THE DAILY "Let our Just Censure Attand tue True Event." BY J. A. SELBY COLUMBIA. S. 0. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 23. 1*71. VOL. VII-NO. 30. VlT^B^HuaO^lÎANlFEÂTO.'^^rVÎo. tor Hugo litis' published' tho following lotter iuAhb-Sndapeiulance Balga: '.nc .tit Sm: I protest against tho declaration; of tho Belgian Government relative io the vanquished í of it Paria. i : Whatever may lie said . or dane, .th e sa j vanquished are p olitic al «nen. i Ll \raa no t with * thorn i I aoabpt the principle/ of tboCommuiiè; I dornpb accept, tho mon. I havo pro7- toatod agaiu'at.theiraotaJ Their violdcae» have JÚadé .me' ihdlknanti aa thó- vidi, lenoéanrjf thé opposite party would dó' now;i The, destruction Of tho column, ia aa aoV'ofc-iHgh-treason toward »hë uri- tionv;:<Tho.' destruction j ol> tho , Louvre would hftvo h ó on' aa èotbf high treason toward civilization. Bat savogo. nots< being unconscious, are not criminal nota. Domeney ia a-dlsooso and 'not a orirno. Ignorance is not the'crime! ct' fgh¿ranb. The destruction Of tho oolaran 'Boa been for Franco a sad bour. Tho destruction4 of tho Louvre wonld farvvé been eternal mourning for all peopled But - the column will be raised again,\ and the Louvre ia safe. Paria ia retaken} ! Toe'! Asaembly has vanished tho Commune, Who baa<müÜ«theI18th of. March?'. Who is guilty, *htí Asaómbjfyor thb Co trim nue? History will tell. Tho barning ot Paris is a'moàs trobe-'fohl::: But aro1 'thorC not two'moenVlJariea? .'« » Bet . nh walt -rVorder1 to judge. I have never understood Bil- lioray; and Ri gaul t has' astonished me unto indignation;' But to shoot Bilbo- ray or Rigaultls n crime; < Those Of tho Commuud, Jobanndrd .and LaCeoilin, who shoot a nhildl of fifteen y carsdale o ri mi nala,.. Tho BB of. the 'Assembly, who shoot* Volles,,. Bopquet, PariBOI, Aiaou- roux, Lefranoaia, Brunet- and Dom- browsky, are cribiinals. Hero tho orime is na well in tho Assembly as in the Com¬ mune. First, .to. all oiviliaed .men,.the punishment ja : abominable; .secondly, the exoqur,ion, without judgment ia infa¬ mous. J.qdgp first,- then condemn,; then, exoputo.. might then blame, but not obju rgato., You are '.within the law..,, If you lqll wi th o u t judgment, you. nssass i- nate. ¡'I return ,to .tué Belgian.Qovern- menU'<lJ,.ijt,') is^ wropg^.'to .refuse asylam,j The' law permita this" refusal, tito right forbids it '4'I,' who writo'those- linea, hold as a'" maxim ,'iVo.', Jure .''ebn'tra legem.' Asylum ls an Old right. It'is the sacred right of the Unfortunate. *In tho mid¬ dle ages the Ohurch granted asylum even to parjioidps. As to reo, I declaro: i offer thia asylum which the Belgian Go¬ verning refuses, j Where? In Belgium. I do that honor to Belgium. I offer asy¬ lum at Brussels. I offer it at Place des Barricades No. 4, (M. pogo's town resi¬ dence ajt.BruaseIg.1,^.¡Leta vanquished of. Paris, lei ,a member ot the Commune, which Paris bau but little elected^ and which I have never app.rovéd*--íét oap of these, rjoen, .were be my personal ono- my-^èspeciall^if..he is my pomonal ene¬ my-Mooch'-' at? my door,' 11 ope n.T 5 is in my jjtöb&ä, ' ¡ is in violable. Should I, ^(jhancu'ljo u foreigner id Belgium? I do;nqt!''l>^evé/ity".I^'feteí myself the brother, bi all moni and the..guest of ''all nations,- At hil.even ts, a'fugitive of the ' Commune with éaë Wilt be a vanquished, one with an'outlaw; the vanquished of to-day with tho-outlaw of yesterday. Two venerable things) os 1 do not hea.1- tatp ^tb 'a^V; pQne' weakness protecting, another., If, a man bo an outlaw, Jot Him enter'my Louse* I defy, ¡wbomsoever it be, to tear him from it. I speak here of political men.,^ If. afqßitjvoof tho Com¬ mune be taken* nt my nome they shall take mo. If he be given up I shall fol¬ low iütii. I snail set down with bim oh tho bench of 'tho accused. For tho dc-" fence of the right, the .man of the Re- P ubi ic, who has been proscribed by. Bo¬ naparte, shall be seen by the side of. the man of the Oommuue, who is the van- finished ol tho Assembly of Versailles. 1 shall do my duty. Principles hefore every thing 1^ If may ba affirmed that Enghind will not give up the refugees of tho Commune. Why place Belgium be¬ low England? The glory of Belgium is to be an asylum. Let us not tako that glory from her. By defending France I defend Belgium. The Belgian Govern* meat will be agaiustme, but the Belgian people will.be with mo. At any rate, I shall have my ooriaoienco. Receive, Sir, &c. VICTOR HUGO. Mm. Mooro in a Tennessee lady, and when her little boy fell down a twenty- four feet well, she .pimply, grasped the rope, swung herself to the water* nabed the obild out with her feet, and came up with him, hand-over-hand, to dry laud and her house-work again. The ties user on the South American railways .have been transported almost entirely from Oaliforbia, aa1 the hard-1 wood ties out on the Andes cannot be used without boring tho spike-holes with augers. The ties cost One dollar each landed nt Callao. Jjord Courtenay, the last titled bank- rnÄaCilMÄ'VfiJ*. Jr6,P00¿00D.- During the last few years ho io reported (o' have lived at the rate of more than 8500,000 per annum, and his indebted¬ ness to bia tailor alone is set doWD at «60,0001 A Bridgeport man, on a wager, swal¬ lowed a. frog after it had been well but- toted, a few days ago. Mrs. Fair saya she doesn't mind hang¬ ing, but tobe accused of a Weakness for gin is too muon. Lard I Lard fi PURE LEAF LARD-"guaranteed strictly pure"-in bárrela, half barrels, kegs and 3, 5 and 10 oaddtea, for aalo at reduced prices, by _ JOHN AGNEW A BON. Soda and Minorai Water. THE F*OUNT is open for the season, with choice DyruoH made from pare Juico of the fruit. BRIBE'S CONFECTIONERY. Banned Oil. GOTTON SEED REPINES OIL, by the gal¬ lon or barrel. Alno, in glaasa, pinta aod quarte. For sale low._E. HOPE. A freah supply of llremeu Lager at POL- t.OCK'B. Tho coolest Lager in tho city can be had at POLLOCK'S. A freah supply of Bagley'e Mayflower, Ano cut, at POLLOCK s. ©pedal amplio es. ITS O0RE AND ITS PREVENTIVE; J. Hi BCÜBNCK, M. lJ. - MANY L haman Çelog has pasBod ft>wfty. Tor whoso death thero waa no other rea¬ son than the rré'gldet of known and indisput¬ ably proven moana of core. Those pear and dear to family and friends aro Bleeping tho dreamless" clamber int«: which, had they' calm¬ ly »d».ted r-i..i l'Um h v !.? i ! I JLUi. JOSEPH. II. KCHESCKM I* SLM^I^ÄATÖNT;.. " And availed tbomsolvcs of bia wonderful eui- caoiROP medicines, th By Would not baye falten-, i Dr. Schonok .baa, in hia own caso, proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vitality, by bis I raodlouieBiand¡hia dhieoUona for th,eir nap, is, quickened, into ho al th ul vlgorl '' ' ,'"*' ' ' Irr/tiiB Btatemenlitharotanothing presump¬ tuous. To the faith of tho invalid, IB m ado no representation that ia not a thousand timea anpatantiated by living And vhtible, works. Tho theory .of tho euro by Dr. Schcnbk's mo- dioine ta aa «Imple aalt ie unfailing. " Ita phi¬ losophy requires no argument,. It iq ao)f-aa- suring, aebf-oonviheing. Tho Boavf cod Tonio and Mandrake Pilla aro tho fif st two woapona with uhi-.h the citadel of the malady ia assailed. Two-thirds of tho cases of oonanmption originate in dvapopsia and. a functionally disordered liver, with thia condition tho' bronchial tnbeu "sympathize" with tho stomach. They respond to the mor¬ bific' action of tho livor. Hore, then, cornea the culminating result, and tho 'setting in, with all ita distressing symptoms, of ??? CON SUnil'TIONÍ. The Mandrake Pilis aro composed of one of haturo'H noblest gifts-tho Podopbillum Pel- t a tum. Thoy poséese all tho. blood-aoarch- ing, alterative properties of calomel; brit, un- ilko calomel, they iii 1 . «liKAVK NO STING BEHIND." Tho work of euro ia now beginning. Tho vitiated and macona depoaita in tbo howe's and in tho alimentary canal aro ejected. Tho liver, liko a clock, is wound up. It arouaea from its torpidity. The stomach acta respon¬ sively, and tho patjont begma to feel that he ia got ting, at last, A SOPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. Tho Seaweed Tonie,.in conjunction with tho Pills, pormoat ea and assimilates with the food. Obyhuoation ia now progressing without RH previous tortures. Pigoation becomes pain¬ less, and tho cure ia soon to bo at hand. There is no mord flatulence, no exacerbation of tho stomach. An appetite sots in. Now conies the greatest Blood Purifier over jot given by an indulgent father tb Buffering map. Bchenok's Pulmonio Syrup cornea in to perform Ita iuhctthna and tc hasten and com pleto.tha cure, lt enters &t onoo upon Re w^rk. ., M .-.turo cannot be/choated. It collecta audVipona the impaired and diseased portions Of tho lunga. In tho form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lol in a Very abort timo, tho malady ia vanquished, tho rotton throne that it occupied ia renovated and mado new,'and the patient, in all the dig¬ nity of-regained, vigor» uterm forth to enjoy tbe manhood or tho womanhood that was GIVKN DP AB LOST. Tho RQOondthing ia, the patieata muat stay In a warm robin until .they get well; it ia al- rndat ioipoBsiblo tb prevent takiug cold when the tunga aro .diaoaacd, but it muat bo pre-. vented, or a euro cannot bo (fleeted. Fresh airuw.d riding ont, especial!? ih thia sect ion of the country in the fall and winter season are all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course loae their patiente, if their lunga are badly diseased, und yet, becauae thoy are lin the house, they moat not alt down quiet; thov must walk about tho room aa much and aa fast BO tho strength will bear, to get np a good circulation of b\ood. Tho patienta muet keep in good spirits-ho determined to get well. Thia baa a great deal to do with'tho appetite, and ia the groat point to gain. To deepair of euro afterauch evidence of RB poaeibtlity in tho worst caaes, and moral cer¬ tainty iu all olhera, ia sinful. Dr. Schonck'a personal statement to tho Faculty of bia own cure «aa in thean modest words: "Many years ago 1 waa in the last stages of consumption; confined to my bcd, and at one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week; thou, liko a drowning man catch¬ ing at straws, 1 heard of and obtained the preparations whioh 1 now offer to tho public, and they mado a perfect euro of mo. It Beamed to me that I could foci them ponotrate my whole system. Thoy. soon ripened the matter in my lunga, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow mailer every morning for a long limo. "Aa Boon aa that began to subside, my cough, fover, puin and night »weata all began to leave mo, and my appetite became KO groat that it was with' difficulty that leonid ktep from eating too much. I anon gaim.d my airength, and have grown*in flesh ever ainoo. "1 waa weighed shortly after my recovery," added tho Doctor; "then looking like a mero skeleton; my weight waa only ninety-seven pounda; my preaept weight ia two hundred and twenty-five [225] pounda, and for ycara I havo enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Schanck baa. discontinued bia profes¬ sional visite to New-York and Boston. Ho or bia BOU, Dr. J. H.-Sohenok, Jr., elill continuo to BOO patienta at. their office, No. 15 North Sixth <«tr«et, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Thoae who wish a thorough examination with tho Iloapirnmoter will bo charged $5.. The Beapirometor de¬ clares the exact, condition of tho lungs, and patients can readily learn whothcr they aro curable or not. Tho directions for taking the medicines are adapted to the Intelligence even of a child. Follow these directions,-and kind nature will do thé rest, excepting that in Some cases the Mandrake Pilla are to be taken in increased doaea; the three medicines nced.no other ac¬ companiments than the ample instructions that aocompany them: First create appetite; Of returning health hunger io tho moat wel¬ come symptom. When it comes, as it will como, let the despairing at onoe be of good oheer. Good blood at once follows, the cough loosens, the night sweat is. abated. In a short /time both of these morbid symptoms are gone forever.' Dr, Schonck'a medicines aro constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a laxa¬ tive or purgative, the Mándrako Pills are a standard preparation; whilo the Pulmonio Syrup, aa a ourer of coughs and colds, may bo regarded as a prophylaoterio against con¬ sumption in any qt iU forms. Price of tho Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tdnie, $150 a bottle, or $7.50 a half dozeu. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. JOHN F. HENRY, 8 Ollego Place,New York, Wholesale Agent. NovlO_fly COTTON SEED Oil. CAKE can he had at all timos, and in any quantity, of Jan 21_E. HOPE. A fine summer tonio ls Hattorf** Bitters- ean ho had at POLLOCK'S. Re-Visit of >Dr. Kendall, «».;. AS thé ëxt&rminatd/ ot CORNÉ* and 'BU¬ NIONS. whÓBO; roptRatloh in thia: particular branch ol aurg^try'is alf cady known, la again' in oar city, and dan bo found at thc Washing-' (on Hçhse. ' AW there ia'no' doubt aa to hit? akill Aha! eutclency in tho removal ¿>r those' impcdimoht^.' to walking 'In comfort,'persona' needing his Services shonld not dólav in W$ ing rocourao £o(bis aid. Jungo' ' DEBILITY AMD ÈM&OIATIOS BOTH rcooltfrotii tho lack of ability to convert tho food into ffúlrimént. How'neoaaBarW ttíen,-' for tboeo stifTeribg'from tbeee'alarràrag aymp- ] toma to immediately resurt to a remedy that will "strengthen' tb'e' stomach1 and *dlgo«tira organs. For.' ts soon as this desirable object has been accomplished tho health improves, and tho patient rcsumoa bia usual personal appearance. Hostotter'a Stomach Bitters havo attained a world-wido popularity in auch oases, and have boon' proven, .tho beat and aafeat mc ana of removing constipation j toning the stomach, giving energy to tho livor, and relieving every symptom of nervousness and* do proa sion pf spirit a. Ita cheering and beno-' fie ¡al e fleets are highly spoken of by thou¬ sands, who owo to it their restoration to health. No restorative in tho annale of me¬ dicine has attained theaame popularity in tbe short space of time it has been beforo tho public, or has won the high endorsements ac¬ corded to this excellent tonic. Many other preparations',, purporting tc bs correctives and restoratives, lin ve buen introduced, and havo perished ono by ono, wbilo the popularity of Hoatottor'a Stomach Bitter« continues to increase, and ia now recognized as a standard household medicine. Tho succeea which at¬ tends the use of the Bitters evinces' at once ita virtuos in all caaos of debility and diaoaaea of tho stomach. , CortiUcatoa, almost without number, have beep published, attesting its truly miiraculoue power in removing those painful and fearful diaeaaos. And at this time it seems idle to do more than oall attention to the great remedy of the age, in- ordor to awaken public attention to ita excellence. It ia the only préparation of the kind that ia ro- liable in all casca, and it is therefore worthy of the consideration of thc aflliotcd, Juno 1G_._fG AVOID QUACKS.-A Victim of early in- diacretiori; causing hervoue debility, pre-1 maturo decay, dec, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, baa a aimple means ot self-cure, which ho will send freo to bia fellow- suffcrera. Address J. H.TUTTLE, 7R Naaaan airtn*t. Now york.- ' Dto23+Gmo MANHOOD : ',' How Lost,!. How Restored\ Just published, ina sealed enve-. lope, rricc, six cents. ALECTURE on tho Natural Treatment and Radical Curo of Spermatorrhca or Sbtninal Woakneaa, Involuntary Eroiationa. Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marri ago generally; Nervousucsa, Consumption Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Inca pacify, resulting from Sclf-Abuec, Ac, hy Ito ln.HT J. CoT.VEiiwEi.iv, M. D., author of the "Oreen Book," tïc. i . ««A Boon to-Tltonaantla of SutToo». 8eat cn 1er acal, in a plain envelopo, to any addroaa, poet-paid, on receipt of aix ceuta. or two poatago stampa, hy CHAS. J. C. KLINE ACO., 127 Bowery, Kew York-P. O. Box, 4,590. Juno G_' _3m» M KDICA I.. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. ESSAYS FOB YOUNG MEN. ou great so¬ cial ovila and abusos, which Interfere with MAnniAOB, with euro means of relit! for tho erring and unfortunate, diseased and de¬ bilitated. Sent in settled letter envelopes, freo of charge. Address HOWARD SANITA¬ RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 Sonth Ninth atroetj Philadelphia, Pa. May 14 Smo State of South Carolina-Richland Co. JX THE COMMON PLEAS. Martha J.Towuse.ud. Administratrix, cs. Wm. J. HutaoQ et al. ALL perenna having claims against the estate of tho lato Samuel Townsend, de¬ ceased, intestate, atc quired to provo them before tho undersigned, on or before tho lat d.iv of July next. W. S. MONTEITH, Juno ll -ft) Special Referee CORRECT TIME ÉMAY bo obtained by calling at ISAAC HULZBACHEK'á and purchasing one of those tuatlv celebrated ELGIN WATCH liri, and wbero you eau lind a completo atockof Diamonds, Jewelry, Hi Iver and Plated« W aro, of thu heat manufacture. In addition aro tho United States, Waltham, Euglieb and Swiss Watches in Gold and Silver Cases, which will ho closed out at New York prices. Constantly on bund fino Gold Chaina. Seal Ringa, Charm»,Lockets, Sleeve Buttons,Sets, and a varied stock of Fancy Articles. AU kinda of Repairing done promptly, and warranted, by ISAAC SULZUACllER, April 27 '_Under Columbia Hotel. REMOVAL. Entire New Stock. _ THE undersigned respectfully Informs v§4his customers that ho has REMOVED to (Utbe new store, on Main strict, directly -JULoppo»itt» tbe Columbia Hoted, and ia fully Sropared with an entirely NEW STOCK OF IOODS, to flt out a gentleman in tho very LATEST FASHION. He baa secured the latest and beat atyloa of CLOTH H, CASSI- MERES aud GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODaJ H< homily. Call at the new stand auc select a ault, or feavo Tour ordor and have It made to measure. 0. D. FBERHAltDT. March 26_ Scythes and Crain Cradles. 2DOZ. superior GRAIN CRADLES. 10 Cot. Griffin's.Qrsin and Graes Boythes, Jnat received and foi sale low by May 17_JOUN A<3NBW A BON. LD BANK Bli.LB «nd MÜT1LATKD CVRRBNOT bought and «old by Nov 23 Gmo L QAMBB1LL. Broker. STOCKS, BONDS und COUI'ONS bought and aold by D. GAMBRILL. Broker. Nov 23 Gmo_ Gan and Blatting Powder. AFULL supply of the celobrated Dupont's GUN AND BLASTING POWDER, In kegs and cannisters, is now offered to morchauU and consumers at thc lowest market.rates, by tho undersigned, who aro solo agents for tho manufacturers at this place. _May 25_. JOHN AGNEW A BON. Tho only flue Playing Cards at POLLOCK'S. REDUCTION : ;.' .v: IN ..... ....... OF ]1 tl VI'- .\ * Spring and Summer Clothing, i' ' rui AT"' < « Ri & W. O.-SWAFFIELD'S. V "TTE/K bkvj tho largest''retah etock in the TY State, and, anxious to r?duoo it, will sell it at G UK ATI. Y KEDUÜED PRICES. " .Tho atock is unbroken, and, thc best etock vre have ever bandied. ' Now fHAT8, of a dcairablo Btyle, jost re¬ ceived'. . .>«" This rodncfion will apply also to ont CUB* TOM DEPARTMENT. May IC . JiV .. ¡-a 'SaiqiOTQ jouitung pnu Suijdg JO noni NI Noixoxiaaa May 12_. _ White's Gardening for the South, BY tho lato Wm. A. W hito, of Athena, Qa. $2. HOLMES' SOUTHERN FARMER and MAR¬ KET GARDENER. $1.50. Tho Phosphate Rocka of South Carolina, their History and Dovclopmcnta-Colored Platos. $1.25. Six Sermona on Temperance, by Lyman Boechcr. Sacred Rhetoric; or a Course of Lecturca on Preaching, lt. L. Dabney, D. D. ll.50. Any above ecnt|by mail. DUFFIE A CHAPMAN, Fob m Oppoaitn Columbia Hôtel. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. REYNOLDS1 IMPROVEMENT, THOSE wtio have loat aoveral Natural Teeth, and have been advised to part with remainiug sound onea, aa tho first step towards obtaining artificial substitutes, are requested, before Submitting to a practice, cruel in itself and often unncceaaarily per¬ formed, to convince themselves Of ita fallacy, by looking closely iuto a matter , of ea muoh importance. The abovo improvement waa doeigned to ro- aiat ao deplorable a practico, and after a tho¬ rough teat of more than three yeara, ia found capable of accomplishing what no other aya- tem of Artificial Dentistry haaheretoforedoiio. It ia now possible to obtain partial cases. which will save for years Natural Teeth, and bo at the same time reliable in evory reapeot. An invitation ia hereby given to Buch sa feel interested to call at our Operating Rooms, and examino duplicate specimens of casca now in actual uao. Nov fit REYNOLDS fe REYNOLDS. STOVES! STOVES! ST0VÊST Tin-ware ! Tin-ware 1 Tin-ware ! PLUMRING, ROOFING, GUTTEUING, und all work in thia liuo, put up to order and ready for anio at tho G A ll OL I -V A M A X UFA (J TO li Y. CU at either house-Columbia or Newberry HENRÏ H. BLEASE, March 22 t Proprietor. The Dexter Stables. THE und ursig ned have re¬ moved their Stables to tho new building, immediately South ol .V£7£G^v^:Jl^B.,a",lüy',, Hall, and, with a now ~*\\Sr^^ Tstoek of CARRIAGES. RUG- GlKy ano lino HORt-ES, arc prepared lo an- »wer all calls tbut may he ruadu upon them. Horses bought and sold on commission. PeraonB in want of good etock. are invited to give UH a call. Liberal advances made on etock loft for aalo. BOYCE &. CO. W. H. BOYCE. C. TI. PETTIWOIM.._JjtnJM Guns, Pistols, Etc. I INFORM my frienda ar-d mblic in general that I have Jual received an entire new Tstoek of Double and Single Bar- roi GUNS, REPEATERS, Flasks, Pouchra, Piatol-BHte, Caps. Buok-Shot. Cartridge«. Cartridges for all kinda of Plateia, Powder and Shot. ALSO REPAIRING done at ahm t notice. Oot 8_Pj W. KRAFT. Blain streef.._ Good Things. "Wy AMSAY'S Islay Malt Scotch Whiskey, Sir XV Robert Burnett's Old Tom Gin, Otard, Dupuy, Cognac Brandy. Duff Gordon's Pale Sherry, South-aide Madeira Wino, London Dock. Port Wine, Hibbort'a London Porter, McEwen'« Scot oh Ale. Tho abovo direct from the importers and warranted pure. For salo by_EDWARD HOPE. DR. D. L. BOOZER WOULD respeotfully inform bia patrons and the public ge¬ nerally that ho has moved into his now office, over Du fri o A Chapman's Book¬ store, opposite the Columbia Hotel, where he ia prepared to exocuto, satisfactorily, all ope¬ rations and work, of whatsoever kind bia pro¬ fession demanda. Terms accommodating. March 8_ The Doctors Recommend Secgers'Beer IN preference to London Porter and Scotch Alo. Why? They know it ie unadulter¬ ated. March ll COUNTY CLAIMS AN» JURY CEItTI KIOATKU bought by .J-P!i.5_. D. OAMBRILL. Broker. If a Poi ter House st< ak will atop your hun ger, call at POLLOCK'S. Hew B.QOÎB, by Expresa. War and Culture, by Arthur Halbë. ' tl r>0. Hugh Miller's Life and Ivot^ra, twci.fvai times, by Poter Baync, with, portrait.K#4,'.., |c Christianity and PomÜycíam, by. $lcCoflli. Peopled Practical Poultry cBook, very oe'm,- pleto. $1.60. ... .)i i,; ' "s Why Bid He Not Die? From tho 0 oem on, by ?MrarWiatar. :. ,: ¡ .,. ¡ ; Gallirkoe, a Romance, by Sand. $2. . Clffnatos for invalida, by ti. Bill. *1.8ß; Body and And, by Maudeloy, Lon ¿co. SI.. Tho Old Fashioned i Boy, by.:Farquara<in, Little Mon, bV anMíol' of Littló'iróat^l Pike Cou ti ty Bal 1 a il a, by John Hay. et .60. " Mxa.'Oocton'a1 Book of .Household .Manage-) mont. .Tho moat complete work on thia aub? jeot. Hloatratoa.. ,r ~ . Also, como now Novols by1 good authors-,' jnat opened, at BRYAN A MoUAHTEH'H "i Jone 18 . Bookatoio. ANNOIJSCEUENT EXTRA0RU1XARY o ta H K O cn O o o 10 TER CENT. BELOW COST,' 'AT, GOODMANS CLOTHING BAZAAR. THIS ia no humbug. We'are obliged4o diaooao of all doods now in atore by the lat of September; ta make a change in our business. Tako notice, that eaob article ia marked its coat in plain figures, from which will bo DEDUCTED TEN PER CENT. The public ia particularly requested to caU carly, aa bargama may bo obtained. Country mer¬ chants visiting the ci tv can find a choice stock of new and aoaeonahlo goods at our atoro. Bear in mind, goode 10 per cent, below coat, at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR. May 19_'_ FAN MILLS, ^jJRAIN CRADLER u HORSE POWERS. ' . ,: RËATEri{3, MOWERS, and all kinds Harveating Machines on hand and for sale at lowest pricea in the market. Wo call special attention to our Horao- Tower, which hr tho beat power In uao and not high priced. With our experiouco hi planting, and tho use of agricultural imple¬ ments und machines, together with our facili ties for having goods manufactured, wc claim we can give -lower figures, bettor goods and better satisfaction than any othor house in thc country. Scud for catalogue. ; April28 LÖRICK A LOWRANCE STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, * CHARLOTTE. N. O. SOLICIT orders for COTTON. Com, Hour, Bacon, Laird; Ac, and Family Groceries generally. Orders titled carefully and prompt¬ ly. _ Feb 7lyr M. H. BERRY'S" Furniture Ware-room I'lain Street, near ilain. rínf^^y»*^ on band and daily re- £ijrfj**£r&ljay iving from tho maunfac- *2P* j'^Wtffi*T^" "f New York, Boston, ftarnggg^r Cincinnati and Louisville, the Jg -Jx UrtrcM assortment of FUR« N ITU HE e vor kept in thia market, consisting in part of Walnut .Parloir. Chamber and Din- ing-Room Snit«: 200 HudRteade of different patterns, in Walnut and Imitation; also, the celebrated Georgia Split-boitom Chairs. All kinds of MA'PTRESSES made to order. UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING dons at shortest notice and in the best manner. Terma cs sh and Goode obeSp._Oct 80 Private Boarding. MRS. >, J. WYATT informs her friend? »nd thc public in general, that she has . oponed a PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, on Plain sin rt,-near hull. The boneo ia. la TRO- and airy, and puesta may expect the oomforiiv of a home._, ,?_._May 2; SMOKED MEATS, ETC. SMOKED TONGUES, extra smoked BEEP; Ferrie Fulton Market Beef. Diamond and Orange brand Ham». Sugar-cored Bacon Strips. Pickled Salmon. Mesa and No. 1 Mackerel, Ac., all frían to hand. For sale by_GEO. 8YMMKBM. The Exchange Honse ®HA8 been overhauled aud, re-arranged for tho Spring and Bummer. Iced btve- ragea oompoundod at ehort noi'es. May 6 VAYHINGER A FRANKLIN. For Sate, 3f*i\f\ ACRES of LAND In Barnwell, .OUU on theEdlsto. 750 ACHES in Kershaw-in lota to snit. Saw Mill and 3.000 acrts of Laud in sexing- tou, on North Ediato, *7,t00. 2,600 aerea Waterer. Bottom Land, Î2 pr aero 2,500 acres creek bottom and pine Land, at f2 per aero. 1 House in this city, $5,000. HOUSE and thirteen acres LAND, noar the elly-f8 50». Appl> to JOHN BAUSKETT, 'Attorney at Law and B«al Estate Agont. SP*' 25_IT Genuine imported Curacoa, Absyntho and Maraschino, at POLLOCK'S. > '(Formerly Gl»ia & Radcliffe,} - -,.1 >'u j ti >a ... .1:1 io iii iiíivi iiV MTCAS on baud, at reduced prices, QOLD and. Jtllrôtf/T*ËB WATCHES, IEWELRYT<6TD> ? VE* aud)BLAT£D VT ABE, House F ur niching ; ¡ Gooda, Guna, Pistole and Sporting Geode. K-Ní B; HAvin'g the agency ol1 tb« American^'1 Pbila^pJRbl»; Watehee. (Pfglua- Pat« i8qu-LOL am prepared to furnish thom at manufac¬ turers priées. . I oan rttoommend theta-a finit r ^ claa*4imepicce._i, >. -IL«.I*-¿.Í;¿fij¿¿i 1J Bepaîrlng'ànd Engraving dono bv first elfcaa ?^o^sàch, ¿sd warranted.,^ GLAZE, -.1 ."One door North Bcott A Son/a Banking .J. goflie. . '. ' Jubo 9-f2mtfp - jBtafo of abnth"tíarúliria-'-:-1raioñ Co, " in . " COURT ÖF PROB ATÉ. '' *p" William Bailey, "Plain tiff, tja. Jano BailoyT Mary Cudd, Joshua, Gudd. Thorrrä« Holley, ftCTQC aro hereby aummoneíí inti required? J X to,ftiiBWór:tho potRIön .in thlfl*otion- J which is « hied in the ofUcpor tho- prob a to . Judgo* for the said -Couhty, and 'td ser^e 'sf ' oopy-o(!yonr anajver to tho o aid po tilida on ; £ho eubacriber, at. his office, at Union, ß. C., within twohty dkjs*after'the HörvlcoTiotcun'' ; exclusive of the day of abeu BcrVioe;. and it ¿ you fail to answer tho complaint within tho' tinto' aTbretfaid; tho Plaintiff in tírm action7' will Apply.to the Court for the roüor- tiomana-i :. ed in the petition, .- * - ,: Dated Kay IS,'187T. -. ui :'- vtiñ JAB. B. STEEDMAN,. >u.,i .. PlamtifPs Attorn¿e^. t ,t- 'ïb Vba^uo Çudd, Mary Pudd and Jas.Xaiüyt " Take notice that this notion ia commenced -V [ for partition of land, In the Probate- Court fio? - and for the County of Union; and that a sum¬ mons in tbis action, of which the foregoing ia a copy, was died in the office of.the Judge of said Conrt, at Unlon, in tbo County of Union,'A in said Stato, on. the»tenth dav of May, 1871,..; JAB. B. STEADMAN. Uxiony May 15. 1871. Mayl9f6 hi| ' ' For Sale. " r;" THE LOT known as Christ Ohm ch proper- ty, situated on tho South-east corner of. , Blanding and Marion streets, in tho city of Columbia, containing one acre**:ii ALBO, Tho Lot on Richardson street', South of and '" adjoining tbo United States or Niokoreon Ho-, ii tel .Lot, fronting on Richardson atreet 58 feet 6 incbea, and running back 208 feet' G inches. " Each of .the above Lots, from their peen» - liarly favorable locations, must fast increase invalne. 7 >?.-?> In addition to tho above,.the subscriber oft,., fera for ealo a largo amount of Beal Estate in this oliy, in the surrounding country, in Newberry, and in Spartanborg, consisting of Houses and Lota. Farms, Milla. Ac. May 21 timo_ J. W. PARKER. ;? 1 [j King's Mountain MiUtary School; :T Yorkville, 8. C.- 1 ^jjj. THE Second 8essIon of .th« /fläbk. achoo! year of 1871 will begin an «|Iffl»fctho 1ST OF JULY. sffiH^OT TERMS.-For school expenses, i. WWäBy c?.. Tuition. Books. Stationery, 43SSr Boarding, Fuel, Light» and Wash- i. lng, $185 in. currency, per session, of *3ye ." mouths. . ,, t, For circulars containing full particolare, up- ply to COL. A. COWARD, ' Jone 2 fwlmo Principal and Proprietor. intelligence Office. , V (Opposite Masonic Hall.) WE'call the attention of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity to tho fact that '' we have purchased the interest of BEARD A ORCHARD in the above institution, and will give attention strictly lo ita demands. , Malea or females wishing employment of any kind can be supplied bv calling, or mending In their names anti residences and announcing their wants. The desires of employers will be im¬ mediately taken notice of. Ben'ors and. those . wishing to rent will ho providid for. Tho collection of Accounts will he purshi'd, jionds negotiated, and rules of Hekl and ! Personal Property mude. LEE A SX-'lTH. June 3 . - "HAIK^HAMSTI . HAMslii /CHOICE MAGNOLIA ll AMPI V_' CHOICE MARYLAND HAMS ll' (ilioM'K CLOWN I1AMS1 II Together w¡ih u li.I. F-i.. ck Shu-kid und .Dry Sailed RAt'ON SllJi S, Shnnldirs- Mid Strips, fol ssh' at low prices tn cash ri ii>>ivm< rs WiAV'¿7 J'MIN' AGNKW A SON. To Kent. ADÉSIRABLE S'.'.iRF, on Main street, ne;.r tho corn--: of lllatidi $ I\,r icrois, app:v ti» Dr. John Lvnch. or F.'h2a -fl KN DU IX RUO I LIME, . THE GREAT PF.UTILIZEIt. CAN furnish LIME at/iepot at Walhalla/ S. G., Tor $1 50 per barrel. Addreas. REV. B. HOLDER, Walhalla, S C. Bf areli 2G _ Soap! Soap!! ShapM! -I i\f\ BOXES FAMILY SOAP-"quality uii- JLvJv/- surpassed, and prices reduced. 20" per cení.-at wholesale and retail, bv May 13 j - JOHN AGNEW'A SOM. GEORGE TTTFÎPEE, B ,110 K. E Beal Estate and Insurance A^ont, * CoiUMSTA, 8. O. OFFICE over.W. O. Fisher's Dtrig Sterb',' opposite Columbia Hotel, Main street... May j OHAMPAGSES. > "t «"kíX, CASES Moot A Qhandon'a CHAM- LVlv/ PAGNES, Just received, and offered in consequence of cessation of hostilities, ai mueh reduced rates. Foroaleby March 28_ GEO. SYMMRBB. Infant's Food. ANOTHER supply of FOOD FOB INFANTS, Thrs is Just the food for babies. Mothers call and examine it, at HEINITBH'S Jone If. ._Dreg Storw. Se«ge?â' Sooi ia WKUXVJ. IT don't contain Copperas,- BalWXâaiç^o» Alum._- Ma** lt Jewelry and BilvérwMè; OF the most »Pprove^l sJWes, can he ob¬ tained at I. tfOLZBAOtfEB* eslabllehi mont. Main, street, Columbia Hotel Bçir. Sets and half set* In flrrea^ Tftrietr- iUep, aohtairo and alaster DIAMONDS* BPEOTA- QIJEB and EYE-GLASSES to snit all ages. Canned Gooda. ALA MODE BEEF, Veal, Wild Dnok, fresh Maokerel, frosh B simon, Oysters, Poaches, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Gage Plums. All of first quality and full weight. For sale low. E. HOPE.

VlT^B^HuaO^lÎANlFEÂTO.'^^rVÎo. THE DAILYchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1871-06-16/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THEDAILY "Let our Just Censure Attand tue TrueEvent." BY J. A. SELBY

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Page 1: VlT^B^HuaO^lÎANlFEÂTO.'^^rVÎo. THE DAILYchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1871-06-16/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THEDAILY "Let our Just Censure Attand tue TrueEvent." BY J. A. SELBY

THE DAILY"Let our Just Censure Attand tue True Event."


VlT^B^HuaO^lÎANlFEÂTO.'^^rVÎo.tor Hugo litis' published' tho followinglotter iuAhb-Sndapeiulance Balga: '.nc .titSm: I protest against tho declaration;of tho Belgian Government relative iothe vanquished í of it Paria. i : Whatevermay lie said . or dane, .thesa jvanquishedare p olitic al «nen. i Ll \raa no t with * thorn iI aoabpt the principle/ of tboCommuiiè;I dornpb accept, tho mon. I havo pro7-toatod agaiu'at.theiraotaJ Their violdcae»have JÚadé .me' ihdlknanti aa thó- vidi,lenoéanrjf thé opposite party would dó'now;i The, destruction Of tho column, iaaa aoV'ofc-iHgh-treason toward »hë uri-tionv;:<Tho.' destruction j ol> tho , Louvrewould hftvo h óon' aa èotbf high treasontoward civilization. Bat savogo. nots<being unconscious, are not criminal nota.Domeney ia a-dlsooso and 'not a orirno.Ignorance is not the'crime! ct' fgh¿ranb.The destruction Of tho oolaran 'Boa beenfor Franco a sad bour. Tho destruction4of tho Louvre wonld farvvé been eternalmourning for all peopled But - thecolumn will be raised again,\ and theLouvre ia safe. Paria ia retaken} ! Toe'!Asaembly has vanished tho Commune,Who baa<müÜ«theI18th of. March?'. Whois guilty, *htí Asaómbjfyor thb Cotrimnue?History will tell. Tho barning ot Parisis a'moàstrobe-'fohl::: But aro1 'thorC nottwo'moenVlJariea? .'« »Bet . nh walt -rVorder1to judge. I have never understood Bil-lioray; and Rigaul t has' astonished meunto indignation;' But to shoot Bilbo-ray or Rigaultls n crime; < Those Of thoCommuud, Jobanndrd .and LaCeoilin,who shoot a nhildl of fifteen ycarsdaleo rimi nala,.. ThoBB of. the 'Assembly, whoshoot* Volles,,. Bopquet, PariBOI, Aiaou-roux, Lefranoaia, Brunet- and Dom-browsky, are cribiinals. Hero tho orimeis na well in thoAssembly as in the Com¬mune. First, .to. all oiviliaed .men,.thepunishment ja : abominable; .secondly,the exoqur,ion, without judgment ia infa¬mous. J.qdgp first,- then condemn,; then,exoputo.. might then blame, but notobju rgato., You are '.within the law..,, Ifyou lqll wi thou t judgment, you. nssass i-nate. ¡'I return ,to .tué Belgian.Qovern-menU'<lJ,.ijt,') is^ wropg^.'to .refuse asylam,jThe' law permita this" refusal, tito rightforbids it '4'I,' who writo'those- linea, holdas a'" maxim ,'iVo.', Jure .''ebn'tra legem.'Asylum ls an Old right. It'is the sacredright of the Unfortunate. *In tho mid¬dle ages the Ohurch granted asylum evento parjioidps. As to reo, I declaro: ioffer thia asylum which the Belgian Go¬verning refuses, j Where? In Belgium.I do that honor to Belgium. I offer asy¬lum at Brussels. I offer it at Place desBarricades No. 4, (M. pogo's town resi¬dence ajt.BruaseIg.1,^.¡Leta vanquished of.Paris, lei ,a member ot the Commune,which Paris bau but little elected^ andwhich I have never app.rovéd*--íét oapof these, rjoen, .were be my personal ono-my-^èspeciall^if..he is my pomonal ene¬my-Mooch'-' at? my door,' 11 ope n.T 5 Hö isin myjjtöb&ä, ' ¡ Hö is inviolable. ShouldI, ^(jhancu'ljo u foreigner id Belgium?I do;nqt!''l>^evé/ity".I^'feteí myself thebrother, bi all moni and the..guest of ''allnations,- At hil.even ts, a'fugitive of the

' Commune with éaë Wilt be a vanquished,one with an'outlaw; the vanquished ofto-day with tho-outlaw of yesterday.Two venerable things) os 1 do not hea.1-tatp ^tb 'a^V; pQne' weakness protecting,another., If, a man bo an outlaw, JotHimenter'my Louse* I defy, ¡wbomsoever itbe, to tear him from it. I speak here ofpolitical men.,^ If. afqßitjvoof tho Com¬mune be taken* nt my nome they shalltake mo. If he be given up I shall fol¬low iütii. I snail set down with bim ohtho bench of 'tho accused. For tho dc-"fence of the right, the .man of the Re-Pubi ic, who has been proscribed by. Bo¬naparte, shall be seen by the side of. theman of the Oommuue, who is the van-finished ol tho Assembly of Versailles.1 shall do my duty. Principles heforeeverything 1^ If may ba affirmed thatEnghind will not give up the refugees oftho Commune. Why place Belgium be¬low England? The glory of Belgium isto be an asylum. Let us not tako thatglory from her. By defending France Idefend Belgium. The Belgian Govern*meat will be agaiustme, but the Belgianpeople will.be with mo. At any rate, Ishall have my ooriaoienco. Receive, Sir,&c. VICTOR HUGO.Mm. Mooro in a Tennessee lady, and

when her little boy fell down a twenty-four feet well, she .pimply, grasped therope, swung herself to the water* nabedthe obild out with her feet, and came upwith him, hand-over-hand, to dry laudand her house-work again.The ties user on the South American

railways .have been transported almostentirely from Oaliforbia, aa1 the hard-1wood ties out on the Andes cannot beused withoutboring tho spike-holes withaugers. The ties cost One dollar eachlanded nt Callao.

Jjord Courtenay, the last titled bank-rnÄaCilMÄ'VfiJ*. Jr6,P00¿00D.-During the last few years ho io reported (o'have lived at the rate of more than8500,000 per annum, and his indebted¬ness to bia tailor alone is set doWD at«60,0001A Bridgeport man, on a wager, swal¬

lowed a. frog after it had been well but-toted, a few days ago.

Mrs. Fair saya she doesn't mind hang¬ing, but tobe accused of a Weakness forgin is too muon.

Lard I Lard fiPURE LEAF LARD-"guaranteed strictlypure"-in bárrela, half barrels, kegs and3, 5 and 10 oaddtea, for aalo at reduced prices,by_

JOHN AGNEW A BON.Soda and Minorai Water.

THE F*OUNT is open for the season, withchoice DyruoH made from pare Juico ofthe fruit. BRIBE'S CONFECTIONERY.Banned Oil.

GOTTON SEED REPINES OIL, by the gal¬lon or barrel. Alno, in glaasa, pinta aodquarte. For salelow._E. HOPE.A freah supply of llremeu Lager at POL-t.OCK'B.Tho coolest Lager in tho city can be had atPOLLOCK'S.A freah supply of Bagley'e Mayflower, Anocut, at POLLOCK s.

©pedal amplioes.ITS O0RE AND ITS PREVENTIVE;Dï J. Hi BCÜBNCK, M. lJ. -

MANY L haman Çelog has pasBod ft>wfty.Tor whoso death thero waa no other rea¬son than the rré'gldet of known and indisput¬ably proven moana of core. Those pear anddear to family and friends aro Bleeping thodreamless" clamber int«: which, had they' calm¬ly »d».ted r-i..i l'Um h v !.? i !I JLUi. JOSEPH. II. KCHESCKMI* SLM^I^ÄATÖNT;.. "

And availed tbomsolvcs of bia wonderful eui-caoiROP medicines, thBy Would not baye falten-,i Dr. Schonok .baa, in hia own caso, provedthat wherever sufficient vitality remains, thatvitality, by bis I raodlouieBiand¡hia dhieoUonafor th,eir nap, is, quickened, into ho al th ulvlgorl '' ' ,'"*' ' '

Irr/tiiB Btatemenlitharotanothing presump¬tuous. To the faith of tho invalid, IB m ado norepresentation that ia not a thousand timeaanpatantiated by living And vhtible, works.Tho theory .of tho euro by Dr. Schcnbk's mo-dioine ta aa «Imple aalt ie unfailing. "

Ita phi¬losophy requires no argument,. It iq ao)f-aa-suring, aebf-oonviheing.Tho Boavfcod Tonio and Mandrake Pilla arotho fifst two woapona with uhi-.h the citadelof the malady ia assailed. Two-thirds of thocases of oonanmption originate in dvapopsiaand. a functionally disordered liver, with thiacondition tho' bronchial tnbeu "sympathize"with tho stomach. They respond to the mor¬bific' action of tho livor. Hore, then, corneathe culminating result, and tho 'setting in,with all ita distressing symptoms, of ???

CON SUnil'TIONÍ.The Mandrake Pilis aro composed of one ofhaturo'H noblest gifts-tho Podopbillum Pel-t atum. Thoy poséese all tho. blood-aoarch-ing, alterative properties of calomel; brit, un-ilko calomel, they iii 1

. «liKAVK NO STING BEHIND."Tho work of euro ia now beginning. Thovitiated and macona depoaita in tbo howe'sand in tho alimentary canal aro ejected. Tholiver, liko a clock, is wound up. It arouaeafrom its torpidity. The stomach acta respon¬sively, and tho patjont begma to feel that heia got ting, at last,A SOPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD.Tho Seaweed Tonie,.in conjunction with thoPills, pormoat ea and assimilates with the food.Obyhuoation ia now progressing without RHprevious tortures. Pigoation becomes pain¬less, and tho cure ia soon to bo at hand.There is no mord flatulence, no exacerbationof tho stomach. An appetite sots in.Now conies the greatest Blood Purifier overjot given by an indulgent father tb Bufferingmap. Bchenok's Pulmonio Syrup cornea in toperform Ita iuhctthna and tc hasten and completo.tha cure, lt enters &t onoo upon Rew^rk. ., M.-.turo cannot be/choated. It collectaaudVipona the impaired and diseased portionsOf tho lunga. In tho form of gatherings, it

prepares them for expectoration, and lol in aVery abort timo, tho malady ia vanquished,tho rotton throne that it occupied ia renovatedand mado new,'and the patient, in all the dig¬nity of-regained, vigor» uterm forth to enjoytbe manhood or tho womanhood that wasGIVKN DP AB LOST.

Tho RQOondthing ia, the patieata muat stayIn awarm robin until .they get well; it ia al-rndat ioipoBsiblo tb prevent takiug cold whenthe tunga aro.diaoaacd, but it muat bo pre-.vented, or a euro cannot bo (fleeted. Freshairuw.d riding ont, especial!? ih thia sect ionof the country in the fall and winter seasonare all wrong. Physicians who recommendthat course loae their patiente, if their lungaare badly diseased, und yet, becauae thoy arelin the house, they moat not alt down quiet;thov must walk about tho room aa much andaa fast BO tho strength will bear, to get np agood circulation of b\ood. Tho patientamuet keep in good spirits-ho determined toget well. Thia baa a great deal to do with'thoappetite, and ia the groat point to gain.To deepair of euro afterauch evidence of RBpoaeibtlity in tho worst caaes, and moral cer¬tainty iu all olhera, ia sinful. Dr. Schonck'apersonal statement to tho Faculty of bia owncure «aa in thean modest words:"Many years ago 1 waa in the last stages ofconsumption; confined to my bcd, and at onetime my physicians thought that I could notlive a week; thou, liko a drowning man catch¬ing at straws, 1 heard of and obtained thepreparations whioh 1 now offer to tho public,and they mado a perfect euro of mo. ItBeamed to me that I could foci them ponotratemy whole system. Thoy. soon ripened thematter in my lunga, and I would spit up morethan a pint of offensive yellow mailer everymorning for a long limo."Aa Boon aa that began to subside, mycough, fover, puin and night »weata all beganto leave mo, and my appetite became KO groatthat it was with' difficulty that leonid ktepfrom eating too much. I anon gaim.d myairength, and have grown*in flesh everainoo."1 waa weighed shortly after my recovery,"added tho Doctor; "then looking like a meroskeleton; my weight waa only ninety-sevenpounda; my preaept weight ia two hundredand twenty-five [225] pounda, and for ycara Ihavo enjoyed uninterrupted health."Dr. Schanck baa. discontinued bia profes¬sional visite to New-York and Boston. Ho orbia BOU, Dr. J. H.-Sohenok, Jr., elill continuoto BOO patienta at. their office, No. 15 NorthSixth <«tr«et, Philadelphia, every Saturdayfrom 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Thoae who wish athorough examination with tho Iloapirnmoterwill bo charged $5.. The Beapirometor de¬clares the exact, condition of tho lungs, andpatients can readily learn whothcr they arocurable or not.Tho directions for taking the medicines areadapted to the Intelligence even of a child.Follow these directions,-and kind nature willdo thé rest, excepting that in Some cases theMandrake Pilla are to be taken in increaseddoaea; the three medicines nced.no other ac¬companiments than the ample instructionsthat aocompany them: First create appetite;Of returning health hunger io tho moat wel¬come symptom. When it comes, as it willcomo, let the despairing at onoe be of goodoheer. Good blood at once follows, the coughloosens, the night sweat is. abated. In ashort /time both of these morbid symptomsare gone forever.'Dr, Schonck'a medicines aro constantly keptin tens of thousands of families. As a laxa¬tive or purgative, the Mándrako Pills are astandard preparation; whilo the PulmonioSyrup, aa a ourer of coughs and colds, may boregarded as a prophylaoterio against con¬sumption in any qt iU forms.Price of tho Pulmonio Syrup and SeaweedTdnie, $150 a bottle, or $7.50 a half dozeu.Mandrake Pills, 25 cents a box. For sale byall druggists and dealers.

JOHN F. HENRY,8 Ollego Place,New York, Wholesale Agent.NovlO_flyCOTTON SEED Oil. CAKE can he hadat all timos, and in any quantity, ofJan21_E. HOPE.A fine summer tonio ls Hattorf** Bitters-

ean ho had at POLLOCK'S.

Re-Visit of>Dr. Kendall, «».;.AS thé ëxt&rminatd/ ot CORNÉ* and 'BU¬NIONS. whÓBO; roptRatloh in thia: particularbranch ol aurg^try'is alfcady known, la again'in oar city, and dan bo found at thc Washing-'(on Hçhse. ' AW there ia'no' doubt aa to hit?akill Aha! eutclency in tho removal ¿>r those'impcdimoht^.' to walking 'In comfort,'persona'needing his Services shonld not dólav inW$ing rocourao £o(bis aid. Jungo'' DEBILITY AMD ÈM&OIATIOS BOTHrcooltfrotii tho lack of ability to convert thofood into ffúlrimént. How'neoaaBarW ttíen,-'for tboeo stifTeribg'from tbeee'alarràrag aymp- ]toma to immediately resurt to a remedy thatwill "strengthen' tb'e' stomach1 and*dlgo«tiraorgans. For.' ts soon as this desirable objecthas been accomplished tho health improves,and tho patient rcsumoa bia usual personalappearance. Hostotter'a Stomach Bittershavo attained a world-wido popularity in auchoases, and have boon' proven, .tho beat andaafeat mc ana of removing constipation j toningthe stomach, giving energy to tho livor, andrelieving every symptom of nervousness and*do proa sion pf spirit a. Ita cheering and beno-'fie ¡al e fleets are highly spoken of by thou¬sands, who owo to it their restoration tohealth. No restorative in tho annale of me¬dicine has attained theaame popularity in tbeshort space of time it has been beforo thopublic, or has won the high endorsements ac¬corded to this excellent tonic. Many otherpreparations',, purporting tc bs correctivesand restoratives, linve buen introduced, andhavo perished ono by ono, wbilo the popularityof Hoatottor'a Stomach Bitter« continues toincrease, and ia now recognized as a standardhousehold medicine. Tho succeea which at¬tends the use of the Bitters evinces' at onceita virtuos in all caaos of debility and diaoaaeaof tho stomach. , CortiUcatoa, almost withoutnumber, have beep published, attesting itstruly miiraculoue power in removing thosepainful and fearful diaeaaos. And at this timeit seems idle to do more than oall attention tothe great remedy of the age, in- ordor toawaken public attention to ita excellence. Itia the only préparation of the kind that ia ro-liable in all casca, and it is therefore worthyof the consideration of thc aflliotcd,Juno 1G_._fGAVOID QUACKS.-A Victim of early in-diacretiori; causing hervoue debility, pre-1maturo decay, dec, having tried in vain everyadvertised remedy, baa a aimple means otself-cure, which ho will send freo to bia fellow-suffcrera. Address J. H.TUTTLE, 7R Naaaanairtn*t. Now york.- ' Dto23+Gmo

MANHOOD : ','How Lost,!. How Restored\Just published, ina sealed enve-.

lope, rricc, six cents.

ALECTURE on tho Natural Treatmentand Radical Curo of Spermatorrhca orSbtninal Woakneaa, Involuntary Eroiationa.Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriago generally; Nervousucsa, ConsumptionEpilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacify, resulting from Sclf-Abuec, Ac, hy Itoln.HT J. CoT.VEiiwEi.iv, M. D., author of the"Oreen Book," tïc. i .

««A Boon to-Tltonaantla of SutToo».8eat cn 1er acal, in a plain envelopo, to anyaddroaa, poet-paid, on receipt of aix ceuta. ortwo poatago stampa, hy CHAS. J. C. KLINEACO.,

127 Bowery, Kew York-P. O. Box, 4,590.JunoG_' _3m»MKDICAI..

THE BRIDAL CHAMBER.ESSAYS FOB YOUNG MEN. ou great so¬cial ovila and abusos, which Interferewith MAnniAOB, with euro means of relit! fortho erring and unfortunate, diseased and de¬bilitated. Sent in settled letter envelopes,freo of charge. Address HOWARD SANITA¬RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 Sonth Ninthatroetj Philadelphia, Pa. May 14 SmoState of South Carolina-Richland Co.

JX THE COMMON PLEAS.Martha J.Towuse.ud. Administratrix, cs. Wm.J. HutaoQ et al.ALL perenna having claims against the

estate of tho lato Samuel Townsend, de¬ceased, intestate, atc r« quired to provo thembefore tho undersigned, on or before tho latd.iv of July next. W. S. MONTEITH,Juno ll -ft) Special Referee

CORRECT TIMEÉMAY bo obtained by calling at ISAACHULZBACHEK'á and purchasing oneof those tuatlv celebrated ELGINWATCH liri, and wbero you eau lind acompleto atockof Diamonds, Jewelry,Hi Iver and Plated« W aro, of thu heatmanufacture. In addition aro thoUnited States, Waltham, Euglieb and SwissWatches in Gold and Silver Cases, which willho closed out at New York prices.Constantly on bund fino Gold Chaina. SealRinga, Charm»,Lockets, Sleeve Buttons,Sets,and a varied stock of Fancy Articles.AU kinda of Repairing done promptly, andwarranted, by ISAAC SULZUACllER,April 27 '_Under Columbia Hotel.

REMOVAL.Entire New Stock.

_ THE undersigned respectfully Informsv§4his customers that ho has REMOVED to(Utbe new store, on Main strict, directly-JULoppo»itt» tbe Columbia Hoted, and ia fullySropared with an entirely NEW STOCK OFIOODS, to flt out a gentleman in tho veryLATEST FASHION. He baa secured thelatest and beat atyloa of CLOTH H, CASSI-MERES aud GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGGOODaJ H< homily. Call at the new stand aucselect a ault, or feavo Tour ordor and have Itmade to measure. 0. D. FBERHAltDT.March 26_Scythes and Crain Cradles.

2DOZ. superior GRAIN CRADLES.10 Cot. Griffin's.Qrsin and Graes Boythes,Jnat received and foi sale low byMay17_JOUN A<3NBW A BON.LD BANK Bli.LB «nd MÜT1LATKDCVRRBNOT bought and «old byNov 23 Gmo L QAMBB1LL. Broker.

STOCKS, BONDS und COUI'ONS boughtand aold by D. GAMBRILL. Broker.Nov 23 Gmo_Gan and Blatting Powder.AFULL supply of the celobrated Dupont'sGUN AND BLASTING POWDER, In kegsand cannisters, is now offered to morchauUand consumers at thc lowest market.rates, bytho undersigned, who aro solo agents for thomanufacturers at this place._May25_. JOHN AGNEW A BON.

Tho only flue Playing Cards at POLLOCK'S.

REDUCTION: ;.' .v: IN ..... .......

OF*ï ]1 tl VI'- .\ *

Spring and Summer Clothing,i'

' rui AT"'< «


"TTE/K bkvj tho largest''retah etock in theTY State, and, anxious to r?duoo it, willsell it at G UK ATI.Y KEDUÜED PRICES. ".Tho atock is unbroken, and, thc best etock

vre have ever bandied.' Now fHAT8, of a dcairablo Btyle, jost re¬ceived'. . .>«"This rodncfion will apply also to ont CUB*TOM DEPARTMENT. May IC

.JiV.. ¡-a

'SaiqiOTQ jouitung pnu SuijdgJO


NoixoxiaaaMay 12_. _

White's Gardening for the South,BY tho lato Wm. A. W hito, of Athena, Qa.$2.HOLMES' SOUTHERNFARMER and MAR¬KET GARDENER. $1.50.Tho Phosphate Rocka of South Carolina,their History and Dovclopmcnta-ColoredPlatos. $1.25.Six Sermona on Temperance, by LymanBoechcr.Sacred Rhetoric; or a Course of Lecturca onPreaching, lt. L. Dabney, D. D. ll.50.Any above ecnt|by mail.


REYNOLDS1 IMPROVEMENT,THOSE wtio have loat aoveral NaturalTeeth, and have been advised to partwith remainiug sound onea, aa tho first steptowards obtaining artificial substitutes, arerequested, before Submitting to a practice,cruel in itself and often unncceaaarily per¬formed, to convince themselves Of ita fallacy,by looking closely iuto a matter

,of ea muohimportance.

The abovo improvement waa doeigned to ro-aiat ao deplorable a practico, and after a tho¬rough teat of more than three yeara, ia foundcapable of accomplishing what no other aya-tem of Artificial Dentistry haaheretoforedoiio.It ia now possible to obtain partial cases.which will save for years Natural Teeth, andbo at the same time reliable in evory reapeot.An invitation ia hereby given to Buch safeel interested to call at our OperatingRooms, and examino duplicate specimens ofcasca now in actual uao.Nov fit REYNOLDS fe REYNOLDS.

STOVES! STOVES! ST0VÊSTTin-ware ! Tin-ware 1 Tin-ware !

PLUMRING, ROOFING, GUTTEUING, undall work in thia liuo, put up to orderand ready for anio at thoG A ll OL I -V A M A X UFA (J TO li Y.CU at either house-Columbia or Newberry

HENRÏ H. BLEASE,March22 t Proprietor.The Dexter Stables.

THE und ursig ned have re¬moved their Stables to tho newbuilding, immediately South ol.V£7£G^v^:Jl^B.,a",lüy',, Hall, and, with a now~*\\Sr^^ Tstoek of CARRIAGES. RUG-GlKy ano lino HORt-ES, arc prepared lo an-

»wer all calls tbut may he ruadu upon them.Horses bought and sold on commission.PeraonB in want of good etock. are invited togive UH a call. Liberal advances made onetock loft for aalo. BOYCE &. CO.W. H. BOYCE.C. TI. PETTIWOIM.._JjtnJM

Guns, Pistols, Etc.I INFORM my frienda ar-dmblic in general that I haveJual received an entire newTstoek of Double and Single Bar-roi GUNS, REPEATERS, Flasks, Pouchra,Piatol-BHte, Caps. Buok-Shot. Cartridge«.Cartridges for all kinda of Plateia, Powderand Shot.

ALSOREPAIRING done at ahm t notice.Oot8_Pj W. KRAFT. Blain streef.._

Good Things."Wy AMSAY'S Islay Malt Scotch Whiskey, SirXV Robert Burnett's Old Tom Gin, Otard,Dupuy, Cognac Brandy. Duff Gordon's PaleSherry, South-aide Madeira Wino, LondonDock. Port Wine, Hibbort'a London Porter,McEwen'« Scot oh Ale. Tho abovo direct fromthe importers and warranted pure.For saloby_EDWARD HOPE.

DR. D. L. BOOZERWOULD respeotfully informbia patrons and the public ge¬nerally that ho has moved intohis now office, over Du frio A Chapman's Book¬store, opposite the Columbia Hotel, where heia prepared to exocuto, satisfactorily, all ope¬rations and work, of whatsoever kind bia pro¬fession demanda. Terms accommodating.March 8_

The Doctors Recommend Secgers'BeerIN preference to London Porter and ScotchAlo. Why? They know it ie unadulter¬ated. March ll


If a Poi ter House st< ak will atop your hunger, call at POLLOCK'S.

Hew B.QOÎB, by Expresa.

War and Culture, by Arthur Halbë. ' tl r>0.Hugh Miller's Life and Ivot^ra, twci.fvaitimes, by Poter Baync, with, portrait.K#4,'..,|c Christianity and PomÜycíam, by. $lcCoflli.Peopled Practical Poultry cBook, very oe'm,-pleto. $1.60. ... .)i i,; ' "sWhy Bid He Not Die? From tho0 oem on, by?MrarWiatar. :. ,: ¡ .,.¡ ; Gallirkoe, a Romance, by Sand. $2. .

Clffnatos for invalida, by ti. Bill. *1.8ß;Body and And, by Maudeloy, Lon ¿co. SI..Tho Old Fashioned iBoy, by.:Farquara<in,Little Mon, bV anMíol' of Littló'iróat^lPike Cou ti ty Bal 1 a il a, by John Hay. et .60." Mxa.'Oocton'a1 Book of .Household .Manage-)mont. .Tho moat complete work on thia aub?jeot. Hloatratoa.. ,r ~

.Also, como now Novols by1 good authors-,'jnat opened, at BRYAN A MoUAHTEH'H "iJone 18 . Bookatoio.ANNOIJSCEUENT EXTRA0RU1XARY





GOODMANS CLOTHING BAZAAR.THIS ia no humbug. We'are obliged4odiaooao of all doods now in atore by thelat of September; ta make a change in ourbusiness. Tako notice, that eaob article iamarked its coat in plain figures, from whichwill bo DEDUCTED TEN PER CENT. Thepublic ia particularly requested to caU carly,aa bargama may bo obtained. Country mer¬chants visiting the ci tv can find a choice stockof new and aoaeonahlo goods at our atoro.Bear in mind, goode 10 per cent, below coat,at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAR.May 19_'_FAN MILLS,




RËATEri{3,MOWERS, and all kinds Harveating Machineson hand and for sale at lowest pricea in themarket.Wo call special attention to our Horao-

Tower, which hr tho beat power In uao andnot high priced. With our experiouco hiplanting, and tho use of agricultural imple¬ments und machines, together with our facilities for having goods manufactured, wc claimwe can give -lower figures, bettor goods andbetter satisfaction than any othor house in thccountry. Scud for catalogue.; April28 LÖRICK A LOWRANCESTENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO.,Grocers and Commission Merchants,* CHARLOTTE. N. O.SOLICIT orders for COTTON. Com, Hour,Bacon, Laird; Ac, and Family Groceriesgenerally. Orders titled carefully and prompt¬ly.

_Feb 7lyr

M. H. BERRY'S"Furniture Ware-room

I'lain Street, near ilain.rínf^^y»*^ on band and daily re-£ijrfj**£r&ljay iving from tho maunfac-*2P* j'^Wtffi*T^" "f New York, Boston,ftarnggg^r Cincinnati and Louisville, the

Jg -Jx UrtrcM assortment of FUR«N ITU HE e vor kept in thia market, consistingin part of Walnut .Parloir. Chamber and Din-ing-Room Snit«: 200 HudRteade of differentpatterns, in Walnut and Imitation; also, thecelebrated Georgia Split-boitom Chairs.

All kinds of MA'PTRESSES made to order.UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING dons atshortest notice and in the best manner.Terma cs sh and Goode obeSp._Oct 80

Private Boarding.MRS. >, J. WYATT informs her friend?»nd thc public in general, that she has .

oponed a PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, onPlain sin rt,-near hull. The boneo ia. la TRO-and airy, and puesta may expect the oomforiivof a home._, ,?_._May 2;


Ferrie Fulton Market Beef.Diamond and Orange brand Ham».Sugar-cored Bacon Strips.Pickled Salmon.Mesa and No. 1 Mackerel, Ac., all frían to

hand. For saleby_GEO. 8YMMKBM.The Exchange Honse

®HA8 been overhauled aud, re-arrangedfor tho Spring and Bummer. Iced btve-ragea oompoundod at ehort noi'es.


3f*i\f\ ACRES of LAND In Barnwell,.OUU on theEdlsto.750 ACHES in Kershaw-in lota to snit.Saw Mill and 3.000 acrts of Laud in sexing-tou, on North Ediato, *7,t00.2,600 aerea Waterer. Bottom Land, Î2 pr aero2,500 acres creek bottom and pine Land, atf2 per aero. 1 House in this city, $5,000.HOUSE and thirteen acres LAND, noar theelly-f8 50». Appl> to JOHN BAUSKETT,'Attorney at Law and B«al Estate Agont.SP*' 25_ITGenuine imported Curacoa, Absyntho andMaraschino, at POLLOCK'S.

> '(Formerly Gl»ia & Radcliffe,} -


>'u j ti >a ... .1:1 io iiiiiíivi iiVMTCAS on baud, at reduced prices, QOLD and.Jtllrôtf/T*ËB WATCHES, IEWELRYT<6TD> ?VE* aud)BLAT£D VTABE, House Furniching ; ¡Gooda, Guna, Pistole and Sporting Geode.K-Ní B; HAvin'g the agency ol1 tb« American^'1Pbila^pJRbl»; Watehee. (Pfglua- Pat« i8qu-LOLam prepared to furnish thom at manufac¬turers priées. . I oan rttoommend theta-a finit r ^claa*4imepicce._i, >. -IL«.I*-¿.Í;¿fij¿¿i1J Bepaîrlng'ànd Engravingdono bv first elfcaa?^o^sàch, ¿sd warranted.,^ GLAZE, -.1."One door North Bcott A Son/a Banking .J.goflie. . '. ' Jubo 9-f2mtfp -

jBtafo of abnth"tíarúliria-'-:-1raioñ Co, "

in ."

COURT ÖF PROBATÉ. '' *p"William Bailey,"Plain tiff, tja. Jano BailoyTMary Cudd, Joshua, Gudd. Thorrrä« Holley,

ftCTQC aro hereby aummoneíí inti required? J

X to,ftiiBWór:tho potRIön .in thlfl*otion- Jwhich is « hied in the ofUcpor tho- prob ato .

Judgo* for the said -Couhty, and 'td ser^e 'sf '

oopy-o(!yonr anajver to tho oaid po tilida on ;£ho eubacriber, at. his office, at Union, ß. C.,within twohty dkjs*after'the HörvlcoTiotcun'' ;exclusive of the day of abeu BcrVioe;. and it ¿you fail to answer tho complaint within tho'tinto' aTbretfaid; tho Plaintiff in tírm action7'will Apply.to the Court for the roüor- tiomana-i :.ed in the petition, .-*

-,: DatedKay IS,'187T. -. ui :'- vtiñ

JAB. B. STEEDMAN,. >u.,i..PlamtifPs Attorn¿e^. t ,t-'ïbVba^uo Çudd, Mary Pudd and Jas.Xaiüyt "Take notice that this notion ia commenced -V[ for partition of land, In the Probate- Court fio? -and for the County of Union; and that a sum¬mons in tbis action, of which the foregoing iaa copy, was died in the office of.the Judge ofsaid Conrt, at Unlon, in tbo County of Union,'Ain said Stato, on. the»tenth dav of May, 1871,..;JAB. B. STEADMAN.Uxiony May 15. 1871. Mayl9f6 hi|

' ' For Sale. " r;"THE LOT known as Christ Ohmch proper- i«ty, situated on tho South-east corner of. ,Blanding and Marion streets, in tho city ofColumbia, containing one acre**:iiALBO,Tho Lot on Richardson street', South of and '"

adjoining tbo United States or Niokoreon Ho-, iitel .Lot, fronting on Richardson atreet 58 feet6 incbea, and running back 208 feet' G inches. "

Each of .the above Lots, from their peen» -liarly favorable locations, must fast increaseinvalne. 7 >?.-?>In addition to tho above,.the subscriber oft,.,fera for ealo a largo amount of Beal Estatein this oliy, in the surrounding country, inNewberry, and in Spartanborg, consisting ofHouses and Lota. Farms, Milla. Ac.May 21 timo_ J. W. PARKER. ;? 1

[j King's Mountain MiUtarySchool; :T

Yorkville, 8. C.- 1

^jjj. THE Second 8essIon of .th«/fläbk. achoo! year of 1871 will begin an«|Iffl»fctho 1ST OF JULY.sffiH^OT TERMS.-For school expenses, i.WWäBy c?.. Tuition. Books. Stationery,43SSr Boarding, Fuel, Light» and Wash- i.lng, $185 in. currency, per session, of *3ye ."mouths. .

,, t,For circulars containing full particolare, up-ply to COL. A. COWARD, 'Jone 2 fwlmo Principal and Proprietor.

intelligence Office. , V(Opposite Masonic Hall.)WE'call the attention of the citizens ofColumbia and vicinity to tho fact that ''we have purchased the interest of BEARD AORCHARD in the above institution, and willgive attention strictly lo ita demands. , Maleaor females wishing employment of any kindcan be supplied bv calling, or mending In theirnames anti residences and announcing theirwants. The desires of employers will be im¬mediately taken notice of. Ben'ors and. those .wishing to rent will ho providid for. Thocollection of Accounts will he purshi'd, jiondsnegotiated, and rules of Hekl and ! PersonalProperty mude. LEE A SX-'lTH.June 3

. -



(ilioM'K CLOWN I1AMS1 IITogether w¡ih u li.I. F-i.. ck Shu-kid und .DrySailed RAt'ON SllJi S, Shnnldirs- Mid Strips,fol ssh' at low prices tn cash ri ii>>ivm< rsWiAV'¿7 J'MIN' AGNKW A SON.To Kent.

ADÉSIRABLE S'.'.iRF, on Main street,ne;.r tho corn--: of lllatidi $ I\,r icrois,app:v ti» Dr. John Lvnch. orF.'h2a -flKNDUIX RUO


THE GREAT PF.UTILIZEIt.CAN furnish LIME at/iepot at Walhalla/S. G., Tor $1 50 per barrel. Addreas.REV. B. HOLDER, Walhalla, S C.Bfareli 2G


Soap! Soap!! ShapM!-I i\f\ BOXES FAMILY SOAP-"quality uii-JLvJv/- surpassed, and prices reduced. 20"per cení.-at wholesale and retail, bvMay 13 j - JOHN AGNEW'A SOM.GEORGE TTTFÎPEE,B ,110 K.E

Beal Estate and Insurance A^ont,* CoiUMSTA, 8. O.

OFFICE over.W. O. Fisher's Dtrig Sterb','opposite Columbia Hotel, Main street... May jOHAMPAGSES. >

"t «"kíX, CASES Moot A Qhandon'a CHAM-LVlv/ PAGNES, Just received, and offeredin consequence of cessation of hostilities, aimueh reduced rates. ForoalebyMarch28_ GEO. SYMMRBB.Infant's Food.

ANOTHER supply ofFOODFOB INFANTS,Thrs is Justthe food for babies. Motherscall and examine it, at HEINITBH'SJone If. ._Dreg Storw.Se«ge?â' Sooi ia WKUXVJ.

IT don't contain Copperas,- BalWXâaiç^o»Alum._- Ma** lt

Jewelry and BilvérwMè;OF the most »Pprove^l sJWes, can he ob¬tained at I. tfOLZBAOtfEB* eslabllehimont. Main, street, Columbia Hotel Bçir.Sets and half set* In flrrea^ Tftrietr- iUep,aohtairo and alaster DIAMONDS* BPEOTA-QIJEB and EYE-GLASSES to snit all ages.

Canned Gooda.

ALA MODE BEEF, Veal, Wild Dnok, freshMaokerel, frosh Bsimon, Oysters,Poaches, Tomatoes, Strawberries, GagePlums. All of first quality and full weight.For sale low. E. HOPE.