaea, the complioptM system of calls the delay that frill necessarily follow in notifying the engineer at the lace mill and the fact that over one third of the village will be with out aoy service at all have oonvineed a large number of citizens that a dif ferent system than the one adopted will have to be secured if proper pro lection ia to be given. Some time ago B. P. Ketcham train master of the Black River division of the R W . f t O invented a fire alarm apparatus adaptable to villages of the atae of Gouverneur and recently hia ajetem waa inatallad at Carthage It haa given the v^rj beat of aatiafactlon. Mr. Ketcham ia anxious to install hia system here and haa offered to put in fourteen boxea furnish Ave miles of wire, make all the connections and guaranteed perfect working order for •LSOO The Carthage correspondent of the Watertown Times apeaking of the ayatem in that village aaya: The first publio teat of the workings of tho patent fire alarm ayatem, re centlv invented by Trainmaster B P. Ketcham of tbia village, waa made Saturday St noon. The operations of the device were like clockwork and were aucceanful in every measure The teat fully,met the hopeaandex pectationa of the inventor anfi drew forth conaiderable applauae from the crowd of spectators The alarm waa aeot in by Chief John Thorpe from a push button located near hia houae on West street Simultaneously with the falling of the drop indicating the number of ths alarm box, the weight whioh ia wound on a drum in the top of (he lower of Firemen a hall waa re leased snd the fire bell began lo sound. During the 50 aeconde required for the weiaht to fall the bell aounded 75 strokea. This can be doubled. The electrical apparatus waa made by the North Electric company at Cleveland, O. The Indicator which reaemblee the exchange board in a central tele- phone office ia located in the hoae cart room on the aouth aide of the Firemen's halt The mechanical ap P iratus was made by the Ryther ot ringle company of this village and ia located in the tower of the building. Now that the teat of the system haa proven ao auoceaaful it is for the vil lege board to take stepa to ercure its purchaae and provide for the installs lion of a sufficient number of alarm boxea in different parts of the village. Trial Jurora. Following is a list of the trial jurors for the trialterm of the county court commencing at Canton, Monday, Jan. 25,1904: Fred J. Wither, Norfolk; Duncan McBain, Chase Mill*; Fred Fiak, Nich- olville; Wallace Kelviogton, Lisbon Center: Thomas Iforan, Norwood; Peter N. Myers, Waddiogton; T. A. Dunn. Lisbon Center; Charles Day, Hollywood; Leooartl'F. Hammond, Renaaelaer Falla; C C. Laidlaw, South Edwards; Airo Beecber, Parishville; Lafayette beck wood, Morley; Henry Potter, Cotton; Lewis Goldsmith, Pots dam; Philip O. Snrague, Hailesboro; Warren Randall, Potsdam; Zora Pike, Brasher Center; Charlea Campbell, Wegatchie; Thomaa Erwin. Ogoena- burg; W. H. Bdtnn, Popea Mill; Wil Ham Bowman, Elmdafe; Cornelius Burke, North Lmwrence; W. E. Lind- say, South Cotton; Harvey Kilbourn. Fine; William I. Short, Waddington, J. B. Oaas. DeKalb Junction; II. M. Clark, Hare wood; Willard Parker, Braaie Corners; Btrney Leonard, Nor- folk; M. S. Onnmbera, Rensselaer Falls; Fred Melvin, Canton; Lellon Bancroft, Edwards; William Lara bee, Stark; Jamea Thompson, Ogdensburg, Arthur Roulston, Renaaelaer Falla. Death of Mrs. Clara Kltto Peok. Mrs. Clara Kills Pack died at her home corner Barnaa and Gordon streets at an-oariy hour Tuesday morn- ing. Mra. Peck haa been a patient eufferer for several years with tuber- cular difficulties, but her sunny dis- position and gentle ways made it a pleasure to attend her, although in an entirely helpless condition. Duriog thb past week a specie of in sanity developed quite rapidly, caus- ing unconsciousness to pun and a rapid decline which ended in death at 1:30 Tuesday morniug. Ifar Mge was 21 years and 9 months. Of her iui mediate relatives her mother only aurvivea bar. The funeral was con- ducted fnjim the Chiaholm residence at 2 o'clodk thia afternoon, K->v. W. F. Skinner-officiating and her body placed in the cemetery vault at River aide. T<5 »<** E fair Dlreetere' Maatlng At a mctting of the directors of the local fair aaaociation held at the St. lawrenoe Inn Monday night, W. 8 Corbin and S. F. Hartley were chosen delegates to attend the annual meet- ing for town fairs to be held in Albany on the 24th of the preeent month. A. Corbin, Jr., was unanimously elected to attend fbe International Ricing As- sociation (gathering at Murray Hill hotel at New York on the Kth of Feb ruary. * rlronk Colo In took. In a recent aaaay of a asm pie of pyr- itee ore submitted to Profeaaor F. M. WilliamaJ of the Potedam School of Technology, by J. Frank Cole, of thia village, a report has been received ahowingSulphur 50.17 and no arsenic. Fifty-threja and thirty three hundretha ia pronounced absolutely pure, and since the Specimen aasaved is from a supposedly inexhaustible mine, it ia believed Ithat Mr. Cole has atruck it rich. again W^t Slant. Front flat with bay window in block next the Masonic Temple. Haa range, hot and opld water, bath and all mod- ern improvements. Rear flit in same block. Am also finishing modern flat on third floor No. 1 St Lawrence block, which will be ready in two or three weeks. Haa all the modern improve- ments, hot and oold water, bath, etc Small houae on Prospect Hill, $5 a month. : Larger house at $8 a month. Fine frhnt office, oyer 8wetta store, No. 1 S t [Lawrenoe block* Store oh Park street B. G. PAWCSTH, Gouverneur, N. T. Id< tracts in interfere Everr uaual t toaanounos that our con- towns will in no r a j th our work hers st home, will bs taken cars of in ths anicalway. Our plumbers ana ourfigureswill I A bs found 1 lowsr than any other firm GouVernsur, H. Y., Jan. 1,1901 ' dare quo4e. , A. KSXLOIXGH. DtSOLVE CO^ARTNIRSH • 4? «fi'%i **•»*,» •. John Blsha Haa BrousM \ n Aotlbn in tho Supremo Court of Thlo County Agolnat o turn bar Conoajrn In Fine* John Bisha, through Attorne|ya Breen dt Braen of WHtertown baa commenced an action iu supreme court of this county againat John L. Johnson. Wm. Woodcock, Milo Woodcock and John May bee of Ed- wards for the dissolution of a 00* partnership and for an accounting in order to cloae up the business of the concern. The plaintiff and the defendant John- son were co partners in the lumber busineas at Fine, 8t Lawrenoe county and owned and conducted a large steam saw mill worth in the neighbor- hood of $10,000. The defendants Woodcock and May bee are mortgagees and hold mortgagee in theaum of $13,- 000 againat the Arm giyen for moqev advanced and thereafter to be ad- vanced, j The claim on the part of the plaintiff Is that the mortgage haa been fully paid and that the payment made by the Arm has been applied by the Woodcocks and May bee upon In- debtedneae owing by Johnton to them individually and not the debt of the Arm. He asks for an accounting for the amount of money received by them which he claims should have been applied on the indebtednes of the firm." - ' * 1 LEADER UNTIt I'M DEAD. BOOM FOR MALBY Hid FRIENDS IN ALBANY AND THROUGHOUT THE STATE ANXIOUS TO SEE HIM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE. Thing Sonotor Malt Storting for South About the tost Sold Before Carolina. Senator and Mrs. Thomas O. Piatt left the Fifth Avenue hotel lately for a short sojourn in Aiken, 8. C. Senator Piatt's recent oonferencoa with republicans above and below the New York city line, have already, it ia aald, produced good results. On the situation regarding the head- ship of the party in the state caused by the conduct and utteranoea of Gov. Odell and hia frienda. some light may be gathered from almoat the laat worda Senator Piatt aaid before leaving the city. He aaid that he would continue to devote himself to the welfare of the republican party M and keep the lead erahip until I am dead. "Senator Piatt aaid this with spirit and yet with- out evidences of ill feeling toward any other republican. Witt OPPOSE LITTAUER. LEGISLATIVE SESSION ON Asaemblymen Plonk and Merrltt En Joy Fine Committee Aselflnments- Both ore Leading Mombers- St. Lawrenoe County Highly Honored - Supt, Sklnner'a Re election- A Comedy off Erroro on tho Port of Two Clorko by tho Some Name— Cahal teglelatlon to bo tho Main Toplo Dlaouaaed Although Good Roodo Will Bo Seriously Conald ered- Probably o Short Seaslon. ALBANY, Jan, 18.— The legislative session for 11H)4 is now in full swing and this week will see it v* down to business. Iu all prob.hiliiy it will be one of the shortest M^MOON m recent years. On account of the hold ing of the Republican National, state and congressional conventions at an early date and the necessity in conte quenoeof early caucuses the members will beanirtoua to return to their baili wicka to repair, if need be, any weak- ened portion of their fences. During the first days of the session bills rush I in but they scarcely ever amount to much. The session thitwriner will be known aa the canal session. The most important legislation of the winter will be upon this matter and there are of course many different opinions on what should he done toward raiding* the money to meet the amount new* sary for thi* enormous expenditure. By the end of this week something definite can be told KS to the course to be pursued by the mejority during the present sesaion. Knglaud, ada. ]. 2; P,orlo Rico, 1 and Can * * & ft Col, tinea of Johnatown Announooa Hla Deal re to Go to Cengreeo* In an interview. Col. Chas* B Knox, wealthy manufacturer, of Johnstown, formally announced his candidacy for the nomination ot mem- ber of congress from the twenty-fifth district on the republican ticket, in opposition to the preeent incumbent Lucius N. Littauer of Qloversville. A spirited fight for the nomination is expected. ^ Ed ward a News. Mr. and Mra Robert Clark are enter- taining a new daughter; weight about six and one half pounds. This is the third daughter. Misa Maude McFerran is home be- cause of the illness of her father. Principal C. A. Brownell is back from his home at Red Creek where he spent the holidays. The measles have broken out here in the family of a miner working in the new mine on Tod da farm. C D. Carr waa in Gouverneur be- cause of the illness of his sister, Mrs. Hflzelton. Mr*. Cleland Noble left Tueaday for the Ogdensburg hospital to be treated. Mr. Noble and Mrs. Charlea Stephen- son accompanied her. The grange initiated Miss Stacy and William Grant at the meeting held lust Saturday. Bennie Noble of 8yrecuse Was here over Sunday. * . F. C. Ooutermont and B. H. McCol- ium went to Redwood today to attend the races. * ! W. J. McFerran is the recipient of an invitation lo attend a ball to be given by Oov. and Mra. Odell. M. E. Woodcock waa at Watertown Snd Ogdenaburg laat week. '< U. O Webb's faat horse carried off the honors at the Carthage races last week- The horse waa imitnediately entered for the Redwood races, Vanche Noble, Karl Lutx, Ruby Taylor and Helena Goings have begun to attend the Union Free 8ohool. Tho Junior League served sapper Friday evening. The proceeds were small. Misses Olio and Ethel Johnson and Marion and Frances Gore attended teachers' examinationa at Qouverneur last week. N U. O. Iterr waa at Carthage last week. Peter AuClair haa moved hia family into the house recently occupied by Ure Mitchell. Our postmaster, W. J. McFerran was successfully operated onJor ap- E sndicit ; s by Dr. Madill of Ogdens urg last Tuesday. He is rapidIj re- gaining his strength and expects to be around again soon. Sterling Iron Company. A petition in involuntary bankrupt- cy was filed yesterday against the Old sterling Iron Company of Antwerp, by Milo Burr, who recently obtained a judgment for about $3,000 against the company for injuries received. It is alleged that the company has com- mitted various acts of bankruptcy in Siving a chattel mortgage toitapresi- ent, Henry H. Adams, that Its real estate has been mortgaged to a trustee and that there has been a oonfeaaion of judgment in favor of the preaident of the company, A sale of the prop- erty haa b en ordered for Wednesday under the state court proceedinga, but this will be stopped by the bankruptcy. The mines have been closed since 1)*5C. 1st. • • .in •" Tax Notloo. To the tax payers of the Town of Oouverntur: Take notice, that next Tuesday, all day, Jan 26th, ia the laat day of grace at one per cent. Won't you kindly come in and settle your account before: that date expires. The five per cent ia no help to me and la an additional tax for you. FRED D. STEELE, ' Town Collector. Jan. 20, 1904. 11 < * 1 it ri The advertised letters are for 8 A. Howe, Philip Bayyear, Floyd E. Hub bead, Vid Davidson, John Wilson, Pete H. Come, Merrill Powles, Albert Cunningham, Frank Jones, Charlie Kenyon, Mra. Nella Fuller, Mrs. T. B. Brown, Mrs. Msrv Fulllngton. Mrs. Eugene Murphy, Mrs. Helen Lay ton, Mrs. Lottie Clair, Dora Todd (2), Eliza- beth K. Thomaa O. Kinney. Foreign—Mrs. Perry. President Roosevelt, In his annual saga, ttatad that for tha last fleoal veer there haa baan 25,506 peraons appointed through com petit ire examinations uoder Civil Bar- vlce.ralra. This was 12,672 mora than for any pravloos year, and forty par cent of all who paasad tha examinations. There will ba a Post Offloe examination ia this city tha first Wednesday or Heturdav after Mav 1. There will ba examinations in several places In this atate for Railway Mall Clerk*. Stan ogrepher*, and many other poaitioos during March an April. The Columbian Corres- pondence College of Washington, D. C . has laroad an announcement giving tha dates and places for holding awamiaations, the age limits, physical Qualifications, education re- quired, and full information about the var- ious positions In tha Government Civil Bar- v loe, and It will ba sent free to all who write for it. , EMERYVILLE, N. Y., Jan, 5,1004. I ordered a Barre Granite Monument of L. W. Eidredge, of Canton, N T. The monument waa erected about Jan. 1,1904, in Gouverneur cemetery. I consider tbe workmanahip and mav terial thoroughly first elaaa in erery reaped. I feel confident that any ona that plaoea aji order with Mr. Eldredgo will be dealt with in an booorable aad courteous manner* , Tmly youra. 46wi . jAaTEslF.BoBnraolf. I A comparison of the committee list for t he session of 1901 shows that Ht. Lawrence county fared as well, if not betu-r in its representation on commit tec* than anv other county in the state, ; This is mada so from the f »ct that this county is not eternally changing its representatives. The FRFK PRESS has aiw^s contended that the longer a member serves the better qualified he it to render more efficient service and thf reby accom- E lish a greater a'liount ot work for is district. In the committee assignments As aemblyman Piank f».» n the first 8t. Lawrence <i.istiii;t Undtd the chair manahipof ihe rxHsecommittee which ia considered one nf the bent in the legislature lie i<* a'so a member of ways and m»atj*. the greatest of them all and is also on internal aiFairs an other i moor tan t committee. Assemblyman Merritt of the second district is made chairman of the com- mittee on general laws which is the most important with the exception of ways at d means in the legislature. Mr. Merritt has served two years on this committee and ia perfectly famil- iar wuh the work as well as with the general statutes of the state. His se- lection is a wise one. Mr. Merritt is «!*•> a member on fisheries aud game and trades and manufactures. Bt. Lawrenoe county has fared well and both Aasemblyman Plank aud Merritt are to be congratulated. V A gubernatorial 000m was launched here last week for Ht. Lawrence coun- ty 'a able and popular senator, George Ii. Malby. It is staled that he would have the backing of Governor Odell, who it ia understood, will not be a candidate again under any circum- atancee. It is *afe to say, however, that if Senator Malby becomes an ac- tive candidate, he will be the candi- date of hia party and not of any one man. The aenator haa a reputation of being the most independent man polit- ically in the atate legislature. At the head of his party in his county, ad- mired at home not only by the prom- inent leaders of the Republican partv butof the Democrats as well, serving his preeent term by a unanimous election having been the candidate of both the Republican and Democratic parties in his district, with a reputation through- out the state of the strictest integrity and honor and an unflinching loyalty to his partv. Senator Malby would make a aplendid and vote catching candidate. The New York Sun, editorially, paid Senator Malby a merited and de served compliment It said: "The Senator is an excellent and most ac oompliahed man, whom St. Lawrence county in particular and the State in S eneral love to honor, but he fo far too isceraing in the matter of poluHii legacies, and too modest withal, to ad- mit of his figuring in the role ascribed to him. Senator Malby is wise, even unto discretion." * The election of a superintendent of public instruction by the legislature will not be held until the second week in February. Whoever is elected by the leaders will have to run in opposi- tion to the present incumbent of the office for Charles K. Skinner's friends declare that they will fight for his re- election. The legislators from the Northern counties will probably vote for Mr. Skinner. There is much doubt expressed as to the outcome of this bitter controversy between the state de- partment of public instruction and the state board of regents. *** Considerable amusement has Wn caused over what is alleged to have been a comedy of errors in the mix up of two namea bearing the same initial*. Tbe New York and Albauy newspa- pers, shy of a good legislative story made a very readable one, although not clinging at all to the facta, out of Clerk Baxter's appointments of clerks for the present session. There were two candidates for positions by the name of Chaa. H. Clark, one hailing from Chenango county, the other from St. Lawrence. Neither knew that there was another by the same name. Both positions Carried the same salary. One waa appointed assistant index clerk, the other deputy clerk. W hen it was learned that there were two men by the same name then there waa a de aire to know which waa which. This was ascertained and the two Clarks are perfectly satisfied both holding two of the prominent positions in the legislature. All's well that enda well." The legislative correspondents have had a good story and the two uufortu nate victims of the same name are happy and contented. Anderson Lawrence, for a quarter of a century chief messenger of the assembly, who has known more public men in this state than any other in- habitant, officiated for the last time at/ the drawing of aeata of the members of assembly. He has retired. The official thanks of the assembly were extended to him. * At a meeting of the stale board of charities of which Hon. Newton Aid- rich is a member, held here last week, the report of the superintendent and alien poor for the quarter ending Sep- tember 31, 1903, was read. It shows 497 state poor persona under care dur- ing the quarter. Of theae 120 were discharged. 11 absconded, 213 were re- moved from tho atate, aud 3 died, leaving 144 under care at the epd of the quarter. The number of alien noor removed to their homea during the) quarter waa 15. aa follows; To Scotland, X; Austria, 8; Walee, 2; Ireland, 1; Italy, 1; Australia, 1; The subject of good road8 will re ceive its full share of attention thia winter, nearly everyone being in favor of the improvement of the highways. This matter agitates the farmers far more than the canal matter and moat of them have it much more at heart. The farmer who lias to cart hia pro>| duce over milt** of muddy roads in the apring and fail, r.iientimea sticking hub deep iu ihj int«u may he pardoned if he believes it Jar more to hia wel* fare to have good roads than a deep canal. Chaairmrin K. A. Fay, of the St. Lawrence Republican county commit- tee, is again j >urtial clerk of the ben- ate, a poMtiou which he has held for many y«urs with much credit to him- self. , BUSINESS LOCALS. Kellou^h the leading plumber. Real cat ate bargain* page 2 SHKRN. Foil SALK*~One good roll top desk. r3MlTH, the Baker. Hand in your magazine orders this week. Money lo loan at five per cent tf B F. BROWN, Gouverneur. A few second hand stoves cheap at Kellough's. Clinton St. •50,(^)0 00 to loan at 5 per cent. B G. PARKER, tf Gouverneur, N. Y. Girls wanted in the white goods ruf filing and mending departments of the lace mill. 2,500 dewsptpers and magazines al at a low club rate with KKEK 1'KKHH. SHKKN, Agt. You can buy from the closing out*| sale any article you wish at a match less price. S FKIJ*ON, Agt. Girls wanted in the white goods ruf- fling and mending departments of the lace mill. Special Short Time Offer-A New York Daily and FKKK PRKHS both one year for fi.90. I). 11. SHKKN, Agt Goinjfout of the jeweWy business, the stock, show cases and fixtures are being s jrd out regardless of cost. S. FKLHON, Agt. Money to loan on ST LAWRENCE Cot'MY FARMH at 5 per cent Uot'VKKNEi:R HAVIKOS tf At LOAN AHSOCIATION. > WANTED- A few good building lots, also a customer for a fine paying busi- ness in town, terms easy, -1 1>. H. SHEEN. ' The finest j*w>lery stock in Gouy- erneur will be^ Hold out. alao the safe, show cases and all the fixtures. 8. FFI,HOX, Agt BnAvvVTPiRE MATT is free from adulteration, drugs, crude tpints and other harmful ingrfdient* Abso- lutely pure. Sold by Win, Hinton. We sill have several furnaces to put in this month. Any person who thinks they ought to have one in their residence will do well to get our figures. A. KEIXOUOH. We are the acknowledged leaders in high grade plumbing and carry in s'ock ihe most complete line of mooern plumbing eoods in the county. A. KELLOUUH, Clinton St Jamea M. Marsh has just received a complete line of Columbia X P mould- ed records which he is selling at 25c each $3 per doz ; Kd json gold molded records 50c each, $5 per doz.; talking machines #3.50 to 1100. 45x2 Up to date and modern ideas are acquired by practice and experience. Plumbing in its unsanitary manner as waa done twenty and forty years ago don't work on an intelligent l>eople of the present time. We do the best work and take the lead. ^ A. KKLIJOUCIII. Clinton St WANTED—Some young men as agents to sell and build fences; there is good money for them, if they are good workers. Call, I w»" plain it to you. Office in Ca- Jt block, over Williams' hard" ytorc, Gouv- erneur. « W . TRACY. Our display of jfnbing goods has been before the public for the past ten months. We are tbe originators in Gouverneur of plumbing goods dis plays, others are taking pattern from our mode of doing business. Re- member the leader. KEIXOCOII T1TR Pf.rMBER. nRASOIAL AI7D GOJCMEEOIAL i loatno ©.notation* of flta » w York *to<-it KfctfaaBer*. New VoraWon 1*. Money on coll caay at l\ ^er cent. Prima mrnanttle paper. 4\nh per cent T.xbluntca. l^3.!fel.L&. balance*, SUtfQl.- U7L. <MoBlri(r p r i c e * : Arnul <\>n>cr... ffo\ AtchUon •> -•••I'?;.:. ' ~t4 n & o M% l l r o c k l y n H T . . TU'fc c: .O O * 8t t. 7H«4 Ch»*a & Ohtu. . 33% Chi # Nor!hw-Ja7i* V A H ......... 1<»7»* Krh- ?*H <kn. KUotrlo... 176 nittioiM O n ]31V* Lu< k a w a m m . ?734 l.outa A Nttah. lMVfc M^uhatl^ii Hft slrln'-pnlltioi.. *V?W Miaiiuurt I ' m . . . IIH N T Ontrai Norf a Waat. JVnn H. R..., Reading Hock Island .. Bt. Paul Umithern Pac. Southern Ry . South. Ry. pf. HiiKar T. *»*• Pa<lAc tuio-i ParlAe IV 8 SWM-I .... V 8 fitrH pf. \V#at Vnlon . 115H IS lt>7<% 46 2£f\4 144* 21S 'Toth* Public: luVhsr*. Crooks At McLean hava CHiiplfted- all contracts for setting monuments in a very satisfactory manner and I have found them fair aud honorable business men entitled to the confidence of the community. Jauuary 4th, 1904. MRH. C. C. DfrinreLBtRa. The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the 8. B VanDuzee Manu- facturing company for the purpose of electing trustees for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi- ness as may properly come before the meeting, will be held at the ottioe of the company in Gouverneur, on Mon- day, Feb. 1, llMii, at 3 p m. 46*2 . W. A. VANDUZEE, Sec. GOUVERNEUR, N. Y., Od. 31. 1904 This certifies that I purchased of L W. Eidredge, of Canton, N Y., a Bronze Green Veined Granite Monu- ment with markers, in the fall of 1903. That I am perfectly RatUtlrd with my dealings with Mr. Eidredge. 1 can and do recommend him to the people of this vicinity as a reliable man to -order a monument of. Yours truly, 46w4 A. B. BiLLiNCM. We are very often asked the ques- tion why wo do plumbing work.so much cheaper ana more satisfactory than has been the rule in Gouverneur. Our aiiMWfr is thi»: We buy and sell hiore plumbing goods in one month than the other three hardwares com- bined do in three months. We have done this for the past ten months. We are doing it this mohth. W e era- ploy more practiced mechanics,pay the highest wages and please the most customers, why shouldn't we do the trade. KKLLOl OH THE PLUMBER. What Shall Wo Hava for Daaaart 7 Tire quettlon arises in tha family *r<*ry day. Let ua anawer it to day Try Jell-O, a deli- clbuaand healthful denaert. Prepared In two minutes. No lioUIng' no Ittkins! afroply add boiling water and i*t to cool? Flavors:— l*moa, Orange, lUnptwrry and Htrawberry. Get a packaga at your Knx'eni to day. 10eta. J. FL DRAPER Now is your chance to buy Hand kerchief B at ICFS than whoIoFale for this week only. This salo includes nothing but 25c. handkerchiefs which wore Flightly soiled during the holi- day ruHh. The lino consists of fine Swiss and Linen hdkfs. nicely embroidered and- hem- stitched, and the price will be only ll»c. each, or the extraor- dinary low price of $2.00 per dozen-- in dozen lots only.« v ...*. A good assortment of ladies' flannelette dress wrappers and outing night robes to close out cneaps > « «• * • * ••• Aftay inventory we find we have over $100.00 invested in laces we are going to offer at about one-half price for this week only JOHN X. DRAPER / Cirnrml Market*. Nt w York. Jan 1$. Fl-OtU Firm, with a fair demand at oil |>IU**I. MtnnevotH |Mit«*nta $4\<6«4 9u, winter atrutfthla. 14l<>a4 1i». v.i.iWr ixtraa, W J).iH46, whit* r |m(<Miln $4 2ba(U> WHKAT- IlwrHy steady <»n poor <*ablea s higher ronaoi*. rino weather In tha weal uttd ul>««>n<'«» of ptippjrt; May, 91!-lfei91Sfcc ; July. K7 6-16aK7Sc. JiYE-Firm, atatc* and Jef««y% Matte ; No. 2 w*#t€rn, U^c. nominal, t o b , afloat. COHN-HulfK! quM and easy on con- tinued good weathar waat and aympathy With wheat. May. U>4tc OATB- Nominal, track. *(hlt*. atatr. 4U a*?., track, whlta. weatern, 46a4So. POKK-Steady; meaa. fHaU.73; family, 115. Br1*TKIt"St«aa t y; extra creamery, He.; state dairy, lial^. CiiEEaU-Bteady; stats, full cream fancy, asnall, colored, September, lie.; late mada. lOVfcc.; small, white. September, lie.; late made. lOVfcc.; large, colored, Septem- ber, 12c.; late made, lO^c.; large, white. September, VUi.; late made. 10V\ i:OG8 Firm, atate and Pennsylvania nearby average flneat, He; state and Pennsylvania aeconda to first a, SsaJOs.; western ftrvta. 80c.; weatern aeconda. fla SUGAR-Raw quiet: fair refining. t%ti centrifugal, M teat, t*i.; refined dull; crushed, a 06c ; powdered! 4.16c. TURPENTINIC-Qulet i t amaCSc. MOLA88EaV-F1rm; Naw Orleana. tlaS7a RICE-Steady; domeatic, I \ a 6 V . Ja- pan, nominal. TALLOW-Qulet; city. 6c.; country. 6a •He H A T - S t e a d y ; e h l p p l n a , 0Ou7Oc.: g o o d t o choice. 66a90c. LUMBER BUILDING PAPER" HOU8E FINISHING PINE A SPECIALTY Custom Slab Wood $1.85 per cord. EDWARD W. DUFFIE Office No. 3 Egcrt Bldg. CHURCH LUMBER COMPANY , VAttrrACf URCRS OF ' Lwuibrr, Shingles ami Imli.A Hi 1 and Timber Lands near Pieroe*i Corners! MACOMB; N.Y, feetosr+aarlaa < fcokea t o I>+atk. Watertown. N. Y M Jan. 17.-Hudaan Halloday of Ogdensburg/ aged eight j years, was choked to death while din- Ing. The fatality was catiwed by the lodgement of a piece of meat lu the throat, and death ensued before any aftslfltfince could be iriven. Bis? F i r e I A fJaaTalo. t Buffalo, Jan. HI. Fire among the wholesale establishments and ware- houses In the triangular block formed by the Junction of Pearl 'and Krte streets has caused a loss estimated at $2M,000.. , * Penajaylranla Po««a*ae<er*, Waahlngton, Jan. 19.-The following fourth class postmasters In Pennsyl- vania hove been appointed: Creekside. Abraham L. Htuchell; Mount Top, J. 8. Kopp; Waverly, Edward Parker. . v H r CAmon 1 Granite and Marble Works, WaTKR 8 T , CAKTOK, K. Y. 1^ W, atlMaameDOlt, * PropHeHor. rtsa ABjarlaaa sad Aootca OraaUs a Doo*t buy a Monnmecu wllhoat woaderful Bronte Oraaa Velaad Orasala beauty la aadtftpoted Mama Hi ably I unsaaadaaas Hardest, moat da able, Maaattt- oaat lettarlaff ftoaatble, tor asis oaly by t, W Eld edge la ftyXAwreaoe aad Freak Na Ooaafiea A postal brtage reply aad aamplss. J. B. H aottdtor. esyl s Its AS4Q0PIAN0 A N 0 L I V E H TYPEWRITER AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH Wa hare a Urge bodv of Umbar thai has nerer beeu cutlecf or cut over and are able to furnish a high quality of nalire Umber that is hard to dupli- oat* anywhere else at the present tirne. Aa far as pDaaib*« we aim to havo$n hand io tha yard material to fill ordi v nary orders but this is sometime* ditti«~ cult, particuistly in tha. claaaes for which Cherr ia a 'arge demand auoh aa ' Siding lumber, Studding. Joists, Cedar Shingles tic , and we advise custom- era toeend ua their bills sufficiently early go that tha requisite material may be cut and hauled before the end of winter. Wa desire particularly- to call alten- uon to onr facilities for furnishing heary timber aud dimension stuff for•• barns ar d other large struct urea. * Orders to be filled the coming fasou should ba handed in at once. Do not - delay if you want the best of limber selected in tha wood* for your special* order. . , Mr. J. T. Riren, aaleiman/will be at tha mill erery Wednesday afternoon < and Thursdays till two p in during tha winter, or orders msy be sent bjr mail and will receive careful attention* CHURCH LUMBER CO, , Qourerneur, N. Y. vX And 35 other Pneet to be giren readers of tha to Troy Semi-Weekly Times V Are you interested? fiend ft postal card and ••cure full information, aCMI-WKCKLV TIMES. Trey, If. V. glance ovjer this Hat and see if yoy k^iow of better ", goods being produced in the world.. I don't, if I.did, I would buy them,: . Lehigh Valley and Dela-? ware, Lackawana & West J era Hard Coal, Reynolds- , ville Soft Lump. Butrs . [ Cannel. Cumberland, • , "Smithing, Qilles Bros.' - \ Cedar Shingles, Alpha and Hudson Portland Cement. > American Hard Wall *• Plaster.. Akron Sewer Pipe, Sacketts Wall Board.."... N. Y. Hydraulic Press - Brick Co. s Pressed-Brick.' Gold Medal Extract and ; * Butter Color, Lapham's ,w Seamless Bandage. Wor-- cester Salt. Bradley'sPer-v tilizers, * ,* '• 1 carry all of the atffcve in stock—Bought for spot cash—and will be sold on * j fair margins/ ,' I want to buy three or "... four hundred cords of, t 16-i nch hard wood—The ; currency is waiting. % I CORBIN THE COAL MAV. Both phones. Harry Rog- ers or the Red Men., \ ^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%VJ J.E.McAllaster&Sons BARCAIN COUNTER J S I? UNTIL FEB. 1, WE SHALL DEVOTE OXE.OF OUR COUNTERS TO BARGAINS. Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks, Short Length*, and Odd Lots from all stocks, marked at quick selling prices. ' Special values in Corsets at 25 ct9. J.E. Mc Allaster & Sons i £ v i/% VVVV%^VVVVV VVVV V * W GOING OUT t OF THIS * * ' JEWELRY BUSINESS Jewelry Stock, Show Gases, Safe, and all the Fixtures fill be sold. Entire stock of the ftnest jewelry Btore in Gouverneur will bo sold out regardless of cost. Everybody can buy some parts of it f Jewelers can buy in small or in large quantities. I he stock in* eludes the very best of Watches, Clocks* 8ilverwau» v Silk Um- brellas. Fountain Pens, Solid Gold Kings, VVuUh Chains, Brooches, 8ilver Thirnbles, fine Pocketbooks and a general line of fine jewelry* mmm*M^-i^^^± •'" S. FELSON, Ap

VJ J.E.McAllaster&Sons - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1904-01-20/ed...fi« «t jolly lima for Ihe rh I Id re a to look foe war* to. Anyway, a Whelnr

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Page 1: VJ J.E.McAllaster&Sons - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1904-01-20/ed...fi« «t jolly lima for Ihe rh I Id re a to look foe war* to. Anyway, a Whelnr

j • • .


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t: I

•rHv*i tM 4 . M . : 7 U 0 F M.


Jiiftl Urn Urn* now IA *dr*rilM ilio** !•(! oynr holiday l«r f tint*

H*f4 you got your W»t#ir ptpfti In •ha** for |h« ntx l big frt*ir t

If a Itiaa? %r*r 00 in a* II will h i ¥ r U*m of malarial lei work upon.

1/ you hfi¥*it't hat! tit* grip you )t«v*4'l haul all Ihala com log to you

floatl nwulU ffrrni fotnl *dr*rtt«lnf *ra Jual aa oar lain aa death and taiea

Hi. Valatttknaa clay, Feb. 14, lath* fi« «t jolly lima for Ihe rh I Id re a to look foe war* to.

Anyway, a W h e l n r iloaao'l tifife e?*r>bodjr to daath ti l l ing what •mart Ihtntattlftohtldraa aay.

A<*nedlnf to thu week I r a la Cement of t«a Hiala board of haahh bulletin i i i isl l pot aae developed at Mateeaa

Tba (louver neiir and WalerloWh Atfcleitr C^ttba will inret In a frlendl) oonttat At Kieemari'a Hall thleeveaioy

. Tk* UMII«# Aid Ktolet? of tha lUptlai ohuioh will aarva a luppar lo • tit* ohureb parlora Tbiuaday areolar. All art wajooim. r . f

Rugfnta etamlrtatloni will be hwld at the High fttohool building Jan. 1 5 W No oha>ge will ba made to non-rnideuU for any subject.

* A* swwoWMad Suaday ths otf'rlng *m«4U by tha member* of Ht Jamas eburah to tbalr paator at Ch'latmte lima amounted to a llttla ov#r $tf K>.

, II loi>k* i i though houaai would be In drwiaad In tbia village tuia tear **•» more than laat yaar. Itanteraar* always looking up available plaoe*.

W||| thsrs baany bulliHof donaTn Gouvereeur thfta oomlng spring? It would aaaot aa If there wara room for S lumbar of aaiajt oogifortabl* home*

Now Ufa! II U leap j r w , the all abaorblag question la not "how old fta A i l / ' but, remrdlee* of name or aU lloa, bow old la tha girl who aaada tha I B V I U I I H I .

John O Oilmouf hat reoeUrd an epsxilalanent aa daputy aharllf. Ha auaoaada an alllo&aot and plaaaant of flotaL Mr (l i lmour la raoalving oon-gralulstlona.

QaUblng on boba la a prlmi afnu»-mant amoog thp boya now. H »th boy a and drfrara ahould brar In mind that t W t la a oonaldarabla alamanl of daagajf to ihla fwaUaM. % , .

Tfc>>mattoan Pftaf asfsi <rA inin, U ia> arar aO bright, la not brtftbt anoui l l to * * • * a naj#a and rofHita> lion a t taadte f bayond bla otilr olroaB If Ignofad by nawapapar man.

At »n InaUiratlow mMtrtfr of Ihr OafWM II Hloh, Kallaf Oorpa, bald at lVaalb Junation vaatorday aftarno^n Mlaa flnlan L Parkar, of fUriiaa W H. (; nolad aa InaUllIng ofllnar.

Thahoarlaara now harboring I a Ft* Imaabara of that uaaful trlba of no tt»ada hnown aa eommarolal travalara w h o Sra out haloing tha marohanta to

iW t M r atoek attar tha holiday da-



A R T N U f f T . HALLOCK V l t l T C D




* * l i

(tantral liartoMnff a m Hnmt bouaa ham In plaoa of tha

OMlMSWily burnad. It will ba oon aiaWpWy Urgat than tha old ona and will U Hgbtad by al<wtrloUy« What n>nWtlkona>wdapot«

t ' f i l l af a an*MW WlnUr ok tb* lad iMMTwifinkry school. Irnaglno tha taoapar onMlnlng palH? through tha MOW, and faadtng tha old box »U»va with flhunka frtim tha W<HKI pita. Ink fri aa up. child ran ahlrarlngand lunch aolidlfUd

Ynung ladlaa dratrlhg amployfiiant Ynung a a o S a d l thalr opportunity by oonault l o g Mr. Morria l>aaa#r at hta horn a In Hwrllag alrmt, or by railing at tha laoa Willi. Immadlata halp la naadad lo tha whlUgoodt , runlina and mand log daportmai.ta.

Tha Naw York Ctniral Ttitlfond oompanr haa t agun Ita annual loa bar vaal at llbpa Vinoant and (Vrthsga. About I,KM) carload« will ba cut at <kpo Vtooant and about m* at (\ ir tbajra, Tharo la an araraga of about •0 ton* lo a car.

At S moating of Oou/amaur T,odf* HT, r . and A U beld Iwit night tha apron d dag ran waa oimfarrad on two oaiidUlataa. K apa^ lal maatlng will aowvawo 00 Tut ad ay aranlng, Jan. f t , a l which Aral dagrao will ba oon-farrod on a alaaa of lira.

This ta a bard tlma for |ha High ftahool atiadanta, Tbay ara all atudy Ing hard for rvganU rvaminatloiia at •ho rod of tha luonth and hara tlma flnV llttla alar, Tha narvou* • train

3uaad by hard prauaratlon aud f^ar fallura la ona of tha itrt>ugaat 00

jocUooa lo thaaa rxamlnatloui.

Al lb s maatlng of tha Farn»^f»' In ailtota lo ba bald on tha Unl and lih of too cRHfilog month Trof. Jumtia K Rkw( of Oornrll Agricultural t'ollrgf. will conduct tha iiiatliiitr% Mr Hon U aald t<» ba a dr< M.-dlf altr«< tiva apvakar and other writ known («*ntl* wian will al<! him In nntkhig the two daya aaaamblaga a big MHN^M

Tks Oapa Vincent K«*la iaya 'H'rwdia A Mol^aaa the ( *«rthficra HIHI (louvarnaur marbia dfnlrrt, hava placad In fUrrralda c^tnvttry a liant wtaead Harra mouuturiit to \\\r IIMMII ory of tha lata John K llrunot and wlfa. The monuiiMia wi lytii About all ton a and U ona of lhi> ItiftrtO^Mnrtt and moat aipriiftlv* In tl»r» rriiiitcry.





U ft. Ohaat of Oatiton waa In town raoantly tha guaat of rrlative*

A. VaudaWaikar la vUltlng b U w n , A. l> VandaWalkar at NorwrMxI.

Mlaft Floranra Vanda\Va*k#r, of AVaarrtowu, la thagu^at of ruunvri in town. .

MhW liarrlai Waloh lt/«.iaiiciing a -faw daya In Watart<»am tha gut»i oi har alatara, ,

Mr and Mfa, T itnlAn Clark of Oaiitoti wara In town Ttittadiiy of Uat w t t k t<i a t t e n d i l i a fuurrml of H*re l lalan ( lark ,

f lro II Nlchola itar^d yaatrnlay for Cut* Ha n p r ^ U to \m goua until Jun«. Ilia 111*1.r tiienrin iiare^wUb hltn a p!*a««nl tn;».

• Ha^. J P (flultarburk'a auhjrct fnr fiait Hunday morning will l»a "A tap*' lina thai la ICM> ahi.it " Kvatilug nuU j «if# "One of tha ordlnittrra "

Tha Waathar.

Not In many yaara haa tha thaf moiitaler raglatarf^d aa <v>UI waathar aa haa bran aiuarlanml In (Inuverurur and flclnlty during tha flrtt i l i t y lioiira of tha prrer-nt wark. Monday morning at 5 o'rhmk It raaoha4l 40 t\^ graaa balow I T O and on tha following morning at 7 o'olook tha moat reliable waathar gauge in town recortlinl 4t Tha aarara cold haa bean felt largely throughout tha oouutry, trains hare baan delayed, and In a number of plaoaa bualbaaa haa been a most an llrely auapandrd. Tin), akaoflt af f J»y HO dagraea ainoa early yeatarday la warmly waloomad by iba ganaraJ pyWU aaaouatonad to tbla Norway


A Maat lng af I l ia Subaarlaara Waa

Hald at Arthur T . Jahfiaan'a Low

Offlao fHa-ay and I I woo Daaldad

lo CKonga f rom o T h i r t y f l v o Year

Sand ta o Flvo Yaar ftene< Nearly

Al l af tha SubaaHbara Wara W i l l -

log Thoaa Who Wara N a t Thal r

iMoaarlat lana Wi l l Ba Tahaa by

Othara^ A Good Inaluatry far tha


Arthur T. ITalfock who haa baan oontomplaling tha aatabllahlng of a glora Industry hero returned to town laat weak t h i n k i n g It adrleable to uaakaa few ohangaa In tha original ptopoeltion, a maeiiog of tha s u b

bare waa or Had at Ihs office of Ajrtbur T. Johnaon Friday afternoon, rhe daairad changa In tha aubaorip tlon waa fully dbeuaaad and nearly a|l of tha anbaeribsra preeent aipraaaad a desire to change taking a Bra year Iniataad of thirty Bra yaar bond and not to Include a large amount of othar property aa Brat contemplated.

Or or forty parsons bare already signed tha now proposition sod it U understood If aaraoty Bye names ara obtained a g lore factory will ba a reality within thirty daya. It would ba neoeeeery l o rant suitable quartere

fit tha factory waa eatabliebed al once and there ara err era I plaoea under cod-sideratlon. Later It will ba detarmlo-rd whether a new bulldlof will be rreated or n o t It la to be hoped that iba oitiseoe will cooperate with all deeirable enlorpriara like Ihia that wlah to locate in Ihia growing town aa tharo la room s n d t h a Tillage wante t l iau i .

* •msmmmmmmmtmmtJat t - W I T . j {

T h e T w a Clarke*

Tha Arbsny (?) letter to the F a n s Pnnas local contemporary la made to say: Oharlea H. Clark of Oourerneur, Ht Lawrence county, la a oonstituanl of Henator Malby a woo haa bean aaan about the legislatire halls a good deal for the paal few eeeeioos, and who came to Albany Ihia year with Iba ex­pectation of gettlog .some plaoa of minor importance under tha aeeembly organiit ltoo. etc., ate*. Now, It la a well known fact thai Oharlea EL Clark of Qourerneur reorired only that whieb had been promisee! him by thews who hare lbs power lo secure aush appointment^ and It is wleo a fact that tbe> conreraatiooa alleged to hare occurred between tha index ojerk and Mr Clerk upon different oocaaiooa la a eimple make up. Herb nerer "went up behind the d e l k / at h i h id Irarued oi the mistake and things h id bean adjusted to hla entire eat Israel km long beiora the aeaalon conrened and Henator Malby did not, nor waa ha obliged to bustle "to make good" an appointment already mada and ac 0 ptrd. Charlea II Clark, local editor of the r n c n Pnnas la an honored member of the I n i t i a t i v e Reporters Asaociatloli* and hla broth^a correa-pondenU seeing an oppotunlty in the two Ularks to7*bnm a popular com rade wired their papers of the mistake and aa leglalatlre nows waa exceed­ingly thin at tha lima added their rar lf>ua comments On a really funny situ­a t ion

f j ' T r ' '—~ Ptiawko Offloera InetaMea*/

Installation asrTloat In con nectlon With tha newly elected officers of the Una Kebekah Lodge ware held last weak. District Deputy Mrs. N. K Ilrown acted aa tha installing of* fleer In her uaual graceful manner. A fur the txarclet* a banquet wai »erved nod an enjoyable tlma had.

The now IT Installed officers am: N. 0 . , Mrs, u . L. Brown; rice grand, 1 tattle Lytle; racordina; aecraUrr, Mrs. Will C»**eeu,Aa*iicUle*creUrj, Mra. ( leo Palmar; treasurer, Mra. Kdward Loreleas; warden, Mra. Walter Lytle; conductor, Mra U M. Perora l : chap­lain, Mra. 8ar*h Orean: R 8. N. 0 „ Mra. Oeo. McKean; L. H. N. G.9 Mra. V O. bockua: R & V. UM Mlaa Luella Morehouaa; L. 8. V. O 9 Mrm E. Du lack;U, A. U.9Mra. J. West and L A. O t Mra. Geo. W. Parker.

f TnS

W . S m i t h O'slrlen'a Seaaaaa.

Attorney W. Bmith (VBrian, fol%l erly of tbla Tillage, but now one of the rising young lawjere of Ontario county haa Just been reappointed city attorney of Genera.

Tha Syracuse1 Hetald Oenara cor feapondent apeak ing of Mr. O'Brien aaya: "City Attorney O'Dricn is one of tha foremost lawyers in Ontario countyi and tha uniform euettee whioh he haa had in defending tha city in the many actiona whieh nara hren brought within the laat two y n r * la erldance that the legal alTalra of the oity are in competent bands "

I Temale Club C lea t ie a.

The annual meeting of the Temple club waa held Thursday erenlng and oulcera for the entuing year were rlrclrd. The society was nerer in a more flmrishlngooiidtti m th«n at tl.e pk*eent time.

The omedrs follow; Prealdcnt, jLines C. Dolan; vlcenreetdeot, I). O. H^holion, secretary, if. W. Iligarel; treasurer, J. K. McFerran; directors, H A. Kaaton, C. K. Hodger and Al­fred Hmith. The trice preaident and s«cretary ara to act with the di recto re

6 1 . Lawrenoe Caunty Maat lwf *

Tha winter meeting of the ftt, l#iwrenoe County Association of the W. U C will be held at Oouverntur, Thursday, Feb l l th . The program is not y«t arranged, hut it is expected tlint there will be an afternoon and an ryrning rrssion. The mrrting will be hrld at M*ccsh*e Hall, t* e regular iiifrima place of |t«rnea Corpa, No, IftO, Any inrmbei ol the Order Who rmn makf it convenient to IM preaeut arill IInd a wvl«^>me.

Offfeera af tha r i ra t Nat lana l .

Following arc the officers reelected at the annual meeting of the First Na­tional Bank; Preaident, F. M. Bur dlok; eioa pr*aidant, F\ IL Halle; oaahbr, A. L. Wood Worth.

The directors of laat year were re ch<iaen and are F. M. Burdick, F. II. Halle, A. T Johnson, Ijorem > Bmith and A. I.. Wood worth. Thr bank la in a vary solid and proeperoua condi­tion.

A • u r p r l a a Party,

The nelghbora and friends of Mrs, Totmsn, Johnstown B t , rare her a surprise Wednesday arenlng of laal week. The erening waa apenl in music, gamea and aoclal intercourse. Bountiful refreahmaota were earTnd and an enjoyable evening spent Be­fore returning home Mr. Biamonda In behalf of tha guests preaantad har with a beautiful parlor stand aa a re­minder ot tha occasion.


PtaiamenU of produos marcbAnU In thb TicinitT indicate thai potatoee In Northern New York will bring $1 a buahol before apring. Tbla will be due lo the email crop of laat fall and tha prtTaieooeof dry rot in tbeoellare, II la raportad that I s m auantlJaa of tubara haya thus baan dssiVoysd. ^.^

«**.; A s " ^ *• V' "^^ • f *

• ^ 4

M A N X M O R T O N s l E C H N O L D ,

• a d Oeatn af a former Weil Kaoam Ceuewrneur Young Man.

At the fkmllf boms in Nsw York Citr on Jan. It th occurred tha death of Marx Morton Bechhold, tha elder aon of tha Into Jacob and Bertha Bech­hold. Ue waa born In the town of Hermon, tbia county, Nor . 94 187St and a brief ekstoh of hla life, ao full of promtaw until the fatal grasp of con­sumption waa upon him, will ba of in­terest to tha many friends of the fam ily In Ihia vicinity.

Whan a child of three years Marx Bechhold came with his parents to Oournrneur where hla father engaged in tha dry goods business. Marx waa educated in the public schools, gradu­ating at the ago of 17 from the High School, than under the chargo of Prof. Tuthill, with a knowledge of Latin as trail aa of other studies which enabled him to paaa the examinations and enter Harmed without further preparation. From Harrard he grad uattd In 1SS5 with the degree of A. B AI that lima hla parents had taken up their feeidenos in New York City. The young man followed hia college course with a course of study in the Law Bchool of Columbia University and waa admitted to the bar in 1896. For s year and a half he aerred in the offloee of James, Ichell <fc Elkina, the aenior member of the ttrm being the Lie Col. Kdward 0 . James, formerly of Ogdensburg, and ona of the moat brilliant members of the bar of New York Mr. Bechhold waa favored with Col. James* personal instruction, and when Feb. 1, 1908, he entered upon tha practice of hla profaaaion ha waa equipped with ararylhing but health for a successful career.

Hia health soon failed and deepito all that akill and kindneaa could do to rastore it hta condition grew woree. On J U I T lSth last he waa unable to mlaa his head, and ao continued in weakness and. Buffering- tenderly cored for bjr lb s members of the fami­ly and trained nurses until death re­leased him.

Of the family there survive hia mother, hia brother Murray, and hia grandmother, Mrs. Bishop. A large circle of mora dietant relativea, among them Mr. I*wis Bckmann and family of this village, mourn hia early death, and many old lima friends will sym­pathise witb.the bereaved household.

Revival Mooi loga. Sunday morning, Jan. Slat, a eeriee

of revival maetinga will begin in tha Methodiet church in which Rev. Chae, F. Barrett, of Delaware, Ohio, will preeent tha puregoapel in a strong and atriking l i ght Mr. Barrett baa had a phenomenal career in the evangeliatio field in several stales in the middle weal and in weatern New York, and the campaign Ihia akaaon haa bean tha moat signally bleaied of all hia e x ­perience.

Tha Tiffin NewsJ of Tiffin, Ohio, ssya of bim, "Mr. Barrett ia psrhaps lha ableat evangelist who has ever held a aeriea of mbetinga hero, Hia atylo U unique,, hia method ia twentieth century end hia preaching vigorous. Ha ia thoroughly doctrinal, faarleaa in hia denunciation cf ein, aqd juat tuch a preacher aa ought lo bo found in all tha puipiU of our land/ ' Rev. M. P. Blakealee, of Bvracuee, aaya. "If you are interested in an evangslh)t who really believaa God, preacheaIan uoemaeoulated goapel, in-terpreta the Word aa s n inspired reve­lation, tiachea tha naw birth, salva­tion by fkitb, and the witoese of the Spirit, then employ Evangelist C. F. Barrett He ia an exoellent teacher, a clear, ekrneat and hopeful axpoaitor of tha Word, a christian gentleman, and tho kind of man I would want again. |Uis method with naeekera ia apoatollc and thorough.1*

Mr. BaWttl cornea without elated ra-numeration for hia asvices accepting a voluntary offering. Two meetioga a day wi| l be held, a Bible reading al 3 p. m., jmd preaching at 7:30 p. m.

Plaaaaat Wadding. Tha following from the DeeMolnta

t>ally Oapital or recent data will prove of interest to the many friends of tha

f room who ia well and favorably nown in this village and vicinity: The friends of Mlaa Lulu B. Walker,

daughter of Mr. and Mra. George F. Walker of 1108 Penn avenue, will bo aurpriaed to hear of her marriage at high noon today to Mr. Wm. Payne Andrewa of Gouverneur, N. Y. The marriage waa witneaaed by only the family and relatives. Hev. Dow of tha East 8ide Christian church, of which Ihs bride ia an active member, performed tha ceremony. Miss Geor­gia Walker, a niece of tha bride, purred Lohengrin's wedding march and plated tha Flower Song softly during the ceremony. The bride haa lived in Dee Moinaa all her life and haa many frienda in the church and musical C'rclee. Mr. Andrewa ia con­nected with ths H. H. Baboock Car­riage On. of Watertown, N. Y., snd ia a young man of finebuaineaaability. They lesva immediately for Kaoaaa City and S t IxMiis, expecting to (travel until M^y, upending tha aummer in

returning to Dea Moinea in



O F C A R T H A Q C H A S I N V E N T *




the east, the fall.

Death a> o Reeoaatatl Cit lsan af Thereea*

Royal [Morse, ao old and muoh ro-reopected reaident of North Gouver­neur died at his home in Theresa Jan. 11, at thb age of 83. Ha waa born at New Fate , V t , Oct. 2«, 18S0. At the age of 2B he removed to Gouverneur whets he resided until a few years be­fore hia] death when he removed to ThereaaJ In 1859 he married Jane Parker, j daughter of the late Alvm Parker of Theresa. Her demiae oc­curred April 12, 1890 Three children were b)rn of this marriage, all of whom 4m dead. Deo. 90, 1890V ho married! Celia Parker, a sister of hia former jwife. He leavea, aurviving him, a Wife; one brother, Samuel, who Uvea in. Ohio; throe elsters, Mra. A. Gate, Illinois; Mra. Spaulding. Phila delphia,; Pa. ; and Mra. BiUingtoo, Ohio.

The ftineral services were held from hia late fesidenoe at Thereea on Thura day tmvning at 1 0 A . M . Intermenjt waa m*d* In Riverside Cemetery, Gouverneur.

Wriat the Nawaooooro Say. The iOgdensburg Journal aaya*

Charl'a'H. Clark, of Gouverneur, haa been apbointrd a deputy clerk of the Assembly. Mr. Clark by his work on the Frei Press has taken rank aa one of the most active and efficient news

en of the] county. His ap nt ia WVJII merited and will be tifying to a large number of

ouverneur Correspondent of ertown Standard ears: The tent of Charlea 11. Chirk, lo r of tho Gouverneur Free a deputy clerkship in the Aa*

eemblyj ia highly gratifying to hia le­gion ofi friends in Ht, Lawrence county. Mr. Clark ia loyal to the core and a writer ft acknowledged ability.

fhm RaymanS Laoturoo. "Vienna; Feuo^aliam and Demo­

cracy " j waa the subject discussed by Dr. tialrmond in hia third lecture un­der the; auspices of the Shakeapearo Club delivered at Union Hall laat evening. Notwithstanding the in­tense chid the attendance waeooneider-ably larger than at either of the pro-oeedina meeting a Tho scholarly ef fo i taof tha eloquent lecturer ara in-creasinkr in interest and tha remain­ing subjects, Berlin, Pariaand Iiondon ahould! bo listened to by increasing audienCee.

To whom It may concern: I boijght of L W . Eldredgo. of Can­

ton, NJ Y.. a Weaterly Granite Mon­ument] in ths fsll of 1903. It ia a thoroughly first elaaa job. 1 am per­fectly aatlafled with my trade and nan recommend Mr. Kldrsoga lo my neigh- ( bora aajan honorable man to plane an order a)ith for memorial work. . , ' 46w4 I . Signed O. W . BaJtaTT.


H e W i l l Furnlah F^urtMm Baxaa,

Supply Five M l tea of Wi re end

Moke All tho Cenaeetlene— It

Werke Autamotloolly and la Juat

What Thlo Town Need a - T h a

Syetem woo Inatallad ot Car thass

and Hoa Given Exoellent S e t l o ^


The telephone service for fire alarm purpoaea, the complioptM system of calls the delay that frill necessarily follow in notifying the engineer at the lace mill and the fact that over one third of the village will be with out aoy service at all have oonvineed a large number of citizens that a dif ferent system than the one adopted will have to be secured if proper pro lection ia to be given.

Some time ago B. P. Ketcham train master of the Black River division of the R W . f t O invented a fire alarm apparatus adaptable to villages of the atae of Gouverneur and recently hia ajetem waa inatallad at Carthage It haa given the v^rj beat of aatiafactlon. Mr. Ketcham ia anxious to install hia system here and haa offered to put in fourteen boxea furnish Ave miles of wire, make all the connections and guaranteed perfect working order for •LSOO

The Carthage correspondent of the Watertown Times apeaking of the ayatem in that village aaya:

The first publio teat of the workings of tho patent fire alarm ayatem, re centlv invented by Trainmaster B P. Ketcham of tbia village, waa made Saturday St noon. The operations of the device were like clockwork and were aucceanful in every measure The teat fu l ly ,met the hopeaandex pectationa of the inventor anfi drew forth conaiderable applauae from the crowd of spectators The alarm waa aeot in by Chief John Thorpe from a push button located near hia houae on West street Simultaneously with the falling of the drop indicating the number of ths alarm box, the weight whioh ia wound on a drum in the top of (he lower of Firemen a hall waa re leased snd the fire bell began lo sound. During the 50 aeconde required for the weiaht to fall the bell aounded 75 strokea. This can be doubled. The electrical apparatus waa made by the North Electric company at Cleveland, O. The Indicator which reaemblee the exchange board in a central tele­phone office ia located in the hoae cart room on the aouth aide of the Firemen's h a l t The mechanical ap

Piratus was made by the Ryther ot ringle company of this village and

ia located in the tower of the building. Now that the teat of the system haa proven ao auoceaaful it is for the vil lege board to take stepa to ercure its purchaae and provide for the installs lion of a sufficient number of alarm boxea in different parts of the village.

Tr ia l Jurora.

Following is a list of the trial jurors for the trialterm of the county court commencing at Canton, Monday, Jan. 25,1904:

Fred J. Wither, Norfolk; Duncan McBain, Chase Mill*; Fred Fiak, Nich-olvi l le; Wallace Kelviogton, Lisbon Center: Thomas Iforan, Norwood; Peter N. Myers, Waddiogton; T. A. Dunn. Lisbon Center; Charles Day, Hollywood; Leooartl'F. Hammond, Renaaelaer Falla; C C. Laidlaw, South Edwards; Airo Beecber, Parishville; Lafayette beck wood, Morley; Henry Potter, Cotton; Lewis Goldsmith, Pots dam; Philip O. Snrague, Hailesboro; Warren Randall, Potsdam; Zora Pike, Brasher Center; Charlea Campbell, Wegatchie; Thomaa Erwin. Ogoena-burg; W. H. Bdtnn, Popea Mill; Wil Ham Bowman, Elmdafe; Cornelius Burke, North Lmwrence; W. E. Lind­say, South Cotton; Harvey Kilbourn. Fine; William I. Short, Waddington, J. B. Oaas. DeKalb Junction; II. M. Clark, Hare wood; Willard Parker, Braaie Corners; Btrney Leonard, Nor­folk; M. S. Onnmbera, Rensselaer Fal ls; Fred Melvin, Canton; Lellon Bancroft, Edwards; William Lara bee, Stark; Jamea Thompson, Ogdensburg, Arthur Roulston, Renaaelaer Falla.

Death of M r s . Clara Kltto Peok.

Mrs. Clara Kills Pack died at her home corner Barnaa and Gordon streets at an-oariy hour Tuesday morn­ing. Mra. Peck haa been a patient eufferer for several years with tuber­cular difficulties, but her sunny dis­position and gentle ways made it a pleasure to attend her, although in an entirely helpless condition. Duriog thb past week a specie of in sanity developed quite rapidly, caus­ing unconsciousness to pun and a rapid decline which ended in death at 1:30 Tuesday morniug. Ifar Mge was 21 years and 9 months. Of her iui mediate relatives her mother only aurvivea bar. The funeral was con­ducted fnjim the Chiaholm residence at 2 o'clodk thia afternoon, K->v. W. F. Skinner-officiating and her body placed in the cemetery vault at River aide.


» < * *


f a i r Dlreetere' Maat lng

At a mctting of the directors of the local fair aaaociation held at the St. lawrenoe Inn Monday night, W. 8 Corbin and S. F. Hartley were chosen delegates to attend the annual meet­ing for town fairs to be held in Albany on the 24th of the preeent month. A. Corbin, Jr., was unanimously elected to attend fbe International Ricing As­sociation (gathering at Murray Hill hotel at New York on the Kth of Feb ruary. *

rlronk Colo In took.

In a recent aaaay of a asm pie of pyr-itee ore submitted to Profeaaor F. M. WilliamaJ of the Potedam School of Technology, by J. Frank Cole, of thia village, a report has been received ahowingSulphur 50.17 and no arsenic. Fifty-threja and thirty three hundretha ia pronounced absolutely pure, and since the Specimen aasaved is from a supposedly inexhaustible mine, it ia believed Ithat Mr. Cole has atruck it rich.


W^t Slant. Front flat with bay window in block

next the Masonic Temple. Haa range, hot and opld water, bath and all mod­ern improvements.

Rear flit in same block. Am also finishing modern flat on

third floor No. 1 S t Lawrence block, which will be ready in two or three weeks. Haa all the modern improve­ments, hot and oold water, bath, e t c

Small houae on Prospect Hill, $5 a month. : Larger house at $8 a month.

Fine frhnt office, oyer 8wet ta store, No. 1 S t [Lawrenoe block*

Store oh Park street B. G. PAWCSTH,

Gouverneur, N. T .

Id< tracts in interfere Everr uaual t

toaanounos that our con-towns will in no raj

th our work hers st home, will bs taken cars of in ths anicalway. Our plumbers

ana our figures will I A bs found 1 lowsr than any other firm

GouVernsur, H. Y., Jan. 1,1901 ' dare quo4e. , A. KSXLOIXGH.

DtSOLVE C O ^ A R T N I R S H • 4? «fi'%i **•»*,» •.

John Blsha Haa BrousM \ n Aotlbn in tho Supremo Court of Thlo County Agolnat o turn bar Conoajrn In Fine*

John Bisha, through Attorne|ya Breen dt Braen of WHtertown baa commenced an action iu supreme court of this county againat John L. Johnson. W m . Woodcock, Milo Woodcock and John May bee of Ed­wards for the dissolution of a 00* partnership and for an accounting in order to cloae up the business of the concern.

The plaintiff and the defendant John­son were co partners in the lumber busineas at Fine, 8 t Lawrenoe county and owned and conducted a large steam saw mill worth in the neighbor­hood of $10,000. The defendants Woodcock and May bee are mortgagees and hold mortgagee in theaum of $13,-000 againat the Arm giyen for moqev advanced and thereafter to be ad­vanced, j

The claim on the part of the plaintiff Is that the mortgage haa been fully paid and that the payment made by the Arm has been applied by the Woodcocks and May bee upon In-debtedneae owing by Johnton to them individually and not the debt of the Arm. He asks for an accounting for the amount of money received by them which he claims should have been applied on the indebtednes of the firm."

- • ' • — * • 1

LEADER U N T I t I ' M D E A D .




Thing Sonotor Malt Storting for South

About the tost Sold Before Carol ina.

Senator and Mrs. Thomas O. Piatt left the Fifth Avenue hotel lately for a short sojourn in Aiken, 8. C.

Senator Piatt's recent oonferencoa with republicans above and below the New York city line, have already, it ia aald, produced good results.

On the situation regarding the head­ship of the party in the state caused by the conduct and utteranoea of Gov. Odell and hia frienda. some light may be gathered from almoat the laat worda Senator Piatt aaid before leaving the city. He aaid that he would continue to devote himself to the welfare of the republican party Mand keep the lead erahip until I am dead. "Senator Piatt aaid this with spirit and yet with­out evidences of ill feeling toward any other republican.

W i t t O P P O S E L I T T A U E R .

LEGISLATIVE SESSION ON Asaemblymen Plonk and Merr l t t En

Joy Fine Commit tee Aself lnments-Both ore Leading Mombers- S t . Lawrenoe County Highly Honored - Supt , Sklnner 'a Re election- A Comedy off Erroro on tho Port of Two Clorko by tho Some Name— Cahal teglelat lon to bo tho Main Toplo Dlaouaaed Although Good Roodo W i l l Bo Seriously Conald ered- Probably o Short Seaslon.

ALBANY, Jan, 18.— The legislative session for 11H)4 is now in full swing and this week will see it v * down to business. Iu all prob.hiliiy it will be one of the shortest M^MOON m recent years. On account of the hold ing of the Republican National, state and congressional conventions at an early date and the necessity in conte quenoeof early caucuses the members will beanirtoua to return to their baili wicka to repair, if need be, any weak­ened portion of their fences. During the first days of the session bills rush

I in but they scarcely ever amount to much. The session thitwriner will be known aa the canal session. The most important legislation of the winter will be upon this matter and there are of course many different opinions on what should he done toward raiding* the money to meet the amount new* sary for thi* enormous expenditure. By the end of this week something definite can be told KS to the course to be pursued by the mejority during the present sesaion.

Knglaud, ada. ] .

2; P,orlo Rico, 1 and Can

* *

& ft

Col , tinea of Johnatown Announooa Hla Deal re to Go to Cengreeo*

In an interview. Col. Chas* B Knox, wealthy manufacturer, of Johnstown, formally announced his candidacy for the nomination ot mem­ber of congress from the twenty-fifth district on the republican ticket, in opposition to the preeent incumbent Lucius N. Littauer of Qloversville. A spirited fight for the nomination is expected. ^

Ed ward a News. Mr. and Mra Robert Clark are enter­

taining a new daughter; weight about six and one half pounds. This is the third daughter.

Misa Maude McFerran is home be­cause of the illness of her father.

Principal C. A. Brownell is back from his home at Red Creek where he spent the holidays.

The measles have broken out here in the family of a miner working in the new mine on Tod d a farm.

C D. Carr waa in Gouverneur be­cause of the illness of his sister, Mrs. Hflzelton.

Mr*. Cleland Noble left Tueaday for the Ogdensburg hospital to be treated. Mr. Noble and Mrs. Charlea Stephen­son accompanied her.

The grange initiated Miss Stacy and William Grant at the meeting held lust Saturday.

Bennie Noble of 8yrecuse Was here over Sunday. * .

F. C. Ooutermont and B. H. McCol-ium went to Redwood today to attend the races. * !

W. J. McFerran is the recipient of an invitation lo attend a ball to be given by Oov. and Mra. Odell.

M. E. Woodcock waa at Watertown Snd Ogdenaburg laat week. '<

U. O Webb's faat horse carried off the honors at the Carthage races last week- The horse waa imitnediately entered for the Redwood races,

Vanche Noble, Karl Lutx, Ruby Taylor and Helena Goings have begun to attend the Union Free 8ohool.

Tho Junior League served sapper Friday evening. The proceeds were small.

Misses Olio and Ethel Johnson and Marion and Frances Gore attended teachers' examinationa at Qouverneur last week. N

U. O. Iterr waa at Carthage last week.

Peter AuClair haa moved hia family into the house recently occupied by Ure Mitchell.

Our postmaster, W . J. McFerran was successfully operated o n J o r ap-

Esndicit;s by Dr. Madill of Ogdens urg last Tuesday. He is rapidIj re­

gaining his strength and expects to be around again soon.

Sterling Iron Company. A petition in involuntary bankrupt­

cy was filed yesterday against the Old sterling Iron Company of Antwerp, by Milo Burr, who recently obtained a judgment for about $3,000 against the company for injuries received. It is alleged that the company has com­mitted various acts of bankruptcy in Siving a chattel mortgage toitapresi-

ent, Henry H. Adams, that Its real estate has been mortgaged to a trustee and that there has been a oonfeaaion of judgment in favor of the preaident of the company, A sale of the prop­erty haa b en ordered for Wednesday under the state court proceedinga, but this will be stopped by the bankruptcy. The mines have been closed since 1)*5C. 1st.

• • • • . i n • "

Tax Notloo. To the tax payers of the Town of

Oouverntur: Take notice, that next Tuesday, all day, Jan 26th, ia the laat day of grace at one per cent. Won't you kindly come in and settle your account before: that date expires. The five per cent ia no help to me and la an additional tax for you.

F R E D D. STEELE, ' Town Collector.

Jan. 20, 1904. 11 < * 1 it r i

The advertised letters are for 8 A. Howe, Philip Bayyear, Floyd E. Hub bead, Vid Davidson, John Wilson, Pete H. Come, Merrill Powles, Albert Cunningham, Frank Jones, Charlie Kenyon, Mra. Nella Fuller, Mrs. T. B. Brown, Mrs. Msrv Fulllngton. Mrs. Eugene Murphy, Mrs. Helen Lay ton, Mrs. Lottie Clair, Dora Todd (2), Eliza­beth K. Thomaa O.

Kinney. Foreign—Mrs. Perry.

President Roosevelt, In his annual saga, ttatad that for tha last fleoal veer there haa baan 25,506 peraons appointed through com petit ire examinations uoder Civil Bar-vlce.ralra. This was 12,672 mora than for any pravloos year, and forty par cent of all who paasad tha examinations. There will ba a Post Offloe examination ia this city tha first Wednesday or Heturdav after Mav 1. There will ba examinations in several places In this atate for Railway Mall Clerk*. Stan ogrepher*, and many other poaitioos during March an April. The Columbian Corres­pondence College of Washington, D. C . has laroad an announcement giving tha dates and places for holding awamiaations, the age limits, physical Qualifications, education re­quired, and full information about the var­ious positions In tha Government Civil Bar-v loe, and It will ba sent free to all who write for it. ,

EMERYVILLE, N. Y., Jan, 5,1004. I ordered a Barre Granite Monument

of L. W . Eidredge, of Canton, N T . The monument waa erected about Jan. 1,1904, in Gouverneur cemetery. I consider tbe workmanahip and mav terial thoroughly first elaaa in erery reaped. I feel confident that any ona that plaoea aji order with Mr. Eldredgo will be dealt with in an booorable aad courteous manner* , T m l y youra. 46wi . jAaTEslF.BoBnraolf.

I A comparison of the committee list for t he session of 1901 shows that Ht. Lawrence county fared as well, if not betu-r in its representation on commit tec* than anv other county in the state, ; This is mada so from the f »ct that this county is not eternally changing its representatives. The F R F K PRESS has a i w ^ s contended that the longer a member serves the better qualified he it to render more efficient service and thf reby accom-

Elish a greater a'liount ot work for is district. In the committee assignments As

aemblyman Piank f».» n the first 8t. Lawrence <i.istiii;t Undtd the chair manahipof ihe rxHsecommittee which ia considered one nf the bent in the legislature l ie i<* a'so a member of ways and m»atj*. the greatest of them all and is also on internal aiFairs an other i moor tan t committee.

Assemblyman Merritt of the second district is made chairman of the com­mittee on general laws which is the most important with the exception of ways at d means in the legislature. Mr. Merritt has served two years on this committee and ia perfectly famil­iar wuh the work as well as with the general statutes of the state. His se­lection is a wise one. Mr. Merritt is «!*•> a member on fisheries aud game and trades and manufactures. Bt. Lawrenoe county has fared well and both Aasemblyman Plank aud Merritt are to be congratulated.

V A gubernatorial 000m was launched

here last week for Ht. Lawrence coun­ty 'a able and popular senator, George Ii. Malby. It is staled that he would have the backing of Governor Odell, who it ia understood, will not be a candidate again under any circum-atancee. It is *afe to say, however, that if Senator Malby becomes an ac­tive candidate, he will be the candi­date of hia party and not of any one man. The aenator haa a reputation of being the most independent man polit­ically in the atate legislature. At the head of his party in his county, ad­mired at home not only by the prom­inent leaders of the Republican partv butof the Democrats as well, serving his preeent term by a unanimous election having been the candidate of both the Republican and Democratic parties in his district, with a reputation through­out the state of the strictest integrity and honor and an unflinching loyalty to his partv. Senator Malby would make a aplendid and vote catching candidate.

The New York Sun, editorially, paid Senator Malby a merited and de served compliment It said: "The Senator is an excellent and most ac oompliahed man, whom St. Lawrence county in particular and the State in

Seneral love to honor, but he fo far too isceraing in the matter of poluHii

legacies, and too modest withal, to ad­mit of his figuring in the role ascribed to him. Senator Malby is wise, even unto discretion."

* The election of a superintendent of

public instruction by the legislature will not be held until the second week in February. Whoever is elected by the leaders will have to run in opposi­tion to the present incumbent of the office for Charles K. Skinner's friends declare that they will fight for his re­election. The legislators from the Northern counties will probably vote for Mr. Skinner. There is much doubt expressed as to the outcome of this bitter controversy between the state de­partment of public instruction and the state board of regents.

*** Considerable amusement has W n

caused over what is alleged to have been a comedy of errors in the mix up of two namea bearing the same initial*. Tbe New York and Albauy newspa­pers, shy of a good legislative story made a very readable one, although not cl inging at all to the facta, out of Clerk Baxter's appointments of clerks for the present session. There were two candidates for positions by the name of Chaa. H. Clark, one hailing from Chenango county, the other from St. Lawrence. Neither knew that there was another by the same name. Both positions Carried the same salary. One waa appointed assistant index clerk, the other deputy clerk. W hen it was learned that there were two men by the same name then there waa a de aire to know which waa which. This was ascertained and the two Clarks are perfectly satisfied both holding two of the prominent positions in the legislature. All's well that enda well." The legislative correspondents have had a good story and the two uufortu nate victims of the same name are happy and contented.

Anderson Lawrence, for a quarter of a century chief messenger of the assembly, who has known more public men in this state than any other in­habitant, officiated for the last time at/ the drawing of aeata of the members of assembly. He has retired. The official thanks of the assembly were extended to him.

• *

At a meeting of the stale board of charities of which Hon. Newton Aid-rich is a member, held here last week, the report of the superintendent and alien poor for the quarter ending Sep­tember 31, 1903, was read. It shows 497 state poor persona under care dur­ing the quarter. Of theae 120 were discharged. 11 absconded, 213 were re­moved from tho atate, aud 3 died, leaving 144 under care at the epd of the quarter. The number of alien noor removed to their homea during the) quarter waa 15. aa follows; To Scotland, X; Austria, 8; Walee, 2 ; Ireland, 1; Italy, 1; Australia, 1;

The subject of good road8 will re ceive its full share of attention thia winter, nearly everyone being in favor of the improvement of the highways. This matter agitates the farmers far more than the canal matter and moat of them have it much more at heart. The farmer who lias to cart hia pro>| duce over milt** of muddy roads in the apring and fail, r.iientimea sticking hub deep iu ih j int«u may he pardoned if he believes it Jar more to hia wel* fare to have good roads than a deep canal.

Chaairmrin K. A. Fay, of the St. Lawrence Republican county commit­tee, is again j >urtial clerk of the ben-ate, a poMtiou which he has held for many y«urs with much credit to him­self. ,


Kellou^h the leading plumber. Real cat ate bargain* page 2 SHKRN.

Foil SALK*~One good roll top desk. r3MlTH, the Baker.

Hand in your magazine orders this week.

Money lo loan at five per c e n t tf B F. BROWN, Gouverneur. A few second hand stoves cheap at

Kellough's. Clinton St. •50,(^)0 00 to loan at 5 per cent.

B G. PARKER, tf Gouverneur, N. Y.

Girls wanted in the white goods ruf filing and mending departments of the lace mill.

2,500 dewsptpers and magazines al at a low club rate with KKEK 1'KKHH.


You can buy from the closing out*| sale any article you wish at a match less price. S FKIJ*ON, Agt.

Girls wanted in the white goods ruf­fling and mending departments of the lace mill.

Special Short Time O f f e r - A New York Daily and FKKK PRKHS both one year for f i .90. I). 11. SHKKN, A g t

Goinjfout of the jeweWy business, the stock, show cases and fixtures are being s jrd out regardless of cost.


Money to loan on S T LAWRENCE Cot'MY FARMH at 5 per c e n t



W A N T E D - A few good building lots, also a customer for a fine paying busi­ness in town, terms easy, -1

1>. H. SHEEN. '

The finest j*w>lery stock in Gouy-erneur will be Hold out. alao the safe, show cases and all the fixtures.

8. FFI,HOX, A g t

BnAvvVTPiRE MATT is free from adulteration, drugs, crude tpints and other harmful ingrfdient* Abso­lutely pure. Sold by Win, Hinton.

W e s i l l have several furnaces to put in this month. Any person who thinks they ought to have one in their residence will do well to get our figures. A. KEIXOUOH.

W e are the acknowledged leaders in high grade plumbing and carry in s'ock ihe most complete line of mooern plumbing eoods in the county.

A. KELLOUUH, Clinton S t

Jamea M. Marsh has just received a complete line of Columbia X P mould­ed records which he is selling at 25c each $3 per doz ; Kd json gold molded records 50c each, $5 per doz.; talking machines #3.50 to 1100. 45x2

Up to date and modern ideas are acquired by practice and experience. Plumbing in its unsanitary manner as waa done twenty and forty years ago don't work on an intelligent l>eople of the present time. We do the best work and take the lead.

^ A. KKLIJOUCIII. Clinton S t

WANTED—Some young men as agents to sell and build fences; there is good money for them, if they are good workers. Call, I w»" plain it to you. Office in Ca- Jt block, over Williams' hard" ytorc, Gouv­erneur. « W . TRACY.

Our display of jfnbing goods has been before the public for the past ten months. W e are tbe originators in Gouverneur of plumbing goods dis plays, others are taking pattern from our mode of doing business. Re­member the leader.


nRASOIAL AI7D GOJCMEEOIAL i l o a t n o © . n o t a t i o n * o f f l ta » w Y o r k

*to<-it KfctfaaBer*. New VoraWon 1*.

Money on coll caay at l \ ^er cent. Prima m r n a n t t l e paper. 4\nh per cent T.xbluntca. l^3.!fel.L&. balance*, SUtfQl.-U7L.

<MoBlri(r price*: Arnul <\>n>cr... ffo\ AtchUon •>

-•••I'?;.:. * «

' ~t4

n & o M% l lrocklyn H T. . TU'fc c: .O O * 8t t . 7H«4 Ch»*a & Ohtu. . 33% Chi # Nor!hw-Ja7i* V A H . . . . . . . . . 1<»7»* Krh- ?*H <kn. KUotrlo. . . 176 nittioiM O n ]31V* Lu< k a w a m m . ?734 l.outa A Nttah. lMVfc M^uhatl^ii Hft slrln'-pnlltioi.. *V?W Miaiiuurt I ' m . . . IIH

N T O n t r a i Norf a Waat. JVnn H. R . . . , Reading Hock Island .. Bt. Paul Umithern Pac . Southern Ry . South. Ry. pf. HiiKar T. *»*• Pa<lAc tu io - i ParlAe IV 8 S W M - I . . . . V 8 fitrH pf. \V#at Vnlon .

115H IS

lt>7<% 46 2£f\4

1 4 4 *


'Toth* Public: luVhsr*. Crooks At McLean hava

CHiiplfted- all contracts for setting monuments in a very satisfactory manner and I have found them fair aud honorable business men entitled to the confidence of the community. Jauuary 4th, 1904.

MRH. C. C. DfrinreLBtRa. The annual meeting of the stock­

holders of the 8. B VanDuzee Manu­facturing company for the purpose of electing trustees for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi­ness as may properly come before the meeting, will be held at the ottioe of the company in Gouverneur, on Mon­day, Feb. 1, llMii, at 3 p m. 46*2

. W. A. V A N D U Z E E , Sec.

GOUVERNEUR, N. Y., Od . 31. 1904 This certifies that I purchased of L

W. Eidredge, of Canton, N Y., a Bronze Green Veined Granite Monu­ment with markers, in the fall of 1903. That I am perfectly RatUtlrd with my dealings with Mr. Eidredge. 1 can and do recommend him to the people of this vicinity as a reliable man to

-order a monument of. Yours truly, 46w4 A. B. BiLLiNCM.

W e are very often asked the ques­tion why wo do plumbing work.so much cheaper ana more satisfactory than has been the rule in Gouverneur. Our aiiMWfr is thi»: We buy and sell hiore plumbing goods in one month than the other three hardwares com­bined do in three months. W e have done this for the past ten months. We are doing it this mohth. W e era-ploy more practiced mechanics,pay the highest wages and please the most customers, why shouldn't we do the trade. KKLLOl OH THE PLUMBER.

What Sha l l Wo Hava for Daaaart 7

Tire quettlon arises in tha family *r<*ry day. Let ua anawer it to day Try Jell-O, a deli-c lbuaand healthful denaert. Prepared In two minutes. No lioUIng' no Ittkins! afroply add boiling water and i*t to cool? Flavors:— l * m o a , Orange, lUnptwrry and Htrawberry. Get a packaga at your Knx'eni to day. 10eta.

J. FL DRAPER Now is your chance to buy Hand kerchief B at ICFS than whoIoFale for this week only. This salo includes nothing but 25c. handkerchiefs which wore Flightly soiled during the holi­day ruHh. The lino consists of fine Swiss and Linen hdkfs. nicely embroidered and- hem­stitched, and the price will be only ll»c. each, or the extraor­dinary low price of $2.00 per dozen-- in dozen lots only.«v...*.

A good assortment of ladies' flannelette dress wrappers and outing night robes to close out cneaps > « «• * • • • * • • •

Aftay inventory we find we have over $100.00 invested in laces we are going to offer at about one-half price for this week only


C i r n r m l M a r k e t * . Nt w York. Jan 1$.

F l - O t U Firm, with a fair demand at o i l |>IU**I. MtnnevotH |Mit«*nta $4\<6«4 9u, winter atrutfthla. 14l<>a4 1i». v.i.iWr ixtraa, W J).iH46, whit* r |m(<Miln $4 2ba(U>

WHKAT- IlwrHy steady <»n poor <*ableas higher ronaoi*. rino weather In tha weal uttd ul>««>n<'«» of ptippjrt; May, 91!-lfei91Sfcc ; July. K7 6-16aK7Sc.

J i Y E - F i r m , atatc* and Jef««y% Matte ; No. 2 w*#t€rn, U ^ c . nominal, t o b , afloat.

COHN-HulfK! q u M and easy on con­tinued good weathar waat and aympathy With wheat . May. U>4tc

OATB- Nominal , track. *(hlt*. atatr. 4U a*?., track, whlta. weatern, 46a4So.

P O K K - S t e a d y ; meaa. fHaU.73; family, 115.

Br1*TKIt"St«aa ty; extra creamery, H e . ; s tate dairy, l i a l ^ .

C i i E E a U - B t e a d y ; s ta t s , full cream fancy, asnall, colored, September, l i e . ; late mada. lOVfcc.; small , white . September, l i e . ; late made. lOVfcc.; large, colored, Septem­ber, 12c.; late made, lO^c.; large, white. September, VUi.; late made. 10V\

i:OG8 F irm, atate and Pennsylvania nearby average flneat, H e ; s ta te and Pennsylvania aeconda to first a, SsaJOs.; western ftrvta. 80c.; weatern aeconda. f la

S U G A R - R a w quiet: fair refining. t%ti centrifugal, M teat, t * i . ; refined dull; crushed, a 06c ; powdered! 4.16c.

T U R P E N T I N I C - Q u l e t i t amaCSc. MOLA88EaV-F1rm; Naw Orleana. t laS7a R I C E - S t e a d y ; domeatic, I \ a 6 V . Ja­

pan, nominal. T A L L O W - Q u l e t ; city. 6c.; country. 6a

• H e H A T - S t e a d y ; ehlpplna, 0Ou7Oc.: good to

choice. 66a90c.



Custom Slab Wood $1.85 per cord.

EDWARD W. DUFFIE Office No. 3 Egcrt Bldg.


Lwuibrr, Shingles ami Imli.A

Hi 1 and Timber Lands near Pieroe*i Corners!

M A C O M B ; N . Y ,

feetosr+aarlaa < fcokea t o I>+atk. Watertown. N. YM Jan. 17.-Hudaan

Halloday of Ogdensburg/ aged eight j years, was choked to death while din-Ing. The fatality was catiwed by the lodgement of a piece of meat lu the throat, and death ensued before any aftslfltfince could be iriven.

Bis? F i r e I A fJaaTalo. t Buffalo, Jan. HI. — Fire among the

wholesale establishments and ware­houses In the triangular block formed by the Junction of Pearl 'and Krte streets has caused a loss estimated at $2M,000.. , *

P e n a j a y l r a n l a Po««a*ae<er* , Waahlngton, Jan. 19.-The following

fourth class postmasters In Pennsyl­vania hove been appointed: Creekside. Abraham L. Htuchell; Mount Top, J. 8. Kopp; Waverly, Edward Parker. .

v H r CAmon 1

Granite and Marble Works, WaTKR 8 T , CAKTOK, K. Y.

1 ^ W , a t l M a a m e D O l t , * P r o p H e H o r .

r t sa ABjarlaaa sad Aootca OraaUs a Doo*t buy a Monnmecu wllhoat woaderful Bronte Oraaa Velaad Orasala beauty la aadtftpoted Mama Hi ably I unsaaadaaas Hardest, moat da able, Maaattt-oaat lettarlaff ftoaatble, tor asis oaly by t , W Eld edge la ftyXAwreaoe aad Freak Na Ooaafiea A postal brtage reply aad aamplss. J. B. H aottdtor. esyl

s Its





W a hare a Urge bodv of Umbar thai has nerer beeu cutlecf or cut over and are able to furnish a high quality of nalire Umber that is hard to dupli-oat* anywhere else at the present tirne. Aa far as pDaaib*« we aim to havo$n hand io tha yard material to fill ordiv nary orders but this is sometime* ditti«~ cult, particuistly in tha. claaaes for which Cherr ia a 'arge demand auoh aa ' Siding lumber, Studding. Joists, Cedar Shingles t ic , and we advise custom-era toeend ua their bills sufficiently early go that tha requisite material may be cut and hauled before the end of winter.

Wa desire particularly- to call alten-uon to onr facilities for furnishing heary timber aud dimension stuff for•• barns ar d other large struct urea. * Orders to be filled the coming f a s o u should ba handed in at once. Do not -delay if you want the best of limber selected in tha wood* for your special* order. . ,

Mr. J. T. R iren , aaleiman/will be at tha mill erery Wednesday afternoon < and Thursdays till two p in during tha winter, or orders msy be sent bjr mail and will receive careful attention*

• CHURCH LUMBER C O , , Qourerneur, N. Y.


And 35 other Pneet to be giren readers of tha


Troy Semi-Weekly Times V

Are you interested? fiend ft postal card and ••cure full information,


glance ovjer this Hat and see if yoy k^iow of better ", goods being produced in the world.. I don't, if I.did, I would buy them,: .

Lehigh Valley and Dela-? ware, Lackawana & WestJ

era Hard Coal, Reynolds- , ville Soft Lump. Butrs . [ Cannel. Cumberland, • , "Smithing, Qilles Bros.' - \ Cedar Shingles, Alpha and Hudson Portland Cement. > American Hard Wall • *• Plaster.. Akron Sewer Pipe, Sacketts Wall Board.."... N. Y. Hydraulic Press -Brick Co. s Pressed-Brick.' Gold Medal Extract and ;* Butter Color, Lapham's ,w

Seamless Bandage. Wor--cester Salt. Bradley'sPer-v tilizers, * ,* '•

1 carry all of the atffcve in stock—Bought for spot cash—and will be sold on *

j fair margins/ ,' I want to buy three or "...

four hundred cords of, t 16-i nch hard wood—The ; currency is waiting.




Both phones. Harry Rog­ers or the Red Men., \




S I?


Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks, Short Length*, and Odd Lots from all stocks, marked at quick selling prices. ' Special values in Corsets at 25 ct9.

J.E. Mc Allaster & Sons i £v




Jewelry Stock, Show Gases, Safe, and all the Fixtures fill be sold.

Entire stock of the ftnest jewelry Btore in Gouverneur will bo sold out regardless of cost. Everybody can buy some parts of itf Jewelers can buy in small or in large quantities. I he stock in* eludes the very best of Watches, Clocks* 8ilverwau»v Silk Um­brellas. Fountain Pens, Solid Gold Kings, VVuUh Chains, Brooches, 8ilver Thirnbles, fine Pocketbooks and a general line of fine jewelry*

mmm*M^-i^^^± •'" •